Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Jesse 20240702 :

FOXNEWSW Jesse July 2, 2024

tonight -- >> i'd love to do it right now. >> stand your butt up then. >> stand your butt up. >> jesse: what's going on with these politicians? it's not looting, it's reparations. >> what is going on? >> i'm not getting an answer. >> jesse: pauley p takes the stand. plus -- fox news alert. the secret service over the cocaine investigation. we just got back over 100 pages of documents. the secret service has been lying to you about everything. here's why. when the cocaine was first found, they said it was in the library where the first family lives. then there were reports the cocaine was actually found outside the situation room. >> investigation has progressed and so they're saying the west executive entrance which, as you noted, is closer to the situation room. >> jesse: the secret service said, no, it was in a cubby with a lot of foot traffic around it. yes, there are cameras, but that particular cubby was in a blind spot. how do you mistake the library for the situation room and the situation room for the cubby? when i'm in a library, i know i'm in a library because there's books everywhere. does it look like there's books everywhere? that's a wall cubby. they say the coke was found in locker number 50, right there in the middle. and there's a key missing. what do you think the chances are that the secret service has the key? primetime may have been planted in the cubby after it was found in the library. good thing we have documents from the secret service right here. but here's the thing. the secret service redacted where the cocaine was first found. the cocaine was actually first found in the cubby and they photographed it in the cubby, why would they retkabgt that? and then at one point the secret service said this suspicious substance is a white powder in a small zip lock bag on the redacted lobby floor. what lobby floor? the lobby into what room? the library? i thought they found the cocaine in the cubby. well, the cubby is not on the floor. the cubby is on the wall. later on in the night, they said it was in the cubby and they didn't redact that. they want us to believe it was in the locker. the white powder came back for opioids and amphetamines. it was only after additional tests that they determined it to be cocaine. that's confusing. because on the audio you heard from hazmat, it was cocaine. a white powdery opioid? that's fentanyl. maybe. i thought these tests were supposed to be accurate. so far this bag has tested positive for opioids and amphetamines, cocaine, caffeine and baking soda. but here's where it gets even more suspicious. they told us they didn't find any dna but the documents say they did. remember the coke baggy has been blown up. secret service took the evidence from quantico and destroyed it. they didn't want the fbi to have it. but there's more evidence that they didn't destroy. an envelope with three tubes of dna. where did they get the dna from? they got the dna off the baggy. so the secret service lied and so did the white house. they did find dna on the baggy. the dna was processed and has been moved to an evidence vault for preservation. so the secret service has an insurance policy. we asked the secret service for an explanation and they said, it's secondary dna. but the initial secret service report clearly said there was no dna found and there is no physical evidence. but the documents show they're keeping a dna sample in an evidence locker. is this so if joe biden's dog bites another agent, they have something? we don't know. secret service told primetime they may end up destroying the dna as evidence at some point down the road. you know, protocol. primetime asked the secret service, why didn't you take dna samples from your suspect list? they said they would have needed a court order. this tells me two things. the secret service didn't want to crack the case, or the secret service knew the coke was found in the library and put it in a cubby and closed the case. james fitzgerald is a retired fbi criminal profiler and a for repb linguist. they had the dna the whole time. they're preserving it. what's going on here? >> i think you almost have to do a few lines of cocaine to understand all that you went through and all this investigate eight that's been happening with this investigation over the last few months. it seems like obfiscation is the prime word. confuse everybody as much as possible. leave out the references of library to cubby and who knows where colonel mustard may be or someone like that. this should be a very simple investigation. a bag is found somewhere. police, secret service are called. here's the evidence. send it to the lab. but there's just so much going on here, you can't help but ask yourself. don't have to be an experienced profiler. there's just too much gone wrong here. no investigator is that bad. even a crack investigator, no pun intended, would somehow get the basic information right here, get it off to the right lab and get the primary dna from the baggy, if the baggy still exists. that could still be very valuable. all you need is one to ten nanograms of dna material for touch dna and you have your suspect. you have the suspect people give the swabs and you should narrow this down within days. >> does it seem like to you they found it on the floor of the library? that's what it sounds like to me. they found it on the floor of the library. they moved it around. it ended up in a cubby where there's no camera and 500 suspects. it's a cover-up. >> who knows? the person on the floor -- there may have been a person on the floor of the library where this cocaine was found and they had to take it off of his hand and then put it into the cubby. there's all kinds of counter and triple counter moves going on here to again somehow confuse those of us in the public and certainly some investigators. i was on with you back in july about this. i'm sure there's some investigator chomping at the bit that really want to get to the bottom of this. but they are being told by their appointed bosses that, no, it will just go away. thanks to you guys getting your foia request back we know more. >> jesse: would it make sense for the secret service to hold on to this dna sample just in case? just in case anything happened or needed to happen? >> there's never a reason to get rid of evidence, certainly within weeks or months of a crime. ten years down the line maybe. but not at this point in time. there's no rational for that. >> jesse: they blew up the coke bag and kept the dna. very very interesting. all right. still very solvable. >> very solvable if the right people get involved. >> jesse: if i can solve it, the secret service can solve it. >> without either of us doing cocaine. >> jesse: we don't even need to do any blow. we can solve it like that. common sense is all it takes. thanks, as always. the tradition of dueling harkens back to midevil times. duels were battles of honor, made their way to american politics. in the 19th century, after having his name besmirched, alexander hamilton was challenged to a pistol duel. when the state of illinois was strapped for cash, abraham lincoln challenged at a sand bar. the two men swung swords at each other until they called a truce. a squabble on the senate floor led to charles sumner being caned to death by preston brooks. but today our politicians could care less about overspending or policy disputes or honor. they care about maintaining a nice work life balance. after a six week summer vacation, congress has worked 2 1/2 straight months. mind you they have four day weekends. who among us requires a six week vacation after working 2 1/2 months straight? because without a vacation, the capitol turns into the coliseum. today when house republican tim bucrchett was giving a speech, kevin mccarthy walked by and elbowed him in the kidney. here's the audio. >> i'm doing all right. >> sorry, kevin. didn't mean to elbow you. >> why did you elbow me in the back? kevin, you got any guts? jerk. no. why did you walk by me and elbow me in the back? the reporter saw it right there. what kind of chicken move is that? you're pathetic, man. you are so pathetic. >> jesse: apparently after the alleged elbow to the kidneys, there was a chase. >> i was standing in the hall doing an interview with her and kevin mccarthy walked by and elbowed me in the kidneys as he walked by. it kind of caught me off guard. if you ever get a shot in the kidneys, it's a little different than anywhere else. i moved forward. >> did you chase after him? >> i did. i didn't really know what was going on. i turned around. i see him scurrying away. i followed in pursuit, i guess you would say. >> jesse: apparently there were some sharp elbows, a kidney shot, a chase and some scurrying. burchett was one of the eight republicans who voted to oust mccarthy from the speaker seat. so was that the motive? mccarthy said, i didn't elbow anybody. maybe it was a shoulder. >> no, i did not elbow him. i would not hit him in the kidney. a reporter was interviewing burchett somebody. i didn't know what he was talking about. if i hit somebody, they would know i hit them. >> he was in pain. >> come on now. >> jesse: this isn't a southwest flight. this is congress. obviously, matt gaetz had to do the right thing and file an ethics complaint against mccarthy. primetime is demanding the house sergeant of arms release the surveillance footage so we could see if it was a real elbow or a shoulder. later in the afternoon, james comer called a short democrat a smurf. that story that you tweeted said i had a shell company. that is -- you're so financially illiterate that you think because something says llc it's a shell company. you and mr. goldman -- i'm not giving your time back. you look like a smurf here just going around all this stuff. >> mr. chairman -- no, no. we're not on time. >> you have said the president did something. you're doing something. why should they believe you? >> jesse: just a few doors down in the senate, bernie sanders had to break up a fight. >> quit the tough guy act in these senate hearings. you know where to find any. any place, any time, cowboy. sir, this is a time, a place. you want to run your mouth. we can finish it here. >> okay. that's fine. >> do you want to do it now? >> i'd love to do it now. >> stand your butt up. >> you stand your butt up. >> sit down. sit down. you are a united states senator. act it. sit down, please. hold it. hold it. no. i have the mic. hold it. you'll have your time. >> okay. >> can i respond? >> no, you can't. >> jesse: what would happen in your office if you elbowed your co-worker in the kidney, called him a smurf, challenged him to a fight? you'd be in hr and they'd be telling you to clean out your desk. there's more decorum at a construction site than the halls of congress. that's not saying anything about construction sites. they just patted themselves on the back for establishes a dress code. now they're throwing elbows. they're pulling fire alarms. they're screaming about the jew, the jews! they're getting kicked out of concerts for making out with smoking. they're running through the halls with baby, and it's not even their baby. >> that's what you are! >> the fact that we have terrorist sympathizers in this building is unacceptable. they should not be allowed in here. what is happening in israel is abhorrent. that's what it is. next time he tries to accost me with a child in my hands, i want him out of here. >> what happened? >> he's an animal! >> jesse: not like the white house is any better. there's cocaine there. the first son just got hit with gun charges. the first grand daughter getting carjacked. they had a trans flasher there this summer, a trans flasher. the president is falling down a lot. they can't even pass a budget. it's their only job. at least they can insider trade. they said trump would be chaos. what do you call this? you've got fire alarm pulling, cocaine sniffing, elbow throwing, jew hating, name calling, maniacs. and they represent us. we chose these people to represent us. is this who we are? congressman tim burchett said he was elbowed in the kidney by kevin mccarthy joins us. the former speaker told me he's been training, doing a little boxing. and if he was to hit you, you would go down and you'd go down hard. your reaction? >> well, i would just encourage your viewers to look at the npr, lady from npr, claudia. look at her twitter account. she had a pretty accurate view of it and disclosed exactly what happened. i haven't put it on the internet or anything. i haven't called the press or any of that. it's just, unfortunately, this is just indicative of really, it shows america the reason eight of us chose to depose kevin mccarthy. >> jesse: so you think he elbowed you because you basically went for the crown? >> i don't know. i don't know why he did it. i'm afraid it's just a sad asterisk on the end of his career. that's what i think. only thing i can think of, i'm one of eight out of 435. the first thing he said was, if i was just brushing him out of the way. next thing he said was, i didn't see him. the next thing he said was, i was gonna call him. and then the fourth or fifth explanation he gave was that it didn't happen. you're going to have to take your pick. >> jesse: i don't know who to believe. you're calling him a liar. he's saying you're a wimp. i don't know what to make of it. >> you have an npr reporter who gave the report. why would she lie? she's not exactly going to be on my side. >> jesse: that's true. >> what is my rating with the heritage and all the other conservative groups. >> jesse: the npr people still haven't verified the lap top. i don't know what to take from them. you got rid of the speaker because he wouldn't pass spending bills. now we have a new speaker. still can't pass a new spending bill. are we ever going to pass a spending bill? >> i don't know. i would hope we would. our last speaker, mccarthy, he had since january. he took off the entire month of august then two weeks into september and backed us up against the wall which is by design. pelosi did the same thing. speakers always do it, so they can pass a pork filled budget which we won't have any hearings over and nobody will hear anything about. that's exactly what he did. then he left this speaker, speaker johnson, an honorable man, who wants to pass a budget, with two weeks or less to do something with, with 30 years worth of bad history. >> jesse: all right. maybe we'll get there somewhere. behave yourself, guys. behave yourself, come on. this is getting crazy. tim burchett, thank you very much. say hi there for everybody. >> you got it, brother. >> jesse: paul pelosi's hammer man took the stand. straight ahead. somedays, i cover up because of my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now i feel free to bare my skin, thanks to skyrizi. ♪(uplifting music)♪ ♪nothing is everything♪ i'm celebrating my clearer skin... my way. with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. in another study, most people had 90% clearer skin, even at 5 years. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. thanks to clearer skin with skyrizi - this is my moment. there's nothing on my skin and that means everything! ♪nothing is everything♪ now's the time. ask your doctor about skyrizi, the #1 dermatologist-prescribed biologic in psoriasis. learn how abbvie could help you save. (david jeremiah) when the rapture occurs, the world will capture the moment. the world will reel with concern from watching the strange, mind-boggling, and unbelievable video footage that goes viral across the globe. "then we who are alive and remain "shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air." (david jeremiah) when christ comes for his people, it will be in the twinkling of an eye. billions of people will exit this planet in an instant, but billions will be left behind. it will be chaos on our globe but incredible, glorious joy in the skies. (male announcer) capture a thrilling glimpse of the rapture in "the great disappearance." in 31 short, easy-to-read chapters, dr. jeremiah answers questions about the next event on god's prophetic calendar. "the great disappearance" by david jeremiah is available now everywhere fine books are sold. >> jesse: >> hi. how you doing? >> how are you? >> what's going on, man? >> everything's good. >> hi. >> drop the hammer. >> nope. hey hey hey. >> what is going on? >> i'm not getting an answer. # >> jesse: fox news alert. david depape, the man who hammered nancy pelosi's husband in the head was on the stand today. he took the stand. he testified he would google nancy pelosi and pig blood. he saved eup imagines of pelosi's home on his computer. depape said he was prepared to break nancy's knee. nancy was out of towned. he said he squeezed paul's shoulder while they talked, trying to reassure him. he told paul, i have other targets if you try to stop me, i'll go through you. depape said he hit paul in the head with a hammer because he ruined his plans. he thought he killed him. he said he feels bad for paul. they were getting along until just the last second. paul pelosi testified yesterday. he said he doesn't like talking about the attack and doesn't want his family to talk about it because it's so traumatic. just a reminder this man shouldn't have been in the country. he was an illegal alien from canada using san francisco as a sanctuary where he descended into a mentally ill drug addicted bizarre alternative lifestyle live in a bus and fantasizing about fairies. police have brought charges after former nhl player adam johnson was killed on the ice by another player's skate. as you can see here, matt petgrave was skating toward johnson when he lifted up his leg and sliced him through the throat with his razor sharp skate. this happened in an english hockey league game. police say they've charged the man with suspicion of manslaughter. british police won't name him as a suspect but it can't be anyone else. primetime called for a homicide investigation from the very beginning. to me it looks like homicide. what does it look like to you? >> yeah. i mean, that's a pretty dangerous word to be throwing around. did this kid make a movement that was very unorthodox? do i think that he was trying to make contact of some sort? absolutely. do i think that he woke up and said, i'm going to murder somebody today? no. >> jesse: i'm not saying it was premeditated murder. but they do have reckless homicide, negligent homicide. when you're throwing a blade, as you said, that's dangerous, up to someone's neck in a hockey move that no one's ever seen before. i don't like it. jeremy roenick is a former nhl star. you heard avery. he didn't really think it should have been a homicide charge or any kind of charge like that. do you think so? >> well, i love shawn avery to death but i do think this warrants what just got brought down on matt petgrave. this was a move that is not taught in hockey. not from day one that you learned to skate, jesse, do you learn to lift your skate even past the waist, let alone up to somebody's head. this is no accident. this was a deliberate move by a player to try to infringe another player to get into the zone. and it cost somebody's life. you make a bad decision and cost somebody their life, this will happen to you. this was the right call. >> jesse: you're saying it was a move to infringe a player. you're putting a blade next to someone's throat. it's more than to infringe somebody getting into the zone. to me that screams deadly intent. >> i agree with shawn. i don't think he intended to kill adam johnson. there's no question ab

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