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>> dana: i'm dana perino along with judge jeanine pirro, harold ford jr., jesse watters, and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ one down baila two others follow. this president resigning in disgrace after she was unable to condemn anti-semitism raging on her campus during a congressional hearing last week, and the harvard board of governors reportedly meeting behind closed doors to determine if there president should be the next to go. she insisted that we should consider the context on when students call for the of jews. protesters swarming harvard's campus with billboard trucks that call for her firing, but she is getting some support. about 700 members of harvard's faculty, urging the board to spare her career in the name of "resisting political pressures." "saturday night live" seems to think that the real villain is the congresswoman who asked the question. the show going after them in a sketch making light of her. >> now, i'm going to start screaming questions at these women like i'm bailey eichner. anti-semitism, yea or nay? >> i'm sorry, what? >> yes or no as calling for the of jews against the code of conduct for harvard. >> it depends on the context. >> what? >> that can't be your answer. >> you. >> same question. >> we are serious about stopping all forms of hatred, anti-semitism, islamophobia. >> -- the second one. >> if you don't say yes you were going to make me look good. >> am i winning this hearing? >> dana: imagine, judge, that they do a dress rehearsal for "saturday night live" and they still went with this. we found out just before the show that sicily strong was initially -- cecily strong was initially supposed to be part of a sketch but backed out because she was uncomfortable. >> jeanine: it speaks to her integrity. she would actually, had actually gone through when they did it ahead of time. i think that the identification of stefanik as the antagonist here as opposed to recognizing what is going on at universities just shows how clueless "saturday night live" was. they couldn't make it funny. at least -- stefanik is not funny, the issue is not funny. the presidents instead of cloaking themselves in this free-speech, at the same time, they are willing to shut down conservative speech. it's interesting. at harvard, where they are still president, apparently there was a deanship held by a black law professor who t then joined the legal team of harvey weinstein. they joined from the university, took away his deanship, because desh didn't like can't say that killing jews and calling for is being were thrown off campus. they don't know the context. what's the context other than calling for the death of jews, and the fact that you have jewish students on campus who were afraid? kudos goes to people like bill ackman and the rest of them who are not going to tolerate it. the president is not standing up for this. no one is standing up for the jewish students who are being intimidated and threatened, and locking themselves -- in a library. i think more than anything, what they've got to do is get rid of all of -- mcgill is the first one. she's not totally gone. she is still on the faculty, so that is kind of like a smoke and mirrors. >> dana: wanted to ask you about that, jesse. the president resigns, but it's not what she resigns as now looking for work. she just resigns and goes back to being a tenured professor. >> jesse: that's like biden saying he's not going to run for reelection, but we are still stuck with him for the rest of his term. i see this as about money. these universities raised so much money, and most of these places don't care how woke it gets as long as you keep bringing in the money, but when you screw up this badly, it's going to affect your ability to raise money. if i were harvard, i would be thankful for speeseven. who cares if you were going to let her look good? -- thankful for it stefanik. who cares if you're going to let her look good? you have to take her out of there, because she is a joke. i was told that harvard people are smart, the school was for the best and brightest. i aspired to send jesse jr. to harvard. no longer. people that he might be going to dartmouth or princeton. expects the president of a school like this to bill to say yes or no, yelling "kaila lee j' harassment." she couldn't do it. i don't think she is bright or the lawyers that briefed her all right. stumps democrats. they can't answer the question. i went to school at this college. it is a prestigious university in hartford, connecticut. it's a university. i just got briefed on my presidents. >> greg: online school? [laughter] >> jesse: just let me finish. [laughter] she's also the president, probably the same type of person as them at harvard. i just got an email from her that they created a task force on campus climate, and that is a follow-up to the task force of trinity's action plan for racial justice. the school is falling apart. the dorms don't look great. they haven't built anything new. they've brought in all the students who hate trinity who graduates, aren't successful, and can't donate to trinity. then they shut down two fraternities at the campus and have been drinking on campus. >> greg: [exaggerated side] >> jesse: the school is falling apart. i'm not going to be the president for trinity. somebody will have to save trinity. it better be somebody better than the people at these ivs who can raise people and -- people who can answer normal questions. >> dana: this is "the new york times" headline. "as fury erupts over campus, anti-semitism, conservatives seize the moment." >> greg: that's what we do best. >> jesse: we pounce. >> greg: is not interesting how they forget the context? when conservatives do it, there's no context, but when they do something really, really bad, they use six decades of context. briefly on the "snl" thing, we don't know why strong backed out. it could be because it was immune enough, like she wanted to go harder. there is a lot of comity in that. when you have a group of academics who label any speech like a violating usage as violence but then when someone actually calls for violence, they can't call -- that is hilarious! the hypocrisy is gold. "snl" can't do that. they are cowards. a lot of people are calling this, going after the professors as suppression of free speech. i don't agree with that, because of t the -- calling for is intimidation to suppress free speech. you have got to show those people the door. 170 is calling for you to die, that's to scare -- into violence. that's not free-speech anymore. when they said "you know what? and only becomes a problem when it's act upon," so, you have to wait for the to start. "excuse me, there will be consequences." that's how you got nazi germany. it's crazy. >> jeanine: they never said there wasn't free-speech. they said -- with the code of conduct, would it allow this? who knows better than the collis camp presidents? >> dana: that's what i wanted to ask harold. jesse brought up the law firm. i can't remember the name. they briefed and prepared for the testimony, all three of the president's. what i can't imagine is -- you know lawyer there said "this might be a problem. this doesn't sound good," but none of the presidents said "i'm not going to say that. i don't even believe that," and yet they get through -- you have prepped people, prepped for hearings, prep for client clientses. that is just astounding to me that nobody raised their hand and said "this is going to be a problem." >> harold: the test of leadership for someone in that position, president of any organization, certainly a school, an institution of higher learning -- and i think jesse made a point. may have been making light of it but i think you were being serious. harvard as a metaphor in most of our country for what higher education, the best of higher education should look like. it's on the results. hopefully, they are able to recover. it's a great university as is harvard. on a graduate of penn. to your point, i don't know how, if someone asks the question that this congresswoman stefanik asked about of jewish people killing anyone, does that violate your code of conduct -- if you didn't know it or not, and -- it's your personal code and violates the code of conduct "at our university." of someone quarrels with you, judge, and says "it does depend on if they act on it," i would rather answer the question after the hearing as opposed to being in the hearing looking as if i'm saying that it's okay to kill any kid. second -- or third -- the university president has to make it safe for kids to learn, to be challenged, to dissent, be able to accept dissent, be able to understand a different point of view. to greg's point, you cannot make it work -- feeling unsafe because he or she believes that the person converting with the professor -- that they should be able to sit because people that look like you should be extinct or exterminated or killed. to me, these seem like really simple things. my 9-year-old daughter was curious how this could not be something that no person could understand. crew school teaches kindness and respect. how do you not teach? as sad as i am for this to be -- i signed for the letters asking for answers from them, even asking for a resignation. it's a sad day for my school, but it's one that i hope we move on from and learn from, and grow from, because we have a great tradition at penn and i hope we can get back to it. >> dana: a lot of people writing about it saying it's only the beginning. >> greg: i just wanted to finish. harold, you brought up your 9-year-old daughter. that's the point i wanted to make, was that your 9-year-old daughter could -- >> harold: who you know! >> greg: -- yes, who i know. she could define an atrocity. she can define what a woman is, but you've got this weird trend were the most powerful adult women in the country can neither define a woman or -- genocide, two the easiest definable things on the planet. when they are asked, they ask for context for chromosomes and sexual atrocity. your daughter is not -- by ideology yet. they are! they have gone through the brainwashing industrial complex. they are putting ideology over female victims. how does a person go from innocence to excusing rape and murder? there is a machine in academia that they go through and spits that out, that's the scary part. >> jesse: and the best way to destroy that team is what they did: ask direct, simple, straightforward questions to these people under oath, and every buddy in the country can see if they can't answer. >> jeanine: the amazing thing is she kept asking over and over. it's like a witness on the stand. if they ask you over and over, they might not be getting the right answer, and they know what the answer is, so any excuse, whether it's the law firm of the constitution, has nothing to do with the moral core of calling for the death of people. >> dana: up next, president biden getting walloped in the polls, and panicking democrats thinking hillary clinton could save the day. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ of bringing textile manufacturing back to america. we're taking the best fibers our farm can produce, spinning it at one location, weaving it, then finally into a cut and sewn product. there's value in buying american made it has a real life impact up and down the supply chain. we want our customers to feel how special this product is, right when they open the box. go to and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20. 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"clinton's role is only expected to grow with the new year," but for now, she is filling a space that, at a later point in the camping season, former president barack obama will join. okay, so if we've got these numbers where nikki haley is 17 points ahead, donald trump's four points ahead -- although nikki haley's numbers i guess depends on the poll -- what is hillary clinton going to do to save the day, jesse? >> jesse: she knows how to lose to donald trump. [laughter] i would not be asking her for much advice. she probably leaked she's going to be taking a bigger role in the campaign. all the nice fund-raiser chat, plays it and politico. if you are right. i think the biden campaign is in deep trouble. not only by losing by four to trump but 17 took nikki. if you look at those numbers, she goes up to 51 more than trump, but a lot of that deterioration are democrats not voting for joe biden, and voting for nikki haley. if you have the hunter situation, which is still percolating -- we don't know how that's going to shake out -- the oracle of omaha dumping all his stocks in the first three quarters. something could be not very good around the corner. >> jeanine: greg, think of the fact that nikki haley may be 17 or whatever but she's never making it out of the pack. with donald trump in iowa -- i mean, he's crushing everybody in iowa. >> greg: maybe it's about vp. who knows? too soon to tell. if i were joe biden, i would be worried. hillary, like you said, she's not known for winning elections. this is like asking sammy the bull to take care of your loud neighbor. [laughter] message to joe: if hillary shows up in the white house with a pillow, it's not for napping. [laughter] i think we should be worried and prepared for what's to come. even when the dems are not painted in a corner, they fight like they do. they can create a conflict, because fear and anxiety and outrage to keep republicans scared of even voting, and i think they are in a terrible spot now, hence the green light for calling everybody hitler, and how trump is going to end democracy. any efforts, legal or otherwise, to destroy the candidacy. we have been watching these marches, the protesters screaming for. that's going to morph into a different -- the protesters screaming for genocide. that's going to morph into a different kind of protest. it will go nuclear, but not just anti-semitism: it's going to be anti-everybody who's not on board. >> jeanine: herald, trump is beating biden on the border by 30%, inflation by 21%, the economy 17%. what else besides abortion does biden have going for him? >> harold: having access to safe and legal abortions has been the issue that i think has confounded a lot of people as to how that issue alone, if you look at the data points -- 4-5 weeks ago, the referendums and elections -- as well as a year ago with some of them in. it's unclear to me if that will sustain itself. certainly, democrats and i believe the white house believes that now. i don't believe that the campaign for mr. biden is fully built out. don't know if they have a number of people they need to hire to have a full campaign. if they have a strategy -- -- [laughter] -- one of the things they need to do is begin the campaign in earnest, and talk about the things, in addition to choice and access to safe and legal abortions, that the president has done and what he plans to do going forward. one of the interesting things about all this is that it appears some of the polling, though the two most dominant candidates on the republican side -- that's not the front runner. although the front runner is 3-4 points ahead, but the most dominant candidate, miss nikki haley, head-to-head, only one polling about 50. you know particularly being in these campaigns, being in the lead but not about 50 is different. if you are above 50 i don't care if your lead is four or 14 points: it's a different way to run a campaign. in '16, then candidate trump, i thought he would win. clinton, as far as she was ahead of him, she was never above 50 in the battleground states. here we are with both of the two front runners hovering in the high 40s, mid 40s, and another candidate who gets way ahead. as we get closer to january 15th and 23rd, february 8th, februarf some of the important, early contests -- were republicans are going to have a big choice to make: do take a risk with a person who is a front runner right now and way ahead of the polls, who is running ahead of president biden, or do you take a risk on someone else who was way ahead of him? then, democrats -- if nikki haley continues to poll well, and looking at the polling data, if she looks like she will win in the early states, democrats are going to have a hard question. i don't know if it will be mrs. clinton, but they will have a hard question to answer. to stick with this president if he continues to be clobbered in the polls by ms. haley? >> jeanine: along with what harold is saying, -- they said 11. and you've got what after that, north carolina and a few others, south carolina. >> nevada. >> dana: iowa, new hampshire, south carolina, to super tuesday which is like a super mega tuesday. couple things. nikki haley might well not make it out of the primary. she might not even get to be the one that's going head-to-head against president trump. republican voters are typically not persuaded by elect ability. in the polls, it shows that if you want to beat biden, then you want to go up against nikki haley. one of the reasons the biden campaign, perhaps mistakenly has long wanted to run against trump again, is that they know he will probably be beaten by some deals. also might be beaten by some to goes from his own camp. rfk jr. with the third-party run, getting 20% of michigan in the recent poll. in addition, on the question of democracy and protecting democracy, biden only has a one-point lead over trump in "the wall street journal" polls. people are concerned about the future of democracy for different reasons, but also as a similar type of thing. the other point i would make about hillary clinton, if i could pick one of the problems were biden is that younger people are unenthusiastic about him, and they are against his defense of israel. do you think bringing hillary clinton on will help that situation? absolutely not. it might help them keep more democrats in his camp. if he goes too far for progressives on the israel/hamas/gaza question, he's going to alienate them. will hillary clinton -- where hillary clinton could be effective is on abortion. that's the play the depressor going to run in all 50 states no matter what. some states have really important referendum, so she could possibly be helpful there. >> jeanine: and, it's a question of where they put it on the referendum and whether or not it's an issue in a lot of states. coming up, our democrat cities finally wising up? a far love congresswomen listens to this candidate in houston. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ this is how it feels to du more with less asthma... ...thanks to dupixent. dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. and can help improve lung function for better breathing in as little as two weeks. dupixent helps prevent asthma attacks... and can even reduce or eliminate oral steroids. imagine that. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. get help right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. who knows what you can do when you du more with less asthma. ask your doctor about dupixent. the most prescribed biologic for asthma. ♪ ♪ >> greg: looks like being tough on crime is now a campaign winner in democratic cities. congresswoman sheila jackson lee, suffering and immersing landslide loss loo democratic state senator -- john whitmire, who ran his campaign on making the city safer with increased policing. >> great city solve their problems. -- >> great cities solve the problems. we will do it by recruiting more officers. supporting the officers we have. >> jesse: good idea. jackson -- >> dana: good idea. jackson lee ran a campaign on scandal and you may remember how wonderfully she treats her staff, when leaked audio emerged of her cursing them out. >> both of y'all are [bleep] and [bleep] -- put together. the tools [bleep] idiots, you have no god [bleep] -- eight managing a buddy, nobody is respecting nobody, and give a [bleep]. >> greg: jackson lee was also releasing a television ad that gave supporters the wrong -- for the runoff election. [laughter] dana, i always find it strange that tough on crime is a campaign that she would assume that everybody would agree with crime being bad, but the people likely made that a campaign play by being pro-crime. >> think of how many people, especially lately in the media, have been saying that -- for example, they will say fox news is making up, that people are concerned about crime. saying it's not that bad, or crime is not that bad. in addition, houston is also dealing a little bit more than other cities with the front lines of immigration and the problems they are. you hate to see somebody like that lose, but you might see a lot more incumbents or incumbents types lose. she was supposed to decide today. i don't know if anybody heard. she has a decision to make for congress. had to leave congress -- to run for this -- did not have to leave congress to run for this race. this tough on crime issue, the biden administration, we talk about mortgage rates and food costs, costs of cars, the border as an issue, but crime is an underlying peace. if people do not feel safe, they will choose different leaders. >> greg: judge, there seems to be an underlying trend, and it's a good trend. it's the same type of person that is a university president like this, which is the idea of tearing down institutions without having things to replace it with. whether it's immigration or crime or identifying. >> jeanine: the interesting thing about sheila jackson lee's it was always about her. it was never about the people. people suffering from crime and they know it. when this guy comes in and says "and going to increase the number of pollutants, fight crime, law and order -- he asks the moderate democrats, the conservative scum of the independents, and he won. sheila jackson lee. you know what her theme was? her whole thing on her campaign is that she would fight the magdala extreme -- the maga extremists. ideologue versus people who want to help americans. people are getting their brains back. i love that sheila jackson lee, she felt she was the clean. she said "i'm the queen, i demand to dust" no, it's not about you. all of this lunacy with her staff, i mean she is more worried about how she looks them what she does for the people. you know who supported her, and joe biden should listen to this -- hillary clinton was one of her biggest supporters. >> greg: herald, she was beaten by a wing man. [laughter] >> jeanine: colonizer. [laughter] >> greg: there is question in that. >> harold: this race to me is interesting for one reason, and it's been set around the table: voters responded to the issues they care about the most. if you categorize voters, and try to put them in buckets because they are black, white, they live in a certain neighborhood, voted certain ways in the past, i think those are indicators, things you might look at. at the end of the day, being tough on crime -- it didn't really hit me until you said it just now. who in the world, how in the world could you be against any candidate who wants to be tough on crime? listening to him, he made clear "i want better streets, improved infrastructure, and less crime. i will address public safety and my first year of office. if i don't improve it, i will be judged poorly." this would be an obvious theme in politics. for him to say it "i hope my party is listening and democrat everywhere are listening," the two of them were on the same page on choice. they are both democrats. once that issue got -- not put aside, but once it was not a concern, the issue that was on most people's minds was public safety. he won that battle. democrats, the dallas mayor switches parties, the dallas police chief. dana set it on her earlier show today, the city has become the city most people look to when you talk about how to hire and recruit police officers, how do you keep their morale high. they have done a better job there. fiber kamala harris, i would be traveling to the cities, getting the best practices and bringing them back to washington and saying "crime bill of the year --" that incorporates the best practices in crime fighting keeping police officers around, recruiting police officers, and more importantly, making communities safe. every politician should be interested in doing that. >> greg: to that point, jesse, i think what we are hitting at here is t that i used to be a political -- it used to be apolitical. crime was a apolitical issue, but somewhere became a political issue. >> greg: someone came up with "defund the police," which is going down in history as the dumbest message of all time. i was a supporter of sheila jackson lee. >> greg: you have always been there for her. >> greg: i think her staff deserve the dress down and many steps to. it is a motivator. switching the date of the election was crafty. you will have to use everything you can. if your opponents, voters believed that the election is the wrong dates, they are idiots and don't deserve a vote. that's what a sarcastic person would say. but, houston is an oil and gas town, always will be. they may support a democrat for mayor, but that democrat is going to be friendly to oil and gas, and she was not. she is a radical ideologue. talk about law and order. i was at a police event raising money. they were giving awards to two guys who closed a 10-year-old sexual assault case. a big old-fashioned police work. they bring the guy in, holograph him, fails the polygraph, brings him back, takes another polygraph. after like five hours, they crack him and he confesses. who wouldn't want that? if you don't have enough police on the forest, you are not going to be able to do that kind of basic legwork like that. >> dana: in my ear, they say that sheila jackson lee will run for congress again. you are not free of her yet. >> greg: she has no skills usable in the private sector. she's got to stay on the country's dime. coming up, is blue-collar work considered a punishment? the woman her through her burrito bowl at a triple play employee -- talks about -- triple play employee talks about working in fast food. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. i was a bit nervous at first but then i figured it's just walking, right? 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[laughter] iowa's have a problem when somebody says "this sends a message to the people working at fast food --" they don't even know this story exists. i love this idea. i don't think it is demeaning to people who have these jobs. i think it is -- she is educating a spoiled brat. dealing with the public is hard work. aren't punishing people anyway. why not teach them a lesson? make shoplifters reshell the stores they rob. make people who vandalize -- clean up their neighborhoods. i don't see that as a problem at all. if you don't do it, then you lock them up. i would be for that. >> we are saving money because we don't have to have the sell house them and feed them in prison. just feed them burritos and they go home at night. >> dana: a love that the judge had a feeling that this person needed to be taught a lesson about empathy. i think it shows there's dignity in work. i never worked in fast food, but i waited tables for a long time. i am hypersensitive about how wait staff is treated. i'm a big tipper. if you ever go to breakfast, double tipped, because breakfast is the least expensive mail and most people work hard to make sure your eggs, toast, coffee are the way you want to. people are the most picky at breakfast. i like this. i thought it was -- again, judge is showing their discernment. who are we to judge them? >> jesse: dana, it's usually the people that don't brag about being big tipper's that are the big tipper's. >> dana: like you? [laughter] >> jesse: like me. >> dana: i'm not bragging, i encourage you to be a better tipper. go to breakfast, to. >> jesse: double to bill at breakfast. that can hurt you, harold. another branch as you go to: four seasons, the ritz-carlton. [laughter] >> harold: i am a big fast food guy. at lunch, i had chick-fil-a. i am a popeyes guy and a wendy's guy. >> you don't look like it. >> harold: thank you. i parked cars. [laughter] you said it well: you have got to -- and judge, you said it last week on this show. you have got to educate spoiled brats. part of punishment in the legal system is to do two things: ensure to a person that there is a proportion of punishment, whether it's jail or whatever for the person who committed the crime. the other part is deterrence. the judge believed it because a person through a burrito in the face of an employee. how do you throw a burrito and the face of any human being? the judge believes listening to the testimony that may be, this defendant did not respect that person who worked at aaa -- who worked at chipotle, who i think his quasi-fast food. kind of a throw away to deter not only this person, but also other people and make people think more highly of humans who serve us, and -- -- >> tip generously. >> jesse: thank you, harold, i do. [laughter] judge jeanine. >> jeanine: people commit crimes for different reasons: greed, they are angry -- people like this are stupid. she needs to be put in the shoes of the person that she assaulted, that she abused, that she harassed. the judge gave her an option. i don't know what everybody is complaining about. to me, it's white noise, i could care less about it. the truth is this woman will learn for the rest of her life what it's like to be disrespected -- people who treat you like garbage. it happens all the time. whether it's education as it relates to a young kid who puts a swastika on the school, knows nothing but doesn't understand the history of what that means, and the tremors that people go through when they see that. we need to educate a certain segment. this woman needs to be educated, the judge did the right thing. i get stuff like this all the time. if you want to mess things up, you are going to clean up the block for the next two months, at a time of day when everybody sees you, including your friends. >> jesse: and that's all i have to say about that. >> harold: i agree. >> jeanine: that is great. >> jesse: "fastest" is up next. my name is dana bellefeuille, and my husband and i own the village bakery located in hayden, idaho. our mission is to employ people with different abilities. tiktok is allowing us to show what acceptance looks like on a day-to-day basis, here at the bakery. this is a community of just complete and utter love. it's the people that lift you up when you're down. people on tiktok do that on a daily basis, and i've never found a community like that, ever. (dogs barking) - hey, we're here to get you. (whimpering) - it's okay. - don't be scared. - let's go. - that's a good job. - can i see him? - this is our home - and this is our room. ♪ ♪ >> harold: time for "the fastest." first up, we all have that one coworker who loves to tempt the office by bringing in homemade cookies or sweets. why do they insist on torturing our waistline with such sugary delights? "the wall street journal" has a theory on what those sugar -- really want, basically. that's a bribe. using the food to disarm that favor. in fairness, someone gave some cookies the other day at a party. soon to be a smashing success. you resemble this article, or what were you thinking? >> dana: johnny brings us all those sugary treats. have you seen him? he must have the metabolism of a humminbird. i can't handle it, but i admire it. for people like them who baked, i don't think they do it because they are trying to curry favor. i think they love to bake but don't have all the cookies at home by themselves, so they bring them here and try to make people happy. >> harold: someone that likes suites, do you have a theory about this or -- >> jeanine: buy me the cookies, jewelry may be, but not cookies. >> harold: let me write that down, jewelry but not cookies. [laughter] when you wear a sweater like that, mr. g -- greg gutfeld -- >> greg: melvin's. [laughter] >> it's is melvin's? >> greg: i have to point out before i make my point that "the wall street journal" has been doing a lot of these stories lately about people that upset them. like, it's about a coworker making noises or summary bringing in food. there is somebody at "the wall street journal" who is very upset about everything. for game day, "the wall street journal" has a new story about ashwin so-and-so doesn't add to your email. this is what you should do. some really angry person. >> harold: this is our in-house newspaper. [laughter] >> greg: a lot of people give you food to alleviate guilt to enlist you in their gluttony. people do this to me at work. it's because i'm in great shape. [laughter] probably the best shape of anybody on floor 21. they are trying to fatten me up out of envy. they are trying to bring me down. i try so hard to be disciplined. i work out every morning. i watch what i eat and drink, and they want to bring me down with their cookies and their snacks. it's not going to work. look at me. [laughter] does this guy look a day over 40? [laughter] >> harold: my colonizer -- [laughter] -- when you talk about suites and your fantastic cookie making skills, is that what you're talking about? >> jesse: when anybody gives me anything, the first thing that run through my mind: what's their agenda? [laughter] the second thing i say is are they trying to kill me? then, i say "what do i old them?" those are the types of selfish things that should be running through everybody's minds when anybody gets a suites. of course this is stupid! i know what's going on at the journal, greg. everybody is back to the office. >> greg: everything is annoying them! go back and look at all the stories that we have. >> g -- >> dana: either someone is upset or they have annoying people that work for them. [laughter] >> harold: "one more thing" is up next. helped this kid beat cancer at age two. marget: and now this kid has three kids. chip gaines: and that's what we do at saint jude. subject: give thanks for the healthy kids in your life and give a gift that could last a lifetime. (carolers) ♪ iphone 15 pro, your husband deserves it! ♪ (mom) carolers? to tell me you want a new iphone? a better plan is verizon. (dad) no way they'd take this wreck. (carolers) ♪ yes, they will, in any condition. ♪ ♪ get iphone 15 pro and ipad and apple watch - all on them! ♪ (mom) please forgive him. (carolers) ♪ it's all good - just a little awkward. ♪ (soloist) think we'll wrap this up. (vo) it's your last chance to turn any iphone in any condition into a new iphone 15 pro with titanium and ipad and apple watch se - all on us. that's up to $1700 in value. only on verizon. hi, i'm michael, i've lost 70 pounds on golo. i spent thousands on other diets that didn't work. on golo, i spent a couple hundred bucks and got back down to my high school weight. you're not gonna believe this thing is possible but it is. ♪ >> dana: timtime now for "one me thing." sorry. i thought it was -- >> jesse: it's me. big news. a new addition to the five family. >> judge jeanine: who? >> jesse: our incredible stage manager alison is going to be a mother. welcome to the world levi jackson conley. 7 pounds, 14 ounces great hair just like greg. congratulations, alli, what are you saying? >> take all of the maternity you need. tonight "jesse watters primetime" vivek ramaswamy and mike the situation. >> judge jeanine: where has he been? >> jesse: he has been in prison. >> dana: okay. quickly, i was in michigan for kyle jennings and friends. great night of country music song writing. lee thomas. bob. amazing. collin james a really good time. i don't remember singing that song with peter but apparently we did. podcast just up with matt whitlock this week just posted. greg? >> greg: tonight a great show even with brian kilmeade. emily compagno, will hurd and kat timpf watch it or die. harold harold taylor university big tradition they have play basketball game. the kids don't cheer until they score the 10th point. they are dressed in costumes. >> judge, do you have 8 seconds? >> judge jeanine: i can't do it in 8. >> dana: not going to do it in eight and tomorrow we will give her double time. that's it for us. have a good night, everybody. >> bret: double time for judge tomorrow. thank you. good evening. welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. breaking t

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