Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Your 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Your 20240704

pray for all of those who are impacted. >> -- submerged in the water. ♪ ♪ >> the preliminary investigation points to an accident. we haven't seen any credible evidence of a terrorist attack. >> is a shocking side to see because you live your life here and you see this thing here your entire life and then one day to go outside and it's not there. ♪ ♪ >> neil: fox on top of the rescue and recovery mission so underway after a containership collides with baltimore's francis scott key bridge causing the structure to collapse within seconds. here's what we know right now, outlet six people remain unaccounted for others our. officials say the ship issued a made a call just prior to that collision. the national transportation safety board is now on the scene, investigating. and president biden said he plans to travel to baltimore as soon as possible. welcome everybody. i'm no kabuto, with the bulk -- with baltimore in the state of emergency in a state of -- heart goes on to find out what could've happened. and to those who a little more than 14 months. he made it clear that this is a very tough state and yes this is an ongoing search and rescue mission from their perspective and yet the search for answers continues as we show you a lie, as we continue to look at the devastation and absolute shock and horror overnight as we saw this all unfolds a little bit after 1:30 in the morning. so many queries to consider at this hour. how did the vessel apparently lose power and steering? and why was it so far from the center of the normal nautical pathway to open water? who was piloting the vessel and that it even drop anchor? questions, neil cavuto interstate in investigation remain very difficult to answer. >> we got here at 6:00 am and we are standing back to allow the coast guard and search and rescue to continue their search and rescue operations while we gather information from command post. there is a lot of information that we can begin to collect. >> meantime over at the white house the biden administration moving very quickly to respond to this accident as mentioned the transportation secretary and the president himself were both briefed immediately after the accident. mr biden today carrying the full wait of government in response to this tragedy. >> president biden: i'm more spoke with governor moore this morning as well as the mayor of baltimore in the county executive and my secretary all competition is on the scene. i told him we are going to send all the real resources they need as they respond to this emergency. i mean all the federal resources. >> "all federal resources," the appropriate answer for the commander-in-chief. miedema continue to look at the live pictures as mentioned, we have seen a chorus line of officials coming out here giving us updates by the moments. important to hear from the governor competent predation secondary senators, congress personnel at all here as well as agency personnel trying to give us an understanding of not only what happened here, neil, but how this could possibly have happened and yet as we continue to work for answers we continue to hold for the very best the families impacted. >> martha: >> neil: thank you very much for that. kevin corke in maryland with the latest on that. one of the updates we were getting was from the baltimore fire chief james wallace was set a little earlier that sonar how detectives were revealed at least three vehicles at the partner -- bottom of the river. they include three passenger vehicles, one cement truck and one unidentified vehicle. whether this can be connecting to the six individuals were still missing is anyone's guess. to -- former ntsb investigator on just trying to understand what happened here. allen, but to have you. and you're very good at not trying to jump to conclusions or opine but there is -- we are reading for a lot of information but i was wondering whether -- when the allegedly was out in this cargo ship, with that precluded from dropping his anchors, in other words is that a powered event? you need power in a partnership to make that happen? >> i'm not an expert on these heavy freighters. i'm a -- this may come down to crew coordination between the pilots and the ships company. as you know, the ship's company was indian, a group of people from india, so i don't really know whether the anchor is controlled electrically or hydraulically or they can just release it like wrapping landing gear on an airplane. but clearly things went very wrong and there is a very -- huge implication for this country with what will hap happen. >> neil: is interesting too i know from your background looking at air crashes and flight mishaps, you know, cargo ships have their own safety standards and protocols and i understand that -- you know, was relaxing in baltimore over the weekend, waiting for this trip out early this morning but there were no signs of trouble we are told. again, do you look for, you know, safety protocols in the cargo ships have disliked trains have -- do they all have their own protocols in place, how often are they used couple often are the repeated? all right i apologize, we just lost alan dielh on that but all the questions for which there aren't any immediate answers but again the paredes here is finding what happened to those. at least xmas and people. tim -- the former disorder governor running us right now. -- you know a thing or two about these type of tragedies records you heard the governor of maryland refer less 35 west bridge interstate disaster, 145 people governor i believe at the time were injured, 13 killed crowther was back in 2007. you were the governor at the time. tell us a little bit about what you saw then that you might be seeing partly here? >> first of all, neil, so many similarities with the shock of their grief, the sadness of the expression duly of condolences to the families and the victims all top of mind. but then, of course, simultaneously in russia weather things. the rescue and recovery efforts that takes place, on the coordination with local state and federal government from first responders to the fbi, to the ntsb, to the navy, to the white house and more. the crisis management role of the governor the mayor to marshal the facts, communicate clearly and confidently and simply with empathy to reassure the citizens that on there can be done is being done in a timely manner mike and then hear of course in the big difference is it looks like this is going to shift from what happened to the bridge to what happened on the ship, the boat that hit and in minneapolis of course what -- the question was what caused the bridge to fill and we didn't it merely now. and went on for months unfilled and yes, we finally said it fell because of an regional design flaw dating back to the 1960s and in the meantime, of course, there was a lot of percolation and politics unfolded behind that. >> neil: i'm wondering here, it's pretty obvious what triggered this. we just don't know what triggered the power to go out in the cargo ship in the first place that prompted this. so to your point, governor, and it's a very good one, a lot we don't know so no use in opining. but the full resources of the federal government here will be utilized, president biden has said that, we've heard from a number of officials. what does that mean when you are trying to get to the cause of something? the focus is obviously on the ship, right? >> and immensely helpful aid from the federal government in our case and just to give you a couple of quick examples there's only a small number of divers who can do if it gets to this point recovery diving in waters especially with currents and through the u.s. navy in cooperation with the federal government we are able to get specialized navy divers to come in and do that recovery work. and i was hugely helpful and the list goes on and on. but the rebuilding of the minneapolis bridge from the start of construction to the end took place in one year. we can have done that without all sorts of coordination and help from the federal government and i think by the way set a record for major infrastructure project in the country doesn't need to take ten years to get these big projects done as we demonstrated by rebuilding the bridge in one year. >> neil: i'm sure baltimore area residents and those who commute through that area take upwards -- obviously there is disrupted that the interstate 695 was shut down blessed and checked both ways indefinitely i don't know what the status will be after that. how did you handle just that transportation issue back in 2007? >> there is a great question and we did things like add extra lands on shoulders of existing roadways that would help people detour around the fallen bridge and it turned out it wasn't as convenient but it was reasonably well handled by our motoring public. we were able to move people and goods in commerce between the twin cities. i don't want to without delay or interruption must alternately we these extra incapacities that we developed made a very big difference and perhaps baltimore could do something like that as well. >> neil: already you know governor a lot of saying we need to beef up our infrastructure. the best i can do it wasn't -- might we be misplacing our priorities here on how to address this? >> two things can be tries -- at once, neil, as you know. it is true that it's the ship the content -- but it's also true that the nation and for structure in many cases is aging and it does need to be modernize and improve. both things are true. >> neil: when you look at this and you know what you dealt with all those years ago, what is the one and you've learned that you can relay to those in maryland trying to come out of this? >> one of the most important things, not the only thing, and crisis leadership is certainly take care of the victims and those who are hurting the result of this but secondarily make sure you marshal on the factor for you need to be a confident forceful leader to get this crisis addressed. again moving through the stages of rescue if need be recovery and all the rebuilding that takes place and, you know, you need confident in form of strong leaders and i hope and it looks like that will became -- the case going forward in baltimore. >> neil: governor, thank you very much, good to see you again. providing prescriptive not hoping that there is a rebuilding the can go on this point, think little bit of time. we'll take a quick break here but just to put this francis scott key bridge into some perspective, the -- is -- it is or was a massive competition hub in itself. -- apart from the destruction of the bridge itself and just so you should know the ports private and public terminals it -- handle it hundred 40,000 vehicles last year agreement the bridge itself millions of vehicles of all types year in and year out. no other u.s. court simply handles more. to the massive amounts of construction machinery near groceries and packages that are meant for foodstuffs that make there way to grocery stores themselves to say nothing of the whole bunch of other things, this is a busy hub of activity. and for crews ships as well, norwegian and carnival, repositioning the ships that used to go there to disembark and embark, no longer indefinitely. stay with us. ♪ ♪ you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything. amen. you should join me in more prayer on hallow. stay prayed up. lowe's knows new projects come with questions. so, we have answers. like how to keep your yard looking lush. which paint color matches your bold style. and with the mylowe's rewards credit card, you can save 5% every day. you got this. and we got you. when migraine strikes you're faced with a choice. ride it out with the tradeoffs of treating? 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-- feel that is a big hold. >> it is and i'll tell you what, we saw a reaction and the futures market today, you know, across the comment of the spectrum, you know, one of the things that is major in this port is the export of u.s. call tell the country so we saw the play out in the energy space, coal price is going up, panic buying. it brought reminders of what happened in the port of los angeles when we saw shortages of automobiles. this is a major export and import place for automobiles across the country so we can see shortages in the prices itself goes up if this goes on for a big time noticing we don't think a lot about on the commodity space is sugar. dominoes sugar is a major exporter from that area. it's times so that could add to the cost of food and if they don't open this port up quickly is going to add to inflation, you know, >> neil: this month -- we have serious supply disruptions most notably along the red sea with the targeted ships that tried to newcomers through there and sometimes have to go, you know, hundreds of thousands of miles out of the way but now this. i mean that in the i grant you but i can reminder how vulnerable hour supply chain is globally. >> you know, neil, i don't think there has been a time in my lifetime that i found more danger, you know, from potential disruptions around the globe, you know, whether it's in the energy space or nonfood space, you know, he look at the war in ukraine, how it impacts the production of weeds or the red sea when it comes to oil or other products and now here at ho home, you know, when we have these foreclosures it is has ramifications across the entire economy. so it's going to be very important to get this back online as quickly. obviously, you know, to have the work, you know, the human factor is number 1 but then after that, you know, is going to have a big impact and as you mentioned, you know, we are talking millions of dollars of commerce that goes over the bridge every year and that, of course, the law -- it's more is -- >> neil: much like hurricanes or, you know, some developments the weather events and anomalies, the price destruction is generally considered short -- what goes up, what was known as things return to normal. how do you see this working out because it can be allowed before we get to normal? >> it probably is. your right. usually get the big impact and things calm down there my the problem is we don't live in a normal world anymore, right? once one sector gets back to normal it seems like another sector is opening up. and this is the problem when you underinvest in infrastructure, you know, whether it boy while production or bridges or whatever it doesn't take that much about destruction problem major impact on everybody's lives and obviously this is an event that was isolated but it's probably a reflection of some of the turmoil around the globe that is impacting commodities and the -- anywhere you look. >> neil: phil thank you very much, we'll see how this goes. we've covered more than a few of these. phil flynn, fox business -- we're looking at other diplomats because there were others including robert f. kennedy jr. announcing his running mate company unusual take but then again his is a very unusual race or macro tell you about it after this... meet the jennifers. jen x. jen y. and jen z. each planning their future through the chase mobile app. jen x is planning a summer in portugal with some help from j.p. morgan wealth plan. let's go whiskers. jen y is working with a banker to budget for her birthday. you only turn 30 once. and jen z? 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[cheering] >> the daughter of immigrants who overcame every daunting obstacle and went on to achieve the highest levels of the american dream. >> as an independent candidate, kennedy and shanahan don't automatically qualify for balance across the country. him naming of evp today certainly helps in the department but as it stands, neil, right now he is officially only on one ballot and that is in the state of utah. neil? >> neil: thank you for that, jeff paul. if -- not even mentioning it were referring to it and separate campaign stops along with the vice president in north carolina. peter deuce he has from washington. hi peter. >> neil, this was an official white house event that just wrapped up but it was surprisingly political. president biden chose to talk a lot about his presidency my predecessor donald trump talk a lot about maga extremists and maga republicans. he wanted focus to be affordable healthcare but something happened here that keeps happening to president biden just about everywhere he goes. he got interrupted by some protesters upset about the way he is supporting israel in the fight against dundalk -- hamas. >> president biden: the insurance -- allow them to -- deny coverage -- >> [indistinct question] >> president biden: everybody deserves healthcare. they have a point where might we need allow more cosmic a lot more care into gaza. >> so the new strategy appears to be deal with protesters by sympathizing with the point they are trying to make. and another point president biden was trying to get across here in raleigh and even though donald trump said on truth social a few hours ago, he does not want to terminate the aca code of portable care act, obama care, president biden said many times a day he does. >> president biden: donald trump and his maga and are nothing but persistent or magnate tried to repeal it if two times, but i've got news for him, we're going to stop him again. >> very interesting strategy by the biden campaign. they say that he is in this part of north carolina because this is a spark that nikki haley over performed, they are directly appealing to her supporters. neil? >> neil: you know he doesn't do it as much as he was the smug used to come to whisper thing, peter, kind of frightens me when i hear it, you know? probably just me. >> what are you worried about neil now is you know bob cusack the hill editor -- let me ask you bob all about about what is the drama playing out here at the rfk jr. thing, now he's got a running mate, he's got a long road now to get on all 50 state ballots if you can. there is talk that he maybe talking about a libertarian party candidate -- they produce a clear that step one and i think today like a i think shanahan is a good pair, 38 years old, has a great story to tell but, of course, this will add fodder to democrats who claim that kennedy is just -- going to hurt the presidents because she was just colors of a progressive and is a big democratic donors hold that is one to watch what are the same time, neil, there are polls showing that kennedy takes from both sides. >> neil: is interesting i don't know whether it's more like a roast barrel for nine and one in 9092, i think after 19% of the board but didn't get a single electoral vote q&a -- but for my money the most, you know, influential third-party candidates was the one who are the biggest impact was probably george wallace back in 1968. he got 48 electoral votes one -- winning a lot of southern states. many would argue there that he rubbed votes from hubert humphrey but might have -- that might have gotten one for you but instead split the vote got richard nixon spitz -- was in a narrow win there. show variations on the same theme that up third-party candidate in the spoiler. will you buy that or given the fact that rfk polls tend to 8-19% certainly a lot of these battle ground states it wouldn't take a lot more than that to win one of the several -- if you're on the balance. >> yeah. i think is the reader show that the parties are definitely spoilers and we've seen that throughout the years have certainly in without any mention ross perot. but overall this year is a little bit different. i do think that kennedy has a shot if you can get on the ballots and get, you know, is pulling around the threshold of -- that the presidential commission on the mate as we don't know if that will -- that's 15% mackeigan do that and a lot of people are looking for an alternative so it's an uphill battle demek we all know that but if you can get on the balance and get in to a debate, who knows what can happen. and politics is very unpredictable. no one thought that brought -- donald trump would be president in 2015 when he launched his bid. >> neil: wants the under over -- we got a feeling that they might not happen at all. >> yeah, it very well may not have been but i also think who's ever losing and right now that the president come the president is an underdog now he's made some small strides over the last few days, you know, who's ever losing usually needs to have that debate whether it's one i'm not sure if they're going to have four including the vise presidents but i think that there is good to be great demand to at least have one and hopefully it will go better than the last one and the last first one that we saw where donald trump really lost the presidency because he was a bit out of control in a debate. >> neil: i remember quite well. bobcat always enjoyed talking to you. bob contact whether he whispers are not, he's definitely an influence. by the way for me to -- villages from baltimore and the impact is having from this francis scott key bridge collapse. csx and saying right now that existing paul customers should expect potential shipment delays after this collapse. you see what's happening, a lot of people are telling you that a lot of people are telling you this will affect our business primitive period -- the norwegian because of odyssey what we used to do in this area we can't do anymore this area are my shipments delayed, ships rerouted, nightmares building. see with this... hs maniacally] (inner monologue) seriously, look at these guys. they are playing great. meanwhile, i'm on the green and all i can think about is all the green i'm spending on 3 kids in college. not to mention the kitchen remodel, and we'd just remodel the bathrooms last month. with empower, i get all of my financial questions answered. so i don't have to worry. so you're like a guru now? 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neil. >> neil: the anomaly of this were just beginning to grasp secondary just in terms of all the businesses and industries that have been affected as well, you know, the whole ships and passenger ships that are being rerouted and use that area and the multimer harbor area >> a huge colossal calamity from the transportation system in that part of the world there mack this is like -- one of the largest ports, goods going in and out structure destroyed by the hitting -- when it was hit by the tanker and i mean the bridge. i mean, this is a big interstate, 27,000 cars a d day. this is a real, real blow to infrastructure in the northeast, neil, and it's going to take a long time to recover, to repair the bri bridge, to rebuild the bri bridge, to repair the harbor. and to get that corridor were back running again. it's going to take a long time and it's going to have a huge impact on the economy. not only the world economy but on the economy there in the baltimore-washington area and thank goodness all hands are on deck and everybody is on board or mack it's going to have a monumental impact. >> neil: you know, there's so many -- so much we don't know and earlier today you -- you were saying or -- don't opine and don't start factoring in things that you don't know and i admire that you but i was curious secretary and even back in your day are there protocols for cargo ships as there are four trains and planes, a checklist of safety thanks you have to do and go through before in this case you take to the water? we don't know if those protocols were -- like mike but what about that mack. >> absolutely. these are professionally run ships by professional companies. they are people that are guiding these ships and out of the ports and around the world there mack. obviously something terrible happened to the ship. we don't know what it was here mack ntsb will get to the bottom of it, but we are not going to know really what the results of their report will be or a long, long time. they may give simple luminaries along we are mack but we know that they take their investigations a long time, almost up to a year we are mack but there are definite professional protocols for people guiding these ships in and out of these harbors and along transportation routes around the world. >> neil: i always think secretary imagine if this had happened during rush hour, would be talking something a lot different. >> well 37,000 cars a day and think that it took place at 1:35 in the morning. >> neil: i hear you, my friend. ray lahood the former confrontation secretary, very good see you again. just want to let you know in some other political news here, i don't know if you've been following this trump media and technology group, this company is eventually merged with donald trump's 6 now -- in honor of the president the biggest contributor to that, was this thing has been storing in value of an additional 16% today putting in perspective for when -- despite all the people been omah -- the morning is money troubles on paper he has got a 5 billion-dollar plastic in this company. more after this... we really don't want people to think of feeding food like ours is spoiling their dogs. good, real food is simple. it looks like food, it smells like food, it's what dogs are supposed to be eating. no living being should ever eat processed food for every single meal of their life. it's amazing to me how many people write in about their dogs changing for the better. the farmer's dog is just our way to help people take care of them. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> neil: djd of this nonstory in its first -- trading on the nasdaq. we have kelly o'grady with more on that. >> that's right so djd has soared and that a can of paired some of those games back in the last hour of trading. so trump media and technology group hit over $79 at one point but it did finish the day around $58 and there was a gain of 16% which is yesterday. training actually had to be halted at one point because of all of that volatility but overall the stock is defying logic. -- and -- unless our argument is under -- doesn't represent the underlying business. has 5 million users, last $49 million in the first nine months of last year. but fellow platforms are focused on free speech they are also very optimistic about that growth mack realistically though the investors hopping onto djd there and your additional shareholders, a lot of these are not smaller we tell investors, the trump supporters want to play their candidates but not necessarily the type to hold the stock, might explain some of that peering back in the last hour of treating. -- there also betting on trump's election campaign. neil, trump's networks has added an roughly another four and half billion dollars today but he is unable to access those shares for six months unless the board votes that he will be able to so definitely put the former president up on the billionaire index there. >> neil: kelly, that is awesome for him. we'll see what happens. kelly o'grady on that. porn half billion dollars and increased net worth because that is charlie gasper may not have money. he joins us right now. charlie got what you think of this. >> is a scary situation, you know, kelly mentioned in this is true that this is a retail stock market don't see a lot of big hedge funds and money-management funds, ploughing into this as a matter of fact the professional investors are probably -- probably 20 this, it will be interesting to see their shorting interest on this not mean spending more going on and, neil, how does neil -- smell of a meme stock in the meme stocks were those highflying stocks that of money-losing companies back in 2001 early 2001 and the rose up dramatically because people were trying to pump them higher thinking that they could make a lot of money and that they could essentially squeeze short-sellers and make even more money, although stocks crash. mc from its highs in the 99% after the reverse splits if you look at it in terms of its reverse flip -- split its not a four dollars, it's a 40% -- 40 sent stock and can say that for bb why is now -- bed bath & beyond is on a business, came stock -- it's a shell of its what it traded at. put all that together and djt the same smelter and. it's a money-losing of many, doesn't have a lot of traffic and it's built around persona and hype. and, you know, his interesting thing, and donald trump and this is where it's -- more investors really have to worry, long-term, is this thing going to make any money, and i can tell you, twitter is a private comedy and other make money -- >> neil: but rather is losing money, right, very strong sales came out young bastards its debut counsel is holding its own -- >> we're talking a week here. >> neil: understand what putting it in perspective, whose is losing money is the death of you? longer-term look at amazon. >> well amazon had a business that was expanding to make it was losing money because it was actually buying stuff and it wasn't burning -- >> neil: don't think this applies here? this is more meme than substance? >> in the minute donald trump starts to sound -- here's the interesting thing and have to get into trump's i hear, this is like i don't want to sit on $5 billion worth of stock? probably not. he doesn't have a lot of cash flow. and it is where if you're a small investor you've got to bet that he holds on because if you start selling, blowing out his earnings to pay for whatever, the point in new real estate -- >> neil: have to wait a little six-month. >> he can do it no if he gets the board's approval but -- any hip -- this thing is going to go -- this thing is going to implode remember telling people be very careful here. >> neil: we don't know about the time will tell -- >> by the way, did good on its ipo. >> neil: many ipos that. >> and many didn't. >> neil: thank you very much, thanks to -- charlie gasper in on that. in the meantime the minimum wage in california is went to go up to 20 bucks an hour. food for thought, some restaurants are laying off. ♪ ♪ because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”? baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ skin-carving next level hydration? new neutrogena hydro boost water cream. a vital boost of nine times more hydration* to boost your skin's barrier for quenched, dewy skin that's full of life. neutrogena. hydro boost. a force to be reckon with. no, not you saquon. hm? you! your business bank account with quickbooks money, now earns 5% apy. 5% apy? that's new! yup, that's how you business differently. switch to shopify so you can build it better, scale it faster and sell more. much more. take your business to the next stage when you 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( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. bbbzzzzzrrrrr bzssssrzzzzzrrrooo what are you doing? sound effects. why are you doing that? why aren't you? gnnnarrrgnarrrr... eye care is healthcare. you deserve america's best. ♪ ♪ >> neil: well, how is this for an early april fools' joke on restaurant owners in the state of california? effective that day, april 1, some of the larger ones have to pay $20 an hour for their staff, that will be the new minimum wage. joining us right now, the owner of a restaurant in california. i understand you would be exempt from this because it is meant for large institutions, but you don't like the fallout. >> correct, but we have to keep up with the competition. we have to retain our employees, so we have to offer more so we can keep them. >> neil: so what do you do? if it goes up to $20, you can't go all the way up to $20. >> we have to go -- we already pay them 20. we are going to go up to $22 to $25, almost, which it doesn't end up just paying the $20 because your taxes will go up, your payroll will go up, it is a chain -- it is, unfortunately, the consumer is going to pay for it. to be when i notice of the restaurants in your state have already announced plans to scale back. a lot of them are laying off workers to prepare for this. what are you going to do? >> i started cutting down my operation hours. it's a family business, so myself and my son, we come early, we leave late. so we don't have to pay more for the employees. it's very unfortunate. i'd like to keep my quality the same, the same. i don't want to ruin it. but the consumer is going to end up paying for it. >> neil: all right, now now, you have delicious hoagies, i understand, but you will have to go up in price to compensate this. what are you going to do? >> i'm going to try not to. as i said, it is a family business. i am sacrificing my hours and my time. i thought, at this age, i would retire and leave it to my son, but unfortunately, our governor doesn't think so. so it's unfortunate. but the consumer is going to end up paying for it. but i will never sacrifice my quality for the price. >> neil: does your son look at all of the troubles you are having and say, you know, pop, love working with you, you are a gem, i don't want any part of this? >> sometimes he does. but since i have been in this business for 34 years at the same location, we built a great community, and everybody loves us. they just -- he wants to do it. he sees his future in food business, hopefully it won't be as difficult as this year. we'll see. what happens. but unfortunate that our governor, he just keeps raising -- i always say, a politician, they don't own a business. they don't know what we go through. >> neil: you know, i am just wondering, obviously you are going to do your best to deal with this and you lifted your own wage to compete with others. but do you ever think about moving, period? >> moving to -- >> neil: another state. >> not really. i live in california. i think it is great. but we just need somebody who understands business more than our governor. i guess he doesn't have businesses, or he doesn't help us at all. i don't know what happened to california. it wasn't like this when i grew up here. >> neil: well, we will see what he does. he wanted to exempt you but you can't exempt yourself because all of a sudden you're at a competitive disadvantage. thank you very much. hang in there. >> thank you. >> neil: many, many miles for your sandwiches and good things to come. but that's the reality with a lot of states that are posing these higher wages, and it is a very good, meritorious goal, we all want to see people get paid more, but a lot of times, a lot of them get paid off more. here is "the five." ♪ ♪

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