Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Your 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Your 20240703

and less than a year ago was arrested for an illegal firearm. yyc back out on the streets? he should have been remanded. and last monday, in his car, he had another illegal firearm. he is just as responsible for the death of our hero brother as the triggerman. >> we are live in new york city were one of the two suspects arrested in connection with a deadly shooting of officer jonathan miller disappeared in court. 41-year-old lindsay jones is accused of driving the vehicle at the time of the shooting mckey judge ordering him held without bail for n now. it follows an emotional plea from officer frank diller's widow with the crime. >> agro -- and and his parents have to say goodbye to their child. many more police officers and how many more families need to make the ultimate sacrifice before we start protecting them? >> critics are asking if we will start protecting these officers by cracking down on criminals. we'll have more that for you this moment. welcome everyone i'm sandra smith in for neil caputo and this is "your world." with nate 40 he live in new york city -- after that suspect appeared in court. >> sandra the man accused of driving the car during nypd officer jonathan diller's murder exactly one week ago today appeared in the queens new york courtroom this afternoon. take a look at mackey just mentioned lindy jones is the name, he faces several weapons charges and he faces 15 years in prison if convicted in this specific case but 15 additional years for a separate open weapons case from last y year. 's next court date is april 16th or may the judge theme him up like rest so he's being held without bail and here's the queens da melinda katz talking about that... >> my office quoted him as saying should people and is that one of the reason that we believe he is an amazing flight risk. monster hello hannibal for one gun charge another second gun gun charge that he is facing up to 30 years and he made it very clear that this is what he does. he shoots people. >> over 100 police officers supported the late nypd detective today. trying to lose behind a 1-year-old son and his widow who during his funeral this weekend called on new york's elected officials to do more to protect police officers. guy rivera is accused of murdering diller during a traffic stop last week and police say it could have been prevented. >> the reform was a everybody has enacted has cater to the criminal element and not to the victims of crime and because of those bail reform laws we have added card on our hands now. the system is broke, our legislation has to wake up, fix what's broke or more people are going to die. >> rivera will appear in court next on may 7th. 's criminal history includes 21 prior arrests at least including several felonies. sandra? >> sandra: name for live in new york city for us. thank you. so what can be done to protect police went corner -- career criminals and just let back on the streets as with this case? without its former former new york police detective -- horrible circumstances but -- the system is broken were catering to the criminals." is that happening? >> good afternoon, sandra. the fact is that the police need to be more proactive. the realities is that we can rollback bail reform, we can get judges on hand where the average montevideo discretion for sentencing and bail. can legitimize the load prosecutors. went above and beyond that the overarching change must be that constitutionally low for, fourth amendment viable searches of individuals who we believe are carrying a weapon to be amplified. we have to revisit the value of stopping -- out and fish from the eighties and nineties and early 2000 because otherwise the bad guys feels empowered carrying a weapon. no different than rivera and his partner. and by the way the offer -- the other most amazing thing is that no one has brought up the restrike rule on the habitual offender role. both of these bad guys if they cut, with a -- new won't go into prison for life with no parole. is called the three strikes law. that's why he opened fire on the effective first grade diller because he knew he was going in forever and ever and ever and that's a fact that's a great long but we have to have to have to be more proactive. otherwise it will continue to carry illegal weapons and they will open fire when they're looking at a heavy heavy sentence as they should and as the wall. >> sandra: we know this guy, where america who shot and killed ultimately officer diller and is a setback -- driving the vehicle, he -- as we just learned faces 30 years without bail. have the punishments going to fit the crimes here that the two suspects carried out? >> not in my view. not in my view. effective first grade diller -- and his wife stephanie, has received a death sentence and the father is -- i'm on the -- proponent of the death sentence and right -- he was murdered executed, assassinated in cold blood on a lawful stop park illegally on a bus lane. it should be death, that is my view audit. absolutely. thirty years in and by the way bail reform on the lesser -- less is more provisional -- allowed guy rivera to be released if all year early every day -- every 30 days that he does ostensibly does not have a violation, sandra, you gets released three days earlier from either put him back on the street and an entire year early. you are not having on the street capable of assassinating that active diller is that bail reform, that parachuted onto us two years ago. >> no -- look no further then the family's war with the affected by this. obviously stephanie got officer diller's now widow and mother of their 1-year-old son who has -- without a father, it was stephanie who said "this is a city that needs to get tough on crime not tougher to get tough on crime period because she is blaming that for her husband's death. >> 1000%. did not agree more. you have prosecutors who are ropes note in! you have judges who are handcuffs who have no discretion calendar with discretion under this bail reform on both sentencing and bail. you have to energize the police county have to empower them to go out and conduct forth amendment constitutionally legal and lawful searches so that the bad guys will not take the risk of carrying a weapon because they know they will be searched. these guys will sense and think about it, there sitting in plain view, illegally parked with two loaded block on the person might be want to know why? in my view because they never thought they researched. by gentlemen -- sorry that assigning officers like detective diller are proactive and they challenge them and that is why he opened fire. >> sandra: just a horrific and such a sad, sad story. and state of affairs in cities like new york where we are seeing the soft on crime policies player far too often an end like this. pat brosnan, thank you. ♪ ♪ >> sandra: this another fox news alert, life to chamblee, georgia where real anymore after that car rammed in to the gate of an fbi office. madison square keno is live there in atlanta and she's got the latest hi what a relearning? >> the fbi confirmed that the suspect was taken to grady memorial hospital that is in the heart of atlanta for a mental evaluation but they do say that he will be arrested in the car was actually towed away from the facility about 18 minutes ago mark we saw the car being expected for a mile -- a wild by people with gas mask and hazmat outfits on front protections to make sure there wasn't anything dangerous in the car and wasn't getting the all clear because it is now towed away as i just mentioned but it all started around noon when officials say that the driver slams in to the offices employee entrance gates to a security blockade and you can see in the video the blockade works. the driver did not get very far down the car is wrecked, the airbags went off and the f. -- an fbi source and the suspect was actually trying to follow employees in to the gates. is a try to go in to the facility but was unsuccessful. unfortunately -- and fortunately no one was injured. the fbi says he was not associated with the facility at all and as for the building at the fbi field office is in chamblee, georgia which is a study just outside of atlanta or make it sneer just off of i. 85 north if you're from atlanta you're very familiar with that in their states, -- is one of the 56 field offices nationwide are fbi agents carrier investigations and assess local and regional crime threats. the atlanta field office in particular is known for leaving complex investigations including its cyber program which is one of the busiest teams at the bureau but back out here live as far as the criminal motive or if there was any domestic terrorism involved the fbi says that they cannot answer that at this point but the situation is very much so still developing and we are monitoring everything and we will keep you updated. >> sandra: medicine, thank you. new mark morris performers at the aspect -- nicole parker. nicole -- as it was happening earlier, what can you add what you learned now you mark. >> percival i would like to explain it fbi field offices are extremely secure and did you have these barricades in place just stop individuals of this nature mikael ymer in the fbi miami i can tell you that employee entrance and there is an arm gate, you have to put in your card, within a specific code and then it goes up and there is a barrier and you has to go down in order for you to enter the office. it wouldn't be the first time that a nonfbi employee tried to tailgate an employee and gain entrance in to the fbi office chemicals barricades work and we saw that happened today. fbi field offices have been the target of, you know, threats. this is not the first time. we don't know the details at this point and was a terrorist related? what i do know from individuals sources that i have is that this potentially may have been someone who the fbi had been notified of bolo copy on the lookout for certain individual that may have been threatening that office or people in that field office in atlanta marc garneau link or, you know, evidence that it is the same individual that he had been warned about but if, you know, is investigation continues i'm sure that the facts will be coming out. 's assistant -- because they are you target. we saw what happened in august of 2022 in the fbi cincinnati field office for an individual again attempted to gain entry in to an fbi office, we were unsuccessful of internet turning in to a high-speed chase and it individual and a being called by law enforcement. so when someone attempts to gain access to an fbi office the office employees you are immediately alerted. agents are alerted. my understanding is that there were ages that help to take down this individual, that our guard gets colour guard shacks, there are law enforcement at the front gates and there is video surveillance is very highly secure but employees are notified and we are trained on how to handle situations when someone is trying to gain entry into our office. >> sandra: nicole, as far as i motive which we do not have yet, haven't released any sort of motive if they've learned of one and the believe that will make that public? >> you know, at this point it's too premature to say it will make the public. i think that in the environment that we are in there going to try to be as transparent as possible because -- and shohei ohtani go to an fbi field office and try to do that there will be justice served against you and it's important to note that this person has been sent to a hospital for mental evaluation. we have something called complaint daily and you're the one that takes an individuals when they come to their vi field office, if they've done their complaints, you're calling a duty agent. i myself have been on -- have been on-duty state -- duty agent service and i have had an individual come to the field office and threatened to cause harm to us right there. so this is not the first time but we'll see what happens i'm just grateful that no one was hurt and that there were no expensive devices found either. >> sandra: a look at these pictures is hard to think anybody thought they were going to get through that barrier but to your point about times in the past where you've seen someone trail in another employee after they've keyed -- period through their car and going through the gate that would be unattainable but they were on this almost a minute that it happen. nicole parker, thank you for joining us on the breaking news. wild thousands of migrant heading the u.s. in an new caravan and now a new -- the welcome mat for the. we will explain. but first the world on watch as expected israeli strike is atop taking out a iranian manner. major reverberations from this, we are on it. after that, moscow massacre to make a retired u.s. general sounding the morning. why he says the threat of isis attack here on the homeland is growing. >> i think we should ask -- expect further terms of this measure against the united states as well as our partners and other nations abroad. i think this is inevitable. ♪ ♪ salonpas lidocaine flex. a super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks? 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's he is a man accountable for the weapon shipments from iran to places like lebanon and syria and he is also someone who reports directly to top i rgc leadership. no reports to indicate six other members of iran's revolutionary guard corps were killed in the strikes earlier today. serious four minister reacting, saying this... >> voice of interpreter: we strongly condemn this criminal activity by the zionist enemy which led to the best of some innocent -- so again, we emphasize our position our brothers in the iranian embassy and the islamic republic of iran and we are sure that the islamic republic don't forget their enemies. [ end of interpretation ] >> the location here is important to talk about. we are talking about is strike inside the capitol of damascus at a building just next to the iranian embassy, the question now is if and how iran will respond israeli forces remain on high alert across the country. sandra? >> sandra: très inks on that. thank you. what are the rivers for -- let's ask former cia station chief in moscow and fox news contributor dan hoffman. you're thoughts? >> this was a pretty extraordinary tactical success by the israelis. it's worth noting that they stared the iranian ambas ambassador. they use their intelligence to find and fix the location of the eye rgc commander for lebanon and syria and they use their kinetic -- kinetic capably definition. this is really important for israel both to the great the eye rgc's capabilities but is also how you deter iran because so much of the weapons in iran is sending to his -- will wright through syria and that is how you do it, you know, we are still not doing much more than shooting down drones from the who sees. i think we can take a bit of israel's book in terms of how to deter iran and the greater capability in terms of their ability to this -- support their proxy terrorist. >> sandra: and the iranian ambassador -- will be harsh so we will be watching for where that goes next. meanwhile we've heard fbi director christopher ray sound the warning over the terror threat from the southern border but now and in the -- is worried and attack here on the homeland could be coming. >> isis-k in particular but isis in general has a strong desire to attack our homeland and mike we should believe them when they say that. are going to try to do it and so i think the threat is growing. has begun to grow as soon as we left afghanistan and the pressure of isis-k. i think we should expect further attempts of this nature against the united states as well as our partners and other mint nations abroad. offenders is an unavoidable. >> sandra: do you agree with that, dan? >> you have -- general mckenzie is right. we've taken the pressure of isis-k, they enjoy uncovered space of the same sort of a test -- uncovered space that al qaeda -- what concerns me is that they now have you demonstrated external operations capability. to lunch attacks in iran and türkiye and now a mass casualty attack in russia. we are also in their crosshairs and they have every reason to be looking at where we are most vulnerable and that is why i think the concerns about our southern border justified and take the confluence of events right now with israel's counteroffensive in gaza which director ray is also emphasized has proved to be in force multiplier for terrorist to fund raise and disseminate propaganda and disinformation and attack follow! followers so this is a time to be on high alert impairments me of when my former director, cia george tenet used to say the lights are blinking right. the question is what are we going to do about it? >> sandra: considering the threats -- awarding on netflix is almost in sentence with our military community, ucr use government taking this seriously enough? >> well i think we need to do more, i think the question is now that we left afghanistan we don't have the capability we once had to collect intelligence and deliver kinetic strikes on isis-k and al qaeda in afghanistan. i think this is a good time for the house and senate oversight to be looking at the biden administration and the plan for dealing with this increase threats. you want to deal with them here in the states at the point of attack. we prefer -- what we prefer to do is diagnose threats in what we call way out of boot mp of the before any crime is harm -- were not in afghanistan anymore so there has to be some plan going forward. i would like to hear what it is from the biden administration. >> sandra: is quite aware from yours while. don hoffman on the -- thank you. >> sandra: new developments meanwhile that crop georgia case renewing the case it -- ronnie willis should stay in the case? find out why. and later, california's 20-dollar minimum wage or fast food workers taking in. of that have more workers down and out? 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good thing we have our legal eagle john -- john, what say you? >> i think fani willis unfortunately is forgetting that this case is not about her. is not even really about donald trump. it's about public faith in the justice system. and when a judge ordered a prosecutor not to talk about race, not to through our own racial accusations and then the da doesn't -- does it anyway than she is undermining public faith in the integrity of justice that she is actually demonstrating the kind of disregard for the courts that she was that -- and the job of the prosecutor ultimately is to make sure that the public has faith in the decisions of the courts and the justice system and she is undermining that and that is going to think undermine her ability to carry out this trial and it's only going to help donald trump. >> sandra: considering everything ndjonga said, katie, why do you think she said this? >> i think she's very the apart court to disqualify your of this point. as trumps attorneys pointed out in their appeal one of the questions for this qualification is whether for rednecks misconduct is a basis for this qualification and when exactly that entails and and their arguments based on supreme court precedent that even injecting the idea of race especially in a case that has nothing to do with race is grounds alone for that disqualification. so certainly it will be interesting if the appellate court except this case what the make of that but i think that you alone could even form the basis for disqualification of -- in the court wants to go there. >> sandra: now this, former president donald from also pushing the boundaries of his gag order in the hush money case, one x. judge saying "he should be jailed if he violates it." what is your take on that john? >> first of all he has first amendment rights. impact think the judges in new york city has gone way too far with these gag orders regularly when the person and selected as one of defendant is also running for pres president, speaking -- which is elections and political speech. i think that the courts have to be very careful in fact more than careful. they should air on the side of donald trump in making sure that the he has the first amendment free speech rights to talk about things even if it involves criticizing the judge, if he never involves criticizing the decisions for making this case. put it in other ways kevin donaldson could say these things in a courtroom if you can say these things in a courtroom, how can a judge tried to prevent him from seeing them outside the co court? >> sandra: katie? >> i completely agree. i'm not really sure what the basis is for these gag orders. is always unlawful for anybody to obstruct justice or tamper with witnesses and certainly donald trump does have a first amendment right to engage in campaign speech and even in the dc court when they upheld the gag order probably allowed for him to portray the prosecutions against him as political vendetta. so there lying in the sand there is my blindness and there does need to air on the side of donald trump and on his first amendment rights and i certainly don't think that these gag orders have been narrowly tailored enough to meet the standards set by the supreme court. >> sandra: just getting a little bit of an update on that story ends in the criminal hush money -- and some clarity on its, john, just a quick reaction from the -- the manhattan da office has filed a memorandum in support of their march 28th letter seeking clarification on the gag order. they write about the defendant's dangerous violent and referenceable rhetoric fundamentally's mentoring the integrity of the proceedings and is intended to intimidate witnesses and trial participants alike including this court." you get your ration to that, just in. >> the only ground that this court could have first working donald trump's beach is that it actually threatens but there is an imminent threat of obstruction of justice macniel you can't just as a prosecutor throw that rob flack out of there. out of some proof. has to be evidence i think that donald trump statements actually are interfering with the ability of the court to carry out this trial. you can just accept the prosecution's word for it. we have to see evidence, we have to see examples they have to be real. they can't just be crazy people riding things on the internet. >> sandra: john and katie, i appreciate you staying with us in a breaking news -- more coming up, the race for the white house heating up as doctrine is reportedly middling that bp lets down. so who is in and who's out? and find out how joe biden is making you directly for nikki haley backers. will it work? plus meet the california business owner demanding answers from democratic governor gavin newsom as the state's 20-dollar minimum fast food wage kicks in. ♪ ♪ not highly processed pellets. the farmer's dog is fresh food made with whole meat and veggies. it's not dry food. it's not wet food. it's just real food. it's an idea whose time has come. ♪ ♪ relax into a caribbean state of mind. visit or call 1-800 sandals. disrupts my skin, night and day. despite treatment, it's still not under control. but now i have rinvoq. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that reduces the itch and helps clear the rash of eczema—fast. some rinvoq patients felt significant itch relief as early as 2 days. some achieved dramatic skin clearance as early as 2 weeks. and many taking rinvoq saw clear or almost-clear skin. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal, cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. help heal your painful skin— disrupt the itch & rash of eczema. talk to your doctor about rinvoq. learn how abbvie can help you save. >> this is a huge economic impact not just the baltimore cannot just to the state of maryland but the economic impact that this is having on the american economy is staggering when one of the busiest ports one of the most effective ports in this country has essentially been shut down. we are going to rebuild the francis scott key bridge. this is incredibly important. >> sandra: maryland democratic governor was more telling neil over the weekend the state will rebuild the francis kottke bridge that collapsed after a containership collided with it last week. today he stayed at the bar eternal on the northeast side of the collapsed is now open but the white house not saying president joe biden will plan to travel to baltimore on friday to assess the damage for himself and michael keep you updated as we learn more on that. ♪ ♪ now to the race for the white house. former president donald trump search for his next running mate is starting to get serious. we are told a trump advisor reportedly begins the process of not worrying down the last with plans to draw this out of printed style. we have our attention. the hill national reporter julia manchester joins us n now. what do you think? >> woll, sandra, this is no surprise to me because we know that donald trump really likes the drama and he liked the suspense that he knows that his supporters like to watch that so they'll appreciate how this process is going to be drawn out but really we've already seen the process playing out i think on cable news. in fact, watching a number of these potential tenders essentially addition really when they do interviews and, you know, speak out in public from campaign events and such so i think we are already seeing this in motion and former president trump is watching closely. >> sandra: a shortlist for some time now is included senator scott -- scott of south carolina -- katie britt of alabama, marco rubio florida, governors normal south dakota, sarah huckabee centers of -- i mean just to name a few. >> yeah. is already long list and i think the question that's the current campaign is going to have to answer and former president trump is going down to -- "what do these people bring to the ticket that really could make it more of a well-rounded ticket?" is so if we go back to 2016 when former president trump chose indiana governor ash may then indiana governor mike pence i think the logic around that was because mike pence had sweet -- huge sway with the evangelical vote because he wanted to solidify that vote there by this time around talking to sources they say like it has to be a woman or a person of color so senator tim scott of south carolina, trustee known, katie britt calley say that that could help the republican ticket starting with former president trump at the top, may be make some headway with -- which, you know, oftentimes is a woman that ends up playing the deciding vote. so we'll have to see what logic really plays out in terms of the trump team but, you know, they have a big list and as we get closer to the convention the air going to have to narrow it down. >> sandra: the former president is -- is reportedly set to the criteria phishing in case of an emergency and also someone who can help expand his appeal in november. julia, while i have you come former president donald trump is planning to head out to both wisconsin and michigan. this as polling shows president biden is closing the gap in those key battleground states. what you make of that? >> so look, sandra, over the course of the next several months is weird to the election we're going going to go three polling roller coaster that it will get closer and may be trump will start leaving and may be trump will fall behind and try and will start leaving. by the fact that he is going to michigan and wisconsin is no surprise. reno the former president biden has -- or president wyden has shown sign of weakness in the states particularly in michigan when we look at the uncommitted vote. we know that these are two states that president trump flipped in 2016 and that he lost in 2024 is very important that he goes there and most importantly they are part of the six major battleground states so we are going to be in for iraqi right when it comes to pulling but i think we're just going to see this becoming much more narrow. >> sandra: one other quick question for you, president joe biden's relation campaign just put out a new add that makes a direct appeal to nikki haley supporters here back so who has a better shot of getting her supporters, trunk are abide in? >> i was talking about number of republican sources of artistic and essentially what they were sitting was look we don't know how this is going to pan out. sometime ten allies they looked, a large number of nikki haley supporters voted for biden in 2020 so it's more on the -- notice is more on trying to win those voters back but others say look, you know, trump is at risk of potentially losing those voters any of these are republicans who voted for trump in 2016 or 2020 or both and change their minds, this primary election, you know, if they decide to vote for trump -- training that would obviously be back but it decided to stay home and not show up to the poles that would be a loss for trump as well. >> sandra: julia manchester from the hell, thank you for erroneous. >> thank you. >> sandra: business owners nationwide watching as california's wendy dollar minimum wage for fast food joints casing mark we've got an employer coming up but first to what we are finding out -- >> sandra, this isn't just a small step on a wage letter because this is a hugely an employer's single largest expense, labor. so what's going to be impact on workers, consumers and employers? that story, coming up. ♪ ♪ then go to america's best! why? for a comprehensive, quality eye exam! sounds good! it is! i'll go! good call! america's best. because eye care is healthcare - and you deserve the best. ♪ ♪ >> sandra: okay so it is story behind -- we've been talking about for some time on this california minimum wage hike $20 for fast food workers. has finally kicked in, the 20 minimum wage for fast food workers and it could have consumers having to shell out. fox news' william s. is on this for us live in los angeles. business owners they just try to figure out what they need to know and if there included in this, william. >> that's true but it's almost certain to raise prices for consumers, right. but the governor newsom and his union supporters say this is just as much is about money -- raising their pay 20% beginning today from 16--- 16 to $20 per our necessary basic accompanying the cost of living in california. >> voice of interpreter: unfortunately canada is really expensive so earning $20 in any job password or not, is really helpful. [end of interpretation] >> you humanize fast food workers, we've acted like their labor isn't worked -- worthy of respect. isn't worthy of recognition. and the answer -- and they aren't -- >> but critics say the impact is going to go beyond the chain outlets to every restaurant and employer competing for low skilled labor. the results at higher consumer prices and some workers will get cut. >> because if you're an independent operator and attain operator are paying $20 an our then you will have to raise your wages as well or your employees will leave and go to the chains. >> we are no longer hiring, we're not backfilling positions, were not growing in the state anymore, we're not expanding more locations. >> so already two chains have cut 1200 drivers and will soon rely they say on over and lifts which are not covered by the law. governor newsom justified the increase this way... >> we saw the abuse, we saw the integral -- antiquities in terms of the wages in the treatment and we realize we have responsibility to more. >> so the ways applies to roughly about 550,000 wor workers, sandra. their annual wage if they work 40 hour a week will rise about $41,000 a year in your question -- it will apply to any outlet or brand that has 60 or more locations nationwide which is basically every fast food restaurant. back you. >> and it could be more. i mean our next guest said that -- and we'll talk to her in a moment. william komer thank you. >> sandra: do we are going to get reaction from a business owner who says she had more questions and answers after meeting with the california governor's office back children us next. ♪ ♪ do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? 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call 833.leaf.filter today, or visit how long have you been tracking the value of our car? should we sell it? we hold... our low mileage is paying off. you think we should... hold... hoooold!!! hooold! now!!!! i'm on it. i'm, on it. already sold to carvana. go to carvana and track your car's value today. >> our next guest has been raising questions over california's rate hike. she spoke with governor newsom to demand answers. gave bshe joins us now. i want to tell our viewers, we did reach out to the governor's office. is welcome to come on this show any time. you had a virtual meeting with his office today. what can you tell us came from that? >> think we met with an advisor to governor newsom today. a little bit disappointing i would have to say. although, we weren't told as a group of franchisees that we were included in the bill. we also where passed on again to other agencies. namely the department of industrial relations and the fast food council for answers to the question of whether or not we are part of this bill. >> what is this fast food wage hike mean for you and your business? how would it affect you? >> it will affect us that we would have to raise our prices. we are considered a snack. at $5.50 for an ice-cream cone, you can't really go much higher. you might be able to get a kids meal for $10. you can't do an ice-cream cone for $8, $9, and $10. we will be priced out. we will have to start laying off some of our employees. as you can see the photos, high school aged kids. we have 25 employees. three are full-time. the rest are full-time students, high school and college students. >> you said that most of the time, some of that time at least, they are able to make more than $20 an hour on their own when you consider tips and other things. what is your plan? for this level of uncertainty, that is almost impossible for businesses to whether through. what is your plan? >> it is. we plan to continue to seek the answer is that we are looking for. it is just so ambiguous the way the law was written. collectively, the group of us plan to continue with a fast food counsel. set up a meeting next week if we can. i've had a call into the department of industrial relations. i've had a phone call with the attorney with a labor commissioner's office. i have beaten down doors for 5.5 months. we have some recognition from the author of the staff member. ice cream parlors were not the intent of the bill 5 months ago. we were told from different outlets that ice cream parlors were not the intent. the book has been passed on and unite here as clean up on the belt of fast food counsel department of industrial relations. i believe the latest -- >> i know you have a spending trend months fighting this. that takes time away from you and your operation and improving operations for your customers. we understand that we will check back with you. our dime back dana perin

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