Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240702 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240702

love that event last night. fox news alert as we top a brand-new however. any moment we will be hearing from president biden and what his administration is doing to stop fentanyl. the white house meeting comes one day after federal law enforcement shared details on a massive multistate fentanyl bust centered in our nation's capitol. this is the "faulkner focus," i'm sandra smith in for harris faulkner. >> nearly 100,000 deaths. nearly 80,000 were from fentanyl, 80 times stronger than heroin. according to the dea, it's the leading cause of death for americans ages 18 to 45. house foreign affairs chair michael mccall says how to stop is simple. >> with china sending the precursers to mexico and the manufacturing taking place mexico. that's how they get into the united states. until we get china and mexico to stop this and until we secure our border, we're going to continue to have these problems. last week president biden met with china's president to try to strike a deal to cut off the flow. critics are not optimistic. the opponents, the components of the deadly drug are typically sourced from china. processed in mexico. then smuggled across into the united states. agents at the southern border seized 27,000 pounds of fentanyl in fiscal year 2023 alone. a huge increase over the past years. mark meredith is in washington. he's got more on what we know right now. mark. >> sandra, good morning to you. drug cartel smuggle fentanyl in so many ways, cars and trains. and suspects were hiding fentanyl in the most innocent of products. one person smuggling two pounds of fentanyl inside of candy boxes. whoppers and sweet tarts. another suspect was caught at dulles air force base trying to smuggle with fabric softeren. they have arrested 23 people tied to the drug ring and seized more than 250,000 pills. >> reporter: the cartels and manufacturers are buying the same pill process says and molds to make them look identical to oxycodone. this investigation began after a 20-year old woman died in d.c. over the last few years more than a million pills have been brought into the dc area. washington reacheda i deal with china to cut the flow of materials. >> we will see how they are in execution and i think we all need to understand it may be some time before you see practical results of this. >> many people say the most effective way to stop the drugs from reaching the estate is beefing up security at the border because so many drugs are being made in mexico. sandra. >> so dangerous and we know it's here and everywhere. by the way, when the event begins, we will bring you to the white house live obviously going to be very important to listen on the plans to get this under control. now this. >> the american people have concluded that president biden is old. and he needs soup and an early bedtime. >> all right. that was classic senate john kennedy from louisiana absolutely roasting the president has he celebrated turning the big 81 yesterday. biden poking funnal the milestone with a photo of a flaming birthday cake and also joked about his age which became glaringly obvious. >> by the way, it's my birthday today. it's difficult turning 60. defendant. difficult. just do get here liberty and bell had to beat some tough odds. tough competition. had to work hard to show patience and be willing to travel over a thousand miles. you could see even harder than getting a ticket to the renaissance tour or brittany's tour. it's kind of warm in brazil now. >> a little hard to watch there. the president confusing of course taylor swift, brittany spears and beyonce before trailing off. political reports age concerns has the white house aids pushing president biden to ditch formal shoes now for more comfortable ones after a number of stumbling the "new york times" says insiders say protecting the president is known as operation bubble wrap. >> is there a real alarm happening behind the scenes that the president is simply too old to stay around another four years? >> what i see is our perspective. our perspective it's not about age. it's about the president's experience. that's what we believe. and it's, you know as they say, the poof is in the pudding. >> what i will be clear about. we're not going to governor by polls here. or poll numbers. we're going to focus on delivering for the american people. >> that's because the latest polling shows a problem with the president with young voters. those aged 18 to 34 are leaning in favor of former president trump. janet caldwell, david carlucci joining us. what do you think about that? is there concern among you're party now? >> of course there's concern. we look the the latest polls, we have to see it as a blessing to see these are the problems presented to us a year out of the election, gives us time to refocus and talks about specifics and how president biden has gotten laws on the book that help the american people. things like reducing the cost of prescription drugs. being very specific. voters are angry and frustrated because the issues going on outside of the president's control. the buck stops with the president. >> let me get -- >> who is in the office. polls are going to show that. >> right, the buck stops with joe. his own words in the top priority for most voters is the economy. and now it seems even democrats giano are reportedly urging the president to revamp the economic messaging. one democratic congress man saying the hill has the time to tweak its messaging but not worth abandoning entirely. maybe that tweaking is a good idea, giano, a large majority disapprove with how the president is handling the economy. the problem is, that's not stopping the president and his team from pushing this notion of bidenomics and touting it's working while it's clearly now. giano. >> you can tweak a message all you want, but the american people have seen the deliverables. high inflation. baby powder shortage. gas prices are high. food is high. we're going up against thanksgiving in a couple days and people are having to think through, can i get this medication or this turkey? this is a problem to every democrat who supported joe biden across the 2020 election and even up to now. we look at the numbers in 2020, young people 18 to 29, he won by 20 points. you're looking at a deficit millennials, african americans and hispanics. they voted for him 63% and now that number is 46%. with these sectors of communities, he's in a losing position. donald trump is actually winning this thing because he has a history. four years of a great economy. people doing well. they didn't like his tweets and that's fine. but they don't like joe biden and his policies. that's where we are as a country. >> where we are -- >> thanksgiving week. david, okay. so i understand the polls do not favor the president right now. so there is the effort to ignore them. david, i want to ask you about this. white house press secretary whipped out a food menu to argue the president's policies are working. >> according to the american farm bureau, cost of a thanksgiving dinner fell this year. prices are down for turkeys, stuffing, peas, cranberries and pie crust. this thanksgiving dinner is the fourth cheapest ever has a percentage of average earnings. >> the bureau of labor stat shows a different picture. since the president took office, the price of turkey has jumped more than 31%. other holiday staples like bread, potatoes and pie are costing more. just 19% say they feel confident that life will be better their children's generation than it was for them. that's an all-time low ignore it all you want. this is the sentiment we're seeing and feeling out there, and it seems as this is a white house in denial of it. >> well it's not denial or ignoring, it's taking into consideration these polling numbers. just two weeks ago in the election that actually happened, democrats out performed republicans in every state we were watching. either returning the governor to kentucky. winning the virginia house and senate. the list goes on and on. pennsylvania, ohio, even new jersey we had wins. so the polls say one thing and that's frustration. when we get down to brass tacks it's who is delivering for the american people. republicans have forgotten the difference between campaigning and complaining. if you just complain all day long about the things president biden has done and not offer anything what you're going to go differently but just shoot down the ideas, that's going to be a problem when people actually go out and vote. there's an actual context between two candidates and not generics. >> five seconds, the abortion question was the number we have seen the losses in elections. republicans need to certainly tidy up that message on abortion. >> very interesting stuff. thanks to both you gentlemen for joining us. happy thanksgiving. we are learning now israel and hamas could be close to a deal it free the hostages. isaac herzog joined me and had these thoughts. >> we're doing our best to bring them back home. we're demanding the international community to be as forceful as possible. we hope and pray there will be a positive outcome in the next few days. >> meanwhile, israel keeps pounding gaza as it enters a more difficult phase of the war. seniority director robert greenway will join us life next. veteran homeowners, need to save money every month? 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congress also has to step up and pass the supplemental budget to help stop the flow of fentanyl into our country and support services for people struggling with fentanyl impacts. look i urge congress to make fentanyl a schedule-one drug and take the action to help limit the distribution of pill press says and close the loopholes that exist now for small shipments of fentanyl. as families gather with their loved ones, too many will face looking at an empty chair because so many people have died. it's heart breaking. it's an american tragedy. just my next door neighbor. tough stuff. people are dying. i'm committed to doing everything i can in my power to get this crisis under control. we're gathered to get to work together to make sure we're coordinating all our efforts to make progress on progress will be made with both xi. [multiple questions] >> thank you. thanks so much guys. >> thank you. >> all right. just at the end there. the president saying now is not the type to talk about the hostages. he said we're getting close to gets the hostages. we are very close and optimistic, nothing is done yet. but we are getting close. we could bring some of those hostages home soon. nothing is done until everything is done. the president just now. what do we know about that reportedly? mostly women and children. we are working to verify the details of the swap. that would be in exchange for 150 palestinian prisoners and a pause of four or five days. we are working to get the details of this. the president confirming things are looking good at the moment. he will continue with the meeting on fentanyl at the white house. we are likely going to get an update from the national security council possibly the pentagon and bring you that as soon as we have. now this. israel ramping up fighting in north gaza as they plan to shift their focus to southern gaza >> the idea of hitting 250 hamas targets. rocket launches and infrastructure. these new photos of an anti-task missile. troops found this under a baby's crib. meantime, we're learning to hear about the deal of the release of 50 hostages could be done as soon as today. the potential deal could free women and children exchanged for prisoners held by israel. the war cabinet is meeting and the former ambassador to the u.s. has a dire warning about it all. >> they have broken every cease-fire in the past. they never kept a cease-fire. it's very difficult to negotiate from someone moving the football constantly. my sources told me they won't release women who have been raped. who knows what the poor women went through. jeff paul is on the ground in southern israel reporting for us at this hour. hi jeff. >> reporter: sandra, we just learned they will vote in a new hours of close to a truce. exactly what that looks like could change as the hours drag on. but as we understand it, anywhere from 50 to 60 israeli hostages, women and children would be released in exchange for palestinian prisoners and a multiday pause in fighting. that could allow more aid to get into gaza including much-needed food, water and fuel. some of the hostages met with war cabinet members. they want the israeli government to act now. bring the hostages home. they are putting a lot of pressure on benjamin netanyahu who today had this to say about a possible deal. >> the first goal eliminating hamas. we will not stop until we are done. the second goal bringing the hostages back. we are making progress. i don't think we need to discuss it further not even at this moment. but i hope we will have good news soon. >> reporter: while the negotiations continue, the fighting does as well. the i fd says they have encircled the city of ibalia. israeli forces hit the city with air strikes. as it stands right now. no deal just yet. those government officials in israel going to be meeting at 8 o'clock local, 1 o'clock eastern, hoping to get more answers then. >> sandra: jeff, thank you. i want to reiterate. robert greenway is here with us. former director of the national security council and former green barrett. we can outline so far what we're hearing about the terms of this deal. that includes approximately 50 hostages female, and children. for 150 palestinian women and children being held by israel. this is a phased release of about 10 hostages followed by more if the cease-fire holds. that's a big if per the warning. multiday cease-fire of up to five days. would this be a good deal from your perspective? >> look at it, based on the operational activity increased by idf and hamas believe it would conclude in the next 24 hours. there's nothing better than reuniting families with hostages and loved ones. you're dealing with an unreliable opponent and you have to balance the fact that then hamas was retain the capability to threaten forces in the subsequent days with additional rockets having refit. this is like a boxing match and israel in control and hamas on the ropes. what we want is a boxing match that ends in five rounds and not 10 and we don't want a rematch. >> how big of an if is it if a cease-fire would actually hold? >> well, as previously stated, the historic pattern they won't >> the longer it does, the potential for more hostages to be released. again that is hamas' advantage. their operational commanders are leaving the battlefield and the pause will obviously provide a boost of morale for those resisting the idf and provides an opportunity for other hostile actors in hezbollah, iraq and syria are. it will be up to hamas which has been an unreliable actor. >> just reading through the details of what we heard from the president. obviously he is hopeful that some of these hostages could come home soon. that would be very good and welcome news for all of us and their family members. a few peace with this israel questions with this. israel questions why the un have not condemned the use of hospitals. we asked isaac herzog about that yesterday and he said this. >> the un is a hypocritic organization where they play for many years of antisemetic rhetoric. they celebrate the mutilated the body of a young girl celebrating at a festival. this is the whole clash of civilization of values we're in. >> how is it, robert, that the un has not yet condemned hamas? >> well the short answer is there's no incentive to do so. not only fail to condemn hamas and others like it, they have been providing material support to them for many years. it's among the reasons why the trump administration we refused to provide aid to those in it. the goal here is to prevent the resources going to these terrorist groups and stop funding to un organizations until it takes the right position and condemns terrorism. president herzog is correct >> there has been many attacks including the three new attacks since saturday alone. the u.s. carried out air striking responding to an attack at al-assad air base in iraq. this is the fourth time the u.s. has carried out an air strike since it carried out in october. still a new "wall street journal" op-ed argues iran pays no price for bad behavior. are we responding to these attacks forcefully enough, rather? >> i think the facts bear the conclusion we are not. we have experience with iran and certainly in iraq and syria. we know what it takes in order to stop the cycle. it's to over escalate and ensure the cost they bear is greater than the benefit derived. the article is right. iran is responsible for it. they are directing controlling funding and resourcing it. unless they pay a price. obviously that won't happen. the surrogates are extendible and the civilians to iran don't matter. iran hads to pay a price and i hope we do it soon. the number of attacks are increasing not decreasing. the odds are not in our favor. >> 64 and growing. final question to you, what do you believe is the next phase of this war as we continue to work through the details of what this hostage release deal maybe in the coming days and hours? >> i think israel will have to pay attention to the other theaters to address the escalating threat of hezbollah out of lebanon and the supplies moving through iraq and syria. i hope the u.s. takes the offensive and increasing the attacks to stop the cycle before one of our soldiers are killed. our role is to prevent escalation >> we have an opportunity to shift resources. >> robert greenway, thank you so much, sir. >> thank you and happy thanksgiving >> the dead all across america is showing that hate crimes have surged in last six weeks. since october 7th, there's been a 400% increase in threat says against jews in america. we have not stood by for strengthening physical security for locations. we're also making the digital world safer by identifying credible online threats. these teams are working to identify violent threats. they have a simple goal, to find out what is driving hateful behavior and intervene early before harm is done. >> that was new york governor, kathy hochul announcing beefed up security in new york city as tourist pour in for the thanksgiving holiday and the parade. antisemitism on college campuses is on the rise. a group calling on hochul to ban the group, students from justice in palestine after scenes like this. [chanting] >> many see that chant from the river to the sea as a code for annihilating israel. student groups which explicitly endorse registered foreign terrorists must be shut down. messaging praising adolf hitler. look at this photo. this is from new jersey. a grenade strapped to a pole next to a synagogue next to a jewish community. jason schaefer. it's hard to believe this is happening. right now jason. >> reporter: right now in america. it's unbelievable. but they have so many people that want to exterminate jews because they are jews. it is stunning but i would argue this is not just since october 7th. now obviously since then, the temperatures have risen and the protests have been out of control. jews having fighting this for a long time. people like kathy hochul have been nowhere on this. don't tell me you're strengthening what is going on in new york. the numbers of law enforcement having going down. there have been people in support of defunding the police along the way. it's hard far me to take her pledge that law enforcement is stronger than it's been before or that it's being beavered up where they have been actually letting people go. >> this is true. these numbers are just even hard to fathom. the speaks that we're seeing from the crime task force. antijewish incidents and beyond. a number of bias incidents. our own chad program writing a piece, "the divide" how a protest in israel exposed a rip in the republican party. over calls for a cease-fire and israel's assertion to defend itself. that's to say nothing of controversial comments by squad members. that's why the lockdown outside of dnc was so important. liberals attacking liberals when members of their party of clashing over something as flammable as the middle east. a new poll highlights that. 51% say israel went too far in the war with hamas. all goodpiece, jason. but very revealing over the problems the democrat problem is dealing with in this moment. >> reporter: yeah, there's a faction of the democratic party that's unrecognizable. they believe the extermination of the jewish state is what they want to have happen. it's played out in congress. what happened at the dnc. look it's as american as it gets to be able to protest and petition your government. you can't do so violently. when they're in new york city tearing down flags at grand central station pounding at the glass or hiding on the other side of the glass. i got to tell you, the other thing that has to be factored in here is the unparalleled illegal immigration. millions of people have been allowed to come into the country illegally and there's a consequence for that. we don't know who these people are. the people captured on the terrorist watch list and they're saying, hey, there's an increased risk of violence. oh, yeah? is that a surprise given your open border policy? >> sandra: it's something a lot of people are talking about around the city right now and certainly kathy hochul seeing the warning signs in holiday should be bliss. jason, meanwhile, comber blasting the president saying the president should be the most transparent. posting on x. the white house is withholding 80,000 piece of joe biden's e-mails and proof he loaned his brother money and seeked to block his brother from testifying before congress. the pledge to be transparent was hot air. and republicans are closing in on a make or break moment to file impreachment articles against the president. that decision could come in january. kevin mccarthy dropping this bomb shell. >> no one in memory would have known president biden has lied. they did receive money from china. yeah, he did get involved in the business dealings. we have systematically followed where the story has taken us. the subpoenas have gone into the bank statements. we found this in the shell companies. this is important. >> sandra: so he says the gop has moved closer. should they be doing this? >> they should review the facts. there's been millions of dollars that flowed into the biden bank accounts. there's suspicious activity reports. financial transactions. shell companies and e-mails, voice mails. text messages, a treasure trove of materials. testimony from irs officials saying they weren't allowed to properly investigate the president of the united states. when james comber who is doing a fabulous job trying to get at the documents, there are 82,000 or so documents out there that joe biden under a pseudonym he was using. guess what, you have to cough those up. you just do. you can't hold them back. if you're going to claim you're the most transparent, you have to actually do it. that's not joe biden >> that's what what they're doing. >> sandra: okay. jason, good to see you and happy holiday to you and yours. >> happy thanksgiving. thank you. >> sandra: to you as well. speaking of which, holiday storms ripping across the deep south. people in 30 days could be facing severe and even dangerous conditions. and as millions head out for thanksgiving, how will the severe weather impact what is expected to be a record breaking air travel weekend? what you need to know before you had the out next. >> we're expecting almost 50,000 flights on wednesday. 49600 is our current estimate. and that eclipses last year. we will be working around the clock to make sure passengers get to their destinations safely. honey, i think i heard something. ok. ♪ from christmas tree mats... to floorliners... cargo liners.... no drill mud flaps... seat protectors... and more... weathertech has the perfect holiday gift. honey, is everything ok? oh yeah. order at and don't forget weathertech gift cards. only sleep number smart beds let you each choose your individual firmness and comfort. your sleep number setting. and actively cools and warms up to 13 degrees on either side. and now, the new queen sleep number c2 smart bed is only $990. shop for a limited time. only at sleep number. every day, more dog people, and more vets are deciding 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palestinian women and children being held by israel. the phased release of about 10 hostages followed by more if the cease-fire holds. this would be up to five days. we are waiting on confirmation and will bring you details when we get them. meanwhile, mother nature is talking tornados, heavy rain and snow. millions of americans across 30 states are in the path of the storms. the deep south hit with the very worst of it. ni ni nicole valdez is live. >> reporter: sandra, tornados lit people's phones up night. this is hazelhurst, mississippi. you will see how the massive branching collapsed next to this home now. part of it is wrecked up in the power lines were the other part is sitting on ton of someone's roof. we're still trying to figure out exactly what caused this damage. as you take a closer look to the tree. it looks like this may have been struck by lightning as a part of the thunderstorm that moved over the area for several hours. this was a tornado warned area. we're going to wait to see what the national weather service has to say about this particular storm. whether it was a tornado, how strong it was. unfortunately for families across the deep south, they will have to deal with clean up ahead of thanksgiving holiday. meanwhile one family in the louisiana of course, grateful, holding their loved ones tight after three of them nearly killed after a mobile home was destroyed in a another possible tornado. a heroic officer crawled in to save them. this area going to be dealing with mess here. now it's looking like those in alabama and georgia may be gearing up for the same. thankfully, the severe part of this may be a down play or downgrading just a bit sandra. so hopefully things can clear up for the holiday. >> sandra: okay, nicole, that is quite a scene. we will anticipate that weather coming to some areas of the country. nicole, thank you. meanwhile that stormy weather could mean a mess for millions of americans. the tsa is predicting this thanksgiving will break air travel records. flight cancellations expected to grow with another flightmare scenario. the pete buttigieg on who to blame. >> every time extremist republicans in congress bring us to the bring of a government shut down. this threatens protecting customer rights. every time they want to cut the tsa, on the cusp of reaching the house floor right now, it threatens to reverse the progress. >> sandra: okay, jeff black with the fox business network and live at philadelphia international airport. seems like the lines are building behind you, jeff. >> reporter: yeah they say they have enough folks at the tsa. it's okay, sir, don't let us get in your way. we have good back up there. maybe we take a ride down in terminal b here. this is the american terminal, sa sandra, as i said, we're watching the weather heading our way. take a look at the numbers though. you reported it could be all time record for air travel. yeah, 4.7 million air travelers that's what aaa says it's going to be and the department of transportation says that could be an all-time record. you look at that radar, it's a big chunk of the country the eastern part of the country that is covered with bad weather right now and a lot of airports in the cross hairs there. we talked to the folks at aaa, they said they don't think there will be a lot of cancellations but there maybe a whole lot of delays. take a listen. >> i think we should be okay. the planes are there. the people are there. it's just a matter of getting them to where they need to be. so i don't think there will be a lot of cancellations. there should be some delays, and that would be unfortunate but i think that's going to be a situation that's going to be short lived. >> reporter: hopefully he is right, sandra. i remember back to last thanksgiving. that was a disaster. we had a melt down at southwest. their systems went down. a whole bunch of cancellations. i don't think we will see that. but a record number of travelers, who knows. >> sandra: jeff, i can safely say we go back. back to chicago. viewsers have seen you do a lot of crazy shots. did you just go down an escalator backwards deliveringa i live tv broadcast? >> you know, don't let me chew gum but i can walk and talk at the same time. >> sandra: you know i wonder when i see these lines, it doesn't look too crazy behind you. flew not last weekend but the weekend before and saw crazy lines. my sense they are ramping up will level of staff. you're not going to see the lines. >> i think you're absolutely right. >> sandra: i hope that's the case. i think they're ready for this. thanksgiving is a huge travel time and particularly the sunday after. or the sunday after thanksgiving. that's when everybody goes back. so hopefully they haven't shot their whole staff on the front end, but yeah, i think they have taken steps to make sure we don't have another melt down. that would not go over well. >> sandra: so many people trying to reach their loved ones. 2.6 million passengers are expected to be screened today. that is an enormous number. jeff, always impressed >> backwards down an elevator delivering a life report amazing. >> reporter: not too old for it yet. >> happy thanksgiving. thanks for joining us on the "faulkner focus," i am sandra, i will be back with my colleague john roberts for america reports. outnumber will be right after the break with this great lineup. veteran homeowners, do you know what's taking a big bite out of family budgets? car loans. get a newday 100 va cash out loan. own your car and have no more monthly car payments. icy hot. ice works fast. ♪ heat makes it last. feel the power of contrast therapy. ♪ so you can rise from pain. icy hot. >> kayleigh: this is "outnumbered," i'm kayleigh mcenany. here

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240702 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240702

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love that event last night. fox news alert as we top a brand-new however. any moment we will be hearing from president biden and what his administration is doing to stop fentanyl. the white house meeting comes one day after federal law enforcement shared details on a massive multistate fentanyl bust centered in our nation's capitol. this is the "faulkner focus," i'm sandra smith in for harris faulkner. >> nearly 100,000 deaths. nearly 80,000 were from fentanyl, 80 times stronger than heroin. according to the dea, it's the leading cause of death for americans ages 18 to 45. house foreign affairs chair michael mccall says how to stop is simple. >> with china sending the precursers to mexico and the manufacturing taking place mexico. that's how they get into the united states. until we get china and mexico to stop this and until we secure our border, we're going to continue to have these problems. last week president biden met with china's president to try to strike a deal to cut off the flow. critics are not optimistic. the opponents, the components of the deadly drug are typically sourced from china. processed in mexico. then smuggled across into the united states. agents at the southern border seized 27,000 pounds of fentanyl in fiscal year 2023 alone. a huge increase over the past years. mark meredith is in washington. he's got more on what we know right now. mark. >> sandra, good morning to you. drug cartel smuggle fentanyl in so many ways, cars and trains. and suspects were hiding fentanyl in the most innocent of products. one person smuggling two pounds of fentanyl inside of candy boxes. whoppers and sweet tarts. another suspect was caught at dulles air force base trying to smuggle with fabric softeren. they have arrested 23 people tied to the drug ring and seized more than 250,000 pills. >> reporter: the cartels and manufacturers are buying the same pill process says and molds to make them look identical to oxycodone. this investigation began after a 20-year old woman died in d.c. over the last few years more than a million pills have been brought into the dc area. washington reacheda i deal with china to cut the flow of materials. >> we will see how they are in execution and i think we all need to understand it may be some time before you see practical results of this. >> many people say the most effective way to stop the drugs from reaching the estate is beefing up security at the border because so many drugs are being made in mexico. sandra. >> so dangerous and we know it's here and everywhere. by the way, when the event begins, we will bring you to the white house live obviously going to be very important to listen on the plans to get this under control. now this. >> the american people have concluded that president biden is old. and he needs soup and an early bedtime. >> all right. that was classic senate john kennedy from louisiana absolutely roasting the president has he celebrated turning the big 81 yesterday. biden poking funnal the milestone with a photo of a flaming birthday cake and also joked about his age which became glaringly obvious. >> by the way, it's my birthday today. it's difficult turning 60. defendant. difficult. just do get here liberty and bell had to beat some tough odds. tough competition. had to work hard to show patience and be willing to travel over a thousand miles. you could see even harder than getting a ticket to the renaissance tour or brittany's tour. it's kind of warm in brazil now. >> a little hard to watch there. the president confusing of course taylor swift, brittany spears and beyonce before trailing off. political reports age concerns has the white house aids pushing president biden to ditch formal shoes now for more comfortable ones after a number of stumbling the "new york times" says insiders say protecting the president is known as operation bubble wrap. >> is there a real alarm happening behind the scenes that the president is simply too old to stay around another four years? >> what i see is our perspective. our perspective it's not about age. it's about the president's experience. that's what we believe. and it's, you know as they say, the poof is in the pudding. >> what i will be clear about. we're not going to governor by polls here. or poll numbers. we're going to focus on delivering for the american people. >> that's because the latest polling shows a problem with the president with young voters. those aged 18 to 34 are leaning in favor of former president trump. janet caldwell, david carlucci joining us. what do you think about that? is there concern among you're party now? >> of course there's concern. we look the the latest polls, we have to see it as a blessing to see these are the problems presented to us a year out of the election, gives us time to refocus and talks about specifics and how president biden has gotten laws on the book that help the american people. things like reducing the cost of prescription drugs. being very specific. voters are angry and frustrated because the issues going on outside of the president's control. the buck stops with the president. >> let me get -- >> who is in the office. polls are going to show that. >> right, the buck stops with joe. his own words in the top priority for most voters is the economy. and now it seems even democrats giano are reportedly urging the president to revamp the economic messaging. one democratic congress man saying the hill has the time to tweak its messaging but not worth abandoning entirely. maybe that tweaking is a good idea, giano, a large majority disapprove with how the president is handling the economy. the problem is, that's not stopping the president and his team from pushing this notion of bidenomics and touting it's working while it's clearly now. giano. >> you can tweak a message all you want, but the american people have seen the deliverables. high inflation. baby powder shortage. gas prices are high. food is high. we're going up against thanksgiving in a couple days and people are having to think through, can i get this medication or this turkey? this is a problem to every democrat who supported joe biden across the 2020 election and even up to now. we look at the numbers in 2020, young people 18 to 29, he won by 20 points. you're looking at a deficit millennials, african americans and hispanics. they voted for him 63% and now that number is 46%. with these sectors of communities, he's in a losing position. donald trump is actually winning this thing because he has a history. four years of a great economy. people doing well. they didn't like his tweets and that's fine. but they don't like joe biden and his policies. that's where we are as a country. >> where we are -- >> thanksgiving week. david, okay. so i understand the polls do not favor the president right now. so there is the effort to ignore them. david, i want to ask you about this. white house press secretary whipped out a food menu to argue the president's policies are working. >> according to the american farm bureau, cost of a thanksgiving dinner fell this year. prices are down for turkeys, stuffing, peas, cranberries and pie crust. this thanksgiving dinner is the fourth cheapest ever has a percentage of average earnings. >> the bureau of labor stat shows a different picture. since the president took office, the price of turkey has jumped more than 31%. other holiday staples like bread, potatoes and pie are costing more. just 19% say they feel confident that life will be better their children's generation than it was for them. that's an all-time low ignore it all you want. this is the sentiment we're seeing and feeling out there, and it seems as this is a white house in denial of it. >> well it's not denial or ignoring, it's taking into consideration these polling numbers. just two weeks ago in the election that actually happened, democrats out performed republicans in every state we were watching. either returning the governor to kentucky. winning the virginia house and senate. the list goes on and on. pennsylvania, ohio, even new jersey we had wins. so the polls say one thing and that's frustration. when we get down to brass tacks it's who is delivering for the american people. republicans have forgotten the difference between campaigning and complaining. if you just complain all day long about the things president biden has done and not offer anything what you're going to go differently but just shoot down the ideas, that's going to be a problem when people actually go out and vote. there's an actual context between two candidates and not generics. >> five seconds, the abortion question was the number we have seen the losses in elections. republicans need to certainly tidy up that message on abortion. >> very interesting stuff. thanks to both you gentlemen for joining us. happy thanksgiving. we are learning now israel and hamas could be close to a deal it free the hostages. isaac herzog joined me and had these thoughts. >> we're doing our best to bring them back home. we're demanding the international community to be as forceful as possible. we hope and pray there will be a positive outcome in the next few days. >> meanwhile, israel keeps pounding gaza as it enters a more difficult phase of the war. seniority director robert greenway will join us life next. veteran homeowners, need to save money every month? 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congress also has to step up and pass the supplemental budget to help stop the flow of fentanyl into our country and support services for people struggling with fentanyl impacts. look i urge congress to make fentanyl a schedule-one drug and take the action to help limit the distribution of pill press says and close the loopholes that exist now for small shipments of fentanyl. as families gather with their loved ones, too many will face looking at an empty chair because so many people have died. it's heart breaking. it's an american tragedy. just my next door neighbor. tough stuff. people are dying. i'm committed to doing everything i can in my power to get this crisis under control. we're gathered to get to work together to make sure we're coordinating all our efforts to make progress on progress will be made with both xi. [multiple questions] >> thank you. thanks so much guys. >> thank you. >> all right. just at the end there. the president saying now is not the type to talk about the hostages. he said we're getting close to gets the hostages. we are very close and optimistic, nothing is done yet. but we are getting close. we could bring some of those hostages home soon. nothing is done until everything is done. the president just now. what do we know about that reportedly? mostly women and children. we are working to verify the details of the swap. that would be in exchange for 150 palestinian prisoners and a pause of four or five days. we are working to get the details of this. the president confirming things are looking good at the moment. he will continue with the meeting on fentanyl at the white house. we are likely going to get an update from the national security council possibly the pentagon and bring you that as soon as we have. now this. israel ramping up fighting in north gaza as they plan to shift their focus to southern gaza >> the idea of hitting 250 hamas targets. rocket launches and infrastructure. these new photos of an anti-task missile. troops found this under a baby's crib. meantime, we're learning to hear about the deal of the release of 50 hostages could be done as soon as today. the potential deal could free women and children exchanged for prisoners held by israel. the war cabinet is meeting and the former ambassador to the u.s. has a dire warning about it all. >> they have broken every cease-fire in the past. they never kept a cease-fire. it's very difficult to negotiate from someone moving the football constantly. my sources told me they won't release women who have been raped. who knows what the poor women went through. jeff paul is on the ground in southern israel reporting for us at this hour. hi jeff. >> reporter: sandra, we just learned they will vote in a new hours of close to a truce. exactly what that looks like could change as the hours drag on. but as we understand it, anywhere from 50 to 60 israeli hostages, women and children would be released in exchange for palestinian prisoners and a multiday pause in fighting. that could allow more aid to get into gaza including much-needed food, water and fuel. some of the hostages met with war cabinet members. they want the israeli government to act now. bring the hostages home. they are putting a lot of pressure on benjamin netanyahu who today had this to say about a possible deal. >> the first goal eliminating hamas. we will not stop until we are done. the second goal bringing the hostages back. we are making progress. i don't think we need to discuss it further not even at this moment. but i hope we will have good news soon. >> reporter: while the negotiations continue, the fighting does as well. the i fd says they have encircled the city of ibalia. israeli forces hit the city with air strikes. as it stands right now. no deal just yet. those government officials in israel going to be meeting at 8 o'clock local, 1 o'clock eastern, hoping to get more answers then. >> sandra: jeff, thank you. i want to reiterate. robert greenway is here with us. former director of the national security council and former green barrett. we can outline so far what we're hearing about the terms of this deal. that includes approximately 50 hostages female, and children. for 150 palestinian women and children being held by israel. this is a phased release of about 10 hostages followed by more if the cease-fire holds. that's a big if per the warning. multiday cease-fire of up to five days. would this be a good deal from your perspective? >> look at it, based on the operational activity increased by idf and hamas believe it would conclude in the next 24 hours. there's nothing better than reuniting families with hostages and loved ones. you're dealing with an unreliable opponent and you have to balance the fact that then hamas was retain the capability to threaten forces in the subsequent days with additional rockets having refit. this is like a boxing match and israel in control and hamas on the ropes. what we want is a boxing match that ends in five rounds and not 10 and we don't want a rematch. >> how big of an if is it if a cease-fire would actually hold? >> well, as previously stated, the historic pattern they won't >> the longer it does, the potential for more hostages to be released. again that is hamas' advantage. their operational commanders are leaving the battlefield and the pause will obviously provide a boost of morale for those resisting the idf and provides an opportunity for other hostile actors in hezbollah, iraq and syria are. it will be up to hamas which has been an unreliable actor. >> just reading through the details of what we heard from the president. obviously he is hopeful that some of these hostages could come home soon. that would be very good and welcome news for all of us and their family members. a few peace with this israel questions with this. israel questions why the un have not condemned the use of hospitals. we asked isaac herzog about that yesterday and he said this. >> the un is a hypocritic organization where they play for many years of antisemetic rhetoric. they celebrate the mutilated the body of a young girl celebrating at a festival. this is the whole clash of civilization of values we're in. >> how is it, robert, that the un has not yet condemned hamas? >> well the short answer is there's no incentive to do so. not only fail to condemn hamas and others like it, they have been providing material support to them for many years. it's among the reasons why the trump administration we refused to provide aid to those in it. the goal here is to prevent the resources going to these terrorist groups and stop funding to un organizations until it takes the right position and condemns terrorism. president herzog is correct >> there has been many attacks including the three new attacks since saturday alone. the u.s. carried out air striking responding to an attack at al-assad air base in iraq. this is the fourth time the u.s. has carried out an air strike since it carried out in october. still a new "wall street journal" op-ed argues iran pays no price for bad behavior. are we responding to these attacks forcefully enough, rather? >> i think the facts bear the conclusion we are not. we have experience with iran and certainly in iraq and syria. we know what it takes in order to stop the cycle. it's to over escalate and ensure the cost they bear is greater than the benefit derived. the article is right. iran is responsible for it. they are directing controlling funding and resourcing it. unless they pay a price. obviously that won't happen. the surrogates are extendible and the civilians to iran don't matter. iran hads to pay a price and i hope we do it soon. the number of attacks are increasing not decreasing. the odds are not in our favor. >> 64 and growing. final question to you, what do you believe is the next phase of this war as we continue to work through the details of what this hostage release deal maybe in the coming days and hours? >> i think israel will have to pay attention to the other theaters to address the escalating threat of hezbollah out of lebanon and the supplies moving through iraq and syria. i hope the u.s. takes the offensive and increasing the attacks to stop the cycle before one of our soldiers are killed. our role is to prevent escalation >> we have an opportunity to shift resources. >> robert greenway, thank you so much, sir. >> thank you and happy thanksgiving >> the dead all across america is showing that hate crimes have surged in last six weeks. since october 7th, there's been a 400% increase in threat says against jews in america. we have not stood by for strengthening physical security for locations. we're also making the digital world safer by identifying credible online threats. these teams are working to identify violent threats. they have a simple goal, to find out what is driving hateful behavior and intervene early before harm is done. >> that was new york governor, kathy hochul announcing beefed up security in new york city as tourist pour in for the thanksgiving holiday and the parade. antisemitism on college campuses is on the rise. a group calling on hochul to ban the group, students from justice in palestine after scenes like this. [chanting] >> many see that chant from the river to the sea as a code for annihilating israel. student groups which explicitly endorse registered foreign terrorists must be shut down. messaging praising adolf hitler. look at this photo. this is from new jersey. a grenade strapped to a pole next to a synagogue next to a jewish community. jason schaefer. it's hard to believe this is happening. right now jason. >> reporter: right now in america. it's unbelievable. but they have so many people that want to exterminate jews because they are jews. it is stunning but i would argue this is not just since october 7th. now obviously since then, the temperatures have risen and the protests have been out of control. jews having fighting this for a long time. people like kathy hochul have been nowhere on this. don't tell me you're strengthening what is going on in new york. the numbers of law enforcement having going down. there have been people in support of defunding the police along the way. it's hard far me to take her pledge that law enforcement is stronger than it's been before or that it's being beavered up where they have been actually letting people go. >> this is true. these numbers are just even hard to fathom. the speaks that we're seeing from the crime task force. antijewish incidents and beyond. a number of bias incidents. our own chad program writing a piece, "the divide" how a protest in israel exposed a rip in the republican party. over calls for a cease-fire and israel's assertion to defend itself. that's to say nothing of controversial comments by squad members. that's why the lockdown outside of dnc was so important. liberals attacking liberals when members of their party of clashing over something as flammable as the middle east. a new poll highlights that. 51% say israel went too far in the war with hamas. all goodpiece, jason. but very revealing over the problems the democrat problem is dealing with in this moment. >> reporter: yeah, there's a faction of the democratic party that's unrecognizable. they believe the extermination of the jewish state is what they want to have happen. it's played out in congress. what happened at the dnc. look it's as american as it gets to be able to protest and petition your government. you can't do so violently. when they're in new york city tearing down flags at grand central station pounding at the glass or hiding on the other side of the glass. i got to tell you, the other thing that has to be factored in here is the unparalleled illegal immigration. millions of people have been allowed to come into the country illegally and there's a consequence for that. we don't know who these people are. the people captured on the terrorist watch list and they're saying, hey, there's an increased risk of violence. oh, yeah? is that a surprise given your open border policy? >> sandra: it's something a lot of people are talking about around the city right now and certainly kathy hochul seeing the warning signs in holiday should be bliss. jason, meanwhile, comber blasting the president saying the president should be the most transparent. posting on x. the white house is withholding 80,000 piece of joe biden's e-mails and proof he loaned his brother money and seeked to block his brother from testifying before congress. the pledge to be transparent was hot air. and republicans are closing in on a make or break moment to file impreachment articles against the president. that decision could come in january. kevin mccarthy dropping this bomb shell. >> no one in memory would have known president biden has lied. they did receive money from china. yeah, he did get involved in the business dealings. we have systematically followed where the story has taken us. the subpoenas have gone into the bank statements. we found this in the shell companies. this is important. >> sandra: so he says the gop has moved closer. should they be doing this? >> they should review the facts. there's been millions of dollars that flowed into the biden bank accounts. there's suspicious activity reports. financial transactions. shell companies and e-mails, voice mails. text messages, a treasure trove of materials. testimony from irs officials saying they weren't allowed to properly investigate the president of the united states. when james comber who is doing a fabulous job trying to get at the documents, there are 82,000 or so documents out there that joe biden under a pseudonym he was using. guess what, you have to cough those up. you just do. you can't hold them back. if you're going to claim you're the most transparent, you have to actually do it. that's not joe biden >> that's what what they're doing. >> sandra: okay. jason, good to see you and happy holiday to you and yours. >> happy thanksgiving. thank you. >> sandra: to you as well. speaking of which, holiday storms ripping across the deep south. people in 30 days could be facing severe and even dangerous conditions. and as millions head out for thanksgiving, how will the severe weather impact what is expected to be a record breaking air travel weekend? what you need to know before you had the out next. >> we're expecting almost 50,000 flights on wednesday. 49600 is our current estimate. and that eclipses last year. we will be working around the clock to make sure passengers get to their destinations safely. honey, i think i heard something. ok. ♪ from christmas tree mats... to floorliners... cargo liners.... no drill mud flaps... seat protectors... and more... weathertech has the perfect holiday gift. honey, is everything ok? oh yeah. order at and don't forget weathertech gift cards. only sleep number smart beds let you each choose your individual firmness and comfort. your sleep number setting. and actively cools and warms up to 13 degrees on either side. and now, the new queen sleep number c2 smart bed is only $990. shop for a limited time. only at sleep number. every day, more dog people, and more vets are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. they're quitting the kibble. and kicking the cans. and feeding their dogs dog food that's actually well, food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food. get 50% off your first box at >> sandra: fox news alert. the israeli war cabinet is meeting on the hostages. the president saying he believes the hostages will come home soon. here he is on his own words. >> we are very close. very close. to bring some of these hostages home very soon. but i don't want to get in a details of this because nothing is done until it's done. and we have more to say we will. but, things are looking good at the moment. >> sandra: so it's not done until it's done. he's optimistic and pending israeli approval. a vote will be happening on this soon were the details will be about 50 hostages we're reporting women and children. this would be in change for 150 palestinian women and children being held by israel. the phased release of about 10 hostages followed by more if the cease-fire holds. this would be up to five days. we are waiting on confirmation and will bring you details when we get them. meanwhile, mother nature is talking tornados, heavy rain and snow. millions of americans across 30 states are in the path of the storms. the deep south hit with the very worst of it. ni ni nicole valdez is live. >> reporter: sandra, tornados lit people's phones up night. this is hazelhurst, mississippi. you will see how the massive branching collapsed next to this home now. part of it is wrecked up in the power lines were the other part is sitting on ton of someone's roof. we're still trying to figure out exactly what caused this damage. as you take a closer look to the tree. it looks like this may have been struck by lightning as a part of the thunderstorm that moved over the area for several hours. this was a tornado warned area. we're going to wait to see what the national weather service has to say about this particular storm. whether it was a tornado, how strong it was. unfortunately for families across the deep south, they will have to deal with clean up ahead of thanksgiving holiday. meanwhile one family in the louisiana of course, grateful, holding their loved ones tight after three of them nearly killed after a mobile home was destroyed in a another possible tornado. a heroic officer crawled in to save them. this area going to be dealing with mess here. now it's looking like those in alabama and georgia may be gearing up for the same. thankfully, the severe part of this may be a down play or downgrading just a bit sandra. so hopefully things can clear up for the holiday. >> sandra: okay, nicole, that is quite a scene. we will anticipate that weather coming to some areas of the country. nicole, thank you. meanwhile that stormy weather could mean a mess for millions of americans. the tsa is predicting this thanksgiving will break air travel records. flight cancellations expected to grow with another flightmare scenario. the pete buttigieg on who to blame. >> every time extremist republicans in congress bring us to the bring of a government shut down. this threatens protecting customer rights. every time they want to cut the tsa, on the cusp of reaching the house floor right now, it threatens to reverse the progress. >> sandra: okay, jeff black with the fox business network and live at philadelphia international airport. seems like the lines are building behind you, jeff. >> reporter: yeah they say they have enough folks at the tsa. it's okay, sir, don't let us get in your way. we have good back up there. maybe we take a ride down in terminal b here. this is the american terminal, sa sandra, as i said, we're watching the weather heading our way. take a look at the numbers though. you reported it could be all time record for air travel. yeah, 4.7 million air travelers that's what aaa says it's going to be and the department of transportation says that could be an all-time record. you look at that radar, it's a big chunk of the country the eastern part of the country that is covered with bad weather right now and a lot of airports in the cross hairs there. we talked to the folks at aaa, they said they don't think there will be a lot of cancellations but there maybe a whole lot of delays. take a listen. >> i think we should be okay. the planes are there. the people are there. it's just a matter of getting them to where they need to be. so i don't think there will be a lot of cancellations. there should be some delays, and that would be unfortunate but i think that's going to be a situation that's going to be short lived. >> reporter: hopefully he is right, sandra. i remember back to last thanksgiving. that was a disaster. we had a melt down at southwest. their systems went down. a whole bunch of cancellations. i don't think we will see that. but a record number of travelers, who knows. >> sandra: jeff, i can safely say we go back. back to chicago. viewsers have seen you do a lot of crazy shots. did you just go down an escalator backwards deliveringa i live tv broadcast? >> you know, don't let me chew gum but i can walk and talk at the same time. >> sandra: you know i wonder when i see these lines, it doesn't look too crazy behind you. flew not last weekend but the weekend before and saw crazy lines. my sense they are ramping up will level of staff. you're not going to see the lines. >> i think you're absolutely right. >> sandra: i hope that's the case. i think they're ready for this. thanksgiving is a huge travel time and particularly the sunday after. or the sunday after thanksgiving. that's when everybody goes back. so hopefully they haven't shot their whole staff on the front end, but yeah, i think they have taken steps to make sure we don't have another melt down. that would not go over well. >> sandra: so many people trying to reach their loved ones. 2.6 million passengers are expected to be screened today. that is an enormous number. jeff, always impressed >> backwards down an elevator delivering a life report amazing. >> reporter: not too old for it yet. >> happy thanksgiving. thanks for joining us on the "faulkner focus," i am sandra, i will be back with my colleague john roberts for america reports. outnumber will be right after the break with this great lineup. veteran homeowners, do you know what's taking a big bite out of family budgets? car loans. get a newday 100 va cash out loan. own your car and have no more monthly car payments. icy hot. ice works fast. ♪ heat makes it last. feel the power of contrast therapy. ♪ so you can rise from pain. icy hot. >> kayleigh: this is "outnumbered," i'm kayleigh mcenany. here

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