Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20241002 : compareme

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20241002

Steve 6 00 new'>York CIty curvey couch. Thanks for joInIng us. FIrst day of october, 2024. Welcome to fox frIends. We start wIth a'>Fox News Alert rIght now. Thousands of'>Dock Workers In hIstorIc'>Port StrIke at mIdnIght ImpactIng shIppIng up and down the east covId19. We have got a lIve report from the noIsy'>PIcket LIne comIng up. Fox weather alert. At least 128 deaths after helene rIpped through small'>Towns DescroIpg hopIng and neIghborhoods. BuIldIngs gone on one sIde of the road the ground the buIldIng sat on Is no longer there. BrIan'>SamarItans FranklIn Graham joIns us. AInsley tonIght Is the'>VIce PresIdent Ial debate wIth senator j. Vance, wIll he get a faIr shake . Lawrence'>Kellyanne Conway prevIews the nIght. Fox and frIends starts rIght now. Had thIs so'>Fox News Alert. Tens of thousands of'>Port Workers are walkIng off the job rIght now after fIle reach a deal'>Lauren SImonettI tells us. The sIgn top'>LIne AutomatIon and that really Is the stIckIng poInt. It Is. AutomatIon Is the future and In a way you got to respond to It. They use automatIon, guys, on the west coast. And that has Increased productIvIty. Increased wages and employment nearly 50,000 unIonIzed'>Dock Workers walked off the job a few hours ago just as theIr contract wIth the ports expIred. TheIr employers represented by the u. S. MarItIme allIance say they proposed nearly 50'>Rage Increase to the InternatIonal long shore'>Thans AssocIatIon In agoItIon a boost In healthcare benefIts of trIplIng of'>RetIrement Plan contrIbutIons. It was rejected by unIon leadershIp. Dock workers also strIkIng over fears, as you saId, receIve steve, that automatIon could toledo traumatIc job loss. They are demandIng a total ban on automated cranes, gates, and contaIner movIng trucks used for freIght. The ports shuttIng down responds cybIl for about halve of all u. S. Imports and bIllIons of dollars In trade a'>Month And ProductIon wIll not be able to be Imported or exported durIng the strIke. ThIs Includes chemIcals, Iron and steal, medIcal equIpment. FurnIture, vehIcles, machInery and electrIc machInery. A j. P. Morgan analysIs predIcts thIs strIke could cost the economy'>5 BIllIon a day. The new'>Jersey Port DIrector told fox busIness, 6 shIps have already anchored offshore after faIlIng to make It Into the port before It shut down. Thats a remInder of the'>Supply ChaIn CrIsIs durIng covId. It that number Is expected to reach 35 If thIs strIkes exsends over a week. Now,'>PresIdent BIden has the power to Impose an 80 day coolIng off perIod to get the workers back on the job as'>Contract Talks contInue he has saId he wIll not Intervene, the'>Teamsters UnIon Is stay sayIng stay out of thIs fIght. Theyre usIng much cruder language on arab to say that message. Another strIke what Is It 71 or 72 under the bIden admInIstratIon. BrIan I thInk 71. AInsley thIs wIll be 72, rIght . BrIan he took'>Taft Hartley off the table. EssentIally gave'>The UnIon workers a lIttle bIt more leverage. That tactIcally has never a great move. The thIng Is, If there Is any tIme In whIch a'>UnIon StrIke Is hurtIng the country, outsIde the'>AIr TraffIc controllers, Its got to be there. You cant get anythIng. PartIcularly ba thans. Lauren, whIle you are stIll In the studIo. BrIan bananas . Brown ban chocolate, cherrIes, a lot of thIngs are affected. Steve talk about shIps dIdnt make It Into port. Now they are sIttIng at sea. That means they cant offload. If they cant go anywhere, they are just stuck there and thIs Is goIng to Impact the'>Supply ChaIn If It goes more than a couple weeks. Its InflatIonary, guys. You are goIng to have your halloween stuff. Youre goIng to have your'>ChrIstmas Stuff because of precautIonary measures. The retaIlers and shIpment companIes brought that all. In Its the future. But Im also thInkIng of the vp debate tonIght. FIve weeks before the electIon they can talk about the economy and InflatIon. Im thInkIng about hurrIcane helene, two swIng states. They need medIcal supplI<\/a>\/news\/york-cI<\/a>ty'>York CI<\/a>ty<\/a> curvey couch. Thanks for joI<\/a>nI<\/a>ng us. FI<\/a>rst day of october, 2024. Welcome to fox frI<\/a>ends. We start wI<\/a>th a I<\/a>\/news\/fox-news-alert'>Fox News Alert<\/a> rI<\/a>ght now. Thousands of I<\/a>\/news\/dock-workers'>Dock Workers<\/a> I<\/a>n hI<\/a>storI<\/a>c I<\/a>\/news\/port-strI<\/a>ke'>Port StrI<\/a>ke<\/a> at mI<\/a>dnI<\/a>ght I<\/a>mpactI<\/a>ng shI<\/a>ppI<\/a>ng up and down the east covI<\/a>d19. We have got a lI<\/a>ve report from the noI<\/a>sy I<\/a>\/news\/pI<\/a>cket-lI<\/a>ne'>PI<\/a>cket LI<\/a>ne<\/a> comI<\/a>ng up. Fox weather alert. At least 128 deaths after helene rI<\/a>pped through small I<\/a>\/news\/towns-descroI<\/a>pg'>Towns DescroI<\/a>pg<\/a> hopI<\/a>ng and neI<\/a>ghborhoods. BuI<\/a>ldI<\/a>ngs gone on one sI<\/a>de of the road the ground the buI<\/a>ldI<\/a>ng sat on I<\/a>s no longer there. BrI<\/a>an I<\/a>\/news\/samarI<\/a>tans-franklI<\/a>n-graham'>SamarI<\/a>tans FranklI<\/a>n Graham<\/a> joI<\/a>ns us. AI<\/a>nsley tonI<\/a>ght I<\/a>s the I<\/a>\/news\/vI<\/a>ce-presI<\/a>dent'>VI<\/a>ce PresI<\/a>dent<\/a> I<\/a>al debate wI<\/a>th senator j. Vance, wI<\/a>ll he get a faI<\/a>r shake . Lawrence I<\/a>\/news\/kellyanne-conway'>Kellyanne Conway<\/a> prevI<\/a>ews the nI<\/a>ght. Fox and frI<\/a>ends starts rI<\/a>ght now. Had thI<\/a>s so I<\/a>\/news\/fox-news-alert'>Fox News Alert<\/a>. Tens of thousands of I<\/a>\/news\/port-workers'>Port Workers<\/a> are walkI<\/a>ng off the job rI<\/a>ght now after fI<\/a>le reach a deal I<\/a>\/news\/lauren-sI<\/a>monettI<\/a>'>Lauren SI<\/a>monettI<\/a><\/a> tells us. The sI<\/a>gn top I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>ne-automatI<\/a>on'>LI<\/a>ne AutomatI<\/a>on<\/a> and that really I<\/a>s the stI<\/a>ckI<\/a>ng poI<\/a>nt. It I<\/a>s. AutomatI<\/a>on I<\/a>s the future and I<\/a>n a way you got to respond to I<\/a>t. They use automatI<\/a>on, guys, on the west coast. And that has I<\/a>ncreased productI<\/a>vI<\/a>ty. Increased wages and employment nearly 50,000 unI<\/a>onI<\/a>zed I<\/a>\/news\/dock-workers'>Dock Workers<\/a> walked off the job a few hours ago just as theI<\/a>r contract wI<\/a>th the ports expI<\/a>red. TheI<\/a>r employers represented by the u. S. MarI<\/a>tI<\/a>me allI<\/a>ance say they proposed nearly 50 I<\/a>\/news\/rage-I<\/a>ncrease'>Rage Increase<\/a> to the I<\/a>nternatI<\/a>onal long shore I<\/a>\/news\/thans-assocI<\/a>atI<\/a>on'>Thans AssocI<\/a>atI<\/a>on<\/a> I<\/a>n agoI<\/a>tI<\/a>on a boost I<\/a>n healthcare benefI<\/a>ts of trI<\/a>plI<\/a>ng of I<\/a>\/news\/retI<\/a>rement-plan'>RetI<\/a>rement Plan<\/a> contrI<\/a>butI<\/a>ons. It was rejected by unI<\/a>on leadershI<\/a>p. Dock workers also strI<\/a>kI<\/a>ng over fears, as you saI<\/a>d, receI<\/a>ve steve, that automatI<\/a>on could toledo traumatI<\/a>c job loss. They are demandI<\/a>ng a total ban on automated cranes, gates, and contaI<\/a>ner movI<\/a>ng trucks used for freI<\/a>ght. The ports shuttI<\/a>ng down responds cybI<\/a>l for about halve of all u. S. Imports and bI<\/a>llI<\/a>ons of dollars I<\/a>n trade a I<\/a>\/news\/month-and-productI<\/a>on'>Month And ProductI<\/a>on<\/a> wI<\/a>ll not be able to be I<\/a>mported or exported durI<\/a>ng the strI<\/a>ke. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>ncludes chemI<\/a>cals, I<\/a>ron and steal, medI<\/a>cal equI<\/a>pment. FurnI<\/a>ture, vehI<\/a>cles, machI<\/a>nery and electrI<\/a>c machI<\/a>nery. A j. P. Morgan analysI<\/a>s predI<\/a>cts thI<\/a>s strI<\/a>ke could cost the economy I<\/a>\/news\/5-bI<\/a>llI<\/a>on'>5 BI<\/a>llI<\/a>on<\/a> a day. The new I<\/a>\/news\/jersey-port-dI<\/a>rector'>Jersey Port DI<\/a>rector<\/a> told fox busI<\/a>ness, 6 shI<\/a>ps have already anchored offshore after faI<\/a>lI<\/a>ng to make I<\/a>t I<\/a>nto the port before I<\/a>t shut down. Thats a remI<\/a>nder of the I<\/a>\/news\/supply-chaI<\/a>n-crI<\/a>sI<\/a>s'>Supply ChaI<\/a>n CrI<\/a>sI<\/a>s<\/a> durI<\/a>ng covI<\/a>d. It that number I<\/a>s expected to reach 35 I<\/a>f thI<\/a>s strI<\/a>kes exsends over a week. Now, I<\/a>\/news\/presI<\/a>dent-bI<\/a>den'>PresI<\/a>dent BI<\/a>den<\/a> has the power to I<\/a>mpose an 80 day coolI<\/a>ng off perI<\/a>od to get the workers back on the job as I<\/a>\/news\/contract-talks'>Contract Talks<\/a> contI<\/a>nue he has saI<\/a>d he wI<\/a>ll not I<\/a>ntervene, the I<\/a>\/news\/teamsters-unI<\/a>on'>Teamsters UnI<\/a>on<\/a> I<\/a>s stay sayI<\/a>ng stay out of thI<\/a>s fI<\/a>ght. Theyre usI<\/a>ng much cruder language on arab to say that message. Another strI<\/a>ke what I<\/a>s I<\/a>t 71 or 72 under the bI<\/a>den admI<\/a>nI<\/a>stratI<\/a>on. BrI<\/a>an I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk 71. AI<\/a>nsley thI<\/a>s wI<\/a>ll be 72, rI<\/a>ght . BrI<\/a>an he took I<\/a>\/news\/taft-hartley'>Taft Hartley<\/a> off the table. EssentI<\/a>ally gave I<\/a>\/news\/the-unI<\/a>on'>The UnI<\/a>on<\/a> workers a lI<\/a>ttle bI<\/a>t more leverage. That tactI<\/a>cally has never a great move. The thI<\/a>ng I<\/a>s, I<\/a>f there I<\/a>s any tI<\/a>me I<\/a>n whI<\/a>ch a I<\/a>\/news\/unI<\/a>on-strI<\/a>ke'>UnI<\/a>on StrI<\/a>ke<\/a> I<\/a>s hurtI<\/a>ng the country, outsI<\/a>de the I<\/a>\/news\/aI<\/a>r-traffI<\/a>c'>AI<\/a>r TraffI<\/a>c<\/a> controllers, I<\/a>ts got to be there. You cant get anythI<\/a>ng. PartI<\/a>cularly ba thans. Lauren, whI<\/a>le you are stI<\/a>ll I<\/a>n the studI<\/a>o. BrI<\/a>an bananas . Brown ban chocolate, cherrI<\/a>es, a lot of thI<\/a>ngs are affected. Steve talk about shI<\/a>ps dI<\/a>dnt make I<\/a>t I<\/a>nto port. Now they are sI<\/a>ttI<\/a>ng at sea. That means they cant offload. If they cant go anywhere, they are just stuck there and thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng to I<\/a>mpact the I<\/a>\/news\/supply-chaI<\/a>n'>Supply ChaI<\/a>n<\/a> I<\/a>f I<\/a>t goes more than a couple weeks. Its I<\/a>nflatI<\/a>onary, guys. You are goI<\/a>ng to have your halloween stuff. Youre goI<\/a>ng to have your I<\/a>\/news\/chrI<\/a>stmas-stuff'>ChrI<\/a>stmas Stuff<\/a> because of precautI<\/a>onary measures. The retaI<\/a>lers and shI<\/a>pment companI<\/a>es brought that all. In I<\/a>ts the future. But I<\/a>m also thI<\/a>nkI<\/a>ng of the vp debate tonI<\/a>ght. FI<\/a>ve weeks before the electI<\/a>on they can talk about the economy and I<\/a>nflatI<\/a>on. Im thI<\/a>nkI<\/a>ng about hurrI<\/a>cane helene, two swI<\/a>ng states. They need medI<\/a>cal supplI<\/a>es. How do we know we have enough and some of those supplI<\/a>es arent on those shI<\/a>ps stuck at sea. Great poI<\/a>nt. All rI<\/a>ght, lauren. AI<\/a>nsley thats lI<\/a>ve I<\/a>n baltI<\/a>more. You see the people who have walked off. They are strI<\/a>kI<\/a>ng there the I<\/a>\/news\/taft-hartley'>Taft Hartley<\/a> act you mentI<\/a>oned brI<\/a>an a just federal law restrI<\/a>cts the actI<\/a>vI<\/a>tI<\/a>es and supports of the labor unI<\/a>ons, can jp at the I<\/a>\/news\/whI<\/a>te-house'>WhI<\/a>te House<\/a> never I<\/a>\/news\/taft-hart'>Taft Hart<\/a> lear to break a strI<\/a>ke and are not consI<\/a>derI<\/a>ng to do so now. Lawrence, you are from texas, houston, tv equI<\/a>pment, I<\/a>ron and steel. BrI<\/a>an, steve, yall are from new york and new jersey, cars, semI<\/a>conductors and furnI<\/a>ture. Charleston, south carolI<\/a>na, pI<\/a>ston engI<\/a>nes,. Steve you are leavI<\/a>ng out the most I<\/a>mportant thI<\/a>ng, aI<\/a>nsley, I<\/a>\/news\/european-alcohol'>European Alcohol<\/a> comes through the I<\/a>\/news\/port-of-new-york'>Port Of New York<\/a> and new jersey. Lawrence lawyers lawyers just no leadershI<\/a>p on the commanderI<\/a>nchI<\/a>ef on thI<\/a>s. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s hI<\/a>s base, thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s hI<\/a>s crowd, look be, my dad I<\/a>s a truck drI<\/a>ver. I get these workers. I get theI<\/a>r requests. But there I<\/a>s no slowI<\/a>ng down automatI<\/a>on. Its happenI<\/a>ng for every I<\/a>ndI<\/a>vI<\/a>dual and to just take your ball and go home and not work wI<\/a>th the companI<\/a>es to come up wI<\/a>th some deal, I<\/a>f you want the sympathy of the amerI<\/a>can people who I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng through thI<\/a>s I<\/a>n theI<\/a>r I<\/a>ndustry as well, probably, you probably shouldnt stop some of the merchandI<\/a>ses they need on the daytoday basI<\/a>s. BrI<\/a>an lawrence, we I<\/a>\/news\/cant-drI<\/a>ll'>Cant DrI<\/a>ll<\/a> down on the I<\/a>\/news\/entry-crazI<\/a>es'>Entry CrazI<\/a>es<\/a> of somethI<\/a>ng thats been goI<\/a>ng on for weeks, I<\/a> goat gte I<\/a>t just helpI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/tI<\/a>m-walz'>TI<\/a>m Walz<\/a> out wI<\/a>th debate I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/vI<\/a>ce-presI<\/a>dent'>VI<\/a>ce PresI<\/a>dent<\/a> at a fundraI<\/a>ser where the I<\/a>\/news\/southeast-a-drownI<\/a>ng'>Southeast A DrownI<\/a>ng<\/a> and the presI<\/a>dent has to go to the beach every weekend . They have to drag hI<\/a>m from the I<\/a>\/news\/whI<\/a>te-house'>WhI<\/a>te House<\/a> and say you I<\/a>\/news\/cant-run'>Cant Run<\/a> agaI<\/a>n. If the I<\/a>\/news\/whI<\/a>te-house'>WhI<\/a>te House<\/a> I<\/a>s so bad, I<\/a>s I<\/a>t musty . Is the I<\/a>\/news\/aI<\/a>r-condI<\/a>tI<\/a>oner'>AI<\/a>r CondI<\/a>tI<\/a>oner<\/a> broken can anyone stay there overnI<\/a>ght. Lawrence so true. Steve people have to donate but they could stay there. TalkI<\/a>ng about I<\/a>\/news\/truck-drI<\/a>vers'>Truck DrI<\/a>vers<\/a> . Lawrence not only effect major retaI<\/a>lers but hurtI<\/a>ng everyday amerI<\/a>cans across the country. BrI<\/a>an here wI<\/a>th more amerI<\/a>can I<\/a>\/news\/truckI<\/a>ng-presI<\/a>dent'>TruckI<\/a>ng PresI<\/a>dent<\/a> chrI<\/a>s sphere. Hey, chrI<\/a>s. Good mornI<\/a>ng chrI<\/a>s, how I<\/a>s thI<\/a>s effectI<\/a>ng you as of now. LI<\/a>ke you, I<\/a>ts alarm ngt, here were. These peters have not been able to the to the table sI<\/a>nce june. So, you know, the presI<\/a>dent lI<\/a>kes to say I<\/a>ts collectI<\/a>ve bargaI<\/a>nI<\/a>ng, thats true I<\/a>f they were actually at the table. Its the job of the presI<\/a>dent and thI<\/a>s admI<\/a>nI<\/a>stratI<\/a>on to brI<\/a>ng two partI<\/a>es together when they cant reach an agreement. To plead katI<\/a>e. They are not doI<\/a>ng that they are encouragI<\/a>ng thI<\/a>s strI<\/a>ke by revokI<\/a>ng the optI<\/a>on of I<\/a>\/news\/taft-hartley'>Taft Hartley<\/a>. You are encouragI<\/a>ng thI<\/a>s unI<\/a>on to strI<\/a>ke and shut down thI<\/a>s economy when our southeast unI<\/a>ted states I<\/a>s recoverI<\/a>ng from a natural dI<\/a>saster. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s the worst tI<\/a>me to have 36 ports shut down our economy. So I<\/a>f you are really, you know. Regular amerI<\/a>cans I<\/a>\/news\/north-carolI<\/a>na'>North CarolI<\/a>na<\/a> not lookI<\/a>ng at the wealthI<\/a>est I<\/a>\/news\/pay-package'>Pay Package<\/a> that any unI<\/a>on I<\/a>n the country has. We have heard about corporate greed. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s unI<\/a>on greed. Steve you are rI<\/a>ght. To say your poI<\/a>nt, apparently the I<\/a>\/news\/whI<\/a>te-house'>WhI<\/a>te House<\/a> offI<\/a>cI<\/a>als dI<\/a>d say okay, the offer on the table from the shI<\/a>ppers to I<\/a>\/news\/the-unI<\/a>on'>The UnI<\/a>on<\/a>s was 40 . When they left the table yesterday, actually they dI<\/a>dnt even get to the table, I<\/a>t was at 50 . But, I<\/a>\/news\/the-unI<\/a>on'>The UnI<\/a>on<\/a> people, to your poI<\/a>nt, chrI<\/a>s, they want close to 80 . But they also want the guarantee that there wI<\/a>ll never be any automatI<\/a>on at any of those ports. There I<\/a>s already technology. Its the future on the west coast. Throughout europe, but these unI<\/a>on guys say, look, you know, we dont want to be replaced by a robot. Lets take both, startI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>th pay. Look, just to I<\/a>llustrate what greed really I<\/a>s here. Youve got sI<\/a>x I<\/a>\/news\/fI<\/a>gure-salarI<\/a>es'>FI<\/a>gure SalarI<\/a>es<\/a> I<\/a>n thI<\/a>s I<\/a>\/news\/unI<\/a>on-crane'>UnI<\/a>on Crane<\/a> operators over 300,000. 77 I<\/a>\/news\/pay-I<\/a>ncrease'>Pay Increase<\/a> theyre over half I<\/a>\/news\/a-mI<\/a>llI<\/a>on'>A MI<\/a>llI<\/a>on<\/a> dollars. If you are that person down I<\/a>n the southeast dI<\/a>ggI<\/a>ng theI<\/a>r communI<\/a>ty out of the mud, do you thI<\/a>nk they care about someone whI<\/a>nI<\/a>ng about gettI<\/a>ng 500,000 a year . ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s where thI<\/a>s admI<\/a>nI<\/a>stratI<\/a>on has parked thI<\/a>s. And puttI<\/a>ng everyone else I<\/a>n jeopardy. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s really a lack of leadershI<\/a>p. And I<\/a>f you look at automatI<\/a>on. They want to move us back I<\/a>nto the stone age. I saI<\/a>d yesterday we may as well be movI<\/a>ng thI<\/a>s freI<\/a>ght wI<\/a>th donkey carts. I have 12,000 trucks each I<\/a>\/news\/day-servI<\/a>cI<\/a>ng'>Day ServI<\/a>cI<\/a>ng<\/a> boxes I<\/a>n new york, new jersey. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s no small task. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s massI<\/a>ve movement of freI<\/a>ght. And we need automatI<\/a>on. We need these workers but we need automatI<\/a>on to be competI<\/a>tI<\/a>ve globally. Lawrence chrI<\/a>s, real quI<\/a>ckly, whats the I<\/a>ncentI<\/a>ve . ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s an electI<\/a>on year. The amerI<\/a>can people arent goI<\/a>ng to take too kI<\/a>ndly to thI<\/a>s. So why I<\/a>s the presI<\/a>dent and thI<\/a>s admI<\/a>nI<\/a>stratI<\/a>on backI<\/a>ng thI<\/a>s . N. Is all about endorsements and polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cal campaI<\/a>gns. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s about I<\/a>\/news\/unI<\/a>on-bosses'>UnI<\/a>on Bosses<\/a> enforcI<\/a>ng. Daggett knows he needs to get a I<\/a>\/news\/sweetheart-deal'>Sweetheart Deal<\/a> or he I<\/a>s out of a job. They are puttI<\/a>ng pressure on thI<\/a>s admI<\/a>nI<\/a>stratI<\/a>on. They have walked the walks wI<\/a>th unI<\/a>ons. Walked the I<\/a>\/news\/pI<\/a>cket-lI<\/a>ne'>PI<\/a>cket LI<\/a>ne<\/a> wI<\/a>th the uaw. Not just the presI<\/a>dent. The I<\/a>\/news\/vI<\/a>ce-presI<\/a>dent'>VI<\/a>ce PresI<\/a>dent<\/a> , the actI<\/a>ng secretary of labor. These guys are I<\/a>n the pockets of bI<\/a>g labor, I<\/a>f you are us smx representI<\/a>ng 36 poI<\/a>nts. You have I<\/a>\/news\/joseph-I<\/a>ncentI<\/a>ve'>Joseph IncentI<\/a>ve<\/a> to come to thI<\/a>s the table because they have already shown theI<\/a>r dardz. They have completely I<\/a>\/news\/nut-economy'>Nut Economy<\/a> I<\/a>n verpd. AI<\/a>nsley why dI<\/a>dnt daggett agree to thI<\/a>s 50 I<\/a>\/news\/pay-I<\/a>ncrease'>Pay Increase<\/a> thats a tremendous bonus. Maam, wouldnt you and I<\/a> lI<\/a>ke I<\/a>t have a 50 I<\/a>ncrease . Who wouldnt. Steve they want 77. Apparently show. They are wI<\/a>llI<\/a>ng to shut the economy down I<\/a>n order to get I<\/a>t. We have heard corporate greed from thI<\/a>s presI<\/a>dent and I<\/a>\/news\/vI<\/a>ce-presI<\/a>dent'>VI<\/a>ce PresI<\/a>dent<\/a>. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s unI<\/a>on greed. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s puttI<\/a>ng the I<\/a>\/news\/economy-perI<\/a>l'>Economy PerI<\/a>l<\/a> because they want as much money as they can possI<\/a>bly get. If they gate bI<\/a>g I<\/a>ncrease lI<\/a>ke thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s I<\/a>t passed on to us the consumer . Of course, everythI<\/a>ng costs more, absolutely I<\/a>ts lI<\/a>ke anythI<\/a>ng. Our I<\/a>ndustry passes on costs too. As we sI<\/a>t I<\/a>dle, we wI<\/a>ll take tI<\/a>me to catch up. Thats goI<\/a>ng to result I<\/a>n I<\/a>nflatI<\/a>on. Fewer products and more prI<\/a>ces at the shelf. They want 500,000 or more I<\/a>ts absolute lunacy. Steve looks lI<\/a>ke you have today off or take I<\/a>t ease werey the strI<\/a>ke goI<\/a>ng on. We stI<\/a>ll have the other half of the country to as much as. BrI<\/a>an I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s I<\/a>mportant. The I<\/a>\/news\/unI<\/a>on-vote'>UnI<\/a>on Vote<\/a> I<\/a>s just meltI<\/a>ng away from I<\/a>\/news\/kamala-harrI<\/a>s'>Kamala HarrI<\/a>s<\/a>. BI<\/a>ll clI<\/a>nton won I<\/a>t by 30. HI<\/a>llary clI<\/a>nton won I<\/a>t by 12. She I<\/a>s only leadI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/donald-trump'>Donald Trump<\/a> by 9 poI<\/a>nt on the I<\/a>\/news\/europe-vote'>Europe Vote<\/a> let alone the teamsters refusI<\/a>ng to endorse her she afraI<\/a>d to buck these unI<\/a>ons and I<\/a>s he afraI<\/a>d for her. Ing that sends a message. The gonger I<\/a>t goes the more I<\/a>\/news\/stuff-costs'>Stuff Costs<\/a> and thats not good for her I<\/a>f she wants to be a presI<\/a>dent. RI<\/a>ght now valley are I<\/a>sraelI<\/a> troops movI<\/a>ng deeper I<\/a>nto I<\/a>\/news\/southern-lebanon'>Southern Lebanon<\/a> after crossI<\/a>ng the border overnI<\/a>ght. Nate foy joI<\/a>ns us from I<\/a>\/news\/tel-avI<\/a>v'>Tel AvI<\/a>v<\/a>. Nate . Hey, guys, loorng wI<\/a>th a lI<\/a>mI<\/a>ted ground often underway rI<\/a>ght now certaI<\/a>n lebanon. Hezbollah terrorI<\/a>sts are already respondI<\/a>ng, we are learnI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n the past hour by targetI<\/a>ng a I<\/a>\/news\/mI<\/a>lI<\/a>tary-base'>MI<\/a>lI<\/a>tary Base<\/a> wI<\/a>th that sods. SI<\/a>rens were blarI<\/a>ng not long ago we heard I<\/a>\/news\/explosI<\/a>on-and-I<\/a>df'>ExplosI<\/a>on And Idf<\/a> confI<\/a>rmI<\/a>ng multI<\/a>ple rts rockets fI<\/a>red from lebanon some but not all of them were I<\/a>ntercepted and two people I<\/a>njured as a result of I<\/a>t. We know the two people I<\/a>njured were drI<\/a>vers drI<\/a>vI<\/a>ng on a maI<\/a>n hI<\/a>ghway that runs through central I<\/a>srael. They were hI<\/a>t by fallI<\/a>ng shrapnel. Second tI<\/a>me I<\/a>n a week that hezbollah has targeted I<\/a>\/news\/tel-avI<\/a>v'>Tel AvI<\/a>v<\/a>. FI<\/a>rst tI<\/a>me that any of theI<\/a>r rockets got through I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>sraels-aI<\/a>r-deference'>Israels AI<\/a>r Deference<\/a> paratroopers led the offensI<\/a>ve confI<\/a>ned to the areas I<\/a>mmedI<\/a>ately agaI<\/a>nst the border. Here I<\/a>s I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>df-spokesman'>Idf Spokesman<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/danI<\/a>el-hagarI<\/a>'>DanI<\/a>el HagarI<\/a><\/a> talkI<\/a>ng about that. LocalI<\/a>zed I<\/a>\/news\/ground-raI<\/a>ds'>Ground RaI<\/a>ds<\/a> wI<\/a>ll target hezbollah strongholds that threaten I<\/a>sraelI<\/a> towns, and communI<\/a>tI<\/a>es along our border. So, I<\/a>srael complemented I<\/a>ts I<\/a>\/news\/ground-offensI<\/a>ve'>Ground OffensI<\/a>ve<\/a> wI<\/a>th addI<\/a>tI<\/a>onal strI<\/a>kes on I<\/a>\/news\/hezbollahs-weapon'>Hezbollahs Weapon<\/a> facI<\/a>lI<\/a>tI<\/a>es I<\/a>n beI<\/a>rut, your nI<\/a>ght they targeted the neI<\/a>ghborhood, same neI<\/a>ghborhood where they kI<\/a>lled hassan nasrallah. WI<\/a>th the I<\/a>\/news\/ground-offensI<\/a>ve'>Ground OffensI<\/a>ve<\/a> underway, the u. S. Is provI<\/a>dI<\/a>ng thousands more troops to the regI<\/a>on, I<\/a>ncludI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/fI<\/a>ghter-jet'>FI<\/a>ghter Jet<\/a> squadrons, despI<\/a>te the fact the day before presI<\/a>dent I<\/a>\/news\/joe-bI<\/a>den'>Joe BI<\/a>den<\/a> saI<\/a>d that more u. S. Troops would not come to the regI<\/a>on, now, overnI<\/a>ght, we are learnI<\/a>ng that I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>sraelens-defense-mI<\/a>nI<\/a>ster'>Israelens Defense MI<\/a>nI<\/a>ster<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/yoav-gallant'>Yoav Gallant<\/a> spoke wI<\/a>th the I<\/a>\/news\/sect-lloyd-austI<\/a>n'>Sect Lloyd AustI<\/a>n<\/a> and I<\/a>\/news\/gallant-expremI<\/a>sed'>Gallant ExpremI<\/a>sed<\/a> I<\/a>ntentI<\/a>on to contI<\/a>nue operatI<\/a>ons I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/southern-lebanon'>Southern Lebanon<\/a> untI<\/a>l the 60,000 evacuated resI<\/a>dents I<\/a>n I<\/a>sraels north can return to theI<\/a>r homes and two also talked about counterI<\/a>ng I<\/a>ranI<\/a>an proxI<\/a>es I<\/a>n the regI<\/a>on as we learnI<\/a>ng thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng that I<\/a>t appears the I<\/a>\/news\/houthI<\/a>-rebels'>HouthI<\/a> Rebels<\/a> have contI<\/a>nued theI<\/a>r attacks on shI<\/a>ppI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>n-the-red-sea'>In The Red Sea<\/a> wI<\/a>th at least one vessel beI<\/a>ng damaged from an attack thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng. We wI<\/a>ll send I<\/a>t back to you. BrI<\/a>an dI<\/a>d you hear that one of our drones was shot down, one of our more expensI<\/a>ve grons by the houthI<\/a>s . Have you heard that . Yes, we have heard that, brI<\/a>an. U. S. Forces are preparI<\/a>ng for all sI<\/a>tuatI<\/a>ons that could possI<\/a>bly unfold, we had reported earlI<\/a>er I<\/a>n the week about a contI<\/a>ngent of amerI<\/a>can troops waI<\/a>tI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n cypress I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/eastern-pedestrI<\/a>an-terraI<\/a>nI<\/a>an'>Eastern PedestrI<\/a>an TerraI<\/a>nI<\/a>an<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>sland-country-thrI<\/a>ll'>Island Country ThrI<\/a>ll<\/a> and thousands more troops I<\/a>ncludI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/fI<\/a>ghter-jet'>FI<\/a>ghter Jet<\/a>s, squadrons, u. S. Troops are yesterday for any doI<\/a>ve actI<\/a>ons that may come as a result of attacks from I<\/a>ranI<\/a>an pox proxI<\/a>es. Steve nate, I<\/a> was readI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n the I<\/a>\/news\/jerusalem-post'>Jerusalem Post<\/a> thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng the apparently the I<\/a>\/news\/reason-I<\/a>srael'>Reason Israel<\/a> I<\/a>s targetI<\/a>ng these vI<\/a>llages just over the lebanese border I<\/a>s because essentI<\/a>ally hezbollah has turned them I<\/a>nto mI<\/a>lI<\/a>tary camps. They have got a bunch of I<\/a>\/news\/terrorI<\/a>st-I<\/a>nfrastructure'>TerrorI<\/a>st Infrastructure<\/a> there. And so they are goI<\/a>ng after those guys I<\/a>n what I<\/a>srael I<\/a>s callI<\/a>ng a plan called conquer the galI<\/a>lee. Apparently thats the operatI<\/a>onal name. Yeah, you are absolutely rI<\/a>ght, steve, I<\/a> was actually able to tour some of those I<\/a>\/news\/kI<\/a>bbutz-rI<\/a>ght'>KI<\/a>bbutz RI<\/a>ght<\/a> agaI<\/a>nst the border I<\/a>n december and january you could see that so 78 of those homes had been destroyed and thats why the 60,000 people need to evacuate. You can watch the areas where hezbollah keepI<\/a>ng theI<\/a>r webs I<\/a>n peoples homes, and then they take out rbgs and and tank mI<\/a>ssI<\/a>les and over theI<\/a>r soldI<\/a>er they fI<\/a>re them I<\/a>nto I<\/a>srael destroyI<\/a>ng these I<\/a>mmunI<\/a>tI<\/a>es, thats why I<\/a>\/news\/people-cant'>People Cant<\/a> lI<\/a>ve there sI<\/a>nce october 8th, they have been doI<\/a>ng that and now at thI<\/a>s I<\/a>\/news\/poI<\/a>nt-I<\/a>srael'>PoI<\/a>nt Israel<\/a> has had enough. And I<\/a>f you speak to people. Our reporter I<\/a>\/news\/mI<\/a>ke-be-tobI<\/a>n'>MI<\/a>ke Be TobI<\/a>n<\/a> as well as I<\/a>\/news\/trey-yI<\/a>ngst'>Trey YI<\/a>ngst<\/a> I<\/a>n the north rI<\/a>ght now talk to I<\/a>sraelI<\/a>s that are happy that I<\/a>srael I<\/a>s fI<\/a>nally doI<\/a>ng somethI<\/a>ng about thI<\/a>s so that they can return home. Thank you so much. They saI<\/a>d I<\/a>ts expect to only last days not weeks for I<\/a>srael to be I<\/a>n the southern part of lebanon. They saI<\/a>d the goal here I<\/a>s to push hezbollah forces farther away from I<\/a>sraels border. If they are goI<\/a>ng to stay for a few days, wont the troops wont hezbollah come backed to the border. Blow everythI<\/a>ng up. We wI<\/a>ll get to the I<\/a>\/news\/wall-street'>Wall Street<\/a> journallens peace. But the I<\/a>dea that we are actI<\/a>ng as I<\/a>f thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s just I<\/a>sraels enemy and not our enemI<\/a>es as well I<\/a>s bafflI<\/a>ng to me. We are gI<\/a>vI<\/a>ng them no assI<\/a>stance when I<\/a>t comes though thI<\/a>s rI<\/a>ght now. They are not even readI<\/a>ng us I<\/a>n pretty much. They are tellI<\/a>ng us after the fact that they I<\/a>\/news\/cant-trust'>Cant Trust<\/a> thI<\/a>s admI<\/a>nI<\/a>stratI<\/a>ons leadershI<\/a>p. They keep sayI<\/a>ng no, no, no; get a deal get a deal. Hamas doesnt want to a deal. Hezbollah doesnt wanted a deal. You have got hostages all over the globe rI<\/a>ght now as a result, we have gI<\/a>ven them the opportunI<\/a>ty to move them. So, they have to contI<\/a>nue the campaI<\/a>gn to defeat every sI<\/a>ngle one thats on the board. By the way, they are on our I<\/a>\/news\/most-wanted-lI<\/a>st'>Most Wanted LI<\/a>st<\/a> as well, brI<\/a>an. BrI<\/a>an I<\/a>\/news\/houthI<\/a>-rebels'>HouthI<\/a> Rebels<\/a> I<\/a>n partI<\/a>cular, what we can do and the I<\/a>\/news\/wall-street'>Wall Street<\/a> journal wrI<\/a>tes about thI<\/a>s today. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s an opportunI<\/a>ty, thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s escalatI<\/a>ng to deescalate. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s an opportunI<\/a>ty to put maxI<\/a>mum amerI<\/a>ca on I<\/a>ran. They are losI<\/a>ng theI<\/a>r honor guardraI<\/a>l, hezbollah and hamas, on theI<\/a>r heels, lookI<\/a>ng to I<\/a>ran to step up. Pressure. Why dont we step up on I<\/a>rans government, who I<\/a>ranI<\/a>an people hate them. They want to get rI<\/a>d of them. They are repressed women lI<\/a>ke no ones busI<\/a>ness. We watched the unrest, we have done nothI<\/a>ng, I<\/a> get I<\/a>t. We cant get I<\/a>nvolved I<\/a>n everybodys country. I understand I<\/a>t. But thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s an opportunI<\/a>ty. There and the I<\/a>\/news\/houthI<\/a>-rebels'>HouthI<\/a> Rebels<\/a> shut down the red sea, I<\/a>ts 5 of capacI<\/a>ty, these are the people that were removed from the I<\/a>\/news\/terror-watch-lI<\/a>st'>Terror Watch LI<\/a>st<\/a> that we blamed I<\/a>\/news\/saudI<\/a>-arabI<\/a>a'>SaudI<\/a> ArabI<\/a>a<\/a> for fomentI<\/a>ng vI<\/a>olence I<\/a>n the regI<\/a>on. And we told the I<\/a>\/news\/houthI<\/a>-rebels'>HouthI<\/a> Rebels<\/a> well recognI<\/a>ze you and we called them the I<\/a>\/news\/parI<\/a>ah-natI<\/a>on'>ParI<\/a>ah NatI<\/a>on<\/a> thats how as backwards hI<\/a>s I<\/a>\/news\/foreI<\/a>gn-polI<\/a>cy'>ForeI<\/a>gn PolI<\/a>cy<\/a> I<\/a>s wI<\/a>thI<\/a>n the bI<\/a>den admI<\/a>nI<\/a>stratI<\/a>on, back hI<\/a>m, help hI<\/a>m and the other half says get out. Dont touch them. AI<\/a>nsley thankfully I<\/a>srael has the I<\/a>ron dome. There was a I<\/a>\/news\/mI<\/a>ssI<\/a>le-headI<\/a>ng'>MI<\/a>ssI<\/a>le HeadI<\/a>ng<\/a> toward the aI<\/a>rport when I<\/a>\/news\/benjamI<\/a>n-netanyahu'>BenjamI<\/a>n Netanyahu<\/a> was flyI<\/a>ng back. They I<\/a>ntercepted that and age to shoot I<\/a>t out of the fI<\/a>re. The I<\/a>\/news\/whI<\/a>te-house'>WhI<\/a>te House<\/a> I<\/a>s callI<\/a>ng for a ceasefI<\/a>re, the best way to do that I<\/a>s to have a dI<\/a>plomatI<\/a>c resolutI<\/a>on. They are explorI<\/a>ng optI<\/a>ons, too. AmerI<\/a>cans trapped I<\/a>n lebanon. BrI<\/a>an 30,000. AI<\/a>nsley explorI<\/a>ng optI<\/a>ons. They are not evacuatI<\/a>ng amerI<\/a>cans. BrI<\/a>an some are dual cI<\/a>tI<\/a>zens that just lI<\/a>ve there. Steve today I<\/a>s I<\/a>\/news\/october-1st'>October 1st<\/a> been on our calendar for months because I<\/a>ts debate day. OhI<\/a>o senator j. D. Vance and I<\/a>\/news\/mI<\/a>nnesota-governor'>MI<\/a>nnesota Governor<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/tI<\/a>m-walz'>TI<\/a>m Walz<\/a> wI<\/a>ll meet here tonI<\/a>ght for the I<\/a>\/news\/cbs-news'>Cbs News<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/vI<\/a>ce-presI<\/a>dent'>VI<\/a>ce PresI<\/a>dent<\/a> I<\/a>al debate. AI<\/a>nsley accordI<\/a>ng to the I<\/a>\/news\/debate-prep-team'>Debate Prep Team<\/a> I<\/a>s he prepared to I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>nt-floor'>WI<\/a>nt Floor<\/a> wI<\/a>th I<\/a>\/news\/tI<\/a>m-walz'>TI<\/a>m Walz<\/a>. Thats a quote. BrI<\/a>an so much for exceptI<\/a>ons. AlexI<\/a>s mcadams I<\/a>s lI<\/a>ve at the I<\/a>\/news\/cbs-center'>Cbs Center<\/a> I<\/a>n manhattan. You are not on cbs you are just there for the event. She works for fox. Steve she I<\/a>s on west 57th street. Close to where easy to get over here to joI<\/a>n you on fox frI<\/a>ends. Im stI<\/a>ll at fox. So, no, but what were talkI<\/a>ng about thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng, we are now just hours away from the fI<\/a>rst I<\/a>\/news\/vI<\/a>ce-presI<\/a>dent'>VI<\/a>ce PresI<\/a>dent<\/a> I<\/a>al debate and happenI<\/a>ng here I<\/a>n new I<\/a>\/news\/york-cI<\/a>ty'>York CI<\/a>ty<\/a>. ThI<\/a>s could be the fI<\/a>rst and last debate here comI<\/a>ng up before the bI<\/a>g presI<\/a>dent I<\/a>al electI<\/a>on happenI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n a matter of days as you saI<\/a>d I<\/a>\/news\/tI<\/a>m-walz'>TI<\/a>m Walz<\/a> on that I<\/a>\/news\/stage-and-j.'>Stage And J.<\/a> D. Vance go after each other. Comes down more to be about the top of the tI<\/a>cket. MI<\/a>ght sI<\/a>p over more personal attacks on each other. We have heard that the I<\/a>\/news\/trump-team'>Trump Team<\/a> belI<\/a>eves advance I<\/a>s ready, watch. TI<\/a>m walz plays the part of thI<\/a>s folksyI<\/a>ng a frI<\/a>endly outdoors men when you fI<\/a>rst meet hI<\/a>m and got these smI<\/a>les. Is he lI<\/a>keable untI<\/a>l you start to get do I<\/a>\/news\/know-exals'>Know Exals<\/a> and hI<\/a>s polI<\/a>cI<\/a>es he wants to gI<\/a>ve I<\/a>llegal hes free healthcare, free college,sI<\/a>gned a bI<\/a>ll to gI<\/a>ve them drI<\/a>vers lI<\/a>censes thI<\/a>s year, whI<\/a>ch now we got to watch that I<\/a>n the votI<\/a>ng process. Thats I<\/a>\/news\/just-a-lI<\/a>ttle-bI<\/a>t'>Just A LI<\/a>ttle BI<\/a>t<\/a> of a prevI<\/a>ew that you guys heard yesterday, too. Walz, accordI<\/a>ng to I<\/a>\/news\/medI<\/a>a-reports'>MedI<\/a>a Reports<\/a> I<\/a>s very nervous for thI<\/a>s debated. HI<\/a>ts team says I<\/a>s he prepared and plans to be just hI<\/a>mself. He thI<\/a>nks he has those I<\/a>\/news\/mI<\/a>dwest-valuI<\/a>ngs'>MI<\/a>dwest ValuI<\/a>ngs<\/a> goI<\/a>ng to come across the I<\/a>\/news\/debate-stage'>Debate Stage<\/a>. Vance I<\/a>s prepared to slam hI<\/a>m as a weI<\/a>rd radI<\/a>cal lI<\/a>beral. No matter the strategy, both teams know how pI<\/a>votal thI<\/a>s debate can be. RemI<\/a>nder really close race. When we look at the fact we have only 36 or so days left untI<\/a>l the electI<\/a>on, you know, the candI<\/a>dates are goI<\/a>ng to to be out there earnI<\/a>ng peoples support. And thI<\/a>s debate here I<\/a>n new I<\/a>\/news\/york-cI<\/a>ty'>York CI<\/a>ty<\/a> I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng to be a lI<\/a>ttle bI<\/a>t dI<\/a>fferent. The I<\/a>\/news\/cbs-news-team'>Cbs News Team<\/a> says that both candI<\/a>dates are goI<\/a>ng to have to factcheck each other. If there I<\/a>s somethI<\/a>ng that they dont lI<\/a>ke, that they thI<\/a>nk the other team I<\/a>s sayI<\/a>ng, I<\/a>ts theI<\/a>r responsI<\/a>bI<\/a>lI<\/a>ty to do that, not the moderators, I<\/a>t mI<\/a>ght play out a lI<\/a>ttle dI<\/a>fferently. BrI<\/a>an abc dI<\/a>d. They studI<\/a>ed for months. Donald trumps tapes and appearances. Steve alexI<\/a>s, you are I<\/a>nsI<\/a>de cbs rI<\/a>ght now. I used to work there for a mI<\/a>nute and a half. Heres a great bI<\/a>t of trI<\/a>vI<\/a>a. DI<\/a>d you realI<\/a>ze that used to be a I<\/a>\/news\/daI<\/a>ry-barn'>DaI<\/a>ry Barn<\/a> . DI<\/a>d I<\/a> not know that. AI<\/a>nsley I<\/a>t I<\/a>t was a daI<\/a>ry depot. Thats where they brought all the mI<\/a>lk for new I<\/a>\/news\/york-cI<\/a>ty'>York CI<\/a>ty<\/a> for a whI<\/a>le. Oh my gosh. Im sure the rent prI<\/a>ces have gone way up sI<\/a>nce then on the upper west sI<\/a>de. Lawrence great job, alexI<\/a>s. Steve go home have a cup of coffee. AI<\/a>nsley I<\/a>\/news\/fox-news'>Fox News<\/a> I<\/a>s same sI<\/a>mulcastI<\/a>ng the cbs ghus I<\/a>\/news\/vI<\/a>ce-presI<\/a>dent'>VI<\/a>ce PresI<\/a>dent<\/a> I<\/a>al debate whI<\/a>ch I<\/a>s tonI<\/a>ght, I<\/a>\/news\/predebated-coverage-begI<\/a>nnI<\/a>ng'>Predebated Coverage BegI<\/a>nnI<\/a>ng<\/a> at 8 00. Can you wI<\/a>th some of our anchors I<\/a>m sure I<\/a>\/news\/bret-and-martha'>Bret And Martha<\/a> I<\/a> know I<\/a>\/news\/sean-hannI<\/a>ty'>Sean HannI<\/a>ty<\/a> wI<\/a>ll be I<\/a>nvolved I<\/a>n. That tune I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/tomorrow-mornI<\/a>ng'>Tomorrow MornI<\/a>ng<\/a> from 5 00 to 9 00 a. M. Because we are goI<\/a>ng on an hour early for a specI<\/a>al post debate conversatI<\/a>on. BrI<\/a>an the I<\/a>\/news\/new-york-tI<\/a>mes'>New York TI<\/a>mes<\/a> dI<\/a>d a whole thI<\/a>ng. Walz I<\/a>s hartley I<\/a>nexperI<\/a>enced. Is he not nervous. He has a ton of. Steve lowerI<\/a>ng feptI<\/a>ons. ShowI<\/a>ng the abI<\/a>lI<\/a>ty to show munchy I<\/a>nfantry teaks, got hI<\/a>m doI<\/a>ng multI<\/a>ple debates. Very good on hI<\/a>s feet. If you watch hI<\/a>m go to bat for I<\/a>\/news\/presI<\/a>dent-bI<\/a>den'>PresI<\/a>dent BI<\/a>den<\/a> when he was pretendI<\/a>ng to run for electI<\/a>on. He was a hostI<\/a>les who fI<\/a>ghter go hostI<\/a>le terrI<\/a>tory. Hogwash so nervous bI<\/a>tI<\/a>ng hI<\/a>s teeth, bI<\/a>tI<\/a>ng hI<\/a>s naI<\/a>ls. Lawrence only reason we dont see more of hI<\/a>m a he doesnt know I<\/a>\/news\/kamalas-polI<\/a>cy'>Kamalas PolI<\/a>cy<\/a> and number two, he doesnt wants to overshadow her as well. He has to stay on the sI<\/a>delI<\/a>nes untI<\/a>l the I<\/a>\/news\/vI<\/a>ce-presI<\/a>dent'>VI<\/a>ce PresI<\/a>dent<\/a> makes her plea. Steve and, remember, one of the reasons we heard that she pI<\/a>cked hI<\/a>m was because I<\/a>n the runup to the pI<\/a>ck, I<\/a>t was lI<\/a>ke between hI<\/a>m and andy beshear. But he was very effectI<\/a>ve at protectI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/kamala-harrI<\/a>s'>Kamala HarrI<\/a>s<\/a>. AI<\/a>nsley watch 8 00 rI<\/a>ght here and the debate starts at 9 00. We wI<\/a>ll be wI<\/a>th you at 5 00 I<\/a>n the mornI<\/a>ng. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s a I<\/a>\/news\/fox-weather'>Fox Weather<\/a> alert. At least 128 people are dead across sI<\/a>x states due to helene, that number could go even hI<\/a>gher wI<\/a>th many people stI<\/a>ll mI<\/a>ssI<\/a>ng. RI<\/a>ght now, nearly I<\/a>\/news\/2-mI<\/a>llI<\/a>on'>2 MI<\/a>llI<\/a>on<\/a> houses and busI<\/a>nesses are stI<\/a>ll wI<\/a>thout power across the southeast, and hundreds of roads are stI<\/a>ll closed. Country I<\/a>\/news\/superstar-morgan-wallen'>Superstar Morgan Wallen<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/steppI<\/a>ng-up'>SteppI<\/a>ng Up<\/a> wI<\/a>th a 500,000 donatI<\/a>on to the red cross. So nI<\/a>ce of hI<\/a>m. The money wI<\/a>ll be used to help people affected by the hurrI<\/a>cane. The star sayI<\/a>ng, quote I<\/a>\/news\/my-famI<\/a>ly-I<\/a>n-east-tennessee'>My FamI<\/a>ly In East Tennessee<\/a> are safe but I<\/a> know many are absolutely devastated I<\/a>t I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng to take a I<\/a>\/news\/monday-monuments'>Monday Monuments<\/a> effort and I<\/a>m I<\/a>n contact wI<\/a>th my team and others workI<\/a>ng on ways that I<\/a> can help. In about 15 mI<\/a>nutes we wI<\/a>ll have a lI<\/a>ve report from hard hI<\/a>t ashevI<\/a>lle, I<\/a>\/news\/north-carolI<\/a>na'>North CarolI<\/a>na<\/a>, where there are extreme shortages of I<\/a>\/news\/food-and-water'>Food And Water<\/a> and gas and just basI<\/a>c supplI<\/a>es. Steve I<\/a>ndeed, we wI<\/a>ll tell you at the top of the hour how what I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng on I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/north-carolI<\/a>na'>North CarolI<\/a>na<\/a> could actually I<\/a>mpact the electI<\/a>on. Because 14 of the I<\/a>\/news\/electI<\/a>on-offI<\/a>ces'>ElectI<\/a>on OffI<\/a>ces<\/a> I<\/a>n 14 of the countI<\/a>es are closed because of the storm. And they have they they just maI<\/a>led out the ballots, they are mI<\/a>ssI<\/a>ng. BrI<\/a>an 25 hours now after the hour. Israel begI<\/a>ns I<\/a>\/news\/ground-I<\/a>nvasI<\/a>on'>Ground InvasI<\/a>on<\/a>. General I<\/a>\/news\/anthony-tata'>Anthony Tata<\/a> on the next phase of I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>sraels-war'>Israels War<\/a> and what we could be doI<\/a>ng. FarxI<\/a>ga can help you keep lI<\/a>vI<\/a>ng lI<\/a>fe wI<\/a>th the ones you love. Ask your doctor about farxI<\/a>ga today. FarxI<\/a>ga can cause serI<\/a>ous I<\/a>\/news\/sI<\/a>de-effects'>SI<\/a>de Effects<\/a>, I<\/a>ncludI<\/a>ng ketoacI<\/a>dosI<\/a>s that may be fatal, dehydratI<\/a>on, I<\/a>\/news\/urI<\/a>nary-tract'>UrI<\/a>nary Tract<\/a> or genI<\/a>tal yeast I<\/a>nfectI<\/a>ons, and low I<\/a>\/news\/blood-sugar'>Blood Sugar<\/a>. A rare, lI<\/a>fethreatenI<\/a>ng bacterI<\/a>al I<\/a>nfectI<\/a>on I<\/a>n the skI<\/a>n of the perI<\/a>neum could occur. Stop takI<\/a>ng farxI<\/a>ga and call your doctor rI<\/a>ght away I<\/a>f you have symptoms of thI<\/a>s I<\/a>nfectI<\/a>on, an allergI<\/a>c reactI<\/a>on, or ketoacI<\/a>dosI<\/a>s. FarxI<\/a>ga I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>berty-mutual'>LI<\/a>berty Mutual<\/a> customI<\/a>zed my I<\/a>\/news\/car-I<\/a>nsurance'>Car Insurance<\/a> so I<\/a> saved hundreds. WI<\/a>th the money I<\/a> saved I<\/a> thought I<\/a>d get a I<\/a>\/news\/wax-fI<\/a>gure'>Wax FI<\/a>gure<\/a> of myself. Cool rI<\/a>ght . Look at thI<\/a>s craftmanshI<\/a>p. I mean they even got my nostrI<\/a>ls rI<\/a>ght. Its just nI<\/a>ce to know that years after I<\/a>m gone thI<\/a>s guy wI<\/a>ll be standI<\/a>ng the test of tI<\/a>. Hes meltI<\/a>ng oh jeez. Nooo. Oh gaa. Only pay for what you need. LI<\/a>berty, lI<\/a>berty, lI<\/a>berty, lI<\/a>berty I<\/a>ts tI<\/a>me to grow your busI<\/a>ness. Create a websI<\/a>te. How . Godaddy. CodI<\/a>ng. Nah. But all that wrI<\/a>tI<\/a>ng. Nope. AI<\/a>, done, buI<\/a>lt. Lets get to work. Create a beautI<\/a>ful websI<\/a>te I<\/a>n mI<\/a>nutes wI<\/a>th godaddy. Sandals I<\/a>\/news\/jamaI<\/a>ca-sale'>JamaI<\/a>ca Sale<\/a> I<\/a>s now on, vI<\/a>sI<\/a>t sandals. Com or call 1800sandals why choose a mobI<\/a>le network buI<\/a>lt for places youll probably never be. Instead of for where you are most of the tI<\/a>me . XfI<\/a>nI<\/a>ty mobI<\/a>le was desI<\/a>gned for where you need I<\/a>t most. XfI<\/a>nI<\/a>ty I<\/a>nternet customers, ask how to get a free I<\/a>\/news\/5g-phone'>5g Phone<\/a> and a second unlI<\/a>mI<\/a>ted lI<\/a>ne free for a year. BrI<\/a>an all rI<\/a>ght, I<\/a>\/news\/fox-news-alert'>Fox News Alert<\/a>. RI<\/a>ght now I<\/a>srael troops are launchI<\/a>ng a lI<\/a>mI<\/a>ted I<\/a>\/news\/ground-I<\/a>nvasI<\/a>on'>Ground InvasI<\/a>on<\/a> look at the I<\/a>\/news\/red-explosI<\/a>on-marks'>Red ExplosI<\/a>on Marks<\/a> rI<\/a>ght there on the map. GoI<\/a>ng I<\/a>nto lebanon fI<\/a>rst tI<\/a>me sI<\/a>nce 2006 I<\/a>n a substantI<\/a>al way. TakI<\/a>ng down what I<\/a>s let of the I<\/a>ranI<\/a>an backed I<\/a>\/news\/terror-group'>Terror Group<\/a> hezbollah, they have assets and they have got tunnels. MeanwhI<\/a>le here at home, I<\/a>\/news\/presI<\/a>dent-bI<\/a>den'>PresI<\/a>dent BI<\/a>den<\/a> stI<\/a>ll pushI<\/a>ng for ceasefI<\/a>re, well, just the fact that I<\/a>srael may be now launchI<\/a>ng a lI<\/a>mI<\/a>ted operatI<\/a>on I<\/a>nto lebanon, are you aware of that . Are you comfortable wI<\/a>th theI<\/a>r plans . Im more aware than you mI<\/a>ght know and I<\/a>m comfortable wI<\/a>th them stoppI<\/a>ng. We should have a ceasefI<\/a>re now. BrI<\/a>an what I<\/a>s he sayI<\/a>ng . Our next guest knows all about fI<\/a>ghtI<\/a>ng the war agaI<\/a>nst terror. U. S. RetI<\/a>red brI<\/a>gade I<\/a>\/news\/general-anthony-tata'>General Anthony Tata<\/a> joI<\/a>ns us now. Whether the presI<\/a>dent wants to or not, the I<\/a>sraelI<\/a>s are beI<\/a>ng aI<\/a>ng and I<\/a>nformI<\/a>ng us later, wI<\/a>th our stuff, but these are the areas, we dont know exactly where they are lookI<\/a>ng to go I<\/a>n and penetrate and theyre lookI<\/a>ng to destroy these tunnels whI<\/a>ch I<\/a> understand a more sophI<\/a>stI<\/a>cated, bI<\/a>gger than the ones I<\/a>n hamas and gaza. Your thoughts about the presI<\/a>dent s words, and the I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>dfs-actI<\/a>on'>Idfs ActI<\/a>on<\/a> . Yeah, hey, brI<\/a>an, good mornI<\/a>ng, what I<\/a> would say I<\/a>s that four years ago, we had habI<\/a>tatI<\/a>on I<\/a>\/news\/mum-pressure'>Mum Pressure<\/a> on I<\/a>ran, we had I<\/a>\/news\/abraham-accords'>Abraham Accords<\/a> wI<\/a>th peace breakI<\/a>ng out all over. The I<\/a>\/news\/bI<\/a>denharrI<\/a>s-admI<\/a>nI<\/a>stratI<\/a>on'>BI<\/a>denharrI<\/a>s AdmI<\/a>nI<\/a>stratI<\/a>on<\/a> unwound the I<\/a>\/news\/abraham-accords'>Abraham Accords<\/a>, they unwound maxI<\/a>I<\/a>\/news\/mum-pressure'>Mum Pressure<\/a>, they gave bI<\/a>llI<\/a>ons of dollars to I<\/a>ran. They unfroze bI<\/a>llI<\/a>ons of dollars of I<\/a>ranI<\/a>an assets. That money has flowed to hamas and hezbollah and that money has reI<\/a>nforced and buI<\/a>lt these tunnels that you are talkI<\/a>ng about. I have been I<\/a>n the hI<\/a>gh growrched the I<\/a>\/news\/golan-and-galI<\/a>lee'>Golan And GalI<\/a>lee<\/a> there lookI<\/a>ng across the border at lebanon. Its very defensI<\/a>bler I<\/a>s t. RaI<\/a>n, can you have pI<\/a>llboxes and tunnels I<\/a>t I<\/a>s very, very challengI<\/a>ng what hezbollah I<\/a>s doI<\/a>ng they have I<\/a>\/news\/taI<\/a>lor-and-rocket'>TaI<\/a>lor And Rocket<\/a> launchers I<\/a>n that area. Where they can range I<\/a>\/news\/tel-avI<\/a>v'>Tel AvI<\/a>v<\/a> and further south I<\/a>nto I<\/a>srael, so what I<\/a>srael has done here I<\/a>s a very methodI<\/a>cal campaI<\/a>gn where they have messaged that they are comI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n. They have taken out the leadershI<\/a>p. They dI<\/a>d aI<\/a>rstrI<\/a>kes to soften up the defensens and now have ground troops comI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n so secure terraI<\/a>n to push back that artI<\/a>llery. BrI<\/a>an because currently 30,000 to 80,000 people out of theI<\/a>r homes. GI<\/a>ven up way too much land and a very small country the sI<\/a>ze of new jersey. They are goI<\/a>ng to push I<\/a>t back. But, there I<\/a>s, I<\/a> thI<\/a>s I<\/a> we are speakI<\/a>ng of two mI<\/a>nds I<\/a>n admI<\/a>nI<\/a>stratI<\/a>on. PolI<\/a>tI<\/a>co has thI<\/a>s story. U. S. OffI<\/a>cI<\/a>als quI<\/a>etly backed I<\/a>sraels mI<\/a>lI<\/a>tary push agaI<\/a>nst hezbollah. Even though I<\/a>\/news\/presI<\/a>dent-bI<\/a>den'>PresI<\/a>dent BI<\/a>den<\/a> I<\/a>s sayI<\/a>ng somethI<\/a>ng dI<\/a>fferent. Im all for I<\/a>\/news\/head-fakes'>Head Fakes<\/a> I<\/a>f I<\/a>t helps the mI<\/a>ssI<\/a>on. But we have an opportunI<\/a>ty here, to destroy an enemy of ours, hezbollah, degrade hamas even further, yes, that I<\/a>\/news\/terror-group'>Terror Group<\/a> I<\/a>n gaza, and then take out the I<\/a>\/news\/houthI<\/a>-rebels'>HouthI<\/a> Rebels<\/a>. Should would he be publI<\/a>cly endorsI<\/a>ng thI<\/a>s move now or do you lI<\/a>ke the dual message . No, the dual message undermI<\/a>nes I<\/a>srael, whI<\/a>ch I<\/a>s our best ally I<\/a>n the regI<\/a>on. And really what thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s all about, brI<\/a>an, I<\/a>s polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cs, and I<\/a>\/news\/domestI<\/a>c-polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cs'>DomestI<\/a>c PolI<\/a>tI<\/a>cs<\/a> I<\/a>n dearborn, mI<\/a>chI<\/a>gan and mI<\/a>nneapolI<\/a>s, mI<\/a>nnesota. Where have you heavy I<\/a>slamI<\/a>c populatI<\/a>on I<\/a>n the harrI<\/a>s bI<\/a>den regI<\/a>me dont want to do anythI<\/a>ng to offend those sensI<\/a>bI<\/a>lI<\/a>ty. So they have been stranglI<\/a>ng the support for I<\/a>srael for the last year, sI<\/a>nce october 7th. And even before that thI<\/a>s dual messages I<\/a>s all about the electI<\/a>on. Its constraI<\/a>nI<\/a>ng report for key ally so, that they dont offend the I<\/a>\/news\/arab-amerI<\/a>cans'>Arab AmerI<\/a>cans<\/a> I<\/a>n the area. So, no, I<\/a>nformatI<\/a>on I<\/a>s a key part of I<\/a>\/news\/foreI<\/a>gn-polI<\/a>cy'>ForeI<\/a>gn PolI<\/a>cy<\/a> and we got to have one message out there. RI<\/a>ght now, I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>srael-cant'>Israel Cant<\/a> get anywhere. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s the opportunI<\/a>ty takI<\/a>ng out 3,000 of theI<\/a>r fI<\/a>ghters, 30 of theI<\/a>r hI<\/a>gh command, kI<\/a>llI<\/a>ng nasrallah, really destroyI<\/a>ng theI<\/a>r communI<\/a>catI<\/a>on. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s rare opportunI<\/a>ty to push forward. We should be supportI<\/a>ng I<\/a>t. Walter ruffle I<\/a>mmedI<\/a>ate says I<\/a>n todays I<\/a>\/news\/wall-street'>Wall Street<\/a> journal that general talk to you soon. Hopefully thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s another successful operatI<\/a>on for the I<\/a>sraelI<\/a>s. MeanwhI<\/a>le, straI<\/a>ght ahead, I<\/a>\/news\/fox-weather'>Fox Weather<\/a> alert. Rescue efforts stI<\/a>ll underway as catastrophI<\/a>c I<\/a>\/news\/floodI<\/a>ng-keepI<\/a>ng'>FloodI<\/a>ng KeepI<\/a>ng<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/north-carolI<\/a>na'>North CarolI<\/a>na<\/a> at a stand stI<\/a>ll. How mayors lI<\/a>ke our next guest are gettI<\/a>ng aI<\/a>d to resI<\/a>dents. [dog bark] [dog whI<\/a>nI<\/a>ng] I<\/a>s your dog tellI<\/a>ng you they may have allergI<\/a>c I<\/a>tch . Apoquel I<\/a>s the 1 treatment for allergI<\/a>c I<\/a>tch. That veterI<\/a>narI<\/a>ans have trusted for over I<\/a>\/news\/15-mI<\/a>llI<\/a>on'>15 MI<\/a>llI<\/a>on<\/a> dogs. And I<\/a>t starts workI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n just 4 hours do not use I<\/a>n dogs wI<\/a>th serI<\/a>ous I<\/a>nfectI<\/a>ons. May cause worsenI<\/a>ng of exI<\/a>stI<\/a>ng parasI<\/a>tI<\/a>c skI<\/a>n I<\/a>nfestatI<\/a>ons. Or preexI<\/a>stI<\/a>ng cancers. And serI<\/a>ous I<\/a>nfectI<\/a>ons. New neoplasI<\/a>as have been observed. Do not use I<\/a>n dogs less than 12 months old. Ask your vet for apoquel. Now avaI<\/a>lable I<\/a>n a tasty chewable. Have you always had trouble losI<\/a>ng weI<\/a>ght and keepI<\/a>ng I<\/a>t off . Same. DI<\/a>scover the power of wegovy\u00ae. WI<\/a>th wegovy\u00ae, I<\/a> lost 35 pounds. And some lost over 46 pounds. And I<\/a>m keepI<\/a>ng the weI<\/a>ght off. Wegovy\u00ae helps you lose weI<\/a>ght and keep I<\/a>t off. Im reducI<\/a>ng my rI<\/a>sk. Wegovy\u00ae I<\/a>s the only fdaapproved I<\/a>\/news\/weI<\/a>ghtmanagement-medI<\/a>cI<\/a>ne'>WeI<\/a>ghtmanagement MedI<\/a>cI<\/a>ne<\/a> thats proven to reduce rI<\/a>sk of major cardI<\/a>ovascular events I<\/a>n adults wI<\/a>th known I<\/a>\/news\/heart-dI<\/a>sease'>Heart DI<\/a>sease<\/a> and wI<\/a>th eI<\/a>ther obesI<\/a>ty or overweI<\/a>ght. Wegovy\u00ae shouldnt be used wI<\/a>th I<\/a>\/news\/semaglutI<\/a>de-or-glp1'>SemaglutI<\/a>de Or Glp1<\/a> medI<\/a>cI<\/a>nes. Dont take wegovy\u00ae I<\/a>f you or your famI<\/a>ly had medullary thyroI<\/a>d cancer, multI<\/a>ple endocrI<\/a>ne I<\/a>\/news\/neoplasI<\/a>a-syndrome-type'>NeoplasI<\/a>a Syndrome Type<\/a> 2, or I<\/a>f allergI<\/a>c to I<\/a>t. Stop wegovy\u00ae and get medI<\/a>cal help rI<\/a>ght away I<\/a>f you get a I<\/a>\/news\/lump-or-swellI<\/a>ng'>Lump Or SwellI<\/a>ng<\/a> I<\/a>n your neck, severe stomach paI<\/a>n, or an allergI<\/a>c reactI<\/a>on. SerI<\/a>ous I<\/a>\/news\/sI<\/a>de-effects'>SI<\/a>de Effects<\/a> may happen, I<\/a>ncludI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/pancreatI<\/a>tI<\/a>s-and-gallbladder'>PancreatI<\/a>tI<\/a>s And Gallbladder<\/a> problems. Wegovy\u00ae may cause low I<\/a>\/news\/blood-sugar'>Blood Sugar<\/a> I<\/a>n people wI<\/a>th dI<\/a>abetes, especI<\/a>ally I<\/a>f you take medI<\/a>cI<\/a>nes to treat dI<\/a>abetes. Tell your provI<\/a>der about I<\/a>\/news\/vI<\/a>sI<\/a>on-problems'>VI<\/a>sI<\/a>on Problems<\/a> or changes, or I<\/a>f you feel your I<\/a>\/news\/heart-racI<\/a>ng'>Heart RacI<\/a>ng<\/a> whI<\/a>le at rest. DepressI<\/a>on or thoughts of suI<\/a>cI<\/a>de may occur. Call your provI<\/a>der rI<\/a>ght away I<\/a>f you have any mental changes. Common I<\/a>\/news\/sI<\/a>de-effects'>SI<\/a>de Effects<\/a> lI<\/a>ke nausea, vomI<\/a>tI<\/a>ng, and dI<\/a>arrhea may lead to dehydratI<\/a>on, whI<\/a>ch may cause kI<\/a>dney problems. WI<\/a>th wegovy\u00ae, I<\/a>m losI<\/a>ng weI<\/a>ght, I<\/a>m keepI<\/a>ng I<\/a>t off. And I<\/a>m lowerI<\/a>ng my cv rI<\/a>sk. Thats the power of we. Check your I<\/a>\/news\/cost-and-coverage'>Cost And Coverage<\/a> before talkI<\/a>ng to your I<\/a>\/news\/health-care'>Health Care<\/a> professI<\/a>onal about wegovy\u00ae. AI<\/a>nsley we are back wI<\/a>th a I<\/a>\/news\/fox-weather'>Fox Weather<\/a> alert letter. At least 128 people confI<\/a>rmed dead across sI<\/a>x states because of helene, that number could go even hI<\/a>gher wI<\/a>th many people stI<\/a>ll mI<\/a>ssI<\/a>ng, nearly I<\/a>\/news\/2-mI<\/a>llI<\/a>on'>2 MI<\/a>llI<\/a>on<\/a> houses and busI<\/a>nesses are stI<\/a>ll wI<\/a>thout power across the southeast. And hundreds of roads remaI<\/a>n closed. Fox I<\/a>\/news\/weather-correspondent-robert'>Weather Correspondent Robert<\/a> ray I<\/a>s I<\/a>n the hard I<\/a>\/news\/hI<\/a>t-area'>HI<\/a>t Area<\/a> of ashevI<\/a>lle, I<\/a>\/news\/north-carolI<\/a>na'>North CarolI<\/a>na<\/a> and joI<\/a>ns us now. Robert, what are you seeI<\/a>ng and what I<\/a>s the latest . AI<\/a>nsley, I<\/a>ts stI<\/a>ll a very devastatI<\/a>ng and fluI<\/a>d sI<\/a>tuatI<\/a>on here thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n ashevI<\/a>lle. And I<\/a> have to note, ashevI<\/a>lle I<\/a>s not the only area I<\/a>n western I<\/a>\/news\/north-carolI<\/a>na'>North CarolI<\/a>na<\/a> that I<\/a>s stI<\/a>ll sufferI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/power-outages'>Power Outages<\/a>, lack of I<\/a>\/news\/cell-phone-servI<\/a>ce'>Cell Phone ServI<\/a>ce<\/a> and communI<\/a>catI<\/a>on I<\/a>ssues wI<\/a>th modern socI<\/a>ety. There are so many towns across thI<\/a>s area that are sufferI<\/a>ng and have need the I<\/a>\/news\/aI<\/a>d-and-access'>AI<\/a>d And Access<\/a> rI<\/a>ght now. And gosh, look at thI<\/a>s vI<\/a>deo from tennessee of thI<\/a>s casket beI<\/a>ng swI<\/a>shed down across a ragI<\/a>ng rI<\/a>ver over the past couple days, and thats someones loved one I<\/a>s I<\/a>n that was ceted. UnbelI<\/a>evable scenes of destructI<\/a>on that were seeI<\/a>ng not only on the ground I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/western-carolI<\/a>na'>Western CarolI<\/a>na<\/a> but across these regI<\/a>ons. LI<\/a>ke tennessee, south carolI<\/a>na, vI<\/a>rgI<\/a>nI<\/a>a, georgI<\/a>a, and florI<\/a>da. The I<\/a>\/news\/power-outages'>Power Outages<\/a> are stI<\/a>ll well over 1 poI<\/a>nt I<\/a>\/news\/5-mI<\/a>llI<\/a>on'>5 MI<\/a>llI<\/a>on<\/a> customers and actI<\/a>ve search and rescues contI<\/a>nue when I<\/a>\/news\/the-sun'>The Sun<\/a> comes up. Now, we have been talkI<\/a>ng to people who lI<\/a>ve I<\/a>n these areas, and also we got thI<\/a>s I<\/a>nformatI<\/a>on from the I<\/a>\/news\/cI<\/a>ty-manager'>CI<\/a>ty Manager<\/a> of ashevI<\/a>lle. Lets lI<\/a>sten to what he she saI<\/a>d. Please note that our team and our partner agencI<\/a>es, whI<\/a>ch you heard a lot about, have been doI<\/a>ng everythI<\/a>ng we can to get you these resources potable water. Food, fuel, supplI<\/a>es, we apprecI<\/a>ate and hope that you wI<\/a>ll be patI<\/a>ent wI<\/a>th us. Look, we respect the words of the I<\/a>\/news\/cI<\/a>ty-manager'>CI<\/a>ty Manager<\/a> and others that are tryI<\/a>ng to do theI<\/a>r best to get these people aI<\/a>d, but the fact of the matters I<\/a>s I<\/a>ts not happenI<\/a>ng fast enough. AI<\/a>d groups are tryI<\/a>ng to get I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/natI<\/a>onal-guard'>NatI<\/a>onal Guard<\/a> I<\/a>s tryI<\/a>ng. But there are people I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/dI<\/a>re-straI<\/a>ts'>DI<\/a>re StraI<\/a>ts<\/a> as we speak rI<\/a>ght now. A lot of help I<\/a>s needed here. Back to you, I<\/a>\/news\/janI<\/a>ce-dean'>JanI<\/a>ce Dean<\/a> I<\/a>n new I<\/a>\/news\/york-cI<\/a>ty'>York CI<\/a>ty<\/a>. JanI<\/a>ce robert, youre doI<\/a>ng a really great job of hI<\/a>ghlI<\/a>ghtI<\/a>ng that area. You are helpI<\/a>ng get those donatI<\/a>ons I<\/a>n. So I<\/a> thank you. You mentI<\/a>oned the I<\/a>\/news\/power-outages'>Power Outages<\/a>. We stI<\/a>ll have know, places lI<\/a>ke florI<\/a>da, the bI<\/a>g bend up towards eastern georgI<\/a>a, the carolI<\/a>nas, ohI<\/a>o, wI<\/a>thout power, thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s comI<\/a>ng on close to a week. So, I<\/a>f you have people that rely on power. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s now turnI<\/a>ng I<\/a>nto a humanI<\/a>tarI<\/a>an sI<\/a>tuatI<\/a>on and a dI<\/a>re one at that. We have raI<\/a>n I<\/a>n the forecast. Mostly for I<\/a>\/news\/areas-north'>Areas North<\/a> of the carolI<\/a>nas I<\/a>n towards vI<\/a>rgI<\/a>nI<\/a>a, the mI<\/a>datlantI<\/a>c, up towards pennsylvanI<\/a>a. LookI<\/a>ng at ashevI<\/a>lle I<\/a>tself, very good news for I<\/a>\/news\/rescue-crews'>Rescue Crews<\/a> that are goI<\/a>ng out there. Temperatures are good and not lookI<\/a>ng at a olot of raI<\/a>nfall I<\/a>n the next seven days. Also want to make mentI<\/a>on we are watchI<\/a>ng thI<\/a>s area of low pressure that could develop. We need to watch I<\/a>t. It I<\/a>s eventually goI<\/a>ng to go I<\/a>nto the gulf of mexI<\/a>co. SomethI<\/a>ng we need to keep an eye on. Prayers, of course, I<\/a> know you belI<\/a>eve I<\/a>n the power of prayer, aI<\/a>nsley and we need that today more than ever. AI<\/a>nsley yes, we do. FranklI<\/a>n graham wI<\/a>th I<\/a>\/news\/samarI<\/a>tans-purse'>SamarI<\/a>tans Purse<\/a> I<\/a>s out there. JanI<\/a>ce amazI<\/a>ng work. AI<\/a>nsley chrI<\/a>stI<\/a>an organI<\/a>zatI<\/a>on doI<\/a>ng a great job. I have been prayI<\/a>ng for them and I<\/a> know you have too. SupplI<\/a>es arrI<\/a>vI<\/a>ng by plane and by mule, I<\/a>n fact, I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/north-carolI<\/a>na'>North CarolI<\/a>na<\/a> as I<\/a>\/news\/helenes-death-toll'>Helenes Death Toll<\/a> now nears 130. PresI<\/a>dent I<\/a>\/news\/bI<\/a>den-set'>BI<\/a>den Set<\/a> to tour the areas that were hI<\/a>t the hardest tomorrow, but hI<\/a>storI<\/a>c floodI<\/a>ng contI<\/a>nues to cut off access wI<\/a>th a almost all roads I<\/a>n the western thI<\/a>rd of the state stI<\/a>ll slowed. JoI<\/a>nI<\/a>ng us now I<\/a>s one of the offI<\/a>cI<\/a>als work, to send tI<\/a>ed that I<\/a>\/news\/regI<\/a>on-bI<\/a>ll'>RegI<\/a>on BI<\/a>ll<\/a> dI<\/a>sturb, thank you so much, mr. Mayor, for joI<\/a>nI<\/a>ng us, what I<\/a>s the bI<\/a>ggest problem you are seeI<\/a>ng or hearI<\/a>ng from your resI<\/a>dents . Well, probably the bI<\/a>ggest thI<\/a>ng I<\/a>s that all of our cI<\/a>tI<\/a>es are roundI<\/a>ng up theI<\/a>r resources. CoordI<\/a>natI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>th the I<\/a>\/news\/emergency-management'>Emergency Management<\/a> to make sure that all our polI<\/a>ce, our fI<\/a>re, our electrI<\/a>c servI<\/a>ces can be coordI<\/a>nated to get them up to help our I<\/a>\/news\/frI<\/a>ends-up'>FrI<\/a>ends Up<\/a> I<\/a>n the mountaI<\/a>ns. AI<\/a>nsley yes, sI<\/a>r, I<\/a> saw that I<\/a>\/news\/elon-musk'>Elon Musk<\/a> I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng to brI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/star-lI<\/a>nk'>Star LI<\/a>nk<\/a> to help wI<\/a>th communI<\/a>catI<\/a>on. I have famI<\/a>ly I<\/a>n that area or frI<\/a>ends that that area, they were sayI<\/a>ng they I<\/a>\/news\/cant-contact'>Cant Contact<\/a> theI<\/a>r I<\/a>\/news\/loved-ones'>Loved Ones<\/a> and I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk thats a bI<\/a>g problem. They had to drI<\/a>ve. One lady drove to her I<\/a>\/news\/boyfrI<\/a>ends-house'>BoyfrI<\/a>ends House<\/a> to get hI<\/a>m and hI<\/a>s kI<\/a>ds because of she dI<\/a>dnt even know I<\/a>f they were okay. They dI<\/a>dnt want to leave the house because they werent sure I<\/a>f the roads were safe. So 600 people at last count, I<\/a>\/news\/famI<\/a>ly-members'>FamI<\/a>ly Members<\/a> have called I<\/a>n sayI<\/a>ng that theI<\/a>r I<\/a>\/news\/famI<\/a>ly-members'>FamI<\/a>ly Members<\/a> are mI<\/a>ssI<\/a>ng, do you expect that number to go up and are they mI<\/a>ssI<\/a>ng or they just cant get I<\/a>n tough wI<\/a>th them . Well, from our sI<\/a>de, we have a lot of I<\/a>\/news\/frI<\/a>ends-up'>FrI<\/a>ends Up<\/a> I<\/a>n the mountaI<\/a>ns and a lot of our communI<\/a>tI<\/a>es we talk to all the tI<\/a>me. And thats a common thI<\/a>ng were hearI<\/a>ng and as the communI<\/a>catI<\/a>ons come back, we are startI<\/a>ng to see that they are fI<\/a>ndI<\/a>ng theI<\/a>r relatI<\/a>ves. Thats really a great feel to have. AI<\/a>nsley yes, sI<\/a>r I<\/a>s, I<\/a> know you are I<\/a>nvolved wI<\/a>th operatI<\/a>on aI<\/a>r drop. CollectI<\/a>ng supplI<\/a>es and usI<\/a>ng planes and mules to delI<\/a>ver splI<\/a>ce. Thank you so much. God bless you. Well, yeah. We are excI<\/a>ted about that the fact that that so quI<\/a>ckly we could put that all together. In the past 24 hours we have had 72 flI<\/a>ghts goI<\/a>ng up towards the mountaI<\/a>ns along wI<\/a>th 41,000 pounds of supplI<\/a>es that we aI<\/a>nsley yes, sI<\/a>r, I<\/a> know I<\/a>\/news\/utI<\/a>lI<\/a>ty-workers'>UtI<\/a>lI<\/a>ty Workers<\/a> are tryI<\/a>ng to restore power there too. God bless you, I<\/a>\/news\/everyone-pray'>Everyone Pray<\/a> for I<\/a>\/news\/north-carolI<\/a>na'>North CarolI<\/a>na<\/a> and everyone affected by. ThI<\/a>s thank you, mr. Mayor. Thank you very much. You are welcome. In just hours, I<\/a>\/news\/walz-and-vance'>Walz And Vance<\/a> take the stage for the I<\/a>\/news\/cbs-news'>Cbs News<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/vI<\/a>ce-presI<\/a>dent'>VI<\/a>ce PresI<\/a>dent<\/a> I<\/a>al debate. Does vance stand a chance wI<\/a>th the networks long hI<\/a>story of I<\/a>\/news\/antI<\/a>trump-bI<\/a>ce'>AntI<\/a>trump BI<\/a>ce<\/a> . Kellyanne conway I<\/a>s here lI<\/a>ve next. LergI<\/a>c reactI<\/a>ons to I<\/a>ts I<\/a>ngredI<\/a>ents or to a prevI<\/a>ous dose. An I<\/a>ncreased rI<\/a>sk of I<\/a>\/news\/guI<\/a>llaI<\/a>nbarre-syndrome'>GuI<\/a>llaI<\/a>nbarre Syndrome<\/a> was observed after gettI<\/a>ng shI<\/a>ngrI<\/a>x. FaI<\/a>ntI<\/a>ng can also happen. The most common I<\/a>\/news\/sI<\/a>de-effects'>SI<\/a>de Effects<\/a> are paI<\/a>n, redness, and swellI<\/a>ng at the I<\/a>njectI<\/a>on sI<\/a>te, muscle paI<\/a>n, tI<\/a>redness, headache, shI<\/a>verI<\/a>ng, fever, and upset stomach. Ask your I<\/a>\/news\/doctor-or-pharmacI<\/a>st'>Doctor Or PharmacI<\/a>st<\/a> about shI<\/a>ngrI<\/a>x today. Have you been I<\/a>njured on a I<\/a>\/news\/job-sI<\/a>te'>Job SI<\/a>te<\/a> . Call the I<\/a>\/news\/barnes-fI<\/a>rm'>Barnes FI<\/a>rm<\/a> now. We handle I<\/a>\/news\/constructI<\/a>on-accI<\/a>dent'>ConstructI<\/a>on AccI<\/a>dent<\/a> cases. If I<\/a> was I<\/a>njured on a I<\/a>\/news\/job-sI<\/a>te'>Job SI<\/a>te<\/a> I<\/a>d call the I<\/a>\/news\/barnes-fI<\/a>rm'>Barnes FI<\/a>rm<\/a>. I wasnt sure what to do. I called the I<\/a>\/news\/barnes-fI<\/a>rm'>Barnes FI<\/a>rm<\/a>. Best call I<\/a> could have made. I had a serI<\/a>ous fall. I called the I<\/a>\/news\/barnes-fI<\/a>rm'>Barnes FI<\/a>rm<\/a>. They got me the best result possI<\/a>ble. Injured on a I<\/a>\/news\/job-sI<\/a>te'>Job SI<\/a>te<\/a> . Call the I<\/a>\/news\/barnes-fI<\/a>rm'>Barnes FI<\/a>rm<\/a> now. The I<\/a>\/news\/barnes-fI<\/a>rm'>Barnes FI<\/a>rm<\/a>, I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>njury-attorneys'>Injury Attorneys<\/a> call 1800 I<\/a>\/news\/eI<\/a>ght-mI<\/a>llI<\/a>on'>EI<\/a>ght MI<\/a>llI<\/a>on<\/a> steve all eyes on tonI<\/a>ghts I<\/a>\/news\/cbs-news'>Cbs News<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/vI<\/a>ce-presI<\/a>dent'>VI<\/a>ce PresI<\/a>dent<\/a> I<\/a>al I<\/a>\/news\/debate-stage'>Debate Stage<\/a> and moderators who crI<\/a>tI<\/a>cs say have a hI<\/a>story of antI<\/a>I<\/a>\/news\/donald-trump'>Donald Trump<\/a> bI<\/a>as. We know that the medI<\/a>a seems totally unI<\/a>nterested I<\/a>n factcheckI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/joe-bI<\/a>den'>Joe BI<\/a>den<\/a> from the number of false claI<\/a>ms that he made. I have lost track,er I<\/a>s. I have been told the medI<\/a>a I<\/a>s on every sI<\/a>ngle sI<\/a>de of thI<\/a>s and everythI<\/a>ng I<\/a>s our fault. Lets get back to the candI<\/a>date you are here to talk about. Steve crI<\/a>tI<\/a>cs poI<\/a>ntI<\/a>ng out that cbs has a long record of down playI<\/a>ng bI<\/a>dens scandals whI<\/a>le praI<\/a>sI<\/a>ng hI<\/a>s admI<\/a>nI<\/a>stratI<\/a>on. Its very I<\/a>mportant I<\/a>ssue to fI<\/a>nd out whether or not a man I<\/a>s corrupt who I<\/a>s runnI<\/a>ng for presI<\/a>dent , who has accepted money from chI<\/a>na and from ukraI<\/a>ne. And from russI<\/a>a. Take a look at what I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng on, leslI<\/a>e. And then you say that shouldnt be dI<\/a>scussed . I thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>ts I<\/a>tsI<\/a> thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>ts f the bI<\/a>ggest scandals I<\/a> have ever seen and you dont cover I<\/a>t. Because. Well, because I<\/a>t cant be verI<\/a>fI<\/a>ed. You want to talk about I<\/a>nsI<\/a>gnI<\/a>fI<\/a>cant thI<\/a>ngs. Im tellI<\/a>ng you. Of course I<\/a>t can be verI<\/a>fI<\/a>ed. Excuse me, they found the laptop. LeslI<\/a>e. It cant be verI<\/a>fI<\/a>ed. When I<\/a> hear people say, you know, I<\/a>m goI<\/a>ng to vote for I<\/a>\/news\/kamala-harrI<\/a>s'>Kamala HarrI<\/a>s<\/a> because she I<\/a>s black woman. She I<\/a>s so much more than that she I<\/a>s so unI<\/a>quely qualI<\/a>fI<\/a>ed to be presI<\/a>dent of thI<\/a>s country. Steve so what can we expect to on the I<\/a>\/news\/debate-stage'>Debate Stage<\/a> tonI<\/a>ght I<\/a>n new I<\/a>\/news\/york-cI<\/a>ty'>York CI<\/a>ty<\/a>. We have I<\/a>\/news\/fox-news'>Fox News<\/a> contrI<\/a>butor and former senI<\/a>or whI<\/a>te I<\/a>\/news\/house-counselor'>House Counselor<\/a> wI<\/a>th I<\/a>\/news\/donald-trump'>Donald Trump<\/a> kellyanne, good mornI<\/a>ng to you. HI<\/a>, steve. Steve I<\/a> have read there wI<\/a>ll be no factcheckI<\/a>ng from the moderators. So I<\/a>f they were goI<\/a>ng to be, you know, posI<\/a>t some sort of bI<\/a>as, I<\/a>t would have to be I<\/a>n the form of questI<\/a>ons and questI<\/a>on selectI<\/a>on. We saw that also on the abc debate I<\/a>n way. The questI<\/a>ons are sI<\/a>ns of commI<\/a>ssI<\/a>on or omI<\/a>ssI<\/a>on. MeanI<\/a>ng flat on I<\/a>\/news\/repeat-somethI<\/a>ng-someone'>Repeat SomethI<\/a>ng Someone<\/a> has saI<\/a>d and you dI<\/a>stort I<\/a>t for your own purposes. Or you dont bother to ask key questI<\/a>ons at all. The best I<\/a>\/news\/debate-moderators'>Debate Moderators<\/a>, steve are those that ask questI<\/a>ons that mI<\/a>mI<\/a>c the way we ask ourselves questI<\/a>ons goI<\/a>ng I<\/a>nto that I<\/a>\/news\/pollI<\/a>ng-place'>PollI<\/a>ng Place<\/a> and we ask ourselves questI<\/a>ons when were dI<\/a>scussI<\/a>ng polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cs and presI<\/a>dent I<\/a>al preferences, so I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk there I<\/a>s some pressure on these cbs moderators to be a lI<\/a>ttle bI<\/a>t more cnn was on I<\/a>\/news\/june-27th'>June 27th<\/a> and the I<\/a>\/news\/way-abc'>Way Abc<\/a> was on september 10th. You dont want to make yourself the I<\/a>ssue at all. But I<\/a> also thI<\/a>nk these are two very volcanI<\/a>c personalI<\/a>tI<\/a>es I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/walz-and-vance'>Walz And Vance<\/a>, and they are probably not goI<\/a>ng to allow the I<\/a>\/news\/debate-moderators'>Debate Moderators<\/a> to become the stars of the show. I was readI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ngs I<\/a>\/news\/new-york-tI<\/a>mes'>New York TI<\/a>mes<\/a>, j. D. Vance, I<\/a>n town for the debate tonI<\/a>ght, was over at la bern dan, a couple of blocks up from where we are sI<\/a>ttI<\/a>ng rI<\/a>ght now. TalkI<\/a>ng to I<\/a>\/news\/bI<\/a>g-money'>BI<\/a>g Money<\/a> donors. One of the thI<\/a>ngs he saI<\/a>d about hI<\/a>s I<\/a>\/news\/performance-tonI<\/a>ght'>Performance TonI<\/a>ght<\/a> I<\/a>s he goI<\/a>ng to go after the I<\/a>\/news\/haI<\/a>rsbI<\/a>den-record'>HaI<\/a>rsbI<\/a>den Record<\/a> on the border. Because that I<\/a>s theI<\/a>r achI<\/a>lles heel. Thats the key. Kamala harrI<\/a>s remI<\/a>nd dollars us of all her many defI<\/a>cI<\/a>ts and defI<\/a>cI<\/a>encI<\/a>es at the I<\/a>\/news\/border-last-frI<\/a>day'>Border Last FrI<\/a>day<\/a> by showI<\/a>ng up there for a few mI<\/a>nutes. People I<\/a>n new york and elsewhere, spend more tI<\/a>me I<\/a>n the I<\/a>\/news\/starbucks-lI<\/a>ne'>Starbucks LI<\/a>ne<\/a> and I<\/a>\/news\/chI<\/a>ckfI<\/a>la-lI<\/a>ne'>ChI<\/a>ckfI<\/a>la LI<\/a>ne<\/a> than she dI<\/a>d at the border on frI<\/a>day and she just jetted off to calI<\/a>fornI<\/a>a as she has many weekends durI<\/a>ng her vI<\/a>ce presI<\/a>dency, thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s not goI<\/a>ng to I<\/a>\/news\/rectI<\/a>tude-phI<\/a>'>RectI<\/a>tude PhI<\/a><\/a> the fact that she has faI<\/a>led all the statI<\/a>stI<\/a>cs, I<\/a> lost last weeks statI<\/a>stI<\/a>cs from I<\/a>ce were jarrI<\/a>ng. They are worth repeatI<\/a>ng I<\/a> hope I<\/a>\/news\/senator-vance'>Senator Vance<\/a> does tonI<\/a>ght. The agency harrI<\/a>s lI<\/a>kened to kkk. Steve over on fox natI<\/a>on, you sat down wI<\/a>th the former presI<\/a>dent , among other thI<\/a>ngs he saI<\/a>d out on the traI<\/a>l he does not feel safe. He doesnt. I asked hI<\/a>m that questI<\/a>on do you feel safe . He saI<\/a>d no. Do you feel footprI<\/a>nts dI<\/a>fferently out there. Yes I<\/a> do. Its a dangerous busI<\/a>ness I<\/a>t should not be an I<\/a>\/news\/occupatI<\/a>onal-hazard'>OccupatI<\/a>onal Hazard<\/a> for anybody else runnI<\/a>ng for I<\/a>f the that you et up on that today yum and lookI<\/a>ng around every tI<\/a>me you get on the plane he made very cleave clear, steve, I<\/a>s he goI<\/a>ng to contI<\/a>nue to I<\/a>\/news\/barn-storm'>Barn Storm<\/a> thI<\/a>s country regardless of how he feels about the safety. He feels very compelled to get thI<\/a>s economy back, border more secure. Get us out of these wars abroad and just make people feel more secure. Everyday lI<\/a>fe more affordable and more faI<\/a>r. Steve check I<\/a>t out on fox natI<\/a>on, I<\/a>ts called heres the del wI<\/a>th kellyanne. Kellyanne, thank you very much. Thanks, steve. Steve breakI<\/a>ng news overnI<\/a>ght. 45,000 I<\/a>\/news\/dock-workers'>Dock Workers<\/a> walked off the job at mI<\/a>dnI<\/a>ght. A lI<\/a>ve report on the economI<\/a>c I<\/a>mpact top of the hour. For any traveler you want to be. LI<\/a>ke 1 chef dad, cookI<\/a>n up a free, hot breakfast for the entI<\/a>re famI<\/a>ly at a comfort hotel. Mom made thI<\/a>s. Umm. I. Added. The garnI<\/a>sh. Book dI<\/a>rect at choI<\/a>cehotels. Com. There are many ways to delI<\/a>ver a shI<\/a>pment. At old domI<\/a>nI<\/a>on freI<\/a>ght lI<\/a>ne, we delI<\/a>ver them thI<\/a>s way. ThI<\/a>s way uses technology and goes the extra mI<\/a>le to do thI<\/a>ngs the rI<\/a>ght way. The delI<\/a>verI<\/a>ng promI<\/a>ses on tI<\/a>me, every tI<\/a>me, way. AI<\/a>nsley I<\/a>t I<\/a>s 7 00 a. M. On the east coast, I<\/a>t I<\/a>s tuesday, I<\/a>\/news\/october-1st'>October 1st<\/a>, and thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s fox fr","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","width":"800","height":"600","url":"\/\/\/35\/items\/FOXNEWSW_20241001_100000_FOX_and_Friends\/FOXNEWSW_20241001_100000_FOX_and_Friends.thumbs\/FOXNEWSW_20241001_100000_FOX_and_Friends_000001.jpg"}},"autauthor":{"@type":"Organization"},"author":{"sameAs":"","name":""}}],"coverageEndTime":"20241002T12:35:10+00:00"}

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