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for six years, i have been the target of the unrelenting trump attack machine shouting, where's hunter? i am here. no, he's not. >> hunter defies congress. lock him up. >> what happened to the secret service? new documents shed light on the death of obama. >> chef ryan of boston cancels christmas for white people. >> plus, late morning fox news alert. congress has just voted to formally launch an impeachment inquiry into the 46th president of the united states, joe biden. >> on this vote, the yeas are 220 and the nays are 12. the previous question in his order. so what does an inquiry do? it supercharges investigate its powers because the bidens are stonewalling and sets the wheels in motion for a joe biden impeachment, which if the votes are there, would make him the fourth american president to be impeached. >> the last time a democrat was impeached, bill clinton. i did not have sexual relations with that woman, ms.. >> lewinsky. >> and 25 years later, democrats are using the same line of defense today. >> to the surprise of many hunter biden with eric swalwell by his side, showed up to the steps of congress. hunter was subpoenaed, and today was the deadline to show up for a closed door deposition with house investigators. >> i pulled up fashionably late, as hunter usually does. and like bill clinton did, he looked into the camera and said, i did not have financial relations with that man, joe biden. >> let me state as clearly as i can. my father was not financially involved in my business, not as a practicing lawyer, not as a board member of riesman, not my partner slept with a chinese private businessman, not my investment at home nor abroad, and certainly not as an ardent, not financially involved. well, that's an interesting phrase we went from. >> joe didn't know anything that joe wasn't financially involved, which is just another lie. soon we'll hear joe was not knowingly, financially involved. >> hunter announced that, yes, he loves drugs,, bribes, stiffing his ex for alimony, hiding from paternity lawsuits, using the n word and sleeping with spies. >> but it's the republicans who were shameless in my addiction. i was extremely irresponsible with my finances. but to suggest that is grounds for an impeachment inquiry is beyond the absurd. it's shameless. there. there is no evidence to support the allegations that my father was involved in my business because it did not happen. >> hunter we have about a quarter million dollars of your money that went to your father when you called us. well, he calls them false facts . they have lied over and over about every aspect of my personal and professional life ,so much so that their lives have become the false facts believed by too many people. >> now i'm old enough to remember when kellyanne conway said alternative facts. remember, that was a two week scandal. >> and now we have false facts . notice hunter never actually refuted what the false facts are. what exactly is false about the bank records, photos and emails . and then hunter said he was the victim of revenge. >> they displayed naked photos of me during an oversight hearing, and they have taken the light of my dad's love, the light of my dad's love for me as darkness hunter filmed himself smoking crack with escorts and wants you to feel guilty about it. and enough with the father son poetry. if i was hunter's dad, i'd have a hard time loving that kid. >> biden keeps on saying how proud he is of hunter. what is he so proud of? >> guy's a disaster. he's an embarrassment. he's a crook. he's a 53-year-old slob. >> your 50 three-year-old tax cheat sons living at your house and you're proud of them. you want to know why biden's proud? because if he calls his son a screw up, hunter is going to flip on them. >> dad, remember when you had dinner with my clients? >> remember when you flew me on air force two, 15 times? remember when i threw you on speakerphone 20 times and talked with my business partners? >> oh, remember how i set you up with an office in georgetown? and you had a suite next to mr. ? >> yeah. the family has to stick together. >> no kidding. if one goes down, all go down. you think hunter's mad enough to go to prison for his dad now? he's not going to make daddy. pardon him and get out of trouble like he always does. >> but this is the first time joe biden needs help getting out of trouble. and for the first time, biden means hunter. >> shut your mouth, son. i know we talk every day on the phone, but i don't know what you do for a living. right. right. >> so if republicans have a bunch of false facts, why didn't a hunter walk into congress like he was supposed to do? right. and set the facts straight. hunter just read a speech his lawyer wrote and went to lunch. he just gave congress the bird and blew off. >> my favorite reporter, hillary on mr. biden was it worth it? trying to sell the family name ? it's like, do you want president biden to pardon user worth it? selling the family name for their past. how do you business dealings for the committee today? how did you get into so much trouble? >> it's the first time hunter ever ignored a woman. and by the way, could you imagine if trump sons did this? hey, congress, screw you. i'm not telling you anything. >> the trump son sat for hours of depositions about the russia hoax. >> they turned over every document. the trump sons are still being hauled into court and testifying under oath. you're not allowed to blow off a congressional subpoena. peter navarro tried it and they threw leg shackles on him, gave him a full body cavity search. >> steve bannon tried it. he was arrested for contempt of congress. >> but the bidens have been getting away with murder for decades. >> so how could this be any different? the republicans are going to move to have him charged. >> we're disappointed they didn't show up. >> i mean, he was just a closet away at the capitol. we expect him to come in for a for his interview, for his deposition. and frankly, we'll also, i think, look at contempt proceedings as we move forward. >> this means the biden justice department is going to have to arrest hunter again. >> the biden administration keeps arresting hunter biden and it's somehow the republicans fault. >> if you defy a congressional subpoena, you have to be prosecute it right there. but this could get hit by congressional subpoenas on the january six committee. i hope that the committee goes after them and hold them accountable. they are prosecuted. i do, yes. >> look, joe biden believes no one's above the law. >> well, except his son. if he believes that congressional subpoenas are something that individuals and groups can ignore, i'm just not going to speak to that. just not. why not? but why are you saying you want to be more specific on your question? he's a former senator. he's issued subpoenas in his career. does he believe that you can fight? >> i'm just going to have you speak to the white house counsel on this. >> i'm just not going to speak to that. all right. so is joe biden coordinating his son's defense strategy? >> remember, they talk every day. that's when joe shares the light of his love. >> oh, dad, you want to do lunch at cafe milano? i'm in town. well, what are you in town for, son? well, they want me to testify about our business. but don't worry. i'm not going. >> what business? exactly. so i'll see you soon at lunch. >> so joe knew his son was going to break the law. >> he said that president biden was familiar with what his son was going to say on capitol hill. if i called my dad and said, i am about to violate a congressional subpoena, you probably say, son, you shouldn't do that. was there any attempt by president biden to talk hunter out of it today? you're going to call your dad, steve fonda dad, usually i don't have anything else to add to. >> what you're asking me is actually a private conversation. >> i'm just going the bidens are in trouble. hunter just got hit with three tax felonies last week and decided to top it off with the contempt charge today on the same day the house formalized an impeachment inquiry into his father. >> it's like hunter's playing a game. how many gun laws, tax laws and racketeering laws? can i break and still get pardoned? >> next year should be fun for joe. >> he's running for reelection as he's getting impeached and his son is getting arrested . and whether joe likes it or not, hunter biden is his running mate in 2024. >> what hunter does in packs, joe, the most because this is a joe biden scandal. hunter went from the bad man to the fall guy like that. >> and the media who usually don't like when people use racial slurs, dodge taxes and throw guns next to schools and blame it on mexicans seem to care deeply about hunter, not just about his legal exposure. >> they care about his personal welfare. there is a fear among those very close to the president who we've spoken to, that if hunter biden were to relapse or if anything were to happen, that that would be something that would, of course, take such an emotional toll on the president that would weigh so heavily on him and the first lady. but that's something that's always really in the back of his mind. >> msnbc says following the law might make hunter relapse. and if hunter relapses, that could kill joe biden. well, then why weren't they worried about hunter relapsing when they found cocaine in the white house? >> eric trump joins me now. >> he's the executive vice president of the trump organization. >> so i remember the russia collusion investigation went on for many, many years. >> how many hours of depositions did you have to sit through? well, don was called in five times. he testified for 40 hours for something. let's remember, hillary clinton made up, paid for that was not based in anything. >> it was total sham. the entire dossier was a sham. and, don, one in 40 hours, five times testified in front of congress, in front of the senate. right. it was a d disaster. i have probably the most subpoenaed person in this country right at the ripe age of 39 years old. i've been probably subpoenaed more times than any other person in this country by these absolute animals. yet i've never had a speeding ticket. i've never broken the law. i've got good family, no drugs, no, no illicit drugs. i don't leave laptops at computer repair shops. if i ever. did you find nothing other than pictures of cute little kids on their you know, and i'm the most subpoenaed person in this country. it's absolutely infuriating. if that was me who went to capitol hill and did a press conference on literally the front stairs about 20 feet away from the committee, i was supposed to appear and i would be in shackles before i left washington, dc, you know. but do you think the fbi is going to raid hunter biden's house? do you think they're going to do what they did to roger stone, where they're going to have 30 guys show up in the middle of the night with with infowars and effectively break down the doors and take him out under gunpoint? no, of course not. or do you think they'll do what they did to my father, mar-a-lago, where they they raided mar-a-lago for documents, again, with a 30 armed agents. of course they won't because it's a duel system of justice and it's in joke. >> the emotional toll that this whole thing is taking on joe biden. >> did you ever hear the media concerned about the emotional toll all of these things took on your family? you know, how about just good parenting? so so this kid's a disaster on a lot of fronts. joe biden's dogs are a disaster because secret service can't walk three feet without one of his dogs. you know, biting somebody. but i mean, think about the other thing. hunter biden subpoenaed my father, the other day for records associated with the fact that he threw a loaded firearm. >> actually, his wife threw a loaded firearm into a dumpster across from a school . right. first lied about the fact that he wasn't on illegal drugs when he filled out his, you know, 44, 73. so he committed a felony. >> they threw away the gun in a dumpster. >> they had secret service try and go back to the gun shop and take the documents. so they couldn't link it to him. >> and then they say it's trump's fault. so they subpoena my father because he happened to be president when secret service was going to the gun store to try. and i'm trying to figure this out. but yet, you know, my father's responsible. it's the maga republicans that are responsible for hunter's wife throwing out a loaded firearm across from a high school and him taking illegal drugs that were in pictures, that were in his laptop. >> i mean, jesse, explain this again. >> explain it. it's insane. how's your dad doing? >> he's great. and the poll numbers are incredible. people see this nonsense for what it is. >> they see what they've done to our family. 90 one accounts. they want to throw my father in jail for the rest of his life. they want to lock up the key. and everybody can see through the nonsense, weaponized the system. i love when he goes up there. he does self-professed about how maga republicans are attacking him and there's a lot to attack there. i mean, everybody still wondering what product was he selling. everybody knows what we do right? we do real estate and he doesn't even have a website. jesse every single person who stayed at our property from a foreign country when my father was in office right there was link to any kind of foreign government. >> we donated all that money back to the us treasury. we didn't get any credit for it. we weren't even looking for credit for it. this guy's going around the world making millions of dollars. what the products we sell hotel rooms, right? we run golf courses. you know them very well. >> what product is this kid selling? and. and no, it's not linked to my father. i'm not linked. my finances aren't linked to my father. now, what product are you selling? >> the biden brand. i think he actually said that himself. and that's all a text or on an email. those are false facts. eric, how dare you now? >> dara it is insane. people understand it for exactly what it is. this is the most corrupt family in the history of the country. the fact that he's going out, selling his finger painting for 500,000 bucks, i mean, could you imagine if my father was in the oval office and i'm going out drawing these nonsensical paintings and then going out to chinese business people or other people from around the world, you know, democratic donors, and they're buying my artwork. and you're a wonderful artist. i mean, i've seen your finger painting. it's fantastic. i don't know if it's a half a million dollars. i see. pretty solid. we have been so honest and they go after us relentlessly and they would love to throw my father in jail for the rest of his life, throw away the keys and never hit me. that's clearly their intent. that's what they're trying to do. yet you see the evidence on this kid's laptop. you see that picture, you see the , you see the drugs, you see the naked women, you see all the other things, all these illegal, you know, these shady as contributions from all over the world where everybody's getting paid off, how it's flowing to other members of the family. >> i mean, i mean, i think the granddaughter got about 50 grand is what a school counselor? something a little chinese. maybe she drew the chinese finger painting. we don't know. we got one better. i can't imagine. it's just impossible. some of us, your father, your family. any advice for hunter before we leave? go testify. test. do what they made us do. go testify. there you go, eric. thank you very much, jesse. >> so if a ton of americans just admitted they committed election fraud, plus an update on the jeffrey epstein flight logs. so when we come back, shingles ,some describe it as posting electric shocks or sharp stabbing pains. this painful blister and rash can disrupt your life for weeks, a pain so intense you could miss out on family time. the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside of you if you're 50 years or older. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingles. >> the time is now. okay, here we go. we're gifting you fox nation's once a year sale just in time for the holidays. get our lowest price of the year to start streaming our biggest shows. i'm rob lowe. and this is liberty or death. boston tea party with the biggest stars. perfect. just perfect. and your favorite fox personalities start streaming fox nation today for just 1999, a year, our lowest price of the year for a limited time. only sign up today, i'm excited to announce that we're having our biggest christmas sale ever. you get our brand new six piece my towels for only 2998 or rejuvenate your bed with a mypillow mattress topper as low as 9999 from mypillow bed sheets for as low as 2498. there's something for everyone duvets, quilts down comforters, body pillows, bolster pillows, and so much more. well, i know mypillow price make for the perfect christmas gifts, so i'm going to extend my money back, guarantee on march 1st, 2024. sure. go to mypillow. come now or call the number on your screen. use your promo code to get huge discounts on all mypillow products. for example, you get our six piece towels for only 2998 or get your very own mypillow bed sheets for as low as 2490 eight. >> it's our biggest christmas sale ever. get all your shopping done now while quantities last high point university is the premier life skills university where student transformation is focused on personal initiative and extraordinary career outcomes. employers value hp use real world preparation students love unprecedented access to global leaders on high points, inspiring campus, and parents appreciate. hp use god, family and country values choose to be extraordinary. >> at high point university. >> before i came into the picture and not only had her two children to care for, but her father as well. i love being a visiting angel's caregiver and ensuring that david can live independently and continue to do what he loves now and can stop being a caregiver and return to being a daughter. join all of us who love helping families get back to being families again. join us in celebrating 25 years of personal home care. >> when you've tried everyththig i was getting chemical peels, bleaching creams. this is melasma. i'm trying to get rid of it. i've tried everything introducing musely face recs, prescription skin care delivered straight to your door . the spot cream is ten times more potent than over the counter and prescription alternatives. so you'll finally see a difference. my skin looks amazing. it's amazing. i'm a loyal customer forever. see for yourself at slash tv. >> american journalist >> american journalist evan gershkovich remains (inspirational music) - [narrator] wounded warrior project helps post-9/11 veterans realize what's possible. with generous community support. - aaron, how you doing buddy? 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florida secretary of state corey bird has cleaned up his state's system and he joins us now. >> so how do we tighten this thing up? yeah, the best thing for state to do is follow florida's lead. if look at the 2020 election, where the third largest state in the country and we had results of what happened in florida, we could predict or tell you who the winner was within, two and a half hours of the polls closing. but even though we had a great election in 2020, the state didn't rest on our laurels. under governor desantis, his leadership. we banned ballot ballot harvesting. we've banned drop boxes. we banned zucker box. we've created the office of election crimes and security, where we are going after and prosecuting people for election fraud. >> what about the fact that there are zillions of these mail in ballots and they're just all over the ecosystem and there's people going in to nursing homes and apartment complexes? >> how do you allow people to vote by mail but also prevent the fraud? >> sure. so what we did in florida is after the 2022 general election, all mail ballot requests were canceled in florida. so anybody who now wants to vote in the 2024 election is going to have to send in a new request. so we don't have these legacy requests for people who have been on the books for years. they've all been canceled. so we're starting fresh and making sure that those people who are requesting a vote by mail ballot, that we're validating who they are. we've tightened up restrictions on what types of what types of residences and in places where those vote by mail ballots can be forwarded to, we put the deadlines of when those ballots have to be returned. so in other states, they only have to be postmarked by election day. and florida, that vote by mail ballot has to be in by the time the polls close on election day or it doesn't count. good. and i'm sure the democrats are hysterical about it, which means, well, i think we know exactly what that means. >> court thank you. >> thank you. >> it's been two weeks since senator blackburn sought a subpoena to get access to jeffrey epstein's flight logs. >> senator durbin won't allow it. so we paid him a visit. >> why won't you subpoena jeffrey epstein's flight logs? so who are you? hillary bond with fox. fox, of course. >> i don't know anything about his flight logs. but why won't you subpoena them? >> why don't you want to know the issue? i know who everything was, but i certainly don't know anything about the issue. >> well, he was charged with trafficking, so why don't you want to know who was utilizing his private plane? >> never been raised by anyone . >> well, after this friday, the senate takes a three week vacation, of course. so durbin has 48 hours to stop protecting epstein. >> sources tell prime time that durbin's digging in and doesn't like being bullied. poor little. we should all care more about feelings and getting to the bottom of the biggest international sex trafficking ring america has ever seen. >> who was on epstein's plane? why are they being protected? what kind of intel up was it? and why is the fbi still withholding surveillance videos? >> if durbin doesn't move in 48 hours, he's going to be on santa's naughty list. >> but that's nothing compared to prime time's naughty list. and we're going to make durbin's life in 2020 for a living. ,if he continues to protect a dead. well, big update on primetime solar panel scandal investigation straight ahead. >> some of the best traditions start under a tree. it's where we gather as a family. >> it's where we experience the excitement of opening day. it's where we caught our personal best in this tree. where it all began this christmas. start traditions under your tree. the tradition of visiting santas wonderland at bass pro shops and cabela's. and get your free photo with santa. >> best pro shops and cabela's latter league underwear has one job. i just want to feel protected, especially for those sudden gushy moments when your keys are in the door and your body's like it's happening. if you're worried about your protection, it's not the right protection. always discreet, protects like no other with double guards that help prevent gases escaping from the sun and a rapid dry core that locks in your heaviest gust quickly for up to zero leaks. and it contours to everybody. now, this is protection always discreet. the protection we deserve. my name is john david carlton. dr. kimberly stagg mayer. dr.. it is. i'm a medical oncologist and i focus on cancer prevention. >> people are always asking me why. why do i do this work? 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>> the solar's are jigar shah is a solar panel financing wizard, and he's letting solar panel companies hand out leases like we're handing out mortgages in 2008. >> everybody gets one good credit, bad credit, no credit, no problem. >> here's a solar panel. here's a cigar. it's like subprime mortgages for solar panels and best part. >> if the solar customers default, the solar company gets bailed out by you, the taxpayer. >> a sunnova executive who was a theater major in college thinks it's a great deal. and why shouldn't she? this guarantee basically has the government serve as a credit backstop and say that you can now serve lower credits to our customers and we will take the first loss on any defaults. and so our investors say great ,this is a good way to get customers. >> we don't have to take so much risk on defaults. >> so they take on no risk and get paid on the front or back end. hundreds of you texted me about this last night. hundreds. >> you're fed up. we are. too many of you texted me about you've been ripped off by big solar. >> and my next guest was one of those people who texted this monday. she says a solar company sold $60,000 worth of panels to her 86-year-old mother who lives in a trailer and has dementia. patsy bronson joins us now. >> patsy, what happened with your mom? well, at first started out as a sales call where the salesman from the solar company came and just talked to her and said, you know, you can we can set you up for solar. >> you'll be able to get it for practically nothing. you'll be able to get a tax credit from both state and federal. and basically, it just started as a sales call saying, you know, here's everything that we'll do for you. >> we'll set up solar panels and everything's great. and, you know, we'll make sure everything goes okay. and then basically what happened was in december 20, 20, 2021, i got a phone call from my mother and she's absolutely panicked. >> she's crying. >> basically, they she got a letter from the funding company or the lending company saying, welcome aboard. >> you know, you have a loan with us for over thousand dollars for 20 over 25 years. and my mother says, i didn't. how did i do that? you know, what did i. >> how did i do that? and what they've come back with is that the lending company has stated, you know, i said, how can my mother actually qualify for a loan? >> you know, she's she was 85 at the time. she's 85. she's on the fixed income of social security. and she is in the onset of dementia. >> and how did she qualify? we can't we can't disclose that, basically. >> and we're not allowed to tell you anything right after they fleeced your family. >> all right. so we're going to ask you to stay in touch with our producers on this because we're going to follow up hard. and anybody else who's watching. please continue to text us because we're going to rain on these solar panel companies. it's a huge scam. they're preying on older people, poor people with dementia. it's got to stop. and joe biden's financing it. thank you so much, patti. >> and my and my heart goes out to you and your family. thank you very much, jesse. merry christmas to you as well. merry christmas. and we reached out to the company adt solar, which bought sun. they left us. haven't heard back. >> pro-palestine protesters shut down the 110 freeway in l.a. during rush hour. why would they do that? well, they thought it would make people push for a cease fire, but there was no ceasefire either in israel or on the 110. >> like all these peaceful demonstration as things turned violent quickly. >> a brawl broke out after commuters were at a standstill for over an hour. protesters just sitting there linking arms, singing songs. >> drivers tried to move protesters, but it got physical fast. >> one protester got tossed onto the hood of a car before getting thrown to the ground. california highway patrol eventually arrested 100 of them . >> now i see why gavin newsom had to cancel the christmas tree lighting. >> he would have had to have dealt with the same people sitting still and singing. >> boston cancels white christmas. and an update on the obama chef . >> rsv is out there for those 60 years and older protect against rsv with a recipe. a recipe is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. a recipe does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache and joint pain. i chose a rex v rsv to make it a rex v. >> i'm excited to announce that we're having our biggest christmas sale ever yet. >> get our brand new six piece my towels for only 2998 or rejuvenate your bed with a mypillow mattress topper as low as 9999. or how about mypillow bed sheets for as low as 2498? 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it's a word you won't hear from the white house an that's 1-800- 6303838 three. one of the most rigorous jobs in america is being a secret service agent and a cable news host. at any moment, a threat could appear and you're forced to spring into action and risk your life. just like clint hill, the former agent who jumped on the back of jfk's motorcade once the shots rang out. >> he did everything he could and it haunts him to this very day. >> i was reminded every day about what had happened. it really pain me because i had failed. nobody wants to be a failure, but i had failed in attempt in trying to protect the president and i knew that. >> and it just killed me. and we honor men like that. but that's a thing of the past, because today's secret service and, you know, we love these guys, don't get me wrong. but we're better than this. >> like when the secret service found coke in the white house, they changed the location three times, then blew up the bag and closed the case. and it turns out there was dna on the baggie. then the secret service starts identifying as a chew toy. biden's dog commander wouldn't stop biting agents and. >> as a rabies survivor, i'm shocked that a single whistleblowers come forward. >> even last month, the secret service agents started firing rounds in the middle of georgetown because someone tried to steal and escalated. that doesn't make any sense. and they still haven't caught the carjackers. >> and now we're finding out the secret service did not perform well the day obama's chef drowned in martha's vineyard. >> judicial watch got its hands on documents that revealed the female companion that was paddleboarding with safari campbell when he died goes by mrs. taylor. >> and when ms.. taylor tried to get secret service help to find the ferrari right after he went under, two agents tried to start one of the boats, but had difficulty lowering the motor. >> so another agent went to get the keys for their secret service boat. and then when they got them, the boat wasn't working either, so they wasted precious time on boats that didn't work until they commandeered the groundskeepers. >> but and by that time, there was no sign of the ferrari. campbell. another interesting nugget from those documents was that when ms.. taylor sat for her interview with the police, it was conducted in barack obama's office, and it appears that he sat in on their interview. that's not proper procedure. >> your boss sits in the room and, watches you during your police interrogation. your boss barack obama sits next to the one person who witnesses the other employees death. >> wait. maybe they do things differently in the vineyard. we definitely know secret service does things differently . >> and the war on christmas has been around for decades. >> and i've been on the front lines since day one. from companies canceling the words merry christmas to making people take down their lights to the time rhode island governor lincoln chafee declared the state house christmas tree was now a holiday tree. >> this is the holiday tree. >> looks like a christmas tree to me. absolutely. it's a christmas tree. well, they're calling it the holiday. well, he's wrong and wrong on so many issues. so far. he's wrong again. why is he trying to take the out of christmas? oh, that's a good question. but for me, it's the christmas tree. >> but if other folks are more comfortable with holiday tree, that's fine with me. >> i think religion is trouble. and you're a minister. yeah. now. but now there's a new war on christmas. it's the war on white christmas. not talking about snow. boston's democrat, asian mayor michelle wu, has declared war on white people this christmas. >> that's right. the mayor's office in an email inviting everyone on the city council to a holiday party. but it wasn't any holiday party. it was one meant only for electeds of color. >> now, unfortunately for michelle, her staffer, a senator, all the white people, too, by accident. >> so she had to send out another email 15 minutes later saying, my bad, that wasn't meant for everybody and white people. >> you're not invited. michelle responded to the controversy today and said, segregation is fine. >> it's what would have wanted. >> are you concerned this lends itself at all to further divisiveness? >> no. i mean, again, this is a group that has been in place for many, many years. we celebrate all kinds of connection and identity and culture and heritage in the city. we want to be a city where everyone's identity is embraced . >> not inviting one race to a party doesn't sound like embracing michelle. and in case you were wondering. yeah, michelle said the party is still on. but for all the white people, don't worry. they'll have a separate, inclusive party at some point. >> jimmy fallon is the host of fox across america and cancel culture dictionary author. >> so it's like separate but equal again. oh, this is. i know, right? and they call themselves progressives, but they're reverse segregating country. but she has to be careful because if she keeps saying racist things in boston, they will send her to harvard. >> they're like, that's it. you're in charge now. >> okay. we know this is racist. because if you simply reverse the process, if me and you sent out an invite to a whites only party, we have a big problem. not to mention a terrible dance floor. right. okay. but know this is a problem because she apologized. they sent an e-mail. >> bill, again, this isn't good. i'm sorry. we didn't mean to do the electeds of color party is going to be banging. >> i think that's the point. that should be the punishment for doing this is having to go to that party. you're not going to be surrounded by insufferable people who just talk about their race and pretend they're oppressed. you're elected officials like you're doing okay. we should have the italians only party. >> i mean, i'm not italian, but you wouldn't be the emcee. they're doing that right now. it's called the new york giants. we have a quarterback named tommy cutlets. and of course, the team couldn't get a super bowl ring. so we got an agent with a pinky ring. >> that's the tiny cutlets, you know. we love it. no, i love it so much. but we didn't send out an email saying you're not allowed. that being said, everyone in boston should know i'm at the shubert theater may 18th. every ethnicity welcome, because i'd like to offend all of you equally. >> okay. very good, jimi. boom. all right. always invited to a white christmas. she's always the first one to show up. it's going to be there. >> joe biden making single men sleep together for the economy. of course. humbug. it's one of the most beloved christmas tales of all time from the associated press. the story you don't know behind charles dickens, a christmas carol, inspired by his own experience and driven by his imagination. dickens created the story that made christmas as we know it. so gather around the fire for the history of christmas carol. exclusively on fox nation starts streaming for just 1999 a year. >> sign up today. >> friday, the all-american christmas concert series continues. your whiskey, your wine. john kearney's can't miss performance friday on fox and friends is sponsored by bed, bath and beyond. >> disaronno name has always been somebody we're proud of. it's why we show it off on our lowriders and why we wear our name on our jeans. we come from people we can be proud of, from socal to our family in texas to back home. and police are seeing all the places i come from. i know if it's a serrano, it's something to be proud of. i take it all with me and i always will give the gift of family heritage with ancestry, including i want a smokeless fire pit. you have a smokeless fire pit, but it's not a smokeless. so those skills need to find. imagine it, carol. friends gathered around, family getting cozy, snug kids making s'mores. you can practically taste the neighbors laughing at my hilarious jokes. >> and you lost me in the firewood, says don't ask me i'm kindling yet. >> new floors during empire. today's gigantic 75% off sale. that's carpet hardwood vinyl and laminate. >> 75% off schedule. now by a 300 and bar. >> today, it's time for news about the news. sling tv has the same news programming you love. starting at $40 a month. it's the same news programming you love starting at $40 a month. >> that's what i just said right? 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no, i'm from new jersey. >> all right. from this great country. that's true. a very good, safe actor, will ferrell at the women in entertainment gala said it's time women to run the planet. >> isn't it just time for women to run the planet? i mean, i'm i'm i'm not just trying to placate you, i swear. but i don't know what else to do, because we men are we've been running the show since, what, 10,000 b.c.? something like that. and we're not doing so good. so please, can you guys just take over? let me just tell you a little something, madison. when guys say stuff like that, it's because we're trying to sleep with you. it's. >> it was really something, we believe. yeah. he's trying to get lucky. mhm. okay. interesting. i think he could also have a good point. if you look at the current situation with the family in power and it's a bunch of men doing a bunch of bad things potentially. and then you look the real highlight of the summer and i'm going to go there. it's taylor swift. i'm a business reporter and we talk about the economy, record high inflation. people are struggling. people are dealing with rent, groceries. taylor swift has gotten people out there spending money. she's burned. she's building up cities. ifif we had more taylor swift in music running the government ,better playing. >> taylor swift ould be president. is that we're going to come on jesse watters prime time and say i mean i wouldn't if she ran you're walking into a lifetime ban. if she ran, she ran. you would vote. i would vote for taylor. so what i as you know, people are doing some crazy things to, save money due to biden nomics. >> but this is probably the weirdest. an inflation ship is when you share a bed with someone you're not dating just to save rent money, you need to be in love with you at this point because i'm getting my big age ,okay? in this big age, i cannot afford to be picky with who i must be next when having my bills with. i need my platonic soulmate. who's going to be sleeping there? right there. why am i paying $2,000 for 500 square feet to sleep alone when i could be, paying $1,000 for 500 square feet to sit next to somebody? >> jesse that's what a man says when he wants to sleep. so we're just friends. just sleep next to me. it's totally. . we're saving money. it's nothing more. just keep the bed warm, okay? >> you're right about that, too, shay. thank you. all right. this week, one of my producers was talking about best friend. now this guy's, like, 28. and at what age does someone say. you know what? we're not doing the best friend thing anymore. >> i think. never. jesse, in a second. you're saying you can be 50 years old and say, oh, my best friend michael. sure you can. no, you got to be. maybe you need a best if you feel like there's an angel. i'm best friends. rich friends are ageless, i think. yeah. there's no cutoff. >> you have to have enough friends. you have lots of friends. maybe they're not all your best friends. >> sure, you can have lots of friends, i would say. yeah. i think the bigger issue with claiming a best friend is if you offend others. i, unlike you, have a lot of friends, so i can't. my issue with best friend is not that i'm too old is that i have too many very. >> so it's okay if girls have best friends. oh, okay. because you guys are different. if you haven't seen but like a guy to say like it is like adult, like my best friend. >> i don't know. it's best friend is kind of like a like an elementary school thing with a producer. don't listen to jesse. i don't think you're too old. you have love in your life for a friend. >> i think that's beautiful. maybe it's just ship. best friend. best friend. they share a bed. >> all right. and you're a fox nation special. yes, please tell us it is out right now on fox nation. it's so much fun. i mean, this time year, especially where we work, it's like all christmas everywhere. i got to go to the hotel. that one tops rockefeller tree, one of our tree. it is unbelievable. so if you're looking for some christmas cheer, you got to check out the special and it's free, right? if you have fox nation, if you have fox news, which you should have so you can watch my chris. all right. thank you, madison. >> thank you, jesse would. >> it be mean if i pulled a bait and switch on my wife for a christmas gift. >> hear me out. i was just told that they were selling fake handbags right outside on sixth. >> what if i was to buy a real handbag like a really nice one? and then i was going to get a fake one too. and i gave her the fake one first just to see if she could tell tax me about th tomorrow. >> let's do taxes tonight, randi from aurora, colorado, how long before hunter says, my dad was only 10% financially involved in my business? diane, wisconsin send those solar scam artists to where the sun don't shine. charlie from new hampshire is trudeau allowed inside the boston christmas party? not way he likes to paint. karen from dayton, ohio. jesse, what do you really want for christmas this yeaea >> oh, i want to see that fox nation special. i'm ters and this is my world world. >> and welcome to hannity. and we begin

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Customers , Part , Cigar , Taxpayer , Executive , Theater Major , Serve , Credit Backstop , Deal , College , Shouldn T She , Sunnova , Risk , Defaults , Credits , Loss , Investors , Guest , Hundreds , Back End , Big Solar , Mother , Trailer , Mom , Patsy Bronson , 0000 , 60000 , Sales , Saying , Call , Phone Call , 2021 , December 20 , Loan , Funding Company , Lending Company Saying , Letter , Lending Company , Social Security , Fixed Income , Onset , 85 , Producers , Anybody Else , Apatti , Protesters , Merry Christmas , Haven T Heard Back , Adt Solar , Demonstration , Cease Fire , Freeway , Ceasefire , Rush Hour , Israel , 110 , Protester , Singing Songs , Standstill , Brawl , Arms , Drivers , Commuters , Physical Fast , Gavin Newsom , Christmas Tree , Ground , Car , Hood , California Highway Patrol , 100 , White Christmas , Recipe , Rsv , Vaccine , Respiratory Disease , 60 , Muscle Pain , Injection Site Pain , Immune Systems , Response , Headache , Reactions , Ingredients , Fatigue , Side Effects , Rex V Rsv , Rex V I , Duvets , Money Back Guarantee , Quantity , Skin Care , Bleaching Cream , Sleep , Over The Counter , Prescription Alternatis , Colon Cancer , Ways , Choice , Dog , Talk , Poison , Cologuard , Noninvasive , Garden , Provider , 45 , News Business , News Headlines , Listen , Jessi , Anywhere , Audio , America Is Listening , Sirius Xm , In America , Secret Service Agent , Cable News Host , 800 , 1 800 6303838 , 6303838 , Clint Hill , Action , Threat , Motorcade , Shots Rang Out , Jfk , Failure , Men , Don T Get Me Wrong , Dog Commander , Coke , Bag , Location , Dna , Chew Toy , The Baggie , Someone , Whistleblowers , Survivor , Firing Rounds , Sense , Judicial Watch , Haven T , Chef , Carjackers , Martha S Vineyard , Safari Campbell , Companion , Boats , Ferrari , Difficulty , Mrs , Paddleboarding , Boat , Motor , Wasn T Working Either , Police , Taylor Sat , Groundskeepers , Sign , Nugget , Didn T Work , Police Interrogation , Procedure , Boss , Room , War On Christmas , Employees , Vineyard , Holiday Tree , Lincoln Chafee , Lines , State House Christmas Tree , Flights , Day One , Rhode Island , Holiday , Issues , Looks , Folks , Fine , War , Michelle Wu , Minister , Snow , Asian , Religion , City Council , Holiday Party , Wasn T Any Holiday Party , Electeds , Color , Accident , Staffer , Bad , Controversy , Segregation , Divisiveness , Identity , Group , Kinds , In The City , Place , Heritage , Culture , City , Race , Party Doesn T , Embracing Michelle , Point , Host , Progressives , Culture Dictionary Author , Fox Across America , Jimmy Fallon , Invite , Me And You , Charge , Process , Harvard , Dance Floor , Bill , Isn T Good , Officials , Punishment , Italians , Tommy Cutlets , Pinky Ring , Quarterback , Cutlets , Emcee , Team , Couldn T Get A Super Bowl Ring , New York Giants , Being , Ethnicity , Boom , Shubert Theater May 18th , Jimi , May 18th , 18 , Economy , Beloved , Humbug , Story , Charles Dickens , Associated Press , Imagination , A Christmas Carol , Fire , Friday , All American Christmas Concert Series , On Fox And Friends , Name , Can T , Whiskey , Bed Bath And Beyond , Wine , Disaronno , John Kearney , Of , Lowriders , Jeans , Socal , Gift , Family Heritage , Serrano , Ancestry , Friends , Smokeless Fire Pit , Skills , Smokeless , Snug Kids Making S Mores , Cozy , Firewood , Jokes , Floors , Neighbors , Carpet Hardwood Vinyl , Off , Empire , 75 , News Programming , News , It S Time , Sling Tv , 300 , Service , Sling , Identity Thieves , 0 , Lab Diamonds , Restoration Specialist , Problems , Carat Diamonds , Information , Redirect , Good Life Locks , Studs , Jewelry Exchange , Carat , Offense , Exchange , Half , Ones , Fda , 2 , 599 , 14 , , 2995 , 5991 , Smile , Studio , Suit , Bradshaw , 3 , Button , Diane , Opportunities , Knowledge , Life Skills , Textbooks , Level , 1000001 , Practicality , Business Owners , Cash Fast , Small Business , Offices , Fitness Studios , Equipment , Business Expenses , What S Next , Credit Funding , Small Business Funding Needs , Code , Forces , Chefs , Share , Cabals , News Breaks , Story Line , Signs , Surge , Waters Cooler , Gaza , Fox Channel , Chris , Fox Business , Fox Nation Special , Correspondent Madison , Will Ferrell , Isn T , Planet , Entertainment Gala , Show , B C , 10000 Bc , 10000 , Stuff , Madison , Power , Situation , Mhm , Brent , Highlight , Business Reporter , Inflation , Summer , Groceries , Cities , Playing , Ifif , Inflation Ship , Ban , She Ran , Save Money Due To Biden Nomics , Age , Bills , Soulmate , 2000 , 500 , 1000 , 000 , Best Friend , Bed Warm , Shay , Best Friend Thing , Second , Guy S , 28 , Cutoff , Say , Angel , Michael , Friend , Lots , Others , You Haven T , Elementary School , I Don T Know , Adult , Girls , Producer , Rockefeller Tree , Everywhere , Hotel , Jesse Would , Special , Handbag , Handbags , Bait , Sixth , Tax , Colorado , Th Tomorrow , Randi , Aurora , 10 , Charlie , Sun Don T Shine , Solar Scam Artists , Wisconsin , New Hampshire , Ohio , Dayton , Karen , Hannity ,

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