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And tonight Joe Biden Facedquesi with a question he wasnt expecting duringonting podcast featuring biden, clinton and obama. One of joes Hollywood Friendsasking asking him why he will not come on this show for an hour. And well, the answer gets gets interesting. Heres a little tease. Could it be as simple as just like granting an hour,g sean hannity and sit down . Go. You telldown me why the peopley who follow you think im not a good president. I the answer youll find pretty amusing. Well play bidens response. Thats coming Upfiretty Amwe Wio also tonight. Joe is plummeting in the polls. Were going to show you joetin of new numbers that have come out that are now sending the biden campaignco t, the medt mob, into a full fledged panic. Plusfullfle, a very bizarre whe house Correspondents Dinner featuring the fewest jokes. Not any good anyway in modern history with an host determined to coddle the ailing president. Determand coming up, were going to take a look at how the left is killing comeds y. S seinfeld saying it. And later, with biden turning his back on israelwith b. Well, the not so free world is coming together to condemn fre the worlds only jewish state. Evt terrorf the wors attack their history and might even next there, benjamin netanyahinternu, for fighting sr back and defending the survival of his countryviof his c. Joe biden is leading the worlds surrender on the war on Terrorissurr Theml well explain. And according to biden, the left wing politicianaiacco s around the globe, israel, theyre just not allowed to fight back anowedtd defend themselves against the barbaric, radical, extreme terrorists that are threatening to wipe their country ofto wipfa the map from the river to the sea, as they say. And of say course, we hear the e thing at College Campuses all across the u. S. Right all day long, youve been watching right here on the Fox News Channel , just six monthser after the worst attack in the histor y of israel, a terrorist attack. College students, their professorscolleg are condg the victims of terror. The israelis, and glorifyingistw the terrorists who attacked them. Now wehoem have seen socalled r protesters wearing hamas Garb Signpackets actually now callinh the final solution. The hitlere fina slogan fromto the river to the sea and even more direchet threats calling on hamas to kill jews. On top of the usual death t to israel, death to america chest. So weve become way to america o familiar with over the weekend at harvard. A group of agita writers ripping down the schools American Flag and replacing that witd h palestinian flag. Ny in many schools, especially in redy in states. E di well, thankfully, these disruptive demonstrations have beesrdemonstr n disbanded. D elit but elsewhere, many of the socalled elite ivy institutions, while the protesterse have taken ovel no end in sight. Lot well have a lot more on thishi later on. The great one. Mark levin is here tonight. But first, joining us no w livee with an update from Columbia Universitys campus, Wherefr Deadli the deadline for students to leave that Campus Encampment has comeneto. It has gone. Alexis macadams is with us with the very latescadamst alexis, w going on now . They didnt leave today. Hey,leave to shawn. Sev no, they didnt leave. Right. 7 hours and counting. Eng, its 9 00, 903, and theyre still here. The University President sent out an ultimatum or what she thought was an ultimatumultimat telling the students to get out of this encampment and move those tents. Else theyellinghed get suspend. But we checked in withm an the Student Protesters who say theyre not scared they and if they call on the nypd, thats going to be a big mistake. Watch with nothing. Ll n noto fighting tactic. You can be outside. You now are mobilizeu d. Theres hundreds of them here today. We deman demand we demand that we will not be moved by force unless by force. Okay. So. Thi s is the socalled Gazad Gaza Solidarity Encampment still right in the Middlsolidae Of Cas here at Columbia University on new york citys upper west side. Hours after the embattled University President minu shafik said these studentst sa who were still here and wouldnt sign the paperwork, saying they would just simply abidetwot by the rules here, would notclas be able to go to class or graduate. But heys or, that didnt cut. So this is a look from abovel se at the dozens of tents still set up at columbia. Weve noticed about 20 or so are now gone. Weve no o sean but theres still a lotl of people out here throughout the day marching around campuste. And a live look also outside of the gates of columbia here in new york cityhefere in at the protesters who are still here. Hours and counting here,to dv calling on the school to divest fromes israel. So far, one arrest outside of those campus gates. Watc h out. I got at this time the nypd, sean, is not been called in to this private property. Theyre waiting for the call. E help the new shafik, the president , here to see if she needs more help. Last time they came in,h zi their zip ties and had h to arrest more than 100 Student Protesters forado arre conduct a trespassing charges. But people we talked to out heressarges. , including jewish s and their families, ready to pay all this money to send them to school. Want to know whosm to s in chargehere here . Is it the students inside this encampment or, ist th is it the president , sean . All right, alexis, thanks ar you. Now, as tensions are rising across the country, the presidene the pt, a selfproclaimed hero, healer of souls, has gone noticeably missing and quiet. He desperately needs Thisin Nov Radical Base to show up for him in november. So has, joe, been trashing netanyahu and israel while trying to ignore the hate the filled protests of the left . Hes trying to walk a tightrop e. And as we all know, while biden does not have very good balancen, in any regard anyway, now hes falling in the now s a major way. Dont take it from me. Ets lets look at this. A brand new polllook, cnn. Donald trump has now opened up a whopping six point leadnear nationwide, nearly double the Marginly Drgin of error. When you throw in the third party candidates, Donald Trumps lead Swelledthird To N points. The key driver behind these numbertheses, while the economyo and immigration according to then. Rding to same poll, 66 s disapprove joe bidens handling of the economy. And it is not just faky e cnn. Lets look at the cbths poll fre three key Battleground States showing that a large pluralitnd Wing Ty Of Americans T believe they would be much better off financiallyhe if donald trump wins in november. In michigan, pennsylvania, an overwhelming majority of voters believe the economonsin, ty wasl under donald trump. Most believe the economy has gottendtrump. Worse since the ee of the pandemic. And thats not all. That trump has now pulled ahead when it comes to an important question who betterlie people like you . They can answer. Are yo yu off than you wereu four years ago . Now, this is all on the heels of las fou it weeks Bloomberg Morning Consult polls showing donald trump six out of sevenfog swing states. And dont forget gallup,et they have a poll out finding that joe biden is the least popular president in modern history the last 70 years. Meanwhilars. E, a new harvard has poll also finding that trumpth is Leadingat T Nationwide In Boh a head to head matchupnd with biden and a three way matchup against biden and rfk jr thragains. The poll and get this, the polls showedcs that 57 of americans believe that democrats are, quote, usintats arg the legal system in biased ways to take out a political opponentut a. Icated and 64 indicated that bidens Pollitive Declinte is worse every single day. The polls now are so badso bad that during a podcast featuring biden, clinton and obama, all actor Jason Bateman suggested that joe wanted to go on hannitysted that Program Foh Hour and defend your great record, but instead of providing a thoughtful answer, well, he needed his predecessor sir barack obama. Well, when you what is it that his predecessor but his former partner , barack obama, to step in, leading to a lot of questions, really . How much influence does obama have over joe biden . You decidew muchnfluence. You dont. Youve got very smart people to suggest what it is that you do. But like, could it be as simple as just granting an hour to sean hannity and sit down . Go. You tell Mand Sittwne Why The Pe who follow you think, im not a good president. And just just answerformat his questions. Call his bluff. I mean, because the information, the factsion,ir are all there. Its particularly foatr that tht that group of people, what you do is so muce,h better suitedot than what the other agenda is talking about. Getts it jushes ing about mattet getting on that network . I dont get it. First of all, you Guyshat Netwi are exactly right. Joe has got an unbelievable of accomplishments. The question was to joe, not to barack. Barack felt the need to jump in and answer for joe because t he knows hes not capable of answering. Now, by the wa in and y, just te official, joe is more than welcome on this Program Fore Thr entire hour. And ill give him Ani Extraadio 3 hours of an interactive radio time. But i dont think joe can handle a live segment on most dnc, much less an entire hour on this program. Its pretty simple. This doesnt look good for joe. He needs help answering basic questions. He struggles, he mumbles. He bumbles. He stumbles. Hes having a hard time and talking. And lets not forget when, you know, He Rea Andd Instructis from the teleprompter like an elderly ron burgundye. Four more years. Pause. Oops. You know, from the economyom the to inflation to illegalto immigration to violence, the middle east, war in europe, to the obvious cognitive declin e, it is no secret Whyorrhag Biden is hemorrhaging support from severalin reliable demographics. Then, of course, hes out there talking about his dear uncle that was eaten by Cannibal Wass but anyway, i digress. But its not stopping democrats strategic minds that are in theh democratic party. James carville, to a lot of things. Ive debated him, smart guy and hes getting really. Watch the show. I hear this a lot. And when james young voters are just not hearing serious, its still candidatethis age. Ones in the eighties. One is almost in the agee. They theyre concerned about things that deb a t the washington politicians and you just cant blame them for. Oh, you are you watching what is happening in thethe supr Supreme Court . If youre 26, do you see what theyrecourt, doing . First of all, dont take every right that you could possibly have away you. If trump and roberts, alito and gorsuch and thomas and leonard, leo and, the heritage foundation, ife no they get a hold, there will be no government left. There will be no right lefs lef. Youll live under theocracy. Youll end u thap christian nationalism. But thats all right. You know, 26yearold, you like feel the elections in part animated, not addressing the issues that i care about. Dont worry. With joe unable to communicate effectively, democrats are once again rolling out welln , theyre not so secret weapon. Thats right. Vp harris said recently duringr. ,you know, pretty grotesque fawning interview with drew ine, cuomo spoke out against those who dare to criticizee her constant, inappropriate, Weird Giggling and laughing. Taked giggling look. You know, you were asking me earlier about what it means to bout whate like the first won and, you know, its funny because people go get usedmy sta to it. Right. I mean, my staff, for example, l sometimes theyll show me Little Things that just amuse showhing. Like, apparently some people love to talk about the way i laugh. Oh, ye wghs i love your laugh. You s well, let me jusomt tell you something. I have my mother laugh, and i u grew up around a bunch of Womeno In Particular who left from the village. Yeah, they laughed. Ththey would Sit Aroundrinkin the kitchen and drinking their coffee, telling Big Storie Coffees with big laughs. You know, im never going to be such a success. Thats just. Im not that person. Now, theres really only one way to stop kamala from laughing t. Office vote her out of office. That would be 189 days from now. And you can send her boss, joe bidecan to finally retire bh on the beach in delaware. Maybe hell build up his muscles and be able to pull her out, pull along his beach, share it abl. Reaction. Former Senior Adviser to the Clintons Pollster mark pentons. Fox news contributor Ari Fleischer and the host of outkick tomi lahren is fearless. Tomi lahren is with us. Tomi, i know i guess these polls, you know, think about this all these pollse comi are coming out while donald trump is on trial. Everng while doy day and its gettingwv wall to wall coverage on some ne and think about that y time theyve arrested him or arraigned him, took a mug shot. It just backfires. And his poll numbers shot, go us and the more Times Joe Goes Outt and speaks and hes hadhimsel the entire Playing Field to himself in terms of campaigning. Wellf campai, hes not helping. Your reaction . Well, ill tell you this. I would expect Donall Telld Truh be more ahead than he isan right now considering joe biden s record his inability to not only lead, but his inability to communicate or even on hisut own. So im sorry, but im not as happy about the lead in these polls as maybe some are, because i think the lead should be far greater. K thbut tells me the fact that e democrats have yet to replace joe biden and i still think repll, that they are very are confident in their voting strategy. Theyre very confidenty confidee mechanics of their voting, getting out the vote, mail in votes, ballot harvesting. Thr theyre very confident in their operation. So that concerns me. But ill also say this when it u comes to these young people and what theyre doingople and on tu College Campuses, i know it seems like its a handful of misfits s like and they might very well be in the minority now. But, sean, the Futur Bute Les generations are not becoming any less communist, any less pro terror,s anti, ameri antifreedom, antiamerica. Weve got generations coming up througcah our system who are going to make the protests now look small in comparisone to what they could be in five or ten years. This is a lasting problefivem fr the conservative movement, for the gop, for the United States in general. E the gop has failed to get involved in the education system. We have failed to get involved at the local level and our School Boards and our city councilsy counci. T this and so i fear that this is not just a 200 day problem until the next election. This is e a 20 year problem long after joe biden and donald trump are gone. Wer after bidene going to haved with this Younger Voting bloc. So we better start now h becauss its not enough to just scoff at them. They might not vote for joe in november, but boat them. Knowledgy, i dont know if theyre going to be voting for republicans any time soon. Weve got to fac fe that reality. It well, theyve been indoctrinated. You know in these institutions of higher learning. Mark penn, Let Me Throe Institwy we have the leader of the Freeou World Noe W is basically incapable of of leading and abdicated americas role on the world stage. And stabbing. You know, he surrendered in the war on terrorism, Stabbingrendey Israel in the back in the process. And these Protestsg Cannot tell me in any way politically helpde joe biden. They well, no, theyre noart. Theyre theyre not helping even the cause that theyre protesting for because most americans look at these protests, they dont see any American Flags t don. They they see quite the opposite, that they seem to b, theye antiamerican, antiisrael, some of them even pro hamas. And its really backfiring. Theres been no changeameric in american support for israel. Anand getting the hostages out and for getting hamas out forga. And that has not changed. Even though these things have gone on. E th but more, joe biden caters c to the base of the partyat and o these demonstrators. His rating on this issue goes is, not up. I think hes made a majo r miscalculation there. Ng the swing voters are lookingersh for World Leadershipip and thats means standing up to terrorists. That means hanging tough. Ts means hangingthat solving soe problems in the middle east. And they dont see that yet. Now, look, a lot can happen, but that is not what the American Voterwhat The Ares Areg today. And youre seeing these polls that were Closing Goin G the other way now and widening. And let me just make one lastt e point. The biggest reason theyre widening this is joe thp has a 44 job approval and donald trump, when asked a about his presidency, has a 55 job approval. Joe biden has to close that gatp or its going to be a tough race. You know, you look at the numbers and. All right, heres americas population is israelsulatio population. It would be the equivalent based on population comparisonn. E s. Extrapolate it. Out of 8000 americans taken u. Stage out of us territory, 40,000 Dead Americans in a single day. And all joe biden has been doin ag is lecturing israel on on how they should fight war, cl how they need peace talks, how they need a Ceasefirkshow Te to now stabbing Prime Minister netanyahu in the back, maybe using the leahy law as a means of not even givinge uses the any military aid or support at all. But meanwhile, o they just keep sending, you know, A Hundred Billion plus over to ukraine. S and its not just t joe, its schumer, its pelosi. And i would say its all rooted in the fact that he wanthes evey one of these votes. Your thoughts . Hav you know, i think you have to give joe biden credit, sean, credit for always consistently being wrong on Foreign Policy. I mean, go back to whe. N he was a young and he opposed Ronaldreg Reagan on missile defense, the same missile defensean ossia that stopped iran. He was against the ver sy was a successfulga and popular firsths gulf war. He was for for the unsuccessful second gulf war. He wanted to divide iraq intod to three pieces. A f that would have been a flop. And now when it Comewhs To Isral and gaza, hes all over the map. The wall street journa. The l said the two State Solution for joe biden is michigan and nevada f. Every decision hes making to put pressure on israel, Pressurey Decisie is on netanya geared toward winning an election , alienating arab voters and the young people on campuses. But the problem hes got as hecd cant occupy a middle ground this is the flaw in his judgment. You either have to like george bush said, youre withwa us against us in this war now in gaza, and he is abandoning israel. S hes away from israel. He only pressures israel and he wont give the arab vote. H theyre going to stay home in substantial numbers and hes goin s ang to lose. No, he wont lose, but hes going to have huge inroads made by republicans into the jewish vote. Another historical democray to t. Y ev everything he does, he has a reverse midas touch. Touch. He messes up every Foreign Policy issue hes ever been involvedforeign in. Youre right. And a peace and prosperity which historically Hannity Haven elections. If that remains, then ifs th that remainse pa the pattern joe biden will lose in november. If these numbers holose ind that were seeing across the board. I dont see how we can com ie back, but we have 189 days hav to go. Anything can happen. Ac thank you all. When we come back, the bidene bi isministrations betrayadenl of israel is getting worse. Now were going to tell you what they did thisg worse. L. Well get reaction from the great one, mark levin. Thats all straight ahead. 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Get a faster motor or five miles of steps per hour. The step counter, the smart mat and wireless remote call. Now. Now, if you thought bidens portrayal of israel could not get any worse, well, think again. The state department anwors, they just publicly accused several idf units of Committing Huma N Rights Violations prior to the october 7th attacks on israel. Also tonight, israeli leaders are allegedly worriedom the about meddling from the International Criminal court, which i crimina is now reportedly considering issue issuing Arrest Warrants for alleged, quote, war crimes against both israeli and palestinian officials. Tell me how there is a moral equivalency here. Anyway, according to axios, Prime Minister netanyahug to. N reportedly asked biden to try and help prevent the iccya from press pressing charges. We did reach out to thein Biden Whit Ute house. Have yet to hear back. Here what a shock. Here with reaction to al wlfe the days events, the host of life, liberty and levin, mark levin, the most. Maybe this is the most repulsive moment and there are a lot of them. Illegal immigration is one. The economy and his handling of it was number two. E th this might be the worst thing hes ever done becauseg he has surrendered in the war on terror. And now when when they now try w to invoke the leahy law as a means of preventing the idf from even receiving help from f the u. S. Isnt that a full and complete surrendeulsurrender to terroris . Mark levin. On h, i tell you some whats going on here, sean. As a general matter, we nowwo know joe bidens brother worked closely with qatars br. Man qatar has bought off manyan politicians in this countrs in y and theyre working with qatar on the socalled hostage releash qae. Weve extended our base there for ten years with qatar. Joe biden is sols. D out and bought up and down by foreign dictators and genocidal whose entire busin family does business with. And theyre putting withat asi. Joe biden is a psychopath. He lies about his own life. He thinks he can recreateca and reengineer the middle east. Let me Say Something s about this International Criminal court. Weom abo t have never recognizer the jurisdiction of some globalist Court Appointe Recognp by left wing Radical Europeans and some leftwing radical radi. Utor l we dont even know their names. We dont even know how they come to these decisions. Knoe tothey have taken in noim. Testimony. Theres no due process. Theres nothin ueg whatsoever. S effe ct this is effectively your politburo. And of course, europe has never gotten over its third problems. Was inthe holocaust was in euro, the holocaust spread in europe, the antisemitism and hatred in virtually every capital in capi, london, paris, you name horris is vile. Its horrendous all across europe. And so now you have this phonyal International Criminal court that President Trump sai said, dont you ever, ever try and issue any warrants or anything against the United States where i will sanction inu, I Will Brea States Ik you. And thats how you keep the International Criminal court, which is in effecal court t, a joke off of our doorstep. But look at the israelis. The israelis are surrounded by terrorist states. Is. Ijoe biden and Blinken Fundd iran. Armed iran paid for october for 7th. They have blood on their hands. I believe behind the International Criminal court doing what it wants to do, because ii beli aref thet it out, they cut it out, but they wont say it. Tutthey keep dancing around. Lo look at what biden and blinkenoa have done. O make saudi arabia was goingde to make a deal with israel to have diplomatic Tieal Wraels Biden stopped it. Unless they agree to as two State Solutionth, then. Only biden will support it, threatening to cut off arms to Israereatenin Arml while blis going over there like the grim reaper to israel telling them s how to fight a war. This guy, this candy sat o on his his entire life in academia on capitol hill, telling israelis how too defend themselves. Its outrageous. If Themsel Court rules as it does, i want america to understand how it affects our nationaesl. We do not accept itswe d jurisdiction. The israelis not accept thist jurisdiction. But if it starts issuing arresat warrants to israel is it can do the same to the United States. It can d e o the same to our soldiers that are in germany and other places arounat ared the world. It could do the same to our admirals and our generals. It can Attac T Ttack the United States, too. And it will because its controlled by leftist europeans. Thats what controls this war. Itthats ws co is a globalist s. Thats all it is. Its a politburo. Now, the ide a that they would single out the one jewish state thats defending itsele f but didnt provoke a thingt the has Hamas Surroundehad right now. The only thing thats going to prevent tt is Israel Fromde Destroying Hamas once and for all is biden. Blinken and they hope the International Court of appeals by. Doing what . By trashing netanyahu, by Trashing The Netanyahu government. I want the American People to understand somethingie. Y theyre only trashing Netanyahu Bee hes a foil for the jews. They hate israel. Ththey to break up israel. L they do not want israel to irstroy hamas. Theyre doing business with iran. Theyre doing business with all these genocidal Maniac Regimes throughout the middle east. Dle eastand so israels supposey the price. So what if israel has anotheth r october seven . So what if the iranians get a Nuclear Weapon . So wlet me say one other thing. P if this quartets goingon ano to hold netanyahtheru, who for crimes in his staff, then it sure as better wholbetter he b. And blinken why . Because biden and blinken wh war. Biden and blinken opened up the ability for iran to buy the arms. Donald trump had his foot on the throat of this regime that was regim on its back. This regime in iran is slaughtering, imprisoning and torturing its own people. One other thing. This is really bad. Thi if the International Criminal court does what it does and bideniminal w Sitting S Hands and blinken sitting on his hand and schumer and the wholblinkeone democrat party, ii to congratulate the speaker and some republicansan are speaking out now. You know whats going to happen . Theyre going to fue s goinl holocaust like antisemitism all acrosse europe because they will have given the seal of approval, the seaalall approl to hamas, to iran, to hezbollahr ,the houthis, the Muslim Brotherhood and all the othehohe r mass murder, monstrous terrorists throughout the worlrd. They will provoke them. They will give them impetus. , Thll Givmpetusthey give them o more of what theyre doing. Because after octoberwhat, what will they have accomplished . Joe biden running around a twoji State Solution. Joe biden creating the worst relationship with israeln ru that weve ever had. Joe biden threatening to disarm the state of israe, ji joe biden Holding Israel responsible for feeding the gazanslr feedin. Th none of the arab countries, even though hamas is stealing all the food eveough ham, so fo. Joe biden basically using blood after blood libel against the israelis that theyre killing all these civilians using the hamas numbers. All of this will be d. Tifie all of this will be sanctified. All the hitler youth on ou. R campuses, the hitler youth throughout europe and the hitlerian, throughoue ant europe with a holocaust started. This is what theyre going to takd. E out of october seve. The enemy is hamas, the enemy is iran. The enemy are those who are silent in the faceem of this kid of that is by the terrorists. Theyre the enemy. The u. N. Is the enemy. The International Criminal court is the enemy. s and its about time we get on the side of good againste we a l of evil. And joe biden is a pathological, selfserving ano liar who will do anything to get reelected, including for donaldcluding in pris in Prisoe Netanyahu serve with Arrestrest Warrants from the icc. Thats it. Frm done. Nity this is what happens when an american president , his personal political ambition and e winning a war against radical terrorists. And mark, this is what the world looks like i w when the leader of the free world abdicates that role of responsibility, because, well, hes up to and appeasingh the worst regime on the faceer a of this earth, the number one State Sponsor of terror. Frightening times, mark. You. Great one. Thank you. When we come back, the mob, the media, w b theyre even tryt to disguise their antitrump hatred anymore. Well explai anti trumpn. Well get analysis. Joe concha, tammy bruce, our next. [ apday you get your,t your clear choice, Dental Implants eat, changes your strue with missing teeth forever. It changes how you eat, how you feel, and how you enjoy it changes your smile. And now others smile at you. Clear Choice Network doctors have changed over 100,000 lives with Dental Implants and they can change yours too, because a clear choice day changes every day. Schedule a free consultation. Supervised a is the number one selling brand for mens and health. 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Corrwell, amid reports that bidn has grown frustrated with the Press Coverage of hifrush ths fi he urged them to alter their coverage. As we get to november. Take a look. Move past the Horse Race Numbers and the gotcha momentsie in, the distraction of the sideshows that have come to dominate essentiallominaty, Sensationalize Our Politics and focus on whatnsationas actt stake. I think in your heart, you know, what was yesterdayleao and apparently at least some of that listen, because georgie stepping luse geor up, alice ecd his remarks the very next morning on abc. Take a looked his. Its all too easy to fall into reflexive habit is, to tm this as a normal campaign where both sides embrace the rule of law, where both sides are dedicated to debate base fact facts and the peaceful transfer of power. But that is not whatse peacefut happening this election year. Those Bedrock Tenets of our democracy being tested in a way we havent seen since the civil war. A test for the candidates. For those of us in the mediathoe and for all of us, as. Okay. Like the weaponization. Lets. Lawfare. Weaponization of our justice department. George. Not address any of joes failures. He ignores the obviousnot addres cognitive decline. The socalled journalist, th ise basically, like everyone else in the mob in the media today, Pretendingf Th be a journalist n he is secretly nothing but Aho Liberal Talk Show host hack. You might remember he workedack bill clinton caught Threateningr A Reporterea in his 1992 campain when he was working for bill clinton. Ighe remember what his name d. Just i can send you a fax, names, addresses, Phone Numbers of who you had an affair with. It wouldnt make it true. It wou it is completely ifld you wet on the radio and said that Bille Clinton is the father of the illegitimate black child f,e you would be laughed at. People would think youre crazy. You would the you that if you du this, they might not even be able to that. Youre Never Working politics again. Youll never work again. Oh , thats not a threat, is it . Here with reaction, fox news contributors show conscience. Tammy bruce. All right. So the Bedrock Tenants of Ofoe Democracy are being threatened, tammy. And he goes on to sa to say whai would say, a Bedrock Tenant is justice. How come he didnt bring up in the process of all of that the weaponization of our own department of justice, how committed to bring up anyel . Of bidens issues cognitively . You know, pretty amazing. Those facts were missed. Well, indeed, because, you know, oncet thos a democrat operative, always a democrat operative, hes not just a liberademocr. L hack. A gu this is a guy that clearly is taking the lead in thety lea request of the party leaderde to issue propaganda. Thats what the joe biden call for was to a room full of mediai that is supposed to be looking him with suspicion and are supposed to be reporting on hinm with clarity. And it becomes a meeting of of collusion and its a journalh eo list. But in the open with everyonnee in, you know, Gala Suitsuits and black tie and tuxedos, its a its a remarkable thing. And then to stephanopoulosstrait with straight face says to the American People and to media. Go weve got to do propagandao because thats what the ask wape for. And this is how desperate they are. And the question becomes, what is it that theyre so afraid of losing . Is it not . Its not their job Clearlyo Cove to cover a president. They were not fairr to presidea trump. They clearly are Running Coverry for joe biden. The american system relies on media that can be trusted as as a genuine, indepth arbiter of the truth of investigations, of whats important. So this is what the American People saw. I mean, that wholeso thi whiterd house Correspondents Dinner should never occurr should. Hing theyre covering and laughing with and sitting on a diet with a andn. N paling it up wii people that they should feel comfortable tellinthe thg the th about. And the only person who was Willinrson Whog to say,h with this, i dont need your pat on the back was was donald o was trump. And thats how it should be is a president should be Intereste Ent D doing his work,a ho not telling the media how tor h. Cover him. And you can fight it out with the media. Thats fine. Figh outbut this is now the med. Its this turnstile with people like stephanopoulos, jake tapper, and other people who are who have come from party to continue their work on mediay. And they call themselves journalists, joe. Theyre not journalist clts. The theyre activists. Right. And for the most part, not all, but many, a good chunk. Thats certainly for sure. But again, if were Keeping Score at home, to tammys point, george stephanopoulos, bill clintons former miniature pitbull, the guybill who, as you showed, suppressed information about his boss, Threatened Supps reporters while he served in that administration before later moving to abc newsd the th to become its chief news anchor. Apparently, this is the guy whochief news ancho thes goings by telling voters how they should think h. And were supposed to trust him on what is and isnt newsworthy when it cometrust s to joe bide donald trump. You know that dog dont hunt. Maybe we can have jen psaki and James Carville moderate ma. N trump debate more atse it. Right. So these are the kind of selfrighteous declaratio ots n lines that are nothing new by prominent Media Members in the p trump. What weve seen cnn and msnbc refuse to show donald trump making live remarks after primary victories this year because they sayow they dont want to allow liars on their air only to proceed to do interviewsr with,l in you know, federal inmate number 438. Otherwis38e known as michael avenatti, literally from prison or theyll hang on every wor d when talking to the beacon of truth known as adam schiff cohemichael cohen. So it would have beenbe fascinating to see the looks on their facesen t when they saw those polls over the weekend come out Showingd Come Trump Upi by five. Trump up by six. Trump up by nine. Nationallyx or nin and ahead. R or at least tied in Everaty Sta Becausste that shows how out of touch they are with the American People outsid e deep i blue cities when it comes to talking about the issues they care about, not lawfareg a but inflation, energy prices, crime, the border chaos happening on american campuses and around the worlding. If this election is about the issues you just referreds id to, i think donald trump wins by in far away. But they will want to make this about abortion and do the bidding for the democrats, t want to make it about democracy in peril. Theyll want to make iy. Tht about six that want to make ity about trump. And theyll call republicans6tus every name as they do every election, racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic, transphobic. And they want dirty air and water. Thats the whole campaign. I ca then sum up the next 289 d. Anyway, good to see both, bac tammy. Thank you, joe. Thank you. When we come back, more horrific economic hors nums for joe biden. Larry kudlow is next to break them down for all of us. Straight ahead. What is going on on american campuses . What do our enemies . One is they want to influence the thought processes of our kids. If you see someones pronoun the wrong way, you can get kicked out of college. 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Some things come with age, some others dont. All right. The biden economy that continues to remain bleak. According to new data, 29 a 29 of american households have a Jo Pereholdsb that still cannot basic necessities. And amidneies. High inflation es now are warning we may not seeae lower rates that ones that we expected, we were told, were coming from the federathl resere. But instead more rate hikes. Inflation is also hurting biden among senior citizens, with many saying that their social Securitnior C my checks i longer cover the cost of living. And to make matterngs worse, the president has vowed to let most of Donald Trumps taxof dos expire next year, which would mean higher taxes for millionstr of americans. It was more the host of kudlow on fox business, larry kudlow. And my understanding is, doesnt he want to increase the Capital Gains tax ratey to 44 . Arent they Talkining Abougns about taxing unrealized gains . You know, all right, one day your stock is worth 100 bucks. R two days later its worth 50 bucks. But they50 want you at the ende of the year. If youre up with that at the end of that year, they want you to pay money on something that you havent even realized. Yeah, well, thanks for having me, sean. Im actually the Capital Gainsy could be my favorite because the Treasury E Department janet yellen, treasury put out a whole report that said we the have to raise. They have to raise the Capital Gains tax to nearl y 45 federal because theres too much racial inequality and that were going to penalize the people who have the most assets, which are white people. Theres nos question about that. So lets let makse everything e. Instead of a rising tide lifts all boats, were going to have a falling tide that sinks all boats on the basis this is what dti strikes again, only this time its Capital Gains tax. And theres one other one worth poking aroune isd, and that is janet yellen is apparently talkint isg to g20 foreign governments that will institutee the wealth tax that you mentioned a few moments ago this would be a 2 tax on wealthy people. I dont know o what the income g level is going to be basicallyll wealacross the worldy al. But of course, the United States has the most wealth. So we woull bed be hurt the mos. And youre going to have to have everybody like billionaires go have, millionai. Theyre all going to have to report everything their income, their assets, their housing, their stock houso soortfolio, everything have to be reported to some out pean unionion commission. All right. So they can figure out who to go after. O i mean, this stuff that you al cant make this stuff up, its absolutely insaneut. And oh, yeah, one more. A minimum tax on american corporations, which is to say foreign governments go back t to the g20. In this case, its the european union. They wils case the l set a minimum tax on all corporations, particularly technology companies, which meanse gove american companies. So we will be governed, sean, by foreign b governments, particularly in europe, who will then tax american corporations here in america. Were going to lose ours. Wevwere going e already lost. But wait a minute. But is it deeper now . Were going to lose sovereignty on taxes. Dont they want to have ] a wealth tax, a World Wealthx tax that they want to put in place . Yeah, thats it. Thats at 2 tax i referred to. Ye s that would be a wealth tax. But they have to figure out whos got the money. So youre going to have to have Reporting Requirements Foreveryd everybody. I mean, i dont know how they expecty. Be able to do this. Everybody that has some degree e of wealth will have to report to some Central European government. I suppose the treasury figure will share and they will then figure out picking and choosing who is going to get taxed would be a 10 tax on all assets. Ge now, this will do enormous damage to the us economy o and the rest of the biden plan ,which is a roughly 5 trillion tax hike. You know, you saw the numbers from cnn. On trumps popularity from his first term is now enormous. And they just did another poll on cnn and people remember how money they made, including middle class people who were the biggesy madeleclasst winne in fact, thats not true. Lower income people. It wasnt the rich. The rich had to pay a salt. You know, it was their stateate and local tax deduction. It was actually the lowest Quintilel Tait was t, the lowesd the biggest gains. Okay. Poverty went down. Inequality went down, Unemployment Record lows for blacks for, hispanics for young people, for women. All these groups y. Now, the polls show how people yearn for trumps successful economic policies, lower taxes and deregulation and drill, baby, drill. If you tax corporations, the they dont pay taxes. They just pass on that added taxen to to their consumer. If they tax Capital Gains, well, that means people that have money wont invest moneyatd and. That will mean fewer jobs that are created. And were talking about hight career jobs for many americans. How you look. The bigges t hit from a Corporate Tax hike and this wa data shows, as Kevin Hassett did work on this years ago, wage earners, middle income, blue collar type wage earners,te sean, theyre the oness Who Benefit Fromwh a Corporate Tax. Undere the ones, for example, in one year under trump and one year 20 19, when the thing was fully in place, middle income working folks place made. 5,000. That was a bigger gain than eight years of obama and joe biden. So theres youre right, theres no Corporate Tax. Therrporatd along to wage earners who will lose money under bidens proposal who. Ves. And consumers and investors, its a shell game. He is telling untruths just like he always does. Annity when i was a resident in new york and the trump tax cuts passed that he eliminated the state and local tax deductiotatealn. I ended up paying more, but i didnt deserve that. Because you weret. Warning states that that elect, you know, high taxes spend liberals. All right. Thanks, larry. Jerry seinfeld calling out the extreme for Killing Comedy Night Giant Diamonds at their lowest prices ever. The Jewelry Exchange has a natural one. Carrie guy, hes just 1990 carats, 5029, 92 carat, 59, 90. Custom mounts are just for 99. Thousands of diamonds guaranteed, the lowest price by direct the Jewelry Exchange. Im richard card, and i love my house. My hose is lightweight. Oh, no. My hose will not come off and my hose is anti leak. It aint those old hoses. This is my hose. 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Well be covering all of it. The story with Martha Maccallum weekdays at three on Fox News Channel. America is watching. Comedian Jerry Seinfeld thinks the extreme left isinks e ruining comedy. Hes right. Look, nothing really affects lef comedy. People always need it. They need it. So badly and they dont get ie. It used to be you would go home. At the end of the day, most people would tha will go, oh, cheers is on. Oh, man, shes on a Mary Tyler Moord wae on. All the familys on. You just expect it. Therell be some funny stuff we can watch on tv tonight. Well, guess what . Where is ibut guest. This is the result of thee re extreme left and psultc and peoe worrying so much about Offending Othee leftr peod hes right. Sad. Peop worri the time we left this evening. Dvr so you never, ever, ever nem ashley strohmier, live in new york. The situation at columbia si

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