Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240702 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240702

♪ rachel: good morning. today is veteran's day and celebrating people and all veteran's and doing that with the u.s. navy wor working with e ceremonial navy band live on fox square helping us honor those who served. good morning, pete. pete: good morning know the gift to me from our producers for veteran's day. all four hours we're starting here on the couch. i always want to be on the couch, it's my safe space. not safe space. that's not the right word. it's my blanky and comfy spot. i always say can we start every hour here instead of somewhere else. will: we're focused on veteran's day and this is the wrong time to bring this up. p probably is but you can if you want. will: everybody is preboarding. everybody gets on the plane early these days. i mean, i don't know how many wheelchairs and all the sudden jesus intervenes by the time they land. nobody netted needs a wheelchair when it's time to get off the plane but getting on, there's 50 wheelchairs. pete: i thought you were going to talk about animals on the plane. will: something on the jet bridge is healing people when they get off the plane. it's a miracle. it's amazing. it's in the same vain as emotional support dogs. everybody has an emotional support dog. used to be one or two and now there's 30 on the plane. people are taking advantage of the system here. see that video of the lady that got pulled over for dui and she was like i have anxiety. he's like, okay, i'm sorry. she says, i'm nonbinary. rachel: and i'm indigenous. will: ran them all out. pete: i have social anxiety and he goes you and me both. will: i'm just saying the system is being worked. veterans, you deserve to get on the plane first. pete: and they do in most airlines. it's pretty cool. rachel: i like that. pete: check in with joey jones at black rifle coffee company in frisco, texas, for their brand new location with a ribbon cutting ceremony. will: joey has to compete to get on the plane first. reporter: l i'm sorry for the proliferation of crippled people like myself. when i get on first, it takes me awhile to walk down the ramp. so sorry, brother. will: joey, during the preboarding you've locked up and said my situation is a little different than these other people competing with me for preboarding. don't tell me everybody is in your sitweights. reporter: i let them have it. people with the chronic sprained ankle. they need it. well, that's a different story. i mean, i don't want to get in front of a mom with her baby, let her go. i'm here with matt best. we have just opened the doors to the black rifle coffee company in frisco, texas. this is an amazing crowd. we've got hundreds of people here. we're having such a good time. [ cheering and applause ]. reporter: true patriotic american fashion, they open their business with a cause. we have techs behind us. what's going on -- checks behind us. what's going on? $500,000 in support of the campaign and national honor military foundation. would you mind opening the store for us here in frisco in true black rifle fashion, marine corp. cable. reporter: i cut the ribbon. >> that's it. cut the ribbon and we'll open the store. [ cheering ]. reporter: hey, thanks, that's an absolute honor. >> thank you for all your support and what you do. reporter: we're handing it back over to you and we're going to get some coffee. rachel: that's the right way to cut a ribbon by the way pete: no doubt. a nice little k bar there. will, you've got two weeks. i want a photo of you there. will: i'll be there. massive anti-israel protests taking place in london and it's predicted to be the uk's largest protest ever. just one day. this is after one day after mobs did the same thing in new york city. columbus circle, grand central station. they shut down grand central station. if you were trying to leave the city last night, it was shut down for awhile. vandalism and breaking doors down. burning an israeli flag. i don't know if they burned an american flag but replaced american flags with pal tin sin indian flags -- palestinian flags on various monuments. i 100% believe in free speech. but you have to understand when speech goes beyond speech. pete: that's why you said it a couple of hourses ago, i think you're right, these hezbollah makings or what looked like with blm and started with a protest ending up with something far different than that. how authorities react to that pivot away from speech and towards vandalism or vines and tells you where it'll go next. that short started out pretty underwhelming and we're starting to get a sense of the size of the protest in london. that's massive. rachel: that's absolutely massive. you talked about the protest here in new york yesterday, will. here's a little bit of those protesters. they're chanting genocide joe has got to go. [ chanting "genocide joe has got to go"]. pete: as we cut out of that, we cut back to london, they're still going. remember the city of london is at this point 15% muslim population. rachel: 5-0. pete: no, 1-5. that's not who all the protesters are, but certainly led to a change in sentiment toward the united kingdom and foreign policies and certainly toward the state of israel and the cause of the p palestinians, which all of property testers would know at this point is completely conflated and connected to what hamas did on october 7. don't be confused about that and if you're hitting those streets it is what happened on october 7 and you're willing and that's amazing. this shot just keeps going. when they say one of the biggest protests in the history of the united kingdom, that's a long history and a lot of protests and that's a big one right there. a preview of things to come in other country when is you have totally unchecked migration in your country with no real attempt of assimilation that you get very different views. will: divide has started playing out here at home within the democratic party at 8:30 a.m. in about 20 minutes pete and i go off the wall and talk about propalestinian faction among democrats and it'll have a real impact on joe biden. i don't know when it comes down to biden versus trump and right now it certainly deals with this divide in his own party. will: how do they take the state of michigan with a larger muslim population in most states than the united states and swing states and they may be reflexively supportive of democrats and certainly they have a lot more traditional values than the modern democrat, nonbinary democrat values. there's a lot of conflicts internally for democrats that any of us could predict plays out. rachel: that's a good off the wall that breaks down. that's interesting. meanwhile, we'll go to washington where republican lawmakers are pushing a russia gate reckoning, gop lawmakers accusing the justice department of surveilling congressional staffers working on the russia gate probe calling it "an attack on our democracy. pete: alexandria hoff is live with washington with more. reporter: will, rachel, pete, they feel the staffers were a staffer campaign. the alleged surveillance activity happened in 2017 so that was during the trump administration and senators ted cruz, mickle and chuck grassley want to know what the current department of justice has done about this issue. in a letter sent on thursday, this week talking to attorney general mark garland and they subpoenaed staffer's private phone and he mail logs during a independent congressional investigation of both the department and fbi for involvement in the russia collusion hoax known as cross fire hurricane. this revelation came out of a freedom of information act request by empower oversight, that's a group representing whistle blowers and the letter also reads the decision by unelected government bureaucrats to investigate the elected congressional representatives and staff trying to hold them accountable is a true attack on the democracy. the lawmakers want to mo who else was targeted. what phone and internet companies were issued subpoenas and if the department still has the records. now, fox news has learned that the instances of alleged surveillance noted in the letter were apart of a broader investigation into the leaking of classified national security information where subpoenas would have been used. the doj is not commenting on the better and a senior official has been received and that a response to congress will come next week. will: the doj is looking into staffers of republican-elected representatives looking into the doj on cross fire hurricane. pete: correct. to go in the other direction there was a hoax that was perpetrated and went on and on and on against donald trump and at some point it's proven to be false and republican offices say let's look into how in the world we got led down the wrong direction and alleging doj and fbi going after the staffers trying to look into the origins of cross fire hurricanes. will: doj excuse is we're worried about leaks of classified documents and that's what the doj is saying as to why they're going after these congressional staffers. rachel: yes, but listen, what we do know is that the doj and fbi, this administration and the former administration, the obama administration had no problem using, weaponnizing our government to spy on people. by the way, the phone records, remember after january 6 there was a congressman that they falsely accused of coordinating with the insurrectionists. pete: doing a dry run over at the capitol. rachel: they confronted him at the airport and took his cell phone away and went through tha- it's a serious breach to do that to members of congress and their staffers and there's a separation that should happen and there's this idea we should not weaponnize government to spy on our leaders who are trying to investigate to see what they are doing wrong. will: we just reported and the doj was going after eric adams and the mayor of new york and coincidentally speak out about administration's failures on immigration. rachel: if you want to send a message, will -- will: it's the supreme court justice, merrick garland. rachel: if you gov skel skeleton your close and the criticize the biden regime, we'll use our surveillance. will: just a coincidence. rachel: of course. this is very dangerous and huge actually. i'm glad we're reporting it. pete: you're exactly right when you said that but the problem is it's bye bye bying routine and it's even more dangerous when that when was a rubicon you never crossed is something we report on every day and get numb to it. then here we are. rachel: we'll go back and look at patriot act and a lot of bad things happened because of that and part is the ability to surveil americans and the normalization of it. all of it. all of it. will: turning now to headlines at 11:00 a.m. eastern time, speaker mike johnson hosting a conference call with house republicans and they're expected to work on a plan to avert a partial government shut down and deadline to funneled the government is next week. going through november 17th and johnson expected to release a short term spending plan as soon as today. the subject of a netflix documentary winning a $220 million lawsuit against a florida children's hospital. breaking down that she heard the verdict finding johns hopkins all children hospital responsible for false imprisonnenment and medical negligence according to the lawsuit. she was locked up for 10 months when she was three years old and driving her mother to suicide. the netflix documentary of take care of maya. giving her trial nationwide attention. less than three hours, michigan will take on penste and wolverines without head coach jim harbaugh. big 10 conference suspending him at least three games for the regular season after the team was accused of stealing signs from opponents. harbaugh can still attend practices and team activities but cannot be on the sides line of game day. michigan is challenging that ruling in court arguing "the shoot first ask questions later approach to sanctions is a flagrant breach of fundamental fairness". happens that fox's big noon kickoff crew is live in happy valley and penn state looks to upset third ranked michigan and coverage starts at noon. those are your headlines. pete: we'll look more into this because i don't know a lot about this. i still don't. i would learn a lot in two hours and 6:00 a.m.. rachel: aren't pro football players allowed to do some of the cigging and stuff? signaling and stuff. pete: everybody does signaling. i just entertained it like this is an interesting question. will: it's stealing signs. not signaling. it's stealing them. pete: and how you steal them because everyone tries to figure them out. will: stealing isn't i legal but how is. if you use technology to record or something, you've broken the rules. rachel: okay. learn something every day. coming up, frank siller will take us inside one-over the many comfort homes tunnel to towers is building to combat veteran homelessness. love that. pete: re-brought that house right there to us on fox square. it's phenomenal. can't wait for you to see it. as are these cookies i'm eating and they were made by the wife of our next guest. authentic afghan cookies. our next guest, former afghan trans-laterrer working overseas before becoming a american citizen and dedicates his time to helping veterans. similar support and calling them abdul. he's ginning us next. rachel: maybe we should start a cookie company. ♪ e (tony hawk) skating for over 45 years has taken a toll on my body. i take qunol turmeric because it helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. why qunol? it has superior absorption compared to regular turmeric. qunol. the brand i trust. way back in 1982 we took care of about forty kids and 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(♪) pete: this veteran's day we're honoring our nation's heros and those who help them in their service and includes our next guest. this is myself and sabor on a winter evening in afghanistan. he was our afghan trans-later that worked with us overseas while i was in the military and since then has become a american citizen and is on a mission to continue helping vets. he's now a project manager at syracuse university's daniell institute and if i didn't pronounce that, he'll yell at me. great to see you here, brother. a great american served alongside us like so many trans-laters and interpreters, you were more than -- trans-laters and interpreters. >> thank you so much to you and all the great veterans that served this nation and sincere gratitude and it's a beautiful day. the daniello institute is all about empowering veterans and we're a nonprofit organization and we have about 14 different training programs designed to empower and assist veterans on their path to a civilian life. if they wanted to become an entrepreneur, go back into college, use military skills to join back to civilian life in a new career, this is all about serving veterans and military families. pete: social security one of a kind. it's one of a kind. jm morgan partnered with syracuse in 2011 and it's been around for a decade and works at the university but kind of a next level thing. >> absolutely. think of this opportunity that the institute has created. i mean, approximately there's about 200,000 transition military soldiers that are transitioning to civilian life. inception of the d'aniello institute, we serve about 20,000 individuals every year. so think of the opportunity that it creates around giving the veterans to be able to make decisions on their own, to build networks torques have the opportunity to choose what they want to do and have the access to resources and networks and the communities they call home. whole listically as our found -- found wh wholistic what our four has said. we serve every day to make sure we provide resources and capacity, training, and create environments for veterans to be able to thrive in their own community. pete: you don't have to just be in syracuse, new york, it's across the co country. >> absolutely. pete: if you're a vet, is there a website? >> i encourage all the viewers, go to all d'aniello website and get in touch with me, our colleagues. this is all about us and celebrating our veterans, helping them thrive in the communities. i can say firsthand being out in the battlefield, the sacrifices that the veterans and military service members of this nation makes is beyond and you can't comprehend the dangerous they go through and when they come home and hang up their uniform or join civilian life, we have to help them in this next stage of life. pete: couldn't say it better. he was on the battlefield with me, with us. more than most americans because you were there for year after year after year as new units came through. now you're here with us continuing to serve veterans. you're a blessing to this nation. >> thank you. pete: thank you so much. god bless you. tell your wife thank you for the cookies too. small rural michigan town ousted their entire government for supporting a china-based battery plant. good for them. but deepening divide on the israel hamas war and why it's causing joe biden's poll numbers to plunge. to plunge. will and i go off the wall up next. you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd rather be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ deputies are divide on the israel hamas war and causing chaos for joe's reelection bid. pete: you can never anticipate what events might change the perception of a sitting president and here we are aerier out and october 7 happens, war sun leashed in the middle east that no one had seen coming and led to a divide inside the democrat. will: the u.s. support is the following, for israelis, not support of enough and only 9% go over to too supportive, 44% of democrats say too supportive of israel. this opposed to the palestinians. pete: these are the numbers to look at here. too supportive of israelis, not supportive of palestinians enough. you mention in that first part of the graphic ceasefire, will, that's why the discussion of amongst the protesting class has been ceasefire, ceasefire, ceasefire and white house know it is can't say that and they've instead used the word pause. do we pause humanitarian tuesday. trying to tap dance and hasn't worked with the base of the democrat party. will: there's a lot of contributing factors, not the least of which we talk about in this program and sort of the indoctrination on the left to see everything through the lens of oppressioner and -- oppressor and oppressed. on the surface of politics, manifests into these types of things causing divide within the democratic party. there was friction between benjamin netanyahu and then president barack obama. pete: biden white house and biden after trying to work against him to win. there's a lot of animosity there and a lot comes out of the fact and israel's politics moved to the right and retired wining government in israel having in existence of country and a lot has to do with security dynamics. will: the generational split is what we're talking about where young people trend toward the pal tin january side of this conflict -- palestinian side of this conflict and largest voice in the democratic party. pete: this is where the colleges and universities have done all of their work, young people see the entire middle eastern conflict very different listen than parents and grandparents. will: latest polling showing effect of divide of democrats and picking the right side of the issue for them when it comes to winning a general election. this is the bloom burg poll and trump up big in all of the swing states won by joe biden in 2020. p alarm bells and that's significant and have that divide if it means you're not losing key battleground states but that's what it means right now. will: voters preferred trump-appointed over biden and 11 point swing on israeli palestinian. pete: there might be a divide inside the democrat party and is real and could lead to primaries and losing 1 or 2% and a real problem in key states but ultimately at national level if you add in the republicans, there's a lot of support for israel to do what it needs to do. will: take a look at how this divide among democrats has taken form. first of all, rashida tlaib was censored, 234-188 was the vote over rhetoric of war in israel. what she had to say. >> mr. president, remember in 2024. pete: she went onto echo the chants of from the river to the sea and tried to explain it away. everyone know what is it means hence the censure. she's been a loud voice inside this squad for a listening time and saying sit down now is not that easy for joe. will: you want to hear somebody straddling the line on this issue trying to navigate what is a divide in their own party. listen to barack obama on a podcast talking about this on november 4. >> then you have to take in the whole truth. you then have to admit nobody's hands are clean that all of us are complicit to some degree. pete: this is the guy that started all after the iran deal stuff and created some of the conditions now pointing fingers at israelis saying no one's hands are clean, which is quite a statement to make after october 7 considering what was done. those are democrat voters. coming up, a small rural michigan town oust their entire local government for supporting a china-based battery plant. one of the newly elected officials is next. will: plus, going inside one of the mini comfort homes tunnel to towers is building to combat homelessness. ♪ my a1c was up here; now, it's down with rybelsus®. his a1c? it's down with rybelsus®. my doctor told me rybelsus® lowered a1c better than a leading branded pill and that people taking rybelsus® lost more weight. i got to my a1c goal and lost some weight too. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. need to get your a1c down? you may pay as little as $10 per prescription. will: welcome back to "fox & friends". i'm sitting here with frank siller from tunnel to towers as we're in front of a comfort home, this part of what you guys at tunnel to towers have given so much back to community of veterans. >> yeah, this is for a homeless veteran and a 500 square foot home. it's equipped with anything that you would need in a house. it has its own living room. it's impressive beautiful and has a tv, you can sit by yourself. will: this is one unit and exactly a home that was donated. >> this is it. we just opened up the village in houston. we have 20 of these in that village along with 161 apartments for permanent and transitional housing. a kitchenette. they come in and make their own food a. lot of times guys are in wheelchairs so it's tailored to them. will: yeah, it's taylored to someone that they'd need. >> it's not ada and not like the smart homes for catastrophically injured service members but we make them smart because a lot of them are in wheelchairs, especially the older veterans. look at the bedroom, it's just a beautiful bed. it's incredible. so like i said, it's 500 square foot. we need to build, you know, we figured this, about 50,000 homeless vets. when we build a village, we're going to have a residents, apartments maybe 100 apartments and maybe 25-100 of these in each one of the villages. will: that's incredible. you did it in houston and village in houston was how many of these? >> 20 of these comfort homes and 161 apartments. will: this is amazing. for homeless vets stuck out here. of course in order to make something like this happen, it take as lot of people giving back like so many viewers of fox have. and let's turn this camera here. there's a little surprise for you now. there's nick from -- >> my dancing friends. >> like will was saying it take as lot of people to pitch in and help out this foundation. look at how much money we came up with. will: that's from the -- >> that's right. this is from the tunnel to tower 5k corporate donation match and over a half of a million going to tunnel to tower. >> come on, give them a hand. >> hey. i love it. >> that builds five of these. >> that's amazing. listen, i got to admit, this is the biggest check i've ever held literally and figuratively. i feel like happy gilmore with this thing. but i couldn't be more proud to give this off to you guys because i know it's going to go to amazing people and it's going to help many people travion green truly, truly deserve it. it's been an honor and pleasure to just get to know you and be apart of this. yes, sir. will: hold it up. show the people! >> yes, sir. yes, sir. will: tell us about this. how does this make you feel. what is that going to do? >> making me want to dance. >> you're both welcome to. >> i can't do that. but, look, today on veteran's day to receive something like this, we have to make sure we honor and take care of our veterans. i can't be more pretty suretive to you and -- appreciative to you and fox for sure. last night i said on the five, i said let the fox viewers eradicate homelessness. fire department says many hands makes light work. if we bring americans together, especially the fox viewers, they're the most generous in america, we can eradicate homelessness amonarchies the veterans and this is a great start to say the least. >> you're doing amazing work but beyond that, you're just a great person and i think that number kind of represents what you do and what you represent. keep it going. keep it going. >> you knew this. will: i do, that's why i was getting you to would being through the house. i saw you would being. >> i was there for the coffee. >> i did not know this. i did not know this. will: you can keep it going. and help out more homeless vets and eradicate homelessness. >> amongst the veterans. will: re-appreciate you, frank. >> god bless you, god bless america and god bless the veterans. will: pete, back inside of you. pete: i've lost track of how many big checks were given out on "fox & friends" this morning. great stuff. a few headlines starting with residents of chicago's brighten park neighborhood continue to push back against the city's efforts to build an illegal migrant shelter near their homes. hundreds marching through the neighborhood to protest a plan to house 2,000 illegals and city officials are fencing off the lot where they plan on building the shelter. according to residents, the lot isn't safe to build on claiming there are environmental concerns. but the city says they're going to collect samples and no doubt they'll come out just fine. the test is on monday. and anchorage, alaska, declaring an emergency after record amount of snowfall in the past two days. must be a lot if so alaska is complaining. according to reports, parts of the city are buried under two feet of snow. fox winter weather experts say 65 inches of snow fell in less than 24 hours on a nearby mountain pass during the storm. for more on this story, download the fox weather app or stream fox weather on any tv-connected device. and those are your headlines. all right check in with senior meteorologist janice dean, we're glad rick took the day off. he deserves it. >> i actually real ily like working on the weekend. it's quiet, you're here, we gave away half a million to tunnel to towers and it's veteran's day. thank you for your service, my friend. here in new york, there's a big parade at 9:30. biggest in the country, veteran's day parade, and we have a spectacular forecast. little cool, no complaint. lots of sunshine for the rest of today. so that's a great day for the veteran's day parade all up and down fifth avenue. i think from 27, the 20s up towards 47th. lot of people have come in for that parade and tha thank you fr all the service to all the veterans taking part. we have potential for rain along the coast, texas, louisiana up towards the southeast because of a staled front, but otherwise looking pretty good. they need the rain and it's a good news story for this area and extreme drought in some cases and too much of a good thing causing flash flooding and the northwest and more rain and mountain snow. there's your veteran's day forecast and rain in the forecast and the carnival cruise absolute veterans and that's amazing, 80 degree temperatures and lots of sunshine. that's wonderful and thank you for your service. rachel, my friend, nice to work with you as well. rachel: good to see you and great weather forecast for the veterans. >> you got it. rachel: a small michigan town of just about 3,000 people overwhelmingly ousting their entire township board after they supported building a plant for communist china-based company. let's hear from the newly elected trustee at green charter township. kelly, great to have you on. what was the concern of you and the other citizens who got rid of this board because of this company, this china-owned company. >> we've all heard of the spy balloon across the country and recently attended a fundraiser where mike rogers spoke and he is a former congressman that is running for senate against debby stabenow and he is actually -- was the house intelligence committee chairperson, and he told us that the ocean management sworn their alliance to the chinese military company. rachel: all chinese owned companies by the chinese communist party and the largest shareholders of the company is a gentleman named lessen and his son. they're both very well connected to the ccp. you know, first of all, there's so many levels that i'm proud of this town. it's national security and over clearly great jobs for a little towns like yours are fascinating and everyone coming to america on that and just the idea that you all got rid of the whole board and it was done by canvassing going door to door and talk to me about that. >> well, we started early in june with a canvassing and we got all additions that we needed and recall five of the members but the supervisor decided to contest the language on his position and going before a judge and we had to do that whole operation again and very time consuming and we suffered from canvasser fatigue, but we've got all the required signatures in about 18 days against the super visier. so it's been a lot of work and a lot of time put into this effort over the past summer, and i'm just real happy with the results. rachel: wow. kelly cushway, you're proving democracy is arrive and well especially in little towns like yours. that's wonderful to hear. thanks for joining us this morning and congratulations on all your hard work paying off. >> thanks for having me on. rachel: you got it. coming up, fueling patriotism one cup at a time. it's joey jones and our friends at black rifle coffee company, that's next. ♪ ♪ rachel: all right. we're marking veteran's day with the boot campaign if texas at black rifle coffee companies brand new bricks and mortar store. check it out, it's gorgeous. will: we're joined by marine corp. veteran mark aldridge and he became a better version of himself. pete: we're joined by shelly kirkland as well. joey, good morning again. reporter: good morning, guys. we've moved outside. it's a little chilly and we're having a good time. i want to start with shelly kirkland, ceo of boot campaign and an amazing company like black rifle company is not going to open their business without giving back. boot campaign being one of the re-sip sents of that -- recipients of that give back. shelly, tell us about the boot campaign. >> thank you so much for having us. we started 14 years ago and we have two main programs and first is health and wellness and provides individual treatment for veterans struggling with visible wounds of war and second is providing customized gifts during the holiday seasons to make it possible for those who served. reporter: inside scoop is i'm intimately involved with the boot campaign and the health and wellness is not out in va and outside of the sense of another option, it's just a place for veterans to go when they're not finding the answers they're looking for a lot of times, and there's no better person to hear that from than a veteran that's been through it hims and bring in mark. you've got two deployments to iraq and crew chief in the marine corp.. happy birthday. >> thank you. reporter: tell us what this program is and was for you. >> yeah, they -- the boot campaign showed up and really helped me with everything from therapy to diet, nutrition, getting my sleep back on track, really helped me find a lot of help i wasn't finding in the va. reporter: how did you know you needed -- was there an indicator that veterans say this might be something for me? >> my best advice is reach out and look for help. they'll let you know if they can't help you as apart of the service. they'll help you diagnose and figure out what's going on. if you're wondering if you should reach out for help, do. reporter: how you doing now? >> much better. sleeping through the night and back working full-time and being a parent. reporter: you know, shelly, i think all the veterans you help are like very handsome and easy to talk to and all of that but to be honest, anything a veteran is struggling with seems like there's something out there. what makes boot campaign's program so effective? >> i think what makes it effective is the fact that we look at the individualized nature. we're looking at each veteran as their own individual person. we have a phenomenal team of case managers in our health and wellness program who really want to hold the veteran's hand from start to finish to make sure they're getting where they need to go. reporter: real quick, we're standing here talking about what boot campaign does, there's another program, it's a lot of fun. we have santa claus right off camera here because it happens at christmas, one of the two times a year. tell us about that. >> through our holiday program, we're able to make christmas possible for those who are having a difficult time. they may be struggling with finances, they may be taking care of a wounded, injured, or ill service member and we get their names, wishes, wants, and we individually shop for them. we hand wrap each of those gifts here in the dallas warehouse and then we hand deliver them all across the country to veterans and active duty families. reporter: listen, there's several families that they still want to provide for, you can go to and contribute to the health and wellness program, which is so vital season giving and we just want to thank black rifle coffee company for making their business a part of how this happens. what do you think, guys? right? back over to you guys. pete: joe you, see if black rifle will sponsor "fox & friends". we've got to up our coffee quality onset. see you tomorrow, joey. reporter: we'll make it happen. pete: coming up, more "fox & friends". ♪ 1 down, 9 to go. hey, what are you doing out here? i just had something picked up. oh my gosh, i'm having something delivered. carvana? you know carvana? bought it, scheduled it. ah, and here it is. you think carvana's good for buying, you should try selling one. buy or sell your car with carvana today. ♪ ♪

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Muslim , City Of London , 15 , Population , Change , P Palestinians , Policies , Sentiment , 0 , 5 , 1 , Point , Property Testers , Streets , Hamas , October 7 , 7 , Food A Lot , History , Big One , Shot , Divide , Country , There , Views , Democratic Party , Preview , Attempt , Things To Come , Assimilation , Immigration , 8 , Joe Biden , Faction , Trump , Off The Wall , Propalestinian , Biden Versus , 20 , Small Rural Michigan , States , Party , Estate , Swing States , Values , Conflicts , Lawmakers , Washington , Good , Republican , Russia , Gate Reckoning , Democracy , Staffers , Department , Attack , Russia Gate Probe , Surveilling , Justice , Surveillance Activity , Staffer Campaign , More , Alexandria Hoff , 2017 , Administration , Letter , Issue , Mark Garland , Department Of Justice , Senators , Chuck Grassley , Mickle , Ted Cruz , Phone , Investigation , Revelation , Staffer , Oversight , Involvement , Request , Cross Fire Hurricane , Fbi , Russia Collusion Hoax , Freedom Of 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, Spending , Subject , November 17th , 17 , Lawsuit , Children S Hospital , Verdict Finding Johns Hopkins All Children Hospital , Florida , 220 Million , 20 Million , Documentary , Imprisonnenment , Negligence , Suicide , Mother , Take Care , Three , 10 , Team , Season , Jim Harbaugh , Attention , Games , Trial , Wolverines , Maya , Penste , Big 10 Conference , Practices , Sides , Signs , Opponents , Court , Game Day , Stealing , Activities , Harbaugh , Questions , Shoot , Ruling , Penn State , Sanctions , Flagrant Breach Of Fundamental Fairness , Big Noon Kickoff Crew , Happy Valley , Some , Players , Football , Cigging , Aren T Pro , Signaling , Stealing Signs , Question , Stuff , Everyone , Coming Up , Technology , Rules , Frank Siller , Stealing Isn T , Inside One , Towers , White House , Building , Cookies , Homelessness , Comfort Homes , Can T , Combat , Re Brought , On Fox Square , Guest , Citizen , Wife , Afghan , Former , Trans Laterrer Working , Them Abdul , Cookie Company , 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Listically , Networks , Access , Networks Torques , Decisions , Community , Capacity , Environments , Vet , Co Country , Viewers , Website , Colleagues , Touch , D Aniello , Battlefield , Military Service , Sacrifices , Stage , Couldn T , Units , Blessing , Town , Battery Plant , China , God Bless You , Small Rural , Poll Numbers , Kidney Failure , Israel Hamas War , Stop Taking Farxiga , Infection , Dehydration , Ketoacidosis , Yeast Infections , Blood Sugar , Urinary Tract , Places , Genital , Skin , Perineum , Symptoms , President , Perception , Events , Chaos , Deputies , Joe S Reelection Bid , Led , The Middle East , War Sun Leashed , Palestinians , Israelis , Following , Go , Numbers , 44 , 9 , Ceasefire , Class , Discussion , Pause , Program , Everything , Least , Contributing Factors , Base , Hasn T , Tap Dance , Indoctrination , Left , Lens , Politics , Oppressor , Oppressed , Types , Surface , Friction , Oppressioner , Benjamin Netanyahu , Fact , Animosity , Israel , 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240702 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240702

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♪ rachel: good morning. today is veteran's day and celebrating people and all veteran's and doing that with the u.s. navy wor working with e ceremonial navy band live on fox square helping us honor those who served. good morning, pete. pete: good morning know the gift to me from our producers for veteran's day. all four hours we're starting here on the couch. i always want to be on the couch, it's my safe space. not safe space. that's not the right word. it's my blanky and comfy spot. i always say can we start every hour here instead of somewhere else. will: we're focused on veteran's day and this is the wrong time to bring this up. p probably is but you can if you want. will: everybody is preboarding. everybody gets on the plane early these days. i mean, i don't know how many wheelchairs and all the sudden jesus intervenes by the time they land. nobody netted needs a wheelchair when it's time to get off the plane but getting on, there's 50 wheelchairs. pete: i thought you were going to talk about animals on the plane. will: something on the jet bridge is healing people when they get off the plane. it's a miracle. it's amazing. it's in the same vain as emotional support dogs. everybody has an emotional support dog. used to be one or two and now there's 30 on the plane. people are taking advantage of the system here. see that video of the lady that got pulled over for dui and she was like i have anxiety. he's like, okay, i'm sorry. she says, i'm nonbinary. rachel: and i'm indigenous. will: ran them all out. pete: i have social anxiety and he goes you and me both. will: i'm just saying the system is being worked. veterans, you deserve to get on the plane first. pete: and they do in most airlines. it's pretty cool. rachel: i like that. pete: check in with joey jones at black rifle coffee company in frisco, texas, for their brand new location with a ribbon cutting ceremony. will: joey has to compete to get on the plane first. reporter: l i'm sorry for the proliferation of crippled people like myself. when i get on first, it takes me awhile to walk down the ramp. so sorry, brother. will: joey, during the preboarding you've locked up and said my situation is a little different than these other people competing with me for preboarding. don't tell me everybody is in your sitweights. reporter: i let them have it. people with the chronic sprained ankle. they need it. well, that's a different story. i mean, i don't want to get in front of a mom with her baby, let her go. i'm here with matt best. we have just opened the doors to the black rifle coffee company in frisco, texas. this is an amazing crowd. we've got hundreds of people here. we're having such a good time. [ cheering and applause ]. reporter: true patriotic american fashion, they open their business with a cause. we have techs behind us. what's going on -- checks behind us. what's going on? $500,000 in support of the campaign and national honor military foundation. would you mind opening the store for us here in frisco in true black rifle fashion, marine corp. cable. reporter: i cut the ribbon. >> that's it. cut the ribbon and we'll open the store. [ cheering ]. reporter: hey, thanks, that's an absolute honor. >> thank you for all your support and what you do. reporter: we're handing it back over to you and we're going to get some coffee. rachel: that's the right way to cut a ribbon by the way pete: no doubt. a nice little k bar there. will, you've got two weeks. i want a photo of you there. will: i'll be there. massive anti-israel protests taking place in london and it's predicted to be the uk's largest protest ever. just one day. this is after one day after mobs did the same thing in new york city. columbus circle, grand central station. they shut down grand central station. if you were trying to leave the city last night, it was shut down for awhile. vandalism and breaking doors down. burning an israeli flag. i don't know if they burned an american flag but replaced american flags with pal tin sin indian flags -- palestinian flags on various monuments. i 100% believe in free speech. but you have to understand when speech goes beyond speech. pete: that's why you said it a couple of hourses ago, i think you're right, these hezbollah makings or what looked like with blm and started with a protest ending up with something far different than that. how authorities react to that pivot away from speech and towards vandalism or vines and tells you where it'll go next. that short started out pretty underwhelming and we're starting to get a sense of the size of the protest in london. that's massive. rachel: that's absolutely massive. you talked about the protest here in new york yesterday, will. here's a little bit of those protesters. they're chanting genocide joe has got to go. [ chanting "genocide joe has got to go"]. pete: as we cut out of that, we cut back to london, they're still going. remember the city of london is at this point 15% muslim population. rachel: 5-0. pete: no, 1-5. that's not who all the protesters are, but certainly led to a change in sentiment toward the united kingdom and foreign policies and certainly toward the state of israel and the cause of the p palestinians, which all of property testers would know at this point is completely conflated and connected to what hamas did on october 7. don't be confused about that and if you're hitting those streets it is what happened on october 7 and you're willing and that's amazing. this shot just keeps going. when they say one of the biggest protests in the history of the united kingdom, that's a long history and a lot of protests and that's a big one right there. a preview of things to come in other country when is you have totally unchecked migration in your country with no real attempt of assimilation that you get very different views. will: divide has started playing out here at home within the democratic party at 8:30 a.m. in about 20 minutes pete and i go off the wall and talk about propalestinian faction among democrats and it'll have a real impact on joe biden. i don't know when it comes down to biden versus trump and right now it certainly deals with this divide in his own party. will: how do they take the state of michigan with a larger muslim population in most states than the united states and swing states and they may be reflexively supportive of democrats and certainly they have a lot more traditional values than the modern democrat, nonbinary democrat values. there's a lot of conflicts internally for democrats that any of us could predict plays out. rachel: that's a good off the wall that breaks down. that's interesting. meanwhile, we'll go to washington where republican lawmakers are pushing a russia gate reckoning, gop lawmakers accusing the justice department of surveilling congressional staffers working on the russia gate probe calling it "an attack on our democracy. pete: alexandria hoff is live with washington with more. reporter: will, rachel, pete, they feel the staffers were a staffer campaign. the alleged surveillance activity happened in 2017 so that was during the trump administration and senators ted cruz, mickle and chuck grassley want to know what the current department of justice has done about this issue. in a letter sent on thursday, this week talking to attorney general mark garland and they subpoenaed staffer's private phone and he mail logs during a independent congressional investigation of both the department and fbi for involvement in the russia collusion hoax known as cross fire hurricane. this revelation came out of a freedom of information act request by empower oversight, that's a group representing whistle blowers and the letter also reads the decision by unelected government bureaucrats to investigate the elected congressional representatives and staff trying to hold them accountable is a true attack on the democracy. the lawmakers want to mo who else was targeted. what phone and internet companies were issued subpoenas and if the department still has the records. now, fox news has learned that the instances of alleged surveillance noted in the letter were apart of a broader investigation into the leaking of classified national security information where subpoenas would have been used. the doj is not commenting on the better and a senior official has been received and that a response to congress will come next week. will: the doj is looking into staffers of republican-elected representatives looking into the doj on cross fire hurricane. pete: correct. to go in the other direction there was a hoax that was perpetrated and went on and on and on against donald trump and at some point it's proven to be false and republican offices say let's look into how in the world we got led down the wrong direction and alleging doj and fbi going after the staffers trying to look into the origins of cross fire hurricanes. will: doj excuse is we're worried about leaks of classified documents and that's what the doj is saying as to why they're going after these congressional staffers. rachel: yes, but listen, what we do know is that the doj and fbi, this administration and the former administration, the obama administration had no problem using, weaponnizing our government to spy on people. by the way, the phone records, remember after january 6 there was a congressman that they falsely accused of coordinating with the insurrectionists. pete: doing a dry run over at the capitol. rachel: they confronted him at the airport and took his cell phone away and went through tha- it's a serious breach to do that to members of congress and their staffers and there's a separation that should happen and there's this idea we should not weaponnize government to spy on our leaders who are trying to investigate to see what they are doing wrong. will: we just reported and the doj was going after eric adams and the mayor of new york and coincidentally speak out about administration's failures on immigration. rachel: if you want to send a message, will -- will: it's the supreme court justice, merrick garland. rachel: if you gov skel skeleton your close and the criticize the biden regime, we'll use our surveillance. will: just a coincidence. rachel: of course. this is very dangerous and huge actually. i'm glad we're reporting it. pete: you're exactly right when you said that but the problem is it's bye bye bying routine and it's even more dangerous when that when was a rubicon you never crossed is something we report on every day and get numb to it. then here we are. rachel: we'll go back and look at patriot act and a lot of bad things happened because of that and part is the ability to surveil americans and the normalization of it. all of it. all of it. will: turning now to headlines at 11:00 a.m. eastern time, speaker mike johnson hosting a conference call with house republicans and they're expected to work on a plan to avert a partial government shut down and deadline to funneled the government is next week. going through november 17th and johnson expected to release a short term spending plan as soon as today. the subject of a netflix documentary winning a $220 million lawsuit against a florida children's hospital. breaking down that she heard the verdict finding johns hopkins all children hospital responsible for false imprisonnenment and medical negligence according to the lawsuit. she was locked up for 10 months when she was three years old and driving her mother to suicide. the netflix documentary of take care of maya. giving her trial nationwide attention. less than three hours, michigan will take on penste and wolverines without head coach jim harbaugh. big 10 conference suspending him at least three games for the regular season after the team was accused of stealing signs from opponents. harbaugh can still attend practices and team activities but cannot be on the sides line of game day. michigan is challenging that ruling in court arguing "the shoot first ask questions later approach to sanctions is a flagrant breach of fundamental fairness". happens that fox's big noon kickoff crew is live in happy valley and penn state looks to upset third ranked michigan and coverage starts at noon. those are your headlines. pete: we'll look more into this because i don't know a lot about this. i still don't. i would learn a lot in two hours and 6:00 a.m.. rachel: aren't pro football players allowed to do some of the cigging and stuff? signaling and stuff. pete: everybody does signaling. i just entertained it like this is an interesting question. will: it's stealing signs. not signaling. it's stealing them. pete: and how you steal them because everyone tries to figure them out. will: stealing isn't i legal but how is. if you use technology to record or something, you've broken the rules. rachel: okay. learn something every day. coming up, frank siller will take us inside one-over the many comfort homes tunnel to towers is building to combat veteran homelessness. love that. pete: re-brought that house right there to us on fox square. it's phenomenal. can't wait for you to see it. as are these cookies i'm eating and they were made by the wife of our next guest. authentic afghan cookies. our next guest, former afghan trans-laterrer working overseas before becoming a american citizen and dedicates his time to helping veterans. similar support and calling them abdul. he's ginning us next. rachel: maybe we should start a cookie company. ♪ e (tony hawk) skating for over 45 years has taken a toll on my body. i take qunol turmeric because it helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. why qunol? it has superior absorption compared to regular turmeric. qunol. the brand i trust. way back in 1982 we took care of about forty kids and 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(♪) pete: this veteran's day we're honoring our nation's heros and those who help them in their service and includes our next guest. this is myself and sabor on a winter evening in afghanistan. he was our afghan trans-later that worked with us overseas while i was in the military and since then has become a american citizen and is on a mission to continue helping vets. he's now a project manager at syracuse university's daniell institute and if i didn't pronounce that, he'll yell at me. great to see you here, brother. a great american served alongside us like so many trans-laters and interpreters, you were more than -- trans-laters and interpreters. >> thank you so much to you and all the great veterans that served this nation and sincere gratitude and it's a beautiful day. the daniello institute is all about empowering veterans and we're a nonprofit organization and we have about 14 different training programs designed to empower and assist veterans on their path to a civilian life. if they wanted to become an entrepreneur, go back into college, use military skills to join back to civilian life in a new career, this is all about serving veterans and military families. pete: social security one of a kind. it's one of a kind. jm morgan partnered with syracuse in 2011 and it's been around for a decade and works at the university but kind of a next level thing. >> absolutely. think of this opportunity that the institute has created. i mean, approximately there's about 200,000 transition military soldiers that are transitioning to civilian life. inception of the d'aniello institute, we serve about 20,000 individuals every year. so think of the opportunity that it creates around giving the veterans to be able to make decisions on their own, to build networks torques have the opportunity to choose what they want to do and have the access to resources and networks and the communities they call home. whole listically as our found -- found wh wholistic what our four has said. we serve every day to make sure we provide resources and capacity, training, and create environments for veterans to be able to thrive in their own community. pete: you don't have to just be in syracuse, new york, it's across the co country. >> absolutely. pete: if you're a vet, is there a website? >> i encourage all the viewers, go to all d'aniello website and get in touch with me, our colleagues. this is all about us and celebrating our veterans, helping them thrive in the communities. i can say firsthand being out in the battlefield, the sacrifices that the veterans and military service members of this nation makes is beyond and you can't comprehend the dangerous they go through and when they come home and hang up their uniform or join civilian life, we have to help them in this next stage of life. pete: couldn't say it better. he was on the battlefield with me, with us. more than most americans because you were there for year after year after year as new units came through. now you're here with us continuing to serve veterans. you're a blessing to this nation. >> thank you. pete: thank you so much. god bless you. tell your wife thank you for the cookies too. small rural michigan town ousted their entire government for supporting a china-based battery plant. good for them. but deepening divide on the israel hamas war and why it's causing joe biden's poll numbers to plunge. to plunge. will and i go off the wall up next. you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd rather be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ deputies are divide on the israel hamas war and causing chaos for joe's reelection bid. pete: you can never anticipate what events might change the perception of a sitting president and here we are aerier out and october 7 happens, war sun leashed in the middle east that no one had seen coming and led to a divide inside the democrat. will: the u.s. support is the following, for israelis, not support of enough and only 9% go over to too supportive, 44% of democrats say too supportive of israel. this opposed to the palestinians. pete: these are the numbers to look at here. too supportive of israelis, not supportive of palestinians enough. you mention in that first part of the graphic ceasefire, will, that's why the discussion of amongst the protesting class has been ceasefire, ceasefire, ceasefire and white house know it is can't say that and they've instead used the word pause. do we pause humanitarian tuesday. trying to tap dance and hasn't worked with the base of the democrat party. will: there's a lot of contributing factors, not the least of which we talk about in this program and sort of the indoctrination on the left to see everything through the lens of oppressioner and -- oppressor and oppressed. on the surface of politics, manifests into these types of things causing divide within the democratic party. there was friction between benjamin netanyahu and then president barack obama. pete: biden white house and biden after trying to work against him to win. there's a lot of animosity there and a lot comes out of the fact and israel's politics moved to the right and retired wining government in israel having in existence of country and a lot has to do with security dynamics. will: the generational split is what we're talking about where young people trend toward the pal tin january side of this conflict -- palestinian side of this conflict and largest voice in the democratic party. pete: this is where the colleges and universities have done all of their work, young people see the entire middle eastern conflict very different listen than parents and grandparents. will: latest polling showing effect of divide of democrats and picking the right side of the issue for them when it comes to winning a general election. this is the bloom burg poll and trump up big in all of the swing states won by joe biden in 2020. p alarm bells and that's significant and have that divide if it means you're not losing key battleground states but that's what it means right now. will: voters preferred trump-appointed over biden and 11 point swing on israeli palestinian. pete: there might be a divide inside the democrat party and is real and could lead to primaries and losing 1 or 2% and a real problem in key states but ultimately at national level if you add in the republicans, there's a lot of support for israel to do what it needs to do. will: take a look at how this divide among democrats has taken form. first of all, rashida tlaib was censored, 234-188 was the vote over rhetoric of war in israel. what she had to say. >> mr. president, remember in 2024. pete: she went onto echo the chants of from the river to the sea and tried to explain it away. everyone know what is it means hence the censure. she's been a loud voice inside this squad for a listening time and saying sit down now is not that easy for joe. will: you want to hear somebody straddling the line on this issue trying to navigate what is a divide in their own party. listen to barack obama on a podcast talking about this on november 4. >> then you have to take in the whole truth. you then have to admit nobody's hands are clean that all of us are complicit to some degree. pete: this is the guy that started all after the iran deal stuff and created some of the conditions now pointing fingers at israelis saying no one's hands are clean, which is quite a statement to make after october 7 considering what was done. those are democrat voters. coming up, a small rural michigan town oust their entire local government for supporting a china-based battery plant. one of the newly elected officials is next. will: plus, going inside one of the mini comfort homes tunnel to towers is building to combat homelessness. ♪ my a1c was up here; now, it's down with rybelsus®. his a1c? it's down with rybelsus®. my doctor told me rybelsus® lowered a1c better than a leading branded pill and that people taking rybelsus® lost more weight. i got to my a1c goal and lost some weight too. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. need to get your a1c down? you may pay as little as $10 per prescription. will: welcome back to "fox & friends". i'm sitting here with frank siller from tunnel to towers as we're in front of a comfort home, this part of what you guys at tunnel to towers have given so much back to community of veterans. >> yeah, this is for a homeless veteran and a 500 square foot home. it's equipped with anything that you would need in a house. it has its own living room. it's impressive beautiful and has a tv, you can sit by yourself. will: this is one unit and exactly a home that was donated. >> this is it. we just opened up the village in houston. we have 20 of these in that village along with 161 apartments for permanent and transitional housing. a kitchenette. they come in and make their own food a. lot of times guys are in wheelchairs so it's tailored to them. will: yeah, it's taylored to someone that they'd need. >> it's not ada and not like the smart homes for catastrophically injured service members but we make them smart because a lot of them are in wheelchairs, especially the older veterans. look at the bedroom, it's just a beautiful bed. it's incredible. so like i said, it's 500 square foot. we need to build, you know, we figured this, about 50,000 homeless vets. when we build a village, we're going to have a residents, apartments maybe 100 apartments and maybe 25-100 of these in each one of the villages. will: that's incredible. you did it in houston and village in houston was how many of these? >> 20 of these comfort homes and 161 apartments. will: this is amazing. for homeless vets stuck out here. of course in order to make something like this happen, it take as lot of people giving back like so many viewers of fox have. and let's turn this camera here. there's a little surprise for you now. there's nick from -- >> my dancing friends. >> like will was saying it take as lot of people to pitch in and help out this foundation. look at how much money we came up with. will: that's from the -- >> that's right. this is from the tunnel to tower 5k corporate donation match and over a half of a million going to tunnel to tower. >> come on, give them a hand. >> hey. i love it. >> that builds five of these. >> that's amazing. listen, i got to admit, this is the biggest check i've ever held literally and figuratively. i feel like happy gilmore with this thing. but i couldn't be more proud to give this off to you guys because i know it's going to go to amazing people and it's going to help many people travion green truly, truly deserve it. it's been an honor and pleasure to just get to know you and be apart of this. yes, sir. will: hold it up. show the people! >> yes, sir. yes, sir. will: tell us about this. how does this make you feel. what is that going to do? >> making me want to dance. >> you're both welcome to. >> i can't do that. but, look, today on veteran's day to receive something like this, we have to make sure we honor and take care of our veterans. i can't be more pretty suretive to you and -- appreciative to you and fox for sure. last night i said on the five, i said let the fox viewers eradicate homelessness. fire department says many hands makes light work. if we bring americans together, especially the fox viewers, they're the most generous in america, we can eradicate homelessness amonarchies the veterans and this is a great start to say the least. >> you're doing amazing work but beyond that, you're just a great person and i think that number kind of represents what you do and what you represent. keep it going. keep it going. >> you knew this. will: i do, that's why i was getting you to would being through the house. i saw you would being. >> i was there for the coffee. >> i did not know this. i did not know this. will: you can keep it going. and help out more homeless vets and eradicate homelessness. >> amongst the veterans. will: re-appreciate you, frank. >> god bless you, god bless america and god bless the veterans. will: pete, back inside of you. pete: i've lost track of how many big checks were given out on "fox & friends" this morning. great stuff. a few headlines starting with residents of chicago's brighten park neighborhood continue to push back against the city's efforts to build an illegal migrant shelter near their homes. hundreds marching through the neighborhood to protest a plan to house 2,000 illegals and city officials are fencing off the lot where they plan on building the shelter. according to residents, the lot isn't safe to build on claiming there are environmental concerns. but the city says they're going to collect samples and no doubt they'll come out just fine. the test is on monday. and anchorage, alaska, declaring an emergency after record amount of snowfall in the past two days. must be a lot if so alaska is complaining. according to reports, parts of the city are buried under two feet of snow. fox winter weather experts say 65 inches of snow fell in less than 24 hours on a nearby mountain pass during the storm. for more on this story, download the fox weather app or stream fox weather on any tv-connected device. and those are your headlines. all right check in with senior meteorologist janice dean, we're glad rick took the day off. he deserves it. >> i actually real ily like working on the weekend. it's quiet, you're here, we gave away half a million to tunnel to towers and it's veteran's day. thank you for your service, my friend. here in new york, there's a big parade at 9:30. biggest in the country, veteran's day parade, and we have a spectacular forecast. little cool, no complaint. lots of sunshine for the rest of today. so that's a great day for the veteran's day parade all up and down fifth avenue. i think from 27, the 20s up towards 47th. lot of people have come in for that parade and tha thank you fr all the service to all the veterans taking part. we have potential for rain along the coast, texas, louisiana up towards the southeast because of a staled front, but otherwise looking pretty good. they need the rain and it's a good news story for this area and extreme drought in some cases and too much of a good thing causing flash flooding and the northwest and more rain and mountain snow. there's your veteran's day forecast and rain in the forecast and the carnival cruise absolute veterans and that's amazing, 80 degree temperatures and lots of sunshine. that's wonderful and thank you for your service. rachel, my friend, nice to work with you as well. rachel: good to see you and great weather forecast for the veterans. >> you got it. rachel: a small michigan town of just about 3,000 people overwhelmingly ousting their entire township board after they supported building a plant for communist china-based company. let's hear from the newly elected trustee at green charter township. kelly, great to have you on. what was the concern of you and the other citizens who got rid of this board because of this company, this china-owned company. >> we've all heard of the spy balloon across the country and recently attended a fundraiser where mike rogers spoke and he is a former congressman that is running for senate against debby stabenow and he is actually -- was the house intelligence committee chairperson, and he told us that the ocean management sworn their alliance to the chinese military company. rachel: all chinese owned companies by the chinese communist party and the largest shareholders of the company is a gentleman named lessen and his son. they're both very well connected to the ccp. you know, first of all, there's so many levels that i'm proud of this town. it's national security and over clearly great jobs for a little towns like yours are fascinating and everyone coming to america on that and just the idea that you all got rid of the whole board and it was done by canvassing going door to door and talk to me about that. >> well, we started early in june with a canvassing and we got all additions that we needed and recall five of the members but the supervisor decided to contest the language on his position and going before a judge and we had to do that whole operation again and very time consuming and we suffered from canvasser fatigue, but we've got all the required signatures in about 18 days against the super visier. so it's been a lot of work and a lot of time put into this effort over the past summer, and i'm just real happy with the results. rachel: wow. kelly cushway, you're proving democracy is arrive and well especially in little towns like yours. that's wonderful to hear. thanks for joining us this morning and congratulations on all your hard work paying off. >> thanks for having me on. rachel: you got it. coming up, fueling patriotism one cup at a time. it's joey jones and our friends at black rifle coffee company, that's next. ♪ ♪ rachel: all right. we're marking veteran's day with the boot campaign if texas at black rifle coffee companies brand new bricks and mortar store. check it out, it's gorgeous. will: we're joined by marine corp. veteran mark aldridge and he became a better version of himself. pete: we're joined by shelly kirkland as well. joey, good morning again. reporter: good morning, guys. we've moved outside. it's a little chilly and we're having a good time. i want to start with shelly kirkland, ceo of boot campaign and an amazing company like black rifle company is not going to open their business without giving back. boot campaign being one of the re-sip sents of that -- recipients of that give back. shelly, tell us about the boot campaign. >> thank you so much for having us. we started 14 years ago and we have two main programs and first is health and wellness and provides individual treatment for veterans struggling with visible wounds of war and second is providing customized gifts during the holiday seasons to make it possible for those who served. reporter: inside scoop is i'm intimately involved with the boot campaign and the health and wellness is not out in va and outside of the sense of another option, it's just a place for veterans to go when they're not finding the answers they're looking for a lot of times, and there's no better person to hear that from than a veteran that's been through it hims and bring in mark. you've got two deployments to iraq and crew chief in the marine corp.. happy birthday. >> thank you. reporter: tell us what this program is and was for you. >> yeah, they -- the boot campaign showed up and really helped me with everything from therapy to diet, nutrition, getting my sleep back on track, really helped me find a lot of help i wasn't finding in the va. reporter: how did you know you needed -- was there an indicator that veterans say this might be something for me? >> my best advice is reach out and look for help. they'll let you know if they can't help you as apart of the service. they'll help you diagnose and figure out what's going on. if you're wondering if you should reach out for help, do. reporter: how you doing now? >> much better. sleeping through the night and back working full-time and being a parent. reporter: you know, shelly, i think all the veterans you help are like very handsome and easy to talk to and all of that but to be honest, anything a veteran is struggling with seems like there's something out there. what makes boot campaign's program so effective? >> i think what makes it effective is the fact that we look at the individualized nature. we're looking at each veteran as their own individual person. we have a phenomenal team of case managers in our health and wellness program who really want to hold the veteran's hand from start to finish to make sure they're getting where they need to go. reporter: real quick, we're standing here talking about what boot campaign does, there's another program, it's a lot of fun. we have santa claus right off camera here because it happens at christmas, one of the two times a year. tell us about that. >> through our holiday program, we're able to make christmas possible for those who are having a difficult time. they may be struggling with finances, they may be taking care of a wounded, injured, or ill service member and we get their names, wishes, wants, and we individually shop for them. we hand wrap each of those gifts here in the dallas warehouse and then we hand deliver them all across the country to veterans and active duty families. reporter: listen, there's several families that they still want to provide for, you can go to and contribute to the health and wellness program, which is so vital season giving and we just want to thank black rifle coffee company for making their business a part of how this happens. what do you think, guys? right? back over to you guys. pete: joe you, see if black rifle will sponsor "fox & friends". we've got to up our coffee quality onset. see you tomorrow, joey. reporter: we'll make it happen. pete: coming up, more "fox & friends". ♪ 1 down, 9 to go. hey, what are you doing out here? i just had something picked up. oh my gosh, i'm having something delivered. carvana? you know carvana? bought it, scheduled it. ah, and here it is. you think carvana's good for buying, you should try selling one. buy or sell your car with carvana today. ♪ ♪

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Listically , Networks , Access , Networks Torques , Decisions , Community , Capacity , Environments , Vet , Co Country , Viewers , Website , Colleagues , Touch , D Aniello , Battlefield , Military Service , Sacrifices , Stage , Couldn T , Units , Blessing , Town , Battery Plant , China , God Bless You , Small Rural , Poll Numbers , Kidney Failure , Israel Hamas War , Stop Taking Farxiga , Infection , Dehydration , Ketoacidosis , Yeast Infections , Blood Sugar , Urinary Tract , Places , Genital , Skin , Perineum , Symptoms , President , Perception , Events , Chaos , Deputies , Joe S Reelection Bid , Led , The Middle East , War Sun Leashed , Palestinians , Israelis , Following , Go , Numbers , 44 , 9 , Ceasefire , Class , Discussion , Pause , Program , Everything , Least , Contributing Factors , Base , Hasn T , Tap Dance , Indoctrination , Left , Lens , Politics , Oppressor , Oppressed , Types , Surface , Friction , Oppressioner , Benjamin Netanyahu , Fact , Animosity , Israel , Existence , Wining , Security Dynamics , Generational Split , Work , Conflict , Voice , Colleges , Side , Grandparents , Universities , Parents , Poll , Polling Showing Effect , General Election , Bloom Burg , Voters , Battleground States , P Alarm Bells , 2020 , Point Swing , Republicans , Primaries , Over Biden , Israeli Palestinian , 2 , Rashida Tlaib , Vote , Form , Take A Look , 234 , 188 , War , Rhetoric , Mr , Chants , Censure , River , Sea , 2024 , Somebody , Squad , Sit , Line , Hands , Podcast , Truth , November 4 , 4 , Guy , Degree , Conditions , Fingers , Iran , Statement , Officials , Comfort Homes Tunnel , Combat Homelessness , A1c , Stop Rybelsus , Me Rybelsus , Family , Isn T , Pill , Goal , Type 1 Diabetes , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Don T Take Rybelsus , Help , Gallbladder Problems , Vision Problems , Lump , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Stomach Pain , Swelling , Neck , Pancreatitis , Provider , Kidney Problems , Prescription , Blood Sugar Risk , Insulin , Sulfonylurea , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Nausea , Fox Friends , Anything , House , Comfort , Living Room , 500 , Village , Unit , This Is It , Houston , Tv , Apartments , Housing , Kitchenette , 161 , Times , Homes , Taylored , Someone , Ada , Bed , Bedroom , Residents , Homeless Vets , Build , 25 , 50000 , These , Villages , Surprise , Order , Camera , Fox Have , Friends , Nick , Dancing , Foundation , Money , Hand , Tower 5k , Check , Donation , Half , A Million , Five , 5k , Sir , Pleasure , Sure , Fire Department , Homelessness Amonarchies , Person , Start , T2t Org , Track , Re Appreciate You , God Bless America , Migrant Shelter , Great Stuff , Efforts , Neighborhood , Checks , Brighten Park Neighborhood , Chicago , City Officials , Shelter , Illegals , Fencing , Isn T Safe , 2000 , Test , Snowfall , Record , Doubt , Samples , Amount , Emergency , Concerns , Alaska , Anchorage , Snow , Feet , Fox Winter Weather , Mountain Pass , 65 , 24 , Stream Fox , Janice Dean , Weather , Storm , Device , Working , Weekend , Parade , Sunshine , Forecast , Lots , Complaint , Friend , Rest , Biggest , Rain , Tha , The 20s Up Towards 47th , Coast , Potential , Up And Down Fifth Avenue , Louisiana , 47 , 27 , News Story , Cases , Drought , Northwest , Area , Flash Flooding , Mountain Snow , Degree Temperatures , Carnival Cruise Absolute , 80 , Plant , Weather Forecast , Township Board , 3000 , Company , Citizens , Concern , Trustee , Green Charter Township , Kelly Cushway , Communist China , Mike Rogers , Fundraiser , Spy Balloon , Senate , Debby Stabenow , House Intelligence Committee Chairperson , Ocean , Alliance , Companies , Chinese Communist Party , Shareholders , Son , Ccp , Chinese , Gentleman Named Lessen , Towns , Levels , Security , Coming To America , Jobs , Door To , Additions , Board , Supervisor , Operation , Judge , Position , Language , Canvasser Fatigue , Lot , Effort , Results , Signatures , Super Visier , 18 , Congratulations , Wow , Patriotism , Boot Campaign , Texas At Black Rifle Coffee Companies , Bricks , Mark Aldridge , Version , Mortar , Marine , Gorgeous , Shelly Kirkland , Guys , Rifle Company , Sents , Recipients , Shelly , Wellness , Health , Gifts , Programs , Seasons , Wounds , Treatment , Option , Inside Scoop , Va , Mark , Crew , Chief , Deployments , Sleep , Nutrition , Therapy , Diet , Wasn T Finding In The Va , Advice , Indicator , Sleeping , Parent , Case Managers , Nature , Holiday Program , Fun , Santa Claus , Service Member , Names , Peach , Wants , Finances , Wounded , Injured , Wishes , Duty , Warehouse , Dallas , Black Rifle , Joe You , Coffee Quality Onset , Oh My Gosh , Buying , Carvana Today ,

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