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>> how about going to. hannity and by the way, i think it was setting your dv r is monday through friday nine eastern. so you never miss an episode ever, ever. and buckle up because we are in the homestretch and we are pickinn me g up speed. the 2024 election is 139 days away. 90 days until early voting begins in pennsylvania,d of course, followed by many other states andr states very ft presidential debate will take placidentiale in just nine days. now, of course, this is the thi earliest presidential debateentl in modern american presidential history, with speculation that the advanced state is maybe an insurance policy, ic the democratic party, just in case they're cognitively impaireddemocr, is incapable of performing or jacked upffeine joe or hyper caffeinated joe doesn't up. a a new candidate would still be able to be nominated at the cac. . stranger things have happened. what's democ the democrat's numr one goal? maintain power at all costs. and in recent weeks, biden performance, it has been tryond troubling, to say the least. it's so bad the white house and their willing accompliceoublingb of course, in the media mob, they have now just resortehave d to lying, falsely accusing the media conservatives, republicans creating cheap fake videos. that's the new favorite lie. and after today, i'm guessing we can expect more of the same . >> take a look. thanks to all the members of congress and homeland o thrity secretary and i'm not sure going to show the way. mayorkas joe. his name is mayorkas. i know that's a cheap fake video, right? anyway, biden was trying to announce his big amnesty ill plan for illegal immigrants, but his brain foulmigrants, a malfunction not well, not something that happens infrequently. this happens all the time. it's notpens it happ a deep fakp it's not taken out of context. it is not edited. it's typical. joe, you're president of our country, struggling mentally.tho we'll have a lot more on thisun coming up. but for now, let focusbi on biden's big announcement. and yet another desperate ploy ngle-han win joe has single handedly decidedd to give more than 500,000 illegal immigrants amnesty. they broke our laws.e they didn't respect our borders or our sovereigntyspec. they cut in line. and now biden is giving them a fast trackbide to citizenship. this amid a three year illegal immigration crisis where close to 11 million unvetted joe biden, illegal immigrants from around the world been flooding into our country. lord, of course, by the prospects of hopefully one day amnesty, nearly 180 countries, i including countrienclus with tef ties, are top geopolitical foes . but get this, today biden flat out lied again, claimet liedd that the border is secure, said this live for three years. the border is closed. the border is secure. they've lied in some twisteder fantasy. joe biden said he the border quote, he's secured it on his own. really? no. secure. and you screwed it up. take a look. but as president had to taked these actions. every nation must secure its bordertions. that simple. now, trump and the republicans publ working with me, and i would do it on my own. >> and i did. >> more illegal immigrants are pouring across our borderf than ever before. none of them are getting vetterl and according to one biden official, the administration is not even checking the criminal records of any illegal immigrant under 18. ordsand the way it's impossible to vet any illegal immigrant from a country that doesn't cooperate with the us. let't records see. >> russia, china, syria, iran, g venezuela. and i can go on and on. and to mak te what matters wors, many of these illegals have no documents or id at all.icatio no passports, no licensen s nothing. that's why we are seeing violent crimes committed by immigrants spiking. now, just this week in colorado, crime a man was kid after his car was hit by an out of control truck driven by an illegal criminal alien who had previously been deported. get this, 16 times. that's how easy it is to cross the border. meanwhilt is te, new york city, how tragic a 13 year old girl assaulted in an a public park in broad daylight. the suspect, a so-called illegal immigrant, or as they call the migrants from ecuador,c forcing this 13-year-old girl and her frienuadog a 14d ia a secluded area in the park, threatening them with a machet . and then he tied both of their wrists with shoelacers. saulti brutally assaulted one of the young girlng1 ofs. in 2022, a federal judge reportedly ordered the ofr this illegal immigrant from our country. but, of course amid the chaos of biden's border crisis, it never happened. rder crithey're too busy going donald trump for jaywalking. and that brings us another horrific case, the and murderde of a young mother from maryland. her name, joe, could young have mentioned her today, rachel moran. that's her name. just like you got. you know, it's not lincoln. riley. lincoln. riley got that wrong in the state of the union. no apology. now, the suspect unionapology l immigrant from el salvador, also suspected of killing another woman in his home country. why wan in hs he here? rachel moran's mother will join us in a moment. she told fox news that here daughter is more than a statistic. she's righ t. rachel was a mother of five,5 loved and needed. she should be alive today. how can the president of ouriden country ignore these crimes? and in the same week offerk of amnesty in the same week flat out, lie and tell the country and these families the borderf h is secure? how about calling these families and apologizingee . d how can he just look the other e way as more and more unvetted un illegal immigrants are pouring into our country? l im with isis terrorist ties caught last week. eight of them.rorist t joe biden has blood on his hands. more blood is unfortunately and very likely coming as a direct result of his insane policies. i pray i'm wrong, but i'm not. but today, according to joe. americans say they just don'tiot understand the situation at the border. that's what he's saying. take t your most secure the border and provide legal pathways to citizenship. ys deciswe have to acknowledge a patience and goodwill of the american people is beingtienodwn by their fears at the border. >> they don't understand a lot of iyhet or we don't understand. we're just not smart enough. biden repealed all of donald trump's border protections on day p, bragged about it, and then told us for three years the border was secureol and closed. he told illegal immigrants, come one, come all because he would surge resources to the border. and now he's lowerine he would n more illegals with the promise of amnesty. you stay here long enough. you get that the cherished american passport. meanwhile, american citizens, they're getting, they're getting killed. getraped anthey're getting robb. they're getting assaulted. some of these illegal immigrants are involved in this while the american people are shelling billions and billionspe of dollars on food and housing and educatiot billn and health e for so-called asylum seekers. d asylumand now he wants to stat granting asylum in mass. let's be clear. the american people, you know what's happening and you'rehorrf horrified. rightly so. take a look. ied and takso what we're seeingh more hawkish views on a legaline immigration in the american public at large, and perhaps not so ublic atingly surprisingly. look at this question, which comparestion 2020 and 2024 at tt point. all right. biden versus trump, immigration. august of 2020. look at this. biden biden was favored by seven points on immigration. look at where we are in may of 2024. donald trump is favored by 11 points. 1so what we're seeing is those more hawkish views on illegal immigration translating when american voters are looking at bidene wh versus trump on the issue of immigration, with trump being the beneficiarmmigratiy. >> now, despite the chaos and the violence in the polls, joe biden refuses to secure our borders. he doesn't even try. early this morning, our very own bill, malaysian witnessed yet another mass crossing. people from all over the world, including our top geopolitical foe china. malu jun reporting that hert hasn'tin the national guard at california's border with mexico months. now, thanks to biden, our borders have basically-all dissolved. the country is now in a free for all. anyway, here with more texasn governor greg abbott, he's been on the front lines of a lot of this. governor, i was down thereit's a at the border with you. it's amazing today in light of the crime specific crimes i mentioned this weetek, a of a 13-year-old, the and murderr of of a mother of five and all these other crimes. never mind of the the fentanyl and o and the opioid deaths that are occurring every dapiy in every state in this country. and for him to say that them border is secureto for him to nd offer basically amnesty, for him to say just the opposite of what's true to him, never reach out to the families. i mean, how can you beo yo that detached from reality? >> well, it seems like in's very detached from reality on a lot of different things. but you know, this, as youys pointe ws isd out, a woman would be alive today. a womaa 13 year old would be und today if not for nthe ope border policies of joe biden. and also, those aren'tolicies t the only harmed by people who have come across the border because of joely biden. but if it's possible to make things worse, he did it today by granting this amnesty. what that shows to the world is come to the border as quickly as you can because. it's possible that you, too, may be able to get amnesty. it's pso this is nothing more tn a magnet that will actually increase illegalgratio immigration. and know this also and that is what he did two weeks ago, what he did two weeks ago. that didn't stop aut a singleacs person from coming across the border. but last thing you know, this what biden did today is illegal, unconstitutional h. texas is going to take legal action and put a stop to i it. well, you've been having to go on your the hallway.ep o governor. and more importantly, every step of the way. wiu have been faced with lawsuits by the administration for tryinsuits bg to the laws that they e themselves should be enforcing. i was down there in eaglet pass with you and eagl, ent trump, and i the miles and miles of wire that that you put up there, that what stop 99% of illegalng9 immigration passing in the area . >> so in that area that you and president trump with me there were was at one time 5000d people crossing a day. noayw on there's only aboutonlya two people crossing a day and they are arrestee crosd by u texas department of public safety. also, just downstreay and m from where you had your show there in eagle pass, texas , now has our own military base, a national guard militarwey base that can house up to 2000 to sur national guard troops who are perpetually helping to secure the border. and lastlyrder, now, while illea immigration has actually gone up, contrary to what wel said earlier today, illegal immigration has gone up in new mexico, arizona and california. at the same time, however, it thicn texas by 74% because of the resistance that texas has put up. >> yeah. what is. what other options do you have if the federal government won't partner with you in enforcingou the law or if joe biden the l is flying people in directly orp joe biden is transporting illegal immigrants again, unvetted illegal immigrants from some of our top geopolitical foes, some countries with terrorist ties. you know. what other options do you havey availablhavee to. it's a question i've asked you before, but i don't really see other options except you. you take matters into your own hands at it at a deep costd to texas taxpayers. >> so the only thing we can do is take matters into our own hands, which is whats. texanshad typically do. so we have securedic portionsr e of the border, but it's more tha n 1200 miles long. and what the national guard is doing every single day is adding more border barrier. and we will continue to do that. to do that until we reduce illegal immigration by 100%. >> yeah. well, governor abbott, we appreciate being with us as you always. thank you for your time. tin to senseless act of violence at a maryland, a youn ag mother of five named rachel rachel moore and was murdered alongered along a popur hiking trail by an alleged perpetrator from el salvador who is also suspected of another murder in his home country. i mean, our deepest sympathiesye our prayers go out to rachel's entire family. anyway, we're joined nowo t ly r by mother patty moore is with us and family attorney randolph race. patty, i know i there are no wos words that i can offer you to comfort you and comfort your familu thy. how how are you holding up? how are the kids holding up?t >> i can't imagine very well. >> you know, it's been a very difficult time, obviouslyr al a very difficult time for all of us and then feeling hopeless at some points along the way these last ten months, not knowinnthsg if we would fino the suspect and then having it announced that a suspect was it just brought back all those emotions, you know, really deep emotions of pain and grief. and so it's like processing her death all over again. >> it's been really hard i. you know, i know you speak as a loving mother and and i did seer your comments earlier and you said something is truthful. dont and i don't really believe's it's political either. politand i believe that all ofs is preventable if. w we just enforce the laws at our border. and you pointee d out, becausety of homeland security and health and human services not doing jobs, and an agency is not doing anything to prevent this. otherwise, it couls otd you kno, these crimes can be prevented. does that make it harder? because that would make it harder for me. i thinharder bd k i speak as a e myself. yes. it's a senseless death. ess deati mean, who would expect 2000 miles from the southern border? somebody coming from another country coming into our small town and just randomly attacking someone and brutally murdering them? that's what? it's like we've opened our doors and you let a stranger into your it who does that? we're not. we're noo t protecting ourselve. we're not protecting our families. and i think that if they had left things in place and here i i am going, i promise i wouldn't be political. but ifwouldn'tal but had left ts in place, my daughter might still be here mye today. you? i don't know if you reallyw if go in political or ifre you really go on common sense, because those policies going wee working. you did say earlier that biden sure isn't trying to prevent crimes from happening. and he's the one welcoming illegal immigrants. th and look at the announcement today. nt todayi mean, he could have md your daughter's name. he could have mentioned thiss ne 13-year-old girl. he could have corrected the name lake king riley whens e he when he wrongly said lincoln. rile why, he could be looking at what what family, what families like yours are now suffering through. and he's not doing it. he talked about amnesty and he talked he told the americane amr that what she's been telling them for three years, the border is secure and the borders closedice fothe bo 11 mn illegal immigrants later. >> it is not trulion imme. >> and you know it's not true. and you're suffering because it's not true. >> worse, i'm suffering as a mother, but her children and now grandchild won't even know it's. >>s, yes, it's -- it's just it's just devastating. it's an unnecessary deatating ae innocent lives being taken innoy. a it's just it's unnecessary. yeah. you know, randolph reiss, let me ask you a questio>> sean and you're an attorney, and i hear you have a really great reputatione . o thank you for being on the show, sir. and know, please know my heartd breaks for this family. and. and i talk to lake and riley'sey family. and i don't know if you ever frcover something like this when if i were to go downr to the border and i would just pick up people at the border, and i wantk pep to transport, t them to other states. why do i think that i'di woul be guilty of human trafficking? how it that our government is doing that very thing and taking in people from countries with terror ties and our top geopolitical foes? how come that's not a legal issue that that has been won in court? >> well, because the rules don't apply to the politicians, unfortunatel rules dy. >> and, you know, this is, again, not a republican or democrat issueit's n is an amera american issue that they need to stop. they need to reset thie they nes because rachel morton's death wawas prevs. they could have stopped this by by stopping this individual who just a month before this had murdered a woman in el salvador. s hadand comes across the border and attacks women in losr angeles and comes 1800 miles and kills rachel. so this can be prevented. they need to stop everything there. reset reevaluate. they can have policies in place. that's fin poe. o be but we need to be able to see who's coming across this border and stop people like the bor. ld >> this suspect who killed rachel. how about we put politic does sy and we just say that if you want to enter our country, you enter legally. wet to enter th do a background check to make sure you don't have radical ties. op do a health check in a post-pandemic world and wet you have to show that you're not going to be a financial burden on the american youe pep then i don't really care where you come from. welcome to our country or part of our family. right. ma'am, i just can only say to you our deepest sympathies, our love and our deepe prayers u and your family. the best to your your grandchildren. i know they're going to needhanr you now more than ever. and, counselor, thank you for being with us as well.ciate appreciate your time tonight. thantonighk you. thank you. when we come back.t thank you, ma'am.wh e comeall right. when we come back, biden wasd almost incoherent at one point today while giving a speech. is the white house going to trsy and say that what we're about to show you and try and interpret fo you is r you i a cheap fake? because if they think it is, maybe they won'tk give them the opportunity to actually interpret it for us.ay the t and the white house will give them an opportunity. we're going to play the tape. peter doocy joins us and we have very sad news. just breaking legendary baseball player willie mays.s he has died at the age of 93. the hall of famer player. he played with the new york mets, the san francisco giants, the mets during his legendary career. i don't know. i grew up watching just knowing that this was one of the greatest players of all time. everybody that ever watcheth d any baseball knows that god will miss. there's a place in heaven for willie mays. great man, great player, great human being. wilayerwe'll. >> i try to put my arm around any event that i can. absolutely. at new day, ushe may wa. solut that's what we're doing. we put our arm around the veterans. i think of the veteran out theriofamiliese. eling. he needs to refi his home. he may want to purchase and we can help them. can help them. them and their families. >> it's a greae and tht feeling. everybody in the company,akes c they have that deference and that respect and that love foarr. >> the veteran that makes this company so unique. no one takes care of veterans like new day, usa. >> he, rico. help yourself, man. do dog food in the fridge. it's not dog food. it's fresh pet, real real veggies, real weird. and he was bad luck anyway. >> freshpet. it's not dog food. it's food. food. protect your family by life back now. >> thank you. dan, that was us over ten years ago now life back is responsible for saving over 2000 lives from choking. >> and the time it takes you to pick up the phone and call life could be saved. the life saved my life and one 2 seconds. protecting families has always been our mission. i'm sure you love your family like i love my daughter. does all a favor and get your own life back. now go to life fact dot net or eight, seven, seven. >> life back order. now this is the oldest ballpark in the country. host a hall of famers and the bambino, now home to the negro leagues. joe gibson, jackie robinson, and now the giants take on the cardinals in a celebration over a century in the making and they'll be at driftwood only on fox. i have a news shot, but it didn't quick with and is going to win lots of catch and they and make a splash because ball big big on the big of the big ball oh that quiz with on tuesdays on fox and watch anytime on hulu. jesse watters saying what most won't it's an election select yd and relax. >> ellipse does all the work for you. >> call now and order ellipse whether the media or, the whites house likes it or not, it is more and more obvious that joe biden is no that okay every time he makes a public appearance. pretty much something odd even a scary happens. today was no exception. you decideappensdecide. is >> thanks to all the members of congress and homeland security secretary, i'm not sure going to show the way now if karine jean-pierre is going to try and claim that the video overhey're video. need more evidence that something is not quite right with biden because this happens quite often. quite often. it's scary. he's the president, our country. they call it cheap fake videos. ca v. cide >> gina laws. she knows the laws as naive. our freedom can never be secured. quoting donald trump and a valuable lesson. don't mess with the minimum wage unless you want to get the benefits. >> groundbreaking asian-americans like vera wang b and and joan jing gang. i'm sure shanghai. >> cool koala. donald trump thinks health care is a privilege. >> barack and i think it's a right for people that bad care. >> i'll lead an effective strategy to mobilize children in an effort to pressure. now i have a challenge for the media and for the whit eve house. if they have a better way to interpret those words spelle to inteed those words, pe tell us we will put your interpretation out on the screen any way you like. how's that? to be faire . r th and remember, the white house used to admit to biden's mistakes. e to admitthey still do quietly. you know, they correct the official white house transcripts. they post them online. days later, back in april, they saiin aprd biden had made,, 148 mistakes so far this year and there's been plenty more since then,ther including a nine in one single speech in detroit. noe speechw, be clear about som. i did not make up biden's, sa saying that uncle buzzy was eaten by cannibals. it's not a cheap fake generated, edited video. ober that was the horror report of which we have a transcript. and they hav won't release the o to protect joe biden, where e he that he had memory. whether it said in the report he had memory issuesy. didn' didn't even know was i stillw if vice president in 2009 releaseda the tape. it's not a cheap fake videpeo. when biden lies about border security like he did todayn bi r the first three years of his administration. or inflationto transitory orat that i never met with my son,t my brother, or anybody forr abou that matter, about their farm th or border secure the borders closed and anyone you otherwise they're just flat out lying, especially leeberal our friend liberal joe over at msd and see. >> take a look. the republican account's circulating many of clips responded, claiming the videos are unedited and promisenedited to keep down the lie. and also just if something is unedited really want to anger is not showinging th the whole story of this. >> se o they lie about theirs lies. >> which of course you would expect liars to lie about their lies and the d exn we're talking about down there, they're lying about they're cheap, fake, they're not bad. >> the same liberal joe that lied and lied and lied and liedd about hunter's laptop in theto e weeks leading up to the 2020 election. onlet us bring it down.wn mem >> memory lane. take a trip. it's a lieorak. >> yeah, well, that's where we are in 2014. jesselyn just to let you know that they're still talking to russia. and by the way russian hoax. come on. to really show how history. history will expose you all as fools and useful idiots. >> the russians really don't tell speak so ill of yourself, s liberal joe. here now, fox news senioor white house correspondent peter doocy. peter, i understand where they are no with this. thi if i was them, i'd probablys if want to be defensivem as well. but these are real videos. we know that the president has significant cognitive issues. i think to to deny it is just flat out lying at this point. but what is this way of going al on offense? what do you think the strategy is her fence e? egy is >> the strategy is totally different now,differen sean, re after the her report was released, they decided they are going to start making jokes about misperceptions concerning ,president biden's ageag and acuity. they're not making jokes anymor e. there is no punch line. they are just saying if you see anything that calls intos question his age or acuity and it looks like he may itve lost step, it is fake. don't believe your eyes and ears. the medi'st believa is misrepreg things. but i see. because of my job, more of president biden than just about anybodthan jy. and there are less and less opportunities to do it. sos anss the that these things o magnified is because thisd he president who came out and said he was going to run for rua see he wouldbe fin be fine for another four years. and if anybody had any questionhes ths, just watch me e they give us fewer and fewer opportunity these to watch him and this thing from overe the weekend where they're at a fundraiser in los angeles and there's cell phone videofuna of barack obama tugging on the president's arm to get them to keep going off the stage. that is not manipulate isn't mab but it is just one angle from fo a cell phone. the campaign and the white house might solve this problem f they if they just let the presst in to shoot it. e precedhave more angles, have r quality video. but they are choosing they have a strategy where they want less and, less of the president out there. and there would be if there was more video there i peo where pen see, okay, 99% of the time that he is out there. this is not an issue then. it's not an issue. but yeah, these things need to be spotlighted, right. 148 corrections in terms of biden speaking to the american people is an awful lot. we have a list of all of biden xilai's and we're scrolling them. we've chronicled them. you can'm yot blame cheap fakee videos for any of that or the fact that joe mumble fs and bumbles and stumbles or you know is tripping and falling on the big boysstais stairs on air force one he looks frail. he looks cognitively like he's struggling. i think it was apparent with that moment with obama. i think it was apparent at the g7 last weeks appae g7 while het everybody else, all the other leaders stayed in one place. he decided to wander off and look at somethine wag. and the italian prime minister seemed to very gently walkemiseo over. come on, joe, come back over here with the rest of us. no w is that my interpretation? fair. fair enough. do you have a different interpretationr enough. we live in a free country,e in but the idea that they to claim that it's not reality is just not true. just flat out lying. last word. and by the way, congratulations on your big promotion, mr. doocy. >> we're very proud. thank you, sean. and what they're talking about would not be a cheap fake if somebody was manipulating the president's image was mae ae words that are coming out of his mouth, that would be very expensive, artificiale intelligence technology. we've been running the tapes all dagy we hous the white house says that they want more context adde mord and. they they want certain certain descriptions of eventsrtai addee but that doesn't maksnedeos the videos fake. yeah, good point. now, on these words that we put up on the screen that we have a hard time interpreting, what they are. if karine jean-pierre would like to interpret them for soe l the white house would like to respond. please let them know we will put like to t them their interpretan on the screen for america to see. to be fairscreen fmerica. and i have a list a lot longeran of other words that they can interpret as well and i'll be glat as weld to. t give them the full and complete list if they're willing to respondfull to this show. >> somehow i tend to doubt what they're going to say to me g room.oom ifn if i'd say, hey, i have sean hannity list for you, let's just work what page you want to start on. what are they going to say, peter? tell me. i can i can tell you during the break he wasn't nice to you on one occasion. i do remember that. and i know exactly what hecasioy said. and i would assume what he said to you. he thinks a lot worse of me. >> but you're a reporter and i am a host. very different positions anyway. you doing a great job. we'r you'r e very proud of you. peter doocy, thank you. all right. coming up, donald trump held ray a huge rally in wisconsin tonight. we'll play some of the highlights. alson night some of getting ready fo, relaxing weekend. we'll checingk in with kellyannh conway, ari fleischer right after the break. and is getting ready,y drinki drinking a lot of red bull fors the big debatemuch in nine days. we'll continue our. military has been infested by a woke revolution. the military, i think we grew up and you left your politics at the door. it's difficult to overstate the vision that is being sown into our military. >> it's about our sovereignty. it's about our liberty. it's about our constitution. these veterans are putting the record straight. pete hegseth hosts the war pete ♪egseth hosts the war on warriors streaming, now only on fox nation. if you're an active duty military or military veterancola sign up now and get your first year free. >> that call. -colog ask a p fouar getting screams from delay. and i heard i had a choice. >> i know the name. that's what i'm saying. that's what i'm saying. call the guard-you the. call the guard. cologuard screen for ard is a at.+ at >> home like you want you the man. actually, he's a box. sults ma >> cologuard is a one of a kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective ♪ i and noninvasive. it's for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk y . positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard . >> i did it my way. if you're about to replace your roof star, here's a solution that's a fraction of the cost. roof max guaranteed to extend the life of your roof up to 15 years at a fraction of the cost of a new roof. roof maxes, scientifically proven bio-oil restores flexibility and water to strengthen and extend the life of your roof. they applied the first treatment in fall of 2016, and many of our neighbors have had their roofs, but our roof has stood the test of time. so we're very thankful to. this is a 17-year-old asphalt shingle. it literally disintegrates. but here's an identical shingle that we treated with roof maxes proven formula. it passed rigorous flexibility testing from the ohio state university as a new shingle, 21 years old, and has seen some horrendous storms, unfortunately, come through here. and yet myra still looks like she got put on a few weeks ago. nine out of ten roofs can be saved by roof mats. and that's why roof max has treated nearly 200 million square feet of roofs all across america. we're america's number one rated roofer with over 8000 reviews. we were having high winds and shingles were blowing off the rails continually. but, you know, five years later, after the application, the roofs look great. a roof max roof could also pass a home inspection. if you're getting ready to sell or for insurance saving you money. so don't spend tens of thousands replacing your roof. restore it with roof backs for up to 80% less. it's done what it said it would do, and i will have this to say if he is satisfied with it. it is has to be good call or go online for a comprehensive leak. threat analysis and roof maintenance tuneup an $859 value free roof max proud partners with the dave thomas foundation for adoption. when you restore roof with roofp max, you help find a forever home forla a child waiting in foster care. >> we plan to offer retirement, but i wish we had more cas thei you think those two have any idea that they can sell their life insurance policy for cash? 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probably. they're going to need to goose him and juice him for him gon be able to stand there for 90 minutes withoutmi the assistancenute president obo or his wife or getting away with shaking hands with the airankly or, frankly, a teleprompter. we haven't seepter wn him much a without a teleprompter. and you know how donald trump is preparing for the debate. you just saw it in racine, wisconsin. you saw it in the south. y an you see it in wildwood injuries. you see it in west palm beac west palh. he goes and talks to the people about the record of accomplishments forears four years and then the vision for the next four. that's the best way to prepare. now, as for biden's agility acuity, ability and energy, that's going to be in question,t but think that cnn, which probably thinks it's doing a civic service by muting donald trump's mike is actually doing him a big favor. let's all have joe biden speak. i can't wait ari and sean,h to watch joe biden try to speak, let hitry m perform in front of feet away from the very imposing, intimidating donald trump. i don't care what the democrats say. let him mumble wha, stumble, bue and not be so humble with trump right there. hbut i hope trump will let himk speak. >> and by the way, i've been in the room for debateee prep fr donald trump in 2016 and 2020. he takes this very seriously. but his type of debate prepbu is just to talk about what you see him talking about, how he's going to reduce inflation, what to dtalking eso the border you know what donald trump you know why joe biden's going on vacation not to be privatyou e.bideacatio becaus he's going to vacation because here are his answers. mr. president biden, what is amer plat biden for insuring 26 million americans who are having a health care no abortion? what is your plan to fix the border and inflation? wh trump is bad. do you have a plan in the ukr middle east oraine in ukraine? >> january 6. that's going to be there's going to be three answers for everything. trump, trump, trump. january 6, abortion. >> mark my word.p an yeah, i completely agree. ard i look, they're going to hae one goal and i think it's going to be to off donaldt dona trumi it's going to be three on one. we know fake jake tapper a is liberal host. so as dana bash, i think trump is prepared for that. s isi thump is pi think kellyan. january 6, democracy in peril, abortion, anything other than the important issues that areth impacting america, the economy, immigratio n law and order, america's role in the world. joe abdicate america's role as the leader of the free world, surrendering in the war t on. i want to talk about any of those things. however, with alk tl that, i tht they want to off donald trump. and i think ifck he stays cool,y answers his questions and i think he wilwers as l prepared,h it will be fine. and i think that joe is going to have a hard time. >> sean, when i'm shocked this debate is even happening, i really am stunned that the appee house staff wants joe biden to appear on stage speaking extemporaneously, no telling, no assistance fromm anybody for an hour and a half. even if he's sittingr an, it's e a surprise. so the pressure on joe and bideo not flub, to not engage in some of those verbal mistakesd en that we have all seen ori' to forget something, if i'm the anchor, ife i'm jake tapper orio dana bash, the moderators, here's what i do, would pick up the her report. and i'd say he said that you don'yot remember the years you were vice president, mr. president, what years were m you vice president? adt it to make joe biden answer the facts, address the questions that herhe quest s said he didn't remember the year beau biden died. asked the president, what year d did your son die? this is what journalists dot jor based on government information that's hard hitting and factua d ,they press the politician in power. they should press joe bide n, everyo the american people. but white house is saying these are cheap fakes. the manegcheap fan is great hea. he can outrun the staff, put ita to the test. it is joe biden's biggest issue. it's what the american people wonder about the most. g how cognizant, how aware i is this man? this is what a debate should do. put it to the test. i'm cnt n. those are the questions that i would ask. my favorite lie that they tell, though, is joe biden gets more dont favoe in an hour thant americans get done in a whole day. i hai'm like, no, i don't think i believe that. or i have a hard time keeping up with them. i think circle back, jen psaki said that i'm like, really? then you're out of shape. anyway, thank you bothd . are and straight ahead tonight, the left using scare tactics in a lasticst ditch effort to wn over voters ahead of november. wait until you see what, they're saying now as we continue, this is what we call luxury from turquoise waters, you'll be engulfed in the world of indulgence and serenity. this is the back to the great outdoors. this is so exquisite. we are skiing. ski out for all of our music. okay, we're ready. this place is extraordinary at every turn. judge jeanine is taking you inside the world's finest accommodations. she was a lodge. see you later. life of luxury, new season streaming now only on fox nation. >> what would you do? you saw someone choke you like this man, you would the life back the you keep in your car for this very reason. i'm arthur, inventor of light pack, which is made right here in the usa just place. >> push and pull. it's that simple. yeah, buddy. life and removes instructions. saving a life like over a thousand lives already saved by life. back beat hero life. act now for your life saving device at eight, seven for yo, seven light back go to light fact dot net have you everrd hee thought of getting a walking tub for you or someone you love ? 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's pop >> as biden's popularity is continuing to plummet, the left, you're gettingul contin desperate and they're relying on scare tactics to win over voters. during a podcast interview monday, chrissy teigen actually reportedly said, she fears donald trump will, quote, come after her. and just last week, remember conspiracy theoris t rachel maddow saying she was worried about donald trump throwing her and other trump critics in a camp? today, maddow continued drama on an appearance on that hard hitting news show, the view,e along with spreading lies about biden's succesng lies. of course, joyless baker was there for all the action. >> you said recently that you thought that you, as ane outspoken critic, could be a target yourself. some people thin k that soundsthere overdramatic, but i'm right there with you. i think that he is swio vindictive that he will go after. however, he has do the irs a maybe or even submit to sponsors to get us off the air? >> maybe. oh, you. i think it's bad to have somebody saying give me as much powes asr as you can in this country so i can use it to go after other americans. >> and i don't think anybody's safe if that's the sorthe of basis on which he wants to geth yo more. number one. trump continues to outperform biden in key battleground states. is there a world in which democrats should have a backup wos should, joe? joe biden. i think the backup plan is run a better campaign. joe biden's record as ver a president is a very, very strong record.ic e mean we are we are the economicd envy of the world. right. econoesn't mean our economy is perfect, but literally we are the envy of the world. strong record. they're coming to take me away . oh, my.y now, of course, we can't forget about aoc saying she's worried n that donald trump is going to throw her in jail. here with the reactionharlie, fox news contributor charlie hurt, along with former white house aide to president trump. g stephen miller. charlie, i'm going to go to youw first. i don't even know what to say about this. the interestin whag thing is, ii you look let's see manafort, roger stonu looke. we could look at rudy giuliani. you can look at peter navarro. you can look at steve bannon. th it that they fearthey fea the lawfare and the weaponization of justice that they have used in going after trump? they can't even tell you what the charges still in new york or mar-a-lago $18 million, not what israel worth i is $1,000,000,000 is their fear that what they have done will come back to haunt them. they have one thing in their favor, though. tot themconservatives actually e in fidelity to the constitution. and unless you broke real laws,u not made up ones liket they they bring up with, they don't t believe in that. go after the real laws that i think might have been committed ,broken rather. yeah. no, it's also obvious and it's kind of it's kind of laughablebl to listen to them talk like this. and i thought it was particularlylistenk abou funny g to joe behar talk about using the the irirs go after political opponents. oh, you mean like what baracagae obama's irs admitted to doing during the obama administratioin ? look, i do think you do have sort of two camps. the ladies 2 cam of the views pe and chrissy teigen, they're genuinely stupidng o people. they have no idea what is going on. and i wouldn't be surprised if they don't sort of believe some of this stuff because they just have like i said, noe ,what they're talking about. but rachel maddow is a smart person. she's noy art. stupi she's been lying telling lies about this stuff, goinshe's gstf back all through the russia stuff. and so i do think it's a it's a different type of derangement syndrome from these who aree pep being led along by the stupid media. and then somebody like rachel maddolen byw who should w better. she knows what the truth is and she knows orknow bet at least se should know that she's lying. i don't know. the thing, but it's very peddled. she is peddled lies and conspiracy theories for years and years and years ononsc and russia, russia, russia, you know, look at all the lies told about about hunter biden's laptop in thntere weeks leadingc to the 2020 election. stephen miller, your tak your t what's so ludicrous about democrats attacking trump as some kind of threat to democracy is that president trump is literally running to save democracy, to save democracy from s joe biden'avs of censoring free speech to save democracy, dojng hunting, targeting, houndingnd and jailing of political dissidents in this country, of course, including o president trump himself a irs as charlie said, that targets conservatives, a government at every level weaponized against christians, against apont, limitedns government supporters, and against anyone perceived as an enemy of joe biden. not to mention the fact that this president just today issued an unconstitutional illegal executive amnesty, incinerate it in theon and constitution, incinerating our laws, orchestrating an invasion, a criminal invasion. thishe presidentst, his partratn his minions, his henchmen are waging war everymocrac on democracy. and donald trump is risking his own personal liberty and freedom to try to save freedom for every single one of us. >> and aren't these the same people, charlie wanted to keep e donald trump off the ballot? aren't these the same people thaballott have now weapd justice? i mean, the civil case, mar-a-lago is not worth 18 million. the judge stands by thaty that to this day or the case of alvin bragg, you know what aa misdemeanor from eight years ago. a legal, you know, nondisclosure agreement upcharge to a federal election crime. you get the last word. >> the >> yeah, and i think the most i important thing about all of it is eve n if there weren't all oft al the great policies that donald trump is right aboute grea, if c democrats are allowed to win an arg what they're doing right now, they will never run any election ever again any other all right. i appreciate both of you. charliay -e thank you. steve miller, thank you. stay with us. more "hannity" straight ahead. >> you know what's crazy? that this is better than cooking at home. i mean, more affordable than groceries, of course. okay. okay. grocerie[♪s are expensive. >> i thought i was in trouble there for a sec. there for a sec. you are. your is ever changing. take care of it. with gold pans, adra. new formulations of seven moisturizers and three vitamins for all your skin's cold bond. hello. i'm former arkansas governor mike huckabee. lot of times you can't the amount of sleep that you're getting. you can't fall asleep or. you're tossing and turning all night. you can't get the sleep you need to stay healthy. i know it's scary unless you use relaxium sleep relaxium sleep is a product that's made from natural ingredients and it usually works from the very first night. you try it. it helps you fall asleep. stay asleep and wake up refreshed, earning your body those quality hours of sleep that it desperately needs. >> join the hundreds of thousands of people who have experienced the relief and health benefits from getting a great night's sleep and get relaxium sleep. the first time i took relaxium and i slept through the night, i thought, wow, this worked for me. i could not believe it. >> relaxium sleep has studied, tested and designed by a neurologist to help you fall asleep faster. stay asleep longer and wake up refreshed. >> relaxium sleep worked from. the very first night i took, i had more focus and mental than i've had in years. >> relaxium is drug free and not addictive, so you can take relaxium every night and never worry about side effects. and the best part is it can start working from the very first night when i take relaxium sleep. >> i sleep better than i have in years. i wake up feeling like i've had the best night's sleep. stop being afraid and start sleeping your fears away with relaxium sleep your body and your mind. >> well, thank you. mike huckabee is so confident that relaxium will work for you. >> he's asked us to give away 1000 bottles. if you're not getting calm enough to go to sleep, take relaxium sleep. >> i promise you it'll work. get your risk free bottle of relaxium sleep now. it's guaranteed to work you your money back. visit. try relaxium dot com or call 800 898 9322. that relaxium .com or call 889 eight 9322. >> he was only 47. aneurysm. did he have life? 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have a great night smi

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, Couls Otd You Kno , Bd Ki Speak , Somebody , Ess Deati Mean , Yes , Someone , It , Doors , We Re Noo T Protecting Ourselve , Stranger , House Er , Town , Place , Wouldn T Be Political , Left Ts , Here Ii , Biden Sure Isn T , Working , Ifre , Common Sense , Ith , Riley Whens E , Wmd , Nt Todayi Mean , Thiss Ne , Lake King , Americane Amr , Rile Why , Children , Worse , Trulion Imme , Borders Closedice Fothe , 11 Mn , Lives , Deatating Ae , Innoy , Questio , Reputatione , Attorney , Sir , Randolph Reiss , Know , Breaks , Lake , Downr , Heartd , Government , Terror Ties , Human Trafficking , Pep To Transport , I Di Woul , Rules Don T , Politicians , Court , Unfortunatel Rules Dy , Democrat Issueit S N , Individual , Death Wawas Prevs , Thie , Rachel Morton , Everything , Hadand , Attacks , Women , Losr Angeles , Reset Reevaluate , 1800 , Background Check , Ld , Bor , Fin Poe , Part , Health Check , Pep , Burden , The American Youe , Top , Counselor , Best , Love , Sympathies , Grandchildren , Ma Am , Speech , Back T , Thank You , Thantonighk You , Wh E Comeall Right , You Ia , Ma Am , Biden Wasd , Trsy , Opportunity , Peter Doocy , Us Ay The T , News , Tape , Willie Mays S , Age , I Don T Know , Career , Hall Of Famer Player , New York Mets , San Francisco Giants , 93 , Human Being , Everybody , There S A Place In Heaven , Players , Watcheth D , Baseball , Willie Mays , God , Wilayerwe , Veterans , Arm , Event , Home , Out Theriofamiliese , Solut , Ushe May Wa , Eling , Care , Company , Veteran , Deference , Greae , Akes C , Tht Feeling , Love Foarr , Dog Food , Fridge , Pet , Help Yourself , Rico , Veggies , Luck , Real Weird , Life , Phone , Saving , Choking , Freshpet , Dan , Favor , Mission , Life Fact Dot Net Or Eight , 2 , Ballpark , Hall Of Famers , Bambino , Life Back Order , Negro Leagues , Cardinals , Giants , Making , Celebration , Driftwood , Joe Gibson , Jackie Robinson , Didn T , Lots , News Shot , Splash , Catch , Big , Quiz , Ball Oh , Saying , On Tuesdays Fox , Hulu , Jesse Watters , Ellipse , Work , More , Appearance , Scary , Whites , Obvious , Exception , You Decideappensdecide , Video Overhey , Claim , Members Of Congress , Karine , Jean Pierre , Evidence , Ca V Cide Gina Laws , Freedom , Lesson , Wage , Don T Mess , Benefits , Health Care , Asian Americans , Joan Jing Gang , Vera Wang B , Shanghai , Cool Koala , Strategy , Pressure , Privilege , Right , Effort , Challenge , Barack Obama , Screen , Mistakes , Interpretation , Eve House , Faire , They Saiin Aprd Biden , Transcripts , 148 , Fake , Uncle Buzzy , Noe Speechw , President Biden S Ageag , Som , Cannibals , Detroit , Sa , Report , Horror Report , The , Memory , Transcript , Memory Issuesy , Didn , Ober , Vice President , Border Security , Todayn Bi R The First Three Years , Fake Videpeo , Orat , Inflationto , The Tape , Releaseda , 2009 , Forr Abou , Anyone , My Son , Matter , Lying , Farm Th , Leeberal , Account , Clips , Promisenedited , Lies , Liars , Story , Exn , Joe , Laptop , Liberal , Theto E , Liedd , Hunter , Onlet Us , Trip , Lieorak , Hoax , Down Wn , Jesselyn , Mem Memory Lane , 2014 Jesselyn , 2014 , Liberal Joe , Come On , Idiots , Fools , Russians , Senioor , Issues , Thi , Defensivem , Point , Differen Sean , Fence E , Offense , Egy , Anymor E , Acuity , Punch Line , Misperceptions , Jokes , Job , Intos Question , Eyes , Tears , Medi St Believa , Sos Anss , Opportunities , Thisd , He Wouldbe Fin , Anybodthan Jy , Rua , Four , Fundraiser , Ths , Cell Phone Videofuna , Overe The Weekend , Questionhes , Los Angeles , Campaign , Isn T Mab , Presst , Angle , Fo A , Cell Phone , Stage , Problem , More Angles , Have R , Pen See , E Precedhave , List , Terms , Corrections , Blame , Biden Xilai , Fact , Stumbles , Bumbles , Joe Mumble Fs , Air Force One , Big Boysstais Stairs , Baracagae Obama , Leaders , G7 , Appae G7 , Everybody Else , Somethine Wag , Idea , Interpretationr , Prime Minister , Rest , No W , Italian , Sean Hannity , Mr , Word , Promotion , Congratulations , Dagy We Hous The White House , Image , Tapes , Mouth , Artificiale Intelligence Technology , Adde Mord , Doesn T Maksnedeos , Descriptions , Eventsrtai Addee , List A , Interpretan , Longeran , Soe L , Fairscreen Fmerica , Weld To , Glat , Oom Ifn , Me G Room , Break , Wasn T , Page , Host , Reporter , We R You E , Positions , Occasion , Hecasioy , Rally , Fo , Highlights , Coming Up , Wisconsin , Kellyannh Conway , Y Drinki , Ari Fleischer , Alson , Military , Big Debatemuch , Red Bull , A Woke Revolution , Record , Constitution , Vision , Liberty , Politics , Door , Sovereignty , War , Call , Free , Fox Nation , Screams , Delay , Duty , Choice , Military Veterancola , Colog , Warriors Streaming , Pete Egseth , Ap , Fouar , Yard , Sults Ma Cologuard , Cologuard Screen , Box , Colon Cancer , Roof , Risk , Cost , Fraction , Solution , Results , Star , Noninvasive , Provider , 45 , Water , Roof Maxes , Bio Oil , 15 , Roofs , Test , Neighbors , Asphalt Shingle , Treatment , 17 , 2016 , Shingle , Flexibility Testing , Formula , Storms , Ohio State University , 21 , Myra , Roof Mats , Roof Max , 200 Million , Roofer , Application , Reviews , Winds , Rails , Shingles , 8000 , Money , Roof Backs , Home Inspection , Insurance , Restore , Spend Tens Of Thousands , 80 , Partners , Leak , Tuneup , Maintenance , Threat Analysis , Dave Thomas Foundation For Adoption , 59 , 859 , Child , Cas Thei , Retirement , Foster Care , Roofp Max , Forever Home Forla , Cash , Mine , Life Insurance Policy , Thousands , Clue , Everyone , Welllicies , Policy , Coverage , Term , To Coventry , Combination , H , Life Insuranceov , Co Te , Casll Them , Therefeurance P Sittc , 00000 , 100000 , Premiums , Guythings , Anywhere , News Headlines , News Business , Call Coventry , Coventry , Sirius Xm , 6200 , 800 , 800 798 6200 , 798 , Audio , America Is Listening , Formerr , Looump , Content , Funding , Executive Order , Race Theory , Day One , School , Anxiety , State Of The Art Misse Defense Shield , Biden Inflationhe Nightmare , Iron Dome , Dome , Ke Nevera , Drill , Baby , Vehicle , Mandate , Beach Home , Campaigning , Planning , Debate Prep , Showdown Relaxn , Delaware Tonightwt , Headina Fundg Od , Camp David , Northern Virginia , R Ray , Contributor , Gues S , Fbi , Reaction , Conw Fox News , We Gove , Righe , Kellyanne Conway , You Bot , Kind , Beforeand We Haven T , State Of The Union Address , Kellyann Statee , Before W , Caffeine Pills , Whatever , Airankly Or , Wife , Assistancenute , Frankly , Accomplishments , Injuries , Talks , South , We Haven T Seepter Wn , Him , West Palm Beac , Racine , Wildwood , West Palh , Energy , Cnn , Agility Acuity , Civic Service , Ability , Muting , Mike Huckabee , Feet , Front , Let , Hitry M , I Can T Wait Ari , Let Him Mumble Wha , Hbut I Hope Trump , Room , Stumble , Debateee Prep Fr , Type , Vacation , Inflation , Privatyou E Bideacatio Becaus He S , Debate Prepbu , Dtalking Eso , Abortion , Plan , Wh Trump , Answers , Amer Plat , Ukraine , Middle East Oraine , January 6 , 26 Million , 6 , Donaldt , Mark My Word P , Democracy , Dana Bash , Economy , Think Kellyan , Isi Thump , Peril , Areth , Jake Tapper , Role , Leader , War T On , Surrendering , Immigratio N Law And Order , Alk Tl , Questions , Ifck , Bideo , Telling , Assistance , House Staff , Fromm , Speaking Extemporaneously , Half , Appee , Surprise , Sea , Moderators , Flub , Verbal , Anchor , Ori , Orio , Facts , Herhe Quest S , What Years Were M You , Adt , Journalists Dot Jor Based On Government Information , Politician , The American , Son , Everyo , Factua D , Most , Manegcheap Fan , Issue , Hea , Fakes , Staff , Ita , Sthant , Dont Favoe , Circle Back , Left , Scare Tactics , Shape , Jen Psaki , You Bothd , Lasticst Ditch , November , Turquoise Waters , Indulgence , Jeanine , Back , Serenity , Music , Skiing , The Great Outdoors , World S Finest , Accommodations , Luxury , Lodge , Season , Light Pack , Arthur , Simple , Reason , Instructions , Push And Pull , Buddy , Walking Tub , Thousand , Life Saving Device , Seven For Yo , Fact Dot Net Have You Everrd Hee , A Thousand , Touch Pad Control , Steps , Look , Fingertips , Seat , Fast Feeconveniel You , Fast Feeconveniel , Walk Int Bao , Key , Hair , Relieve Pain , Mobility , Boost Mobility , Micro , Skin Safe Step Walk , Tub , Dual Hydrotherapy System , Jets Cananeep , No Obligation Consultation Call , Ob Homeli , Bathing , Comforts , Inspector , Law Firm , Verdicts , Settlements , 8829981 , 1 800 8829981 , Product , Climb Inspector , Motor Vehicle Accident , New York Times , Team , Inspector A Powerhouse Law Firm , Doctor Lawyers , Answerne , Injury , News In Focus , Malpractice , Call Kline , Harris Faulkner , Mobility Flexibility , Legs , S Pop , Circulation , Popularity , Gettingul Contin , Balance , Plummet , Chrissy Teigen , Interview , Will , Theoris T , Podcast , The View , Camp , Critics , Drama , Succesng Lies , Joyless Baker , Hard Hitting , Irs , Critic , Target Yourself , Soundsthere Overdramatic , Lane , Somebody Saying , Powes , Sponsors , Asr , Safe , Sorthe , Battleground States , Basis , Number One , Backup Wos Should , Perfect , Backup Plan , Econoesn T , Ver A , Envy , Economicd Envy , My Y , Jail , Aoc , Aide , Charlie Hurt , G Stephen Miller , Reactionharlie , Roger Stonu Looke , Interestin Whag Thing Is , Youw First , Manafort , Rudy Giuliani , Peter Navarro , Justice , Charges , Weaponization , A Lago , Steve Bannon , Fea The Lawfare , 8 Million , 18 Million , Fear , Tot Themconservatives , 1000000000 , 000000000 , They Don T , Ones , Laughablebl , Opponents , Funny G , Obama Administratioin , Irirs Go , Joe Behar , Stuff , Camps , Stupidng O People , Scam , Views Pe , She S Noy Art , Pep Being Led , Goinshe , Stupi She , Gstf , Who Aree , Derangement Syndrome , Truth , Rachel Maddolen Byw , Who Should W Better , Orknow Bet , Hunter Biden , Conspiracy Theories , Ononsc , Tak , Thntere , Threat , Joe Biden Avs , Free Speech , Targeting , Jailing , Dissidents , Dojng Hunting , Houndingnd , Christians , Level , Government Supporters , Limitedns , Apont , Invasion , Executive Amnesty , Incinerate It In Theon , Enemy , Incinerating Our Laws , Thishe Presidentst , One Of Us , Minions , War Everymocrac On Democracy , Henchmen , His Partratn , Aren T , Ballot , Thaty , Civil Case , Mar A Lago , Legal , Misdemeanor , Agreement Upcharge , Alvin Bragg , Nondisclosure , Grea , There Weren T All Oft Al , Arg , Yeah , Way Er , Charliay E , Steve Miller , Stay , Cooking , Trouble , Groceries , Sec , Grocerie , Formulations , Skin , Pans , Bond , Moisturizers , Vitamins , Take Care , Adra , Arkansas , Sleep , Relaxium Sleep , Amount , Tossing , Night , Body , Ingredients , Refreshed , Hundreds , Time , Health , Relief , Focus , Neurologist , Side Effects , Mind , Bottle , Bottles , 1000 , Visit , Dot Com , Aneurysm , 889 , 9322 , 800 898 9322 , 47 , 898 , Selectquote , Trust Me , Life Insurance , Visits , Exam , Attention , Whatcom , Ask Student , A Million , 2 Million , Position , Trendsetters , Game , Football , Tuesdays , Follx , Score , Isn T , Score Pick , Bulk , Schedule , Walmart , Brand New , Ice Data , Hezbollah , Gree One , Baseball Players , All Star , Mlb Legend Hall Of Famer , 25 , Miss , Heart , Dvr , Smile , Face , Night Smi , Eve R , Greg Gutfeldme ,

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