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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240703 : comparemela.com

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240703

"fox & friends" weekend starting with this aijt israel protesters crashed the white house correspondence dinner red carpet. >> palestinian -- we want you. >> plus biden has quite the lengthy resumé and it appears it is only getting bigger. [laughter] >> i used to drive 18 wheeler i was sort of raised in the community at hole. >> great honor of being with our u.n. ambassador. >> those claims -- not quite nonfiction. so pete and i are going to go off the wall on joe biden fictional resumé. pete: a good one and reunited nearly 25 years after an officer was dispatched to an abandoninged baby he now learns the surprising identity they both join us live, next. the third hour of "fox & friends" weekend starts right now. ♪ ♪ yeah. carley: good morning. welcome to "fox & friends" weekend it is sunday morning. will, pete here as usual rachel is off. i'm in. will: that is springfield, missouri. >> easiest skyline game yet appears right before us we were looking out our window we can confirm it is carley -- carley: new york city. reveal how i said it before my mic was off. is that new york city? pete: even about this one a little bit. springfield, missouri, similar. will: so i texted carley shimkus in for rachel campos-duffy i texted and i'm excited about this. so -- pete: you built the whole list. will: joe biden was on with howard stern and fictional resumé continued to grow, and it is hard to keep up. you know, what is everything that joe biden has done in his life he's the forrest gump of american politics. and so -- i was like i want to get -- i want to build resumé what he's irish puerto rican, italian greek. grew up in a black church. so we're like we have to put it together so coming up on off the wall in 30, 20 minutes. pete: i love the last one his uncle was probably eaten by cannibals inconclusive. will: i don't think you want to miss this off the wall. pete: it is going to be something. carley: last night we know where president biden was at the white house correspondence dinner celebrating american journalism president usually attends delivers a speech making fun of himself and members of the media outside of the event menu different scene as expected pro-palestinian protesters -- were all over the place. and here's a little bit of what that looked leak and sounded like as well. >> free, free palestinian -- free, free, free palestinian. >> free, free, free palestinian. shame on you. shame on you. >> shame on you. will: not light hearted outside the event but inside the white house correspondence dinner college host of saturday "saturday night live" poked fun at donald trump and joe biden. >> i was excited to be up here on stage with president biden tonight mostly to see if i can figure out where obama was pulling the strings from and before i begin tonight can we acknowledge how refreshing it is to see a president of the united states at an event that doesn't again with a bailiff saying all rise. my weekend update coanchor michael shays going to join me here tonight but in solidarity with president biden i decided to lose all of my black support. the republican candidate for president owes half a billion in fines for bank fraud and is currently spending his days farthing himself awake during a pouring star hush money trial and the race is tied -- [laughter] the race is tied. nothing makes sense anymore. >> interesting to hear kellyanne conway describe environment as what did she say -- i don't know how to say you say it. >> funereal almost like a funeral for the presidency of joe biden the expectation amongst a lot of democrats and members of the media as she said same thing. is that joe woapght be back next year. and that this -- this is the if you did the con circles of self-admiration it would be the white house correspondence dinner gazing as they pat each other on the back for being saviors of the so-called democracy for us who would not get clapping sealing at the white house correspondence dinner that's how they feel about the importance of this event it is their sanctuary and then, you know, invited grandpa joe to serenade them this was his best attempt joe biden at the podium at the white house correspondence dinner. >> been a year since i delivered this speech and my wife jill with me tonight was worried how i would do. i told her don't worry just like riding a bike -- she said that's what i'm worried about. all of my friends in the press and fox news -- some of you complain that i don't take enough of your questions. no comment. of course, "the new york times" issued a statement blasting me for, quote, active effectively avoiding independent journalism, hey -- if that's what it takes to get "the new york times" to say i'm active and effective i'm for it. >> bring in shannon bream, i said -- my comments accepting people like you, of course, now i've been to the white house correspondence dinner before so i'm indicting myself. you saw it first hand also. behaves -- what was it like in the ?room >> i have to tell you what i love seeing is my fox family and friends we work in different cities i got to see trey yingst last night over in the middle east for us for months and months you know stationed there essentially. so i love going to see our peeps but listen, we do have friends within the media from different outlets. janice dean and i were working it. we met the protesters first hangsd and we made our way inside, and -- it's, you know, people it is a tradition. people love to be there. and i love that jimmy failla was doing a show from there too i think we make 89 most of it. listen i would be surprised if fox didn't get ribbing i would wongd for something was wrong if we didn't so we know it's coming. >> both president biden and colin had directed at fox news you know it is coming. you mention protesters shannon outside how many were there. what did it look like to walk past them? give us the color on that. >> last year we could only get so close because fossil fuel was the big issue so we know this is a great place to protest and same thing this year police would only let us go so far but man it was well controlled when we had to exit our cars they really had it in hand and so -- we met a lot of nice -- police officers and law enforcement official who is by the way love fox news. thank you very much to those serving out there in uniform only the frontlines but protesters are loud and passionate and they wanted to get the word out. they knew it would be a good place to do it. i would say from where i was there were hundreds not many hundreds of them maybe a couple hundred from the view powngt where i worked past. walked past there. but it was quiet inside. so everybody had decided that they were going to, you know, walk past, whether you acknowledge them or not you know they're going to be there and get inside, and try to enjoy this tradition which really it raises a ton of scholarship money for students, and that's a big part that doesn't often get a lot of attention. will: shannon i want to talk you about the supreme court and donald trump is tied up in manhattan his team argued before the supreme court this week on whether or not the president has immunity from prosecution. the questions seem to center around what it is what is and what is not an official act of the presidency. now i know that you have an interview with retired justice steven breyer i don't think it would be a surprise as to what his opinion would be on this. [laughter] however, i do think there's coming level of unpredictability on the supreme court how will they rule in that case? it is not an easy decision to predict or probably even to sit there and find the boundary on where presidential immunity extends. >> after three hours of this argument a lot of us came out there saying i don't know. some cases you walk out and it is easy to make a call about where you think everybody is going. we started to refer this courts over the last years is three, three, and three three furthest to the left the three that stick together in the further right position and then the chief justice barrett, and justice cavanaugh sort of as those wild cards although i will say in this case, justice cavanaugh having served in the executive brarnlg have a lot of probing questions about -- you know essentially president has a job to do and if you're tieing their hands how exactly do you do that if they're the ones making difficult decisions. so i could not give you a clear call on the votes at this point what it feels like will happen is it feels like some version, boundary of immunity on these kinds of questions, and that is making a lot of us think this may go back to lower court here's how you decide what's a personal private act of a candidate and now guidelines back now go through the indictment and decide the case if that happens that will push this case back months potentially. pete: shannon what do you have coming up on fox news sunday today? >> in addition to justice breyer jd vance taking a lot of heat for his position opposing further aid to ukraine. last week on the show senator lindsey graham ripped into him i said vance come and let's talk about some of the -- accusations so he's going to do that we've also got chris murphy other side of the aisle to talk about dem view point and durrly to talk about legal stuff too. will: you talked about breyer you know there's that famous moment of justice scalia sitting there talking about what makes the united states special and he talks about checks and balances it is not the constitution but the formation of the government and breyer next to him the whole time and they're cordial famously scalia and who was it -- ginsburg -- yeah big buddies does that still exist on the supreme court shannon? >> i think it does. in fact, i talked to justice breyer about his relationship with -- as those who know him call him nino scalia and they would do event the together because they wanted people to see the institution working. i think about even though that there is a -- a lot of heat back and forth on the bench i saw that on the abortion case last week. these justices do defend each other and the institution not long ago justice sotomayor defending thomas saying he's a friend and he knows everybody's name in the building he's a care person so they have each other's backs in a lot of cases maybe not on the ideological argument bus they do as friends. carley: cool to hear this interview so rarely we get to hear from the supreme court justices outside of the -- not even video, but just the audio that we hear when they're in the oral arguments so to hear from justice breyer after he only recently retired. will be very interesting shannon. thank you so much for joining us. >> we're working on current justices too stand by on that. pete: if anybody can do it too. carley: without question. thanks shannon happy sunday. will: oklahoma officials confirming one person is dead following massive tornadoes in the midwest over the weekend. carley: residents in nebraska are picking up pieces this morning after tornadoes flattened entire neighborhoods. pete: fox weather correspondent nicole valdez life in elk horn, nebraska with the latest. hey, nicole. >> good morning guys absolutely horror a suburb outside of downtown omaha you're looking at what is left of homes of hundreds of families now forced to pick up the pieces of everything they once owned and knew. you'll see some of the homes here are unrecognizable. some of them lifted off of their foundations by the sheer force of that monster tornado, then sent crashing back down. this one now hanging on to the side of what was once its foundation and as you take a look further down here, you'll notice home after home after home looks almost the same. a shelf what they once were, but as i walk you through here you'll notice there's some that really -- are just nothing left that american flag all that stands in the midst of the rubble, again, this is the reality for so many across the state of nebraska as several tornadoes impacted the state on friday night. but we know this is now just one of many states reeling after incredibly impactful tornadoes multiple reported yesterday in the state of oklahoma at least one person killed there. a majority of the damage focused on area sulfur not far outside of oklahoma city and three to six inch was rain reported continuing flood threat today as powerlines remain down, more than 40,000 people sell in the dark there. and in pleasant hill, iowa, cleanup continues there as well today. surveys continuing potentially ef2 tornado in that area more than a dozen homes damaged so unfortunately guys it is now a new day here. the sun is just risen here, and a lot more cleanup to do but the message we continue to hear is really a miracle amongst the horror as no lives were lost and an army of volunteers set to come out again today to start helping these victims sort through their belongings find what is salvageable and help families that no longer have a place to sleep. find some comfort in these next several difficult days. ming the car destroyed with you and homes flattened and american flag -- and the background somewhat still standing by images of the most severe outbreak of the severe weather season so far. nicole thank you so much. god bless those people having to pick up the pieces. will: we'll turn to few additional headlines looking to shut down connecting encampments as protest continue across the country more than one hundred people detained at northeastern university yesterday. police finding riot gear at aaron university blooming tongs, and 69 people arrested at arizona state university for trespassing in the ivy league the university president of urks pen calling for protesters to disband as protest at columbia now enters its 12th day. says protest spread the university of illinois says students who participate will face consequences. oklahoma father faces minimum of 12 years in prison what he calls mistake after arrested in turks and caicos for leaving bullets in his lug aiming while returning from vacation he joined us earlier. >> we're human. we make mistakes it was just an oversight i never saw bullets in there and unfortunately they were -- not only missed by me but they were also missed by tsa. will: he assumes they were leftover from deer hunting trip in texas in november. and more than 700,000 fans turned out for all three days this year at the nfl draft in detroit. that breaks attendant record set by fans in 2019 with 600,000 fans attended to draft in nashville reported yesterday that 275,000 fans crammed into day one of the draft on thursday which broke the all tile record attendance for one day also set in nashville. those are your headlines. pete: you've set your watch to the draflt for last couple of days. will: wife calls what are you doing, still the draft. carley: a bitter end? pete: you watch with the same intensity around 6 and 7. will: you can do other things while you listen but i listen to dallas radio testify open on the ipad on the best available players and it is a game i love to play who is available for the cowboys who will they take and never who i want. pete: much respect it is the ultimate list you have list on list and list and looking at the list. will: i love it i'm sorry. pete: a fantasy draft but real life. i get it. i'm not as into it but i get it. by the way, there was a news item kellyanne conway brought up that brought to mind my book war on warriors in the debates and how it will come up. and it brought to mind the word accountability which you'll hear a lot about in this book and the lack of accountability and i tell a story the cover of the book right there. you see that patch it is upside down on purpose that is a universal sign of distress that patch below it my name is one i wore on my uniform when i was deployed in afghanistan. accountability is something we lived by. i remember in iraq i told the story in the book we lost a 240 machine gun off the top of a scout platoon and made to clear the city to get machine gun back. one machine gun now it was a foolish exercise if you ask me but accountability mattered because if i ever lost my rifle. i have a reoccurring dream i can't find any rifle. but never lost mine and when you juxtapose that with afghanistan and left tens of thousands of pieces of equipment of all types and not a single person was held accountable why is that because we created -- a ethos where generals are above reproach you're not held accountable but shuffle to the career excitement and that ends up cascading all the way down and do you get better at your job another item is our tanks that were sending to ukraine. they're getting blown up at record rate by russia drones. maybe the guys in the pentagon don't know what they're doing because they're focused on other things so intook war on warriors check it out we name names. it's not going to be liked bea lot of people in that pentagon shape building. but they deserve it they need to be called out because our warriors deserve the best. >> good for their service a service to our country for writing that book. carley: police sounding alarm over the fentanyl crisis as three babies overdosed within just five days. the heartbreak in washington state coming up next. when did i call leaffilter? when i saw my gutters overflowing onto my porch. leaffilter is a permanent 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>> you have to take the children away. i don't know what's going on in other states but in washington state just before avril died. they implemented a new law where they have to leave the child with the parent unless they're in immediate eminent danger, and i would say fentanyl is immediate eminent danger but they didn't and because of that my child and other children in the state that have died. because of that fentanyl exposure. >> it is a part of the story that rarely gets attention and now that it is here and people are using it babies are getting exposed something needs to be done so to save their innocent lives this is such -- so difficult for you to talk about because you're talking about your daughter. who made this horrific choice and it impacted your beautiful granddaughter how are you doing and how is your daughter doing right now? >> you know, i pride myself on a being a christian and i know that i should be very forgiving and i -- really tried and i can't find any forgiveness for her because this is the fourth daughter she's lost. i have -- custody of the two oldest, the third one is with her father. and she's been dealing with addiction for 20 years. and i really feel the only way that she's going to live through this because there's two ways out of fentanyl either get sober clean or you're going to die and i don't my daughter to die i love my daughter. i can't forgive her right now. but -- the programs that are out there are usually a 28-day program unless you have 150,000 to sending your kid to treatment, that's what is available. and opioid addiction is not cured in 28 days. five to 15 of that is detoxing and so how can 28 days and then -- you know, go out you're done you're all better now go out and adult. go find a job with no home. so i don't know what the solution is but number one thing is take these kids away, you cannot leave them with somebody who is nodding out just -- i've seen how bad they are. you can't -- they can't take care of themselves and will the alone a baby demanding all of they attention. >> if i could give you a hug i absolutely would. baby avril was a baby beautiful girl and a loving grandmother so rich in that department. thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you. carley: and telling your story god bless you and your family. more "fox & friends," next. lord, you know what's on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything we do. amen. i invite you to join me in more prayer on hallow, stay prayed up if you've ever grilled, you know you can count on propane to make everything great. but did you know propane also powers school buses that produce lower emissions that lead to higher test scores? 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>> no he was taken for medical care. and from that point he was taken to child protective services, so i had no information as to what transpired after what date. pete: matthew that was you. [laughter] did you know the story eventually as you grew up of what happened? just give us a little background. >> yeah so as soon as i was able to understand it my parents told me what happened and, obviously, they had limited information themselves they didn't know gene or see the police report or further what they were told by police. pete: did any of what you were told about it impact your decision to then go into law enforcement as well? >> you know, i don't think consciencely but i have to guess yes. that is probably where i am where i am right now. >> god has a plan for us no doubt. gene how did you find out that the baby you helped rescue was now serving in your force? >> well while matt was going through field training he was with an officer who i served with, and i got call evening from that officer josh morgan, who said do you remember the case? 23 years ago i said i remember distinctly and discussed it shortly you're not going to believe this i said what with he said he's sitting next me. who -- he's this baby jesus he's sitting next me he's my rookie. so it was surreal. >> i get chills just hearing you say that. i can't imagine what that feeling -- and by the way, baby jesus because this happened during christmas right, gene? >> right this was a couple of days before christmas, and he was found abandoned in a cardboard box to me that was manger -- it was close to christmas and i didn't want to be -- didn't want to degrading by calling him john do so -- >> a call from a partner he's sitting necks to me about to serve in our department. how about from your side what was it like -- same uniform matthew, the opportunity to look the man in the eye who was part of saving you? >> you know it was -- it was a blessing. i wondered my whole life who found me what happened, and more or less it's kind of closure for gene you know, like he said for 20 something years wondered what happened to baby jesus but here we are, we made it. pete: baby jesus is all grown up putting on the same uniform really cool story you guys thank you for your service for all you do for us in blue we appreciate it and bring a little smile to everybody's face here. indeed -- god does have a plan and i'm looking at two of them right here. gene and matthew stewart, god bless thank you both. >> thank you. pete: you got it. biden has quite the lengthy resumé and with by the day appears to only get bigger. >> besides i used to drive an 18 wheeler. i was sort of raised -- in the puerto rican community at home. >> i have great honor of being arrested with our u.n. ambassador. >> some of many claims that are being -- easily debunked. well will and i go off the wall with his resumé, coming up next. i'm not an actor. i'm just a regular person. some people say, "why should i take prevagen? i don't have a problem with my memory." memory loss is, is not something that occurs overnight. i started noticing subtle lapses in memory. i want people to know that prevagen has worked for me. it's helped my memory. it's helped my cognitive qualities. give it a try. i want it to help you just like it has helped me. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. when people come, they say they've tried lots of diets, nothing's worked or they've lost the same 10, 20, 50 pounds over and over again. they need a real solution. i've always fought with 5-10 pounds all the time. eating all these different things and nothing's ever working. i've done the diets, all the diets. before golo, i was barely eating but the weight wasn't going anywhere. the secret to losing weight and keeping it off is managing insulin and glucose. golo takes a systematic approach to eating that focuses on optimizing insulin levels. we tackle the cause of weight gain, not just the symptom. when you have good metabolic health, weight loss is easy. i always thought it would be so difficult to lose weight, but with golo, it wasn't. the weight just fell off. i have people come up to me all the time and ask me, "does it really work?" and all i have to say is, "here i am. it works." my advice for everyone is to go with golo. it will release your fat and it will release you. choosing a treatment for your chronic migraine - 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[laughter] >> probably have a much higher i.q. than you do i suspect i went to law school on a full academic encyclopedia first half of my class and international competition and delighted to sit down to compare my i.q. if you would like to frank. >> i don't know. it is magic. that is -- he thinks a lot of himself in academic record. full academic scholarship and he was very clear, high i.q. top of his class top half of his class. backing scholarship with financial aid -- and 76 out of 85 in law school class. >> i'm not great at math but that is not the top 50% tile but bottom ten or bottom 15 by the way he said full academic scholarship. you're right it was a half financial aid just a lot different than academic scholarship. >> add that to education i was a runner up at the state scoring scholarship fifth in his conference. >> piflt in the conference and when i was a wide receiver i was will. >> all conference not fifth in the conference. but 15th but still all conference. will: more to joe biden experiences. he -- not only is the smartest guy you've ever met but worked blue collar experience during hiss irish puerto rican greek upbringing. >> you've said it he's forrest gump. >> i used to drive a 18 wheeler. >> scott key bridge i've been commuting on the state either by train or car. >> great honor of being arrested with our u.n. ambassador on the streets -- will have >> go through these he's forrest gump. >> white house had to say officially confirm that biden never drove 18 wheeler. >> confirm that he didn't drive 18 wheeler never drove -- sat in a semicab once. >> drove a school bus a couple of times once spent a night riding in a cargo truck but he was not driving. so one night and 18 wheel driver. took the train or car over the francis scott key bridge doesn't have train tracks. >> he should know -- he said he was arrested and no record of that. by the way he said he was also arrested as we pointed out during civil rights no record of that as well so -- >> so all of that should lead you -- to wanting this -- where's the video? >> four more years -- four more years. >> pause -- will: four more years to see where the resumé goes. pete: imagine where it could go. imagine the possibilities. [laughter] will: amazing. there's joe biden's fictional resumé. national brunch month cooking up sweet and savory french toast live on fox square, next. ♪ ♪ my name is oluseyi and some of my favorite moments throughout my life are watching sports with my dad. now, i work at comcast as part of the team that created our ai highlights technology, which uses ai to detect the major plays in a sports game. giving millions of fans, like my dad and me, new ways of catching up on their favorite sport. >> we have some delicious news to report, it is national brunch month. will: next guest has delicious ideas why italian flair. pete: anna how do i pronounce that -- get it right -- is a chef and cookbook author joins us now anna thanks for coming here. >> thanks so much for having me. pete: what you got? from >> italian snacking. >> we have good whiskers. chefs, here getting all of that mixed together. and then we're going to -- >> get the heat going. this looks like base of the french toast. >> a sweet french toast we made with a condensed milk so it is going to be extra sweet, delicious. throw that in right there. what is in the pan? >> butter and olive oil and flip over this beautiful french toast. >> that looks really nice. butter olive oil, of course, we're geng to finish it off. in the pan get this on here. because this for your momma, on mother's day we want to make it deck decadent add butter on the top and extra and give her all of the berries you want somber reis -- some berries. handfuls this right on top add more shog sugar that's for later. >> what else you got? >> in italy we have savory french toast if your mom likes things on savory side this is eggs and you can do that. >> this looks good to me. olive oil qeak grapes. >> that is so you can travel through italy through my book and here from the basilica is potato frittata. >> you can always find grapes. look at this. >> we've got it covered. >> if you like what you hear you can buy your book you say it is ayaling i can snacking. a beautiful cover and we're all books are sold. carley: great job thank you for brightening up our morning anna, thank you. >> grab some. happy national brunch month. will: more just moments away. it's kubota orange days, shop the year's biggest selection of kubota equipment and get 0% apr for 84 months or up to $3,300 off select compact tractors. find your nearest dealer at kubotaorangedays.com. every day, more dog people, and more vets are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. they're quitting the kibble. and kicking the cans. and feeding their dogs dog food that's actually well, food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food. get 50% off your first box at thefarmersdog.com/realfood for people who feel limited by the unpredictability of generalized myasthenia gravis and who are anti-achr antibody positive, season to season, ultomiris is continuous symptom control, with improvement in activities of daily living. it is reduced muscle weakness. and ultomiris is the only long-acting gmg treatment with the freedom of just 6 to 7 infusions per year, for a predictable routine i can count on. ultomiris can lower your immune system's ability to fight infections, increasing your chance of serious meningococcal infections, which may become life-threatening or fatal, and other types of infections. complete or update meningococcal vaccines at least 2 weeks before starting ultomiris. if ultomiris is urgent, you should also receive antibiotics with your vaccines. before starting ultomiris, tell your doctor about all of your medical conditions and medications. ultomiris can cause reactions such as back pain, tiredness, dizziness, limb discomfort, or bad taste. ultomiris is moving forward with continuous symptom control. ask your neurologist about starting ultomiris. (tony hawk) skating for over 45 years has taken a toll on my body. i take qunol turmeric because it helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. why qunol? it has superior absorption compared to regular turmeric. qunol. the brand i trust. (reporters) over here. kev! kev! (reporter 1) any response to the trade rumors, we keep hearing about? (kev) we talkin' about moving? not the trade, not the trade, we talking about movin'. no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it's easy. (kev) ... i guess we're movin'. >> it is the you 9:00 a.m. hour on "fox & friends weekend" starting with this. a fox weather alert. a deadly tornado outbreak sweeps across the

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240703

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"fox & friends" weekend starting with this aijt israel protesters crashed the white house correspondence dinner red carpet. >> palestinian -- we want you. >> plus biden has quite the lengthy resumé and it appears it is only getting bigger. [laughter] >> i used to drive 18 wheeler i was sort of raised in the community at hole. >> great honor of being with our u.n. ambassador. >> those claims -- not quite nonfiction. so pete and i are going to go off the wall on joe biden fictional resumé. pete: a good one and reunited nearly 25 years after an officer was dispatched to an abandoninged baby he now learns the surprising identity they both join us live, next. the third hour of "fox & friends" weekend starts right now. ♪ ♪ yeah. carley: good morning. welcome to "fox & friends" weekend it is sunday morning. will, pete here as usual rachel is off. i'm in. will: that is springfield, missouri. >> easiest skyline game yet appears right before us we were looking out our window we can confirm it is carley -- carley: new york city. reveal how i said it before my mic was off. is that new york city? pete: even about this one a little bit. springfield, missouri, similar. will: so i texted carley shimkus in for rachel campos-duffy i texted and i'm excited about this. so -- pete: you built the whole list. will: joe biden was on with howard stern and fictional resumé continued to grow, and it is hard to keep up. you know, what is everything that joe biden has done in his life he's the forrest gump of american politics. and so -- i was like i want to get -- i want to build resumé what he's irish puerto rican, italian greek. grew up in a black church. so we're like we have to put it together so coming up on off the wall in 30, 20 minutes. pete: i love the last one his uncle was probably eaten by cannibals inconclusive. will: i don't think you want to miss this off the wall. pete: it is going to be something. carley: last night we know where president biden was at the white house correspondence dinner celebrating american journalism president usually attends delivers a speech making fun of himself and members of the media outside of the event menu different scene as expected pro-palestinian protesters -- were all over the place. and here's a little bit of what that looked leak and sounded like as well. >> free, free palestinian -- free, free, free palestinian. >> free, free, free palestinian. shame on you. shame on you. >> shame on you. will: not light hearted outside the event but inside the white house correspondence dinner college host of saturday "saturday night live" poked fun at donald trump and joe biden. >> i was excited to be up here on stage with president biden tonight mostly to see if i can figure out where obama was pulling the strings from and before i begin tonight can we acknowledge how refreshing it is to see a president of the united states at an event that doesn't again with a bailiff saying all rise. my weekend update coanchor michael shays going to join me here tonight but in solidarity with president biden i decided to lose all of my black support. the republican candidate for president owes half a billion in fines for bank fraud and is currently spending his days farthing himself awake during a pouring star hush money trial and the race is tied -- [laughter] the race is tied. nothing makes sense anymore. >> interesting to hear kellyanne conway describe environment as what did she say -- i don't know how to say you say it. >> funereal almost like a funeral for the presidency of joe biden the expectation amongst a lot of democrats and members of the media as she said same thing. is that joe woapght be back next year. and that this -- this is the if you did the con circles of self-admiration it would be the white house correspondence dinner gazing as they pat each other on the back for being saviors of the so-called democracy for us who would not get clapping sealing at the white house correspondence dinner that's how they feel about the importance of this event it is their sanctuary and then, you know, invited grandpa joe to serenade them this was his best attempt joe biden at the podium at the white house correspondence dinner. >> been a year since i delivered this speech and my wife jill with me tonight was worried how i would do. i told her don't worry just like riding a bike -- she said that's what i'm worried about. all of my friends in the press and fox news -- some of you complain that i don't take enough of your questions. no comment. of course, "the new york times" issued a statement blasting me for, quote, active effectively avoiding independent journalism, hey -- if that's what it takes to get "the new york times" to say i'm active and effective i'm for it. >> bring in shannon bream, i said -- my comments accepting people like you, of course, now i've been to the white house correspondence dinner before so i'm indicting myself. you saw it first hand also. behaves -- what was it like in the ?room >> i have to tell you what i love seeing is my fox family and friends we work in different cities i got to see trey yingst last night over in the middle east for us for months and months you know stationed there essentially. so i love going to see our peeps but listen, we do have friends within the media from different outlets. janice dean and i were working it. we met the protesters first hangsd and we made our way inside, and -- it's, you know, people it is a tradition. people love to be there. and i love that jimmy failla was doing a show from there too i think we make 89 most of it. listen i would be surprised if fox didn't get ribbing i would wongd for something was wrong if we didn't so we know it's coming. >> both president biden and colin had directed at fox news you know it is coming. you mention protesters shannon outside how many were there. what did it look like to walk past them? give us the color on that. >> last year we could only get so close because fossil fuel was the big issue so we know this is a great place to protest and same thing this year police would only let us go so far but man it was well controlled when we had to exit our cars they really had it in hand and so -- we met a lot of nice -- police officers and law enforcement official who is by the way love fox news. thank you very much to those serving out there in uniform only the frontlines but protesters are loud and passionate and they wanted to get the word out. they knew it would be a good place to do it. i would say from where i was there were hundreds not many hundreds of them maybe a couple hundred from the view powngt where i worked past. walked past there. but it was quiet inside. so everybody had decided that they were going to, you know, walk past, whether you acknowledge them or not you know they're going to be there and get inside, and try to enjoy this tradition which really it raises a ton of scholarship money for students, and that's a big part that doesn't often get a lot of attention. will: shannon i want to talk you about the supreme court and donald trump is tied up in manhattan his team argued before the supreme court this week on whether or not the president has immunity from prosecution. the questions seem to center around what it is what is and what is not an official act of the presidency. now i know that you have an interview with retired justice steven breyer i don't think it would be a surprise as to what his opinion would be on this. [laughter] however, i do think there's coming level of unpredictability on the supreme court how will they rule in that case? it is not an easy decision to predict or probably even to sit there and find the boundary on where presidential immunity extends. >> after three hours of this argument a lot of us came out there saying i don't know. some cases you walk out and it is easy to make a call about where you think everybody is going. we started to refer this courts over the last years is three, three, and three three furthest to the left the three that stick together in the further right position and then the chief justice barrett, and justice cavanaugh sort of as those wild cards although i will say in this case, justice cavanaugh having served in the executive brarnlg have a lot of probing questions about -- you know essentially president has a job to do and if you're tieing their hands how exactly do you do that if they're the ones making difficult decisions. so i could not give you a clear call on the votes at this point what it feels like will happen is it feels like some version, boundary of immunity on these kinds of questions, and that is making a lot of us think this may go back to lower court here's how you decide what's a personal private act of a candidate and now guidelines back now go through the indictment and decide the case if that happens that will push this case back months potentially. pete: shannon what do you have coming up on fox news sunday today? >> in addition to justice breyer jd vance taking a lot of heat for his position opposing further aid to ukraine. last week on the show senator lindsey graham ripped into him i said vance come and let's talk about some of the -- accusations so he's going to do that we've also got chris murphy other side of the aisle to talk about dem view point and durrly to talk about legal stuff too. will: you talked about breyer you know there's that famous moment of justice scalia sitting there talking about what makes the united states special and he talks about checks and balances it is not the constitution but the formation of the government and breyer next to him the whole time and they're cordial famously scalia and who was it -- ginsburg -- yeah big buddies does that still exist on the supreme court shannon? >> i think it does. in fact, i talked to justice breyer about his relationship with -- as those who know him call him nino scalia and they would do event the together because they wanted people to see the institution working. i think about even though that there is a -- a lot of heat back and forth on the bench i saw that on the abortion case last week. these justices do defend each other and the institution not long ago justice sotomayor defending thomas saying he's a friend and he knows everybody's name in the building he's a care person so they have each other's backs in a lot of cases maybe not on the ideological argument bus they do as friends. carley: cool to hear this interview so rarely we get to hear from the supreme court justices outside of the -- not even video, but just the audio that we hear when they're in the oral arguments so to hear from justice breyer after he only recently retired. will be very interesting shannon. thank you so much for joining us. >> we're working on current justices too stand by on that. pete: if anybody can do it too. carley: without question. thanks shannon happy sunday. will: oklahoma officials confirming one person is dead following massive tornadoes in the midwest over the weekend. carley: residents in nebraska are picking up pieces this morning after tornadoes flattened entire neighborhoods. pete: fox weather correspondent nicole valdez life in elk horn, nebraska with the latest. hey, nicole. >> good morning guys absolutely horror a suburb outside of downtown omaha you're looking at what is left of homes of hundreds of families now forced to pick up the pieces of everything they once owned and knew. you'll see some of the homes here are unrecognizable. some of them lifted off of their foundations by the sheer force of that monster tornado, then sent crashing back down. this one now hanging on to the side of what was once its foundation and as you take a look further down here, you'll notice home after home after home looks almost the same. a shelf what they once were, but as i walk you through here you'll notice there's some that really -- are just nothing left that american flag all that stands in the midst of the rubble, again, this is the reality for so many across the state of nebraska as several tornadoes impacted the state on friday night. but we know this is now just one of many states reeling after incredibly impactful tornadoes multiple reported yesterday in the state of oklahoma at least one person killed there. a majority of the damage focused on area sulfur not far outside of oklahoma city and three to six inch was rain reported continuing flood threat today as powerlines remain down, more than 40,000 people sell in the dark there. and in pleasant hill, iowa, cleanup continues there as well today. surveys continuing potentially ef2 tornado in that area more than a dozen homes damaged so unfortunately guys it is now a new day here. the sun is just risen here, and a lot more cleanup to do but the message we continue to hear is really a miracle amongst the horror as no lives were lost and an army of volunteers set to come out again today to start helping these victims sort through their belongings find what is salvageable and help families that no longer have a place to sleep. find some comfort in these next several difficult days. ming the car destroyed with you and homes flattened and american flag -- and the background somewhat still standing by images of the most severe outbreak of the severe weather season so far. nicole thank you so much. god bless those people having to pick up the pieces. will: we'll turn to few additional headlines looking to shut down connecting encampments as protest continue across the country more than one hundred people detained at northeastern university yesterday. police finding riot gear at aaron university blooming tongs, and 69 people arrested at arizona state university for trespassing in the ivy league the university president of urks pen calling for protesters to disband as protest at columbia now enters its 12th day. says protest spread the university of illinois says students who participate will face consequences. oklahoma father faces minimum of 12 years in prison what he calls mistake after arrested in turks and caicos for leaving bullets in his lug aiming while returning from vacation he joined us earlier. >> we're human. we make mistakes it was just an oversight i never saw bullets in there and unfortunately they were -- not only missed by me but they were also missed by tsa. will: he assumes they were leftover from deer hunting trip in texas in november. and more than 700,000 fans turned out for all three days this year at the nfl draft in detroit. that breaks attendant record set by fans in 2019 with 600,000 fans attended to draft in nashville reported yesterday that 275,000 fans crammed into day one of the draft on thursday which broke the all tile record attendance for one day also set in nashville. those are your headlines. pete: you've set your watch to the draflt for last couple of days. will: wife calls what are you doing, still the draft. carley: a bitter end? pete: you watch with the same intensity around 6 and 7. will: you can do other things while you listen but i listen to dallas radio testify open on the ipad on the best available players and it is a game i love to play who is available for the cowboys who will they take and never who i want. pete: much respect it is the ultimate list you have list on list and list and looking at the list. will: i love it i'm sorry. pete: a fantasy draft but real life. i get it. i'm not as into it but i get it. by the way, there was a news item kellyanne conway brought up that brought to mind my book war on warriors in the debates and how it will come up. and it brought to mind the word accountability which you'll hear a lot about in this book and the lack of accountability and i tell a story the cover of the book right there. you see that patch it is upside down on purpose that is a universal sign of distress that patch below it my name is one i wore on my uniform when i was deployed in afghanistan. accountability is something we lived by. i remember in iraq i told the story in the book we lost a 240 machine gun off the top of a scout platoon and made to clear the city to get machine gun back. one machine gun now it was a foolish exercise if you ask me but accountability mattered because if i ever lost my rifle. i have a reoccurring dream i can't find any rifle. but never lost mine and when you juxtapose that with afghanistan and left tens of thousands of pieces of equipment of all types and not a single person was held accountable why is that because we created -- a ethos where generals are above reproach you're not held accountable but shuffle to the career excitement and that ends up cascading all the way down and do you get better at your job another item is our tanks that were sending to ukraine. they're getting blown up at record rate by russia drones. maybe the guys in the pentagon don't know what they're doing because they're focused on other things so intook war on warriors check it out we name names. it's not going to be liked bea lot of people in that pentagon shape building. but they deserve it they need to be called out because our warriors deserve the best. >> good for their service a service to our country for writing that book. carley: police sounding alarm over the fentanyl crisis as three babies overdosed within just five days. the heartbreak in washington state coming up next. when did i call leaffilter? when i saw my gutters overflowing onto my porch. leaffilter is a permanent 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>> you have to take the children away. i don't know what's going on in other states but in washington state just before avril died. they implemented a new law where they have to leave the child with the parent unless they're in immediate eminent danger, and i would say fentanyl is immediate eminent danger but they didn't and because of that my child and other children in the state that have died. because of that fentanyl exposure. >> it is a part of the story that rarely gets attention and now that it is here and people are using it babies are getting exposed something needs to be done so to save their innocent lives this is such -- so difficult for you to talk about because you're talking about your daughter. who made this horrific choice and it impacted your beautiful granddaughter how are you doing and how is your daughter doing right now? >> you know, i pride myself on a being a christian and i know that i should be very forgiving and i -- really tried and i can't find any forgiveness for her because this is the fourth daughter she's lost. i have -- custody of the two oldest, the third one is with her father. and she's been dealing with addiction for 20 years. and i really feel the only way that she's going to live through this because there's two ways out of fentanyl either get sober clean or you're going to die and i don't my daughter to die i love my daughter. i can't forgive her right now. but -- the programs that are out there are usually a 28-day program unless you have 150,000 to sending your kid to treatment, that's what is available. and opioid addiction is not cured in 28 days. five to 15 of that is detoxing and so how can 28 days and then -- you know, go out you're done you're all better now go out and adult. go find a job with no home. so i don't know what the solution is but number one thing is take these kids away, you cannot leave them with somebody who is nodding out just -- i've seen how bad they are. you can't -- they can't take care of themselves and will the alone a baby demanding all of they attention. >> if i could give you a hug i absolutely would. baby avril was a baby beautiful girl and a loving grandmother so rich in that department. thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you. carley: and telling your story god bless you and your family. more "fox & friends," next. lord, you know what's on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything we do. amen. i invite you to join me in more prayer on hallow, stay prayed up if you've ever grilled, you know you can count on propane to make everything great. but did you know propane also powers school buses that produce lower emissions that lead to higher test scores? 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>> no he was taken for medical care. and from that point he was taken to child protective services, so i had no information as to what transpired after what date. pete: matthew that was you. [laughter] did you know the story eventually as you grew up of what happened? just give us a little background. >> yeah so as soon as i was able to understand it my parents told me what happened and, obviously, they had limited information themselves they didn't know gene or see the police report or further what they were told by police. pete: did any of what you were told about it impact your decision to then go into law enforcement as well? >> you know, i don't think consciencely but i have to guess yes. that is probably where i am where i am right now. >> god has a plan for us no doubt. gene how did you find out that the baby you helped rescue was now serving in your force? >> well while matt was going through field training he was with an officer who i served with, and i got call evening from that officer josh morgan, who said do you remember the case? 23 years ago i said i remember distinctly and discussed it shortly you're not going to believe this i said what with he said he's sitting next me. who -- he's this baby jesus he's sitting next me he's my rookie. so it was surreal. >> i get chills just hearing you say that. i can't imagine what that feeling -- and by the way, baby jesus because this happened during christmas right, gene? >> right this was a couple of days before christmas, and he was found abandoned in a cardboard box to me that was manger -- it was close to christmas and i didn't want to be -- didn't want to degrading by calling him john do so -- >> a call from a partner he's sitting necks to me about to serve in our department. how about from your side what was it like -- same uniform matthew, the opportunity to look the man in the eye who was part of saving you? >> you know it was -- it was a blessing. i wondered my whole life who found me what happened, and more or less it's kind of closure for gene you know, like he said for 20 something years wondered what happened to baby jesus but here we are, we made it. pete: baby jesus is all grown up putting on the same uniform really cool story you guys thank you for your service for all you do for us in blue we appreciate it and bring a little smile to everybody's face here. indeed -- god does have a plan and i'm looking at two of them right here. gene and matthew stewart, god bless thank you both. >> thank you. pete: you got it. biden has quite the lengthy resumé and with by the day appears to only get bigger. >> besides i used to drive an 18 wheeler. i was sort of raised -- in the puerto rican community at home. >> i have great honor of being arrested with our u.n. ambassador. >> some of many claims that are being -- easily debunked. well will and i go off the wall with his resumé, coming up next. i'm not an actor. i'm just a regular person. some people say, "why should i take prevagen? i don't have a problem with my memory." memory loss is, is not something that occurs overnight. i started noticing subtle lapses in memory. i want people to know that prevagen has worked for me. it's helped my memory. it's helped my cognitive qualities. give it a try. i want it to help you just like it has helped me. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. when people come, they say they've tried lots of diets, nothing's worked or they've lost the same 10, 20, 50 pounds over and over again. they need a real solution. i've always fought with 5-10 pounds all the time. eating all these different things and nothing's ever working. i've done the diets, all the diets. before golo, i was barely eating but the weight wasn't going anywhere. the secret to losing weight and keeping it off is managing insulin and glucose. golo takes a systematic approach to eating that focuses on optimizing insulin levels. we tackle the cause of weight gain, not just the symptom. when you have good metabolic health, weight loss is easy. i always thought it would be so difficult to lose weight, but with golo, it wasn't. the weight just fell off. i have people come up to me all the time and ask me, "does it really work?" and all i have to say is, "here i am. it works." my advice for everyone is to go with golo. it will release your fat and it will release you. choosing a treatment for your chronic migraine - 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[laughter] >> probably have a much higher i.q. than you do i suspect i went to law school on a full academic encyclopedia first half of my class and international competition and delighted to sit down to compare my i.q. if you would like to frank. >> i don't know. it is magic. that is -- he thinks a lot of himself in academic record. full academic scholarship and he was very clear, high i.q. top of his class top half of his class. backing scholarship with financial aid -- and 76 out of 85 in law school class. >> i'm not great at math but that is not the top 50% tile but bottom ten or bottom 15 by the way he said full academic scholarship. you're right it was a half financial aid just a lot different than academic scholarship. >> add that to education i was a runner up at the state scoring scholarship fifth in his conference. >> piflt in the conference and when i was a wide receiver i was will. >> all conference not fifth in the conference. but 15th but still all conference. will: more to joe biden experiences. he -- not only is the smartest guy you've ever met but worked blue collar experience during hiss irish puerto rican greek upbringing. >> you've said it he's forrest gump. >> i used to drive a 18 wheeler. >> scott key bridge i've been commuting on the state either by train or car. >> great honor of being arrested with our u.n. ambassador on the streets -- will have >> go through these he's forrest gump. >> white house had to say officially confirm that biden never drove 18 wheeler. >> confirm that he didn't drive 18 wheeler never drove -- sat in a semicab once. >> drove a school bus a couple of times once spent a night riding in a cargo truck but he was not driving. so one night and 18 wheel driver. took the train or car over the francis scott key bridge doesn't have train tracks. >> he should know -- he said he was arrested and no record of that. by the way he said he was also arrested as we pointed out during civil rights no record of that as well so -- >> so all of that should lead you -- to wanting this -- where's the video? >> four more years -- four more years. >> pause -- will: four more years to see where the resumé goes. pete: imagine where it could go. imagine the possibilities. [laughter] will: amazing. there's joe biden's fictional resumé. national brunch month cooking up sweet and savory french toast live on fox square, next. ♪ ♪ my name is oluseyi and some of my favorite moments throughout my life are watching sports with my dad. now, i work at comcast as part of the team that created our ai highlights technology, which uses ai to detect the major plays in a sports game. giving millions of fans, like my dad and me, new ways of catching up on their favorite sport. >> we have some delicious news to report, it is national brunch month. will: next guest has delicious ideas why italian flair. pete: anna how do i pronounce that -- get it right -- is a chef and cookbook author joins us now anna thanks for coming here. >> thanks so much for having me. pete: what you got? from >> italian snacking. >> we have good whiskers. chefs, here getting all of that mixed together. and then we're going to -- >> get the heat going. this looks like base of the french toast. >> a sweet french toast we made with a condensed milk so it is going to be extra sweet, delicious. throw that in right there. what is in the pan? >> butter and olive oil and flip over this beautiful french toast. >> that looks really nice. butter olive oil, of course, we're geng to finish it off. in the pan get this on here. because this for your momma, on mother's day we want to make it deck decadent add butter on the top and extra and give her all of the berries you want somber reis -- some berries. handfuls this right on top add more shog sugar that's for later. >> what else you got? >> in italy we have savory french toast if your mom likes things on savory side this is eggs and you can do that. >> this looks good to me. olive oil qeak grapes. >> that is so you can travel through italy through my book and here from the basilica is potato frittata. >> you can always find grapes. look at this. >> we've got it covered. >> if you like what you hear you can buy your book you say it is ayaling i can snacking. a beautiful cover and we're all books are sold. carley: great job thank you for brightening up our morning anna, thank you. >> grab some. happy national brunch month. will: more just moments away. it's kubota orange days, shop the year's biggest selection of kubota equipment and get 0% apr for 84 months or up to $3,300 off select compact tractors. find your nearest dealer at kubotaorangedays.com. every day, more dog people, and more vets are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. they're quitting the kibble. and kicking the cans. and feeding their dogs dog food that's actually well, food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food. get 50% off your first box at thefarmersdog.com/realfood for people who feel limited by the unpredictability of generalized myasthenia gravis and who are anti-achr antibody positive, season to season, ultomiris is continuous symptom control, with improvement in activities of daily living. it is reduced muscle weakness. and ultomiris is the only long-acting gmg treatment with the freedom of just 6 to 7 infusions per year, for a predictable routine i can count on. ultomiris can lower your immune system's ability to fight infections, increasing your chance of serious meningococcal infections, which may become life-threatening or fatal, and other types of infections. complete or update meningococcal vaccines at least 2 weeks before starting ultomiris. if ultomiris is urgent, you should also receive antibiotics with your vaccines. before starting ultomiris, tell your doctor about all of your medical conditions and medications. ultomiris can cause reactions such as back pain, tiredness, dizziness, limb discomfort, or bad taste. ultomiris is moving forward with continuous symptom control. ask your neurologist about starting ultomiris. 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