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tonight. thanks so much for being with us. dad and son, well, facing some legal trouble. at least they are in it together. we will explain with jonathan turley and josh hawley later in the show. but, first, the cities are on life support, that's the focus of tonight's angle liberals always claim to urban life. they love mass transportation. cheap restaurants. you know, theaters, music venues, also call the vibrant social scene. but why kill what you love? and that's exactly what liberals are doing. they wonder why life in san francisco, baltimore, chicago, and d.c. has become so unlivable. well, when they wonder that, they should look in the mirror. because they are responsible for the slowed death of urban america gh taxes, high crime, low office occupancy, lousy schools. this is the quartet of forces inflicted on our cities by politician activists. the same people float unscathed above the wreckage that they themselves created. to cover for their own failures, they pepper their public comments with appeals to phrases like racial equity and reimagine policing. that's my favorite. but have a bid social justice jargon doesn't hide the fact policies are driving away good people and great business. once bustling cities are now struggling. and then with an eroding tax base, it's lights out. the windy city is now just one big swirl of crime. with thugs so determined that they will use cars as weapons to gain access to what they want. like this jeep suv here. now, even concrete barriers aren't deterrence. of course, sta store owners bece repeat victims in case and they are fed up. >> this is probably overall our seventh or eighth break in in the last year or two. and, you know, a lot of people think insurance is easy to get but now, you know, it's hard for us to get any kind of insurance. all this will be [inaudible] >> laura: democrats can't even get it together to control crime when they have popular sports franchises in their major cities. according to a sportsbook report, 39% of those surveyed say that they have seen or been a victim of at least one crime in areas near their nfl team stadium. the most dangerous stadium areas may surprise you. denver topped the place with the most crimes for 1,000 people. next it was seattle. then it was detroit, minneapolis, and kansas city. if a city are ofs to ensure safe streets and they tell government workers it's fine to work from home, fewer consumers are going to want to spend money and time there that means businesses have less income and you have to factor in the high cost of doing business these days, eventually the bubble bursts. d.c. restaurant owners are sounding the alarm. >> we have 11 locations in d.c. over the past year, each one of those locations has been effected by some type of crime. we now have to spend about $4,000 a week on private security. >> how much more are you spending on security than you did in years' previous? >> it's probably about 20 to 25% more right now. we will see where it goes in the future. >> what's the total? >> well, involved in four restaurants, family owned restaurant here in the district. and over $225,000 a year we spend on. >> laura: $225,000 a year? how is that sustainable? but, like many lefty mayors, d.c. mayor muriel bowser's answer to these concerns about crime, just down plays the problem. >> our experience with crime is kind of a blip. it's a phenomenon and we can look back over the last several years and see a lot of contributing factors. but we will drive it down. >> laura: that takes my breath away. now, politicians may lie but numbers don't. check out the crime increases year-to-date. homicides up 34% in d.c. robbery 69%. motor vehicle theft is up a staggering 89%. and total violent crime, this is terrifying. is up 40%. now, to muriel bowser, that qualifies as a blip? well i don't think the washington capital owners shares that opinion. virginia governor glenn youngkin announced today that he struck a deal with the franchise owner to move both his nhl and his nba teams to northern virginia. othis will get new facilities, favorable tax deal and maybe a far safer community for fans and players. well, today, a prominent d.c. radio host explained what happened to lead up to this and how much damage it's going to cause. he said i keep coming back to antidote i saw in the "the washington post" in november. d.c. had always provided 27 cops around the arena to keep his patrons safe until recently. now they provide three. how many other things have trended that way in the relationship? ing moving the teams will be devastating to penn quarter. it will be crushing to the city. it's telling that youngkin was finalizing the terms of his big get, bowser was hobnobbing with the elites at the climate summit in due by. she arrives back in d.c. to the bad news. all she offers was the typical liberal platitudes. >> we know that in our city we have been through very good times, the best of times and some tough times. and some of those times are ripples in our history that we always overcome. weigh know that d.c. fans and d.c. residents are loyal and that they are disappointed today, as am i. >> laura: oh, you think? they're disappointed in oh, that makes it all better. and for all her bluster, d.c. is in the shape it's in because of the policies and the politicians that she supported bloat the bureaucracy, low police recruitmentment and morale, covid lockdowns that were never necessary, of course still led to empty office buildings and d.c.'s deficit will be $1.7 billion over five years a good mayor calls it a perfect storm to explain it all away. why hasn't it hit nashville and miami? why are they booming? the press tries to act like our populist movement is somehow hostile to cities. but, i'm telling you don't, the opposite is true. we tried and the angle tried in every way possible to warn people what would happen if they continued these insane policies. but they did not listen. and, trump, is he a new yorker. , he doesn't want to see new york go down the drain. last year desantis won miami-dade county by doubling digits. so his policies in that urban area and suburban area are working. we all want to see all of america, including our beautiful cities flourish. it's the left that's doing everything they can to destroy them and that's the angle. joining me now is glenn youngkin, governor of virginia. governor, first, congratulations. you're a business guy. you understand what motivates business. but, second, what was the driving factor to your understanding behind ted leon miss' move? >> laura, first of all, thank you for having me. it's been exciting day in virginia like none in america. where monumental sports city of alexandria and of course the commonwealth of virginia are going to bring together all of our capabilities to develop a $2 billion sports entertainment district that will be the home to two great teams, the washington wizards move to virginia with 600 jobs develop 6,000 seat concert venue, convention center, hotels, mix used restaurants housing and community space it's very exciting and also generate $12 billion of economic impact over the next several decades and several thousand jobs. it will be, i think, the most creative financing structure because of the fact that we are not putting up upfront payment. i told virginia taxpayers i would do a good deal for virginia. i think we negotiated a chance for awful three partners to win together where we will generate substantial tax revenues over time and use tax revenues to finance this $2 billion project along with $400 million investment for monumental sports. >> laura: don't start talking. >> something fun to do. >> laura: don't start talking like a finance guy on "the ingraham angle." i know that's your background. no, i'm just teasing you. crime. i know ted leonsis. crime was part of this decision, governor, without a doubt i was in d.c. when the verizon center was built. i saw how that area of d.c. was totally revitalized. you probablier with that in the d.c. in the 80's that area was disaster. it came to life with investment and so forth. crime has been a major problem in this city really since before covid. and covid made it all worse that had to be part of this decision as well. nobody wants to go downtown. >> of course, as you highlighted across america, we have a huge divide. we have winners and losers we see it in states led by republican governors are winning and states led by democratic governors are losing. the data is just so clear. when i came into this position and virginians hired me, i knew that we had to do a number of things. one, we have to get the cost of living down. second, we have got to increase the education quality. third, would he have to make our community safe and fourth we have to have a government works for people and doesn't tell them what to do all the time. this has translated into an economic revitalization for the commwealth. we have 230,000 more people working today than when we started just two years ago. we went from the bottom of job growth to number three in the nation in job growth during this time period. >> laura: governor, sorry to interrupt. but it would have been nice if this came out before the election, right, before the state house election. it probably would have -- it wouldn't have hurt. that's for sure, correct? it wasn't as bad people said it was in virginia for republicans. it wasn't what you or certainly i as a proud virginia resident wanted. we wanted the republicans to take the house and the senate. they did not. but, given that, how do you -- in the next few years, how do you continue to show the people of this -- you know, incredible state why this works. why common sense policies work and why these cities are collapsing? >> well, of course i was disappointed with the outcome of the elections. the redistricting was an uphill battle. we knew it. and really we look back at this and about 11,000 votes if they had gone the other direction, we would have held both houses. and, that's just -- that's the reality. we had split government going into this. and we will have split government coming out of it. nothing happens without both houses passing a bill and a governor signing it. and so we will find lots of good things to work on together. i do believe, laura, that common sense conservative policies continue to demonstrate that they are effective. you cannot argue with the success numbers in virginia relative to when we got there just two years ago most importantly we will continue to drive forward with the same policies. and this is a chance for us to come together and deliver for virginians. this announcement this morning i think reflects that it reflects the fact that companies want to be in virginia. i mean, we have had boeing and raytheon and lego and hilton double down in virginia. we have had people move to virginia who were moving away. we have had people stay who were moving away. common sense conservative policies work. the winning states are the states that have the formula. the losing states are the ones that don't. and i think that americans are seeing this across the country. and that's why they're all moving to the states that have republican leadership. >> laura: it's time that the cities wake up. i mean, if they keep voting for the same people and the same policies, they are going to get the same results. really sad for me to sees a a long time d.c. resident what is happening there. governor, congratulations. you have got it done. i look forward to seeing how it all plays out. thank you so much. all right. the house voting moments ago to launch an impeachment inquiry into joe biden. what does that mean? jonathan turley breaks it all down. plus, who is hunter blaming for his legal troubles now? and, josh hawley will respond to that and a lot more, tonight. ♪ ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? even a term policy! find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit what is cirkul? cirkul is the fuel you need to take flight. cirkul is the energy that gets you to the next level. cirkul is what you hope for when life tosses lemons your way. cirkul. it's your water, your way. 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he said the phrase not financially involved. that seems very clintonian. >> we are seeing shifting rhetoric, even from the president himself, he stated he had no involvement with business deals or associates of his son. that appears to be demonstratively false. hunter's associates said it was nonsense. hunter himself said he had knowledge. he can't now deny what he told the public over and over again. >> laura: financially involved could mean in his interpretation, my father is not running the businesses, he's not directing their moves vis-a-vis, the united states. that phrasing is very amorphous. >> democrats have been stating there is no evidence the president benefited from these payments. payments to family members do constitute actual criminal charges and applies in impeachment. i represented the last judge impeached by congress and he was charged with gifts that went to his family. all that is nonsense. the question we're looking at going forward, what did the president know and what was his involvement with this influence pedalling? even democrats in the media accept this was a massive influence pedalling operation. they are just argue the president did not know about it. how do you know? that is point of an inquiry. >> laura: alexandria ocasio-cortez made comments about the allegations, watch. >> they do not have a single witness to any of their alleged allegations. we have asked virtually every single person that has come to testify, have you seen, witnessed, participated in a room, anything with first-hand testimony of any of what is being alleged and every witness they called before us said no. >> laura: what about devon archer, tone bobulinski, the whistleblowers. >> or the many associates on the phone call when the then vice president was put on speaker phone. it is other worldly to see the denials. washington is known as theater of the absurd, i've never seen anything like that we saw with hunter and his lawyers today. i can't come up with a legal rationale for what he did. he engaged in legal self emulation. you had two choices today, you could go in and testify or go in and don't testify. there is no third flavor on this ice cream stand. you don't get to go in front of the senate and mock congress. and people have said, well, this might not be enforceable, the vote came later. there was inquiry going on. the democrats started an inquiry without a formal vote. the subpoena came from the oversight committee that has independent subpoena authority. he is in flagrant contempt of congress. i have represented the house of representatives and rarely seen such open contempt for congress. >> laura: they usually get away with it, i think the chickens are coming home to roost, as reverend wright said. thank you. >> laura: just like daddy, take no responsibility for the mess he created, instead blame maga. in addition to criminal tax charges, he now faces contempt of congress for this flagrant skipping out on his subpoena and grandstanding in front of the capitol. oh, did trump world cause him to lie on his paperwork when he bought that gun all the years ago? >> enormous pressure put on by republicans to former president trump to demand something more be done, that is not the way it is supposed to work. >> laura: joining me is missouri senator josh hawley. hunter's lawyers are claiming selective and vindictive prosecution of hunter, that is weak given all the facts jonathan turley laid out. what is your sense of what is happening here? >> it is selective justice when it comes to hunter biden. if he dnth have the last name biden, he would be in prison already. he is a rich liberal with a rich powerful father and that has protected him all these years. if he was a working class guy, he would have the fbi sitting in a pew next to him to spy on him and he would be getting hounded to death. he is powerful, rich, and his daddy is president of the united states, he gets a different standard, that is wrong. >> laura: joe biden is saying if he didn't run in 2020, none of this would be happening and they laugh at trump when they said you are going after me because i didn't retire in 2020 and they discount that when trump says it. now they are saying there this never would rise to impeachable offense or prosecution. >> it is political in this sense, political for the bidens. hunter biden made money off influence pedalling. not one foreign interest, it is multiple foreign interests from burisma, ukraine, china. the money that has flowed through this family to joe biden, to other bidens. we have receipts you can see the money from foreign interests to hunter and to other family members, in black and white. it has been about politics for them. >> laura: the source of the income, to me, congress has not paid enough attention as to who and what was sending this money to hunter biden and what they wanted for it. to me, that is something that must be uncovered and discussed clearly and laid out for the public. let them come to the conclusion what it all means. >> absolutely, that is vital and you are correct. if hunter had nothing to hide, he would have gone into the deposition and told the truth and answer questions. he tried to get a sweetheart plea deal from doj and would have gotten by with it had the judge not asked tough questions. this is a joke. everybody knows he is getting treated with kid gloves. everybody knows he's been selling access to his father for years. let the american people see the fact for themselves. >> laura: i think he should be convicted just for bad art. just kidding. my next guest says the harvard president plagiarism case is clear cut and he should know, one of his job was to investigate cases just like hers. that is next. hey, i just got a text from my sister. you remember rick, her neighbor? 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does the honor code only apply to them and not certain school leaders of a preferred background? joining me now is dr. peter wood, a former boston university provost and president of national association of scholars. now dr. wood, i've read all of the passages in question and to me, this seems clear cut that she lifted the exact language or slightly tweaked languages, words here or there from other authors and scholars without the proper attribution or am i missing something? >> you are not missing anything at all. she pretended the words and sentences were her own. this was a case of attempting to take credit for somebody else's work. now plagiarism is not something that the american public has i think good intuitive grasp of. there is tendency to think if the person who got plagiarized then there is no problem. the problem is plagiarism is offense against whole community of scholars, which depend on trust to put own ideas on paper. it doesn't matter if the other person says, you are my buddy, that is okay. >> laura: or they don't want to offend harvard. they don't want to get in harvard's grill, they want their own deal with harvard at some point. one example of her writing highlighted by campus newspaper shows nearly every word in one paragraph in '97 was lifted from a paper written the year before. this is clear cut. this is not a question. why does she get to skate? this may seem like an obvious question. why does claudine gay get to skate on obvious plagiarism? >> because her board is too embarrassed to admit they made a terrible mistake in appointing her and there is a ferocious political movement. she is the wokest president in the country and trying to allow her academic dishonesty to get in the way of turning harvard into the wedge that will undo white supremacy or systemic racism she sees around every corner would upset political commitment of powerful people at harvard. >> laura: it exposes the truth about diversity, equity and inclusion. it sadly lowers standards and hurts people. first black female president of harvard and to a few months into the deal, to say wee made a mistake. if she were a white male, middle of the road, milk-toast guy, would he have lasted, dr. wood? >> well, someone with her record would never have been appointed in the first place except for the fact she is black and she is ultra-woke. anybody else would be long gone like the president of university of pennsylvania fell, not because of plagiarism, but because of what shed before the house. gay is protected right now. i think it is only for right now. the cases of plagiarism harvard are trying to of coer up or pretend they are not that big of a deal, now that harvard has taken a stand people i am working with are examining her other work, which i expect to be filled with more plagiarism. one thing i know as someone who dealt with plagiarism cases for many years, most are serial offenders. they get away with it and keep on doing it. i think we are about to see claudine gay tissue paper excuse is error of punctuation or something like that, is about to fall apart. >> laura: nicole hanna jones says it is based in racism. >> accusation of racism is last message of scoundrels. we are in a world here where people commit egregious wrongs and try to get away with it by saying, don't blame me, only racists are accusing me. >> laura: thank you for joining us, this is serious business, we want harvard and other businesses to be credible. it is better we have credible, elite institutions. don't you love when the global elite meet and make proclamations that never impact your life, but make them feel good about themselves? 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[applause] >> laura: clap if you like shakedowns of the united states. because this time it happened at the u.n. annual climate summit called cop 28. now, for the first time ever, nearly 200 countries made a global pact that's unenforceable to transition away from fossil fuels by 2050. now, the green yacks could barely contain themselves. >> >> hearing no objection it is so decided. [gavel] [applause] [applause] [cheers and applause] >> laura: let's give ourselves a standing ovation for putting people into poverty. joining me now is marc morano climate depot just got back from copout 22348 dubai. mark, now the u.n. secretary general also applauded the move saying that the era of fossil fuels must end and it must end, this is my favorite part, with justice and my favorite word equity. okay, mark, what is this really all about? how much is it going to cost us? >> well, today you need to hug your children because the u.n. an190 plus nations have announcd the end of fossil fuels. now, keep in mind. 100 years ago the world, 80% of our energy came from fossil fuels and today 80% of our energy comes from fossil fuels. but, hey, it's going away. do you know what the secretary general, former president of socialist international, laura, the media doesn't seem to mention that very much the secretary general said whether you like it or not, fossil fuels are going away. well, gee, if that's the case, then these cop meetings are going away. you had the british foreign secretary, king charles and richie rich, rishi sunak the prime minister fly three private jets to this. in many ways this is absolute virtue signaling, laura. here's the thing since march of 2020 the whole world has changed. they are lusting after what they saw in covid. and the most significant thing of this cop 28 happened about a week before cop 28 and that's when couple hundred medical journals urged the world health organization to declare climate change a public health threat. and the idea here is to bring this under public health authority to declare a covid emergency or declare public health climate change that. that's what they're looking for. bypass democracy and that's the whole set up. that is why this is window dressing for the real power happening behind the scenes. >> laura: that's when they want to get rid of cash. they can track all of your purchases, electric cars, they can stop you from moving out of your allowed territory and so forth. but, i know that china got a big free pass as usual. >> yes. >> and also india. because i mean they have already said we are not phasing outs think are not going to phase out of anything. it's vital to their economies. they know it fossil fuels as it is to ours. >> they do that india and environmental minister we are not going to limit our development because 20%, 30% of their population is in poverty. china, on the other hand, they are not going to be exempt. they are pushing hard, laura, they had the most elabrador redd-it booth set up. perks of xi jib ping over the cop 28 sign. they were pushing for as much transition i say to solar and wind from fossil fuels. china was pushing the west to be more reliant on, drum roll please, china. which is what they are doing. i would argue it's easier to transition your gender than to transition energy especially the way the united states is going about it. centrally planned, command and control. they are not backing off of this at any level. the danger comes from the corporate government collusion that was there they also had children's events there they had sustainable fashion events. they have it all covered at these conferences. >> laura: this is u.s. just your all around green nightmare. china does get to skate in this though. mark, great to see you. all right, the president's infrastructure is collapsing. and at a state house the dark figure appearing near the christmas displays is, what? 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he can't even read the notes anymore. this is getting so bad. >> at one point it was almost like he forgot where he was sitting at one point in the oval office. is there a way we could strike up a fund, raymond? i was thinking about this today. strike up a fund for zelenskyy to by him a proper suit and tie? if you are going to come and lecture us about what we should be doing with our money, then at least dress. you don't like the sweatshirt? >> the act is getting a little old. he should wear a suit antie. we got it, we get it. it's a horrible event, a horrible war. but put a suit and tie on. we will strike up a fund. the reality is biden, you are right, he doesn't know what he is saying anymore. i don't know how zelenskyy even kept a straight face during this. >> look, we are going to ask questions. each has two questions. i will ask the first question. i will ask. i will recognize the first question, ask. i will ask the question. >> the real problem is the president possible's are now in revolt turkey is pivoting from ukraine and is trying to celebrate his trillion dollar infrastructure spending in between. >> it's great to be here with so many members of our national advisory council. excuse me. communities are left behind from when the hurricane hits, together you delivered boosting our resilience and expand our use of electricity. >> it's making no sense. but at the same time biden is pushing infrastructure spending. zelenskyy was out saying don't spend your money on roads and bridges, america. >> do this. not build roads for today. don't do it. spend all your money to the weapon, to the drones, to society, to the pensions, et cetera. >> to their pensions? we are spending money on their pensions? people are wondering if they are going to have their own pensions in the united states win push comes to shove. >> it is absolutely remarkable, laura. you have here a guy begging coming with hat in hand and telling mayors don't spend on roads and bridges. give me your money. this is crazy. we have given you hundreds of billions of dollars. you've got to draw the line somewhere. i want to go to the story, laura, breaking in the iowa state house. it's a display of satan erected by the such an example. we will put it up in a second. the fact that this is here is causing outrage everywhere. and protest. when you see this thing, it is so outrageous. there is an altar in front of the statue of satan. there it is. this was put here legally. apparently the irs decided that the satanic temple is a religious organization so they are they are with their little temple in the iowa state house. inflaming everybody. it's only there for two weeks during christmas. that's not by mistake. that is by design. >> maybe they should get used to the hot temperature with the candles. i want to move quickly to boston. mayor michelle wu is under fire for her christmas party. her assistant sent out invites to the entire city council which wouldn't have been a problem, but it was supposed to be a secret party of elected people of color. half the city council, the white half, wasn't supposed to be invited. >> and half of them are democrats. they are even upset and believe this is divisive. i guess it's anything but a white christmas. maybe blue christmas can be played at that party. >> all right, raymond. thank you. catch him in cleveland and

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