Gianluigi Guercia/Pool/AP NewsDefeat Poverty How a Roller Coaster of Misinformation Is Hampering Africa's COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout Africa CDC did a 15-country survey to hear how people feel about vaccines. Here's what they learned. May 7, 2021 By Heidi Larson from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and Raji Tajudeen from Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention. The story of COVID-19 vaccines and vaccination in Africa is slowly unfolding, as more and more countries across the continent receive shipments of the long-awaited vaccines. These early shipments won’t be enough for all. Some countries have used up the limited supply they have received, while others are still waiting. But some have them, and don’t want them. This is a key challenge that vaccination drives face: vaccine reluctance.