Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 500AM 20170904 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 500AM 20170904

right now outside. >> good morning. it's a spare the air day today. i know not many of you are commuting into work, but a good day to carpool or use mass transit because of the terrible air quality. going to take you back to the only issue we had, northbound 101 under university. we had a crash on the overpass on university, and someone h the guardrail. a little concrete fell on the main line of northbound 101. that has been cleared. all lanes are open and the structural integrity of the overpass is fine. nothing to be concerned about. we have really light drive times today. i'll show you some of those in a few. >> thanks. well, it's the decision dreamers have been dreading. president trump is expected to announce he's ending a program that protects undocumented immigrants who were brought here as children from deportation. the program is daca, which stands for deferred action for childhood arrivals. the decision to end daca means so-called dreamers would no longer be allowed to work legally and in certain states apply for a driver's license. a san jose resident tells us she feels like her life is crumbling. >> so many people depend on this. my parents depend on me, depend on my income. my children depend on me. and for him to terminate daca, he has no idea what he's doing. >> santa clara county supervisor says he's ready to fight to protect the 24,000 dreamers ipher county. president trump's official decision will likely come tomorrow. >> on to developing news out of houston where flooding after harvey leads to more problems for the city. sewage and chemicals in the water pose a danger to people's city. houston has a history of sewer overflows after big storms and it faces an unprecedented challenge. there are 40 waste water treatment plants across the city. >> the bay area is hurtin more victims of harvey. >> a few doesn't pets are here looking for homes. amy hollyfield joins us with more. >> good morning. they got here last night. we have video of their arrival and their first moments here in the bay area. these animals were in the shelters already. when the storm hit. they now need room in the shelters in houston for the pets who were separated from their owners during the storm. they want to keep those animals local with the hopes that they will be reunited with their human family. so they needed to clear out these guys. and the bay area said we will take them. >> actually bringing in about 70 animals, 50 dogs and 20 cats, and we'll be taking some of them here at the san francisco spca and others are going to our partner muttville senior dog rescue and the milo foundation and mad dog rescue. they're helping in the effort as well. >> these little guys will be available for adoption probably by the end of this week. that's what they're predicting. they say they'll be featured on the san francisco spca website once they're ready for adoption. amy hollyfield, abc7 news. >> all right, thank you, amy. this morning, china criticizing president trump's threat to cut off trade with countries that deal with north korea. >> this comes after north korea's most powerful nuclear test. it was seen as a threat to china. china says the president's threat is unacceptable and unfair. north korean state television reported the test is a hydrogen bomb that could be mounted on an intercontinental ballistic missile. >> we're getting a rare look at technology weapons and people ready to save american lives if a missile reached the u.s. this was america's final shield. it's the last and only protection against an incoming north korean nuclear missile. it's housed deep underground in the heart of alaskan wilderness. there are 38 ground based missile interceptors. the interceptor kills the incoming nuclear weapon outside of the earth's atmosphere. >> the alarms would go off, what you would see is those white shells that you see behind us would separate extremely quickly and then immediately you would see a flash of flame as that gbi would leave the tube at a really incredible rate of speed. >> an alaskans senator believes these interceptors are america's best shot as a last defense despite a 60% success rate. as you pass the to january, president obama offered advice in a letter. president obama wrote president trump the office is unique, that a clear blueprint for success. one part of the letter is notable regarding foreign relations and reads in part, american leadership in this world really is indispensable. it's up to us is sustain the international order that's expanded steadily since the end of the cold war. >> breaking news from the royals this morning. another royal baby. kensington palace says prince william and his wife expecting their third child, and as you likely know, william and kate already have two kids. prince george and princess charlotte. the queen said this morning that she is delighted by the news. officials say princess kate is experiencing severe morning sickness, though, so she will have to cancel some events today. matt. >> thank you, jessica. >> arson investigators are looking for clues following a suspishing fire at a school in san jose. abc7 was at anderson elementary school following yesterday afternoon's fire. flames damaged a snack bar and a storage shed used by the santa teresa little league. >> drivers on highway 37 may need to pay a toll up to $7 in the future. the marin ij reports a consulant hire to study the finance recommended the toll to expedite the project. time is of the essence. highway 37 is at risk of going under water. sea levels are expected to rise six feet by the end of the century. >> let's take a look at the golden gate bridge. always look here first to see what the flag is doing. and also to see if there's any fog or at least some clouds. and really not much of either going on right now. the flag is not unfurled. you can see right here on the right side of your screen, it's just kind of limp. and you can see there's no cloud cover out there right now. what we do have is haze because of all the smoke in the air. you can taste it this morning, smell it. i stupidly drove in with the sun roof open even though i could smell it. should have turned the air conditioner on and filtered the air out because just about every single neighborhood has unhealthy air right now. let's take a look at what's going on in santa cruz. heading down to the boardwalk. watch out at the beaches. it's going to become breezy just like around the bay. north of the bay bridge, small craft advisory kicks in this afternoon. that's going to be good if you want to do sailing, some kite surfing. rough if you're going to try kayaking or something. if you're going to be outside, like going to the pool like this young lady, watch out. the air quality is pretty poor just about all day. here's a look at our temperatures around the state today. 98 in fresno. 95 in sacramento. 86 in tahoe, and 92 in yosemite. both of those areas have a chance of a thunderstorm today and they're just as smoky as we are. l.a. will be 86 and partly sunny. here's a look at the next three days. each and every neighborhood, temperatures drop. no more 100s as of today. almost no 90s by tomorrow. definitely no 90s by wednesday. i'll let you know if this continues in the accuweather seven-day forecast coming up next. here's alexis. >> things are looking great on the roads. here's a live look outside at the south bay, 280 and 17. one vehicle heading northbound, make that two, and a couple headed southbound as well. that gives you an idea of how light it is. the labor day holiday, so not too many folks heading in to work today. southbound 680, you're wide open there, seven minutes. westbound 24, walnut creek to highway 13, another ten. this is really our gauge for how light it is out there today, westbound 580, tracy to dublin, well under 30 minutes, just 26, so you're wide open in the green. quickly want to mention mass transit. san francisco bay ferry on a weekend schedule. no harbor bay or south san francisco ferry service today. capital corridor on redoersed service. and a sunday schedule for muni all day. next traffic update at 5:20. thanks. >> a lobbyist shares his story after that midsummer shooting at a virginia ballpark. what he's saying about the shooting that targeted republicans. >> a story to bring any giants fan to tears, happy tears, that is. the way the team stepped up to surprise a boy who really needed a boost. >> we want you to have a better day. here's a feature you'll only see here's a feature you'll only see on abc7. several western states. >> marcie gonzalez shows us the destruction. >> a state of emergency in california. dozens of wildfires burning across the state, including the largest ever recorded in the city of los angeles. scorching nearly 6,000 acres of the iconic hills surrounding the country's second largest city. >> this is the biggest fire in 50 years. this is an island of vegetation that hadn't burned in 45, some cases 80 years. >> a wall of smoke towering above l.a. neighborhoods. >> once we get the fire out, you have mudslides. >> the inferno shutting down a major freeway, destroying at least three homes and forcing 700 people to evacuate. this morning, progress in the firefight. evacuation orders lifted. but throughout the west, more wildfires are burning across seven other states. and we'll have live coverage from california coming up at 7:00 a.m. with your "gma" first look, marcie gonzalez, abc news, burbank. >> now to an abc news exclusive interview. for the first time, we're hearing from a survivor of a shooter who targeted republican lawmakers in june. he was shot. now he's opening up about the terrifying moments on this virginia baseball field. >> i could see his eyes and the gun but that was it. after that, i was like, i gotta >> two clipped pieces. this is the first place he shot thou. the incident took six minutes, according to the police reports. >> how long did it feel? >> 30, 40 minutes, time stopped. just stopped. >> officers shot and killed the gunman, james hodgkinson shortly after he opened fire on the practice. coming up on "good morning america" at 7:00, mika talks about how the security team there risked their own lives to protect him. >> 5:14 now. german weapons experts defused a monster world war ii era bomb buried beneath the streets in frankfu frankfurt. people had to be evacuated from the area yesterday. the bomb believed to have been dropped by the british air forces, an air mine found buried at a construction site. experts say if the bomb went off, it could have flattened an entire street. >> you're about to meet a special young man. his name is shea, and he happens to be a huge giants fan. shea is 12 years old and lives in hawaii. he has cerebral palsy, but he loves baseball so much, nothing can slow him down. disability weakened the right side of his body, so he learned to throw left-handed. he also loves the giants. when larry beil told them about shea, they sent him a box full of giants gears and his reaction was priceless. was priceless. >> wow, buster posey. >> what? >> oh, my gosh. >> am i allowed to post this on instagram? >> absolutely. >> this is guaranteed going on >> this is guaranteed going on my instagram page. i don't know how this is even real. i feel like this is more of a dream. >> that's so cool. he had a will clark hat. i mean, that's a real giants fan when you start going back, remembering the past players. that's really cool. >> chills. >> getting a little dusky in the studio, huh, mike? >> is that why the tears are coming out? >> so much tus. >> air quality is not great. >> the air quality, the dust, you name it. absolutely. congratulations to him. that is great. they do so many great things. you can see it on twitter all the time, what they're doing. it's just great. even though they're not having the best season, they're still good people. that's what matters. here's a look at walnut creek, you can see how hazy it is. dirty air today. a simple way to put it, and a chance of storms. mainly cloudy, above average. because of the cloud cover, it's going to hold the heat in one more day, just like we're feeling this morning. a slow cooling trend all the way through my accuweather seven-day forecast. we're watching this moisture from what's left of lydia. right now, we're very dry between 3,000 and 8,000 feet. that's keeping us from seeing some of this reach the ground. as the day goes on, that kind of shrinks and there's a possibility that some of this may make it to the ground. this looks a lot more impressive than anything that will make it to the ground. i don't think we'll see a repeat of what happened but there's still the possibility of a shower and even a thunderstorm. so if you hear it or if you see it, remember the 30/30 rule. you have to wait 30 minutes after the last bolt of lightning or thunder to go back outside. 85 to 87 down in the south bay. a few 90s around morgan hill and gilroy. head up the coast, we have -- i should say the peninsula, 81 in millbrae to 86 in redwood city. low 70s along the coast today. to mid sxuper 70s in downtown and south san francisco. 85 in sonoma. 86 in santa rosa. some 90s around cloverdale and lakeport. along the east bay shore, 84 in fremont. oakland, 82. hercules, 83. inland, 90 to 93 degrees. quick look at what's going to happen tonight. temperatures in the 60s. getting closer to where we should be. a few 70s in san jose and antioch. wednesday, we see the temperatures drop a little below average for thursday, friday, and saturday. >> we will take that, mike. and i'm guessing if you do have to work today, you're okay with a really smooth commute. we have one vehicle coming through the bay bridge toll plaza right now. no metering lights. i have a feeling we're going to stay like this all morning. we don't have anyone heading into work or school. >> why are you here? >> why am i here? that's a great question. i don't have the answer to that, but i am here. if we have issued pop up, i'll let you know. just a minor, minor problem here in the tracy area. eastbound 205 past mountain house parkway, a collision off on the shoulder. that's the countercommute direction, anyway, and just a quick reminder, we have the b.a.r.t. track work going on all through the rest of the day today. lake merritt station is closed. free bus bridges in place that could add 20 to 40 minutes to your trip today. happening today, some of california's best cyclists will spend the day laboring around the streets of san francisco. the 43rd annual under way in just a few hours. it will partially close a few streets around levi's plaza, the embarcadero in front of abc7. hundreds of cyclists of all ages are taking part. the first race takes part at 8:00, and the final race will pedal off at 3:00. >> check out this interesting sight in san ramon. the police department posted these videos of runaway cows. they called it a slow moo-ving pursu pursuit. >> coming up next, the seven things you need to know as you start your day. >> plus, the big screen comes to life with america's favorite pastime. the special reunion decades in the making. >> and helping the four-legged friends devastated by harvey. how shelters in the bay area are lending a hand. >> mike and alexis are helping >> mike and alexis are helping make this a better copdso to breathe better,athe. i go with anoro. ♪go your own way copd tries to say, "go this way." i say, "i'll go my own way" with anoro. ♪go your own way once-daily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators, that work together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. anoro is not for asthma . it contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. the risk is unknown in copd. anoro won't replace rescue inhalers r sudden symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, 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adoption. >> number four, firefighters are gaining control over a wildfire in l.a. county. this morning, some evacuees are allowed to return home. this fire is the larmist fire in the county's history. >> number five, it's been, well, a weekend of firsts. it continues. this is something i haven't seen in more than a decade. every single neighborhood in the bay area has poor air quality. unhealthy air for everybody right now. and it's not ozone, as you would expect in the summer. it's fine particulate matter from all the fires. >> number six, i think there's about ten people heading to work today, and that includes the five of us in the studio here. we're wide open. here's westbound 92 across the san mateo bridge. a couple minutes under average. hayward to foster city, in the green, just 20 minutes. >> we certainly are at work, huh? number seven, breaking news from the live desk. the royal family expecting baby number three. and as you probably know, prince william and princess kate already have two kids. prince george and princess charlotte. the queen said this morning she's delighted. berkeley was a melting pot of diverse brazilian culture over the weekend during a celebration of brazil's independence day. >> abc7 news was in berkeley yesterday on san pablo near university avenue. brazil's independence day is officially thursday, but of course, it's never too early to celebrate. there were lots of samba dancing, great food, and even a recreation of the cleansing ceremony that washes out the old and brings in the new. >> very nice. > this weekend, the box office did much better than analysts thought it would. it is on track to be the worst labor day weekend since 1998 instead of 1992. as predicted. this summer hollywood studios will make $3.8 billion. that's the lowest summer total inplore than a decade. the hitman bodyguard came in first with just under $10 million. a bright spot, summer horror movies annabelle creation came in second, it's now the top grossing horror movie of the year, and steven king's "it" expected to give the box office a jolt. why are all the movies so bad right now? >> people say all around the weekend it was a bad weeken but everywhere in san francisco, it was a busy weekend. >> thousands of people celebrated the real life field of dreams in iowa yesterday. >> the annual event at the field of dreams brings the community together to meet some celebrities. charlie sheen, corbin bernsen, and tom bearinger from the movie major league reunited after 30 years. a different baseball movie. that's pretty funny. kun couple drove from long island and they say it's something they'll never forget. >> this bucket list, and we love the movie. we dream it. we feel it. we are inspired by it, so this is a dream come true for us. >> he has nothing to say about it. i bet his wife is ready to talk. that's great. >> baseball fans were treated to a screening of "field of dreams" plus a celebrity softball game. >> pretty cool. >> coming back with another full 90 minutes of news, including while the bay area deals with heat, one socalspot is dealing with this weather. with this weather. >> and we'll leave weath ♪ ♪ hi! leaving a career to follow a calling takes courage. a personalized financial strategy can give you confidence to take the next step. hi guys! aw yeah! see how access to j.p. morgan investment expertise can help you. chase. make more of what's yours. good morning. and thanks for joining us on this monday, labor day, september 4th. reggie is off. i'm matt keller, filling in. >> how is it going. i'm natasha. jessica is here, alexis smith here, mike nicco here, and he's hopefully bringing us the cooldown after the heat wave. >> a little bit. hard to notice today because there's going to be other things that are going tewfect you like poor air quality, all bay area neighborhoods have unhealthy air. plus, a little humid by our standards. you can see how hazy it is out there. look at the visibility, four to five miles. maybe six in some neighborhoods. that's all due to that smoke that's out there. it's not due to anything other than that, because look at that. on the exploratorium, it looks clear right now. the marine layer has not returned. but it will. after today. 12-hour day planner, 61 to 72. another mild morning. upper 60s all the rest of the day. noon, 4:00, and 7:00 at the coast. around 80 for the bay, and upper 80s to low 90s at noon and 4:00 inland and then dropping down to about 82 at 7:00. notice i didn't mention any 100s or record high temperatures for today. hopefully that makes you feel better. here's alexis. i'm sure she has great news for you. >> nothing but good news today. here's a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza. no metering lights. i'm willing to bet we will not have any metering lights flipped on for the entire morning. that's of course due to the labor day holiday. not many folks heading into work or school today. westbound 580, tracy to castro valley. just 36 minutes. that's wide open. northbound 101, to the san jose airport in the green at 11. and northbound 280, you also look great in the green at just ten minutes. >> thanks. the president appears ready to terminate daca, which means 800,000 dreamers may be forced to leave the u.s. >> tiffany wilson is live in san jose with the local impact. tiffany. >> reporter: good morning, matt and natasha. santa clara county supervisor dave cortezy says about 24,000 dreamers live in this county alone. since 2012, those dreamers or young undocumented immigrants who came to the united states as children, have been protected from deportation. they can work legally and in some states get a driver's license. president trump is expected to rescind their protected status with an announcement tomorrow. sources say mr. trump wants to end the obama-era program in six months. abc7 news spoke to a woman with daca status who holds a masters degree from san jose state. she says her family relies on her ability to work if mr. trump ends daca which stands for deferred action for childhood arrivals, she says hr life would crumble. >> i went to school all these years to work in the field that i love. to help families. and now i'm the one who needs the rescuing. >> apple ceo tim cook tweeted that 250 dreamers work at apple. cook says he is standing with the dreamers. live in san jose, tiffany wilson, abc7 news. >> thanks, tiffany. happening today, hundreds of oakland workers will march in support of higher wages on this nationpen wide labor day strike. they plan to rally at 9:00 this morning at the mcdonald's on jackson street and march through downtown oakland. workers are demanding to be paid $15 an hour. the wage will gradually increase to $15 by the year 2022. >> well, it is 5:31. this morning, the u.n. security council will hold an emergency meeting to discuss international response to north korea's latest nuclear test. the test is a hydrogen bomb that could be mounted on a missile. it was a, quote, perfect success. when asked if the u.s. will attack north korea, president trump responded with, we'll see. james mattis was more direct in what could be in store for north korea amid rising tensions. >> any threat to the united states or its territories including guam or our allies will be met with a massive military response. a response both effective and overwhelming. >> steve mnuchin says north korea needs to be cut off economically. this morning, the brick countries are meeting for a summit in china. that stands for brazil, russia, india, china, and south africa. putting too much pressure on north korea is, quote, a dead end road. russia said the u.s. and north korea should toik talking. the u.s. and south korea are exploring military options. >> tracking developing news out of texas. governor greg abbott said harvey's storm damage could reach up to $180 billion. this week, congress is expected to approve nearly $8 billion in federal aid to help storm victims but it may need to raise the debt ceiling to do it. many disaster sto eer zones are under water. >> to see the level of commercial activity, the level of people traveling around and what was going on, the number of people who were working to rebuild texas is mending quickly -- texas and houston are mending quickly. >> harvey is blamed for at least 44 deaths. thousands of people remain in shelters. >> dozens of pets arrived in san francisco from texas hoping to find new homes following hurricane harvey. you're looking at video provided by the san francisco spca showing some of the 70 animals moments after they arrived in the bay area aboard a private plane yesterday. several groups are working to match the pets with new homes. they'll likely go up for adoption later this week. >> you probably heard about the owner of a furniture retail chain who opened his doors to harvey victims. mattress mack turned two showrooms into evacuation shelters. now, they're petitioning to designate august 26th at mattress mack day in houston. here's a look alt the petition on, organizers less than 5,000 signaturesa way from their goal of 200,000 signatures. the bay area is looking forward to cooler temperatures after this weekend's record-setting heat wave. >> yesterday, petaluma firefighters had to break a car window to save a child who locked herself inside of the car. she's expected to be okay. people flocked to swimming pools in concord where it hit 106 degrees. a group of 10-year-old girls say ice cream and movies are the solution. >> i have stayed at home and watched movies in the ac. >> if i could just have a fruit gatorade popsicle, that would be great. >> she says a fruit gatorade popsicle. she's adorable. fire officials do have a warning for people firing up the grill on this labor day. be careful. the risk of combustion does increase with high temperatures. >> bay area residents found many ways to beat the heat. we were in menlo park when people lined up waiting for the public library to open yesterday. it was also a cooling center. across town, menlo park stanford park hotel told us 60% of this weekend's guests are locals. they came craving air conditioning and coveting access to the hotel's pool. >> no one in sausalito has air conditioning because we just open our windows and the fog rolls in, so we just weren't used to it. >> in redwood city, chi acres found a way to get in exercise while trying to catch a breeze or two on the bay. >> all right, let's talk about what's going on temperature wise, when you step out, just about all neighborhoods cooler. up to 8 degrees cooler. where does that put us? we'll start in the inland east bay neighborhoods. still warm enough to run the air conditioners. you may want to any to clean the air since there's so much smoke. pleasant hill at 69, and blackhawk at 69. everybody else around 70 to 74 degrease. get up into the hills, 82 in mt. diablo. there's still some heat out there lurking. just not going to be as aprosive as it was over the weekend. pacifica, 66. same in vallejo. 64 in santa rosa. novato, one of the cooler spots. look at these 70s around hayward and then mountain view at 72. 75 in san jose and los gatos. here's a look at the san mateo bridge. looks pretty quiet. for those of you commuting on the roads, might want to use the ac to filter the air. mild to hot from san francisco to our inland neighborhoods. and on the bay, smoke and i probably need to change that from good. it looks like the breezes are going to pick up this afternoon north of the bay bridge. keep that in mind. here's a look at our temperatures. 70s along the coast. san francisco, sausalito. 80s around the bay and to the south bay and north bay. and 90s, no more 100s, just too cloudy today. plus, the hottest part of the air mass is moving away from us. clouds hang around tomorrow. air mass cools a little bit. 60s along the coast. 70s and mainly 80s for the rest of us, and the then marine layer comes back wednesday. 60s, 70s, and even cooler 80s. and we got even cooler weather than that in the accuweather seven-day forecast. here's alexis. >> that sounds great, mike. looking forward to the cooldown, and looking forward to a smooth ommute if you're just about to grab the keys and head out the door this morning. here's a live look at golden gate bridge. southbound 101, extremely light. don't forget the parking lots for your personal vehicles on the north and south end of the bridge will remain closed today during peak hours. you know the drill on weekends here. that's just to avoid the backup on the main lines of 101. quick check of mass transit. a lot of agencies with some different schedules due to the labor day holiday. no ace rail service today. they're officially closed. caltrain offering reduced sufrbs on a sunday schedule, and golden gate ferries will operate on a holiday schedule. there will be nor tiburon ferry today. b.a.r.t. is operating on a sunday schedule, and the lake merritt b.a.r.t. station remains closed for maintenance and repair work. here's a look at what the guys are working on. they're rebuilding the tracks and installing other equipment. that means no trains running between 19th street and fruitvale stations or west oakland and fruitvale. and b.a.r.t. says this could lead to a 20 to 40-minute delay, especially if you're trying to get to the oakland airport today. keep that in mind. >> thanks. california dealing with a ton of wildfires right now, but this massive new addition is providing immediate help. >> and crazy weather caught on camera here in california. the quick-hitting storm that send dozens into the water. >> this is a better day for you. thanks for waking up with us on thanks for waking up with us on this music fans everywhere mourning the death of walter becker. bassest, guitarist and cofounder of steely dan. his official website announced his death yesterday, did not provide any details though. he met donald fagan in college and they founded the group in '72. they were inducted into the rock and holfall of fame in 2001. he was 67 years old. >> crews are still trying to contain a fire that broke out in gilroy. cell phone video shows the flames just after 7:15 last night. fire has burned at least 40 acres so far. no injuries have been reported. fire officials do not have an estimated time of containment. >> this just in. will you look at this impressive new video that just came in of a huge wildfire burning in the seattle area. it's called the jolly mountain fire, and it's just massive. it is forcing at least evacuations. it doubled in size over the weekend and is nowhere near containment. this is the largest fire burning on the west coast. the are more than 600 firefighters on the ground. 80 engines and 15 aircraft fighting it. firefighters are making progress in the largest fire in l.a. county's history. the evacuees are allowed to return to their neighborhoods. the los angeles fire department says lutuna fire was 30% contained as of 8:00 last night. it's burned more than 7,000 acres and destroyed three buildings. cooler temperatures today should help in the fight. >> firefighters in northern california are getting a big boost from a big plane. the world's newest and largest air tanker. the global supertanker is currently parked at mcclellan field. it was formarily a commercial 747 airliner. it can hold nearly twice as much water as other tankers. >> you can take 18,000 gallons out to the fire and get it out to the fire where it may take six trips to do that. >> 18,000 gallons. this giant tackled its first mission in the u.s. last week, helping with a 3500 acre ponderosa fire nire oroville. calfire says it's another great resource to call on to put out the flames. smoke from the martinez refinery had neighbors worried. flaring at the refinery generated the smoke yesterday. a spokesperson said the flaring started after 11:45 and it was over by noon. no shelter in place was ordered and firefighters were not called to the scene. the refinery says the flairs burn off excessive hydrocarbons. >> a man died after running into the fire in one of the signature moments of burning man. video shows saturday night's burning of a massive effigy. witnesses say aaron mitchell broke through two lines of skiert guards to reach the inferno. the 41-year-old dies after being flown to a burn center in sacramento. festival organizers offered emotional support counselling to those affected by the tragedy. what a crazy sight here in santa barbara. a quick hitting storm called a microburst rolled through the city around 3:00 yesterday afternoon. flooded roads, sent umbrellas flying and overturned boats. 56 people were tossed into the water. thankfully, no reports of any injuries. >> crazy video. let's get over to mike nicco for a check of what it's looking like here at home. >> that same storm is coming our way. will it have the same effects? i don't think so. what it is doing, you can see behind me, look at all the cloud cover. we're bone dry from about 3,000 feet to 8,000 feet. so anything you see on the radar there, which is mainly over the ocean, is going to evaporate before it reaches the ground. you can see on our high resolution future forecast model here that there will be some storms popping up. i just don't think they'll be quite as intense as what they're showing withiole yellows and ors moving from modesto to the east bay and falling apart because there's too much dry air underneath them. something we definitely have in the forecast as far as there's the potential for a thunderstorm. and that means there's some lightning. fire danger could go up. partly sunny, milder. poor air and humid today. a slow cooler trend the rest of this week. let's take a look at our temperatures. we'll start in the south bay. 87 in san jose and los gatos. 81 in millbrae to 86 in redwood city. on the peninsula today, we've got low 70s along the coast. until you get to daly city and sunset and into downtown, some mid 70s there. upper 70s in south san francisco and sausalito. mid 70s across the north bay beaches. look at that, mid to upper 80 through the valleys. even 90s around calistoga, cloverdale, and lakeport. and then we've got 80 to about 86 degrees along the east bay shore. and still going to be hot inland. still need the air conditioners here. low to mid 90s. let's see if we sleep any better tonight. we'll be a little cooler once again. temperatures in the mid to upper 60s in most neighborhoods. some 70s in the south bay. and inland east bay. let's check out the cooler trend. i did say it was slow. you could see tuesday, a couple degrees cooler. think we may see a bigger drop, especially along the coast and bay wednesday as the marine layer and the marine layer clouds will return. they'll push inland thursday, friday, and saturday. you can see our coolest days. then a little bit of a rebound sunday. today is probably the worst day going forward because it is hazy. it is hot. and it is a little humid outside. but it's definitely nothing like what we dealt with over the weekend. >> thank goodness. our houses can finally cool dn a little bit. >> yes. somebody tweeted, yeah, now it's cooler outside than it is inside our houses. >> i know. yeah, it's brutal. hopefully some relief on the way for you. if you have to work, all kinds of relief on the roads. it's looking great. green all the way around on our traveling conditions. of course, later on this afternoon into this evening, we could see a lot of folks returning after maybe a little labor day weekend getaway. keep that in mind. it could be extra busy this afternoon. right now, boy, just looking add some extremely decent drive times and some really quick speeds here, too. westbound 205 to 580, 61 miles per hour. 58 miles per hour approaching altamont pass. that's just unheard of for that stretch of roadway. and a quick check of the bay bridge camera as well. you can see the smoke and haze under the street lamps. again, really poor air quality. it is a spare the air day. even though there aren't many folks on the roads, if you can carpool or use mass transit, that's the way to go. westbound 580, highway 4 to the maze, 18 minutes. just about eight across the bay bridge, and southbound 101, that looks great at nine minutes. a lot of changes for mass transit today with the holiday. i'll talk more about that next. >> all right, thanks, alexis. >> next at 6:00, a rare look at the last line of defense if a missile was fired at the u.s. >> a crash caught on camera. the reason this suv went barreling through a laundromat. >> a better day starts here. >> a better day starts here. here's ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ wow! nice outfit. when i grow up, i'm going to mars. we're working on that. some people know how far they want to go. a personalized financial strategy can help you get them there. see how access to j.p. morgan investment expertise can help you. chase. make more of what's yours. the city of berkeley will consider legalizing letting women go topless in public. they say public nudity discriminates against women because there aren't the same restrictions on men. city council will take up the issue during next tuesday's meeting. if passed, the change could go into effect as soon as next month. a major renovation is under way at a south bay park. a grand new entrance will greetd visitors at castle state park. this is what the new entrance will look like when the project is complete next may. our media partner reports construction began last week. an environmental group has raised about $7 million for the $8 million project. >> on thursday, facebook users will have access to hundreds of videos. the menlo park based company launching a new program called watch. this is vid you from facebook. you'll find it on the mobile app or the desktop. watch will feature original content from companies like buzzfeed and a&e along with live sports and live chat events with celebrities. >> oakland's first lgbtq community center opens this thursday ahead of the pride parade and festival next weekend. it's off 580. cofounders told the east bay express they're funding the center out of their own pockets because the lgbtq community is underserved. a usc football player will never forget this weekend's game. here's why. >> a good snap. listen to the crowd. look at the usc sideline. >> jake olson, who has been blind since age 12, snapped the ball for an extra point. it was perfectly executed, helping usc get the win. the longtime trojan fan is a walk-on who earned a spot on the team. you can see the ref touching him on the shoulder to let him know everyone was ready. he said it was an awesome feeling. >> really cool. >> yeah. i saw that saturday when they tweeted that out. you know, yeah, just makes you feel good all over. let's take a look at what's going on today. oh, my gosh. everybody is red. everybody unhealthy because of the fine particulate matter in the air from burning fires. poor air quality tomorrow, coast, inland, south central bay, santa clara valley, possible. it's going to be cleaner than today. the small craft advisory means a sea breeze is going to develop this afternoon. westbound, 15 to 25 knots from 3:00 to 10:00 in the areas you see shaded in yellow from the golden gate bridge and bay bridge into the delta. if you're heading to the coast, 1:00 to 9:00, a south wind. that's unusual. usually it's a north wind. it's a south wind from 1:00 to 9:00. all right, here's a look from sutro tower. today's temperatures about 6 to 16 degrees cooler. notice where the biggest drops are, inland, places like walnut creek, petaluma to san jose. then san francisco, oakland, and redwood city seeing some of the smaller drops. they're still significant. going to make it feel a lot better outside today if you have to venture out. just watch out. you may suck in some of the air like i did this morning. having a hard time breathing a little bit. here are the angels coming into town to take on the a's at the coliseum. 1:05 first pitch, staying there to about 79 by 4:05. it will be hazy. partly sunny. the air quality will be poor if you're going to the game. so be aware of that. and also, that stray shower that is going to be possible during the afternoon hours. all right, we'll take a look at a cooling trend in the seven-day forecast. here's alexis with a look at that oh, so important labor day morning commute. >> guess how many incidents on the chp board? >> can you have less than zero? >> no, but i have that many. zero, nothing. there's nothing blocking on the roads right now. so obviously, that is great news. ifio rr one of the few heading into work, you're going to have a really easy commute. here's westbound 80 through the emeryville stretch as you come in from the berkeley area, albany, we have not had any major slowdowns anywhere this morning. maybe starting to fill in slightly here. a few more cars than what we had when we first started about an hour and a half ago, but still, extremely light volumes. mass transit, a good day to take mass transit because it is a spare the air day, but we have a lot of schedule changes for a lot of our mass transit agencies. the weekend schedule for san francisco bay ferry also no harbor bay service or south san francisco ferry service today. capital corridor offering reduced service on a weekend holiday schedule, and then muni will be on reduced service as well, operating on a sunday schedule. use mass transit, just check before you go so you'll be on the correct schedule for today. we'll look at really light drive times at 6:00. >> all right, thanks. this is surveillance video out of staten island, new york. it shows an suv crashing through a laundromat yet. the 74-year-old man was trying to park when he mistakenly put the suv in reverse. six people were injured, three seriously. >> coming up next, what we're learning about another toll increase here in the bay area. >> plus, the shelter dogs and cats just arrived here from the devastating texas area. how soon these hurricane victims will be up for adoption. >> if you're up this reason for some reason, we're not going to shade you for it, we're glad you're up. but this bike race could impact your plans in san francisco. >> keep on track of weather and traffic where you live. we made it through one of the hottest weekends ever here in the bay area. we can only get cooler from here, right? but the question, how low will our temperatures go? >> good morning. thanks for joining us on this labor day. september 4th. reggie is off. i'm matt keller filling in. >> i'm natasha zubest. jessica, alexis, things quiet for now. >> extremely quiet. nobody is going to work. >> mike nicco, everybody waiting to hear from you. >> that's good, because i left you with a lot friday. all-time record highs, have a great weekend. now we're back monday and talking about a cooling trend that starts today, even more so than what we had yesterday in some neighborhoods. calm conditions this morning, you can see on live doppler 7. pretty he'sy. another day of poor air quality. all neighborhoods have poor air quality right now. let's go through your 12-hour day planner. 61 to 67 are the temperatures at the coast. we should make it to the low 70s between noon and 4:00. 80s around the bay, and upper 80s to low 90s inland. so there you go. the 100s are gone. how about we get rid of those 90s? i'll show you that coming up in the accuweather seven-day forecast. here's alexis. >> taking a look at the bay bridge toll plaza. nice and empty this morning. just a few cars coming through. no metering lights. in fact, i would be very surprised if they flipped those on this morning with the holiday light volumes. so that gives you an idea of just how few people are on the roads this morning. drive times illustrating that as well. westbound 580 across the richmond-san rafael br,

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Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 500AM 20170904 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 500AM 20170904

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right now outside. >> good morning. it's a spare the air day today. i know not many of you are commuting into work, but a good day to carpool or use mass transit because of the terrible air quality. going to take you back to the only issue we had, northbound 101 under university. we had a crash on the overpass on university, and someone h the guardrail. a little concrete fell on the main line of northbound 101. that has been cleared. all lanes are open and the structural integrity of the overpass is fine. nothing to be concerned about. we have really light drive times today. i'll show you some of those in a few. >> thanks. well, it's the decision dreamers have been dreading. president trump is expected to announce he's ending a program that protects undocumented immigrants who were brought here as children from deportation. the program is daca, which stands for deferred action for childhood arrivals. the decision to end daca means so-called dreamers would no longer be allowed to work legally and in certain states apply for a driver's license. a san jose resident tells us she feels like her life is crumbling. >> so many people depend on this. my parents depend on me, depend on my income. my children depend on me. and for him to terminate daca, he has no idea what he's doing. >> santa clara county supervisor says he's ready to fight to protect the 24,000 dreamers ipher county. president trump's official decision will likely come tomorrow. >> on to developing news out of houston where flooding after harvey leads to more problems for the city. sewage and chemicals in the water pose a danger to people's city. houston has a history of sewer overflows after big storms and it faces an unprecedented challenge. there are 40 waste water treatment plants across the city. >> the bay area is hurtin more victims of harvey. >> a few doesn't pets are here looking for homes. amy hollyfield joins us with more. >> good morning. they got here last night. we have video of their arrival and their first moments here in the bay area. these animals were in the shelters already. when the storm hit. they now need room in the shelters in houston for the pets who were separated from their owners during the storm. they want to keep those animals local with the hopes that they will be reunited with their human family. so they needed to clear out these guys. and the bay area said we will take them. >> actually bringing in about 70 animals, 50 dogs and 20 cats, and we'll be taking some of them here at the san francisco spca and others are going to our partner muttville senior dog rescue and the milo foundation and mad dog rescue. they're helping in the effort as well. >> these little guys will be available for adoption probably by the end of this week. that's what they're predicting. they say they'll be featured on the san francisco spca website once they're ready for adoption. amy hollyfield, abc7 news. >> all right, thank you, amy. this morning, china criticizing president trump's threat to cut off trade with countries that deal with north korea. >> this comes after north korea's most powerful nuclear test. it was seen as a threat to china. china says the president's threat is unacceptable and unfair. north korean state television reported the test is a hydrogen bomb that could be mounted on an intercontinental ballistic missile. >> we're getting a rare look at technology weapons and people ready to save american lives if a missile reached the u.s. this was america's final shield. it's the last and only protection against an incoming north korean nuclear missile. it's housed deep underground in the heart of alaskan wilderness. there are 38 ground based missile interceptors. the interceptor kills the incoming nuclear weapon outside of the earth's atmosphere. >> the alarms would go off, what you would see is those white shells that you see behind us would separate extremely quickly and then immediately you would see a flash of flame as that gbi would leave the tube at a really incredible rate of speed. >> an alaskans senator believes these interceptors are america's best shot as a last defense despite a 60% success rate. as you pass the to january, president obama offered advice in a letter. president obama wrote president trump the office is unique, that a clear blueprint for success. one part of the letter is notable regarding foreign relations and reads in part, american leadership in this world really is indispensable. it's up to us is sustain the international order that's expanded steadily since the end of the cold war. >> breaking news from the royals this morning. another royal baby. kensington palace says prince william and his wife expecting their third child, and as you likely know, william and kate already have two kids. prince george and princess charlotte. the queen said this morning that she is delighted by the news. officials say princess kate is experiencing severe morning sickness, though, so she will have to cancel some events today. matt. >> thank you, jessica. >> arson investigators are looking for clues following a suspishing fire at a school in san jose. abc7 was at anderson elementary school following yesterday afternoon's fire. flames damaged a snack bar and a storage shed used by the santa teresa little league. >> drivers on highway 37 may need to pay a toll up to $7 in the future. the marin ij reports a consulant hire to study the finance recommended the toll to expedite the project. time is of the essence. highway 37 is at risk of going under water. sea levels are expected to rise six feet by the end of the century. >> let's take a look at the golden gate bridge. always look here first to see what the flag is doing. and also to see if there's any fog or at least some clouds. and really not much of either going on right now. the flag is not unfurled. you can see right here on the right side of your screen, it's just kind of limp. and you can see there's no cloud cover out there right now. what we do have is haze because of all the smoke in the air. you can taste it this morning, smell it. i stupidly drove in with the sun roof open even though i could smell it. should have turned the air conditioner on and filtered the air out because just about every single neighborhood has unhealthy air right now. let's take a look at what's going on in santa cruz. heading down to the boardwalk. watch out at the beaches. it's going to become breezy just like around the bay. north of the bay bridge, small craft advisory kicks in this afternoon. that's going to be good if you want to do sailing, some kite surfing. rough if you're going to try kayaking or something. if you're going to be outside, like going to the pool like this young lady, watch out. the air quality is pretty poor just about all day. here's a look at our temperatures around the state today. 98 in fresno. 95 in sacramento. 86 in tahoe, and 92 in yosemite. both of those areas have a chance of a thunderstorm today and they're just as smoky as we are. l.a. will be 86 and partly sunny. here's a look at the next three days. each and every neighborhood, temperatures drop. no more 100s as of today. almost no 90s by tomorrow. definitely no 90s by wednesday. i'll let you know if this continues in the accuweather seven-day forecast coming up next. here's alexis. >> things are looking great on the roads. here's a live look outside at the south bay, 280 and 17. one vehicle heading northbound, make that two, and a couple headed southbound as well. that gives you an idea of how light it is. the labor day holiday, so not too many folks heading in to work today. southbound 680, you're wide open there, seven minutes. westbound 24, walnut creek to highway 13, another ten. this is really our gauge for how light it is out there today, westbound 580, tracy to dublin, well under 30 minutes, just 26, so you're wide open in the green. quickly want to mention mass transit. san francisco bay ferry on a weekend schedule. no harbor bay or south san francisco ferry service today. capital corridor on redoersed service. and a sunday schedule for muni all day. next traffic update at 5:20. thanks. >> a lobbyist shares his story after that midsummer shooting at a virginia ballpark. what he's saying about the shooting that targeted republicans. >> a story to bring any giants fan to tears, happy tears, that is. the way the team stepped up to surprise a boy who really needed a boost. >> we want you to have a better day. here's a feature you'll only see here's a feature you'll only see on abc7. several western states. >> marcie gonzalez shows us the destruction. >> a state of emergency in california. dozens of wildfires burning across the state, including the largest ever recorded in the city of los angeles. scorching nearly 6,000 acres of the iconic hills surrounding the country's second largest city. >> this is the biggest fire in 50 years. this is an island of vegetation that hadn't burned in 45, some cases 80 years. >> a wall of smoke towering above l.a. neighborhoods. >> once we get the fire out, you have mudslides. >> the inferno shutting down a major freeway, destroying at least three homes and forcing 700 people to evacuate. this morning, progress in the firefight. evacuation orders lifted. but throughout the west, more wildfires are burning across seven other states. and we'll have live coverage from california coming up at 7:00 a.m. with your "gma" first look, marcie gonzalez, abc news, burbank. >> now to an abc news exclusive interview. for the first time, we're hearing from a survivor of a shooter who targeted republican lawmakers in june. he was shot. now he's opening up about the terrifying moments on this virginia baseball field. >> i could see his eyes and the gun but that was it. after that, i was like, i gotta >> two clipped pieces. this is the first place he shot thou. the incident took six minutes, according to the police reports. >> how long did it feel? >> 30, 40 minutes, time stopped. just stopped. >> officers shot and killed the gunman, james hodgkinson shortly after he opened fire on the practice. coming up on "good morning america" at 7:00, mika talks about how the security team there risked their own lives to protect him. >> 5:14 now. german weapons experts defused a monster world war ii era bomb buried beneath the streets in frankfu frankfurt. people had to be evacuated from the area yesterday. the bomb believed to have been dropped by the british air forces, an air mine found buried at a construction site. experts say if the bomb went off, it could have flattened an entire street. >> you're about to meet a special young man. his name is shea, and he happens to be a huge giants fan. shea is 12 years old and lives in hawaii. he has cerebral palsy, but he loves baseball so much, nothing can slow him down. disability weakened the right side of his body, so he learned to throw left-handed. he also loves the giants. when larry beil told them about shea, they sent him a box full of giants gears and his reaction was priceless. was priceless. >> wow, buster posey. >> what? >> oh, my gosh. >> am i allowed to post this on instagram? >> absolutely. >> this is guaranteed going on >> this is guaranteed going on my instagram page. i don't know how this is even real. i feel like this is more of a dream. >> that's so cool. he had a will clark hat. i mean, that's a real giants fan when you start going back, remembering the past players. that's really cool. >> chills. >> getting a little dusky in the studio, huh, mike? >> is that why the tears are coming out? >> so much tus. >> air quality is not great. >> the air quality, the dust, you name it. absolutely. congratulations to him. that is great. they do so many great things. you can see it on twitter all the time, what they're doing. it's just great. even though they're not having the best season, they're still good people. that's what matters. here's a look at walnut creek, you can see how hazy it is. dirty air today. a simple way to put it, and a chance of storms. mainly cloudy, above average. because of the cloud cover, it's going to hold the heat in one more day, just like we're feeling this morning. a slow cooling trend all the way through my accuweather seven-day forecast. we're watching this moisture from what's left of lydia. right now, we're very dry between 3,000 and 8,000 feet. that's keeping us from seeing some of this reach the ground. as the day goes on, that kind of shrinks and there's a possibility that some of this may make it to the ground. this looks a lot more impressive than anything that will make it to the ground. i don't think we'll see a repeat of what happened but there's still the possibility of a shower and even a thunderstorm. so if you hear it or if you see it, remember the 30/30 rule. you have to wait 30 minutes after the last bolt of lightning or thunder to go back outside. 85 to 87 down in the south bay. a few 90s around morgan hill and gilroy. head up the coast, we have -- i should say the peninsula, 81 in millbrae to 86 in redwood city. low 70s along the coast today. to mid sxuper 70s in downtown and south san francisco. 85 in sonoma. 86 in santa rosa. some 90s around cloverdale and lakeport. along the east bay shore, 84 in fremont. oakland, 82. hercules, 83. inland, 90 to 93 degrees. quick look at what's going to happen tonight. temperatures in the 60s. getting closer to where we should be. a few 70s in san jose and antioch. wednesday, we see the temperatures drop a little below average for thursday, friday, and saturday. >> we will take that, mike. and i'm guessing if you do have to work today, you're okay with a really smooth commute. we have one vehicle coming through the bay bridge toll plaza right now. no metering lights. i have a feeling we're going to stay like this all morning. we don't have anyone heading into work or school. >> why are you here? >> why am i here? that's a great question. i don't have the answer to that, but i am here. if we have issued pop up, i'll let you know. just a minor, minor problem here in the tracy area. eastbound 205 past mountain house parkway, a collision off on the shoulder. that's the countercommute direction, anyway, and just a quick reminder, we have the b.a.r.t. track work going on all through the rest of the day today. lake merritt station is closed. free bus bridges in place that could add 20 to 40 minutes to your trip today. happening today, some of california's best cyclists will spend the day laboring around the streets of san francisco. the 43rd annual under way in just a few hours. it will partially close a few streets around levi's plaza, the embarcadero in front of abc7. hundreds of cyclists of all ages are taking part. the first race takes part at 8:00, and the final race will pedal off at 3:00. >> check out this interesting sight in san ramon. the police department posted these videos of runaway cows. they called it a slow moo-ving pursu pursuit. >> coming up next, the seven things you need to know as you start your day. >> plus, the big screen comes to life with america's favorite pastime. the special reunion decades in the making. >> and helping the four-legged friends devastated by harvey. how shelters in the bay area are lending a hand. >> mike and alexis are helping >> mike and alexis are helping make this a better copdso to breathe better,athe. i go with anoro. ♪go your own way copd tries to say, "go this way." i say, "i'll go my own way" with anoro. ♪go your own way once-daily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators, that work together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. anoro is not for asthma . it contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. the risk is unknown in copd. anoro won't replace rescue inhalers r sudden symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, glaucoma, prtate, bladder, or urinary problems. these may worsen with anoro. call your doctor if you have worsened breathing, chest pain, uth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain while taking anoro. ask your doctor about anoro. ♪goour own way get your first prescription free at 5:22. the seven things you need to know before you go. number one, sources say president tru has decided to end the daca program which protects undocumented immigrants brought here as children from deportation. the president's official decision will likely come tomorrow. >> number two, the u.n. security council will hold an emergency meeting today to discuss how to respond to north korea's latest nuclear test. it was the north's sixth most powerful test. >> number three, a plane full of animals arrived in the bay area from texas last night. local rescue groups are stepping in to help about 70 dogs and cats impacted by hurricane harvey. the animals will soon be going up for adoption. >> number four, firefighters are gaining control over a wildfire in l.a. county. this morning, some evacuees are allowed to return home. this fire is the larmist fire in the county's history. >> number five, it's been, well, a weekend of firsts. it continues. this is something i haven't seen in more than a decade. every single neighborhood in the bay area has poor air quality. unhealthy air for everybody right now. and it's not ozone, as you would expect in the summer. it's fine particulate matter from all the fires. >> number six, i think there's about ten people heading to work today, and that includes the five of us in the studio here. we're wide open. here's westbound 92 across the san mateo bridge. a couple minutes under average. hayward to foster city, in the green, just 20 minutes. >> we certainly are at work, huh? number seven, breaking news from the live desk. the royal family expecting baby number three. and as you probably know, prince william and princess kate already have two kids. prince george and princess charlotte. the queen said this morning she's delighted. berkeley was a melting pot of diverse brazilian culture over the weekend during a celebration of brazil's independence day. >> abc7 news was in berkeley yesterday on san pablo near university avenue. brazil's independence day is officially thursday, but of course, it's never too early to celebrate. there were lots of samba dancing, great food, and even a recreation of the cleansing ceremony that washes out the old and brings in the new. >> very nice. > this weekend, the box office did much better than analysts thought it would. it is on track to be the worst labor day weekend since 1998 instead of 1992. as predicted. this summer hollywood studios will make $3.8 billion. that's the lowest summer total inplore than a decade. the hitman bodyguard came in first with just under $10 million. a bright spot, summer horror movies annabelle creation came in second, it's now the top grossing horror movie of the year, and steven king's "it" expected to give the box office a jolt. why are all the movies so bad right now? >> people say all around the weekend it was a bad weeken but everywhere in san francisco, it was a busy weekend. >> thousands of people celebrated the real life field of dreams in iowa yesterday. >> the annual event at the field of dreams brings the community together to meet some celebrities. charlie sheen, corbin bernsen, and tom bearinger from the movie major league reunited after 30 years. a different baseball movie. that's pretty funny. kun couple drove from long island and they say it's something they'll never forget. >> this bucket list, and we love the movie. we dream it. we feel it. we are inspired by it, so this is a dream come true for us. >> he has nothing to say about it. i bet his wife is ready to talk. that's great. >> baseball fans were treated to a screening of "field of dreams" plus a celebrity softball game. >> pretty cool. >> coming back with another full 90 minutes of news, including while the bay area deals with heat, one socalspot is dealing with this weather. with this weather. >> and we'll leave weath ♪ ♪ hi! leaving a career to follow a calling takes courage. a personalized financial strategy can give you confidence to take the next step. hi guys! aw yeah! see how access to j.p. morgan investment expertise can help you. chase. make more of what's yours. good morning. and thanks for joining us on this monday, labor day, september 4th. reggie is off. i'm matt keller, filling in. >> how is it going. i'm natasha. jessica is here, alexis smith here, mike nicco here, and he's hopefully bringing us the cooldown after the heat wave. >> a little bit. hard to notice today because there's going to be other things that are going tewfect you like poor air quality, all bay area neighborhoods have unhealthy air. plus, a little humid by our standards. you can see how hazy it is out there. look at the visibility, four to five miles. maybe six in some neighborhoods. that's all due to that smoke that's out there. it's not due to anything other than that, because look at that. on the exploratorium, it looks clear right now. the marine layer has not returned. but it will. after today. 12-hour day planner, 61 to 72. another mild morning. upper 60s all the rest of the day. noon, 4:00, and 7:00 at the coast. around 80 for the bay, and upper 80s to low 90s at noon and 4:00 inland and then dropping down to about 82 at 7:00. notice i didn't mention any 100s or record high temperatures for today. hopefully that makes you feel better. here's alexis. i'm sure she has great news for you. >> nothing but good news today. here's a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza. no metering lights. i'm willing to bet we will not have any metering lights flipped on for the entire morning. that's of course due to the labor day holiday. not many folks heading into work or school today. westbound 580, tracy to castro valley. just 36 minutes. that's wide open. northbound 101, to the san jose airport in the green at 11. and northbound 280, you also look great in the green at just ten minutes. >> thanks. the president appears ready to terminate daca, which means 800,000 dreamers may be forced to leave the u.s. >> tiffany wilson is live in san jose with the local impact. tiffany. >> reporter: good morning, matt and natasha. santa clara county supervisor dave cortezy says about 24,000 dreamers live in this county alone. since 2012, those dreamers or young undocumented immigrants who came to the united states as children, have been protected from deportation. they can work legally and in some states get a driver's license. president trump is expected to rescind their protected status with an announcement tomorrow. sources say mr. trump wants to end the obama-era program in six months. abc7 news spoke to a woman with daca status who holds a masters degree from san jose state. she says her family relies on her ability to work if mr. trump ends daca which stands for deferred action for childhood arrivals, she says hr life would crumble. >> i went to school all these years to work in the field that i love. to help families. and now i'm the one who needs the rescuing. >> apple ceo tim cook tweeted that 250 dreamers work at apple. cook says he is standing with the dreamers. live in san jose, tiffany wilson, abc7 news. >> thanks, tiffany. happening today, hundreds of oakland workers will march in support of higher wages on this nationpen wide labor day strike. they plan to rally at 9:00 this morning at the mcdonald's on jackson street and march through downtown oakland. workers are demanding to be paid $15 an hour. the wage will gradually increase to $15 by the year 2022. >> well, it is 5:31. this morning, the u.n. security council will hold an emergency meeting to discuss international response to north korea's latest nuclear test. the test is a hydrogen bomb that could be mounted on a missile. it was a, quote, perfect success. when asked if the u.s. will attack north korea, president trump responded with, we'll see. james mattis was more direct in what could be in store for north korea amid rising tensions. >> any threat to the united states or its territories including guam or our allies will be met with a massive military response. a response both effective and overwhelming. >> steve mnuchin says north korea needs to be cut off economically. this morning, the brick countries are meeting for a summit in china. that stands for brazil, russia, india, china, and south africa. putting too much pressure on north korea is, quote, a dead end road. russia said the u.s. and north korea should toik talking. the u.s. and south korea are exploring military options. >> tracking developing news out of texas. governor greg abbott said harvey's storm damage could reach up to $180 billion. this week, congress is expected to approve nearly $8 billion in federal aid to help storm victims but it may need to raise the debt ceiling to do it. many disaster sto eer zones are under water. >> to see the level of commercial activity, the level of people traveling around and what was going on, the number of people who were working to rebuild texas is mending quickly -- texas and houston are mending quickly. >> harvey is blamed for at least 44 deaths. thousands of people remain in shelters. >> dozens of pets arrived in san francisco from texas hoping to find new homes following hurricane harvey. you're looking at video provided by the san francisco spca showing some of the 70 animals moments after they arrived in the bay area aboard a private plane yesterday. several groups are working to match the pets with new homes. they'll likely go up for adoption later this week. >> you probably heard about the owner of a furniture retail chain who opened his doors to harvey victims. mattress mack turned two showrooms into evacuation shelters. now, they're petitioning to designate august 26th at mattress mack day in houston. here's a look alt the petition on, organizers less than 5,000 signaturesa way from their goal of 200,000 signatures. the bay area is looking forward to cooler temperatures after this weekend's record-setting heat wave. >> yesterday, petaluma firefighters had to break a car window to save a child who locked herself inside of the car. she's expected to be okay. people flocked to swimming pools in concord where it hit 106 degrees. a group of 10-year-old girls say ice cream and movies are the solution. >> i have stayed at home and watched movies in the ac. >> if i could just have a fruit gatorade popsicle, that would be great. >> she says a fruit gatorade popsicle. she's adorable. fire officials do have a warning for people firing up the grill on this labor day. be careful. the risk of combustion does increase with high temperatures. >> bay area residents found many ways to beat the heat. we were in menlo park when people lined up waiting for the public library to open yesterday. it was also a cooling center. across town, menlo park stanford park hotel told us 60% of this weekend's guests are locals. they came craving air conditioning and coveting access to the hotel's pool. >> no one in sausalito has air conditioning because we just open our windows and the fog rolls in, so we just weren't used to it. >> in redwood city, chi acres found a way to get in exercise while trying to catch a breeze or two on the bay. >> all right, let's talk about what's going on temperature wise, when you step out, just about all neighborhoods cooler. up to 8 degrees cooler. where does that put us? we'll start in the inland east bay neighborhoods. still warm enough to run the air conditioners. you may want to any to clean the air since there's so much smoke. pleasant hill at 69, and blackhawk at 69. everybody else around 70 to 74 degrease. get up into the hills, 82 in mt. diablo. there's still some heat out there lurking. just not going to be as aprosive as it was over the weekend. pacifica, 66. same in vallejo. 64 in santa rosa. novato, one of the cooler spots. look at these 70s around hayward and then mountain view at 72. 75 in san jose and los gatos. here's a look at the san mateo bridge. looks pretty quiet. for those of you commuting on the roads, might want to use the ac to filter the air. mild to hot from san francisco to our inland neighborhoods. and on the bay, smoke and i probably need to change that from good. it looks like the breezes are going to pick up this afternoon north of the bay bridge. keep that in mind. here's a look at our temperatures. 70s along the coast. san francisco, sausalito. 80s around the bay and to the south bay and north bay. and 90s, no more 100s, just too cloudy today. plus, the hottest part of the air mass is moving away from us. clouds hang around tomorrow. air mass cools a little bit. 60s along the coast. 70s and mainly 80s for the rest of us, and the then marine layer comes back wednesday. 60s, 70s, and even cooler 80s. and we got even cooler weather than that in the accuweather seven-day forecast. here's alexis. >> that sounds great, mike. looking forward to the cooldown, and looking forward to a smooth ommute if you're just about to grab the keys and head out the door this morning. here's a live look at golden gate bridge. southbound 101, extremely light. don't forget the parking lots for your personal vehicles on the north and south end of the bridge will remain closed today during peak hours. you know the drill on weekends here. that's just to avoid the backup on the main lines of 101. quick check of mass transit. a lot of agencies with some different schedules due to the labor day holiday. no ace rail service today. they're officially closed. caltrain offering reduced sufrbs on a sunday schedule, and golden gate ferries will operate on a holiday schedule. there will be nor tiburon ferry today. b.a.r.t. is operating on a sunday schedule, and the lake merritt b.a.r.t. station remains closed for maintenance and repair work. here's a look at what the guys are working on. they're rebuilding the tracks and installing other equipment. that means no trains running between 19th street and fruitvale stations or west oakland and fruitvale. and b.a.r.t. says this could lead to a 20 to 40-minute delay, especially if you're trying to get to the oakland airport today. keep that in mind. >> thanks. california dealing with a ton of wildfires right now, but this massive new addition is providing immediate help. >> and crazy weather caught on camera here in california. the quick-hitting storm that send dozens into the water. >> this is a better day for you. thanks for waking up with us on thanks for waking up with us on this music fans everywhere mourning the death of walter becker. bassest, guitarist and cofounder of steely dan. his official website announced his death yesterday, did not provide any details though. he met donald fagan in college and they founded the group in '72. they were inducted into the rock and holfall of fame in 2001. he was 67 years old. >> crews are still trying to contain a fire that broke out in gilroy. cell phone video shows the flames just after 7:15 last night. fire has burned at least 40 acres so far. no injuries have been reported. fire officials do not have an estimated time of containment. >> this just in. will you look at this impressive new video that just came in of a huge wildfire burning in the seattle area. it's called the jolly mountain fire, and it's just massive. it is forcing at least evacuations. it doubled in size over the weekend and is nowhere near containment. this is the largest fire burning on the west coast. the are more than 600 firefighters on the ground. 80 engines and 15 aircraft fighting it. firefighters are making progress in the largest fire in l.a. county's history. the evacuees are allowed to return to their neighborhoods. the los angeles fire department says lutuna fire was 30% contained as of 8:00 last night. it's burned more than 7,000 acres and destroyed three buildings. cooler temperatures today should help in the fight. >> firefighters in northern california are getting a big boost from a big plane. the world's newest and largest air tanker. the global supertanker is currently parked at mcclellan field. it was formarily a commercial 747 airliner. it can hold nearly twice as much water as other tankers. >> you can take 18,000 gallons out to the fire and get it out to the fire where it may take six trips to do that. >> 18,000 gallons. this giant tackled its first mission in the u.s. last week, helping with a 3500 acre ponderosa fire nire oroville. calfire says it's another great resource to call on to put out the flames. smoke from the martinez refinery had neighbors worried. flaring at the refinery generated the smoke yesterday. a spokesperson said the flaring started after 11:45 and it was over by noon. no shelter in place was ordered and firefighters were not called to the scene. the refinery says the flairs burn off excessive hydrocarbons. >> a man died after running into the fire in one of the signature moments of burning man. video shows saturday night's burning of a massive effigy. witnesses say aaron mitchell broke through two lines of skiert guards to reach the inferno. the 41-year-old dies after being flown to a burn center in sacramento. festival organizers offered emotional support counselling to those affected by the tragedy. what a crazy sight here in santa barbara. a quick hitting storm called a microburst rolled through the city around 3:00 yesterday afternoon. flooded roads, sent umbrellas flying and overturned boats. 56 people were tossed into the water. thankfully, no reports of any injuries. >> crazy video. let's get over to mike nicco for a check of what it's looking like here at home. >> that same storm is coming our way. will it have the same effects? i don't think so. what it is doing, you can see behind me, look at all the cloud cover. we're bone dry from about 3,000 feet to 8,000 feet. so anything you see on the radar there, which is mainly over the ocean, is going to evaporate before it reaches the ground. you can see on our high resolution future forecast model here that there will be some storms popping up. i just don't think they'll be quite as intense as what they're showing withiole yellows and ors moving from modesto to the east bay and falling apart because there's too much dry air underneath them. something we definitely have in the forecast as far as there's the potential for a thunderstorm. and that means there's some lightning. fire danger could go up. partly sunny, milder. poor air and humid today. a slow cooler trend the rest of this week. let's take a look at our temperatures. we'll start in the south bay. 87 in san jose and los gatos. 81 in millbrae to 86 in redwood city. on the peninsula today, we've got low 70s along the coast. until you get to daly city and sunset and into downtown, some mid 70s there. upper 70s in south san francisco and sausalito. mid 70s across the north bay beaches. look at that, mid to upper 80 through the valleys. even 90s around calistoga, cloverdale, and lakeport. and then we've got 80 to about 86 degrees along the east bay shore. and still going to be hot inland. still need the air conditioners here. low to mid 90s. let's see if we sleep any better tonight. we'll be a little cooler once again. temperatures in the mid to upper 60s in most neighborhoods. some 70s in the south bay. and inland east bay. let's check out the cooler trend. i did say it was slow. you could see tuesday, a couple degrees cooler. think we may see a bigger drop, especially along the coast and bay wednesday as the marine layer and the marine layer clouds will return. they'll push inland thursday, friday, and saturday. you can see our coolest days. then a little bit of a rebound sunday. today is probably the worst day going forward because it is hazy. it is hot. and it is a little humid outside. but it's definitely nothing like what we dealt with over the weekend. >> thank goodness. our houses can finally cool dn a little bit. >> yes. somebody tweeted, yeah, now it's cooler outside than it is inside our houses. >> i know. yeah, it's brutal. hopefully some relief on the way for you. if you have to work, all kinds of relief on the roads. it's looking great. green all the way around on our traveling conditions. of course, later on this afternoon into this evening, we could see a lot of folks returning after maybe a little labor day weekend getaway. keep that in mind. it could be extra busy this afternoon. right now, boy, just looking add some extremely decent drive times and some really quick speeds here, too. westbound 205 to 580, 61 miles per hour. 58 miles per hour approaching altamont pass. that's just unheard of for that stretch of roadway. and a quick check of the bay bridge camera as well. you can see the smoke and haze under the street lamps. again, really poor air quality. it is a spare the air day. even though there aren't many folks on the roads, if you can carpool or use mass transit, that's the way to go. westbound 580, highway 4 to the maze, 18 minutes. just about eight across the bay bridge, and southbound 101, that looks great at nine minutes. a lot of changes for mass transit today with the holiday. i'll talk more about that next. >> all right, thanks, alexis. >> next at 6:00, a rare look at the last line of defense if a missile was fired at the u.s. >> a crash caught on camera. the reason this suv went barreling through a laundromat. >> a better day starts here. >> a better day starts here. here's ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ wow! nice outfit. when i grow up, i'm going to mars. we're working on that. some people know how far they want to go. a personalized financial strategy can help you get them there. see how access to j.p. morgan investment expertise can help you. chase. make more of what's yours. the city of berkeley will consider legalizing letting women go topless in public. they say public nudity discriminates against women because there aren't the same restrictions on men. city council will take up the issue during next tuesday's meeting. if passed, the change could go into effect as soon as next month. a major renovation is under way at a south bay park. a grand new entrance will greetd visitors at castle state park. this is what the new entrance will look like when the project is complete next may. our media partner reports construction began last week. an environmental group has raised about $7 million for the $8 million project. >> on thursday, facebook users will have access to hundreds of videos. the menlo park based company launching a new program called watch. this is vid you from facebook. you'll find it on the mobile app or the desktop. watch will feature original content from companies like buzzfeed and a&e along with live sports and live chat events with celebrities. >> oakland's first lgbtq community center opens this thursday ahead of the pride parade and festival next weekend. it's off 580. cofounders told the east bay express they're funding the center out of their own pockets because the lgbtq community is underserved. a usc football player will never forget this weekend's game. here's why. >> a good snap. listen to the crowd. look at the usc sideline. >> jake olson, who has been blind since age 12, snapped the ball for an extra point. it was perfectly executed, helping usc get the win. the longtime trojan fan is a walk-on who earned a spot on the team. you can see the ref touching him on the shoulder to let him know everyone was ready. he said it was an awesome feeling. >> really cool. >> yeah. i saw that saturday when they tweeted that out. you know, yeah, just makes you feel good all over. let's take a look at what's going on today. oh, my gosh. everybody is red. everybody unhealthy because of the fine particulate matter in the air from burning fires. poor air quality tomorrow, coast, inland, south central bay, santa clara valley, possible. it's going to be cleaner than today. the small craft advisory means a sea breeze is going to develop this afternoon. westbound, 15 to 25 knots from 3:00 to 10:00 in the areas you see shaded in yellow from the golden gate bridge and bay bridge into the delta. if you're heading to the coast, 1:00 to 9:00, a south wind. that's unusual. usually it's a north wind. it's a south wind from 1:00 to 9:00. all right, here's a look from sutro tower. today's temperatures about 6 to 16 degrees cooler. notice where the biggest drops are, inland, places like walnut creek, petaluma to san jose. then san francisco, oakland, and redwood city seeing some of the smaller drops. they're still significant. going to make it feel a lot better outside today if you have to venture out. just watch out. you may suck in some of the air like i did this morning. having a hard time breathing a little bit. here are the angels coming into town to take on the a's at the coliseum. 1:05 first pitch, staying there to about 79 by 4:05. it will be hazy. partly sunny. the air quality will be poor if you're going to the game. so be aware of that. and also, that stray shower that is going to be possible during the afternoon hours. all right, we'll take a look at a cooling trend in the seven-day forecast. here's alexis with a look at that oh, so important labor day morning commute. >> guess how many incidents on the chp board? >> can you have less than zero? >> no, but i have that many. zero, nothing. there's nothing blocking on the roads right now. so obviously, that is great news. ifio rr one of the few heading into work, you're going to have a really easy commute. here's westbound 80 through the emeryville stretch as you come in from the berkeley area, albany, we have not had any major slowdowns anywhere this morning. maybe starting to fill in slightly here. a few more cars than what we had when we first started about an hour and a half ago, but still, extremely light volumes. mass transit, a good day to take mass transit because it is a spare the air day, but we have a lot of schedule changes for a lot of our mass transit agencies. the weekend schedule for san francisco bay ferry also no harbor bay service or south san francisco ferry service today. capital corridor offering reduced service on a weekend holiday schedule, and then muni will be on reduced service as well, operating on a sunday schedule. use mass transit, just check before you go so you'll be on the correct schedule for today. we'll look at really light drive times at 6:00. >> all right, thanks. this is surveillance video out of staten island, new york. it shows an suv crashing through a laundromat yet. the 74-year-old man was trying to park when he mistakenly put the suv in reverse. six people were injured, three seriously. >> coming up next, what we're learning about another toll increase here in the bay area. >> plus, the shelter dogs and cats just arrived here from the devastating texas area. how soon these hurricane victims will be up for adoption. >> if you're up this reason for some reason, we're not going to shade you for it, we're glad you're up. but this bike race could impact your plans in san francisco. >> keep on track of weather and traffic where you live. we made it through one of the hottest weekends ever here in the bay area. we can only get cooler from here, right? but the question, how low will our temperatures go? >> good morning. thanks for joining us on this labor day. september 4th. reggie is off. i'm matt keller filling in. >> i'm natasha zubest. jessica, alexis, things quiet for now. >> extremely quiet. nobody is going to work. >> mike nicco, everybody waiting to hear from you. >> that's good, because i left you with a lot friday. all-time record highs, have a great weekend. now we're back monday and talking about a cooling trend that starts today, even more so than what we had yesterday in some neighborhoods. calm conditions this morning, you can see on live doppler 7. pretty he'sy. another day of poor air quality. all neighborhoods have poor air quality right now. let's go through your 12-hour day planner. 61 to 67 are the temperatures at the coast. we should make it to the low 70s between noon and 4:00. 80s around the bay, and upper 80s to low 90s inland. so there you go. the 100s are gone. how about we get rid of those 90s? i'll show you that coming up in the accuweather seven-day forecast. here's alexis. >> taking a look at the bay bridge toll plaza. nice and empty this morning. just a few cars coming through. no metering lights. in fact, i would be very surprised if they flipped those on this morning with the holiday light volumes. so that gives you an idea of just how few people are on the roads this morning. drive times illustrating that as well. westbound 580 across the richmond-san rafael br,

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