Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240704

♪. jon: to more presidential contest called late this afternoon for donald trump. caucuses in missouri in the michigan republican convention. meantime the road to the white house taking a former president to north carolina this weekend but he held a rally in greensboro today. his last remaining gop challenger former self clinic governor nikki haley hosted an event in raleigh but north carolina's one of 16 states holding contest this super tuesday and it looks like do or die for team haley. good evening i am jon scott and this is the fox report. ♪. jon: we have fox team coverage grady trembles live in grand rapids, michigan as trump increases his delegate count but first bill melugin has the latest in raleigh, north carolina. >> john, both donald trump and nikki haley held campaign events in north carolina today we caught up with nikki haley she told us directly she has no interest whatsoever or no labels ticket she said she is a republican and she would not want a democrat as her vp. take a look at this video this is her rally in raleigh this afternoon pretty big crowd there over 1100 people according to her campaign. they said they have been seeing bigger crowds recently she picked up a couple of senate endorsement recently alaska senator lisa murkowski mena senator susan collins but look the bottom line super tuesday could be make or break for her campaign. she has not won a state in this primer it yet. we asked her if super tuesday does not go the way she is hoping is there a world in which she would potentially endorse donald trump? here is what she said big. >> first of all i will tell her we are running a race you don't think about anything and negative happening you only look at running to the tape. i am running through the tape i am not thinking about anything after that if you want to us daskdonald trump if he will ende me i welcome that question but until then we will wait and see what happens for a carcass reform president trump this is a video from his campaign rally in greensboro today, so far he has been running away with this primary winning every single state in the process so far. it is urging his voters do not get complacent he is calling for them to turn out in big numbers on super tuesday because he feels it could be a knockout blow to haley's campaign progress get everyone you know to the p polls so we can trounce haley. i have not heard about here in about a week does anyone know? she was going around every show donald trump, donald trump this and that. that wasn't working too well. no we don't care about that. >> john, one thing both donald trump and nikki haley have in common right now is a brand-new of near times he had a out today which shows in a head to head matchup against joe biden both of them would win haley by 10 points, trunk by five points. will send it back to you per art bill melugin on the campaign trail in north carolina, thank you. so after former president trump won this week's michigan primary the ap is calling today's caucuses state republican convention for him as well print that extends his delegate lead over former self kinda governor nikki haley. trump is 212 delegates, she has 24. great trumbull is alive in grand rapids with more. >> hey john, two big wins for former president trump today adding to his delegate lead it was a sweep here in michigan at the republican parties primary convention. almost all of the state gop representatives who took part in today's convention, 98% of them voted for former president trump over former self: a governor nikki haley. here is a breakdown of how they delegates in michigan were divvied up at both today's gop convention and in the primary election earlier the week but former president trump won all 39 delegates today and 12 on tuesday for a total of 51. haley won just four on tuesday. when he announced the results this afternoon michigan gop chair said this is trump country but remember when voters went to the polls in michigan earlier this week around a quarter of them picked haley. >> are you worried that some of the nikki haley voters won't come over and vote for trump and the general? quest historical parties come together after primaries. november will be a binary choice it is either donald trump or joe biden. i think a lot of the nikki haley voters are going to migrate over there but we will work with them and invite them in. >> the former president picked up 51 delegates here in michigan. fifty-one in missouri at the caucuses they are today which she one as well there are also delegates up for grabs in idaho and d.c. this weekend. but the bottom line is the former president is expanding his lead over former self, the governor nikki haley trump network 212 delegates, haley just 24. of course they are both a long way away from the 1215 that they need to secure the gop presidential nomination. jon: many votes to come it great thank you. be sure to tune and right here up-to-the-minute super tuesday team coverage this coming tuesday march 5 on fox news channel. president biden's son, hunter on capitol hill this week he was question four hours by house the panels over his business dealings and how the president might have been involved. that was wednesday the day before both president biden and former president trump visited the southern border to get a closer look at the crisis growing there. new jersey congressman jeff andrew on both hunter biden and the border crisis coming out. lucas tomlinson with the latest from the white house. first griff jenkins is live and mission, texas with startling new border numbers from the last 24 hours. >> that is right, good evening john there are more than 7000 migrant encounters across the entire southwest border as the migrant crisis moves west out to arizona and california. take a look at this brand-new video california governor gavin newsom visiting his border where they sell more than 1200 illegal crossings in the last 24 hours. now, he saw the chaos in california that we have shown here on fox for hundreds of chinese are streaming across along with migrants from syria, afghanistan, because extent, russia, india. newsom blaming the gop sing this republicans in congress have he been nothing but to create chaos and sabotage of the times of progress including blocking the bipartisan border security deal that had everything they've been asking for. it is past time for the spineless republicans in congress to do their job. this after the dueling presidential visits to texas they were separated by 300 miles biden in brownsville or crossings are way down and trump in eagle pass work captures smugglers being busted earlier today both men were taking shots of these others' others remarksp calling him biden's invasion will biden called on trump to join him in resuscitating border legislation. but now even california democrat hopes the president lacked unilateral listen. >> quick to think president biden is thinking about executive orders i simple i think we are the state of the union this coming week he is going to have to address the border perhaps you will see some announcements there. >> of the white house has remained hesitant to announce any forthcoming executive actions. that they may have under consideration while continuing to blame the gop. jon: the rig eric griff jenkins reporting thank you. a potential breakthrough in the war between israel and hamas a u.s. official said israel has essentially agreed to the framework for a gaza cease-fire. hamas must now decide to take the deal or not. lucas tomlinson is live at the white house with the latest on that. >> that is right a senior biden administration official confirms to fox the israeli government has agreed to a framework agreement with hamas that would get the release of some hostage but hamas has not decided whether or not is going to take this agreement now president biden yesterday said more aid needs to get into gaza. >> as i said we are going to insist israel facilitate more trucks and more routes to get more and more people the help they need. no exclusives because the truth is aid flow flowing to gaza is nowhere nearly enough now it's nowhere nearly enough. innocent lives are on the line in children's lives are on the line. >> president biden is at camp david this weekend likely working on the finishing touches of the state of the union address. many lawmakers want to seem include language about executive action he's going to take for the southern border. >> why are you waiting to take executive action on the border? >> because we need more forces on the board i do not have the authority to do that. >> many republicans went to see biden revert to trump era policies. >> i look forward to his state of the union. i do not expect him to say yes, i'm going to close the border. in the authority i've always had appeared in going to reverse the pulses of three years that have brought in seven plus million people that are not going home anytime soon. that were not vetted in fact they are displacing the people standing in line waiting to get into this country legally. >> before leaving for camp david the president was also asked about his son hunter and his business dealings. one repeatedly budget interactions with business partners what is your response to him? don't read the record of every single witness. you guys got to stop the progress you did interact with the partners? what site did not interact with this partners protects the shortest state of the union address by modern presidents in history as richard nixon in 1972 just about 29 minutes and many including former reagan speechwriters and wall street journal columnist said biden just stick to that timeframe. twenty-nine minutes. twenty-six will see what we lucas thompson at the white house, lucas thanks. for more on the latest surrounding hunter biden let's bring it new jersey congressman jeff van drew also serves on the house judiciary committee. congressman, a lot of observers friendly to the president the democratic side say hunter biden swatted away all the questions. answer the question and it is clear in their view there is no corruption involving him or his father, your take? >> come on that is just ridiculous to say. let's analyze and read through what he said. first of all he has selective drug-induced alcohol induced kate doesn't remember a lot of what happened. he even had to admit that his father was there in a lot of meetings his father was on telephone calls. his father was on golf outings. his father went to dinners. it is all there. and obviously what joe biden himself said initially was not true asked he said he did not have any interaction he did not know anything about his businesses. if he was golfing with them, eating with them, listening to them secondly let's take a look at the money the biden family, over $28 million from kazakhstan, from russia, from china, from romania and many other countries as well that's just not normal it's weird there's something going on obviously we drill down and find out more about that. anytime you can't answer a question i just said i don't remember because of drugs or alcohol. millions upon millions of dollars were transferred in all these processes come on you know when millions of dollars are being transferred. he certainly knew how to spend it and he knew how to not pay his taxes. >> jim jordan's committee is looking for for department of justice attorneys to come in and testify regarding what they know about the hunter biden administration. they are getting pushback from the department of justice because the department of justice says it is not time, it is not appropriate they don't have any information for you. isn't it congress' job to oversee the administration? >> absolutely. that's part of congress' job certainly on judiciary committee which i sit on that committee. he is a charming and a great germanies going to continue to push forward. we all are and we need to know this information. let me tell you if jim jordan wasn't the chairman, we did not have a republican majority on that committee all of the stuff about hunter none of it would be known the weapon icing would not have been known. it matters who is in charge. it matters to the majority is. we know so much we have looked into this. at the very least if you don't believe you certainly have got to think it is morally corrupt, wrong and it has to change brickwork must turn our attention to the dueling border visits this week. former president trump both visited the border. the sitting president president biden said republicans in congress are to blame for the situation, your response? >> first of all that was dueling appearance as a president trump a strong, he was engaged, he was moving around, he was watching what was going on he encountered illegals coming across he was very, very engaged and that is very important. biden himself wasn't meandering around and coming up with statements like the ones you brought up let me be clear for everybody who's listening and watching this, tomorrow can button up that border. president trump did it, number one that is just not truthful party has the power as president he keeps thinking by saying the democrats keep thinking by saying they rely on congress. he has used executive action to undo the good things that were going on, on the border but he ended eundid everything promptey executive action. he can put it all back in place. but we talk about the bill, the bill itself that the senate produced, that is shameful. it was embarrassing. i am embarrassed for those who signed onto that bill in the senate. they could not get it through the senate in the democratically controlled they didn't do anything about catch and release. put another face on it. he was going to give the money to sanctuary cities. it was going to do nothing about immediately expediting to the country of origin. nothing about title 42 or something like it that would work. it just did not do anything at all except codify, legalize and give excuse to actually bring illegals over into the united states of america. no matter how many times they say it's a good bill, it was a bad bill it was worse than doing nothing. it was a crime that is what they produced it because it would've allowed 5000 people a day to walk it illegally. jeff and drew, congressman thank you very much you got to say goodbye thanks. a dangerous winter storm plowing through northern california. >> a massive winter storm delivers blizzard condition, feet of snow and travel disruptions to the sierra. that story coming up. e to be re. no, not you saquon. hm? you! your business bank account with quickbooks money, now earns 5% apy. 5% apy? that's new! yup, that's how you business differently. after advil: let's dive in! but...what about your back? it's fineeeeeeee! 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"fox weather" max and gordon has more on this late winter storm. >> it has been billed as the most powerful winter storm to hit the sierra all season with several feet of snow already falling and more snow on the way. there have been wicked winds, palisades tahoe wind gust of 19. blizzard warnings continue until tomorrow morning. some people have weathered the storm appears say it has been a magical experience. >> is surreal. it is a little frightening. are you prepped and you have everything it you lose power or whatever? but the people here are so rugged and incredibly hospitable. what has been less than pleasant on the travel conditions getting over the mountains and this have been tough they've discourage any unnecessary travel. white out conditions on interstate 85 at multiple traffic stops along i 80 because of jackknife tractor-trailers and eventually shut down the interstate over the sierra nevada due to the deteriorating conditions. other major routes across the seer remain closed as well with the chain restrictions on maine's roads are still open for friday many resorts in the lake tahoe area were closed or closed out operations early. pull some when the tahoe area are open today they are doing so at limited capacity. snow is easy for tomorrow conditions are combing as those who decide to make the trek up to sierra early next week some great skiing will likely be had. in south lake tahoe max to jordan. john back to you. jon: thanks very much. from the snow it sierra to sunny florida spacex is set for its first astronaut launch of the year in a few hours. the crew will send three nasa astronauts and a russian cosmonaut to the international space station. bad weather delayed the launch earlier. jonathan is live at the space center with more pretty. >> good evening nasa officials are still keeping a close eye on the weather but they are not just concerned about the conditions on the launchpad that you see behind me but also further out they really need to keep clear a path over the atlantic ocean directly underneath the rockets anticipated trajectory. to orbit just in case something goes wrong and it needs to make an emergency splashdown. three nasa astronauts and one russian cosmonaut will be on board the spacecraft traveling on the international space station where they will spend six months performing about 250 experiments including studies on how long-term space travel affects their bodies this is setting the stage eventually sent astronauts on long-term missions to the lunar south pole nasa is increasingly relying on private sector spacecraft such as intuitive machines mona lander odysseus to serve a potential landing sites the idea is to increase exploration for less money. now we leverage little nichols that we have by getting the commercial industry to foot some of the bill just s that analysis by the planetary society show the cost of sending the astronaut to lower earth orbit decrease $390 million for apollo 71968 to about $170 million for the space shuttle program. i now it is down between 60 and $67 million per seat aboard a spacex crew drag and the type of spacecraft they are hoping to launch at 11:16 p.m. eastern time tonight. what does hope they get off the ground. jonathan at the kennedy space center. thanks. >> history in the making. women's college basketball star caitlin clark to break a major record in the sport ticket prices are soaring for that contest. details on her quest are next. can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! 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can lower your ability to fight infections including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it's not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. there's only one sotyktu, so ask for it by name. so clearly you. sotyktu. jon: i am just got this as a box report. it is the bottom of the hour if you're just joining us h here's our top stories. 22-year-old laken riley was laid to rest. eight days after the nursing student wasn't murdered but shes out for her run. the suspect, an illegal immigrant from venezuela. a decision and the fan it will's disqualification hearing is expected in two weeks. attorneys were donald trump and his codefendants filed a motion to disqualify her from handling his georgia election interference case because of a potential conflict of interest stemming from her relationship with prosecutor nathan wade. firefighters continue battling a massive wildfire in texas panhandle. the smokehouse creek fire crew to 1700 square miles despite a dusting of snow fall on thursday. for more on these and other stories t down with a fox news app. scan the qr code on your screen to go to >> crime is been on the uptick particular drug cartels in mexico but ar over there during activities including bottle activities and very public spaces. an importance on those crimes involve tourists, as well as tourists end up being innocent bystanders or what is considered, i hate to use the word, but collateral damage. jon: for dea agent with the message american tours looking to travel to mexico after his wife was shot and killed at a resort and to loom last month. he's weren't u.s. visitors are f rampant violence by drug cartels popular vacation hotspots. this comes as spring breakers are getting ready to party in the caribbean islands in mexico as well but let's bring in ted williams former d.c. police detective, defense attorney and fox news contributor. it is sad to think some of these young people are just looking for m maybe a place in the sun d the place to have a little bit of a party really have to worry about their own personal safety but that is the world we live in these days. >> you know john, you're absolutely right. it is the world we live in. i can remember as a kid growing up in lake charles, louisiana my spring break consist of getting a pole and going down to the bayou and fish. now you have these kids who are traveling internationally over and over every year for spring break. and john, i have at least five rules they need to be aware of. number one, abide by the laws of that country for the need to know the laws of that country as they go there. number two, always participate in activity with the group never, never go out alone by yourself. always have >> with you or let someone know where you are. number three, never and i may never use of drugs in countries. the last thing you want is to be locked up in one of these countries for drug usage or come back to this country in a pine box because you use drugs. number four, never go alone with the locals in these various venues. always go as someone else or let someone else know where you're going. and number five, make sure you have access to the embassy phone number. all five of these things are significant for survival in a foreign country. jon: fentanyl is one of the issues anybody in anywhere in the world has to watch out for it can be added to drinks. it can be added to other drugs, marijuana, whatever. it is really, really dangerous. >> it is very, very very dangerous. you are absolutely right. we are confiscating, enforcing this country, every day more and more fentanyl or pills we are having more and more individuals die as a result of a fentanyl overdose. jon: california is trying to get a handle on this. there's a bipartisan effort underway to try to deal with the epidemic of functional deaths which just in california alone is reaching a thousand a month, unbelievable numbers. >> what you just said is surprising. bipartisan meaning of both sides of the aisle are trying to come together on something that is very dangerous to california and to this country. we found in california alone last year there were 12000 drug overdoses. they confiscated 62000 pounds of fentanyl. enough to kill everybody in this country and in the world twice over. so yes we have a drug problem a fentanyl problem clearly. >> your final word to those who are traveling outside the country for spring break, ted? >> to be safe. be smart. use your common sense and judgment as you travel outside of this country. jon: very good advice. ted williams, good to talk to you, ted, thank you. >> my pleasure. jon: iowa basketball star caitlin clark has a chance to make history tomorrow she needs just 18 points to break the division i basketball all-time scoring record held by hall of famer pistol pete maravich for the last 54 years a lot of people thought it would never be broken christina pullman joins us now with more on that. >> what a season it has been for iowa women's basketball superstar guard caitlin clark she has a chance to set another record tomorrow during her final regular season on the home game clark and her number six ranked hawkeyes will face second-ranked ohio state tipoff is at 1:00 p.m. eastern the game will air on fox. all the well-deserved hype over clark is led to a huge surge in ticket prices in the secondary market for tomorrow's big game with some seats selling for more than $5000. that was nothing but net for clark once a night when the hawkeyes took on minnesota clark scored double digits again became the all-time of women's college basketball with a whopping 3650 career points. if clark scores 18 points tomorrow against the buckeyes she will pass the legendary pistol pete scoring record for the most points scored by any college basketball player ever man or woman. again it's been a great season for clark she is coming off a 33-point game in the hawkeyes victory over minnesota wednesday night. also this week clark announced she will enter that wnba draft this year she is expected to be the number one overall pick. >> i think that makes sense. christina, you are a college athlete, right? >> that its rights. >> was a basketball? >> i walked under texas a&m team as a freshman. i did not get playing time but i was just happy to be there. jon: you are not seeing your scoring record eclipsed? >> yes she did buy a lot. [laughter] thirty-six item play anything in college. good for you. all right, israel's war on hamas is still going on but for how long? >> israel and hamas possibly moving closer to a cease-fire deal i am mike tobin in tel aviv. details coming up. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. ps yshe big and small because it's completely changed our lives and it's given us a second chance. elizabeth stewart: saint jude's not going to stop until every single kid gets that chance to walk out of the doors of this hospital cancer-free. narrator: please, don't wait. call, go online, or scan the qr code below right now. 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only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ ♪ zyrtec! ♪ works hard at hour 1 and twice as hard when you take it again the next day. so betty can be the... barcode beat conductor. ♪ let's be more than our allergies! and for fast allergy relief with a powerful decongestant, try zyrtec-d. it's time. yes, the time has come for a fresh approach to dog food. everyday more dog people are deciding it's time to quit the kibble and feed their dogs fresh food from the farmer's dog. made by vets and delivered right to your door precisely portioned for your dog's needs. it's an idea whose time has come. jon: and google is still weathering a fallout after its ai image generator, gemini, produce misleading and inaccurate suggestions like a female pope for instance racially diverse nazis. the company's ceo even admits they got it wrong. critics accused google's checkbox of the political bias. here to weigh in is a chris ruby digital consultant ceo of the media group. what is going on with this artificial intelligence? google seems to run the world. when he ask it for pictures of founding fathers of america, they got it way wrong. >> yes, they did get it way wrong. so what is going on is they are really pulling from data, safety data that is at least in my estimation to four years old. part of the problem is we talk about ai censorship or ai safety it's a code word for censorship. inside of a model you can have different legals for safety or for toxicity. in this case of gemini, how toxicity was defined as not at all neutral. furthermore if you're looking how toxicity was defined four years ago, that is not going to be remotely the same as how toxicity is defined today. we have a few different issues here. one is if you do not have an updated version of toxicity at the way to basically corrupt data. the model and the data set basically corrupt the outputs you are seeing. the issue of the outputs is the input rule. when people are saying and make me this photo, draw made this photo is they don't see the parameters and the rules that dictate what is allowed to be made and what isn't. jon: the gold old expression garbage in garbage out comes to mind. they'd artificial intelligence here is his optimistic prediction. heat says there's a 10 -- 25% chance that ai technology could destroy humanity. but if that does not happen it will go on, not just find it will go really, really great. that is hardly encouraging i guess. >> it is the truth. i would estimate that to be much higher actually. the way in which ai can destroy humanity is through his at scale basically. you're going to have ai putting a lot of people in the creative industries completely out of work. we need to offload those people so they have other opportunities. obviously the "new york times" versus open ai lawsuit is going to be incredibly important if it sets a legal precedent for possible royalties for creators or what is going to happen in the future with us to do not train button. we need do not train button on the entire world right now when you step back and say wait a second is this right for humanity? i think the real danger at least with the gemini is that when you change historical facts you are changing history, your change in the record that is really where google got it wrong. they cannot over optimize with skewed filters for it today they want to put on historical records from yesterday. if we do not understand the past we will never understand the future. >> good point, good to have you on thank you. >> thank you. space is coming up on the fox report dozens of texas and billy goats running wild. what happened here? multihull authorities were finally able to corral them. plus meteorologist adam klotz. >> implicit wildfires continued to move across texas will be tracking all of that coming up in the full forecast. a force to be reckon with. no, not you saquon. hm? you! your business bank account with quickbooks money, now earns 5% apy. 5% apy? that's new! yup, that's how you business differently. ♪ looks like sunshine in phoenix, whether hitting the northeast as pacific northwest sees a massive amount of snow. adam klotz has the latest from the fox weather center. >> a couple of weather systems moving across the country. the largest one across the west is going to be a huge snow maker. it has been the last day and continues, it's a real not just snow maker but in some cases intense wind. these are higher elevations but nearly 200-mile an hour winds with this system ringing blizzard like conditions, that's everything there in the orange. sierra nevada, rockies, a lot of folks are getting winter weather advisories with this system. the other big stories continuing wildfire, 90 miles wide and unfortunately dry conditions remain. this is the current dewpoint out there, only 12%. wind gusting 36 miles an hour. that will continue to make this hard to fight we got a file weather across the entire planes through the region all the way through sunday so probably not until monday or tuesday that forecast begins to improve for those folks. >> adam klotz, thanks for the update. did you know today is a big day to celebrate dr. seuss? >> i think i've heard this. [laughter] >> a day to remember for families with youngsters, it is dr. seuss day. dr. seuss enterprises celebrating one 20th anniversary gifting a book to every baby born march 2. families who qualify can register for their free book on the suit to receive a free personalized copy of the kat in the hat. the company is hoping this will encourage more children to read. arlington texas residents are quite the commotion this week. about 60 goats, that's a heard, ran wild through a neighborhood. city officials say they were part of an effort to clear a local major area of overgrown brush. somehow they got out of their enclosure. good thing they have a lot of cowboys around her and arlington. they can clear 50 miles of brush in just two weeks but somehow they got out. any suspects in your mind? >> they had police going around those things which is incredible, what a great day to be a cop. you think you will get shot? no, you play with goats. that's a fantastic day at work. >> sixty of them. i got to do research into this dr. seuss thing because my son is a march 2 a b. he turned 35 today. >> never too late. maybe he gets a free kat in the hat. >> you want that book no matter how old you are. >> grew up on dr. seuss, love it. good to talk to you, see you tomorrow. that's how fox reports this saturday march 2 of 2024. i am jon scott. they give for watching and we will see you tomorrow. ♪ ♪ ♪

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Officials , Brush , Enclosure , Cowboys , Arlington , 50 , Suspects , Mind , Shot , Research , Cop , March 2 A B He , Sixty , 35 , Saturday March 2 , Love It , Saturday March 2 Of 2024 , 2024 ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240704

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♪. jon: to more presidential contest called late this afternoon for donald trump. caucuses in missouri in the michigan republican convention. meantime the road to the white house taking a former president to north carolina this weekend but he held a rally in greensboro today. his last remaining gop challenger former self clinic governor nikki haley hosted an event in raleigh but north carolina's one of 16 states holding contest this super tuesday and it looks like do or die for team haley. good evening i am jon scott and this is the fox report. ♪. jon: we have fox team coverage grady trembles live in grand rapids, michigan as trump increases his delegate count but first bill melugin has the latest in raleigh, north carolina. >> john, both donald trump and nikki haley held campaign events in north carolina today we caught up with nikki haley she told us directly she has no interest whatsoever or no labels ticket she said she is a republican and she would not want a democrat as her vp. take a look at this video this is her rally in raleigh this afternoon pretty big crowd there over 1100 people according to her campaign. they said they have been seeing bigger crowds recently she picked up a couple of senate endorsement recently alaska senator lisa murkowski mena senator susan collins but look the bottom line super tuesday could be make or break for her campaign. she has not won a state in this primer it yet. we asked her if super tuesday does not go the way she is hoping is there a world in which she would potentially endorse donald trump? here is what she said big. >> first of all i will tell her we are running a race you don't think about anything and negative happening you only look at running to the tape. i am running through the tape i am not thinking about anything after that if you want to us daskdonald trump if he will ende me i welcome that question but until then we will wait and see what happens for a carcass reform president trump this is a video from his campaign rally in greensboro today, so far he has been running away with this primary winning every single state in the process so far. it is urging his voters do not get complacent he is calling for them to turn out in big numbers on super tuesday because he feels it could be a knockout blow to haley's campaign progress get everyone you know to the p polls so we can trounce haley. i have not heard about here in about a week does anyone know? she was going around every show donald trump, donald trump this and that. that wasn't working too well. no we don't care about that. >> john, one thing both donald trump and nikki haley have in common right now is a brand-new of near times he had a out today which shows in a head to head matchup against joe biden both of them would win haley by 10 points, trunk by five points. will send it back to you per art bill melugin on the campaign trail in north carolina, thank you. so after former president trump won this week's michigan primary the ap is calling today's caucuses state republican convention for him as well print that extends his delegate lead over former self kinda governor nikki haley. trump is 212 delegates, she has 24. great trumbull is alive in grand rapids with more. >> hey john, two big wins for former president trump today adding to his delegate lead it was a sweep here in michigan at the republican parties primary convention. almost all of the state gop representatives who took part in today's convention, 98% of them voted for former president trump over former self: a governor nikki haley. here is a breakdown of how they delegates in michigan were divvied up at both today's gop convention and in the primary election earlier the week but former president trump won all 39 delegates today and 12 on tuesday for a total of 51. haley won just four on tuesday. when he announced the results this afternoon michigan gop chair said this is trump country but remember when voters went to the polls in michigan earlier this week around a quarter of them picked haley. >> are you worried that some of the nikki haley voters won't come over and vote for trump and the general? quest historical parties come together after primaries. november will be a binary choice it is either donald trump or joe biden. i think a lot of the nikki haley voters are going to migrate over there but we will work with them and invite them in. >> the former president picked up 51 delegates here in michigan. fifty-one in missouri at the caucuses they are today which she one as well there are also delegates up for grabs in idaho and d.c. this weekend. but the bottom line is the former president is expanding his lead over former self, the governor nikki haley trump network 212 delegates, haley just 24. of course they are both a long way away from the 1215 that they need to secure the gop presidential nomination. jon: many votes to come it great thank you. be sure to tune and right here up-to-the-minute super tuesday team coverage this coming tuesday march 5 on fox news channel. president biden's son, hunter on capitol hill this week he was question four hours by house the panels over his business dealings and how the president might have been involved. that was wednesday the day before both president biden and former president trump visited the southern border to get a closer look at the crisis growing there. new jersey congressman jeff andrew on both hunter biden and the border crisis coming out. lucas tomlinson with the latest from the white house. first griff jenkins is live and mission, texas with startling new border numbers from the last 24 hours. >> that is right, good evening john there are more than 7000 migrant encounters across the entire southwest border as the migrant crisis moves west out to arizona and california. take a look at this brand-new video california governor gavin newsom visiting his border where they sell more than 1200 illegal crossings in the last 24 hours. now, he saw the chaos in california that we have shown here on fox for hundreds of chinese are streaming across along with migrants from syria, afghanistan, because extent, russia, india. newsom blaming the gop sing this republicans in congress have he been nothing but to create chaos and sabotage of the times of progress including blocking the bipartisan border security deal that had everything they've been asking for. it is past time for the spineless republicans in congress to do their job. this after the dueling presidential visits to texas they were separated by 300 miles biden in brownsville or crossings are way down and trump in eagle pass work captures smugglers being busted earlier today both men were taking shots of these others' others remarksp calling him biden's invasion will biden called on trump to join him in resuscitating border legislation. but now even california democrat hopes the president lacked unilateral listen. >> quick to think president biden is thinking about executive orders i simple i think we are the state of the union this coming week he is going to have to address the border perhaps you will see some announcements there. >> of the white house has remained hesitant to announce any forthcoming executive actions. that they may have under consideration while continuing to blame the gop. jon: the rig eric griff jenkins reporting thank you. a potential breakthrough in the war between israel and hamas a u.s. official said israel has essentially agreed to the framework for a gaza cease-fire. hamas must now decide to take the deal or not. lucas tomlinson is live at the white house with the latest on that. >> that is right a senior biden administration official confirms to fox the israeli government has agreed to a framework agreement with hamas that would get the release of some hostage but hamas has not decided whether or not is going to take this agreement now president biden yesterday said more aid needs to get into gaza. >> as i said we are going to insist israel facilitate more trucks and more routes to get more and more people the help they need. no exclusives because the truth is aid flow flowing to gaza is nowhere nearly enough now it's nowhere nearly enough. innocent lives are on the line in children's lives are on the line. >> president biden is at camp david this weekend likely working on the finishing touches of the state of the union address. many lawmakers want to seem include language about executive action he's going to take for the southern border. >> why are you waiting to take executive action on the border? >> because we need more forces on the board i do not have the authority to do that. >> many republicans went to see biden revert to trump era policies. >> i look forward to his state of the union. i do not expect him to say yes, i'm going to close the border. in the authority i've always had appeared in going to reverse the pulses of three years that have brought in seven plus million people that are not going home anytime soon. that were not vetted in fact they are displacing the people standing in line waiting to get into this country legally. >> before leaving for camp david the president was also asked about his son hunter and his business dealings. one repeatedly budget interactions with business partners what is your response to him? don't read the record of every single witness. you guys got to stop the progress you did interact with the partners? what site did not interact with this partners protects the shortest state of the union address by modern presidents in history as richard nixon in 1972 just about 29 minutes and many including former reagan speechwriters and wall street journal columnist said biden just stick to that timeframe. twenty-nine minutes. twenty-six will see what we lucas thompson at the white house, lucas thanks. for more on the latest surrounding hunter biden let's bring it new jersey congressman jeff van drew also serves on the house judiciary committee. congressman, a lot of observers friendly to the president the democratic side say hunter biden swatted away all the questions. answer the question and it is clear in their view there is no corruption involving him or his father, your take? >> come on that is just ridiculous to say. let's analyze and read through what he said. first of all he has selective drug-induced alcohol induced kate doesn't remember a lot of what happened. he even had to admit that his father was there in a lot of meetings his father was on telephone calls. his father was on golf outings. his father went to dinners. it is all there. and obviously what joe biden himself said initially was not true asked he said he did not have any interaction he did not know anything about his businesses. if he was golfing with them, eating with them, listening to them secondly let's take a look at the money the biden family, over $28 million from kazakhstan, from russia, from china, from romania and many other countries as well that's just not normal it's weird there's something going on obviously we drill down and find out more about that. anytime you can't answer a question i just said i don't remember because of drugs or alcohol. millions upon millions of dollars were transferred in all these processes come on you know when millions of dollars are being transferred. he certainly knew how to spend it and he knew how to not pay his taxes. >> jim jordan's committee is looking for for department of justice attorneys to come in and testify regarding what they know about the hunter biden administration. they are getting pushback from the department of justice because the department of justice says it is not time, it is not appropriate they don't have any information for you. isn't it congress' job to oversee the administration? >> absolutely. that's part of congress' job certainly on judiciary committee which i sit on that committee. he is a charming and a great germanies going to continue to push forward. we all are and we need to know this information. let me tell you if jim jordan wasn't the chairman, we did not have a republican majority on that committee all of the stuff about hunter none of it would be known the weapon icing would not have been known. it matters who is in charge. it matters to the majority is. we know so much we have looked into this. at the very least if you don't believe you certainly have got to think it is morally corrupt, wrong and it has to change brickwork must turn our attention to the dueling border visits this week. former president trump both visited the border. the sitting president president biden said republicans in congress are to blame for the situation, your response? >> first of all that was dueling appearance as a president trump a strong, he was engaged, he was moving around, he was watching what was going on he encountered illegals coming across he was very, very engaged and that is very important. biden himself wasn't meandering around and coming up with statements like the ones you brought up let me be clear for everybody who's listening and watching this, tomorrow can button up that border. president trump did it, number one that is just not truthful party has the power as president he keeps thinking by saying the democrats keep thinking by saying they rely on congress. he has used executive action to undo the good things that were going on, on the border but he ended eundid everything promptey executive action. he can put it all back in place. but we talk about the bill, the bill itself that the senate produced, that is shameful. it was embarrassing. i am embarrassed for those who signed onto that bill in the senate. they could not get it through the senate in the democratically controlled they didn't do anything about catch and release. put another face on it. he was going to give the money to sanctuary cities. it was going to do nothing about immediately expediting to the country of origin. nothing about title 42 or something like it that would work. it just did not do anything at all except codify, legalize and give excuse to actually bring illegals over into the united states of america. no matter how many times they say it's a good bill, it was a bad bill it was worse than doing nothing. it was a crime that is what they produced it because it would've allowed 5000 people a day to walk it illegally. jeff and drew, congressman thank you very much you got to say goodbye thanks. a dangerous winter storm plowing through northern california. >> a massive winter storm delivers blizzard condition, feet of snow and travel disruptions to the sierra. that story coming up. e to be re. no, not you saquon. hm? you! your business bank account with quickbooks money, now earns 5% apy. 5% apy? that's new! yup, that's how you business differently. after advil: let's dive in! but...what about your back? it's fineeeeeeee! [splash] before advil: advil dual action fights pain two ways. advil targets pain at the source, acetaminophen blocks pain signals. advil dual action. i won't let me moderate to severe plaque psoriasis symptoms define me... emerge as you. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 4 months... ...and the majority stayed clearer, at 5 years. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge as you. emerge tremfyant®. ask you doctor about tremfya®. >> heavy cell phones blanketing california and other western states this weekend causing travel delays in keeping mountain residents stuck in their homes. in some places the snow is so thick and falling so fast you cannot see what is in front of you making travel of any kind dangerous if not impossible. "fox weather" max and gordon has more on this late winter storm. >> it has been billed as the most powerful winter storm to hit the sierra all season with several feet of snow already falling and more snow on the way. there have been wicked winds, palisades tahoe wind gust of 19. blizzard warnings continue until tomorrow morning. some people have weathered the storm appears say it has been a magical experience. >> is surreal. it is a little frightening. are you prepped and you have everything it you lose power or whatever? but the people here are so rugged and incredibly hospitable. what has been less than pleasant on the travel conditions getting over the mountains and this have been tough they've discourage any unnecessary travel. white out conditions on interstate 85 at multiple traffic stops along i 80 because of jackknife tractor-trailers and eventually shut down the interstate over the sierra nevada due to the deteriorating conditions. other major routes across the seer remain closed as well with the chain restrictions on maine's roads are still open for friday many resorts in the lake tahoe area were closed or closed out operations early. pull some when the tahoe area are open today they are doing so at limited capacity. snow is easy for tomorrow conditions are combing as those who decide to make the trek up to sierra early next week some great skiing will likely be had. in south lake tahoe max to jordan. john back to you. jon: thanks very much. from the snow it sierra to sunny florida spacex is set for its first astronaut launch of the year in a few hours. the crew will send three nasa astronauts and a russian cosmonaut to the international space station. bad weather delayed the launch earlier. jonathan is live at the space center with more pretty. >> good evening nasa officials are still keeping a close eye on the weather but they are not just concerned about the conditions on the launchpad that you see behind me but also further out they really need to keep clear a path over the atlantic ocean directly underneath the rockets anticipated trajectory. to orbit just in case something goes wrong and it needs to make an emergency splashdown. three nasa astronauts and one russian cosmonaut will be on board the spacecraft traveling on the international space station where they will spend six months performing about 250 experiments including studies on how long-term space travel affects their bodies this is setting the stage eventually sent astronauts on long-term missions to the lunar south pole nasa is increasingly relying on private sector spacecraft such as intuitive machines mona lander odysseus to serve a potential landing sites the idea is to increase exploration for less money. now we leverage little nichols that we have by getting the commercial industry to foot some of the bill just s that analysis by the planetary society show the cost of sending the astronaut to lower earth orbit decrease $390 million for apollo 71968 to about $170 million for the space shuttle program. i now it is down between 60 and $67 million per seat aboard a spacex crew drag and the type of spacecraft they are hoping to launch at 11:16 p.m. eastern time tonight. what does hope they get off the ground. jonathan at the kennedy space center. thanks. >> history in the making. women's college basketball star caitlin clark to break a major record in the sport ticket prices are soaring for that contest. details on her quest are next. can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! 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(♪) this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering in the former soviet union today. the needs that these forgotten jews have are something beyond anything you can imagine. have you eaten this morning? i ate the carrot, so i ate half of it yesterday. and this is what she ate in two days, one carrot. please pray for me! the international fellowship of christians and jews began this ministry to help elderly jews living in horrible poverty around the world. we urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the foods they critically need for their diet for one month. when you call right now, your gift's impact will be doubled to help save lives. i have a tremendous love for israel and the jewish people. this is why i'm partnering with the fellowship. it gives me a way to authentically bless jewish people in need around the world. i believe in god, but i sometimes feel maybe he forgot me. perhaps you could tell my story and i will find a matching soul that would understand. i face hunger again. please don't delay. call, scan, or go online now to help rush one survival food box to a holocaust survivor. when you call right now, your gift's impact will be doubled to help save lives. this is what god wants from us. just feed the hungry. if you hear god's voice, i'm asking you to act now. do it when it's on your heart. i pray that they'll know in their final months that they're not alone. she found it. the feeling of finding the psoriasis treatment she's been looking for. she found sotyktu, a once—daily pill for moderate—to—severe plaque psoriasis... for the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding that outfit psoriasis tried to hide from you. or finding your swimsuit is ready for primetime. ♪ dad! once—daily sotyktu was proven better, getting more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it's not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. there's only one sotyktu, so ask for it by name. so clearly you. sotyktu. jon: i am just got this as a box report. it is the bottom of the hour if you're just joining us h here's our top stories. 22-year-old laken riley was laid to rest. eight days after the nursing student wasn't murdered but shes out for her run. the suspect, an illegal immigrant from venezuela. a decision and the fan it will's disqualification hearing is expected in two weeks. attorneys were donald trump and his codefendants filed a motion to disqualify her from handling his georgia election interference case because of a potential conflict of interest stemming from her relationship with prosecutor nathan wade. firefighters continue battling a massive wildfire in texas panhandle. the smokehouse creek fire crew to 1700 square miles despite a dusting of snow fall on thursday. for more on these and other stories t down with a fox news app. scan the qr code on your screen to go to >> crime is been on the uptick particular drug cartels in mexico but ar over there during activities including bottle activities and very public spaces. an importance on those crimes involve tourists, as well as tourists end up being innocent bystanders or what is considered, i hate to use the word, but collateral damage. jon: for dea agent with the message american tours looking to travel to mexico after his wife was shot and killed at a resort and to loom last month. he's weren't u.s. visitors are f rampant violence by drug cartels popular vacation hotspots. this comes as spring breakers are getting ready to party in the caribbean islands in mexico as well but let's bring in ted williams former d.c. police detective, defense attorney and fox news contributor. it is sad to think some of these young people are just looking for m maybe a place in the sun d the place to have a little bit of a party really have to worry about their own personal safety but that is the world we live in these days. >> you know john, you're absolutely right. it is the world we live in. i can remember as a kid growing up in lake charles, louisiana my spring break consist of getting a pole and going down to the bayou and fish. now you have these kids who are traveling internationally over and over every year for spring break. and john, i have at least five rules they need to be aware of. number one, abide by the laws of that country for the need to know the laws of that country as they go there. number two, always participate in activity with the group never, never go out alone by yourself. always have >> with you or let someone know where you are. number three, never and i may never use of drugs in countries. the last thing you want is to be locked up in one of these countries for drug usage or come back to this country in a pine box because you use drugs. number four, never go alone with the locals in these various venues. always go as someone else or let someone else know where you're going. and number five, make sure you have access to the embassy phone number. all five of these things are significant for survival in a foreign country. jon: fentanyl is one of the issues anybody in anywhere in the world has to watch out for it can be added to drinks. it can be added to other drugs, marijuana, whatever. it is really, really dangerous. >> it is very, very very dangerous. you are absolutely right. we are confiscating, enforcing this country, every day more and more fentanyl or pills we are having more and more individuals die as a result of a fentanyl overdose. jon: california is trying to get a handle on this. there's a bipartisan effort underway to try to deal with the epidemic of functional deaths which just in california alone is reaching a thousand a month, unbelievable numbers. >> what you just said is surprising. bipartisan meaning of both sides of the aisle are trying to come together on something that is very dangerous to california and to this country. we found in california alone last year there were 12000 drug overdoses. they confiscated 62000 pounds of fentanyl. enough to kill everybody in this country and in the world twice over. so yes we have a drug problem a fentanyl problem clearly. >> your final word to those who are traveling outside the country for spring break, ted? >> to be safe. be smart. use your common sense and judgment as you travel outside of this country. jon: very good advice. ted williams, good to talk to you, ted, thank you. >> my pleasure. jon: iowa basketball star caitlin clark has a chance to make history tomorrow she needs just 18 points to break the division i basketball all-time scoring record held by hall of famer pistol pete maravich for the last 54 years a lot of people thought it would never be broken christina pullman joins us now with more on that. >> what a season it has been for iowa women's basketball superstar guard caitlin clark she has a chance to set another record tomorrow during her final regular season on the home game clark and her number six ranked hawkeyes will face second-ranked ohio state tipoff is at 1:00 p.m. eastern the game will air on fox. all the well-deserved hype over clark is led to a huge surge in ticket prices in the secondary market for tomorrow's big game with some seats selling for more than $5000. that was nothing but net for clark once a night when the hawkeyes took on minnesota clark scored double digits again became the all-time of women's college basketball with a whopping 3650 career points. if clark scores 18 points tomorrow against the buckeyes she will pass the legendary pistol pete scoring record for the most points scored by any college basketball player ever man or woman. again it's been a great season for clark she is coming off a 33-point game in the hawkeyes victory over minnesota wednesday night. also this week clark announced she will enter that wnba draft this year she is expected to be the number one overall pick. >> i think that makes sense. christina, you are a college athlete, right? >> that its rights. >> was a basketball? >> i walked under texas a&m team as a freshman. i did not get playing time but i was just happy to be there. jon: you are not seeing your scoring record eclipsed? >> yes she did buy a lot. [laughter] thirty-six item play anything in college. good for you. all right, israel's war on hamas is still going on but for how long? >> israel and hamas possibly moving closer to a cease-fire deal i am mike tobin in tel aviv. details coming up. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. ps yshe big and small because it's completely changed our lives and it's given us a second chance. elizabeth stewart: saint jude's not going to stop until every single kid gets that chance to walk out of the doors of this hospital cancer-free. narrator: please, don't wait. call, go online, or scan the qr code below right now. [♪ music playing ♪] hold up. if asthma isn't treating you right... you might be treating it wrong. and i know, you've been going through it. but what if you get to it. a key source of your asthma inflammation. enter nucala. it isn't your rescue treatment and it's not a steroid. it's an autoinjector you can do at home. just once a month. nucala targets and reduces eosinophils and helps your symptoms. think less asthma attacks... less need for oral steroids... less asthma-related hospital visits. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. nucala is not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. it's not you - it's your symptoms. so, help get ahead of your asthma. get to the source, measured with simple blood testing. ask your specialist about nucala. jon: fox news alert new york police department confirms a grenade it was discovered a short time ago in the backseat of an uber in midtown manhattan. the "new york post" reports nypd bomb squad struggled to reach the car anti- israel protesters were blocking traffic in the times square area. police source tells the post they believe the grenade is inert, not explosive. as israel waits for a hamas' response to the latest framework for a cease-fire deal in gaza u.s. and military's air dropping aid supplies to the gaza strip hoping it reads civilians. mike tobin has more from tel aviv. >> john, u.s. air force has dropped badly needed food into the gaza strip the u.s. promises more. air force c-130's drop 66 pallets with 38000 meals into the strip they were assisted by the royal jordanian air force this files a tragedy aid convoy was mobbed by desperate and hungry palestinians. there is a panic, trucks rent over peoples really troops say they are threatened to open fire more than 100 people were killed but cease-fire talks are set to resume tomorrow. delegations have arrived in cairo ip reports there is some agreement on the deal between the u.s. and israel but hamas has not white and that often changes the parameters. >> will not agree to release thousands of palestinians terrorist in exchange. we will not agree to withdraw idf forces from the gaza strip entirely because that would mean giving up on a total victory in this war progressive british ships sunk on the red sea that is a cargo ship hit by houthis rebels february 18. it was abandoned shortly after being hit drifted through the seat trailing a slick of fuel and fertilizer. on friday stormy weather rolled certain of the cargo ship is gone. prime minister is internationally recognized government because the sinking of the ship and unprecedented environmental disaster. back to you. >> mike tobin mike, thanks. jon: here are some other stories and headlines from around the globe. in russia the mother of late russian opposition leader laid flowers on his grave today thousands of people turned out for his funeral in moscow yesterday. it was closely monitored by police there. also in russia local reports a six people are hurt after a suspected ukrainian drone explosion in st. petersburg this morning. that happened at an apartment building ours hours after russn strike killed seven people in ukrainian port of odesa. and in and yet there's a level in the brain for one special couple iconic pop star breonna performed at the first day of pre-wedding ceremonies for the youngest son of billionaire. that is a look at some stories from around the globe to fire this week for its chat box biased responses. more on that, next. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, i've bee telling everyone. baby: liberty. oh! baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ ♪ zyrtec! ♪ works hard at hour 1 and twice as hard when you take it again the next day. so betty can be the... barcode beat conductor. ♪ let's be more than our allergies! and for fast allergy relief with a powerful decongestant, try zyrtec-d. it's time. yes, the time has come for a fresh approach to dog food. everyday more dog people are deciding it's time to quit the kibble and feed their dogs fresh food from the farmer's dog. made by vets and delivered right to your door precisely portioned for your dog's needs. it's an idea whose time has come. jon: and google is still weathering a fallout after its ai image generator, gemini, produce misleading and inaccurate suggestions like a female pope for instance racially diverse nazis. the company's ceo even admits they got it wrong. critics accused google's checkbox of the political bias. here to weigh in is a chris ruby digital consultant ceo of the media group. what is going on with this artificial intelligence? google seems to run the world. when he ask it for pictures of founding fathers of america, they got it way wrong. >> yes, they did get it way wrong. so what is going on is they are really pulling from data, safety data that is at least in my estimation to four years old. part of the problem is we talk about ai censorship or ai safety it's a code word for censorship. inside of a model you can have different legals for safety or for toxicity. in this case of gemini, how toxicity was defined as not at all neutral. furthermore if you're looking how toxicity was defined four years ago, that is not going to be remotely the same as how toxicity is defined today. we have a few different issues here. one is if you do not have an updated version of toxicity at the way to basically corrupt data. the model and the data set basically corrupt the outputs you are seeing. the issue of the outputs is the input rule. when people are saying and make me this photo, draw made this photo is they don't see the parameters and the rules that dictate what is allowed to be made and what isn't. jon: the gold old expression garbage in garbage out comes to mind. they'd artificial intelligence here is his optimistic prediction. heat says there's a 10 -- 25% chance that ai technology could destroy humanity. but if that does not happen it will go on, not just find it will go really, really great. that is hardly encouraging i guess. >> it is the truth. i would estimate that to be much higher actually. the way in which ai can destroy humanity is through his at scale basically. you're going to have ai putting a lot of people in the creative industries completely out of work. we need to offload those people so they have other opportunities. obviously the "new york times" versus open ai lawsuit is going to be incredibly important if it sets a legal precedent for possible royalties for creators or what is going to happen in the future with us to do not train button. we need do not train button on the entire world right now when you step back and say wait a second is this right for humanity? i think the real danger at least with the gemini is that when you change historical facts you are changing history, your change in the record that is really where google got it wrong. they cannot over optimize with skewed filters for it today they want to put on historical records from yesterday. if we do not understand the past we will never understand the future. >> good point, good to have you on thank you. >> thank you. space is coming up on the fox report dozens of texas and billy goats running wild. what happened here? multihull authorities were finally able to corral them. plus meteorologist adam klotz. >> implicit wildfires continued to move across texas will be tracking all of that coming up in the full forecast. a force to be reckon with. no, not you saquon. hm? you! your business bank account with quickbooks money, now earns 5% apy. 5% apy? that's new! yup, that's how you business differently. ♪ looks like sunshine in phoenix, whether hitting the northeast as pacific northwest sees a massive amount of snow. adam klotz has the latest from the fox weather center. >> a couple of weather systems moving across the country. the largest one across the west is going to be a huge snow maker. it has been the last day and continues, it's a real not just snow maker but in some cases intense wind. these are higher elevations but nearly 200-mile an hour winds with this system ringing blizzard like conditions, that's everything there in the orange. sierra nevada, rockies, a lot of folks are getting winter weather advisories with this system. the other big stories continuing wildfire, 90 miles wide and unfortunately dry conditions remain. this is the current dewpoint out there, only 12%. wind gusting 36 miles an hour. that will continue to make this hard to fight we got a file weather across the entire planes through the region all the way through sunday so probably not until monday or tuesday that forecast begins to improve for those folks. >> adam klotz, thanks for the update. did you know today is a big day to celebrate dr. seuss? >> i think i've heard this. [laughter] >> a day to remember for families with youngsters, it is dr. seuss day. dr. seuss enterprises celebrating one 20th anniversary gifting a book to every baby born march 2. families who qualify can register for their free book on the suit to receive a free personalized copy of the kat in the hat. the company is hoping this will encourage more children to read. arlington texas residents are quite the commotion this week. about 60 goats, that's a heard, ran wild through a neighborhood. city officials say they were part of an effort to clear a local major area of overgrown brush. somehow they got out of their enclosure. good thing they have a lot of cowboys around her and arlington. they can clear 50 miles of brush in just two weeks but somehow they got out. any suspects in your mind? >> they had police going around those things which is incredible, what a great day to be a cop. you think you will get shot? no, you play with goats. that's a fantastic day at work. >> sixty of them. i got to do research into this dr. seuss thing because my son is a march 2 a b. he turned 35 today. >> never too late. maybe he gets a free kat in the hat. >> you want that book no matter how old you are. >> grew up on dr. seuss, love it. good to talk to you, see you tomorrow. that's how fox reports this saturday march 2 of 2024. i am jon scott. they give for watching and we will see you tomorrow. ♪ ♪ ♪

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, Travel Conditions , Mountains , Tractor Trailers , White Out , 80 , 85 , Conditions , Area , Roads , Seer , Chain Restrictions , Lake Tahoe , Maine , Resorts , Operations , Capacity , Trek , Skiing , Jordan , South Lake Tahoe , Astronauts , Space Station , Florida Spacex , Crew , Nasa , Astronaut Launch , Cosmonaut , Weather , Officials , Launch , Space Center , Launchpad , Eye , Case , Orbit , Rockets , Path , Atlantic Ocean , Spacecraft , Emergency Splashdown , Missions , Bodies , Stage , Space Travel , Lunar South Pole , 250 , Six , Idea , Landing Sites , Exploration , Sector , Intuitive Machines Mona Lander Odysseus , Some , Industry , Nichols , Analysis , Just S , Astronaut , Apollo , Earth Orbit , Planetary Society , Cost , 71968 , 170 Million , 70 Million , 90 Million , 390 Million , Seat , Space Shuttle Program , Spacex , Crew Drag , Type , 67 Million , 60 , 7 Million , Iowa Basketball Star Caitlin Clark , Women S College Basketball , Ground , Eastern Time , Sport Ticket Prices , Hope , History In The Making , Kennedy Space Center , 11 , Details , Quest , Brain Health , Brain Health Indicators , Memory , Frank , Fred , Janet , Mary , Eddie , No Frasier , Neuriva Brain Health Challenge , 7 , Rate , Allstate , Breaking Everything , To Go , Chance , Jews , Holocaust Survivors , Needs , Save Thousands , Soviet Union , Suffering , Carrot , Gift , Ministry , Poverty , International Fellowship Of Christians And Jews , 25 , Impact , Survival Food Box , Foods , Save Lives , Diet , God , Need , Fellowship , Love , Jewish , Soul , Hunger , Call , Hungry , Scan , Holocaust Survivor , Don T Delay , Heart , Voice , Sotyktu , Plaque Psoriasis , Feeling , Outfit Psoriasis , Psoriasis Treatment , Pill , Better , Swimsuit , Dad , Changes , Liver , Muscle Problems , Kidney Problems , Cancers , Tb , Lymphoma , Labs , Triglycerides , Tyk2 Inhibitor , Jak Family , Find , Risks , Hiding , Name , One Sotyktu , Jak Inhibitors , Bottom , Box Report , Suspect , Run , Immigrant , Nursing Student Wasn T , Laken Riley , Venezuela , 22 , Eight , Codefendants , Decision , Interference , Disqualification Hearing , Motion , Fan , Conflict Of Interest , Georgia , Wildfire , Nathan Wade , Firefighters , Relationship , Smokehouse Creek Fire , Texas Panhandle , 1700 , Stories , Qr Code , Fox News , Dusting , App , Screen , Uptick , Activities , Importance , Tourists , Drug Cartels , Spaces , Bottle , Crimes , Ar , Innocent Bystanders , Word , Tours , Resort , Wife , Collateral Damage , Agent , Dea , Spring Breakers , Visitors , He S Weren T , Violence , Vacation Hotspots , Mexico , Caribbean Islands , Safety , Police Detective , Contributor , Ted Williams , Bit , A Place In The Sun D , Kid , Lake Charles , Louisiana , Spring Break , Kids , Pole , Bayou , Fish , Laws , Of , Number , The Media Group , Someone , Activity , Drug , Pine Box , Usage , Embassy Phone Number , Locals , Venues , Fentanyl , Survival , Anywhere , Anybody , Drinks , Marijuana , Fentanyl Overdose , Individuals , Pills , Result , Confiscating , Effort , Handle , Epidemic , Deaths , A Thousand , Meaning , Sides , Aisle , Drug Overdoses , 12000 , 62000 , Drug Problem , Fentanyl Problem , Safe , Common Sense , Judgment , Ted , Advice , Pleasure , 18 , Christina Pullman , Pistol Pete Maravich , Division I Basketball All , Hall Of Famer , 54 , Home Game Clark , Hawkeyes , Iowa Women S Basketball Superstar Guard , Hype Over Clark , Game , Led , Seats , Tipoff , Ticket Prices , Ohio State , Eastern , Surge , Secondary Market , 1 , Digits , Net , Minnesota , 000 , Career Points , Buckeyes , 3650 , College Basketball Player , Hawkeyes Victory Over , Wnba , 33 , Basketball , Team , Rights , Pick , Freshman , Sense , College Athlete , Texas A M , College , Thirty Six , Cease Fire Deal , Mike Tobin , Tel Aviv , Right , War On Hamas , Workplace , Retirement Savings , Benefits , Ps Yshe , A Second Chance , Saint Jude , Elizabeth Stewart , Don T Wait , Music Playing , Asthma Isn T , Doors , Hospital Cancer , It Isn T , Rescue Treatment , Nucala , Steroid , Asthma Inflammation , Autoinjector , Asthma , Breathing Problems , Add On Injection , Steroids , Hospital Visits , Eosinophils , Asthma Attacks , Breathing , Injection Site Reactions , Headache , Trouble , Shingles , Don T Stop Steroids , Mouth , Tongue , Swelling , Back Pain , Specialist , Fatigue , Blood Testing , Backseat , Bomb Squad , Grenade It , Uber , Protesters , New York Police Department , New York Post , Midtown Manhattan , Car Anti , Reports Nypd , Grenade , Police Source , Post , Times Square , Gaza Strip , Food , Civilians , Air Dropping Aid Supplies , Military , U S Air Force , Strip , Pallets , Meals , Tragedy Aid Convoy , Royal Jordanian Air Force , C 130 , 38000 , 66 , 130 , Palestinians , Peoples , Delegations , Ip Reports , Panic , Cease Fire Talks , Troops , Cairo , 100 , Parameters , Thousands , Exchange , Terrorist , Idf , Red Sea , Victory , Hit , Cargo Ship Hit , Houthis , War Progressive British , February 18 , Prime Minister , Cargo Ship , Ship , Fuel , Fertilizer , Slick , Sinking , Disaster , Stormy Weather , Globe , Opposition Leader , Headlines , Flowers , Mother , Grave , Police , Funeral , Apartment Building , Petersburg , Ukrainian Drone Explosion In St , Moscow , Brain , Level , Odesa , Ukrainian Port , Couple Iconic Pop Star Breonna , Billionaire , Chat Box , Responses , Ceremonies , Car Insurance , Liberty Mutual , Liberty , Baby , Bee Telling Everyone , Pay , Jingle , Zyrtec , Zyrtec D It S Time , Beat Conductor , Allergies , Allergy , Decongestant , Barcode , Yes , Dog , Dog Food , Approach , Kibble , Farmer , Door , Vets , Google , Fallout , Ai , Company , Ceo , Generator , Instance , Image , Pope , Nazis , Suggestions , Critics , Gemini , Chris Ruby , Checkbox , Bias , Artificial Intelligence , Fathers , Pictures , Safety Data , Data , Problem , Code Word , Ai Censorship , Censorship , Estimation , Toxicity , Model , Neutral , Legals , Issues , Version , Outputs , Input Rule , Issue , Data Set , Photo , Rules , Garbage In Out , Draw , Technology , Humanity , Prediction , Heat , Industries , Scale , Lawsuit , New York Times , Royalties , Opportunities , Creators , Precedent , Versus Open Ai , Train Button , Second , Danger , Least , Change , Facts , Filters , Historical Records , Space , Point , Running Wild , Billy Goats , Fox Report Dozens Of Texas , Adam Klotz , Wildfires , Forecast , Multihull , Authorities , Force , Sunshine , Looks , Phoenix , Weather Systems , Amount , Pacific Northwest , Fox Weather Center , Snow Maker , Elevations , Wind , Cases , West , System Ringing , 200 , Folks , Winter Weather , System , Rockies , Orange , Dewpoint , Planes , File Weather , Region , Wind Gusting , 36 , Grew Up , Seuss Day , Update , Families , Dr , Book , Youngsters , Seuss Enterprises Celebrating One 20th Anniversary , 20 , Hat , Pledge Com , Copy , The Kat , 2 , March 2 , Goats , Heard , Commotion , Neighborhood , Ran Wild , City Officials , Brush , Enclosure , Cowboys , Arlington , 50 , Suspects , Mind , Shot , Research , Cop , March 2 A B He , Sixty , 35 , Saturday March 2 , Love It , Saturday March 2 Of 2024 , 2024 ,

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