Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240617 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240617

am martha maccallum in new york this is the story. monitoring the white house briefing after reports president biden is set to announce a massive relief program for undocumented immigrants. it would be the largest such program in over a decade and would offer hundreds of thousands legal status if they had been married to an american citizen for at least 10 years. the move would come less than 5 months from the presidential election and days before the very consequential upcoming jun. at a time when the current president is bleeding support from latino voters." voting block he says he needs for victory. >> i need you, i need you badly. desperately need you're help because, look there are only 6 or 7 states that will turn down this election that her tossup states this is 1 of them. >> the president desperate for those votes by his own admission there. jason, tommy lan mike pompeo all on the story today but first let's go to first national correspondent bill hello. >> reporter: martha hackett afternoon to you. as we wait to hear what the president is going to announce we just got our hands on some brand-new internal ice data that shows really how overwhelmed the agency is as old. take a look at the data provided by federal sources. it shows the nondetained docket, in other words people released into the country after -- it's exploded to 7.4 million cases in fiscal year 2024. it's expected to hit 8 million by the end of the year. the cases of more than doubled since trump's years in office. we are told 1 million cases have been added since october 1st alone largely because of massive catch and release at the southern border. ice is buried. take a look at the second graphic for perspective. telling fox news right now each officer currently has to have averaged manage 7000 cases each. 7000 each that's an impossible task given their current staff levels. former acting director tom holman says the horse left the barn a long time ago. a lot of these people aren't going anywhere. take a listen. >> court hearings out 8 to 10 years by the time you get it they've built equities and all the sub 1 no -- all of a sudden no 1 wants to remove them. this is a long-term pentium the station knows what they are doing. >> martha numbers do not include the nearly 1.9 million known got always at our southern border the last few years. the bottom line is ice says they need more manpower and need it fast. >> martha: no kidding. bill astonishing numbers, thank you very much. here is the white house on calls to use national emergency authority at the border just moments ago. wash. >> the president has taken executive action he believes is warranted but what's really needed at the border, everyone can talk a good game but you can't really change what's happening at the border unless you have legislation. >> martha: okay with that let's bring in our panel tommy blair and host of tommy learns fearless ron williams senior for little analyst great to have all of you. let me start with you ron these numbers are problematic. for this president. he says he is desperate for the hispanic vote. you saw the numbers that were just laid out and i remembered jay johnson saying a fraction of this would just be unsustainable. so where is the president on this now? >> i think it is pretty clear he is trying to speak to the issue. it was only 2 weeks ago that chuck schumer the senate majority leader a democrat brought for a second time a bipartisan bill to try to deal with the border for a vote. again what happened was a republican said no largely at the instruction of former president trump who wants the issue and keeps document -- >> martha: but the issues -- hold on. it's been around since president biden took office and may arc us by his own accounts was boasting about the fact we are going to turn over every single rule and law and legislation that was under trump and this is what has happen. so it's tough to blame republicans when that was the day 1 agenda for the current president at the numbers have exploded under his watch is quickly if you can i want you reaction to that though. >> sure martha. we had a problem at the border way back, even before trump i think we had spikes et cetera but what you have to keep in mind is nobody at the moment given the political season is focused on solutions. legislation that would say more border agents and more judges in those immigration courts and the ability to shut the border right now there is a spike. that was all in the legislation turned down by republicans. >> martha: we've got to stop it coming across. look at this polling tommy this is arizona. looking at some of these swing states. arizona and nevada. trump versus biden in the latest head-to-head shows biden and arizona 53 and trump 45. nevada biden 51 trump 44. but these are states he won buy almost twice as much as he is ahead in them now. what is your assessment tommy? >> i will tell you this, hispanic voters being taken advantage of 5 think by the democrat party. you heard president joe biden say i need you're vote and what he is doing is dangling the carrot for more illegal immigrants to come into the country expecting them to be excited about it. as being to married -- as being married to someone who can from cuba, otherwise they don't want to see this 1 of the border. they don't want to see people breaking immigration law. they don't want to see people paying criminal organizations to get into this country when they paid to do it the right way at a cost a lot of money to do so. to just assume hispanic voters in this country are going to be wooed by yet another pathway to citizenship or a legal status tingling the carrot in front of undocumented or illegal immigrant strict what's the cutoff point for rob wickens? 50 and beyond? they are not focused on current poker -- voters they are focused on future voters. that should be so insulting to not only illegal immigrants but -- legal immigrants but also american citizens. >> martha: this idea that we will hear more about that you've been married to an american citizen 10 years you will have an accelerated pathway if indeed this is what we hear from the current president. >> there is nothing that he's doing to actually solve the problem. i was on the immigration subcommittee when i was on judiciary. women for the democrats for 3 years they have told us the border was safe and it was secure and under operational control. they are not enforcing the current law. the current law says if you come in between the ports of entry you will be detained and imported. instead dated night's executive orders to loosen up the border bringing in. to do another executive order them blame republicans for not passing legislation and having it repeated, that is not the answer. they have to enforce the current law. you cannot just import more wars are so -- pursued voting for lots of places. right it -- what a coincidence right before an election. >> martha: looks like it wouldn't currently allow these people to vote but it is pretty clear that it's probably the path all of this is on. great to have all of you, and you are much. >> thank you spent think martha. >> martha: speaking of these horrific issues that plagued the country, a shocking murder of a mother of 5, maryland mom rachel moran was out for a hike when she was attacked and murdered. police say her killer came across the open saloon border in fact 3 times over the course of 3 months per hughes fleeing homicide charges in his home country of el salvador. then it will say he did it here may be toys. attorney ralph rice next. >> he did not compare to make a better life for himself are his family, he came her to skip the crime he committed in el salvador. he came her and murdered rachel and god willing on us veteran homeowners checked your credit card rates lately? 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[ singing ] that this person who had no legal right to be in this country and was wanted for murder and el salvador somehow got past the so-called leading system at all border were obviously officials are overwhelmed. >> that's right and i'm not sure if he got past them or crossed at a point where they were unable to fat him adult. it's clear at this point. but here are some other good news within the past 10 minutes that defendant has weighed extradition which means he'll be back in maryland the next couple weeks which is good news for the prosecution in maryland so we can start to seize the wheels moving here. it's going to be a long process but it is good news they don't have to wait 60 more days friend to fight extradition in oklahoma. >> martha: the sheriff in this case came across hard against the administration basically saying if it were for these failures she would be alive. he said under the trump administration obviously he is a supporter that it was a much better situation. here's the current governor of maryland who is obviously very concerned about this case. watch. >> the sheriff is absolutely right. we have an immigration policy they needed to been dealt with and was not. this is why this is so unbelievably frustrating. when you have a coalition that is a bipartisan coalition about democrats and republicans back at literally right up to the line to be able to get a deal done that because you had president trump who said this was not advantageous politically that the deal was killed. >> martha: he reaction to the and also what comes next legally for this individual? >> certainly and this is an american problem as well as broke weekend and democratic peer we have americans dying -- republican -- the next step is he is extradited and a bail review and ultimately we all assume he will have his bail denied and some lawyer we'll probably appear and they will start the process of setting trial dates. it's going to be a long road and we are certainly hopeful he takes a plea because it will be shorter for the family at the trial would certainly drag it out for them it would be a lot harder to see. >> martha: this individual never should have been here and she should still be alive. that much we know. our best to the family as they deal with their grief and all of their loss randolph, thank you very much representing them. >> thank you martha and take you to the law enforcement they did a great job. >> martha: persistence was so important they did not give up on this pick thank you randolph good to have you with us. >> thank you e support for president biden among black voters is also taking a very big jibe. hispanic and black voters are really a focus in all this as former president donald trump is slowly gaining with these groups at this stage in a raise. karl rove next. >> holy cow folks look at this job item was up 80 points among this group back at this point and look at where the merchant has gotten down to. it is now just get this 37 points i'm speechless because you always look at history and you say this is an historic moment. if this polling is anywhere near correct we are looking at historic moment right now where black voters under 50 which have historically been such a big part of the democratic coalition are leaving it in droves brand-new reaction from the white house from this video from president biden in la over the weekend. former president obama didn't -- obama put his hand over top of his hand and lead them across the stage his hand on his back. here moments ago a response getting a lot of attention today. >> let's not forget president obama at president biden have a relationship, they are friends and they are like family to each other. i think that's what you saw. you saw the president put his hand on the back of president biden and they walked offstage. >> a senior obama advisor also disputing reports president biden appeared to freeze onstage saying quote this did not happen. president biden apparently losing support among black voters in 2 important battleground states. look at these numbers. down almost 40 points in michigan in the essay today the pool compared to 2020. from our voter analysis and facing a similar plunge in pennsylvania. former president donald trump gaining ground in both of these states. the majority still say they will vote for president biden but it's a very steep turn in terms of where this is gone. 's trick shot no chaser podcast good to have both of you with us. a lot of attention this video appears to show president obama leading president biden off the stage. how much should this concern people or not? >> what concerns me is why i'm here today is to talk about michigan. i won't speak for all black voters but i can certainly tell you by being vehemently black staffer in 2015 it does not take a lot of voters to like president trump. -- former president trump. it really takes 1 or 2%. we flipped that state by 2% co into all the places hillary clinton refused to go. this week and alone i don't know president obama is holding his hand or his back but what i know is someone better get to michigan with a checkbook and head with no ious. this is article these swing states are looked out at that have to like president trump. they didn't like bernie sanders to be honest with you but it only takes a small margin to make a difference that's what i'm concerned about ms with the majority of people are saying i don't like trump or biden but they cannot afford to ignore this crucial demographic. >> a big warning obviously for you knowing michigan very well. sort of anecdotally a detroit grappler had to say this about voting in 2024 in michigan. watch. >> i don't agree with everything about president trump i don't agree with everything on hundred% everything does every -- every thing anybody does. i'm voting a personal experience. i've experienced them both as president and i like trump as president more. >> that from detroit. crawl you're thoughts and all this. >> well, it's even more than -- it's even worse then the pole right up says. is said 66.2% of blacks and has all they knew today's support donald trump and they said it's 20 points down from the percentage they are member voting for. what this means is 92% of blacks in pennsylvania voted for it biden over trump. thank about that 1 out of every 6 black voters in pennsylvania who supported biden in 2020 don't even remember having supported him. same as in michigan. 54-point forward% of blacks say they are for biden today. again the right up to the pole said it is 20% less then pole who voted for him in 2020. no, 22% of the 12% of the electorate in michigan who are black footed for joe biden which means 1 nearly out of every 5, 18% of the blacks who voted for joe biden in 2020 in michigan no longer even remember they voted for him. that is a big problem. >> let's play this from cnn's jake tapper talking about the fact that in several important places in senate races as well the democrat senator is outperforming how biden is pulling. i'd love to get you're thoughts on the other side. >> senator tammy baldwin up 9 points in wisconsin biden only up 2 points. he is down 3 arizona congressman rubin running for senate op 4, biden down 7. jackie wilson up 2 and nevada. how can you look at this statistic and not conclude joe biden is a drag on the ticket? >> what do you say to that? >> i'm saying this and think i've set for the last 10 plus years they've been told this repeatedly it's disgusting to keep saying over and over that you cannot continue to ignore these voters. michigan is in trouble not just read black voters but organizing 100,000 google to go to the polls to say they are not committing to either once. that's an issue. it's an issue with college students and the unions on strike let's not forget all last year. in all these 7 swing states all the issues, people come up all they want to about wrappers and let me give you some breaking news he is externally popular in detroit. so when you got someone like that who says pay attention and look at what i'm talking about and you just getting 1 or 2% difference it could make a difference. i'm independent martha want to make it clear i am not a democrat or republican. but joe biden administration cannot afford to sit on their butt and say is not a game and not invest the time, money resources -- >> martha: can he sell it and black media creek can he get himself into a better position by making those appearances? he doesn't always do well in those appearances. >> yes, and guess what we are done with the appearances. bring the checkbook the ious no logo matter. all they can at this is the better start cutting some checks. >> for who so we're clear? >> any and anybody nonprofits across the bore making sure people have adequate funding and getting in partnering with city commissioners to make sure people have the money he owed the black community and do something about using his executive order as he stood next to joe floyd's but there. standing hastening -- singing and snapping and going along to get along is not enough. i did not support president trump i support the black community as i've always had. they need to get busy if they want those votes. >> martha: thank you both very much i hope to have you both back soon. great insight thank you very much. so, israel warns iran backed has below is terrorizing its people and nonthreatening a much wider war in the middle east. this is a very serious situation developing -- hesbollah. former secretary of state mike pompeo gets up to speed next in my office tell me about their frequent dry eyes, which may point to dry eye disease. millions of americans were estimated to have it. they've tried artificial tears again and again, but the relief is temporary. xiidra can provide lasting relief. xiidra treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. don't use if you're allergic to xiidra. common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied to the eye, and unusual taste sensation. doctor: why wait? 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how big a threat is this from hezbollah? let's put up on the board what they have, we think 100,000 fighters 150,000 rockets and missiles. $700 million a year from iran and 20,000 active personnel. 13 out of 128 seats held in the lebanese parliament. yuri argent what's going wrong? >> yes martha you and i talked about this and i've been talking about it from one's. every own is focused on gaza which is fair enough. israelis need to be completing the mission such a total decimation for some -- hamas. but until it begins to hold iran accountable the centre of this we talked about 8 months ago, until you go to the place causal -- causing all of this trouble and all of this murder and terror again you will continue to see it. whether it's the precision guided munitions pack -- these are runs from gusset they can pick a target, house and struck a facility. aerial complex high-end precision guided missions. until you begin to impose on iran, the persian gulf and the red sea or malicious -- you are going to continue sissy western and american interests at threat. dave sibley refused to do it for 8 months now martha. >> martha: here at the point out all these different hotspots they are all connected, they all come from iran. 1 was a last time you heard present biden stand up and point to an end and say you better back down you will be sorry. we have heard nothing like that so isn't this their window to get what they want done before the election? >> i certainly think that this is the window the iranians think they can use to exploit and harm american interest, no doubt. you can see what is taking place today with 8 israeli soldiers coldly fed over a thousand killed because -- we have cost -- frankly until january when a new president might take office. window stood for 4 years we didn't get a rate every day but we understood deeply that the greatest state sponsor terry noel is the rushing iran you have to promise them and impose costs on them. absent that you get exactly the chaos we see in the middle east today and the gulf states are going to hedge their bets if the u.s. also from helping israel defeat these terrorists. >> martha: absolutely. nbc growing ties between russia china and iran and patent going to north korea next week. this is a very troublesome set of issues. thank you so much always good to see you. >> thank you martha yet men have a good day. >> martha: he was well. a shocking move by the u.s. government they have essentially slapped a warning label on social media. can they crack down on it as they eventually did fairly successfully with cigarettes? 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[music playing] right now acing federal charges for blowing the whistle on gender affirming care for kids the doctor says hospital in texas allied about ending the treatments there after the state's attorney general said the could be considered child abuse in a foyer reporting live from houston. hello nate. >> hey martha. the arraignment not -- finished 20 minutes ago and he pleaded not guilty to charges related to -- his trial date -- he alleges he was protecting children while exposing a secret and illegal transgender medical unit at texas children's hospital for kids under 18 whereas prosecutors argue the way he did it is illegal. the u.s. attorney's office for the southern district of texas provided the statement saying "the indictment alleges he obtained unauthorized access to personal information of pediatric patients unders false pretenses and later disclosed to media contact. dr herman released redacted records claiming to show that secret unit at ted 6 -- texas children's hospital. attorneys now responding to the accusations telling fox news it appears that the government has its facts wrong. they misunderstand the situation and it's unclear if they understand how it works. our client will have his day in court and we are going to fight these charges. fox news reached out to texas children's hospital so far we've not heard back. it's illegal in texas for doctors to provide medicine and surgery for a child's gender transition. the next court appearance we'll be july aids and ben & jerry's selection in his trial will begin august 20th. martha. >> martha: okay nate thank you very much. it's a big story today the surgeon general says social media is dangerous for the health of kids and it needs a warning label like the surgeon general's slapped on cigarettes years ago. adolescents who spend less than 3 hours a day in social media face double the risk of anxiety and depression symptoms. the average daily use in this group as of summer 2023 was 4.8 which puts a lot of kids and the dangers on. joining a down is tom cresting family therapist and author of raising healthy teenagers. great to have you with us today. this is a big move. >> it is a big move and i'm glad to see something happening. it's been too long. i have some research in my previous work go back to tony 17. this is not a new topic is just no hitting the media more often. let me read a couple things. this was conducted surveys by the u.s. to permit of health and human services in 217,600,000 americans on mental health. from 2009 to 2017 major depression went up and doubled. depression surged 60 men% among 16 to 17 -year-olds and the list goes on. so, you know, the attorney general finally coming out and saying oakley he executes this it's a good starting point but certainly more needs to be done. >> martha: you know, it was the same thing with smokey because people knew maybe this isn't so good for you. they felt like everyone smoked back in those days. hears the surgeon general 19624 this will sound like you makes complete sense and he would say about when he said this then it was an earthquake. watch. >> strongest relationship between smoke cigarette smoking and health in the field of lung cancer there is a very strong relationship and probably a causal relationship between heart disease and cigarettes smoking. >> that we are seeing a causal relationship between an epidemic level of anxiety and loneliness in the country and social media. i also want to remind everyone of the mark sucker burke moment regarding instagram and families who had lost their children to incidents that they believe was related to, you know, this constant feet and into his men to keep watching and scrolling. grammar this moment? >> would you like to apologize for what you've done to these good people? get through that your family has suffered and this is why we've invested so much and we continue to make big efforts to ensure that no 1 has to go through the types of thanks you're families have separate. >> martha: okay so cigarette companies had to put a big fat label on cigarettes. what is the big fat label for social media? how is that 1 in congress going to translate to something that we'll be effective? >> winn-dixie in a pack of cigarettes or tobacco maize cost -- may cause cancer at thank we need to see is may cause significant mental-health issues and potentially suicide. only put this in perspective. and you take at the listens or create adolescents the nature of that stage is the insecurity stage. every kid's insecure. going through puberty and trying to figure it where they fitted in a social pecking order. not the weapon of mass destruction in front of them where they have a highlight reel of everyone of their peers perfect lives, it complicates that stage of development. anxiety is normal to some extent when you're an adolescent pair but with this layering effect it sends them down a rabbit hole that is so deep and it's evidenced by the anxiety we are seeing, the depression, the suicide, all those things climbing it all started happening around 2012 on smart phones became mainstream. >> so it is the cure? is it too late for kids who've already beat -- but these habits into their lives squeak. >> it's not too late here is the issue parents are confronted with. let's say you have a 60 world online all the time and they do some thing wrong you take it away. parents are reluctant to do that because they know what the reaction is going to be. the child is going to lose his or her mind. that will last forever, it will last about a week and after 2 weeks to come back to earth a little bit and if you talk to any parent by about a month of unplugging their kid which is not easy to do, their child returns. >> martha: it has to happen. >> it has to. >> martha: you know, parents have to be parents, they have to step in and you have to not be the kind of parent who says what if they can't talk to the kids and they feel left out? grab this by the reins and help your children. it is such a real situation. contact thank you you counselled high school kids for 25 years you know what you're talking about. you written 2 books on this guy thank you for being here today. >> they q. >> martha: coming up next, princess kate stuns at king charles birthday celebration. this was a big moment. in orman's outcry from the crowds that gathered there because they all wanted to see her for the first time since announcing she was battling cancer. i'd like to take a moment to address my fellow veterans, because i know so many of you have served our country honorably. one of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is the eligibility for a va loan, for up to 100 percent of your home■s value. if you need cash for your family call newdayusa. with automatic authority from the va we can say yes when banks say no. give us a call. lumineux whitening strips. no peroxide. no pain. i can use them every day if i want. eat what i want. drink what i want. pop in a lumineux strip and hello... smile is back on point. easy. ♪ before theirs is in the white dress call the princess of wales made her first appearance since announcing her cancer diagnosis almost 3 months ago grandma she said she's making good progress but it is "not out of the woods yet." correspondence -- hi, alex. >> as you mention this was the first public appearance that we have seen different sets of myrtles since the diagnosis got the cancer diagnosis. and also since it really december making that almost six months and -- mnemonics official birthday celebration. we were able to see princess catherine, kate, traveling there in the glass coat with her children, prince george carpenter charlotte and prince louis in the parade honoring king charles iii who is also battling cancer. 2000 people lined the streets catherine mounir buckingham palace, hoping to get a glimpse of these family members are finally reunited. >> she looked amazing in the carriage that went by. she looked amazing. >> i think she's really strong person and is really nice to see here here today. >> initially i didn't think the king or kate would be here. and so when he found out they were both going to be here, it was, like, beyond a blessing before. >> the family stood on one balcony of buckingham palace, reading the public and waiting for the fly over. despite his appearance, kate is not expected return to public duties any time at least in the next few months as she undergoes treatment and in her statement that she released on friday, she says that she has good and she has bad days but this at least once a very good day for the public to see her again before in the. her statement was highly relatable for anyone who's been through what she is going through and she was -- she is on her mostly popular and people were so glad to see her of there. you so much. that is "the story" for this monday, june 17th. is always the story goes on for weeks -- will see you back here tomorrow at 3:00, thank you for being will meet here today. we'll be back tomorrow, have a great afternoon and evening. >> everyone: your world cormack is coming up, let's see how the markets are closing, i see some green arrows out there, have a great evening, everybody. >> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240617 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240617

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am martha maccallum in new york this is the story. monitoring the white house briefing after reports president biden is set to announce a massive relief program for undocumented immigrants. it would be the largest such program in over a decade and would offer hundreds of thousands legal status if they had been married to an american citizen for at least 10 years. the move would come less than 5 months from the presidential election and days before the very consequential upcoming jun. at a time when the current president is bleeding support from latino voters." voting block he says he needs for victory. >> i need you, i need you badly. desperately need you're help because, look there are only 6 or 7 states that will turn down this election that her tossup states this is 1 of them. >> the president desperate for those votes by his own admission there. jason, tommy lan mike pompeo all on the story today but first let's go to first national correspondent bill hello. >> reporter: martha hackett afternoon to you. as we wait to hear what the president is going to announce we just got our hands on some brand-new internal ice data that shows really how overwhelmed the agency is as old. take a look at the data provided by federal sources. it shows the nondetained docket, in other words people released into the country after -- it's exploded to 7.4 million cases in fiscal year 2024. it's expected to hit 8 million by the end of the year. the cases of more than doubled since trump's years in office. we are told 1 million cases have been added since october 1st alone largely because of massive catch and release at the southern border. ice is buried. take a look at the second graphic for perspective. telling fox news right now each officer currently has to have averaged manage 7000 cases each. 7000 each that's an impossible task given their current staff levels. former acting director tom holman says the horse left the barn a long time ago. a lot of these people aren't going anywhere. take a listen. >> court hearings out 8 to 10 years by the time you get it they've built equities and all the sub 1 no -- all of a sudden no 1 wants to remove them. this is a long-term pentium the station knows what they are doing. >> martha numbers do not include the nearly 1.9 million known got always at our southern border the last few years. the bottom line is ice says they need more manpower and need it fast. >> martha: no kidding. bill astonishing numbers, thank you very much. here is the white house on calls to use national emergency authority at the border just moments ago. wash. >> the president has taken executive action he believes is warranted but what's really needed at the border, everyone can talk a good game but you can't really change what's happening at the border unless you have legislation. >> martha: okay with that let's bring in our panel tommy blair and host of tommy learns fearless ron williams senior for little analyst great to have all of you. let me start with you ron these numbers are problematic. for this president. he says he is desperate for the hispanic vote. you saw the numbers that were just laid out and i remembered jay johnson saying a fraction of this would just be unsustainable. so where is the president on this now? >> i think it is pretty clear he is trying to speak to the issue. it was only 2 weeks ago that chuck schumer the senate majority leader a democrat brought for a second time a bipartisan bill to try to deal with the border for a vote. again what happened was a republican said no largely at the instruction of former president trump who wants the issue and keeps document -- >> martha: but the issues -- hold on. it's been around since president biden took office and may arc us by his own accounts was boasting about the fact we are going to turn over every single rule and law and legislation that was under trump and this is what has happen. so it's tough to blame republicans when that was the day 1 agenda for the current president at the numbers have exploded under his watch is quickly if you can i want you reaction to that though. >> sure martha. we had a problem at the border way back, even before trump i think we had spikes et cetera but what you have to keep in mind is nobody at the moment given the political season is focused on solutions. legislation that would say more border agents and more judges in those immigration courts and the ability to shut the border right now there is a spike. that was all in the legislation turned down by republicans. >> martha: we've got to stop it coming across. look at this polling tommy this is arizona. looking at some of these swing states. arizona and nevada. trump versus biden in the latest head-to-head shows biden and arizona 53 and trump 45. nevada biden 51 trump 44. but these are states he won buy almost twice as much as he is ahead in them now. what is your assessment tommy? >> i will tell you this, hispanic voters being taken advantage of 5 think by the democrat party. you heard president joe biden say i need you're vote and what he is doing is dangling the carrot for more illegal immigrants to come into the country expecting them to be excited about it. as being to married -- as being married to someone who can from cuba, otherwise they don't want to see this 1 of the border. they don't want to see people breaking immigration law. they don't want to see people paying criminal organizations to get into this country when they paid to do it the right way at a cost a lot of money to do so. to just assume hispanic voters in this country are going to be wooed by yet another pathway to citizenship or a legal status tingling the carrot in front of undocumented or illegal immigrant strict what's the cutoff point for rob wickens? 50 and beyond? they are not focused on current poker -- voters they are focused on future voters. that should be so insulting to not only illegal immigrants but -- legal immigrants but also american citizens. >> martha: this idea that we will hear more about that you've been married to an american citizen 10 years you will have an accelerated pathway if indeed this is what we hear from the current president. >> there is nothing that he's doing to actually solve the problem. i was on the immigration subcommittee when i was on judiciary. women for the democrats for 3 years they have told us the border was safe and it was secure and under operational control. they are not enforcing the current law. the current law says if you come in between the ports of entry you will be detained and imported. instead dated night's executive orders to loosen up the border bringing in. to do another executive order them blame republicans for not passing legislation and having it repeated, that is not the answer. they have to enforce the current law. you cannot just import more wars are so -- pursued voting for lots of places. right it -- what a coincidence right before an election. >> martha: looks like it wouldn't currently allow these people to vote but it is pretty clear that it's probably the path all of this is on. great to have all of you, and you are much. >> thank you spent think martha. >> martha: speaking of these horrific issues that plagued the country, a shocking murder of a mother of 5, maryland mom rachel moran was out for a hike when she was attacked and murdered. police say her killer came across the open saloon border in fact 3 times over the course of 3 months per hughes fleeing homicide charges in his home country of el salvador. then it will say he did it here may be toys. attorney ralph rice next. >> he did not compare to make a better life for himself are his family, he came her to skip the crime he committed in el salvador. he came her and murdered rachel and god willing on us veteran homeowners checked your credit card rates lately? 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[ singing ] that this person who had no legal right to be in this country and was wanted for murder and el salvador somehow got past the so-called leading system at all border were obviously officials are overwhelmed. >> that's right and i'm not sure if he got past them or crossed at a point where they were unable to fat him adult. it's clear at this point. but here are some other good news within the past 10 minutes that defendant has weighed extradition which means he'll be back in maryland the next couple weeks which is good news for the prosecution in maryland so we can start to seize the wheels moving here. it's going to be a long process but it is good news they don't have to wait 60 more days friend to fight extradition in oklahoma. >> martha: the sheriff in this case came across hard against the administration basically saying if it were for these failures she would be alive. he said under the trump administration obviously he is a supporter that it was a much better situation. here's the current governor of maryland who is obviously very concerned about this case. watch. >> the sheriff is absolutely right. we have an immigration policy they needed to been dealt with and was not. this is why this is so unbelievably frustrating. when you have a coalition that is a bipartisan coalition about democrats and republicans back at literally right up to the line to be able to get a deal done that because you had president trump who said this was not advantageous politically that the deal was killed. >> martha: he reaction to the and also what comes next legally for this individual? >> certainly and this is an american problem as well as broke weekend and democratic peer we have americans dying -- republican -- the next step is he is extradited and a bail review and ultimately we all assume he will have his bail denied and some lawyer we'll probably appear and they will start the process of setting trial dates. it's going to be a long road and we are certainly hopeful he takes a plea because it will be shorter for the family at the trial would certainly drag it out for them it would be a lot harder to see. >> martha: this individual never should have been here and she should still be alive. that much we know. our best to the family as they deal with their grief and all of their loss randolph, thank you very much representing them. >> thank you martha and take you to the law enforcement they did a great job. >> martha: persistence was so important they did not give up on this pick thank you randolph good to have you with us. >> thank you e support for president biden among black voters is also taking a very big jibe. hispanic and black voters are really a focus in all this as former president donald trump is slowly gaining with these groups at this stage in a raise. karl rove next. >> holy cow folks look at this job item was up 80 points among this group back at this point and look at where the merchant has gotten down to. it is now just get this 37 points i'm speechless because you always look at history and you say this is an historic moment. if this polling is anywhere near correct we are looking at historic moment right now where black voters under 50 which have historically been such a big part of the democratic coalition are leaving it in droves brand-new reaction from the white house from this video from president biden in la over the weekend. former president obama didn't -- obama put his hand over top of his hand and lead them across the stage his hand on his back. here moments ago a response getting a lot of attention today. >> let's not forget president obama at president biden have a relationship, they are friends and they are like family to each other. i think that's what you saw. you saw the president put his hand on the back of president biden and they walked offstage. >> a senior obama advisor also disputing reports president biden appeared to freeze onstage saying quote this did not happen. president biden apparently losing support among black voters in 2 important battleground states. look at these numbers. down almost 40 points in michigan in the essay today the pool compared to 2020. from our voter analysis and facing a similar plunge in pennsylvania. former president donald trump gaining ground in both of these states. the majority still say they will vote for president biden but it's a very steep turn in terms of where this is gone. 's trick shot no chaser podcast good to have both of you with us. a lot of attention this video appears to show president obama leading president biden off the stage. how much should this concern people or not? >> what concerns me is why i'm here today is to talk about michigan. i won't speak for all black voters but i can certainly tell you by being vehemently black staffer in 2015 it does not take a lot of voters to like president trump. -- former president trump. it really takes 1 or 2%. we flipped that state by 2% co into all the places hillary clinton refused to go. this week and alone i don't know president obama is holding his hand or his back but what i know is someone better get to michigan with a checkbook and head with no ious. this is article these swing states are looked out at that have to like president trump. they didn't like bernie sanders to be honest with you but it only takes a small margin to make a difference that's what i'm concerned about ms with the majority of people are saying i don't like trump or biden but they cannot afford to ignore this crucial demographic. >> a big warning obviously for you knowing michigan very well. sort of anecdotally a detroit grappler had to say this about voting in 2024 in michigan. watch. >> i don't agree with everything about president trump i don't agree with everything on hundred% everything does every -- every thing anybody does. i'm voting a personal experience. i've experienced them both as president and i like trump as president more. >> that from detroit. crawl you're thoughts and all this. >> well, it's even more than -- it's even worse then the pole right up says. is said 66.2% of blacks and has all they knew today's support donald trump and they said it's 20 points down from the percentage they are member voting for. what this means is 92% of blacks in pennsylvania voted for it biden over trump. thank about that 1 out of every 6 black voters in pennsylvania who supported biden in 2020 don't even remember having supported him. same as in michigan. 54-point forward% of blacks say they are for biden today. again the right up to the pole said it is 20% less then pole who voted for him in 2020. no, 22% of the 12% of the electorate in michigan who are black footed for joe biden which means 1 nearly out of every 5, 18% of the blacks who voted for joe biden in 2020 in michigan no longer even remember they voted for him. that is a big problem. >> let's play this from cnn's jake tapper talking about the fact that in several important places in senate races as well the democrat senator is outperforming how biden is pulling. i'd love to get you're thoughts on the other side. >> senator tammy baldwin up 9 points in wisconsin biden only up 2 points. he is down 3 arizona congressman rubin running for senate op 4, biden down 7. jackie wilson up 2 and nevada. how can you look at this statistic and not conclude joe biden is a drag on the ticket? >> what do you say to that? >> i'm saying this and think i've set for the last 10 plus years they've been told this repeatedly it's disgusting to keep saying over and over that you cannot continue to ignore these voters. michigan is in trouble not just read black voters but organizing 100,000 google to go to the polls to say they are not committing to either once. that's an issue. it's an issue with college students and the unions on strike let's not forget all last year. in all these 7 swing states all the issues, people come up all they want to about wrappers and let me give you some breaking news he is externally popular in detroit. so when you got someone like that who says pay attention and look at what i'm talking about and you just getting 1 or 2% difference it could make a difference. i'm independent martha want to make it clear i am not a democrat or republican. but joe biden administration cannot afford to sit on their butt and say is not a game and not invest the time, money resources -- >> martha: can he sell it and black media creek can he get himself into a better position by making those appearances? he doesn't always do well in those appearances. >> yes, and guess what we are done with the appearances. bring the checkbook the ious no logo matter. all they can at this is the better start cutting some checks. >> for who so we're clear? >> any and anybody nonprofits across the bore making sure people have adequate funding and getting in partnering with city commissioners to make sure people have the money he owed the black community and do something about using his executive order as he stood next to joe floyd's but there. standing hastening -- singing and snapping and going along to get along is not enough. i did not support president trump i support the black community as i've always had. they need to get busy if they want those votes. >> martha: thank you both very much i hope to have you both back soon. great insight thank you very much. so, israel warns iran backed has below is terrorizing its people and nonthreatening a much wider war in the middle east. this is a very serious situation developing -- hesbollah. former secretary of state mike pompeo gets up to speed next in my office tell me about their frequent dry eyes, which may point to dry eye disease. millions of americans were estimated to have it. they've tried artificial tears again and again, but the relief is temporary. xiidra can provide lasting relief. xiidra treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. don't use if you're allergic to xiidra. common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied to the eye, and unusual taste sensation. doctor: why wait? 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how big a threat is this from hezbollah? let's put up on the board what they have, we think 100,000 fighters 150,000 rockets and missiles. $700 million a year from iran and 20,000 active personnel. 13 out of 128 seats held in the lebanese parliament. yuri argent what's going wrong? >> yes martha you and i talked about this and i've been talking about it from one's. every own is focused on gaza which is fair enough. israelis need to be completing the mission such a total decimation for some -- hamas. but until it begins to hold iran accountable the centre of this we talked about 8 months ago, until you go to the place causal -- causing all of this trouble and all of this murder and terror again you will continue to see it. whether it's the precision guided munitions pack -- these are runs from gusset they can pick a target, house and struck a facility. aerial complex high-end precision guided missions. until you begin to impose on iran, the persian gulf and the red sea or malicious -- you are going to continue sissy western and american interests at threat. dave sibley refused to do it for 8 months now martha. >> martha: here at the point out all these different hotspots they are all connected, they all come from iran. 1 was a last time you heard present biden stand up and point to an end and say you better back down you will be sorry. we have heard nothing like that so isn't this their window to get what they want done before the election? >> i certainly think that this is the window the iranians think they can use to exploit and harm american interest, no doubt. you can see what is taking place today with 8 israeli soldiers coldly fed over a thousand killed because -- we have cost -- frankly until january when a new president might take office. window stood for 4 years we didn't get a rate every day but we understood deeply that the greatest state sponsor terry noel is the rushing iran you have to promise them and impose costs on them. absent that you get exactly the chaos we see in the middle east today and the gulf states are going to hedge their bets if the u.s. also from helping israel defeat these terrorists. >> martha: absolutely. nbc growing ties between russia china and iran and patent going to north korea next week. this is a very troublesome set of issues. thank you so much always good to see you. >> thank you martha yet men have a good day. >> martha: he was well. a shocking move by the u.s. government they have essentially slapped a warning label on social media. can they crack down on it as they eventually did fairly successfully with cigarettes? 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[music playing] right now acing federal charges for blowing the whistle on gender affirming care for kids the doctor says hospital in texas allied about ending the treatments there after the state's attorney general said the could be considered child abuse in a foyer reporting live from houston. hello nate. >> hey martha. the arraignment not -- finished 20 minutes ago and he pleaded not guilty to charges related to -- his trial date -- he alleges he was protecting children while exposing a secret and illegal transgender medical unit at texas children's hospital for kids under 18 whereas prosecutors argue the way he did it is illegal. the u.s. attorney's office for the southern district of texas provided the statement saying "the indictment alleges he obtained unauthorized access to personal information of pediatric patients unders false pretenses and later disclosed to media contact. dr herman released redacted records claiming to show that secret unit at ted 6 -- texas children's hospital. attorneys now responding to the accusations telling fox news it appears that the government has its facts wrong. they misunderstand the situation and it's unclear if they understand how it works. our client will have his day in court and we are going to fight these charges. fox news reached out to texas children's hospital so far we've not heard back. it's illegal in texas for doctors to provide medicine and surgery for a child's gender transition. the next court appearance we'll be july aids and ben & jerry's selection in his trial will begin august 20th. martha. >> martha: okay nate thank you very much. it's a big story today the surgeon general says social media is dangerous for the health of kids and it needs a warning label like the surgeon general's slapped on cigarettes years ago. adolescents who spend less than 3 hours a day in social media face double the risk of anxiety and depression symptoms. the average daily use in this group as of summer 2023 was 4.8 which puts a lot of kids and the dangers on. joining a down is tom cresting family therapist and author of raising healthy teenagers. great to have you with us today. this is a big move. >> it is a big move and i'm glad to see something happening. it's been too long. i have some research in my previous work go back to tony 17. this is not a new topic is just no hitting the media more often. let me read a couple things. this was conducted surveys by the u.s. to permit of health and human services in 217,600,000 americans on mental health. from 2009 to 2017 major depression went up and doubled. depression surged 60 men% among 16 to 17 -year-olds and the list goes on. so, you know, the attorney general finally coming out and saying oakley he executes this it's a good starting point but certainly more needs to be done. >> martha: you know, it was the same thing with smokey because people knew maybe this isn't so good for you. they felt like everyone smoked back in those days. hears the surgeon general 19624 this will sound like you makes complete sense and he would say about when he said this then it was an earthquake. watch. >> strongest relationship between smoke cigarette smoking and health in the field of lung cancer there is a very strong relationship and probably a causal relationship between heart disease and cigarettes smoking. >> that we are seeing a causal relationship between an epidemic level of anxiety and loneliness in the country and social media. i also want to remind everyone of the mark sucker burke moment regarding instagram and families who had lost their children to incidents that they believe was related to, you know, this constant feet and into his men to keep watching and scrolling. grammar this moment? >> would you like to apologize for what you've done to these good people? get through that your family has suffered and this is why we've invested so much and we continue to make big efforts to ensure that no 1 has to go through the types of thanks you're families have separate. >> martha: okay so cigarette companies had to put a big fat label on cigarettes. what is the big fat label for social media? how is that 1 in congress going to translate to something that we'll be effective? >> winn-dixie in a pack of cigarettes or tobacco maize cost -- may cause cancer at thank we need to see is may cause significant mental-health issues and potentially suicide. only put this in perspective. and you take at the listens or create adolescents the nature of that stage is the insecurity stage. every kid's insecure. going through puberty and trying to figure it where they fitted in a social pecking order. not the weapon of mass destruction in front of them where they have a highlight reel of everyone of their peers perfect lives, it complicates that stage of development. anxiety is normal to some extent when you're an adolescent pair but with this layering effect it sends them down a rabbit hole that is so deep and it's evidenced by the anxiety we are seeing, the depression, the suicide, all those things climbing it all started happening around 2012 on smart phones became mainstream. >> so it is the cure? is it too late for kids who've already beat -- but these habits into their lives squeak. >> it's not too late here is the issue parents are confronted with. let's say you have a 60 world online all the time and they do some thing wrong you take it away. parents are reluctant to do that because they know what the reaction is going to be. the child is going to lose his or her mind. that will last forever, it will last about a week and after 2 weeks to come back to earth a little bit and if you talk to any parent by about a month of unplugging their kid which is not easy to do, their child returns. >> martha: it has to happen. >> it has to. >> martha: you know, parents have to be parents, they have to step in and you have to not be the kind of parent who says what if they can't talk to the kids and they feel left out? grab this by the reins and help your children. it is such a real situation. contact thank you you counselled high school kids for 25 years you know what you're talking about. you written 2 books on this guy thank you for being here today. >> they q. >> martha: coming up next, princess kate stuns at king charles birthday celebration. this was a big moment. in orman's outcry from the crowds that gathered there because they all wanted to see her for the first time since announcing she was battling cancer. i'd like to take a moment to address my fellow veterans, because i know so many of you have served our country honorably. one of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is the eligibility for a va loan, for up to 100 percent of your home■s value. if you need cash for your family call newdayusa. with automatic authority from the va we can say yes when banks say no. give us a call. lumineux whitening strips. no peroxide. no pain. i can use them every day if i want. eat what i want. drink what i want. pop in a lumineux strip and hello... smile is back on point. easy. ♪ before theirs is in the white dress call the princess of wales made her first appearance since announcing her cancer diagnosis almost 3 months ago grandma she said she's making good progress but it is "not out of the woods yet." correspondence -- hi, alex. >> as you mention this was the first public appearance that we have seen different sets of myrtles since the diagnosis got the cancer diagnosis. and also since it really december making that almost six months and -- mnemonics official birthday celebration. we were able to see princess catherine, kate, traveling there in the glass coat with her children, prince george carpenter charlotte and prince louis in the parade honoring king charles iii who is also battling cancer. 2000 people lined the streets catherine mounir buckingham palace, hoping to get a glimpse of these family members are finally reunited. >> she looked amazing in the carriage that went by. she looked amazing. >> i think she's really strong person and is really nice to see here here today. >> initially i didn't think the king or kate would be here. and so when he found out they were both going to be here, it was, like, beyond a blessing before. >> the family stood on one balcony of buckingham palace, reading the public and waiting for the fly over. despite his appearance, kate is not expected return to public duties any time at least in the next few months as she undergoes treatment and in her statement that she released on friday, she says that she has good and she has bad days but this at least once a very good day for the public to see her again before in the. her statement was highly relatable for anyone who's been through what she is going through and she was -- she is on her mostly popular and people were so glad to see her of there. you so much. that is "the story" for this monday, june 17th. is always the story goes on for weeks -- will see you back here tomorrow at 3:00, thank you for being will meet here today. we'll be back tomorrow, have a great afternoon and evening. >> everyone: your world cormack is coming up, let's see how the markets are closing, i see some green arrows out there, have a great evening, everybody. >> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪

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Kidding , Game , Executive Action , Emergency Authority , Wash , Legislation , Fearless Ron Williams , Host , Panel Tommy Blair , All Of You , Hispanic Vote , Analyst , Issue , Fraction , Jay Johnson , Republican , Vote , Democrat , Senate , Chuck Schumer , 2 , Issues , Fact , President Trump , Instruction , Accounts , Parc , Document , Hold On , Biden Over Trump , Watch , Law , Rule , Agenda , Problem , Back , Sure Martha , Et Cetera , Mind , Nobody , Immigration Courts , Border Agents , Season , Solutions , Judges , Polling , Spike , Ability , Swing States , Some , Arizona , Nevada , 51 , 44 , 53 , 45 , Assessment , Joe Biden , Carrot , Doing , Advantage , Hispanic , Someone , Immigration Law , Organizations , Married , Cuba , Cost , Way , Front , Pathway , Money , Citizenship , Tingling , Cutoff Point , Immigrant , Poker , Rob Wickens , 50 , Citizens , Idea , Nothing , The Border , Women , Immigration Subcommittee , Judiciary , 3 , Executive Orders , Control , Sports , Entry , Executive Order , Answer , Wars , It Wouldn T , It , Places , Voting , Lots , Coincidence , Path , Murder , Finding Rachel Moran , Mother , Maryland , Police , Killer , Hike , Charges , El Salvador , Course , Times , Home Country , Homicide , Toys , Attorney Ralph Rice Next , Family , Life , Crime , God , Families , Va Cash Out Loan , Veteran , Credit Card , Homeowners , Many , Rates , Pay , Debt , Call Newday , 22 , 30 , 100 , Cash , Credit Cards , Car Loans , Payment , Peace Of Mind , One , Things , Something , Graves , Eye , Symptoms , Vision , Eyes , Disease , Gritty Feeling , Vo , Doctor , Eye Specialist , Thyroid Eye Disease , Condition , Expert , Glucose , World , Diabetes , System , Sensor , Questions , Carbs , Fingersticks , Glucose Levels , Smartphone , Confidence , A1c , Cgm , Freestylelibre Us , Pain , Relief Factor , Wife , Three , Supplement , Order , 35 , Business , Network , Comcast Business , Speed , Customers , Plans , Speeds , T Mobile , Verizon , At T , 12 , Don T , Miss , Speed Plans , Prepaid Card , 49 99 , 00 , 800 , 9 99 , Suspect , Migrant , Hiking Trail , Investigators , Attorney , Mom , Randolph Rice , David Scott , Person , Story Police , Reporting , Fear , Hello David , Washington , Hi , Martha A Sad , Kids , Woman , Shoes , Popular Outdoor Running Trail , 37 , Bar , Tulsa Oklahoma , Authorities , Delaware State Border , Manner , Body , Others , Baltimore , Victor Hernandez , Rape , Stick , Dna Match , Los Angeles , March 2023 , 23 , 2023 , Plan , Billions , Dna , Event , Surveillance Video , Investigation , Break , Individual , Custody , Thing , Extradition , Randolph , Rest , Phrase , Randall , Children , Patty , Tragedy , Loss , News Conference , Lead , Guy , Detective , Let , Patients , The End , Reaction , Interest , Singing , Right , Officials , Point , News , Defendant , Him , Adult , Sheriff , Prosecution , Process , Friend , Wheels , 60 , Situation , Administration , Better , Case , Supporter , Failures , Governor , Immigration Policy , Deal , Coalition , Line , Politically , Americans , Lawyer , Step , Bail , Peer , Bail Review , Trial , Plea , Road , Process Of Setting Trial Dates , Grief , Persistence , Pick , Job , Law Enforcement , Randolph Good , Stage , Focus , Donald Trump , Groups , Jibe , Raise , Karl Rove , Points , Group , Job Item , Merchant , Folks , Holy Cow , 80 , Part , Droves , Video , La , Obama , Hand , Attention , Weekend , Didn T , Top , Response , Relationship , Friends , Each Other , Quote , Advisor , Michigan , Battleground States , Essay , Pool , 2020 , 40 , Both , Ground , Voter Analysis , Plunge , Majority , Pennsylvania , Terms , Chaser Podcast , S Trick , Concern , Staffer , 2015 , Estate , Hillary Clinton , Checkbook , Ious , Article , Head , Difference , Demographic , Warning , Margin , Ms , Bernie Sanders , Everything , Grappler , Detroit , Anecdotally , Anybody , Experience , Hundred , Opole , Thoughts , Blacks , 66 2 , Percentage , Member Voting , 92 , 20 , Forward , Biden Today , 54 , Electorate , Cnn , 18 , Senator , Side , Races , Jake Tapper , Tammy Baldwin , Congressman Rubin , Biden Down 7 , Wisconsin , Op 4 , Jackie Wilson , 9 , 4 , Drag , Ticket , Google , Trouble , Polls , Strike , Unions , College Students , 100000 , Pay Attention , Money Resources , Say , Butt , Appearances , Position , Black Media Creek , Yes , Checks , Logo Matter , Community , City Commissioners , Funding , Bore , Nonprofits , Standing Hastening , Joe Floyd , Israel , Insight , Iran , War , Secretary Of State , Situation Developing , Nonthreatening , Middle East , Hesbollah , Relief , Millions , Tears , Dry Eye Disease , Xiidra , Prescription , Eye Doctor , Side Effects , Taste Sensation , Signs , Eye Irritation , Discomfort , 90 , Satellite Dish , Dish , Dishes , Pigeon , Beaks , Rain , Directv , There Ain T One , The Good Stuff , Doin , Bit , Lifespans , Priorities , Neck , Stream Directv , Somebody , Hearing Aids , Hair , Reason , Time , Brand Leader , Hearing Evaluation , 7090 , 234 , 1 800 234 7090 , 75 , Food , Dogs , Good , Feeding Food , Living Being , Real Food , Eating , Care , Dog , Meal , Farmer , Aggression , North , Crisis , War Of , Wider , Southern Gaza , Hamas , Escalation , We Haven T , Straights , Affairs Correspondent , Area , Trait Angst , Benjamin Netanyahu , Hi Martha , War Cabinet , No End In Sight , 255 , Positions , Members , Disagreements , Cabinet , Pressuring , Leader , Ministers , Aid , Direction , Condemnation , Decision , Worship , Pauses , Enclave , Soldiers , Backlog , Forces , Incident , Deadliest , Missile , Snow Carrier , Military , Fund , Attacks , Add , Militant Group , Official , Whiter Escalation , Defence , Region , Brink , Consequences , Lebanon , Efforts , Cia , Threat , Missiles , Contributor , Fighters , Big A , 700 Million , 00 Million , 150000 , On Gaza , Argent , Seats , Active Personnel , Lebanese Parliament , Yuri , 13 , 128 , 20000 , Centre , Decimation , Place , Pack , Runs , Terror , Precision , Causal , Munitions , Gusset , Emissions , Target , Facility , Persian Gulf , Interests , Red Sea , Dave Sibley , End , Iran 1 , Hotspots , Biden Stand Up , Window , Iranians , No Doubt , A Thousand , Terry Noel , Costs , Terrorists , Chaos , Bets , Ties , Helping Israel , Russia , Nbc , Men , Set , Patent , North Korea , China , Social Media , Cigarettes , Government , Warning Label , Factor , Greg , Illinois , Bloomington , Prevagen , Memory , Memory Loss , Lapses , Tiffany , Music Playing , Stores , Mila , Daughter , Qualities , Try , 19 , Risk , General , Leukemia , Babies , Down Syndrome , Little Ray Of Sunshine , Acute Myeloid Leukemia , Giggles , Cancer , Marlo Thomas , Cures , Diseases , Jude Children S Research Hospital , Treatment , Diagnosis , 11 , Everybody , Bills , Anything , Jude For Treatment , Thanks , Housing , Bill From St , Donors , Travel , Child , Research , Credit , Debit Card , Jude T Shirt , Matter , Grandmother , Big Business , Lives , Whistle , Attorney General , Hello Nate , Foyer Reporting , Hospital , Treatments , Gender , Child Abuse , Texas , Houston , Arraignment , Unit , Prosecutors , Texas Children S Hospital , Statement , Indictment , Access , Information , Southern District Of Texas , False Pretenses , Attorneys , Herman , Media Contact , Accusations , Records , Ted 6 , Client , Facts , Court , Court Appearance , Doctors , Ben Jerry S , Surgery , Medicine , Raids , Gender Transition , Selection , Surgeon General , Health , Big Story Today The Surgeon General , August 20th , Anxiety , Adolescents , Depression , Use , 4 8 , Author , Family Therapist , Down , Dangers , Teenagers , Tom Cresting , Media , Surveys , Work , Topic , 17 , List , Men , Mental Health , Health And Human Services , 217600000 , 2017 , 16 , 2009 , Starting Point , Needs , Oakley , Earthquake , Isn T , Sense , 19624 , Lung Cancer , Heart Disease , Smoke , Cigarette Smoking , Field , Smoking , Level , Epidemic , Loneliness , Instagram , Mark Sucker Burke , Incidents , Feet , Scrolling , Grammar , Label , Cigarette , Big Fat Label , Fat , Companies , Types , Winn Dixie , Congress , Maize , Kid , Suicide , Insecurity Stage , Nature , Weapon Of Mass Destruction , Pecking Order , Development , Peers , Puberty , Extent , Highlight Reel , Rabbit Hole , Layering Effect , Pair , Smart Phones , 2012 , Parents , Cure , Mainstream , Squeak , Earth , Parent , Child Returns , Contact , Kind , Reins , High School , 25 , Princess Kate Stuns , King Charles , Orman , Books , Outcry , Coming Up Next , Birthday Celebration , Crowds , Veterans , Benefits , Eligibility , Home , Va , S Value , Automatic Authority , Va Loan , Call Newdayusa , Banks , Call , Peroxide , Lumineux Whitening Strips , Smile , Pop , Lumineux Strip , Princess , Dress , Appearance , Not Out Of The Woods , Progress , Correspondence , Wales , Alex , Myrtles , Sets , Cancer Diagnosis , Six , Princess Catherine , Prince , Parade , Coat , Glass , Prince George Carpenter Charlotte , Streets Catherine Mounir , 2000 , Carriage , Family Members , Glimpse , Buckingham Palace , Public , Blessing , Balcony , Fly , Least , Duties , Anyone , Friday , There , June 17th , Monday June 17th , Closing , Afternoon , Evening , Being , Markets , Arrows , World Cormack ,

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