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>> welcome to our nation, remain brian kilmeade, the weekend is about to get better. look at our guests, jon cooper, he's got great message the next generation of americans and a debt. will kate is here, he's going to convince me sports betting is not ruining sports. tom shillue, they are going to tell you how to survive this holiday season with your relatives, some of which you don't want to hear from you have to see. first, the holiday season officially underway in 2024 waiting in the wings, i'm talking about the election. i can't help but think what is to come for the country if our military is up for the many challenges this new york will undoubtedly bring. we are watching on the world stage become weaker by the day but by choice. the biden administration timid politically correct risk-averse approach to so many world challenges putting our lives at risk in my opinion. our industrial basis are depleted, our country is rambling for weapons for our allies and ourselves. we are witnessing a recruiting crisis like never before the army, navy and air force all expected to fall short again this year to have the last couple of years not by a few hundred but thousand. the army is having such a hard time recruiting soldiers they booted dismissed for refusing to take the covid vaccine to come back. you think they will? (the if they don't. financial audit for the sixth straight year consider figuring out your finances, how to get cash for the weapons, is a for-profit business, nothing to be afraid of or make excuses for, the defense department is planning to drop to 70 million of your funds to further diversity, equity and inclusion agenda, di for two years. it is no coincidence we are seeing rising threats across the world is now uniting against us. china clanked along think developing themselves into a scary world power that needs to be confronted. russia more predictable than ever and starting for with ukraine, they are not going to stop there. iran the only terrorist groups like hamas, targeting our troops on a daily basis all while offering to become a nuclear power. you haven't forgotten, have you? china remains our number one threat and now they have partners. we have more friends and firepower. i think it's time we formulate a plan, optimize allies and show the world we are the number one superpower in want to remainder. joining us now to expand, horrified us themselves, green berets colonel, michael and retired navy seal turn congressman, derek van orton, thank you for being here. first off on this multimillion dollar investment and di, congressman, are we paying the price for the already? >> we are and i want to put in perspective for people the biden administration wants to spend 280 million one di initiatives. treat people with respect and uniform, i never recall asking anybody what they are affiliated with or sexual orientation is but if you look at the united states military, right now we are mocked because leadership in the pentagon and joe biden led us down a road where we have decreased lethality and made the world a dangerous place. >> the di approach to get recruits and, is it making it harder to keep people in? does it have to do with the numbers? >> you can have the most capable military in the world but if our enemies don't believe it is lethal focused on defeating them they don't believe you have a commander-in-chief to unleash them that's one reason you see the world on fire. derek and i served together in afghanistan, we were on missions together and never once will be counting how many hispanics, african-americans, jewish christian, race, religion or any of thought in the black helicopter in the middle of the night. we were focused on mission, putting bullets on forehead and the bad guys defending this great nation and that will be have to get our military leadership. this is in the soldiers, this is the political leaders in our pentagon literally putting out goals like having carbon neutral army renaming basis, getting them on chinese made solar panels rather than dealing with recruiting crisis, the fact that our submarines don't work for many of our barracks are full of mold and feces so it's misplaced priorities in the coming from the top and it is progressive ideology taking over biden's political appointees and promulgating through. >> i think i will have to change leadership. derek, i want to talk about billy military industrial complex we are not able to build tanks quick enough, subways and planes, not able to get it to our allies even when they want to pay us for it, how do we do what america does best? build stuff again? >> you do what president trump said, bring manufacturing back to the united states of america. need to invest. the world is a much more dangerous place and if we can defend ourselves and allies we are going to spiral to migration and world war iii going on so in my a big government guy? not investing in military industrial complex because as the good colonel said when people don't understand or take the threat of the united states military person and foremost and they get engaged in conduct, we have to understand the goal is peace in the best way to win is to never be involved to begin with. >> i am leery we don't see merit in helping ukraine beat russia and give the weapons they need. how do we do that when the burden is on our shoulders and allies tell us to do it on our own, how should we handle that request? >> first we need a strategy in the house to come to the white house, what does success look like? is a strategy to achieve it? are weakening ukrainians exactly what they need to win? we don't need to pay teachers or first responders humanitarian aid, we need to give them what they need to win and what's frustrating you see iran providing missiles, drones and equipment to russia to use in ukraine and at the same time you see european partners say the united states needs to dig deeper, asked taxpayers to pay more get the biden administration is turning around back to the european saying wait a minute, put pressure on iran yourself because all of this is linked. chinese, iranians, russians, all linked to energy policy and industrial policy and as long as iran is full of cash than they are going to have, they are going to be read to support terrorism and russia, fighting against ourselves and it's bad diplomacy and bad policy out of the white house. >> europeans are customers of advantages we put pressure -- they don't want to write the textbook ukraine didn't get the to stop doing trade with iran, wouldn't that help? >> it would. iran attacked our soldiers and proxies, 50 times in the last three weeks and blew up a warehouse in the middle of the desert. mixed messaging out of the biden administration is making the world dangerous. rand needs to know this. if you harm a single american prison, you are a dead man walking. if you hold one of our people in gaza will get to that list on the story into the future. the biden administration is incapable of protecting a single muscle strength. public relations stuff from a they fumbled her way through. you have to have a goal to attain the goal, you need funds. if we don't know the goal, we don't know what level to fund you for. >> it seems all correctable, within our wherewithal to correct all of this, do you agree? >> this is just bad policy, it's not a tsunami from nowhere or an act of god, it's bad policy out of the white house. energy policy, their attack on american oil and gas has kept russia/with cash, iran flush with cash and by the way, pinprick attacks on proxies in the middle of the desert rather than raising costs inflicting harm on iran itself. at the end of the day it has not deterred anyone. our enemies are on the march because they smell weakness and see policy and had priorities imposed on the greatest military the world has ever seen and one that should be feared by our allies and by our allies and adversaries right now is not restricted. >> hold on tight, it's going to be a rough year end hopefully we can correct this thing. thanks for fighting our wars and fighting for us in washington. thanks so much. ♪ ♪ it all makes sense in a matter of moments. jon cooper best known as lead singer bassist and songwriter in the christian did you know as skillet but he's taking pen to paper in a new book to express concern for his country the father of two specifically targeting local agenda affecting our kids. we see it across the country with pro- palestinian/hamas protests. then we hear about it with osama bin laden's letter to america resonating with this generation on tik tok with influencers both donald on how this could happen to their generation. couldn't believe it but do you know who could? my next guest, jon cooper seeks to stop the man. when those two things happen, people are surprised. not if they read your book. >> good to see you, absolutely. i think the average american realizes things are not going good but i don't know if people really understand why or how bad it's going to get. if you piecemeal all of the bizarre things happening, college kids cheering on hamas, young adults sort of sympathizing with osama bin laden of all things but woke military, drag queens coming to read to children and schools, if you piece it together they don't make sense but if you understand what is a total ideology about the way of seeing the entire world through a lens of power, who has power and to did they steal it from? whoever they stole it from, anything those people do is considered moral and anybody who has power or anything someone else doesn't have, they are considered immoral. if you understand that everything makes sense. >> if anyone wants to go to gaza and understand the fundamentals of hamas especially if you are a woman while you subscribe and defend thought, if you see the carnage of october 7, how could you defend that? shows ignorance, willful ignorance among the next generation who eventually will be our leaders. what will it take to sober them up? >> i think stunning ignorance is a great way to say it. your average american needs to understand in this oppressor and oppressed narrative, the biggest oppressor is western civilization, america and christianity so anything you have to do for those three things will be considered virtuous so any activity you do no matter how many immoral it is, he will get cheer so it's why i wrote the book the only place you can get is my website jon l i want to speak out because principles of liberty are so amazing and i truly believe people have no idea how precious this country is. >> you care so much, if you travel with your band and care about the country, he read every moment you can and you are a fantastic musician with a wonderful following but you care most about the country and that's why you did the book. thank you so much. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> straight ahead, this weekend with leftovers and football is betting on your favorite game rooney sports? i think so but sports expert will gain from "fox & friends" weekend. we dive into this remarkable friendship only here on one nation. do not change that channel. you will be fined and don't forget to dvr the show gives you have a date, watch at the same night saturday at 9:00 eastern. ♪ the chase ink business premier card is made for people like sam, who make- everyday products, designed smarter. like a smart coffee grinder, that orders fresh beans for you. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that- i need a breakthrough card. like ours! with 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more. plus unlimited 2% cash back on all other purchases. and with greater spending potential, sam can keep making smart ideas- a brilliant reality! the ink business premier card from chase for business. make more of what's yours. dear moms and dads, what you have achieved here today is going to help us and our futures. it is why we're coming up on stage to collect your diplomas. mom, love you always. vo: when you graduate, they graduate. visit to find free and supportive adult education centers near you. it the weekend after thanksgiving it all we know about is football. football on thursday, now sunday and football on friday. these days you can't have football without betting, a lot of it could gambling gone wild with integrity and purity of sports, kari irving on the maddox think so. >> ambling and sports betting has taken the purity away in front away from the game, i'm just being honest. there's a difference between being a diehard fan and supporting your team in loving your team versus somebody study or somebody who wants to hit. >> think about it from the player perspective, is he right? a great sport expert in the history of fox, he's one of the cohost, he is a former espn host himself and he's got big opinions and thoughts. >> here's the thing about sports family, i get the need for people to feel a level of investment of the outcome of the game and they use that very abstractly. i don't -- there are a few games as much as i love sports i tune into purely for their own entertainment factor. i need to have an invested outcome in the game. i'm unique in that i get, obviously is anybody who's been on my social media, incredibly invested in my teams. dallas cowboys and mavericks and texas rangers, i am emotional about the outcome of the games and it is fun but when i'm watching games that don't involve my teams, i will still pick a side try feel investment in the outcome. without it, sports is still a good form of entertainment but doesn't have the same level of attraction so i get why people put a little something on a game to get more and again to make it a heightened form of entertainment, i get investment in the game. >> but you have 41% of the people 18 to 34, or the ones betting on these games so now people look at the games, they don't care at the university of texas is playing against texas a and m, they say how much can i win? they look at the players as pawns to get a victory and i think the period of sports, i think it is also addiction because it so in your face. fox sports, espn, wherever you go you have a breakdown of the game and give us points present how much teams will score. i have a problem with that. >> i love that you went with but as your first response because my was incomplete and doesn't address the but. i don't accept part of your characterization. let's take the random guy from ohio who doesn't care about texas versus oklahoma. i don't think the fact that he now cares because he put $20 on the game has taken away from. because i don't think he cared about the game before so i don't think it's doing anything to dilute the. purity of a random game. to me the bigger concern, the big caveat is the addiction. we are sitting in a moment with 61% of guys watching sports with malcolm on the game. we are just toying with addiction societally, like bloodsoaked, but this is due to america? we should put-year-old is nothing in the opposite direction, embracing gambling for some time and they are moving away from it, raining back in because this will have an effect on generation of young men. i have no doubt and i do not think it will be positive. >> legalization of marijuana is the argument, how does it benefit the country? i saw 11 nfl players currently are suspended because of betting on possibly the sport, one and a joke player and a couple of nba players. you talk about throwing a game or getting involved, they have a problem saying what effective information on the team with a bad knee or doesn't like the coaches, you see members of our society, it's right for them to get involved. >> they already were. the mob was evolving college festival scandals, black-market gambling and the inside use. arguments would be but now the financial pressure will be greater because there's so much more money going to and you could be right but i'm just not that concerned even when you say players, what game was he gambling on flex was the wedding for his team to lose? i want to know the details of what it may be. i always appreciate, i think it's a compliment when you call me a deep thinker but here i think is the deep concern. i think what we are looking at is a societal problem especially among men of lack of purpose, we have filled destruction, short-term gratification, legalization of lead and video games streaming netflix or gambling in its little bumps of purpose not enough to carry you through a lifetime or even a full day and i'm worried of raising a generation of people who found other ways of distracting themselves from purpose. >> you made the show better and that's why everyone tuned into this podcast. thank you so much. hope you had a great thanksgiving and a great rest of the weekend. >> steelman next to the ground, tom shillue, secrets for navigating political minefield of your families holiday dinner table but first, booker t planes racial equality, i will discuss my new book, three brilliant mind a model for riley, shamika talked to comfortable podcast. follow us on social media as for our show is and follow us on twitter, facebook, instagram and rumble and that's where i am. that's what i look like an a bus shot. much more show to come. ♪ ♪ today, my friend you did it, you did it, you did it... ♪ centrum silver is now clinically shown to support cognitive health in older adults. it's one more step towards taking charge of your health. so every day, you can say, ♪ youuu did it! ♪ with centrum silver. 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want younger americans to take the approach, liberally educated black elite his path to progress was through books and activism. the founder was born into a free black family in the north. he saw part of a fox nation special based on my new book teddy and booker team, two american icons for racial equality available to talk about the boys as well as teddy roosevelt and property washington. your to expand, i could touch him but he doesn't want me to cohost current contributor jason whitlock on place, welcome to all of you. doctor riley, first off to you. what about booker t message today maybe it's not resonating in the black community? >> in the ordinary black community if you look at hbc you professors, is still is resonating i don't think it resonates with the black elite anymore than in the past and that is because of the divide. the question is, are civil rights alone legal freedoms enough to promote access or do you need hard work, fatherhood and all those things booker t referred to as a backup? that is the divide still today. >> first off, this guy was important until he was nine years old, worked in the mines, willed his way to success and make an impact and educate generation of african americans and impress so many but is not good enough for some, what about for you? >> absolutely good enough for me and i love the way he planted himself as i have and i think people take his message to heart they will feel more welcome, they won't be speaking a message of we have to leave because this is our home. if you were born here, this is where you need to be and this is what we need to all do. >> that's where we see it right now with teddy roosevelt and runkel, the president of the united states at the commencement address of the school and he got mckinley and teddy roosevelt to be a member of his board and it mattered a lot. >> i think it's big, we talk about different approaches in the book and it's important to talk about differences but want to give a little grace in the sense that he's not who i would agree with but black conservatives beat up on him a lot but he was living in a different time, that is not my concern if you see constant racism openly in the country everyday will have a different approach. the problem is the difference between douglas washington and the boys today people are acting with the same differences without seeing the same racial strife so they had to create it so to think today 100 years is not that beneficial because you are not facing the same thing. >> no one is saying segregation was ..., it was terrible. what he was saying they are justified. he lived in a life and how to improve it other than demand perfection, was it not wrong to make a stronger stand? >> it depends -- i think booker t. washington if you look at the his nominations are in public statements, honestly strongly opposed racism. i think they were focused on two sides of an important issue. the boys focuses on civil rights, naacp founders, booker t. washington focus on the other side, he said whether he will or not, a white man will respect a black man who owns a three-story brick house and firearm. two boys one. that's the important thing, we got the civil rights. we need to work on stuff like fatherhood and that's with outstanding. >> what you think fogarty today and teddy roosevelt who had a mom with two brothers who fought for the confederacy was told not to come back to the country? >> i think they will look around and see they did have an impact. there are those of us who love america, understand it though we may have differences, we have more things in common and shouldn't let such as race divide us so i do think they will be happy with the changes made here. >> they had people along the way like we all do. they had the basics of school and told her to lose himself. general armstrong and then teddy roosevelt and william mckinney, j.p. morgan. they didn't see the color of his skin, they saw greatness. >> honestly his focus on education is important but i think the difference i take from your book one of the great stories. a postmistress out of a job, ran out of town and teddy was appalled and said i'm going to shut down your post office and you will have a post office in your city because of the way you treated her. then she comes back to town, doesn't go back to the post but lives in the neighborhood, majority white neighborhood and opens a bank. so the three pieces to the story, but we get, everybody would know about her in the position. very few people would know to get her back in and nobody would know the third part about her moving back to a mixed community in her hometown opening a bank so fast the key, do we know all three? >> real quick, he wanted to be an american and talk about how blacks were treated better in england but happy with the pla place. he said in america there's nothing you can't do know way you can accomplish. i thought was amazing to a kid born a slave. >> and obviously that indicate great moral character on his part, he didn't hate his opponents at the time but it's a statement. in america you can change your class, your station. he did and became one of the most famous and greatest men of all time and also it is obvious black and white people did that together. that something to be recognized. there were great black battalions but they want the majority of the union army. the country had to agree to pursue that dream dream togeth together. >> i'm up against the clock. i look forward to seeing you all again. teddy and booker team, if you can see it in person, meet me at the presidential library. then harker heights in texas, beautiful fairhope alabama december 3 and live shows on fox nation did you can go down, they are cosponsoring and talking about all these books and american stories to complete the work in history so i hope to see you all then. this holiday season is in full swing which means the conversations with your overly political uncle is just around the corner. how do you survive the holiday season? we brought into experts. julie and tom shillue and those of the head shots they submitt submitted. ♪ (light acoustic music plays) (eagle screeches) (energetic music plays) there he is! it's right there! ♪ oh, he's straight ahead. he's straight ahead. straight ahead. go go go. ♪ cover more ground in the kia sportage turbo-hybrid. kia. movement that inspires. 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[laughter] >> he's out of your turkey dinner? >> you are out of your mind. >> got to run. short on time. >> breaking news. >> you are eating with family members, down to 12 tips. >> it's not tips honestly 12 days of christmas, when we are at our dinner table, i just want to get all of the crap out of the way so you don't annoy me in the new year ahead so good to 12. number 12, don't say good morning, there's no such thing as good in mourning. don't make eye contact with peers, keep your eye on your c cup. seriously, these are things that truly bother me. she with your mouth closed, don't close talk like whitney my personal space, again, don't hug me. don't shake my hand, i don't know where your hand has been. don't smalltalk me, i can't stand that. don't wear shoes in the house, don't let your kids act like animals. these are things that will prevent us from fighting in 2024. don't give me parenting advice, i'm always right. "don't lie to me" and number one on my list, do not hold call me. if you call me without a text message making reservation for the phone call, you go straight to voicemail. >> very good. you can't shake their hands or hug them. [laughter] note battalions are coming over for your get-togethers. great advice. i heard everyone's pencil going, that was the busiest full screen in the history of fox news. [laughter] you are like mine short of. there is other news of come across your desk. it's on your chest. >> we got one nation merchand merchandise. >> this is breaking news. >> there's more. >> you have your sleeve, too. one nation -- look at this. >> she's holding up a t-shirt that can work as a nightgown for her. harrison holding up a golf shirt and a red one and she got the hat and then they are carrying my roadies. >> you do know what that is. >> i do. >> do you think every kid wants us for christmas and something else? >> yes mama i thought it was a tough one. >> didn't i just say don't like? >> it's true, one nation has apparel so you can be the coolest in your neighborhood finally. go to fox in order this thank you so much, i appreciate it. out of all casting, these are the best and prettiest, brightest. thanks guys. thank you very much. be sure to stream the great christmas show on fox nation december 4. up next, we are sharing comments or questions, keep it here. special edition of one nation. now we got insurance. [laughter] the chase ink business premier card is made for people like sam, who make- everyday products, designed smarter. like a smart coffee grinder, that orders fresh beans for you. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that- i need a breakthrough card. like ours! with 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more. plus unlimited 2% cash back on all other purchases. and with greater spending potential, sam can keep making smart ideas- a brilliant reality! the ink business premier card from chase for business. make more of what's yours. end of the show, time to share comments from past shows and who knows, maybe this one. dale right this, the lower class america 7 million illegal immigrants tossed throughout the nation, it builds lower class and the stretch resources will continue for cities to cut services and that is what's happening and as limitations or of the education system. they seek the demise of the system and security growing. it will build a kat those who own homes and businesses to get it, it's a scenario which are seen old and you talk about cut services, it's happening in new york city. sundays, looking at closing down the suit and taking up streetlights. all because immigrants are costing billions, we should wake up. cindy writes, i am a big fan but short socks drive me crazy, i socks a stretch to your knees, making points during the discussion and the camera pulls back and use expansion of your shins and grabs our attention and it will perfect your foster parents. i didn't see it but here is my shane and here is my socks, what's wrong with the level of my socks? is it really disturbing? what i could do is use makeup on nations, so my forehead doesn't shine, the more i think of it. right interview, so cool. surprise you've never heard the great molasses blood of 1910, i'm glad i was watching so i can look for his new show on the history channel, such a funny guy. status daily, i'm not sure what job you have where you use daily work not in any human daily resources. ashley writes and says send this one of little often writing "god bless america" and future generations. love it i'm not too sure that's the best parenting i've ever seen. we've often on the tractor and tell him to put it in gear but i didn't grow up on a farm, i love the way this kid will develop into a fine young man sure. the comments coming. pictures like that, i know you can't have people as cute as a picture, austin out distances me but e-mail us at one and in your video if you have that. that is it for us tonight. tune in tomorrow, great lineup, i want to reveal their best, listen to my radio until noon o'clock. according to reports, fox news saturday night's ready. guess who is hosting -- kat timpf. it starts right now so the camera will end up. the music will come up i'm going to watch on my set. see you. ♪ kat: hello everyone i'm kat timpf and this is fox news saturday night

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