Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special 20240702 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special 20240702

to washington. i'm bret baier. israel works to wrap up northern gaza operation and move south amid rising concerns over civilian casualties. house republicans focus on possible impeachment inquiry into president biden and the controversy over college football's final four. we'll take a look. ♪ but, first, breaking tonight, the biden administration is condition deming the rape of israeli women by hamas terrorists. it's a move critics say is overdue. it comes as a prominent democratic lawmaker is under fire tonight for comments she calls balance in covering this issue. gillian turner has details tonight from the state department. good evening, gillian. >> good evening to you, bret. the biden administration today acknowledged ha hamas terrorists are using rape as a weapon of war against israeli women and girls. >> we have seen hamas commit atrocities. both on october 7th and since october 7th. and we obviously condemn those across at this and support israel's actions to hold hamas accountable for them. >> thank you karine and thanks everybody. >> the white house targeting israeli women is ongoing. >> right now, hamas is refusing to release civilian women. >> at the u.n. tech titan sheryl sandberg plead with officials to believe israeli women. >> do we believe the hamas spokesperson or do we believe the women whose bodies tell us how they spent the last minutes of their lives? >> october 7th, eyewitnesses today gave firsthand accounts of hamas atrocities. >> i saw in front of my eyes a woman laying -- she was naked. she was abused in a way that we could not understand. >> one progressive lawmaker agrees the attacks were reprehensible. but is qualifying her condemnation. >> i think that rape is horrific, shower. is horrific. i think that it happens in war situations. terrorist organizations like hamas obviously are using these as tools. however, i think we have to be balanced about bringing in the outrages against palestinians. >> those comments drawing outrage from democratic women across the board, including hillary clinton. >> it is outrageous that some who claim to stand for justice are closing their eyes and their hearts to the victims of hamas. >> former house speaker nancy pelosi's daughter posting i should not have to say this in 2023 but here we are. rape is rape. do not minimize, excuse, balance or both sides sexual assault. the state department cannot confirm whether the u.n. plans to investigate. >> certainly we support an investigatio the israeli government is conducting one and they have our full backing in doing that. >> so, after more than 50 days of silence from the u.n. secretary general on this issue, antonio gutierrez did acknowledge finally last week hamas sexual atrocities. did so via tweet, bret? >> bret: gillian turner at the stated department. thank you. a grouch democratic senators is saying tonight be they are done asking nicely for israel to do more to reduce civilian sawcialts in its war against hamas in gaza. those lawmakers are warning president biden's planned u.s. aid to israel must be met with assurances of concrete steps from that government. israel's military has reniewfd calls for mass evacuations from southern towns in gaza as it widens its ground offensive and bomb bipartisan targets across the gaza strip. correspondent nate foy is in northern israel tonight. good evening, nate. >> >> good evening, bret. israeli fighter jets continue pounding the southern gaza city of khan yunis as troops in the northern gaza strip are going door-to-door to clear out hamas terrorists. [gunfire] >> ground operations are nearly finished in northern gaza, according to an idf general. this courthouse. [explosion] >> is now rubble. as israeli gets bombard hamas targets farther south. including in khan yunis, where the idf warned civilians to evacuate 20 city blocks this morning. many did not. >> there is no safe area in the gaza strip. >> turkish president are a jeff erdogan said today ben gentleman min netanyahu should be tried for war crimes as israel faces growing pressure from the united states. >> we will operate in maximum force against hamas terrorists and structures while minimizing harm to the civilian. >> on its northern front, israel struck a hezbollah command and control senator for a fourth state day. [explosion] >> the idf is using live munitions during training exercises in the country's knot as a prepare for a possible escalation with terrorists in lebanon. hezbollah terrorists fire on northern israel from valleys like this. unless idf soldiers stop them. israeli forces use armored personnel carriers like this to transport and provide cover for infantry conducting operations on the ground. a possible next phase in this war against an even stronger enemy. >> we know who they're. we know what they can do, and we know what we can do and we are ready. >> hezbollah and israel continue exchanging significant even in the past few minutes as the israeli war cabinet meets tonight before a planned meeting with the families of hostages who remain in hamas captivity in gaza tomorrow brett? >> bret: nate foy. iranian backed fighters has left five dead. that's the word from american commanders. it's latest retaliation for almost 08 attacks now on u.s. forces since mid october. including 15 rockets fired at a u.s. basis in syria. jennifer griffin has update tonight from the pentagon. the u uss carney shot down one t three drones launched yemen sunday. >> we cannot assess at this time whether the carney was a target. we have every reason to believe that these attacks while they were launched by the houthis in yemen were fully enabled by iran. >> the vice chairman of the joint chiefs called the attacks unprecedented, suggesting an international maritime task force is needed. >> this is a first for attacks on international shipping. and that's a big deal. >> in total, there were four attacks against three separate commercial vessels. operating in the southern red sea near yemen sunday. these three shipping vessels are connected to 14 separate nation. none were israeli. the uss carney responded to the distress calls. it detected antiship ballistic missile being fired at bahamian flagged british owned and operated bulk cargo ship. three hours later the same ship, the mv unity explorer was hit lie another ballistic missile fired from a houthi controlled area. 90 minutes later, a panamanian shipping vessel the mv sophie two operating in the same area ruck by houthi ballistic missile. at that time the uss carner shot down a drone as it was trying to render assistance to the sophie. >> we will not tolerate attacks on american personnel: so these attacks must stop and until they do we will do what we need to do protect our troops. and to impose costs on those who attack them. >> u.s. forces did carry out of an airstrike in northern iraq sunday killing five iranian proxy fighters. who they say were preparing to launch drones and rockets towards a u.s. base in northern iraq. centcom used an unman drone to killed the iranian backed militants. bret? >> bret: jennifer griffin live at the pentagon. thank you. president biden is getting increased pushback tonight on his support for israel. muslim community leaders in several swing states are now threatening to abandon ship from the democrats over the president's refusal to call for a cease-fire. meanwhile, some democrats are not happy with the decision to cancel florida's presidential primary. white house correspondent jacqui heinrich has reaction tonight live from the north lawn. good evening, jacqui. >> good evening, bret. officials here have spoken out about voter suppression many times before. but, when the allegation is against florida democrats, silence not in florida where the state's party says biden's race is uncontested. >> handful of people in florida made a determination that joe biden won the primary election in florida. he will get all the delegates, which is more than eight states combined. that's what happened. >> phillips now crying voter suppression. a restriction biden blasted as jim crow in the 21st century on white house letterhead after georgia passed laws imposing voter i.d., limiting drop boxes and giving state officials more control. no similar outrage for democratic party leaders. >> the florida party then effectively canceling the democratic primary. >> i can't speak to that. >> karine did speak to that after the georgia midterms. >> you reported this there was suppression. >> republicans calling foul. >> they changed their whole primary calendar. now they are keeping names off the ballot. there is no debate. of course, they are saying that the republicans are a threat to democracy. >> phillips says he will sue. biden also has a brewing problem with swing state muslim voters. >> we are announcing that president biden has lost the 2024 election. >> muslim groups now organizing to take biden down over his support for israel's war against hamas. >> arizona, 10500 votes there are over 25,000 voters in the state of arizona. i will work day and night ensure that those voters abandon biden. >> democrats may also have a fundraising issue to look at. republican senators steve daines is calling on act blue. the leading fundraising platform to stop processing contributions from hamas sympathizing groups pointing to handful of organizations that have promoted or participated in rallies celebrating the october 7th attack. bret? >> bret: jacqui, the white house also gave an urgent warning to congress about ukraine aid. what's that about? >> yeah, bret. the administration first started with classified briefings and made their warning public. by the end of this month, funds to support ukraine's military will run out. money that's been propping up its economy has already run out. and the white house is now warning congress that they are running out of time. if the 10 # billion dollars that biden has requested for israel and ukraine is not passed by the end of this month, ukraine will be in their words, kneecapped on the battlefield. bills in both chambers are currently stalled. >> bret: we will have exclusive interview with ukrainian defense minister rustin owe mayor riff tomorrow big tech gave back some of this year's steep gains. the dow lost 41. the s&p 500 off 25, the nasdaq fell is 20 president trump focused on the general election with the rhetoric to match. brit hume has analysis. here is what some of our fox affiliates are covering tonight. fox 13 in seattle as prosecutors submit disputed d.n.a. evidence in the idaho stupidity murders case. defendant brian kohberger wants access to that evidence. prosecutors say police used what is called the investigative genetic genealogy process toe generate leads but not to obtain any warrants in the case. fox 9 in the twin cities as former minneapolis police officer derek chauvin returns to a federal prison in arizona more than a week after a fellow inmate allegedly stabbed him 2 # times. chauvin was serving more than 20 years for the death of george floyd for depriving him and for depriving him of his civil rights. and this is a live look at cleveland. one of the big stories there from ohio fox 8. the vert spike tower newest and tallest roller coaster. final piece of the track secured sunday. it 420 feet tall. the top thrill 2 ride debuts next year. that's tonight's live look outside the beltway from "special report." we'll be right back. ♪ i think i am a tiktok grandma. my kids think i am. i mean, we're the ones that are being entertained. time goes faster when you're having fun. i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. thanks to skyrizi i'm playing with clearer skin. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. with skyrizi, nothing on my skin means everything! ♪ nothing is everything ♪ ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. >> bret: doug bergham has ended campaign. fairly unknown nationally did compete in two debate but he law firmed his campaign in june. he received some attention then he has suspended his campaign. former president donald trump is seeking permission to appeal a decision reintailgating gag orders in his new york civil fraud case. he wants to go to the state's highest court. last week a mid level state appeals court reinstated the orders, which bar the former president and his lawyers from making public statements about court staff. >> you have watched biden and band of marxists. free greech. weaponizing the government. every time the radical left democrats, communist, fascists and communists indict me i consider it a great badge of honor because i'm being, thank you very much, i appreciate this, but i'm being indicted for you. >> that was former president donald trump over the weekend in iowa talking about president biden being the threat to democracy. this amid a flurriy of articles in recent days slow walk to dictatorship. brit hume joins us this evening show them all the time. nationally the former president is up almost 50 points on former ccompetitor ron desantis. up 20, 30, 40 in iowa and new hampshire individually. yet this flurry of articles and it's really across the board, has been persistent about what a second trump administration would look like. your thoughts? >> well, they are predicting that he would try to drive the country toward dictatorship. that he would use his second term to seek are a jenning on everybody who revistad and opposed him over the term of his presidency and beyond we had four years of donald trump and blustered and bragged and threatened and so forth and, yet, he didn't bring us to the brink of dictatorship at excitement activities after the election which he did everything he could to remain in fire. in the end it failed. what was labeled a refresh your recollection lasted three or four hours no restraints would exist in a trump second term. to me this is the same of the stuff. we heard before the january 6th began utterly one sided inquiry what the january 6th committee began inquiry into what happened that day. vice chairman of the committee said we had come critically close to losing our democracy that day. well we didn't must likely to drive the defeat hands of joe biden than drive the country toward dictatorship. >> even the polls in several swing states nationally some of these articles are about him possibly winning. governor desantis of florida was in new hampshire today. he spoke with chris ryan with i heart radio and asked about all of these things he has said, the former president about retribution and what is he going to do to some of his opponents, take a listen to desantis' answer. >> the way you end weaponization of doj, fbi, irs, these seeings end abuse of power. single standard of bureaucracy. the bureaucracy rolled him for four years. they ate his lunch. he cannot drain the swamp at all. >> bret: what do you think of that answer? and he hasn't really pounced on the former president as of yet. and we're six weeks away from iowa. >> bret: that's a pretty clever answer if you think about it. it gets him out of the business of threatening to do all kinds of evil things and simply says the way to do it is change the department and change the justice department the other departments and their practices and then he turns it against trump by saying you know, what he said about about, you know, don't do the same abuses from the other side. so, pretty quick answer, i think. whether it will make any difference is anybody's guess. as you noted, bret, the former president does appear too have a somewhat prohibitive lead at this stage. >> bret: and we will follow it, brit, as always, thank you. up next, house republicans say a biden impeachment inquiry could be happening this week. ♪ is all about presents and shopping and cookies and trees. but we know christmas isn't about something you buy at a store. it's about something so much greater. it is the day we celebrate the incredible truth that god so loved the world that he gave his only son. it's not about presents. it's about jesus. join me this advent in praying every day on hallow. cut through the noise and find god's peace. he hits his mark —center stage—and is crushed by a baby grand piano. you're replacing me? 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so they heard from their constituents. >> it's about the math. the g.o.p. is only lose three votes and still formalize an impeachment investigation. >> i'm telling you, if it comes to the floor, we're passing it. >> johnson is desperate to score a political win. republicans have enjoyed few victories all year. that's why democrats believe impeachment is a diversion ahead of the election. >> so this is all a part of a phony effort by extreme maga republicans to distract the american people because they have no track record of accomplishment. >> white house spokesman ian sam's called impeachment a, quote: stunt and a smear campaign. he says johnson is trying to throw red meat to the far right. bret? >> bret: is there one time it will be about the physics not the math? >> absolutely. you cannot change the paramounty if i physics on capitol hill. >> the entrance to the courtroom was draped in a black cloth, that's a tradition dating back to the 19th century for former members of the court who have passed away. the first woman to serve on the high court died friday at the age of 93 advanced dementia and complications from respiratory illness. she has been hailed in obituaries as a trailblazer. ♪ ♪ >> the foreign born share of the u.s. population is at its highest percentage. that could effect everything from taxpayers to schools to hospitals. even elections. and, mark meredith breaks it down for us tonight. >> welcome to the united states newest citizens. >> the number of immigrants both legal and illegal in the united states is at record levels. more than 15% of the u.s. population now foreign born according to assessment of monthly census data done by right leaning think think tank center for immigration studies. less immigration. >> we're in uncharted territory on immigration. >> the organization says it's seen a noticeable increase in the foreign worn population since president biden took office. up 4.5 million people. biden critics say easing of covid era policies like title 42 and lack southern border security standards are partially to blame. >>'s it the reversal of those policies that have caused biden's southern border policies to be a failure. >> but the white house says the problem rests with congress. >> we are working with a broken immigration system that has been in desperate need of reform. >> in lukeville, arizona, u.s. officials today closing a port of entry citing a constant surge of migrants crossing, overwhelming federal resources. arizona senators and democratic governor blasting the move writing, quote: this is unacceptable outcome that further destabilizes our border. in illinois, officials are scrambling to handle a growing migrant population. illinois' democratic governor recently writing to the white house to say the situation is a, quote, enormous strain on our state resources. but chicago's new mayor insists his city cannot handle the influx. >> we cannot abandon families and asylum seekers and let them go through chicago's winter alone. >> researchers at brookings also revealed the latest census data. they suggest the growing number of immigrants may be a boost to the u.s. economy with many immigrants and children skewing younger than americans in the working population. a lot of different opinions here. >> bret: mark, thanks. up next we will tell you what has been named the oxford word of the year. what's your guess? and how some new york city supermarket and bodega owners are fighting back against america's crime crisis. plus, the college football snub that has one senator demanding answers. ♪ ♪ [man struggles] i need some sleep. ♪ [man relieved] if you struggle with cpap, you should check out inspire. inspire. sleep apnea innovation. learn more and view important safety information at i'm patriotic kenny. and, hi, i'm amanda on tiktok. my scooter broke down. i went into a depression. how do you feel about that? pretty sad. and i posted it to show that kenny's not always happy. within 24 hours people had donated over $5,000. no, you're kidding. we set up the patriotic kenny foundation to give mobility scooters to veterans. it has changed my life tremendously. none of this would've happened without tiktok. sometimes, the lows of bipolar depression feel darkest before dawn. with caplyta, there's a chance to let in the lyte™. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be life threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. caplyta can help you let in the lyte™. ask your doctor about caplyta find savings and support at oxford university press has named riz. used by generation stwromplet describe someone's ability to attract or seduce another person. did you know that? it stopped swiftie which is an enthusiastic fan of taylor swift and situation ship. an informal romantic or sexual relationship. none of them i knew. maybe swiftie i knew about. bodega owners are fighting back against ram rampant crime. ready to defend stores and themselves. here is correspondent c.b. cotton. >> a man inspect a face mask wearing a hazmat suit pulls out a gun and demands money. just one of the many incidents that has bodega and store owners making safety into their own hands. >> there are lots ofof people tt go into these bodegas to loot, to rob, to stab. >> hundreds of bodega owners are armed, after receiving help with gun training and the permitting process. >> we're announcing our secret society today, beware, you may be walking into the wrong bodega. because now we have the same fire power you have. >> we spoke with frank of the bodega and small business group who started gathering interested workers during the pandemic as he watched criminals target more and more stores. >> they see there is no consequence. you get arrest. you be out in a couple hours. >> former bodega clerk jose alba is suing manhattan d.a. alvin bragg and nypd saying progressive policies here in new york city violated his civil rights. alba fatally stabbed a man inside the bodega where he worked and later was charged with second degree murder. surveillance video and to show alba was not the initial aggressor. after significant public outrage. the d.a. dropped the charges against alba but a little more than a month later, someone tried to rob the same store with a different clerk inside. >> we believe that we need to be able to defend ourselves and go home at night and go back to our children. go back to our wives. >> the mayor's office telling us it's just launched a task force focused on retail theft. meanwhile organizers are vowing to keep this a secret society of armed bodega owners saying people will only find out who is a member if they come looking for trouble. bret? >> bret: c.b., thank you. >> my initial reaction, i was hurt. especially with the performance that we put on. the amazing job by our head coach narcotic norvel for finding the way to will a championship with this third string quarterback. i think it's way bigger than what we can see from the naked eye many people very upset tonight with the way college football playoff system set up. the four participants were announced yesterday. significant controversy. sportscaster jim gray is in los angeles to talk about this. good evening, jim, so the final top ten top 10 listed. it didn't matter the college playoff bracket system has michigan playing alabama in the rose bowl. texas playing washington in the sugar bowl. florida state's head coach, mike norvel frustrated with the decision today to have what was earned on the field taken away because small group of people decided they knew better. what is the point of playing games? you tell players it's okay to quit if someone goes down. talking about their first string quarterback. jim, what do you make of all of this? it's a pad system. taking a title conference team undefeated 13-0. being replaced by sec champion alabama who gets in because they beat georgia. so, you know gordon travis says on his twitter it's unfortunate he broke his leg at this time. he wish he would have broken it earlier so he could see how the team -- obviously didn't wish he had broken his leg but he had broken his leg he wished he had done it earlier so he could see how great florida state was. unfair to the kids. unfair system. it's bad. any time that you start judging something, boxing, jim that the sticks, figure skating, diving and you bring in that human element of subjectivity, it's not the same. it's not a meritocracy, bret. >> rick scott demanding texts and emails of college football playoff committee members. he wants answers because of florida state's position. how much of this jim do you think goes back to the business of college football? if you look at the championship game last year 2023 national championship final score, georgia 65. tcu 7. how much do you think factored in that that was a lopsided game and they didn't want it to be that way this time. >> i'm sure that is part of the prognostication. they don't want that to happen again another team wins by 8 touchdowns. nobody is tuning in. second and third street quarterback playing for florida state they're looking forward and saying yes they will not put up the same type of fight, obviously that, a georgia or in this instance the team that beat georgia alabama gets to go. but, look at georgia then, too. georgia 29 straight gamentsz. defending national championship. come in number one. of course they are not going to take two sec teams. it's fraught with peril this whole system. they are going to expand it next year but nothing like this had happened since 2014. when they instituted this and, yes. florida state now as far as the senator is concerned a waste of time. going nowhere. play the game and declare a national champion. >> bret: yes, we will. jim, we will have you to straighten it all out. we appreciate your time. >> you got the wrong guy to straighten this out. i don't think there is anybody out there who can straighten this one out. >> bret: we will get a new playoff system at least. thanks. >> thanks, bret. >> bret: up next the panel on the backlash about hamas terrorists raping israeli women from a prominent democratic lawmaker and the fallout. president biden in israel and the house on impeachment. all that with the panel, next. ♪ woah, a lost card isn't keeping this thrill seeker down. lost her card, not the vibe. the soul searcher, is finding his identity, and helping to protect it. hey! oh yeah, the explorer! she's looking to dive deeper... all while chase looks out for her. because these friends have chase. alerts that help check. tools that help protect. one bank that puts you in control. chase. make more of what's yours. 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(fisher investments) yep. we do better when our clients do better. at fisher investments, we're clearly different. ♪ >> morally, i think we cannot say that one war crime deserves another. i think we have to be balanced about bringing in the outrages against palestinians. >> this is not about politics. this is about decency. it is indecent. >> those comments over the weekend from congresswoman jayapal obviously raising some eyebrows, creating a lot of backlash and a lot of comments from democrats about all of that we will start there with our panel. fox news senior political analyst juan williams. matthew continetti fellow at the american enterprise institute and katy pavlich town what could you make of it. the fallout from it? the white house going to some point but not going specifically to congresswoman's comments. >> first point out congresswoman jayapal is not just the member of the progressive caucus she is the leader of the progressive caucus. she halls had a heavy role in the women's march, claim she go believes in women's issues and yet she is somehow bringing in a moral equivalence when it comes to these mass rapes which were preplanned by hamas. we can see it in their planning material. you can see it in their go pro-videos they wore themselves they could document what they were doing to israeli women inside their homes young women running for their lives music festival and the laughing and glee they engaged in as a result. while democrats will argue this is a very small faction of the democratic party. you have the majority coming out in favor of israel's right to defend itself. talking about the women and what they have gone through and also their ability to prevent future attacks. this is a growing faction in the democratic party. it grows every single election. and certainly she believes in it. you see now democrats and muslim americans saying that they want to take votes away from president biden because they believe in what congressman jayapal has been saying. so that is going to be a real problem. not just for the country but also for the democrats. >> bret: december 1st on x. formerly twitter. u.n. women condemning sexual violence on october 7th. putting out this statement: we unequivocally condemn the attacks by israel on 7 october. we're alarmed by the numerous accounts by gender based atrocities and sexual violence during those attacks. prominent democrats and israeli ambassador reacting to all of that h. >> u.n. women ignored all of the proof these organizations, israeli women are not women. their silence has been deafening. >> whether i saw the list of women's rights organizations who have said nothing, i nearly choked. >> it outrageous that some who claim to stand for justice are closing their eyes and their hearts to the victims of hamas. >> bret: it is a split, matthew. it's prominent now. it's very public. >> first, we should say it's not just immoral equivalence it's a double standard and to blame jews for their own victimization has name it's anti-semitism and to say me too only applies to favored groups and not to jews a is anti-semitism. but for the broader party it's a huge dilemma. for president biden because it's already shaping his response to the war in the middle east in ways that is con strange israel and hurting its ability to carry out its objectives and destroying hamas, bret. and we have to remember, at the end of the day, the american people are pro-israel and they will support israel and they want israel to win this war and if biden prevents israel from doing that, it will seriously damage his re-election campaign. >> bret: katy mentioned the meeting of muslim leaders in michigan. here's a piece of that, juan. >> genocide responsible for the over 10,000 palestinian children whose lives have been obliterated by israel with american bombs and weapons and tax dollars. >> we are announcing that president biden has lost the 2024 election. we are not powerless as american muslims. we are powerful. we don't a only have the money t we have the actual votes. >> bret: how big a deal is it. politico. swing state muslim leaders abandon biden in 24. the burbling anger muslim americans over the president's handling of the israel hamas conflict could threaten his chances of re-election. you look at some of these swing states. you wonder first of all whether they are all united in this effort to abandon biden. but, two, their numbers are significant in each one of these states that president biden won at some points by only 10,000, 20,000 votes. >> correct. michigan, arizona. >> bret: wisconsin. >> the reality is it's much more likely that people might stay home if this election were held today and secondly that the in fact the election is a year from now, we have to imagine what is going to situation going to be like a year from now: angry at the moment and even so, if former president trump is the nominee. it's a difficult choice because trump was the one with the muslim ban and here you have president biden sticking by israel israel. but i would say he believed it's the right choice. but now, the difficulty in this whole conversation we have been having this evening is if you look at the numbers, gallup had numbers out last week like 50% of americans support israel. but it was like 45, 46% support the idea that we should stop. that israel should stop its war against hamas at this moment. and so it's not just progressives. the far left this muslim community screaming. there is a danger for israel as war effort continues to see decline in american support. i think that you have to -- i think that's why the biden administration and others are engaged in talks to try to find a resolution that would create a stable environment where israel would be protected but that you could say oh, we're not just about wiping out the civilians in the gaza strip. >> bret: no, and they aren't. and they say that time and time again that they bend over backwards to try to prevent civilian deaths but they are going after, they say, hamas leadership. >> right. bret wrote why when talked about it to release niece hostages. when talked about that isn't the onus really on hamas. >> -agree with you personally. you have to understand there is a larger political game of i guess you would say propaganda. who has the upper hand in terms of moral authority in the conversation going on about this war? and i think that's where jayapal stepped in a pit hole. big hole. >> bret: you can call it something else. >> there is no balance when it comes to rape. >> bret: the impeachment inquiry moving forward. at least a vote possibly as early as next week. quickly, thoughts on that moving forward? >> the impeachment process started informally really in september, after in august the attorney general appointed david weiss special counsel to investigate hunter biden. the house believed they needed the process to get more information. they are dealing with subpoenas. attorneys who don't want to comply. this the next step forward to get the information they say they need to deliver to the american people what they have been saying they are investigating. >> bret: we will follow it all. panel, thanks. ♪ finally tonight a special delivery. today my wife amy and oldest son paul had the honor of continuing our annual tradition of delivering the toys collected here at the fox d.c. bureau to children's national with boxes and boxes of toys. that's paul's surgeon. paul has had four open heart surgeries and 10 angioplasties at children's. that's when we started all of this 12 years ago. all of the toys collected here at the bureau, we take around all throughout the halls of children's national and it's a little early. we are almost to christmas but it was at a time that we could get it done and they were really psyched. paul sees all these nurses and doctors that treated him it's a wonderful thing. so thank you everybody here. if you have a chance, drop off some toys to the nearest children's hospital, it's pretty fun. that's it for us. fair, balanced and still unafraid. "the ingraham angle" is now. ♪ >> laura: hi, everywhere, i'm laura ingraham this is "the ingraham angle" from w

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special 20240702 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special 20240702

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to washington. i'm bret baier. israel works to wrap up northern gaza operation and move south amid rising concerns over civilian casualties. house republicans focus on possible impeachment inquiry into president biden and the controversy over college football's final four. we'll take a look. ♪ but, first, breaking tonight, the biden administration is condition deming the rape of israeli women by hamas terrorists. it's a move critics say is overdue. it comes as a prominent democratic lawmaker is under fire tonight for comments she calls balance in covering this issue. gillian turner has details tonight from the state department. good evening, gillian. >> good evening to you, bret. the biden administration today acknowledged ha hamas terrorists are using rape as a weapon of war against israeli women and girls. >> we have seen hamas commit atrocities. both on october 7th and since october 7th. and we obviously condemn those across at this and support israel's actions to hold hamas accountable for them. >> thank you karine and thanks everybody. >> the white house targeting israeli women is ongoing. >> right now, hamas is refusing to release civilian women. >> at the u.n. tech titan sheryl sandberg plead with officials to believe israeli women. >> do we believe the hamas spokesperson or do we believe the women whose bodies tell us how they spent the last minutes of their lives? >> october 7th, eyewitnesses today gave firsthand accounts of hamas atrocities. >> i saw in front of my eyes a woman laying -- she was naked. she was abused in a way that we could not understand. >> one progressive lawmaker agrees the attacks were reprehensible. but is qualifying her condemnation. >> i think that rape is horrific, shower. is horrific. i think that it happens in war situations. terrorist organizations like hamas obviously are using these as tools. however, i think we have to be balanced about bringing in the outrages against palestinians. >> those comments drawing outrage from democratic women across the board, including hillary clinton. >> it is outrageous that some who claim to stand for justice are closing their eyes and their hearts to the victims of hamas. >> former house speaker nancy pelosi's daughter posting i should not have to say this in 2023 but here we are. rape is rape. do not minimize, excuse, balance or both sides sexual assault. the state department cannot confirm whether the u.n. plans to investigate. >> certainly we support an investigatio the israeli government is conducting one and they have our full backing in doing that. >> so, after more than 50 days of silence from the u.n. secretary general on this issue, antonio gutierrez did acknowledge finally last week hamas sexual atrocities. did so via tweet, bret? >> bret: gillian turner at the stated department. thank you. a grouch democratic senators is saying tonight be they are done asking nicely for israel to do more to reduce civilian sawcialts in its war against hamas in gaza. those lawmakers are warning president biden's planned u.s. aid to israel must be met with assurances of concrete steps from that government. israel's military has reniewfd calls for mass evacuations from southern towns in gaza as it widens its ground offensive and bomb bipartisan targets across the gaza strip. correspondent nate foy is in northern israel tonight. good evening, nate. >> >> good evening, bret. israeli fighter jets continue pounding the southern gaza city of khan yunis as troops in the northern gaza strip are going door-to-door to clear out hamas terrorists. [gunfire] >> ground operations are nearly finished in northern gaza, according to an idf general. this courthouse. [explosion] >> is now rubble. as israeli gets bombard hamas targets farther south. including in khan yunis, where the idf warned civilians to evacuate 20 city blocks this morning. many did not. >> there is no safe area in the gaza strip. >> turkish president are a jeff erdogan said today ben gentleman min netanyahu should be tried for war crimes as israel faces growing pressure from the united states. >> we will operate in maximum force against hamas terrorists and structures while minimizing harm to the civilian. >> on its northern front, israel struck a hezbollah command and control senator for a fourth state day. [explosion] >> the idf is using live munitions during training exercises in the country's knot as a prepare for a possible escalation with terrorists in lebanon. hezbollah terrorists fire on northern israel from valleys like this. unless idf soldiers stop them. israeli forces use armored personnel carriers like this to transport and provide cover for infantry conducting operations on the ground. a possible next phase in this war against an even stronger enemy. >> we know who they're. we know what they can do, and we know what we can do and we are ready. >> hezbollah and israel continue exchanging significant even in the past few minutes as the israeli war cabinet meets tonight before a planned meeting with the families of hostages who remain in hamas captivity in gaza tomorrow brett? >> bret: nate foy. iranian backed fighters has left five dead. that's the word from american commanders. it's latest retaliation for almost 08 attacks now on u.s. forces since mid october. including 15 rockets fired at a u.s. basis in syria. jennifer griffin has update tonight from the pentagon. the u uss carney shot down one t three drones launched yemen sunday. >> we cannot assess at this time whether the carney was a target. we have every reason to believe that these attacks while they were launched by the houthis in yemen were fully enabled by iran. >> the vice chairman of the joint chiefs called the attacks unprecedented, suggesting an international maritime task force is needed. >> this is a first for attacks on international shipping. and that's a big deal. >> in total, there were four attacks against three separate commercial vessels. operating in the southern red sea near yemen sunday. these three shipping vessels are connected to 14 separate nation. none were israeli. the uss carney responded to the distress calls. it detected antiship ballistic missile being fired at bahamian flagged british owned and operated bulk cargo ship. three hours later the same ship, the mv unity explorer was hit lie another ballistic missile fired from a houthi controlled area. 90 minutes later, a panamanian shipping vessel the mv sophie two operating in the same area ruck by houthi ballistic missile. at that time the uss carner shot down a drone as it was trying to render assistance to the sophie. >> we will not tolerate attacks on american personnel: so these attacks must stop and until they do we will do what we need to do protect our troops. and to impose costs on those who attack them. >> u.s. forces did carry out of an airstrike in northern iraq sunday killing five iranian proxy fighters. who they say were preparing to launch drones and rockets towards a u.s. base in northern iraq. centcom used an unman drone to killed the iranian backed militants. bret? >> bret: jennifer griffin live at the pentagon. thank you. president biden is getting increased pushback tonight on his support for israel. muslim community leaders in several swing states are now threatening to abandon ship from the democrats over the president's refusal to call for a cease-fire. meanwhile, some democrats are not happy with the decision to cancel florida's presidential primary. white house correspondent jacqui heinrich has reaction tonight live from the north lawn. good evening, jacqui. >> good evening, bret. officials here have spoken out about voter suppression many times before. but, when the allegation is against florida democrats, silence not in florida where the state's party says biden's race is uncontested. >> handful of people in florida made a determination that joe biden won the primary election in florida. he will get all the delegates, which is more than eight states combined. that's what happened. >> phillips now crying voter suppression. a restriction biden blasted as jim crow in the 21st century on white house letterhead after georgia passed laws imposing voter i.d., limiting drop boxes and giving state officials more control. no similar outrage for democratic party leaders. >> the florida party then effectively canceling the democratic primary. >> i can't speak to that. >> karine did speak to that after the georgia midterms. >> you reported this there was suppression. >> republicans calling foul. >> they changed their whole primary calendar. now they are keeping names off the ballot. there is no debate. of course, they are saying that the republicans are a threat to democracy. >> phillips says he will sue. biden also has a brewing problem with swing state muslim voters. >> we are announcing that president biden has lost the 2024 election. >> muslim groups now organizing to take biden down over his support for israel's war against hamas. >> arizona, 10500 votes there are over 25,000 voters in the state of arizona. i will work day and night ensure that those voters abandon biden. >> democrats may also have a fundraising issue to look at. republican senators steve daines is calling on act blue. the leading fundraising platform to stop processing contributions from hamas sympathizing groups pointing to handful of organizations that have promoted or participated in rallies celebrating the october 7th attack. bret? >> bret: jacqui, the white house also gave an urgent warning to congress about ukraine aid. what's that about? >> yeah, bret. the administration first started with classified briefings and made their warning public. by the end of this month, funds to support ukraine's military will run out. money that's been propping up its economy has already run out. and the white house is now warning congress that they are running out of time. if the 10 # billion dollars that biden has requested for israel and ukraine is not passed by the end of this month, ukraine will be in their words, kneecapped on the battlefield. bills in both chambers are currently stalled. >> bret: we will have exclusive interview with ukrainian defense minister rustin owe mayor riff tomorrow big tech gave back some of this year's steep gains. the dow lost 41. the s&p 500 off 25, the nasdaq fell is 20 president trump focused on the general election with the rhetoric to match. brit hume has analysis. here is what some of our fox affiliates are covering tonight. fox 13 in seattle as prosecutors submit disputed d.n.a. evidence in the idaho stupidity murders case. defendant brian kohberger wants access to that evidence. prosecutors say police used what is called the investigative genetic genealogy process toe generate leads but not to obtain any warrants in the case. fox 9 in the twin cities as former minneapolis police officer derek chauvin returns to a federal prison in arizona more than a week after a fellow inmate allegedly stabbed him 2 # times. chauvin was serving more than 20 years for the death of george floyd for depriving him and for depriving him of his civil rights. and this is a live look at cleveland. one of the big stories there from ohio fox 8. the vert spike tower newest and tallest roller coaster. final piece of the track secured sunday. it 420 feet tall. the top thrill 2 ride debuts next year. that's tonight's live look outside the beltway from "special report." we'll be right back. ♪ i think i am a tiktok grandma. my kids think i am. i mean, we're the ones that are being entertained. time goes faster when you're having fun. i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. thanks to skyrizi i'm playing with clearer skin. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. with skyrizi, nothing on my skin means everything! ♪ nothing is everything ♪ ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. >> bret: doug bergham has ended campaign. fairly unknown nationally did compete in two debate but he law firmed his campaign in june. he received some attention then he has suspended his campaign. former president donald trump is seeking permission to appeal a decision reintailgating gag orders in his new york civil fraud case. he wants to go to the state's highest court. last week a mid level state appeals court reinstated the orders, which bar the former president and his lawyers from making public statements about court staff. >> you have watched biden and band of marxists. free greech. weaponizing the government. every time the radical left democrats, communist, fascists and communists indict me i consider it a great badge of honor because i'm being, thank you very much, i appreciate this, but i'm being indicted for you. >> that was former president donald trump over the weekend in iowa talking about president biden being the threat to democracy. this amid a flurriy of articles in recent days slow walk to dictatorship. brit hume joins us this evening show them all the time. nationally the former president is up almost 50 points on former ccompetitor ron desantis. up 20, 30, 40 in iowa and new hampshire individually. yet this flurry of articles and it's really across the board, has been persistent about what a second trump administration would look like. your thoughts? >> well, they are predicting that he would try to drive the country toward dictatorship. that he would use his second term to seek are a jenning on everybody who revistad and opposed him over the term of his presidency and beyond we had four years of donald trump and blustered and bragged and threatened and so forth and, yet, he didn't bring us to the brink of dictatorship at excitement activities after the election which he did everything he could to remain in fire. in the end it failed. what was labeled a refresh your recollection lasted three or four hours no restraints would exist in a trump second term. to me this is the same of the stuff. we heard before the january 6th began utterly one sided inquiry what the january 6th committee began inquiry into what happened that day. vice chairman of the committee said we had come critically close to losing our democracy that day. well we didn't must likely to drive the defeat hands of joe biden than drive the country toward dictatorship. >> even the polls in several swing states nationally some of these articles are about him possibly winning. governor desantis of florida was in new hampshire today. he spoke with chris ryan with i heart radio and asked about all of these things he has said, the former president about retribution and what is he going to do to some of his opponents, take a listen to desantis' answer. >> the way you end weaponization of doj, fbi, irs, these seeings end abuse of power. single standard of bureaucracy. the bureaucracy rolled him for four years. they ate his lunch. he cannot drain the swamp at all. >> bret: what do you think of that answer? and he hasn't really pounced on the former president as of yet. and we're six weeks away from iowa. >> bret: that's a pretty clever answer if you think about it. it gets him out of the business of threatening to do all kinds of evil things and simply says the way to do it is change the department and change the justice department the other departments and their practices and then he turns it against trump by saying you know, what he said about about, you know, don't do the same abuses from the other side. so, pretty quick answer, i think. whether it will make any difference is anybody's guess. as you noted, bret, the former president does appear too have a somewhat prohibitive lead at this stage. >> bret: and we will follow it, brit, as always, thank you. up next, house republicans say a biden impeachment inquiry could be happening this week. ♪ is all about presents and shopping and cookies and trees. but we know christmas isn't about something you buy at a store. it's about something so much greater. it is the day we celebrate the incredible truth that god so loved the world that he gave his only son. it's not about presents. it's about jesus. join me this advent in praying every day on hallow. cut through the noise and find god's peace. he hits his mark —center stage—and is crushed by a baby grand piano. you're replacing me? 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so they heard from their constituents. >> it's about the math. the g.o.p. is only lose three votes and still formalize an impeachment investigation. >> i'm telling you, if it comes to the floor, we're passing it. >> johnson is desperate to score a political win. republicans have enjoyed few victories all year. that's why democrats believe impeachment is a diversion ahead of the election. >> so this is all a part of a phony effort by extreme maga republicans to distract the american people because they have no track record of accomplishment. >> white house spokesman ian sam's called impeachment a, quote: stunt and a smear campaign. he says johnson is trying to throw red meat to the far right. bret? >> bret: is there one time it will be about the physics not the math? >> absolutely. you cannot change the paramounty if i physics on capitol hill. >> the entrance to the courtroom was draped in a black cloth, that's a tradition dating back to the 19th century for former members of the court who have passed away. the first woman to serve on the high court died friday at the age of 93 advanced dementia and complications from respiratory illness. she has been hailed in obituaries as a trailblazer. ♪ ♪ >> the foreign born share of the u.s. population is at its highest percentage. that could effect everything from taxpayers to schools to hospitals. even elections. and, mark meredith breaks it down for us tonight. >> welcome to the united states newest citizens. >> the number of immigrants both legal and illegal in the united states is at record levels. more than 15% of the u.s. population now foreign born according to assessment of monthly census data done by right leaning think think tank center for immigration studies. less immigration. >> we're in uncharted territory on immigration. >> the organization says it's seen a noticeable increase in the foreign worn population since president biden took office. up 4.5 million people. biden critics say easing of covid era policies like title 42 and lack southern border security standards are partially to blame. >>'s it the reversal of those policies that have caused biden's southern border policies to be a failure. >> but the white house says the problem rests with congress. >> we are working with a broken immigration system that has been in desperate need of reform. >> in lukeville, arizona, u.s. officials today closing a port of entry citing a constant surge of migrants crossing, overwhelming federal resources. arizona senators and democratic governor blasting the move writing, quote: this is unacceptable outcome that further destabilizes our border. in illinois, officials are scrambling to handle a growing migrant population. illinois' democratic governor recently writing to the white house to say the situation is a, quote, enormous strain on our state resources. but chicago's new mayor insists his city cannot handle the influx. >> we cannot abandon families and asylum seekers and let them go through chicago's winter alone. >> researchers at brookings also revealed the latest census data. they suggest the growing number of immigrants may be a boost to the u.s. economy with many immigrants and children skewing younger than americans in the working population. a lot of different opinions here. >> bret: mark, thanks. up next we will tell you what has been named the oxford word of the year. what's your guess? and how some new york city supermarket and bodega owners are fighting back against america's crime crisis. plus, the college football snub that has one senator demanding answers. ♪ ♪ [man struggles] i need some sleep. ♪ [man relieved] if you struggle with cpap, you should check out inspire. inspire. sleep apnea innovation. learn more and view important safety information at i'm patriotic kenny. and, hi, i'm amanda on tiktok. my scooter broke down. i went into a depression. how do you feel about that? pretty sad. and i posted it to show that kenny's not always happy. within 24 hours people had donated over $5,000. no, you're kidding. we set up the patriotic kenny foundation to give mobility scooters to veterans. it has changed my life tremendously. none of this would've happened without tiktok. sometimes, the lows of bipolar depression feel darkest before dawn. with caplyta, there's a chance to let in the lyte™. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be life threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. caplyta can help you let in the lyte™. ask your doctor about caplyta find savings and support at oxford university press has named riz. used by generation stwromplet describe someone's ability to attract or seduce another person. did you know that? it stopped swiftie which is an enthusiastic fan of taylor swift and situation ship. an informal romantic or sexual relationship. none of them i knew. maybe swiftie i knew about. bodega owners are fighting back against ram rampant crime. ready to defend stores and themselves. here is correspondent c.b. cotton. >> a man inspect a face mask wearing a hazmat suit pulls out a gun and demands money. just one of the many incidents that has bodega and store owners making safety into their own hands. >> there are lots ofof people tt go into these bodegas to loot, to rob, to stab. >> hundreds of bodega owners are armed, after receiving help with gun training and the permitting process. >> we're announcing our secret society today, beware, you may be walking into the wrong bodega. because now we have the same fire power you have. >> we spoke with frank of the bodega and small business group who started gathering interested workers during the pandemic as he watched criminals target more and more stores. >> they see there is no consequence. you get arrest. you be out in a couple hours. >> former bodega clerk jose alba is suing manhattan d.a. alvin bragg and nypd saying progressive policies here in new york city violated his civil rights. alba fatally stabbed a man inside the bodega where he worked and later was charged with second degree murder. surveillance video and to show alba was not the initial aggressor. after significant public outrage. the d.a. dropped the charges against alba but a little more than a month later, someone tried to rob the same store with a different clerk inside. >> we believe that we need to be able to defend ourselves and go home at night and go back to our children. go back to our wives. >> the mayor's office telling us it's just launched a task force focused on retail theft. meanwhile organizers are vowing to keep this a secret society of armed bodega owners saying people will only find out who is a member if they come looking for trouble. bret? >> bret: c.b., thank you. >> my initial reaction, i was hurt. especially with the performance that we put on. the amazing job by our head coach narcotic norvel for finding the way to will a championship with this third string quarterback. i think it's way bigger than what we can see from the naked eye many people very upset tonight with the way college football playoff system set up. the four participants were announced yesterday. significant controversy. sportscaster jim gray is in los angeles to talk about this. good evening, jim, so the final top ten top 10 listed. it didn't matter the college playoff bracket system has michigan playing alabama in the rose bowl. texas playing washington in the sugar bowl. florida state's head coach, mike norvel frustrated with the decision today to have what was earned on the field taken away because small group of people decided they knew better. what is the point of playing games? you tell players it's okay to quit if someone goes down. talking about their first string quarterback. jim, what do you make of all of this? it's a pad system. taking a title conference team undefeated 13-0. being replaced by sec champion alabama who gets in because they beat georgia. so, you know gordon travis says on his twitter it's unfortunate he broke his leg at this time. he wish he would have broken it earlier so he could see how the team -- obviously didn't wish he had broken his leg but he had broken his leg he wished he had done it earlier so he could see how great florida state was. unfair to the kids. unfair system. it's bad. any time that you start judging something, boxing, jim that the sticks, figure skating, diving and you bring in that human element of subjectivity, it's not the same. it's not a meritocracy, bret. >> rick scott demanding texts and emails of college football playoff committee members. he wants answers because of florida state's position. how much of this jim do you think goes back to the business of college football? if you look at the championship game last year 2023 national championship final score, georgia 65. tcu 7. how much do you think factored in that that was a lopsided game and they didn't want it to be that way this time. >> i'm sure that is part of the prognostication. they don't want that to happen again another team wins by 8 touchdowns. nobody is tuning in. second and third street quarterback playing for florida state they're looking forward and saying yes they will not put up the same type of fight, obviously that, a georgia or in this instance the team that beat georgia alabama gets to go. but, look at georgia then, too. georgia 29 straight gamentsz. defending national championship. come in number one. of course they are not going to take two sec teams. it's fraught with peril this whole system. they are going to expand it next year but nothing like this had happened since 2014. when they instituted this and, yes. florida state now as far as the senator is concerned a waste of time. going nowhere. play the game and declare a national champion. >> bret: yes, we will. jim, we will have you to straighten it all out. we appreciate your time. >> you got the wrong guy to straighten this out. i don't think there is anybody out there who can straighten this one out. >> bret: we will get a new playoff system at least. thanks. >> thanks, bret. >> bret: up next the panel on the backlash about hamas terrorists raping israeli women from a prominent democratic lawmaker and the fallout. president biden in israel and the house on impeachment. all that with the panel, next. ♪ woah, a lost card isn't keeping this thrill seeker down. lost her card, not the vibe. the soul searcher, is finding his identity, and helping to protect it. hey! oh yeah, the explorer! she's looking to dive deeper... all while chase looks out for her. because these friends have chase. alerts that help check. tools that help protect. one bank that puts you in control. chase. make more of what's yours. 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women's march, claim she go believes in women's issues and yet she is somehow bringing in a moral equivalence when it comes to these mass rapes which were preplanned by hamas. we can see it in their planning material. you can see it in their go pro-videos they wore themselves they could document what they were doing to israeli women inside their homes young women running for their lives music festival and the laughing and glee they engaged in as a result. while democrats will argue this is a very small faction of the democratic party. you have the majority coming out in favor of israel's right to defend itself. talking about the women and what they have gone through and also their ability to prevent future attacks. this is a growing faction in the democratic party. it grows every single election. and certainly she believes in it. you see now democrats and muslim americans saying that they want to take votes away from president biden because they believe in what congressman jayapal has been saying. so that is going to be a real problem. not just for the country but also for the democrats. >> bret: december 1st on x. formerly twitter. u.n. women condemning sexual violence on october 7th. putting out this statement: we unequivocally condemn the attacks by israel on 7 october. we're alarmed by the numerous accounts by gender based atrocities and sexual violence during those attacks. prominent democrats and israeli ambassador reacting to all of that h. >> u.n. women ignored all of the proof these organizations, israeli women are not women. their silence has been deafening. >> whether i saw the list of women's rights organizations who have said nothing, i nearly choked. >> it outrageous that some who claim to stand for justice are closing their eyes and their hearts to the victims of hamas. >> bret: it is a split, matthew. it's prominent now. it's very public. >> first, we should say it's not just immoral equivalence it's a double standard and to blame jews for their own victimization has name it's anti-semitism and to say me too only applies to favored groups and not to jews a is anti-semitism. but for the broader party it's a huge dilemma. for president biden because it's already shaping his response to the war in the middle east in ways that is con strange israel and hurting its ability to carry out its objectives and destroying hamas, bret. and we have to remember, at the end of the day, the american people are pro-israel and they will support israel and they want israel to win this war and if biden prevents israel from doing that, it will seriously damage his re-election campaign. >> bret: katy mentioned the meeting of muslim leaders in michigan. here's a piece of that, juan. >> genocide responsible for the over 10,000 palestinian children whose lives have been obliterated by israel with american bombs and weapons and tax dollars. >> we are announcing that president biden has lost the 2024 election. we are not powerless as american muslims. we are powerful. we don't a only have the money t we have the actual votes. >> bret: how big a deal is it. politico. swing state muslim leaders abandon biden in 24. the burbling anger muslim americans over the president's handling of the israel hamas conflict could threaten his chances of re-election. you look at some of these swing states. you wonder first of all whether they are all united in this effort to abandon biden. but, two, their numbers are significant in each one of these states that president biden won at some points by only 10,000, 20,000 votes. >> correct. michigan, arizona. >> bret: wisconsin. >> the reality is it's much more likely that people might stay home if this election were held today and secondly that the in fact the election is a year from now, we have to imagine what is going to situation going to be like a year from now: angry at the moment and even so, if former president trump is the nominee. it's a difficult choice because trump was the one with the muslim ban and here you have president biden sticking by israel israel. but i would say he believed it's the right choice. but now, the difficulty in this whole conversation we have been having this evening is if you look at the numbers, gallup had numbers out last week like 50% of americans support israel. but it was like 45, 46% support the idea that we should stop. that israel should stop its war against hamas at this moment. and so it's not just progressives. the far left this muslim community screaming. there is a danger for israel as war effort continues to see decline in american support. i think that you have to -- i think that's why the biden administration and others are engaged in talks to try to find a resolution that would create a stable environment where israel would be protected but that you could say oh, we're not just about wiping out the civilians in the gaza strip. >> bret: no, and they aren't. and they say that time and time again that they bend over backwards to try to prevent civilian deaths but they are going after, they say, hamas leadership. >> right. bret wrote why when talked about it to release niece hostages. when talked about that isn't the onus really on hamas. >> -agree with you personally. you have to understand there is a larger political game of i guess you would say propaganda. who has the upper hand in terms of moral authority in the conversation going on about this war? and i think that's where jayapal stepped in a pit hole. big hole. >> bret: you can call it something else. >> there is no balance when it comes to rape. >> bret: the impeachment inquiry moving forward. at least a vote possibly as early as next week. quickly, thoughts on that moving forward? >> the impeachment process started informally really in september, after in august the attorney general appointed david weiss special counsel to investigate hunter biden. the house believed they needed the process to get more information. they are dealing with subpoenas. attorneys who don't want to comply. this the next step forward to get the information they say they need to deliver to the american people what they have been saying they are investigating. >> bret: we will follow it all. panel, thanks. ♪ finally tonight a special delivery. today my wife amy and oldest son paul had the honor of continuing our annual tradition of delivering the toys collected here at the fox d.c. bureau to children's national with boxes and boxes of toys. that's paul's surgeon. paul has had four open heart surgeries and 10 angioplasties at children's. that's when we started all of this 12 years ago. all of the toys collected here at the bureau, we take around all throughout the halls of children's national and it's a little early. we are almost to christmas but it was at a time that we could get it done and they were really psyched. paul sees all these nurses and doctors that treated him it's a wonderful thing. so thank you everybody here. if you have a chance, drop off some toys to the nearest children's hospital, it's pretty fun. that's it for us. fair, balanced and still unafraid. "the ingraham angle" is now. ♪ >> laura: hi, everywhere, i'm laura ingraham this is "the ingraham angle" from w

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, Rapes , Planning Material , Homes , Preplanned , Faction , Favor , Glee , Result , Lives Music Festival , Americans , Saying , December 1st On X , December 1st , Statement , Sexual Violence , Violence , Gender , 7 October , Proof , H U N , It Outrageous , Women S Rights Organizations , List , Split , First , Jews , Victimization , Name , Response , Dilemma , Objectives , Middle East , Re Election , Weapons , Juan , Bombs , Genocide , Tax , 10000 , Money T , American Muslims , Handling , Conflict , Chances , Big A , Burbling Anger Muslim Americans , Politico , Numbers , Reality , Correct , Wisconsin , 20000 , Choice , Nominee , Former , Ban , Conversation , Israel , Difficulty , Gallup , Biden Sticking , Progressives , Idea , 45 , 46 , Community , Danger , Screaming , War Effort , Decline , Others , Resolution , Talks , Environment , Wiping , Leadership , Deaths , Niece , Hand , Terms , Propaganda , Moral Authority , Isn T The Onus , Pit Hole , Big Hole , Something Else , Appointed David Weiss , Impeachment Process , Attorneys Who Don T , Subpoenas , Paul , Special Delivery , Toys , Bureau , Boxes , Surgeon , Open Heart Surgeries , Tradition , Paul S , Fox D C , Halls , Little , Angioplasties , Children S , Thing , Nurses , Fair , Children S Hospital , Ingraham Angle , Everywhere , Laura Ingraham , Hi , Few ,

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