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Historic Statesville church to celebrate anniversary Sunday
Historic Statesville church to celebrate anniversary Sunday
Historic Statesville church to celebrate anniversary Sunday
Mount Pleasant is the oldest structure associated with a Black congregation in the city of Statesville. The church is also the only African American edifice in Statesville that is listed
Related Keywords
Sydney ,
New South Wales ,
Australia ,
United States ,
Mount Pleasant ,
South Australia ,
Piedmont ,
Depot Hill ,
Americans ,
American ,
William Brawley Kelly ,
Sarah Reeves ,
Ronald Reagan ,
Smith Murdock ,
Mary Mcclelland Watts ,
Alex Gaither ,
Bertha Pate ,
Onever Mcdowell Clemmons ,
Tonya Byers Murdock ,
Alfred Bailey ,
Linda Walker Bishop ,
Bertha Sherrill ,
Lozona Tate ,
Bishop Lynwood Westinghouse Kyles ,
Rosella Harris Vaughn ,
Michael Gillespie ,
Shirley Walker Stevenson ,
Paula Gabriel ,
Bishop George Lincoln Blackwell ,
Cameron Williams ,
Martin Luther King Jr ,
Samantha Norman ,
Jamesc White ,
Eugenia Fitzpatrick ,
Charles Webster Foushee ,
Zera Spann ,
Richard Harris ,
Patrick Tate Pat ,
Bishop Hermanl Anderson ,
Jackson Spann ,
Paula Dalton Gabriel ,
Amerillis Anne Allison Murdock ,
Henry Shephard ,
Faye Shephard ,
Mary Scott ,
James Hampton ,
Nellie Davis ,
Mariah Bailey ,
Nelda Davis ,
John Pickens ,
Bishop William Andrew Stewart ,
Ruth Reid ,
Onever Clemmons ,
Sidneys Murdock ,
Gerwood Shephard ,
Sidney Smith Murdock ,
Statesville Ministerial Group ,
Christian Education Department ,
Mount Pleasant Christian Education Department ,
Zion Church ,
Mount Pleasant Church ,
Elks Lodge ,
Statesville Freedmen School ,
National Register Of Historic ,
Statesville Negro Graded School ,
Vacation Bible School ,
African American ,
National Register ,
Green Street Cemetery ,
Green Street ,
American Civil War ,
African Americans ,
South Center Street ,
Civil War Murdock ,
Davie Avenue ,
Webster Foushee ,
Negro Graded ,
President Ronald Reagan ,
Bishop Herman ,
Iredell County ,
Substitute Trustee ,
Foreclosure Deed ,
Pleasant Church ,
Ann Bailey ,
Fish Market ,
Piedmont Bakery ,
Center Street ,
Varick Christian Endeavor ,
Christian Education ,
Lashandra Mammon ,
Vacation Bible ,
Dietrich Morrison Danner ,
Dee Morrison ,
Patrick Tate ,
Pat Tate ,
Overseer Anya Smith Brown ,
Tanya Smith ,
Presiding Elder Richard Harris ,
Elder Linda Walker Bishop ,
Pastor Shirley Walker ,
Statesville District ,
Boy Scout Troop ,
Eagle Scout ,
Girl Scout Troop ,
Gold Award ,
Mary Mcclelland ,
North Carolina Department ,
Cultural Resources Division ,