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Going big for EU industry :
Going big for EU industry :
Going big for EU industry
We must give member states more leeway in providing state aid to their businesses, and look into a potential sovereignty fund for investment in important projects.
Related Keywords
China ,
United States ,
Netherlands ,
Russia ,
Belgium ,
Ukraine ,
Belgian ,
American ,
Dutch ,
Thierry Breton ,
Charles Michel ,
Benoit Doppagne ,
European Council ,
European Union ,
Eu Sovereignty Fund ,
European Investment Bank ,
Inflation Reduction Act ,
Council President Charles Michel ,
Commission President Ursula ,
Commissioner Thierry Breton ,
Business And Competition ,
Competition ,
Coronavirus ,
Crisis ,
Defense ,
Energy Dependency ,
Eu Funding ,
Eu Recovery Plan ,
Eu27 ,
Green Energy Transition ,
Innovation ,
Investment ,
Manufacturing ,
Policy ,
Private Investment ,
Single Market ,
State Aid ,
State Aid Rules ,
Strategic Autonomy ,
Technology ,
Ursula Von Der Leyen ,
War In Ukraine ,