Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240702

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hello, everybody. i'm joey jones, along with dr. nicole saphier, lieutenant colonel tulsi gabbar nicold, kae pavelich and jimmy failla. it's 5:00 in new york city. and this is the five fox news alert. >> dramatic new vides o, d 24 hostages and red cross vans b being driveneing to safety after spending nearly 50 days in captivityy 50 by the terrorit known as hamas. among them are 13 israeli women and children. but no americans wercheneting i freed fighting in gaza, pausing for the first time since the war starten for thetime sio october 7th. and this is for a four dayis truce. president biden is reacting for the first time from the moment hamas kidnappethe firsd these p, along with my team, have worked around the clock to securepeoply the release. teddy bears waiting to greet those children at the hospital are a stark reminder of the trauma these children have been throug reminderh. and at such a very young age, we expect more be released tomorrow and more of the day after more the day row and after that. >> what are the chances of the truce could be extender d by a few days? i think the chances are realnk i don't trust hamas to doo anything right. hingi only trust hamas to respod to pressure. >> we're hearing that moree. hostages could be released tomorrow. jeff paul is live in souther mon with more on this. >> jefaul isf. yeah, joey and on top of the 13 who were released, as you mentioned, we are learning anothened,r 13 likely to be released tomorrow. the israeli government confirmingraeli goirming t theyt of names and they're in the process of callingess all the families of the hostages to let them know exactly who is on that listtly whn , who is no it's a bit of a bittersweet, though, development when you realiz e there are stillrael more than 200 people, according to the israeli government, who are being held rnment w hostage by hamas. but today, nonetheless, was a huge and significant first step. now, here's we know here's what know about who was released. 24 people so far are being releaseded. are by hamas,, 13 israelis, 11 foreign nationals among, the israeliski freed. we know four were kids, ages ranginds rg from two years old to nine years old. one of those kids, oh had monday actually turned nine years old by being held yes by all three were also mothers and six are elderly womesin. so far, the truce between israel and hamas appears to besr holding. but idf spokesperson daniel hogar says evense the pause in fighting israeli forces remain n focused on one of their core objectives, and that's rooting out hamas they might lock them out during the days of pause, the idf will continue the preparations for the nexntis of the war. >> idf troopess are ready and prepared on all the fronts . now, this was the moment when we a convoy of rescue passed by asa group of israelis. they were cheering and clapping just knowing some of those people were finally getting home. and it hashose people w critical, though, this ceasefire keeps up to continue that flow with a pause in fighting, though fighd trucksa deli though made their way into gaza, delivering things like fuel and cookins g gas. also we alskno know that 33 both wo palestinian prisoners, both women and teenagers, werereleas released from israel. so the next couple of daysed fro going to be critical. we know again, another 13 will be released tomorrow13. ore if this truce holds, it looksttn like more aid will be getting in and the next day. thi after that, we'll see the same thing happening. we're also learning tonight that the hospital where the kids were taken, ree kids were taken, in israel, they're reporting that the kids appear to be in goo kidd. >> joey? thanks, jeff. >> stay safe. and as we pray for the safes we return, all the hostages. the liberal media is once again making an absolutel fool outses of themselves over this very topic. take a look at this. oy israeli stunned reaction ovr a bizarre question about hostage deal. >> i was speaking to a hostage negotiators std this morning. he made the comparison between the 50 hostages, the hostages that hamas has promised, a promised to release, as opposed to the 150 prisoners that are palestinians, that israel hass d said that it will release. and he made the comparison between the number e s and theesumber fact that does israel not think that palestinian livesl no are valued as highly as israeli lives. that is an astonishing accusation. ifstonishing could release one r for every one hostage, we would obviouslery that. >> we are operating in horrifich circumstances. yeah, that look really says it all. and if that wasn't crazy enough, anti-i.s real protesters are going to glue their hands to the ground todaeiy in tryingp to disrupt the macy's thanksgiving parade. yesterdamacyy, there were more protests happening today, including these folk s who atg these folk president biden while he was t in nantucket. >> katie, i want to end with this idea of them chantingi free palestine. i was on seventh street yesterday and a big group came down behins idf th d me. well, let's take it back to the tactical side of this, because we have two wars happening.ce once we have a ground war and we have a propaganda informatioa grndn. and, you know, i've goneck and back and forth a lot of conversations on this in . what do you think this release that hamas was willing to come to the table? in relea, i mean, their most vao asset are these hostages. what does this mean tacticallywd and with the information war?n they're willing to release hostages? well, first, i would say to those who are still alestine who are still streaming free palestine, you've had a cease fire now. so that was supposed to be somethin, hadg that was a negotiation piece, and they're still doing it, which proves that they don't want israel to existo that wppot at all.xist but clearly, the reason we're here with the cease fire and the releasal e of hostages is not because of just diplomatic negotiations that are happening in qatar, where the iranian prime minister was visiting thern prime yesterday or the day before. it's because of israel's military actiobeforen in the ga strip to pressure them to come to the table. now, wip to pr them toe know whe hostages are. hamas says that they are trying to locat.tryinge within the gazo strip. we know that some palestinian gaza residentsw so took some ofg them hostage, two to keep themp for payment. other groups like islamic, alsoi had some of these hostagesc jihy so locating where they are is very difficult. but it really does difficu contt in terms of the numbers. 50 israeli hostages for 150alesi palestinian terrorists. these are nonit people who are taken from their homes and slaughtered or taken hostag e from a music festival.e ar these are people who attempted to kill israeli, who attempted to kill israeli citizens, and they are nowil being equated as the same thing. they are not. finally, i would say hamas re notuing the still continuing the psychological warfare. they returned a woman today who they claimed was dead, so her family believed for many,r many weeks that she was not around. thanr manyk god she was returnea but they know what they're doing in terms of psychological warfars .w whate. and again, this is a groupl that is holding babies, hostages and we hear a lot about war crimes and international law. that is one of the violations that maybe people should focus on that a little mornde thans what israel is doing? >> jimmy, back to that. very odd>> back on sky news whe somehow they tried to say that i guesssay, an israeli lifi is worth more. i didn't really understand even what she was trying to say, but ultimatelydn undershe , wase basically one hostage for every three prisoners. these are completely innocenly t versus three people who have committed crimes have been convicted. who hmmitteplus, they stopped l surveillance. they had to stop their assault. to r had to stop their assault. at least try to regain is least try to regain they're so scattered. yeah, but israel get a good deal. do you think they were pressure?d to? >> do it.o well, i think there was a lot of pressure to do this. but i think what's so frustratin>>g, they triedfrustr to frame them as moral equalsat in thatot israel chooses to dods business in this fashion. israel is in an impossible t right now. they're not trading, as katie saidthey are k, good for good p? okay. one . that were taken hostage against their will. >> one side is a bunch of thugs one sidencand murderers. ed t yeah. but they've gotten used to getting their way when it comes to these hostage exchanges. i wetheir wa did a hostage exche with iran where we sent over billions of dollars, and we sent comess. over more people than we got back. >> and that's always been the status quo, because we'v see life more than they do.t and that's what makes it soo frustrating is when they try to establish a moral fr i a moral is none. one side is willing to kill babies. one side is willing to paraglide into a rave and kill innocent civilians. the other side's going out of its way to avoid thospara-gei >> tulsi if there is any pressure to israel, you have to believe some of it might be from the biden administration, whicbelieve oha limb and say the biden administration should be trying to get americans homd sae bidees that should be a priority. >> i want to play a quick clip here from president bide nplayfrom president bide on what he thinks is the catalyst for all of this. >> cli fro i prove what i'm aboo say, but i believe one of the reasons why hamas struck when they did was they knew that i was working very closely with the saudis and others in the region to bring peace to the region by having recognition of israel and israel's right to exisit there, overwhelming interest. and i think most arab nations know it and coordinating with one another to change the dynami arac the region fore a longer term peace. and that is what i'm going i'm g to continue to work on. >> now, i want to note an israeli spokesperson basicallyo backed that up and did give him some credit. but if i look at the previous administration, you've i got abraham accords moving the embassy to jerusalem, killing a chief lieutenante in the in the iranian terrorist army, in my opinio n. n amermy opinio that drove that drovdrove to do this, or is this more regional? >> look, i thinkal? think it's both. we have to look at the bigger picture. and i don't disagree with what he sair t did. and it's clear that that what w they wanted to accomplish is actuall y and that's the the terrible thing. you know, we talk differentt tye types of warfare that are occurring. the information, the psychological operation away completely. those those talks have stopped completely. and an sy progress that was being made in that direction has has gone away. but when you listen to that sky news reporter and the question that she asked she's and she's emblematic of this broader issue, we're emb seeing with many so-called reporters who aren't just reporting factes but instead essentially doing hamas's work for them. hamas' worr s goal is to turn the world against israel in order to reach their their objective goal and the goal of other islamist groups and countries, frankly just wipe israel off the face of the earth. they're succeeding in doing that by using thes israel e reps who are have become their propagandists and who are naturally compassionate by nature, are hearing thi propr and hearing things that are that are not representative of the trutisnoh and falling for it and turning against israel and actually seeing the truth of of how islamist and terrorist groups like hamas, you know, isis and al qaida and others, they have always used as human shields, they have always hidden behind them for this exact reason, because they know that the news medid a manynews of them will throw this propaganda out there without telling the full story wil about their barbaric tactics and their willingness to sacrifice stof thei women and children, innocent civilians, to achieve their objectivinnoce childe andd to understand the whole truth on this. >> this whole this whole war part of this whole truth, doctor, is the fac tges r, is the fac that hostages come home and they are going to be treated well. but at some poinme and ting bt to go in and they have to ask them questions. they have to get some information from them.theh they have heard conversations and they maybe how mancoy tha people were in this room or that room. >> how difficult is that going to be for those hostages? wellg to , certainly one of the biggest disappointments i had today when the president th said he hass the president no idea the conditions of the american hostage, the hostages. we don't even have aa then acce number of how many americans are still being held hostage there. >> and yeturat , as jimmy pointedimmy out, israel values life, and thated is why there is a cease fire right now and they have decided to put pause on their grount d knowingon the that they are prolonging how many, how muchiratio innoce civilians are still going to be in these tunnels of terror. and so, yes, we are so grateful that some were returned today. but there are still many downw y there. we don't know how they're doing. and thl and physicalequenc aspects and the consequences bein.ts and the consequences ,they're going to be very long lasting. and yes, they are going to have g to hk to autto speak authorits and they're going to have to recount these traumas. as, joey, oncese traumas. you have experienced trauma, that is something that will that is something that will life. >> and they're going to have to recount it over and over again. i only hoprecount it oe that whr learned in servicing veterans here for the last 20 yearsans , i hope some of that is applied. i hope that if nothing else, are sacrificed nothing, can be helpful in that way. >> well, absolutely. but as you know, it is a tough roadbsolutel . l americ there are still americans and many innocent civilian sany innocent civilian being kept in these tunnels of terror. >> well, we know some of the families are still broken up. soterror. he some people that did get released today have families, members that are hostages. right. coming up, joe biden does it again. he's calling for unity whilet yh asking his supporters to harass their, quote, crazy maga uncle during thanksgiving dinner by midnight and to say bye bye a third kid, what does she likes playing golf. it's expensive. >> we're outlawing golf. wait, can i still play? since we work with empower, we don't have to worry about planning for a third kid. >> you can still play golfrs of sometimes. >> take control of your financial future to empower financial future to empower what'sreours!! . f financial future to empower what'sreours!! >> next. bye bye. call nader. traffic congestion. hello. . an o 12 hours. not coffee hashtagf cougs. still knock off mucinex dm 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greatest natioew in in the worl. we should focus on that. we should focus on dealing with our problemth and be together and stop the stuffing v and the rancor. you know, we have to bring the nation together. methodto to have a little bit of decency. >> but then the biden releasednh a, quote, handy guide for re quote, handy guide for nonsense during the holidayssp.n so iclf your uncle says, quote, the economy was better duringp trump, the biden campaign suggests you tell them they are wronaigng. >> so jimmy, how was your things here? ji a bit over here.anksgi solid. i had a good one. i can't promise you i'm sobered up yetvi. no promises. it's touch and go right now. joe bideo n, though. i mean, man, this guy, he's the guy who comes over to yourth upe your your table and says, excuse me, folks, this is a no smokin g and then lights a cigar and walks away because everything a he does contradicts his actions. okay. that booklets , their handing ot for thanksgiving is a guide to being the worst guest in the history of the world. the guy who shows up armed o ge conflict who wants to get in the fight is an unbearable personfigh. but what are they catering to? intellectually lazy idiots. okay. because the truth is, most families aren't that divided on. politics. this is a cliche. my family agrees on politics, m my family agrees on politics, m i couldn't get them out of my house like i actually was about to calm l the cops on myself to break up my thanksgiving party. i mean, after a third football game, you have no right to be on my couch. but the point is, i'm fo kicking them out for political differences, but this is what they cater to. >> moral superiority mag cal a are bad, but that's what it is. >> you don't have a lot of snacks for a three football game. >> clearly they're trying to insert politics. or maybe people want to take a break. thiso ics or of happens every y year where these guys come out. but from a guy who says he wantswhides maybe it's not the best thing. that's the thing, kati e is. as you know, you listen to hisyo thanksgiving message like, oh, well, heard all of that before. when he ran in 2020. he was the guyran in who was gog to bring everyone together, be the uniter in chief. you know, his inauguration message was about treating all americans with respect, regardlessge w of what party you are, whoever you voted for. and yet we've seen voted every year of his presidency he has, hear of his presidency he has, the opposite. he talked about bringing people together. talabouhe treats anyone who vor donald trump or even those disagree and hold different values as as the enemy and actually uses our federal agencies and law enforcement to guses ouro them. he talked about bringing about more peace. the world is on fire right now. we are. we are on the brink of world war three on multiple fronts, the brink of nuclear war. and yet he has the audacity to come and pretend like we haven't paid attentionts for a the last few yearsis on everything that he's done and how disastroustyll it has bi and ultimately, like you said, i mean, whethet'r have o political differences in your family or not. thanksgiving is a time forksgiving is a time people to actually come together, right? treat each other with respec, to and save the political arguments for another daliy. r for for him to use this i to further divide people is to further divide people is so, dr. saffire, i was happyuns to see that for the first timers in years, we were not fearmonger awa noty spending tie with our families because everything they're trying to do to keep us awaamilies erythingyd because of covid. so i guess we've shifted guee chois we've shifted to just argue with our family members rather than distance ourselves from them. wellgue , certainly. g >> and by the way, you know, we're not all going to agree. i love jimi's family. you guysoiagree. get along.litis >> same politics. i went to this. i went to this. but for me, though, if you if someone wants to bring up politics or bring upwap poli sog to me, at least bring some facts with you and actually give a good representationbrin fac of the sn and not just, you know, you feel right.t thow, i mean, if you actuallybi read what the biden can't put ouden t for their talking points at the thanksgiving dinner, at the thanksgiving dinner, just like a logical fallacy. i mean, looking at jusjut their talking about the crazy maga nonsense when it comes to the economya i essentially they're talking about it like, hey, things were really, really ba thingd year. things are only bad this year, so we're doing great. ar we're doing great. prices are still up, inflation adjustedup wages are still downs things are bad. they need to stop touting themselves . and i mean this little cheat sheet for talking point, that's all they got. >> they don't they're less bad. they're pushing conflict. likeu readk, ify yoflict. someone says happy thanksgiving, you're supposed to say you're a racist. >> that' s it's in the guide, actually. >> right? here it is. the fue funny thing. and it's they know this and that's why they puat'st thik out. my family i know people think because i talk like this and i come from a smal andl town in georgia. my family is probably a monolith of politics. i get that. my famil probablmonolibut actuai we have different ethnicities, different orientations, different politicscse diff, got lifelong teachers, lifelong public servants. i've got people that owndiffere businesses in my family. the only thing they actually dtt on is that joe biden is a president. thank you. they disagree on abortion and guns and teachers unionsn o all this other stuff. but they disagree. they agree on the facty agreon o biden has done a terrible job. thanksgiving's in a cakewalkvinl year. so will be christmas because they all just don't want to see him around anymorent him. ther d yeah, well, thanksgiving is a time to be together and enjoy the food, which a lot of us did. grateful for that. all right. up ahead, a liberal city leadero is so upset over the spiraling migrant crisisrk, he is no longo on speaking terms with joe biden. >> liberty mutual customized. my car insurance. and i saved hundreds with the money i saved. money i saved. i started a dojust a b! >>ib oh, no money. >> only pay for what you need. every it is, i believe every family. we come from a long line gift of of cowboys. >> when i see all of us out fami on this ranch, i see this fami savehis ranch, i see this >> give the gift of family heritage with ancestry as a wayi to say thank you this holiday season. fast proof shops and cabela's clubrsub membe members save eve more while supporting conservation during club member conservation during club member mondayf ever. and evp to an additional 15% of our best deals of the year in store plus and even on sale itee every monday through christmas pluss., purchases over $500ear every monday through christmas receive 0% interest for 12 months on qualifying 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problem. it's not a new yor new yk problem. r chicago problem, massachusetts problem. the national mass should be picking up this tab and it should not be coming out of the backs everyday new yorkers. >> thi everydas is obviously a dereliction of duty by the president, the vice president, the the entire biden administration. >> jimi, you're you're a true blue in new york. your eyes as i wasa at these comments and the mayor's statements, what's the word on the street? >> how do people feel here knowing that these things are the essential services are being cut? they are this is i consider this clown on clown crying and i'll explain. okay. ion ofclown one obviously, bided he turned the southern border he turned the southern border that doesn't check id once the word gets out that anyone can get in. everybodond gets outy and what'g on like the college bar is the people coming aren't paying for their alcohol. the bill is getting passed on to people like clown two, eric adams, who declared himself a sanctuarr y city back when doing so, meant nothing. okay nothing. >> being a sanctuary city under trump was good branding because no human being legal, but noso n human beings were coming. >> so you never had to actually stepn beings up and own your behavior. now they're actually coming because of biden. so i consider it clown on clownw because adams was posturing to begin with and biden is just, you know, abandoned any pretense of caring about our countrany first. c >> that's absolutely true. and nicole, to that poinarfor t t of people, especially in the last election, talkingof about, illeg you know, there is no illegal human and we should have essentiallal w y open borders and everyone is welcome in the united states of america. but now we're seeing different people kind of change their tune when they're feelineo impacts on their communities. well, that's right. and electionrknos and words, they have consequences. and now we're finally starting to see the consequence es of.coq some of those policies, you know, mayor adams has found himself stuck in the dichotomyka that really he has created overr 140,000 migrants have come to the city since last year. and all of a sudden these comees resources are depleted. and so he's starting to scramble. pleted sbut while he's doing a little bit. he's still not doing enough. so he is starting to push back on the right to shelter law that's been in place since 1989, where if you are homeless, the city 1 to provide you housing if you ask for it. and now they're finding noitt just, you know, american homeless but also also mg, homeless but also they have a right to shelter as well. so mayor adams is trying to push back on that little bit that hasn't gone through. >> but yet at th a le same time earlier this year, there's a homeless bill of rights hom actually passedights and the mayor didn't veto it. esd the mayor didn't veto it. and said, okay. and that bill of rights essentially makes it legal to just sleep on the streeselly which is why you can continue to see migrants and more homeless on the street see . meless on the street see and so and he keeps these sanctuary city status. so until make it illegal to be t illegal, we're going to have ourselves in theua. hi and it's not just innocent migrants that are coming in. weion an already know there kno are people on the terror watch list there are so many got awaey is this is extremely dangerous to our local communities and our country as a whole. >> and those threats, joey, to our securit, y i mean essentially when we don't have borders, we don't have a country. we we certainly don't have a secure country. and we're learning more and learning more about how these are not all just people fleeing their countries for a better life. >> no. li no. well from one perspective. >> i is nowne perspective. 78 to 90% hispanic, depending on what if it's city limits or ,where you are, what school you're looking at. mostly mexican migrant us now, mostly second and third generation americans of descendantabilits, mexicans whoe here illegally to work because it's a big textile industry. so i grellw up these are my besn friends, people i went to school with for 13 years, people i know really wel with,ld and are proud americans. that's the difference. and what's happening'. what happened in towns like mine for 20 years. but here's the deal. it'shere's the deal. migrants coming. it's migrants coming from all over countriesnts comil tha just south and central america, people coming from china, people come from in iran comingm afghanistan, from saudi arabia, from different places. an.di arabiare caught at the bo we don't know why they're there. and here's the deal. we have a stat that shows that a lot more people on the terror watch list are coming from the northern border than the southern border. but i think what that doesn't take into account is the amounut traffic coming through the southern border that no one knows about. we use this term gatewayr thatsw >> how do we know? right. how do we know? right. and katy's? a, as we see the impact on these social services in cities acros ss country, as we see the impacts o on where our taxpayer dollars are going, we're seeingr the reality of of the national security are threat that we're facing. and yet there is no message coming from the administration sayinge is if you come here,comh you will be sent away. there is no real use of the e-verifyer be se away. progc limit those coming here seeking employmentomhere. s how do you think this impacts us as a country, as we head ne when there's nos we head movement from president joe movement from president joe his executive authority as president trump did to stop this problem because they are this problem because they are political base of going back to those policiesof that worked because it simply had the word trump in it. it's been detrimental to the country. eric adams is, you know, he is he talking about new yorkers having to pay the bill for this and he said that he wants the federal government to take on the bil governmt tol i've me, all these people in new york city and washington whe and philadelphia. we're fine. when this problem wan thiss, wh only border states and in small towns, when the burden of resourcen oe was putn on taxpayers there. but when it comes to theirtaer city, after they decided they were going to be a sanctuary city and virtue signaling in reality has hitalin them in the face and now they're dealing with the fact we havac e to cut social services and they can't just raise taxes into oblivion to pay forcan't ju of this. they now want all taxpayers to pick up the bilthey nowl and. stop it at the border. he's also blamed greg abbott, the governoro blam, texas, for s problem. he has not held joe biden accountabl pre for any of this. they haven't had a serious conversation, as we now know. they talking about actually issuing some kind of deterrence talks to this problem.leerrence and no one wants to admit that it is a resource management issued no wan. ment if you have too many people inif wh you have too many people inif that what's available. and i've been talking to a couple of republicans who actuallyatle and italking i the republican gop in manhattan, and they are actually pretty confidentey that can flip some seats or at least get close as a result of this orses alone. so people vote for this and they have a choice. chand change based on people who are in charge and they're elected. soe elec we'll to watch that. according to copper max, there's mexico has more than 1 million job openings nationwide. it seems like that remaiionwide. n in law may have been good forfoe people seeking jobops. >> and up next, san francisco no and up next, san francisco summit. now it's turning into chaow it's again. >> why? why do you want to me like kiki, why you got me so bad, kiki? why you backed down on knee?ade why kiki? coffee the chasing business premiere card is made. people like 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old. but now that china is gone, business owners sainesy san fran cleanup job was short lived and the city is already falline cig back into drug use and homelessness. >> you know, katie, obviousl hoi the state of california demonstrated their ability abilnstrated their ability francisco. we saw this in 1984 when california hosted the olympics. we have olympics coming back in 2028 to l.a. so we're going to have to do it all over again. why not just have a long term solution? we also saw this whea long ne also saw this whea long president biden gave that speech at union station, which was covered in homeless tentn s and on drugs and violence. and overnight they cleaned it out and.t an it was ready to go for the president and propaganda form. readthey did that here with the chinese president who came and? chinese president who came and? the most alarming thing that they are operating the way that china doealres by justalit removing the reality of what's happening in that city sof's has that looks a certain way for the visit. that's a problem. but the bigger problem for thed san francisco and for the country is chinese infiltration. thfiltration. owned by chinese money. it's a lot of the real estate. there has beenhinese bought up by chinese investors who are there trying to steal intellectualinesors who from sn valley and other tech companies. they can then take back and use against us. so that's the bigger issue is is newsom, who wants to be president, not standing up to china, but giving them an open door into the state, but alson open just great rewarr engaging in that kind intel of behavior and intellectual property theft. well, if biden is an example, prop>> i is doing just samle, the same as biden, it would seem when it comes to china. >> tulsin , regards to thee home homelessness in san francisco, homelessness is up 37% since 2011, yet their homeless shelter capacity2011 below 85% except for during apec. it peaked 90%. why do they continue to tolerate homelessness on the streets90%.? they don't care. they don't care. i think that's that's what this >>s us ison't cthat's what this how they they don't care about the people they pu t up this facade pretending that they do for a short period of time. but ultimatelya it just revealt they are self-serving. they are only looking ou t forthemonly looking ou what benefits them in that moment, in the short term or in the long termn peophe long termn but ultimately, whether it is people who are living owneeople who are living ,whether it is small business owners or residents, i have friends who've lived there for d a long time and they love the city of san francisco but cannotr stand whatbut ca is happening to that city. and it is because of then' h leadershipappeni there. ultimately, self-serving leaders are exposing themselveus for for who they really are. whe and i hope that people remember this when it comesn itcomes tin to the polls. >> well, and joey, speaking of leadership, the mayor of san franciscg ofeadershio, a recentr interview essentially was touting the fact that crime tout is downime beint crime and overall crime being down slightly. yes, larceny, larsen c larceny d theft is down 13.1% since last year. robbery up 12.5%. so what does that robbery a net6 larsen c that's what jimmy gets arrested for wha. >> listen, there's a couple of things here. number one, i hatele o san, but has nothing to do with the city. it's because it's made out of heels. and city. becausei can't walk hill very well. but that but take that awacan'yi i mean, gavin newsom stands there and. he's proof that it's the mess, it's the messenger, not the message. because he stole an that wasstole right out of kamala harris' playbook, right? >> i mean, like, this is true becaus laybook.e. ue. >> it's true, but it's also true. but i mean, like kamala could say that in it, but the. ld s guy. well, that's kamala. but gavin says it, and it's like, oh, okay, let's listen ka canoh, okay, let's listen and so if he can be vice president saying nothing, maybe you can be president saying nothin nothingg happened in andt of san francisco many times in the last two years to get somewhere else. i recently learned is an airporrecently learnant fresno. so that may change. but -- but when i went nt therbut when i went francisco, i had to stay the night there the last time i was there. and this lady working at the hotee ere d th workil does not n and is not a conservative. >> and she pulls out not a mapen with a smile on her facet map and kind of draws a line, says you don't want to go theres , you don't want to go anywhere over there. >> she just very, very innocently to ere. and very smaw says, that's not where you want to be. so the realityto is there's to live and it's up to them to figure out who they want to fixx . le t and if they keep voting for people, that that will do what they just did clean it up and let it go back to ruin. then they can live with it. jimi rui, any shows in san francisco to be a great time to remind everybody of sean hannity's live debate this thursday between gavin newsom and rond oa? you know, i'm proud of sean. he's come a long way since i took him under my wing. >> it's really starting to take off for him. well done, gentlemen. well done. coming up nextmen, wel is buzzig about dolly parton's dazzling halftime show performancey pa and dance number. but now graham makes trucks for everyone, like those with holiday spirit and those with not so much. we make trucks for good samaritans, good neighbors, and even people covered in sap. whatever life you live this holiday. graham, a truck for you. during the rand black friday sales event get 10% below msp plus no monthly payments for 90 days on virtually all 2023 ram light duty and heavy duty pickup trucks. >> visit your local ram dealer today. when a cyber thief transfers the title of your home out of your name, it's a race against time to stop the theft of your hard earned equity. many people 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happy 15th birthday, the lincoln fella. the lincoln ma n and 15 him tomorrow. according to him, the funniest e ,most talented guy by far.g out but we're shouting out the lincoln's birthday on tv tvo want to know why? t because since lincoln was five, he likes to go out in public too to me and his mom and go. >> i can't believe you forgot my birthday and make hday. us lookop bad. he'll do it and stop and shop and be like, they don't celebrate my birthday. so.te m i have proof. >> we called out your birthday. happy birthday, big man. we love you. happ oln.y? you such a handsome kid. and don't forget, you adopted. n is, not lincoln is the man. and it is not adoption. maury povich told me straight up. t .he's not. eat that, guys. come see me.. do stand up next saturday. i'm at the carson nugget, carson city, nevada. we go the ninth. i am in music city and the 16th at the palm beach kennel club. >> hey, girl. oh love.y >> three hot hey, girl. so i was going to get ant my favorite desserts and champagne for the holidays, but i was told to do something more. s too dodoctor, so i figured, wt we talk about my favorite detox stuff? so stuff my quick list of dr.i i sapphire's holiday detox, what i like to dke to start your morning off with a big glass of room temperature, lemon watetemperatr that helps promotd your digestion, dry brush your body before going into shower, get some cardio exercise to get rid of that sweat and toxinsan increase your water intake, avoid sweets and alcohol. and certainl alcy get good quality that tr sleep, because that is probably one of the best things for your menta cal and physical health. >> i don't want to hear it, guys. this is what you should do to detox, especially after holidays. >> heavy eating, heavy drinking. >> so what are the summer you want to do? some of that, right? >> like if you're not going to avoid sweets and alcohol, >>, i mean, i just like not to have this conversation. >> i'm not saying no it doing everything in moderation. >> speaking of cardio, draw some inspiration from marilyn purdue. inspirshe's a 92-year-old who tk part in her second consecutive turkey tro t in dallase of on thanksgiving day. she was one of thousands of runnersrunner and walkers wh on that five k run. she was joined by her daughter jennifer and granddaughter, sydney. she's not going to be slowinowin so next time you're sitting on the couch, a little lazy draw inspirationdraw for mary. >> all right, that's it for us. you all

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Army , Picture , Amermy Opinio , My Opinio , Information , Operation , Actuall Y , Differentt Tye , Talks , Progress , Issue , Sky News Reporter , Direction , Order , Countries , Reporters , World , Goal , Worr S Goal , Work , Aren T Just Reporting Factes , Islamist , Israel E , Propagandists , Face , Nature , Hearing , Reps , Trutisnoh , Thes , Hearing Thi Propr , Earth , Isis , Terrorist , Human Shields , Al Qaida , News , Willingness , Story , Tactics , Medid A Manynews , Stof Thei Women And Children , Tges R , Fac , Part , Ting , Doctor , Objectivinnoce , Childe Andd , Room , Conditions , Disappointments , Wellg To , Theh , No Idea , Ith , Israel Values Life , Thated , Prolonging , Jimmy Pointedimmy Out , Grount D Knowingon , Yeturat , Bein Ts , Consequences , Terror , Tunnels , There , Downw Y , Muchiratio , Thl , Physicalequenc Aspects , Something , Traumas , Oncese Traumas , Autto , Nothing , It Oe , Servicing , Yearsans , Roadbsolutel , Veterans , Nothing Else , Whr , 20 , Members , Whilet Yh , Civilian , Calling , Coming Up , Supporters , Unity , Soterror , Quote , Dinner , Crazy Maga Uncle , Kid , Golf , Planning , Wait , Golfrs , Coffee , Relief , Control , Traffic Congestion , Chest Congestion , Mucinex Dm , What Sreours , Next , Bye , Hashtagf Cougs , Call Nader , 12 , Mucinex Dm It , Season , Comeback , Type , Fee , Points , Cookies , Mvp , Subway Mvp , Fre E Subm , Peyton , Free Kick , Ithin Like A , Thyroid Eye Disease , Curse , Join , Long Time Ag , Eyes , Sibut , Eye Disease , Ted Com , Fda , Payments , Shower , Bath , Installation Costs , Jacuzzi , Offer , Bath Remodel , Price , Mess , Stress , Bathroom , Model , Water , 65 , Tab , Safer , Waiting , Bath Remodel Com , 348286 , 800 , Seven , Inflatio , Futures , Israel Hamas War , Crossroads , Dads , Mom , Stage , Diplomas , Vo , Adult Education , Visit Finishyourdiploma Org , Power , Wifi , Homework , Massachusetts Problem , Book , Data , Power Outages , Battery Back Up , Plan , Xfinity , Natural Disaster , Xfinity 10g Network , Loved Ones , 4 , 10 , Dinnerni , Turkey Brawl , Country , The One , Worl , Finest , Views , Viewerent Political Views , Greatest Natioew In , Macy S , Havel Vw , Problemth , Nation , Rancor , Biden Releasednh A , Decency , Handy Guide For Re Quote , Stuffing V , Methodto , Nonsense , Economy , Uncle , Duringp Trump , Campaign , Holidayssp N , Handy Guide , Wronaigng , Oman , Joe Bideo N , Touch And Go , Promises , Ji A Bit , Anksgi , Up Yetvi , Everything , Guide , No Smokin G , Booklets , Actions , Cigar , Guest , Personfigh , Fight , Idiots , History Of The World , Armed O Ge Conflict , Mi Couldn T , House , No Tt Fo Kicking , Football Game , Party , Point , Couch , Cliche , Son , Cops , Calm L , Bad , Politics , Differences , Break , Superiority , Snacks , Ics , Thiso , Kati E , Everyone , Guys , Guyran , Hisyo , Gog , 2020 , Presidency , Regardlessge W , Inauguration Message , Uniter , Respect , Chief , Opposite , Anyone , Donald Trump , Values , Enemy , Agencies , Law Enforcement , Guses Ouro Them , Talabouhe , We Haven T , Brink , Yearsis , Fire , World War Three , Nuclear War , Audacity , Attentionts , Mother , Forksgiving , Arguments , Daliy , Respec , Whethet R , Timers , Happyuns , Spending Tie , Saffire , Awa Noty , Family Members , G , Jimi Rui , Distance , You Guysoiagree , Wellgue , Guee Chois , Along Litis , Covid , Awaamilies Erythingyd , Someone , To Me , Facts , Sn , Representationbrin , You Actuallybi , Upwap , Right T Thow , Jusjut , Economya , Talking Points , Talking , Ouden T , Fallacy , Prices , Ba Thingd , Wages , Inflation Adjustedup , Cheat Sheet , Talking Point , Fue Funny Thing , Conflict , Racist , Likeu Readk , Ify Yoflict , Monolith , Orientations , Ethnicities , Politicscse Diff , Puat St Thik Out , Famil Probablmonolibut Actuai , Smal Andl Town , Georgia , Teachers , Businesses , Servants , Abortion , Guns , Him , Stuff , Job , Food , Ther D , Cakewalkvinl , City Leadero , Longo , Migrant Crisisrk , Money , Car Insurance , Hundreds , Liberty Mutual , Dojust , Gift , Line , Pay , Ib Oh , Holiday Season , Shops , Save , All Of Us , Cabela S , Cowboys , Branch , Clubrsub Membe Members , Family Heritage , Wayi , Ancestry , Fami Savehis Ranch , Deals , Ear , Evp , Conservation During Club Member Mondayf , Sale Itee , 500 , 15 , Roof , Club Member , Purchases , Gear , Adventure , Shingles , Streaks , Danger , Trouble , 0 , Treatment , Roofing , Roof Match , 0000 , 20000 , Ten , Safe , Protection , Roof Max , Formula , Shingle , Friendly , Asphalt Shingle , Flexibility , Water Repelling Protection Guarantee , 710 , Insurance , Home Inspection , Flexibility Testing , Ohio State University , Roofs , Thousands , Condition , Feet , Reviews , Winds , Five Star , Website , 15 Million , Issues , Application , Less Money Guaranteed , Threat Analysis Roof , Roof Backs , Caller , Tuneup , Link , Maintenance , 6408653 , 39 , 1 800 6408653 , 1 , 539 , Icon , Mypillow , Pillow , Slippers , Pillows , Bed Sheets , Sleepwear , Blankets , Discounts , Pillow Dot , Charles , Towels , Mattress Topper , Sale , Example , Anywhere , Brand , Products , Advantage , Screen , Promo Code , Pillow 2 0 , Overstock Specials , Closeout , 2 0 , Best , Calls , Dream Bed Sheets , Overstock Sale , Low , Special , 2999 , Chance , Parties , Sandals , Caesar , Fox Nation Patriot Awards , Pete Hegseth , 1950 , 25 , 2023 , Difference , Fox News , Lows , Diamonds , Heroes , Sunday On , Fox Favorites , Solitaire , Carat 599 Two , 99 , 1490 , 599 , Exchange , Carat , Price Set , Jewelry , Gia Diamonds Guaranteed , Studs 349 , 349 , Border , Eric Adams Nowt , Migrant Crisis , Cir , Out Of Control , Democrats , Bad Blood Betweeatien , Sp , Y Bl He S , Budget Cuts , Parts , Migrantss , Policepart , Yeart , City Budget , Education , Adams , Immigrants , Big Apple , Mass , Yk Problem , Cityfo , Influx , Share , Chicago , Vice President , Backs Everyday New Yorkers , Dereliction Of Duty , Clown , Statements , Comments , Essential Services , True Blue , The Word On Street , Alcohol , Word , Ion Ofclown , Doesn T , Everybodond , College Bar , Outy , Bided He , Check Id , Carson City , Trump , Sanctuary City , Bill , Eric Adams , Clown Two , Noso N Human Beings , Human Being , Branding , Sanctuarr , Behavior , Pretense , Clownw , It Clown , Posturing , Caring , Countrany First C , Nicole , Election , Human , Essentiallal Wy Open Borders , Illeg You , Talkingof , Poinarfor Tt , Communities , Policies , Consequence , Words , Electionrknos , Overr , Tune , Es Of , Coq , Dichotomyka , Migrants , Law , Place , Resources , Pleted Sbut , 140000 , Right , City , American Homeless , Finding Noitt , Mg , 1989 , Mayor , Streeselly , Didn T Veto , Rights , Hasn T , Hom , Homeless Bill Of Rights , Th A Le , The Street , Sanctuary City Status , Theua , Meless , Terror Watch List , Awaey , Threats , Whole , Securit , Yi , Weion , Borders , Perspective , Li No , City Limits , Hispanic , School , Generation , Big Textile Industry , Mexicans , Besn Friends , Descendantabilits , 90 , 78 , Towns , Wel , It Shere S The Deal , Happening Todays At , Ld , Countriesnts Comil Tha , Stat , Places , Bo , China , An Di Arabiare , Comingm Afghanistan , Services , Doesn T Take , Traffic , Impact , Acros Ss Country , No One , Amounut , Katy , Reality , Impacts O On , Message , Taxpayer Dollars , Sayinge , Use , Security , Threat , Comh , Joe Movement , Executive Authority , Movement , Nos , Progc , E Verifyer , Be Se Away , Employmentomhere , Policiesof , Eric Adams Is , Base , Problem , Whe , Wh , Government , Washington , Border States , Bil Governmt , Wan Thiss , Philadelphia , Taxpayers , Signaling , Theirtaer City , Burden , Hitalin , Taxes , Virtue , Resourcen Oe , We Havac E , Putn , Greg Abbott , S Problem , Oblivion , Accountabl , Forcan T Ju , Bilthey Nowl , Texas , Governoro Blam , Kind , Conversation , Wan , Haven T , Wants , Deterrence , Resource Management , Ment , Couple , Republicans , Choice , Chand , Seats , Result , Orses , Actuallyatle , In Manhattan , Gop , Italking , San Francisco , Job Openings , Charge , Jobops , Copper Max , Mexico , Soe Elec , San Francisco Summit , Remaiionwide , 1 Million , Kiki , Chaow , Beans , Make , Knee , Chasing Business Premiere Card , Ade , Coffee Grinder , Product Design , Fedoras , Sam , Breakthroughs , Breakthrough Card , Genius , Smart Ideas , Spending , Cash , Potentia Bl , 5000 , 2 , 000 , Ink Business Premier Card , Surface , History Lesson , Key West Story , Times , Relaxium Sleep , Mike Huckabee , Night , Amount , Tossing , Key West , Arkansas , Product , Sleep Relaxium , Ingredients , Health , Body , Refreshed , Benefits , Great Night S , Feeling Refreshed , Marriage , Miracle , Neurologist , 30 , Side Effects , Mind , Fears , Dot Com , Visit , Bottle , Risk , Collin , Bottles , 800 9196467 , 1000 , 9196467 , Spark , Visit Try Relaxium , Boston , American History , 1773 , Torch , Liberty , Boots , Docks , Necks , British , Stand , Defiance , Rebellion , Countdown , Freedom , Kick , Liberty Or Death , Boston Tea Party , Fox Nation , Stuff Of Legend , Rob Lowe , America 250 , 250 , Can T , Didn T Lastlong , Gavin Newsom , O Host , Back , Chaos , Progressive City , Apec Summit , Business Owners , Californiagavi , Tidyinwy , Aftee Progre , Folks , Leaders , Plac , Monthse , Fans , Conversationbeens O , Bar , Expectation , Theen State , Business Owners Sainesy San Fran Cleanup Job , Be Better , Ability , Homelessness , Estate , Olympics , Cig Back , Drug Use , California , Obviousl Hoi , 1984 , Solution , Whea Long Ne , Drugs , Violence , Union Station , Speech , Homeless Tentn S , Whea , L A , And , 2028 , Form , Readthey , Justalit , City Sof , China Doealres , Beenhinese , Investors , Infiltration , Chinese , Thed , Real Estate , Thfiltration , Door , Tech Companies , Rewarr , Intellectualinesors Who , Alson Open , Sn Valley , Prop , Intel , Intellectual Property Theft , Thee Home Homelessness , Tulsin , Samle , They Don T Care , Homeless Shelter , Ison T Cthat , 2011 , 85 , 37 , Ou T Forthemonly , Self Serving , Care , Termn Peophe Long , Facade , Ultimatelya , Living Owneeople , Friends , Owners , Residents , H Leadershipappeni , Cannotr Stand Whatbut Ca , Interview , Leadership , Self Serving Leaders , Polls , Themselveus , Tin , Comesn Itcomes , Recentr , Crime Tout , San Franciscg Ofeadershio , Larsen C , Theft , Crime , Larceny , Larceny D , Downime Beint Crime , Wha , 12 5 , 13 1 , Heels , Listen , Number One , Awacan Yi , Hatele O San , Becausei Can T Walk Hill , Gavin , Proof , Ld S Guy , Messenger , Playbook , Kamala Harris , Becaus Laybook E Ue , Wasstole , Somewhere , Nothin Nothingg , Learnant Fresno , Ka Canoh , Andt , Airporrecently , Lady , Conservative , Theres , Hotee Ere D , Mapen , Facet Map , Smile , Th Workil , Ere , Realityto , Voting , Shows , Le T , Fixx , Debate , Wing , Sean Hannity , Rond Oa , Dolly Parton , Trucks , Dance Number , Coming Up Nextmen , Dazzling Halftime Show Performancey Pa , Gentlemen , Samaritans , Neighbors , Holiday Spirit , Sap , Holiday , Truck , Pickup Trucks , Duty , Event , Ram Light Duty , Graham , Black Friday , Title , Name , Homeowner , Dealer , Ram , Thief , Equity , Race , Foreclosure , Mortgages , Victim , Title Ofcom , Life Insurance Coverage , Selectquote , Life Insurance , Life Policy , Visits , Whatcom , 500000 , 18 , 00000 , 8 , The House Next Door , Streak , Roof Cred , Reality Show Celebrity Nobility Royalty , Evergreen Lane , Listings , Snowball Fights , Hallmark Channel , Their , All Star Cast , Paul , Lacy , Questions , Priorities , Declare , Artists , List , Down List , Doubles , Furniture , Cat , La Z Boy , Posts , Sports , Footwork , Games , Nice , Cheers , Pitch , Field , Woho , Show , Boom , Got The Magic , Iconic Country Staryt , Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader , Nfl , 77 , Touch , Commanders , Matchup , Glamour , Gutfei Next Show , Joke , Fuss , Outfit , Outfit On , Gutfeld , Dolly , Prime , Offense , Doc , Induction , Commentson , Don Lemon , Fashion Mafia , Love , Love It , Queen , Saying , Rhinestone , Trailer Trash , Little Bralette , God Bless Her 77 Rock , Trailer Park , Hank , Mehere , Wouldn T Haveu Kardashians , Nd You Wouldn T Have , She Openedou , Iconit , Au , She Op , Au 77 , Worke , Little , Righmet , Millennials Didn T Bail On , Thingittp Hing , Timeless Treasure El , 9 , Thyroid , Start , Bundle , Supplies , Visit Trump , Ornament , Christma Holidays , Christmas , Freethank Yo , Club Members , Conservation , Te , Bestmondays , Rescuin Ea , Itea , Go Lower , Golo , Ways , Thinovg , Surgery , Measures , Verge , God , Cravings , Sugar , Shirt Off , Hunger , Metaboli , Meal , The Sun , Gallo , E But I Nothing , Weight Loss , Losast , 80 , 75 , Prescription , In My Life , Goloust Works , Starvationen P Dieting , Goalthr , Natural , Jitters , Toe Work , Isg , Insulin Levels , Hormones , Lean Muscleunds , Offcle , Shirt , Change , Stairs , Hg E I Dodallas , Mii , 424 , Go Low , 100 , Stars , America 215 , 215 , Wea , Moose , Moreo , Rut D , Wayf Fo Back , Minnesota , Moose Rut , The Dakotas , Wht Ofg , It S Time , O , Gical Clock To Go Fin A , Antlers , Rut , Goin U , Ldare , States , Girlfriend , Stay , Theep Beati Up , Rom Com , W Havinomm , He Getsby , Hero , Crane Operator , Fan , Meat , Smoknde Them , Kdramaticdo , Englan , High Rise , 5050 , Video , Situation , Calsituatiol , Flames , Course , Crane Operator Glenn , Birthday , Turn , Birthday Cake , Perso Storr , Too Fast G , G Yeah , Cakain Whennw , Alkings , Alking , Youthe St , Lincoln , Funniest E , Fella , Tv , Public , Lincoln Ma N , Far G Out , Tvo , Shop , N , Don T , Stop , We Love You , Big Man , Happ , Lookop Bad , So Te Mi Have Proof , Hday , Maury Povich , Music City , Adoption , Ninth , Do Stand Up , Kennel Club , Girl , Oh Love Y Three Hot Ones Er Hey , Nevada , Carson Nugget , Palm Beach , 16 , Holidays , Desserts , Want , Detox , Holiday Detox , Champagne , Dr , Too Dodoctor , Sapphire , Lemon Watetemperatr , Sweets , Cardio Exercise , Sweat , Room Temperature , Water Intake , Digestion , Glass , Promotd , Certainl Alcy , Tr Sleep , Summer , Eating , Drinking , Menta Cal , Tk Part , Cardio , Inspiration , Inspirshe , Marilyn Purdue , 92 , In Dallase Of On Thanksgiving Day , Turkey Tro T , Walkers , Granddaughter , Daughter , Five K Run , Runnersrunner , Sydney , Draw , Inspirationdraw For Mary ,

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