POLITICO Get the Florida Playbook Newsletter Email Sign Up By signing up you agree to receive email newsletters or updates from POLITICO and you agree to our privacy policy and terms of service. You can unsubscribe at any time and you can contact us here. This sign-up form is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Presented by Secure Democracy Band on the run — OK, another session of the Florida Legislature is in the books. Who’s ready for the 2022 governor’s race? Let me roll it — Despite his decent poll numbers — and another successful session — the Republican Governor’s Association is already stepping in to bolster Gov. Ron DeSantis. The RGA donated $2.8 million to DeSantis’ political committee this past week in advance of what could be one of the most closely watched gubernatorial contests in the nation. “He's been a tremendous leader for the state of Florida and the RGA is going to be there to make sure he's elected for another 4 years,” RGA spokesperson Joanna Rodriguez said. The RGA gave $3 million to DeSantis in the runup to the 2018 election.