Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Faulkner Focus 20240914 : compar

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Faulkner Focus 20240914

We have to roll. Here Is harrIs, have a great weekend. HarrIs a warnIng to voters from the trump campaIgn. You should not expect anythIng new If'>VIce PresIdent'>Kamala HarrIs Is elected, especIally when It comes to the hIghprIced economy whIch mIllIons of amerIcans are sufferIng under. We know Its always the economy. Im'>HarrIs Faulkner and you are In the faulkner focus. Its an economIc warnIng comIng from the governor of north dakota, doug burgum. He Is campaIgnIng for former'>PresIdent Donald Trump. The way we beat InflatIon and get the economy goIng Is elect'>PresIdent Trump. Kamalas economIc polIcIes, I mean, It Is more of the same. A lIttle bIt If people thInk she wIll fIx the economy, Its lIke askIng an arsonIst to put out the fIre because she lIt the InflatIon fIre. HarrIs republIcans recently put out a state by'>State AnalysIs of prIces were all payIng and they compared rIght now to the tIme when'>PresIdent BIden and'>VIce PresIdent harrIs took offIce In january of 2021. So from then to now. You can see It for yourself. Voters In battleground states In partIcular are payIng nearly'>1 Thousand more per month on exactly the same products and servIces'>3 1 2 years ago. Its another bIdenharrIs crIsIs. Theyre tryIng to maIntaIn that prIces that happened were gettIng to the poInt now where my husband says thIs cant contInue. ThIngs are just way too hIgh. Were all tIred of not havIng any money In our pocket. She Is dIsconnected from regular folks lIke myself and the rest of us. I have no faIth In what she has to offer. We cannot afford another four years of a democrat In offIce. It Is just very sImple. No, we cant afford kamala to be In offIce. ThIs democratIc dIet that we were all just put on the last three years Is not sustaInable. HarrIs thats a catch phrase. DemocratIc dIet when It comes to your wallet. It actually was the fIrst questIon that kIcked off tuesdays debate. Moderators asked'>VIce PresIdent'>Kamala HarrIs when It comes to the economy, do you belIeve amerIcans are better off now than they were'>3 1 2 years ago . She dIdnt answer the questIon. And'>Byron Yorks new column argues It was the most Important questIon of the campaIgn. He says she flubbed It. She trIed to answer It and faIled addIng, It was also the most predIctable'>QuestIon And TopIc of the entIre debate. For a'>SplIt Second she seemed surprIsed. SenIor natIonal correspondent'>RIch Edson Is lIve at the'>WhIte House. RIch. Good mornIng, harrIs, the'>WhIte House debates back here InflatIon, dIscussIon at the'>WhIte House goIng on In brIefIngs, other forms here. The'>WhIte House argues that the unIted states Is, In fact, turnIng the corner. We cant forget what thIs admInIstratIon InherIted. An economy In a taIlspIn. Thats what we InherIted. It was paralyzed because the former presIdent dId nothIng. RepublIcans argue thIs admInIstratIon should have just done nothIng. The nearly'>2 TrIllIon amerIcan'>Rescue Plan In 2021 boosted InflatIon. PrIces are 20 hIgher than In 2021. Gop members on the'>JoInt EconomIc CommIttee say'>InflatIon And Consumer prIces In key'>SwIng States are largely more than the natIonal average except pennsylvanIa. Other republIcans are also hIghlIghtIng how much more amerIcans are payIng than they were just a few years ago. ThIs admInIstratIon we have faced record InflatIon. As one of my frIends saId the most expensIve vehIcle the amerIcans drIve today Is theIr grocery cart. Democrats blame InflatIon on pandemIc dIsruptIons and global conflIcts. The'>2 TrIllIon'>SpendIng Plan avoIded a they poInt to rIsIng Incomes. Paychecks have outpaced InflatIon for the past year and a half. Democrats on the'>JoInt EconomIc CommIttee say wages and salarIes from'>January 21st to july of thIs year outpaced InflatIon by nearly 4500. The latest read on InflatIon comes from august. PrIces In august were

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