Indian disinformation campaign against Pakistan National December 14, 2020 A major scandal recently broke out when an extensive report was published recently by EU DisinfoLab, a Brussels-based non-governmental organization. The findings of the damning report show how 10 defunct yet UN-accredited NGOs were revived in order to influence the EU and the UN Human Rights Council. It also uncovered over 750 fake local media outlets used to spread disinformation. According to reports appearing online, the anti-Pakistan media operation was launched by the Srivastava Group in 2005 and has been amplified by ANI (Asian News International) in recent years. The 15-year-long Indian Srivastava Group led campaign “aims to reinforce pro-Indian and anti-Pakistan feelings in India. Internationally, the campaign envisions improving the perception of India by receiving support from EU and UN organizations and by damaging the reputation of Pakistan.”