Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20240622 : comparem

Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20240622

how everyone on board managed to escape without serious injury. and the ultimate survivor. the 16-year-old who walked away from a plane crash after two days in the wilderness and the dramatic moment where she meets the famous hero who she says saved her life. >> i really have looked up to you, since i was super little. thank you is much. >> it's only on "gma" this morning. we do say good morning, on this friday morning and we have powerful images out of chattanooga. the massive police response. the gunman armed with an assault rifle. targeting u.s. service members. you're looking live at the recruiting office, one of the sites of the shooting. >> look at the bullet holes. on the windows and doors. there were shell casings all across the floor. and this is a photo of the gunman, mohammad abdulazeez. >> we are following the latest out of chattanooga. here's what we know. four marines confirmed killed. their identities have not yet been released. three people were injured including a police officer heard in the firefight. the motive is unclear. the fbi has launched a full investigation. >> call it an act of domestic terrorism. law enforcement is on high ra alert around the country right now, security stepped up in virtually all federal buildings and we have full team coverage of this story starting with abc's jim avila in chattanooga, good morning, jim. >> reporter: good morning, george. i'm standing in front of the strip mall where the shooting began. the fbi evidence truck still in place there throughout the night and then again this morning as chattanooga tries to wake up from that half-hour nightmare that they'll never forget. a burst of gunfire in a neighborhood strip mall, a direct attack on american military recruiters at 10:45 in the morning. offices from each branch of the service, in this one row of storefronts. >> he just pulled up and next thing you know he lifted up his arms like this with a big black gun and it was one shot and then endless shots. >> all units respond. we're treating this as a mass casualty incident. >> reporter: he pulled into the parking lot in his silver mustang, convertible top down gun extended. one marine shot in the leg and before anyone could react the car roars away right up highway 75, seven miles to a second military site. the navy reserve support center. >> apparently there's a shooter at the tree line. >> reporter: here the shooter would leave his car, enter the building and battle police and mps face-to-face killing four marines and injuring two other service members. "abc news now" confirmed one of the names of the dead. marine thomas sullivan who survived two tours in iraq only to die in chattanooga. >> 32-year-old female unresponsive. >> reporter: all ending in just 30 minutes then a hail of gunfire. police shoot and kill the gunman. identified as 24-year-old mohammad youssuf abdulazeez shown here in a mug shot after a drunk driving arrest. a u.s. national born in kuwait described by friends as an all-american child of the south. >> there's no way. knowing the guy that i went to school with and knowing what he did. it really hit me in the gut. >> reporter: a s.w.a.t. team raided the suspect's home and removed two women in handcuffs. the investigation into the shooter's background already under way. >> we are treating this as an act of domestic terrorism. >> reporter: through the night mourners showed up at this targeted piece of america. to honor the uniformed victims, the president asked all americans to mourn. >> it is a heartbreaking circumstance for these individuals. >> reporter: the fbi is in charge of this investigation. they say it is domestic terrorism. no evidence of outside of the united states connections and they tell the community they are reassuring the community that they're safe. that this was a lone gunman. robin? we are learning new details about the killer. a recent college grad and electrical engineer not on the fbi's radar and abc's brian ross is here with that side of the story. good morning, brian. >> reporter: good morning, robin. he was a practicing muslim who grew up in small town america, hixson, tennessee but officials say mohammad abdulazeez was not one of the scores of young americans being watched for possible terror links. this quiet neighborhood was home for the accused shooter. this morning, it is at the center of the massive fbi investigation. >> we are just beginning this investigation. at this point we don't have anything that directly ties him to an international terrorism organization. >> reporter: he was born in kuwait but he and his family have lived in the u.s. since 1992. at one point his father was even named a special policeman for the city of chattanooga. he had plenty of american friends growing up seen here in a youtube video with some of them at a local swimming hole. >> he was just a typical american kid in high school. >> reporter: but in his high school senior yearbook abdulazeez wrote "my name causes national security alerts. what does yours do?" in a local newspaper it quoted his sister as saying she had been harassed at school because of her muslim faith. it was around that time that abdulazeez took up mixed martial arts. he's the one on top in this video posted on youtube. >> mohammad abdulazeez. >> reporter: but from outward appearances he did not appear to be a loser angry at america. or the military. his proud mother posted these photos after his graduation from the university of tennessee at chattanooga, as an electrical engineer. but given thursday's deadly attack. something clearly changed in abdulazeez's life since then. it was only in the last year or so that abdulazeez started wearing a long beard, often a sign of the religiously devout. this was a mug shot from a dui arrest three months ago. and following that search of his family home, the fbi this morning is analyzing his use of the internet and social media including a blog connected to an e-mail address he's used with an entry just this monday that, quote, said life is short and bitter. unquote. george? >> okay. >> let's get more from senior justice correspondent pierre thomas. pierre, as we've said fbi taking the lead here and just last week the fbi director told you this is the kind of attack he's been worried about. >> reporter: exactly. the fbi sent hundreds of agents to chattanooga to begin dissecting the life of the suspect interviewing family members and associates and plan to exploit any telephones and computers that he used in their hunt for evidence and they want to know if he had any help and whether he was inspired by isis or any other terrorist organization. attorney general loretta lynch, fbi director james comey and homehand security officer jay johnson are directly involved in this investigation. and i can tell you there is a sense of urgency. this morn there's great concern about coppyy cats, with no specific ties to isis have been identified but authorities have been warning the group is flooding social media with daily messages for supporters to attack inside the u.s. george? >> which is why you have all these federal facilities on high alert right now. we have seen in recent weeks other attacks by isis sympathizers targeting the military. >> reporter: yes, george, there's case after case. in march two illinois men charged with supporting isis with one allegedly planning to don a national guard uniform to kill soldiers at the local military base. so great concern and urgency today, george. >> thanks, pierre. we are joined by chattanooga's mayor andy berke and police chief fred fletcher. chief fletcher, let me begin with you. it sounds like your officers were engaged if a pretty fierce gun battle. what can you tell us? >> officers rushed towards a known hostile threat and they engaged a threat and put themselves between danger and our community and helped save lives in the city of chattanooga. our heart goes out to the victims of the armed forces, but i'm very, very proud and humbled at the selfless sacrifice of the members of the chattanooga police department. >> what more do we know about the kind of weapons abdulazeez had and how he got them. >> the investigation is being led by the fbi and atf and they are actively processing the crime scene to determine exactly what weapons were used against our community and police officers. >> pretty confident your officers took him down. that he didn't shoot himself. >> i'm absolutely confident they saved many lives yesterday. >> the father of abdulazeez was employed by the public works department. what more do we know about him and there had been some reports he had been on a terrorist watch list in the past. >> our federal law enforcement officers and our local police department are investigating every connection that the shooter had from family to friends to outside. and they're going to continue to look at this. the local muslim community was outraged and shocked by what happened yesterday and we've seen very strong statements from them condemning what happened. >> we have seen those statements. do you have any fear of retaliations against muslims in your community? >> well, last night chief fletcher and the entire police department team went out, we contacted the muslim community, we made sure that people felt protected. the goal here is we want everybody in our community to feel safe, no matter who they are, certainly that applies to the people who proudly serve our country. it also applies to the people who want to worship of any faith in chattanooga. >> and, chief fletcher, has abdulazeez had any run-ins with the police before we know? he had been scheduled to appear in court for some kind of a dui. >> george, that's the only thing that's come to our attention but we continue to work with our investigators and the fbi to see if there were any other contacts that might have been documented in any other way but right now that's the only one that's come to our attention. >> gentlemen, thank you both for joining us this morning. our condolences for your loss. >> thank you. and our entire team will be tracking this throughout the day. >> our thoughts and prayers with the families in chattanooga and that entire community this morning. as we turn now to another mass shooting, the verdict in the colorado movie theater massacre, james holmes found guilty of killing 12 people and injuring 70 more. the question now is whether he will get the death penalty or spend the rest of his life behind bars. abc's clayton sandell has that story. >> we the jury find the defendant james eagan holmes guilty. >> reporter: this morning james holmes already an admitted killer is now a convicted one guilty on 165 charges including murder and attempted murder. >> i've got seven down in the theater. >> reporter: three years ago the 27-year-old killed these 12 people and injured 70 at a midnight premiere of a "batman" movie. >> guilty. >> reporter: he remained motionless hands in his pockets. his attorneys failing to convince the jury that he was insane. >> the mental illness is the reason, the sole reason that this crime took place. >> but prosecutors argued though he is mentally ill holmes was not insane and that night knew right from wrong. >> sandy and loni phillips lost their daughter jessica. they came to court every single day for weeks. what does this day mean for you? >> that he's never going to see the light of day ever again. >> reporter: beginning this week sentencing. the jury will now decide if holmes should face the rest of his life in prison or the death penalty. for "good morning america," clayton sandell, abc news, centennial, colorado. >> thanks to clayton for that. we turn to tornadoes touching down overnight. eight reported in illinois and iowa causing major damage snapping power lines leaving thousands in the dark and ginger tracking all that. >> we are so lucky that tornado west of illinois did not injury anyone. but this week has been so turbulent, more than or almost 1100 severe storm reports and now that includes the eight reported tornadoes just yesterday. >> tornado. oh, my gosh. >> reporter: an impressive tornado tearing across northwestern illinois. >> this is not good. this is a very big tornado. >> reporter: the twister making its way across this field. you can see debris flying and then transformers igniting. multiple vortices torturing the land. >> oh, my gosh. >> reporter: left behind, power lines snaking through the streets. the twisting winds bending the silo in half. more than a half dozen homes suffering extensive damage. this house split by a tree. in far northwestern missouri, destruction after an ef-1 tornado swept through the town of graham. winds up to 90 miles per hour and in iowa, this funnel cloud forming and moving east toward illinois. and we could do it all again today. damaging wind, not only tornadoes but also hail that looked like this out of iowa. the area on the lookout from wyoming to south dakota all the way into southwestern minnesota. that's the region and this weekend it doesn't get lighter. i will highlight that coming up in your nation's weather. thank you. now the latest on those laser scares in the new york area. 12 planes in all reported that green beam shining in their cockpits. one pilot even complaining of blurred vision. it's part of a disturbing increase in these type of attacks this year. more than 2700 already. abc's david kerley with that story. >> i just saw it out of the corner of my eye and few more times it lit up -- hit the top of our cockpit. >> reporter: a report repeated across the country, 35 accounts of aircraft hit by lasers wednesday night alone, a dozen in new york. >> yeah, they lit us up pretty well. >> reporter: this morning they're intensifying the efforts to find those responsible. >> you're putting the lives of not just the pilots but all the people on the plane at risk. >> reporter: for more than a year the fbi has targeted these people who are what is called lasing jetliners. the problem, though, is getting worse. this year on pace to break a record. every night 15 laser hits on arm average on aircraft. simulation from the fbi shows that little beam of light can blast a cockpit at one of the most critical phases of flight, landing. >> the pilots are concentrating. if somebody bursts a green laser in their face from whatever distance away it will be difficult to see the instruments as well as runway to get that airplane safely on the ground. >> reporter: a pilot hit in new york is suffering blurry vision and these powerful lasers can temporarily blind a pilot. this laser available online can blind you from five feet in five seconds. its effect similar to looking at the sun for more than ten minutes. authorities are prosecuting and putting in jail violators if they can find them, robin. >> hopefully they will find them, david, thanks. now amy with the other top stories starting with the security breach at another major airport. >> all flights had to be stopped in san diego after a man climbed two fences and ran on to the runway. you can see him in the distance. it took about five minutes for police to take him into custody. he was under the influence of drugs or alcohol. also breaking overnight a fiery explosion leveling this home in st. louis damaging two other buildings. two people were trapped in that rubble. they are in critical condition. no word yet on what sparked the explosion. officials report no gas odor. new details about the escape of the notorious drug lord known as el chapo. mexican lawmakers revealed 18 minutes past before anyone was alerted of his escape from prison and there was no guard dedicated to monitoring his cell. a helicopter trying to touch down on a narrow strip of land crashes into a pub smashing a ten-foot hole into the wall but the chopper then flipped on its side and the two people on board were able to walk away. remarkably with just minor injuries. former president george h.w. bush remains in the hospital being treated for a broken bone in his neck. but doctors say he is in excellent shape. he's been fitted with a neck brace. his recovery, though, could take up to four months. and finally, a testament to the love nurses give their patients. a 4-year-old girl in a new york hospital fell so in love with her nurse matt, she asked him to marry her. you can see he said yes and 24 hours later the hospital pulled off a beautiful wedding. abby in a dress and veil and matt in his best tuxedo t-shirt. she ran down the aisle, jumped into each other's arms. they ate cake and smashed it in each other's face. they sealed the deal with a hug, not a kiss and they exchanged ring pops. >> perfect. >> so beautiful. >> that is one cute couple. thank you, amy. back to ginger with this huge storm in the pacific. >> dolores. we talked about it yesterday. i just wanted to update you. we have some video of the socorro islands. this is when it was a category 4. likely winds of 130 plus miles per hour. incredible video coming out of there. not a place i'd like to be. now dolores is starting to lose a little of that strength. however, it is pumping moisture into the southwest and with the monsoon flow right now we've got flash flood watches. wet weekend in southern nevada. parts of southern california and much of arizona. so that's something we're keeping an eye on. it will be cooler though. dropping into the 90s for the weekend. >> good morning, i am meteorologist mike nicco off to a where start this friday but we will see a lot of sunshine away from the coast for the clouds pretty stubborn and summer spread will continue through the weekend and get ready to get muggy on sunday and monday with a chance of thunderstorms. 65 at half moon bay and 70 in san francisco and low-to-mid 90s inland east bay for the warm spot. here is my seven-day forecast, it will be warm this weekend with the humidity through monday and dry and cooler next >> folks in nebraska saw this in the sky. some people thinking it was alienish but it looks like many things. >> a dirigible. >> you look like a ray of sunshine in that beautiful dress. >> thank you. thank you so much. i'm trying. >> ahead this morning, that mystery death in texas. this woman found dead in her jail cell after a confrontation with police. her family and thousands online demanding answers. a modern family battle that could affect so many. the divorced couple's bitter battle about frozen embryos. the ex-wife say the embryos belong to her. now the girl who survived a plane crash meeting her hero only on "gma." ma." hine through? introducing otezla apremilast. otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. some people who took otezla saw 75% clearer skin after 4 months. and otezla's prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. otezla may increase the risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. side effects may include diarrhea nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, and headache. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you're pregnant or planning to be. ask your doctor about otezla today. otezla. show more of you. get the complete balanced nutrition of ensure. with nine 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medications, empty pills and even dirt. he's expect. ed to appear in court next month. your friday commute is anything friday like. >> we're getting a little bit of a a reprieve. we're now just passing the metering lights and heading on to the bay bridge. it looks like pretty normal slowing here. let's go to other parts of the bay ware yp this is westbound i-80. a car fire with two lanes blocked. that's already causing some delays. you might see more coming away from hercules. >> thank you. we'll check (scal): good day, m'lady! i am sir-can-a-lot, here to save you from another breakfast bore. wake up those eggs with glorious spam! see what spam can! do... at good morning, checking out our current conditions. upper 50s to mid- 60 nz hayward. small craft advisory north of the baa bridge through the delta from 2:00 to 8:00. it could be rough. as we look towards sunday we'll get our chance at some moisture so it's going to be muggy. sunday. the remnants will make it muggy &. month. we'll be a little drier tuesday and cooler wednesday and thursday. hope you have a great weekend. it's going to be warm female announcer: sleep train's interest free for 3 event! is ending soon! get three years interest-free financing on beautyrest black, stearns & foster serta icomfort even tempur-pedic. plus, get free delivery, free set-up, and free removal of your old mattress and sleep train's 100-day low price guarantee. but hurry! sleep train's interest free for 3 event is ending soon. ...guaranteed! ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ ♪music♪ forever young (version) they won't stay young forever. ♪ forever young ♪ but for 60 years there's been a place where we can stay forever young together. don't miss the disneyland resort diamond celebration. ♪ forever young ♪ with an all-new electrical parade, fireworks spectacular and more. ♪ may you stay ♪ come see it all dazzle like never before. come feel forever young ♪ forever young ♪ good morning, america. law enforcement around the country on high alert after that deadly shooting targeting the military in tennessee. leaving four marines dead. the first victim has been identified thomas sullivan who served two tours in iraq. hundreds of fbi agents are on the ground investigating. also right now, ginger tracking the threat of severe weather this morning. millions in the path of damaging wind and hail after eight tornadoes reported overnight damaging homes and knocking out power for thousands. we do say good morning, america, on this friday morning and we all remember this famous scene from "bridesmaids." wilson phillips taking the stage for a huge wedding surprise. we may have two that topped them. i thought they would use our video from halloween. >> i was hoping. >> i was hoping not. wait until you see what they did for their sister's big day. that's just ahead. >> that's a pretty good tease. that movie was so great. we'll get to that. but we'll begin with the sudden death of a texas woman in police custody after a routine traffic stop. this cell phone video shows the arrest of 28-year-old sandra bland. three days later she was found dead in her jail cell. police say it was suicide. the family is not buying it and abc's ryan smith is here with the story. >> good morning. she was in texas to start a new life preparing to move from chicago after getting a new job. but while authorities investigate what they say is a suicide, her family and friends want to know how a woman pulled over in a simple traffic stop could have died in jail days later. it began as a routine traffic stop of sandra bland caught on camera that seemingly went wrong. >> you slammed me to the ground. you do not even care about that? >> reporter: just days later, her family told the 28-year-old was found dead in her cell of an apparent suicide. >> she was in the cell alone. >> reporter: this morning, that family demanding answers to the mystery of sandra bland's death. the 28-year-old activist -- >> black lives matter. >> reporter: -- died just three days after being taken into custody for allegedly assaulting an officer. police saying in a statement she was argumentative and uncooperative but her family claims sandra was the one injured. >> she really felt that her arm had been fractured. >> reporter: watch as she questions officer's tactics. >> for a traffic signal you slam me into the ground and everything. >> reporter: then police tried to halt filming. >> am i on public property? >> reporter: sandra applauds it. >> thank you for recording. >> i am suffering from something that some of you may all be dealing with right now. it's a little bit of depression as well as ptsd. >> reporter: could be used in their investigation. >> that self-diagnosis is certainly something that we are going to look at and consider with the motive for a suicide. >> reporter: but sandra's family said she was days away from starting a new job and would never take her own life. >> based on the sandy that i knew that's unfathomable to me. >> the case is being investigated by texas rangers with the fbi monitoring and authorities say while no cameras were in her cell no one was seen going in with her before she died. but sandra bland's death has sparked outrage online. the #justiceforsandy going viral as her family search for answers. >> they deserve some answers. ryan, thanks very much. now to the bitter battle over frozen embryos. in california that could have implications for families everywhere. the ex-wife taking the stand on thursday saying they belong to her. the ruling could set precedent for similar cases in the future. abc's linsey davis is here with much more. >> reporter: good morning. two recent similar cases both won by the woman, both were cancer patients who became infertile. that's the argument for the woman in this case that using the embryos she created with her then husband years ago is now her only hope. this morning the fate of five frozen embryos hangs in the balance in a san francisco court case. mimi lee and ex-husband steven findley locked in a tense court battle over the embryos they created five years ago after learning cancer treatment would leave her infertile. lee, now 46, is fighting for what she says is her only chance to have a biological child. >> the issue of what's going to happen with the embryos is incredibly emotional. ♪ >> reporter: the concert pianist and part-time anesthesiologist sobbed at times during her testimony thursday. "they are my embryos, and they are my babies," she said. but her ex, a wealthy investment analyst says the agreement they signed with the fertility clinic specifies the embryos only go to lee in the event of his death. lee says she wasn't given enough time to read the document before signing it and asked if she believed the consent form was binding said, no, absolutely not. >> reporter: we think that because mr. findley retains the ability to have children with someone else and dr. lee does not have the ability to have her own children it will tip the scale in her favor. >> reporter: in court, finley testified he never would agreed to let her keep them if they divorced. saying the very purpose of the documents was to make the directives clear. >> the fine print of the contract is very clear here. what she's saying is this just simply should not be viewed as a contract between us. >> reporter: it is a modern family dilemma also being fought by actress sofia vergara. her former fiance nick loeb seeking custody of the frozen embryos they created. >> i don't want to allow this person to take more advantage of my career and try to promote himself. >> reporter: as for lee she says there's no amount of money she would accept to give up her embryos calling them priceless. lee says findley would have no parental responsibility. findley's attorney says if his child is genetically his, he will participate in the child's life but fears 18 years of interaction with dr. lee. closing arguments are scheduled for next month. george? >> thanks very much. more now on that mysterious explosion at a rhode island beach. the woman injured is speaking out this morning exclusively to abc. >> she's not happy the beach is open again. abc's reena ninan has the story. >> reporter: it started out as a beautiful day at the beach for kathleen denise, her two sisters and niece olivia. >> water was calm. the beach was clean. it was just a perfect day. >> reporter: the three women were getting ready to make a sand castle with olivia when out of nowhere -- >> -- the sand exploded and my chair was sinking and that's the last thing that i remember. >> reporter: kathleen rocketed out of her seat thrown in the air landing on a jetty. her sisters screaming for help. >> i heard the explosion, like a loud blast like an m-80 and at the same time after the blast, i seen the rocks shift. >> reporter: nearly a week after that event, kathleen and rebecca speaking out for the first time about their frustrating search for answers to exactly what caused the explosion. >> you don't want any other family to be hurt. it would be tragic because the beach is open and someone is climbing those rocks as we speak. >> reporter: rhode island officials claim the electrical line pulled from under the sand had nothing to do with it. >> we know this is a dead end because it's a dead cable. >> reporter: this is not safe. these kids need to be off the rocks. you need to investigate further. >> reporter: while the department of environmental management says more materials will be analyzed over the next few day, these ladies wonder why the beach has been kept open, because they don't want this to happen to anyone else. >> there were canine units, investigators, seismologists, nobody seems to know what happened. >> i can't explain it. >> it doesn't make sense. they're missing something. they are missing something. >> reporter: for "good morning america," reena ninan, abc news, new york. >> this is a strange one. m-80s are powerful. >> we were like m-80s. >> haven't heard that in a long time. >> let's go to ginger now. we've got some flooding in the midwest. >> wasn't just the tornadic storms but up to a half foot of rain falling so flash flooding happening in parts of north central illinois too and many of those storms fueled by the heat and humidity which there will be plenty of excessive heat watch up in cincinnati, from florida through missouri. look at the actual air temperatures. in the 90s, memphis will go to 97. so will little rock. the heat indices could close in on 110. >> good morning, i am meteorologist mike nicco we will have relaxed breezes compared to yesterday at 73 do 84 and the coast will see the clouds this afternoon at 65 to 72 in san francisco and 90s inland. it will be humid on sunday and monday and a chance of >> all that weather brought to you by carmax. one very cool picture. the mirage over lake michigan. likely because the lake is so cold, and it's cold this time of year, and the air is getting so warm. they'll also end up in the 90s this weekend. >> gorgeous. thank you, ginger. a lot more coming up including a big surprise for the miracle survivor of that plane crash. she meets he a famous hero. that's only on "gma." "19 kids and counting" has been canceled. tlc calling quits on the show. what's ahead for the family. we'll talk about that next. come on back. ounting" has been canceled. tlc calling quits on the show. what's ahead for the family. we'll talk about that next. come on back. ark tank. it just feels like car salesmen want to sell whatever car is best for them, not best for me. there's gotta be a better way. ♪ ♪ as long as people drive cars carmax will be the best way to buy them. i don't want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. or wonder... ...whether i should seek treatment. i am ready. because today there's harvoni. a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. harvoni is proven to cure up to 99% of patients... ...who've had no prior treatment. it's the one and only cure that's... pill, once a day for 12 weeks. certain patients... ...can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. with harvoni there's no interferon and there are no complex regimens. tell your doctor if you have other liver or kidney problems or other medical conditions. and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. harvoni should not be taken with any medicines containing amiodarone, rifampin, or st. john's wort. it also should not be taken with any other medicine that contains sovaldi. side effects may include tiredness and headache. i am ready to put hep c behind me. i am ready to be cured. are you ready? ask your hep c specialist if harvoni is right for you. 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(announcer) the subaru xv crosstrek. symmetrical all-wheel drive plus 34 mpg. love. it's what makes a subaru a subaru. 7:43. back now with the ultimate survivor. it's been survivor week all week long on "gma" and this morning one girl who actually lived through a plane crash and days alone in the wilderness. we're hearing from the teenager for the first time and abc's kayna whitworth has her incredible story. >> i was really worried. i was certain i would die. >> reporter: this morning, plane crash survivor autumn veatch telling her tale of survival. the 16-year-old recounting her flight with her grandparents who were taking her home to washington after a visit to montana. >> we lost complete visibility suddenly. there was no way to get out of it. >> reporter: the small plane crashing into the mountainside. >> it took basically no time for fire to start coming out of the front and that's when i made my way out. >> reporter: the teen burning her hand trying to save them. >> there's a lot of adrenaline. i was just trying to do what i could to get them out. >> reporter: but overtaken by flames she couldn't. so are you telling me that you watched your stepgrandparents die >> that's something that is going to haunt me forever. >> reporter: she spent the next two days alone freezing and frightened and covered head to toe in bug bites. >> i was completely covered in stuff. >> reporter: making her way through the woods using skills she said she learned from watching survival shows with her dad. >> i knew that going downhill finding water and following it always led to civilization. that was my first instinct. >> reporter: and instinct many called amazing. >> it's just amazing. >> she's amazing. >> just amazes us. >> "survivorman" should be proud of her. >> reporter: the survivorman himself had to tell her just how proud he is. >> i know you. proud of a survivor teen. i really have looked up to you since i was super little. >> now i look up to you. >> oh. thank you so much. >> you've had to do for real what i've only been able to practice. i look up to you, autumn. i really do. >> reporter: for "good morning america," kayna whitworth, abc news, bellingham, washington. >> she is really that word, amazing. >> that had to mean a lot to her. >> absolutely. >> uh-huh. >> brave young lady. so much more coming up on "good morning america" including the ultimate wedding singer. you guys cannot wait until you see how these bridesmaids honored her sister on her big day. >> we're looking forward to that. and one family's surprising discovery. how did the plane's propeller fall through their roof? leaving that hole. come on back. ♪ hey baby ♪ missing this moment... check all of the other moments. really, mom? just one look. they'll never notice. checkers, you can keep failing at trying to sneak a peek. or, you can change the way you check your phone. it's 3-0 in the first. how'd you do that? magic. the samsung galaxy s6 edge, with discreet edge notifications. get $200 or more when you buy a galaxy s6 or s6 edge and trade in an eligible smartphone. ♪ is man kind? ♪ are we good? ♪ go see. ♪ go look through their windows so you can understand their views. ♪ come on back. ♪ sleep in their beds so you may know their dreams. ♪ go see... and find out just how kind the hes and shes of this mankind are. ♪ ♪ breyers natural vanilla. milk and fresh cream and only sustainably farmed vanilla. breyers has fresh cream, sugar and milk. breyers. the good vanilla. our milk and cream come from cows not treated with artificial growth hormones. this is so good! ♪ in the nation, we know how you feel about your car. so when coverage really counts you can count on nationwide. ♪ love ♪ because what's precious to you is precious to us. ♪ love is strange ♪ just another way we put members first. join the nation. ♪ baby... ♪ ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ ♪ hey baby we're looking forward to this speed feed. especially those of us who have sisters. amy? >> that's right. it's trending on buzz feed this morning and going viral, a bride's mads toast to her sister and new husband. unlike any you've ever seen. after a traditional tribute. they broke into a pop mash-up celebrating their sister kaitlyn and new husband john in song. tunefulness taking a bit of a backseat sometimes. i think that makes it even better. take a listen to michael jackson's "black or white." ♪ sees what i would be when you stop being things ♪ ♪ but one you thinking about having a baby ♪ >> drop the mike moment. it heated up. here's "oh happy day ♪ ♪ ♪ i take you to be -- oh yeah to be ♪ ♪ be mine always ♪ >> the bride reduced to tears and hugs around. go big or go home. it may not have been wilson phillips but i think it was even better, guys. >> full commitment. i loved it. >> tears are something. >> joy. >> they were tears of joy. yes, they were. >> oh. can you imagine? >> yes. >> i've got two sisters. >> i got two sisters. yeah. we have much more ahead this morning. designer denim versus bargain jeans. can you really tell the difference and is it really worth it? coming up "gma's" summer concert series presented by copier tone sunscreen. ♪ pier tone sunscreen. ♪ n to help keep it hydrated by holding in natural moisture while providing protection from harmful uv rays. game on. coppertone sport. i was not aware of how much acidity was in my diet... that it was damaging the enamel. i wanted to fix it right away. my dentist recommended pronamel. he said pronamel can make my teeth stronger. pronamel is helping me lead the life that i want to live. ♪i can't find my way through the trees♪ ♪ ♪so so so so don't don't don't don't wait wait wait wait♪ ♪for for for me me me me me me me to get home♪ when you don't get enough sleep... and your body aches... you're not yourself. tylenol® pm relieves pain and helps you fall fast asleep and stay asleep. we give you a better night. you're a better you all day. tylenol®. at subway, we bring layers of enticingly tender turkey irresistibly crispy bacon, and deliciously rich guacamole together on freshly baked bread for one truly amazing sandwich: the new subway turkey & bacon guacamole. only at subway. my heart... beats 100,000 times a day sending oxygen to my muscles... again! so i can lift even the most demanding weights. take care of all your most important parts with centrum. now with our most vitamin d three ever. from the dairy farmers of fairlife, this is our promise. we start with delicious, creamy, real milk that's then ultra filtered so fairlife has more protein and and only half the sugar. and never any artificial growth hormones. at fairlife, we believe in better. ♪ this isn't just the start of school this is the new year. find the styles and brands they'll love for every big moment. where? famous footwear. "good morning america" is brought to you by famous footwear. shoes for the whole family. good morning. i'm eric thomas. the union for sheriffs deputies filed a grievance. the chronicle claims it links the shooting to an order issued prohibiting the department from communicating with federal immigration agents. let's check in with leyla gulen for a look at the forecast. >> there's quite a spread. hot temperatures. the spread out towards the coast is going to be in the mid-60s. my seven-day forecast, possible chance of some drizzle over the weekend with nice conditions, seasonal during the week. let's get a look at traffic on the roads. we have a couple accidents. one of which i want to get. to it right here. it's blocking one lane westbound side of 92 at e a bow and arrow ♪ ♪ a broken guitar ♪ ♪ while the rainwater washes away ♪ ♪ who you are ♪ ♪ we go over the mountains ♪ ♪ and under the stars ♪ ♪ we go over the mountains ♪ ♪ and under the stars ♪ [♪] ♪ ♪ ♪ it took serena williams years to master the two handed backhand. but only one shot to master the chase mobile app. technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. every summer the best tennis players in the world collide in new york. but that's just the final chapter of a great story. one that's unfolding all summer long right in your backyard. be there when the emirates airline us open series turns to stanford for the bank of the west classic. come experience the action and feel the drama as the best in the sport duke it out in stanford. august 3rd to the 9th. don't just watch the action. feel, hear and taste it. for ticket and player information visit female announcer: get three years interest-free financing on brand name mattress sets. plus, get free delivery, and sleep train's 100-day low price guarantee. sleep train's interest free for 3 event is ending soon. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m., and 19 kids and canceled. calling it quits on the hit duggar reality series after the scandal. what one of america's famous families is saying now. ♪ i need your love ♪ perfect match or mismatch. is love really blind when it comes to pairing up? americans rallying behind so-called odd couples. the online sensation that started it out speak out this morning. ♪ you got that -- good jeans. designer denim versus bargain blues. can you spot the difference between super cheap and super chic? how to get the best deal and the best fit when it comes to jeans. ♪ it's raining men ♪ and where are all the hunks hiding? new data that reveals where america's highest concentration of handsome is. get out your map. we'll show you the men. ♪ suddenly i see ♪ all that and leah remini with us live as we say -- >> good morning, america. >> good morning, everyone. everyone has to help me out here because i have no clue about those two pair of jeans. >> which is -- >> which one is the designer, which one is the bargain pair? can you tell the difference? >> they both look great in them. >> yeah, that's true. >> hard to tell there. >> we're going to get into that. >> sometimes it is very difficult. you really are getting something for -- we'll discuss it. also this morning, jake gyllenhaal transformed himself -- did you see this -- into fighting shape. >> i want to see this. >> i'm going to watch it this weekend. 15 pounds of muscle for his new movie "southpaw." he's going to be here on monday. >> i would say it's a little more than 15 pounds. >> guys, he was at the espys and we hugged, and it was just -- i don't want to use you as an example -- >> because it's very similar. >> but you could feel that under his -- anyway, never mind. yes. >> well, as robin said, he'll be here live on monday, and we sent nick to find out how to get that ridiculously ripped. the workout secrets. >> we sent nick for this? >> nick. just ahead. >> let's go to amy. >> u.s. troops on alert after the deadly shooting rampage. four marines were killed, among them thomas sullivan who served two tours in iraq earning a purple heart. the gunman is 24-year-old mohammed abdulazeez. investigators are treating the attack as domestic terrorism. they are trying to determine if he was influenced online by isis. meanwhile, in paris terror charges have now been filed against three men accused of plotting to attack a french military base on the mediterranean. prosecutors say the suspects as young as 17 were in contact with a member of isis. and extreme weather plowed through much of the midwest overnight. a storm chaser captured this tornado on camera swirling over western illinois that tore up trees, blew out windows and knocked down power lines. emergency teams have been going door to door assessing the damage. a new york family got the surprise of their lives arriving home to find an airplane propeller had fallen from the sky and crashed through their roof plowing into the attic leaving a hole in a bedroom ceiling. the propeller had fallen off a small plane. the pilot somehow managed to land safely, and the family just grateful they were not home at the time. new reaction this morning to the decision by the cable network tlc to pull the plug on the hit reality show "19 kids and counting" after the series featuring the duggar family became embroiled in scandal. abc's aditi roy has details. >> reporter: this morning, tlc is calling it quits on its hit show "19 kids and counting" after nine seasons. >> what do you think? >> reporter: the network releasing a statement saying "tlc and the duggar family have decided to not move forward." >> i think i kind of understand how it works. >> reporter: the duggar family releasing its own statement saying "our entire family overcame a terrible situation, found healing and a way forward. we appreciate the love, support, prayers and kindness extended to us by many of you." >> my life as i had known it was changing. >> reporter: josh duggar embroiled in a sexual misconduct scandal in may after "in touch" magazine obtained sealed documents saying he molested six young girls including two of his sisters back in 2002 when he was 14 and 15 years old. >> ultimately they must have decided that the brand was just too tainted and the whole situation just too, you know, unpleasant to continue. >> reporter: tlc also announcing a documentary to air later this summer focusing on survivors and families of child sexual abuse including jill and jessa. for "good morning america," aditi roy, abc news, san francisco. >> our thanks to aditi for that. and finally, it's summer and for millions across the country, that could mean that frightening first jump into the pool. take a look at this little guy. he was at the edge ready to go for it but needed last-second convincing and he supplied his own inspiration, listen. >> i'm great. i'm strong. i'm going to jump in this water right now. >> you got to love it when kids show us the way. bam! there he goes. and you know what, so cute. look, and he kept going and going. now the pool is his. he owns it because he's strong, he's brave. god made him that way. so cute. >> i love that inspiration. also the little puppy crawl. >> little puppy paddle. >> couldn't get out. we have another adorable picture to show you before we go to lara. devon still posted this photo on instagram of his daughter leah with their espy award. they won the award, the jimmy v. award for perseverance. he wrote "this might have both our names on it but this is leah's trophy." going on to say she has a hard time and he could not be prouder. she is facing cancer. she couldn't be there at the espys because she had a stem cell transplant and her immune system is compromised but she's doing well, and that picture says it all. >> that smile. >> happy for them. now lara. >> thank you very much, everybody. here's what's coming up on our "gma morning menu." perfect match or a mismatch. this couple's photo sparking a lot of controversy across america. now they're speaking out on "gma." and then designer denim versus bargain blue jeans. is there really a difference? and how you can tell. plus, the hot new diet that mixes paleo and vegan. doctors say it could be the best for your body. and hear that? my friend, everybody's favorite, leah remini is with us on "good morning america" live in times square. 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[ laughter ] >> that's stuck to your face. >> reporter: now there's ashley and christopher. >> we met at columbus state university where we both attend college. >> we hung out at a football game and i just remember him being like a huge goofball and he made me laugh like so much. >> reporter: 21-year-old ashley stevens caught the bouquet at her friend's wedding. this picture landing on reddit. her boyfriend jokingly feeling the pressure in the background. people online criticizing his looks in comparison to hers with comments like "that guy is punching above his weight," "dude's way out of his depths" and thousands more too graphic for television. ashley's response, perfectly poised, "i won the jackpot with christopher. he may not have rock hard abs like the world tells girls to want in a guy but i love him and for who he is and he loves me for who i am. understanding, loving and hilarious, which is so rare to find these days." >> my biggest advice is to date someone you would be with if nobody else was looking. >> reporter: ashley's post spurring self-described mismatched couples to post their pictures in solidarity on facebook proving there's always two sides to the same coin. >> no one can make me laugh like christopher, and he's my best friend. so i love you just the way you are. >> i love you just the way you are. >> reporter: for "good morning america," juju chang, abc news, new york. >> that was a perfect ending. >> yes. >> something to have all the ingredients for a terrific relationship. we sure are. >> well, also burning up the "heat index" we're talking about designer denim versus bargain blue jeans. the price of a pair of jeans can range anywhere from 20 bucks to over 200. but can you tell the difference and is it worth it? well, i'll tell you i have my favorite pair on and i'll tell you just how much -- >> you did change. >> i did change. if anybody noticed. designer or bargain. but first here's mara schiavocampo. >> reporter: jeans, the all-american wardrobe staple with one in four women saying they own more than ten pairs, but finding that perfect pair can be downright daunting. with lots of styles, trends and costly price tags, what's really the difference between super cheap and super chic? >> a higher quality jean will last you for years and years and years. and in the long run you're probably saving money that way. >> reporter: lifestyle website refinery29 took on the denim debate and says, "expensive jeans are typically made from better quality cotton, rivets and button and often have a higher stitch count." bargain denim is tipically made from lower quality fabric with low stitch count that's usually likely to tear and usually have lower quality distressing or none at all. >> your typical $20 pair of jeans are going to sag and stretch out within a couple of wears. they're probably not going to have any embellishments on them. >> reporter: do you get the bang for your buck? we hit the streets to see if people could tell the difference between the $20 and $200 pair. which do you think is cheap and which do you think is chic? >> cheap. chic. >> this one. >> i think these are expensive. >> these are more expensive. >> reporter: you are right. >> thank god i don't buy expensive ones. >> i want those ones. >> that's amazing. >> those are 200. >> so good. >> look at that. you got it right. i didn't. >> reporter: expensive differences that can be hard to spot. for "good morning america," mara schiavocampo, abc news, new york. [ cheers and applause ] >> and here with me now, style director at "good housekeeping" magazine, lori bergamotto. okay, so i just got these pair of jeans. i saw them in the store. i actually didn't look at the price tag. put them on to the counter, guess how much they told me they cost? >> i don't know. they're a pretty good pair. how much? >> $14.99. >> that's impressive. you're advanced. bravo. >> very proud of this. can you tell the difference typically? >> well, amy, we're going to take it to the audience and see what they think. [ cheers and applause ] we have these beautiful girls here. we want to know audience which jeans are the expensive pair. is it "a," or is it "b"? so, hold up your paddles? what do we think, amy? "a," a lot of b's. do you want to weigh in? >> i think "b." >> the answer is "a," folks. [ cheers and applause ] you have here -- look at that -- $178 pair of jeans and gina in a pair of $10 jeans from h&m. >> see. look at that, $10. >> pretty impressive. right? >> so, what's your advice? is it worth $170? what are you getting for that? >> so, you have to remember that generally when things are more expensive, they're made in america, which is great, but you can find a really good pair of jeans for 10 bucks like we said. there are three things i recommend looking for. the first thing is stretch. you want to look for jeans that, yes, contour to your body and have stretch. a good ratio, 98% cotton to 2% lycra or spandex, okay. you don't want them to look like the pajama jean. >> right. >> number two is the wash. now, you are defying this because you're in a lighter wash. >> maybe i'm not fashion forward. >> you are. these look amazing. they are trickier to pull off. so you want to look for something in a darker wash which is generally more flattering and the third is the whip stitching. the stitching on the pocket. you want to make sure it's present but not pronounced. >> present but not pronounced. very good tips, lori bergamotto, thanks so much. we're going to send it over to george now. >> hey. >> thank you. hot new diet trend called and i want to get this right peganism and combines two diets into one and abc's reena ninan explains. >> reporter: it's the latest diet trend to take the internet by storm and its foodie followers are plastering #pegan picks of their favorite meals and snarks all over instagram from eggs, avocados and roasted veggies to mango, chicken and kale. the pegan diet is perfectly delicious. >> a diet that makes sense. >> reporter: paleo and vegan for pegan, a compromise between the caveman diet consisting of meats fishes and vegan which is veggies and grains but no animal products. >> combining the best elements of both of those gives you a more healthy and balanced diet. >> reporter: the phrase comes from choosing what's best for your body from both diet that means limiting meat consumption and adding in gluten-free whole grains and boosting the fruits and veggies. >> you're cutting out dairy. you're cutting out gluten. you're cutting out lots of sugar. you're cutting out all the processed, refined foods. it's just a sensible way of eating that creates health. >> reporter: but there could be something important missing on that plate. >> so, one of the drawbacks of this diet is that without the dairy, you are missing some calcium but you can compensate for that by drinking nut milks or taking a calcium supplement. >> reporter: according to the doctor digging into that pegan pot can lead to weight loss, lowered cholesterol and reverse onset diabetes. for "good morning america," reena ninan, abc news, new york. >> another diet to try. >> some smart ideas right there. let's go outside to ginger. >> oh, my gosh. sorry, we're just talking and we're complimenting each other. it's compliment hour. another beautiful morning in new york city and the same is boston, starting the morning in the mid-60s, and they will only get warmer as the weekend goes along. look at some of this summer heat that will be piping up. if any of you are around for the weekend or early next week, temperatures almost into the 90s for d.c. or well into midweek. >> good morning, i am meteorologist mike nicco off to a where start this friday but we will see a lot of sunshine away from the coast for the clouds pretty stubborn and summer spread will continue through the weekend and get ready to get muggy on sunday and monday with a chance of thunderstorms. 65 at half moon bay and 70 in san francisco and low-to-mid 90s inland east bay for the warm spot. here is my seven-day forecast, it will be warm this weekend with the humidity through monday and dry and cooler >> lara, how cool is clinton's sign? he can't start his morning without us and we can't start our morning without him. quinten, it's awesome. >> it matches your dress. get on in here. time for "pop news" and the emmy nominations are out. amy will be happy to hear "game of thrones" leading the pack with 24 nominations. >> wow. 24. >> "mad men" got 11. one for jon hamm. now that the show is wrapped, this is his last chance to get that best actor emmy. don draper nominated seven times, guys, shut out every single time. "mad men" up for best drama against "downton abbey," "house of cards." "homeland" and "better call saul." >> all of my favorites. i watch every one of those. >> what about you? >> i'm hoping for "mad men," sentimental favorite now that the show is wrapped, but they're all terrific. and you know we got to mention a few of our "pop news" faves cited for individual acting honors. miss boo-boo kitty, taraji p. henson up against viola davis who taught us -- >> how to get away with murder. >> which some feel they did for not nominating "empire" for best drama. no emmy nod. the creator lee daniels had a lot to say on social media. now saying -- oh, he's just kidding. >> no, he wasn't. >> fan of the show are not kidding, not pleased about it, but we see how it shakes out when it airs september 20th. >> i can't remember the last time a show got that much buzz as "empire" and it grew every single week and didn't get it. >> no, no. >> okay. >> i hear you. a lot of people talking about that on social media this morning. then finally in "pop news," or also in "pop news," a search for the greatest concentration of handsome men in the country. ♪ i need your love ♪ >> oh. >> we found one, didn't we? oh, there's another. wow. >> go, fonzie. >> right here in the studio. ♪ i need your love ♪ a public service announcement for all single ladies watching, get yourself to seattle stat. it's not just here in the "gma" studio, apparently that's where the country's biggest concentration of handsome has been brewing. has run the numbers and determined this based on how much men spend on their personal appearance so the coffee capital in america is first. second place are the sexy men of san francisco followed by third place, washington, d.c.'s dapper dudes, boston's babes, okay. george. >> are we allowed to make fun of their methodology? >> yes. you can. >> based on how much people spend? >> can i say something where are the southern men? i'm a huge fan -- >> i guess they don't spend enough. >> they're naturally good looking. >> you're right, george. it's all about grooming, much how much men are willing to spend on -- >> southern men don't have to do that. >> exactly. and neither do our men in the "gma" studios. can i get one more close-up, please? >> another kiss, fonzie. blow another kiss. >> yeah. >> there you go. >> glad we have the top five just according to this survey was the dudes of denver, just wanted you to know. that's what they say. i believe you all know who we think are the most handsome men. happy world emoji day. then -- >> today is the day because the date on the calendar, the emoji for calendar is july 17th so obviously tech users around the world are celebrating with the #worldemojiday. celebs like roger federer getting in on the act. >> that's look what my daughter texted the other day. >> he's famous for documenting his days with emojis and american authors, our band waking up early to be with us getting in on the action as well. >> all right, guys. >> in honor of the holiday we wanted to combine our love of pop culture with our love of emojis and created famous movie titles using them. you guys try to guess what these movies are. number one -- you got an ant and a man. >> "ant-man." >> there you go. number two. number two. >> can't see it. >> number two. >> "ant-man." one more. >> "plane, trains and automobiles." >> yes, done. [ cheers and applause ] >> "pop news," one more shout-out to gorgeous men. >> we got a great smash-up right here. take a look. >> hands in the air, three, two, one. >> everybody -- >> kick off the video. >> good morning. ♪ i love it ♪ ♪ i don't like it no i love it ♪ >> world cup champs. >> all: usa, usa. ♪ i need you to know ♪ >> everybody let's go. >> rise and shine, america. >> the video. >> let's go. ♪ rise and shine, america ♪ >> isn't that a good thing? >> good morning, america. >> i'm done now. >> good morning, america. >> "pop news" popping. >> i don't like it. ♪ no i love it here we come ♪ ♪ i don't like it ♪ >> good morning. ♪ we love it i love it ♪ >> shimmy, shimmy, shimmy like this. >> like this? ♪ shake it down down wonderful crowd in central park that's why boo-boo kitty ♪ ♪ i don't the piece the force is strong ♪ >> robin and i are getting married, everyone. ♪ glam looks i call that grecian urn ♪ ♪ well done well done ♪ ♪ bongo, bongo bongo, bongo ♪ modern romance just so steep. >> ginger zee, huge announcement. >> going to have a baby. >> you make me blush. how did you get pregnant? >> "pop news." >> we got jack black. we lost him. >> jack! ♪ i don't like it i love it ♪ ♪ i don't like it i love it ♪ >> special delivery. >> just like we love it. >> wow. ♪ shake it down down down good morning america ♪ ♪ ♪ good morning ♪ >> good morning, america. ♪ i love it i love it ♪ good morning i'm eric thomas. the union for san francisco sheriffs deputies filed a grievance. the chronicle claims it links the shooting to an order issued to prohibit from communicating. in developing news, a fire broke out in an abandoned building. it started just after 3:00 this it morning. the roof collapsed and firefighters kulkted a surround and drown. let's get a check on the commute this morning with leyla gulen. >> we have problems once again in east bay. oakland, northbound side of 880 z as you come up the high street. you have an accident there and the backups are grow inging. we're looking at bumper to bumper traffic. definitely want to give yourself some extra time if you're heading in that direction. as we take you to san jose, northbound side of 280 slow and go. but south side side, an injury we're still tracking clouds across the bay area. you can see from our toll plaza camera, it's a great start to today. but thing its will eventually warm up. our highs going to be in the 90s inland but cooler along the coast. the seven-day forecast shows a possibility of squeezing out some drizzle by sunday. now back to "good morning go big or go ♪ ♪ go go go big or go home ♪ go at all go big or go ♪ ♪ go go go big or go home ♪ >> we are jump starting your weekend weekend. our "gma" summer concert series american authors right here in times square. >> they're loving every bit of it. their hit "go big or go home." a couple of minutes away. >> i want what they're having. >> happy to be here and one week away from our party in the park with nicki minaj. go to on yahoo! >> i'm here with leah remini back with season two of her reality show "it's all relative" all about her life her family. we welcome you back to "good morning america." so good to see you. >> thank you. always lovely to be here. you guys are amazing. >> crazy here on a friday. >> it's very loving here. very loving. >> thank you. >> we feel the same way about you. your show -- you're so open. we see your family coming out of a group therapy session. it's a serious topic talking about leaving the church of scientology. we told you we reached out to the church and said it comes no surprise that someone as self-absorbed as leah remini continues to do this and it's a pathetic attempt to get ratings" what do you say to that? >> my first emotion is sad. it makes me sad to hear that from a group that i was in most of my life and that i supported. so my first instinct is to be hurt. but then you know i have to -- i mean i understand it i guess, they have to say these things. but i can only be me. i have to tell my story. it's hard to do a reality show and not be real because then i would get attacked for not talking about it, not showing what we're really going through so i mean i really do pride our show on being authentic and not written. >> not an easy topic. >> not easy to reveal everything of your real life. but that's what our show is about and also just to add, i think it's an interesting place to come from being that this is an organization that says we don't comment on our former parishioners and yet here we are. >> right. and you've said -- you've decided to leave the show. we'll show a clip. your choice was about your daughter and you're around the table with other folk friends who also were in the church grew up in the church and also left so let's take a look. >> we didn't have a choice. >> exactly. >> yeah and they're pretty hard prepercussions to leaving. >> exactly, exactly. >> i just didn't want her to be raised that way because let's say in ten years if i don't want to be connected with the church anymore, my own daughter would be taught to disconnect from me. >> right. >> so i didn't want to create that. i didn't think it would be healthy for her. >> there you have it. >> yep. >> you tackle also you know it's not always about the tough stuff. your mom on the show. >> breakout star. >> i was going to say the breakout star. >> she is. and i'm okay with it. i'm okay with it. i mean honestly she always thought she was the star of my family anyway like she always thought she was the one that should be on television so i want her to have this moment. >> let's talk about the tattoo. >> it's this big. it's like an area rug. >> it's an area rug. >> on my mother's back. it's -- yes. i keep saying do you regret it? no actually i don't. >> what else can we expect from mom? >> mom does -- she's like doing a bucket list type thing. >> oh, no. >> not like she's dying. >> she's going for it. >> it has nothing to do with age, she says. why are you doing it now. because of my age. >> she has a platform to show it off using your sitcom to -- >> she thinks she's going to get a sitcom from this. i'm not kidding. she goes wouldn't it be great when i get my sitcom. when you get a sitcom? what is going on with you vicky marshall. why would anybody give you a sitcom? >> i called it a sitcom. it's a reality show but it is that funny. we loved your kit some with kevin. which was harder? >> this is harder. the reality show -- as a matter of fact i keep texting kevin going, please save me from this. i'd like to make a guest appearance on my own show because clearly vicky is the star but take me away from all of this. >> will we ever see you guys reunite in some way. >> yes, yes. >> please. >> we just don't know how but, yes, definitely. >> promise? >> listen -- i'd do anything with kevin. anything -- >> you know who else would do anything with kevin? >> who? >> your mother but that's for another show. this is a morning thing. >> hey listen thanks for talking about topics that respect always easy to talk about. thanks for making us laugh and thank you for your mother. >> you're welcome. you can have her. >> visit us again. in the meantime, leah remini "it's all relative." it airs wednesday nights on tlc. out to george. >> we got a big new movie from jake gyllenhaal owl next week called "southpaw." he plays a champion boxer. you see he went all in on the training. look at that physique. we find out what it took to get that fit. >> let's go. >> reporter: blood, sweat and the punches for real. >> jake caught a couple punches and blood through out. >> that was real. >> that's great. >> reporter: yep, that skinny little jake gyllenhaal after six months boxing training with terry claiborne right here in this l.a. gym. >> terry called me up and said i think you got the wrong guy. i said no he can do it. give him a chance. >> i knew nothing about boxing when i started. >> reporter: the role in "southpaw" was written for and inspired by hip-hop artist eminem who went on to executive produce the soundtrack leaving jake to step into the ring. >> i think he broke up with his girlfriend. his whole personal life went to crap. he was with us every day. >> reporter: 2,000 sit-ups every day, piled on 15 pounds of muscle. >> no extras no doubles. no stand-ins. i'm going to take care of this. he did a great job. >> reporter: the movie is kind of raging bull meets the champ. >> it's not a boxing movie. it is and it isn't. it's about a father and daughter. >> reporter: we know jake can act. night crawler, brokeback mountain donny darko. >> you can have a great actor but if he looks bad in a boxing movie it won't be good. >> reporter: like jake i know nothing about boxing. he did this every day twice a day for hours and ran eight miles in between. >> beautiful counterpunch. >> i don't know how jake gyllenhaal did this. i'd rather be in a movie about dominos or badminton, croquet. >> reporter: but antuan fuqua doesn't direct movies about that. he loves the vulnerability of the fighter. he is a boxer himself. >> jake is a pretty good fighter, man. i didn't know how that would turn out. >> i think you could take him. >> reporter: maybe not. that's for real. that's not make believe. had the moves. for "good morning america," nick watt, abc news los angeles. >> looking forward to that. jake here live on monday. "southpaw" in movies next week. back out to ginger. >> good morning, george and good morning, everybody. just like robin said i want what they're having. i don't know if it's coffee or sugar or what's going on here but it's good and hopefully your weekend will be good. i know it will be in pittsburgh where they have a new festival. it's called picklesburg. 63 billion pickles are eaten each year by -- >> by me. >> she loves pickles. >> we have those weekend getaways. seattle hot and sunny. very summerlike. pittsburgh a little hot, humid and some storms. >> good morning, i am meteorologist mike nicco we will have relaxed breezes compared to yesterday at 73 do 84 and the coast will see the clouds this afternoon at 65 to 72 in san francisco and 90s inland. it will be humid on sunday and monday and a chance of a stray >> and all that weather brought to you by panera bread. we want to tell you about an exciting event coming to abc. the first broadcast of we day celebrating a generation of committed to changing the world. take a look. >> we will change the world. >> we day is taking over. >> happy we day. >> celebrating the we generation with your host selena gomez. august 21st on abc. >> like i'm wearing it. see, host selena gomez, demi lovato. tyrese gibson the band perry, so many bringing inspiring story of young americans making a difference. check and tune in to abc august 21st at 8:00 p.m. for we day. and, hey, we've got so much more coming up on this beautiful friday morning. american authors are here live performing. stick around. ♪ female announcer: get three years interest-free financing on brand name mattress sets. plus, get free delivery, and sleep train's 100-day low price guarantee. sleep train's interest free for 3 event is ending soon. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ it is time now for our summer concert series. it is so great to have american authors with us this morning. one of our favorites here at "good morning america" and here they are with their new single "go big or go home ♪ ♪ don't feel like going home but all my cash is gone ♪ ♪ yeah i got nothing to do tonight i'm passed out on the floor ♪ ♪ up in the hotel bar but it don't matter 'cause i'm feeling fine ♪ ♪ i'm thinking life's too short it's passing by so if i'm gonna go at all go big or go ♪ ♪ go go go big or go home ♪ ♪ go go go big or go home ♪ ♪ go go go big or go home ♪ ♪ go go go big or go home ♪ ♪ ♪ go go go big or go home ♪ ♪ i gave the dice a roll and then we lost control ♪ ♪ you know we're lucky that we survived but when we jumped the ship ♪ ♪ oh, man, that boat it flipped but we should do it all again tonight ♪ ♪ i'm thinking life's too short it's passing by so if we're gonna go at all go big or go go go go big or go home ♪ go go go big or go home ♪ go go go big or go home ♪ go go go big or go home ♪ ♪ whoo ♪ >> all right. ♪ ♪ giving my body all the things i need rescue me with a little whiskey ♪ ♪ staying out don't need to sleep i'll sleep when i'm dead you can bury me ♪ i'll sleep when i'm dead you can bury me ♪ ♪ i guess i'm going home 'cause all my cash is gone ♪ ♪ i spent it all trying to feel alive well go big or go ♪ ♪ go go go big or go home ♪ ♪ go go go big or go home ♪ ♪ go go go big or go home ♪ ♪ go go go big or go home ♪ ♪ go go go big or go home ♪ ♪ it's getting crazy we're gonna do some things that we won't forget ♪ ♪ go go go big or go home i'm going crazy ♪ ♪ i'm gonna live my life i got no regresses go go ♪ ♪ go big or go home ♪ "gma's" summer concert series presented we're back with american authors. we're so excited to have them for a special "gma" summer concert right here in times square. we didn't have to go to the park. we brought you to the people. >> we could stay here in midtown. >> hello, zac. >> go big or go home from your second one coming out. >> finishing up now and the new single is "go big or go home." >> you don't have a title for the second one. >> no it's funny. we were tossing around some names last night. nothing that stuck for sure but no title yet. do you have any suggestions? >> you opened up a canworms. >> american authors, account can of worms." right here on "good morning america." >> i know you've been on tour. is it true you have a studio in the back of the tour bus so you can write your music. >> it's like a laptop with a kyeboard and some microphones that sit on the benches and stuff. so yes. it is a studio. it's a makeshift studio but gets the job done. >> you met up in berkeley. is that where you all -- >> berklee college of music in boston and met there, dropped out together and moved to brooklyn. stay in school kids. >> stay in school. >> school is cool but in all honesty we wouldn't know each other or be where we are taut without school. >> you are classically trained and can play each other's instruments. >> i'm going to get on bass. matt will swing we were thinking and james is -- he's a "breaking bad" dancer. >> i'll take the drums for you. >> perfect. you can join in too. >> "can of worms" coming up next. ready to have the best day of my life. that's what you're going to sing right now. american authors. [ applause ] ♪ ♪ wo-o-o-o-o-oh ♪ ♪ i had a dream so big and loud i jumped so high i touched the clouds ♪ ♪ wo-o-o-o-o-oh wo-o-o-o-o-oh i stretched my hands out to the sky ♪ ♪ we danced with monsters through the night wo-o-o-o-o-oh wo-o-o-o-o-oh ♪ ♪ i'm never gonna look back whoa i'm never gonna give it up no ♪ ♪ please don't wake me now two, three, four. woo woo woo this is gonna be the best day of my li-ife ♪ ♪ my li-i-i-ife ♪ ♪ woo woo woo this is gonna be the best day of my li-ife ♪ ♪ woo woo woo woo woo woo ♪ ♪ i howled at the moon with friends and then the sun came crashing in ♪ ♪ wo-o-o-o-o-oh wo-o-o-o-o-oh but all the possibilities no limits just epiphanies ♪ ♪ wo-o-o-o-o-oh wo-o-o-o-o-oh i'm never gonna look back whoa ♪ ♪ i'm never gonna give it up no just don't wake me now whoo ♪ woo woo woo ♪ ♪ this is gonna be the best day of my li-ife woo woo woo my li-i-i-i-i-ife ♪ ♪ (woo woo woo) this is gonna be the best day of my li-ife woo woo woo ♪ ♪ my li-i-i-i-i-ife woo woo woo woo yeah woo woo woo ♪ ♪ i hear it calling outside my window i feel it in my soul soul the stars were ♪ ♪ burning so bright the sun was out 'til midnight i say we lose control whoa ♪ woo woo woo ♪ ♪ woo woo woo this is gonna be the best day of my li-ife woo woo woo ♪ ♪ my li-i-i-i-i-ife woo woo woo this is gonna be the best day of my li-ife woo woo woo ♪ ♪ my li-i-i-i-i-ife this is gonna be this is gonna be this is gonna be woo woo woo ♪ ♪ the best day of my life woo woo-oo woo everything is looking up everybody up now ♪ ♪ woo woo-oo woo this is gonna be the best day of my li-ife ♪ ♪ woo woo woo my li-i-i-i-i-ife♪ >> thank you. [ applause ] [ cheers and applause ] how much do we love american authors? a lot. a lot. >> thank you, guys. >> i know this touring thing is working out but you could be our house band any time. >> please. >> cool. >> you're right down the street. >> we live in brooklyn so we'll see you guys next week. >> same time next week. >> yes. >> are we all good with "can of worms" as the new album? >> we'll see. >> have a great weekend. prep trauma unit 5. what've we got? bp 64/40 sterilize sites. multiple foreign objects in the body. tweezers. (buzz!) (buzz!) if you're the guy from the operation game, you get operated on. it's what you do. (buzz!) if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance you switch to geico. it's what you do. notice how this breakfast burrito starts with the basic tortilla, but then inside... it's stuffed with tender, juicy, sliced steak. whoa whoa...slow down...what? i said steak. in a breakfast burrito? i can't keep up. this is advanced burrito, right? this is intro to burrito. boom. jack's new steak & egg breakfast burrito's got tender juicy steak, scrambled eggs, and creamy sriracha sauce, all wrapped in a warm tortilla. lookin' for a basic burrito? this ain't it. good morning i'm eric thomas. investigators are looking for more victims of an east bay man who gave fake treatments to real cancer patients. . authorities say he ran a fictitious clinicaled the natural oncology institute. officers raided his home and found remedies including empty pills and even dirt. it looks like we're starting to e see some breaks in the clouds. temperatures still mild. 60 degrees in santa rosa. a 10-degree temperature spread from livermore. the high for today is going to be pretty much that vast of a difference. 94 in antioch. cooler along the coast. the seven-day forecast shows a possibility of some drizzle sunday and monday. traffic this morning looking at the golden gate bridge we have an accident before you get on to the bridge. it looks like traffic is pretty light on the golden gate. we have a lot of water on highway 24. time now for "l >> it's "live! with kelly & michael." today, academy award-winning actor sir ben kingsley. and a performance from the hit broadway musical "an american in paris." plus, a woman from woodland hills, california, is our next contestant on "live"'s "america's new grill star." all next on "live." [captioning made possible by disney-abc domestic television] now, here are your emmy winning co-hosts, kelly ripa and michael strahan! [cheers and applause] ♪

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Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20240622 :

Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20240622

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how everyone on board managed to escape without serious injury. and the ultimate survivor. the 16-year-old who walked away from a plane crash after two days in the wilderness and the dramatic moment where she meets the famous hero who she says saved her life. >> i really have looked up to you, since i was super little. thank you is much. >> it's only on "gma" this morning. we do say good morning, on this friday morning and we have powerful images out of chattanooga. the massive police response. the gunman armed with an assault rifle. targeting u.s. service members. you're looking live at the recruiting office, one of the sites of the shooting. >> look at the bullet holes. on the windows and doors. there were shell casings all across the floor. and this is a photo of the gunman, mohammad abdulazeez. >> we are following the latest out of chattanooga. here's what we know. four marines confirmed killed. their identities have not yet been released. three people were injured including a police officer heard in the firefight. the motive is unclear. the fbi has launched a full investigation. >> call it an act of domestic terrorism. law enforcement is on high ra alert around the country right now, security stepped up in virtually all federal buildings and we have full team coverage of this story starting with abc's jim avila in chattanooga, good morning, jim. >> reporter: good morning, george. i'm standing in front of the strip mall where the shooting began. the fbi evidence truck still in place there throughout the night and then again this morning as chattanooga tries to wake up from that half-hour nightmare that they'll never forget. a burst of gunfire in a neighborhood strip mall, a direct attack on american military recruiters at 10:45 in the morning. offices from each branch of the service, in this one row of storefronts. >> he just pulled up and next thing you know he lifted up his arms like this with a big black gun and it was one shot and then endless shots. >> all units respond. we're treating this as a mass casualty incident. >> reporter: he pulled into the parking lot in his silver mustang, convertible top down gun extended. one marine shot in the leg and before anyone could react the car roars away right up highway 75, seven miles to a second military site. the navy reserve support center. >> apparently there's a shooter at the tree line. >> reporter: here the shooter would leave his car, enter the building and battle police and mps face-to-face killing four marines and injuring two other service members. "abc news now" confirmed one of the names of the dead. marine thomas sullivan who survived two tours in iraq only to die in chattanooga. >> 32-year-old female unresponsive. >> reporter: all ending in just 30 minutes then a hail of gunfire. police shoot and kill the gunman. identified as 24-year-old mohammad youssuf abdulazeez shown here in a mug shot after a drunk driving arrest. a u.s. national born in kuwait described by friends as an all-american child of the south. >> there's no way. knowing the guy that i went to school with and knowing what he did. it really hit me in the gut. >> reporter: a s.w.a.t. team raided the suspect's home and removed two women in handcuffs. the investigation into the shooter's background already under way. >> we are treating this as an act of domestic terrorism. >> reporter: through the night mourners showed up at this targeted piece of america. to honor the uniformed victims, the president asked all americans to mourn. >> it is a heartbreaking circumstance for these individuals. >> reporter: the fbi is in charge of this investigation. they say it is domestic terrorism. no evidence of outside of the united states connections and they tell the community they are reassuring the community that they're safe. that this was a lone gunman. robin? we are learning new details about the killer. a recent college grad and electrical engineer not on the fbi's radar and abc's brian ross is here with that side of the story. good morning, brian. >> reporter: good morning, robin. he was a practicing muslim who grew up in small town america, hixson, tennessee but officials say mohammad abdulazeez was not one of the scores of young americans being watched for possible terror links. this quiet neighborhood was home for the accused shooter. this morning, it is at the center of the massive fbi investigation. >> we are just beginning this investigation. at this point we don't have anything that directly ties him to an international terrorism organization. >> reporter: he was born in kuwait but he and his family have lived in the u.s. since 1992. at one point his father was even named a special policeman for the city of chattanooga. he had plenty of american friends growing up seen here in a youtube video with some of them at a local swimming hole. >> he was just a typical american kid in high school. >> reporter: but in his high school senior yearbook abdulazeez wrote "my name causes national security alerts. what does yours do?" in a local newspaper it quoted his sister as saying she had been harassed at school because of her muslim faith. it was around that time that abdulazeez took up mixed martial arts. he's the one on top in this video posted on youtube. >> mohammad abdulazeez. >> reporter: but from outward appearances he did not appear to be a loser angry at america. or the military. his proud mother posted these photos after his graduation from the university of tennessee at chattanooga, as an electrical engineer. but given thursday's deadly attack. something clearly changed in abdulazeez's life since then. it was only in the last year or so that abdulazeez started wearing a long beard, often a sign of the religiously devout. this was a mug shot from a dui arrest three months ago. and following that search of his family home, the fbi this morning is analyzing his use of the internet and social media including a blog connected to an e-mail address he's used with an entry just this monday that, quote, said life is short and bitter. unquote. george? >> okay. >> let's get more from senior justice correspondent pierre thomas. pierre, as we've said fbi taking the lead here and just last week the fbi director told you this is the kind of attack he's been worried about. >> reporter: exactly. the fbi sent hundreds of agents to chattanooga to begin dissecting the life of the suspect interviewing family members and associates and plan to exploit any telephones and computers that he used in their hunt for evidence and they want to know if he had any help and whether he was inspired by isis or any other terrorist organization. attorney general loretta lynch, fbi director james comey and homehand security officer jay johnson are directly involved in this investigation. and i can tell you there is a sense of urgency. this morn there's great concern about coppyy cats, with no specific ties to isis have been identified but authorities have been warning the group is flooding social media with daily messages for supporters to attack inside the u.s. george? >> which is why you have all these federal facilities on high alert right now. we have seen in recent weeks other attacks by isis sympathizers targeting the military. >> reporter: yes, george, there's case after case. in march two illinois men charged with supporting isis with one allegedly planning to don a national guard uniform to kill soldiers at the local military base. so great concern and urgency today, george. >> thanks, pierre. we are joined by chattanooga's mayor andy berke and police chief fred fletcher. chief fletcher, let me begin with you. it sounds like your officers were engaged if a pretty fierce gun battle. what can you tell us? >> officers rushed towards a known hostile threat and they engaged a threat and put themselves between danger and our community and helped save lives in the city of chattanooga. our heart goes out to the victims of the armed forces, but i'm very, very proud and humbled at the selfless sacrifice of the members of the chattanooga police department. >> what more do we know about the kind of weapons abdulazeez had and how he got them. >> the investigation is being led by the fbi and atf and they are actively processing the crime scene to determine exactly what weapons were used against our community and police officers. >> pretty confident your officers took him down. that he didn't shoot himself. >> i'm absolutely confident they saved many lives yesterday. >> the father of abdulazeez was employed by the public works department. what more do we know about him and there had been some reports he had been on a terrorist watch list in the past. >> our federal law enforcement officers and our local police department are investigating every connection that the shooter had from family to friends to outside. and they're going to continue to look at this. the local muslim community was outraged and shocked by what happened yesterday and we've seen very strong statements from them condemning what happened. >> we have seen those statements. do you have any fear of retaliations against muslims in your community? >> well, last night chief fletcher and the entire police department team went out, we contacted the muslim community, we made sure that people felt protected. the goal here is we want everybody in our community to feel safe, no matter who they are, certainly that applies to the people who proudly serve our country. it also applies to the people who want to worship of any faith in chattanooga. >> and, chief fletcher, has abdulazeez had any run-ins with the police before we know? he had been scheduled to appear in court for some kind of a dui. >> george, that's the only thing that's come to our attention but we continue to work with our investigators and the fbi to see if there were any other contacts that might have been documented in any other way but right now that's the only one that's come to our attention. >> gentlemen, thank you both for joining us this morning. our condolences for your loss. >> thank you. and our entire team will be tracking this throughout the day. >> our thoughts and prayers with the families in chattanooga and that entire community this morning. as we turn now to another mass shooting, the verdict in the colorado movie theater massacre, james holmes found guilty of killing 12 people and injuring 70 more. the question now is whether he will get the death penalty or spend the rest of his life behind bars. abc's clayton sandell has that story. >> we the jury find the defendant james eagan holmes guilty. >> reporter: this morning james holmes already an admitted killer is now a convicted one guilty on 165 charges including murder and attempted murder. >> i've got seven down in the theater. >> reporter: three years ago the 27-year-old killed these 12 people and injured 70 at a midnight premiere of a "batman" movie. >> guilty. >> reporter: he remained motionless hands in his pockets. his attorneys failing to convince the jury that he was insane. >> the mental illness is the reason, the sole reason that this crime took place. >> but prosecutors argued though he is mentally ill holmes was not insane and that night knew right from wrong. >> sandy and loni phillips lost their daughter jessica. they came to court every single day for weeks. what does this day mean for you? >> that he's never going to see the light of day ever again. >> reporter: beginning this week sentencing. the jury will now decide if holmes should face the rest of his life in prison or the death penalty. for "good morning america," clayton sandell, abc news, centennial, colorado. >> thanks to clayton for that. we turn to tornadoes touching down overnight. eight reported in illinois and iowa causing major damage snapping power lines leaving thousands in the dark and ginger tracking all that. >> we are so lucky that tornado west of illinois did not injury anyone. but this week has been so turbulent, more than or almost 1100 severe storm reports and now that includes the eight reported tornadoes just yesterday. >> tornado. oh, my gosh. >> reporter: an impressive tornado tearing across northwestern illinois. >> this is not good. this is a very big tornado. >> reporter: the twister making its way across this field. you can see debris flying and then transformers igniting. multiple vortices torturing the land. >> oh, my gosh. >> reporter: left behind, power lines snaking through the streets. the twisting winds bending the silo in half. more than a half dozen homes suffering extensive damage. this house split by a tree. in far northwestern missouri, destruction after an ef-1 tornado swept through the town of graham. winds up to 90 miles per hour and in iowa, this funnel cloud forming and moving east toward illinois. and we could do it all again today. damaging wind, not only tornadoes but also hail that looked like this out of iowa. the area on the lookout from wyoming to south dakota all the way into southwestern minnesota. that's the region and this weekend it doesn't get lighter. i will highlight that coming up in your nation's weather. thank you. now the latest on those laser scares in the new york area. 12 planes in all reported that green beam shining in their cockpits. one pilot even complaining of blurred vision. it's part of a disturbing increase in these type of attacks this year. more than 2700 already. abc's david kerley with that story. >> i just saw it out of the corner of my eye and few more times it lit up -- hit the top of our cockpit. >> reporter: a report repeated across the country, 35 accounts of aircraft hit by lasers wednesday night alone, a dozen in new york. >> yeah, they lit us up pretty well. >> reporter: this morning they're intensifying the efforts to find those responsible. >> you're putting the lives of not just the pilots but all the people on the plane at risk. >> reporter: for more than a year the fbi has targeted these people who are what is called lasing jetliners. the problem, though, is getting worse. this year on pace to break a record. every night 15 laser hits on arm average on aircraft. simulation from the fbi shows that little beam of light can blast a cockpit at one of the most critical phases of flight, landing. >> the pilots are concentrating. if somebody bursts a green laser in their face from whatever distance away it will be difficult to see the instruments as well as runway to get that airplane safely on the ground. >> reporter: a pilot hit in new york is suffering blurry vision and these powerful lasers can temporarily blind a pilot. this laser available online can blind you from five feet in five seconds. its effect similar to looking at the sun for more than ten minutes. authorities are prosecuting and putting in jail violators if they can find them, robin. >> hopefully they will find them, david, thanks. now amy with the other top stories starting with the security breach at another major airport. >> all flights had to be stopped in san diego after a man climbed two fences and ran on to the runway. you can see him in the distance. it took about five minutes for police to take him into custody. he was under the influence of drugs or alcohol. also breaking overnight a fiery explosion leveling this home in st. louis damaging two other buildings. two people were trapped in that rubble. they are in critical condition. no word yet on what sparked the explosion. officials report no gas odor. new details about the escape of the notorious drug lord known as el chapo. mexican lawmakers revealed 18 minutes past before anyone was alerted of his escape from prison and there was no guard dedicated to monitoring his cell. a helicopter trying to touch down on a narrow strip of land crashes into a pub smashing a ten-foot hole into the wall but the chopper then flipped on its side and the two people on board were able to walk away. remarkably with just minor injuries. former president george h.w. bush remains in the hospital being treated for a broken bone in his neck. but doctors say he is in excellent shape. he's been fitted with a neck brace. his recovery, though, could take up to four months. and finally, a testament to the love nurses give their patients. a 4-year-old girl in a new york hospital fell so in love with her nurse matt, she asked him to marry her. you can see he said yes and 24 hours later the hospital pulled off a beautiful wedding. abby in a dress and veil and matt in his best tuxedo t-shirt. she ran down the aisle, jumped into each other's arms. they ate cake and smashed it in each other's face. they sealed the deal with a hug, not a kiss and they exchanged ring pops. >> perfect. >> so beautiful. >> that is one cute couple. thank you, amy. back to ginger with this huge storm in the pacific. >> dolores. we talked about it yesterday. i just wanted to update you. we have some video of the socorro islands. this is when it was a category 4. likely winds of 130 plus miles per hour. incredible video coming out of there. not a place i'd like to be. now dolores is starting to lose a little of that strength. however, it is pumping moisture into the southwest and with the monsoon flow right now we've got flash flood watches. wet weekend in southern nevada. parts of southern california and much of arizona. so that's something we're keeping an eye on. it will be cooler though. dropping into the 90s for the weekend. >> good morning, i am meteorologist mike nicco off to a where start this friday but we will see a lot of sunshine away from the coast for the clouds pretty stubborn and summer spread will continue through the weekend and get ready to get muggy on sunday and monday with a chance of thunderstorms. 65 at half moon bay and 70 in san francisco and low-to-mid 90s inland east bay for the warm spot. here is my seven-day forecast, it will be warm this weekend with the humidity through monday and dry and cooler next >> folks in nebraska saw this in the sky. some people thinking it was alienish but it looks like many things. >> a dirigible. >> you look like a ray of sunshine in that beautiful dress. >> thank you. thank you so much. i'm trying. >> ahead this morning, that mystery death in texas. this woman found dead in her jail cell after a confrontation with police. her family and thousands online demanding answers. a modern family battle that could affect so many. the divorced couple's bitter battle about frozen embryos. the ex-wife say the embryos belong to her. now the girl who survived a plane crash meeting her hero only on "gma." ma." hine through? introducing otezla apremilast. otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. some people who took otezla saw 75% clearer skin after 4 months. and otezla's prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. otezla may increase the risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. side effects may include diarrhea nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, and headache. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you're pregnant or planning to be. ask your doctor about otezla today. otezla. show more of you. get the complete balanced nutrition of ensure. with nine 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medications, empty pills and even dirt. he's expect. ed to appear in court next month. your friday commute is anything friday like. >> we're getting a little bit of a a reprieve. we're now just passing the metering lights and heading on to the bay bridge. it looks like pretty normal slowing here. let's go to other parts of the bay ware yp this is westbound i-80. a car fire with two lanes blocked. that's already causing some delays. you might see more coming away from hercules. >> thank you. we'll check (scal): good day, m'lady! i am sir-can-a-lot, here to save you from another breakfast bore. wake up those eggs with glorious spam! see what spam can! do... at good morning, checking out our current conditions. upper 50s to mid- 60 nz hayward. small craft advisory north of the baa bridge through the delta from 2:00 to 8:00. it could be rough. as we look towards sunday we'll get our chance at some moisture so it's going to be muggy. sunday. the remnants will make it muggy &. month. we'll be a little drier tuesday and cooler wednesday and thursday. hope you have a great weekend. it's going to be warm female announcer: sleep train's interest free for 3 event! is ending soon! get three years interest-free financing on beautyrest black, stearns & foster serta icomfort even tempur-pedic. plus, get free delivery, free set-up, and free removal of your old mattress and sleep train's 100-day low price guarantee. but hurry! sleep train's interest free for 3 event is ending soon. ...guaranteed! ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ ♪music♪ forever young (version) they won't stay young forever. ♪ forever young ♪ but for 60 years there's been a place where we can stay forever young together. don't miss the disneyland resort diamond celebration. ♪ forever young ♪ with an all-new electrical parade, fireworks spectacular and more. ♪ may you stay ♪ come see it all dazzle like never before. come feel forever young ♪ forever young ♪ good morning, america. law enforcement around the country on high alert after that deadly shooting targeting the military in tennessee. leaving four marines dead. the first victim has been identified thomas sullivan who served two tours in iraq. hundreds of fbi agents are on the ground investigating. also right now, ginger tracking the threat of severe weather this morning. millions in the path of damaging wind and hail after eight tornadoes reported overnight damaging homes and knocking out power for thousands. we do say good morning, america, on this friday morning and we all remember this famous scene from "bridesmaids." wilson phillips taking the stage for a huge wedding surprise. we may have two that topped them. i thought they would use our video from halloween. >> i was hoping. >> i was hoping not. wait until you see what they did for their sister's big day. that's just ahead. >> that's a pretty good tease. that movie was so great. we'll get to that. but we'll begin with the sudden death of a texas woman in police custody after a routine traffic stop. this cell phone video shows the arrest of 28-year-old sandra bland. three days later she was found dead in her jail cell. police say it was suicide. the family is not buying it and abc's ryan smith is here with the story. >> good morning. she was in texas to start a new life preparing to move from chicago after getting a new job. but while authorities investigate what they say is a suicide, her family and friends want to know how a woman pulled over in a simple traffic stop could have died in jail days later. it began as a routine traffic stop of sandra bland caught on camera that seemingly went wrong. >> you slammed me to the ground. you do not even care about that? >> reporter: just days later, her family told the 28-year-old was found dead in her cell of an apparent suicide. >> she was in the cell alone. >> reporter: this morning, that family demanding answers to the mystery of sandra bland's death. the 28-year-old activist -- >> black lives matter. >> reporter: -- died just three days after being taken into custody for allegedly assaulting an officer. police saying in a statement she was argumentative and uncooperative but her family claims sandra was the one injured. >> she really felt that her arm had been fractured. >> reporter: watch as she questions officer's tactics. >> for a traffic signal you slam me into the ground and everything. >> reporter: then police tried to halt filming. >> am i on public property? >> reporter: sandra applauds it. >> thank you for recording. >> i am suffering from something that some of you may all be dealing with right now. it's a little bit of depression as well as ptsd. >> reporter: could be used in their investigation. >> that self-diagnosis is certainly something that we are going to look at and consider with the motive for a suicide. >> reporter: but sandra's family said she was days away from starting a new job and would never take her own life. >> based on the sandy that i knew that's unfathomable to me. >> the case is being investigated by texas rangers with the fbi monitoring and authorities say while no cameras were in her cell no one was seen going in with her before she died. but sandra bland's death has sparked outrage online. the #justiceforsandy going viral as her family search for answers. >> they deserve some answers. ryan, thanks very much. now to the bitter battle over frozen embryos. in california that could have implications for families everywhere. the ex-wife taking the stand on thursday saying they belong to her. the ruling could set precedent for similar cases in the future. abc's linsey davis is here with much more. >> reporter: good morning. two recent similar cases both won by the woman, both were cancer patients who became infertile. that's the argument for the woman in this case that using the embryos she created with her then husband years ago is now her only hope. this morning the fate of five frozen embryos hangs in the balance in a san francisco court case. mimi lee and ex-husband steven findley locked in a tense court battle over the embryos they created five years ago after learning cancer treatment would leave her infertile. lee, now 46, is fighting for what she says is her only chance to have a biological child. >> the issue of what's going to happen with the embryos is incredibly emotional. ♪ >> reporter: the concert pianist and part-time anesthesiologist sobbed at times during her testimony thursday. "they are my embryos, and they are my babies," she said. but her ex, a wealthy investment analyst says the agreement they signed with the fertility clinic specifies the embryos only go to lee in the event of his death. lee says she wasn't given enough time to read the document before signing it and asked if she believed the consent form was binding said, no, absolutely not. >> reporter: we think that because mr. findley retains the ability to have children with someone else and dr. lee does not have the ability to have her own children it will tip the scale in her favor. >> reporter: in court, finley testified he never would agreed to let her keep them if they divorced. saying the very purpose of the documents was to make the directives clear. >> the fine print of the contract is very clear here. what she's saying is this just simply should not be viewed as a contract between us. >> reporter: it is a modern family dilemma also being fought by actress sofia vergara. her former fiance nick loeb seeking custody of the frozen embryos they created. >> i don't want to allow this person to take more advantage of my career and try to promote himself. >> reporter: as for lee she says there's no amount of money she would accept to give up her embryos calling them priceless. lee says findley would have no parental responsibility. findley's attorney says if his child is genetically his, he will participate in the child's life but fears 18 years of interaction with dr. lee. closing arguments are scheduled for next month. george? >> thanks very much. more now on that mysterious explosion at a rhode island beach. the woman injured is speaking out this morning exclusively to abc. >> she's not happy the beach is open again. abc's reena ninan has the story. >> reporter: it started out as a beautiful day at the beach for kathleen denise, her two sisters and niece olivia. >> water was calm. the beach was clean. it was just a perfect day. >> reporter: the three women were getting ready to make a sand castle with olivia when out of nowhere -- >> -- the sand exploded and my chair was sinking and that's the last thing that i remember. >> reporter: kathleen rocketed out of her seat thrown in the air landing on a jetty. her sisters screaming for help. >> i heard the explosion, like a loud blast like an m-80 and at the same time after the blast, i seen the rocks shift. >> reporter: nearly a week after that event, kathleen and rebecca speaking out for the first time about their frustrating search for answers to exactly what caused the explosion. >> you don't want any other family to be hurt. it would be tragic because the beach is open and someone is climbing those rocks as we speak. >> reporter: rhode island officials claim the electrical line pulled from under the sand had nothing to do with it. >> we know this is a dead end because it's a dead cable. >> reporter: this is not safe. these kids need to be off the rocks. you need to investigate further. >> reporter: while the department of environmental management says more materials will be analyzed over the next few day, these ladies wonder why the beach has been kept open, because they don't want this to happen to anyone else. >> there were canine units, investigators, seismologists, nobody seems to know what happened. >> i can't explain it. >> it doesn't make sense. they're missing something. they are missing something. >> reporter: for "good morning america," reena ninan, abc news, new york. >> this is a strange one. m-80s are powerful. >> we were like m-80s. >> haven't heard that in a long time. >> let's go to ginger now. we've got some flooding in the midwest. >> wasn't just the tornadic storms but up to a half foot of rain falling so flash flooding happening in parts of north central illinois too and many of those storms fueled by the heat and humidity which there will be plenty of excessive heat watch up in cincinnati, from florida through missouri. look at the actual air temperatures. in the 90s, memphis will go to 97. so will little rock. the heat indices could close in on 110. >> good morning, i am meteorologist mike nicco we will have relaxed breezes compared to yesterday at 73 do 84 and the coast will see the clouds this afternoon at 65 to 72 in san francisco and 90s inland. it will be humid on sunday and monday and a chance of >> all that weather brought to you by carmax. one very cool picture. the mirage over lake michigan. likely because the lake is so cold, and it's cold this time of year, and the air is getting so warm. they'll also end up in the 90s this weekend. >> gorgeous. thank you, ginger. a lot more coming up including a big surprise for the miracle survivor of that plane crash. she meets he a famous hero. that's only on "gma." "19 kids and counting" has been canceled. tlc calling quits on the show. what's ahead for the family. we'll talk about that next. come on back. ounting" has been canceled. tlc calling quits on the show. what's ahead for the family. we'll talk about that next. come on back. ark tank. it just feels like car salesmen want to sell whatever car is best for them, not best for me. there's gotta be a better way. ♪ ♪ as long as people drive cars carmax will be the best way to buy them. i don't want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. or wonder... ...whether i should seek treatment. i am ready. because today there's harvoni. a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. harvoni is proven to cure up to 99% of patients... ...who've had no prior treatment. it's the one and only cure that's... pill, once a day for 12 weeks. certain patients... ...can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. with harvoni there's no interferon and there are no complex regimens. tell your doctor if you have other liver or kidney problems or other medical conditions. and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. harvoni should not be taken with any medicines containing amiodarone, rifampin, or st. john's wort. it also should not be taken with any other medicine that contains sovaldi. side effects may include tiredness and headache. i am ready to put hep c behind me. i am ready to be cured. are you ready? ask your hep c specialist if harvoni is right for you. 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(announcer) the subaru xv crosstrek. symmetrical all-wheel drive plus 34 mpg. love. it's what makes a subaru a subaru. 7:43. back now with the ultimate survivor. it's been survivor week all week long on "gma" and this morning one girl who actually lived through a plane crash and days alone in the wilderness. we're hearing from the teenager for the first time and abc's kayna whitworth has her incredible story. >> i was really worried. i was certain i would die. >> reporter: this morning, plane crash survivor autumn veatch telling her tale of survival. the 16-year-old recounting her flight with her grandparents who were taking her home to washington after a visit to montana. >> we lost complete visibility suddenly. there was no way to get out of it. >> reporter: the small plane crashing into the mountainside. >> it took basically no time for fire to start coming out of the front and that's when i made my way out. >> reporter: the teen burning her hand trying to save them. >> there's a lot of adrenaline. i was just trying to do what i could to get them out. >> reporter: but overtaken by flames she couldn't. so are you telling me that you watched your stepgrandparents die >> that's something that is going to haunt me forever. >> reporter: she spent the next two days alone freezing and frightened and covered head to toe in bug bites. >> i was completely covered in stuff. >> reporter: making her way through the woods using skills she said she learned from watching survival shows with her dad. >> i knew that going downhill finding water and following it always led to civilization. that was my first instinct. >> reporter: and instinct many called amazing. >> it's just amazing. >> she's amazing. >> just amazes us. >> "survivorman" should be proud of her. >> reporter: the survivorman himself had to tell her just how proud he is. >> i know you. proud of a survivor teen. i really have looked up to you since i was super little. >> now i look up to you. >> oh. thank you so much. >> you've had to do for real what i've only been able to practice. i look up to you, autumn. i really do. >> reporter: for "good morning america," kayna whitworth, abc news, bellingham, washington. >> she is really that word, amazing. >> that had to mean a lot to her. >> absolutely. >> uh-huh. >> brave young lady. so much more coming up on "good morning america" including the ultimate wedding singer. you guys cannot wait until you see how these bridesmaids honored her sister on her big day. >> we're looking forward to that. and one family's surprising discovery. how did the plane's propeller fall through their roof? 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>> that's right. it's trending on buzz feed this morning and going viral, a bride's mads toast to her sister and new husband. unlike any you've ever seen. after a traditional tribute. they broke into a pop mash-up celebrating their sister kaitlyn and new husband john in song. tunefulness taking a bit of a backseat sometimes. i think that makes it even better. take a listen to michael jackson's "black or white." ♪ sees what i would be when you stop being things ♪ ♪ but one you thinking about having a baby ♪ >> drop the mike moment. it heated up. here's "oh happy day ♪ ♪ ♪ i take you to be -- oh yeah to be ♪ ♪ be mine always ♪ >> the bride reduced to tears and hugs around. go big or go home. it may not have been wilson phillips but i think it was even better, guys. >> full commitment. i loved it. >> tears are something. >> joy. >> they were tears of joy. yes, they were. >> oh. can you imagine? >> yes. >> i've got two sisters. >> i got two sisters. yeah. we have much more ahead this morning. designer denim versus bargain jeans. can you really tell the difference and is it really worth it? coming up "gma's" summer concert series presented by copier tone sunscreen. ♪ pier tone sunscreen. ♪ n to help keep it hydrated by holding in natural moisture while providing protection from harmful uv rays. game on. coppertone sport. i was not aware of how much acidity was in my diet... that it was damaging the enamel. i wanted to fix it right away. my dentist recommended pronamel. he said pronamel can make my teeth stronger. pronamel is helping me lead the life that i want to live. ♪i can't find my way through the trees♪ ♪ ♪so so so so don't don't don't don't wait wait wait wait♪ ♪for for for me me me me me me me to get home♪ when you don't get enough sleep... and your body aches... you're not yourself. tylenol® pm relieves pain and helps you fall fast asleep and stay asleep. we give you a better night. you're a better you all day. tylenol®. at subway, we bring layers of enticingly tender turkey irresistibly crispy bacon, and deliciously rich guacamole together on freshly baked bread for one truly amazing sandwich: the new subway turkey & bacon guacamole. only at subway. my heart... beats 100,000 times a day sending oxygen to my muscles... again! so i can lift even the most demanding weights. take care of all your most important parts with centrum. now with our most vitamin d three ever. from the dairy farmers of fairlife, this is our promise. we start with delicious, creamy, real milk that's then ultra filtered so fairlife has more protein and and only half the sugar. and never any artificial growth hormones. at fairlife, we believe in better. ♪ this isn't just the start of school this is the new year. find the styles and brands they'll love for every big moment. where? famous footwear. "good morning america" is brought to you by famous footwear. shoes for the whole family. good morning. i'm eric thomas. the union for sheriffs deputies filed a grievance. the chronicle claims it links the shooting to an order issued prohibiting the department from communicating with federal immigration agents. let's check in with leyla gulen for a look at the forecast. >> there's quite a spread. hot temperatures. the spread out towards the coast is going to be in the mid-60s. my seven-day forecast, possible chance of some drizzle over the weekend with nice conditions, seasonal during the week. let's get a look at traffic on the roads. we have a couple accidents. one of which i want to get. to it right here. it's blocking one lane westbound side of 92 at e a bow and arrow ♪ ♪ a broken guitar ♪ ♪ while the rainwater washes away ♪ ♪ who you are ♪ ♪ we go over the mountains ♪ ♪ and under the stars ♪ ♪ we go over the mountains ♪ ♪ and under the stars ♪ [♪] ♪ ♪ ♪ it took serena williams years to master the two handed backhand. but only one shot to master the chase mobile app. technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. every summer the best tennis players in the world collide in new york. but that's just the final chapter of a great story. one that's unfolding all summer long right in your backyard. be there when the emirates airline us open series turns to stanford for the bank of the west classic. come experience the action and feel the drama as the best in the sport duke it out in stanford. august 3rd to the 9th. don't just watch the action. feel, hear and taste it. for ticket and player information visit female announcer: get three years interest-free financing on brand name mattress sets. plus, get free delivery, and sleep train's 100-day low price guarantee. sleep train's interest free for 3 event is ending soon. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m., and 19 kids and canceled. calling it quits on the hit duggar reality series after the scandal. what one of america's famous families is saying now. ♪ i need your love ♪ perfect match or mismatch. is love really blind when it comes to pairing up? americans rallying behind so-called odd couples. the online sensation that started it out speak out this morning. ♪ you got that -- good jeans. designer denim versus bargain blues. can you spot the difference between super cheap and super chic? how to get the best deal and the best fit when it comes to jeans. ♪ it's raining men ♪ and where are all the hunks hiding? new data that reveals where america's highest concentration of handsome is. get out your map. we'll show you the men. ♪ suddenly i see ♪ all that and leah remini with us live as we say -- >> good morning, america. >> good morning, everyone. everyone has to help me out here because i have no clue about those two pair of jeans. >> which is -- >> which one is the designer, which one is the bargain pair? can you tell the difference? >> they both look great in them. >> yeah, that's true. >> hard to tell there. >> we're going to get into that. >> sometimes it is very difficult. you really are getting something for -- we'll discuss it. also this morning, jake gyllenhaal transformed himself -- did you see this -- into fighting shape. >> i want to see this. >> i'm going to watch it this weekend. 15 pounds of muscle for his new movie "southpaw." he's going to be here on monday. >> i would say it's a little more than 15 pounds. >> guys, he was at the espys and we hugged, and it was just -- i don't want to use you as an example -- >> because it's very similar. >> but you could feel that under his -- anyway, never mind. yes. >> well, as robin said, he'll be here live on monday, and we sent nick to find out how to get that ridiculously ripped. the workout secrets. >> we sent nick for this? >> nick. just ahead. >> let's go to amy. >> u.s. troops on alert after the deadly shooting rampage. four marines were killed, among them thomas sullivan who served two tours in iraq earning a purple heart. the gunman is 24-year-old mohammed abdulazeez. investigators are treating the attack as domestic terrorism. they are trying to determine if he was influenced online by isis. meanwhile, in paris terror charges have now been filed against three men accused of plotting to attack a french military base on the mediterranean. prosecutors say the suspects as young as 17 were in contact with a member of isis. and extreme weather plowed through much of the midwest overnight. a storm chaser captured this tornado on camera swirling over western illinois that tore up trees, blew out windows and knocked down power lines. emergency teams have been going door to door assessing the damage. a new york family got the surprise of their lives arriving home to find an airplane propeller had fallen from the sky and crashed through their roof plowing into the attic leaving a hole in a bedroom ceiling. the propeller had fallen off a small plane. the pilot somehow managed to land safely, and the family just grateful they were not home at the time. new reaction this morning to the decision by the cable network tlc to pull the plug on the hit reality show "19 kids and counting" after the series featuring the duggar family became embroiled in scandal. abc's aditi roy has details. >> reporter: this morning, tlc is calling it quits on its hit show "19 kids and counting" after nine seasons. >> what do you think? >> reporter: the network releasing a statement saying "tlc and the duggar family have decided to not move forward." >> i think i kind of understand how it works. >> reporter: the duggar family releasing its own statement saying "our entire family overcame a terrible situation, found healing and a way forward. we appreciate the love, support, prayers and kindness extended to us by many of you." >> my life as i had known it was changing. >> reporter: josh duggar embroiled in a sexual misconduct scandal in may after "in touch" magazine obtained sealed documents saying he molested six young girls including two of his sisters back in 2002 when he was 14 and 15 years old. >> ultimately they must have decided that the brand was just too tainted and the whole situation just too, you know, unpleasant to continue. >> reporter: tlc also announcing a documentary to air later this summer focusing on survivors and families of child sexual abuse including jill and jessa. for "good morning america," aditi roy, abc news, san francisco. >> our thanks to aditi for that. and finally, it's summer and for millions across the country, that could mean that frightening first jump into the pool. take a look at this little guy. he was at the edge ready to go for it but needed last-second convincing and he supplied his own inspiration, listen. >> i'm great. i'm strong. i'm going to jump in this water right now. >> you got to love it when kids show us the way. bam! there he goes. and you know what, so cute. look, and he kept going and going. now the pool is his. he owns it because he's strong, he's brave. god made him that way. so cute. >> i love that inspiration. also the little puppy crawl. >> little puppy paddle. >> couldn't get out. we have another adorable picture to show you before we go to lara. devon still posted this photo on instagram of his daughter leah with their espy award. they won the award, the jimmy v. award for perseverance. he wrote "this might have both our names on it but this is leah's trophy." going on to say she has a hard time and he could not be prouder. she is facing cancer. she couldn't be there at the espys because she had a stem cell transplant and her immune system is compromised but she's doing well, and that picture says it all. >> that smile. >> happy for them. now lara. >> thank you very much, everybody. here's what's coming up on our "gma morning menu." perfect match or a mismatch. this couple's photo sparking a lot of controversy across america. now they're speaking out on "gma." and then designer denim versus bargain blue jeans. is there really a difference? and how you can tell. plus, the hot new diet that mixes paleo and vegan. doctors say it could be the best for your body. and hear that? my friend, everybody's favorite, leah remini is with us on "good morning america" live in times square. 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[ laughter ] >> that's stuck to your face. >> reporter: now there's ashley and christopher. >> we met at columbus state university where we both attend college. >> we hung out at a football game and i just remember him being like a huge goofball and he made me laugh like so much. >> reporter: 21-year-old ashley stevens caught the bouquet at her friend's wedding. this picture landing on reddit. her boyfriend jokingly feeling the pressure in the background. people online criticizing his looks in comparison to hers with comments like "that guy is punching above his weight," "dude's way out of his depths" and thousands more too graphic for television. ashley's response, perfectly poised, "i won the jackpot with christopher. he may not have rock hard abs like the world tells girls to want in a guy but i love him and for who he is and he loves me for who i am. understanding, loving and hilarious, which is so rare to find these days." >> my biggest advice is to date someone you would be with if nobody else was looking. >> reporter: ashley's post spurring self-described mismatched couples to post their pictures in solidarity on facebook proving there's always two sides to the same coin. >> no one can make me laugh like christopher, and he's my best friend. so i love you just the way you are. >> i love you just the way you are. >> reporter: for "good morning america," juju chang, abc news, new york. >> that was a perfect ending. >> yes. >> something to have all the ingredients for a terrific relationship. we sure are. >> well, also burning up the "heat index" we're talking about designer denim versus bargain blue jeans. the price of a pair of jeans can range anywhere from 20 bucks to over 200. but can you tell the difference and is it worth it? well, i'll tell you i have my favorite pair on and i'll tell you just how much -- >> you did change. >> i did change. if anybody noticed. designer or bargain. but first here's mara schiavocampo. >> reporter: jeans, the all-american wardrobe staple with one in four women saying they own more than ten pairs, but finding that perfect pair can be downright daunting. with lots of styles, trends and costly price tags, what's really the difference between super cheap and super chic? >> a higher quality jean will last you for years and years and years. and in the long run you're probably saving money that way. >> reporter: lifestyle website refinery29 took on the denim debate and says, "expensive jeans are typically made from better quality cotton, rivets and button and often have a higher stitch count." bargain denim is tipically made from lower quality fabric with low stitch count that's usually likely to tear and usually have lower quality distressing or none at all. >> your typical $20 pair of jeans are going to sag and stretch out within a couple of wears. they're probably not going to have any embellishments on them. >> reporter: do you get the bang for your buck? we hit the streets to see if people could tell the difference between the $20 and $200 pair. which do you think is cheap and which do you think is chic? >> cheap. chic. >> this one. >> i think these are expensive. >> these are more expensive. >> reporter: you are right. >> thank god i don't buy expensive ones. >> i want those ones. >> that's amazing. >> those are 200. >> so good. >> look at that. you got it right. i didn't. >> reporter: expensive differences that can be hard to spot. for "good morning america," mara schiavocampo, abc news, new york. [ cheers and applause ] >> and here with me now, style director at "good housekeeping" magazine, lori bergamotto. okay, so i just got these pair of jeans. i saw them in the store. i actually didn't look at the price tag. put them on to the counter, guess how much they told me they cost? >> i don't know. they're a pretty good pair. how much? >> $14.99. >> that's impressive. you're advanced. bravo. >> very proud of this. can you tell the difference typically? >> well, amy, we're going to take it to the audience and see what they think. [ cheers and applause ] we have these beautiful girls here. we want to know audience which jeans are the expensive pair. is it "a," or is it "b"? so, hold up your paddles? what do we think, amy? "a," a lot of b's. do you want to weigh in? >> i think "b." >> the answer is "a," folks. [ cheers and applause ] you have here -- look at that -- $178 pair of jeans and gina in a pair of $10 jeans from h&m. >> see. look at that, $10. >> pretty impressive. right? >> so, what's your advice? is it worth $170? what are you getting for that? >> so, you have to remember that generally when things are more expensive, they're made in america, which is great, but you can find a really good pair of jeans for 10 bucks like we said. there are three things i recommend looking for. the first thing is stretch. you want to look for jeans that, yes, contour to your body and have stretch. a good ratio, 98% cotton to 2% lycra or spandex, okay. you don't want them to look like the pajama jean. >> right. >> number two is the wash. now, you are defying this because you're in a lighter wash. >> maybe i'm not fashion forward. >> you are. these look amazing. they are trickier to pull off. so you want to look for something in a darker wash which is generally more flattering and the third is the whip stitching. the stitching on the pocket. you want to make sure it's present but not pronounced. >> present but not pronounced. very good tips, lori bergamotto, thanks so much. we're going to send it over to george now. >> hey. >> thank you. hot new diet trend called and i want to get this right peganism and combines two diets into one and abc's reena ninan explains. >> reporter: it's the latest diet trend to take the internet by storm and its foodie followers are plastering #pegan picks of their favorite meals and snarks all over instagram from eggs, avocados and roasted veggies to mango, chicken and kale. the pegan diet is perfectly delicious. >> a diet that makes sense. >> reporter: paleo and vegan for pegan, a compromise between the caveman diet consisting of meats fishes and vegan which is veggies and grains but no animal products. >> combining the best elements of both of those gives you a more healthy and balanced diet. >> reporter: the phrase comes from choosing what's best for your body from both diet that means limiting meat consumption and adding in gluten-free whole grains and boosting the fruits and veggies. >> you're cutting out dairy. you're cutting out gluten. you're cutting out lots of sugar. you're cutting out all the processed, refined foods. it's just a sensible way of eating that creates health. >> reporter: but there could be something important missing on that plate. >> so, one of the drawbacks of this diet is that without the dairy, you are missing some calcium but you can compensate for that by drinking nut milks or taking a calcium supplement. >> reporter: according to the doctor digging into that pegan pot can lead to weight loss, lowered cholesterol and reverse onset diabetes. for "good morning america," reena ninan, abc news, new york. >> another diet to try. >> some smart ideas right there. let's go outside to ginger. >> oh, my gosh. sorry, we're just talking and we're complimenting each other. it's compliment hour. another beautiful morning in new york city and the same is boston, starting the morning in the mid-60s, and they will only get warmer as the weekend goes along. look at some of this summer heat that will be piping up. if any of you are around for the weekend or early next week, temperatures almost into the 90s for d.c. or well into midweek. >> good morning, i am meteorologist mike nicco off to a where start this friday but we will see a lot of sunshine away from the coast for the clouds pretty stubborn and summer spread will continue through the weekend and get ready to get muggy on sunday and monday with a chance of thunderstorms. 65 at half moon bay and 70 in san francisco and low-to-mid 90s inland east bay for the warm spot. here is my seven-day forecast, it will be warm this weekend with the humidity through monday and dry and cooler >> lara, how cool is clinton's sign? he can't start his morning without us and we can't start our morning without him. quinten, it's awesome. >> it matches your dress. get on in here. time for "pop news" and the emmy nominations are out. amy will be happy to hear "game of thrones" leading the pack with 24 nominations. >> wow. 24. >> "mad men" got 11. one for jon hamm. now that the show is wrapped, this is his last chance to get that best actor emmy. don draper nominated seven times, guys, shut out every single time. "mad men" up for best drama against "downton abbey," "house of cards." "homeland" and "better call saul." >> all of my favorites. i watch every one of those. >> what about you? >> i'm hoping for "mad men," sentimental favorite now that the show is wrapped, but they're all terrific. and you know we got to mention a few of our "pop news" faves cited for individual acting honors. miss boo-boo kitty, taraji p. henson up against viola davis who taught us -- >> how to get away with murder. >> which some feel they did for not nominating "empire" for best drama. no emmy nod. the creator lee daniels had a lot to say on social media. now saying -- oh, he's just kidding. >> no, he wasn't. >> fan of the show are not kidding, not pleased about it, but we see how it shakes out when it airs september 20th. >> i can't remember the last time a show got that much buzz as "empire" and it grew every single week and didn't get it. >> no, no. >> okay. >> i hear you. a lot of people talking about that on social media this morning. then finally in "pop news," or also in "pop news," a search for the greatest concentration of handsome men in the country. ♪ i need your love ♪ >> oh. >> we found one, didn't we? oh, there's another. wow. >> go, fonzie. >> right here in the studio. ♪ i need your love ♪ a public service announcement for all single ladies watching, get yourself to seattle stat. it's not just here in the "gma" studio, apparently that's where the country's biggest concentration of handsome has been brewing. has run the numbers and determined this based on how much men spend on their personal appearance so the coffee capital in america is first. second place are the sexy men of san francisco followed by third place, washington, d.c.'s dapper dudes, boston's babes, okay. george. >> are we allowed to make fun of their methodology? >> yes. you can. >> based on how much people spend? >> can i say something where are the southern men? i'm a huge fan -- >> i guess they don't spend enough. >> they're naturally good looking. >> you're right, george. it's all about grooming, much how much men are willing to spend on -- >> southern men don't have to do that. >> exactly. and neither do our men in the "gma" studios. can i get one more close-up, please? >> another kiss, fonzie. blow another kiss. >> yeah. >> there you go. >> glad we have the top five just according to this survey was the dudes of denver, just wanted you to know. that's what they say. i believe you all know who we think are the most handsome men. happy world emoji day. then -- >> today is the day because the date on the calendar, the emoji for calendar is july 17th so obviously tech users around the world are celebrating with the #worldemojiday. celebs like roger federer getting in on the act. >> that's look what my daughter texted the other day. >> he's famous for documenting his days with emojis and american authors, our band waking up early to be with us getting in on the action as well. >> all right, guys. >> in honor of the holiday we wanted to combine our love of pop culture with our love of emojis and created famous movie titles using them. you guys try to guess what these movies are. number one -- you got an ant and a man. >> "ant-man." >> there you go. number two. number two. >> can't see it. >> number two. >> "ant-man." one more. >> "plane, trains and automobiles." >> yes, done. [ cheers and applause ] >> "pop news," one more shout-out to gorgeous men. >> we got a great smash-up right here. take a look. >> hands in the air, three, two, one. >> everybody -- >> kick off the video. >> good morning. ♪ i love it ♪ ♪ i don't like it no i love it ♪ >> world cup champs. >> all: usa, usa. ♪ i need you to know ♪ >> everybody let's go. >> rise and shine, america. >> the video. >> let's go. ♪ rise and shine, america ♪ >> isn't that a good thing? >> good morning, america. >> i'm done now. >> good morning, america. >> "pop news" popping. >> i don't like it. ♪ no i love it here we come ♪ ♪ i don't like it ♪ >> good morning. ♪ we love it i love it ♪ >> shimmy, shimmy, shimmy like this. >> like this? ♪ shake it down down wonderful crowd in central park that's why boo-boo kitty ♪ ♪ i don't the piece the force is strong ♪ >> robin and i are getting married, everyone. ♪ glam looks i call that grecian urn ♪ ♪ well done well done ♪ ♪ bongo, bongo bongo, bongo ♪ modern romance just so steep. >> ginger zee, huge announcement. >> going to have a baby. >> you make me blush. how did you get pregnant? >> "pop news." >> we got jack black. we lost him. >> jack! ♪ i don't like it i love it ♪ ♪ i don't like it i love it ♪ >> special delivery. >> just like we love it. >> wow. ♪ shake it down down down good morning america ♪ ♪ ♪ good morning ♪ >> good morning, america. ♪ i love it i love it ♪ good morning i'm eric thomas. the union for san francisco sheriffs deputies filed a grievance. the chronicle claims it links the shooting to an order issued to prohibit from communicating. in developing news, a fire broke out in an abandoned building. it started just after 3:00 this it morning. the roof collapsed and firefighters kulkted a surround and drown. let's get a check on the commute this morning with leyla gulen. >> we have problems once again in east bay. oakland, northbound side of 880 z as you come up the high street. you have an accident there and the backups are grow inging. we're looking at bumper to bumper traffic. definitely want to give yourself some extra time if you're heading in that direction. as we take you to san jose, northbound side of 280 slow and go. but south side side, an injury we're still tracking clouds across the bay area. you can see from our toll plaza camera, it's a great start to today. but thing its will eventually warm up. our highs going to be in the 90s inland but cooler along the coast. the seven-day forecast shows a possibility of squeezing out some drizzle by sunday. now back to "good morning go big or go ♪ ♪ go go go big or go home ♪ go at all go big or go ♪ ♪ go go go big or go home ♪ >> we are jump starting your weekend weekend. our "gma" summer concert series american authors right here in times square. >> they're loving every bit of it. their hit "go big or go home." a couple of minutes away. >> i want what they're having. >> happy to be here and one week away from our party in the park with nicki minaj. go to on yahoo! >> i'm here with leah remini back with season two of her reality show "it's all relative" all about her life her family. we welcome you back to "good morning america." so good to see you. >> thank you. always lovely to be here. you guys are amazing. >> crazy here on a friday. >> it's very loving here. very loving. >> thank you. >> we feel the same way about you. your show -- you're so open. we see your family coming out of a group therapy session. it's a serious topic talking about leaving the church of scientology. we told you we reached out to the church and said it comes no surprise that someone as self-absorbed as leah remini continues to do this and it's a pathetic attempt to get ratings" what do you say to that? >> my first emotion is sad. it makes me sad to hear that from a group that i was in most of my life and that i supported. so my first instinct is to be hurt. but then you know i have to -- i mean i understand it i guess, they have to say these things. but i can only be me. i have to tell my story. it's hard to do a reality show and not be real because then i would get attacked for not talking about it, not showing what we're really going through so i mean i really do pride our show on being authentic and not written. >> not an easy topic. >> not easy to reveal everything of your real life. but that's what our show is about and also just to add, i think it's an interesting place to come from being that this is an organization that says we don't comment on our former parishioners and yet here we are. >> right. and you've said -- you've decided to leave the show. we'll show a clip. your choice was about your daughter and you're around the table with other folk friends who also were in the church grew up in the church and also left so let's take a look. >> we didn't have a choice. >> exactly. >> yeah and they're pretty hard prepercussions to leaving. >> exactly, exactly. >> i just didn't want her to be raised that way because let's say in ten years if i don't want to be connected with the church anymore, my own daughter would be taught to disconnect from me. >> right. >> so i didn't want to create that. i didn't think it would be healthy for her. >> there you have it. >> yep. >> you tackle also you know it's not always about the tough stuff. your mom on the show. >> breakout star. >> i was going to say the breakout star. >> she is. and i'm okay with it. i'm okay with it. i mean honestly she always thought she was the star of my family anyway like she always thought she was the one that should be on television so i want her to have this moment. >> let's talk about the tattoo. >> it's this big. it's like an area rug. >> it's an area rug. >> on my mother's back. it's -- yes. i keep saying do you regret it? no actually i don't. >> what else can we expect from mom? >> mom does -- she's like doing a bucket list type thing. >> oh, no. >> not like she's dying. >> she's going for it. >> it has nothing to do with age, she says. why are you doing it now. because of my age. >> she has a platform to show it off using your sitcom to -- >> she thinks she's going to get a sitcom from this. i'm not kidding. she goes wouldn't it be great when i get my sitcom. when you get a sitcom? what is going on with you vicky marshall. why would anybody give you a sitcom? >> i called it a sitcom. it's a reality show but it is that funny. we loved your kit some with kevin. which was harder? >> this is harder. the reality show -- as a matter of fact i keep texting kevin going, please save me from this. i'd like to make a guest appearance on my own show because clearly vicky is the star but take me away from all of this. >> will we ever see you guys reunite in some way. >> yes, yes. >> please. >> we just don't know how but, yes, definitely. >> promise? >> listen -- i'd do anything with kevin. anything -- >> you know who else would do anything with kevin? >> who? >> your mother but that's for another show. this is a morning thing. >> hey listen thanks for talking about topics that respect always easy to talk about. thanks for making us laugh and thank you for your mother. >> you're welcome. you can have her. >> visit us again. in the meantime, leah remini "it's all relative." it airs wednesday nights on tlc. out to george. >> we got a big new movie from jake gyllenhaal owl next week called "southpaw." he plays a champion boxer. you see he went all in on the training. look at that physique. we find out what it took to get that fit. >> let's go. >> reporter: blood, sweat and the punches for real. >> jake caught a couple punches and blood through out. >> that was real. >> that's great. >> reporter: yep, that skinny little jake gyllenhaal after six months boxing training with terry claiborne right here in this l.a. gym. >> terry called me up and said i think you got the wrong guy. i said no he can do it. give him a chance. >> i knew nothing about boxing when i started. >> reporter: the role in "southpaw" was written for and inspired by hip-hop artist eminem who went on to executive produce the soundtrack leaving jake to step into the ring. >> i think he broke up with his girlfriend. his whole personal life went to crap. he was with us every day. >> reporter: 2,000 sit-ups every day, piled on 15 pounds of muscle. >> no extras no doubles. no stand-ins. i'm going to take care of this. he did a great job. >> reporter: the movie is kind of raging bull meets the champ. >> it's not a boxing movie. it is and it isn't. it's about a father and daughter. >> reporter: we know jake can act. night crawler, brokeback mountain donny darko. >> you can have a great actor but if he looks bad in a boxing movie it won't be good. >> reporter: like jake i know nothing about boxing. he did this every day twice a day for hours and ran eight miles in between. >> beautiful counterpunch. >> i don't know how jake gyllenhaal did this. i'd rather be in a movie about dominos or badminton, croquet. >> reporter: but antuan fuqua doesn't direct movies about that. he loves the vulnerability of the fighter. he is a boxer himself. >> jake is a pretty good fighter, man. i didn't know how that would turn out. >> i think you could take him. >> reporter: maybe not. that's for real. that's not make believe. had the moves. for "good morning america," nick watt, abc news los angeles. >> looking forward to that. jake here live on monday. "southpaw" in movies next week. back out to ginger. >> good morning, george and good morning, everybody. just like robin said i want what they're having. i don't know if it's coffee or sugar or what's going on here but it's good and hopefully your weekend will be good. i know it will be in pittsburgh where they have a new festival. it's called picklesburg. 63 billion pickles are eaten each year by -- >> by me. >> she loves pickles. >> we have those weekend getaways. seattle hot and sunny. very summerlike. pittsburgh a little hot, humid and some storms. >> good morning, i am meteorologist mike nicco we will have relaxed breezes compared to yesterday at 73 do 84 and the coast will see the clouds this afternoon at 65 to 72 in san francisco and 90s inland. it will be humid on sunday and monday and a chance of a stray >> and all that weather brought to you by panera bread. we want to tell you about an exciting event coming to abc. the first broadcast of we day celebrating a generation of committed to changing the world. take a look. >> we will change the world. >> we day is taking over. >> happy we day. >> celebrating the we generation with your host selena gomez. august 21st on abc. >> like i'm wearing it. see, host selena gomez, demi lovato. tyrese gibson the band perry, so many bringing inspiring story of young americans making a difference. check and tune in to abc august 21st at 8:00 p.m. for we day. and, hey, we've got so much more coming up on this beautiful friday morning. american authors are here live performing. stick around. ♪ female announcer: get three years interest-free financing on brand name mattress sets. plus, get free delivery, and sleep train's 100-day low price guarantee. sleep train's interest free for 3 event is ending soon. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ it is time now for our summer concert series. it is so great to have american authors with us this morning. one of our favorites here at "good morning america" and here they are with their new single "go big or go home ♪ ♪ don't feel like going home but all my cash is gone ♪ ♪ yeah i got nothing to do tonight i'm passed out on the floor ♪ ♪ up in the hotel bar but it don't matter 'cause i'm feeling fine ♪ ♪ i'm thinking life's too short it's passing by so if i'm gonna go at all go big or go ♪ ♪ go go go big or go home ♪ ♪ go go go big or go home ♪ ♪ go go go big or go home ♪ ♪ go go go big or go home ♪ ♪ ♪ go go go big or go home ♪ ♪ i gave the dice a roll and then we lost control ♪ ♪ you know we're lucky that we survived but when we jumped the ship ♪ ♪ oh, man, that boat it flipped but we should do it all again tonight ♪ ♪ i'm thinking life's too short it's passing by so if we're gonna go at all go big or go go go go big or go home ♪ go go go big or go home ♪ go go go big or go home ♪ go go go big or go home ♪ ♪ whoo ♪ >> all right. ♪ ♪ giving my body all the things i need rescue me with a little whiskey ♪ ♪ staying out don't need to sleep i'll sleep when i'm dead you can bury me ♪ i'll sleep when i'm dead you can bury me ♪ ♪ i guess i'm going home 'cause all my cash is gone ♪ ♪ i spent it all trying to feel alive well go big or go ♪ ♪ go go go big or go home ♪ ♪ go go go big or go home ♪ ♪ go go go big or go home ♪ ♪ go go go big or go home ♪ ♪ go go go big or go home ♪ ♪ it's getting crazy we're gonna do some things that we won't forget ♪ ♪ go go go big or go home i'm going crazy ♪ ♪ i'm gonna live my life i got no regresses go go ♪ ♪ go big or go home ♪ "gma's" summer concert series presented we're back with american authors. we're so excited to have them for a special "gma" summer concert right here in times square. we didn't have to go to the park. we brought you to the people. >> we could stay here in midtown. >> hello, zac. >> go big or go home from your second one coming out. >> finishing up now and the new single is "go big or go home." >> you don't have a title for the second one. >> no it's funny. we were tossing around some names last night. nothing that stuck for sure but no title yet. do you have any suggestions? >> you opened up a canworms. >> american authors, account can of worms." right here on "good morning america." >> i know you've been on tour. is it true you have a studio in the back of the tour bus so you can write your music. >> it's like a laptop with a kyeboard and some microphones that sit on the benches and stuff. so yes. it is a studio. it's a makeshift studio but gets the job done. >> you met up in berkeley. is that where you all -- >> berklee college of music in boston and met there, dropped out together and moved to brooklyn. stay in school kids. >> stay in school. >> school is cool but in all honesty we wouldn't know each other or be where we are taut without school. >> you are classically trained and can play each other's instruments. >> i'm going to get on bass. matt will swing we were thinking and james is -- he's a "breaking bad" dancer. >> i'll take the drums for you. >> perfect. you can join in too. >> "can of worms" coming up next. ready to have the best day of my life. that's what you're going to sing right now. american authors. [ applause ] ♪ ♪ wo-o-o-o-o-oh ♪ ♪ i had a dream so big and loud i jumped so high i touched the clouds ♪ ♪ wo-o-o-o-o-oh wo-o-o-o-o-oh i stretched my hands out to the sky ♪ ♪ we danced with monsters through the night wo-o-o-o-o-oh wo-o-o-o-o-oh ♪ ♪ i'm never gonna look back whoa i'm never gonna give it up no ♪ ♪ please don't wake me now two, three, four. woo woo woo this is gonna be the best day of my li-ife ♪ ♪ my li-i-i-ife ♪ ♪ woo woo woo this is gonna be the best day of my li-ife ♪ ♪ woo woo woo woo woo woo ♪ ♪ i howled at the moon with friends and then the sun came crashing in ♪ ♪ wo-o-o-o-o-oh wo-o-o-o-o-oh but all the possibilities no limits just epiphanies ♪ ♪ wo-o-o-o-o-oh wo-o-o-o-o-oh i'm never gonna look back whoa ♪ ♪ i'm never gonna give it up no just don't wake me now whoo ♪ woo woo woo ♪ ♪ this is gonna be the best day of my li-ife woo woo woo my li-i-i-i-i-ife ♪ ♪ (woo woo woo) this is gonna be the best day of my li-ife woo woo woo ♪ ♪ my li-i-i-i-i-ife woo woo woo woo yeah woo woo woo ♪ ♪ i hear it calling outside my window i feel it in my soul soul the stars were ♪ ♪ burning so bright the sun was out 'til midnight i say we lose control whoa ♪ woo woo woo ♪ ♪ woo woo woo this is gonna be the best day of my li-ife woo woo woo ♪ ♪ my li-i-i-i-i-ife woo woo woo this is gonna be the best day of my li-ife woo woo woo ♪ ♪ my li-i-i-i-i-ife this is gonna be this is gonna be this is gonna be woo woo woo ♪ ♪ the best day of my life woo woo-oo woo everything is looking up everybody up now ♪ ♪ woo woo-oo woo this is gonna be the best day of my li-ife ♪ ♪ woo woo woo my li-i-i-i-i-ife♪ >> thank you. [ applause ] [ cheers and applause ] how much do we love american authors? a lot. a lot. >> thank you, guys. >> i know this touring thing is working out but you could be our house band any time. >> please. >> cool. >> you're right down the street. >> we live in brooklyn so we'll see you guys next week. >> same time next week. >> yes. >> are we all good with "can of worms" as the new album? >> we'll see. >> have a great weekend. prep trauma unit 5. what've we got? bp 64/40 sterilize sites. multiple foreign objects in the body. tweezers. (buzz!) (buzz!) if you're the guy from the operation game, you get operated on. it's what you do. (buzz!) if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance you switch to geico. it's what you do. notice how this breakfast burrito starts with the basic tortilla, but then inside... it's stuffed with tender, juicy, sliced steak. whoa whoa...slow down...what? i said steak. in a breakfast burrito? i can't keep up. this is advanced burrito, right? this is intro to burrito. boom. jack's new steak & egg breakfast burrito's got tender juicy steak, scrambled eggs, and creamy sriracha sauce, all wrapped in a warm tortilla. lookin' for a basic burrito? this ain't it. good morning i'm eric thomas. investigators are looking for more victims of an east bay man who gave fake treatments to real cancer patients. . authorities say he ran a fictitious clinicaled the natural oncology institute. officers raided his home and found remedies including empty pills and even dirt. it looks like we're starting to e see some breaks in the clouds. temperatures still mild. 60 degrees in santa rosa. a 10-degree temperature spread from livermore. the high for today is going to be pretty much that vast of a difference. 94 in antioch. cooler along the coast. the seven-day forecast shows a possibility of some drizzle sunday and monday. traffic this morning looking at the golden gate bridge we have an accident before you get on to the bridge. it looks like traffic is pretty light on the golden gate. we have a lot of water on highway 24. time now for "l >> it's "live! with kelly & michael." today, academy award-winning actor sir ben kingsley. and a performance from the hit broadway musical "an american in paris." plus, a woman from woodland hills, california, is our next contestant on "live"'s "america's new grill star." all next on "live." [captioning made possible by disney-abc domestic television] now, here are your emmy winning co-hosts, kelly ripa and michael strahan! [cheers and applause] ♪

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