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israeli hamas cease-fire. good evening i am jon scott and this is the fox report. ♪ 4-year-old israeli american abigail is now at an israeli hospital with her family. on october seven to moss thomas terrorists ransacked her kibbutz murdered her parents. a wound abigail's grandfather said will never heal she's one of the 14 israel is hamas read today. the hostages ranging in age from four -- 84 bringing the total number releases release 240 since the beginning of the cease-fire. team fox coverage this hour at lucas tomlinson with a presidential press pool in nantucket, massachusetts cb cotton in her new york studio. we begin with alex hogan who is life in jerusalem right now, alex? >> it has been a third day securing the release of more hostages. now for the first time the release of an american citizen. little avigail idan turn four on friday. she was covered in blood when she was found on october 7 the blood of her parents who had been murdered before she was taken hostage by hamas. now she is home with her siblings. prime minister benjamin netanyahu discussed her release with u.s. president joe biden. >> the little girl, avigail idan what a joy to see her with us. but on the other hand what a pain she returns to the reality of no parents. she has no parents. but she has a whole nation that embraces her. >> 40 is really hostages have been released in the next three days. but one of them is not part of the deal to release women and children print hamas today released a 25 year old man a dual israeli and russian citizen calling it a gesture for russia. today the families are back together for the first time. this is 52-year-old sharon kurtzman who was taken hostage with her 12-year-old daughter sharon is now reunited with her husband and son. they are hugging them in this video moments so many families fear they will never have a gander at hamas release three tie hostages 14 is rarely as crowds gathered outside the ambulance to welcome them home. one of them elma was airlifted to the hospital doctor say her llife is in danger. >> she is in critical condition. she is treated at the emergency department after significant medical neglect for the past several weeks while being held by hamas. >> the west bank palestinians are celebrated the return home of their loved ones too. israel has released 39 palestinian prisoners each day all of them women and children print israeli government has demanded the police shut down celebrations of their release. most of them released today were teens, young men accused of public disorder causing or threatening harm to israeli officers or property damage. back here tonight the israeli government both saying once again they are looking to potentially extend the cease-fire at the other side holds up the end of the bargain. >> when are we going to know if the cease-fire gets extended? >> as long as we continue to see the release of hostages at least 10 hostages per day israel says it will continue to move forward with the cease-fire. we are hearing for the very first time potentially a different change and which hostages we could see come home. for now it has only been women and children who have been released aside from this 125-year-old is really russian hostage. but now we are hearing this could potentially be released to end extended to other men who were held hostage as well but that is giving a sign of hope for the families who were hoping for their sons and cousins and grandsons to finally come home. jon: alex hogan reporting live from jerusalem, thanks. president biden heading back to the white house from nantucket where he spent thanks giving. he spoke today with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu after the release of the latest group of hostages including that for-year-old israeli american girl. netanyahu told biden israel will resume its gaza operations with full force once the cease-fire has ended. lucas tomlinson live in nantucket. >> jon, president biden is now back in the white house after departing from nantucket this afternoon. as you mention he spoke to israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu the white house is provided a summary of that phone call and going to read part of it for you and our viewers it says quote the prime minister thanked the pres president for s tireless efforts to help broker and fully implement this deal the two leaders agreed the work is not yet done they will continue working for the rate lease of all the hospitals earlier when president biden spoke here in nantucket for a second time he said he wants to see the cease-fire extended. >> that is our goal to keep the pause going down tomorrow so we continue to see more hostages come out and search more he manager relief into those in need in gaza. this is working and worth pursuing further. it is in every smile and grateful to we see on the faces of those families were finally getting back together again. >> here is a photo of the little photo american girl avigail idan who has been freed. she turned four years old friday she spent the last 50 days without sunlight, held captive by hamas. one can only imagine the trauma team down inside those tunnels. the white house as president biden spoke to her family as well as israeli prime minister. his remarks bi but it does is wk behind the scenes with leaders of qatar, egypt, israel to secure the release of the hostages here's the president's answer to a question about what is his ultimate goal with hamas? >> looking for a way to end this so they hostages are released. and it is completely, how can i sit, no longer in control of any portion of gaza. it's notable the president's not calling for the eradication of hamas. very different story from israeli leaders to say that with the top leaders killed the terrorist group fully eradicated. perhaps that came up on the phone call between the president and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu perhaps the white house will be conditioning saying moving forward the president was to see the cease-fire extended prayer for theiropen toed he also wente hamas completely destroyed. jon: are they on the same page those two leaders regarding the future activity in gaza? >> it feels like there's a whole bit of a split here. president biden was very clear. you heard in the shop we played early on to see the cease-fire extended to get more hostages out for israeli citizens and israeli government want to see the hostages out as well. but prime minister netanyahu was very clear he said when this truce ends combat operations will be extended inside gaza they will keep fighting for it on a much lighter note here on the island of nantucket you asked about the protest yesterday we just learned the leader of those pro- palestinian protests here in nantucket will present biden was you're trying to walk the streets and disrupted the christmas tree lighting ceremony, they were led by the son of nathaniel philbrick you probably know his books heart of the sea very known author. nantucket is certainly across the country. jon: a great book that is for sure. lucas tomlinson in nantucket, massachusetts thanks. police are investigating a shooting in vermont as a potential hate crime at the three palestinian college students were wounded. one in serious condition. the three victims are all men currently attending schools in the u.s. they were visiting one of their relatives for thanksgiving. police say the three students were on the way to dinner when it unknown white gunman shot them on the street without saying a word and then fled. vermont governor phil scott issuing a statement reading and part i urge vermonters to unite to help the committee heal and not let this incident incite more hate or divisiveness. we must come together in these difficult times. what is the only way to put a stop to the violence. more people took over the streets of new york this weekend to show support for palestinians. >> 1234. [inaudible] jon: new york mayor eric adams is raising concerns of the anti-semitic rhetoric during a protest involving high school students. cb cotton live in new york city with more on that. >> hi jon, pro- palestinian rallies here in the city coinciding with a temporary cease-fire currently unfolding between israel and hamas. organizers of the rally since the humanitarian pause does nothing for palestinian civilians in the long run. they are promising to keep up the protest until the u.s. stops sending aid to israel in a permanent cease-fire takes place. brokefocus and think upscale shg mall here in manhattan to disrupt the holiday shopping, watch. [background noises] >> later we watched droves of protesters make their way to the american museum of natural history. someone they are climbing a traffic light outside. pro- palestinian group within our lifetime targeting the museum on hopes to do a quote anticolonial tour of that museum exhibits but the museum have closed earlier in the day in anticipation of this protest as demonstrators shouted shane at police officers who would not let them in. >> shame on you. shame on you. shame on you. shame on you. shame on you. >> a flag on the museum steps these weekly protests happening here in the city promised tensions between pro- israel pro- palestinian voices continue to rise. new york city mayor eric adams confirming on x and invean investigationis underwayl teacher reportedly hid in a locked office after students learned and became enraged the teacher had attended a pro-israel rally. students reportedly protesting in the hallways did manage to get inside the teacher's classroom. adams: incident a quote violent show of anti-semitism. jon: t eric cb cotton, thank yo. for more on all of this was spring christian whiton former senior adviser for strategic communications at the state department former advising the secretary state under trump and former president trump and president george w. bush. christian, we are all rejoicing at the release of these hostages including the little american girl who no longer next to her boss. nobody seems to be remembering that they were taken hostage in the first place in a horrifically bloodied incident. >> at his ranch on it seems like the narrative to use an overused description there has shifted to putting hamas in a magnanimous position is getting credit or we are rejoicing for this but of course if i was a hostage of as a failed member of a hostage happy to see them come out safely but over all needed to remember why this happened in the first place. these savages crossed the border into israel, murdered this a 4-year-old parents in front of her and kidnapped her itself this is worse than al qaeda. this is right up there with isis. in other just extremely deadly this is untold evil and now the useful idiots are having time and frankly encouragement from the white house to get out and protest in the u.s. and it's getting israel nothing. these strategic pause the cease-fire, whatever you want to call it is giving them no credit whatsoever with this faction, with the opponents of israel around the world so frankly it's time they just finish the job they need to finish which is to get rid of hamas. jon: is that possible israel actually can dismantle the hamas terror organization? >> they ca can take a tremendous amount of political will the white house will not be with them at least not behind the scenes and a little op-ed in the "washington post" president biden or whoever wrote the op-ed said palestinian of gaza and the west bank have to be put under the control of the palestinian authority. the same think that is a recipe for more jihad is in. more of the problems we have seen. to get rid of hamas which they have to do to kill the combatants to frankly lock up anyone who is part of this terrorist organization is going to create a political vacuum and it hhas to be replaced with something. the white house is also signaling they don't have israel's back is going to be normal recently controversial but has to be done you cannot live next a bunch of people who were going to cross the border and murder elderly people and parents in front of their children. jon: meantime israel is releasing prisoners palestinian prisoners to get back is really hostages and other hostages. it's been a two for one or sometimes a three for one swap. it is almost like hamas is benefiting from the hostagetaking. >> turned out they are no doubt they are also using this time to plan all of their leadership went south into southern gaza that you can bet their leg traps in creating plans and contingencies to make the inevitable invasion harder for israel but you are right this is the nine states we are right there behind them in creating an incentive or hostagetaking israel released over 1000 prisoners in exchange for one israeli soldier who is being held hostage that was back in 2011. the united states famously paid $6 billion to the iranian regime in exchange for five hostages. we used to say not only do we do not bribe a hostage terrace we did not even negotiate with terrorists. though sometime duplicitous and untrue even the reagan administration tra trade arms fr hostages was i wrong. but we have to realize it creates a big incentive whether it's for the palestinians or the russians to take americans, israelis and others hostage bricks it was not that long ago it seemed like hamas and hezbollah were of backbench players in the world stage. all the sudden they are negotiate with the nicest government. >> yes, how much of a difference for years to make if you go back the key innovation of the abrahams accord which established diplomatic relationships between israel, the uae, morocco, a big breakthrough with peace for israelis and arabs it shifted the town and recognize the main offender the main cause of problems in the middle east was the iranian regime with a nucleathenuclear program the exf terrorism with its tentacles throughout the region trying to undermine governments that exist. to transcend the palestinian issue they put in a word they insisted on some conditions and a delay in settlements as part of the abraham accords. but the issue had moved to the real transgressor. and president biden it seems has turned back the clock to before that so now once again it's the palestinians driving the issue and not recognizing a benefactor. the power is the iranian regime. jon: christian whiton great to have you on thank you. >> thank you jon. jon: more incredible accounts of courage and survival from those kidnapped by hamas on october 7. when we return emily hands a story she's a little girl free who spent her ninth birthday in the tunnels under gaza. plus dr. mar dr. marc siegel one emotional and physical challenges released hostages now face. next. to take our operations to the next level. 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(engine accelerating) (texting clicks) (tires squeal) (glass shattering) (loose gravel clanking) jon: positive editing to harrowing story of 9-year-old 9y an irish israeli citizen kidnapped by hamas is back with her father tonight after more than 50 days in captivity. alexandria hoff on how this brave little girl and other children survived. >> there is no truer display of raw human emotions and the relief of a parent holding onto a child who they feared they might never embrace again. both emily hand and omar were eight years old and there taken by hamas a terrorist on octoctober 7 for emily was reled yesterday into her father thomas is arms he had a rosenman told his daughter had been killed during the terrorist attack he then later learned she had been taking hostage to w when the disney pajamas she had on while sleeping over at a friends house thomas and irish national living in israel describe the anguish and guilt that he and so many other parents are feeling. >> every hour of every day she must be sank e saying every days my daddy? where is my daddy why hasn't he come to save me? i must be going through her head all of the time where is daddy? that is what we are living through. it is a nightmare progressive nightmare lasted for nearly 50 days he rushed into his dad's awaiting arms at schneider children's medical center friday. his mother and grandmother were released as well. now he was known to love the solving rubik's cubes so he was given one to enjoy right away. the ninth of birthdays past while they were held in gaza. emily is is really irish so her release was marked by a postman ireland's prime minister. what part of that sparked controversy he wrote quote an innocent child who was lost has now been found and returned. we breve a massive sigh of relief our prayers have been answered. israel's minister of foreign affairs responded riding in part quote it seems you have lost your moral compass and need a reality check emily hand was not lost she was kidnapped by a terror organization worse than isis that murdered her stepmother. he concluded shame on you by the number of children initially taken hostage by hamas is estimated to be between 30 and 40 including babies and toddlers. jon: many of them still in captivity. alitalia half thank you. freedom is just a first step for the third wave of hostages as they reunite with families. they may be returning home after 50 days held captive in a spider web of tunnels under gaza fate likely face a long road to recovery. let's bring in dr. marc siegel fox news contributor and professor of medicine at nyu langone medical center. what is the big challenge ahead the biggest challenge ahead dr. siegel for these hostages? crooks jon is going to be psychological. the first step is physical because by many reports the hostages have lost a lot of weight. they're being fed rice and bread only. they had to wait hours to go to the bathroom. he reported already who went to sirocco medical center. she is going to be in the icu paid the president of the hospital said severe neglect on the part of hamas nobody is surprised about that the question is are the abuse beyond that after what we have seen we do not know that yet. she but medical center talked spoke to inside sources there they say all 12 children there are stable medically but psychologically the issue is going to be based on resilience and who you have two hug essentially. you he just saw in that excellet report the young 9-year-old girl hugging her father. that's a huge positive prognostic sign. if kids feel love and feel connected to relationships from before that are very positive they are more likely to get over the survival part of this the acute stress part of this better in terms of long term. israel has a place in jerusalem which is an incredible center for dealing with psycho trauma in children. they are definitely going to be very, very heavily involved here. avigail idan lost her mother and her father. she is survived thank god but lost both of her parents what a terrible situation for her as she tries to recover. jon: she's going to have to be hugging it may be a grandparent or an aunt or an uncle will not be able to hug her parents as you say that it's a big key to their recovery. sleep is essential to human health and i cannot imagine these hostages have been sleeping very well underground in the stifling tunnels. we heard reports they are sleeping on chairs and chairs held together. nothing else. they did not sleep that's another form of terror not knowing when they are coming for you. not knowing when you are going to be released. not knowing if your significant person you are thinking about is alive or dead. that kind of terror and posttraumatic stress disorder stood around but it is too soon for that. they are in shock they are in shock at their home is going into fight or flight situation again kindness and courage on the part of caretakers and even the rest of us showing support and prayers for these kids especially. and even the adults will help. healing takes a really, really long time here. the more they feel comfortable now the better they're going to do. but make no mistake about it. one other thing each child and she but medical center has been assigned a social worker, a pediatrician, and a child psychologist so you can understand that is in addition to the family and i ask when did they go home, jon koch marked the answer is whenever they are ready they'll stay here as long as needed. next i'm sure it's going to be a long recovery for those kids in andthe adults frankly. dr. marc siegel. >> weeks and months. coming up new polling suggests the majority of americans are not happy with president biden's handling of the israel hamas conflict washington examiner political reporter sarah bedford breaks and on some of the numbes for us next. [music playing] subject 1: cancer is a long journey. it's overwhelming, but you just have to put your mind to it and fight. subject 2: it doesn't feel good because you can't play outside with other children. subject 3: as a parent, it is your job to protect your family. but here is something that i cannot do. i cannot fix this. i don't know if my daughter is going to be able to walk. i don't know if she's going to make it till tomorrow. 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[music playing] jon: i am jon scott this is the box report. is the bottom of the hour but if you are just joining us here's a look at some headlines at truce extension as possible in gaza. hamas and handing over more including an american. in captivity. his route release 39 palestinian prisoners and restraints. the associated press derek chauvin the former minneapolis police officer convicted of murdering george and floyd was s stabbed friday by another inmate in a federal prison in arizona tbureau prisons that employees performed lifesaving measures on it inmate did not confirm it was him. fd is investigating and a break of salmonella found. berlin, new jersey, illinois indiana kentucky, michigan, oklahoma, wisconsin, texas, florida and canada. more details are listed on the fda website. for more on these and of the stories down the fox news app you can scan the qr code on your screen or go to/apps. >> put into to express an additional american release as well we will not stop working until every hostage is returned to their loved ones. as i said when i spoke about this to you on friday, this is been a product of hard work and personal engagement for me and my team. jon: president biden taken some credit for the release of the hostages of the last three days. despite his involvement only one american has been among those freed since the beginning of the cease-fire for your old avigail idan. is he doing enough to dissuade those in his party who disagree with the way he's handled the war thus far (washington examiner political and investigative reporter sarah bedford. sarah, this president is in a difficult situation is and he with regard to his own party? >> he is in a really difficult spot that is why you're starting to see his approval ratings dipped even further. he has a significant chunk in the friendliness tort at all. no received material support to israel to allow them to build defend themselves at all against hamas. the biden administration has been trying to thread the needle being very careful not to alienate that part of the party too much. at the same time his willingness their progressives are anti- israel who are pro-israel all americans regardless of parties want to see israel supported right now so because of that biden administration is moving as support from the middle and from the left. that's a tough spot for a president who's already alreadyunpopular before the cont broke out. cooks there are the numbers latest fox news poll on the approve of the president's handling 55% disapprove of his handling of the war among democrats we have a second slate that is pretty interesting. only about one third of democrats approve of the job the president is doing self-styled or self identified liberals 40% and under the age of 3569% they disapprove of the job the president is doing. it's hard to when you have major issues. that is right it is tough there are different concerns underpinning it showed. special with younger democrats you have a really anti- israel sentiment driving back. you have younger democrats concerned about the level of deference a scene in the biden administration give it to the israelis for it on the other side of that we are talking about independents who swung against biting at this .2 -- one in some polls they are concerned about the amount of space the biden administration and democrats have given to the anti- israel crowd i have not spoken out against the squad they have not shown lot of moderates would like to see the biden administration entertain and in the white house that we have seen. they have signaled an openness calling for a cease-fire and trying to limit israel's ability to defend itself or the biden administration is two sets of bad numbers and correcting the underlying factors was a lose lose situation for the white house right now. jon: it is thought by ron allowed this or encourage this hamas atrocity on october 7 two tried to torpedo the abraham accord signed during the trump administration. when you look at the head-to-head numbers, the average pull polling of presidet biden versus former president trump, biden is a couple points behind 44.9% is the average versus 47-point to for the former president. just give us your thoughts on that. >> is pretty clear donald trump put iran i brought in a box of e obama administration was unwilling to do biden has signaled a continuing unwillingness to do. the obama administration empowered iran in a lot of ways when truck came into office he promised undo some of that. they pulled the u.s. of the jcpoa. he refused to unfreeze the iranian assets being held in south korea. biden allowed them to access that money. he made moves that were seen as appeasement to try to coax and run them back into the nuclear deal. something that was clearly not going to happen. you have seen in the middle east and that has been destabilizing. i think even a casual observer of those things can see the middle east is a lot less stable now under president biden was under trump in the same can be said about regions all across the world including europe, russia, ukraine, and chided the average voter can see things were more stable under trump progress israel isn't paying the price. sarah bedford from the washington examiner thank you. >> thank you. jon: some presidential hopefuls or spend the holiday week and talking turkey with voters in key states. president trump got cheers and a few jeers at the palmetto bowl in south carolina. chris christie did the sunday show circuit and the b vikram masonic talked to new hampshire voters about the free-speech debate, here. >> the beauty of the country she did to speak your mind openly as long as i get to return. the path to truth runs through's free speech and open debate. >> this race has consolidated very nicely. you now, and my view, for major contenders for the nomination donald trump, ron desantis, me and nikki haley. [cheering] [inaudible] jon: president biden first lady jill bidenjoe biden confirming l attend former first lady rosalynn carter's funeral service in atlanta on tuesday. the day before she would lie in repose of the jimmy carter presidential library and museum. that was the public are invited to pay their respects but she died last sunday after entering hospice care. her husband of 77 years former president jimmy carter was by her bedside at the time. she was 96 years old. coming up on the fox report, enough snow to berry cars fell in parts of oklahoma this weekend. so what will the new work we can bring? adam potts has answers next. you'll find them in cities, towns and suburbs all across america. millions of americans who have medicare and medicaid but may be missing benefits they could really use. extra benefits they may be eligible to receive at no extra cost. and if you have medicare and medicaid, you may be able to get extra benefits, too, through a humana medicare advantage dual-eligible special needs plan. call now to see if there's a plan in your area and to see if you qualify. all of these plans include doctor, hospital and prescription drug coverage. plus, something really special, the humana healthy options allowance. your allowance. to help pay for essentials like eligible groceries, utilities and rent. even over-the-counter items. and whatever you don't spend gets carried over to the next month. plus, with a humana medicare advantage dual-eligible special needs plan you'll get other important benefits. all of these plans include dental coverage. with two free cleanings a year. plus, fillings, and a yearly exam. vision coverage, including eye exams and a yearly allowance for eye wear. and hearing benefits. including routine hearing exams and coverage toward hearing aids. you'll also get free rides to and from medical appointments. best of all, you'll pay nothing for covered prescriptions, even brand name ones, all year long. and zero dollars for many routine vaccines at in-network retail pharmacies. plus, you'll have access to humana's large networks of doctors and specialists. so, if you have medicare and medicaid, call now to see if there's a plan in your area that will give you extra benefits, including an allowance to help pay for essentials. plus, no-cost for covered prescriptions. and coverage for routine dental, vision and hearing. a knowledgeable, licensed humana sales agent will explain your coverage options. and, if you're eligible, help you enroll over the phone. it's that easy! call today and we'll also send this free guide. humana. a more human way to healthcare. siu says it is expected to they will end up one of the busiest travel days of the year as people had home after the thanks giving holiday. post holiday storm could mean delays and cancellations for those traveling in the northeast. data marie is alive at miami international airport. rex drawn i can tell you it's been a very busy time for thanksgiving here in south florida americans a flocked into the sunshine what today is on the busiest days to get home. we have been here all day the lines have been normal. >> a first time on a cruise it's been quite smooth. >> he could not be better because we deafly will come again. >> tsa security checkpoints are roughly 38 million people to be screened for tsa goal is to keep the wait times to 10 minutes or less for pre-check and under 30 minutes for everyone else but right now miami security lines fall within that goal would even with that being one of the most popular airports this year. four of the top five u.s. destinations are here in florida. at the top of the list is orlando followed by fort lauderdale and at miami with tampa at number five according to aaa. according to 55 million people drove to the thanksgiving destination for we do have some good news for drivers, gas prices are about 40 cents cheaper per gallon this year that is according to aaa. in terms of cancellations and delays here in miami those are really minimal but airports across the nation are seeing just over 5000 cancellations or delays excuse me and 41 cancellations. six a lot of people getting the move on. dana murray at miami international, thank you. >> better-than-expected travel news across country storm sells more than 10 million americans under winter weather alerts. here's what it looks like today in buffalo oklahoma. meteorologist adam klotz has a forecast for that work week ahead. a lot of snow out there precooked a lot of snow and ultimately that system make you look like buffalo, new york is going to steal a bunch of the snow as we all famously know that's a city that really gets hit. here's where the current system is currently moving its across the northern tier of it we have seen snow currently at times heavy snow across northern indiana stretched across most the state of michigan. out in front of that is a rainmaker we are currently seeing from washington d.c. up the i-95 corridor to new york. this is probably going to be going on and off all evening into tomorrow morning and then we continue to see the system check its way across portions of the southeast. still heavy rains across north florida sea georgia, south corona, north carolina coast all seem very heavy rain that's currently coming down you can see impressive rainfall totals. you can time it out by paying attention to the timestamp up in the quarter. an overnight type of event you are going to be staying mostly rain along the coast entirely rain all the places in interior new england but does become a snowfall system you can kind of tell the lake effect snow off of ontario come off of erie those of the location to snowfall piles up in a meaningful way so where are we going to be seeing snow? it's the usual suspects to get all of the air runs over the great lakes picks it up and drops it back down. you start to see deeper purple colors we are going to be talking about measuring snow in feet where they're going to big areas we are going to be watching otherwise jon it's a true cold front everything the backs of the system expect temperatures to drop everything the system pass you by over the next couple of days is going to quite chilly. >> alright adam thanks for the warning. coming up on the fox report new concerns over the health of pope francis details as we take you around the globe. like sam, who- everyday products, designed smarter. like a smart coffee grinder, that orders fresh beans for you. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that- i need a breakthrough card. like ours! with 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more. plus unlimited 2% cash back on all other purchases. and with greater spending potential, sam can keep making smart ideas- a brilliant reality! the ink business premier card from chase for business. make more of what's yours. ♪ if it hurts when you poop sometimes like pinching off ♪ ♪ a porcupine and you're sweatin' your ♪ ♪ next trip to the loo ♪ ♪ colace is the brand you need ♪ ♪ to soften stools we're all agreed ♪ ♪ #2 should be easy to do ♪ trust colace to soften stools, with no stimulants, for comfortable relief. jon: time now for some headlines from around the globe. vatican city pope francis skipped his usual sunday public appearance at a window at st. peter's square because of a touch of the flu in a lung inflammation. the pontiff plan to travel later this week to acclimate conference in dubai. and as south korea diplomats from the country, japan and china agreed to revive a trilateral summit to discuss boosting economic and cooperation. [applause] in ecuador the newly sworn in at present has repealed a policy that allows people to carry small amounts of illegal drugs. daniel made a campaign promise to curb drug trafficking. >> in spain thousands of people took to the streets of madrid to protest violence against women. demonstrators were purple called on the government to take accident against gender violence. and senegal marked organized by rural women is trying to gain the attention of goodbye upcoming climate conference attendees. organizers say they want nations attending the summit to fund efforts to fight climate change. in india thousands of people attend a gay pride event in new delhi but protesters raise concerns about the country's restrictive laws on same-sex marriage. that is a look at some stories from around the globe. coming up, fox reports animal almanac takes you to a winter wonderland where the caribou cau realm. stay with us. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. oh. [dog barks] no it's just a bunny! only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪ i've never been healthier. shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. proven over 90% effective, shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today. h >> caribou in canada getting into the holiday spirit, the toronto zoo sharing the herd printing to the snow last winter the zoo has a live cam set up looking to catch new video of the herd kick it up for flurries this year they also like to nibble on fresh pine trees in the tundra truck. that's what the spirits will enhance visitors this holiday season. the san antonio zoo abuse a new resident gates, the three -month-old calf was seen frolicking around its new enclosure which is designed to mimic the natural habitat found in the democratic republic of congo. despite looking like a cross between a deer and a zebra it is actually the only living relative of the giraffe, hence its name the forest giraffe. we are hoping your thanksgiving was less chaotic than that of the shopkeeper after white tailed troublemaker broke into the shop. >> poor dear. >> police arrived on scene thursday afternoon after the alarm sounded. it turns out a deer had smashed through the front window and made a mess inside. officers and employees managed to get the deer out of the store and back into the wild. the offender was probably eager to hit the black friday sales and save some dough. >> that was wonderful i cannot add to that. that was a good set up. snowing in toronto, they have something to dance for the antelope. >> there going to have them selves a good caribou winter ahead. >> exactly. >> adam klotz, good to see you. that is half fox reports sunday november of 2023. i am jon scott, thank you for joining us we will see you next week for another edition of the "fox report"

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Contenders , Race , Path , Speech , View , Truth , Nomination , Nikki Haley , Jill Bidenjoe , President Biden First Lady , Cheering , Public , Rosalynn Carter , Repose , Hospice Care , Funeral Service , Respects , Atlanta , On Tuesday , Jimmy Carter Presidential Library , Times Heavy Snow , Jimmy Carter , Fox Report , Parts , Bedside , Cars , 77 , 96 , Adam Potts , Benefits , Millions , Cities , Medicare And Medicaid , Towns , Cost , Suburbs , Plan , Special Needs , Area , Medicare Advantage , Allowance , Pay , Doctor , Essentials , Prescription Drug Coverage , Options Allowance , Groceries , Over The Counter Items , Whatever , Coverage , Plus , Cleanings , Fillings , Humana Medicare Advantage , Exam , Eye Exams , Routine Hearing Exams , Rides , Hearing Aids , Appointments , Vision Coverage , Eye Wear , Prescriptions , Humana , Name , Doctors , Ones , Networks , Vaccines , Specialists , Retail Pharmacies , Zero Dollars , Zero , Medicaid , No Cost , Knowledgeable , Medicare , Dental , Human Way , Healthcare , Phone , Coverage Options , Guide , Humana Sales Agent , Cancellations , Delays , Siu , Holiday , Traveling , Post Holiday Storm , Northeast , Data , Sunshine , Miami International Airport , Rex , Lines , Cruise , Security Checkpoints , Security , Tsa , 38 Million , Airports , Top , Destinations , List , Fort Lauderdale , Orlando , Gas Prices , News , Destination , Drivers , Aaa , 55 Million , Miami International , Move On , Dana Murray , 5000 , Six , 41 , Travel News , Weather , Country Storm , 10 Million , System , Forecast , Hit , Buffalo , Meteorologist Adam Klotz , Rainmaker , Estate , Its , Northern Indiana , Northern Tier , Washington D C , I 95 , 95 , Southeast , Trains , Portions , North Florida , Sea Georgia , North Carolina , South Corona , Heavy Rain , Attention , Timestamp , Interior , Event , Places , Coast , Rainfall Totals , Type , New England , Snowfall System , Lake Effect Snow , Location , Suspects , Hair , Ontario , Erie , Cold Front Everything , Areas , Colors , Feet , Dbacks , Great Lakes , Globe , Health , Everything , Pope , Temperatures , Warning , Alright Adam , Purchases , Cash , Breakthroughs , Breakthrough Card , Like Sam , Coffee Grinder , Borders , Beans , Genius , Smarter , Who , 02 5 , 000 , Ink Business Premier Card , Ideas , Spending Potential , Chase For Business , Appearance , Lung Inflammation , Touch , Flu , Vatican City , Pope Francis , Peter , Window At St , Summit , Pontiff Plan , In Dubai , China , Japan , Policy , Drugs , Amounts , Cooperation , Applause , Ecuador , Thousands , Drug Trafficking , Campaign Promise , Daniel , Madrid , Gender Violence , Accident , Attendees , Nations , Climate Change , Of Goodbye Upcoming Climate Conference , Senegal , Gay Pride Event , Same Sex Marriage , Laws , India , New Delhi , Winter Wonderland , Stay , Coming Up , Fox Reports Animal Almanac , Caribou Cau Realm , Dog Walking Business , Hundreds , Dog Barks , Bunny , Shingrix , Shingles , Vaccine , Shingles Doesn T Care , 90 , Muscle Pain , Fainting , Side Effects , Ingredients , Dose , Reactions , Risk , Swelling , Injection Site , Redness , Guillain BarrÉ Syndrome , Headache , Tiredness , Pharmacist , Shivering , Stomach , Fever , Spirit , H Caribou , Zoo , Pine Trees , Tundra Truck , Spirits , Scam , The Herd , Toronto Zoo Sharing The Herd , Old Calf , Visitors , Holiday Season , San Antonio Zoo , Resident Gates , Deer , Enclosure , Cross , Forest Giraffe , Relative , Habitat , Zebra , Democratic Republic Of Congo , Thanksgiving , Shopkeeper , Tailed Troublemaker , Scene , Poor Dear , Dough , Window , Alarm , Mess , Wild , Set Up , Snowing , Antelope , Selves , Caribou Winter , Toronto , Half Fox Reports Sunday November , 2023 , November Of 2023 , Eedition ,

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