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along with judge jeanine pirro, jesse waters and greg gutfeld. this is the five. it is the covington smear all over the media not learning his lessons five years after falsely attacking a group of teens in maga hats as racist. this photo of a chiefs fan half of his face painted in black along with a headline that reads nfl needs to speak out against the kansas city chiefs savanna blackface native headdress. but it turns out some important context was missing. a fullface photo of the boy shows the other side of his face was painted red to match the teams colors and painting a face at football games is not uncommon as you can see fans do it all the time. deadspin face a major back lash and the writer of the piece doubling down on social media writing for the idiots in my mentions who are treating this as some harmless act because the other side of his face was painted red i should make the argument it makes it even worse. you all are the ones who hates mexicans but where sombreros on sanko. we have reached out to jasmine and have not heard back from them but greg gutfeld pay >> are you sure? are you sure he wasn't dressed as liz warren? i love the guy doubling down on this he said i could make the argument while you could. but then he would be a full lawn asshat. deadspin happens when journalism becomes too cowardly to confront the woke sports journalism has been plagued by this i mean look at some of the great institutions espn sports illustrated they are all now woke zombies because they lead in they let it take over because they were scared instead of saying get lost they open the door so now you have this kind of crap which by the way, is so obviously like wrong i am assuming they must have done it anyway because deadspin is dying this might be the only way they can get the clicks is by actually embarrassing themselves but there is an assumption as long as you are on the woke side of the political field no one is going to bother to check because the media is on your side so if you miss report no one is going to call you out but in this case they did because x, which is why the left hates elon musk has community notes so the community notes call this out before it was amplified to the world. this guy should have said no. he may not be wearing blackface but somewhere someone is and we are just raising awareness of half blackface. this is a new thing. soon mike why not just say sorry and send the kid a pizza. soon i just a pizza? i think they should send them a lot more because this guy has a lawsuit and i think the judge can attest to it. he might not have to save for college. please make me understand this jessica because the left is confusing. if children can choose their own gender they can choose what they wear to the game? if a boy can wear a dress why can't he wear a headdress? why can't he just say this was makeup because they say boys can wear makeup. we have to get approval from the left at about what kind of makeup? what i don't understand is, the native americans in battle and the british. so can't we dress up as the british also? i can't dress up as your husband? i can't dress up as king george as a red coat and then we have the patriots come of the pirates the cowboys. we have mascots that are great warriors and people dress up as all the time. how do you know this guy wasn't a raiders fan and a chiefs fan this wasn't at arrowhead stadium this was in las vegas. this could have been and a half raiders fan and and a half chiefs fan. the sky only sees one image. where is this editor because we are told on the internet this is why you need editors. this guy is an editor and no one even cleared that. this is so dumb i hope you susan for quarter of $1 million and we are having him on it 82. soon mike i would like to see that. would you like to reply before the judge tells us about what could happen? >> i am surprised they have this nice break on this thanksgiving holiday we come back as if i think this has any legitimacy. certificates because he has rabies. >> if he is getting a shot he is doing it on air and we will all get to see it. >> why did the dog bites? >> do not slander democratic dogs are owners. first of all you kept saying this gate it's not a guy it's a los that guy 10 years old at first i thought he was seven but i don't have good perception of how old children are. assuming that could be a problem. >> i am not a pedophile, just a democrat. >> so you said why can't he do this? the kansas city chiefs themselves decided in 2020 they did not want people wearing headdresses to the games that's their prerogative it's a private organization i don't think it matters i don't think the story is anything i think greg is right there is no sensors. this is something you would not expect this is a brand that has gone downhill in terms of deadspin and i think it's part of why it wasn't picked up may be the community did everyone a favor they saw that right away but who would have an expectation that a 7 to 10-year-old would you blackface right that that would be something that would be on his mind. soon mike racist parents. >> i would like to know who they are. sooner tell us what could happen. >> number one i think it's interesting that the guy wrote that his name is karen. he is a karen. and i think it's something more than a troublemaker who is deceiving what is a young kid having a good time at a football game i don't think this kid is more than nine. maybe seven or eight or nine. to put the burden of racism and everything else on this kid is an outrage and outrage that goes so far on my spectrum that as far as i'm concerned is a defamation suit and i think his parents should consider suing because make no mistake that kid knows his photo is in newspapers that we are talking about it on the biggest show on cable and he has to get some reward and some damage for this. now look. no one can seriously argue this kid was just having a good time. there is not a negative thought on this kids mind but i want to know where is the nfl, where the kansas city chiefs? you know i want mahomes i want kelce to say come in we are going to give you season tickets. stop with the nonsense i am tired of political correctness i'm tired of people saying what i can and cannot do unless it is offensive realistically. the native american group there is a native american group the american indians are demanding that the commanders now reinstate the name redskins to the washington redskins football team. this nonsense has got to end. >> it will never end but maybe taylor swift will give him tickets to the next concert. >> why do we have to bring her into everything? scott coming up more biden official embarrassments after the education secretary botches a famous ronald reagan quote. welcome to the united states of stoop it. members of joe biden's cabinet continue to embarrass themselves the guy in charge of making sure our kids get a quality education secretary miguel cardona botching this famous ronald reagan quote. listen. >> i think president reagan said "we're from the government, we're here to help!". >> he may want to have someone fact checked his next speech because ronald reagan was railing against the government. >> "the nine most terrifying words in the english language are: i'm from the government, and i'm here to help!" swimming next homeland security secretary may work us dominic there is a train in mexico writing on top and the media is proving to be a bunch of clowns a so-called reporter april ryan using valuable white house briefing time to brag about how she talked to stevie wonder. >> i had an in-depth conversation with stevie wonder last night >> i love stevie wonder. >> a serious question. he is very concerned about the black agenda falling on the wayside. is the president going to meet with stevie wonder? >> as far as a meeting with the president i am not aware of any meetings with mr. wonder. >>. [laughter] >> our own stupidity >> a lot of people want to meetings and that she has the best answer i don't know about any meetings but i will get back to you or kick it to somebody else. call my deputy and find out. >> what about secretary >> mayorkas >> i think he thinks it's true but when you see every day how many people are coming across i read on my way here people coming through from arizona. 400 got through and the border is not close down on reagan, i saw that yesterday and one more thing at the last minute this is unbelievable not only does he get the quote wrong i have gotten many wrong but he gets the whole essence of ronald reagan wrong. his whole point was limited government and if you can imagine, imagine betsy devoss had botched a quote from jfk junior the media would never stop. >> you know what cardona should be working at deadspin it's the same thing you just took the story and you reversed the intent this is why politicians send their kids to private schools. they look at miguel cardona he is running this? remember how republicans were always the dumb people. they were the scrutinized people because we are all human and we make mistakes however only one side was scrutinized because the other side was the favor of the media the democrats, we are seeing this now they are like the really dumb but talented jock in high school who can show up for class and never has to do the work and by the end of high school they are dumber than they were when they got there because no one challenged them no one worked out their brains that's why you have all of these liberals doing stuff and that's how you got wokism because nobody challenge them and now you are living in a freak show jessica you are the queen of the freak show. >> what is this? >>. [laughter] >> i can really feel that. >> her name was invoked. certificate doesn't matter how derogatory but it was invoked. first and foremost a lot of smart liberals out there. mark zuckerberg, bill gates warren buffett. tonight don't you attack my generalizations. >> it's in my contract. when he does generalizations please do something. obviously that's a big quote to mess up because it signature. i don't have a poster of ronald reagan on my wall at home but that's one of the things i know he said and it's a foundational principle of over public ? old republicanism they want limited government and that's why people like him so much and i guess you could say a name dropper or whatever but i think it's a very valid point to bring up there were concerns within prominent members of the black community the black agenda concerning black american voters are the core constituency and you have seen some slippage in terms of support for the biden administration and the agenda would be an issue so i don't think >> she could have emailed that. >> she was trying. she was name dropping. she mentioned stevie wonder's name five times. five times in one question. >> if you are going to spend time on the phone with somebody wouldn't she want to talk to stevie wonder? >> of course. >> i not see much of the difference between the black agenda and the white agenda. >> like stevie wonder, udo see color. you don't see color. >> i want to focus on this guy miguel cardona.he is a secretary of education. he was appointed by the president the quote is a very famous quote i have a picture of ronald reagan. i love him it doesn't matter that he is so inept, that the irony was he associated with the narrative that government is inefficient and he believed it. and so what miguel cardona said to all the governors in the audience right after he said we are going to follow up with every one of you to make sure that we are available to help you. he is so out of it. he doesn't even know it. it's not a misquote he does understand the fundamental principle we understand as far as the democrats the progressives are concerned education doesn't matter. we have seen it over and over again whether it was the cdc uft and randy weingart making sure every metric to close the schools and because of the teacher shortages they started passing laws that they no longer needed to have college degrees and now the unions are pushing for removal of the requirement to have this last week, you don't necessarily have to be proficient in reading, writing and math to be a teacher. what does that tell you and we are willing by the way to pass all the kids after the pandemic without them passing any requirements to graduate they are willing to push out that group and that tells you they don't care if our kids are last and to me that's offensive it's about the dumbing down of america about taking america down while our enemies make sure their kids are educated so as not just a misquote this is a movement to destroy the education of our kids. >> and send her pictures of ronald reagan so she can hang them up in her house. coming up the world being a mess democrats on the media have a new talking point. sleepy joe is saving america from world war iii. >> the world is in chaos and the media knows the man to solve it. despite 2 wars waging and ukraine at israel troops coming under attack 73 times in the middle east and china setting his sights on taiwan democrats say thank god joe biden is the leader of the free world. >> i want to step back when i see some of the heat president biden is taking what would the alternative be? can you imagine what the scenario would be the united states and israel in a world war iii scenario. >> the world could fire into world war iii a guy who has had 50 years of experience. >> all right. the media thinks the man whose staff has a bubblewrap strategy to protect him from falling in public is the one person keeping the world from the brink of armageddon. all right jesse we should be grateful our troops in iraq and syria have only been hit 74 times and thursday intercontinental ballistic missile and half of the 66 injured have traumatic brain injury which last for life so as long as we play patsy and lie down your saving the world. >> it's a lobar. i'm not bringing back the draft biden 2024. running on not starting world war iii fast the lowest of the lobar send joe biden is telling fundraisers nuclear armageddon is the highest risk since the cuban missile crisis he is invoking himself world war iii dozens of times we have a land war in europe and a hot war in the middle east and a cartel war. this places going nuts we just tested a new nuclear weapon he deployed additional soldiers to europe and donald trump the first president in a long time to not initiate a new war but to not send troops to a theater to say he is going to break out into world war iii doesn't make sense when you consider what happens. >> you know right now we are hearing that there are 10 hostages a 10-month-old israeli boy and his family have been moved by hamas to another terrorist group the palestinian jihadists in the west bank and i understand i am told us because i'm getting information from the hostages they're getting intelligence so where does that put us when they are not together in terms of where the hostages are? >> i can't imagine if i was in the oval office i just imagine i am not and i don't have the weight of this and i understand there's different considerations but a 10-month-old baby? and the fact that we were not able to get proof of life so that means that hamas will have even more extreme emotional blackmail against the families and guess what else? negotiations for a further cease-fire as they continue to rearm and while we were on the air at 512 today jennifer griffin from the pentagon treated there is a report and iranian drone throve the uss eisenhower today in international waters that ignored multiple warnings the pentagon is deeming this interaction unsafe and unprofessional.absolutely. this is not something we are provoking they are provoking us at some point there will be a reaction and i hope it is the right one and i don't envy them for all of the things that are going on but a lot of the policies led to a lot of this so i think when they talk about their accomplishments to me a lot of the accomplishments are also the vulnerabilities going into the election. >> these are the same people who think the way you commented yesterday. isn't it great that hamas is releasing the hostages without even considering what happened on october 7 there is a veil that's covering what it was. >> they will be perpetually involved in this endless cycle because they look at people as evil as oppose to the actions of evil. if you describe each act independently as good or evil and obviously october 7 is evil you cannot testify but as long as you say those people are evil you can talk about history and context and all of the other stuff that's been going on that's why they don't do it. i don't think biden has gone far enough we have had no world war iii we have had no bubonic plague snow alien invasions from outer space that is jessica and no zombie apocalypse so in that context who cares if we have a relentless crime wave or collapsing education system our military police and decline rising anti-americanism real estate collapse transportation system in total disarray from planes and trains to ev's. i still can't get an ev bentley. that's a call back open borders and inflation but no plague no world war iii knows aliens no zombie apocalypse. so mike i think it is a win-win. >> if you were handling the negotiations what would you want? >> i would want everybody out right away as some sort of negotiation for territory and control in exchange for this and that seems to be a bit of a sticking point in the past couple of days reports coming out of israel that talking within the people in the government saying i'm the only person who can maintain control over the west bank and gaza after this is over how we get the hostages out and it's been the fight since the inception of modern-day israel after world war ii and i won't say i'm surprised because i have spent enough time around the table with you guys to know how you think about this but it's incomprehensible to me to blame joe biden for this. if you want to talk about a world leader who turned their back on our pressing concern about what's going on in the middle east let's talk about benjamin netanyahu and he spent eight or nine months before this attack happen sending troops to the other side of the country because he wanted to overhaul the judiciary to keep him in office and they got their version of the supreme court over 80 percent of israelis have a negative view of him people in his own administration have taken responsibility when he ignored signs a report from egypt or he would take a couple of years to build up what hamas has managed to do so joe biden standing on the world stage in terms of what world leaders think of him and what other people think and i think is dereliction of duty this narrative going on in the media and certainly in the liberal media where they just want to crap on him because the first poll taken since the cease-fire began came out biden is up four points and is now up one there was a pull out last week that had biden up over trump the whoin the cross tabs the new york times did not cover this part of it the cross tabs revealed if trump is convicted of anything and he has 91 counts he loses by 10 points and he loses every single thing >> what does that have to do with what you would do to negotiate to get the hostages out? we are not talking about donald trump.that's not the topic. >> you always say that's not the topic. soon let's not talk about who goes off topic. it is relevant because you say this guy is a moron and we are in a hot war and a cold war enemy borders open i am talking about what's going on. >> jessica. you have not had a zombie apocalypse. let's just remember that. >> it's unfortunate the way this president cares about soldiers is enabling more attacks. >> what are you talking about? >> here we go again. here is the new pandemic sweeping across the globe as china battles the mysterious virus outbreak. >> >> does this sound familiar a serious respiratory illness ripping through china forcing the return of masking and social distancing. >> a new surge of respiratory illnesses in children swamping hospitals. >> concerning images where hospitals are struggling amid a surge of respiratory illnesses. >> these scenes raising alarm in china. >> china battles a mysterious outbreak putting thousands of children in the hospital but the world health organization said don't worry about it being a new virus officials have provided data that shows increased hospitalizations of children is not because of a novel virus the who insists is safe to travel to china. >>. [laughter] >> can't wait put me on a flight tomorrow. >> that's a good one. >> and magis means book a ticket and prayed for the best. so when we were getting ready for impeachment back in december of 2019 i remember we would look at each other and say these articles from china they don't look good and but we were caught up in a lot of things and the world was caught up in a lot of things and also domestically and what we have now is this possibility maybe it's fine maybe it's like cold season in china but you have to wonder at the same time a lot of people have pointed out there is lack of trust in institutions of this point you're looking at it saying who are you going to trust and the who and the cdc have not done a lot of reputation repair and they just expect everybody to believe them and i don't have any reason not to but trust but verifiably specs skeptical and hope you don't get it. >> so in other countries like new zealand and australia they saw these spikes this is the first year open essentially post covid. >> new york city dc very high but i don't know what it is i don't know what they're saying it's not covid rsv or a pneumonia but the who said china shared data so i feel comfortable. i am like you ready. if you want me to get a shot i am right there. >> greg one thing that stands out about what went wrong during covid we were unprepared we do not have the hospital capacity. >> thank god we focused on the impeachment that was the most important thing going on remember that? that's why americans died. anyway. permission to make an analogy. >> is it better than what you just said? all right the pandemic is like your first bad marriage at a young age. you were wide-eyed and gullible no immunity to the realities she accepted everything you accepted the advice and blessings and the promises but then came the deceits, the lies and the gas lighting and when you finally broke free you said never again this is not happening again or the next time i am going in clear i'd is a different person and that different person is us so with whatever comes next pandemic mild illness i am kicking the tires i am getting the carfax i don't believe anything from anybody. you lied to us. i'm not even know who i am pointing at. use stephen in iowa. you lied to me. >> would you like to reflect on marriages? >> touch?. >> i think we can't risk it and joe has to campaign again. it's just too risky so bust out the mail-in ballots and i am canceling my trip to see pat lady over christmas because nothing can ever do what it did to us the last time i couldn't believe it but you are right this is china zero covid strategy backfiring. they were in quarantine and now they're getting out and about and this is what happens and you know what happens when you get out and about jessica. >>. [indiscernible] [laughter] >> i did not say that. >> you are terrible. >> dear moms and dads, what you have achieved here today is going to help us and our futures. it is why we're coming up on stage to collect your diplomas. mom, love you always. vo: when you graduate, they graduate. visit to find free and supportive (car engine revs) adult education centers near you. (engine accelerating) (texting clicks) (tires squeal) (glass shattering) (loose gravel clanking) all right time for the fastest. 12-year-old michigan boy taking a joyride on a stolen forklift the cops chasing him for over an hour as he tried to evade the but it wasn't long before the long arm of the law put a fork in his antics and arrested him. jessica. isn't it amazing in america we have forklifts but in some other countries they don't even have forks? >> is that true? >> they have chopsticks. >> i am making an important point about technology. >> okay i accept whatever point you are making and i am impressed by how well little kids can drive when you see these stories like some kids stole his dad's bmw he can exit. i can barely drive. >> thank god it wasn't a little girl. swim with the roads would have been terrible. >> a little girl wouldn't steal a forklift or a car. >> that is sexist. >> little girls would say you know what amazes me the cops are chasing this kid for over an hour the kid pretty much knows where the key is on the forklift he has the audacity to find it started and drive it and he lifts it so he doesn't have an accident but he did hit send cars and now he is in a juvenile detention center. >> he should have been tased. >> was he wearing half black face? >> i think he was. >> look at this kid. assuming we will take you on the phone. >> from the detention center. >> viruses cancer obesity researchers think the epidemic of tourists who keep dying all taking selfies should be viewed as a public health problem should we stand in the way of evolution? this is thinning the herd. >> so like miguel cardona would think the government can solve this problem i don't think the government can solve people's stupidity problems very soon if that is true. is this a problem that just gets sorted out? >> i think it is a public health nuisance i'm tired of people standing in the middle of wherever you want to go and they should be sanctioned in some way with a violation. >> jesse you take selfies constantly. >> you are saying in the green room and the researcher says the median age of victims was 22 years old in female you were saying we need to do whatever we can to save these people. attractive 22-year-old females if we need to cordon off these places so they can't kill themselves greg supports that. >> i am the real hero jessica. >> i think face time on the street must be a big thing no earphones >> if you are doing that just go into the middle of the street. swim with these influencer doing these shows. shut up. get out of my way. they are really not that attractive. come on. without the filters for you would be more thing is up next. >> >> oh, yeah. ordered weather checked out. calm. and don't forget weathertech gift cards. >> did you know the solo stove pie? pizza oven could cook a pizza in 90 seconds? 90 seconds. that's not a pizza oven. that's a time machine. way that pizza's from the past, huh? no, it just cooks pizza real fast. or maybe it's from the future. it was a joke, dude. pizza of the future. teach us your ways. >> let's eat the pizza. get in the time machine. go back 90 seconds. eat it again. infinite pizza time loop. >> hello, michael yousef here. you know, recently a british newspaper headline says, is this the end of the world? someone asked me recently, are we heading for armageddon? i said, we need not fear the future. when you know as your savior and lord, you can have true peace regardless of what the future holds. when you come to him visit. >> finding true peace aecom to find out more. >> all kinds of people can get automatically enrolled in the progressive loyalty program and get special rewards just for being customers like left handed people, people with birthdays, even career driven women who have sworn off love, heart watching just like a former convention or something. >> i want you to know you can rely on california gorda. we stood up for what was right. this is a long time coming. you said four seasons of the great red versus blue state debate. thursday at nine. it it's time now for one more thing, judge. >> all right. the tsa has released its annual canine calendar featuring 15 of its hardworking and adorable dogs from the force of over a thousand explosive detecting canines. the calendar also features the winner of 2023, the cutest canine contest. it was dina, a three year old german shorthaired pointer who works at the harry reid international airport in vegas. best of all, the calendar is free to download on the tsa website. that's really ridiculous. all right, greg, still, the tsa now? >> all i'm saying one more thing. okay. but tonight at 10 p.m.. oh, what a great show we have. joe mackey. charles paid cash tip, tires. it's going to be great. hey, let's do this great snack time news. >> you ever get really hungry late at night? you just can't figure out where the food is. well, check out this bear who went into this guy's car and the guy comes out, and apparently the bear was looking for some m&ms because he's a big fan of chocolate, which is bad for his complexion . and the dude goes, check out his car. and what does he find in that car completely destroyed by the bear. >> yeah, torn apart his entire interior. >> wow. i know. >> and you know what? you don't have insurance for that. there's no insurance. yeah, the insurance company is like if you did something wrong and, you know, the bear doesn't have insurance, so he's not going to sue him. >> can't sue him. and jessica. okay. i have some pictures from life. so it was thanksgiving, as you know. this is clio as a little turkey and jesse will be showing jesse jr is a little turkey champ. >> yeah, sure. next show. next show. and we were down in florida for the thanksgiving break. clio got so much sweat in time. this is their christmas tree. this was a very cute square. it was called rosemary square. it was my first time to palm beach. oh, you're going for the season, too? no, not like that. and no, i didn't go to mar-a-lago cleveland, her friend, tennessee. look how cute they are together . she has chocolate and sand all over her face. tennessee. tennessee is the baby's name. and this is tennessee's mom, charlotte, who is my best friend from preschool. wow. grade two. thank you. well, i mean, the water is covered and cleo loved her and it was really nice if you could borrow that. yes. all right, jessica, eric, the independence fund, you remember these people? they delivered more than 2600 chairs to wounded heroes, making a big difference. they've been important to us for a long time. in fact, dana and i presented a wounded vet with his own chair a couple of years ago. and today is giving tuesday. so good to independence fun .org to reach their goal of raising $25,000. great cause tonight jesse watters primetime. an update on my dog bite there. i spend a lot of developments we need to share with a lot of swelling. >> must see that in private. >> so i want to show you this. a 12 year old sheltie in wisconsin loves when it snows and this dog has figured out how to go on the sled. i it it says that roxy has a pomeranian brother named maisie. oh, maisie, it's like i got another way to get down. but i love it when dogs figure things out. so, like, that's very nice. we are. >> we love all of you. i love all of you. that's it for us, everyone. >> have a great night. we'll see you tomorrow. >> welcome to jesse watters, prime time tonight

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Everyone , Dana Perino , Greg Gutfeld , Jeanine Pirro , Five , Jesse Waters , Media , Wall , Kansas City Chiefs , Photo , Group , Fan Half , Racist , Lessons , Hats , Teens , Covington , Face , Headline , Black , Nfl , Native Headdress , Savanna Blackface , Boy , Context , Red , Side , Football Games , Colors , Teams , Fans , Fullface , Deadspin , Writer , Back Lash , Fact , Social Media , Idiots , Mentions , Piece , Argument , Ones , Jasmine , Mexicans , Sombreros On Sanko , Pay , Liz Warren , Guy , Sports Journalism , Lawn , Asshat , Espn , Some , Zombies , Sports Illustrated , Way , Kind , Door , Scrap , Clicks , Assumption , One , No One , Field , Case , Sex , Blackface , Someone , World , Community Notes , Somewhere , Left , Elon Musk , Thing , Pizza , Half , Kid , Awareness , It , College , Lawsuit , Makeup , Children , Hero Jessica , Headdress , Dress , Game , Gender , Boys , Approval , Battle , British , Native Americans , Husband , Red Coat , King George , People , Fan , 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Redskins Football Team , Scott , Ronald Reagan Quote , Joe Biden , Members , Charge , Cabinet , United States , Government , Ronald Reagan , Miguel Cardona Botching , Homeland Security Secretary , Speech , Railing , Words , Language , Dominic , English , Swimming Next , Writing , Train , Clowns , Bunch , Mexico , Stevie Wonder , April Ryan , Conversation , Stevie Wonder Last Night , White House , Agenda , Question , Wayside , Laughter , Meetings , Meeting , Stupidity , Mr , Wonder , Lot , Secretary Mayorkas , Somebody Else , Answer , Deputy , On My Way , Border , Arizona 400 , 400 , Point , Wrong , Quote Wrong , Essence , Imagine , Betsy Devoss , Botched A Quote From Jfk Junior The Media , Miguel Cardona , Schools , Politicians , Human , Mistakes , Republicans , Stuff , Brains , High School , Work , Liberals , Jock , Class , The End , Wokism , Freak Show , What Is This , Nobody , Queen , Certificate Doesn T , Tonight Don T , Matter , Bill Gates , Mark Zuckerberg , Warren Buffett , Contract , Quote , Generalizations , Things , Principle , Republicanism , It Signature , Home , Poster , Name Dropper , Concerns , Slippage , Voters , Core Constituency , Black American , Times , Administration , Support , Name Dropping , Issue , Difference , Phone , Color , Somebody , Wouldn T , Course , Udo , Guy Miguel Cardona He , The Quote Is A Very Famous , Secretary Of Education , Picture , Narrative , Irony , Governors , Audience , Misquote , Doesn T Matter , Progressives , Laws , Teacher Shortages , Metric , Cdc , Uft , Randy Weingart , Pandemic , Teacher , Requirement , Math , Unions , Reading , College Degrees , Removal , Requirements , Care , Enemies , Movement , Dumbing Down , World War Iii , Sleepy Joe , Talking Point , Education , House , Mess , Oman , Chaos , Wars , 2 , Attack , Troops , China , Israel , Sights , Middle East , Taiwan , Ukraine , 73 , Alternative , Israel In A World War Iii Scenario , God , Leader , Scenario , Heat , Experience , 50 , Person , Armageddon , Staff , Public , Strategy , Brink , Bubblewrap , Syria , Iraq , 74 , Life , Intercontinental Ballistic Missile , Lobar , Saving , Biden 2024 , Injured , Brain Injury , Lie , Draft , 2024 , 66 , 2024 Running , Fundraisers , Lowest , Risk , Cuban Missile Crisis , Cold War , Soldiers , Places , Donald Trump , Cartel War , Land War In Europe , Dozens , Nuclear Weapon , Nuts , Europe , Hearing , Hamas , Family , Theater , World War Iii Doesn T Make Sense , Jihadists , West Bank , Hostages , Office , Intelligence , Information , Weight , Baby , Considerations , Negotiations , Pentagon , Cease Fire , Proof , Blackmail , Families , Else , Jennifer Griffin , 512 , Report , Drone , Uss Eisenhower , Iranian , Waters , Interaction , Warnings , Reaction , Accomplishments , Led , Envy , Vulnerabilities , Veil , It Great , Isn T , Election , October 7 , Evil , Cycle , Actions , Think Biden , Bubonic Plague , Snow Alien Invasions , Outer Space , Zombie Apocalypse , World War Iii Knows Aliens No Zombie Apocalypse , Collapsing , Military Police , Borders , Education System , Trains , Ev , Inflation , Disarray , Planes , Call , Crime Wave , Ev Bentley , Collapse Transportation System , Plague , Real Estate , Everybody , Win , Negotiation , Sort , Territory , Control , Bit , Exchange , , World War Ii , Saying , Inception , Fight , Gaza , Table , Guys , World Leader , Concern , Talk , Back , Benjamin Netanyahu , Country , Court , Version , Judiciary , View , Israelis , 80 , Stage , Couple , Signs , Responsibility , Egypt , Points , World Leaders , Dereliction , Poll , Duty , Four , New York Times , Biden Up Over , The Cross Tabs , Whoin , Tabs , Trump , Topic , Counts , Off Topic , 91 , Moron , What S Going On , Enemy , Attacks , Here We Go Again , Virus Outbreak , Globe , Hospitals , Illness , Surge , Illnesses , Distancing , Return , Masking , Images , Scenes , Alarm , Data , Hospitalizations , Hospital , Novel Virus , Virus Officials , Safe , Thousands , Outbreak , World Health Organization , Best , Ticket , Flight , Magis , Impeachment , Articles , Mother , 2019 , December Of 2019 , Possibility , Trust , It Saying , Specs , Reputation Repair , Reason , Countries , Covid , New Zealand , Australia , New York City Dc , Pneumonia , Rsv , Permission , Hospital Capacity , Analogy , Marriage , Age , Immunity , Blessings , Promises , Advice , Realities , Tires , Deceits , Marriages , Gas Lighting , Anybody , Lies , Carfax , Iowa , Strategy Backfiring , Pat Lady , Trip , Ballots , Nothing , China Zero Covid , Zero , Quarantine , Indiscernible , Futures , Dads , Moms , Diplomas , Mom , Adult Education , Supportive , Vo , Car Engine Revs , Visit Finishyourdiploma Org , Glass , Engine , Texting Clicks , Tires Squeal , Loose Gravel Clanking , Cops , Forklift , Joyride , Michigan , 12 , Forklifts , Fork , Forks , Antics , It Amazing , Long Arm Of The Law , Technology , Chopsticks , Stories , Bmw , Dad , Car , Swim , Roads , Wasn T A Little Girl , Little Girl Wouldn T , Girls , Key , Hit Send Cars , Audacity , Accident , Juvenile Detention Center , Tourists , Selfies , Public Health Problem , Detention Center , Epidemic , Cancer Obesity Researchers , Revolution , Herd , Middle , Stupidity Problems , Nuisance , Health , Violation , Jesse You , Female , Females , Researcher , Room , Victims , 22 , The Street , No Earphones , Shows , Filters , Influencer , Come On , Weathertech , Pizza Oven , Weather , Stove Pie , Calm , 90 , Time Machine , Ways , Huh , Joke , Dude , Newspaper Headline , Hello , Time Loop , Michael Yousef , Savior , Lord , The End Of World , Peace , Kinds , More , Rewards , Loyalty Program , Holds , Aecom , Convention , Heart , Career , Birthdays , Love , Customers , It S Time , Seasons , Debate , Red Versus Blue State , California Gorda , Calendar , Tsa , Canine Calendar , Canines , Explosive , Force , 15 , A Thousand , Shorthaired Pointer , Website , Winner , Cutest Canine Contest , Harry Reid International Airport In Vegas , German , Dina , 2023 , Three , Snack Time , Cash , Tip , Joe Mackey , Charles , Bear , Chocolate , News , Food , Complexion , Figure , M Ms , Insurance , Interior , Dude Goes , Clio , Jesse , Insurance Company , The Bear Doesn T , Pictures , Little Turkey , Can T Sue Him , Champ , Square , Christmas Tree , Rosemary Square , Sweat , Florida , Palm Beach , Tennessee , Friend , Sand , Didn T Go To , Cleveland , Water , Preschool , Best Friend , Independence Fund , Grade Two , Cleo , Charlotte , Yes , Eric , Two , 2600 , Vet , Chairs , Heroes , Chair , Independence , Fun , Goal , Dog Bite , Raising , Update , Developments , Swelling , Old Sheltie , Jesse Watters Primetime , Great Cause , 5000 , 25000 , Dog , Sled , Pomeranian Brother Named Maisie , Roxy , Wisconsin , All Of You , Prime Time , Night , Jesse Watters ,

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