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but it has already divided the democrats. >> want to do things to actually solve the problem. to say me solving the problem is expanding the path to citizenship. >> trying to be tough on the border it. confuses the message what we stand for. >> steve: they don't like it. meanwhile, joe biden just landed in paris a couple hours ago for the 80th anniversary of d-day. do you know what? he has already signed off for the day officially the white house says. peter doocy is still working though. he is going to break down the latest from the administration. bonjour. >> rachel: plus, looks like you can teach old dogs new tricks. pet owners putting paws in with their furry friends in the latest social media trend. >> lawrence: we love that the second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now and remember, mornings are better with friends. ♪ >> brian: fox news alert. the white house announcing president biden will not meet with the media, dash dash, almost immediately after landing south of paris this morning. >> rachel: the president is in france to commemorate the 80th anniversary of d-day. >> steve: and this particular overseas trip comes after joe biden told "time" magazine that world leaders have told him they're worried if donald trump gets reelected. they don't want that to happen. >> brian: that's what he says they say. >> lawrence: peter doocy joins us live from paris. peter, how did you get that assignment? >> peter: ha ha good luck, i guess. and the thing about that lid is that if president biden wanted to stay on local time there is plenty of daylight here. it's 1:00 in the afternoon. if you wanted to stay on eastern time there is even more daylight left. but, he arrived here in paris. we saw an arrival ceremony with air force one. took a motorcade via paris' version of the beltway to his hotel and checked in and that was it. we're not going to see him again for the rest of today. we know that the vice president, kamala harris, stayed back in the united states. she just has a political event in san francisco a day before donald trump visits the bay area himself. and a trump win, according to a new biden interview, is something other world leaders allegedly want to stop. the quote from the current president about trump is there is not a major international meeting i attend that before it's over that a world leader doesn't pull me aside as i'm leaving and say he can't win. you can't let him win. that is a quote the white house wants out there that is a "time" magazine interview that the white house orchestrated. they did not cooperate as much with a new "wall street journal" item that is out citing some democrats who have known joe biden for a long time and say that right now he is a slower version of joe biden, particularly behind the scenes working off of note cards. he has a chance though to re-set things after his down day here in paris. he's going to spend parts of next two days out in normandy commemorating the 80th anniversary of d-day. even though we don't expect this to be explicitly political trip. is he going to give remarks about one of the issues that his campaign team thinks are top for them, democracy. back to you. >> lawrence: so, peter, is there any plan to meet with the greatest generation? i know they are doing all these tours and sight seeings. is the commander-in-chief going to eventually meet with them? is that on the schedule? >> peter: we do expect there to be some meetings with the survivors of d-day those veterans when they get out to normandy tomorrow and the next day. >> steve: peter, extraordinary, plane lands, they call a lid. there are 100-year-old d-day survivors who have more on their schedule today than the president of the united states. >> lawrence: unbelievable. peter peter i think that's probably true. yeah. because if you are 100 and you come to france you are probably not going to sit in your hotel all day. >> lawrence: that's exactly right. >> rachel: all these articles coming out talking about how slow he was "time" magazine and "wall street journal." you would think that he would want to get out there and meet with you and others sort of to counter that. >> steve: show it ain't true. >> brian: or backpack and go to a youth hostel. >> peter: he is probably doing something like meetings or something at the hotel calls back with folks in d.c. but it is nothing that you have to come to paris for, at least that we know of. >> steve: and you went to paris. and yesterday, after i talked to you, the first meal he had in paris damn yankee was a hamburger. luckily, you had french fries. so that makes. >> brian: freedom fries. >> steve: french fries. >> peter: i was hungry. walked around all day. looked at my phone 20,000 steps i was hungry. i got hamburger. >> lawrence: got your calories. >> brian: some of the things emerged from the "time" magazine "wall street journal" journey. one of which even though joe biden said i was chairman of the foreign policy committee. 40 years of foreign policy experience handling a lot of stuff for barack obama. politico agrees foreign policy becomes a liability for president biden. a quote from a long time democratic strategist. foreign policy is a problem because it undermines the central tenet of his 2020 candidacy when he said he would restore america abroad and return us to normalcy. please tell me with two hot wars we are fully financing, please tell me where normal is. >> rachel: not just the hot wars. it's serious stuff. we have never been closer to a nuclear war than we are at this moment. so he cannot claim that he is making us any safer. but, in our own. >> brian: of course afghanistan, too. >> rachel: afghanistan were huge. i'm even surprised he brought up afghanistan himself in that interview because it's such a dark stain on his record. but, what's happening in our own hemisphere, you have mexico turning into a narco-state but, more importantly, you have the chinese exerting influence all over our hemisphere flying spy balloons all over our country. buying up farmland. setting up secret police. bioweapons found in california. and then buying up all kinds of, you know, mines and infrastructure and ports all over latin america. this is unheard of in our own backyard. this is a massive problem. many people are saying it's actually the biggest problem. and some people saying the election in mexico, the chinese were very much involved in that election. and we had 34 candidates who were killed in this campaign season in mexico. mexico is a very hot spot right now. >> lawrence: you got to think about joe biden's position right now. remember back in 2008 president, former then senator obama didn't have any foreign policy experience. so they put joe biden on the ticket for. >> steve: chops. >> lawrence: made sense then. this guy doesn't know what he is talking about. secretary of defense, cia wasn't listening to him. even articles written about how he wants to prove to the obama coalition. but you got to go to this article that talks about these foreign leaders. i mean, what could possibly go wrong? are they upset that the former president made them pay their due when it comes to nato or he checked them and said, listen, if you are not working with us. then i'm going to put tariffs on you? what could possibly be the reason why they hated the former president. >> brian: he said he had to reassure japan. the president and president trump those guys were tight. >> lawrence: at the time did multiple tours. at mar-a-lago and everything. >> rachel: there are some globalist leaders in europe who very much align with joe biden on many of those ideas. so he is clearly talking to those and not others that donald trump obviously allies. >> steve: here's the thing. interesting two pieces big piece in "time" magazine and big piece in "wall street journal" that says joe is slipping. it's coming out during the hunter biden trial. there's a lot going on. joe biden is over there. he calls a lid, to your point, you know, this would be a great chance to look like is he a strong guy. in the "wall street journal" article, kevin mccarthy is one of the few people who is on the record with his name. they talked to 45 democrats and republicans. and he was talking about when he would negotiate with the current president, joe biden, he said, you know, he always had cards. he could not negotiate any other way. he said i used to meet with him when he was vice president. i gold over to his house. is he not the same person. also, is he not the same person to a lot of people who voted for him in 2020 and now, you have got all these factions of democrats, and progressives who are saying we can't go along with him. there is an item in axios this morning that talks a little bit about how the sunrise movement, which is young progressives, and they helped joe shape his climate agenda, they are not endorsing him right now because they don't like his stance on climate and allowing certain fossil fuel projects to go through. but they also don't like his position on the israel-hamas war. they don't like that. and so they are not going -- they are saying at this point we are going to wait and see. we're not. >> brian: if they don't like joe biden's stance on gaza and the environment. you are really going to hate donald trump's. he is sitting there going you guy goes fight it out. meanwhile byron donalds as well as -- byron donalds is one of the surrogates for plowmp is going into philadelphia today to try to get the black vote. they are going all out. wesley hunter is also going to be doing the same thing. tim scott has done a lot of extensive work, too. the former president is going out to the west coast. >> rachel: is he on offense. going into areas that republicans have never thought they had a chance and i think it's a good sign. and, again, the decline that you see in joe biden has to be contrasted. we just had that interview last weekend with the president. he is sharp -- president trump. he is sharp as a tack. able to go on a full range of issues. no notes. throw anything at me. i will answer it. that's going to be the contrast people are making. >> lawrence: you got the president who campaigned that he was going to be a moderate. he was going to unify the country. lawrence. >> steve: that's what we were told. told us that from the basement that he was going to do it. then he gets into office and he gives the progressives everything that they want. student loans. he opened up the border on day one. so then he gets hit in the polls, democrats upset. progressives, even in these cities that have to live with the migrants being moved into their community are upset. he decides to do some type of action yesterday not strong but symbolic measure. and the progressives respond this way. >> i think the president has introduced a comprehensive immigration reform bill. that is the kind of work that we need to be doing and that we want him to emphasize so there is a clear difference between what he and democrats are pushing for and what donald trump pushed for. and my concern about this executive order is it's trying to be all tough on the border and it's not going to fix anything. and it confuses the message about what we stand for. >> i think the deal is we want to do things that actually solve the problem. to me, solving the problem is expanding the path to citizenship and for people to actually be able to be documented and follow the rules and this doesn't necessarily help us to that. >> brian: yeah, the thing is we are being overwhelmed. cities being overwheld and on monday we wake up to the story venezuelan gang member 19 years old shoots two cops. that's what we get up to. laken riley's killer is in court today. that's who what we wake up to. when president trump comes out and says they're emptying their prisons in venezuela they go there is no proof of that. look at the blood in the streets. look at the guys with the machetes walking around. i will give you a free pass to roosevelt hotel. take a walk through there and tell me if they are not the killers that you expect. they want to go back to the old play if you crack down on the border you don't like hispanics. if you talk about criminals coming through, you don't like hispanics or being intolerant. no, there are criminals coming through and they are killing people. >> lawrence: can you imagine immigration being the number one -- the number two, number one during the primary. as the number two issue for voters and democrats saying as you saw in that clip, that the president is not going far enough. he needs to be giving amnesty. giving pathway to citizenship in the country. >> steve: so steamed yesterday he signed this executive order. and they say, look, he is being -- he has caved to the republicans demands. the republicans would like to see the number at zero. joe biden is going to allow upwards of 2 million people in the country illegally but they are going to be able to stay under this new plan. that's crazy. >> rachel: it's all kabuki theater. joe biden puts out these executive orders that we know will do nothing to make it look like he is tough on the border. and then they use their far left to complain to go see where, you know, we want it to be this way. they are working in conjunction. they know exactly what they are doing and getting what they want which are millions of people entering our country illegally and those will be future democrat voters. >> steve: you know ultimately what this does. the administration has a problem when bill melugin is showing all the people streaming across the. >> lawrence: live shot. >> steve: under this plan, there are going to be fewer people at the border. fewer going to be lined up. look at that stuff right there. >> brian: i don't see how they are implementing it. has anyone told mexico? >> steve: i believe it's all about the optics. the administration does not need pictures like that happening. going forward see if it continues. >> brian: don't have enough to seal it. use the wall rotting in the desert and sell it off on pennies on the dollar. i think it's a fascinating look. by the way 40% approval rating on the border. trailing the president by double figures. now, speaking of the former president, he has got a plan. it's a lot different from the 2020 plan. >> lawrence: it's interesting. this is something thattage of us have been calling for for a while. you talk about the irregularities. if they have changed the rules. then the republicans have to get with the times. so this is what the former president is saying now. republicans must win and we will use every appropriate tool to beat the democrats because they are destroying our country. but here's the problem. whether you vote absentee, by mail, early in person, or on election day, we're going to protect the right to vote. so the president is saying use all tools necessary now. at one point, rachel, he has said listen, because did he not like the mail-in votes, don't do it. he has reversed course. is he saying it if it's going to be legal, then i want our people to vote early if they can. >> rachel: republicans have always liked the idea of voting on election day. i don't even like early voting. unless you are in the military or sick in the hospital somewhere. most republicans go in person with an i.d. >> lawrence: on election day. >> rachel: because they care about that. but covid, by the way testimony this week with fauci was fascinating to me. clear this made up six feet of social distancing was about creating fear including fear and the justification for not voting in person and creating mass mail-in ballots to become the norm. and republicans have always resisted that but covid became the excuse and you will never convince me that that was not coordinated with fauci and the democrats. i believe that. nonetheless, what donald trump is saying -- and he said, he warned when they were making these laws, some of them unconstitutionally that you shouldn't do these mail-in ballots. he was saying this is going to cause a lot of cheating and problems in the election integrity. but, now that this is the law, we got to get on board. we can't change it before the election. let's get on to it. >> steve: it's good that he is right about that. you know, and he called the, you know, the mail-in stuff and absentee ballots corrupt about a month ago. so it's good that they are doing a 180 because it's just smart. this is all part of an organization called swamp the vote. it's one of the feeder groups from the rnc. and they know -- they have looked at big data and they know that people are busy these days. and if they want to win, they are going to have to get every vote, every way they can. and now they are doing this just like the democrats. >> rachel: relented and said fine, if you want it this way, you have to play this game too. i think it's sad. go back to having this unifying moment where they all got ballot box same day. give everyone a day off. >> brian: we have to work. >> rachel: no we have a day off, too. i will go in and vote with all my kids. >> brian: a.i. rachel. i would add one more thing to this. the president is getting very excited about the prospect of winning in virginia and new hampshire. they are in dead heats in those blue states. and he is also within single digits now in new york. so one of the worst things in some respects keeping the president in new york because he is beginning to win people over. that will be interesting. really spread out. you really force at the very least democrats to spend in places they never thought they had to. >> rachel: minnesota he thinks he can win minnesota. he is playing there, too. >> lawrence: clear that the bronx rally freaked them all out. you see with all these leaked stories about him being a racist and all this type of stuff. they are worried. now to fox weather alert. the first heat wave of the summer season is expected to shatter records across the southwest this week. temperatures are set to soar into triple digits which will effect 27 million people, brian. >> brian: national park posting this warning on social media showing with a thermometer above 100 degrees and saying don't die today. that's a good idea. >> rachel: excessive heat warning in effect in las vegas with temperatures expected to hit a high of 110. check in with chief meteorologist janice dean, our friend, for your fox weather forecast. janice? >> janice: yeah. these type of temperatures. you see them in the summertime but not this early. we're going to actually hit record highs, 20 to 30 degrees above average. take a look at it. phoenix 108. 103 in el paso. south texas well high heat indices where it's going to feel well over 100 degrees in a lot of these areas. we are focused on california as we advance the maps. i will show you where all of these advisories are over california in towards nevada and arizona. as well as parts of the southwest into texas. so, through friday excessive heat warnings for millions of folks in these populated areas. and it is very early to see this kind of heat. let's take a look at some of the temperatures. well over 100 degrees. 104 in fresno. 102348 las vegas. 108 in phoenix. gets even hotter tomorrow. so this high pressure is anchored across the west. that's going to bring excessive heat and humidity to parts of texas over the next few days. a very dangerous situation. we will certainly keep you up to date. fox for all of your latest details. here in the east. we're going to have unsettled cool weather. thathat's the weather pattern. unfortunately if you have got plans this week for parts of the northeast, it's going to be a wet one. over to you. >> brian: we shut off our sleeves. >> lawrence: how do we do the show? do we sleeveless. >> brian: cut off right here. not even a flair. we have to stay cool. >> rachel: do it. looks ghood a muscle shirt. >> steve: show this new fashion trend? >> lawrence: he meets gronk one time and all of the sudden. >> brian: i got his shirt. i still got his jeans. every day is a gun show with me. [laughter] >> steve: 7:20. it's a news channel have news with carley. >> carley: i would love to deliver it to you. good morning. italian court upholding the slander conviction against amanda knox 16 years after her original conviction. prosecutors say the american wrongfully accused a bar owner of murdering her british roommate in 2007 and was hoping to clear her name. here's what knox's lawyer had to say. >> i'm a man that's very upset from the outcome of this. of course we recognize the decision. we accept the decision. >> knox was convicted of the murder of her roommate but that was later overturned. she already served three years for the original slander conviction. so, she will not serve any additional jail time. happening today, a migrant charged with shooting two nypd officers earlier this week will be arraigned from his hospital bed. the venezuelan man is facing several charges, including two counts of attempted murder. the suspect shot at police when officers were responding to a robbery. police fired back hitting the suspect in the leg. both officers have been released from the hospital. and listen to this: lego stars the string of burglaries in southern california. this taking place over the last two months. at least six stores have been broken into since early april and the investigators say the same blue vehicle has shown up at all the locations. so far the thieves have made off with over $100,000 worth of stolen legos. that's a lot of legos. all right. first, it was swarms of cicadas and now. this listen up. experts are warning that the juror row spider expected to reach the northeast soon after being spotted in several states across the south. the spider can fly through the air on top of it all it's venomous. does not post any severe danger to humans. let's all go to bed. take naps. i can't take it. adorable all paws on deck a cute new trend called paws in going viral. pet owners test ability to place their paws on top of human hands like go team. and even cats are trying to join in on the trend and it seems like some are still trying to get the hang of it. those are your headlines. sometimes social media provides you with just the right amount of adorable. >> lawrence: i have to train my dog to do it. >> steve: just go awe. >> do lots of other things. >> rachel: what's the best trick she can do? >> lawrence: give me a hug if i ask for a hug. >> carley: and probably save lawrence's life. >> brian: sometimes my kids. >> lawrence: i'm very lonely brian. sometimes it's great to have -- >> brian: i imagine over lawrence in his office going can you give me a hug and turns out it's a dog. >> lawrence: are you shaming me for asking my dog for a hug? >> brian: a little bit. >> lawrence: not everybody is married like you, brian. >> brian: i have two dogs. i want to be unprompted. i don't want to feel like i have to command a dog to hug me. i want a dog to want to hug me. >> lawrence: you don't seem like the hugging type, brian. >> steve: brian, you have got dogs what do have you them do? lay there? >> brian: not cause trouble. i don't want them to hurt my life. i don't need them to do anything. i have got a ring doorbell. i got the security handled. i mean, don't jump in the pool. and don't keep barking all the time. just so you know, if my dog hugs me, it comes from the heart not a command or some german phrase. >> steve: has it ever happened? >> brian: no. i wish. >> steve: apparently it's not in the heart. >> brian: absolutely. >> lawrence: i can't believe him. [growling] >> brian: forcing my dog to hug me. your dog listens to everything we say. >> rachel: talk about hugs later. hunter biden's federal gun trial picking back up this morning. a live report from wilmington, delaware. >> steve: no place like home and gen-z making a top election interview. grant cardone coming up next. ♪ liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with all the money i saved i thought i'd buy stilts. hi honey. ahhh...ooh. look, no line at the hot dog stand. yes! only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty.♪ happy memories just come easier on the water. our founder, johnny morris and his dad knew this first hand, they created a boat that was more affordable... tracker, the world's #1 one best selling fishing and pontoon boats powered by mercury. proudly built in missouri and sold factory direct at bass pro shops and select dealers. for as little as 5 dollars a day... you can own a brand new tracker and make lifelong memories of your own. bass pro shops. voted america's best outdoor retailer. save even more and support conservation when you join the club. ♪(relaxing music)♪ (♪) (♪) book in the app to find your perfect somewhere. ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? even a term policy! find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. >> brian: in less than two hours, hunter biden's gun trial is set to resume at the federal courthouse in delaware. and hunter's ex-wife expected to take the stand rich edson live in wilmington, delaware. watching all the pregame action. rach. >> rich: good morning, brian. prosecutors are continuing to build their case here and they are using hunter's own words to do it playing long excerpts from his audio book explaining his drug use. biden was a drug user when he bought that gun back in 2018. when this thing kicks off again a little more than a an hour and a half we will continue to hear from fbi special agent erika jensen. she was assigned the case last year to link hunter's drug use to the time he bought the firearm using his book and bank records showing hunter was withdrawing massive sums of cash. prosecutors also introduced that federal firearm form asking if the gun buyer, hunter in this case used illegal drugs. it's marked no. showed texts from hunter the day after he bought the gun saying he was waiting for a dealer named mikey. the defense says the gun form asked whether the buyer is currently a drug user, not whether he hasined hunter wasn't on drugs at the time he bought the gun, just alcohol. and that he never used the weapon. had it for 11 days and his sister-in-law hallie biden threw it out. prosecutors also brought hunter's notorious laptop into the courtroom. investigators have a summary chart of its contents about 18,000 pages long. hallie biden, beau biden's widow who found the gun and then threw it into a nearby trash can, she is expected she can take the stand at some point here. the two were involved after beau died. we expect the prosecution's next witness could be kathleen buel. that's hunter's ex-wife who he is also in another legal fight with over allegations of unpaid alimony. prosecutors have also indicated they will call zoey committees ton another ex-girlfriend of hunter as we get kicked off here less than two hours. brian, back to you. >> brian: a lot of action and a lot of exposing a lot about his life. i'm sure he didn't want to bring up. rich, thanks so much. steve, take it away. >> steve: thank you, brian. one issue is suddenly taking center stage. according to that you survey of adult gen-z adults, 91% of them, according to redfin, say housing affordability will be important how they vote in november, even topping other issues like abortion and gun rights. joining us right now from miami, real estate investor and private equity fund manager grant cardone. good morning to you. >> good morning to you. >> steve: they don't want to live in their basement forever they would like their own place but they can't afford it? >> the worst time -- the worst time in my lifetime for someone to buy a time. down here in florida it costs about 400 grand for the average home. it will cost about $51,000 with insurance, interest, taxes, property taxes, maintenance. and that's without auto down payment. in new york or california, you guys are double that. so, you're talking about gen-z and new york paying $100,000 and they 38 -- >> steve: speaking of the math, a lot of these younger americans are thinking well, i would like to buy a house. although the prices have gone up. we have got a graphic. over the past five years the average home price has gone up about 30% in five years. a lot of these young americans would like to buy a house. they don't have the money for the down payment you were talking about, so they turn to their parents, who are tapped out because of inflation as well. >> yeah. look. they can't sell their home. their credit cards are at the highest rates ever. the federal government or joe biden's administration and the fed, we have interest rates almost at 8%. and people say yeah, but i remember when they were 18. the difference was that home was $24,000 and today it is 400, 500, $600,000 with insurance premiums blowing out the roof. >> steve: final point, your advice is don't buy a single family house. for young people they should buy a rental property and live in one of the units, right? >> you can buy rental property today, four units, live in one of them, only put a 5% down, get a better loan, lower interest rates and have positive cash flow. that's what people should be looking at. the home is not the american dream that it used to be. it is basically a place you clean up and pick up. >> steve: good way to put it, will these young americans who cannot afford a house, are they going to blame joe biden? >> well, they should. i mean, the buck stops with him. interest rates are three times higher than they were before he got in office end of story. >> steve: there you go. nobody knows more about the industry than you. grant, thank you very much for joining us live. >> always good to be with you. >> steve: thank you, sir. all right. 27 minutes before the top of the hour. joe biden finally cracking down at the border, kind of. but still allowing nearly a million illegal migrants to flood across each year. texas congresswoman monica delacruz represents a border district but she says it's a little too late. ♪ drip is what they see ♪ ♪ these diamonds, diamonds on my teeth ♪ ♪ brand new whip is what they see, yeah ♪ ♪ in my bag like a bunch of groceries ♪ ♪ all this cheese and greens just come to me ♪ ♪ look at me on the go. always hustling. eyes on me ♪ ♪ all eyes on me, brand new drip is what they see ♪ ♪ these diamonds, diamonds on my teeth ♪ ♪ brand new whip is what they see, yeah ♪ freedom you can't take your eyes off. the new 2024 jeep wrangler and gladiator. jeep. there's only one. i told myself i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue for some... and stop joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? 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>> look, what it does is it shows that joe biden is losing at the polls. and most importantly, is he losing the hispanics all around the state of texas, especially in the border counties, like mine. this is why joe biden finally, finally, after three years of allowing chaos into our country has decided to do the bear minimum. >> rachel: yeah it, is the bear minimum. there is also some things in there that are really perplexing, congresswoman. for example, there is an exemption for unaccompanied minors crossing the border. if you are a 4, 7, 12-year-old child crossing the border. that's okay and they will let you in? when this is obviously a green light for sex trafficking. i want you to listen to this clip that i interviewed the president, asked him about the 80,000 children that joe biden has lost and can't keep track of unaccompanied minors. listen. >> we will the trump administran commit to finding these children, to finding them and returning them to their families, to their countries because many of them have been lost into sex trafficking. >> many of them are dead. >> rachel: it's heart breaking. >> it's amazing. >> rachel: will you commit to finding children. >> i haven't been asked that question but the answer is yes, it's a simple answer. many of them are dead. they have done such a bad job. they have done such a bad job. you know, they go under the guise they are doing this wonderful job of letting people come in. >> rachel: you know, in texas, you guys have seen horrible footage of little kids abandoned on ranches, crying alone in the desert into the arms of border patrol. what does that commitment mean to you and what does it say about what joe biden has done and alejandro mayorkas are both complicit in this. >> look, as a mother myself, my heart breaks to hear about these children who are coming through the border with cartels, who are raped, who are sex trafficked. it is horrific that president biden is now incentivizing the continuous -- the continuation of sex trafficking of children. it's horrific. and, as a mother, my heart breaks. >> lawrence: congresswoman, thank you so much for joining the program. hopefully they get on top of this. right now it looks like the progressives are freaking out. but there is really not any teeth to this executive order. we will be following it though. two veterans or fought for our freedom now fighting the woke bureaucracy that threatens the future of our military. >> rachel: pete hegseth and medal of honor recipient staff sergeant david bellavia are next. ♪ i'm proud ♪ proud to be a soldier ♪ to offer my life in this figh for thi'e red, white, and blue . i'm just a regular person. ♪ that occurs overnight. i started noticing subtle lapses in memory. i want people to know that prevagen has worked for me. it's helped my memory. it's helped my cognitive qualities. give it a try. i want it to help you just like it has helped me. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. 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>> will, i mean, i just couldn't believe pete's story of the fact that i have known pete for, you know, almost 20 years. is he one of my dearest friends, i always wondered how he left the military. it's one thing when someone says something about a man that you love and admire. it's another thing when they attack his valor and his sense of duty to his country. but, when pete described in this book how he was called, you know, a white nationalist, a radical patriot. i mean, those are fighting words. what are you talking about? this guy is willing to bleed and die for his country. he went to gitmo, afghanistan and iraq. and then one administration for partisan reasons is going to label that as extremism, i could not believe it was true. i had to research it myself and look it up. and pete describes it and it's happening to thousands of people, whether it's the vaccine or it's their religion or it's their politics. no one should be booted out of service because of those reasons. it's disgusting. >> brian: pete, you bring that up in your fox nation special, too? >> pete: in the fox nation special we mention it as well about halfway through the chapter is chapter 6. the army thinks the enemy is me. and i detail that story in excruciating detail in the book. i say this as a platoon leader who served with white guys and black guys and hispanic guys and helped hispanic guys in my gitmo platoon become citizens like the military has always been an up and out institution where you didn't care about those colors. it was all about the green you wore and the red you bled and to be accused myself of that and you a read the whole detail in the book, yeah, it was staggering. it made me say okay, i'm out. i'm done. they didn't force me out. they revoked my orders and then i got out. but it's a part of the motivation for me to write this being boo. he mentioned that fox news special david bellavia. he is in it. i want to give a huge shout-out to david it does not happen without him. his insights and understanding. david is the very best. thank you. he was joined by myself as well and retired master sergeant david beardsley joined news tennessee a couple weeks ago where we filmed the war on warriors which is on fox nation right now. here's a portion of it. >> did you encounter systemic racism in your career? >> it's the military. everybody hates everybody. when you show up at boot camp, it's equal opportunity misery but you learn that after you spend some time with these others, that you maybe haven't seen or didn't grow up with, you become a team and you become forged under pressure and obstacles. >> pete: i love this quote people come in with their differences but they leave forged as a team that's the point. >> brian: you guys are still in touch? >> pete: oh my goodness with almost all the guys i served with. >> brian: over in normandy people in france at least for a day they really welcome americans and see all the ceremony. just don't expect to find the president he put a lid on it while you are sitting there touring these important spots. thank you so much. look forward to seeing your role in the war on warriors. it will be not only is it a book. it's also on fox nation. you get fox news to go order it. watch the episode on fox nation today. and, pete, you will be on with me on one nation on saturday, too. >> pete: i will see you. that special is worth watching. i look forward to joining you, brian. >> brian: thank you very much, pete. go over to carley who is diagonally from me. if i was playing chest i would need a bishop. >> carley: that's good. i will learn chess next hour so i can knock your rook out? is that. >> brian: watch your mouth, okay okay? >> carley: more news to get to los angeles dodgers shohei ohtani, closure after interpreter pleaded guilty to bank and fraud charges that took place yesterday. ohtani's eximrerpt admitted to stealing $17 million from his bank account to cover gambling debts and make bets with an illegal booker. a book maker all without the star knowing ohtani now saying, quote: it's time to close this chapter and move and continue focus on playing and winning ball games. a new reality tv series is coming to tlc starring alec and hill larr i can't baldwin along with their seven kids. >> hi, i'm hillary baldwin and we have announcement to make. not having kids. >> this is about our show. >> we're inviting you into our home series the ups and downs. the good, the bad, the wild and the crazy. the announcement comes just one month before the start of baldwin's involuntary manslaughter trial following the deadly rust movie set shooting. the reality show titled the baldwins is expected to air next year. and those are your headlines, brian. >> brian: i want to see the hegseth reality show. i want to see that one too. >> carley: that's a better idea. pete, open your doors. let the cameras in. >> pete: do you want to see that. >> brian: see if we actually get a chance to see this series. meanwhile watching for hunter biden's arrival into court today as he faces federal gun charges. as he faces federal gun charges. trey gowdy is taking on this trial. thl analyze it just ah. ♪s stn. thl analyze it just ah. voquezna is the first and only fda-approved treatment of its kind. 93% of adults were healed by two months. of those healed, 79% stayed healed. and voquezna can provide heartburn-free days and nights. other serious stomach conditions may still exist. don't take if allergic to voquezna or while on products with rilpivirine. voquezna may cause serious side effects including kidney problems, diarrhea, bone fractures, severe skin reactions, low vitamin b-12 or magnesium levels, and stomach growths. call your doctor if you have diarrhea, stomach pain or fever that won't go away, decreased or bloody urine, seizures, dizziness, irregular heartbeat, jitteriness, muscle aches or weakness, spasms of hands, feet, or voice. voquezna can help kick some acid, and so can you. ask your doctor about voquezna. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. lowe's knows when you need a new appliance today you want it at a great price. shop deals on samsung bespoke refrigerators and the new samsung bespoke ai laundry combo - the industry's largest capacity, fastest all-in-one washer and dryer. shop lowe's now for memorial day deals. the smooth writing, longest lasting pilot g2 has long been the hero of gel ink pens. and what hero doesn't have a dark side? 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Minimum , Counties , Chaos , Child , Exemption , Minors , Example , 4 , 12 , Children , Sex Trafficking , Trump Administran , Flight , Unaccompanied Minors , 80000 , Countries , Families , Job , Haven T , Answer , Heart Breaking , Question , Guise , Finding Children , Commitment , Arms , Desert , Ranches , Footage , Border Patrol , Mother , Cartels , Alejandro Mayorkas , Sex , Continuation , Sex Trafficking Of Children , Heart Breaks , David Bellavia , Military , Bureaucracy , Freedom , Pete Hegseth , Medal Of Honor Recipient , White Nationalist , Figh , Soldier , Thi E Red , Blue , Memory , Lapses , Prevagen , Prescription , Breath , Qualities , Try , Copd , Story , Trelegy , Airways , Medicines , Picture , Inhaler , 3 , High Blood Pressure , Breathing Problems , Won T , Flare Ups , Rescue Inhaler , Heart Condition , Lung Function , 24 , Breathing , Mouth , Spain , Vision Changes , Chest Pain , Thrush , Osteoporosis , Pneumonia , Problems Urinating , Eye , Tongue , What A Wonderful 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, War Fighting , It Wasn T About Rich Or Poor , Dearest Friends , Fact , Pete For , Valor , Duty , Reasons , Extremism , Fighting Words , Radical Patriot , Gitmo , Religion , Thousands , Vaccine , Chapter , Politics , Fox Nation Special , Service , Army , 6 , Platoon Leader , Detail , Citizens , Enemy , Hispanic Guys , Gitmo Platoon , Didn T , Red , Green , Colors , Institution , Borders , Being Boo , Motivation , Insights , Shout Out , David Beardsley , Portion , Understanding , Tennessee , Career , Misery , Opportunity , Racism , Boot Camp , Differences , Goodness , Obstacles , Ceremony , Spots , Order It , Fox News Books Com , Episode , Fox Nation Today , Role , One Nation , Special , Watching , Chess , Bishop , Chest , Interpreter , Shohei Ohtani , Fraud , Rook , Los Angeles Dodgers , Closure , Booker , Book Maker , Knowing Ohtani , Bank Account , Bets , The Star , Gambling Debts , Eximrerpt , 17 Million , 7 Million , It S Time , Reality Tv Series , Ball Games , Move , Hillary Baldwin , Hill Larr , Starring Alec , Tlc , Series , Announcement , Good , Bad , Ups And Downs , Reality Show , The Baldwins , Crazy , Baldwin S Involuntary Manslaughter Trial , Rust Movie Set Shooting , Doors , Cameras , Gun Charges , Trial , S Stn , Trey Gowdy , Voquezna , 93 , Fda , 93 , Voquezna May , Diarrhea , Side Effects , Days , Stomach Conditions , Products , Rilpivirine , Bone Fractures , 79 , Go Away , Stomach Growths , Skin Reactions , Irregular Heartbeat , Magnesium , Vitamin B , Levels , Seizures , Fever , Hands , Voice , Weakness , Spasms , Acid , Smile , Shades , Hollywood , The Industry , Product , Patients , Refrigerators , Samsung , Sensitivity Protection , Lowe S , 24 7 , Shop Lowe S , Memorial Day , Capacity , Dryer , All In One Washer , Deals , Pilot G2 , Hero , Writing , What Hero Doesn T Have A Dark Side , Gel Ink Pens , Ink Pen , Design , Tungsten Carbide , Laser , G2 Edge , Cushioned Comfort Grip , Tip , Edge ,

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