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>> aren't you curious? like what high profile or powerful aren' people mighte wh be closeted predators and at. >> what are the democrats hiding? democra >> i find myself getting more and more militant. there shouldn't be any more coal fired power plantse permitted anywhere in the world. >> john kerry. reporter w dying for duty. >> your weapon, sir. thank you.. fire in the hole. robot cowboys are coming. >> plus. >> oh, alert! >> fox news alert. the government has been hiding jeffrey epstein's flight logs since he committed suicidee he four years ago, fighting international sex traffickin g should appeal to everybody no matter what political party we care about women and children, we care about law and order. we care about corruption. so when senator marshat ti blackburn fromon the great state of tennessee tried to subpoena the flight logackburs of jeffrey epstein, we were surprised that senator dick durbin from the great state of illinois was making it difficult. and why hadn't dick durbin subpoenaed the flight logs himself? why hasn't any politician until marsha blackburn tried to find a out who flew on the world's most notorious try t child sex traffickers plane? perhaps they have a good explanation for flying on jeffrey's jet. >> like bill clinton, who was on humanitaire traffr' readmiss we're told, are these flight logs being used as blackmail? what powerful people were on the plane and what kind of intelligence operation waat s epstein running and why would senator durbin be running, interfern e? it's for a dead. we sent hillary vaughn to ask him. >> john durbin, can i ask you a quick question? why won't you subpoena jeffrey epstein's flight logs? so who are you? >> hillary vaughn with fox. fox, of course's. ? >> i don't know anything about his flight logs, but why won't you subpoenah them? >> why don't you want to know the issue? i knowou who i've seen was, buti certainly don't know anything about the issue. >> well, he was charged with trafficking, so why don't you want to know who was utilizing his private plane? >> never been raised by anyone n . senator blackburn has wanted to subpoena themd . n >> and there hasn't been a votei in your committee. a word to me, not a word. but aren't you curious? like what? high profile or powerful people might be closeted predators and ? does that concern you? so why won't you subpoena them if you can? >> it's the first time anyone has raised that. thank you. it, fox.refox so do you are yos about it? >> will you do it? >> durbin's a liar. last week, prime time askedk pr his office why he was blocking votes to subpoena epstein's flight logs. >> and they said there wasn't enough timsaid theree. and then at today's hearing, durbin complained that fox was asking him to investigate sex trafficking. >> poor little dick durbin, senator blackburn, before you leave, i want to make a point for the record, sinct e i understand you made some statements about the jeffrey epstein flight logs. there's a fox reporter in the hallway who asked mesaid about this, and i said i had not spoken to you one time about this issue. i think you'll back me up on that. i'm not mistaken. i didn't know that this was even a subject of yourou amendments, which, if you'll recall, you were the first on the list until the two hour rule was invokethd. i don't know anythinge about this request on your parts . i'll be happy to discuss it with you, but i haven't done any discussion with you to this point. >> mr. chairman, i know. and i think you're fully aware that i had two amendments, one dealing with epstein think y and sotomayor. >> i brought it up previously. i have to confess, i didn't know that you offer that amendment. happy to discuss it with you. but i want to point on the record you and i have nevepersonally discussed this. >> and we we talked briefl wy on the floor and never mentioned the subject matter >> y never mt was you saidn comt you wanted in committee. >> i brought up my the subject matter of my amendment a three weekmendmes. not only was the subject matter brought up in durbin's presenct ,senator blackburn was speaking directly to himspeakini >> i seek recognition. senator blackburn, since we're>> in the business of issuing subpoenas now, here are a few more that i've filed a subpoena to jeffrey epstein's estate to provide the flight logs for his private plane. >> thank you, senator. when i recognized you, i didn't know you, what subject you wish to speak to. as i announced at the beginning, the first thing we'll consider the two judicial nominations. then we will move to theal subpoena. all right. so we caught him lying. first, there wasn't enough time . >> then this was the first time he was hearing about it. then it was never brought up in his presence. >> why is playing dumb and whyh hasn't he voted to subpoena the flight logs already? >> a week's gone by. says he cares about israeli isi women and children getting. why doesn't he care g about american childreetn gettig ? we're going to stay on this. and sot hear is marsha blackbure who asked fbi director chris wrayn. about it today. >> watch. the last few weeks i've been>> l demanding some answers on jeffrey epstein's crimesg anw and trying to get these flighter records. what specifically has the fbi done to investigate the claims that epstein'sthat and others participated in produced possessed and distributed? >> sam, as to the epstein case, specifically, i will tell s you it's been a while since i looked at that case. >> should thos ie logs be made public? they've been heavily redacted. ? well, as i said, it's beenave be a while since i looked at the specific casene. l yo i can tell you that we've been increasing year over year. both the number of agents focus on these kinds of cases, the numberr over of and so on. >> to this specific case, let to have my guest, lett with me get with my team and figure out if there's more informatioen we can provide. >> chris wray hasn't looked at the epstein case in a while . >> the fbi has the flight logs, s in thelooked a video computers, and they only got one convictionei, a woman, ghislaine maxwell, the madam epstein's fixe cr, not a singleh john. >> so he's going to haven. his guysg to get back to the senator and see what they can give her. >> what's goine whatg on here? r i think we knoe?w then senator kennedy asked fbi director wray about the hunter r biden laptop. you're not going to believe what he said. he sai d the fbi isn't allowed to tell the truth in an election year.n't th >> why didn't the fbi just say, hey, the laptop's real? re wh why don't you just tell everybody the laptops are real? we're not vouching for what's on it, but it's real. >> the shooting fiction. well, as you might imagine, the fbi cannot, especially in a time like that, be talking about an ongoing investigation. >> you see obviousbout a controi going on within the fbi said time out, folks. >> we're not getting themin on this. but the laptop's real. agai wn, we have to be veryt wht careful about what we can say, especially in the middlee of an election season. that's right. the fbi can only lie in the in middle of an election season. they're not allowed to tell the trut oh and the fbiseason can't tell the truth after an election eithetell ther, because the fbi still hasn't said the laptop's real, you know, ong because it's an ongoing investigation, even though the u.s. attorney in delaware didn't even crack open deg his so-called hunter biden investigation. >> now congress is supposed to have oversight over the bureau, but they aren'talloe allowed to see anything. >> the fbi just saysd , just sed us 3 billion for the new headquarters and shut up. the fbi just conduct sham investigations so they can justify stonewalling questions about democrat corruption. is the fbi do they make d a routine practice of allowing partisan political optics to prevent investigating serious evidence of corruption? >> my instructionsg se to our people on this and on every other investigatiooplen are thae are to follow the facts wherever they lead, no matter who likes its no, no matter what political influence and why, it may be our best data on where hunter biden and joe biden were. again, senator, with respect, i can't discuss an ongoings investigation. and director wray, you and i have gone round and round on this because i understand an?wry time you're askede you about this, the answer is it's an ongoing investigation. of course, the investigationargh is an ongoing. >> you're not doing the work. and the only way the fbi i is going to investigate the biden family is if they go to mass on sundaysg nvestiga. that's right. the house judiciary report sayub ine fbi has been investigating catholics. the bureau designated strains of catholicism as domestic terrorism and are treating the church like a gang o domr a terror cell. intehe fbi used undercover agents to interrogate a catholic priest and a choir director. >> the fbi tried recruitinrectog in four months within the clergy. is the fbihe listening to you during confession? god, i hope not.d it >> well, the director said it ms was just a mistake. >> how many other parishes around the country have priests requiredy otheperishes? directors been approached? by the way, are catholic choirs now? are they are the directoy breedo grounds for domestic terrorism? is this is this your latest theory? how many other parishes have fbi agents approached priests and choir directors to ask about parishioners? >> look, senator, we do not. >>and will not conduct investigations based on anybody's exercise of their constitutional. >> you have done so. and your memo explicitly asks for it. your memo labels traditional catholics as racially and ethnically motivated violent extremists in need of investigation. >> so after 911, the fbi infiltrated mosques and conducted surveillance of american imams to fightion the war on terror. >> remember how the acl, the democrats and the media found out about it? >> and they were hysterical? d democrbut the aclu, the mediae democrats haven't said a word about the fbi infiltrating the catholic church. >> the left isn't c actually against unconstitutional searchehurcs and seizure. they just want to be the ones searching and seizing. and joe biden loves to brag b about his catholic faith. well, the catholic church was just illegally infiltratedrc by the i'm sure binder will release a statement about islamophobia that should cover it. now, jfk was the first catholic president in american history, and he was proud of his faith. no catholic and no catholic has ever been elected president. c the real issues in thisreal campaign have been obscure issd not what kind of church i believe him for that shouli d be important only to me. >> but what kind of america i believe in? >> rfk j.r is running for president, also a catholic and he joins me now. so wouldpresiden als you as pre, fire the fbi director? >> well, i would certainly question him about these issues. and i think you are right to point oui thint the differenttin application of of of ethical ethics here on a on a kind of a political line. >> we were horrified during960s the 1960s at the fda, fbi hadl h infiltrated the civil rights movement. it infiltratedts the of poe antiwar movement. as you pointed out, after 911, it began infiltrating innocent n americans who were attending mass and and, you know, in the last couple of years and covered dhs was found alsohw to be doing the same thing with the medical freedomthis i movement. so i think this is a battle where it should noere itd not ba partisan issue. we should all be concerned. you know, my fathewe shoulr as s first week as attorney general, he was g the senior law enforcement officer in the country. and of course, the attorney general is in charge of the fbil as well. and he called all of the branch division heads into his office and said, i want you allg th to understand what we're all at during this administration. there is going to be no weaponization or politicization of of law enforcement capacity in this country. if somebody is a democrat or republican and they get treated equally and wellally, that would mean that if you were president, then you'd have to fire the director preside bee this guy is politicized. the bejesus out of the bureau. >> you weren't ever on jeffrey epstein's jet, wer jeffre you? >> i was on jeffrey. i've two times. i was on it in 1993, and i wasie in and i went to florida with my wife and two children t to visit my mom over easter. and my my wife had some kind of relationship with glenn maxwell. and they offered us a ride to palm beach. so i went then and another occasion i flew again with my family with, i think another, f, my children and and mary, my wife, to rapid city, south, dakota. >> two o f us wanting out for a weekend. and but other otherwise i washes i was never on his jet alonee .s i you know i've been very open about this from the beginning. it w was in 93. so it was 30 years ago before anybody knew about jeffrey epstein's, you know, his nefarious issues. and i agree with you that these all of this information shouldn be released and we should get real answers on what happened to jeffrey epstein n and any of the high level hig political people that he was involved with. all of that shouldlved be open to the public. it should be absolutely transparent. and, you know, i don't see why any of those records would have any redactions. and why would we be hiding that from the american public? well, you might not even get a chance to do that because marc elias, the hot shot democrat election attorney, is trying to basically kick you off ballot is. s goin we what's going on there? >> well, i think both the democrat and republican party are going to try to get me off the ballots. you knowete , we're in the in te middle now of a ballot access petition drive. so we have to get a llion americans to sign petitions to get me on the ballots and the various people who wante to sign up to get me on the ballot can go to kennedy 24 dot com and sign up now.signu but we're having, you know, an upsurge and people who are who are who are supporting me ad and where way ahead of where we we intended to be at this point and i think you know we are going to get on the ballot 50 states and i know the democrats are going to just stop us, try to stop are as thel republicans are going to try to stop us. to trybut i think a lot of amers want an alternative to what t the parties are offering them. well, that sure would >> j you debatesee trump and biden. that would be must see tv. rfk jr. thanks for joining jesse watters primetime and shooting straight. jesse thanks for having me. >> houses mysterious slowly exploding outside of d.c. some of the best traditions start under a tree. it's where we gather as a our family. pe >> it's where we experience the excitement of opening day. it's where we caughtis chris our personal best. and this tree is 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the air to build skyscrapers that stilll stand today. the job was said tl stano be the equivalent of war. >> other great builders came in different shapes and sizes. >> thomas edison built the light bulb. henry ford built the assembly line. robert oppenheimer. the atomic bomb. and today, if you handed any of those men seven and a h halfe billion dollars, just imagine what they'd build. >> you. but you give joe biden seven yod a half billion dollars and he can't even build you oneg electric charging station. seriously,in not one. st has been over two years. and biden hasn't built anything. he's done nothing. >> but biden's bureaucrat, gabe klein. hi.biden' who's in charge of building these ev charges? says don't quote, you have to go slow to go fast. gabe, i get it.ilding no it building is better than building. >> if he was building lots of ev chargers lot e, it wouldnd be good because he wouldn't be going slow. . and slow is good. whenou you say say the world's about to end the devastating toll of climat>> devase change s essential threat to all of us is the threat to humanity. >> climate change. i think climat e change is an existential threat to to our globe and to our future. >> so if thi s is an unprecedented existential threat to humanity, why isn't biden warp speed in this? >> we got the vaccine in nine months and they say climate change is a bigger threat than covid. >> so why is it taking overar two years to build one charging station, one? >> are you ready? biden hasn't cut a singl e piece red of red tape to speed it up. not a single piece. does this sound like the world is about to end if we don't act fast? i have an idea. >> why don't we just put the charging stations where the gas stations are?ations >> we built ukraine's entire military faster than we built one ev charging station. they make it seem urgent. cha they just sent hillary to dubai to say global warminion.g justty killed 61,000 europeans. >> we are seeing and beginning to pay attention and to countatt and record the deaths that are cod to climate. and by far the biggest killer is extreme heat. illei mean, even in europe last summer, which has the ability to count and figure out what happened, they recorded61,0 61,000 deaths because of the heat in europe. e that we don't have that kind of number yet from africa,afri asia, latin america. but we kno, w an estimate that n probably could measure about 500,000 deaths. and the majority of those are women and girls, and particularly pregnant women. >> of course, prime time doeschr not want to make a mockery of heat exhaustion oen, par anye who dies young. >> we don't. but if a 90 year old sicilian woman without air conditioning diesar-old one afternoon in aug, when it's hot. hillary's calling that a climate death. thiss in is like when someone with covid ods on fentanyl and the hospital calls it witho a covid death. now, if hillary wants to save,ut how the italians from dying in august, we could encourage air conditioning instead of spending trillions. >> reverse engineering the world economy and a half a million climate deaths, a year. >> so we investigated- we how the world health organiz organization investigates this. if you dien from malaria, they call it a climate death. you know what i heard works great for malaria, ivermectii h >> and did you know for every one e who dies from the heat, nine die from the cold. >> too bad the nord stream pipeline blew up becausew 200,000 people a year die from the cold in europe. >> sounds like warm winters keep more people alive in europe. >> hillary should be pro climate change if she really cared about saving lives. john kerry, who served in vietnam and accused us of war crimes, is now accusing the whole world of committing climate crimescrimes. wor >> we ought to be transitioning out of coal. there shouldn'ldt be any more coal fired power plants permitted anywhere in the world. that's how you can do something for health. and the reality is that we're not doing it. i find myself getting more and more militant because i do not understand how adults who are in position of responsibility can be avoiding responsibilityos for taking away those things that are killing people on a dailople oy. >> why do you think the middle easterners are clapping when ea wants jesse to ban coal? >> it's probably because they don't have coal. they makste their money from oi. john kerry's militant because coal kills. okay. do you know what kills more than coal? john, your wife' what kis compa, kraft heinz. >> the food industrial complex is poisoning us with lunchables and cheez. >> how about wife' that?heinz. 18% of american energy comes from coal. >> militant climatologist john kerry wants to shut off 18% of the economy. this is the same guy who predicted the arctic would be wiped out by noy w. ctic >> in five years, scientists predict we wou will have the fit ice free arctic summer. so kerry wants to kill westy virginia and hillary wants to reprogram us. and biden's rating catholic churches. but trumlaryp is the dictator fr telling the truth. >> the happiesump tht day when you buy an electric car is the first 10 minutes you're driving it. and then after that panic sets c in because you're worried, where the am i going to get a charge to keep this thing? >> go. al gore, who invented the internetgeorge, says that's the kind of commentary that should be censored on the internet. >> these algorithms. they are the digital equivalent of a ar-15. they ought to be banned. they really ought to be banned. it's an abuse of the public forum. but when these when people are pulled down, thesewhen peo are w holes. you know what's at the bottom of the rabbit hole? hat ththat's where the echo char is. and if cha you spend too much te in the echo chamber, what's weaponizedtime in is another fm of ai, not artificial intelligence, artificial insanity. >> comedian nick dipaolo joins us now. >> nick, i think we just install air conditioning units everywhere and we call it a done deal. >> it's you look at thet to l numbers. you're absolutely right. first of all, i want to let all the ladieset allhe watchingn there know i have a huge carbon footprint . >> huge. and you know what they say about huge footprint. i mean, the horrible dancers. what was the question just yet? can i asu k you a question? >> why are they having this meeting in dubai in the middlets east, where there's oil? jenny craig doesn't have her meetings at burger king. >> i honestly thought that was a great question. >> why are you doing it over there? well, he wants to ban coal wan and they don't like coal either, because coal's cuttingth into their profit. so they're like campaign coal because we can make more money off oil. >> doesn't that make sense? well, as far as coal goes, nothing's going to change because china is building two of these a day. >> but alas, i don't know how many years, you know, the air is so bad in china and so thick. they canceled literally last the fly were getting caught in the sky. >> no. today, the true story is all n the. i believice everything coming oy of china. when hillary says that everyone' say is dying in e because it's too hot. is i? it really that hot >> i wouldn't know. my last vacation was to newark. they don't let you leave the country, right? >> don't show me the ankle bracelet. even even italy.e coun >> they don't. they don't let me in. i got to look at it liketr you.. >> keep up.keep you keep. we're glad he left. i don't know if it's true about heat in europe, but if you get around on europe and, you know, out of all the places that are hot, they're notrant big on deodorant. jesse, i don't mean to offend anybody, but a mothe.r of god. >> mother of god in new york, and those are swedish people taking me to the comedy cellar. >> all right. all right. check them out at the comedy cellart sw. nick depaula, thanks as always, for joining us. thank you. thank you for having me, jesse. >> all right. what we learned from 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the next morning it's show time and i've got mixed berry flavor scent a cotton laxative gummies easy relief the gummy way christmas three weeks away and americans are shopping for trees, toys and groceries for the kids. hold on. i got a coupon for that. for it was in the paper this morning, 1983. >> okay. hm. in 1990, kevin shopping list from home alone came out to 1983 with a coupon. but last19.8 year these exact same items came out to $44, doubled after three decades. but we rande kevin's grocery lit through the register this year, and the totathrougl almost doubd from the last year, 19 83, to the day as i broke it down.wn what does it come down to? the grand tota>>l of $63.73 hour on tax, $5.45 and they it together you get 6889 rounded up a penny. so 6068 bucks after your coupon today guys by nomics everybodyee but that's a word you won't hear from the white house anymore they destroyed it like a bag of coke apparentlyy biden-nomics doesn't poll well. >> so binder just says price cs are going down. >> i've watched you guys, guys these segments on on the holiday season. and we just finished with thanksgiving. the prices have gone down, went down on turkey, went down eggs. yeah. you know, went down on goods that americans truly need. >> mhm. going downing . you know we really need, we need a new president.s tu >>rn alex clark is the turning point. usa contributor alex they'reribo going downr.. yeah. that's what they say. and you know what i really love? i love when you have a presideni loven yo pret that s philosophy is just, just trust me bro. >> if you're president just says just trust me bro. brd you don't see the actual proof of what they're saying, chances are they're probably lying to you. are and my favorite part is that they've been sending their little press secretary on somo e interviews lately,aryn and she keeps saying how, hey, the holiday season is here and you are noticing how great the economy seasony is doing.. she says, well, actually, you may not notice it. it may not be translating intous your real life, but just trust us, it is doing so much betterin compared to when trump was president. wa binder everp grocery shops. >> yeah, i doubt it. i'm sure he's got a little errand boy or somethine hag and here's the th. i remember when trump first became president, my first paycheck that i got, i actually was confused. i thought there was an accounting error. i had so much extra money in my paycheck. i remember calling my dad and saying mdad,, dad, i think there's something wrong. should i go to my h.r. department? and he said, ngoo, alex, this is just trump as president. that's what you're noticing. and i've never forgotten that. and so here's the thing. the biden admin can tell you that the holidays are so much easier now. we'rr e doing better than we ev. were. prices are lower than they've pr proof is in the the pudding at the grocery store. >> literallyproof is in the , ty biden-nomics. that's a fun buzzword. but jesse, you and i have.e own buzz word. >> it's called bull. and that's what nomics is. what happened in home alone,crap too? wasn't wait, wasn't trump in home alone, too? that should be it. yeah. you know, it's a good name. no, i think that's a good signal. >> it's like the answer. >> our problems all along was in the home alone franchise right therer to ale for us. 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it looks like obviously 50 years from now. >> not my style, but people love it. yearpeople are always testing iy in weird ways. they're going off roading. >> joe rogan shooting at it with an arrow. joso when we saw this, we didn't know what to think. a-ha. your weapon, sir. than hawk you, stuart. >> fire in the hole. i'm alive. awesome. >> so we're giving robots guns now? that's what we thought. this is special effects, but it makes you think. shou should we give real robots gunls ? i don't know. but i do know this. joe bide. n just made a bigt admission about this election election. wow. >> incredible. amazing. my go to is loom. if i eyedrops bloom. if i dramatically reduces redness in one minute. and look at the difference. my eyes look brighter and whiter for up to 8 hours. >> luma fine. it's kind of amazing. see, for yourself. >> friday, the all-american christmas concert series continues. >> can we freeze the frame? >> michael smith's must see performance friday on fox and friends, sponsored by bed, bath and beyond. >> over 13 million americans were affected by identity theft in 2022. >> and the threats are more than you realize. if you're a victim of identity theft, lifelock works to fix it on your behalf. >> backed by the million dollar protection package. >> enroll now. >> i'm excited to announce that we're having our biggest christmas sale ever. you get our brand new six piece my tiles for only 2998. or rejuvenate your bed with a mypillow mattress topper as low as 9999. or how about mypillow bedsheets for as low as 2498? 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>> jimmy fellows got a new book. how would we not got in the game show spinoff called wheel of cancer. the cancel culture dictionary and eight is he going to winning the war on fun with a collection of cancellations by the outrage mob? preorder your copy now at fox news books .com. >> it only takes a couple of words to sink a presidentiaia campaign. the candidate can say all the right things, shake all the right handes, kiss all the right babies, and then nuke their whole campaign with one slip of the tongue. rememberh one hillary? >> you know, to just be grosslye journalistic. >> you could put c half of trump's supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables. >> hillary never recovered. turns out americans don't anally like it when you markicao them to their face.d and from that moment on, democrats have tried o to avoidn their deplorable moment, especially in election yearst,.n but i guess rookie congresswoman jasmine crockett ,no relation to davey, didn't get the memo because today she said this about florida and texaous. >> listen. and of course, they don't want you to ever have an opportunity to raise your voice in the state of texas. in fact, ms.. perry, of i know your organization, the heritage foundation, loves texas. they lovndation s tee texas, the always sending us some nonsense bills that somehow set this countr how senty the wrong trajectory.s they send them to texas, they send them to florida everey deplorable state that we can think about. >> do you wantn to know what a state our friend jasmine representsnd? you ready? texas. she represents texas. she lives in texas. the deplorable state. thisplorable easy. want to get reelected? don't call your people. now, don't get me wrong, e we all know where the bad ideas come from. california outkick host tomi lahren joins me now. >> so, tomi, i mean, come on. it's not even like she's calling another deplorable. >> it's her own state. >> you >> you know, jesse, i had to look this up because the is no wayr that someone that represents texans and has tha last name of crockett could possibly call the state of texas deplorable. but then there it is i mean, i thinwhk this is what happens when joe biden is the leader of the democratoe biden.. i think that gaffes and misspeaking is kind of just par for the course. but davy crockett is rollingcou. in his grave, i am sure, because his namesake hates. the great state of texas. >> you really you can't make this stuff up. well, you mentioned joe >> this is what he just saidis.i if trump wasn't running, i'm i'm not sure i'd be running. what do you. >> that means he's honest. well, at least he's honest. to this just goes to show that trump derangement syndromse is, in fact, a deadly disease and in joe biden's case, maybe a degeneratived an disease.degee >>ra but to say i'm running not because i think i'm doing greate job and i think i can further the interests of americans here and abroadr rest o but to say i'm simply running because orange man bad that'runnins o a remarkable moment of honesty for joe biden. a little slip of the tongu nesty foepar fo once again, par for the course for joe. but to say that that'sr . re what you're running for, a for tat. oh, boy. i think that thi for ts is going to make donald trump very happy because he also wants a rematch. i'm so happy that we're havingerly m two elderly men go at it once again, simpleny because g they don't like each other. >> what a great place to be. yeah, we're goinreg to trumpin talking to hannity in about 3 minutes. what do you thin threek the forr president's got to say for himself? well, i think that donald i trump is going to shine brightly, as donald trump always does when he gets a chance to speak to the american peoplto speake. we know that other networks don't want trump to speak to the american people becauseaf they're afraid that his poll numbers will even go higher. so i expect to see the fightersd ,donald trump, that we've seen time and time again. and i know the fox audienc seete is very excited to see their former president and many thr foeeir futur president take that stage once again. >> okay. let's see if he brings up davy crockett tonight because >> lup that was a unforced error. tommy, thanks. as an unas always good. >> check her out on outkick. >> so not only do we have d jesse watters, prime time swag at the shop, shop. >> we have fox news christmas merch. rch.are you guys ready for this? >> we have.i wo i wouldn't call it an uglyul sweater, but we had a fox newsr. christmas sweater. i'm not goin g to wear that. >> i wore a kittle jersey last night. we have the snow globe shake it up. >> i think it plays a song up u. batteries included. >>tt we have a stocking. e know i'm getting calls so we know it's in mine. and then we have a sherpa blanket you can snuggle up by chestnuts roasting by ther fire with your loved one or someone you don't loveone or s. >> whatever you can snuggle up in this beautiful fox sherpa blanket. i'm sure it's reasonably price d . even kevin mcallister's got a coupon. let'r has do some texts. >> jenny from new york. hey,> jenny although i love watching you, sometimes i miss a few episodes . when did we unbanned robert f kennedy jrn robe? he's been unbanned for a while. you didn't watch us walkinyou g the park together. >> and who knew he went fossil hunting with epstein? tim from estero, florida. bill did not have humanitarian relations with those women. >> i did not. >> i'm not going to do. keith from nashville, tennessee. tenni thought lying to congresss a crime. to thesn't that apply head of the fbi? sorry, that's under investigation. they can't comment. richard fromth can't c new yorke the bet. you gave your word. wo the jersey. r >> don't be a wuss. i don't have to do anything. >> she said that was going to be a joe montana jersey. so i could have wiggled out of that, but i didn't because i'm a man of honor. >> bob frof honor.m houston tex, jesse, in a home alone to trump, gave kevin direction. that'srump what this country nes right now, not only direction, but right a fox sherpa blanket r christmas. i'm waters and this is m

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Stuart , Shou , Special Effects , Robots , Guns , Election , I Don T Know , Admission , Bigt , Robots Gunls , Difference , Redness , Whiter , Eyes , Amazing , Incredible , I Eyedrops , Performance Friday On Fox And Friends , Frame , Friday , Luma Fine , All American Christmas Concert Series , Michael Smith , Bed Bath And Beyond , Backed , Sponsored , Brand , Tiles , Six , 2998 , Low , Pillows , Body Pillows , Bedsheets , Comforters , Quilts , Mattress Topper , Mypillow , Duvets , 2498 , 9999 , Gifts , Money Back Guarantee , Products , Promo Code , March 1st , Pillow Rt Com , March 1st 2024 , 2024 , Offers , Pillow , Slippers , Toppers , Bed Sheets , Sore Muscles , Joints , Quantities , Australian Dream Arthritis Pain Relief Cream , Yard , Flags , Overseas , Commitment , Pain Relief , Arthritis , Allegiance , Flag Supplied , Beard , Materials , Stress Points , Needle Lock Stitching , Tacking , Bar , American Seamstresses , Com , Studs , Stone , Show Allegiance , Tennis Bracelets , Rings , Carat , Per , Halo , 599 Thousands , 99 , 699 , 990 , Double Factory , Most , Jewelry Exchange , T Shirt , Melissa , Apparel Experience , Tees , Confidence , Body Types , Day One , Threads , Empire Today , 5050 , 300 , 98 , Magnesium , Muscle , Strength , Bone , Nerve , High Absorption , Kernels , 48 , 100 , Home Listing , Ratings , Value , Noise , View Maps , Wildfire Flood , Professionals , App , Realtor Com , Real Estate , Small Business Funding Needs , Culture Dictionary , Cancer , Cancellations , Fun , Jimmy Fellows , Outrage Mob , Collection , The Game Show Spinoff Called Wheel , Eight , Couple , Words , Presidentiaia , Handes , Copy , Books Com , Kiss , Candidate , Slip , Babies , C Half , Basket , Tongue , Supporters , Deplorables , Jasmine Crockett , Yearst N , O , Face D , Avoidn , Texas , Didn T , Relation , Opportunity , Texaous , Voice , Davey , Heritage Foundation , Nonsense Bills , Countr , Wrong Trajectory S , Tee Texas , Florida Everey Deplorable , Lovndation , Perry , Jasmine Representsnd , Tomi Lahren , Don T Get Me Wrong , Ideas , Thisplorable , California Outkick , Wayr , State , Deplorable , Come On , Texans , Democratoe Biden , Gaffes , Tha , Davy Crockett , Par , Misspeaking , Grave , Stuff , Rollingcou , Namesake Hates , Trump Wasn T Running , Interests , Abroadr Rest O , Degeneratived An Disease Degee Ra , Derangement Syndromse Is , Honesty , Boa , Bad That Runnins , That Sr , Thi For Ts , Orange Man , Tongu Nesty Foepar Fo , A For Tat , Donald I Trump , Each Other , Trumpin , Rematch , Simpleny , To Hannity , Poll Numbers , Networks , Peoplto Speake , Let , Take That , Stage , Lup , Foeeir Futur , Fightersd , Fox Audienc Seete , Terror , Unas , Swag , Outkick , Tommy , Sweater , Fox Newsr , Uglyul Sweater , Christmas Merch , Rch , Batteries , Calls , Snow Globe , Sherpa Blanket , Tt , Stocking , Kittle Jersey Last Night , Loved One , Price D , Chestnuts , Beautiful Fox Sherpa Blanket , Loveone , Kevin Mcallister , Texts , Jrn Robe , Let R , Fossil Hunting , Walkinyou G The Park , Unbanned , Estero , Tim , Thesn T , Crime , Relations , Bill , Tenni , Nashville , Keith , Investigation , Comment , Bet , Wuss , Dr , Jersey , Richard Fromth , Direction , I M A Man Of Honor , Kevin Direction , Country Nes , That Srump , Joe Montana Jersey , Bob Frof , M Houston Tex , Waters , Fox Sherpa Blanket R ,

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