Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 1100PM 20171029 : comparemela.

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 1100PM 20171029

how in 2017 can you think that that was appropriate? >> halloween costume out of style since the civil rights movement makes a come back in an east bay staples store and one customer is not happy about it. >>. >> that employee said the halloween costume was intended for fun, her face covered in black paint. >> black face was used to portray african-americans in theater and considered offensive to many. lonnie rivera is in the newsroom with the story. >> friday he was speechless when he stopped by staples to buy a cash register. what made matters worse is everyone seemed to be okay with it until he posted the photo to facebook. as you can imagine, people are sounding off. >> ma'am, where are the cash registers. she turned around and i saw this white lady in black face. >> harold was offended by this employee's halloween costume at the pleasant hill staples store. >> the lady over there, i pointed to her and said is in black face. as a black man, i'm offended. >> her reply? >> she said it was a sharpy costume. i said costume and no longer works at the store and the hr team is investigating. in pleasant hill, abc 7 news. >> the chp said a group of about 200 motorcycle riders terrorized drivers from across the east bay and perform dangerous side shows and speeding and driving recklessly. they shared these pictures and a truck was following the bikers and filming them on 880. they rode through oakland along the bridge on 580 and in the castro valley. several riders refused to pull over at high speed and at least five people were arrested. >> a unique program to help fire victims. a local nurse created a program to team families in need for those who want to help. >> on one they are changing lives. we have that story from sonoma county. >> there is the teen clothes and here's women's for you. these days it's nonstop at carrie's house. >> i get donations and make deliveries daily. >> she is one of the coordinators which means she is matching fire victims with specific families who are willing and able to donate now. >> we have gloria and her husband and her two little boys, katherine raymond just dropped off three car loads for three families in need evacuated. >> it was like christmas. it was kind of extraordinary to see box after box come out of the car. >> this program is tailored to give nothing but the things they need. like a camera for extra wide shoes. starting over is hard enough. >> that was the steel beam that was the garage frame that was twisted. >> this family is asking for very little. >> this is new. >> barely the basics. >> it's really great that people are giving. >> rising from the ashes of the north bay fires is a strong sense of appreciation and a stronger sense of compassion. >> when you lose your home, it's hard to rebuild a home. you can rebuild a house, but it's hard to rebuild a home. i wanted to help in any way. >> it started about three weeks ago. 95 fire victims have been matched with 355 donor families. if you would like to help, go to our website. in santa rosa, abc 7 news. >> today governor jerry brown issued a proclamation a day of remembrance to the northern california wildfires. the governor made a pledge of support to the victims when he visited the north bay earlier this month. the proclamation remembers the human toll of the fires. 42 people lost their lives and flags will be flown at half-staff over the state capitol in honor of the victims. >> all four of the major north bay wildfires that began 20 days ago. the @-las fire is 100% contained. nuns tubs and pocket fires are 97% contained with full containment expecte to tuesday. >> a man and woman are accused of looting in the north bay fire zone. santa rosa police arrested shawn and christina after someone saw them take a large flat screen tv out of a burned area of the overlook apartments. the pair led officers on a high speed chase before ditching their truck and trying to run away. they found other stolen items in the pick up. they had no ties to so nome county. >> an emotional day of remembrance for the north bay wildfires. that's in santa rosa with the story. >> a community still fragile and grieving. the fire service and law enforcement. that was lost. >> i didn't know what it feels like to lose a home or a loved one in a fire. they will be dealing with that for a long time. he lost his home and got his family out and grabbed one photo album. >> i opened them up and realized they were empty. we thought we had all the time in the world to put the pictures in the photo albums. >> getting my children out safely was, you know, emotional. >> angelique and her son made a sign to thank first responder who put their lives on the line. >> without them, our be gone. >> c throuldghoutyou t whe cere crowd gave first responders standing ovations. since the fire, the santa rosa community has become one. >> i have never seen a community come together so good. this is true. we are sonoma strong. >> a fire bell was rung 42 times for lives lost. nancy pelosi toured the fire area today. she promises swift federal funds for victims. >> so many people mourn their loss and going to act upon it. >> a resilient community fighting back from tragedy. abc 7 news. >> dozens of homes damaged by february's torrential rain with volunteers. that was at the gold in park where an army of helping hands hammered patched and painted. the group is helping to fix up 36 homes and two nonprofits. residents lost a foundation of the home. >> they're have done a tremendous amount of stuff. a new furnace and all new concrete in front of the house. they are building a deck. we are kind of overwhelmed. >> rebuilding focuses on veterans, seniors and people with disabilities. >> updating a story we brought ow abc 7 news at 4:00, fremont police are searching for this man on the screen who they thought was barricaded in a home for hours with a gun. thomas beltran is wanted for domestic battery and the department using a drone with a canine team to go in the home. beltran was not inside. abc 7 news was in the glen more gardens area. when they thought he was inside. he is accused of beating up his girlfriend this morning. she was treated for injuries at the scene. all streets have reopened and neighbors are back inside their homes tonight. >> much more ahead tonight. game four of the world series, but the focus was off the field on a racist gesture during game three. >> putting a foot forward for fire victim who is may be too scared of seeking help themselves. a gesture by a local soccer team. >> temperatures a lot more like fall. not only tracking cooler air moving in. the next chance of rain. the details for the forecast. >> a reason to smile this halloween for youngst you get a companion ticketes visaevery year.card so why not i mean i always spell your name right. seriously, take me, i can't listen to this playlist any longer. i'm thinking mexico, and i'm a quick packer. ♪ grown right here in california, with absolutely no antibiotics ever. a better way to grow, a better way to eat. and it starts with foster farms simply raised chicken. california grown with no antibiotics ever. tonight the dodgers won game four of the world series, but much of the focus was not on the game. >> instead was in the dugout where an astros player made a racially charged gesture. linda lopez has more. >> there is no excuse or explanation that makes that type of behavior acceptable. >> the houston astros under fire for making this gesture. the cuban-born first baseman after homering off the dodgers pitcher. he used the term in spanish to refer to him. he was born in japan. immediately following the game, he apologized saying he didn't mean to offend him. he issued this statement saying i made an offensive gesture that was indefensible and i apologize everyone who i defended with my actions. they suspended the 33-year-old for games without pay, but starting next season instead of the world series. >> i felt it was unfair to punish the other 24 players on the roster. i wanted the burden of this discipline to fall primarily on the wrong doer. >> a private apology also expected. he will be required to undergo sense stiffity training. he will undergo $325,000 in salary that will be donated to charity. abc news, new york. >> the player's coalition is trying to discuss a meeting over injustice and the league's response houston texans owner have been invited to a meeting on minute. he is the first to kneel or sit and mcnair has been criticized for the about the protest. he said we can't have the inimates running the prison. they want to commit to listen to their grievances. >> san francisco's new soccer club donated ticket sales today to help those affected by the wildfires. the deltas lost the game in front of a sellout crowd. more than 4,000 fans helped family who is lost property and income and will not seek help out of fear of deportation. >> they don't need to be mutually exclusive. god has been nice to me and we are trying to do good things. they have been affected by the fires and don't have access to fema and the other federal support. we thought why not. let's do something nice for them. th team lost, but still qualified for the playoffs. the semi final game is a week from tomorrow >> celebrating hal rene or any holiday takes on extra meaning when you are born needing special care. abc 7 news was at the medical center in san francisco for the annual nicu halloween party. infants to teens dressed up to have holiday fun with games, face painting and most were born prematu prematurely. >> my favorite things is families currently in the intensive care unit come down and see the hope they have to look forward to when they are dealing with a sick infant. >> probably a lot of work. it's good to see who took care of me when i was younger. i don't remember. >> this is the 48th year for the celebration. abc 7 was also at the party. her daughter is with the nurses who cared for her in the nicu. >> so sweet. >> she's adorable. >> talking about halloween and costumes as a kid, you never want to put the jacket on when you go trick or treating. >> some folks will need it. very chilly out there tonight and it will for the folks who are trick or treating. live doppler 7. you can see the gray shading on the screen. satellite fog in and around the bay. the picture is showing you the skyline of san francisco. essentially cut in half by the fog. the marine layer is deepening and that will help to usher in cooler temperatures both tomorrow afternoon and monday. out there right now, dropped to 46 at this hour and 53 in napa. down to 54 in oakland. a lot of 50s on the board. overnight we fall back to the 40s. santa rosa 43 degrees. 51 with foggy skies in san francisco. 52 in san jose and oakland. 50 for the low over the next 12 hours. we will have that morning fog with us and it will be slow on the coast. afternoon sunshine and temperature-wise spot on for this time of year. nice and fall of-like. 66 the high in oakland. foggy in half moon bay. 77 in afternoon sunshine and 80 the high in antioch. up the coast, we have a beach hazard statement and currently as you see anywhere from 9 feet to 11 feet. breakers up to beach tracker temperatures, on monday it's a crisp feeling fall. a lot of spots will struggle to get out of the 60s. temperatures going below normal for this time of year to start out the new week. halloween itself, the temperatures moderate. 60s and 70s the name of the game. for all those trick or treaters, we will have a treat of a forecast. tuesday evening by 5:00, coastal cloud and lots of clouds away from the coast. by 9:00, temperatures not all that bad. 50s and 60s and it will be chilly on midnight with more spots into the 50s. bring back the storm impact. we are tracking rain towards friday night into saturday a week from tonight. showers and downpours likely. breezy at times and it looks like a wealthy widespread half inch of rain. fast forward to friday night. 10:00, that is more likely to see the showers first in the north bay. saturday looks like on and off showers that could linger into sunday. along with the rain, we are tracking snow. future weather in the sierra could see more than a food of snow in the spots. we will keep our eyes on that. the next seven days for the fog to sun on your sunday. monday the crisp fall air is with us. a treat for halloween on tuesday. a little change on thursday, but by friday the clouds increase. saturday on and off showers. good idea. track the rain as it moves in this week. >> looking good. >> i'm going to dress as an anchorman. >> so creative. a marine who lost both accused of obstructing justice to theat the fbinuclear war, and of violating the constitution by taking money from foreign governments and threatening to shut down news organizations that report the truth. if that isn't a case for impeaching and removing a dangerous president, then what has our government become? i'm tom steyer, and like you, i'm a citizen who knows it's up to us to do something. it's why i'm funding this effort to raise our voices together and demand that elected officials take a stand on impeachment. a republican congress once impeached a president for far less. yet today people in congress and his own administration know that this president is a clear and present danger who's mentally unstable and armed with nuclear weapons. and they do nothing. join us and tell your member of congress that they have a moral responsibility to stop doing what's political and start doing what's right. our country depends on it. a marine who lost both legs in combat is running 31 marathons in 31 cities in 31 days. rob jones had the the streets of san francisco number 17 of the 31. he wants to raise a million dollars for wounded veterans charities. in 2010 during a deployment, he stepped on a land mine and had both legs removed above the knees. he competed in the paralympics and rode across country for charity. >> what a remarkable spirit. >> takes a lot of discipline to do that. incredible. >> a lot of college football today. >> cal bears are making it hard on themselves. the dodgers are making his hometown of palo alto out of reach for the the cal bears have two more wins to become bowl eligible. the bears are not going away from home in two years. with 11 games in today's loss. still running like a 20-year-old. first quarter with cal down seven. no. he is going to throw it. the bears tied at 7. 14-7, buffs. looking for more. to shea field. 65 yards, montez for 347 and 21-7, colorado. ross bauers. he goes 27 yards to noah.noah. he had 28 yards. didn't get much better for the bears. the son of the head coach, 34-14 and bauers to the end zone. picked off by nick fisher. he will run it out. are you kidding me? 100 yards. it was more like 109. 44-28, the final. they lost the last 11 on the road against pac 12 teams. the five-game road trip in gets the break away and goes top shelf on the liner. 17 seconds left in the second and down 2-1. the right place at the right time and gets hit and slams it home. tying at two after two. logan gets the puck and time for target practice. he has to shoot and bull's-eye. the eighth goal of the year. the game winner and sharks are 5-5. 3-2 the final. game four of the world series and the dodgers lock it up with pitching and timeless hitting. see ya. astros up 1-0. springer and his teammates are thrilled. top seven. man on and two outs. he ropes it to center. cody bellinger will score. we go top nine. dodgers bust it open with runs including this three-run jack. dodgers go on to win 6-2 and the series is tied at 2-2. >> i like where we are at. this series up to this point, we played four games and there are so many emotional swings and we are dead even. >> there won't be a need to press any buttons or let them know how big these outs are. we have to get to 27 outs. we are going to piece it together. >> for has been a great series. this report is brought to you by river rock casino. looking ahead with the raiders this week in buffalo. don't tell drew penn state lost. >> penn state woman: so, greg, it's a lot to take in. woman 2: and i know that's hard to hear, but the doctors caught it early. hi, blake! my dad has cancer. woman: and i know how hard that is to hear. but you're in the right place. man: and dr. pascal and her team, they know what to do. they know what to do. the doctors know what to do. so here's the plan. first off, we're going to give you all... (voice fading away) first off, we're going to give you all... ♪ ♪ hi! leaving a career to follow a calling takes courage. a personalized financial strategy can give you confidence to take the next step. hi guys! aw yeah! see how access to j.p. morgan investment expertise can help you. chase. make more of what's yours. good evening, everybody. i'm eric thomas. >> i'm dion a woman who works for a third party contractor and worked at staples told a customer she was dressed as a sharpy pen for hallowe halloween. staples apologized to its customers. >> the chp arrested five motorcyclists in the east bay this afternoon. a viewer took this video from downtown hayward as 200 bikers sped through oakland and the san mateo bridge and castro valley refusing to pull over for officers. >> a houston astros player will serve a five-game suspension for making an offensive gesture. he pulled at his eyes after hitting ae run off of the pitcher. the suspension will be at the beginning of the next season because he didn't want to punch the entire astros team. >> the first arrests in the russia collusion investigation involving the president could come on monday. >> reports said federal investigators have filed the first charges. abc news reporter gloria rivera has reaction. >> president trump at his golf club in virginia. even headlines swirl of potential charges in the investigation into russia. >> when the special prosecutors start going, it's unsettling for white houses. >> the president has yet to react about the first charges in robert mueller's investigation. meller's team in recent days sought charges against at least one unidentified target with an indictment announcement and arrest possibly coming as early as monday, sources say. the spokesman for the office declined to comment. so far no reports of what the charges may be. the indictments are still sealed under shoulds from a federal judge. >> attorneys were at the federal courthouse in d.c. on friday. >> trump dismissed it as a political distraction and denied solution with the russian government. >> it was an excuse for the democrats losing the election and turns out to be just one excuse. >> the white house echoing that message. >> our position has not changed since day one. >> mueller was appointed special counsel in may focusing on the interference in the presidential election and possible collusion. he has been investigating the dealings of a number of key trump associates including former campaign manager paul manafort and michael flynn. sources close to manafort said they have been given no indication that charges are immine imminent. >> the investigation is sweeping, complicated and those who are being investigated are in jeopardy. >> abc news, washington. >> white nationalists marched in two u.s. cities drawing large counter protests. organizers wanted to stop what they called white genocide. brad milke has details. >> dueling rallies in tennessee. demonstrations by white nationalists confronted by counter protesters in two cities near nashville. >> i rate racist people. we don't need it in our town. >> the white nationalists waving confederate flags and the counter protesters chanting back -- >> racists repent! >> they don't belong to facists and white supremacists or neonazis. they should be ashamed to go out in public. >> the two groups separated by barriers and the police standing at the ready. a similar scene in the nearby city. police separating nationalists from a larger group of cowner protesters. >> i'm proud to be white. i believe in white pride and our nation. >> it's ridiculous how much people are hated. >> some people tried to bridge the divide, but neither side willing to give ground. abc news, new york. >> a man who went hiking by himself is recovering after spending five days lost in the woods. he went into the wild wood recreation area unprepared last weekend and ended up going off the main trail when a storm was going in. he fell, got disoriented and lost his backpack. he went into survival mode finding a way to get noticed. he i wanted to go on a trail w i knew it was going to be a hiker or helicopter that can see me. >> he said he knew people were searching for him and that's what kept him going. finally on thursday, friends tracked him down and called paramedics so he could get to the hospital and get medical attention he needed. >> a group of children in ohio learned a well thought out organized protest can pay off. >> more candy and more fun. they marched to city hall with a petition signed by 200 kids asking the mayor to extend trick or treating hours by 30 minutes from 6 to 8:30 p.m. >> allowing us the opportunity to receive more candy. >> having more time to spend and visit with family and friends. >> having more time to be in our halloween costume. >> enjoy the scary holiday longer. >> make a good point. the kids were able to convince the mayor and he granted their wish to extend their trick or treating hours. >> one of steve jobs's sought after possessions is going on the chopping block and there is not a single apple connection. >> jobs owned this car and they recommended it to jobs saying it matches his taste. picture this. the z 8 packed with original features like a bmw brand motorola phones that jobs was known to dislike. that should sell for around 300,000 to $400,000. >> picture if you will, a bmw. who said you can't follow your dreams? >> you are my hero. >> the emotional question by a little boy that got one big reaction from a crowd of thousands. >> and finally feeling more like autumn out there this afternoon and cooler air moves >>. >> in the central valley, an 8ier old with cerebral palsy received an amazingly sweet gift for halloween. that is a squeal of joy from jane white as she was given a wheelchair inspired by wreck it ralph. it was designed to look like the character that was built by magic wheelchair that builds costumes like this for kids in while chairs. the high school designed the chair and her mother said the gift means so much for the family.overwhelming. she had cancer twice and palzy and all of it. it was exciting to see something good come of it. >> jane's mother said they plan to go trick or treating in the magical wheelchair. >> a british 9-year-old is offering a reminder to everyone to follow your dreams and don't let anyone tell you no. >> hello. my name is isaac and i am 9 years old. my teacher wants us to think of a challenge and how to overcome it. i put my challenge is to become an astronaut and i was overcome by working really hard and being accepted into the nasa space program. my teacher was not happy with this. she said we were supposed to pick something realistic. well, you were once a 9-year-old boy. my question is, when the people around you tell you something is impossible and during the time they were right, how did you stay motivated and never give up on your dream to become an astronaut. you are my hero. >> thank you, isaac! >> applause. little isaac blue away the audience at a question and answer session with this astronaut. he said his teacher told him that wouldn't be realistic. he answered by saying this while plans may change along the way, reaching goals requires self confidence in your own abilities. >> a lot of successful people were told you will never be that and they were. >> the underdog story. >> it will get cooler out there. i said colder. colder and cooler. >> i want to be a professional wrestler. >> you can still do it. >> i'm past the time. >> anything. >> it's going to get chilly. fog along the coast moving in and around the bay. 51 overnight and 52 in san jose. 48 that low in fairfield. morning fog and afternoon sunshine and tomorrow is a little bit cooler. 61 in san francisco. the seven-day forecast shows you a quick look at halloween on tuesday. nice weather for trick or treaters. >> encourage him to follow his other dream. >> they will twist you like a pretzel. >> what did you want to do? >> i wanted to be a meteorologist. >> funny. >> he does a good job at pointing to the ocean. >> two big upsets including the fighting in penn state. ever wonder what it's like to take a hit at the college level? they took i >> san jose state wasn't buy's break hosted by byu. looking for the first win since week two. they throw it out to micah simon. the 23 yard touchdown and it's brigham young. rasheed johnson catches it. after that hit from braden, helmet to shoulder. no ejection. johnson would not return. he also fumbled. the second quarter, 112 yards rushing. 75 yards score with a 41-20 loss. a rough year for spartan. number two penn state. the opening kickoff and see you later. 97 yards to the house and state led 21-3 and urban stunned. the ohio state finds johnny dixon wide open. they keep coming. for the lead, 1:48 to go. 328 yards and the new heisman leader. the final chance at fourth and 15. the quarterback is pressured and has to throw it away. incomplete. the buckeyes storm the field as they win it 39-38, the final. number 25, ohio state hosting fourth ranked tcu. 17 yards to matthew eaton. iowa state. the second quarter, 14 yards to butler. makes the grab and gets it inbounds. tcu down, iowa state fans rushed the field as they pull off the upset for the final. a big battle in junior college ranks. he gets pe rennial power 7-6, san mateo. he ran for 179. 13-7, rams. 13 seconds left in the half. 20-14, ccsf at the half. johnson with 30 yard strike and 199 yards. san mateo goes up in the fog. put them up for good and it will fumble for the touchdown. san ma reteo gets the final. >> i executed and gets the line and my teammates make the job easy. they allowed me to throw. i love my teammates and i love the coaches. we all came out here and played for each other. >> as you can see, marshawn lynch had fun at his alma mater. you are not allowed to have pro football players practice with high school kids. he had free time because he is suspended in buffalo. the bills drafted him in 2007 and he had off field issues there before moving on to flourish in seattle. other raiders will need to step up. >> we love him in the building. to miss the game, it's hard and they said it's the next man up. >> that's into a step up for his teammates. that sucks how fast everything happened. i wish someone can keep him on the sideline. have to deal with it. >> the sports report is brought to you by river rock casino. drew's other favorite team, maybe they can win. supposed to be 100% chance of rain. >> raining for that game. >> for the 49ers. thanks a lot. >> that's it for tonight. >> abc 7 news continues tomorrow morning at 5:00 a.m. i'm eric thomas, see you later. accused of obstructing justice to theat the fbinuclear war, and of violating the constitution by taking money from foreign governments and threatening to shut down news organizations that report the truth. if that isn't a case for impeaching and removing a dangerous president, then what has our government become? i'm tom steyer, and like you, i'm a citizen who knows it's up to us to do something. it's why i'm funding this effort to raise our voices together and demand that elected officials take a stand on impeachment. a republican congress once impeached a president for far less. yet today people in congress and his own administration know that this president is a clear and present danger who's mentally unstable and armed with nuclear weapons. and they do nothing. join us and tell your member of congress that they have a moral responsibility to stop doing what's political and start doing what's right. our country depends on it. previously on scandal... no one's even thinking about jenny. her killer could be anyone. jake: olivia pope, jennifer fields. you are going to kill francisco vargas when he takes the stage tomorrow night. sandra, all of this is over now. i got you. you put a gun to the head of the woman i love, and i belong to you?! you're wondering whether you actually have a choice. wherever your daughter goes, we have eyes on her. you have a second chance survival of the fittest, olivia.

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Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 1100PM 20171029 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 1100PM 20171029

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how in 2017 can you think that that was appropriate? >> halloween costume out of style since the civil rights movement makes a come back in an east bay staples store and one customer is not happy about it. >>. >> that employee said the halloween costume was intended for fun, her face covered in black paint. >> black face was used to portray african-americans in theater and considered offensive to many. lonnie rivera is in the newsroom with the story. >> friday he was speechless when he stopped by staples to buy a cash register. what made matters worse is everyone seemed to be okay with it until he posted the photo to facebook. as you can imagine, people are sounding off. >> ma'am, where are the cash registers. she turned around and i saw this white lady in black face. >> harold was offended by this employee's halloween costume at the pleasant hill staples store. >> the lady over there, i pointed to her and said is in black face. as a black man, i'm offended. >> her reply? >> she said it was a sharpy costume. i said costume and no longer works at the store and the hr team is investigating. in pleasant hill, abc 7 news. >> the chp said a group of about 200 motorcycle riders terrorized drivers from across the east bay and perform dangerous side shows and speeding and driving recklessly. they shared these pictures and a truck was following the bikers and filming them on 880. they rode through oakland along the bridge on 580 and in the castro valley. several riders refused to pull over at high speed and at least five people were arrested. >> a unique program to help fire victims. a local nurse created a program to team families in need for those who want to help. >> on one they are changing lives. we have that story from sonoma county. >> there is the teen clothes and here's women's for you. these days it's nonstop at carrie's house. >> i get donations and make deliveries daily. >> she is one of the coordinators which means she is matching fire victims with specific families who are willing and able to donate now. >> we have gloria and her husband and her two little boys, katherine raymond just dropped off three car loads for three families in need evacuated. >> it was like christmas. it was kind of extraordinary to see box after box come out of the car. >> this program is tailored to give nothing but the things they need. like a camera for extra wide shoes. starting over is hard enough. >> that was the steel beam that was the garage frame that was twisted. >> this family is asking for very little. >> this is new. >> barely the basics. >> it's really great that people are giving. >> rising from the ashes of the north bay fires is a strong sense of appreciation and a stronger sense of compassion. >> when you lose your home, it's hard to rebuild a home. you can rebuild a house, but it's hard to rebuild a home. i wanted to help in any way. >> it started about three weeks ago. 95 fire victims have been matched with 355 donor families. if you would like to help, go to our website. in santa rosa, abc 7 news. >> today governor jerry brown issued a proclamation a day of remembrance to the northern california wildfires. the governor made a pledge of support to the victims when he visited the north bay earlier this month. the proclamation remembers the human toll of the fires. 42 people lost their lives and flags will be flown at half-staff over the state capitol in honor of the victims. >> all four of the major north bay wildfires that began 20 days ago. the @-las fire is 100% contained. nuns tubs and pocket fires are 97% contained with full containment expecte to tuesday. >> a man and woman are accused of looting in the north bay fire zone. santa rosa police arrested shawn and christina after someone saw them take a large flat screen tv out of a burned area of the overlook apartments. the pair led officers on a high speed chase before ditching their truck and trying to run away. they found other stolen items in the pick up. they had no ties to so nome county. >> an emotional day of remembrance for the north bay wildfires. that's in santa rosa with the story. >> a community still fragile and grieving. the fire service and law enforcement. that was lost. >> i didn't know what it feels like to lose a home or a loved one in a fire. they will be dealing with that for a long time. he lost his home and got his family out and grabbed one photo album. >> i opened them up and realized they were empty. we thought we had all the time in the world to put the pictures in the photo albums. >> getting my children out safely was, you know, emotional. >> angelique and her son made a sign to thank first responder who put their lives on the line. >> without them, our be gone. >> c throuldghoutyou t whe cere crowd gave first responders standing ovations. since the fire, the santa rosa community has become one. >> i have never seen a community come together so good. this is true. we are sonoma strong. >> a fire bell was rung 42 times for lives lost. nancy pelosi toured the fire area today. she promises swift federal funds for victims. >> so many people mourn their loss and going to act upon it. >> a resilient community fighting back from tragedy. abc 7 news. >> dozens of homes damaged by february's torrential rain with volunteers. that was at the gold in park where an army of helping hands hammered patched and painted. the group is helping to fix up 36 homes and two nonprofits. residents lost a foundation of the home. >> they're have done a tremendous amount of stuff. a new furnace and all new concrete in front of the house. they are building a deck. we are kind of overwhelmed. >> rebuilding focuses on veterans, seniors and people with disabilities. >> updating a story we brought ow abc 7 news at 4:00, fremont police are searching for this man on the screen who they thought was barricaded in a home for hours with a gun. thomas beltran is wanted for domestic battery and the department using a drone with a canine team to go in the home. beltran was not inside. abc 7 news was in the glen more gardens area. when they thought he was inside. he is accused of beating up his girlfriend this morning. she was treated for injuries at the scene. all streets have reopened and neighbors are back inside their homes tonight. >> much more ahead tonight. game four of the world series, but the focus was off the field on a racist gesture during game three. >> putting a foot forward for fire victim who is may be too scared of seeking help themselves. a gesture by a local soccer team. >> temperatures a lot more like fall. not only tracking cooler air moving in. the next chance of rain. the details for the forecast. >> a reason to smile this halloween for youngst you get a companion ticketes visaevery year.card so why not i mean i always spell your name right. seriously, take me, i can't listen to this playlist any longer. i'm thinking mexico, and i'm a quick packer. ♪ grown right here in california, with absolutely no antibiotics ever. a better way to grow, a better way to eat. and it starts with foster farms simply raised chicken. california grown with no antibiotics ever. tonight the dodgers won game four of the world series, but much of the focus was not on the game. >> instead was in the dugout where an astros player made a racially charged gesture. linda lopez has more. >> there is no excuse or explanation that makes that type of behavior acceptable. >> the houston astros under fire for making this gesture. the cuban-born first baseman after homering off the dodgers pitcher. he used the term in spanish to refer to him. he was born in japan. immediately following the game, he apologized saying he didn't mean to offend him. he issued this statement saying i made an offensive gesture that was indefensible and i apologize everyone who i defended with my actions. they suspended the 33-year-old for games without pay, but starting next season instead of the world series. >> i felt it was unfair to punish the other 24 players on the roster. i wanted the burden of this discipline to fall primarily on the wrong doer. >> a private apology also expected. he will be required to undergo sense stiffity training. he will undergo $325,000 in salary that will be donated to charity. abc news, new york. >> the player's coalition is trying to discuss a meeting over injustice and the league's response houston texans owner have been invited to a meeting on minute. he is the first to kneel or sit and mcnair has been criticized for the about the protest. he said we can't have the inimates running the prison. they want to commit to listen to their grievances. >> san francisco's new soccer club donated ticket sales today to help those affected by the wildfires. the deltas lost the game in front of a sellout crowd. more than 4,000 fans helped family who is lost property and income and will not seek help out of fear of deportation. >> they don't need to be mutually exclusive. god has been nice to me and we are trying to do good things. they have been affected by the fires and don't have access to fema and the other federal support. we thought why not. let's do something nice for them. th team lost, but still qualified for the playoffs. the semi final game is a week from tomorrow >> celebrating hal rene or any holiday takes on extra meaning when you are born needing special care. abc 7 news was at the medical center in san francisco for the annual nicu halloween party. infants to teens dressed up to have holiday fun with games, face painting and most were born prematu prematurely. >> my favorite things is families currently in the intensive care unit come down and see the hope they have to look forward to when they are dealing with a sick infant. >> probably a lot of work. it's good to see who took care of me when i was younger. i don't remember. >> this is the 48th year for the celebration. abc 7 was also at the party. her daughter is with the nurses who cared for her in the nicu. >> so sweet. >> she's adorable. >> talking about halloween and costumes as a kid, you never want to put the jacket on when you go trick or treating. >> some folks will need it. very chilly out there tonight and it will for the folks who are trick or treating. live doppler 7. you can see the gray shading on the screen. satellite fog in and around the bay. the picture is showing you the skyline of san francisco. essentially cut in half by the fog. the marine layer is deepening and that will help to usher in cooler temperatures both tomorrow afternoon and monday. out there right now, dropped to 46 at this hour and 53 in napa. down to 54 in oakland. a lot of 50s on the board. overnight we fall back to the 40s. santa rosa 43 degrees. 51 with foggy skies in san francisco. 52 in san jose and oakland. 50 for the low over the next 12 hours. we will have that morning fog with us and it will be slow on the coast. afternoon sunshine and temperature-wise spot on for this time of year. nice and fall of-like. 66 the high in oakland. foggy in half moon bay. 77 in afternoon sunshine and 80 the high in antioch. up the coast, we have a beach hazard statement and currently as you see anywhere from 9 feet to 11 feet. breakers up to beach tracker temperatures, on monday it's a crisp feeling fall. a lot of spots will struggle to get out of the 60s. temperatures going below normal for this time of year to start out the new week. halloween itself, the temperatures moderate. 60s and 70s the name of the game. for all those trick or treaters, we will have a treat of a forecast. tuesday evening by 5:00, coastal cloud and lots of clouds away from the coast. by 9:00, temperatures not all that bad. 50s and 60s and it will be chilly on midnight with more spots into the 50s. bring back the storm impact. we are tracking rain towards friday night into saturday a week from tonight. showers and downpours likely. breezy at times and it looks like a wealthy widespread half inch of rain. fast forward to friday night. 10:00, that is more likely to see the showers first in the north bay. saturday looks like on and off showers that could linger into sunday. along with the rain, we are tracking snow. future weather in the sierra could see more than a food of snow in the spots. we will keep our eyes on that. the next seven days for the fog to sun on your sunday. monday the crisp fall air is with us. a treat for halloween on tuesday. a little change on thursday, but by friday the clouds increase. saturday on and off showers. good idea. track the rain as it moves in this week. >> looking good. >> i'm going to dress as an anchorman. >> so creative. a marine who lost both accused of obstructing justice to theat the fbinuclear war, and of violating the constitution by taking money from foreign governments and threatening to shut down news organizations that report the truth. if that isn't a case for impeaching and removing a dangerous president, then what has our government become? i'm tom steyer, and like you, i'm a citizen who knows it's up to us to do something. it's why i'm funding this effort to raise our voices together and demand that elected officials take a stand on impeachment. a republican congress once impeached a president for far less. yet today people in congress and his own administration know that this president is a clear and present danger who's mentally unstable and armed with nuclear weapons. and they do nothing. join us and tell your member of congress that they have a moral responsibility to stop doing what's political and start doing what's right. our country depends on it. a marine who lost both legs in combat is running 31 marathons in 31 cities in 31 days. rob jones had the the streets of san francisco number 17 of the 31. he wants to raise a million dollars for wounded veterans charities. in 2010 during a deployment, he stepped on a land mine and had both legs removed above the knees. he competed in the paralympics and rode across country for charity. >> what a remarkable spirit. >> takes a lot of discipline to do that. incredible. >> a lot of college football today. >> cal bears are making it hard on themselves. the dodgers are making his hometown of palo alto out of reach for the the cal bears have two more wins to become bowl eligible. the bears are not going away from home in two years. with 11 games in today's loss. still running like a 20-year-old. first quarter with cal down seven. no. he is going to throw it. the bears tied at 7. 14-7, buffs. looking for more. to shea field. 65 yards, montez for 347 and 21-7, colorado. ross bauers. he goes 27 yards to noah.noah. he had 28 yards. didn't get much better for the bears. the son of the head coach, 34-14 and bauers to the end zone. picked off by nick fisher. he will run it out. are you kidding me? 100 yards. it was more like 109. 44-28, the final. they lost the last 11 on the road against pac 12 teams. the five-game road trip in gets the break away and goes top shelf on the liner. 17 seconds left in the second and down 2-1. the right place at the right time and gets hit and slams it home. tying at two after two. logan gets the puck and time for target practice. he has to shoot and bull's-eye. the eighth goal of the year. the game winner and sharks are 5-5. 3-2 the final. game four of the world series and the dodgers lock it up with pitching and timeless hitting. see ya. astros up 1-0. springer and his teammates are thrilled. top seven. man on and two outs. he ropes it to center. cody bellinger will score. we go top nine. dodgers bust it open with runs including this three-run jack. dodgers go on to win 6-2 and the series is tied at 2-2. >> i like where we are at. this series up to this point, we played four games and there are so many emotional swings and we are dead even. >> there won't be a need to press any buttons or let them know how big these outs are. we have to get to 27 outs. we are going to piece it together. >> for has been a great series. this report is brought to you by river rock casino. looking ahead with the raiders this week in buffalo. don't tell drew penn state lost. >> penn state woman: so, greg, it's a lot to take in. woman 2: and i know that's hard to hear, but the doctors caught it early. hi, blake! my dad has cancer. woman: and i know how hard that is to hear. but you're in the right place. man: and dr. pascal and her team, they know what to do. they know what to do. the doctors know what to do. so here's the plan. first off, we're going to give you all... (voice fading away) first off, we're going to give you all... ♪ ♪ hi! leaving a career to follow a calling takes courage. a personalized financial strategy can give you confidence to take the next step. hi guys! aw yeah! see how access to j.p. morgan investment expertise can help you. chase. make more of what's yours. good evening, everybody. i'm eric thomas. >> i'm dion a woman who works for a third party contractor and worked at staples told a customer she was dressed as a sharpy pen for hallowe halloween. staples apologized to its customers. >> the chp arrested five motorcyclists in the east bay this afternoon. a viewer took this video from downtown hayward as 200 bikers sped through oakland and the san mateo bridge and castro valley refusing to pull over for officers. >> a houston astros player will serve a five-game suspension for making an offensive gesture. he pulled at his eyes after hitting ae run off of the pitcher. the suspension will be at the beginning of the next season because he didn't want to punch the entire astros team. >> the first arrests in the russia collusion investigation involving the president could come on monday. >> reports said federal investigators have filed the first charges. abc news reporter gloria rivera has reaction. >> president trump at his golf club in virginia. even headlines swirl of potential charges in the investigation into russia. >> when the special prosecutors start going, it's unsettling for white houses. >> the president has yet to react about the first charges in robert mueller's investigation. meller's team in recent days sought charges against at least one unidentified target with an indictment announcement and arrest possibly coming as early as monday, sources say. the spokesman for the office declined to comment. so far no reports of what the charges may be. the indictments are still sealed under shoulds from a federal judge. >> attorneys were at the federal courthouse in d.c. on friday. >> trump dismissed it as a political distraction and denied solution with the russian government. >> it was an excuse for the democrats losing the election and turns out to be just one excuse. >> the white house echoing that message. >> our position has not changed since day one. >> mueller was appointed special counsel in may focusing on the interference in the presidential election and possible collusion. he has been investigating the dealings of a number of key trump associates including former campaign manager paul manafort and michael flynn. sources close to manafort said they have been given no indication that charges are immine imminent. >> the investigation is sweeping, complicated and those who are being investigated are in jeopardy. >> abc news, washington. >> white nationalists marched in two u.s. cities drawing large counter protests. organizers wanted to stop what they called white genocide. brad milke has details. >> dueling rallies in tennessee. demonstrations by white nationalists confronted by counter protesters in two cities near nashville. >> i rate racist people. we don't need it in our town. >> the white nationalists waving confederate flags and the counter protesters chanting back -- >> racists repent! >> they don't belong to facists and white supremacists or neonazis. they should be ashamed to go out in public. >> the two groups separated by barriers and the police standing at the ready. a similar scene in the nearby city. police separating nationalists from a larger group of cowner protesters. >> i'm proud to be white. i believe in white pride and our nation. >> it's ridiculous how much people are hated. >> some people tried to bridge the divide, but neither side willing to give ground. abc news, new york. >> a man who went hiking by himself is recovering after spending five days lost in the woods. he went into the wild wood recreation area unprepared last weekend and ended up going off the main trail when a storm was going in. he fell, got disoriented and lost his backpack. he went into survival mode finding a way to get noticed. he i wanted to go on a trail w i knew it was going to be a hiker or helicopter that can see me. >> he said he knew people were searching for him and that's what kept him going. finally on thursday, friends tracked him down and called paramedics so he could get to the hospital and get medical attention he needed. >> a group of children in ohio learned a well thought out organized protest can pay off. >> more candy and more fun. they marched to city hall with a petition signed by 200 kids asking the mayor to extend trick or treating hours by 30 minutes from 6 to 8:30 p.m. >> allowing us the opportunity to receive more candy. >> having more time to spend and visit with family and friends. >> having more time to be in our halloween costume. >> enjoy the scary holiday longer. >> make a good point. the kids were able to convince the mayor and he granted their wish to extend their trick or treating hours. >> one of steve jobs's sought after possessions is going on the chopping block and there is not a single apple connection. >> jobs owned this car and they recommended it to jobs saying it matches his taste. picture this. the z 8 packed with original features like a bmw brand motorola phones that jobs was known to dislike. that should sell for around 300,000 to $400,000. >> picture if you will, a bmw. who said you can't follow your dreams? >> you are my hero. >> the emotional question by a little boy that got one big reaction from a crowd of thousands. >> and finally feeling more like autumn out there this afternoon and cooler air moves >>. >> in the central valley, an 8ier old with cerebral palsy received an amazingly sweet gift for halloween. that is a squeal of joy from jane white as she was given a wheelchair inspired by wreck it ralph. it was designed to look like the character that was built by magic wheelchair that builds costumes like this for kids in while chairs. the high school designed the chair and her mother said the gift means so much for the family.overwhelming. she had cancer twice and palzy and all of it. it was exciting to see something good come of it. >> jane's mother said they plan to go trick or treating in the magical wheelchair. >> a british 9-year-old is offering a reminder to everyone to follow your dreams and don't let anyone tell you no. >> hello. my name is isaac and i am 9 years old. my teacher wants us to think of a challenge and how to overcome it. i put my challenge is to become an astronaut and i was overcome by working really hard and being accepted into the nasa space program. my teacher was not happy with this. she said we were supposed to pick something realistic. well, you were once a 9-year-old boy. my question is, when the people around you tell you something is impossible and during the time they were right, how did you stay motivated and never give up on your dream to become an astronaut. you are my hero. >> thank you, isaac! >> applause. little isaac blue away the audience at a question and answer session with this astronaut. he said his teacher told him that wouldn't be realistic. he answered by saying this while plans may change along the way, reaching goals requires self confidence in your own abilities. >> a lot of successful people were told you will never be that and they were. >> the underdog story. >> it will get cooler out there. i said colder. colder and cooler. >> i want to be a professional wrestler. >> you can still do it. >> i'm past the time. >> anything. >> it's going to get chilly. fog along the coast moving in and around the bay. 51 overnight and 52 in san jose. 48 that low in fairfield. morning fog and afternoon sunshine and tomorrow is a little bit cooler. 61 in san francisco. the seven-day forecast shows you a quick look at halloween on tuesday. nice weather for trick or treaters. >> encourage him to follow his other dream. >> they will twist you like a pretzel. >> what did you want to do? >> i wanted to be a meteorologist. >> funny. >> he does a good job at pointing to the ocean. >> two big upsets including the fighting in penn state. ever wonder what it's like to take a hit at the college level? they took i >> san jose state wasn't buy's break hosted by byu. looking for the first win since week two. they throw it out to micah simon. the 23 yard touchdown and it's brigham young. rasheed johnson catches it. after that hit from braden, helmet to shoulder. no ejection. johnson would not return. he also fumbled. the second quarter, 112 yards rushing. 75 yards score with a 41-20 loss. a rough year for spartan. number two penn state. the opening kickoff and see you later. 97 yards to the house and state led 21-3 and urban stunned. the ohio state finds johnny dixon wide open. they keep coming. for the lead, 1:48 to go. 328 yards and the new heisman leader. the final chance at fourth and 15. the quarterback is pressured and has to throw it away. incomplete. the buckeyes storm the field as they win it 39-38, the final. number 25, ohio state hosting fourth ranked tcu. 17 yards to matthew eaton. iowa state. the second quarter, 14 yards to butler. makes the grab and gets it inbounds. tcu down, iowa state fans rushed the field as they pull off the upset for the final. a big battle in junior college ranks. he gets pe rennial power 7-6, san mateo. he ran for 179. 13-7, rams. 13 seconds left in the half. 20-14, ccsf at the half. johnson with 30 yard strike and 199 yards. san mateo goes up in the fog. put them up for good and it will fumble for the touchdown. san ma reteo gets the final. >> i executed and gets the line and my teammates make the job easy. they allowed me to throw. i love my teammates and i love the coaches. we all came out here and played for each other. >> as you can see, marshawn lynch had fun at his alma mater. you are not allowed to have pro football players practice with high school kids. he had free time because he is suspended in buffalo. the bills drafted him in 2007 and he had off field issues there before moving on to flourish in seattle. other raiders will need to step up. >> we love him in the building. to miss the game, it's hard and they said it's the next man up. >> that's into a step up for his teammates. that sucks how fast everything happened. i wish someone can keep him on the sideline. have to deal with it. >> the sports report is brought to you by river rock casino. drew's other favorite team, maybe they can win. supposed to be 100% chance of rain. >> raining for that game. >> for the 49ers. thanks a lot. >> that's it for tonight. >> abc 7 news continues tomorrow morning at 5:00 a.m. i'm eric thomas, see you later. accused of obstructing justice to theat the fbinuclear war, and of violating the constitution by taking money from foreign governments and threatening to shut down news organizations that report the truth. if that isn't a case for impeaching and removing a dangerous president, then what has our government become? i'm tom steyer, and like you, i'm a citizen who knows it's up to us to do something. it's why i'm funding this effort to raise our voices together and demand that elected officials take a stand on impeachment. a republican congress once impeached a president for far less. yet today people in congress and his own administration know that this president is a clear and present danger who's mentally unstable and armed with nuclear weapons. and they do nothing. join us and tell your member of congress that they have a moral responsibility to stop doing what's political and start doing what's right. our country depends on it. previously on scandal... no one's even thinking about jenny. her killer could be anyone. jake: olivia pope, jennifer fields. you are going to kill francisco vargas when he takes the stage tomorrow night. sandra, all of this is over now. i got you. you put a gun to the head of the woman i love, and i belong to you?! you're wondering whether you actually have a choice. wherever your daughter goes, we have eyes on her. you have a second chance survival of the fittest, olivia.

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