Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 2

Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20240708

kristen: we are introduced to the superhero tasked with saving the planet. reporter: every year we think about the ways we can protect earth, but conservation happens every day for this person. >> the research here has shown education is just as important as solar panels and electric vehicles, and the supporting education programs in our youth is super impactful. reporter: earth day was founded in 1970. decades later, a project born on campus is changing the way students think about the environment. ♪ >> [indiscernible] >> i realize we cannot solve this alone. so it was the artists here that created this character, storyline, and superhero, and we create films and experiences for kids to learn about the environment and what to do. reporter: it started as a research program and turned into a video series taught in school districts locally and globally, like energy-saving recycling and food choices. >> the teacher can show this in class and use the materials to teach science and the environment. reporter: the collaboration highlighted a bigger message that is important on earth day, every small step makes it different. -- makes a difference. >> it shows people can work together to create change. that is the goal come at their education in the research we did here, going into the schools and helping teachers bring this to their students. two we only have --reporter: we only have one earth and they have to protect it. dan: the city of san jose is celebrating earth day by planting the seeds for a future forest. >> we are determined to reverse our shrinking -- as the chinese probert tells us, the best time to plant a tree was a generation ago. the next best time is today. we are here today to plant trees. all right. [applause] dan: the mayor and other city leaders joined volunteers, planting 30 native trees at bay point park. the mayor says it is the start of what will become the first pocket forest, trees that were paid for using a donation from bloom energy. kristen: 7% of the country lung transplants are now tied to respiratory problems caused by covid-19. whether for that reason or others, ucsf is celebrating a milestone, it's 1000thwe look ae is extending lives. reporter: they are calling him patient number 1000. the insurance agent is recovering from being the 1000th lung transplants as the program began in 1991. >> we don't know much about the donor family or the donor's or herself, but we are just so grateful. reporter: he had scarring of the lung that impeded oxygen from entering the bloodstream. the experience they have is world-class. >> the one-year survival is top in the country, and has been for over a decade, and we continue to improve every year so that patients getting a transplant have the expectation they could live nearly 12 years. reporter: in a year, he is expected to resume an active life, trouble, exercise, and other activities. post-transplant complications are now rare. >> we went from almost 19% to 20% complications requiring intervention to less than 1% now. that is quite remarkable, because the program has been able to achieve that and no other program has. reporter: now he can extend his life 10 to 12 years. >> a year ago, we did not know he had this disease. this is how quickly it progressed. we are so grateful for the staff at ucsf. they have been so thorough. ♪ kristen: there are plenty of things you can do to save the planet, including plant-based clothing. dan: what one company is trying to i'm dan o'dowd and i approved this message. you are watching actual videos of the tesla full self driving technology as recorded by the drivers. from turning too tightly and hitting a pylon... [ expletive ] to swerving toward a pole. jesus. watch the bicyclist on the right almost get hit before the driver takes over. sometimes it seems the tesla doesn't want the driver to take over. i'm trying. this driver had to hit the brakes when the tesla didn't understand a detour sign. ok. here it almost hit a truck. obviously, i had to take over. and here it swerves into an oncoming lane. look at that! often, the tesla doesn't know what it wants to do. what is it doing? or just doesn't know how to turn. jesus, oh my god! tesla's full self driving software for drivers and pedestrians, it's unsafe at any speed. tell congress to shut it down. at jp morgan, the only definition of wealth that matters is yours. it can be a smaller house, but a bigger nest egg. a goal to work toward, or the freedom to walk away. with 200 years of experience, personalized advice, and commission free trades on an award-winning app, we are working for you. planning. investing. advice. jp morgan wealth management. kristen: time now for t the four at 4:00. what if you could wear zero plastics? one company brought that the market, using only natural materials like cotton and nuts. the ink is water-based and eco-friendly. the clothing decomposes when it reaches the end of its life. >> we are making clothing that is 100% biodegradable because plastic is a big problem. we are trying to prove to the world that clothing can be made with no plastic, biodegradable, and goes into the soil as compost. kristen: the items are not sold in stores. they can be ordered on their website. the t-shirt is $45, which is probably more than what you pay, but you know what, disposable fashion has to end. that contributes to so many climate issues. have you started to buy more environmentally sound things? >> yeah, i bought a pair of shoes that were made from biodegradable materials. i think it is great. they are comfortable. also for kids, so why not invest in stuff that will be better for the environment? right? dan: totally. i agree. as technology has improved, the ability to create these fabrics acceptable to people has improved. they have the right fuel and wear properly. i think people will begin to accept them. >> nature provides just about everything we need. we don't have to make nylon and plastics and other things if we can figure out how to use what nature has provided us we have seen this come full circle with the clothing going back to natural plant-based products. kristen: you raised a good point about the technology evolving. there is that fake leather that looks so real, that stella mccarthy is doing something with it. dan: as people get used to it, it will become more accepted. a fedex truck set a record for the longest distance, 260 miles, from new york city to washington dc. an actual delivery was made. it dropped off sustainable cleaning products to an organic market. here is another example of technology getting better and better, the range on these electric vehicles continuing to be extended. obviously very soon this is what we will all be driving. >> that is impressive. just learning how to re-drive since i bought my hybrid, you drive differently because you want to get that regenerative braking when you slow down to recharge the batteries, which makes the battery life longer and able to use less gas. you drive different, but it is fun. i know ginger is on a quest from new york to detroit in her tesla , showing how easy it is to go that far cross-country in electric vehicle. dan: we will soon i'll be driving electric cars. >> absolutely. we are moving in that direction. our dependence on gas has to go away. we know that gas prices are high, right? kristen: more impetus to move quickly. >> that's right. >> so are the politics with gas. kristen: all right, one festival we love so much is no more. it was canceled in 2020 because of the pandemic, and a dry through version was held last year, but organizers are reimagining the festival because of lingering uncertainties and costly insurance requirements by the city. there will be three smaller scale settings this year, golf tournament, concert series, and another event. i hope this goes great. i miss being there and you smell garlic. everybody is there. you have been, right? >> yeah, it is such a tradition for gilroy. it is sad they have to do away with it, but what can you do? yeah, i totally get it. people enjoy it. they get out there. garlic ice cream? kristen: yes. >> i am not a fan. >> i know what your present is. dan: there was the shooting, then the pandemic, so they take a lot of body blows. >> we see this happen with a lot of festivals, smaller, leaner, less costly, and maybe they can do it with these three. dan: let's hope. it's a shame to see the traditional physical go away. today is national jellybean date, and one local company is elevating. jellybean -- jelly belly in fairfield says your favorite jellybean flavor could say a lot about you, based on a survey that found that people who like sour lemon jellybeans are rational and like to watch her medic movies. [laughter] those who love cherry flavor love dogs, while those who enjoy buttered popcorn jellybeans favorite cats. if you like that flavor, the survey shows you are probably very creative. i think it shows i am a mess. [laughter] the one i don't like is licorice. i like them all. >> yeah. [laughter] how about you? >> i'd like all of them. i like sour apple, lemon. those are two of my favorites. how about you guys? dan: do you have them one at a time were different flavors? >> one at a time. >> no mixing. [laughter] dan: do you have a flavor you like, mike? mike: no, i like all the usual ones. it is fun. dan: how about you? mike: what does that say? >> i don't know. only lemon, lime, but it has to be citrus, sour. dan: you are rational all the way. >> yes. >> i would like to think that. i did not say that because i wanted to be perceived as such. [laughter] dan: that is this addition of dan: that is this addition of the four at 4:00. ♪ dry eye symptoms keep driving you crazy? inflammation in your eye might be to blame. let's kick ken's ache and burn into gear! over-the-counter eye drops typically work by lubricating your eyes and may provide temporary relief. those drops will probably pass right by me. xiidra works differently, targeting inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. what is that? xiidra? no! it can provide lasting relief. xiidra is the only fda-approved non-steroid eye drop specifically for the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. one drop in each eye, twice a day. don't use if you're allergic to xiidra. common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied to the eye, and unusual taste sensation. don't touch container tip to your eye or any surface. after using xiidra, wait fifteen minutes before reinserting contacts. got any room in your eye? be proactive about managing your symptoms by talking to your doctor about twice-daily xiidra. like i did. i prefer you didn't! xiidra. not today, dry eye. dan: city leaders revealed a facility that includes three overlooks with sweeping views. there are 60,000 native and ornamental plants. also, the gun batteries were open to visitors for the first time. >> we know that when we make spaces like this, waterfront spaces like this available and open to all people, it has a tremendous impact on our mental health, our happiness. dan: it opens tomorrow. a second site opens beta in 2022. kristen: it will not cost you a penny to visit the gardens of golden gate park if you are resident or veteran, including the conservatory of flowers and the japanese tea garden. the botanical garden is already free for residents. non-residents still have to pay. dividing equal access to the gardens will enhance the health and well-being for all. dan: one last time, and update for the weather forecast. kristen: drier and warmer. mike: yeah. a sprinkle of this evening. outside, clouds with less moisture. this evening, below the mid 50's -- low to mid 50's. have the jacket or dress and layer's. 58 tonight. 54. first pitch at the coliseum. temperatures rising. above average this weekend. air-quality healthy. green or yellow is good to moderate. temperatures five to 10 degrees warmer than today, putting us average or warmer than average, with a lot of mid 60's to upper 70's tomorrow. warmest and brightest sunday. more cloud cover. mild monday. that dry cold front slams the warming trend and brings us to a cooling trend through thursday with temperatures back to average and breezy tuesday, wednesday, thursday, so that spring seesaw continues without a chance of rain this time. kristen: thanks. dan: there is a new mural highlighting the restorative power of nature. kristen: it was created by a bay ♪ pop it like it's hooooot. pop it like it's hot.♪ ♪ pop it like it's hot.♪ ♪♪ pop it like it's— pop my $6.49 classic and spicy 50/50 popcorn chicken combo. only at jack in the box. (music throughout) pop it like it's— pop my $6.49 classic and spicy 50/50 lingitmetastatcanc mns bei rens kin toelp you ve significantly longer itfut,remenous f hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer that has progressed after hormone therapy. diarrhea is common, may be severe, or cause dehydration or infection. at the first sign, call your doctor start an anti-diarrheal and drink fluids. before taking verzenio, tell your doctor about any fever, chills, or other signs of infection. verzenio may cause low white blood cell counts, which may cause serious infection that can lead to death. life-threatening lung inflammation can occur. tell your doctor about any new or worsening trouble breathing, cough, or chest pain. serious liver problems can happen. symptoms include fatigue, appetite loss, stomach pain and bleeding or bruising. blood clots that can lead to death have occurred. tell your doctor if you have pain or swelling in your arms or legs, shortness of breath, chest pain, and rapid breathing or heart rate, or if you're nursing, pregnant or plan to be. every day matters. and i want more of them. ask your doctor about everyday verzenio. my classic and spicy popcorn chicken with 100% all-white-meat chicken. and good good sauce. ♪ pop it like it's hot ♪ ♪ pop it like it's hot ♪ ♪ pop it like it's hot ♪ pop my $6.49 classic and spicy 50/50 popcorn chicken combo. order on the jack app today. dan: tonight, 5:00, mba countdown, then game three. after the game at 8:00. kristen: followed by the news at 9:00. wheel of fortune and jeopardy at 10:00. stay with us f the news at 11:00. dan: to celebrate, abc 7 has rt with national geographic to celebrate earth day. kristen: there is a new mural part of its public art project. here is a look at its creation. ♪ >> when i walked by, it makes me happy. i love the colors. >> the mural is kid-friendly. i like it. i like the turtle. i know it is from disney. they crushed it. ♪ >> my name is alice, a muralist in illustrator in san francisco, born and raised. i am excited to be painting this mural. ♪ so this is day one that this two -week mural project. i am feeling super excited and nervous, but at the same time, i am excited to be doing this for national graphic and a cause that is -- geographic and a cause that i am passionate about as well. ♪ right now, we are at the beginning stages of the mural. it was recently primed, this blue color, and i just added this on top of it, which allows me to later on superimpose a tracing of my mural on to it, then i can use it as a reference point. they asked us to look at their library of photographs that spoke to us that could inspire us. i picked this wonderful photograph of a sea turtle. i felt like that would be good. two major themes in my mural work are taking inspiration from nature in my own heritage as a chinese-american. i feel like this project where i was tasked with creating this road was a perfect alignment for me. i created some asian-influenced textile patterns in the background, which is a way to add in my personal voice. ♪ today is day five of painting the mural. we are starting to fill in the shapes, adding color, and our turtle is starting to take shape. i am trying to refine and add color with a wonderful team of friends. ♪ day nine, i am super excited that we are almost there, almost at the finish line. one of the most rewarding things has been connecting with the community and seeing how neighbors are feeling about it. it seems like a lot of people connect with the sea turtle or have a personal story about sea turtles, so that is cool. >> we have been walking by, seeing the progress on a weekly basis. it has been great. >> it is exciting to be finished. we finished it in record time with an unusual heat wave in san francisco, followed by a week of rain. i hope this can bring nature, blues, greens into this urban city environment, as drivers and others pass by they can see the turtle swimming with the current. >> when you put something up like this beautiful and bright as this, it inspires the neighborhood around it to be better. i think we all want to make the city better. >> it feel special to partner with national geographic, and their goal is about raising awareness and helping to remind people of the importance of your impact on the earth, and just to be a part of that is really special to me. ♪ dan: pretty awesome. kristen: right? dan: it's great. you can check it out and even color your own. kristen: go to and print this image for a fun earth day activity. it seems like it would be zen to do it. we are streaming 24/7. get it and join us whenever you want, wherever you are. dan: that is it. we appreciate your time. we appreciate your time. kristen: meet a future mom, we appreciate your time. kristen: a first-time mom and a seasoned pro. this mom's one step closer to their new mini-van! yeah, you'll get used to it. this mom's depositing money with tools on-hand. cha ching. and this mom, well, she's setting an appointment here, so her son can get set up there and start his own financial journey. that's because these moms all have chase. smart bankers. convenient tools. one bank with the power of both. chase. make more of what's yours. not from hunter, the contact from collins. the foul was called on hunter. looked like it was the contact >> announcer: the following is a presentation of espn on abc. the stars an on abc tonight, like giannis. h's averaging 30 a game in this series. but with his best teammate down, he may need to do everything tonight. speak of doing everything, demar derozan had 41 in game two. the bulls are in it. the champs are on the ropes. and we're count it down to the nba on abc, starting right now. ♪ ste there's no one else ♪ >> derozan down the lane.

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Point Park , 30 , Respiratory Problems , Donation , Bloom Energy , Country Lung Transplants , Others , Reason , Ucsf , Covid 19 , 7 , 19 , Milestone , Lives , Patient Number , 1000thwe Look Ae , 1000 , Program , Lung , Donor , Insurance Agent , Family , 1991 , Experience , Survival , Bloodstream , Oxygen , Scarring , Patients , Country , Expectation , Transplant , 12 , Life , Complications , Activities , Trouble , Exercise , 20 , Intervention , 1 , 10 , Disease , Staff , Clothing , Things , Company , Tesla , Videos , Self Driving Technology , Drivers , Driver , Hit , Bicyclist , Turning , Pole , Swerving , Pylon , Jesus , Expletive , Truck , Detour Sign , Brakes , Lane , Tesla Doesn T , Tesla Didn T , Self Driving Software , Oh My God , Jp Morgan , Wealth , Matters , Pedestrians , Speed , Definition , Nest Egg , House , Jack , Advice , Trades , Freedom , 200 , Planning , Investing , Wealth Management , Plastics , 4 , 00 , Zero , Four , Market , Ink , Cotton , Nuts , Eco Friendly , Problem , Plastic , World , 100 , T Shirt , Compost , Items , Stores , Soil , Website , Disposable Fashion , 45 , 5 , Pair , Climate , Issues , Shoes , Stuff , Technology , Fabrics , Ability , Fuel , Nature , Everything , Nylon , Leather , Full Circle , Point , Products , Stella Mccarthy , Technology Evolving , It , Something , Record , Distance , Delivery , New York City , Fedex , Washington Dc , 260 , Example , Cleaning Products , Range , Hybrid , Driving , Regenerative Braking , Batteries , Gas , Ginger , Fun , Battery Life , Quest , Dependence , Direction , Gas Prices , Electric Vehicle , More , Festival , Impetus , Politics , 2020 , City , Pandemic , Insurance , Version , Organizers , Requirements , Uncertainties , Golf Tournament , Three , Everybody , Concert Series , Event , Garlic , Tradition , Gilroy , Lot , Garlic Ice Cream , Shooting , Fan , Body Blows , Yes , Festivals , Shame , Traditional Physical Go Away , Let S Hope , Survey , Jellybean , Flavor , Lemon Jellybeans , Jelly Belly , Laughter , Buttered Popcorn , Medic Movies , Cherry Flavor Love Dogs , Cats , Wall , Licorice , Mess , Lemon , Flavors , Sour Apple , Favorites , Mixing , Mike , Ones , Say , Lime , I Don T Know , Citrus , Addition , Eye , Symptoms , Inflammation , Relief , Over The Counter , Eye Drops , Drops , Burn , Ache , Eyes , Let S Kick Ken , Xiidra , Signs , Eye Drop , Eye Disease , Fda , Container , Side Effects , Vision , Don T , Eye Irritation , Taste Sensation , Discomfort , Surface , Dry Eye Disease , Fifteen , Doctor , Contacts , Dry Eye , Room , Facility , Time , Plants , Visitors , Views , Gun Batteries , 60000 , Impact , Mental Health , Happiness , Spaces , Waterfront Spaces , Gardens , Site , Beta , Veteran , Penny , Golden Gate Park , 2022 , 2022 Kristen , Health , Conservatory , Non Residents , Flowers , Residents , Well Being , Access , Botanical Garden , Japanese Tea Garden , Evening , Weather Forecast , Sprinkle , One Last Time , Update , Outside , Jacket , Moisture , Low , Mid 50 S , 58 , 54 , 50 , Average , Temperatures , Yellow , Pitch , Coliseum , Five , Warmest , Warming Trend , Cloud Cover , Cold Front , Mid 60 S , 60 , 70 , Mural , Rain , Chance , Cooling Trend , Spring Seesaw , Thanks , Breezy Tuesday , Wednesday , Bay Pop It , Pop , Power , My 6 49 Classic , Hooooot , 6 49 , 49 , Jack In The Box , Popcorn Chicken Combo , Music , Pop It , Bei Rens Kin Toelp , Infection , Breast Cancer , Diarrhea , Hormone Therapy , Dehydration , Itfut , Remenous F Hr , Blood Cell Counts , Death , Lung Inflammation , Verzenio , Sign , Fluids , Chills , Fever , Taking Verzenio , Chest Pain , Pain , Blood Clots , Liver Problems , Trouble Breathing , Breathing , Breath , Cough , Appetite Loss , Bleeding , Bruising , Fatigue , Shortness , Arms , Heart Rate , Legs , Swelling , Chicken , Popcorn Chicken , Sauce , Everyday Verzenio , Mba Countdown , Order , Game , F , Jeopardy , Stay , Wheel Of Fortune , 8 , 9 , National Geographic , Mural Part , Look , Public Art Project , Creation , Abc 7 , 11 , Friendly , Colors , Turtle , Muralist , Alice , My Name , Disney , Illustrator , San Francisco , Mural Project , Cause , Graphic , Color , Reference Point , Superimpose A Tracing Of My Mural , Top , Sea Turtle , Photographs , Photograph , Library , Project , Themes , Inspiration , Heritage , Mural Work , Chinese American , Add , Textile Patterns , Road , Alignment , Background , Voice , Asian , Shape , Shapes , Team , Friends , Day Nine , Finish Line , Nine , Neighbors , Sea Turtles , Progress , Community , Story , Basis , Heat Wave , City Environment , Turtle Swimming , Blues , Current , Special , Neighborhood , Better , Awareness , Part , Importance , Image , Earth Day Activity , 24 7 , Mom , Tools , Pro , Mini Van , Money , Depositing , Son , Appointment , Bankers , Bank , Journey , Moms , Both , Cha Ching , Have Chase , Chase , Contact , Hunter , Contact Announcer , Foul , Collins , Presentation , Like Giannis , Following , Espn On Abc , On Abc , Teammate Down , Ropes , Bulls , Champs , Nba On Abc , Demar Derozan , H , 41 , Down The Lane , No One Else ,

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Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20240708 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20240708

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kristen: we are introduced to the superhero tasked with saving the planet. reporter: every year we think about the ways we can protect earth, but conservation happens every day for this person. >> the research here has shown education is just as important as solar panels and electric vehicles, and the supporting education programs in our youth is super impactful. reporter: earth day was founded in 1970. decades later, a project born on campus is changing the way students think about the environment. ♪ >> [indiscernible] >> i realize we cannot solve this alone. so it was the artists here that created this character, storyline, and superhero, and we create films and experiences for kids to learn about the environment and what to do. reporter: it started as a research program and turned into a video series taught in school districts locally and globally, like energy-saving recycling and food choices. >> the teacher can show this in class and use the materials to teach science and the environment. reporter: the collaboration highlighted a bigger message that is important on earth day, every small step makes it different. -- makes a difference. >> it shows people can work together to create change. that is the goal come at their education in the research we did here, going into the schools and helping teachers bring this to their students. two we only have --reporter: we only have one earth and they have to protect it. dan: the city of san jose is celebrating earth day by planting the seeds for a future forest. >> we are determined to reverse our shrinking -- as the chinese probert tells us, the best time to plant a tree was a generation ago. the next best time is today. we are here today to plant trees. all right. [applause] dan: the mayor and other city leaders joined volunteers, planting 30 native trees at bay point park. the mayor says it is the start of what will become the first pocket forest, trees that were paid for using a donation from bloom energy. kristen: 7% of the country lung transplants are now tied to respiratory problems caused by covid-19. whether for that reason or others, ucsf is celebrating a milestone, it's 1000thwe look ae is extending lives. reporter: they are calling him patient number 1000. the insurance agent is recovering from being the 1000th lung transplants as the program began in 1991. >> we don't know much about the donor family or the donor's or herself, but we are just so grateful. reporter: he had scarring of the lung that impeded oxygen from entering the bloodstream. the experience they have is world-class. >> the one-year survival is top in the country, and has been for over a decade, and we continue to improve every year so that patients getting a transplant have the expectation they could live nearly 12 years. reporter: in a year, he is expected to resume an active life, trouble, exercise, and other activities. post-transplant complications are now rare. >> we went from almost 19% to 20% complications requiring intervention to less than 1% now. that is quite remarkable, because the program has been able to achieve that and no other program has. reporter: now he can extend his life 10 to 12 years. >> a year ago, we did not know he had this disease. this is how quickly it progressed. we are so grateful for the staff at ucsf. they have been so thorough. ♪ kristen: there are plenty of things you can do to save the planet, including plant-based clothing. dan: what one company is trying to i'm dan o'dowd and i approved this message. you are watching actual videos of the tesla full self driving technology as recorded by the drivers. from turning too tightly and hitting a pylon... [ expletive ] to swerving toward a pole. jesus. watch the bicyclist on the right almost get hit before the driver takes over. sometimes it seems the tesla doesn't want the driver to take over. i'm trying. this driver had to hit the brakes when the tesla didn't understand a detour sign. ok. here it almost hit a truck. obviously, i had to take over. and here it swerves into an oncoming lane. look at that! often, the tesla doesn't know what it wants to do. what is it doing? or just doesn't know how to turn. jesus, oh my god! tesla's full self driving software for drivers and pedestrians, it's unsafe at any speed. tell congress to shut it down. at jp morgan, the only definition of wealth that matters is yours. it can be a smaller house, but a bigger nest egg. a goal to work toward, or the freedom to walk away. with 200 years of experience, personalized advice, and commission free trades on an award-winning app, we are working for you. planning. investing. advice. jp morgan wealth management. kristen: time now for t the four at 4:00. what if you could wear zero plastics? one company brought that the market, using only natural materials like cotton and nuts. the ink is water-based and eco-friendly. the clothing decomposes when it reaches the end of its life. >> we are making clothing that is 100% biodegradable because plastic is a big problem. we are trying to prove to the world that clothing can be made with no plastic, biodegradable, and goes into the soil as compost. kristen: the items are not sold in stores. they can be ordered on their website. the t-shirt is $45, which is probably more than what you pay, but you know what, disposable fashion has to end. that contributes to so many climate issues. have you started to buy more environmentally sound things? >> yeah, i bought a pair of shoes that were made from biodegradable materials. i think it is great. they are comfortable. also for kids, so why not invest in stuff that will be better for the environment? right? dan: totally. i agree. as technology has improved, the ability to create these fabrics acceptable to people has improved. they have the right fuel and wear properly. i think people will begin to accept them. >> nature provides just about everything we need. we don't have to make nylon and plastics and other things if we can figure out how to use what nature has provided us we have seen this come full circle with the clothing going back to natural plant-based products. kristen: you raised a good point about the technology evolving. there is that fake leather that looks so real, that stella mccarthy is doing something with it. dan: as people get used to it, it will become more accepted. a fedex truck set a record for the longest distance, 260 miles, from new york city to washington dc. an actual delivery was made. it dropped off sustainable cleaning products to an organic market. here is another example of technology getting better and better, the range on these electric vehicles continuing to be extended. obviously very soon this is what we will all be driving. >> that is impressive. just learning how to re-drive since i bought my hybrid, you drive differently because you want to get that regenerative braking when you slow down to recharge the batteries, which makes the battery life longer and able to use less gas. you drive different, but it is fun. i know ginger is on a quest from new york to detroit in her tesla , showing how easy it is to go that far cross-country in electric vehicle. dan: we will soon i'll be driving electric cars. >> absolutely. we are moving in that direction. our dependence on gas has to go away. we know that gas prices are high, right? kristen: more impetus to move quickly. >> that's right. >> so are the politics with gas. kristen: all right, one festival we love so much is no more. it was canceled in 2020 because of the pandemic, and a dry through version was held last year, but organizers are reimagining the festival because of lingering uncertainties and costly insurance requirements by the city. there will be three smaller scale settings this year, golf tournament, concert series, and another event. i hope this goes great. i miss being there and you smell garlic. everybody is there. you have been, right? >> yeah, it is such a tradition for gilroy. it is sad they have to do away with it, but what can you do? yeah, i totally get it. people enjoy it. they get out there. garlic ice cream? kristen: yes. >> i am not a fan. >> i know what your present is. dan: there was the shooting, then the pandemic, so they take a lot of body blows. >> we see this happen with a lot of festivals, smaller, leaner, less costly, and maybe they can do it with these three. dan: let's hope. it's a shame to see the traditional physical go away. today is national jellybean date, and one local company is elevating. jellybean -- jelly belly in fairfield says your favorite jellybean flavor could say a lot about you, based on a survey that found that people who like sour lemon jellybeans are rational and like to watch her medic movies. [laughter] those who love cherry flavor love dogs, while those who enjoy buttered popcorn jellybeans favorite cats. if you like that flavor, the survey shows you are probably very creative. i think it shows i am a mess. [laughter] the one i don't like is licorice. i like them all. >> yeah. [laughter] how about you? >> i'd like all of them. i like sour apple, lemon. those are two of my favorites. how about you guys? dan: do you have them one at a time were different flavors? >> one at a time. >> no mixing. [laughter] dan: do you have a flavor you like, mike? mike: no, i like all the usual ones. it is fun. dan: how about you? mike: what does that say? >> i don't know. only lemon, lime, but it has to be citrus, sour. dan: you are rational all the way. >> yes. >> i would like to think that. i did not say that because i wanted to be perceived as such. [laughter] dan: that is this addition of dan: that is this addition of the four at 4:00. ♪ dry eye symptoms keep driving you crazy? inflammation in your eye might be to blame. let's kick ken's ache and burn into gear! over-the-counter eye drops typically work by lubricating your eyes and may provide temporary relief. those drops will probably pass right by me. xiidra works differently, targeting inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. what is that? xiidra? no! it can provide lasting relief. xiidra is the only fda-approved non-steroid eye drop specifically for the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. one drop in each eye, twice a day. don't use if you're allergic to xiidra. common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied to the eye, and unusual taste sensation. don't touch container tip to your eye or any surface. after using xiidra, wait fifteen minutes before reinserting contacts. got any room in your eye? be proactive about managing your symptoms by talking to your doctor about twice-daily xiidra. like i did. i prefer you didn't! xiidra. not today, dry eye. dan: city leaders revealed a facility that includes three overlooks with sweeping views. there are 60,000 native and ornamental plants. also, the gun batteries were open to visitors for the first time. >> we know that when we make spaces like this, waterfront spaces like this available and open to all people, it has a tremendous impact on our mental health, our happiness. dan: it opens tomorrow. a second site opens beta in 2022. kristen: it will not cost you a penny to visit the gardens of golden gate park if you are resident or veteran, including the conservatory of flowers and the japanese tea garden. the botanical garden is already free for residents. non-residents still have to pay. dividing equal access to the gardens will enhance the health and well-being for all. dan: one last time, and update for the weather forecast. kristen: drier and warmer. mike: yeah. a sprinkle of this evening. outside, clouds with less moisture. this evening, below the mid 50's -- low to mid 50's. have the jacket or dress and layer's. 58 tonight. 54. first pitch at the coliseum. temperatures rising. above average this weekend. air-quality healthy. green or yellow is good to moderate. temperatures five to 10 degrees warmer than today, putting us average or warmer than average, with a lot of mid 60's to upper 70's tomorrow. warmest and brightest sunday. more cloud cover. mild monday. that dry cold front slams the warming trend and brings us to a cooling trend through thursday with temperatures back to average and breezy tuesday, wednesday, thursday, so that spring seesaw continues without a chance of rain this time. kristen: thanks. dan: there is a new mural highlighting the restorative power of nature. kristen: it was created by a bay ♪ pop it like it's hooooot. pop it like it's hot.♪ ♪ pop it like it's hot.♪ ♪♪ pop it like it's— pop my $6.49 classic and spicy 50/50 popcorn chicken combo. only at jack in the box. (music throughout) pop it like it's— pop my $6.49 classic and spicy 50/50 lingitmetastatcanc mns bei rens kin toelp you ve significantly longer itfut,remenous f hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer that has progressed after hormone therapy. diarrhea is common, may be severe, or cause dehydration or infection. at the first sign, call your doctor start an anti-diarrheal and drink fluids. before taking verzenio, tell your doctor about any fever, chills, or other signs of infection. verzenio may cause low white blood cell counts, which may cause serious infection that can lead to death. life-threatening lung inflammation can occur. tell your doctor about any new or worsening trouble breathing, cough, or chest pain. serious liver problems can happen. symptoms include fatigue, appetite loss, stomach pain and bleeding or bruising. blood clots that can lead to death have occurred. tell your doctor if you have pain or swelling in your arms or legs, shortness of breath, chest pain, and rapid breathing or heart rate, or if you're nursing, pregnant or plan to be. every day matters. and i want more of them. ask your doctor about everyday verzenio. my classic and spicy popcorn chicken with 100% all-white-meat chicken. and good good sauce. ♪ pop it like it's hot ♪ ♪ pop it like it's hot ♪ ♪ pop it like it's hot ♪ pop my $6.49 classic and spicy 50/50 popcorn chicken combo. order on the jack app today. dan: tonight, 5:00, mba countdown, then game three. after the game at 8:00. kristen: followed by the news at 9:00. wheel of fortune and jeopardy at 10:00. stay with us f the news at 11:00. dan: to celebrate, abc 7 has rt with national geographic to celebrate earth day. kristen: there is a new mural part of its public art project. here is a look at its creation. ♪ >> when i walked by, it makes me happy. i love the colors. >> the mural is kid-friendly. i like it. i like the turtle. i know it is from disney. they crushed it. ♪ >> my name is alice, a muralist in illustrator in san francisco, born and raised. i am excited to be painting this mural. ♪ so this is day one that this two -week mural project. i am feeling super excited and nervous, but at the same time, i am excited to be doing this for national graphic and a cause that is -- geographic and a cause that i am passionate about as well. ♪ right now, we are at the beginning stages of the mural. it was recently primed, this blue color, and i just added this on top of it, which allows me to later on superimpose a tracing of my mural on to it, then i can use it as a reference point. they asked us to look at their library of photographs that spoke to us that could inspire us. i picked this wonderful photograph of a sea turtle. i felt like that would be good. two major themes in my mural work are taking inspiration from nature in my own heritage as a chinese-american. i feel like this project where i was tasked with creating this road was a perfect alignment for me. i created some asian-influenced textile patterns in the background, which is a way to add in my personal voice. ♪ today is day five of painting the mural. we are starting to fill in the shapes, adding color, and our turtle is starting to take shape. i am trying to refine and add color with a wonderful team of friends. ♪ day nine, i am super excited that we are almost there, almost at the finish line. one of the most rewarding things has been connecting with the community and seeing how neighbors are feeling about it. it seems like a lot of people connect with the sea turtle or have a personal story about sea turtles, so that is cool. >> we have been walking by, seeing the progress on a weekly basis. it has been great. >> it is exciting to be finished. we finished it in record time with an unusual heat wave in san francisco, followed by a week of rain. i hope this can bring nature, blues, greens into this urban city environment, as drivers and others pass by they can see the turtle swimming with the current. >> when you put something up like this beautiful and bright as this, it inspires the neighborhood around it to be better. i think we all want to make the city better. >> it feel special to partner with national geographic, and their goal is about raising awareness and helping to remind people of the importance of your impact on the earth, and just to be a part of that is really special to me. ♪ dan: pretty awesome. kristen: right? dan: it's great. you can check it out and even color your own. kristen: go to and print this image for a fun earth day activity. it seems like it would be zen to do it. we are streaming 24/7. get it and join us whenever you want, wherever you are. dan: that is it. we appreciate your time. we appreciate your time. kristen: meet a future mom, we appreciate your time. kristen: a first-time mom and a seasoned pro. this mom's one step closer to their new mini-van! yeah, you'll get used to it. this mom's depositing money with tools on-hand. cha ching. and this mom, well, she's setting an appointment here, so her son can get set up there and start his own financial journey. that's because these moms all have chase. smart bankers. convenient tools. one bank with the power of both. chase. make more of what's yours. not from hunter, the contact from collins. the foul was called on hunter. looked like it was the contact >> announcer: the following is a presentation of espn on abc. the stars an on abc tonight, like giannis. h's averaging 30 a game in this series. but with his best teammate down, he may need to do everything tonight. speak of doing everything, demar derozan had 41 in game two. the bulls are in it. the champs are on the ropes. and we're count it down to the nba on abc, starting right now. ♪ ste there's no one else ♪ >> derozan down the lane.

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