adults there call 911 hours after her death court documents show that the child s mother claudia hernandez told police that the night before the girl s death. her daughter named o reilly would wake up and scream or cry periodically hernandez said she believed the child was possessed hernandez and o reilly s. renee hernandez santos took the girl to this san jose church at 6:30 the morning of september. 24th o reilly s grandfather renee triggeros hernandez a pastor at the church. later met them there o reilly dough was strangled multiple times to the point of unconsciousness. a really dough had fingers shoved down her throat to the point where she had multiple injuries to her mouth and to her tongue. a really dough had pressure put on her body on her torso from the front and back with so much force applied that she lost consciousness. she was held against her will and she struggled against her abusers the whole time. this abuse lasted over 12 hours hernandez was arrested januar
The San Jose woman responsible for last year's dramatic kidnapping of an infant, with the help of a man she was dating and in order to dupe another man she was involved with, has just been sentenced to 13 years and four months.