Share this article Share this article WASHINGTON, July 29, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- A coalition of solar companies, cooperatives, and non-profits, the 25D Parity Coalition, today welcomed the introduction of The Residential Solar Opportunity Act of 2021, legislation that will provide parity for residential solar customers alongside commercial solar – a win for American homeowners, job growth for solar installers, dealers and small businesses alike. "We applaud Representatives Sanchez (D-CA), Terri Sewell (D-AL) and Jimmy Gomez (D-CA) for the introduction of The Residential Solar Opportunity Act of 2021. The 25D credit is a federal residential solar energy investment tax credit (ITC) that allows the consumer to claim a percentage of the costs of a solar system for their home on their federal income taxes. The 25D credit is a highly successful program utilized by over 70 percent of the residential solar market. Achieving parity with commercial solar allows for residential and commercial solar to operate on equal schedules and to have long-term horizon for sustained growth in both the residential and commercial markets. In fact, over 56 percent of all U.S. solar jobs pre-pandemic were focused on installation, construction, and development for residential solar and is one of the fastest growing jobs in the country. Residential and commercial solar are also critical to meeting efficiency, net-zero and climate goals," said Robin Dutta, Senior Manager for Policy at SunPower and spokesperson for the 25D Parity Coalition. "We want to thank Representative Sanchez for her leadership on this important issue."