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How a Soil Microbe Could Rev Up Artificial Photosynthesis :
How a Soil Microbe Could Rev Up Artificial Photosynthesis :
How a Soil Microbe Could Rev Up Artificial Photosynthesis
When it comes to fixing carbon, plants have nothing on soil bacteria that can do it 20 times faster. The secret is an enzyme that “juggles” reaction ingredi
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E Han Dao ,
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Koc University ,
Department Of Energy ,
Genome Institute ,
Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute ,
University Of Concepci ,
Office Of Science ,
Argonne National Laboratory ,
Max Planck Institute For Terrestrial Microbiology ,
Stanford University ,
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Accelerator Laboratory ,
Max Planck Institute ,
Terrestrial Microbiology ,
Advanced Photon Source ,
Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource ,
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Amanat Kaur ,
Joint Genome Institute ,
Newswise ,
Lac National Accelerator Laboratory Stanford University Max Planck Institute For Terrestrial Microbiology Joint Genome Of Concepción Carbon Fixation Artificial Photosynthesis ,
All Journal News ,
Icrobiome ,
Nature ,
Plants ,
Doe Science News Source ,
Slac National Accelerator Laboratory ,