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11:00 pm on the east coast, 8:00 pm in los angeles and this is america's late news, "fox news @ night". breaking tonight, california democrats now pushing a mandate saying california colleges need to hire "undocumented noncitizens" a.k.a. a legal immigrants on the taxpayer time. it is now 23 hours since president biden's immigration executive order went into effect and border officials say nothing has changed. meantime no surprise, vice president o'hara's is back california raising money in the silicon valley, but so is donald trump. is the silicon valley now a jump ball? but we begin with this. >> all of these things will lead to -- i will get the ukrainian situation settled fast. it would have never happened. the other thing that would have never happened is the october 7th attack of israel, would have never happened. and you know what else, i will add something else that would not have happened, inflation. >> trace: donald trump appearing were sean "hannity" tonight and a telling interview and it comes as critics slam president biden for a disastrous interview with time magazine. kevin corke is live in the nation's capital with more on the sitdown. >> reporter: good evening. president biden forgot key facts about the economy, foreign policy and his time in public office during a sit down interview with time magazine last month. even mixing up chinese president xi jinping and russian president vladimir putin. the 81-year-old also repeatedly made false claims about wages, inflation and aid to ukraine, according to the magazine's fact checkers. this as the wall street journal chronicles growing concerns behind closed doors over the white house, that mr biden is showing a worrisome sign including frequent mumbling and a heavy reliance on notes during meetings. if you were thinking his second-in-command might pick up the slack, no evidence of that as the vp navigated a softball interview this week with jimmy kimmel which included, has the president's dog bit and you, and, did you know there's a marijuana named after you? all tough questions there. meantime former president trump as you mentioned set down with sean "hannity" tonight. a wide-ranging conversation during which sean challenged mr trump on a variety of topics including his ongoing legal troubles, how he would fix the crime and border crisis and white beating joe biden in november is necessary to save the country. >> trace: kevin corke live in dc, thank you. [♪♪] the "fox news @ night" commonsense department thanks to wall street journal piece on president biden's mental decline behind closed doors struck a nerve of the white house. the journal spoke to 45 lawmakers both republican and democrat about whether biden has lost his step. as you heard, the consensus is yes. commonsense is learning the white house was so concerned about the article they called democratic lawmakers who were interviewed and told him to call the wall street journal back to give them additional pro biden comments. can you picture it? hello it's me, did i mention president biden is super with it? >> reporter: >> trace: the morning show team on msnbc had a meltdown. commonsense disagrees. there was no meltdown. it was a good old-fashioned panic attack. morning joe talked about people they know who know people who know the president, and all of those people know that biden is a sharp as a tack. so is he sharp as a tack behind closed doors? and only has trouble walking, talking and remembering in public? does morning joe not realize we see the president? he's out of the basement, mostly. commonsense thanks it's only a matter of time before oh i don't know 51 former intel official start telling us the wall street journal is russian disinformation. with that let's bring in political analyst tezlyn figaro and independent women's law center director may mailman. thank you for coming on. may, here's the media montage on the wall street journal and time magazine, reporting on biden's mental decline. >> this is a political attack coming in a political season. >> my response to the peace when i read it was now due donald trump. >> this is basically house republicans whacking. joe biden is light years ahead of all of them. >> presidents use notes in meetings, that's not unusual. >> this was a classic hit piece. >> trace: classic hit piece, may. it really is panic time. >> if you are denying, you are losing, so this is not what democrats want to be talking about. so much so that the wall street journal reported that the white house would listen to recordings of wall street journal interviewers talking to democratic lawmakers and if the white house did not like what that democratic lawmakers said, they would call the wall street journal back and say no, joe biden is really the smartest person that i know. >> trace: it really is. i want to move on because, you know, here's why there is panic. i want to put this up on the thing. this is one of the polls and it's power rankings, showing trump more mentally fit. just look at some of the numbers. it's hard to see on the right-hand side of the screen but when you talk about mentally sound, the fox polling is up by nine. abc episodes up by 19. physically healthy, trump up by 22, trump up by 26. you talk about not too old, trump up by 25, biden, trump up by 28 in the last one. i mean those are big numbers. >> well both men are older men, we clearly know that, we see that and typically when you get older you start having mental decline. i'm independent but i also can see right in front of me that obviously president joe biden has a speech impediment, there's obviously slips he makes quite often. people would say that trump does appear to be able to communicate a lot stronger, but i think the test will really be when they debated the end of the month. we will get a chance to see. joe biden took up former president trump on his willingness to debate and so we will get to see. and that will be a perfect opportunity. i think then we can talk about who is really able to communicate through that debate and who needed notes and who needed the teleprompter. >> trace: i think it will be very telling. the far left media is really in some ways hurting itself because we had kamala harris go on jimmy kimmel, may and they are going on from the media outlets on the questions are just kind of an auk u.s. here's part of this. watch. >> have you ever been bitten by the president's dog? [ laughter ] >> no. >> who curses more, you or joe biden? [ laughter ] >> that's one of the national secrets. >> trace: i mean the problem here is she does very few interviews to begin with and when she does a softball one like that with these ridiculous questions, why doesn't she do a real interview? why doesn't she go up and say look this is me, watch, throw me whatever you want and i will answer. >> they have to protect her because if they are going to replace joe biden on the ballot, it has to be harris. you can't just slap the vice president in the face like that. and i don't know if jimmy kimmel used to be funny, but this was so tremendously not funny. i do feel bad for people who watch him. they spent the first ten minutes of a 20 minute interview scaring americans about abortion and contraception. it was not comedy, it was lying and dark. very bizarre. >> trace: yeah, i want to put up his poll, tezlyn, to you, because it's from georgia talking about the economy and will the economy get better. twenty% say yes, it will. fifty-three% think it will get worse. twenty-six% stay -- sake stay the same. you've got almost 80% of the voters who say the economy is eh. that is damaging for democrats. >> georgia is a unique state, one of the battleground states. i'm not surprised to see it being a split between those who think it will get better and those who won't. and particular paying attention to georgia because again it does show both sides of the aisle. it will depend. democrats messaging has been that it will take a year or two to see inflation go down and to feel it in their pockets. unfortunately they don't have that kind of time. people need to feel it now, before november, so that's a problem democrats keep having to fight in the messaging. >> trace: tezlyn, may mailman, thank you. meantime a busy week of politics in california with both vice president harris and former president trump had lighting fundraisers and campuses go -- san francisco. christina coleman is live with us for more on that. >> reporter: vice president kamala harris back in her home state of fundraising campaign. some democrats worry about president biden losing support among voters to satisfy the economy in warren gaza. the latest power wrecking's show former president trump with a 15-point advantage on the economy and an 18-point in for potential the border and immigration. former president donald trump is expected to attend a sold-out fundraiser at the house of venture capitalist david sacks tomorrow in san francisco. the san francisco chronicle reports the event is sold out and it's $50,000 a person to attend and $500,000 for each couple. keep in mind this comes after the rnc and trump's campaign say they raised at least $141 million last month which includes tens of millions of dollars in campaign contributions following trump's conviction in the so-called hush money trial. >> i predicted this will increase turnout on our side. he will win decisively and become an ex-president. he was already crushing joe biden in the polls. >> so again both at the vp and former president in san francisco fundraising in this very close race. trump was also scheduled to attend fundraisers in both beverly hills and newport beach. >> trace: good money places. stena, thank you. let's bring in huntington beach city councilor tony strickland along with california gop delegate roxanne hoge. thank you for coming on. quickly roxanne and for seeing christina's report, you think that silicon valley moneywise is up for grabs? >> people who know how to make money know where to place their bets and if you are thinking person i would place them on the guy who will fix the economy. >> trace: it's interesting, you go back to the california globe and they write, never letting a border crisis go to waste, california democrats are fast tracking a bill to require the hiring of illegal immigrants at the university of california. california state university and california community college systems. except for the fact that it's against federal law and he's are taxpayer-funded institutions paying these illegal immigrants, i mean this is wildly unlawful and yet they are trying to fast-track this through the state house. >> when his gavin newsom and that super majority gonna start representing actual residents of california? it's unbelievable what coming out of sacramento. our citizens are getting 4.5 or almost perfect scores on the sats and our own citizens can't get into these colleges. they take immigrants from outside the colleges because they get foreign money and our families, hard-working families, are the ones that suffer. >> trace: and that's exactly right. so many kids have said i'm just trying. ucla's acceptance rate is minuscule and local kids are not getting in which is a shame. gavin newsom tweeted the following, roxanne, huge and something you deftly will hear on fox news tonight, hi governor, for the first time in ten years california is officially home to the most fortune 500 companies, more than texas, florida, 57 incredible and booming companies right here in the golden state. the california business and industrial alliance has got something i'm sure gavin newsom will not talk about tomorrow. quoting here. "tomorrow the california business and industrial lands will run a full page showcasing the detrimental impact of california's recent minimum wage hike for bastard restaurants which comes on the heels of rubio's, a famous restaurant and california, closing 48 of it's restaurants because california can't afford to do business here >> no one can. no more fish tacos for us. but the important thing, it's death by 1000 cuts. if you try to run a business in california, legally they will come after you. is just like the school thing. you become a chump for following the rules. restaurants that pay for their locations are taken over by people with treatment during that don't have to follow any of the loss. >> trace: san diego was rubio's home. i grew up in san diego and a lot of kids went to rubio's for a lot of years and now they are going away. newsom promised 1200 tiny homes for homeless californians. a year later, not one, tony, has been built. there are six companies that were contracted. they haven't bought one home for a homeless person. >> billions and billions of dollars have been spent and it's this homeless industrial complex that's happened here. no one is measuring the money, they are missing money everywhere. huntington beach is one of the few cities in california that homelessness has gone down. with less money. because what we are doing is enforcing encampment laws and making sure we get those homeless the services they deserve and get them off the streets. not compassionate to leave the homeless on the street and then give them drugs and alcohol. we need to get on the services they deserve, at them off the street and out of our parks so our kids can play and away from our businesses so people can go into our businesses. >> trace: we are going to try to get the sheriff on the show and you have to watch him. this is riverside county about 75 miles east. watch. >> hello california. riverside county sheriff. for the past 30 years i've been doing everything i could to keep our community safe by arresting criminals and putting them in jail and i'm getting tired. i'm getting tired and i'm wondering if i'm having a change of heart and deciding that you know what maybe i've been wrong. and i think i'm going to change teams. instead of letting them out of jail and giving them alcohol and drugs and everything else, i think it's time we put a felon in the white house. trump 2024, baby. >> trace: kind of crazy. this is california and all of a sudden you see this bush. five seconds for each. >> he knows words that. >> trace: exactly right. >> injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. a fact of the matter is american people see the injustice happening with president trump and they are going to pay with the fact of the matter that all of these fundraisers are sold out in the website is crashing because 30% of those donations were from people who have never given money before. >> trace: part of the reason he's here. thank you both. the biden a ministration might have you believe that the border is closed after yesterday's immigration executive action, but gently painter is live in new york to separate fact from fiction. good evening. -- chanley painter -- >> reporter: the governor of our largest southern border in texas greg i get -- greg abbott says biden's policy only makes the immigration problem worse, slamming the president's new executive order. they met the executive order does absolutely nothing. nothing to change the chaos created by joe biden on the border. it entices and attracts more people to come into our country illegally. >> reporter: biden's order only temporarily suspends the entry of noncitizens across the southern border. once the average exceeds 2500 over seven days. while it includes a lot of exceptions, officials claim it would make it easier to quickly remove migrants. >> the president has gone further than any president in generating those lawful pathways so that people looking to come here to this country with a legitimate claim to come here can do so effectively. >> reporter: but biden's actions are sharp backlash from republicans who see this as a political stunt ahead of november's election and from democrats. >> but i don't think we can beat the republicans at their own game here. >> reporter: texas is responding by compiling a top ten most wanted list of criminal illegal immigrants on the loose because they say biden's borders. man wanted for sexual assault and murder and texas is the first date to take this action. >> trace: chanley painter live in new york, thank you. let's bring in former fbi special agent fox news contributor nicole parker and retired border patrol agent, texas sheriff thaddeus cleveland. sheriff to you first, i want to play sounds from governor abbott and will ask if he's right. listen. >> let's be clear. americans need to know, the executive order does absolutely nothing to change the chaos created by joe biden on the border. >> trace: sheriff, is he right? >> certainly right. one hundred% right. what we will continue to see our people lining up the border to come across and then those who can't get in will start sneaking across illegally, going back to what we had before the administration took over. that normal amount of people trying to get in. but i will also tell you the administration continues to tout that apprehensions are lower. they are still higher than those previous levels we had under president trump. >> trace: it's interesting, nicole parker because i want to play some sound. this is bill melugin talking to the migrants coming across the border today followed by christopher ray on capitol hill yesterday. watch both of them. >> jordan? where you guys from? egypt. where you from? >> türkiye. >> all turkey? >> the bigger problem in my view is twofold. one, individuals who, when they come in, are either armed with fake documents or snuck in in some way, or, and this is very important, individuals for whom there is not enough derogatory information in the intelligence community to watchlist them yet. >> trace: i mean bill melugin just highlighted christopher ray's big dilemma here. you've got these people coming across, and we have no idea why or who they are. >> you have no idea who they are, that is correct. that terrorist screening center is the database that is used for federal agencies and for our country to track potential terrorists and is supposed to keep us safe, but you don't know what you don't know. when people enter with fake documents, you have no idea who the individual is, you don't know their true identity and even more concerning, there is no intelligence that we are gathering from these foreign countries. can you imagine jordan is saying by the way this person is a potential threat or iran saying you might want to put them on your terror watchlist. are you kidding me? this is absolutely why we are in a very dangerous and vulnerable situation in our country. >> trace: sheriff, she's right, we don't know who these people are or what their intent is or why they are here because most of them, a lot of them, just go, they get away. >> they certainly do. many countries unlike the united states don't have that basis to track criminal histories, criminal records. even if they did, they are not? to share it with us. they are going to send their people, they're less desirable's to come to us harm. bottom is -- bottom line is, you can't raise security one day, shut down the next, race at the next. it's complete nonsense. >> trace: to me you look at this and it's kind of amazing because you look at the rules. 2500 allowed to come in every day before the border is even tried to be shut down and all people have to say is "i'm afraid to leave here "and they get to stay. final thoughts? >> trace, the border has to be secure. it's got to be locked down. these last-minute dig efforts, you know, he got an election five months away. do they think that americans are actually buying this? we can see through it, it's not? to stop or prevent any dangerous threat. the damage frankly is done. unfortunately you've got approximately 8 million individuals in our country, many of them you have no idea who they are and let's just hope for the best. i don't want to be an alarmist but we have to be realistic. this is what keeps fbi agents up at night because right now it's a customs issue, but when there's a terrorist threat, that will now become an fbi issue. >> trace: nicole, sheriff, thank you both. coming up, hunter biden's exes take the stand in his federal gun trial but the start of the trial might be the laptop, you know, the phony russian disinformation laptop. and more than one dozen anti-israel protesters arrested at stanford university. their plan? to take over the president's office. it did not end well. and in the nightcap new information suggesting the trump campaign has narrowed the vise presidential contenders to marco rubio... britt baker says there may be a few more. >> you are right to point to those three put the sources telling us the list is longer than that but it also includes arkansas senator tom cotton. south carolina senator tim scott, new york congresswoman, florida congresswoman and even former presidential candidate and former hud secretary ben carson. >> trace: do you think rubioat burned them to advance to thed top three? hiwe are coming right back. knew this first hand, they created a boat that was more affordable... tracker, the world's #1 one best selling fishing and pontoon boats powered by mercury. proudly built in missouri and sold factory direct at bass pro shops and select dealers. for as little as 5 dollars a day... you can own a brand new tracker and make lifelong memories of your own. bass pro shops. voted america's best outdoor retailer. save even more and support conservation when you join the club. ♪ rise up this morning, ♪ ♪ smiled with the rising sun ♪ discover our newest resort, sandals st. vincent and the grenadines now open. visit or call 1-800-sandals [♪♪] >> trace: the jury in the federal gun crime trial of hunter biden today her dreams of evidence about biden's battles with drugs and alcohol. david spunt is live for us in wilmington, delaware. >> reporter: good evening, four witnesses on the scan today just hours ago. two exes of hunter biden. his ex-wife and his ex-girlfriend. his ex-wife told a story of why they originally got divorced. she said she found drugs multiple times in and around hunter though she never saw drugs directly. she said she found multiple crack pipes and was worried, scared for him. she worried about their children. she wanted to protect them. also on the stand a former stripper who spent weeks with hunter in various hotels across the country, from atlantic city to new york, including los angeles as high and château marmont in 2018, the same year he allegedly lied on a federal gun form when he said he was not addicted to or using drugs. testifying under immunity that from their first meeting at a new york strip club, hunter biden was a crack cocaine user, using roughly efforts want -- every 20 minutes at times. the store employee who sold hunter biden the cold handgun in 2018 said hunter came into the store looking for a gun. this contradicts what the defense, his attorney, said earlier this week saying that hunter was in a nearby cell phone store casually walked into a gun store and felt some pressure to buy the gun. his name is gordon cleveland, the jury seemed very interested in his testimony and he says he personally witnessed hunter biden check no on the box which is really just the center of the entire case. he will be back on the stand tomorrow morning with more cross-examination from hunter's attorney. >> trace: fascinating, david spunt live in willing minten, thank you. let's bring in florida attorney general ashley moody. thank you for coming on, we appreciate it. i want to play a bit of sound going back to the 2020 debate. it's about the laptop you might have guessed. watch this. >> they have said that this has all the -- four -- five heads of the former cia, both parties, say what he's saying is a bunch of garbage. nobody believes that except him and his good friend rudy giuliani. >> you mean the laptop is another russia hoax? >> trace: doj says the laptop is real, it might put hunter biden in jail but zero consequences for joe biden or those 51 intel officials. >> yeah and now the laptop is going to be the crucial piece of evidence. i mean the prosecution has to show that he purchased this gun and lied on forms when he was addicted to drugs, and the laptop is the payload for all of that evidence. it even has some smoke and a crack pipe in the bathtub, holding up the firearm. it's incredible the amount of evidence they are able to get through this laptop that never existed according to so many people. >> trace: jonathan turley says he's not sure if it's going to matter. he talks about hunter biden may be seeking jury nullification rather than vindication with the first lady sitting behind, family ties will be on full display, is an understandable parental desire to show emotional support for hunter but prosecutors cannot be thrilled by the potential effects on jurors in the pro- biden state. what do you think of that? >> it shows you the stark contrast with what we were dealing with just last week. you were in the worst forum for a defendant in terms of the jury pool. you had charges that were so convoluted and they were moving and to the defense had trouble coming up with a defense because they did not even know what the judge would expect the prosecution to prove to the jury or that the law that the jury was supposed to follow. now you have a special prosecutor who has a very open and shut case, clear elements. i mean i was a former federal prosecutor, we prosecuted these types of crimes. and the law is going to be very straightforward. so of course they are going to try and get the jury to -- many of whom known people who have been addicted or have personal experiences with drugs -- to say okay fine, all the elements are met, we see the laptop evidence, we see all the testimony, but we feel sorry for him so we are going to find him not guilty. it's an incredible difference them what we just saw last week. >> trace: it is indeed. florida attorney general ashley moody, thank you, we appreciate you being on the show was always. >> of course, great to be with you. [ chanting ] free, free palestine! >> trace: more than one dozen pro- palestinian protesters were arrested at stanford university after breaking into and occupying the campus presidents office, demanding stanford stop doing business with companies that support israel. let's bring in a veteran of israel special operations, counterterrorist unit aaron cohen and rabbi chaim mentz. rabbi, to you first, i want to play some sound of the stanford protests. you can listen to some of the genting. >> and autonomy is group of stanford students are occupying the president's office in light of the ongoing genocide in gaza. >> trace: yeah. and we keep hearing about these. we hear about these protests, little ones here, sometimes in public. what we are not hearing about at all is the hostages. why is that? >> the hostages, if you talk about it it will become an emotional issue and that does not look good for the biden administration which is doing nothing. on the one hands or college campuses are being run like hitler youth. they are coming in and doing a lot of damage and eventually people start saying in the 1930s we don't need the juice. eventually they are hoping that america will turn against the jewish people. about the hostages, i've worked and spoken to many people in the industry and i've begged them, why haven't you just taken four american names, make 90 second videos of who they are. show the emotion. they are americans, why are we talking about them? thailand got all of their hostages out. >> trace: it's a very good point. writes, attack on u.s. embassy in lebanon foiled. gunmen captured after shoot out, u.s. embassy in lebanon, attacker wearing what appeared to be isis insignia. i mean the suspect wore a nicer shirt that going after a u.s. asset in lebanon. what do you make of this? >> lebanon has a long history. you remember the barracks back in the eighties, the u.s. barracks was attacked by a terror group, i believe 80 plus marines were killed on that day. lebanon is no stranger to terrorism. israel was out there for 20 years in the buffer zone. to create that buffer after all of those attacks that were happening up until the late nineties. i think this is a gradual escalation which is going to lead the israeli defense forces to make a concerted decision to potentially move into action at some point later in the summer. that's my belief. it's not coming from the mouths at the mossad or the intelligence agency but my contention is that, how much of israel are you going to burn down before israel starts to push and get aggressive? >> trace: i think that's a fair assessment. we will talk more about that in a minute but i want to show video coming into "fox news @ night", protests in manhattan. this is what we are just getting here, you have arrests, police, these are getting more dramatic. it's starting to heat up. it's summer, they are moving off college campuses into the streets. as you look at this i want to wind back in if i can and i want to show the protests a few days ago at pride between these pro- palestinian protesters, these anti-israel protesters, and the pride people. this went on and the whole concept here is you have the far left going after the far left. >> yes. when you dance with the devil, you die with the devil. they thought hey, let's join the palestinians and go after the juice, but at the end of the day, the palestinians use them in the truth of the matter is, i hate your guts because you have american rights. in america, you have to wake up and start recognizing that this is what is coming to your doorstep. i'm an american but i know my history. we have seen this. >> trace: meantime on your subject, aaron cohen, the bbc says players in northern israel fuel demands to tackle escalation with hezbollah. we've seen this. i mean we know, we've been talking now for say eight months, they keep firing rockets and going here, it's just a scuffle. this thing is getting serious. >> hezbollah is making a mistake right now. they are one of almost a half dozen proxies controlled by iran. hostages. jerusalem by the way and 67 israel took on jerusalem. this is a fighting, warrior culture. it's just a question of time. the fires stoked in the north of israel, the idf high command are very likely planning for some type of more aggressive incursion. it's very easy for the idf to make the fires burn both ways. the differences back israel does not want to harm civilians, the terror groups don't care, so right now there's planning happening to decide how they go about doing that. >> trace: thank you both. coming up, and 8-year-old boy was choking and he was saved by a police officer and brand-new technology that maybe we should all have on hand. the child, his mother, and the hero police officer live with us onset, next. 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>> i was with a friend and then we were just sitting and i ate a candy. >> trace: do you know what kind of candy it was? >> one of those bar candies. i was going like that and then i choked on it and then i tried to cough and it wasn't working and then my friend noticed. so i ran to the house and she also ran and gave me water and then i woke up and i was in the ambulance. >> trace: mom, when you found out, did you know he was choking did you know the candy was in there? >> as soon as i saw him, when his friend told me, i just saw him purple. he was already unconscious. i just tried -- the neighbors and i were trying to do compression's on his chest, breathe through his mouth but nothing seemed to be working. he wasn't able to talk to me so he was unconscious the whole time until the police arrived. >> trace: and how long before the police arrived? it must have seemed like forever. >> it did feel like forever but it was about five minutes i guess. they were really quick with everything. i'm really thankful for them. >> trace: thankful for officer raul vega and his team. when you got there, officer, he was clearly unconscious. did you know that he was choking? did you know this was bad? >> yes. he was unconscious, on responsive, he was not breathing,'s eyes were open. we've seen these types of emergencies before but he clearly needed attention quickly. >> trace: and you brought something with you. we are watching the video but it's important to know that this is called lifevac. just tell me what it does, officer, if you can. >> it's an anti-choking rescue device. basically it's like a plunger. you place the device over the person's mouth and you press to get suction and while you are holding it down you pull it up and that allows the object to become dislodged and the airway to open up. >> trace: did it work the first time? >> it did not. >> trace: how money times before you got the candy out? >> the second time. >> trace: that's fantastic. >> it was amazing. >> trace: when you woke up in the ambulance, did you know where you were? did you know what happened ethan? >> yeah. >> trace: what were you thinking? did you see your mom? did you see people around you? >> yeah, i saw my mom in the ambulance and other people too. >> trace: yeah. how did you feel? >> nervous. >> trace: i can imagine you were nervous. how did mom feel during this time? were you watching the first time it didn't work, the second time? what were you thinking and feeling? it had to be tense. >> from the moment we were trying, and i heard one of the dads say he wasn't breathing i lost it. as soon as i noticed they were able to pull it out, the candy, i felt some type of relief. i was still worried, thinking if he was going to come back himself but he was okay after that. >> trace: first time it did not come out, officer, were you concerned? did you think listen, we have to get this? >> absolutely but i have great partners there with me holding ethan down. mom was there. luckily with my partners and the training that we had, we were able to get it out. >> trace: will you eat these candies anymore, ethan? done with those candies. we won't say the brand or anything but done with those candies. would you recommend -- i mean this whole thing, is it one of those things where who called the police and how long did it take before you actually had your son in the ambulance? >> yes, i was talking with a standard by when we were at the hospital and mentioning that we had to get the name of the machine that they used. it was terrifying, seeing my own son unconscious. >> trace: it really is. officer, your last words on this? >> our police department supplied 200 of these to our patrol officers to city employees. this is a lifesaver. for 60, $70, this will save someone's life. >> trace: and that life is sitting two people down from you. officer, you are a hero, thank you and to your team. vanessa, ethan, good for you, thank you, we appreciate it. coming up, new information that former president trump has narrowed his vp list to three. do you agree and who do you think is top pick? let us know x and instagram @tracegallagher, we will read your responses coming up next in the nightcap. 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[♪♪] >> trace: we are back with the nightcap crew, kevin corke, chanley painter, roxanne hoge and ashley moody -- aaron cohen. new information that the trump campaign has narrowed the vise presidential contenders to marco rubio, doug burgum and jd vance but bret baier so the list may be longer. do you believe rubio, burgum and vance of the top three contenders and who do you think it's the overall not. chanley painter? >> president trump comes across as someone who may give us a few hints and then pick someone we did not expect. some of the top ones i probably thank are just out there so doctor carson would be great or i love to see a woman on a ticket. >> trace: kevin corke, your thoughts? >> i think marco rubio is a great pick for a number of reasons but i still say kelsey is my leader. >> trace: some people said. i was listening to bret baier and i had some people writing saying she is still in the runner. roxanne? >> first rule of fight club, you don't talk about fight club. every name being bandied about, not them. >> trace: there were six or seven names, you are taking them all out? so who is the one on your list? >> i like tulsi gabbard but there's someone we don't know. >> trace: copy that. aaron cohen? >> i have been tracking stefon nick. i think a woman in the mix would be a nice balance to a lot of that masculinity. elise stefanik is a tough cookie. >> trace: i think tim scott is high in the running. do you believe rubio, burgum, vance? melissa, someone who will make him look good and not have a horrible laugh. proud cuban-american, jd vance, they think alike. trump will pick well-known tv host trace gallagher. of course he will. what a lineup. i'm coming east. my wishlist is either -- burgum, stop stealing from elected positions, we need the senate and republican control janice, i think nikki haley. thank you for joining america's late news, "fox news @ night".ae i'm trace gallagher and we wills u right back here tomorw night. knew this first hand, they created a boat that was more affordable... tracker, the world's #1 one best selling fishing and pontoon boats powered by mercury. proudly built in missouri and sold factory direct at bass pro shops and select dealers. for as little as 5 dollars a day... you can own a brand new tracker and make lifelong memories of your own. bass pro shops. voted america's best outdoor retailer. save even more and support conservation when you join the club. force factor total beets is the number one beets brand in america. that's why friends and family recommend total beets. now you can find total beets blood pressure chews at walmart so you can boost nitric oxide, support blood pressure and improve heart health. rush to walmart and find total beets. how do you find the perfect father's day gift? simple. just type weathertech has hundreds of premium products that will keep dad's vehicle looking its best. like laser-measured floorliners, cargo liner and seat protector for extra interior protection. sunshade blocks harmful uv rays. the cupfone perfectly secures his phone while driving. order these american made products or a gift card at happy father's day. oh, why leaffilter? it's well designed, efficient, i appreciate that. leaffilter's technology keeps debris out of your gutters for good, guaranteed. what more could you ask for? call 833.leaf.filter today, or visit ♪ ♪ [♪♪

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