Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240703

>> sean: welcome to hannity the walls crumbling around sean combs with another disturbing scandal they warned what you are about to see is very graphic here surveillance video from 2016 appearing to show the music mogul brutally beating his ex-girlfriend in a hotel hallway 1 question why was he never charged with assault. also tonight we begin with the headline from usa today. the biden poll numbers are awful america brace for a trump victory in november and in every corner the medium of the democratic party anxiety is palpable even reliable blue states are starting to look awfully purple 1 veteran pollster telling fox news that minnesota and virginia are clearly in play even new jersey potentially is that a possibility for donald trump? we saw 80,000 people in the crowd for a rally there last weekend and get this trump is up double digits in the great state of nevada estate he previously lost twice. desperate to make of ground joe biden finally agreed to debate donald trump obviously a sign of desperation as they said nothing is working but per usual he's up to some dirty tricks they have a list of demands and dictates and will only debate trump on a liberal anti- trump woken network and not even consult with trump. on the lie harris meanwhile agreed to a vise presidential debate on cbs. it trump hasn't a running mate see what's happening the mob, the media the biting campaign are colluding to push trump out of the way in plain sight they get to pick the venue the terms of debate before the trump campaign is even able to respond trump is agreed to debate agreed to fake news cnn, abc and he is agreed to 1 on fox by the way all this hatred and the bias is rooted and i psychotic condition called hate all things donald trump. fake new cnn quickly agreed to host the first presidential debate and almost immediately announced fake at jake tapper will be a moderator they didn't consult the trump campaign. that's really fair and let's be clear fake jake claims he is a journalist he's a far left partisan hack with nothing but snark, contempt for most republicans but especially for donald trump. here's some more tape we show you tape every night until they find a new moderator. >> pushing them to use the credibility and power to justify his lies. congressman ryan mast to republican from florida lost his wakes there's lakes fighting for democracy abroad. i don't know about his commitment to here in the united states. also a time of extreme division many caused and exacerbated by president trump himself. >> sean: we will continue to show that fake jake is an opinionated liberal democratic talkshow host they called the presidency a nightmare that's journalism or is that opinion but now fake news cnn once you all to believe he will be fair and balanced they set it before and i will say it again. if they could jake should never be allowed to moderate a presidential debate and donald trump asked to have a say. that's the way it's always worked historically. trump will not only be forced to debate joe biden but if this happens he would be debating biden and in abusively bias the leftist talkshow host by the name of fake jake tapper who pretends to be a journalist and isn't of course biden needs all the help he can get as his cognitive decline is a focal point in the election. he can't have notes or a teleprompter in a debate in case you are trying to sneak that in as well. the networks they're not allowed to put up on the screen these are the real facts and get in their opinion to help bolster your failing debate when they shut off donald trump's microphone. during a speech from biden in dc joe didn't help his cause its take a look. >> i'm from delaware. com a keep saying it soured the place him talking about. and i'm going on sunday to this get another place at morehouse i believe. >> sean: morehouse college it's impossible to know anything with this guy. did he forget the name of the historically black college university where he set to deliver the commencement speech and if he did that is pretty sad isn't it but typical. today's speech was the beginning of at the biting campaign has called a fresh appeal to african-american voters turning in droves to donald trump. record numbers but instead of addressing issues the economy or inflation. biden vowing to raise taxes forcing americans who don't go to college to pay off student loans enjoyed by those who racked up debt. maybe even 3° take a look. >> that's why my administration is taken the most significant action in the supreme court tried to stop me to provide student debt relief. where is $400 quadrillion over the next 10 years investments to helping to build student housing, study climate science. >> sean: million billion okay. and of course he's losing young people i will pay off your college bone vote for me. maybe somebody in the democratic party should just listen to the voters. take a look at this. >> i really feel he is making everything harder for everybody. >> he wants to make it seem as if he's for the blacks and he isn't because he hasn't really helped anybody. >> i like trump. >> trump what he's doing he's helped out a lot of people in the community helped many black businesses and i'm voting for trump. >> even though i don't like and i would still vote for them. >> sean: that continues for 3 and a half minutes not surprising any african-american voters to test joe biden first and foremost his policies being a train wreck why we inflation and prices are up 20% you see what's happening with unvented joe biden illegal immigrants coming from her top geopolitical photos and are also taking resources away from you the american people. your resources defunded dismantle no bail laws for the democratic party what is that resulted in for small towns and big cities across the country violence and chaos everywhere. there's war in europe and the middle east and we could go on and on. but your president also has a terrible history with african-americans and they feel like i'm a voice in the wilderness. nobody ever wants to talk about it the only person who ever did was interestingly in a primary debate was combo a harris as a senator joe biden worked side-by-side with segregationist even bragged about that with bussing in public schools remember joe biden said he didn't want his kids to grow up in a racial jungle his mentor his friend his words in the senate was a former klansman from west virginia robert kkk bird but that didn't stop joe from lying and telling everybody he was actually a civil rights icon even made up a story about getting arrested in apartheid south africa while supporting nelson mandela because it never happened. in 2020 remember joe biden even seemed to think that he alone could decide who is ruler -- really and truly african-american member charlemagne the god if you don't vote for me you ain't black. and that's not all take a look. >> madame president we have predators on our street's. >> what chance does a liberal like joe biden stand in the south? >> my state was a slave state. he's articulate bright a nice-looking guy. >> president joe biden: they will put y'all back in chains. >> poor kids are just as talented and bright as white kids. >> we have more questions but if you have a problem figure it out whether you are for mere trump you ain't black. >> for the first time ever articulate and clean that storybook man well anyway instead of actually improving the lives of african-americans joe biden is hoping to win back there vote with sheer politics fear mongering and pandering and of course a big lie that republicans are racist. with that track record unfortunately joe can barely string 2 sentences together without being lost and dazed and confused as he mentioned at the top democrats in full panic mode. we saw the clip we've played it many times it's not working and as the very real possibility of a second trump term comes into focus things are going well for joe here with the latest out of the white house very own peter doocy. i watch every day and you have a pretty interesting week he asked questions about poles and joe biden they don't have very good answers do they? >> we can ask whatever we want and we were interested in some of the polling in numbers and whether they contributed to the sudden decision to debate didn't feel for weeks or months like a biting campaign was ever going to think it was beneficial to them to debate and suddenly their state-based polls by the new york times and siena college which were all 5/6 were terrible for the biden team as it seems the thing they were most concerned with this week with the outreach to voters black voters specifically is the fox news pull out a few days ago they've got them down 7 points with black voters compared to where he was compared to 2020 and the issue right now is not anything he said it's a concern with the policies and the prices of everything here in the white house they say prices are coming down and ending communities including in the black community doesn't seem based on what we hear in an election decided by the potentially a few thousand votes 7% with all black voters could potentially be lethal for the president's reelection. here of mark south carolina senator tim scott the demographics change let me ask you the first question i was at that joe biden as we played that tape a joe biden and the things he said he you ain't black and they will put y'all back and change. >> disgusting comments. >> sean: what's most unbelievable to me and it would be career killing is him partnering with his friend and mentor former klansman to stop the integration of public schools even come all i harris criticized him for that and a presidential primary debate in 2020. i was that girl i believe she said in his words were on public schools to be racial jungle's may the only 1 in the country who dares to bring this up and ask incredulously why does nobody care about that. >> they're definitely not putting it on cnn or msnbc because of they are not sharing the truth of who joe biden has always been we should run commercial after commercial of kamal khera harris telling joe biden what he did in the 1960s and in addition to that make sure his words of a jungle. what a disgusting reflection on who he is i will say this without question. jobs and justice move more black votes towards donald trump because we want fairness and what we hear from joe biden over and over again is a pandering to her you are 100% rate to associate with a racist and kkk member and celebrate it you can only do that when all the national media goes dark they won't cover any negative news on joe biden. donald trump didn't win nevada in 16 or 20 and now he's up by 13. the new york times look at her zone up by 7 look at michigan up by 7 look at georgia up by 10 pennsylvania up by 3. down by 2 and wisconsin that's huge but what's interesting is every poll shows a similar thing that joe biden's base, his coalition in the democratic party he's losing african-americans, hispanic americans and young people how do you interpret that. why is that happening? >> the coalition is imploding being broken up because now they have the contrast between joe biden's years in office and donald trump's years in office he look at 2 categories with jobs i mean joe biden has destroyed, devastated the black community with inflation and joblessness african-american unemployment is now 6-point 4% and climbing. the only thing higher than that is inflation today it costs you 40% more money to put yes in the car. 30% to put food on your table 35% energy for your home. those numbers are devastating for single moms and those working paycheck to paycheck especially the black community where you have a high concentration of poverty and that's true in every community. and we as a nation in our dna it's fairness. alvin break has made an unkind contribution to the democratic national party for 1 reason to beat donald trump and is paying for it at the expense of new york taxpayers. every day americans and i believe african-americans are specifically saying 2 tiered justice system weapon eyes it against the former president if they do that t him what will they do to me. is a driving o'neill's in african-americans and white folks hispanics and asians all to look at donald trump and his 4 years in office and say the same thing you and i would say the border was closed, the economy was strong, inflation was low enthusiasm was high and the law & order everywhere. of crime and violence nowhere comparatively speaking to what we see today. it's an easy conclusion of why joe biden is sinking in the polls and donald trump seems to be on a springboard's pretty remarkable. >> sean: say high to our mutual friends when you see them. now to more dirty tricks from the biting campaign dangling even more government money as mentioned that we don't have and initiating a $25,000 down payment it's almost like we want inflation to go higher there's higher or the deficit with simple economics won 01. and the foxbusiness toaster friend larry great to have you as always. it's interesting. the supreme court said they shouldn't be having student loan forgiveness now what you want to buy votes with young people and homebuyers and try to get people to vote that way sounds to me well maybe that's 1 thief -- 1 way to get people to support us is that happening? >> it's interesting and thank you for having me back sean i appreciate it. all the vote buying stuff right money to help mortgages, money for student loan cancelations going to cost a trillion dollars by the way and you were running a cumulative inflation rate of around 20% in across-the-board people are complaining all these polls whether they are swing states are nationwide showed the economy is number 1, inflation is number 1, number 1 issue. immigration, illegal immigration is a close second but it's inflation in the economy and some good stories are out. 1 of the best leading indicators of a presidential race right is something called a real disposable income. that's wages and what you get after inflation and after taxes a classic presidential election indicator and what you have here ultimately joe biden up to point 9%. donald trump was up 12 and a half percent. biden's performance is now the worst in the post world war 2 period inflation of 20% worst in about 40 years but disposable income which is after inflation and taxes is worst in the post-world war ii out while period so now they want to layer on more spending creating more inflation first 4 months of the year for april, for a half percent at an annual rate rate mr biden didn't inherit a 9% inflation rate from donald trump he inherited a 1 point 4% inflation rate he lied. and all the vote buying sean's not what people want they are already state they're sick of government spending and inflation killing their paychecks feel last 3 months inflation to point 2% year-over-year than 3-point 5% year-over-year as we're down it's it's only 3-point 4% year-over-year a high number over 20% since he became president just killing american families. larry think he was always in straight ahead judge janine is here the latest on the sham trump trial of course the gutting of michael cohen yesterday in a fiery exchange between aoc and marjorie taylor green and a viewer warning about what you are about to see with sean combs back in hot water after a video shows him attacking his ex-girlfriend the tape and more straight ahead. >> ♪ ♪ i still love to surf, snowboard, and, of course, skate. so, i take qunol magnesium to support my muscle and bone health. qunol's extra strength, high absorption magnesium helps me get the full benefits of magnesium. qunol, the brand i trust. ♪ rise up this morning, ♪ ♪ smiled with the rising sun ♪ discover our newest resort, sandals st. vincent and the grenadines now open. visit or call 1-800-sandals scout is protected by 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(kev) ... i guess we're movin'. cordless outdoor power, brings you the ego power+ string trimmer with powerload technology. feed the line, push the button and get back to work. ego, exclusively at lowe's, ace and ego authorized dealers. the fox news update as cleanup continues across houston texas after a deadly storm with hurricane force wind absolutely ravaging the city with more than a half million others without power. officials warn it could take several days to get the light back on so fierce a blue windows out of skyscrapers blowing down trees and garbage cans and signs being a mess as you see triple digit temperatures to move. hasn't them u.s. military anchored that on thursday being used the flow aid from various countries into the strip in the meantime the israeli military reporting is recovered the bodies of 3 more hostages in gaza about a hundred and 32 more hostages are still being held i'm kevin corke now back to hannity. after a friday off cohen will face more examination friday with an extremely dramatic and disastrous tear moni -- ceremony as things got personal and capitol hill as the oversight committee met last night as he blocked audio from the present biden interview with robert her the 1 he said was i still vice president in 2009. that's when you started joe. anyway say things got heated way off the track as. >> you are the 1 talking about this. >> i think your fake eyelashes are messing things up. >> order. >> order. >> i do have a point of order would like to move to take down miss green's words absolutely unacceptable how dare you attack the physical appearance of a person. >> are your feelings or wheat. >> baby girl. don't even play baby we're going to move and take your words down >> i second that motion. >> absolutely not. >> not today. >> you ready to strike your words. miscreant agrees to strike her words. >> she should apologize. >> i'm not apologizing. >> then you're not taking back your words. as you can't make it up and here is reaction of the coast is the offer as weapon eyes department of justice as yesterday so a relevant to everything happening in the country first have to give your reaction to the exchange why are they so offended. i was a hockey player as as they want to put you in the as yet. >> my concern is i think it's funny and congress as their percentage of likeness in the country is the truth is sunday engage back and forth are we paying these people why do they have so much power as it's a hearing to whether or not evidence of an audiotape requested february 5th as examination should be handed over to congress and instead of handing over the testimony as they start trashing each other is not appropriate as i mean girl i'm from the bronx or whatever as if you want to play a tough guy go right ahead. bottom line is as at this transcript is easy guy with no virtual memory and easel i your advisable to fact special council asked him about his son's death as you got women looking bad as a result of it. >> sometimes yet to keep it real you like it. >> sean: i do i'm not lying i don't lie under oath as you've had prosecutor you been the judge give a deep understanding of what was happening in there yesterday i don't think i can think of a moment where somebody was gutted like that as don't expect in the case for you as you talk specifically it's not going to happen whether as a result of that is. and the daf send this before is a never seen a witness as first of all the aft understand michael cohen is the linchpin of the prosecution case. ripped to shreds. we know he lysed it and everybody. he lysed the congress he lysed to judges and lies to special counsel lying in court. the guy lies about his taxes and the truth is what he said and this is where they haven't beat down. on october 24th, 2016 he called them to tell donald trump to get on the phone and the whole thing was resolved. a text message seconds before his him saying call me and 9962nd phone call right after that a text saying send me his number. it's clear they are talking to a 14-year-old correct harassing michael cohen. he's a liar it's a circus he's a carnival huckster a case that no judge i know of would ever allow it to go to a jury. they have not made out a case there should be a directed verdict or if this doesn't go to jury and the judge dismisses everybody. >> sean: judge thank you and congratulations on your book. take care. >> sean: straight ahead a shocking admission from a u.s. official on research in china warning about what you are about to see as a sean combs back in the spotlight as new video appears to show him attacking and asked girlfriend as this is beyond disturbing. a full report coming up straight ahead. >> ♪ ♪ hello, i'm franklin graham. as we watch the news, it feels like the whole world is filled and engulfed with hate. we see it on our college campuses. we see it across the world. where did this come from? you see, hate is coming from the human heart. god made us and he created us, but sin has come into the world, and it's come into each and every heart. and the only one who can fix the heart is god. and god did that by sending his son, jesus christ from heaven to this earth to take our sins. he died in our place on a cross, shed his blood, and was buried, but on the third day he walked right out of that grave. that's right, jesus christ is alive, and my questions is have you ever invited him into your heart?" if you haven't done it, do it right now. just say, god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry. forgive me. i believe jesus is your son. i want to trust him as my savior, and i pray this in jesus' name. if you prayed that prayer call that number right now that's on the screen. god bless you! 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york in which the call him a vicious cruel controlling man nearly 2 decades her senior. this case was settled soon after being filed as fox news reached out to representatives of sean combs for comment he worked reaction me of a fox news contributor and former florida attorney general. pam let's start with you as a prosecutor, 1 does have to wonder if the hotel or wherever they were staying at this video why didn't come out sooner. >> in my early career i was a domestic violence prosecutor and it doesn't get worse than that it was very disturbing what he did and it's completely of corroborated in the lawsuit allegedly it didn't come out because the hotel was paid $50,000 by sean combs at least the victim is alleging to hide the video. if that happened the hotel is liable for destruction of evidence, hiding evidence of a crime and if they watch that they have the duty to call 911 right away on that tape. it's a very serious charge. >> we hear about horrible domestic abuse cases to actually see this shocks the conscience. look at this. beating frankly a dangerous beating to the point where somebody could have permanent injuries are worse. >> and when you read about things like he gave her a blackeye, stomped on her doesn't bring forth the reality of what this is. it's a man swung her down she was either unconscious or days going back to kick her in the head he then picked up bags and stomped on her again. she's clearly disabled at this point and he begins to drag her back as you saw around to where the room is and the lord knows what happened to her in that context keep in mind 8 years ago and when you deal with this we've seen over and over again if there is enough money in its entertainment industry and there is power in that city and people are afraid you wander with everything we know and have known over the last decade with what goes on in that city this is the kind of behavior people get away with because of settlements or because the hotel is allegedly paid we don't know where the video came from may be a copy was made that eventually should come out and slake psalter misdemeanor this or third degree assault look at if a normal person was doing that you wanted to kill somebody you could argue that was attempted murder it depends on the degree of injury and when you have a moment they would agree to reflect on what you are doing like once you've swung her down and hit her and then you have a moment to go back to kick her in the head, and that is the dynamic of c and it's what costs women their lives and i'm glad she finally sued but how many more in the last 80 years and years prior to this did this occur have any more women were affected. >> sean: a great question we have to imagine they if they do it then they might have had a proclivity to do it before or after. and as a prosecutor not a one-time situation not at all probably doing this multiple times and what's 1 person comes forward that experience as they are not scared after yet. a bad day for sean combs as in the florida court went into a diversion program as in a diversion program as you are to cooperate any and all proceedings what's going to happen there with the bodyguard and drug mule who entered into the program today switching gears it took long enough yesterday capitol hill the senior official as they did in fact fund research in wuhan take a look at this. >> did nih funded research at the wuhan institute for echo health? >> depends on your definition here setting up a generic term as its research which goes on many areas around the country as it poses no threat or harm to anybody. >> sean: from the earliest areas we have known in the rand paul book is a real beat down on this that there was a flurry from january or february of 2020 within circles about did we find that this. everybody knew research took place in coronavirus research took place at that lab. at they lied and alighted consciously misleading the american people, the gullible mob in the media paddled the lies and where are we as a result of this. who is held accountable for this. where's the doctor? >> a confirmation sometimes you don't want to believe that the system, the bureaucratic system and you saw this the same answers and template repeated over and over again this massive bureaucracy could operate in unison in an effort told lion gaslight the american people over an issue about life and death. the nature of what they were doing with our tax dollars, the casualness in this and an ability and ease with which and speed with which they aligned with the lie because let's not forget with the new york times story in the last year and a half or so said masks and the general population only of a 10% effective rate and we have met admitting to congress the social distancing rule supposed to save our lives sort of appeared the entire dynamic as we complained always was false and they punished people destroying their careers getting them censored. conspiracy theorist. >> to define the function taking a virus and making it as deadly as possible best case scenario to study at worst case scenario weapon of mass destruction why would we fondle lab in wuhan owned by the communist party of china with livestock living so close together best case scenario it could leak out and worst case scenario they a weapon of mass destruction. >> sean: they are our number 1 geopolitical foe in the who they ran interference for china the whole time to get of the who get out of the un and the w ef, the paris climate accords we don't need these globalist organizations. anyway thank you both. and up next the left found a target for their latest meltdown chiefs kicker harrison about her in king charles new portrait has fans divided here's more straight ahead. at oofos, we don't make footwear. we make shock absorbers. fatigue fighters. mobility maximizers. this is the science of active recovery. revolutionary oofoam technology absorbs impact and reduces pressure. it's the 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[sfx] water lapping. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [sfx] water splashing. ♪ ♪ [sfx] ambient / laughing. ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ the woke pc left is found a new target for their latest meltdown kansas city chiefs kicker harrison but kirk. he delivered the commencement dress at a college where he highlighted family values and took a jab at joe biden take a look. >> our nation is led by a man who proudly proclaims his catholic faith and at the same time is delusional enough to make the sign of the cross during a pro- abortion rally i want to speak to you briefly because it's you the women who have had the most diabolical lies told to many of you sit here now about to cross the stage in our thinking about the promotions and titles you get in your career some of you might go on to lead successful careers in the world but i would venture to guess the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring in to this world. i tell you my life -- wife isabel would say her life truly started when she began in her vocation as a wife and mother. >> sean: predictably the media mob honed in on a few out of context soundbites and spent the week feigning outrage. of course led by a hard-hitting new show and the ladies of the view take a look. >> i would really encourage him, encourage him to find the best parts of faith not divert to extremist views. >> i don't think this is a political issue i think he hasn't mom issues. he refers to taylor swift as that so-and-so. teammates girlfriend. another hugely accomplished woman he has nothing but disdain for because of mommies to go get a therapist. >> sean: here with reaction we have the host of fox news saturday night even gets me out of bed occasionally late on a saturday night because i'm a loser and i can't sleep. you know i like comedians like you. like dave chapelle like chris rock like comedians if they are funny i don't care what they are funny about. i don't get outraged. if you don't like what somebody says you can turn off the tv turn off the radio dial or a podcast walk out of commencement you don't have to hear it. walk out of the classroom and you because it's a captive audience i believe in freedom why are liberals afraid of freedom and freedom of speech. >> to be clear we are talking about the view the highest rated show in guantánamo bay for a reason okay now that you can to water board you put on them and they are like i will confess i did it. here is an irony of what we are watching because as you know it's supposed to be from the tolerant side as the definition of tolerance is the ability to coexist in the face of something you disagree with because you know this i know this the people preaching tolerance are the most intolerant beings in the world. he didn't say you can't have a career he didn't even say careers are bad he said a family life is more fulfilling than a professional life and i would agree with him and let me be clear i have lost a lot of money betting against the kansas city chiefs over the years so i have no reason to support this guy. i've never met him. the only chief i've ever met is elizabeth warren that's it. i have no reason to support him. >> sean: we will be watching tomorrow night thank you. more hannity straight ahead. >> ♪ ♪ israel is under attack. israel has been attacked like never before. our skies are filled with rockets and drones. the international fellowship of christians and jews urgently needs your help to send out emergency teams across the holy land. the international fellowship of christians and jews needs your $45 gift to rush emergency aid to the people of israel who are still devastated from the massacres of october 7. we are bringing food. we are bringing emergency resources to save lives. but we can't do it alone. we need you to stand with israel now. with terrorist attacks across every part of israel, tens of thousands of families desperately need emergency life-saving aid today. please don't wait. now is the time to act. call, scan, or go online now. (vo) in two seconds, eric will realize they're gonna need more space... (man) gotta sell the house. (vo) houses. or, skip the hassles and sell directly to opendoor. (man) wow. (vo) when life's doors open, we'll handle the house. >> ♪ ♪ >> sean: a programming note the second episode of my show outlaws and the law of man is out today only on fox nation with episode 2 you get to watch the rough justice of wild bill hitchcock and wyatt earl take a look. >> stay here. who fired that shot shoe and add a straight dog it cok. >> you don't care what you're shooting at bill the law says no guns in town. >> sean: check it out if you have time this weekend at fox nation. that's what time we have left this evening set your dvr so you never ever miss an episode of hannity now let not your heart be troubled as greg gutfeld is standing by to put a smile on your face have a great weekend. >> ♪ ♪

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240703

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>> sean: welcome to hannity the walls crumbling around sean combs with another disturbing scandal they warned what you are about to see is very graphic here surveillance video from 2016 appearing to show the music mogul brutally beating his ex-girlfriend in a hotel hallway 1 question why was he never charged with assault. also tonight we begin with the headline from usa today. the biden poll numbers are awful america brace for a trump victory in november and in every corner the medium of the democratic party anxiety is palpable even reliable blue states are starting to look awfully purple 1 veteran pollster telling fox news that minnesota and virginia are clearly in play even new jersey potentially is that a possibility for donald trump? we saw 80,000 people in the crowd for a rally there last weekend and get this trump is up double digits in the great state of nevada estate he previously lost twice. desperate to make of ground joe biden finally agreed to debate donald trump obviously a sign of desperation as they said nothing is working but per usual he's up to some dirty tricks they have a list of demands and dictates and will only debate trump on a liberal anti- trump woken network and not even consult with trump. on the lie harris meanwhile agreed to a vise presidential debate on cbs. it trump hasn't a running mate see what's happening the mob, the media the biting campaign are colluding to push trump out of the way in plain sight they get to pick the venue the terms of debate before the trump campaign is even able to respond trump is agreed to debate agreed to fake news cnn, abc and he is agreed to 1 on fox by the way all this hatred and the bias is rooted and i psychotic condition called hate all things donald trump. fake new cnn quickly agreed to host the first presidential debate and almost immediately announced fake at jake tapper will be a moderator they didn't consult the trump campaign. that's really fair and let's be clear fake jake claims he is a journalist he's a far left partisan hack with nothing but snark, contempt for most republicans but especially for donald trump. here's some more tape we show you tape every night until they find a new moderator. >> pushing them to use the credibility and power to justify his lies. congressman ryan mast to republican from florida lost his wakes there's lakes fighting for democracy abroad. i don't know about his commitment to here in the united states. also a time of extreme division many caused and exacerbated by president trump himself. >> sean: we will continue to show that fake jake is an opinionated liberal democratic talkshow host they called the presidency a nightmare that's journalism or is that opinion but now fake news cnn once you all to believe he will be fair and balanced they set it before and i will say it again. if they could jake should never be allowed to moderate a presidential debate and donald trump asked to have a say. that's the way it's always worked historically. trump will not only be forced to debate joe biden but if this happens he would be debating biden and in abusively bias the leftist talkshow host by the name of fake jake tapper who pretends to be a journalist and isn't of course biden needs all the help he can get as his cognitive decline is a focal point in the election. he can't have notes or a teleprompter in a debate in case you are trying to sneak that in as well. the networks they're not allowed to put up on the screen these are the real facts and get in their opinion to help bolster your failing debate when they shut off donald trump's microphone. during a speech from biden in dc joe didn't help his cause its take a look. >> i'm from delaware. com a keep saying it soured the place him talking about. and i'm going on sunday to this get another place at morehouse i believe. >> sean: morehouse college it's impossible to know anything with this guy. did he forget the name of the historically black college university where he set to deliver the commencement speech and if he did that is pretty sad isn't it but typical. today's speech was the beginning of at the biting campaign has called a fresh appeal to african-american voters turning in droves to donald trump. record numbers but instead of addressing issues the economy or inflation. biden vowing to raise taxes forcing americans who don't go to college to pay off student loans enjoyed by those who racked up debt. maybe even 3° take a look. >> that's why my administration is taken the most significant action in the supreme court tried to stop me to provide student debt relief. where is $400 quadrillion over the next 10 years investments to helping to build student housing, study climate science. >> sean: million billion okay. and of course he's losing young people i will pay off your college bone vote for me. maybe somebody in the democratic party should just listen to the voters. take a look at this. >> i really feel he is making everything harder for everybody. >> he wants to make it seem as if he's for the blacks and he isn't because he hasn't really helped anybody. >> i like trump. >> trump what he's doing he's helped out a lot of people in the community helped many black businesses and i'm voting for trump. >> even though i don't like and i would still vote for them. >> sean: that continues for 3 and a half minutes not surprising any african-american voters to test joe biden first and foremost his policies being a train wreck why we inflation and prices are up 20% you see what's happening with unvented joe biden illegal immigrants coming from her top geopolitical photos and are also taking resources away from you the american people. your resources defunded dismantle no bail laws for the democratic party what is that resulted in for small towns and big cities across the country violence and chaos everywhere. there's war in europe and the middle east and we could go on and on. but your president also has a terrible history with african-americans and they feel like i'm a voice in the wilderness. nobody ever wants to talk about it the only person who ever did was interestingly in a primary debate was combo a harris as a senator joe biden worked side-by-side with segregationist even bragged about that with bussing in public schools remember joe biden said he didn't want his kids to grow up in a racial jungle his mentor his friend his words in the senate was a former klansman from west virginia robert kkk bird but that didn't stop joe from lying and telling everybody he was actually a civil rights icon even made up a story about getting arrested in apartheid south africa while supporting nelson mandela because it never happened. in 2020 remember joe biden even seemed to think that he alone could decide who is ruler -- really and truly african-american member charlemagne the god if you don't vote for me you ain't black. and that's not all take a look. >> madame president we have predators on our street's. >> what chance does a liberal like joe biden stand in the south? >> my state was a slave state. he's articulate bright a nice-looking guy. >> president joe biden: they will put y'all back in chains. >> poor kids are just as talented and bright as white kids. >> we have more questions but if you have a problem figure it out whether you are for mere trump you ain't black. >> for the first time ever articulate and clean that storybook man well anyway instead of actually improving the lives of african-americans joe biden is hoping to win back there vote with sheer politics fear mongering and pandering and of course a big lie that republicans are racist. with that track record unfortunately joe can barely string 2 sentences together without being lost and dazed and confused as he mentioned at the top democrats in full panic mode. we saw the clip we've played it many times it's not working and as the very real possibility of a second trump term comes into focus things are going well for joe here with the latest out of the white house very own peter doocy. i watch every day and you have a pretty interesting week he asked questions about poles and joe biden they don't have very good answers do they? >> we can ask whatever we want and we were interested in some of the polling in numbers and whether they contributed to the sudden decision to debate didn't feel for weeks or months like a biting campaign was ever going to think it was beneficial to them to debate and suddenly their state-based polls by the new york times and siena college which were all 5/6 were terrible for the biden team as it seems the thing they were most concerned with this week with the outreach to voters black voters specifically is the fox news pull out a few days ago they've got them down 7 points with black voters compared to where he was compared to 2020 and the issue right now is not anything he said it's a concern with the policies and the prices of everything here in the white house they say prices are coming down and ending communities including in the black community doesn't seem based on what we hear in an election decided by the potentially a few thousand votes 7% with all black voters could potentially be lethal for the president's reelection. here of mark south carolina senator tim scott the demographics change let me ask you the first question i was at that joe biden as we played that tape a joe biden and the things he said he you ain't black and they will put y'all back and change. >> disgusting comments. >> sean: what's most unbelievable to me and it would be career killing is him partnering with his friend and mentor former klansman to stop the integration of public schools even come all i harris criticized him for that and a presidential primary debate in 2020. i was that girl i believe she said in his words were on public schools to be racial jungle's may the only 1 in the country who dares to bring this up and ask incredulously why does nobody care about that. >> they're definitely not putting it on cnn or msnbc because of they are not sharing the truth of who joe biden has always been we should run commercial after commercial of kamal khera harris telling joe biden what he did in the 1960s and in addition to that make sure his words of a jungle. what a disgusting reflection on who he is i will say this without question. jobs and justice move more black votes towards donald trump because we want fairness and what we hear from joe biden over and over again is a pandering to her you are 100% rate to associate with a racist and kkk member and celebrate it you can only do that when all the national media goes dark they won't cover any negative news on joe biden. donald trump didn't win nevada in 16 or 20 and now he's up by 13. the new york times look at her zone up by 7 look at michigan up by 7 look at georgia up by 10 pennsylvania up by 3. down by 2 and wisconsin that's huge but what's interesting is every poll shows a similar thing that joe biden's base, his coalition in the democratic party he's losing african-americans, hispanic americans and young people how do you interpret that. why is that happening? >> the coalition is imploding being broken up because now they have the contrast between joe biden's years in office and donald trump's years in office he look at 2 categories with jobs i mean joe biden has destroyed, devastated the black community with inflation and joblessness african-american unemployment is now 6-point 4% and climbing. the only thing higher than that is inflation today it costs you 40% more money to put yes in the car. 30% to put food on your table 35% energy for your home. those numbers are devastating for single moms and those working paycheck to paycheck especially the black community where you have a high concentration of poverty and that's true in every community. and we as a nation in our dna it's fairness. alvin break has made an unkind contribution to the democratic national party for 1 reason to beat donald trump and is paying for it at the expense of new york taxpayers. every day americans and i believe african-americans are specifically saying 2 tiered justice system weapon eyes it against the former president if they do that t him what will they do to me. is a driving o'neill's in african-americans and white folks hispanics and asians all to look at donald trump and his 4 years in office and say the same thing you and i would say the border was closed, the economy was strong, inflation was low enthusiasm was high and the law & order everywhere. of crime and violence nowhere comparatively speaking to what we see today. it's an easy conclusion of why joe biden is sinking in the polls and donald trump seems to be on a springboard's pretty remarkable. >> sean: say high to our mutual friends when you see them. now to more dirty tricks from the biting campaign dangling even more government money as mentioned that we don't have and initiating a $25,000 down payment it's almost like we want inflation to go higher there's higher or the deficit with simple economics won 01. and the foxbusiness toaster friend larry great to have you as always. it's interesting. the supreme court said they shouldn't be having student loan forgiveness now what you want to buy votes with young people and homebuyers and try to get people to vote that way sounds to me well maybe that's 1 thief -- 1 way to get people to support us is that happening? >> it's interesting and thank you for having me back sean i appreciate it. all the vote buying stuff right money to help mortgages, money for student loan cancelations going to cost a trillion dollars by the way and you were running a cumulative inflation rate of around 20% in across-the-board people are complaining all these polls whether they are swing states are nationwide showed the economy is number 1, inflation is number 1, number 1 issue. immigration, illegal immigration is a close second but it's inflation in the economy and some good stories are out. 1 of the best leading indicators of a presidential race right is something called a real disposable income. that's wages and what you get after inflation and after taxes a classic presidential election indicator and what you have here ultimately joe biden up to point 9%. donald trump was up 12 and a half percent. biden's performance is now the worst in the post world war 2 period inflation of 20% worst in about 40 years but disposable income which is after inflation and taxes is worst in the post-world war ii out while period so now they want to layer on more spending creating more inflation first 4 months of the year for april, for a half percent at an annual rate rate mr biden didn't inherit a 9% inflation rate from donald trump he inherited a 1 point 4% inflation rate he lied. and all the vote buying sean's not what people want they are already state they're sick of government spending and inflation killing their paychecks feel last 3 months inflation to point 2% year-over-year than 3-point 5% year-over-year as we're down it's it's only 3-point 4% year-over-year a high number over 20% since he became president just killing american families. larry think he was always in straight ahead judge janine is here the latest on the sham trump trial of course the gutting of michael cohen yesterday in a fiery exchange between aoc and marjorie taylor green and a viewer warning about what you are about to see with sean combs back in hot water after a video shows him attacking his ex-girlfriend the tape and more straight ahead. >> ♪ ♪ i still love to surf, snowboard, and, of course, skate. so, i take qunol magnesium to support my muscle and bone health. qunol's extra strength, high absorption magnesium helps me get the full benefits of magnesium. qunol, the brand i trust. ♪ rise up this morning, ♪ ♪ smiled with the rising sun ♪ discover our newest resort, sandals st. vincent and the grenadines now open. visit or call 1-800-sandals scout is protected by simparica trio and he's in it to win it! simparica trio is the first chew with triple protection. whoa fleas! and ticks! (♪) intestinal worms! whoa! heartworm disease! no problem with simparica trio! this drug class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions including seizures. use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. for winning protection— go with simparica trio. (reporters) over here. kev! kev! (reporter 1) any response to the trade rumors, we keep hearing about? (kev) we talkin' about moving? not the trade, not the trade, we talking about movin'. no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it's easy. (kev) ... i guess we're movin'. cordless outdoor power, brings you the ego power+ string trimmer with powerload technology. feed the line, push the button and get back to work. ego, exclusively at lowe's, ace and ego authorized dealers. the fox news update as cleanup continues across houston texas after a deadly storm with hurricane force wind absolutely ravaging the city with more than a half million others without power. officials warn it could take several days to get the light back on so fierce a blue windows out of skyscrapers blowing down trees and garbage cans and signs being a mess as you see triple digit temperatures to move. hasn't them u.s. military anchored that on thursday being used the flow aid from various countries into the strip in the meantime the israeli military reporting is recovered the bodies of 3 more hostages in gaza about a hundred and 32 more hostages are still being held i'm kevin corke now back to hannity. after a friday off cohen will face more examination friday with an extremely dramatic and disastrous tear moni -- ceremony as things got personal and capitol hill as the oversight committee met last night as he blocked audio from the present biden interview with robert her the 1 he said was i still vice president in 2009. that's when you started joe. anyway say things got heated way off the track as. >> you are the 1 talking about this. >> i think your fake eyelashes are messing things up. >> order. >> order. >> i do have a point of order would like to move to take down miss green's words absolutely unacceptable how dare you attack the physical appearance of a person. >> are your feelings or wheat. >> baby girl. don't even play baby we're going to move and take your words down >> i second that motion. >> absolutely not. >> not today. >> you ready to strike your words. miscreant agrees to strike her words. >> she should apologize. >> i'm not apologizing. >> then you're not taking back your words. as you can't make it up and here is reaction of the coast is the offer as weapon eyes department of justice as yesterday so a relevant to everything happening in the country first have to give your reaction to the exchange why are they so offended. i was a hockey player as as they want to put you in the as yet. >> my concern is i think it's funny and congress as their percentage of likeness in the country is the truth is sunday engage back and forth are we paying these people why do they have so much power as it's a hearing to whether or not evidence of an audiotape requested february 5th as examination should be handed over to congress and instead of handing over the testimony as they start trashing each other is not appropriate as i mean girl i'm from the bronx or whatever as if you want to play a tough guy go right ahead. bottom line is as at this transcript is easy guy with no virtual memory and easel i your advisable to fact special council asked him about his son's death as you got women looking bad as a result of it. >> sometimes yet to keep it real you like it. >> sean: i do i'm not lying i don't lie under oath as you've had prosecutor you been the judge give a deep understanding of what was happening in there yesterday i don't think i can think of a moment where somebody was gutted like that as don't expect in the case for you as you talk specifically it's not going to happen whether as a result of that is. and the daf send this before is a never seen a witness as first of all the aft understand michael cohen is the linchpin of the prosecution case. ripped to shreds. we know he lysed it and everybody. he lysed the congress he lysed to judges and lies to special counsel lying in court. the guy lies about his taxes and the truth is what he said and this is where they haven't beat down. on october 24th, 2016 he called them to tell donald trump to get on the phone and the whole thing was resolved. a text message seconds before his him saying call me and 9962nd phone call right after that a text saying send me his number. it's clear they are talking to a 14-year-old correct harassing michael cohen. he's a liar it's a circus he's a carnival huckster a case that no judge i know of would ever allow it to go to a jury. they have not made out a case there should be a directed verdict or if this doesn't go to jury and the judge dismisses everybody. >> sean: judge thank you and congratulations on your book. take care. >> sean: straight ahead a shocking admission from a u.s. official on research in china warning about what you are about to see as a sean combs back in the spotlight as new video appears to show him attacking and asked girlfriend as this is beyond disturbing. a full report coming up straight ahead. >> ♪ ♪ hello, i'm franklin graham. as we watch the news, it feels like the whole world is filled and engulfed with hate. we see it on our college campuses. we see it across the world. where did this come from? you see, hate is coming from the human heart. god made us and he created us, but sin has come into the world, and it's come into each and every heart. and the only one who can fix the heart is god. and god did that by sending his son, jesus christ from heaven to this earth to take our sins. he died in our place on a cross, shed his blood, and was buried, but on the third day he walked right out of that grave. that's right, jesus christ is alive, and my questions is have you ever invited him into your heart?" if you haven't done it, do it right now. just say, god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry. forgive me. i believe jesus is your son. i want to trust him as my savior, and i pray this in jesus' name. if you prayed that prayer call that number right now that's on the screen. god bless you! 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(together) big enough to deliver. ♪ my back got injured very bad. i was off work for about a year. i heard about relief factor from my wife... i took it every day, three times a day, for three weeks. ...look at her and i said, "the pain is gone." and she said, "i'm glad it helped." i said, "no, you don't understand. it's gone." you, too, can feel better every day with relief factor, a daily supplement that fights pain naturally. call or go online now and get 35% off your first order. >> ♪ ♪ >> sean: turning to a disturbing story surveillance video was obtained of rapper and entrepreneur sean combs apparently beating his ex-girlfriend. we will show it to you now and keep in mind it's a very disturbing video with a very graphic content and the woman you see here has accused sean combs of sexual assault, a rape, kicking her, stomping on her beating her, forcing her to consume huge amounts of alcohol and drugs all allegations coming under a lawsuit filed last year the south district of new york in which the call him a vicious cruel controlling man nearly 2 decades her senior. this case was settled soon after being filed as fox news reached out to representatives of sean combs for comment he worked reaction me of a fox news contributor and former florida attorney general. pam let's start with you as a prosecutor, 1 does have to wonder if the hotel or wherever they were staying at this video why didn't come out sooner. >> in my early career i was a domestic violence prosecutor and it doesn't get worse than that it was very disturbing what he did and it's completely of corroborated in the lawsuit allegedly it didn't come out because the hotel was paid $50,000 by sean combs at least the victim is alleging to hide the video. if that happened the hotel is liable for destruction of evidence, hiding evidence of a crime and if they watch that they have the duty to call 911 right away on that tape. it's a very serious charge. >> we hear about horrible domestic abuse cases to actually see this shocks the conscience. look at this. beating frankly a dangerous beating to the point where somebody could have permanent injuries are worse. >> and when you read about things like he gave her a blackeye, stomped on her doesn't bring forth the reality of what this is. it's a man swung her down she was either unconscious or days going back to kick her in the head he then picked up bags and stomped on her again. she's clearly disabled at this point and he begins to drag her back as you saw around to where the room is and the lord knows what happened to her in that context keep in mind 8 years ago and when you deal with this we've seen over and over again if there is enough money in its entertainment industry and there is power in that city and people are afraid you wander with everything we know and have known over the last decade with what goes on in that city this is the kind of behavior people get away with because of settlements or because the hotel is allegedly paid we don't know where the video came from may be a copy was made that eventually should come out and slake psalter misdemeanor this or third degree assault look at if a normal person was doing that you wanted to kill somebody you could argue that was attempted murder it depends on the degree of injury and when you have a moment they would agree to reflect on what you are doing like once you've swung her down and hit her and then you have a moment to go back to kick her in the head, and that is the dynamic of c and it's what costs women their lives and i'm glad she finally sued but how many more in the last 80 years and years prior to this did this occur have any more women were affected. >> sean: a great question we have to imagine they if they do it then they might have had a proclivity to do it before or after. and as a prosecutor not a one-time situation not at all probably doing this multiple times and what's 1 person comes forward that experience as they are not scared after yet. a bad day for sean combs as in the florida court went into a diversion program as in a diversion program as you are to cooperate any and all proceedings what's going to happen there with the bodyguard and drug mule who entered into the program today switching gears it took long enough yesterday capitol hill the senior official as they did in fact fund research in wuhan take a look at this. >> did nih funded research at the wuhan institute for echo health? >> depends on your definition here setting up a generic term as its research which goes on many areas around the country as it poses no threat or harm to anybody. >> sean: from the earliest areas we have known in the rand paul book is a real beat down on this that there was a flurry from january or february of 2020 within circles about did we find that this. everybody knew research took place in coronavirus research took place at that lab. at they lied and alighted consciously misleading the american people, the gullible mob in the media paddled the lies and where are we as a result of this. who is held accountable for this. where's the doctor? >> a confirmation sometimes you don't want to believe that the system, the bureaucratic system and you saw this the same answers and template repeated over and over again this massive bureaucracy could operate in unison in an effort told lion gaslight the american people over an issue about life and death. the nature of what they were doing with our tax dollars, the casualness in this and an ability and ease with which and speed with which they aligned with the lie because let's not forget with the new york times story in the last year and a half or so said masks and the general population only of a 10% effective rate and we have met admitting to congress the social distancing rule supposed to save our lives sort of appeared the entire dynamic as we complained always was false and they punished people destroying their careers getting them censored. conspiracy theorist. >> to define the function taking a virus and making it as deadly as possible best case scenario to study at worst case scenario weapon of mass destruction why would we fondle lab in wuhan owned by the communist party of china with livestock living so close together best case scenario it could leak out and worst case scenario they a weapon of mass destruction. >> sean: they are our number 1 geopolitical foe in the who they ran interference for china the whole time to get of the who get out of the un and the w ef, the paris climate accords we don't need these globalist organizations. anyway thank you both. and up next the left found a target for their latest meltdown chiefs kicker harrison about her in king charles new portrait has fans divided here's more straight ahead. at oofos, we don't make footwear. we make shock absorbers. fatigue fighters. mobility maximizers. this is the science of active recovery. revolutionary oofoam technology absorbs impact and reduces pressure. it's the 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[sfx] water lapping. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [sfx] water splashing. ♪ ♪ [sfx] ambient / laughing. ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ the woke pc left is found a new target for their latest meltdown kansas city chiefs kicker harrison but kirk. he delivered the commencement dress at a college where he highlighted family values and took a jab at joe biden take a look. >> our nation is led by a man who proudly proclaims his catholic faith and at the same time is delusional enough to make the sign of the cross during a pro- abortion rally i want to speak to you briefly because it's you the women who have had the most diabolical lies told to many of you sit here now about to cross the stage in our thinking about the promotions and titles you get in your career some of you might go on to lead successful careers in the world but i would venture to guess the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring in to this world. i tell you my life -- wife isabel would say her life truly started when she began in her vocation as a wife and mother. >> sean: predictably the media mob honed in on a few out of context soundbites and spent the week feigning outrage. of course led by a hard-hitting new show and the ladies of the view take a look. >> i would really encourage him, encourage him to find the best parts of faith not divert to extremist views. >> i don't think this is a political issue i think he hasn't mom issues. he refers to taylor swift as that so-and-so. teammates girlfriend. another hugely accomplished woman he has nothing but disdain for because of mommies to go get a therapist. >> sean: here with reaction we have the host of fox news saturday night even gets me out of bed occasionally late on a saturday night because i'm a loser and i can't sleep. you know i like comedians like you. like dave chapelle like chris rock like comedians if they are funny i don't care what they are funny about. i don't get outraged. if you don't like what somebody says you can turn off the tv turn off the radio dial or a podcast walk out of commencement you don't have to hear it. walk out of the classroom and you because it's a captive audience i believe in freedom why are liberals afraid of freedom and freedom of speech. >> to be clear we are talking about the view the highest rated show in guantánamo bay for a reason okay now that you can to water board you put on them and they are like i will confess i did it. here is an irony of what we are watching because as you know it's supposed to be from the tolerant side as the definition of tolerance is the ability to coexist in the face of something you disagree with because you know this i know this the people preaching tolerance are the most intolerant beings in the world. he didn't say you can't have a career he didn't even say careers are bad he said a family life is more fulfilling than a professional life and i would agree with him and let me be clear i have lost a lot of money betting against the kansas city chiefs over the years so i have no reason to support this guy. i've never met him. the only chief i've ever met is elizabeth warren that's it. i have no reason to support him. >> sean: we will be watching tomorrow night thank you. more hannity straight ahead. >> ♪ ♪ israel is under attack. israel has been attacked like never before. our skies are filled with rockets and drones. the international fellowship of christians and jews urgently needs your help to send out emergency teams across the holy land. the international fellowship of christians and jews needs your $45 gift to rush emergency aid to the people of israel who are still devastated from the massacres of october 7. we are bringing food. we are bringing emergency resources to save lives. but we can't do it alone. we need you to stand with israel now. with terrorist attacks across every part of israel, tens of thousands of families desperately need emergency life-saving aid today. please don't wait. now is the time to act. call, scan, or go online now. (vo) in two seconds, eric will realize they're gonna need more space... (man) gotta sell the house. (vo) houses. or, skip the hassles and sell directly to opendoor. (man) wow. (vo) when life's doors open, we'll handle the house. >> ♪ ♪ >> sean: a programming note the second episode of my show outlaws and the law of man is out today only on fox nation with episode 2 you get to watch the rough justice of wild bill hitchcock and wyatt earl take a look. >> stay here. who fired that shot shoe and add a straight dog it cok. >> you don't care what you're shooting at bill the law says no guns in town. >> sean: check it out if you have time this weekend at fox nation. that's what time we have left this evening set your dvr so you never ever miss an episode of hannity now let not your heart be troubled as greg gutfeld is standing by to put a smile on your face have a great weekend. >> ♪ ♪

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, Proceedings , Drug Mule , Program , Bodyguard , Fact Fund Research , Wuhan , Definition , Echo Health , Nih , Wuhan Institute , Areas , Threat , Flurry , Rand Paul , Lab , Circles , Coronavirus Research , February Of 2020 , System , Doctor , Template , Confirmation , Life , Bureaucracy , Unison , Effort , Lion , Ability , Nature , Speed , Tax Dollars , Casualness , Masks , Population , Rule , Distancing , Careers , Function , Virus , Conspiracy Theorist , Case Scenario , Livestock , Communist Party Of China , Worst Case Scenario Weapon Of Mass Destruction , Worst Case Scenario , Foe , Weapon Of Mass Destruction , Interference , Paris Climate Accords , Fun , The W Ef , Target , Charles , Left , Fans , Organizations , Meltdown Chiefs Kicker Harrison , Portrait , Oofos , We Don T Make Footwear , Recovery , Pressure , Science , Fatigue Fighters , Shock Absorbers , Mobility Maximizers , Revolutionary Oofoam Technology Absorbs Impact , Sfx , Shoe , Key , Pair , Water Lapping , Ambient , 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