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jesse watters, and when she does a mike drop, it falls 2 inches. dana perino. "the five." ♪ ♪ mayorkas spinning like someone needs a talking point for tomorrow's cnn presidential debate. biden's dhs secretary at the border in arizona to do a victory lap of getting the record numbers down. but as always you can see through the b.s. just by opening your eyes, or by listening to the families whose loved ones a fallen victim to countless illegal immigrant criminals and those rapists and murderers aren't only the bad hombres coming in. cbs is reporting a guys from tajikistan were busted over plotting a terrorist attack and dhs fighting over 400 migrants brought here by a smuggling network link to isis. dozens of them are still unaccounted for, but mayorkas wants you to believe the vetting is aces. >> the safety and security of the american public is indeed our highest priority. we screen and fat individuals when we encounter them. >> the safety and security of the american people are our highest priority. we screen and vet individuals at the time of encounter. we screen and vet individuals at the border when we encounter them the different agencies and departments across the federal enterprise are working more cooperatively and more effectively and doing more robust screening and vetting than ever before. >> greg: which is scary. mayorkas isn't the only democrat acting callous over the border crisis. democrats don't seem to know about the 12-year-old girl murdered by two migrants in houston. >> can i ask you quickly about the 12-year-old girl in houston that was tortured? >> i don't even know who you are and i don't know who she is. i live in pittsburgh. >> these are horrible incidents, and i think anyone who conducts that kind of terrible act has to be prosecuted. undocumented immigrants commit far fewer crimes than anyone else. >> that is an awful -- since migrants often time, cording to the data, police departments, less likely to commit crimes than natural born citizen spirits because sometimes people slip through the cracks, and that is why we take a step back and look at the process. >> immigrants, legal or illegal, commit crimes at a rate far lower than native-born americans. >> greg: dana, they always seem to pivot in that direction, rather than actually address the fact that these were preventable crimes. they go to the rate of crimes be a well, they happen at a much lower rate. but these actually wouldn't happen at all if you just instead of relied on local law enforcement to catch the people you didn't that come actually close the border appearance before it's like their empathy trackers get blocked off when they get into congress because they are so far away from it. i bet if you talk to the mayor of houston today, not a republican, they would say, yeah, this is a horrible, horrible situation. think about what even the governor of maryland, democrat, who dealt with at situation last week, rachel morin, hearse between two and murder. building america's future, conservative organization, put up an ad today that will run i believe tomorrow night on the debate or at least surrounding it and it is called, basically says that biden's immigration policies are a nightmare for women. and it's a minute long ad and it goes through all of it. so mayorkas is trying to do something, soften up the ground for joe biden or provide him some air cover tomorrow because when immigration comes up in a debate, president trump knows and he is sitting on like a 21% advantage over biden on the immigration policies, and they put mayorkas out there and he is like baghdad bob saying everything is fine. and i really feel for the local law enforcement and our intel officials -- and the fbi -- because the pressure they are already under with the americans that are here, let alone the illegal migrants that come across, and what you are talking about with the 400, those are known people who are here. the number of got-aways in the country, years have to assume that some of them are probably from a place that has terrorist ties, and i think you are going to see a lot more of this. i think biden, when all of this is said and done, when the history books are written about this election, there is just no doubt that this issue is going to be the one where you say you can actually see a direct cause and effect from a policy to the problems it has caused in america. >> greg: you know, jesse, the strategy to downplay based on the fact that not all of the illegals are murdering. and also, it's like, not all women and girls in america are being murdered. they only play the numbers game. they don't actually play the actual -- address the actual crime. >> jesse: i will play a numbers game with you. >> greg: please do. >> jesse: let's say you were caught committing a murder appeared >> greg: okay p >> jesse: hillary vaughn came up to me, any comment on greg gy homicide? and i said, you know, whites do as a percentage of the population commit less homicides than african americans. what? you just slaughtered a whole family with a knife, gutfeld. that is not the time to make those kind of comparisons. don't get any ideas. i am reading a book. >> greg: that is more unbelievable than the example you gave the arts be what it's called "don't sweat the small stuff," you should read it, jeanine pirro you, too, greg. one other thing it tells you to do is put yourself and other people's position, some thing i don't usually do. try to imagine what it is like being mayorkas. his job is to spin -- this job is not really to tell you the truth. his job is to defend biden. and as a defender of joe biden, he is doing a great job. look at the numbers, not only ready book, i did rese research. every spring, the numbers go down. but it's not like this all of a sudden happened because of a stupid executive order. every spring it happens. that is like in the fall me saying i just called the planet. no, it is hot in august and then it gets cooler. it happens every year. not only that, he is doing these little apps where you have to make an appointment to break into the country and he is not counting all of the people that are going to the points of entry, and he is not counting the people he is flying in on planes, so that is how they are juicing the numbers. greg, we are missing isis people in america. just hanging out. where is isis. and he is saying that is not true? how can you just have missing isis guys and say that is bad reporting? if trump was missing isis, that would be a major scandal, major. >> greg: exactly. by the way, that's a little islamophobic. >> jesse: tajikistan? are they muslim there? >> greg: i think so. >> jesse: you would assume that, wouldn't you? >> greg: judge, they say there is no imminent threat because of these 400 illegals coming in. >> judge jeanine: i love it. >> greg: judge that. >> judge jeanine: i love it. they identify 400 who are potentially isis connected. they rounded up 150 of them. 50 they have no idea where they are, but mayorkas' response, we screened them and yvette them at the time we encounter them with such pride, i might add, and we proceed with extreme caution but there is "no evidence that these individuals are planning to harm anybody. are you stupid? the guys who distr orchestratedd created all of the destruction on 9/11 didn't do it them day they came in. they were here for many months preparing to do 9/11. and then he said, quote, it is a very small number. well, that's all it takes. look at 9/11. a very small number appeared and then he says, and we have definitely decreased the encounters in the united states. and the truth is somebody said to him from msnbc, if it was so easy to do, why didn't you do it a year and a half ago? you know what his answer was? we didn't need to, we had title 42 and the border was secure. well, then tell me, how did 7 million people get into the country? this is -- this is very sad. it is pathetic. it is our government not protecting american citizens. and what this guy is doing is he is creating what 51 intel agents did for joe biden. creating the ability to say, as a result of my executive order, which i didn't have to do until just a couple months ago, encounters are down and we have identified people who are concerning to us, and you don't have to worry. this guy today should have been apologizing to the american people. he should have been apologizing to the family of rachel morin, jocelyn nungaray, the 13-year-old in queens. he should have said, i'm sorry, we missed it. we only have to be wrong one time, and we did not serve you well. he should be apologizing and not so damn arrogant. >> greg: kennedy, i have a rule. would you like to hear it? >> kennedy: i love your rules. >> greg: 170 tries to gaslight you when you are alone, you will question your sanity, but when o gaslighted much of people, you have to question their sanity p had >> kennedy: that's all mayorkas does bear guy am shocked he still has a j. as the chief of dhs, he shouldn't be spinning, he should be protecting the homeland. that is what the position was created for post-9/11, and he is doing a really bad job of it. i don't trust the vetting process, i really don't. if you had different law enforcement agencies saying different things about the same problem, that means that either one of them is so politicized, they are completely in denial, or they are not talking to each other, and we all know that 9/11 happened because there was a failure in communication among federal law enforcement. and the whole point of restructuring the government, at least from that aspect, was to make sure that never happens again, but when mayorkas says, yeah, we have this magical vetting process, well, your vetting process is garbage p or quit is absolutely horrible. it is also offensive because it is kind of like, to your point, victim blaming. if it wasn't these people who murdered a 13-year-old or a mother of five, or a young promising college student, would they still be alive? you know, under mayorkas' logic, no, something else would have befallen them, and that's probably their fault, because it is certainly not ours. and so jerry nadler, when he talks about -- and pramila jayapal -- they talked, yes, it's true, statistically, immigrants in this country do commit fewer crimes because it means something for them to be here. so travelers also commit very few crimes p are under that logic, we should probably disband the tsa because we don't need it. people who are flying are by and large statistically speaking very, very safe. so we shouldn't have the tsa at all because we don't need it. the statistics are our guide. >> greg: brilliant point from kennedy. you are in the lead right now, but we have another game coming up at the break. coming up for joe biden's army of 16 advisors are working on a special tactic to throw trump off the cnn presidential debate. ♪ ♪ i was born with a fire inside. but psoriasis doused my flame. until i got clearer skin with bimzelx. most people got 100% clear skin. some after the first dose. 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"if trump is more sedated than incensed, the goal for biden will be to elicit what his aides see as the true trump." let's hope for joe's sake that he can remember the put-downs. brain freeze is on thin ice and charlamagne tha god thinks if the debate goes south, it could be joe's last stand. >> if he does flop so hard that even the media can't deny it, should they pull him? >> i would say yes. the reason i would say yes is because you know the base is going to show up, but it's about those independents pi think he would probably have no choice, you know, but to pull them if you really truly care about democracy. >> jesse: so as a little extra insurance to make sure joe doesn't fail, "the new york times" will be ruling out a small army of fact-checkers, 29 in total, 29, to spin biden gaffes and attack trump p rear going to you first, kennedy, since you are in the lead for great points. what do you think of the 29 fact-checkers, with the trigger warning we are getting? >> kennedy: i think they should have 34 fact-checkers for every felony donald trump was convicted of. >> jesse: you are really running up the score. i don't think we can come back from that. >> kennedy: i think it is great. you should fill joe biden's had with as many nuggets as you can because if that is what he is doing during the debate, he is not even thinking about his record. he has to spend a week preparing for this and the best he's got is trump "your mama" jokes? they are setting him up for failure. they don't know what to do with this guy. someone today on x asked why is the obama campaign, why are they the ones consulting with the biden campaign? because they actually had a popular president. who kind of had a feel for politics. these people have no idea what they are doing, and they have lost track of what are supposed to be his positives here. at this point, he has all deficits, and the reason they're having the debate now and not closer to the general election is because they want people to forget the results. >> jesse: so, jeanine, joe is going to be an insult comedian tomorrow night. do you think that is going to work? >> judge jeanine: it will be interesting. he is supposed to be the adult in the room. he is supposed to sound presidential and yet he has to take all of these cheap shots? he has to try to poke the bear and say all of these crazy stuff because he thinks he is going to be able to trigger donald trump, and the amazing part of it is i'm not sure that joe can tell if he is triggering donald trump or not. i don't know if joe can keep in his mind that if he says of this, i say that, or if he says that, do i say this? i'm not quite sure. that is what is crazy about all of this. the guy does the job as president. what do you have to prepare for? you have been doing it every day for the last three and half years. you have to go into an airport hangar and hang with a bunch of people and eat lasagna? what is the point of all of this. donald trump knows that joe biden is going to try to push his buttons. donald trump knows that he is waiting for him to respond. he knows the facts are on his side and all he has to do is turn around and say to joe, you are the reason the economy is in the tank. you are a reason there is a war in the middle east. when i was president, there was peace in the middle east, gas prices were down, inflation was basically nothing, and let's hope that trump's people have at least 15 people to check joe biden, who says that inflation was 9% when he became the president. so what i think is interesting, though, is that nate silver now says that this presidential race is no longer a toss-up. and so what these candidates have to do is they don't have to speak to their base. so when you see donald trump at a rally, that's his base. he gets energy from them, and they get energy from him. he is not going to be speaking to those people tomorrow night. he is going to be speaking to the nikki haley people. he is going to be speaking to the uncommitted voters. so i don't think they are going to be able to trigger donald trump. >> jesse: dana p? >> dana: to keep a couple things in mind, first of all, i said yesterday it was weird they were giving so much detail about it. when you have this many people who are involved in the prep, 16 plus each person has an aide, at a researcher, right, so now your circle is getting bigger and bigger, then you have weeks like this. i don't know if it was a strategy to tell the press biden is going to try to trigger trump but also did we need to know that because isn't that what you try to do in every debate? that's kind of the point of debating. you would know that better than anybody. the other thing to keep in mind as president trump has advantages that biden doesn't happen vice versa. president trump is higher on the ability to do the job, stamina. improvements on the economy, because people remember what it was like. competence and national security. joe biden has that he cares about things that i care about, although that number has slipped, and protecting rights, even though on a more recent poll, thick it was the npr poll, protecting democracy, that actu, so there is a lot they can play with here. the last thing i would say is the biden team keeps saying something snapped in trump when he lost in 2020. biden has been saying this privately amongst his folks and that private fundraisers, and he believes that. but you have seen in the last several months, president trump is a disciplined candidate. he wants to win, he is engaged, he is energetic, he is actually having fun. and the people at his campaign rallies are having fun in the meantime, biden is saying voters have amnesia. that they don't member how bad it was under president trump. once again, you are questioning what people are seeing with their own eyes when it comes to immigration and what they are feeling in their own pocketbooks when they go to pay for things. >> jesse: biden has amnesia. that's who has amnesia, greg. >> greg: voters wish they could have amnesia and forget the last four years, jesse. >> jesse: would you like to continue in your all-black ensemble? >> greg: i look like a bouncer at a little person's strip club. i am still amazed at the amount of effort that is being devoted to prepping for a 90-minute debate that is in a controlled, sterilized environment, with one man. it is like biden is clary's having dinner with hannibal lector, and they've got trump in a case know my cage, his arm strapped down and a straitjacket and she is coming in with an armed entourage in case he wants to bite her ear off. anyway, 29 fact-checkers. at least they can rest when joe is talking to you this is a lesson about democrats. they only work hard when it comes to preserving their power. if they -- look at their jaden nonresponse to the immigration just now. if they just focused 10% of all of this energy for the debate on the border or crime or homelessness or drug addiction, we would be in a better place. there would be more people alive, that's for sure. this speaks to biden's huge flaw: no reciprocation. the cynicism that even the democrats are talking about among the biden voting bloc is they support him despite no reciprocity. the difference between biden and trump, trump, if you vote for him, he will make promises and he will try to full them, might not get them all done, but at least he tries because that is in the genetic makeup of a sales man. but biden, he hasn't delivered on a single promise, even to the people who voted for him. unity? that didn't happen. return to normalcy? that didn't happen. any kind of crime, immigration, we went through all of that. biden is like a company. the white house is like a company that flood your inbox with special days and special months and here is what is in the cafeteria today. here is a charity fun run. all of these nice things. and yet there are pay freezes. there are layoffs. you are not going to get a raise this year. but they want you to feel like you are part of a family. this company as a family. while they screw you every which way. >> jesse: fox is not like that. >> greg: not at all! no drag queen virtue meeting this month at fox sports. >> jesse: we will have a strip club for little people. let us know where that is. and let the tall people in. >> greg: yes. >> jesse: coming up, he has pulled his last fire alarm. >> we are going to show [bleep] aipac the power of the [bleep] south bronx. >> jesse: does your ball moment getting squashed at the ballot box mean bad news for the rest of the squad? ♪ ♪ with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles to help me out. splurgy tina loves a hotel near rodeo drive. oh tina! wild tina booked a farm stay to ride this horse. glenn close?! with millions of possibilities you can book whoever you want to be. that's my line! booking.yeah ♪ ♪ >> dana: it's the incredibly shrinking squad. far left congressman jamaal bowman suffering a double-digit loss against his house democratic primary challenger george latimer. it's an alarming defeat for the group of far left lawmakers -- excuse me might not be the last squad member to go down. the scandal-plate congressman held a last-minute campaign rally with heavyweights like aoc and bernie sanders. that was not enough to win over voters and bowman is not taking the loss well. >> we should not be well-adjusted to a sick society. we should be outraged. we should be outraged when a super pac of dark money can spend $20 million to brainwash people into believing something that isn't true. unfortunately, some so-called democrats are aligning themselves with radical, racist, right-wing republicans. >> dana: so he cannot find it to say he did anything that led to this. it had to be, you know -- >> greg: once a victim, always a victim. last week, bowman shouted "we are going to show them who the f we are." last night voters found out who the f he is, a loser. [laughs] i enjoy this. i have to admit. but a lot of progressivism is losing. and there is a reason for this. if you look at the streets, the homelessness, mental illness, people are sick of crime, illegal immigrants streaming into our cities, you know, activists targeting kids with gender affirmation surgery. thanks to bowman, you have mask activists targeting jews on subways, synagogues, so all of this is a package deal. i think democrats, primarily jewish democrats come have figured out progressivism isn't just anti-trump, it's anti-you. right? this is the beginning democrats are starting to see that this is not a good match, and they are coughing up these fascist verbals, pretending to be so-called reformers, when they are actually making society far worse, much like jesse. >> dana: well? >> jesse: didn't even hear what he said. >> dana: the other thing is, a lot of people in his district he was a buffoon. >> jesse: yeah, and that is your district. you are one of those people, judge jeanine, so congratulations -- >> judge jeanine: thank you. i will take credit. >> jesse: he is a lot better than bowman. aoc lost, too. she put a lot of political capital into that rally. that was a humiliating rally. she is never going to live that down. the running and jumping and hip-hop, not a good look for her. it is going to cost her. it's good to have radicals on both sides. we have radicals. there is find people on both sides. >> greg: she would be a great sob, he would be a great sub for joy reid when she takes a mental health break. >> jesse: going to be on msnbc tomorrow night. it is not just radicalism that lost be of anti-semitism loss. he wasn't just pro-palestinian. he obviously did not like the jewish people, and he is right, not a jewish money poured into the race, but the jewish money didn't brainwash people. the jewish money just amplified this guys anti-semitism and said it is disgusting, and everybody in the district agreed. and cori bush has a problem, too. she is not a dead heat with some guy down there because of her anti-semitism, so you could lose two squad -- squadrons -- squad members -- and i think that is best for the country. >> dana: what was the feeling of the district, judge? >> judge jeanine: bowman, he didn't understand his constituency, or his constituents. you have, in westchester county, it is a very small part of the bronx, a very affluent suburban community. iran in the the whole of westchester county whenever i ran for d.a. and judge. he is a democrat county, primarily. george latimer is a well-respected individual. i worked with him when he was on the county board of legislators. he is the county executive now. this guy, bowman, was a guy who was a hater, and he was negative, and he was someone who was convicted of pulling the fire alarm, censured for doing it, he opposed the resolution in congress that was, i guess, thee house resolution opposing hamas. and he denied that there were rapes and there were murders committed on october 7th. everything he did was inconsistent with the group he was representing. and i think, along with who he is, he never called latimer last night. every politician concedes he didn't concede. he is a classless individual. he tried to make it about class. it was about decency. it wasn't about class. he can blame ipad, american israel pack, all he wants, but aipac didn't do what he did. aipac didn't support hamas. aipac didn't try to destroy the jewish people the way bowman did. he called them people committing genocide. that's not who they are. >> dana: aipac didn't pull the fire alarm, either. kennedy, if that is what it takes to get democrats to talk about money and dark money, imagine what jamaal bowman will thick when he realizes arabella advisors alone will likely spend close to $2 billion this cycle on their behalf. >> kennedy: oh, absolutely, and he will have a lot to talk about with cori bush because i think she is go into loser primary, as well. she is already underwater in misery to a county prosecutor there in st. louis, and it is because progressivism, to borrog earlier, it is gaslighting, that is all it is. they create problems and then they blame you for them. you know, gavin newsom, he has built this aspect of his political career of creating massive problems for californians which is a one-party state and then blaming republicans for it. aggressivism is the very worst aspect of leftism and it is very anti-freedom be at we were sold that bill of goods during the george floyd riots. which ushered in an entire new generation of ultraleft politicians who have destroyed the cities they were interested in. seattle finally got rid of their progressive d.a., mike schmidt. i'm glad he was voted out of office. they recalled chesa boudin in northern california. they almost did with george gascon. just you wait. this is just the tip of the iceberg. this is the beginning of a reset toward freedom because progressivism, it is antifreedom. it is very authoritarian, and i am glad they are finally tasting this sick medicine that they have been feeding us two years now. >> jesse: the great third-base man from the phillies is also a prosecutor? >> kennedy: that's right beards be one that guy can do everything. >> dana: coming up, the eight most damning words you can ask a biden official: have you been to the grocery store lately? ♪ ♪ you know, when i take the bike out like this, all my stresses just melt away. i hear that. this bad boy can fix anything. yep, tough day at work, nice cruise will sort you right out. when i'm riding, i'm not even thinking about my painful cavity. well, you shouldn't ignore that. and every time i get stressed about having to pay my bills, i just hop on the bike, man. oh, come on, man, you got to pay your bills. you don't have to worry about anything when you're protected by america's number-one motorcycle insurer. well, you definitely do. those things aren't related, so... ah, yee! oh, that is a vibrating pain. good morning, georgia. we're so happy to be in this great state and be with all of you today. making history, showing the united states and the world how to properly care for our heroes who cared for us we're here to break ground on our newest veterans village. it■ll house ninety of our heroes it is in a state of dilapidation. and we are going to be performing a full renovation of this property in houston, we're able to treat them one on one, and i think that's the real breakthrough that tunnel to towers has made. we treat the veteran as they are where they are. each of these units is an efficiency apartment. it has their own kitchenette with a cooktop, microwave, full size refrigerator and their own bathroom. it's their home. many people believe that we■ll be building shelters. we don't build shelters. if frank siller won't stay there or our donors wouldn't stay there, we're not putting anybody else there. we have financial training we have job placement, interviews. everything that they need to get back on their feet and return, if they can to the community. we■re here to help them do that. the idea here is that this is not a handout. it's a hand up. so the more support we that we recieve, the more we can support our veterans. well, once you become member of the tunnel to towers family, you're in it. after our groundbreaking, similar to this project we've got projects coming up in denver, colorado. all the way up to buffalo, new york, and extending out to las vegas. the second prong of our program, is our national case management network. anywhere in the united states where a veteran or their family are experiencing homelessness. we provide them with direct financial assistance so we're able to help veterans in real time if there's a veteran at need or at risk, you simply contact us either through our telephone number at our headquarters, or through we are dedicated 100% to eradicating veteran homelessness in the united states. we will not leave our veterans unsupported. we will not give up until no one is left behind. we've always loved taking care of our home. but last year, grandpa here broke his arm. we realized some home maintenance jobs aren't worth the risk. that's when we called leaffilter to protect our gutters. leaffilter's patented filter technology keeps debris out of your gutters for good. they gave us a free inspection and we had the system installed that week. my only regret is not calling them sooner. now we can focus on what we really enjoy. join millions of satisfied homeowners. call 833 leaffilter today or visit this is remington. ...he's a member of the family, for sure. we always fed them kibble— it just seemed like the thing to do. but ...he was getting picky we heard about the farmer's dog... and it was a complete transformation. his coat was so soft, he had amazing energy. he was a completely different dog. it's a no-brainer that (remi) should have the most nutritious and delicious food possible. i'm investing in my dog's health and happiness. (♪) (♪) sandals rhythm and blues caribbean sale is now on. visit or call 1-800-sandals. ♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: the most painfully out of touch administration in history strikes again. joe biden's millionaire treasury secretary janet yellen has no clue how joe biden's economic policies are hammering americans bank accounts. check out her shockingly tone-deaf answer whe have you be grocery store lately? it sticker shock, isn't it? >> i think largely cost increases including labor cost increases that firms, grocery firms have experienced, although there may be some increases in margins. >> judge jeanine: and while yellen can't answer basic questions, the media has a new 51 former intelligence official-style phony narrative to sway the election this year axios' pumping out this garbage headline that reads "16 nobel economist ca trump trump inflation bomb." wow. i've got to tell you, jesse, 16. does that like equal 51 and a different year? >> jesse: what are the chances the 16 may be donated to biden before? i think there is a pretty good chance of that. this is what they do before the debate. you said it also earlier with the dhs secretary, they are going to make an announcement, biden is going to sign it, and cnn is going to not fact-check stores next to janet yellen's house to ask if they have ever seen her step in. no one has ever seen her before. i also asked her if grocery prices are up the last couple of years, they all said yes. she is a foodie. loves to eat. not calling her fat. fine taste in food. articles written about it. she went to north carolina, a lot of press. we called them. hamburger steak for years ago cost $8.99, today $13.99. she goes to these places to eat whenever asks how much prices have gone up. i don't know what she's doing out there, but it has nothing to do with inflation or guy think is transitory. >> judge jeanine: and you know what? she is the one who said inflation was transitory. that's why you can't believe her. >> jesse: that's why i said it. [laughter] >> judge jeanine: the fact that potatoes are up 25%. milk is up 35%. it's crazy. how could she not realize that and empathize with the american public? >> dana: it's weird because a couple weeks ago they started going on the empathy route and they would say, we understand, absolutely, it makes sense, and then they go right back to their statistics to say migrants don't commit crimes as much as others, and actually, actually, no, prices aren't up. that number in north carolina is a mirror of the cheesesteak guy in philly who said he used to charge $8 under trump and now he is charging $14. that is something people see every day. plus the other thing is they have to realize that the american people have understood that biden's green energy policies have led to the inflation that they are all feeling today and we found out today the ap reported that that spending that drove up inflation all went back into the pockets of the democrats. so, for example, investors called -- a company called first solar, gave the biden campaign millions in 2020. they get rewarded with subsidies that will be worth as much as $10 billion. one of their top shareholders literally became a billionaire due to that. and all of this is happening while grocery prices for everyday americans, the cost of everything that is up, gas, everything that you need to buy home insurance, car insurance, the essentials that make life possible, all of those things are up, while those monies are getting put into the pockets of donors. >> judge jeanine: you know, greg, wouldn't it be satisfying if the democrats came out, instead of saying, you know, bidenomics is working and you just can't see it, you know what, we feel your pain, we understand that these prices are astronomical. wouldn't that bring us together? >> greg: yes, absolutely. can you put janet up there again for me? if janet yellen really -- could -- wanted to explain inflation, she could just point to her hair and say, look, i'm obviously having to cut it myself. i find her adorable. she looks like the type of woman that would have pie cooling on the windowsill and have a bouquet of aromatic soaps in the powder room. but she is also an economist, and how do you know that? she said inflation reflects an increase in costs. that's why she's a millionaire. meanwhile, how did biden explain inflation? he blamed greedy corporations. so we can make fun of her but she is not the villain here. biden actually said it was greedy corporations who were hiking up prices. this is a man who knows nothing. nothing about economics. she actually undermined him because she said things cost more because under joe biden things cost more. what are you going to do? >> judge jeanine: so who is the villain? >> kennedy: i think she is part of the establishment. i ask i don't think she is transitory. jerome powell, when you said that, they should both be removed from their post because they are doing such an incredible disservice to the country. she should at least be honest be a cry go to the grocery store every week like miss daisy and i write in the back of the car and i don't care because i am so rich. if she pivoted and set i want to be rich too, people might gravitate toward her and believe what she has to say where she can be honest and say, you know what, the economy has not recovered evenly. there are parts of the economy that are more expensive than we are doing our best to work on things like the price of rice and flour and cookies and things you enjoy -- >> judge jeanine: potatoes. >> kennedy: the price of rent and homeowners insurance, it has gone up for people lucky enough to own a home right now, but for an entire generation, because it hthe fed has been grossly mishandled by her and jerome powell. >> judge jeanine: coming up, climate change wackos have a new target: gassy house. ♪ ♪ life, diabetes, there's no slowing down. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day. there's news, and there's good news. like thousands of patients receiving free life changing surgeries, from volunteer doctors and nurses on hospital ships. all made possible by donations. we love good news. ♪we can secure our world.♪ ♪watch out for offers too good to be true.♪ that's phishing! ♪someone's trying to take advantage of you.♪ learn more at ♪that's how we can secure our world!♪ ♪we can secure our world.♪ ♪don't just use a password alone.♪ ♪mfa sends a call, a text or a code to your phone.♪ learn more at ♪that's how we can secure our world!♪ ♪ ♪ >> kennedy: hello there and welcome back. will charging the breeze save the trees? global warming crazies in denmark are about to slap farmers with a fart tax on their gassy cows and pigs to cut down on greenhouse gas emissions. so, jesse, we all know about carbon capture. why not methane capture? why haven't they figured out some sort of a bag you can attach, humanely, to some of these bovine species that will allow humans to capture the methane and power our great cities? >> jesse: i think the word you are looking for a "the story" bag, is that what you are talking about fart bag, is that what you're talking talking about? can i see you do the slap tax thing, was that's was to be the cheeks of the cow or the farmer? not the farmer? okay p or con going to seed the rest of my time to greg. i think he knows where this is going. >> kennedy: the dames are famous for cheese, entire economy rests on the cheese industry, which is made from cow's milk. you are going to decimate -- >> greg: governmental tax anything. my question is are all farts taxed equally or are the top ten of farters taxed and people whose between three less -- and what about the severity of the flatulence? should we tax more if they fart more? in an offshore account, they don't exist, i guess. >> kennedy: actually -- >> greg: i am for a tax. >> kennedy: this and other parts of the country and the world, is this going to fail in denmark or is it going to affect livestock owners in the united states? >> judge jeanine: the sad part is it is not just cows, it is cheap and pigs. i had pigs and i can tell you -- and i can tell you they are not as bad as cows, so i think it's going to fail in denmark. >> kennedy: and they do hate our freedom. earlier this year the farmers in denmark and across year are up retaliated and said we are not going to take it anymore so we laugh about what s happening up there. jeez, yes, but guess what they have, ozempic? that's going to be how they power the economy and the world. green new deal, this was in aoc's plan and we laughed and laughed about it but now they're trying to do it to our farmers and ranchers here today and it is absolutely ridiculous. if you say anything about climate, you think the gas prices and food prices are high now, wait until they do this year. >> kennedy: absolutely, fight against it. don't let this happen. they want to tax meat out of existence. >> judge jeanine: it's all about control. >> kennedy: "one more thing" is up next. stay with us. ♪ ♪ customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with all the money i saved i thought i'd buy stilts. hi honey. ahhh...ooh. look, no line at the hot dog stand. yes! only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty.♪ (vo) you were diagnosed with thyroid eye disease a long time ago. and year after year, you weathered the storm and just lived with the damage that was left behind. but even after all this time your thyroid eye disease could still change. restoration is still possible. learn how you could give your eyes a fresh start at all—new subway wraps are packed with delicious ingredients in a pillowy lavash wrap. finally a refreshing lunch that tastes deli— perfect for pro athletes like me, right? can i finish? try all—new wraps from subway today. ♪ ♪ >> greg: time now for "one more thing." judge? >> judge jeanine: all right. it's time for judge jeanine's sweet tooth. i have got to change that music. today is national chocolate pudding day. to celebrate i got us all some pudding in new york -- fun fact pudding in print for the first time back in 1730. and also, i am guest hosting "the ingraham angle" tonight at 7:00 p.m. don't miss it. >> greg: all right. oh, it's me. tonight emily wilson. joe devito. timpf and tyrus gutfeld 10:00 p.m. let's go to you, jesse what do you have tonight that we can ignore. >> jesse: tonight kevin mccarthy, madison alworth. i spoke at the associated builders and contractors legislative breakfast in washington, d.c. for the upcoming election. they were kind enougto prent me with an abc merit champion award. wow, how generous and thoughtful. >> greg: you are insane. >> jesse: so proud. >> greg: this is the greatest uncle story of all. jesse. >> jesse: don't say it. [laughter] >> greg: that's it. hi, bret. >> bret: so basically greg, jesse has to get an award every time he speaks. >> greg: yes. you called it. >> bret: i just wanted to finish th

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Donors , Training , Ll Be Building Shelters , Frank Siller , Veterans , More , Hand Up , Handout , Support , Return , Feet , New York , Groundbreaking , Project , Projects , Buffalo , Colorado , Denver , Las Vegas , Anywhere , Program , Prong , Assistance , Need , Case Management Network , Risk , Telephone Number , Headquarters , Call 833 Leaffilter , Jobs Aren T Worth , Gutters , Care , Homeowners , Good , System , Inspection , Regret , Debris , Filter Technology , Farmer , Dog , Transformation , Remington , 833 , Food , No Brainer , Health , Coat , Happiness , Nutritious , Remi , Rhythm And Blues Caribbean Sale , Sandals , Visit Sandals Com , 1 , 800 , 1 800 Sandals , Janet Yellen , Policies , Painfully , Administration , Clue , Grocery Store , It Sticker Shock , Bank Accounts , Increases , Labor Cost , Firms , Grocery Firms , Margins , Narrative , Questions , Garbage Headline , Axios , Chances , Nobel Economist , Ca Trump Inflation Bomb , Chance , Announcement , 16 May , Grocery Prices , Foodie , House , Stores , No One , Loves , Fat , Fine Taste , Articles , Hamburger Steak , North Carolina , 3 99 , 13 99 , 99 , 8 99 , Prices , Think , Places , Potatoes , Laughter , Milk , 25 , 35 , Empathy Route , Sense , Cheesesteak Guy In Philly , Others , Mirror , Prices Aren T Up , 4 , 14 , Led , Ap , Subsidies , Spending , Investors , Pockets , Campaign Millions , First Solar , 10 Billion , 0 Billion , Home Insurance , Car Insurance , Cost , Gas , Shareholders , Billionaire Due , Monies , Essentials , Saying , Bidenomics , Say , Hair , Economist , Increase , Costs , Powder Room , Pie Cooling , Windowsill , Soaps , Woman , Bouquet , Villain , Corporations , Millionaire , Economics , Establishment , Disservice , Jerome Powell , Car , Set , Miss , Back , Cry , Daisy , Price , Cookies , Flour , Homeowners Insurance , Brent , Gassy House , Target , Climate Change Wackos , Diabetes , Glucerna , Blend , Blood Sugar Response , Help , Carbsteady , Donations , Surgeries , Doctors 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Emily Wilson , Timpf , Enougto Prent Me , Breakfast , Associated Builders And Contractors , Abc Merit Champion Award , Madison Alworth , Kevin Mccarthy , Washington D C , Don T Say It , Uncle , Wow , Award , Ith , Bret , Hi ,

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