Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600PM 20170830 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600PM 20170830

under and look for them. as much as he wanted to recover him last night, we could not put more officers at risk. we knew it was going to be a recovery mission. >> to help shoulder the burden, everyday people are pitching in. these are national guard members taking a break at a houston area mattress store. the owner stepped up to help out in a time of need. >> laura anthony is in houston, helping shoulder some of the reporting duties. >> laura is traveling with a convoy of rescue boats. here's what she reported earlier this afternoon. >> let's take a look in front of us. this is an intersection, a beautiful residential neighborhood. lots of folks still have their cars here. they may be in those houses? >> yeah. as a matter of fact, for every person we've gotten out today, we've had four tell us they didn't want to leave. >> reporter: we just went by a group of guys on the second floor of an apartment. you were telling them, some of these boats may not be here later. >> yeah. earlier there were a lot more boats around. but they're moving them i think to places below the reservoir where water is coming over the top of the reservoir. so below the reservoir, they're getting flooded a bit worse, believe it or not. so i think a lot of the boats are headed down there to help people out. >> laura is tweeting what she sees while in texas. you can follow her @ lauraanthony7. >> here's a live look in laport, texas. let's check in with the current status of the storm. spencer christian has the numbers. spencer? >> this is a record setting storm. you know how devastating it has been and continues to be. let's look at the numbers here. this hurricane, tropical storm harvey, has set a new record for a tropical system in the lower 48 states in terms of rainfall total. it has dumped nearly 52 inches of rain over five days. the previous record was 48 inches from hurricane amelia in 1978. 51.88 inches of rain, cedar bayou, texas, which is near houston. just to put this in sort of bay area perspective, this amount of rainfall is equal to the two to three-year total rainfall across the bay area. san jose receives a yearly average nearly 15 inches. san francisco nearly 24 inches annually. this 52 inches is two to three years' worth of rain for the bay area. here's a look at the storm right now. tropical storm harvey beginning to approach land again, with sustained winds at 50 miles per hour, expected to make landfall tomorrow and move up through louisiana and northern arkansas, over into western tennessee and finally into southern ohio by the end of the week. the storm still a threat to many location it is the southern and eastern u.s. dan? >> thanks, spencer. a soon-to-be bride was forced to evacuate from her texas home. she's now with her parents in santa rosa, leaving behind her fiance and wedding accessories. leeann melendez tells us no matter what, the wedding will take place. >> would take a quick over this any day. >> reporter: kimmy barely escaped, so she packed some clothes, her dogs. but left all of her wedding accessories behind. she left her fiance, steve, behind and drove from padre island to austin. like so many other people, she thought she would be back in a day or two. >> just watching the weather channel all night and hearing the -- steve had to go out on duty and the things he was doing, that's when i was like oh, this is a big deal. >> reporter: her fiance is a coast guard rescue swimmer. here he is saving an elderly woman from her flooded home. once kimmy realized she wouldn't be able to return for a while, she headed to her part's home in santa rosa. >> i promised her that you would be okay. i don't break my promises to my kids. you better come home safe. >> reporter: kimmy says her wedding dress is yet to be altered, but it will have to wait. >> i feel super guilty right now, because people are losing everything they have. there's houses that just aren't there anymore. >> reporter: the family is dwludwlu -- glued to the tv, hoping her fiance will be relieved of his duties. lyanne melendez, "abc7 news." a woman who just moved to the bay area has been hit hard by the devastation in houston. her husband and son are still there and survived. but are dealing with what they describe as a war zone. "abc7 news" has their story. >> my heart drops to my stomach, and i just -- i can't believe it. >> reporter: lisa is having a difficult time looking at any video of the hurricane damage in houston. she caught a glimpse of her home with the bright yellow door on the news. >> i'm just devastated. i just don't know how this is all going to work out. >> reporter: she just moved to the south bay three weeks ago, but her husband stayed behind in houston so their son could finish high school there. but saturday night, the water reached five feet in their home. out of desperation, he decided to swim out the front door. >> the water was quite high and the dog had to swim and my husband was swimming, paddling, made their way swimming over to this other house that was a few houses down. >> reporter: fortunately, their son was at a friend's home that did not flood. it was two days before they could reunite. both of their cars you see in this video were damaged. we spoke to marco by phone. >> we have no transportation. nowhere to go. so i don't know what's going to happen. but at this point, i'm just trying to be positive. >> reporter: these pictures outside the family home show a line of how high the water rose. nearly all their possessions were destroyed. >> they're sprayed all over the ground. they're wet. my husband says they're starting to smell like mold, and it's not going to be liveable for a very long time. >> reporter: this is the third year in a row their home has flo flooded. they're feeling overwhelmed and asking for prayers. >> and prayers for help are being answered by first responders all over. this picture shows california's urban search and rescue task force four deploying boats. oakland firefighters drove from california to texas. today, they deployed to the town of katy to help rescue people. >> a lot of people are pitching in to help relief efforts from celebrities to tech companies and urging you to join them. kristen sze is here with the details. >> reporter: let's start with the latest celebrities to open up their wallets. today, the kardashian family leads the pack. kim kardashian west tweets her family will donate $500,000 to the red cross and salvation army. football player j.j. watt's fund-raiser is going gang busters. he's upped his goal to $4 million after the tennessee titan's owner stepped up. >> he gave a $1 million donation. one of our rivals. but stepping up for the greater good of the people. i can't thank you enough. i'm going to make sure that money goes directly to the people. >> google, talking about tech companies, announced it would match donations up to a million dollars. previously the company matched employee contributions only. facebook announced it will match up to a million dollars. and one easy way to give is to participate in abc's day of giving this thursday. across abc stations, we'll will fund-raising on air all day long with money going to neighbors impacted by harvey. you can check out or a livermore based group called wings of rescue is in texas helping to fly out animals. they flew 100 dogs out of texas to new jersey today. the dogs had been living in shelters before the storm sit. and will soon be up for adoption. tomorrow morning, bay area salvation workers in hayward and antioch will head to houston to lend emotional support. the salvation army already has more than 50 mobile kitchens operating in and around houston. workers say they'll do whatever they can to help. i'm sure we're going to be seeing some very sad people with some heavy hearts. and we're just there to try to, you know, give them a hot cup of coffee or a cold water, some dry clothes. you would be amazed what a pair of socks would do in a situation like this. >> the salvation army is asking for monetary donations right now. 100% of donation also help support recovery efforts in and around houston. the victims of hurricane harvey need our help. the red cross tells us that cash donations are the best way to do that. one easy way is by texting the word harvey to 90999, that will add a $10 donation to the red cross on your cell phone bill. now, we'll have a comprehensive look at the situation in texas tomorrow on a special edition of abc's "20/20" which airs tomorrow at 10:00 p.m. coming up next, a terminally ill woman wishes to see her mother one last time. and now there's new hope that her wish will be fulfilled. i'm spencer christian. some very hot weather is coming our way. a look at triple digit temperatures and how long they'll last in a moment. and why investigators returned to the ghost ship today in oakland and brought this big dron ♪ ♪ hi! leaving a career to follow a calling takes courage. a personalized financial strategy can give you confidence to take the next step. hi guys! aw yeah! see how access to j.p. morgan investment expertise can help you. chase. make more of what's yours. chase. food. water. internet. we need it to live. but what we don't need are surprises, like extra monthly fees. i see you, fee, played by legendary actress anjelica huston. you got me, mark. we just want fast internet for one, simple rate. for all the streaming and the shopping and the newsing, but most of all... for the this. internet for one everyday simple price and no extra monthly fees. >> >> you're looking live at breaking news. a wildfire near oroville, the fire started about 45 minutes ago and is already escalated to 600 acres with zero percent containment. so this is still very much spreading. evacuation orders are in effect in feather falls. the secretary of defense appears to be ready to defy president trump's transgender military ban. jim mattis announced that transgender troops will be allowed to continue sevening in the military pending the results of experts. after that study is complete, he'll provide his recommendation to the president. new at 6:00, san jose police are investigating the death of a prominent member of a south bay community. 75-year-old ann woo died on friday after she was injured during a fight earlier this month. this is video of woo during previous interviews with "abc7 news." she was an electrical engineer. investigators aren't revealing what led up to the incident that injured woo, but the case has been handed off to homicide investigators. a terminally ill san jose woman has a wish for a reunion with her mother who lives in vietnam. but the state department has turned down a visa application several times. an online petition is now giving home that the mother will be bound for the united states soon to see her daughter. david louie has the story in san jose. >> reporter: the prognosis is not promising for 33-year-old tren fan, shown with her husband and son david. tren has terminal lung cancer and it's spread. now being treated at san jose's o'connor hospital, her wish is for a visit from her mother who lives in vietnam. time is growing short. >> she's lost over 50 pounds within a relatively short period of time. since her arrival here at o'connor, she's lost over 25 pounds in less than two weeks. >> reporter: a spokesperson said tren's mothers that been turned down several times, the concern being she might overstay. the family says she will return home. a petition drive on collected 15,000 signatures and doubt the attention of a san jose congresswoman, who contacted the state department and wrote a letter to the president. the pressure worked. and expedited hearing has been granted. that news has lifted tren's spirits, who was able to eat a meal today. her mother is hoping she'll get the visa to get on a plane for the u.s., for a reunion that would mean a great deal for mother and daughter. >> she realizes that her mother will not be able to contain her own emotion. but the reunion is one that will be momentous for our family, and in particular for tren, her husband, and her son david. >> reporter: the status of this mother and daughter reunion hinges on a meeting to happen at the u.s. consulate in the next hour or so. in san jose, david louie, "abc7 news." in developing news, one of 13 protesters arrested in berkeley sunday made her first court appearance late tuesday. she faces a charge of assault. police say she threw an apple at them. defense attorneys with the national lawyer's guild say a second woman spent two days in jail and faces a charge of aggravated assault after part of a glitter bomb she threw hit a police officer. the lawyers say the defendants they represent were speaking out against right wing groups and say most are charged with violating berkeley's rule of banning facemasks. >> because you throw glitter on someone or pull a t-shirt over your face when the cops pull down their gas masks, this is what we're dealing with right now. >> no one from the district attorney's office would comment. most of the detained protesters were cited and released. new details about the deadly ghost ship fire last december that left 36 people dead in oakland. today, investigators were back at that warehouse using a special drone to analyze the building. the drone is equipped with a laser scanner that can map the entire building while capturing images. the drone company signed a nondisclosure agreement with the sheriff's office, but talked with us about how their drone can help authorities. >> you're missing the bird's-eye view. so our technology allows us to do also from above, and the process to generate the data is fast. so within a few minutes, we have a 3-d model of the building, and this is something that wasn't possible before. >> this is the first time the company is using its drone in the united states. fremont's fire chief is calling it a career. the department announced that chief jeff latondris is retiring after 31 years of service. he rose through the ranks to become chief in 2012. the city is currently conducting a nationwide search to find a new chief. happening now, a flex alert is in effect for california. it's going to expire at 9:00 p.m. the group in charge of california's power grid issued the alert to encourage people to save power because of this intense heat wave. spencer christian is here with the latest on that heat wave. >> it's getting worse. >> it is going to get a lot hotter. it was pretty mild today, but warmer tomorrow and hot before the end of the week. we have low clouds and fog along the coastline. it's going to expand overnight. but let's talk about our 24-hour temperature change. most locations are 5 to 10 degrees cooler than they were at this hour yesterday. and 18 degrees cooler in livermore. enjoying this cooler evening we have right now, because we have some hot ones coming our way. this is looking out over san francisco, where it is 62 degrees right now. 65 across the bay in oakland. 82 at gilroy, and 62 at half moon bay. this is looking at the low clouds appearing to be ready to swallow up san francisco. it's currently 77 up in santa rosa. 75 in nevado. 86 at concord and livermore 79 degrees. but check out this view talking towards the southeast. we are looking at blue skies. and these are the forecast features. mild to warm tomorrow afternoon. extreme heat will blanket the inland areas by the end of the week. and we'll see triple digit temperatures through the hey boar day weekend. it's going to be very hot. overnight, we'll see cool to mild conditions as the low clouds and fog spill out over the bay and inland. low temperatures range from the 50s to the coast, upper 50s to low 60s inland. and tomorrow, we'll see highs of 64 at half moon bay. 67 in san francisco. right around the bay, highs of 73 in oakland. 79 at fremont. south bay, san jose will top out at 83 degrees. north bay, 88. santa rosa, triple digits tomorrow up at ukiah and lake port. the inland east bay, highs in the mid 90s. but the heat expands. we have an excessive heat watch in effect for virtually all of the bay area except the bayshoreline and the coast. that's thursday through monday. the hot spots with temperatures from 102 to 110 degrees during this period of time. thursday's highs, 105 will be the highs in concord. 106 in fairfield. 97 at santa rosa. in the south bay, 95 in san jose. then on friday, dangerous heat in our inland areas with highs above 110 degrees and numerous locations in the inland east bay. and not much change on saturday. highs up to about 110 degrees in the hottest locations. here's the accuweather seven-day forecast. it's just going to be a string of hot days from thursday through sunday. some inland spots topping out at 100 degrees. temperatures beginning to moderate on tuesday. it's going to be a gradual process. don't expect a quick cooldown. >> thank you, spencer. coming up next, convincing arguments to let 17-year-olds cast ballots in ca (con artists...) they'll try anything to get your medicare card number. so they can steal your identity, commit medicare fraud. what can you do? guard your card? guard your card? just like your credit card. nobody gets my number, unless i know they should have it. to protect your identity, new medicare cards without social security numbers will be mailed next year. visit stay sharp people! we have breaking news. there are major backups on east bound 80 because of a crash just before the bridge. three lanes have been closed near cummings skyway and just reopened. a motorcyclist crashed around 5:30 tonight with major injuries. traffic is usually heavy east bound at this time. and it's slow all the way back to the bay bridge. new at 6:00, the golden gate bridge could be blocked tomorrow morning by protesters. this is a live look at the bridge now. a conservative group that is against marxism is calling on supporters to march to the bridge around 9:00. no groups have filed a permit for any activities on the bridge tomorrow. state lawmakers want to lower california's voting age from 18 to 17. one middle school student has a logical argument in favor of that idea. listen. >> in the united states, voting is a privilege and a responsibility. we trust 16 and 17-year-olds to drive cars. we should trust them to vote as well. >> in the 2014 general election, only 8 per% of voters ages 18 t cast ballots. evan lowe offered the proposal to lower the age. since the bill requires a constitutional amendment, it needs supermajority of approval in boast houses. coming up next, the latest on harvey. >> you'll hear from the president during his visit to see the storm damage firsthand and what a local congresswoman wants to see the government do differently. take a look at the startup of a flood prevention project right here in the bay area. plus -- >> i can breathe now. >> he used to live here. now, he lives here. it's across the street but makes a world of difference. and it's s you're going to be hanging out in here. so if you need anything, text me. do you play? use the chase mobile app to send money in just a tap to friends at more banks than ever before. you got next? chase. make more of what's yours. live where you live. this is "abc7 news." >> tonight, there's a curfew in houston as police treat to cut down on looting. at least 14 suspected looters have been arrested. police say they've been impersonating law enforcement, knocking on doors telling people there are mamd toirndatory evac. tens of thousands have been forced out of their homes. >> we've been gone a couple of days. we just came to check on things. now we're headed back to the hotel. >> homes near a chemical plant have also been evacuated. officials say it's at risk of explosion after water flooded the plant. president trump and the first lady arrived in texas today. >> melanie woodrow has that story. >> reporter: as rescue efforts continue in texas, she woulters already past capacity. >> this was of epic proportion. >> reporter: president donald trump and the first lady arrived in corpus christi today for a briefing with state and local officials. the president noting the gravity of the job at hand. >> we want to do it better than ever before. we want to be looked at five, ten years from now that this is the way to do it. >> reporter: saying he'll work with kopg congress to help texa. today, nancy pelosi, who was in san francisco visiting a construction job training program, added those critical emergency funding discussions are under way. >> so i'm hopeful that all the conversations we had have been positive. of course, we've had to change the mind of some people who didn't want to help when we had sandy to say hopefully now they'll recognize the compact that we have between people and the government. >> reporter: the president praised coordination efforts on the ground, but added that's much more work to be done. >> we won't say congratulations. we don't want to do that. we'll congratulate each other when it's all finished. >> reporter: with more rain expected, and a pair of old reservoir dams overflows, it's hard to know when that will be. melanie woodrow, "abc7 news." today mark s 12 years since hurricane katrina struck new orleans, killing more than 1800 people along the gulf coast. just awful. if you want to, you can look back at pictures from that storm on our website. there's a photo gallery on here at home, flood prevention is the goal of a new project. "abc7 news" was in richmond for the community kickoff of the flood protection levy project for the wild cat and san pablo creeks. it began with pulling evasive plants that can restrict water flow. over the next two years, the county will raise the levies a foot and a half across a two-mile stretch. >> that 18 inches could provide the difference between a house being nood flooded or not. >> grant money will be used for the nearly $2 million project. and they will employ young people to work on vegetation management for this project. another look at breaking news. a wildfire near lake oroville north of sacramento. we've seep images of homes burning because of this fire. evacuations are in effect. there you see aircraft fighting the fire. a shelter will be open at 6:45 tonight at the ponderosa community center. the fire has already burned 600 acres with zero containment to report. now to a story you'll only see here tonight. residents of this housing development are moving into new accommodations across the street. it's the milestone of a private city project to transform the southeastern part of san francisco. vic lee has the perspective of the people who live there. >> a lot of shootings and all that different stuff. it was really scary. >> reporter: maurice couldn't wait to move from his old apartment at alex griffith public housing. he relocated last week to the new apartment complex across the street. >> god bless them, too. because this is a hell hole. >> i don't know how heaven is, but it seems like i got a taste of it. >> reporter: 70 families from the alice griffith housing development have already moved here. the old 256 unit complex will be replaced, one for one, in the new facilities. by 2022, there will be over a thousand apartments build in this neighborhood by a developer. 30% will be affordable housing. all part of a larger blew print. part of the hunter's point naval shipyard. the area around the old ballpark will become a complex of 12,000 new homes, hotels, retail stores and parks. dr. honeycutt heads an advisory committee for the new developments. >> moving out of that to this, and who wouldn't? it's a new lease on life for them and we feel blessed to see this happening in our lifetimes. >> reporter: he vacated his old apartment two weeks ago, one of the first to move into this one bedroom unit. he jumped at the chance. >> i was happy when they called me. i moved that same day. by myself. >> reporter: once all the units of the new alice griffith developments are built, this will become one of the biggest generators of affordable housing in the city. vic lee, "abc7 news." the last few pieces of the old bay bridge could get a new purpose, one that everyone could enjoy. see the suggestions next. now to a live look outside. spencer is tracking five very hot ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ wow! nice outfit. when i grow up, i'm going to mars. we're working on that. some people know how far they want to go. a personalized financial strategy can help you get them there. see how access to j.p. morgan investment expertise can help you. chase. make more of what's yours. to j.p. morgan investment expertise can help you. at at&t, we believe in access. the opportunity for everyone to explore a digital world. connecting with the things that matter most. and because nothing keeps us more connected than the internet, we've created access from at&t. california households with at least one resident who receives snap or ssi benefits may qualify for home internet at a discounted rate of $10 a month. no commitment, deposit, or installation fee. visit to learn more. happening now, the contra costa county board of edge base is holding a public hearing to discuss creating a separate school district. they will vote whether to recommend to break up the district and form a new one called north gate. five schools would be part of that new district. supporters say with 56 school totals, the mt. diablo district is too big. 2 proposal still has to go to the state and could end up on the ballot in 2018. this weekend starts another round of implosions on the old bay bridge. while the teardown is happening, there are some preservationists who hope to keep some tangible memories of the span. carolyn tyler has the story. >> reporter: before the old eastern span of the bay bridge was imploded and demolished, during the planning stages, there was talk about hanging on to some of the historic structure. preserving as many piers as possible to use for public access. >> the big three questions that we're hearing -- who's going to own them? who's going to construct those bridges? and who's going to maintain and operate them? >> reporter: the chief engineer of the span has been asked by the toll bridge program oversight committee to study the possibilities. under consideration pier e-2, with design options including a walkway, offering distant views of oakland and san francisco skylines. piers 19 through 22 at the foot of the eastern span could be transformed as part of a park, with the water park promenade or a floating bridge. sky 7 shows the beauty of the bay that could be experienced. >> you can imagine children or folks my age out there fishing, crabbing, riding a bike, maybe learning to kayak, learning about sea level rise. >> reporter: the public and at least nine state and local agencies must weigh in. environmental approval and the cost of the pier project are challenges, as well. carolyn tyler, "abc7 news." coming up, the cost of free. >> 7 on your side's michael finney helps a woman get her money the energy conscious whopeople among usle? say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. a big moment for sean spicer. he got to meet the pope. this picture was posted to the vatican radio facebook page yesterday. you can see spicer with his phone out on the right side. spicer traveled to the vatican with the president back in may but left off the list of those who met with his holiness. spicer is catholic. fox news is off the air if britain. the network's parent company says it stopped broadcasting today because the number of viewers was so low and it wasn't worth it to broadcast for such a small audience. a judge dismissed a lawsuit filed by sarah palin against "the new york times." the former governor of alaska was suing for defamation over an editorial article. the judge ruled the article had some misinformation errors, and that it did not amount to defamation. it's temperaturing attempti free trial offers. michael finney helped this woman out. >> this viewer's satellite tv package came with an extra sports cham free for one year. so what happened in year two? a series of charges she says caught her by surprise. >> the only time you're the smartest person in the ro is when you are alone. >> reporter: barbara is watching tv the old fashioned way. over the airwaves. >> comes in really strong. >> reporter: she just canceled her directv service. mostly she says out of frustration. >> i was constantly dealing with it. >> reporter: it began when they told her to upgrade her modem. >> and i just needed to return it. so they sent me a box. >> reporter: she sent the modem in the box as instructed. >> i got confirmation they received it. >> reporter: however, on her next bill, directv charged her $150 for not returning the modem. >> i returned it. i have proof. they kept saying we never received it. the charge is going to stand on your bill. >> reporter: after that, she found this charge on her bill. $46.99 for something called nfl sunday ticket. >> i know i didn't order it. >> reporter: she says she couldn't get directv to cancel the football channel, even though she didn't want it. >> they were giving me such a hard time, i asked 7 on your side to help me cancel directv. >> reporter: we contacted the parent company, at&t. turns out directv had provided the nfl package free as a promotion last year. then automatically renewed it and charged her for it this year. barbara says she didn't even know she had the nfl games, let alone that she had to proactively cancel to avoid paying for it this year. but directv did agree to reverse the charges, saying many of the programming packages include nfl ticket free for the first year. when customers order services, the terms are explained. directv reversed the charm for the modem she sent back, saying we regret we did not meet customer expectations in return of the modem. >> so i'm really happy. >> reporter: directv was agreed to terminate her contract with a cancellation fee. so what's the takeaway here? you need to watch out for free trial promotions that may be included in any service. they can be tough to cancel if you're not thinking about them. so i don't know, put it on your calendar and make sure you know what you're doing. i want to hear from you. the hotline is open monday through friday, 415-954-8151. and you can reach me through facebook and our station's website. as we turn back to weather, why no go phoenix, let phoenix come to you. >> absolutely. >> here's how it looks right now on live doppler 7 hd. mainly sunny skies. but there's a little fog developing at the coastline. it will be relatively mild overnight with lows mainly in the upper 50s to around 60. tomorrow, a mild-to-warm day. the warmest of the inland highs will be in the mid 90s. although farther north, ukiah and lake port will top out. excessive heat watch is in effect thursday through monday. and the hottest of the hot spots with temperatures ranging from 102 to 110 degrees. this is for the entire bay area with the exception of shoreline around the bay, and the coast. so on we go to look at the accuweather seven-day forecast. thursday through labor day, temperatures above 100 and the warmer inland spots, up to 110 on friday and saturday,chhi w i dangerously hot. highs on the coast near 80 degrees during the peak of this heating. >> thanks, spencer. shu's here. >> a little weather at the u.s. open. details to come. the warriors' kevin durant has a new shoe ♪ ♪ hi! leaving a career to follow a calling takes courage. a personalized financial strategy can give you confidence to take the next step. hi guys! aw yeah! see how access to j.p. morgan investment expertise can help you. chase. make more of what's yours. kevin durant and nike have released a sneak peek of his new shoe today. the durant kdx shoe will be called red velvet. if you recall, okc fans bombarded him with chants and cupcake signs, claiming he was soft like a cupcake. k.d. had mixed emotions like it. his shoe, which will be released september 1, will be called red velvet. a bit of a dis on okc, and we were the first to learn about his cupcake reference. >> do you have a favorite kind of cupcake? >> i like red velvet. so make sure they have a few for me next time. >> speaking of shoes, bill simmons podcast, he said nobody wants to play in underarmors. the top kids don't because they all play nike. that should be an interesting training camp. raiders end their preseason thursday night hosting seattle at the coliseum. probably won't see many key starters play because you don't want any injuries. derek carr may play a series if at all. he wants to play every chance, but not worth the risk as they found out last night what it's like playing without him. carr was the highest paid player in the league until matthew stafford got his new deal yesterday. >> yes. yes. >> what is the reaction? >> i'm happy for him. he's a good dude. and i love talking to him. you know, my reaction to it was congratulations. i hope every quarterback that comes beats me, beats him. i just hope that they all just continue to do that. >> good news for the raider fans. their first round pick was on the practice field after passing his physical and taking off the unable to perform list. he injured his shin june 13. he could be with the raider's need at quarterback. niners sent mc pittsburgh. vance was drafted in 2013, 30 starts, 64 catches, 866 yards, but he had issues with drops. rain put a damper on day two at the u.s. open, but they did get some matches in, including rafael nadal. wearing the hot pink today, as he faced the player from serbia. nadal was a bit wobbly, but he just puts so much pressure on you. it was all fadnadal after that. he improves to 13-0 in u.s. open first round matches with a three sets victory. upset of the day. angelique kisher was knocked out by the japanese player. she was tentative throughout. give osaka credit. she had no fear, swinging away and moves on easily, knocking we have a birthday up here today. of course, it's not ama, because you don't talk about women's age. spencer and i are too old. welcome back to the back nine. >> maybe the back three. very sweet. thank you. join us tonight at 9:00 on coffee tv 20, cable channel 13. a fast growing fire just outside of yosemite has firefighters concerned tonight. there are mandatory evacuations and a highway closure. the latest at 9:00. >> and a permanent member of the south bay community has died after a fight. tonight, the family sits down with "abc7 news" for the first time to reveal what happened after that violent encounter. now, here's don't's lineup. at 8:00, "bachelor in paradise," then don't miss "abc7 news" at 11:00. >> at 11:35, it's jimmy kimmel live. >> let me show you the cards he gave me. he used a publicity photo on the front, on the inside, a picture of shu and a dollar. i'm going to spend this all in one place. >> that's our report. i'm dan ashley. >> and i'm ama daetz. for all of us, thanks for joining us. and happy birthday. food. water. internet. we need it to live. but what we don't need are surprises, like extra monthly fees. i see you, fee, played by legendary actress anjelica huston. you got me, mark. internet for one everyday simple price and no extra monthly fees. food. water. internet. we need it to live. for all the streaming and the shopping and the newsing, but most of all... for the this. internet for one everyday simple price and no extra monthly fees. this is the "jeopardy!" teachers tournament. here are today's contestants -- an 8 through 12th grade math teacher from vienna, virginia... a high school french and english teacher from rogers, arkansas... and a high school choir teacher from green bay, wisconsin... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!" -- alex trebek! thank you, johnny. thank you, ladies and gentlemen. welcome. as you know, for the 2-week period of this tournament, we are highlighting america's teachers. if you would like to thank a teacher or vote for your favorite teacher proposal, all you have to do is go to, which was set up by farmers insurance to give back to these valuable members of our society. eduardo, mary, and sara, this is the second quarter-final game. the winner becomes a semi-finalist, but we have those four wild card spots for high scorers among non-winners. good luck. here we go. now the categories, starting off with... the national geographic channel series on albert einstein, which is currently airing. then we have... where? sara, you start us. first names for $200. sara. who is tony? yes. first names, $400. mary. what is clay? good. i'll take first names for $600.

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Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600PM 20170830 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600PM 20170830

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under and look for them. as much as he wanted to recover him last night, we could not put more officers at risk. we knew it was going to be a recovery mission. >> to help shoulder the burden, everyday people are pitching in. these are national guard members taking a break at a houston area mattress store. the owner stepped up to help out in a time of need. >> laura anthony is in houston, helping shoulder some of the reporting duties. >> laura is traveling with a convoy of rescue boats. here's what she reported earlier this afternoon. >> let's take a look in front of us. this is an intersection, a beautiful residential neighborhood. lots of folks still have their cars here. they may be in those houses? >> yeah. as a matter of fact, for every person we've gotten out today, we've had four tell us they didn't want to leave. >> reporter: we just went by a group of guys on the second floor of an apartment. you were telling them, some of these boats may not be here later. >> yeah. earlier there were a lot more boats around. but they're moving them i think to places below the reservoir where water is coming over the top of the reservoir. so below the reservoir, they're getting flooded a bit worse, believe it or not. so i think a lot of the boats are headed down there to help people out. >> laura is tweeting what she sees while in texas. you can follow her @ lauraanthony7. >> here's a live look in laport, texas. let's check in with the current status of the storm. spencer christian has the numbers. spencer? >> this is a record setting storm. you know how devastating it has been and continues to be. let's look at the numbers here. this hurricane, tropical storm harvey, has set a new record for a tropical system in the lower 48 states in terms of rainfall total. it has dumped nearly 52 inches of rain over five days. the previous record was 48 inches from hurricane amelia in 1978. 51.88 inches of rain, cedar bayou, texas, which is near houston. just to put this in sort of bay area perspective, this amount of rainfall is equal to the two to three-year total rainfall across the bay area. san jose receives a yearly average nearly 15 inches. san francisco nearly 24 inches annually. this 52 inches is two to three years' worth of rain for the bay area. here's a look at the storm right now. tropical storm harvey beginning to approach land again, with sustained winds at 50 miles per hour, expected to make landfall tomorrow and move up through louisiana and northern arkansas, over into western tennessee and finally into southern ohio by the end of the week. the storm still a threat to many location it is the southern and eastern u.s. dan? >> thanks, spencer. a soon-to-be bride was forced to evacuate from her texas home. she's now with her parents in santa rosa, leaving behind her fiance and wedding accessories. leeann melendez tells us no matter what, the wedding will take place. >> would take a quick over this any day. >> reporter: kimmy barely escaped, so she packed some clothes, her dogs. but left all of her wedding accessories behind. she left her fiance, steve, behind and drove from padre island to austin. like so many other people, she thought she would be back in a day or two. >> just watching the weather channel all night and hearing the -- steve had to go out on duty and the things he was doing, that's when i was like oh, this is a big deal. >> reporter: her fiance is a coast guard rescue swimmer. here he is saving an elderly woman from her flooded home. once kimmy realized she wouldn't be able to return for a while, she headed to her part's home in santa rosa. >> i promised her that you would be okay. i don't break my promises to my kids. you better come home safe. >> reporter: kimmy says her wedding dress is yet to be altered, but it will have to wait. >> i feel super guilty right now, because people are losing everything they have. there's houses that just aren't there anymore. >> reporter: the family is dwludwlu -- glued to the tv, hoping her fiance will be relieved of his duties. lyanne melendez, "abc7 news." a woman who just moved to the bay area has been hit hard by the devastation in houston. her husband and son are still there and survived. but are dealing with what they describe as a war zone. "abc7 news" has their story. >> my heart drops to my stomach, and i just -- i can't believe it. >> reporter: lisa is having a difficult time looking at any video of the hurricane damage in houston. she caught a glimpse of her home with the bright yellow door on the news. >> i'm just devastated. i just don't know how this is all going to work out. >> reporter: she just moved to the south bay three weeks ago, but her husband stayed behind in houston so their son could finish high school there. but saturday night, the water reached five feet in their home. out of desperation, he decided to swim out the front door. >> the water was quite high and the dog had to swim and my husband was swimming, paddling, made their way swimming over to this other house that was a few houses down. >> reporter: fortunately, their son was at a friend's home that did not flood. it was two days before they could reunite. both of their cars you see in this video were damaged. we spoke to marco by phone. >> we have no transportation. nowhere to go. so i don't know what's going to happen. but at this point, i'm just trying to be positive. >> reporter: these pictures outside the family home show a line of how high the water rose. nearly all their possessions were destroyed. >> they're sprayed all over the ground. they're wet. my husband says they're starting to smell like mold, and it's not going to be liveable for a very long time. >> reporter: this is the third year in a row their home has flo flooded. they're feeling overwhelmed and asking for prayers. >> and prayers for help are being answered by first responders all over. this picture shows california's urban search and rescue task force four deploying boats. oakland firefighters drove from california to texas. today, they deployed to the town of katy to help rescue people. >> a lot of people are pitching in to help relief efforts from celebrities to tech companies and urging you to join them. kristen sze is here with the details. >> reporter: let's start with the latest celebrities to open up their wallets. today, the kardashian family leads the pack. kim kardashian west tweets her family will donate $500,000 to the red cross and salvation army. football player j.j. watt's fund-raiser is going gang busters. he's upped his goal to $4 million after the tennessee titan's owner stepped up. >> he gave a $1 million donation. one of our rivals. but stepping up for the greater good of the people. i can't thank you enough. i'm going to make sure that money goes directly to the people. >> google, talking about tech companies, announced it would match donations up to a million dollars. previously the company matched employee contributions only. facebook announced it will match up to a million dollars. and one easy way to give is to participate in abc's day of giving this thursday. across abc stations, we'll will fund-raising on air all day long with money going to neighbors impacted by harvey. you can check out or a livermore based group called wings of rescue is in texas helping to fly out animals. they flew 100 dogs out of texas to new jersey today. the dogs had been living in shelters before the storm sit. and will soon be up for adoption. tomorrow morning, bay area salvation workers in hayward and antioch will head to houston to lend emotional support. the salvation army already has more than 50 mobile kitchens operating in and around houston. workers say they'll do whatever they can to help. i'm sure we're going to be seeing some very sad people with some heavy hearts. and we're just there to try to, you know, give them a hot cup of coffee or a cold water, some dry clothes. you would be amazed what a pair of socks would do in a situation like this. >> the salvation army is asking for monetary donations right now. 100% of donation also help support recovery efforts in and around houston. the victims of hurricane harvey need our help. the red cross tells us that cash donations are the best way to do that. one easy way is by texting the word harvey to 90999, that will add a $10 donation to the red cross on your cell phone bill. now, we'll have a comprehensive look at the situation in texas tomorrow on a special edition of abc's "20/20" which airs tomorrow at 10:00 p.m. coming up next, a terminally ill woman wishes to see her mother one last time. and now there's new hope that her wish will be fulfilled. i'm spencer christian. some very hot weather is coming our way. a look at triple digit temperatures and how long they'll last in a moment. and why investigators returned to the ghost ship today in oakland and brought this big dron ♪ ♪ hi! leaving a career to follow a calling takes courage. a personalized financial strategy can give you confidence to take the next step. hi guys! aw yeah! see how access to j.p. morgan investment expertise can help you. chase. make more of what's yours. chase. food. water. internet. we need it to live. but what we don't need are surprises, like extra monthly fees. i see you, fee, played by legendary actress anjelica huston. you got me, mark. we just want fast internet for one, simple rate. for all the streaming and the shopping and the newsing, but most of all... for the this. internet for one everyday simple price and no extra monthly fees. >> >> you're looking live at breaking news. a wildfire near oroville, the fire started about 45 minutes ago and is already escalated to 600 acres with zero percent containment. so this is still very much spreading. evacuation orders are in effect in feather falls. the secretary of defense appears to be ready to defy president trump's transgender military ban. jim mattis announced that transgender troops will be allowed to continue sevening in the military pending the results of experts. after that study is complete, he'll provide his recommendation to the president. new at 6:00, san jose police are investigating the death of a prominent member of a south bay community. 75-year-old ann woo died on friday after she was injured during a fight earlier this month. this is video of woo during previous interviews with "abc7 news." she was an electrical engineer. investigators aren't revealing what led up to the incident that injured woo, but the case has been handed off to homicide investigators. a terminally ill san jose woman has a wish for a reunion with her mother who lives in vietnam. but the state department has turned down a visa application several times. an online petition is now giving home that the mother will be bound for the united states soon to see her daughter. david louie has the story in san jose. >> reporter: the prognosis is not promising for 33-year-old tren fan, shown with her husband and son david. tren has terminal lung cancer and it's spread. now being treated at san jose's o'connor hospital, her wish is for a visit from her mother who lives in vietnam. time is growing short. >> she's lost over 50 pounds within a relatively short period of time. since her arrival here at o'connor, she's lost over 25 pounds in less than two weeks. >> reporter: a spokesperson said tren's mothers that been turned down several times, the concern being she might overstay. the family says she will return home. a petition drive on collected 15,000 signatures and doubt the attention of a san jose congresswoman, who contacted the state department and wrote a letter to the president. the pressure worked. and expedited hearing has been granted. that news has lifted tren's spirits, who was able to eat a meal today. her mother is hoping she'll get the visa to get on a plane for the u.s., for a reunion that would mean a great deal for mother and daughter. >> she realizes that her mother will not be able to contain her own emotion. but the reunion is one that will be momentous for our family, and in particular for tren, her husband, and her son david. >> reporter: the status of this mother and daughter reunion hinges on a meeting to happen at the u.s. consulate in the next hour or so. in san jose, david louie, "abc7 news." in developing news, one of 13 protesters arrested in berkeley sunday made her first court appearance late tuesday. she faces a charge of assault. police say she threw an apple at them. defense attorneys with the national lawyer's guild say a second woman spent two days in jail and faces a charge of aggravated assault after part of a glitter bomb she threw hit a police officer. the lawyers say the defendants they represent were speaking out against right wing groups and say most are charged with violating berkeley's rule of banning facemasks. >> because you throw glitter on someone or pull a t-shirt over your face when the cops pull down their gas masks, this is what we're dealing with right now. >> no one from the district attorney's office would comment. most of the detained protesters were cited and released. new details about the deadly ghost ship fire last december that left 36 people dead in oakland. today, investigators were back at that warehouse using a special drone to analyze the building. the drone is equipped with a laser scanner that can map the entire building while capturing images. the drone company signed a nondisclosure agreement with the sheriff's office, but talked with us about how their drone can help authorities. >> you're missing the bird's-eye view. so our technology allows us to do also from above, and the process to generate the data is fast. so within a few minutes, we have a 3-d model of the building, and this is something that wasn't possible before. >> this is the first time the company is using its drone in the united states. fremont's fire chief is calling it a career. the department announced that chief jeff latondris is retiring after 31 years of service. he rose through the ranks to become chief in 2012. the city is currently conducting a nationwide search to find a new chief. happening now, a flex alert is in effect for california. it's going to expire at 9:00 p.m. the group in charge of california's power grid issued the alert to encourage people to save power because of this intense heat wave. spencer christian is here with the latest on that heat wave. >> it's getting worse. >> it is going to get a lot hotter. it was pretty mild today, but warmer tomorrow and hot before the end of the week. we have low clouds and fog along the coastline. it's going to expand overnight. but let's talk about our 24-hour temperature change. most locations are 5 to 10 degrees cooler than they were at this hour yesterday. and 18 degrees cooler in livermore. enjoying this cooler evening we have right now, because we have some hot ones coming our way. this is looking out over san francisco, where it is 62 degrees right now. 65 across the bay in oakland. 82 at gilroy, and 62 at half moon bay. this is looking at the low clouds appearing to be ready to swallow up san francisco. it's currently 77 up in santa rosa. 75 in nevado. 86 at concord and livermore 79 degrees. but check out this view talking towards the southeast. we are looking at blue skies. and these are the forecast features. mild to warm tomorrow afternoon. extreme heat will blanket the inland areas by the end of the week. and we'll see triple digit temperatures through the hey boar day weekend. it's going to be very hot. overnight, we'll see cool to mild conditions as the low clouds and fog spill out over the bay and inland. low temperatures range from the 50s to the coast, upper 50s to low 60s inland. and tomorrow, we'll see highs of 64 at half moon bay. 67 in san francisco. right around the bay, highs of 73 in oakland. 79 at fremont. south bay, san jose will top out at 83 degrees. north bay, 88. santa rosa, triple digits tomorrow up at ukiah and lake port. the inland east bay, highs in the mid 90s. but the heat expands. we have an excessive heat watch in effect for virtually all of the bay area except the bayshoreline and the coast. that's thursday through monday. the hot spots with temperatures from 102 to 110 degrees during this period of time. thursday's highs, 105 will be the highs in concord. 106 in fairfield. 97 at santa rosa. in the south bay, 95 in san jose. then on friday, dangerous heat in our inland areas with highs above 110 degrees and numerous locations in the inland east bay. and not much change on saturday. highs up to about 110 degrees in the hottest locations. here's the accuweather seven-day forecast. it's just going to be a string of hot days from thursday through sunday. some inland spots topping out at 100 degrees. temperatures beginning to moderate on tuesday. it's going to be a gradual process. don't expect a quick cooldown. >> thank you, spencer. coming up next, convincing arguments to let 17-year-olds cast ballots in ca (con artists...) they'll try anything to get your medicare card number. so they can steal your identity, commit medicare fraud. what can you do? guard your card? guard your card? just like your credit card. nobody gets my number, unless i know they should have it. to protect your identity, new medicare cards without social security numbers will be mailed next year. visit stay sharp people! we have breaking news. there are major backups on east bound 80 because of a crash just before the bridge. three lanes have been closed near cummings skyway and just reopened. a motorcyclist crashed around 5:30 tonight with major injuries. traffic is usually heavy east bound at this time. and it's slow all the way back to the bay bridge. new at 6:00, the golden gate bridge could be blocked tomorrow morning by protesters. this is a live look at the bridge now. a conservative group that is against marxism is calling on supporters to march to the bridge around 9:00. no groups have filed a permit for any activities on the bridge tomorrow. state lawmakers want to lower california's voting age from 18 to 17. one middle school student has a logical argument in favor of that idea. listen. >> in the united states, voting is a privilege and a responsibility. we trust 16 and 17-year-olds to drive cars. we should trust them to vote as well. >> in the 2014 general election, only 8 per% of voters ages 18 t cast ballots. evan lowe offered the proposal to lower the age. since the bill requires a constitutional amendment, it needs supermajority of approval in boast houses. coming up next, the latest on harvey. >> you'll hear from the president during his visit to see the storm damage firsthand and what a local congresswoman wants to see the government do differently. take a look at the startup of a flood prevention project right here in the bay area. plus -- >> i can breathe now. >> he used to live here. now, he lives here. it's across the street but makes a world of difference. and it's s you're going to be hanging out in here. so if you need anything, text me. do you play? use the chase mobile app to send money in just a tap to friends at more banks than ever before. you got next? chase. make more of what's yours. live where you live. this is "abc7 news." >> tonight, there's a curfew in houston as police treat to cut down on looting. at least 14 suspected looters have been arrested. police say they've been impersonating law enforcement, knocking on doors telling people there are mamd toirndatory evac. tens of thousands have been forced out of their homes. >> we've been gone a couple of days. we just came to check on things. now we're headed back to the hotel. >> homes near a chemical plant have also been evacuated. officials say it's at risk of explosion after water flooded the plant. president trump and the first lady arrived in texas today. >> melanie woodrow has that story. >> reporter: as rescue efforts continue in texas, she woulters already past capacity. >> this was of epic proportion. >> reporter: president donald trump and the first lady arrived in corpus christi today for a briefing with state and local officials. the president noting the gravity of the job at hand. >> we want to do it better than ever before. we want to be looked at five, ten years from now that this is the way to do it. >> reporter: saying he'll work with kopg congress to help texa. today, nancy pelosi, who was in san francisco visiting a construction job training program, added those critical emergency funding discussions are under way. >> so i'm hopeful that all the conversations we had have been positive. of course, we've had to change the mind of some people who didn't want to help when we had sandy to say hopefully now they'll recognize the compact that we have between people and the government. >> reporter: the president praised coordination efforts on the ground, but added that's much more work to be done. >> we won't say congratulations. we don't want to do that. we'll congratulate each other when it's all finished. >> reporter: with more rain expected, and a pair of old reservoir dams overflows, it's hard to know when that will be. melanie woodrow, "abc7 news." today mark s 12 years since hurricane katrina struck new orleans, killing more than 1800 people along the gulf coast. just awful. if you want to, you can look back at pictures from that storm on our website. there's a photo gallery on here at home, flood prevention is the goal of a new project. "abc7 news" was in richmond for the community kickoff of the flood protection levy project for the wild cat and san pablo creeks. it began with pulling evasive plants that can restrict water flow. over the next two years, the county will raise the levies a foot and a half across a two-mile stretch. >> that 18 inches could provide the difference between a house being nood flooded or not. >> grant money will be used for the nearly $2 million project. and they will employ young people to work on vegetation management for this project. another look at breaking news. a wildfire near lake oroville north of sacramento. we've seep images of homes burning because of this fire. evacuations are in effect. there you see aircraft fighting the fire. a shelter will be open at 6:45 tonight at the ponderosa community center. the fire has already burned 600 acres with zero containment to report. now to a story you'll only see here tonight. residents of this housing development are moving into new accommodations across the street. it's the milestone of a private city project to transform the southeastern part of san francisco. vic lee has the perspective of the people who live there. >> a lot of shootings and all that different stuff. it was really scary. >> reporter: maurice couldn't wait to move from his old apartment at alex griffith public housing. he relocated last week to the new apartment complex across the street. >> god bless them, too. because this is a hell hole. >> i don't know how heaven is, but it seems like i got a taste of it. >> reporter: 70 families from the alice griffith housing development have already moved here. the old 256 unit complex will be replaced, one for one, in the new facilities. by 2022, there will be over a thousand apartments build in this neighborhood by a developer. 30% will be affordable housing. all part of a larger blew print. part of the hunter's point naval shipyard. the area around the old ballpark will become a complex of 12,000 new homes, hotels, retail stores and parks. dr. honeycutt heads an advisory committee for the new developments. >> moving out of that to this, and who wouldn't? it's a new lease on life for them and we feel blessed to see this happening in our lifetimes. >> reporter: he vacated his old apartment two weeks ago, one of the first to move into this one bedroom unit. he jumped at the chance. >> i was happy when they called me. i moved that same day. by myself. >> reporter: once all the units of the new alice griffith developments are built, this will become one of the biggest generators of affordable housing in the city. vic lee, "abc7 news." the last few pieces of the old bay bridge could get a new purpose, one that everyone could enjoy. see the suggestions next. now to a live look outside. spencer is tracking five very hot ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ wow! nice outfit. when i grow up, i'm going to mars. we're working on that. some people know how far they want to go. a personalized financial strategy can help you get them there. see how access to j.p. morgan investment expertise can help you. chase. make more of what's yours. to j.p. morgan investment expertise can help you. at at&t, we believe in access. the opportunity for everyone to explore a digital world. connecting with the things that matter most. and because nothing keeps us more connected than the internet, we've created access from at&t. california households with at least one resident who receives snap or ssi benefits may qualify for home internet at a discounted rate of $10 a month. no commitment, deposit, or installation fee. visit to learn more. happening now, the contra costa county board of edge base is holding a public hearing to discuss creating a separate school district. they will vote whether to recommend to break up the district and form a new one called north gate. five schools would be part of that new district. supporters say with 56 school totals, the mt. diablo district is too big. 2 proposal still has to go to the state and could end up on the ballot in 2018. this weekend starts another round of implosions on the old bay bridge. while the teardown is happening, there are some preservationists who hope to keep some tangible memories of the span. carolyn tyler has the story. >> reporter: before the old eastern span of the bay bridge was imploded and demolished, during the planning stages, there was talk about hanging on to some of the historic structure. preserving as many piers as possible to use for public access. >> the big three questions that we're hearing -- who's going to own them? who's going to construct those bridges? and who's going to maintain and operate them? >> reporter: the chief engineer of the span has been asked by the toll bridge program oversight committee to study the possibilities. under consideration pier e-2, with design options including a walkway, offering distant views of oakland and san francisco skylines. piers 19 through 22 at the foot of the eastern span could be transformed as part of a park, with the water park promenade or a floating bridge. sky 7 shows the beauty of the bay that could be experienced. >> you can imagine children or folks my age out there fishing, crabbing, riding a bike, maybe learning to kayak, learning about sea level rise. >> reporter: the public and at least nine state and local agencies must weigh in. environmental approval and the cost of the pier project are challenges, as well. carolyn tyler, "abc7 news." coming up, the cost of free. >> 7 on your side's michael finney helps a woman get her money the energy conscious whopeople among usle? say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. a big moment for sean spicer. he got to meet the pope. this picture was posted to the vatican radio facebook page yesterday. you can see spicer with his phone out on the right side. spicer traveled to the vatican with the president back in may but left off the list of those who met with his holiness. spicer is catholic. fox news is off the air if britain. the network's parent company says it stopped broadcasting today because the number of viewers was so low and it wasn't worth it to broadcast for such a small audience. a judge dismissed a lawsuit filed by sarah palin against "the new york times." the former governor of alaska was suing for defamation over an editorial article. the judge ruled the article had some misinformation errors, and that it did not amount to defamation. it's temperaturing attempti free trial offers. michael finney helped this woman out. >> this viewer's satellite tv package came with an extra sports cham free for one year. so what happened in year two? a series of charges she says caught her by surprise. >> the only time you're the smartest person in the ro is when you are alone. >> reporter: barbara is watching tv the old fashioned way. over the airwaves. >> comes in really strong. >> reporter: she just canceled her directv service. mostly she says out of frustration. >> i was constantly dealing with it. >> reporter: it began when they told her to upgrade her modem. >> and i just needed to return it. so they sent me a box. >> reporter: she sent the modem in the box as instructed. >> i got confirmation they received it. >> reporter: however, on her next bill, directv charged her $150 for not returning the modem. >> i returned it. i have proof. they kept saying we never received it. the charge is going to stand on your bill. >> reporter: after that, she found this charge on her bill. $46.99 for something called nfl sunday ticket. >> i know i didn't order it. >> reporter: she says she couldn't get directv to cancel the football channel, even though she didn't want it. >> they were giving me such a hard time, i asked 7 on your side to help me cancel directv. >> reporter: we contacted the parent company, at&t. turns out directv had provided the nfl package free as a promotion last year. then automatically renewed it and charged her for it this year. barbara says she didn't even know she had the nfl games, let alone that she had to proactively cancel to avoid paying for it this year. but directv did agree to reverse the charges, saying many of the programming packages include nfl ticket free for the first year. when customers order services, the terms are explained. directv reversed the charm for the modem she sent back, saying we regret we did not meet customer expectations in return of the modem. >> so i'm really happy. >> reporter: directv was agreed to terminate her contract with a cancellation fee. so what's the takeaway here? you need to watch out for free trial promotions that may be included in any service. they can be tough to cancel if you're not thinking about them. so i don't know, put it on your calendar and make sure you know what you're doing. i want to hear from you. the hotline is open monday through friday, 415-954-8151. and you can reach me through facebook and our station's website. as we turn back to weather, why no go phoenix, let phoenix come to you. >> absolutely. >> here's how it looks right now on live doppler 7 hd. mainly sunny skies. but there's a little fog developing at the coastline. it will be relatively mild overnight with lows mainly in the upper 50s to around 60. tomorrow, a mild-to-warm day. the warmest of the inland highs will be in the mid 90s. although farther north, ukiah and lake port will top out. excessive heat watch is in effect thursday through monday. and the hottest of the hot spots with temperatures ranging from 102 to 110 degrees. this is for the entire bay area with the exception of shoreline around the bay, and the coast. so on we go to look at the accuweather seven-day forecast. thursday through labor day, temperatures above 100 and the warmer inland spots, up to 110 on friday and saturday,chhi w i dangerously hot. highs on the coast near 80 degrees during the peak of this heating. >> thanks, spencer. shu's here. >> a little weather at the u.s. open. details to come. the warriors' kevin durant has a new shoe ♪ ♪ hi! leaving a career to follow a calling takes courage. a personalized financial strategy can give you confidence to take the next step. hi guys! aw yeah! see how access to j.p. morgan investment expertise can help you. chase. make more of what's yours. kevin durant and nike have released a sneak peek of his new shoe today. the durant kdx shoe will be called red velvet. if you recall, okc fans bombarded him with chants and cupcake signs, claiming he was soft like a cupcake. k.d. had mixed emotions like it. his shoe, which will be released september 1, will be called red velvet. a bit of a dis on okc, and we were the first to learn about his cupcake reference. >> do you have a favorite kind of cupcake? >> i like red velvet. so make sure they have a few for me next time. >> speaking of shoes, bill simmons podcast, he said nobody wants to play in underarmors. the top kids don't because they all play nike. that should be an interesting training camp. raiders end their preseason thursday night hosting seattle at the coliseum. probably won't see many key starters play because you don't want any injuries. derek carr may play a series if at all. he wants to play every chance, but not worth the risk as they found out last night what it's like playing without him. carr was the highest paid player in the league until matthew stafford got his new deal yesterday. >> yes. yes. >> what is the reaction? >> i'm happy for him. he's a good dude. and i love talking to him. you know, my reaction to it was congratulations. i hope every quarterback that comes beats me, beats him. i just hope that they all just continue to do that. >> good news for the raider fans. their first round pick was on the practice field after passing his physical and taking off the unable to perform list. he injured his shin june 13. he could be with the raider's need at quarterback. niners sent mc pittsburgh. vance was drafted in 2013, 30 starts, 64 catches, 866 yards, but he had issues with drops. rain put a damper on day two at the u.s. open, but they did get some matches in, including rafael nadal. wearing the hot pink today, as he faced the player from serbia. nadal was a bit wobbly, but he just puts so much pressure on you. it was all fadnadal after that. he improves to 13-0 in u.s. open first round matches with a three sets victory. upset of the day. angelique kisher was knocked out by the japanese player. she was tentative throughout. give osaka credit. she had no fear, swinging away and moves on easily, knocking we have a birthday up here today. of course, it's not ama, because you don't talk about women's age. spencer and i are too old. welcome back to the back nine. >> maybe the back three. very sweet. thank you. join us tonight at 9:00 on coffee tv 20, cable channel 13. a fast growing fire just outside of yosemite has firefighters concerned tonight. there are mandatory evacuations and a highway closure. the latest at 9:00. >> and a permanent member of the south bay community has died after a fight. tonight, the family sits down with "abc7 news" for the first time to reveal what happened after that violent encounter. now, here's don't's lineup. at 8:00, "bachelor in paradise," then don't miss "abc7 news" at 11:00. >> at 11:35, it's jimmy kimmel live. >> let me show you the cards he gave me. he used a publicity photo on the front, on the inside, a picture of shu and a dollar. i'm going to spend this all in one place. >> that's our report. i'm dan ashley. >> and i'm ama daetz. for all of us, thanks for joining us. and happy birthday. food. water. internet. we need it to live. but what we don't need are surprises, like extra monthly fees. i see you, fee, played by legendary actress anjelica huston. you got me, mark. internet for one everyday simple price and no extra monthly fees. food. water. internet. we need it to live. for all the streaming and the shopping and the newsing, but most of all... for the this. internet for one everyday simple price and no extra monthly fees. this is the "jeopardy!" teachers tournament. here are today's contestants -- an 8 through 12th grade math teacher from vienna, virginia... a high school french and english teacher from rogers, arkansas... and a high school choir teacher from green bay, wisconsin... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!" -- alex trebek! thank you, johnny. thank you, ladies and gentlemen. welcome. as you know, for the 2-week period of this tournament, we are highlighting america's teachers. if you would like to thank a teacher or vote for your favorite teacher proposal, all you have to do is go to, which was set up by farmers insurance to give back to these valuable members of our society. eduardo, mary, and sara, this is the second quarter-final game. the winner becomes a semi-finalist, but we have those four wild card spots for high scorers among non-winners. good luck. here we go. now the categories, starting off with... the national geographic channel series on albert einstein, which is currently airing. then we have... where? sara, you start us. first names for $200. sara. who is tony? yes. first names, $400. mary. what is clay? good. i'll take first names for $600.

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