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saturday night chemical. ♪ ♪ >> lately, i have been spotting, looking at what's going on in the world wondered why some things are hot and some things do not being an influencer is a trend, especially now that pretty much anyone can do it based this is what an influencer looks like. back in my day if you want to be an influencer, you have to look like this. farrah fawcett influenced me in many ways. or this. i have monkey socks. or this. okay. this guy was not a good role model at least back and they were selling something. i'm not sure what these guys are selling. >> i regret i talked to. but not this one because this is not a real tattoo. >> now you can major in being an influencer college. that thing that is distracting millions from doing the schoolwork is now their schoolwork. this is from the syllabus is pleased ireland. promises prospective students the chance to turn their springtime hobby into a career becoming experts in social media theory and use while learning how to connect with target demographics online what percentage of the students do you think have parents putting their college tuition bill? i'm guessing somewhere around one 100% or it will be when the kids find out becoming a selfie made millionaire is a little harder than it looks. okay, now a trend that might be promising. remember the girlfriends a few weeks ago? >> i'm so upset nothing to do with my job but the nine to five schedule in general is crazy. being in office nine to five, if i was remote it would be 5:00, i would be home but i'm not home, it takes me long to get home. >> everyone in the future will be famous for 15 minutes, she was famous for like 11 wormholes, everybody making fun of her but i found her refreshing and full of wisdom. people don't realize the corporate rat race is overrated until it too late and they squandered years being a lifeless grown in corporate america. they been trying to tell us the 70s your work life to be a substitute for your family. it can't. even if you are married. >> you've got spunk. [laughter] i hate spunk. >> i'm not alone, new york post reports that the millennial girl boss is so last generation. professionals are choosing to be laid-back rather than booked and busy. meet the snail girl. >> sailcloth takes the time to create. she's running her own race maybe the race isn't going anywhere but home and back to bed. it can look different to different people but it is about slowing down and being kind to yourself. >> you might call it lazy but i like this trend. if you love your job, that's great but it should not be where you derive meaning. it's for your heart, your soul, your family, golden retriever, things that really matter and bring us happiness. we might be turning a corner, young people who have grown weary are living life in front of the screen embrace a trend called monk mode. they delete apps, turn off the phone and embrace life the old-fashioned way. how do we know it's a trend? video of doctor 76 million views on tik tok. wait a minute, how are you unplugging if you post about it on tik tok? a vow of poverty and wake up at 4:00 a.m. to pray the rosary but you foot put your phone down for half a day and think you are one of them? maybe if they've got the funny monk haircut, i believe the they do it for the psaki on the graham. [laughter] do young people have any trend not attached to social media? like the ones we had. we didn't have names, we had lucky packages. >> care to comment? >> i'm outraged. >> offer osama minute, place, they were stickers marking famous brands professionally done. the famed artist art spiegelman. every kid i knew how to bedroom door covered with these things. eventually i scraped mine off the door and threw them away but like everything else i once owned, they are collectible and worth a lot of money. with the holidays coming up in blackbody approaching, another trend continues, self checkout. do you like this trend? one retailer is doing away with the self checkout declaring customers want to talk to a real woman being and i think it's true and i am human but i must say facebook a long line at the register, i used self checkout from time to time but there is that employee next to me looking over my shoulder trying to make sure i do it right, do not trust me? at the exit they want to see my receipt again before they let me leave. isn't this whole process supposed to save time? maybe the two security guards should get their own register. one trend it's probably a good thing, people seem to be drinking less. i met up with my buddies recently and everyone was drinking nonalcoholic beer, have you noticed that? we usually replace one drug with another into what into jack hunt who seems like a fun guy, psychedelic mushrooms are the new booze. jack claims he got in on the time known as michael dozing from a small dose of a psychedelic substance which some used to treat things like depression and now jack runs retreat six times a year, up to 250 people get together to engage in what he calls therapy sessions where they can choose to take mushrooms if they wish to do so. ♪ >> you know what these people could use? exercise, right? not so fast. researchers say the martin people do structured activities such as the gym or running, the more likely they are to be lazy for the rest of the day. they do less not buck, not exercise is a collectivity. i wish this were true but i think it is. i usually take the chair stares at the train station by five came from the gym, i'll jump on the escalator so if you miss your fitness class, don't worry, tell yourself you're saving up your energy to be not lazy later on. another trend, everybody is forgetting everything. the new york times declared can't think, can't remember, more americans say they are in cognitive fog. experts say it started with covid but like most things started with covid, i don't believe the experts. maybe it's auto, all those people on mushrooms. i think everybody has brain fog because of these. we use them too much. have you tried driving anywhere without your map out? i used to have a good sense of direction but now this is what my driving looks like if i get in the car without my phone. [background noise] >> he might be okay. >> you okay. we got a great show on fox news saturday night. i had to times square to make her hopes and dreams come true and pack your bags, we are going on vacation with the points guy. plus applicable capable praise. stay right here. ♪ let's face it, this year's a bit of a mess but fox news saturday night we look forward, not backward and with 2023 probably coming to an end, a lot of people have begun thinking about 2024 so i hit the streets to find out what people look for in the new year. >> i'm here in times square at the sculpture of dreams. people are encouraged to whisper their hopes and dreams into the sculpture. warmer weather. ♪ >> if you have hopes and dreams, if you go in and whisper them to the sculpture and i guess, your dreams come true, do you believe it? for mark i believe it, i put it out into the universe, i like the colors mclean videogames his whole life. >> been successful in my career that i'm choosing to be, a graphic designer. >> what you think the design of this thing? >> i wonder what it is, i thought was supposed to be a figure or something but now that i see the idea of dreams, i see the tunnel, the perspective from of the coloring and stuff. >> the sculpture of dreams, walked to the sculpture and whisper hopes and dreams. >> that's interesting enough to have hopes and dreams to the future? >> hopefully a new house texture you want to share your hopes and dreams? >> i'm leaving new york city's fault sculpture of your hopes and dreams into the sculpture. >> should we mark on a secret? >> my dreams to be an olympic champion. >> what is your field? and the. >> you are going to wrestle my. >> a long shot have to go to on the trials, i am already a champion so i had to be an olympic champion. >> lights, sounds, bird calls going on, they can take a moment of respite, pretend they are in nature. >> so, if a genie gave you three wishes for 2024, what would they be? astronomy, tonight's panel, chris friede, cohost of the big money show on foxbusiness, jackie deangelis and comedian justin mckinney okay, what do you think? i'm going to start with you, justin, what did you think of the sculpture? did you visit it? >> i did. i went down and wished i could be on fox news saturday night. don't knock it until you try it. >> it came true. >> it looks a little out of place, it doesn't look as much times square as like county fair but i guess in 2023 it is appropriate, a wishing well but with inflation. >> you talk about inflation a lot. >> i do, too much as a matter fact. >> a positive thing for the end of the year, people having their hopes and dreams realized? >> good to have hopes and dreams and good to wish but when i saw that, i was expecting a sculpture, that's about the house like i don't even get that. i'm not going to walk through it and do my hopes and dreams are but maybe because of inflation people are so down and out the that is a fountain for them or something, i'm not sure. >> a lot of hopes and dreams you saw in the segment, people were talking about economic issues, they want to to put a down payment on a house, travel more, they want to -- this is what's happening, people feel it in their pocketbook so those are the simple dreams. >> i think of things were better, they would be able to do those things and they wouldn't be in times square in the bouncy house wishing things to be better. [laughter] >> did you like the sculpture? >> i'm not a big art guy to be honest, i'm like the dude in the video tunnel stuff in the co colors, when i see our stuff, aiko negative, i believe this guy had left over pool twice through them together. >> you are kind of a sexist artwork. left over pool twice, glued them together and tried to make money, that's what i think with art. a prominent artist. >> i like when they take art outside, the gate in new york city they had crystal, i love environmental sculptures let's go down the line in the little time we have, hopes and dreams, mckinney. >> healthy family. >> the other show with tom shillue front against. >> if i tell you, it probably won't come true but i'm going to do it anyway. a new president in 2024. >> i knew president in 2024 and you are going to get one for that is the same new one or the same old one. [laughter] the panel is sticking around because next, which generation is the easiest to scam tipping culture out of control. we are going to break that down and much more next. ♪ ore! i've been taking prevagen for four years now. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. ♪ >> welcome back to fox news saturday night, we all know gen z was the generation born into the digital world you think they know a thing or two how it works but according to a new report, zoomer's are more likely to fall prey to online scams than boomers. according to the fbi gen z has seen 2000% increase in the amount of money if lost online for only $8 million in 2017 to 200 million last year. how did this happen? does this make sense that and see falls for these scams? >> i think the boomers have a bad rap and everybody thinks boomers, they are old and don't know what they are doing when it comes to technology, that may be true on one hand but they are also skeptical so they understand the people are out to get them from a they've been thinking that for their whole lives. gen z on the other hand think they know everything from a they also grew up with the phone as a third limb model, having to hands and phone is attached to it, i think they are so into the phone that they live in this alternate universe and they think they are the smartest people out there, they rack on the millennial's and see how dumb they are but gen z has a lot to learn. >> they are so comfortable with the phone, they just click any link that comes along the get the e-mail like i'll try it out because i don't think there is any consequence. >> a life of getting scammed, i have two kids, this is horrifying to me because if they are getting scammed, all the stuff hooked up to my accounts, i am getting scammed but i do think -- i find interesting because my dad who is a boomer is the most gullible person ever, i'm talking to someone online, i think they went to school with you, a 25-year-old in a bikini, they didn't go to school with me. he's like she asked for money, what did you do? i do have many that is defense, he's got nothing, the best fraud protection ever. >> do you fall for these scams? the mark know but i will say i think it is numbers issue with the study because it would be higher for the older people but i note to my parents sometimes they don't even know how to click or open an attachment. i've had like four hour conversations with my dad about how -- then a mike you probably shouldn't and he's like i want to check it so if they are given the chance, they would love to be scammed more to increase their numbers. they will put the phone down like why do they call them? >> you will get in trouble after this. [laughter] >> my god is like can check my e-mail, it's hard and they get scammed. >> america has reached tipping points whether young or old, rich or poor, the only thing more confusing is how much to tip nowadays 18 to 20% is considered standard, a research survey found 57% of americans say they tip 15% or less making matters worse, the stupid payment screens that guilt you into tipping even if you are in self checkout. i see three people on the couch here retired, they are part of tipping. >> tipping at the self checkout, a 3-dollar cup of coffee when somebody is supposed to hand it to you, that's not service so i am about and i shamelessly zero. like you are not going to shame me into doing something out of the just right. at the restaurant it's different, you should to 20% because we were talking about inflation and prices are up and it is expensive to go out so i think people try to save a few dollars on the tip because the check was so high and i think it's wrong. you can't do that. if you don't want to tip 20%, don't go out or go to a cheaper restaurant. >> that's right. did you ever work in the service industry? >> yes but i get crap because my parents owned a bowling l.a. and that's when i did it so i was there. >> you worked the bowling l.a. >> sort of but they had a snack bar, i sprayed the shoes. >> my issue, most of my spirits is being drunk in the bar and that's fine i am a tipper but the people on the other side sometimes forget it is more socially about being cool to see if you are on a date you want to show you tip well, you want to impress is what it's about so now sometimes but say you are a poor comedian and lonely at the bar and you are taking a liking to a bartender so you put up a really good tip and the other bartender comes over and goes -- no, no, no, she needs to see my effort. when i put it in the jar like even a starbucks when you do tip jar, if i put in the dark, i want to make sure she sees me putting it in. >> i contact is important. >> you want credit for a good tip and to expand on that, everyone has a different comfort level so is it rude to ask for separate checks when he got to eat? [laughter] i don't trust her, she's going to lowball. >> but it more of the pace. [laughter] >> i do agree with the spinning of the ipad in some places only take cash. >> the self checkout, zero shamelessly. who are you tipping, a robot? >> if the tipping doesn't bother you, maybe the topic will. street compiled a list of the 32 most dutch cities. concord california and florida are among them but the top five, not too surprising number five, miami all by philly, new york, boston and chicago at number one with the average commuter spending 155 hours of traffic in 2022. in case you're wondering, ellie came in surprisingly low number seven so what are we going to do about this? we have to take the bus? >> i flew from boston so i had to drive, number two? i had to drive into boston and you know it gets a bad drop but i was like i miss covid. [laughter] >> the one time, the streets were empty. >> does that surprise you chicago is number one? >> not at all. the top of the leader there is blue city so there is a reason for. i will talk about new york, top three in the list and it's an obstacle course, you're not driving around, he's got bike lanes and scooter people, hover board guy, pedestrians, and the guy walking around like shadowboxing you, he's going to punch you but not really. [laughter] the whole thing so i'm walking to work dodging people and i don't want to get into a car. >> i don't like all of those you are a philly guy. >> north philly, traffic is horrible but when i noticed is pretty much all cities, maybe not miami but there is a trend where every city, they are known for the most annoying sports fans so he might be the personalities in the cities gaining this reputation, ellie i feel people are selfish doing their own thing, boston, chicago, new york, they are out there judging everybody's bumper stickers wearing their jerseys to work so i think they are aggressive on the road. >> being of wasted time, movies are getting too long, does that make me sound old? the latest is three hours and 26 minutes, how is anybody supposed to sit in the theater that long without using the bathroom? some are asked to bring back intermissions which shouldn't hollywood stop making three hour movies? are the movies too long? >> not too long, the problem is people who got three hour movies on the ones who complained before that movies were too short and they want getting bang for the buck so they asked for longer movies and now too old to hold our bladder so we need an intermission. for the port other person like me who goes to the movies, i want to hear you slurping and eating your popcorn and that happened intermission in between this three hour movie. it's a disaster. i want any of that so i'm not going out of. >> i think there too long. >> every now and then there's a special occasion or marble but i hate intermissions generally but i've seen springsteen four hours, note intermission, it's great. no extra time where you're waiting in lines, everyone goes at the same time. >> there's usually one song you go to the bathroom. >> you pick and choose your moments. >> you may miss something or hold it. >> marble comes on screen. >> are movies too long? >> the can be but if they do it at all, of the get the horrible idea, how about start the movie, start at 8:00 and put trailers in the middle and use it through trailers but to have someone come back, they come back in the bathroom, what did they miss? you missed the part about not talking in the theater, that's what you missed. [laughter] >> that's not your wife you're talking about, are you? >> with been together 20 years, we did see a movie on our first date and had there been a trailer, i might have gone to the bathroom and don't come back. [laughter] and kitty. >> coming up, we are getting to know our panel a little too well so we put them to the test with the risk a round of would you rather? find out what they really think next. ♪ here on fox news saturday night, we'd like to get to know our guests, like really. i decided to put them to the ultimate test of adult gymnastics minus the leotards in a game of would you rather. let's find out, would you rather. distended on smarts with elon musk or megan markle's personal assistant. >> musk. oh my god. hands down mars with musk. >> everybody agreed. >> would i be allowed to ruin her later on or -- [laughter] can i gather dirt while being an assistant? >> you could. he could be a media play. would you rather go to a taylor swift crews or be in first class on the titanic next this is r real. taylor swift crews. >> obviously the titanic sound like that would be but taylor swift, i would be on the taylor swift crews than died on the titanic. >> you are first class so i would get off. >> is not the bad one? [laughter] >> first class sounds great. >> they almost all die. >> got a good shot if you're next to kathy bates or whatever. >> i don't mind taylor swift. >> you listen to her music? >> i like it, i don't love her politics so i'm conflicted but i would take the titanic and i wasn't even thinking about getting in a lifeboat because it's all the swift these who come to the events, i can't. >> imagine being on the titanic with swift. would you rather get covid again or vote for kamala harris for president. >> i've had covid a whole bunch. i wasn't tested, i might have it right now. [laughter] i've got to go covid. >> what you think? >> the original strain of covid. that's how much -- that's how i feel about it. >> yeah, covid. i got a buddy who thought he had long covid, turns out he's an alcoholic. it's a fine line. >> would you rather have bedbugs or dogs it commander biden as asked. >> bedbugs because if i have the bedbugs, my wife has a total fear of bedbugs. i don't think she cares i have an affair as long as i check for bedbugs. i'm with the beautiful provider, put her on the phone. this he have bedbugs? >> bedbugs or commander? >> i'm going to take commander because i got a puppy and i've been so good at training her -- not really but i do think i can do wonders with commander, look who his parents are. >> they neglect him and michael commander from a i stayed in a horrible thing and woke up with bite and stuff so i am doubt. i'd rather get one good dog bite been the whole billion little ones. >> would you rather pay higher taxes or wake up next to hillary clinton? >> is this a sexist question america never want to pay higher taxes on going to go with hrc. >> she really doesn't like ta taxes. >> wake up with here like clinton or pay taxes that i would pay more in taxes. it seems wrong. >> did i have to go to bed with her, too? >> camping or something, you wake up. i don't know. trying to create nightmare scenarios. would you rather get bit by a shark or speaker of the house for a week? >> obviously speaker -- is th that -- of course. i would get fired but yeah. >> i would take on speakership in a heartbeat. >> he would deal with matt gaetz x. >> justin mckinney. >> how bad is the shark bite? is it a flesh wound or you lose an arm? if it's a little bite, i would probably take the shark bite. no scars, my wife likes a bad boy. >> would you rather have a president who is senile or president who governs from prison? >> i think i would know, all of those. you said you'd rather have the president. >> thank you, panel. chris, jackie and justin. there's a new list of the best places to travel in 2024 but what is the best way to find the altogether? i'm going to talk to the.guy about next year's list next. ♪ all right. 60 seconds to draw the perfect gift. what's it gonna be? a bottle of don julio, 1942, delivered. delivered with drizly. gifting without the guessing. drizly. all right, tandy, what's it gonna be, the drink made from whatever was laying around, or the one made with your drizzly haul? drizly! stock up today, sip well, tomorrow. drizly. all right, sheila, are you throwing a dress like a dad party, a birthday brunch, or a vow renewal for your dogs? yes! the right drinks delivered for any party. drizly. all right, tandy, what's it gonna be, the drink made from whatever was laying around, or the one made with your drizzly haul? drizly! stock up today, sip well, tomorrow. drizly. all right, sheila, are you throwing a dress like a dad party, a birthday brunch, or a vow renewal for your dogs? yes! the right drinks delivered for any party. drizly. all right, tandy, what's it gonna be, the drink made from whatever was laying around, or the one made with your drizzly haul? drizly! stock up today, sip well, tomorrow. drizly. >> welcome back, who's ready to travel? as we all know, covid restrictions and higher prices public it vacations of the past few years but according to the.guy website, trauma is back and they just replaced the top 16 places to visit in 2024. among them, france, san diego, costa rica, south korea, bali, queensland australia and tijuana, mexico. i'm not sure about that last one but how can we get to these places tepee and as safely as possible? joining me now, ceo of the prince guy, brian kelly. thank you for being here. >> the tijuana one makes everyone say, what kind of list is this? you be shocked the world design organization nominated next year, there are two cities, san diego and tijuana, there's going to be a year-long festivals all around design. >> isn't tijuana about drinking? >> i went there 20 years ago in college and drinking and other establishments but it just going through the renaissance and 2024 there's a 300-acre park opening up with cool activities and new boutique hotel so it is undergoing a transformation and the food scene is good so tijuana is up and coming, trust me. >> san diego is always great, it seems like the weather is always perfect there. >> truly one of the nicest, most temperate places in the u.s. and great hotels, the coronado is one of the san diego scene, that's fully rape your wrist and it's san diego but la jolla, so many gems along the coast there, you can't have a bad time in san diego. >> i could driver. >> people who want to get that experience of europe you don't really want to go québec -- people think of montréal, and awesome city but québec city is having a moment you really feel like you're not in north ame america, a turning place. >> how about albania? >> albania is an up-and-coming hotspot so if you want to go to europe, it's so crowded, so expensive, to. >> he acts like we've all been to all these places. >> i was there the summer, it's fun, it's expensive act can be so if you want and off the beaten path for your dollar goes far, that's it. toronto is the capital, you can drive along the beach, is the festival in all of june and enclose really far. they have really great wine. >> are you the original? i've been following you more than ten years and originally was just a block where you talk about how to get the most of the airline, now it's a full-fledged travel site. >> 10 million monthly visitors to the site blows me away because we used to work at morgan stanley and wasn't making a lot of money had to travel every week for work and i'm 6-foot seven so for me, i didn't have the money, i had to figure out a way to at least get an exit row by got into the loyalty programs and i realized this is actually amazing so i've been maximizing fees over 20 years so i started for fun, i was sick of my friends asking me for tips, let me write down federal have to say over and over. it's just me, i would blog at night and it was june of 2010 and early 2011, new york times wrote this huge article that changed my life overnight and quit my job to do this block and now over 120 employees, a wild story so when i say if you have a passion, chase it because you never know what might become of it. >> i used to read your blog and all of a sudden i called the site and it was like big time so way to go, congratulations. thank you for the information. coming up, have you heard about this pickle ball craze? the fastest growing sport so i went out and learn how to apply. see what i did, next. ♪ 's we are back on fox news saturday night. at this very moment thousands of people across the country likely engaged in a battle against friends, foes and newcomers armed only with an oversized ping-pong paddle. pickleball is the fastest growing sport in the nation. we are told nearly 9 million americans are to hit the court. that is right pickleball it is a legit and it is kosher. i went out to find out what the deal was all about. let's serve it up baby watch. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i want to be a part of america's latest sports a trend that came to lifetime pickleball to see how it all works. it is kind of like of tennis and ping-pong but there are sure a lot of rules for quick to acknowledge the other players and introducing yourself. guys, do not chase the ball to the other cult yelled ball on court. a ball on courtship. do not switch balls. i don't how to do that. above all have fun that is the name of the game. my opponent today matt hennessy from the wall street journal. and our instructors emily and andy we might need a little help it's our first time playing. >> emily and i were going to hit a couple of balls. a volley is when you hit the ball out of the air before it bounces. this is called the no volley zone. this in a great areas the no vy zone. what we have our winner? this is the note no volley zonr kitchen line. as long as emily and i are hitting the ball and bringing balls out of the air from behind the line it is fine. [cheering] it feels less unmanly to me too bounce it. that's got you to think. when my tip as i know this sounds basic but always keep your eye on the ball. they say the players look so closely at the ball they're ca,counting the little circles. so the ball is there. keep your eye on the ball here we go. that is it. i'm having a good time but why do you think this is taken off the white house? >> the reason it's taken off the way it has you can take play with anyone of any age. i have friends i placed them who are over 70 and a plate with some were still in middle school. so wiffleball. it's much easier to have a good game which you'll see in a little bit. >> right here, no bounce. one comment two, three here we go. were on our dinks are volleys our service and our turns i think you're ready to play for points. >> let's do it. here we go. get back up here matt. nice. [cheering] [cheering] get the point let's do one more. bounce, balance. >> i came in i came into much. what did you learn? >> it doesn't matter who wins or loses its how you play the game and my rights? looks i don't think so. [laughter] want to thank everybody for coming out and andy it's all about sportsmanship, right? works true alright alright i get it. go. you've got to read the rules at the end of the game i was still in the game i was still in there for it had my head in the game. >> you can't be serious. [laughter] special thanks to matt, emily, andy and the folks at lifetime for showing me the ropes. thanks for watching fox news saturday night but set your dvr to 10:00 p.m. eastern every saturday right here on fox news. don't forget to follow us on social media f in saturday night at my show it spontaneous combustion is coming live to city near you. go to tom schl for ts and info. good night from new york city. ♪ ♪stan ♪

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, 70 , Laughter , Spunk , Millennial Girl Boss , Sailcloth , Race , Professionals , Snail Girl , Isn T , Kind , Bed , Anywhere , Heart , Meaning , Soul , Happiness , Golden Retriever , Corner , Phone , Life , Way , Screen , Video , Front , Apps , Views , Doctor , Embrace A Trend Called Monk Mode , 76 Million , Vow , Poverty , Rosary , Tik Tok , 4 , Ones , Psaki On The Graham , Social Media , Names , Monk Haircut , Place , Art Spiegelman , Stickers , Care , Packages , Offer , Brands , Lot , Money , Everything , Door , Kid , Self Checkout , Retailer , Customers , Holidays , Woman , Line , Register , Employee , Shoulder , Exit , Receipt , Drinking , Security Guards , Buddies , Two , Jack Hunt , Psychedelic Mushrooms , Beer , Drug , Booze , Michael Dozing , Therapy Sessions , Substance , Depression , Runs , Dose , 250 , Six , Mushrooms , More , Gym , Activities , Researchers , Buck , Rest , Exercise , Running , Martin , Collectivity , Stares , Chair , Train Station , Everybody , Think , Americans , Don T Worry , New York Times , Energy , Escalator , Covid , Brain Fog , Auto , Cognitive Fog , Car , Looks , Sense , Map , Direction , Driving Anywhere , Background Noise , Times Square , Show , Dreams Come True , Bags , Points , Vacation , Praise , Bit , Mess , 2023 , Dreams , Sculpture , End , Streets , Thinking , 2024 , Hopes , Weather , Videogames , Universe , Design , Idea , Perspective , Graphic Designer , Tunnel , Figure , Stuff , Coloring , Whisper , New York City , Fault Sculpture , House Texture , Field , Secret , Olympic Champion , Sounds , Flights , Shot , Champion , Trials , Bird Calls , Respite , Nature , Cohost , Wishes , Genie , Chris Friede , Tonight S Panel , Comedian Justin Mckinney Okay , The Big Money Show On Foxbusiness , Jackie Deangelis , Three , Justin Mckinney , Don T , It , Doesn T , County Fair , Inflation , Matter Fact , House , Fountain , Issues , Down Payment , Segment , Happening , Pocketbook , Art Guy , Video Tunnel Stuff , Dude , Wouldn T , Pool , Colors , Aiko , Art Outside , Art , Artwork , Sculptures , Crystal , Let S Go Down The Line , Mckinney , President , Front Against , Panel , Next , Scam Tipping Culture , Out Of Control , Prevagen , Prescription , Stores , Four , Know Gen Z , Report , Boomers , Scams , Zoomer , Prey , Amount , Increase , Fbi , 200 Million , A Million , 2017 , 2000 , 8 Million , Falls , Trap , Hand , Technology , Lives , Hands , Model , Third Limb , Link , E Mail , Millennial , Consequence , Accounts , Dad , Someone , Boomer , Bikini , 25 , Numbers , Defense , Study , Fraud , Protection , Attachment , Conversations , Mike , Shouldn T , God , Tipping Points , Trouble , Making , Research Survey , Rich Or Poor , 18 , 20 , 57 , Tipping , Part , Payment , Guilt , Couch , Somebody , Cup , Coffee , 3 , Zero , Tip , Prices , Restaurant , Bowling L A , Check , Scrap , Industry , Don T Go Out , Snack Bar , Shoes , Bowling L A Sort , Bar , Side , Most , Tipper , Spirits , Issue , Bartender , Comedian , Liking , Tip Jar , Starbucks , Jar , Effort , In The Dark , Credit , Level , Comfort , Checks , Space , Spinning , Lowball , Places , Who Are You , Cash , Ipad , Robot , List , Cities , Boston , Tipping Doesn T , Chicago , North Philly , Topic , Miami , Street , Dutch , Florida , Concord California , 32 , Traffic , Number , Bus , Commuter Spending , Case , Ellie , 155 , Seven , 2022 , Drop , Reason , City , Top , Leader , Obstacle Course , Hover Board Guy , Pedestrians , Scooter , Guy Walking , Bike Lanes , Wall , Philly Guy , Sports Fans , Personalities , Reputation , Movies , Jerseys , On The Road , Bathroom , Some , Intermissions , Theater , Latest , Problem , Shouldn T Hollywood , 26 , Bang For The Buck , Movie , Intermission , Bladder , Popcorn , Disaster , Marble , Occasion , Note Intermission , Lines , Song , Trailers , Come Back , 8 , Wife , Trailer , Panel A , Coming Up , Kitty , Test , Risk A Round , Guests , Game , Personal Assistant , Leotards , Smarts , Elon Musk , Let S Find Out , Megan Markle , Distended , Oh My God , Mars , Titanic , Media Play , Crews , Class , Taylor Swift , Assistant , Dirt , Sound , Whatever , Mind , Die , Music , Kathy Bates , Lifeboat , Swift , Politics , Events , Go Covid , Vote , Kamala Harris , Buddy , Strain , Bedbugs , Commander , Fine Line , Alcoholic , Fear , Provider , Affair , Training , Wonders , Puppy , Bite , Dog Bite , Ai , Doubt , Taxes , Question , Hillary Clinton , Hrc , Pay , Clinton , Data , Nightmare Scenarios , I Don T Know , Camping , Shark , Speaker , Course , Ith , In A Heartbeat , Matt Gaetz X , Flesh Wound , Shark Bite , Arm , Oscars , Bad Boy , Prison , The Guy About Next Year , Altogether , Jackie And Justin , Bottle , Gift , Don Julio , 60 , 1942 , Drink , Drizly , Drizzly , Tandy , Guessing , Gifting , Party , Dogs , Birthday Brunch , Dress , Vow Renewal , Sip Well , Sheila , Drinks , Vacations , Know , Restrictions , Trauma , Guy Website , Welcome Back , The , San Diego , Tijuana , Tepee , France , Costa Rica , South Korea , Mexico , Bali , Queensland , Australia , 16 , Tijuana One , Say , Ceo , Prince , Brian Kelly , Design Organization , Festivals , Isn T Tijuana , Transformation , Boutique Hotel , Establishments , Renaissance , 300 , Coronado , Food Scene , Scene , Nicest , Hotels , Coast , Driver , Gems , Wrist , La Jolla , QuÉbec City , Experience , Europe , QuÉbec , MontrÉal , Albania , Hotspot , Summer , Fact , Dollar , Beaten Path , Festival , Capital , Beach , Wine , Toronto , Block , Original , Ten , Site , Work , Visitors , Airline , Travel Site , Morgan Stanley , Wasn T Making A Lot , 10 Million , Exit Row , Loyalty Programs , Fees , 6 , Friends , Fun , Tips , 2010 , 2011 , June Of 2010 , Article , Employees , Story , 120 , All Of A Sudden , Big Time , Blog , Information , Congratulations , Passion , Sport , Craze , Country , Battle , Foes , Thousands , Newcomers , Oversized , Court , Deal , Lifetime Pickleball , Nation , Baby , Ping Pong Paddle , 9 Million , Sports , Works , Ping Pong , Tennis , Like , Ball , Players , Balls , Rules , Cult , Ball On Court , Ball On Courtship , Emily , Playing , Opponent , Instructors , Name Of The Game , Help , Matt Hennessy , Wall Street Journal , Volley , Volley Zone , Couple , Areas , Kitchen Line , Vy Zone , Note , Hair , Winner , Zonr , Cheering , Unmanly , Eye , Circles , White House , Play , Age , Wiffleball , Middle School , Plate , Bounce , Comment , Dinks , Service , Turns , Nice , It Doesn T Matter , Point , Balance , Play The Game , Sportsmanship , Rights , Head , Thanks , Folks , Dvr , Candy , Ropes , 10 , Info , Combustion , Tom Schl Salute Com For Ts , On Social Media F , Stan ,

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