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alert. >> we are tracking three major breaking stories tonight. now it is official, a formal impeachment inquiry into president biden has been approved by the us house of representatives. >> now we are now one step closer to accountability. pretty soon, biden could be the fourth president in american impeached by the house. meanwhile, good news for donald trump. >> this afternoon, a federal judge paused. the doj days witch hunt against trump pending a decision on the former president's immunity claims. and now democrats hope for a trial the day before super tuesday. that whole well isn't real jeopardy. we have a full report tonight straight ahead. but first, a sob story on capitol hill today. hunter biden wants you to know that he's a poor, helpless victim of what is a new, vast right-wing conspiracy and that neither he nor his father should ever be held accountable pretty much for anything. today, hunter was legally required to attend what is a closed door deposition inside the capitol complex as part of the ongoing corruption investigation against his father. instead, hunter stood outside, kind of cowardly, refusing to go in, defying a house subpoena and delivering one of the most, frankly, pathetic, unhinged rants of all time. this is worthy of your time. take a look. >> for six years maga republicans, including members ,the house committees who are in a closed door session session right now, have impugned my character, invaded my privacy, attacked my wife, my children, my family and my friends. for six years i have been a target of the unrelenting trump attack machine shouting where's hunter james colmer, jim jordan, jason smith and their colleagues have distorted the facts. there is no fairness or decency in what these republicans are doing. they have lied over and over about every aspect of my personal and professional life . all right. let us be very clear tonight. hunter is no martyr is facing felony charges over a major multi million dollar tax evasion scheme. he is facing more felony charges, gun crimes. he abandoned his own infant child until. an arkansas court forced hunter to take a paternity test. and according to the doj, he spent millions of dollars on drugs and and clothes and sports cars. instead of paying his taxes or supporting his family. so let's be clear the way hunter made millions of dollars is highly unusual, to say the least. i'm sure a lot of you out there would love to make millions and millions of dollars in some field of endeavor in which you have no experience at all. now, based on testimony about, quote, the biden brand, it appears that hunter was selling access and influence to his father, then vice president joe biden. this is a very key component of the gop's impeachment probe. and by the way, a deposition that is a standard legal tool used during these investigations. as a matter of fact, donald trump jr. he complied with five congressional subpoenas during the democrats witch hunts. now, trump's adult children, son in law, they faced hours upon hours of closed door sessions, members of congress. they showed up. meanwhile, two former senior trump staffers, steve bannon, peter navarro, they both defied congressional subpoenas. they were quickly prosecuted by the doj. bannon was sentenced to four months in prison. navarro has yet to be sentenced, but he could face up to two years behind bars. so now will garland, joe biden's attorney general, prosecute hunter biden, or will we see yet another blatant example of america's corrupt, two tiered system of justice? remember, 2021, president biden demanded criminal prosecutions for those that defy congressional subpoenas. he actually said it. >> let's listen in. thank you. goodbye. congressional subpoenas on the january six committee. i hope that the committee goes after them and hold them accountable. >> they were prosecuted by. i do, yes, he does think they should be prosecuted. >> so does biden stand by those remarks? do those remarks apply to his own son or if something changed and if hunter and joe have done nothing wrong, why didn't hunter show up and clear the air? earlier today, chairman colmer already granted hunter's for a public hearing. after the closed door deposition, as is, by the way, standard operating procedure again jr. was subpoenaed five separate times. he always complied. hunter biden. is he somehow above the law? well, it's just the latest chapter of the bidens families. unusual. in fact, we now have a new wrinkle. and what we are calling the evolution of a lie. the lie started with i never once talked to my son, my brother, or anybody for that matter, about the farm business deals. then it changed and it changed again. and it changed again and then it changed again today. take a look. if you're vice president, how many times have you ever spoken to your son about his overseas business dealings? i've never spoken my son about it. >> in the period that the white house and the president still stand behind his comment that he's never been involved and has never even spoken to his son about his. so i've been i've been asked this a million times. the answer is not going to change. the answer remains the same. the president was never in business with his son, hunter may have put his father on the the phone with any number of different people, and they never once spoke about any business dealings. it was all casual conversation, niceties, the weather, why you interacted with so many of your son, your brothers, business associates. i'm not going to comment and i did not. and it was just a bunch of lies. it interacts with a lot decisions. i did not realize my father was not financially involved in my business, not as a practicing lawyer, not as a board member of burisma, not partnership with a chinese private businessman, not my investments at home or abroad, and certainly not as an artist . but the question is what qualified hunter to make all these millions of dollars and nine other biden family members, all these millions dollars, and they had no experience. we have idea whatsoever whether any services were rendered. so in less than one term, we went from joe biden's saying that he never once talked to business talk business with hunter, his brother, or anybody for that matter, to a different story denying that joe biden was ever in business with hunter, which evolved into claims that joe biden met with hunter's partners and talked to them on the phone. but they talked about niceties. they talked about the weather, but they never discussed business. and now hunter is saying that his father was not, quote, financially. that's a whole different argument. in other words, hunter is leaving open the possibility that his father, then vice president, participated in the family business or syndicate, if you prefer, but never got a direct payment. all instead, according to reported texts and emails, hunter complained that the big guy had been using his wells fargo account to pay pops bills for 11 years. hunter also implicated his father, complaining that he was forced to give up half of his income to pops, meaning joe. at the same time, joe biden was frequently interacting with his son's business partners through pseudonyms and emails. >> this is an undisputed. we have pictures dinners at cafe milano. let's see, with oligarchs like the former first lady of moscow ,alena potts arena, one of the foreign business partners of hunter biden. we have golf outings. we have eyewitness accounts. we have hunter's business partner, devon archer, testifying that he witnessed joe biden participate in phone calls with hunter's foreign business associates at least 20 times. now, that would include one critical call with executives at burisma holdings. that is the ukrainian gas and oil giant. remember, hunter was getting paid millions of dollars to merely on a board of that corrupt ukrainian oil and gas giant, despite no experience at all based on his own words in an interview on "gma". no experience at and you can make millions of dollars. this is a great country. then we have a timeline on this. on december 4th, 2015, during a meeting in dubai. hunter and his bosses at burisma, they were in dubai. they demanded that hunter call d.c. to address, quote, pressure that the company was facing. this according to testimony from, devon archer, quote, they requested hunter help them with some of that pressure, you know, government pressure from the ukrainian government investigation. well, five days later, i'll traveling to ukraine to deliver on the new obama administration policy from october of 2015. in other words, deliver $1,000,000,000 in loan guarantees. well, then vice president joe biden leveraged that billion your tax dollars to force ukraine's top prosecutor out of office. he he gave them 6 hours to do it. and son of a buddy, they fired the guy. the very same prosecutor investigating and hunter biden for corruption vowed that move brought burisma more time and hunter. guess what? as a result of the action taken by his vice president, father he continued to get paid. he continued to get rich again with no experience in america. >> you are innocent until proven guilty, but anyone who tells you there's no evidence of wrongdoing, no need for an investigation is an abject liar. here with more is with the house oversight committee. james colmer is with us, house ways and means committee chairman jason smith and house judiciary chairman jim jordan. congressman colmer, i start with you tonight, reaction to today's events and of course, your statement went out earlier today with jim jordan that you, the hunter, has defied a lawful subpoena and you will now initiate contempt of congress proceedings, and that hunter will not be provided special treatment because his last name is biden . well, i've never seen such a display of arrogance and entitlement as i saw today when you had over a dozen members of congress in a committee room waiting for hunter biden to appear because he was lawfully subpoenaed while we were there with staff who had spent countless preparing questions, substantive questions. the same time hunter biden goes out and has a press conference and plays the victim card, defies the congressional says he wants to tell his story and they get to the car and drives off. i think the american people saw that was a publicity stunt that went bust. we have had a credible investigation that the american people expect. they want to know what the bidens did to receive the tens of millions of dollars from our enemies around the world. and we're going to continue to the truth, and we're doing it lawfully and by constitution. and today,y, hunter biden got into more trouble, if that's even possible, by defying our lawful subpoena. >> and let's get your take, jim jordan, because you, along with congressman colmer, put out the statement about hunter failing to appear for the deposition and are now initiating contempt of congress . tell us what's going to happen next. >> well, we'll do a report and then will then we'll mark it up, pass it through the committee, and then it'll go to the full house. and i think they'll see on the big takeaways today, number one, every single republican voted to move forward an impeachment inquiry and continue our oversight responsibility, every single one. the conventional wisdom, all we can get, all republicans, but a majority of the house is now on record in support of the investigations that we've been doing. second is what you said in your opening line, joe biden went from no involvement to what he participated in dinners and meetings and phone calls, but they were just talking about the weather to today. hunter biden saying my father had, no financial involvement. that qualifier is huge. no financial involved in the business. what a change. we would have loved to have. hunter biden under through the deposition the way these investigations are supposed to work. >> and the first question we would ask him is who? the big guy who the big guy, mr. biden. the confidential source that is joe biden in the 1023 form, your partner said is joe biden. who's the big guy? and then what was on that call that you made from dubai at the request of burisma to get help from d.c. when you called your father, what did you ask him to do? because we know what he went and did. what did you ask him to do on that phone call? those are two important questions that i think the american people deserve to know about and the facts about. that's what we would ask him if we had a chance. >> i hope we get a chance. jason smith, let's talk about what you learned last week in your committee, the ways and means committee, as it relates to certain emails that joe biden used. i don't think he was supposed to do that as a part of the records act, but he did communicate, communicate quite often with eric sherwin, who was the individual at rosemont. seneca, i believe that was in charge of the finances. he is the person that hunter himself would always ask, oh, what account should we use to pay dad's home repair bill on this in this case, or that case? >> is that the guy? that's exactly right. he's known as being the architect of those 20 plus shell shell companies that hunter biden and the bidens use to filter through millions of dollars. >> what those irs whistleblowers provided to our committee last week, sean, is it stood stood in agreement with what they've already provided more than a thousand pages. what those irs whistleblowers said in regards to the prosecution that hunter biden should face in the tax crimes of 2016 to 2019. what happened in california confirmed everything. what the irs whistleblowers whistleblowers alleged. >> one thing that we should be looking at, sean, is that those irs whistleblowers also stated how many leads led to president joe biden. but they were stopped by the justice department. >> and that's what we need to be looking into. >> let me ask you, congressman comar, what do we know? how much money can you confirm that the biden family took in from china, romania, russia? ukraine, kazakhstan and other countries? how much money are we talking about? and can you confirm that the 1023 form that we have talked so often about that accused joe biden of taking official action ,vice president in exchange for a family benefit? >> that would be hunter's benefit. was that the burisma case? >> yeah, i can say this. first of all, we found over $24 million that flowed into those shell companies that jason smith was referencing earlier. >> we have no idea what the bidens did to receive the money. we know those shell companies served no purpose. we've seen bank emails and we've seen suspicious activity reports from banks that said they were investment companies with no investment and companies with no known purposes. now, we know that the 1023 form alleged that they took a bribe. this was in conjunction with the burisma and one thing that triggered the discovery of the 1023 form, sean, was the fact that the people, the whistleblowers that turned over that ten, 2030 form to chuck grassley, they knew about this 1023 form. >> but because the narrative had been all the burisma thing was, was rudy giuliani and it was fake in russia, disinformation. they never paid attention to it. but when the house oversight committee started unveiling evidence in romania and china where the bidens were receiving suspicious funds that were being laundered through these various bank accounts, a very shell companies, those whistleblowers said that's exactly what it said in the 1023 form about ukraine. that's why they came forward. >> let me ask you this. because of our evidence and you couldn't confirm that you have discovered over 20 shell companies, but you see no real business activity except the movement of money from one account to another. >> you confirm that, sir yes. >> and that's what we wanted to have an opportunity. he can explain. if i'm misunderstanding this, he can tell us exactly what these different companies did. >> and you can confirm thahat tn family members, biden family members were paid, including grandchildren. and you can find no evidence of any services rendered at all. >> is that true, sir? that is true. >> let me ask you, jim jordan, we know that joe biden has said that they never got any money from china in the gm interview. >> hunter said pretty much the same thing when we talk about the whatsapp message call. yeah. and he says, i'm sitting here with my father. we don't know why he didn't fulfill your commitment between everybody that he knows and my ability to hold a grudge. >> you will regret not fulfilling that commitment. my father and i are sitting here waiting for you to call. is it true, jim jordan, that in fact $5 million was sent to one of those companies, if you will, within a number of days thereafter? and was that another example of of more money coming from, an oil conglomerate, this one in china? >> yes. he the energy company in china sends $5 million after that that phone call. and if i remember the whatsapp message, it was between and the guy sitting beside me. that had been another question we were asking, who was the guy sitting beside you? who are you referring to in that? it seems pretty obvious, but we would ask him that that question. and john, back to your other point. we know what the business it was, access to the brand. devon archer told us in july, the brand is joe biden. so what was access to joe biden ? because he has influence. everyone with common sense can see what was going on here. and dinners and the phone calls and the meetings with his hunter. biden's business and more importantly, the people he is doing business with. like elena bajaria, the wealthiest woman in all of russia. that anyone can see what's going on here. that's why we had everything a republican vote today to move forward further and further with investigation to get these people in in a timely fashion and get the facts for the country. yes or no? exit question for all of you. >> congressman smith, i'll start with you. is this now an investigation about joe biden being involved in what would be a bribery scandal, a money laundering scandal and an influence peddling scandal? >> this is always been an investigation in regards to joe biden. the irs whistleblowers, when they came forward and they highlighted how the is it about those three issues, though? >> that's what i'm asking. bribery employees could be it could be a multitude of numerous. >> and we're just continuing to follow the facts. james comer, is that what this is about, those three issues? yes, sir. >> jim jordan, final answer. remember, it's the standard in the constitution, bribery, high crimes and misdemeanors, and typically with impeachment articles of impeachment. it's been bribery. it's been abuse of power. it's been obstruction of justice. so those are the things that we're looking at. we want to get the facts and then we'll make a determination. all right. this is going to get very interesting in the days, weeks and months ahead. thank you all for being on. we appreciate it. when we come back, is biden about to cave on republican border demands? we'll check in with west virginia senator joe. also, we'll talk to him about the no labels party. could it be a factor in 2024? 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>> i'm as concerned and scared as you are, john, i truly have been saying this all along. >> our borders are a mess. and, you know, to say that is not in for any democrat or anybody to say that is not in jeopardy right now, we have to close our borders down. we've got to control the borders and we have to change basically the asylum. definition of what it takes to get around the country. we want make sure that people can still come that are in desperate need. the legal way, but not the way they're coming illegally now. >> and that has to stop. >> so i believe that that you're going to see some changes being made here quickly. >> and i think it's more than appropriate to do it. let me ask you, you said you were taking a two month tour beginning in january to test the appetite for a national movement. >> there's been a lot of talk about the no labels party and whether or not they would consider running as a third party in the presidential election. >> is this two month tour part of a tour for you yourself? are you considering would you consider running on a no labels party for president in 2024? well, sean, first let me just say i'd never be a spoiler. i will never be a spoiler trying to throw the race one way or the other. if it were a big advantage or disadvantage. that's not who i am. if i get into a race, i get into it to win. but basically going around, people feel homeless, right? they've been pushed to the extremes. both parties have gone to the extremes the democrat and republican parties are being kind of controlled and driven by the extreme right and extreme left. that's not who we are as a country. it's not how we became a country and it's not how we remain the superpower of the world with the rest of the country or the rest of the world following this. so i want to go out and talk to people to find out what they believe needs to be done. they'll make decision, not me or anybody else, but i want them to know that there's enough of us in the middle that want to take back our country, our values, who we are, how we became, the country that we are, and how we're going to be able to leave a country that we're proud of to our children and grandchildren. right now, we're not on that trajectory. we've got to change. well, let me ask you that. >> how do you reconcile people that want to enforce our immigration laws versus those that want open borders? how do you reconcile those that want energy dominance and independence versus those that want an immediate change over to alternative energy or green energy? i don't even think the technology exists. how do you reconcile those that want to dismantle the police, reimagine the police versus those that want law and order and safety and security? >> i don't see middle ground on those issues, senator. >> well, the democrats have been pulled so far to the left. and i think joe biden has been pulled to the left. i know joe biden and he never has governed that way. he wasn't a senator for 36 years on the extremes. and i'm hoping he comes back to the middle. i really am. but the bottom line is, is everything you've just said is what most americans want. we're not going be extremes to the left. we're going to have energy security. sean, we're producing more energy today than ever before in the history of our country, no matter any presidents prior to this. we are an administration. we produce more, but we've had to force them to do it. i work with my republican colleagues and basically trying to get energy security, making sure that we have the energy that we need today to take care of ourselves to be secure, basically helping our allies and investing in a technology for the energy of the future. we can walk and chew gum with the united states of america. we've got more investments coming to the country than ever before. you never hear the president speaking about we spent $230 billion of the ira to pay down debt. you never heard that. we basically it's energy security. it's not an environmental bill. it's been great for the environment, too. if we're able to basically mature these technologies. but we're producing more gas, more oil, 4.6 billion barrels of oil this year, 37 trillion cubic feet. >> it's still importing, though. and we're what we are importing because we have to we have to blend because of the type of, you know, refinery systems that we have. >> let me answer this. you going to go on this two month tour? there has been a lot of talk about the no labels party. i'll ask you again gently. i'm not pushing hard. no problem. i just want to know is if you got enough feedback that you felt there was an appetite, a third party? would you consider a run if you thought it was not a spoiler to run, to use your words? >> absolutely. i think that every if you're in a position to help your country and you don't come forward when you think we're on a wrong trajectory, then you know, shame on you. >> i would do whatever i can to help my country. and right now, i think unless able to bring the extremes back to the middle and if the extremes don't come to the middle make sure the middle is able to dominate. that's where i'm looking at. but basically, no labels has always been a group that's looking for a balanced venue. if we could bring democrats and republicans that fell on us. i've been there since 2010. i understand where they're coming from. i've been to west virginia. i know the people of west virginia. they're pretty conservative. they like you. they like your show. and they like you, buddy. i like them. i appreciate, senator, thank you for being with us. we appreciate it. when we come back, a big win for donald trump in the washington swamp and a big problem for joe biden on capitol hill. the great one, mark levin. he is up next. and governor ron desantis ahead tonight. she founded the feeling of finding the psoriasis treatment she's been looking for. so it is the first of its kind once daily pill for moderate to severe plaque, psoriasis for the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding your back is back or finding psoriasis. can't deny the splendor of these bags once daily. so pick is proven to get more people clearer skin than the leading pill. >> don't take it. you're allergic to stick. too serious reactions can occur. so you can lower your ability to fight infections, including to be serious infections cancers, including lymphoma, muscle problems and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides had a vaccine or paxil. so take two is a tick two inhibitor. tick two is part of the jak family. it's not known as a tick. two has the same risks as jak inhibitors. fine, but plaque psoriasis has been hiding? 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well, can't we all get along? >> so that's going to fail. but anyway, let me go on first. i want to talk about impeachment here. and i want to say to the three guests you had on three great chairmen. i think you really need to focus in and have no opposition to focusing on the financial fraud and the selling of public office by the biden family. but it gets very complicated. so that should be article three of the eventual list of impeachable offenses, because i think this president's impeachable. >> why? because of what should be article one. let me explain. article two, section three of the united states constitution compels a president that he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed, laws be faithfully executed. the president of the united states has his own oath . and it's not til after he takes an oath, he puts his hand on the bible on the right hand in the air, and he takes that oath that he can become president of the united during his inauguration. i will faithfully execute the office of the president. united states. will the best of my ability preserve, protect, defend the constitution of the united states. >> so the constitution says may not like certain laws. joe biden, but you're going to enforce them. otherwise you're destroying separation of powers in the power of the legislature. you can't just blow off the legislature with executive orders or directives or something of that sort. now, why is that important? well, because that's exactly what he's done. we don't need hearings. we don't need depositions. we don't need testimony. we don't need text messages. we don't need anything. joe biden has violated every single federal immigration law that's on the books. he's doing it every day. he's doing it intentionally. the board wide open. the american people are less safe. terrorists are trying to get in. criminals are getting in, toxic drugs are getting in. people are dying. people are being raped. they're being sold into slavery. now, why is all that important? it's important because it's an impeachable offense. >> i just read you the two sections of the constitution where he is required to uphold the law. he is defying and undermining the law. now, let's look at impeachment . the framers of the constitution ,impeachment, what did they look at? >> they looked at, among other things, 70 the 19th century british common law. and you look at the impeachment clause, what is a high crime? it's a high crime means a president goes out and kills a whole bunch of people. no. well, what does it mean high in the legal common vocabulary ,the 17th and 18th centuries of high crimes? this is what the framers at as the activity by or against those who have special duties acquired by taking an oath of office that is not shared with ordinary persons. he has committed a high crime multiple high crimes by refusing to enforce our immigration laws. now, is that easier to understand and is that more important to the average american? can the average american get behind an impeachment? that makes it clear on article one that this man has violated at least two clauses of the constitution he will not uphold the law, he will not secure the border. that is a high crime. that is an impeachable offense . you see how simple that is? we don't need subpoenas. we don't depositions. >> all we need is the video from the tv cameras. >> the second article should be the student loans separation of powers. >> president does have the power to seize the power of the purse from the house of representatives. >> that's another separation of powers issue. the supreme court already told him, joe, you don't have the power to do that with those student loans. joe says, well, and he tries to find a way around it. and has spent half a trillion dollars in funds by not enforcing student loan payments in violation of the federal constitution. separate the powers that power the purse and violating an order of the supreme. how simple as that. how many hearings do we need on that? and then we can have your article three and the article three, the other treatment where this money went here and ernie did this and frank did that, i'm not against it. and crime is a crime. but mr. and mrs. america cannot follow all this. >> mr. and mrs. america can follow what i call my article one. they can follow article two. they can see how it directly affects them. that doesn't give a pass to what should be article three and this resolution that they pass for an inquiry allows for them to take all these things on. so as a special pleader for the constitution to make this simple, to get the people around here. well, the republicans in congress, please at least rethink the order of these things. >> now, number two, there's a motion in front of the supreme court by the special prosecutor. there's nothing special about this guy. he's a disaster. >> he's a hack. jack smith is trying to force the judiciary to follow his lead, to have a quick trial in front of democrat jury with a democrat judge with four phony charges, one the 1871 clan law, two of them the enron obstruction law, which is being challenged separately. third is a federal contractor law. he's trying to bootstrap insurrection and seditious conspiracy into four ridiculous charges. and he tells the judge, i'm going to argue that donald trump actually the violence that occurred, he led it. the attempt overthrow, but he's not charged with any of that. so what the prosecutor is doing is outrageous. more importantly, the trump lawyers smartly have said, wait a minute, you can't charge an ex-president in what acts he talk, whether you like them or not when he was president. >> why? >> because he has immunity. well, it doesn't follow them. judge chutkan says he's not a king. that has nothing to do with it. if the court takes this up and rules for the prosecution, that means that can sue joe biden after he leads the and indict him. and any ex-president, the same thing. it would be a disaster. the court shouldn't take it. they should let it follow the process then they should kill. they should kill what jackson is trying to do. i'm done. i hear the music. i'm going on a two month tour to find out what the people want in my no labels party. but what? but why did the court take it? that's the question. i was surprised. it should have gone to the left. shouldn't have taken it. that's right. i agree with you and i'm worried about it. and i am too. anyway, mark levin, the great one. thank you. when we come back, support for the biden impeachment inquiry is growing. well, explain. we'll get governor ron desantis and his take on that and much more straight ahead. >> my health was good until it wasn't when we had a significant health scare. >> we needed to act quickly because we had christian health care ministries. i went directly to the specialist i wanted. they took care of all our medical bills over $60,000. >> joining christian healthcare ministries, one of the best decisions we've ever made. >> we're the suarez family and this is our kitchen story. >> choose your doctor without network restrictions all at an affordable price. >> enroll anytime at s.h. ministries org slash enroll. people are always asking me why? 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here was reaction florida governor. 2024 republican presidential candidate ron desantis. >> governor, great to have you back. i'm still getting a lot of reaction to the debate between you and governor gavin newsom. when you look at the legal troubles and the cognitive issues of joe biden, i know gavin said that, you know, he teaches. joe biden at 100 over any republican. okay. >> what do you see happening? do you think he's survives this ? well, sean, i. i don't think we've spoken since that debate. and the reaction that i've gotten has been incredible in terms of obviously being able to show that freedom works and the california models of failure. what that means for the country. but people appreciated the way you set it up and they said it was most substantive debate that they've seen in this entire election cycle. >> and so kudos to you for doing it. i know he had challenged me and you asked me to do it, so i'm glad were able to get that done and just know if you want to do other debates. nikki haley and me, our man, donald trump and me, our man. so just say the word you've shown that you can do in a way that i think really helps the voters. so i'm game. >> just let me know. okay? those are two. do you have any more on your list? maybe joe manchin, he's going on a two month tour. anybody else on your list that you'd like to do? >> i don't i don't think he's going anywhere. but i think on the biden thing . >> so listen, and this is part of the reason why i thought it was important that we this newsom debate. obviously, there's a lot of democrats that want to remove him. they understand the liabilities. they his his bad policies. i think he is not willing to step down at this point. but who knows what's going to happen. and i think this inquiry is justified. i think it should have been done long ago. he's got so many issues that are clouding his presidency, he clearly would not be a great candidate for the democrats. so republicans, we need to be ready for whoever they pull out of the hat. newsom has been waiting in the wings. i mean, quite frankly, after that debate. i'm not sure that that's the candidate they would want because he embraced, biden said. biden did an a-plus job as president. are you kidding me? but then he also is saddled with all of his baggage. in california, you have homelessness through the roof, crime pushing people out of communities and even all the on the street in san francisco. so i don't think that they want to have to litigate on two fronts to have to defend biden's failed policies and defend the failed california policies. but i do think we have to be ready that it could be someone else, governor. >> i don't think in all the years i've been doing this on radio and tv, i don't think i've ever been as concerned as i am right now about the state of our economy and the state of the world. >> and it is i think we are living in consequential times and this election is going to mean everything. >> and i think one of the issues, if we don't get those, if we don't right the ship, i don't even want to think about what the consequences would be. >> and i'm sure that's what you think about as well. well, think about it. we have a government that's actively working against hard working americans. they're working hard. they can't ahead because of inflation. interest rates. biden-nomics the we have an open border where 8 million people have come since biden's been president from all over the world, including the middle east. >> we know that there are potential terrorists that have come in that's made the american people less safe, less secure. >> we have fentanyl pouring into our communities. we have cities that are collapsing. san francisco, los angeles, also philly, chicago, all these places where obviously cities have always had issue, but they're becoming unlivable. so you have all these issues that are compounding and then, of course, you have china on the march, you have war in israel versus, hamas and biden is trying to kneecap our great ally israel. so it really is a perfect storm. and i don't think i've seen anything like this in my lifetime. and i think you'd probably have to go back to the late 1970s under jimmy carter, when our nation was really suffering under the accumulation of a lot of problems. a lot of people thought america's best days were behind it. then ronald thought differently. i think we can reverse this decline, sean but 2024 is make or break. you know, that's why i thought the red state blue state debate was so important. and i'll be honest, i'm getting out of new york, i'm out of here and florida is right there. >> just let me know. i have some connections at the dmv in florida. i have connections at the dmv. >> i'll get your driver's license. just let me know. all right. i don't have to wait online for 4 hours or 50 hours like new york. i'd appreciate it. anyway, governor, great to see you. good. it was a good debate and i will put out your challenge, i promise. all right. when we come back, senator linsey graham with a message for every american that you need to hear straight ahead . >> this is how it feels to do more with, less asthma. thanks to dupixent dupixent not for sudden breathing problems. it's an add on treatment for specific types of moderate to severe asthma and can help improve lung function for better breathing in as little as two weeks. >> dupixent helps prevent asthma attacks and can even reduce or eliminate oral steroids. imagine that dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. get help right away if you have rash chest pain worsening, shortness of breath, tingling, or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new worsening joint aches and pain or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids without talking to your doctor. >> who knows what you can do when you do more with less asthma. >> ask your doctor about dupixent, the most prescribed biologic for asthma. when did doing business become more about culture wars and less about, well, business? 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>> exceedingly high, but it's not about what you think or i think we've been saying this for a year. i've been on your show for at least a year talking about it. the fbi and department of homeland security issued a warning for the holiday season. be careful. a perfect storm is brewing. the withdrawal from afghanistan set in motion the rise of terrorism, the attack on israel on october the seventh by hamas has created a new threat to us all. >> jihadist groups want to hit us directly. senator. >> director wray was three years late. we've been watching this influx for three years. >> why hasn't he opened his mouth before this? yeah, well, there's a broken border, but the rise of terrorism is what i want to talk about real quickly. the attack on israel, october the seventh. we've come israel's aid and directory and other people are telling us the chatter is really out there right now. >> they want to hit us and punish us for helping israel. so a combination of a rise in terrorist threats from the october 7th attack and a broken border or a lethal this country. >> so biden is having to fix the border because we're making him he's the commander in chief. and here's what i believe. will that republicans put pressure on him? they wouldn't do a thing to repair a broken border, given the threat level. >> to me, that's just insane and irresponsible. when is it going to. >> senator, we don't have much time. i don't know. but, my friend. but we're not going to allow any money to go to foreign country until we first address border security. but here's the truth. if you want a secure border, you better vote for donald trump. biden will do the least amount possible and we will have to push him at every turn to get change. real change comes in 24 when we elect a new president. well, we better get that border secure. if we can. and i'll tell you one day, if we're attacked by illegal immigrants, he's allowed in. >> he will have blood on his hands. you agree with that. sean, i've never been more worried about a terrorist attack. >> how easy would it be for a group of terrorists to get in the middle of this crowd that. >> 10,000 yesterday. the last six days with average, almost 10,000 a day and 1.7 million got aways. if trying to avoid detection, you're probably up to no good. lindsey graham, thank you. that's all the time we have left this evening. thank for being with us. please say dvr and never miss an episode. in the meantime, let not your heart. be troubled. why? greg gutfeld is standing by and put a on your face our greatest sight. thank you for being with us. thank you for making the show possible. >> have a grea

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Option , Health Reason , 9 95 , 95 , Information , Beneficiary Planner , 35 , 0 35 , 90860601 , 1 , 908606 , 90860604 , 800 , Atrocitiesw , Fox Corporation , 880 , 279797 Again , 8279797 , 1 800 8279797 , 279797 , Florida Governor , Latest , Poll , Increase , Debate , Gavin Newsom , Troubles , Models , Failure , Terms , Cycle , Me And You , Debates , Nikki Haley , Voters , Game , Reason , Biden Thing , Policies , Liabilities , Presidency , Waiting In The Wings , Hat , Homelessness , Job , Baggage , Roof , Communities , Fronts , Street , San Francisco , State Of The World , Economy , Radio , Someone Else , Ship , Consequences , Inflation , Interest Rates , Biden Nomics , All Over The World , Middle East , Cities , Philly , Issue , Places , Fentanyl , Collapsing , Unlivable , Chicago , Los Angeles , Storm , Israel , Compounding , Rally , Kneecap , War , China On The March , Hamas , Israel Versus , Lifetime , Problems , Accumulation , Jimmy Carter , 1970 , Break , Decline , Red State Blue , Florida , New York , Connections , Driver S License , Dmv , Linsey Graham , Asthma , Breathing Problems , Thanks , Add , Asthma Attacks , Breathing , Types , Steroids , Lung Function , Numbness , Breath , Tingling , Shortness , Limbs , Chest Pain Worsening , Stop Asthma Medicines , Politics , Boardroom , Spotlight Reports , Living Rooms , Culture Wars , 1792 , Sound Business , Isn T , Risk , 2000 , Low , Towels , Sale , Mypillow , Mattress Topper , Exchange Icon , 2998 , Off Mypillow , Body Pillows , Pillows , Comforters , Everyone Duvets , Quilts , 2498 , 9999 , Discounts , Screen , Promo Code , March 1st , 2024 Sure Go , March 1st 2024 , Mypillow Bed , Example , Quantity , Shopping , 2490 , Eight , Blankets , Designs , Limited Edition Disney Collection From Budget Nine , Protein Shakes , Smoothies , Blend Jet Com , Designer , Diamonds , Design , Lows , Carat Studs 1990 , Carat Gia White , 4995 , 1990 , Forces , News Breaks , Signs , Hawkeye State , Surge , Story Line , Gaza , Warning , Foreign Policy , Failures , Likelihood , Fox News Channel America , Impact , South Carolina , Iran , 12 Thousand , Thigh , Terror , Open Immigration Border Policy , Rise , Department Of Homeland Security , Brewing , Set , Withdrawal , Fbi , Terrorism , Director Wray , Attack , Influx , Groups , Threat , Israel On October , October The Seventh , Mouth , Hasn T He , Directory , Aid , Terrorist Threats , Chatter , Combination , October 7th , 7 , Commander In Chief , Threat Level , Border Security , I Don T Know , Friend , Real Change , Amount , 24 , Immigrants , Terrorist Attack , Hands , Blood , Crowd That 10000 Yesterday , Lindsey Graham , Average , Good , Detection , Evening , Got Aways , 10000 , 1 7 Million , Heart , Episode , Dvr , Face , Put , Sight , Grea , Greg Gutfeld ,

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