Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704

john: welcome to the journal editorial report. i'm edward lawrence, the general election campaign taking the new cycle, biden/trump rematches all but guarantee. following the exit of nikki haley the former south carolina governor suspending her campaign after donald trump swept all but one supertuesday state, haley did not endorse a former president but urged him to unite and grow the republican party. >> it is up to donald trump to earn the votes of those in our party and beyond it who did not support him. i hope he does that. at its best, politics is about bringing people into your cause, not turning them away. our conservative cause badly needs more people. this is now his time for choosing. ed:dan heninger and jason riley, the presidential landscape firmed up after supertuesday, we have a heavyweight battle between donald trump and president biden in the ring, interesting mental note. what is the about of nikki haley due to the republican side of the ticket? >> it leaves part of the republican side of the ticket unfilled. nikki haley, are shout out to what she accomplished. when she got into the race she reached polling of 1% and she was contending against significant and accomplished governess, chris christie, rhonda santos, asa hutchinson, doug burnham, she rose to the top, defeated them all. when she ran against donald trump she attracted 20% to 25% of the republican votes. what nikki haley has established is that there are 25% of the republican electorate out there at the moment does not seem to be prepared to vote for donald trump. going forward, how many of them would come over? nikki haley has carved out an area of the political spectrum on the republican or conservative side, that donald trump will need to address going forward if he is ready to build a coalition to get himself elected. edward: how does he get nikki brody -- nikki haley voters in his camp? >> one question is if he cares about the fact that she refused to endorse him. that was shrewd on her part. he is saying there are issues people were very attracted to me on. a foreign policy, greater focus on reducing spending and dealing with entitlements and the clear message is why don't you think about those issues a little harder, try to modulate your positions and then you can get my endorsement and i can bring those voters to your side. that would be the smart move on his part, the question is does he do it, or does he bull ahead. he's looking at polls right now that show the vast majority, upwards of 90% of those who voted for him last time around say they will vote for him again. he has got to try to reach out. he might do that or he might go ahead with the idea that whatever he does people are going to care more about seeing a republican beating president biden than the specifics of his policies or candidacy. edward: the people who won't support donald trump, people who will never vote for him sit on the sidelines or do they vote for president biden? >> that is the big question. he will need those people. even with nikki haley's supporters, they probably aren't enough to put him past the finish line. he will need independence and some democrats and there has been polling out there that certain groups, he's doing pretty well with, nonwhite voters in particular, blacks and hispanics, people the democratic party can usually rely on are giving a look at trump. he's got 25%, 1/4 say they will vote for donald trump and he is winning the hispanic vote against biden. that is good news for him and we will see if he can keep that up. the republican party decided on someone early and can try to rally behind a single individual. the bad news it is not trump - the strongest general election candidate. he did dominate the primary race, but the polls do show he is leading president biden, but nikki haley in 1-on-1s with biden was leading by a much larger margin, 8% or 9%, the republicans don't think electability is an issue with donald trump but that remains to be seen. he may not be the strongest challenger standing. edward: how lucky will the election get now that we know who it is? >> really ugly. a candidate on one side, donald trump calling his opponent crooked joe, and joe biden on the other side saying his opponent, donald trump, is a threat to the future of american democracy. put that down as a baseline and there will be a lot of mud slung in this campaign. edward: still rapidfire around here. gavin newsom, does president biden need to be on the ticket or is there a change? we saw and invigorated president in the state of the union. >> president biden and donald trump have a codependency. both getting their nominations because they both knew the other side was weak within their party. think of where president biden will be looking if he nominated a more youthful, dynamic person. nikki haley was dominating in the polls and vice versa. i have always thought the party that decide they are going to switch it up and go in new direction is going to have an advantage in this. at this point it's getting harder to either party get rid of their front runner nominee. edward: i wish we had all day to talk about this but we have to move on. a series of recent poll shows trouble for the 80 when-year-old commander in chief as he prepares to faces 2020 rival. the last clinton pollster, mark penn, what president biden needs to do. with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, my skin was no longer mine. my active psoriatic arthritis joint symptoms held me back. don't let symptoms define you. emerge as you. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 4 months... ...and the majority stayed clearer, at 5 years. tremfya® is proven to significantly reduce joint pain, stiffness and swelling it's just 6 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge as you. emerge tremfyant®. ask you doctor about tremfya®. ♪(relaxing music)♪ (♪) (♪) book in the app to find your perfect somewhere. edward: as voters get a flashback to 2020, the 2024 election will be very different with different issues facing the united states. president biden is an uphill battle with super tuesday polls showing him narrowly losing to donald trump in a head the head matter. the public mood is worse. less than 1/4 of americans say the country is moving in the right direction. those, turning these numbers around might be more complicated and the chief architect of president clinton's reelection victory. president biden's pitch seemed to be elected me and i will bring a host of tax increases. is that the right message? >> i was puzzled by that is a matter of economic policy, he didn't really propose anti-inflationary plan. he said the economy is doing well and it is time the rich pay their fair share of taxes and he had an array of tax increases. i thought that was one of the weaker sections of the speech, since it didn't make sense in terms of economic policy. edward: the administration is shying away, the president announced a strike force, the doj, talking about illegal pricing after the cookie monster posted on x shrink inflation hit his cookies. >> why did it take cookie monster to speak up during an election year for the strike force to do that? why not do that a couple years ago when inflation was 9%? >> i disagree with the premise of your question. it did not take cookie monster. it feels like cookie monster is responding to us and what we have been saying. >> the president is blaming companies for inflation and it seems we've heard that over the last few years. china is to blame. our voters buying this? >> voters are not buying the president isn't responsible for this economy. after these years you own the economy. in 96, we were successful in reshaping people's views of the economy. people think it was bad to people thinking it was good. they tried that. hasn't worked yet. it is a little late because 2 thirds still think the economy is in the wrong direction and the whole junk fees shrinking package is saying while fun and bite sized which we used to do a lot of, i don't think it deals with the big issues people are dealing with which is housing, food, gasoline. edward: former president clinton did it. is there still time for the president to make a pivot and people around him are willing to do that? >> he could make a pivot about the economy. things are pretty good. once the fed starts to cut interest rates, declares inflation over, if it happens in the next couple of months may be immigration will still be a big issue but the economy could fade or move to a more neutral position. >> reporter: look at this poll. 61% of registered voters think the president mostly failed on the economy and this is the big one. 58% of voters think the biden administration mostly failed in helping the working class from a president who talks about an economy from the bottom up in the middle out. is this a perception thing or middle to low income families truly feel this? >> middle to low income families feel the wages have been going down, inflation and cost of been going up and they feel the administration has not sufficiently addressed it. that is where the president was in danger of being too pollyanna shed his approach to working class is typically to push unions and unionization and they are only a small part of the working class. eric: did the president adequately layout a future vision people can grab onto? >> what i think he did in this address was to deliver a democratic convention speech very effectively. he gave lots of democratic red meat, prescription drug benefits, all sorts of new programs. more taxes on the wealthy. democrats received it pretty well. he went specifically to bring women and suburban women and was careful to talk about abortion and steak those out as democratic issues and to show that he was vigorous and can handle the campaign. those were his goals come bring in the base, vote for the women who are in the suburbs and show you are vigorous and he accomplished those goals. edward: it wasn't a speech about unity. just talking to people he needed to reach in its base. it's a very divided democratic party. >> it was not aimed to that. it was aimed to shore up the base and in many ways it was a political speech but that is what they decided to do, waiting until after supertuesday, going after their opponent, leveraging this opportunity. it moved away from being presidential into being political but maybe it is just what he needed to do. edward: great insight, thank you for the conversation. when we come back, with americans in a sour mood headed into the general election campaign president biden calling for reset in the state of the union. see how he did next. the right s without over or under investing. so you can feel confident in your financial choices. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. ♪oh what a good time we will have♪ ♪you... can make it happen...♪ ♪ try dietary supplements from voltaren for healthy joints. ♪ on medicare? 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>> this is going to be about character assassination. that's the lane president biden is going to run in. i don't know how much more he's going to get out of that. all the faults with donald trump's character at this point, it has been public life for years. not sure how much mileage president biden will get out of it. we saw some things that will hit on january 6th, trump wants to run on his pre-pandemic record. president biden cannot run on his record so he wants to run on donald trump being a threat to democracy. we will see what prevails. my guess is voters, you are not going to learn anything new about january 6th and donald trump from president biden. he's got to address these economic issues that is really driving and motivating trump voters and supporters and even some democrats in terms of switching sides from november. edward: independents are upset about prices. there was not a lot of unity in the state of the union speech, he was mainly talking to his base, trying to hold voters, right? >> it was a campaign rally speech, no question, rather than state of the union but there are political applications. one of them is president biden's presidency has effectively stopped as of this moment. there are foreign policy issues, the war in the middle east, he has to deal with directly, but domestically, it is over. he spent so much of that speech baiting and insulting republicans, these are the republicans still in congress who he presumably needs to vote for the aide for ukraine bill and i think he put that at risk. secondly, immigration. he touted the compromise, the way he talked about it guaranteed the immigration bill is dead. president biden's for better or worse spend the next 8 months of his presidency in reelection mode because he is not going to get report -- cooperation from the republicans in congress after that performance. edward: there was a subtle shift about his age. i want you to listen to this. he started to talk about his age. >> when you get be my age, some things are clearer than ever. my lifetime taught me to embrace freedom and democracy. a future based on core values the defined america. honesty, decency, dignity, equality and other people my agency it differently. the american story of resentment, revenge and retribution must not be. edward: the message started with hillary clinton saying instead of bringing president biden's mental fitness up, they are trying to tell people donald trump has the same issues. >> that and they are trying to turn this for president biden into some sort of benefit for him, that his age is not a problem for him. it is not dealing with his competence or undermining his term in office but turns into the wise old statesman who has seen it all. poppa joe up there leaving everything and letting us know how to find the best way. i think there's a couple problems. i give him credit. one big question in the state of the union was how was president biden going to perform. he had energy. not sure yelling at america for 66 minutes is the right tone. it certainly looks like he was alive and awake. the problem is that has to be contrasted against the dozens, hundreds of other clips of him slurring his way through speeches, not looking like he was sure where he is. i'm not sure one performance like this turns that question around. i'm not sure given the general state of the economy and other problems in the country that anybody can say i'm the wise old guy and feel that is moving into something more equal. edward: his schedule is like leading up to the state of the union address. let's talk about ukraine funding, was the speech the best way to get ukraine aid, the former president got in the way, blaming congress from bowing to the former president, is that the best way to go about this? >> i liked what he said initially about ukraine and standing up to russia, he russia will not stop at ukraine and we need to do something that in our national interests to do something about it. he then pivoted and compared the threat that vladimir putin poses to the threat donald trump poses. he stepped on everything he just said prior to that when he made the comparison and that is the direction he seems to want to go in this election. it's about character assassination, january 6th and so forth and he knows that if this comes down to a comparison of donald trump's record before the pandemic and president biden's record he doesn't stand a chat so got to change the subject. edward: cabinet members are fanning out this month going to 26 locations. is this the launch of the reelection campaign, state of the union? >> it is the launch and the question was president biden making an appeal to haley voters, nothing there for them, voters are still on the table, president biden will want to his left, he decided that is where his weakness is. that speech made it clear that the left, he expects to get reelected, not nikki haley's voters. edward: i wish we had more time. when we come back the economy is topping the list of voter concerns, president biden attempting to contrast his record with that of donald trump in the state of the union address. former trump economic advisor kevin hassett is in the unique position to respond and joins us next. oooo. trouble seeing, buddy? 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>> there are a few fact check things to get out-of-the-way. best way to think about jobs that have been created is comparing the current number of people working to how many people were working the moment the pandemic came because there's a recovery period when he says it is my miraculous policies but we turned the economy off and turned it back on. relative to right before the pandemic, about 2.8 million people right now than there were before the pandemic and that's good news but there are 200,000 or so fewer us-born people working so it looks like all the job creation in the biden administration relative to pre-pandemic is -- that's not something he's going to crow about. second thing, he says he inherited a disaster. in the first quarter when he was inaugurated the gdp growth of that quarter was 60% and inflation was at once. he inherited a stronger economy. he handed it off to him, something that was doing great and he came in and started spending money like crazy and driving the inflation rate up. the biden problem with the economy is about inflation. people are so upset about the economy because he walloped people with inflation. edward: the latest fox news polling, 73% of people say the economy is fair or poor but this caught my attention. 57% of people say they have less money in their pocket than last year. 14% of registered voters say they have more money. that is a kitchen table issue. it pools down inflation, right? >> exactly right. the cumulative inflation numbers are really stunning, pretty much, milk and eggs and car, all those things are up since president biden took office by 50%, 50% so if your salary hasn't gone up 50% you will feel a lot worse off and that is why people are upset. the final thing, he's talking about how inflation is coming down and the fed is signaling they might cut rates. i want to remind people in january the fed's favorite measure of super core inflation was up if you analyze it at 7.4%. inflation is 5.1%. i have a long article that explains why. inflation is not there either so everything you gave in that quote was incorrect and factually challenged. edward: without food and energy, volatile prices. a good segue here, the fed chairman testified before the house and senate and made the point in both testimonies that rate cuts are coming. how can they say rate cuts are coming if you see cpi inflation rise and other inflation measures you are talking about moving sideways. >> on top of a strong jobs report. i don't have a explanation for what the fed is doing. inflation is above target and we've got unemployment, the gdp saying growth in the first quarter is around 3%, so economy is at a state you think you would be considering a hike. inflation is around 6% and talking cuts. i think it is political. i think the fed joined the anti-amaga movement and they want to jack up the election. that's the only explanation given how favorable they are for holding rates. edward: 30 seconds. hot jobs report, we saw part-time jobs increasing the number of full-time jobs dropping. what kind of economy is this? 30 seconds. >> it to tight labor market. if you look at the other side there was a lot of noise and movement in on employment rates so i look at the job creation number. edward: appreciate your insight on this, uniquely positioned to show the economy between the two economies, appreciate your time. still i had a big legal victory for donald trump as the supreme court unanimously rejects the attempts to ban him on a ballot in colorado. a panel on the message that since to those trying to stop the former president in the courts rather than at the ballot box. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. 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ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®. edward: the supreme court handed donald trump legal victory ruling that states don't have the authority to remove him from the ballot reversing the supreme court decision that determined he could not serve again under section 3 of the fourteenth amendment. the 9-0 decision delaying another blow to the attempt to the use lawfair to defeat the former president rather than letting voters decide on election day. the court did not rule on if the former president committed insurrection. it is focused only on one state's ability to keep someone off the presidential ballot, thus affecting the whole election. was this the right message to send? >> absolutely. what they found was on the question of who gets to decide whether federal official has engaged in insurrection, clearly unanimously said that was congress's decision, they quoted the legislative record and went through history and appealed to common sense voting the 14th amendment coming after the civil war was in some ways designed to put limits on state power so the notion that states can decide which federal officials, one state can decide which official is on a ballot is kind of ludicrous but the most important thing was it was unanimous. i give kudos to john roberts, falling on an issue that the justices can come together, sends a strong message about lawfair and shenanigans at attempts to use the legal system to go around elections and fix the outcome in a courtroom. edward: for the supreme court, this ruling at our breakneck speed, what message did that send? >> i think they made the right decision. they were right to do it on the timeline they did do it and it is important that it was a unanimous decision. there was some quibbling among the justices over going further than simply saying this is something states can't do and what congress would have to do in enforcing it but the bottom line is all nine justices agreed and they can send the message to the public and at the same time this is more than a legal victory for donald trump. because this is one of the cases and one of the problems with trying to take down trump by using the court system, you are handing him rhetorical victories. he will go back to his supporters and say they tried to keep me off the about, trying to disenfranchise my supporters, this is how desperate they are. this is the downside of democrats pursuing donald trump in this matter instead of letting the voters decide. edward: there were no dissenters on this but there were a few justices who filed a separate concurrence, justice barrett said, quote, i agree the state lack the power to enforce section 3 against potential candidates, that principle is sufficient to resolve this case. i would decide no more than that. it seems justices are trying to say they are not making a sweeping ruling, allowing insurrectionist to run for president. >> justice kagan, sotomayor and jackson would have wanted to address the issue of insurrection. there's a couple political points to be made about that. one is congress is, you need clarification on that issue, this is the law passed in the 1870s. if you want a path forward on the issue of insurrection congress should revise the law and make it clearer. we've talked a lot in our time about rigged election and problems with the election process. what the supreme court said unanimously was there is a direct connection in presidential elections between the nation, the whole nation and the election of the president of the united states, this is not state elections for senators but it is a national decision and the state should not be getting in the middle of it and we should thank the supreme court for making that clear now. edward: another big case in front of the supreme court, whether a sitting president has immunity. that pushes down the road after the election any court case going forward related to this. what do you think the former president mired in legal battles is this going to cause a distraction as he gets closer to the election? >> a very likely possibility that depending on whether or not the court rules he has immunity or not, this could happen prior to the election, you could have a major court battle, doj will have to decide if it wants to pursue this giving its own guidelines about not getting in the middle of the election so you can end up having the former president and a courtroom on a major stakes trial. edward: appreciate it. liberals backtrack on their soft on crime policies as the country's biggest and bluest cities embrace conservative solutions. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. 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>> look at san francisco, posterior city for progressivism and they went and a lot of these changes and this was an overwhelming victory, these ballot initiatives giving up more surveillance power and require people getting welfare to engage in drug testing and treatment if they want to get it, that's enormous because people are realizing what jason said. when crime is out of control, when homelessness is allowed to continue, people need to mental health assistance and handing them money and doing nothing is not helping those communities. it is harming them. >> reporter: it goes from defunding the police to deploying troops. governor hochul mentioned 750 national guard troops in subway stations and they will check bags. this is signal the bandwagon is done? >> don't know if it's done. that's the question out here. going forward, we have to draw some political lessons. it's good to see blue states or cities are not willing to descend into anarchy but consider the price we paid here. there's been an extraordinary amount of death, tragic people killed, businesses destroyed by this crime. what's more, it is going to be a long time before the police have confidence that the political bias have their back, police agreement is way down, that's a reason we see crime in these cities and until it is clear that prosecutors are going to put people in jail for the crimes that caused this crime wave the police will be reluctant to act. we are just in the foothills of turning this around but if they are serious about it they will get serious about supporting this. edward: new york city commuter advocacy group says deployment of the national guard have an opposite psychological effect making people think there's more crime than there is in the subway. let me get your take on that. >> i find it ironic, these are the same folks who won't cooperate when it comes to turning over illegal immigrants who have committed crimes but they bring in federal resources to help with the crimes committed by us citizens. i find that ironic at the very least. edward: district attorneys, got to get them on board. do you think what we are seeing for district attorneys, will they follow that? q >> they will get rejected. george gascon, the da in la, really poor showing in the election. we are seeing these rebukes too. they will get that from city council or voters. edward: we have to take one more break to pay the bills here, when we come back, hit and misses of the week, you don't want to miss it. t... that's a different story. i couldn't slow down. we were starting a business from the ground up. people were showing up left and right. and so did our business needs the chase ink card made it easy. when you go for something big like this, your kids see that. and they believe they can do the same. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card. make more of what's yours. hey. you seein' this? wait... where's the dish? there ain't one. you're tellin' me you can get directv — the good stuff — and you don't need a satellite dish? oh, i used to love doin' my business on those things! you're one sick pigeon. them dishes kept the rain off our beaks! we just have different priorities is all. satellite-free directv... never thought i'd see the day. well, our lifespans are quite short... stream directv without a satellite dish. i'm going to do this thing with my neck, just for a bit. jorge has always put the ones he loves first. but when it comes to caring for his teeth he's let his own maintenance take a back seat. well maybe it's time to shift gears on that. because aspen dental has the latest technology and equipment. with a staff that goes out of their way to provide exceptional care. plus free exams and x-rays for new patients without insurance and 20% off treatment plans. making it easier to get started with quality care. it's one more way aspen dental is in your corner. businesses go further with 5g solutions. that's why they choose t-mobile for business. pga of america and t-mobile are partnering on 5g-powered analytics to help improve player performance. t-mobile's network helps aaa stay connected nationwide... to get their members back on the road. and las vegas grand prix chose t-mobile to help fuel operations for one of the world's largest racing events. now is the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. it is now time for our hits and misses of the week. kim, first to you. clicks on things scarier than congress sometimes our commissions created by congress. might miss goes to one create in 2022 study the u.s. olympics were consistent. just put out a root port the top recommendation of federal takeover of everything from little league to taekwondo to soccer. complete with federal office of sports and fitness, bureaucrats issuing tax breaks to coaches. even competitive grants. the only thing that makes use for it really great entirely parent and community controlled, no bureaucrats involved alert let's keep it that way. clicks tr jason what caught your eye? >> is a hit for brown university for bringing back sat and act requirement for admission. they got rid of it during the pandemic i am glad it's coming back. it's the third ivy league school to reinstate the left is not like the standardized test because they interfere with their equity agenda. these tests are not causing the achievement gap getting rid of them will not erase the achievement gap. quick stand, close us out by. >> might irresistible miss goes u.s. department of veteran affairs or at least its most woke up bureaucrat for putting out a memo requesting one of the most iconic photos in american history, be removed from all the a health care facilities argued it violates the department's policy on sexual harassment and assault. va secretary instantly repudiated the memo but when liberals wonder what was meant by the deep state look no further than this and not team ml. clicks dan iconic picture too. remember if you have your own hit or miss be sure to send it to us at j er on fnc that is it for this week's show thanks to my panel, to all of you for watching thank you i am edward lawrence paul is back next week and will see you then. ♪ ♪ ♪. eric: justice department reportedly opening a criminal

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