welcome to "hannity". these are all the only normal people in new york. thank you all for coming. tonight, illegal immigrants are literally thinking your president joe biden as senate democrats are now poised to abandon ukraine all in a desperate bid to stop a border security bill from becoming law. we will revealed the extreme measures that some democrats are willing to take in order to keep your southern border wide open. plus the far left had america's once prestigious universities like harvard. we have a young kid from harvard in the studio audience. it is now worse than ever. three pompous college presidents testified that threats of genocide or calls for global islamic wore are no big deal depending on the context. but don't dare say anything nice about donald trump on a college campus because you will likely get kicked off that campus. right on cue you have the woke privilege college students from harvard working as interns at joe's white house. the interns. you talk about the inmates running the asylum. they wrote a letter to president joe biden demanding that israel stop fighting back and defending themselves after they were victims of terrorism. none of them of course had the courage to sign their names. typical college student from harvard. we will have reaction with louisiana senator john kennedy tonight. but first another brazen live from your president. take a look. >> reporter: there is polling by the associated press that shows almost 70% of americans including 40% democrats believe that you acted either illegally are unethically in regards to your families business interest. can you explain to the americans that this impeachment inquiry had you interacted in so many of your sons and brothers business associates? >> i will not comment. i did not. that's a bunch of lies. >> reporter: you did not interact with business associates? >> i did not. they are lies. >> really? no interaction with hunter's business partners? joe biden is lying right to your face. according to records just released from the house ways and means committee, biden e-mailed with one of hunter's main business partners and associates, the so-called moneyman, eric sherman, a whopping 327 times including 54 e-mails just between joe and eric. joe was vice president at the time. most of those e-mails occurred when joe biden was serving all of these communications conducted with an alias e-mail account. something you are not supposed to do in order to prevent future discovery. according to the house ways and means committee jason smith, share when was the architect of the biden family systems of shell corporations. they have identified dozens of them. used to distribute foreign funds. these were not real businesses as far as james comer is concerned. in 2018 a text message, hunter biden allegedly crediting sherwin for helping him pay his father's quote bills. , quote, "my dad has been using most lines on this account which through the gracious offerings of sherrick eric sherman i have paid for the past 11 years. based on that text hunter implicating his own father received foreign money from places like china and russia and romania and ukraine and kazakhstan with the help of eric sherman. and then pops use the funds to pay his bills all while joe and eric e-mailed back and forth hundreds of times. eric sherman is just one of the many hunter business partners that interacted with tony bobulinski's big guy. this is a picture of joe biden who just said he never met with. i never spoke with hunter, my brother or anybody for that matter about their foreign business dealings. see that picture? that is hunter's because extend business partners after a dinner at the prestigious café milano. people from harvard know that location. here's another picture of joe with hunter's mexican partners. here's a picture of joe biden golfing with hunter's fellow burisma ward member. president biden wrote archer a letter, quote, "i hope i get to see you again soon with hunter. i hope you enjoyed the lunch. thanks for coming. ps, happy you guys are together. archer testified that joe biden took dozens of calls with hunter's business associates, quote, "biden was put on the phone to bolster the brand, the biden brand. it wasn't hunter. archer than testified that burisma executives, the big oil and gas giant out of ukraine, that they demanded that hunter called d.c. to lobby against anticorruption efforts in ukraine and of course hunter oblige. archer also detailed yet another dinner at the prestigious café milano. if you went to harvard you know all about it with hunter's russian backer. this time the dinner was with the former first lady of moscow. her name alain about serena and the big guy joe biden himself. that's not all. another biden business associate tony bobulinski met choice with joe biden ahead of an unusual business partnership with our number one geopolitical fall right now which is called china. in a 2017 whatsapp message you may recall hunter reportedly using his father to shake down his chinese business associates, quote, ". i am sitting with my father and would like to understand why the commitment has not been fulfilled? i will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person that he knows and my ability to hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. i am sitting here waiting for the call with my father. that would be joe biden. magically a few days later $5 million was wired to a bank account associated with hunter. hunter admitted he had no experience in energy, oil, gas or coal in any way, shape, or form. he is dealing with the number one energy conglomerate china and making millions out of ukraine with burisma. hunter biden is now threatening to defy a house subpoena. it is unclear if he will show up for his deposition or joe's brother will show up. hunter, december 13th. if hunter is a no-show jordan and comer are planning to initiate contempt proceedings. the president's son could face real jail time. as a designated sacrificial lamb as was reported last week, it might be a risk that hunter is willing to take in order to save his father. but let's be clear about three things. one, joe biden did in fact interact with hunter's business associates and he did it over and over and over again. two, according to hunter, joe biden financially benefited from the foreign money distributed to his family. the biden brand. number three, joe biden is now lying about it wants again. he lied to you the american people before as a candidate as a president and including yesterday. if biden did nothing wrong, why would he be lying? sadly, this is a familiar pattern with joe win faced with any adversity. joe biden lies and lies over and over and over again. take a look. >> reporter: mr. vice president, how many times have you spoken to your son about his overseas business dealings? >> i have never spoken to my son about overseas is this dealings. look, it is way down now. we have gotten out of control. >> are you committed to making the trip state until every american who wants to be out is out? >> yes. this day 30 years ago nelson mandela walked out of prison and entered into discussions about apartheid. i had the great honor of meeting him. i had the great honor of being arrested with our un ambassador on the streets trying to get to see him on robins island. >> the various shots that people are getting now cover that. they are okay. you are not going to get covid if you have these vaccinations. spin at the wages for working families have gone up while inflation has come down 65%. crystal clear. no one making less than $400,000 will pay a single additional penny in taxes for all these things that were in the build back better plan. >> no one on earth believes those blatant lies. many in the media mob are willing to ignore them. why? because joe biden is a democrat. instead of investigating the apparent corruption while some so-called journalist in the media mob would rather bash james comer for daring to hold biden accountable. watch. 2 you are calling it an influence peddling scheme and you don't know whether or not it's a loan? >> you are financially illiterate. you look like a smart guy on tv. listen, i'm a banker. i've been involved in a bank board for a long time. the money that the bidens pay joe biden back but came from influence peddling. when they made the deposits and wrote the check the same day they had a $2000 balance. i think one account they were overdrawn. they deposited the same amount of money that they wrote to joe biden. there is no question. >> being paid back from alone. there is no statute that says being paid back from a loan. >> it does matter. if you take money from a drug dealer and lone money to a drug dealer and that drug dealer pays you back, it is money that he sold drugs. you are complicit. tonight joining us now is house oversight committee chairman james comer and house ways and means committee chairman jason smith. welcome back. appreciate it. jason, let me start with you tonight. you brought the whistleblowers back in. we learned an awful lot in the last 24 hours. can you bring everybody up to speed? spec absolutely. great to be with you. we had a seven our hearing and the whistleblowers provided over 56 pages of new documentation. president biden has said that he has not known anything about his son hunter biden's business dealings. we have 327 e-mails that prove otherwise. in fact, 54 e-mails came from president biden and his fake alias account to hunter biden's business associate eric sharon who was the architect of all of the shell corporations that hunter biden used to pass millions of dollars through foreign entities and then to a lot of his family members. >> let's talk about what are in these e-mails and how does it specifically and equate the president himself? we know hunter says he gave half his income to pops. we know he complained bitterly about paying for pop's home repairs. we know that 10% was set aside for the big guy. we also know the bribery statute does not mandate that if he is vice president and takes an action that benefit somebody and his family, that would be bribery by law, wouldn't it? >> it would be. one of the e-mails that the whistleblowers uncovered was an e-mail from kevin morris to the tax preparer of hunter biden's that said that they needed to take care of hunter biden's tax problems which was about $2 million at that time. they said if they didn't they would be facing great personal and political risk. the political risk of that, sean, was the fact that it was three weeks before super tuesday in february 2020. that political risk was the election of joe biden. >> let me ask you. both you and jim jordan on judiciary have threatened to hold hunter biden in contempt of congress and i believe that includes joe's brother james biden. if they fail to show up after the subpoena that you sent them. what actions will you take? >> we will hold them in contempt. we have issued lawful subpoenas. i am hopeful they will both show up. i have more confidence that jim biden will show up then hunter. you are seeing today rhetoric from the democrats on the house oversight committee. openly encouraging hunter biden not to show up. the democrats on the oversight committee have obstructed this credible investigation just as much as the biden legal team, just as much as the mainstream media and all these government agencies who are investigating. we will hold hunter biden accountable if he doesn't show up for the subpoena. we looked in donald trump's immediate family and testified in depositions on the january 6 committee for 18 hours. 18 hours. donald trump's family showed up for depositions when they were subpoenaed by the january 6 committee. what the bidens think that the law doesn't apply to them and they are special. they aren't going to show up. there is more evidence now about hunter biden than most criminals that have to show up for depositions in big-time legal cases. he is going to be there or we will hold him accountable. >> exit question for both of you. jason smith, do you believe that your committee and chairman comer's committee and chairman jordan's committee have accumulated enough evidence on a prima facie level that a case can be made that joe biden was involved in bribery as vice president and he took a specific official action in exchange for a benefit financially for his family? >> we have over 1100 pages of documentation that came from the two irs whistleblowers that came before the ways and means committee. there is numerous examples in those 1100 pages that show that in fact joe biden had helped his son and a lot of business dealings. in fact, from the sense i believe they used air force 2 more like a corporate jet flying his son to ukraine and mexico. it's quite disturbing the official acts that the whistleblowers have tied into instances of official conduct. >> same question, james comer. >> yeah. we had the fbi 1023 formed that alleged bribery. but yet the fbi refused to investigate. we find there are more informants that accuse the bidens of accepting bribes. look at what happened with burisma, with firing the prosecutor who is investigating burisma. that was a quid pro quo. the democrats impeach donald trump for asking about joe bidens would broke woke. joe biden committed the ultimate quid pro quo with our tax dollars. leveraging a billion tax dollars to get a prosecutor fired who is investigating his son. look at what he has done with china. we believe he is compromised because of the millions of dollars he is taken from china. >> and his son continued to get paid. thank you both, chairman comer and chairman smith. we head over to the senate side were just yesterday fbi director chris wray was grilled over how the fbi has been politicized and the doj weaponize and his bureau weaponize. take a look. >> i think the department of justice has been profoundly politicized under attorney general merrick garland. i think the fbi has as well. unfortunately, i think you have been unwilling to stand up to senior career officials in the fbi who have allowed the fbi to be politicized. >> i have a responsibility to the fbi, not to allow it to be a partisan tool and a partisan weapon. the testimony. by the way, the fbi has done nothing. >> i have not and i will not. >> have you opened an investigation into to weather the attorney general lied and obstructed justice? >> i'm not going to go down that road. >> i know you're not. that's the point. nobody thinks you have opened an investigation because you are not willing to. subpoena joining us now is texas senator ted cruz. thank you. just to dovetail off our last segment, you asked christopher wray. he wouldn't answer the question if the fbi tried to ascertain joe and hunter biden his location with the whatsapp message that i read in my opening monologue was sent to. also you ripped him for not answering questions about the hunter investigation and you ripped him for how the bureau has been politicized and weaponize. what is your take? is this fbi director involved in a cover-up for the bidens? is this a dual justice system? i thought lady justice was to be blind? >> i think she is blind, deaf and crippled right now. i think it is a sad situation. this department of justice, this fbi, is the most political, the most partisan, the most weaponize we have ever seen. as you noted in your opening monologue you played the whatsapp were hunter says i am sitting next to my father and he threatens a chinese communist with retribution from daddy unless he sends millions of dollars. gary shapley one of the two irs whistleblowers said the investigators had an obvious way to check it. they wanted the gps data. was hunter sitting next to joe biden. weep posted their phones. you can ascertain the instant where they were. gary shapley said the biden doj blocked that investigation. you are not allowed to get hunter or joe biden's gps data. you are not allowed to inquire. no questions about the big guy. i asked chris wray, did the fbi try to get the gps data to determine whether this was in fact they bribery shakedown? chris wray's answer was i will not talk about an open investigation. it's the biggest lie and big a shell game. they claim it's an open investigation but they are not investigating anything and refused to investigate anything. we have got major whistleblowers saying the attorney general has committed multiple felonies and the attorney general stonewalls. the fbi stonewalls. chris wray fosse answers yesterday were disgraceful. he believes he owes no accountability to congress and the american people. one of the things i shared with him as i travel the country. i am regularly approached by fbi agents who are horrified by what is happening in there agency. they are honorable men and women and want to defend the rule of law and catch bad guys. instead the political leadership that doj is turning them into a cover-up patrol for the biden white house. >> i want to get your reaction, senator, if i can. these comments by christopher wray talking about how he has never seen the terror threat on every level as bad as it is now, saying blinking lights are everywhere. why has his silence been deafening when it came to joe biden's 8 million plus illegal immigrants? now we know where they are coming from. iran, syria, egypt, afghanistan, china, russia. tens and tens of thousands. did you ever get an answer out of him? now he is finally warning us after all these people here are unvented that the terror threat has never been greater in history. what is your reaction to that? that's a dereliction of duty. i know he was busy looking into moms and dads at school board meetings and going after pro-life protesters, people that were doing it peacefully. i know he was looking hard at the hunter biden laptop and warning big tech. why hasn't he been dealing with that threat issue? >> the fbi has stonewalled on these questions for a very long time. it was about a year ago that chris wray went before congress saying the biggest threat we have is crazy white nationalist. come on! it's not like there is a surge of nazis running around. there are idiots and bigots. you want to know what the biggest threat is? hamas and hezbollah terrorist coming across the border seeking to carry out a terror attack. when i was down at the border a few weeks ago our border patrol agents are very worried about it. we have a war in israel. when i see chris wray finally acknowledging that terror threat, what that tells me sean is there seeing so much evidence. i think we are eight or greater risk for a greater terror attack now than we have been any time since september 11th. the classified briefing today from the administration, the number of special interest aliens from dangerous terrorist countries has skyrocketed under joe biden. they still refused to secure the border. >> if anything happens to any american, he will have blood on his hands. we have been warning. congratulations on your book. we will put it up. it is called un woke. senator 10 crews, thank you. when we come back there is an internal revote in the white house. plus a new record at the southern border has democrats fight a new border security measures. stay with us. we are glad you are here in new york and here at home. icy hot. ice works fast. ♪ heat makes it last. feel the power of contrast therapy. ♪ so you can rise from pain. icy hot. ♪ upbeat music ♪ ♪ upbeat music ♪ ♪ upbeat music ♪ ♪ upbeat music ♪ ♪ upbeat music ♪ ♪ upbeat music ♪ dear moms and dads, what you have achieved here today is going to help us and our futures. it is why we're coming up on stage to collect your diplomas. mom, love you always. vo: when you graduate, they graduate. visit finishyourdiploma.org to find free and supportive adult education all right, sheila,