HurrIcane rIght now suIte three thank you very much, good afternoon on what'>Martha Maccallum and thIs Is the story. ObvIously It Is the story of today, tomorrow and probably the comIng weeks pIck standIng to Images as'>HurrIcane MIlton arrows towards florIda, we are a few hours away from actual landfall. As you can see, thIs Is already hoverIng all over florIda creatIng a very It very severe dangerous'>Weather CondItIons In many places, mIlton Is spawnIng quIck tornadoes lIke thIs, look at thIs the experts say thIs storm has produced a very favorable envIronment for more twIsters lIke thIs one whIch Is just an and normas twIster along the sIde of thIs hIghway,'>IncredIble Images Per also lIghtnIng flashes, outer perImeter. It Is a beautIful natural sIte but It Is terrIfyIng. We wIll talk to somebody who flIes rIght Into these In a moment who can explaIn why It Is lIke to be up there,'>Emergency VehIcles as far as I can see In sarasota, one florIda offIcIals warnIng to those who stay behInd to wrIte your name In permanent marker on your arm you could be IdentIfIed later. The admInIstrator on why the admInIstratIon Is callIng the storm of the century, we wIll talk to the admInIstrator of fema In a whIle. But for us to our senIor correspondent In tampa, steve . Reporter'>Market CondItIons here clearly pIckIng up, we see the'>RaIn And WInd pIckIng up as well, arIzona, a lIne of ambulances ready to evacuate a'>NursIng Home If necessary. All along the'>Poet Coast people are watchIng the storm to see where It wIll head, of course It wIll be bad everywhere but It wIll be extremely bad just outsIde the Iowa that stormed to the southern part of that I. That Is where the'>Storm Surge wIll be the worst eye Is so It looks lIke the'>NursIng Home could be underwater. We have been talkIng to people who have decIded to stay who are not evacuatIng some of whom have left In a storm two weeks ago well rIde thIs one out of. Many of them tell us the reason Is sImply money, they cannot afford to leave theIr homes agaIn. I lost my electrIc for 10 days, blew up the mobIle home, took my meter out. I just paId 7500 for the last one. Reporter the state has set up more than 150 shelters all across the state shelters for people wIth pets, shelters for people wIth specIal needs, already more than 30,000 people Into those shelters but they have capacIty for more than 200,000 If necessary, back to you. Martha thank you very much. Lets go left orlando,'>BIll Hemmer who has covered nearly two dozen hurrIcanes on the ground. How do you expect thIs to compare and what are you sayIng there now . Reporter I wIll tell you, somewhere along the shore that West Coast of florIda Is. It wIll take quIte a beatIng. That could be about seven hours away when the natIonal'>HurrIcane Center saId an hour ago the storm Is movIng faster than before now 16 mIles per hour, towards tampa, the bay of tampa, the people that'>Steve HarrIgan Is sayIng rIght now, It Is not many In tampa, a lot of them have frankly come to thIs town of orlando where the hotel In downtown orlando. I just came out of the lobby and theres a gentleman In there sIttIng starIng at the rater on the screen wonderIng what wIll happen, as It wIll you comIng for me . The town of largo Is In key water, florIda, Due West of tampa. He Is rIght on the water, that Is where hIs houses, that Is where hIs'>FamIly And Car and busIness Is located. 13 days ago, helene came wIthIn 1 foot of hIs as wIth the water and he took that as a pretty good'>WarnIng SIgn to get out thIs tIme. That Is why he Is waItIng and watchIng wIth great anxIety. So many others here In orlando now. CondItIons In orlando, Its been raInIng on and off throughout the day, the wInd have not pIcked up In great measure. We do not expect that untIl perhaps fIve or eIght more hours, certaInly throws the nIght here In orlando. Then the cIty wIll be In store for a very long day tomorrow. Martha, we are 100 mIles due east from the gulf of mexIco, In all lIkelIhood you wIll have hurrIcaneforce wInds that not only hIts tampa by the'>Head Orlando and Issued out the eastsIde In'>Daytona Beach as well. That Is a stretch of anywhere between 175 and 200 mIles, west to east of florIda, that Is a lot of people, a lot of'>Damage And AntIcIpatIon to come wIthIn the next 48 hours. We wIll be here watchIng It throughout the nIght, we expect condItIons to worsen here In the overnIght hours, then we wIll get ready agaIn for a very long day on thursday. That gentleman wIll stIll be watchIng the rater and they are hopIng and prayIng for the best but he saId he Is a lot happIer that here then he would have been had he stayed. Martha and hopefully save her. The path of thIs Is InterestIng, It Is cuttIng from west to east across, I