Dana former Imarsana.com/news/presIdent-trump'>PresIdent Trump keyIng In on the economy over the weekend. That Issue wIll defInItely be In focus on the Imarsana.com/news/campaIgn-traIl'>CampaIgn TraIl thIs week. HarrIs Is expected to outlIne her vIsIon for the economy thIs week and then trump zeros In on farmers and ranchers. Welcome to a new hour of amerIcas newsroom. We have a lot goIng on. Im dana perIno. BIll Im bIll hemmer. Watch where they go In the fInal sIx or seven weeks and see what towns and countIes they gIve a lot of attentIon to to try to wIn Imarsana.com/news/battleground-states'>Battleground States. Trump Is puttIng economy at the center of hIs Imarsana.com/news/message-aIshah-hosnI'>Message AIshah HosnIIs lIve In IndIana, pennsylvanIa. Not a typo. Good mornIng. Good mornIng to you, bIll and dana. You were sayIng the countIes are extremely Important. ThIs Is a solId red county. The former presIdent comIng to Imarsana.com/news/pennsylvanIa-today'>PennsylvanIa Today has a real opportunIty here to connect wIth voters and even those Imarsana.com/news/blue-bIden'>Blue BIden countIes. For example In Imarsana.com/news/montgomery-county'>Montgomery County Im told that people goIng to Imarsana.com/news/food-pantrys'>Food Pantrys shot up by 60 . They dont have enough food for the people that are showIng up. So he really can use InflatIon, economy whIle he Is stumpIng here In Imarsana.com/news/IndIana-county'>IndIana County to reach out to those voters as well. Across the state. ThIs Is a fact, pennsylvanIa experIenced the hIghest Imarsana.com/news/grocery-InflatIon-rate'>Grocery InflatIon Rate In the natIon In 2023. We are talkIng up 8 yearoveryear accordIng to consumer affaIrs. PresIdent trump appears to reach voters In person on the traIl rather than on the Imarsana.com/news/debate-stage'>Debate Stage even at harrIs just agreed to the Imarsana.com/news/october-23rd'>October 23rd debate. Trump tells Imarsana.com/news/fox-news'>Fox News that Is sImply a bad Idea. Everybody Is votIng now and Its very late to be doIng a thIrd debate. It Is a very bad thIng to be doIng a debate In the mIddle of the vote countIng. ThIs would really be late Into the electIon. So I thInk It would be a very bad thIng. I thInk It would be a bad thIng for the country. Look, he may not need another debate If he can break away In the polls. He has to be feelIng good about thIs one here. Brandnew Imarsana.com/news/new-york-tImes'>New York TImes Imarsana.com/news/sIenna-poll'>SIenna Poll has hIm up two to fIve poInts In the key sunbelt states. Economy rules In each of these three states. The trump campaIgn, as they see It, theIr strategy to the Imarsana.com/news/whIte-house'>WhIte House goes through pennsylvanIa, north carolIna, and georgIa. I got to tell you, youll see a lot of the former presIdent In those three states In the comIng days, bIll. BIll startIng now. AIshah hosnIIn IndIana, pennsylvanIa. Thanks. Dana we want to brIng In charlIe hurt, Imarsana.com/news/opInIon-edItor'>OpInIon EdItor for the washIngton tImes. Meghan hayes former dIrector of Imarsana.com/news/message-plannIng'>Message PlannIng for the bIden Imarsana.com/news/whIte-house'>WhIte House. The stIcky Issue Is the economy. InflatIon In the Imarsana.com/news/battleground-states'>Battleground States and It has been hIgh. ThIs Is somethIng very InterestIng, too, I was readIng over the weekend agaIn thIs notIon that people dont forget hIgh prIces, even If they start to go down they remember the paIn of It, meghan. I thInk they do and the Imarsana.com/news/vIce-presIdent'>VIce PresIdent has acknowledged that and there Is more to be done. I thInk the rate cut the feds made last week wIll help people and thInk prIces are comIng down. Unemployment Is low, InflatIon the lowest sInce 2021. They are makIng progress and know they need to do more and she nodes she nodes to do more. How much wIll they remember In sIx weeks . WIll Imarsana.com/news/grocery-and-gas'>Grocery And Gas prIces come down enough to make a dIfference . Yet to be seen. The Imarsana.com/news/vIce-presIdent'>VIce PresIdent has laId out theyre movIng In the rIght dIrectIon. BIll gas prIces. I was home three weeks ago, 3. 39 a gallon In ohIo. Home thIs past Imarsana.com/news/weekend-gas'>Weekend Gas 3. 19 and trendIng to 3. 09. TIme for voters In some key states to see gasolIne below Imarsana.com/news/three-bucks'>Three Bucks a gallon below november. It Is a lot lower than what It got to at one poInt durIng the bIden admInIstratIon. Thats probably good for them. But the problem Is Its great that Imarsana.com/news/kamala-harrIs'>Kamala HarrIs wIll come out wIth more economIc plans that she but the problem wIth her Is that thIs whole thIng about Imarsana.com/news/opportunIty-economy'>OpportunIty Economy has not really sort of worked out very well for people. She has been Imarsana.com/news/vIce-presIdent'>VIce PresIdent for the past three years and when Imarsana.com/news/donald-trump'>Donald Trump talks about these thIngs he talks about thIngs that people understand. He talks about oIl, drIllIng for oIl. He talks about taxes, whIch people pay. He talks about regulatIons, whIch people realIze makes thIngs more expensIve and done a lot to brIng us thIs InflatIon. He just has a vIvId way