Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special 20240704

>> bret: good evening. i'm bret baier. breaking tonight, two big legal cases involving former president donald trump. in georgia, it is now up to the judge to make a decision whether the prosecutor in the election interference case will remain on the team or will be disqualified. and in florida, the trial involving the former president's possession of classified documents is expected to be moved back. we have fox team coverage tonight. david spunt is in fort pierce, florida where the question now is how deep into the campaign season might that trial be delayed? but, first, correspondent steve harrigan starts us off tonight live from atlanta. good evening, steve. >> steve: good evening, bret. for seven weeks here, it was the prosecutors who were on trial. today in closing arguments, deference attorneys fought to remove the d.a., fani willis from this case. they claim that she began a relationship with the prosecutor she hired nathan wade, then the two of them improperly spent government money on themselves. >> the issue is that they began this relationship in 2019. they were dating for two years and then she awarded him a contract where public money, either from fulton county or the state of georgia, ended up in his pockets. that decision alone was improper. but what's even more improper is that she and he used that money to go on personal vacations and trips. >> now, willis and wade both admitted they were in an affair they say that affair only began after wade was hired. today, during closing arguments, emotions at times ran strong. there is a fair amount of scorn on each side for the other. >> prosecutors don't act like this. lawyers don't act like this. these people, your honor, is a systematic misconduct and they need to go. >> the state disputed the only eyewitness testimony about the timing of the affair. they also said the cell phone evidence was completely unreliable. >> it proves that they were in communication with each other and i think your honor can use your own life experience as it relates to people you work with or friends that you are close with and the number of times that you make calls to any of those people. >> the judge has said is he going to take two weeks to decide but he did warn early on that even the appearance of a conflict of interest could be enough for removal. bret, back to you. >> bret: steve harrigan live in atlanta. steve, thank you. the former president's classified documents trial is expected to be pushed back from its originally scheduled start in late may. however and how it stacks against the political calendar is now the big question and the big issue. david spunt is in fort pierce, florida tonight. former president donald trump left the federal courthouse in fort pierce, florida after hours of arguments over when his classified documents trial should begin judge aileen cannon originally scheduled the trial for may 20th. the last legs of the primary election but today signaled it would be delayed after both sides agreed to move things back on the calendar agreed to move the trial to 8th. arguing it's unfair to hold the trial during the height of a campaign, pleading to start it after the election in november. though trump's team says the earliest they can be ready august 12th. special counsel attorney jay bratt said the trial do even take place in the fall arguing that his team is in full compliance with the doj policy that says prosecutors should not take investigative steps, criminal charges, or statements for the purpose of affecting any election. the supreme court has put a pause on trump's other federal criminal case in washington, d.c. where he is accused of trying to overturn the results of the 2020 election. the justice also decide before july whether trump can even face charges based on presidential immunity is. >> if you don't have immunity for a president, and i'm not talking only me. if you don't have immunity for a president, you will not be able to function properly. you will not be able to do the right thing for the country. >> bret, each side estimates their case will take about five weeks to present, meaning that a trial, if it kicks off somewhat in mid august, it could wrap up around election time in early november. bret? >> bret: david spunt live in fort pierce, florida. david, thanks. the biden administration is stepping up efforts to provide help to people inside gaza as israel continues its war against hamas terrorists. this comes as the president is, again, on the defensive about his crisis on the southern border of the u.s. white house correspondent jacqui heinrich has that story tonight live from the north lawn. good evening, jacqui. >> jacqui: good evening, bret. had sharp words for prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying there are no excuses from prohibiting more aid into gaza and vowing that the u.s. would not just stand by. his decision to air drop aid in is a sign that the relationship is strained. the u.s. military will air drop humanitarian aid into gaza in the coming days after more than 100 people were killed and hundreds more were wounded in a stampede on aid trucks where israeli forces also opened fire. >> the loss of life is heart breaking. people are so desperate that innocent people got caught in a terrible war, unable to feed their families. and you saw the response when tried to get aid in. >> the u.s. waiting for investigation after assigning blame after israel denied intentionally firing upon the crowd. and president biden says he is still working on a stalled deal for has damage return in exchange for a six-week cease-fire. but, amid pressure to dial back u.s. support for israel's war on hamas, the white house is holding its position. >> there would be no need for air drops, if hamas hadn't chosen to break what was a cease-fire in place on the 6th of october. >> the white house also maintaining the line that it's up to congressional republicans to solve the border crisis, pushing them to embrace the bipartisan proposal that failed to clear the senate. in the meantime, defending biden's reluctance to take executive action. >> i mean, it's congress' job to legislate. it is their job to legislate. >> are you afraid of legal challenges for things like student loans. i mean, executive order when you wanted to. >> we have -- we have taken action over the last three years on the border with support. >> shaming people for not acting. he is also not acting. >> i'm so sorry. that is so false. he has taken action. he has taken action. >> republicans rejected it because of the last president. >> the white house also took some heat today for referring to migrants who come to the country illegally as newcomers in a fact sheet promoting the funding in the senate bill that would help cities that are struggling under the migrant surge. republicans rebuked that choice of words for drawing an equivalency to migrants who come to the country and go through the process legally. the text of the legislation says the funding would support shelters and other services for eligible migrants who have been given eligibility by dhs and gone through processing. bret. >> bret: jacqui heinrich live on the north lawn. jacqui, thank you. ♪ ♪ >> bret: tonight we're learning new details of the congressional testimony given last week by the president's brother. and house republicans say parts of that interview contradict what the president's son told the committee during his deposition. here is senior congressional correspondent chad pergram. >> hunter biden's testimony commanded the most flash, but james biden's testimony may be even more intriguing. >> of all the people that we have interviewed, jim biden was the most unbelievable of them all. >> james biden says he received $40,000 loans from the president in 2017 when joe biden was a private citizen. he also testified he paid his brother back with money which appeared to come from a chinese energy firm, cefc. though he didn't think the firm was tied to the chinese government. >> he has all these loans, hundreds of thousands of dollars of loans from shady characters, many who have been in prison. >> the first brother testified that hunter biden called his chinese business partners proteges of president xi. this is why republicans wonder if biden family dealings compromise the president. >> we have got to start talking about the real crimes here. foreign agent registration act, tax evasion, and obstruction of justice. those are the crimes. i believe that's enough to go to impeachment. >> republicans lack the votes to impeach so far. >> i do think it's over at this point. and it might be time for us to fold up the circus tent. >> like hunter biden, james biden repeatedly told lawmakers the president wasn't involved in family business, but republicans say inconsistencies are glaring when comparing the testimony of james biden. hunter biden and hunter business associate tony bobulinski. james biden denies president biden met with bobulinski and hunter at the beverly hilton hotel in 2017. but hunter says, quote: my dad went and shook hands with tony and bobulinski says, quote: joe biden came across the lobby. republicans hope to wrap the investigation soon. >> we need to put this thing to rest. it's dragging on. >> the g.o.p. wants the probe done by spring, especially if the house wants an impeachment vote before the election. bret? >> bret: hey, chad, a prominent g.o.p. lawmaker reversing his decision to retire. >> that's right, homeland security chairman mark green said he was quitting but former president trump asked green to reconsider. he is the third house republican to retire and then reversed themselves. bret? >> bret: chad pergram live on the hill. chad, thanks. up next, why did several democrats make an unannounced trip to cuba and why are some republican critics so upset about it? we will bring you that story. first, here is what some of our fox affiliates around the country are covering tonight. fox 61 in hartford, connecticut as michelle is found guilty on all counts for charges connected to the 12k57ance of new canaan mom jennifer dulos. she a one-time girlfriend of jennifer dulos' estranged husband. he was charged with his wife's murder before he took his life in january of 2020. fox 5 in atlanta with the funeral for the georgia nursing student allegedly killed by an illegal immigrant last week in athens. laken hope riley was 22 years old. today's service was held in her hometown of woodstock, georgia. and this is a live look at lake tahoe from earth cam. take a look at that one of the big stories there tonight from fox 40, you can imagine a rare blizzard warning for most of california's sir remarks nevada and adjacent foothill regions through sunday. forecasters are expecting heavy snow and strong winds, which started thursday morning. some areas could get up to 10 feet of snow. 10 feet. that's tonight's live look outside the beltway from "special report." we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ wonderland ♪ ♪ lived in a snow globe ♪ wherei the wind blows serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge as you. emerge tremfyant®. ask you doctor about tremfya®. ♪ >> bret: the centers for disease control and prevention says it's no longer necessary to isolate for five days after testing positive for covid-19. the new guidance tells people to stay home if they're sick, when they're feeling better and have been fever-free for 24 hours, they can return to school or work. the cdc recommends continuing to wear a mask for five days while washing hands, maintaining physical distance and focusing on good ventilation. a federal appeals court in washington says some capital riot criminal defendants had their sentences improperly increased when they included charges of interference with administration of justice. the court concluded interference with congress' certification of the electoral votes in the 2020 presidential election does not apply to a sentence enhancement. other aspects of larry brock's conviction were upheld. he will be resentenced on the single interference charge. other defendants received longer sentences because of the same charge. a new jersey businessman has pleaded guilty to trying to bribe new jersey senator, democratic senator bob menendez. jose areeve i have a has agreed to testify in the corruption case against powerful new jersey democrat and his. why prosecutors say he gave his wife a mercedes-benz. the senator and his wife are scheduled to go on trial in may. progressive house members are taking criticism tonight for what some describe as a sneaky trip to cuba last week. one republican born on the island says he is offended. correspondent alexandria hoff tells us why tonight. >> they are communist sympathizers. >> i think it's a damn shame. >> i'm offended. you know, my parents brought me here when i was six years old for a elon musk. >> a covert trip to cuba has put progressive members of congress under fire. last week representatives ilhan omar and pramila jayapal visited havana. omar called on biden to pull cuba from the list of state sponsors of terrorism. >> cuba's completely unwarranted designation of state sponsors of terror is causing new waves of hardship for the people of the island. >> the report was not revealed beat cuba media. >> we did not that sill nate any meetings with the cuban government. >> being characterized by the progressive caucus as human rights discussions. omar and jayapal among 40 democrats who voted against a 2021 resolution to support tens of thousands of cubans to took to the streets calling for an end of government repression. according to the state department as of last year more than 700 individuals remained in cuba for demanding fundamental freedoms. >> if you get rid of the regime and actually have a country where people are allowed to actually own their property and be able to speak their voice, politically, you actually have a better cuba. >> congressman carlos gimenez was born in cuba. >> i have no use, obviously, for the cuban government i really have not much use to the people that want to make apologies for them. >> as for democrats, house minority leader hakeem jeffries revealed yesterday he had still not received a briefing on the trip. he said he would not provide comment until he had. we did reach out to jeffries, omar and jayapal's offices today and have not heard back. bret? >> bret: alex, thank you. thousands of mourners gathered at a moscow church today for the funeral of kremlin critic alexei navalny. he died in an artic prison last week. yesterday his widow predicted there would be arrests at the service. correspondent alex hogan reports on whether that happened. >> remembering russia's most prominent opposition leader. [chanting] >> despite the risk of arrests, thousands of people flooded the streets to say goodbye to alexei navalny, the fierce critic of vladimir putin. >> it is not scary when we are together. >> within hours dozens had been arrested. navalny's parents ambassador lynn tracy attended the funeral at a moscow church. the kremlin issued a warning. >> any unauthorized gatherings will be in violation of the law and those who participate in them will be held accountable. >> today's services come ahead of russia's presidential election and as tensions with the west spiral. >> putin is dead set on expanding beyond ukraine into nato countries to bring those countries back in eastern europe into the russian empire. let's take him at his word and let's respond accordingly. >> navalny died two weeks ago in an artic penal colony. according to the prison, the 47-year-old collapsed after a walk. his family calls it murder. navalny's wife still abroad and championing his message stated i will try to make you happy for me and proud of me. i don't know if i can handle it or not, but i will try. the casket of the man who campaigned for an end to corruption was lowered into the ground to the music of frank sinatra's my way. ♪ >> u.s. embassy in russia says that navalny is a shining example of what russia could and should be and that his death is a reminder of the length that the kremlin will go to to silence its critics. bret? >> bret: katy, thank you, alex. up next, what do you do when there is already someone living in your house, in your new house. one couple is finding out the hard way. we will bring you that story. first, beyond our borders tonight. a soldier turns himself in shortly after the killings of four people in northern germany. the victims including a child were shot overnight. police say the suspect's motive is not clear. iran holds its first parliamentary election since the mass 2022 protests over mandatory hijab laws. those demonstrations followed the death of a female activist in police custody. iranian officials and even supreme leader have urged the public to cast ballots but polling stations in the country's capital of tehran see few voters. live story in london, one of the big story tonight a new raven master at the tower of london. michael barney chandler is responsible for looking at the feathered protectors of the 1,000-year-old fortress. legend has it if the ravens leave the tower the kingdom of england will fall. just some of the other stories beyond our borders tonight. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ this year, i got serious about my taxes. i met with a turbotax expert because i had two full time jobs... lawyering and... liaming. all on my own. count on me, mia. i'll file your taxes for you with 100% accuracy, guaranteed. i'm too tired to smile. make your moves count. intuit turbotax. let a full-service expert do your taxes for you, as soon as today. 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>> bret: c.b., thank you. ♪ in whatever happened to segment tonight high speed plan rail service in the west includes a lot more taxpayer money. after years of delays and billions of dollars already spent, critics are skeptic that such projects will ever be completed. here is national correspondent william la jeunesse. >> here's the best part, it means jobs. union jobs. >> that's president biden committing hundreds of millions of tax dollars to two projects many americans may never see. >> it is, you know, the train to nowhere. >> california's high speed bullet train derailed under president trump who cut federal funding is now back on track thanks to a $3 billion grant from president biden. >> this investment allows us to move forward with purchasing electrified high speed trains. >> passed by california voters in 2008, then governor jerry brown promised an l.a. to san francisco train for $33 billion by 2020. it's now 10 years behind schedule and 100 billion over budget. >> the current project as planned would cost too much and respectfully take too long. >> a project that was supposed to stretch from sacramento to san diego now only has enough money to reach bakersfield to member sadden. but the rail's main purpose to connect bustling northern california with the economic giants of the south is more dream than reality. >> it's definitely a dream like high speed derail reduces drive time and emissions. both reasons why president biden also approved money from a bullet train from las vegas to los angeles, 265 miles down the middle of interstate 15. >> introducing bright line west. >> contractor bright line will receive a near record federal grant to a private company of $3 billion. 25% of the project's cost. >> folks, we have been talking about this project for decades. now we're really getting it done. >> biden claims bright line can begin issue in the rail link in four years, just in time for the l.a. olympics. in los angeles, william la jeunesse, fox news. >> up next, the panel on the trump legal cases in georgia and florida. but as we go to break, former canadian prime minister brian mull rooney has died. he led canada's progressive conservative party for 10 years. president biden is calling him a tireless advocate for canada who is fearless and not afraid to stand up for causes he cared about he he spoke at their funerals. >> george was taking copious notes as the heads of government spoke. after president, prime minister thatcher and chancellor coal had spoken, it was the turn of the prime minister of iceland who, as president bush continued to write: went on and on. george put down his pen, walked over to me and said, brian, i have just learned the fundamental principle of international affairs. i said what's that, george? hhe said the smaller the countr, the longer the speech. >> bret: mull rouhani's daughter says died peacefully surrounded by family in a florida hospital. i knew prime minister mulroney he was a gentleman. i am better for having known him. brian mulroney was 94. 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eric early. always supports trump and the maga agenda. republican eric early. endorsed by the california pro-life council... ...opposed to all abortion. and eric early loves the second amendment. eric early. way more dangerous than steve garvey. he dodges trump. garvey even said he might vote for biden. republican eric early for u.s. senate. too maga. too trump. too dangerous. >> do you have to find that wade and willis lied? no. what you need to be able to find is that there is a concern, a legitimate concern based on the evidence in this case about their truthfulness. >> they haven't been able to prove that this case was one of selected prosecution for political benefit or gain. >> we'll be taking the time to make sure that i give this case the full consideration it's due. >> bret: well, if you are watching cable news today, you may have seen some of this, the closing arguments in this case, the "new york times" writes it this way. trump lawyer argues appearance of impropriety is enough to disqualify prosecutor. the stakes are high. if ms. willis is disqualified from the case her entire office would be too and the case would probably be turned over to a district attorney from another jurisdiction. disqualification would reduce the chances that a trial would begin before the november presidential election. we'll start here but we will talk about other cases as well. let's bring in our panel. fox news chief legal correspondent anchor of "fox news sunday" shannon bream. syndicated radio host hugh houthi and matthew continetti fellow at the american enterprise institute. shannon, let me start with you. i'm sure you watched some of this. it was long today. what was your take away. >> shannon: listen, every time we tell people when they want to argue about cameras in the court it's super boring at the supreme court you are not going to love it. then they see this and they say no, no, this is the stuff we think happens in courtrooms all the time. a lot of back and forth. a lot of people changing their stories. some people sticking to their stories. this judge has a couple really big decisions he has got to make before he even gets to the application of facts though case. first of all, is it just a conflict of interest or just an appearance of the conflict of interest? that's a very different decision for him to make. and, also, remember all those cell phone records that one of these defendants tried to submit saying it shows there was ton of texting and shows that nathan wade was staying with fani willis on occasion. will he admit those cell phone records? those are big questions he has got to answer first. >> bret: fani willis and nathan wade both in the courtroom and contingent o -- or the controversy here and their relationship, when it started, what the money was around it. hugh, with the atlanta journal constitution talks about these text messages about show the move to disqualify fani willis developed. on january 5th, three days before she filed her motion, merchant, one of the lawyers, asked bradley, another in the prosecutor's office when the willis-wade romance began. the key issue in the weeks to come. do you think this started before she hired him, she asked? absolutely, bradley responded. bradley took the stand this week and said all kinds of things. take a listen. >> i do see that message, but i do not recall. i don't recall any -- any specific dates. i don't recall if i ever said i don't remember. >> mr. bradley says absolutely. that's not speculation. that's a definitive statement that that is an indication that bradley, in fact knew and said he did. if you accept that, you have to have concerns about the truthfulness of willis and wade on the timing issue. >> bret: now, a lot of people say, hugh, we're focusing too much on this. but it is a big case. it's a state case. and all of these cases, it all comes down to the calendar. >> yeah, the calendar is working in favor of former president trump now, bret. i agree with shannon. it was very interesting, but i don't think this is a close call. i teach constitutional law not professional responsibility. but the model code calls for lawyers to avoid even the appearance of impropriety. i don't think this is close. i think fani willis and the whole gang are going to get tossed off. i think the "new york times" is wrong what was read there. i think it goes to the state a.g. by the way it ain't even going to go to trial if it even gets to go forward at all before the election. nor do i think either of the federal cases will. i think we are focused on manhattan coming up in march. >> bret: okay. so, if you look at the calendar, and you look at the political events that are happening, the, you know, the train wreck potentially here as far as it all coming together, two trains on a track towards each over, matthew, it's really quite something. >> that's right. maybe instead of presidential debates we will have dueling presidential court appearances in terms of former president trump, potential impeachment vote for president biden and we also have to think of the possibility that hunter biden's case going to trial. i think the fundamental take away, bret, is that the lawfare that's been waged against president trump has not worked out as planned. in fact, it's helped the former president solidify his base and be on the march in the public elimination. whereas the investigations into the biden family and the hunter and the president and james biden that has hurt current president biden by, i think, undermining his claim to be a truth-telling moderate who is above suspicion. so, the legal cases have helped trump, unexpectedly while hurting biden. >> bret: yeah. so, shannon, today's deal in florida was about the timing of that trial of the documents case, july 8th or august 12th. but, when it comes to the supreme court, "wall street journal" editorial board writes. this. the supreme court trumps jack smith. the supreme court will be attacked no matter how it rules. and former house speaker nancy pelosi has already declared that the supreme court is placing itself on trial by hearing the appeal. the appeal on the immunity issue. no, the court is doing its job to protect the constitutional order after democrats decided they couldn't trust the voters to defeat mr. trump. and, as we talked, about it's not only the immunity issue but also the colorado ballot access issue which effects a lot of states on that issue. >> shannon: it does. super tuesday is upon us. colorado and maine are two states where you had some form of court or official there say that they didn't want president trump on the ballot. they are waiting to hear from the supreme court. so we will see when we get that, but, if former speaker nancy pelosi doesn't like the idea that the has taken this up, she should actually talk to special counsel jack smith about that. because in a filing last december, he said that the supreme court wo was the only by that could solve this question of immunity. then he wound up arguing they shouldn't take it. they have now. if you don't like that it's coming in april, you think that's too long. that is super rocket docket speed for this court. so we'll see. for them, it is fast-paced but yes, it does substantially delay that jack smith trial that was supposed to start on monday. >> bret: yeah. wwe follow it all. we will need a whiteboard every now and then because so many things happening. thank you very much. stand by. up next, the friday lightning round. the presidential race, the border crisis. winners and losers, later, "notable quotables." ♪ ♪ ♪ zyrtec! ♪ works hard at hour 1 and twice as hard when you take it again the next day. so betty can be the... barcode beat conductor. ♪ let's be more than our allergies! and for fast allergy relief with a powerful decongestant, try zyrtec-d. after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with 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(sigh) if you struggle with cpap... you should check out inspire. no mask. no hose. just sleep. inspire. learn more and view important safety information at >> republicans are more interested in politics than solutions. the b bottom line is we need to take action and modify forward with the bipartisan agreement. >> we have laid out to president biden how to do it. he can do it on his own. he can fix it but he won't. >> we have had a lot of complaints from people who have migrated legally to the united states, who have waited in line, paid their dues and they are extremely frustrated. >> bret: it was a big week for the border, for politics, both the former president and the president down there. meantime, there is this battle over the are razor wire governr abbott put up along the border. there is an effort by the federal government to go to court to try to cut that wire and break it up. the white house asked about that kind of thrown off guard. >> is the administration coming around to the idea that physical border barriers work? can you say more? what do you mean? where is this coming from? >> jacqui: it's been six weeks since you guys won a supreme court case that would have allowed you to remove razor wire at the texas border. why is it still up? >> i mean, you have to -- to speak to the department of -- of -- dhs, obviously. >> bret: so not a lot of answers there. back with the panel. hugh, what's the fallout from this week, politically? >> very good week for donald trump. in fact, he is polling better at this point in the 2024 race than he did in 2020 or 2016. the real clear politics average has him 2 points over the current president and i think every day they spend talking about anything about immigration is a good day for donald trump because the numbers don't lie. people see what they see. 8 to 10 million people across that border under joe biden far, far more than under president trump. and so i think any day they talk about immigration is a good day for donald trump. >> bret: yeah. matthew, if you look at polls in battleground states, on the issue of immigration and border security, head to head with the form herb president and the president, you can see georgia, michigan, north carolina, wisconsin, all significantly favoring the former president. >> i think this trip to the border, bret, was a sign that president biden knows that he is losing. and he is desperately trying to play catch up to former president trump. but it doesn't work. because at the end of the day, a photo op. is not going to help biden recover politically. the policies have to change and the policies are there if you just took out that pen and phone, which he is ready to do with student loans but not with the border yet democrats, shannon are going to come back to this senate bill and while republicans say the president could turn around those executive orders they will continue to use that senate bipartisan effort as a cudgel. >> you heard president biden say at the border yesterday just come work with me. let's get that bill passed. president trump come work with me and let's get something done. there is a lot of -- rolling across the i'll when that aislet happens. the more the conversation continues the better the polling is for president trump. monmouth says 8 in 10 americans think it's somewhat or serious problem at the border. now a majority of americans say they want a wall built there. those are things that have changed over the course of the last four years. so, no matter what the white house wants to say about who is to blame in not getting that bill done, the trump camp wants to keep talking about this issue. >> bret: okay. let's do a lightning winners and losers. winner hugh first to you. >> cal ripken of the senate this week when he announced he is stepping down in november. mitch having served 17 years as party leader. it's a record. he did so many great things for the court. he did so many great things for the tax code. he kept the caucus together. so he is, without a doubt. he set a record that will not be passed. he had great week and he called his own shot when he is leaving. >> bret: loser? >> my loser is california. unfortunately the budget deficit in the golden state which is getting buffeted by a blizzard as we speak up north is up to 73 b, that's a b for one state. $73 billion in red ink, even as the white stuff begins to fall all over the sierra mountain range. what gavin newsom has to do is raise taxes. it's a nightmare. >> bret: here we go winner and loser. >> owe tan any is my winner of the week. baseball mega star homer first at bat with the dodgers and announced he got married. my loser of the week is the google a.i. gemini. the woke ai politically correct proves the lessen garbage in garbage out. >> shannon: amazing rescue today, talked about the female truck driver he got out of there. did this for 40 minutes he said i didn't think about it. the training just kicked. in the two of them prayed together. she stayed calm until they got on to that bridge there so kudos to everybody involved with that the loser, don't get this wrong, i'm saying happy birthday to justin bieber but all the loadsers the man is now 30 years old. how did that happen? >> bret: exactly. what happened to time. all right, panel, thanks, make a great weekend. >> thank you. >> bret: that sound means it's friday and time for "notable quotables." >> i am so sad and so angry that it -- this has happened to another mother. >> mr. president, do you bear any responsibility for laken riley's death? >> you're fired, biden. get the hell out of here. >> biden just doesn't have the fortitude to do what is necessary to secure our borders. >> it's the toughest, most efficient, most effective border security bill this country has ever seen. >> bret: any hope to put h.r. 2 back in the mix here. >> this is existential crisis for our country. >> as a democrat, you know, and willing and eager to go stronger than the border deal. >> the new and improved fetterman can wear whatever he wants if he keeps talking like that. >> i don't know anything joe biden or hunter biden or james biden says. >> this has been a comedy offers from the beginning. >> how did it go? >> great. >> almost 9800 texts i don't even think love struck teenagers communicate that much. >> my hope is by next monday we will have a cease-fire. >> do you still expect a cease-fire is possible by monday, sir? >> probably not by monday. >> mitch mcconnell is the least popular politician in america, either party. >> i still have enough gas in my tank to thoroughly disappoint my critics. >> the good lord gave us an extra day in february. let's make sure we finish the job. >> bret: one week covering washington. monday on "special report," we will preview the big super tuesday primary elections and then please join us for our special super tuesday coverage begins 7:00 p.m. eastern time. cast of thousands there. we have another big "fox news sunday" for you. shannon bream's guest will be florida republican senator mark crow ruby grow. ben cashed continue and delaware chris coons. florida republican congressman byron donalds all fair, balanced and unafraid. have great weekend. "the ingraham angle" is now. ♪

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special 20240704

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>> bret: good evening. i'm bret baier. breaking tonight, two big legal cases involving former president donald trump. in georgia, it is now up to the judge to make a decision whether the prosecutor in the election interference case will remain on the team or will be disqualified. and in florida, the trial involving the former president's possession of classified documents is expected to be moved back. we have fox team coverage tonight. david spunt is in fort pierce, florida where the question now is how deep into the campaign season might that trial be delayed? but, first, correspondent steve harrigan starts us off tonight live from atlanta. good evening, steve. >> steve: good evening, bret. for seven weeks here, it was the prosecutors who were on trial. today in closing arguments, deference attorneys fought to remove the d.a., fani willis from this case. they claim that she began a relationship with the prosecutor she hired nathan wade, then the two of them improperly spent government money on themselves. >> the issue is that they began this relationship in 2019. they were dating for two years and then she awarded him a contract where public money, either from fulton county or the state of georgia, ended up in his pockets. that decision alone was improper. but what's even more improper is that she and he used that money to go on personal vacations and trips. >> now, willis and wade both admitted they were in an affair they say that affair only began after wade was hired. today, during closing arguments, emotions at times ran strong. there is a fair amount of scorn on each side for the other. >> prosecutors don't act like this. lawyers don't act like this. these people, your honor, is a systematic misconduct and they need to go. >> the state disputed the only eyewitness testimony about the timing of the affair. they also said the cell phone evidence was completely unreliable. >> it proves that they were in communication with each other and i think your honor can use your own life experience as it relates to people you work with or friends that you are close with and the number of times that you make calls to any of those people. >> the judge has said is he going to take two weeks to decide but he did warn early on that even the appearance of a conflict of interest could be enough for removal. bret, back to you. >> bret: steve harrigan live in atlanta. steve, thank you. the former president's classified documents trial is expected to be pushed back from its originally scheduled start in late may. however and how it stacks against the political calendar is now the big question and the big issue. david spunt is in fort pierce, florida tonight. former president donald trump left the federal courthouse in fort pierce, florida after hours of arguments over when his classified documents trial should begin judge aileen cannon originally scheduled the trial for may 20th. the last legs of the primary election but today signaled it would be delayed after both sides agreed to move things back on the calendar agreed to move the trial to 8th. arguing it's unfair to hold the trial during the height of a campaign, pleading to start it after the election in november. though trump's team says the earliest they can be ready august 12th. special counsel attorney jay bratt said the trial do even take place in the fall arguing that his team is in full compliance with the doj policy that says prosecutors should not take investigative steps, criminal charges, or statements for the purpose of affecting any election. the supreme court has put a pause on trump's other federal criminal case in washington, d.c. where he is accused of trying to overturn the results of the 2020 election. the justice also decide before july whether trump can even face charges based on presidential immunity is. >> if you don't have immunity for a president, and i'm not talking only me. if you don't have immunity for a president, you will not be able to function properly. you will not be able to do the right thing for the country. >> bret, each side estimates their case will take about five weeks to present, meaning that a trial, if it kicks off somewhat in mid august, it could wrap up around election time in early november. bret? >> bret: david spunt live in fort pierce, florida. david, thanks. the biden administration is stepping up efforts to provide help to people inside gaza as israel continues its war against hamas terrorists. this comes as the president is, again, on the defensive about his crisis on the southern border of the u.s. white house correspondent jacqui heinrich has that story tonight live from the north lawn. good evening, jacqui. >> jacqui: good evening, bret. had sharp words for prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying there are no excuses from prohibiting more aid into gaza and vowing that the u.s. would not just stand by. his decision to air drop aid in is a sign that the relationship is strained. the u.s. military will air drop humanitarian aid into gaza in the coming days after more than 100 people were killed and hundreds more were wounded in a stampede on aid trucks where israeli forces also opened fire. >> the loss of life is heart breaking. people are so desperate that innocent people got caught in a terrible war, unable to feed their families. and you saw the response when tried to get aid in. >> the u.s. waiting for investigation after assigning blame after israel denied intentionally firing upon the crowd. and president biden says he is still working on a stalled deal for has damage return in exchange for a six-week cease-fire. but, amid pressure to dial back u.s. support for israel's war on hamas, the white house is holding its position. >> there would be no need for air drops, if hamas hadn't chosen to break what was a cease-fire in place on the 6th of october. >> the white house also maintaining the line that it's up to congressional republicans to solve the border crisis, pushing them to embrace the bipartisan proposal that failed to clear the senate. in the meantime, defending biden's reluctance to take executive action. >> i mean, it's congress' job to legislate. it is their job to legislate. >> are you afraid of legal challenges for things like student loans. i mean, executive order when you wanted to. >> we have -- we have taken action over the last three years on the border with support. >> shaming people for not acting. he is also not acting. >> i'm so sorry. that is so false. he has taken action. he has taken action. >> republicans rejected it because of the last president. >> the white house also took some heat today for referring to migrants who come to the country illegally as newcomers in a fact sheet promoting the funding in the senate bill that would help cities that are struggling under the migrant surge. republicans rebuked that choice of words for drawing an equivalency to migrants who come to the country and go through the process legally. the text of the legislation says the funding would support shelters and other services for eligible migrants who have been given eligibility by dhs and gone through processing. bret. >> bret: jacqui heinrich live on the north lawn. jacqui, thank you. ♪ ♪ >> bret: tonight we're learning new details of the congressional testimony given last week by the president's brother. and house republicans say parts of that interview contradict what the president's son told the committee during his deposition. here is senior congressional correspondent chad pergram. >> hunter biden's testimony commanded the most flash, but james biden's testimony may be even more intriguing. >> of all the people that we have interviewed, jim biden was the most unbelievable of them all. >> james biden says he received $40,000 loans from the president in 2017 when joe biden was a private citizen. he also testified he paid his brother back with money which appeared to come from a chinese energy firm, cefc. though he didn't think the firm was tied to the chinese government. >> he has all these loans, hundreds of thousands of dollars of loans from shady characters, many who have been in prison. >> the first brother testified that hunter biden called his chinese business partners proteges of president xi. this is why republicans wonder if biden family dealings compromise the president. >> we have got to start talking about the real crimes here. foreign agent registration act, tax evasion, and obstruction of justice. those are the crimes. i believe that's enough to go to impeachment. >> republicans lack the votes to impeach so far. >> i do think it's over at this point. and it might be time for us to fold up the circus tent. >> like hunter biden, james biden repeatedly told lawmakers the president wasn't involved in family business, but republicans say inconsistencies are glaring when comparing the testimony of james biden. hunter biden and hunter business associate tony bobulinski. james biden denies president biden met with bobulinski and hunter at the beverly hilton hotel in 2017. but hunter says, quote: my dad went and shook hands with tony and bobulinski says, quote: joe biden came across the lobby. republicans hope to wrap the investigation soon. >> we need to put this thing to rest. it's dragging on. >> the g.o.p. wants the probe done by spring, especially if the house wants an impeachment vote before the election. bret? >> bret: hey, chad, a prominent g.o.p. lawmaker reversing his decision to retire. >> that's right, homeland security chairman mark green said he was quitting but former president trump asked green to reconsider. he is the third house republican to retire and then reversed themselves. bret? >> bret: chad pergram live on the hill. chad, thanks. up next, why did several democrats make an unannounced trip to cuba and why are some republican critics so upset about it? we will bring you that story. first, here is what some of our fox affiliates around the country are covering tonight. fox 61 in hartford, connecticut as michelle is found guilty on all counts for charges connected to the 12k57ance of new canaan mom jennifer dulos. she a one-time girlfriend of jennifer dulos' estranged husband. he was charged with his wife's murder before he took his life in january of 2020. fox 5 in atlanta with the funeral for the georgia nursing student allegedly killed by an illegal immigrant last week in athens. laken hope riley was 22 years old. today's service was held in her hometown of woodstock, georgia. and this is a live look at lake tahoe from earth cam. take a look at that one of the big stories there tonight from fox 40, you can imagine a rare blizzard warning for most of california's sir remarks nevada and adjacent foothill regions through sunday. forecasters are expecting heavy snow and strong winds, which started thursday morning. some areas could get up to 10 feet of snow. 10 feet. that's tonight's live look outside the beltway from "special report." we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ wonderland ♪ ♪ lived in a snow globe ♪ wherei the wind blows serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge as you. emerge tremfyant®. ask you doctor about tremfya®. ♪ >> bret: the centers for disease control and prevention says it's no longer necessary to isolate for five days after testing positive for covid-19. the new guidance tells people to stay home if they're sick, when they're feeling better and have been fever-free for 24 hours, they can return to school or work. the cdc recommends continuing to wear a mask for five days while washing hands, maintaining physical distance and focusing on good ventilation. a federal appeals court in washington says some capital riot criminal defendants had their sentences improperly increased when they included charges of interference with administration of justice. the court concluded interference with congress' certification of the electoral votes in the 2020 presidential election does not apply to a sentence enhancement. other aspects of larry brock's conviction were upheld. he will be resentenced on the single interference charge. other defendants received longer sentences because of the same charge. a new jersey businessman has pleaded guilty to trying to bribe new jersey senator, democratic senator bob menendez. jose areeve i have a has agreed to testify in the corruption case against powerful new jersey democrat and his. why prosecutors say he gave his wife a mercedes-benz. the senator and his wife are scheduled to go on trial in may. progressive house members are taking criticism tonight for what some describe as a sneaky trip to cuba last week. one republican born on the island says he is offended. correspondent alexandria hoff tells us why tonight. >> they are communist sympathizers. >> i think it's a damn shame. >> i'm offended. you know, my parents brought me here when i was six years old for a elon musk. >> a covert trip to cuba has put progressive members of congress under fire. last week representatives ilhan omar and pramila jayapal visited havana. omar called on biden to pull cuba from the list of state sponsors of terrorism. >> cuba's completely unwarranted designation of state sponsors of terror is causing new waves of hardship for the people of the island. >> the report was not revealed beat cuba media. >> we did not that sill nate any meetings with the cuban government. >> being characterized by the progressive caucus as human rights discussions. omar and jayapal among 40 democrats who voted against a 2021 resolution to support tens of thousands of cubans to took to the streets calling for an end of government repression. according to the state department as of last year more than 700 individuals remained in cuba for demanding fundamental freedoms. >> if you get rid of the regime and actually have a country where people are allowed to actually own their property and be able to speak their voice, politically, you actually have a better cuba. >> congressman carlos gimenez was born in cuba. >> i have no use, obviously, for the cuban government i really have not much use to the people that want to make apologies for them. >> as for democrats, house minority leader hakeem jeffries revealed yesterday he had still not received a briefing on the trip. he said he would not provide comment until he had. we did reach out to jeffries, omar and jayapal's offices today and have not heard back. bret? >> bret: alex, thank you. thousands of mourners gathered at a moscow church today for the funeral of kremlin critic alexei navalny. he died in an artic prison last week. yesterday his widow predicted there would be arrests at the service. correspondent alex hogan reports on whether that happened. >> remembering russia's most prominent opposition leader. [chanting] >> despite the risk of arrests, thousands of people flooded the streets to say goodbye to alexei navalny, the fierce critic of vladimir putin. >> it is not scary when we are together. >> within hours dozens had been arrested. navalny's parents ambassador lynn tracy attended the funeral at a moscow church. the kremlin issued a warning. >> any unauthorized gatherings will be in violation of the law and those who participate in them will be held accountable. >> today's services come ahead of russia's presidential election and as tensions with the west spiral. >> putin is dead set on expanding beyond ukraine into nato countries to bring those countries back in eastern europe into the russian empire. let's take him at his word and let's respond accordingly. >> navalny died two weeks ago in an artic penal colony. according to the prison, the 47-year-old collapsed after a walk. his family calls it murder. navalny's wife still abroad and championing his message stated i will try to make you happy for me and proud of me. i don't know if i can handle it or not, but i will try. the casket of the man who campaigned for an end to corruption was lowered into the ground to the music of frank sinatra's my way. ♪ >> u.s. embassy in russia says that navalny is a shining example of what russia could and should be and that his death is a reminder of the length that the kremlin will go to to silence its critics. bret? >> bret: katy, thank you, alex. up next, what do you do when there is already someone living in your house, in your new house. one couple is finding out the hard way. we will bring you that story. first, beyond our borders tonight. a soldier turns himself in shortly after the killings of four people in northern germany. the victims including a child were shot overnight. police say the suspect's motive is not clear. iran holds its first parliamentary election since the mass 2022 protests over mandatory hijab laws. those demonstrations followed the death of a female activist in police custody. iranian officials and even supreme leader have urged the public to cast ballots but polling stations in the country's capital of tehran see few voters. live story in london, one of the big story tonight a new raven master at the tower of london. michael barney chandler is responsible for looking at the feathered protectors of the 1,000-year-old fortress. legend has it if the ravens leave the tower the kingdom of england will fall. just some of the other stories beyond our borders tonight. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ this year, i got serious about my taxes. i met with a turbotax expert because i had two full time jobs... lawyering and... liaming. all on my own. count on me, mia. i'll file your taxes for you with 100% accuracy, guaranteed. i'm too tired to smile. make your moves count. intuit turbotax. let a full-service expert do your taxes for you, as soon as today. 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>> bret: c.b., thank you. ♪ in whatever happened to segment tonight high speed plan rail service in the west includes a lot more taxpayer money. after years of delays and billions of dollars already spent, critics are skeptic that such projects will ever be completed. here is national correspondent william la jeunesse. >> here's the best part, it means jobs. union jobs. >> that's president biden committing hundreds of millions of tax dollars to two projects many americans may never see. >> it is, you know, the train to nowhere. >> california's high speed bullet train derailed under president trump who cut federal funding is now back on track thanks to a $3 billion grant from president biden. >> this investment allows us to move forward with purchasing electrified high speed trains. >> passed by california voters in 2008, then governor jerry brown promised an l.a. to san francisco train for $33 billion by 2020. it's now 10 years behind schedule and 100 billion over budget. >> the current project as planned would cost too much and respectfully take too long. >> a project that was supposed to stretch from sacramento to san diego now only has enough money to reach bakersfield to member sadden. but the rail's main purpose to connect bustling northern california with the economic giants of the south is more dream than reality. >> it's definitely a dream like high speed derail reduces drive time and emissions. both reasons why president biden also approved money from a bullet train from las vegas to los angeles, 265 miles down the middle of interstate 15. >> introducing bright line west. >> contractor bright line will receive a near record federal grant to a private company of $3 billion. 25% of the project's cost. >> folks, we have been talking about this project for decades. now we're really getting it done. >> biden claims bright line can begin issue in the rail link in four years, just in time for the l.a. olympics. in los angeles, william la jeunesse, fox news. >> up next, the panel on the trump legal cases in georgia and florida. but as we go to break, former canadian prime minister brian mull rooney has died. he led canada's progressive conservative party for 10 years. president biden is calling him a tireless advocate for canada who is fearless and not afraid to stand up for causes he cared about he he spoke at their funerals. >> george was taking copious notes as the heads of government spoke. after president, prime minister thatcher and chancellor coal had spoken, it was the turn of the prime minister of iceland who, as president bush continued to write: went on and on. george put down his pen, walked over to me and said, brian, i have just learned the fundamental principle of international affairs. i said what's that, george? hhe said the smaller the countr, the longer the speech. >> bret: mull rouhani's daughter says died peacefully surrounded by family in a florida hospital. i knew prime minister mulroney he was a gentleman. i am better for having known him. brian mulroney was 94. 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eric early. always supports trump and the maga agenda. republican eric early. endorsed by the california pro-life council... ...opposed to all abortion. and eric early loves the second amendment. eric early. way more dangerous than steve garvey. he dodges trump. garvey even said he might vote for biden. republican eric early for u.s. senate. too maga. too trump. too dangerous. >> do you have to find that wade and willis lied? no. what you need to be able to find is that there is a concern, a legitimate concern based on the evidence in this case about their truthfulness. >> they haven't been able to prove that this case was one of selected prosecution for political benefit or gain. >> we'll be taking the time to make sure that i give this case the full consideration it's due. >> bret: well, if you are watching cable news today, you may have seen some of this, the closing arguments in this case, the "new york times" writes it this way. trump lawyer argues appearance of impropriety is enough to disqualify prosecutor. the stakes are high. if ms. willis is disqualified from the case her entire office would be too and the case would probably be turned over to a district attorney from another jurisdiction. disqualification would reduce the chances that a trial would begin before the november presidential election. we'll start here but we will talk about other cases as well. let's bring in our panel. fox news chief legal correspondent anchor of "fox news sunday" shannon bream. syndicated radio host hugh houthi and matthew continetti fellow at the american enterprise institute. shannon, let me start with you. i'm sure you watched some of this. it was long today. what was your take away. >> shannon: listen, every time we tell people when they want to argue about cameras in the court it's super boring at the supreme court you are not going to love it. then they see this and they say no, no, this is the stuff we think happens in courtrooms all the time. a lot of back and forth. a lot of people changing their stories. some people sticking to their stories. this judge has a couple really big decisions he has got to make before he even gets to the application of facts though case. first of all, is it just a conflict of interest or just an appearance of the conflict of interest? that's a very different decision for him to make. and, also, remember all those cell phone records that one of these defendants tried to submit saying it shows there was ton of texting and shows that nathan wade was staying with fani willis on occasion. will he admit those cell phone records? those are big questions he has got to answer first. >> bret: fani willis and nathan wade both in the courtroom and contingent o -- or the controversy here and their relationship, when it started, what the money was around it. hugh, with the atlanta journal constitution talks about these text messages about show the move to disqualify fani willis developed. on january 5th, three days before she filed her motion, merchant, one of the lawyers, asked bradley, another in the prosecutor's office when the willis-wade romance began. the key issue in the weeks to come. do you think this started before she hired him, she asked? absolutely, bradley responded. bradley took the stand this week and said all kinds of things. take a listen. >> i do see that message, but i do not recall. i don't recall any -- any specific dates. i don't recall if i ever said i don't remember. >> mr. bradley says absolutely. that's not speculation. that's a definitive statement that that is an indication that bradley, in fact knew and said he did. if you accept that, you have to have concerns about the truthfulness of willis and wade on the timing issue. >> bret: now, a lot of people say, hugh, we're focusing too much on this. but it is a big case. it's a state case. and all of these cases, it all comes down to the calendar. >> yeah, the calendar is working in favor of former president trump now, bret. i agree with shannon. it was very interesting, but i don't think this is a close call. i teach constitutional law not professional responsibility. but the model code calls for lawyers to avoid even the appearance of impropriety. i don't think this is close. i think fani willis and the whole gang are going to get tossed off. i think the "new york times" is wrong what was read there. i think it goes to the state a.g. by the way it ain't even going to go to trial if it even gets to go forward at all before the election. nor do i think either of the federal cases will. i think we are focused on manhattan coming up in march. >> bret: okay. so, if you look at the calendar, and you look at the political events that are happening, the, you know, the train wreck potentially here as far as it all coming together, two trains on a track towards each over, matthew, it's really quite something. >> that's right. maybe instead of presidential debates we will have dueling presidential court appearances in terms of former president trump, potential impeachment vote for president biden and we also have to think of the possibility that hunter biden's case going to trial. i think the fundamental take away, bret, is that the lawfare that's been waged against president trump has not worked out as planned. in fact, it's helped the former president solidify his base and be on the march in the public elimination. whereas the investigations into the biden family and the hunter and the president and james biden that has hurt current president biden by, i think, undermining his claim to be a truth-telling moderate who is above suspicion. so, the legal cases have helped trump, unexpectedly while hurting biden. >> bret: yeah. so, shannon, today's deal in florida was about the timing of that trial of the documents case, july 8th or august 12th. but, when it comes to the supreme court, "wall street journal" editorial board writes. this. the supreme court trumps jack smith. the supreme court will be attacked no matter how it rules. and former house speaker nancy pelosi has already declared that the supreme court is placing itself on trial by hearing the appeal. the appeal on the immunity issue. no, the court is doing its job to protect the constitutional order after democrats decided they couldn't trust the voters to defeat mr. trump. and, as we talked, about it's not only the immunity issue but also the colorado ballot access issue which effects a lot of states on that issue. >> shannon: it does. super tuesday is upon us. colorado and maine are two states where you had some form of court or official there say that they didn't want president trump on the ballot. they are waiting to hear from the supreme court. so we will see when we get that, but, if former speaker nancy pelosi doesn't like the idea that the has taken this up, she should actually talk to special counsel jack smith about that. because in a filing last december, he said that the supreme court wo was the only by that could solve this question of immunity. then he wound up arguing they shouldn't take it. they have now. if you don't like that it's coming in april, you think that's too long. that is super rocket docket speed for this court. so we'll see. for them, it is fast-paced but yes, it does substantially delay that jack smith trial that was supposed to start on monday. >> bret: yeah. wwe follow it all. we will need a whiteboard every now and then because so many things happening. thank you very much. stand by. up next, the friday lightning round. the presidential race, the border crisis. winners and losers, later, "notable quotables." ♪ ♪ ♪ zyrtec! ♪ works hard at hour 1 and twice as hard when you take it again the next day. so betty can be the... barcode beat conductor. ♪ let's be more than our allergies! and for fast allergy relief with a powerful decongestant, try zyrtec-d. after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with 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(sigh) if you struggle with cpap... you should check out inspire. no mask. no hose. just sleep. inspire. learn more and view important safety information at >> republicans are more interested in politics than solutions. the b bottom line is we need to take action and modify forward with the bipartisan agreement. >> we have laid out to president biden how to do it. he can do it on his own. he can fix it but he won't. >> we have had a lot of complaints from people who have migrated legally to the united states, who have waited in line, paid their dues and they are extremely frustrated. >> bret: it was a big week for the border, for politics, both the former president and the president down there. meantime, there is this battle over the are razor wire governr abbott put up along the border. there is an effort by the federal government to go to court to try to cut that wire and break it up. the white house asked about that kind of thrown off guard. >> is the administration coming around to the idea that physical border barriers work? can you say more? what do you mean? where is this coming from? >> jacqui: it's been six weeks since you guys won a supreme court case that would have allowed you to remove razor wire at the texas border. why is it still up? >> i mean, you have to -- to speak to the department of -- of -- dhs, obviously. >> bret: so not a lot of answers there. back with the panel. hugh, what's the fallout from this week, politically? >> very good week for donald trump. in fact, he is polling better at this point in the 2024 race than he did in 2020 or 2016. the real clear politics average has him 2 points over the current president and i think every day they spend talking about anything about immigration is a good day for donald trump because the numbers don't lie. people see what they see. 8 to 10 million people across that border under joe biden far, far more than under president trump. and so i think any day they talk about immigration is a good day for donald trump. >> bret: yeah. matthew, if you look at polls in battleground states, on the issue of immigration and border security, head to head with the form herb president and the president, you can see georgia, michigan, north carolina, wisconsin, all significantly favoring the former president. >> i think this trip to the border, bret, was a sign that president biden knows that he is losing. and he is desperately trying to play catch up to former president trump. but it doesn't work. because at the end of the day, a photo op. is not going to help biden recover politically. the policies have to change and the policies are there if you just took out that pen and phone, which he is ready to do with student loans but not with the border yet democrats, shannon are going to come back to this senate bill and while republicans say the president could turn around those executive orders they will continue to use that senate bipartisan effort as a cudgel. >> you heard president biden say at the border yesterday just come work with me. let's get that bill passed. president trump come work with me and let's get something done. there is a lot of -- rolling across the i'll when that aislet happens. the more the conversation continues the better the polling is for president trump. monmouth says 8 in 10 americans think it's somewhat or serious problem at the border. now a majority of americans say they want a wall built there. those are things that have changed over the course of the last four years. so, no matter what the white house wants to say about who is to blame in not getting that bill done, the trump camp wants to keep talking about this issue. >> bret: okay. let's do a lightning winners and losers. winner hugh first to you. >> cal ripken of the senate this week when he announced he is stepping down in november. mitch having served 17 years as party leader. it's a record. he did so many great things for the court. he did so many great things for the tax code. he kept the caucus together. so he is, without a doubt. he set a record that will not be passed. he had great week and he called his own shot when he is leaving. >> bret: loser? >> my loser is california. unfortunately the budget deficit in the golden state which is getting buffeted by a blizzard as we speak up north is up to 73 b, that's a b for one state. $73 billion in red ink, even as the white stuff begins to fall all over the sierra mountain range. what gavin newsom has to do is raise taxes. it's a nightmare. >> bret: here we go winner and loser. >> owe tan any is my winner of the week. baseball mega star homer first at bat with the dodgers and announced he got married. my loser of the week is the google a.i. gemini. the woke ai politically correct proves the lessen garbage in garbage out. >> shannon: amazing rescue today, talked about the female truck driver he got out of there. did this for 40 minutes he said i didn't think about it. the training just kicked. in the two of them prayed together. she stayed calm until they got on to that bridge there so kudos to everybody involved with that the loser, don't get this wrong, i'm saying happy birthday to justin bieber but all the loadsers the man is now 30 years old. how did that happen? >> bret: exactly. what happened to time. all right, panel, thanks, make a great weekend. >> thank you. >> bret: that sound means it's friday and time for "notable quotables." >> i am so sad and so angry that it -- this has happened to another mother. >> mr. president, do you bear any responsibility for laken riley's death? >> you're fired, biden. get the hell out of here. >> biden just doesn't have the fortitude to do what is necessary to secure our borders. >> it's the toughest, most efficient, most effective border security bill this country has ever seen. >> bret: any hope to put h.r. 2 back in the mix here. >> this is existential crisis for our country. >> as a democrat, you know, and willing and eager to go stronger than the border deal. >> the new and improved fetterman can wear whatever he wants if he keeps talking like that. >> i don't know anything joe biden or hunter biden or james biden says. >> this has been a comedy offers from the beginning. >> how did it go? >> great. >> almost 9800 texts i don't even think love struck teenagers communicate that much. >> my hope is by next monday we will have a cease-fire. >> do you still expect a cease-fire is possible by monday, sir? >> probably not by monday. >> mitch mcconnell is the least popular politician in america, either party. >> i still have enough gas in my tank to thoroughly disappoint my critics. >> the good lord gave us an extra day in february. let's make sure we finish the job. >> bret: one week covering washington. monday on "special report," we will preview the big super tuesday primary elections and then please join us for our special super tuesday coverage begins 7:00 p.m. eastern time. cast of thousands there. we have another big "fox news sunday" for you. shannon bream's guest will be florida republican senator mark crow ruby grow. ben cashed continue and delaware chris coons. florida republican congressman byron donalds all fair, balanced and unafraid. have great weekend. "the ingraham angle" is now. ♪

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Timing , Communication , Cell Phone Evidence , Life Experience , Number , Friends , Calls , Appearance , Conflict Of Interest , Back To You , Removal , Calendar , May , Big Question , Trial , Arguments , Courthouse , Aileen Cannon , May 20th , 20 , Things , Election , Sides , Legs , Jay Bratt , Though Trump , Height , 8 , 12 , August 12th , Charges , Place , Statements , Policy , Compliance , Purpose , Steps , Doj , Supreme Court , Trump , Justice , Pause , Results , Washington D C , 2020 , Country , Thing , Immunity , Documents Case , Five , Hunter Biden , Israel , Administration , War , Terrorists , Efforts , Gaza , Help , David Spunt Live In Fort Pierce , Hamas , White House , Border , Crisis , Story , Jacqui , Defensive , Jacqui Heinrich , North Lawn , Aid , Words , Sign , Aid Into Gaza , Benjamin Netanyahu , Excuses , Hundreds , Life , Stampede On Aid Trucks , Fire , Forces , Heart Breaking , Loss , Military , 100 , Families , Investigation , Response , Waiting , Blame , Cease Fire , Support , Deal , Pressure , Position , Crowd , Exchange , Damage , Need , War On Hamas , Six , Line , Republicans , Proposal , Hamas Hadn T , Air Drops , 6th Of October , 6 , U S Senate , Student Loans , Executive Action , Reluctance , Congress , Challenges , Action , Executive Order , Three , Migrants , President , Funding , Fact Sheet , Heat , Newcomers , Bill , Process , Text , Cities , Migrant Surge , Choice , Legislation , Equivalency , Services , Dhs , Processing , Shelters , Given Eligibility , Testimony , Brother , Interview , Details , James Biden , Chad Pergram , Son , Deposition , Committee , Flash , Joe Biden , Loans , Unbelievable , 40000 , 2017 , 0000 , Government , Cefc , Thousands , Characters , Citizen , Firm , Chinese , Proteges , Business Partners , Many , Family Dealings , Prison , President Xi , Votes , Crimes , Impeachment , Tax Evasion , Foreign Agent Registration Act , Obstruction Of Justice , He Wasn T , Point , Family Business , Inconsistencies , Lawmakers , Circus Tent , Hunter , Quote , Tony Bobulinski , Dad , Hands , Biden Met , Beverly Hilton Hotel , Probe , Lobby , Spring , House , Impeachment Vote , That S Right , Mark Green , Homeland Security Chairman , Up Next , Democrats , The Hill , Ain T , Trip , Cuba , Critics , Counts , Fox Affiliates , Michelle , Connecticut , Fox 61 In Hartford , 61 , Wife , Jennifer Dulos , Husband , 12k57ance , Girlfriend , Murder , New Canaan , One , January Of 2020 , Funeral , Service , Laken Hope Riley , Hometown , Immigrant , Fox 5 , Nursing Student , Athens , Woodstock , 5 , 22 , That S Ab For One , Look , California S , Stories , Most , Regions , Sir , Blizzard Warning , Fox 40 , Foothill , Earth Cam , Lake Tahoe , Nevada , 40 , Special Report , Snow , Feet , Areas , Winds , Beltway , Forecasters , 10 , Wonderland , Snow Globe Wherei , The Wind Blows , Reactions , Doctor , Risk , Infections , Infection , Symptoms , Ability , Tremfya , Vaccine , Emerge Tremfyant , Centers For Disease Control And Prevention , Home , Sick , Testing Positive , Guidance , Covid 19 , 24 , 19 , Mask , Federal Appeals Court , Distance , Ventilation , Court , Defendants , Interference , Sentences , Certification , Larry Brock , Interference Charge , Charge , Conviction , Sentence Enhancement , Aspects , Bob Menendez , Corruption Case , Businessman , Areeve , New Jersey , Members , Criticism , Progressive House , Mercedes Benz , Island , Shame , Sympathizers , Parents , Alexandria Hoff , Ilhan Omar , Pramila Jayapal , Under Fire , Elon Musk , Designation , State Sponsors , Terrorism , List , Terror , Hardship , Waves , Havana , Report , Meetings , Human Rights Discussions , Progressive Caucus , Sill Nate , Beat Cuba Media , Streets , End , Tens Of Thousands , Cubans , Individuals , Repression , State Department , Resolution , 2021 , 700 , Property , Regime , Freedoms , Voice , Congressman Carlos Gimenez , Use , Hakeem Jeffries , Briefing , Apologies , Alex Hogan Reports On Whether , Offices Today , A Moscow Church Today , Comment , Mourners , Reach Out To Jeffries , Alexei Navalny , Arrests , Widow , Kremlin , Artic Prison Last , Critic , Chanting , Opposition Leader , Remembering Russia , Goodbye , Gatherings , Vladimir Putin , Law , Lynn Tracy , Warning , Dozens , Violation , Moscow Church , West , Set , Tensions , Accountable , Spiral , Countries , Word , Artic , Penal Colony , Eastern Europe , Russian Empire , Family , Message , Walk , Casket , 47 , Way , Death , Corruption , Example , Ground , Music , Embassy , Frank Sinatra , Someone , Length , Reminder , Katy , Borders , Police , Soldier , Victims , Motive , Suspect , Killings , Child , The Hard Way , Northern Germany , Four , Iran , Protests , Activist , Officials , Demonstrations , Laws , Police Custody , Hijab , 2022 , Voters , Supreme Leader , Ballots , Capital , Public , Polling Stations , London , Tehran , The Big Story Tonight A New Raven Master , Protectors , Legend , Ravens , Michael Barney Chandler , Fortress , Kingdom Of England , Tower Of London , 1000 , Some , Mia , Taxes , On My Own , Jobs , Lawyering , Turbotax Expert , Count , Liaming , Moves , Accuracy , Intuit Turbotax , Stuff , Protein , Boost , Nutrition , Move , Planning , Pods Dot Com Today , Smarter , Town , Pods , 6 Million , Won T , Breathing , High Blood Pressure , Breathing Problems , Symptom Improvement , Heart Condition , Copd , Flare Ups , Rescue Inhaler , Asthma , Breztri , Pain , Vision Changes , Chest Pain , Thrush , Osteoporosis , Pneumonia , Swelling , Mouth , Tongue , Problems Urinating , Eye , Voltaren , Source , Movement , Alternative , Medicine , Pills , Arthritis Pain Relief Gel , Video , Off Clark Memorial Bridge In Louisville , Bridge , Truck , Bryce Cardin , Cars , Driver , Semi , Barrier , Crash , Truck Driver , Examination , Hospital , Water , Injuries , Occupants , Passenger Vehicle , 45 , Agency , Earners , It Tax Returns , Irs , 2018 , 125000 , Millions , Commissioner , Passing , Noncompliance Letters , Tools , Enforcement , Inflation Reduction Act , Wall Street , Dow , Nasdaq , S P 500 , 500 , 183 , 41 , 91 , Nightmare , Percentage Point , Tenth , Tale , New York , Dream Turning , 1 , 1 75 , Anything , Squatter , Bret Flores , Correspondent Cb Cotton , Queens , Family Members , Squatting , Susanna Landis , Joseph , 23 , 13 , October 13 , Down Syndrome , Evicting Flores , Future , Price Tag , 2 Million , Million , Protection , Homeowner , Flores , License , Court Records , Couple , Battles , Rights Attorney , Tenant , Notice , 2023 , 2023 Flores , Mr , Photos , Cotton , Rooms , Rent , Claims , Fox News , Landis , Hi , Derk , 30 , Victim , Flores Didn T , A , Attorney , Revelation , Answer , Alan Das , Court Records Show Flores , Retirement Home , Courtroom Fight , Landas , Whatever , Bankruptcy , C B , Plan , Rail Service , Taxpayer Money , Billions , Delays , Segment , William La Jeunesse , Projects , Part , Skeptic , Union Jobs , Train , Bullet Train , High Speed , Track , Tax , Cut Federal Funding , Grant , Investment , Jerry Brown , High Speed Trains , Purchasing , San Francisco , L A , California Voters , 3 Billion , 33 Billion , 2008 , Billion , Project , 100 Billion , Member , Rail , Giants , South , Northern California , Sacramento , San Diego , Dream , Reality , Emissions , Reasons , Record , Company , Interstate 15 , Middle , Contractor Bright Line , Las Vegas , 265 , 15 , Cost , Folks , Rail Link , 25 , Brian Mull Rooney , Panel , Canadian , L A Olympics , Advocate , Causes , Progressive Conservative Party , George , Funerals , Notes , Heads Of Government , Prime Minister , Bush , Chancellor , Turn , On And , Coal , Who , Iceland , Pen , Countr , Speech , International Affairs , Principle , Hhe , Brian Mulroney , Daughter , Florida Hospital , Mull Rouhani , Gentleman , 94 , Skin , Skyrizi , 4 , 90 , 3 , Starter Doses , 2 , Nothing , Everything , Hand In , Psoriasis , Biologic , Number One , Food , Pellets , Dogs , Veggies , Farmer , Meat , Idea , Katie Porter , Republican Eric Early , Council , Abortion , Maga Agenda , Second Amendment , Steve Garvey , Too Trump , Too Maga , Concern , Truthfulness , Prosecution , Evidence , Benefit , Gain , Haven T , Consideration , Impropriety , New York Times , Cable News , Lawyer , Office , Disqualification , District Attorney , Chances , Willis , Ms , Jurisdiction , Stakes , Hugh Houthi , Matthew Continetti , Fox News Sunday , Chief , Syndicated , Fellow , Cameras , American Enterprise Institute , Courtrooms , Forth , Decisions , Facts , Application , Cell Phone , Texting , Ton , Courtroom , Cell Phone Records , Questions , Occasion , O , Contingent , Controversy , Motion , Text Messages , Atlanta Journal Constitution Talks , On January 5th , January 5th , Lawyers , Another , Merchant , Romance , Bradley , Listen , Kinds , Absolutely , Fact , Statement , Speculation , Concerns , Indication , State Case , Wall , Timing Issue , Responsibility , Call , Model Code , Favor , Wrong , Gang , A G , Coming Up In March , On Manhattan , Something , Events , Trains , Over , Train Wreck , Happening , Possibility , Appearances , Debates , Terms , Lawfare , Planned , Base , Investigations , Claim , Moderate , Suspicion , Elimination , Biden By , July 8th , Nancy Pelosi , Jack Smith , Matter , Supreme Court Trumps , Wall Street Journal , Editorial Board , Immunity Issue , Appeal , Order , Couldn T Trust , Colorado , Form , Super Tuesday , States , Official , Ballot , Ballot Access , Maine , Didn T Want , Up , Doesn T , Filing , Speed , Rocket Docket , Race , Whiteboard , Stand By , Wwe , Losers , Works , Winners , Beat Conductor , Allergies , Notable Quotables , Zyrtec , Barcode , Solar Flare , Businesses , Allergy , Decongestant , Bacon , Stocks , 25th Hour , Zyrtec D , 25 7 , Solutions , Work , Snoring , Vote , Designs , Ticking , Power Nap , Havoc , Overtime Approvals , World , Payroll , Adp , Hr , Ned S Plaque Psoriasis , Dramaticlly Beat , Crowd Noises , Blood Tests , Otezla , Plaque Psoriasis , Red , Itching , Flaking , Patches , Ned , Doctors , Psoriatic Arthritis , Diarrhea , Nausea , Vomiting , Thoughts , Weight Loss , Headache , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Depression , Movie , Inspire , Hose , Cpap , Politics , B Bottom Line , Safety Information , Complaints , Agreement , Battle , Dues , Effort , Kind , Guard , Razor Wire , Governr Abbott , Border Barriers , Texas Border , Department , Answers , Obviously , Polling , Points , Fallout , Real Clear Politics Average , 2024 , 2016 , Immigration , Numbers , 10 Million , Battleground States , Polls , Border Security , Herb , Michigan , Wisconsin , North Carolina , Policies , Doesn T Work , Phone , Photo Op , Executive Orders , Aislet , Cudgel , Monmouth , Course , More , Conversation , Problem , Majority , Winner , Lightning Winners , Camp , Cal Ripken , Party Leader , Tax Code , Caucus , Doubt , 17 , Loser , Budget Deficit , Golden State , Blizzard , Shot , North , B , Gavin Newsom , Red Ink , Sierra Mountain Range , 73 Billion , 73 , Tan , Dodgers , Here We Go Winner , Baseball Mega Star Homer First , Google A I , At Bat , Gemini , Garbage In Out , Amazing Rescue Today , Ai , Training , Birthday , Weekend , Right , The Man , Justin Bieber , Loadsers , It , Sound , Quotables , Biden Just Doesn T , Hope , Fortitude , Border Security Bill , Hell , Fetterman , Mix , Back , Teenagers , Comedy , Texts , Beginning , Love , 9800 , Politician , Party , Tank , Gas , Monday , Mitch Mcconnell , Elections , Lord , Big Super Tuesday , Mark Crow Ruby Grow , Eastern Time , Guest , Ben , Delaware , Cast Of Thousands There , Chris Coons , 7 , 00 , Byron Donalds , Unafraid , Ingraham Angle ,

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