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>> harris: new information on this. so much for deterrence. 47 is the latest number of attacks on our troops in irrelevant rack and syria since october 17th. two the number of times we fired back. iran's threat is on full display with growing fears of a much wider war. iran pays and trains those killers attacking our military men and women as you know. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." our latest strike on wednesday hit a weapons storage facility inside syria. those iran-funded groups responded with five attacks targeting our people. in total, 56 of our military men and women have been wounded. some are seriously wounded. one government contractor has died. the iran-backed houthi militia in yemen claimed responsibility for shooting down a $30 million american drone. iran's top diplomat says the offensive in gaza makes expansion of the war inevitable. the israeli defense force continuing to hammer terror targets in gaza. a day of fierce combat as diplomatic talks ended with a deal to help civilians in gaza reach safety. israel has agreed to every day give a four-hour localized pause. remember yesterday when we first learned this it comes with a three-hour heads-up. so seven hours for the enemy to do whatever it is that they'll do which always involves killing. prime minister benjamin netanyahu pushed back hard on calls for more pauses. >> the fighting continues against the hamas enemy, the hamas terrorists. but in specific locations for a given few hours here and there we want to facilitate a safe passage of civilians. our goal isn't to fight the palestinian civilians but the hamas terrorists. we make a distinction between the two. they don't. a cease-fire with hamas means surrender to hamas and terror and the victory of iran's axis of terror. there won't be a cease-fire without the release of isly hostages. that's not going to happen. >> harris: a sign of life perhaps, video now has been the latest twisted sign of hope for those held captive by the hamas hostage taking serial killers. it shows a 77-year-old woman and 13-year-old boy. the palestinian islamic jihad group is holding them as it prepares to release them if, they say, appropriate measures are met. so now we have another group of terrorists making demands. hamas so far has released only four of some 240 hostages. in "focus" retired army lieutenant colonel gobb is with me today. excited to have him especially on veterans day. first, though, let's go to alex hogan in northern israel where people were on high alert just a few hours ago, alex. >> hi, harris, three israeli soldiers are wounded after cross border attacks here in northern israel. the idf says it was able to detect three drones headed this way. the iron dome did intercept one of those. the other two fell. the former defense minister traveled to this part of the country yesterday warning hezbollah that if these attacks continue, there will be retaliation. >> we will not allow hezbollah to compromise our communities. if nasrallah makes a mistake hezbollah and the state of lebanon will bear the consequences. >> in the south the idf pushes deeper into northern gaza. military says it is sending in top brass including the chief of staff to the front lines not only for solidarity but also for expertise when it comes to navigating and destroying the intricate system of tunnels where hostages are believed to be held. no word on the two hostages that could potentially be released. thursday islamic jihad announced they would send back an elderly woman and little boy that they couldn't care for medically. as israel approves the temporary pause to allow civilians to flee south of the tens of thousands are evacuating every day. they are calling it tactical localized pauses in certain areas. residents there are given at least three hours of a heads-up it is safe for them to move south. meanwhile we've heard sirens blair across the country including tel aviv. the idf says in the last month since october 7th there have been 10,000 rockets that were fired here at israel. the idf also says it has launched attacks as many as 15,000 times targeting those specific hamas targets in gaza. harris. >> harris: thank you so much. stay safe. i want to talk again about the woefully timid response to biden administration has had so far. you can't say this enough. the numbers are getting bigger every day. united states military has hit back only twice. the number of attacks by iranian-backed killers creeps up every time we get an update from the pentagon now. 47 attacks on our military men and women stationed inside iraq and syria. our latest retaliation, that mere bombing of a weapons storage facility in syria got a much bigger response than we put out. iran's paid terrorists hit our troops five additional times. the "new york post" editorial board with this headline. another weak response to iran attacks on biden and the open war. republican presidential candidates said this at wednesday night's debate. >> obama sent millions to iran. biden has sent billions to iran and why i've said there is blood dripping from the hands of president obama and president biden. >> i am not going to put our troops in harm's way unless you are willing to defend them with everything you have. biden has them out there just inviting more attacks from the iranians. >> make sure that we continue to isolate iran. >> we shouldn't be doing a tit-for-tat like what joe biden has done. we need to go and take out their infrastructure. iran responds to strength. >> harris: in "focus" lieutenant cull, former blackhawk helicopter pilot. co-founder and executive director of restore liberty. we've seen politics infiltrate good policy and strategy around war. from what you told me the perfect combination new want to start a war and get the u.s. involved. >> we have 19 different posts now we have thrown a lot more sailors and ships and more planes and everything throughout the middle east. all i'm seeing right now is a lot of opportunity for our enemies to continue to attack us and what happens if our soldiers actually get badly wounded or one of them gets killed, god forbid? it seems like a trip wire that they are trying to get us involved more heavily into a bigger war in the middle east. that's something we don't want. >> harris: a trip wire. i thought it was if one american was killed. under former president trump if you touch a hair on one america is what he told iran and people didn't doubt that he would bomb places that he said he would. reportedly he told russia putin if you hit us, he will hit moscow. no one was in the room to give us the video of it but i believe he would say this. this president now what he is saying by hitting twice when you've been hit 47 times? >> he is saying you can continue this. you don't have to fear the u.s. >> harris: does he consider our men and women a minor incursion is what i want to know? you said if one dies, serious injuries among some of our military personnel. you have people you have served with, friends in some of these bases. >> yeah, this is disturbing to say the least. we have got people out there in bases that are essentially being defended by the iraqi army in other locations. we should be able to do this ourselves. >> harris: the iraq army is defending our people on the ground in certain areas? >> we have host nation forces in some areas that are providing the security that some of our people need because we have -- >> harris: why isn't it us? >> we don't have enough people there. >> harris: we have enough fempeople to be targets. >> the answer is to provide the american people a strategy and why they are there and if you can't do that, get them out of harm's way and bring them home. >> harris: as we are talking we've been so focused on the israel, hamas war as we should be. it got us involved with hamas, the blood thirsty terrorists attacked the sovereign nation of israel. now i want to focus on our fighting forces, though. from what you are telling me we should be bigger concerns. the 47 times could be a small number. >> absolutely. those forces in the middle east are not at home, not able to be used to defend our nation at a time when we're being invaded from our southern border. so to make it simple, our army is in the middle east. our threat is on the mexico border. >> harris: a u.s. lieutenant colonel just used the word invasion for our open border situation down south and this administration calls that type of language conspiracy theory. if i use that language that's what happens. what are you looking at? you've seen actual invasions. >> yes, i will say it all the time. it is an invasion. it's an immigration invasion to change america in many ways. so what does this look like to me? if you go down to panama and you see u.n. camps built there that are facilitating the movement of these people up through central america, through mexico to our southern border to be moved across our border into the united states, i don't know how you can call it anything but an invasion. most of these people, by the way, are well funded, well supplied, and they have an extremely detailed plan. a lot are young, single males from china and other places that are our add rear sears. i'm positive you will find people like hamas types mixed in there as well. >> harris: how surprised are you that the number is creeping above 169 for fiscal year 23 and as we go forward. >> not surprised at all. the reality is probably a lot higher. >> harris: those are the people they know on the terrorist watch list but mayorkas doesn't nowhere the people are. if they've worked themselves through the process and been deported. no idea if knee are still in the country. >> i think it's safe to assume they're all here. we have to assume that at this point. our nation needs to know that what is happening down there is intentional. it looks to me again like an invasion. if you are getting invaded what do you have to do? you have to defend yourself. if our administration won't do it, then it's up to the states and the people to take that job on themselves. we have been left no other recourse. i hate to say it, but i think that's the facts as i see it now. >> harris: colonel, i appreciate your service. thank you for being with me. progressives are still beating the drum for a cease-fire and spewing anti-israel rhetoric. it is driving a wedge between democrats on capitol hill with many colleagues saying enough is enough. when is enough enough. several presidential candidates hoping to make the race. >> if one of those individuals can separate themselves from the pack going into super tuesday now it's a 50/50. >> harris: the list is longer if people who are saying it is essential to whittle the field now. get it down to 2 or 3. plus trump. ari fleischer in "focus" next. ? car loans. get a newday 100 va cash out loan. own your car and have no more monthly car payments. are you tired of clean 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[shouting] >> let her go. no. no, let -- it's okay. >> harris: well, tensions over the israel/hamas war ramping up more than a month after the hamas attacks. it has been 35 days. that heckler was removed despite the fact that the president was protesting that they take not take that person out. the far left squad members in congress are certainly not letting up with their anti-israel rhetoric and anti-semitism. let's watch it. >> how dare we be so careless and inhumane and heartless to where we decide that four hours is enough time to get you stuff so you can live a little longer until the bombs hit. how dare we and how dare we -- we don't want four hours or 16 hours, we don't want 22. we want a cease-fire now. >> harris: congresswoman rashida tlaib still demanding a cease-fire days after she was censured for anti-israel comments. they were anti-semitic. israeli prime minister netanyahu with this. >> what this congresswoman is calling for is homicide and genocide. the elimination of the jewish state. the one and only jewish state of the jewish people. that's absurd and i salute the congress for sensoring her. >> doug schoen highlighting the party divide. he says as democrats we implore the party get rid of the anti-semitic squad. they have a new nickname now. ari fleischer fox news contributor and former white house press secretary. they have a new nickname and have an endgame in all of this. they are pushing hard. >> you know, just the lack of morality of these positions, harris. i will make no distinction between the nazis in germany and world war ii, swart for the ku klux klan in america and who support hamas. they're all horrible. the democrats have a group inside their party is advocating for these positions. when you say cease-fire you are saying let hamas get away with the attack and let hamas do it again. that's what they will do if there is a cease-fire. i make no moral distinction between those who support hamas and those who would support the clan or the nazis. they are one in the same. >> harris: we were told by their leader there will be many october 7th. you don't believe them? i do. you do. when i say you don't believe them i'm talking to the far left of the party of the democrats. and what are they pro now, the killers? they are one step away from the endgame is to wipe everybody off the face of the earth who is not like them. it won't stop at jews. it will be christians. it will be everybody. it is about hate. protestors in new york city marched through the streets chanting their hate for israel and president biden. [crowd chanting] >> harris: this came days after a woman was arrested in brooklyn for allegedly cutting up posters of israeli hostages and pepper sprayed a jewish safety volunteer screaming i'll kill you jews. next week a city in montreal will call ---called ham stead is passing a law filing $1 thousand to anyone caught taking down the posters. anti-semitic hate crimes soar. a point of reference. the islamaphobia the president and white house always point to, the numbers on that aren't close to the numbers of anti-cement i can attacks and threats in this country. we don't want any numbers for either. we want it to be 0. right now the conversation is jews are under threat more than anybody. >> this is an administration that is happy to try to create a moral equivalence here when there isn't any. they should say the threat is to the jews. there was a firebombing at a synagogue in montreal two days ago. the same city of los angeles where there was a murder, pro-israel protestor was hit in the head, fell back, hit his head and died by a pro-palestinian protestor. so islamaphobia or anti-semitism? that's the issue. anti-islamic statements pale in comparison to the regular repeated anti-semitic attacks. i have to tell you, i try to restray from looking at this as internal democratic political issue. it is putting a strain on president biden's coalitions. the issue is moral. how can the democrats want the support of people who are pro-hamas? people who celebrated this attack? people who chant from the river to the sea? how can the democrats in congress continue to people in their caucus who say from the river to the sea? that is the annihilation of israel. this is the core issue. it is a moral issue and time for americans to stand. i'm heartened by how many americans have stood with israel but there is an issue inside the democratic party. >> harris: americans are voting for those people and putting them into office. democrats can break things up on capitol hill but not rip the people out of the seats. they were put there by voters. who in this country raises their hand who want to hang with the terrorists and decapitate babies? i hope people continue to show us who they are. we need to know. more anti-israel lunacy on college campuses. students at ucla. you were talking about what's going on in los angeles. they were filmed smashing pinatas in the likenesses of biden and netanyahu. many wear masks. show your face. you are proudly doing that. a new op-ed is asking what's at the root of anti-jewish hate on college campuses? it points to two culprits. one, the teachers unions, their outsized power to their helpedy marriage with the democratic party. unions deliver manpower and donations and future democratic activists. they are the ultimate purveyor of crt. teachers unions playing partners and jews and israel stand unequivocally in the wrong. your response. >> yeah, the democrats have a cancer inside their party and it is really failing college campuses and particularly with the faculty. identity politics, it is all sapping what we used to be in america, the idea that individual ideas count. there should be competition for ideas, won on the basis of merit. instead it is won of the basis on your chromosomes. the change i would love to see governors make throughout america is abolish tenure for college professors. these faculty are so liberal/socialist they don't let conservatives into their ranks anymore. this is putting huge pressure on administrations. i think they would like to govern campuses differently. if you want to stop it one of the most effective things you can do is ban tenure, throw the pro hamas professor off campus and have reasonable people willing to listen to two sides, not just the social lift democrat side. >> harris: a lot of people are calling for term limits. they do the same thing just two different groups of people colleges versus capitol hill so you can get new fresh ideas and younger generations in there. i know somebody who wouldn't be a fan of that. probably president biden. three republican presidential debates are now in the books. the primaries begin in just about a couple months. actually with the iowa caucuses january 15th. some are saying it's time to whittle down that field. among them former republican presidential candidate will hurd backing ambassador nikki haley. >> it is hard to put aside your own personal ambitions and ego, but this is about the country. this is about making sure that we have another 247 years of a country of a way of life that has become the envy of the world. >> harris: your thoughts on that. one columnist writes after the third republican debate only one question matters. did anything change? all five candidates on stage in miami needed to shake things up in the fundamentals of the race. they are all badly trailing former president donald trump. the theory has been that it will take republican primary voters a while to pay serious attention to the race. soon it will be thanksgiving, christmas and new year's day. as ronald reagan might ask, if not now, when? ari. >> i think it's fair to say if you were a donald trump supporter you want as many republicans to stay in the race as possible. you need a split field. that's most helpful to donald trump. if you want to defeat trump in the republican primary you won't get it done unless the field whistles down to one-on-one. immediately after new humbly share is the time for that. i think candidates will drop. ramaswamy, desantis and haley will be on the ballot in new hampshire. after new hampshire, if they don't drop out. donald trump will win. it's as simple as that. you have to have the winnowing. if you don't you're handing it to donald trump. many republicans want that to happen. >> harris: reading more and more about democrats who want biden to step aside. most notably david axelrod. when you start to hear the drumbeat if it's not biden we don't know how everybody will stack up the way they stack up against biden. pretty much any republican could beat biden. it may not be the case if they replace him. >> i give a 1-3 shot that he will pull an lbj did, he will try to throw it to kamala harris. it will be a donny brook. i give it 2-1 that joe biden being stubborn thinking he is the only one who can beat donald trump will stay in. either scenario benefits republicans tremendously. >> harris: ari fleischer, great to have you. thank you for being in "focus." joe manchin with a big announcement raising questions about a possible 2024 run. he has the time now. he won't run again. it is not just manchin giving biden a headache. spooler alert. yet another third party candidate has thrown their hat into the ring. what it means for the president's re-election effort. power panel is next. if you have this... consider adding this. an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan from unitedhealthcare. medicare supplement plans help by paying some of what medicare doesn't... and let you see any doctor. any specialist. anywhere in the u.s. who accepts medicare patients. so if you have this... consider adding this. call unitedhealthcare today for your free decision guide. ♪ ♪ unnecessary action hero! ♪ -missing punches? 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"politico" with this headline. manchin puts dem's majority on life support. axios, why manchin's retirement is democrat's worst nightmare. "wall street journal" with this. >> i think he keeps people guessing. some of us were wondering. we heard the announcement was coming. would he switch parties. i think he is leaving people guessing leaving out the possibility of a no labels run. leaving out the possibility he could run as a democrat against a president. and that is very much joe manchin's style but so while he may be out of the west virginia race i wouldn't say he is out of politics all together. >> harris: molly hemingway and jonathan kott, former senior advisor to senator manchin and partner at capital council. i will come to you about your former boss, senator manchin, and ask is this just a trial balloon for running for president? jonathan. >> i think it is just him wanting to go around the country to see if he can mobilize what he thinks is the majority of americans who are centrists and like to get stuff done and don't care about partisan politics. who don't spend their life on twitter and see if he can give them a voice. i will also point out i didn't know what he was doing when i worked for him for eight years. i may not know exactly what he will do next but i always listened to him. he is bluntly honest and usually gives you exactly what he is feeling. i feel like he is going to go around the country, he is in georgia today talking at a johnny isaacson civility and bipartisan forum and that's what he will keep doing. >> harris: always nice to get a plug in for your former boss. he will have a hard time winning if he ran in the state of west virginia. molly, look, some of his decisions and buying the inflation reduction act, a lot of money for climate change. hurt his state. so why not go do this now? what is your take? >> i had to laugh when you were playing the clip of him saying it's a difficult decision for him to make. it is not a difficult decision because if he had run, he would have lost. he would have lost because the people of west virginia would not have fallen again for the claim he was such a moderate democrat he would be an acceptable representative of them. he was able to squeak over the finish line in 2018 by voting for brett carve now gnaw. time and again he voted for every biden nominee and all the important decisions to help democrats secure power and enable the policies that so many people in this country including west virginia with hurting. not just the economy or inflation, the border, the fact that the world is on fire enabled by him being a democrat. i'm not sure how compelling his message will be when he is not even compelling to the people of west virginia. >> harris: energy, coal is so important in his state of west virginia to have made some of the mistakes that he did by not really looking and seeing what was inside that so-called inflation reduction act really cost him. jill stein, she is running again for president under the green party. watch. >> the political system is broken. the 2 wall street parties are bought and paid for. over 60% of us now say the bipartisan establishment failed us and we need a party that serves the people. i'm jill stein and i am running for president to offer that choice for the people outside of the failed two-party system. >> harris: she is joining the race against joe biden with cornel west, robert f. kennedy, jr., congressman dean phillips. marianne williamson and joe manchin. there are some people on the left. what is your take, should they be looked at closer with biden's polling numbers under ground now? >> no, i think jill stein is a clown who has no business in politics and shouldn't be on any ballot. she has no voting support. she will get 50,000 votes and maybe 3 or 4 states and she could potentially swing the election to donald trump, who i assume she hates more than joe biden but i don't know because i don't pay a lot of attention to jill stein. i just want to point out one thing. the inflation reduction act brought $2 billion and 50,000 jobs to west virginia. it is a pretty damn good bill for west virginia. got a mountain valley pipeline. >> harris: that's interesting. the senator and i went back and forth. >> he defends it as much as he can. >> harris: i was right. it is your job formerly. i appreciate the fact you want to try to defend him. i want to get to molly. bring you back on a different day and have senator with you. that would be fun. >> the third parties are going to be a huge problem for the democrat party. one of the smartest things they did in 2020 is keep third parties off the ballot in wisconsin and pennsylvania where it actually can effect elections. they won't probably be able to do it this time and with so much lack of support for joe biden it is a vulnerability for him. >> harris: and again come back, jonathan, any time. you too, molly. >> i will bring manchin with me. >> harris: i think he will volunteer. thank you. the fifth annual patriot awards in nashville, tennessee in a week. oh my goodness, next thursday, november 16th at the grand ole opry house. i will have a live audience there. come and be with you and be in the audience. we have 200 seats. you have to sign up now and get your tickets. log onto fox awards and you can do all sorts of things with that ticket. meet a lot of fox personalities, you can go to the big show that night where we recognize patriots. it is so much fun. nashville next thursday. be there. president biden's critics warning him of the cozy and dangerous relationship between our biggest global rivals. >> this unholy alliance between russia, ukraine and china is real. we have to see the combination of the three. >> the white house confirming the president will meet chinese president xi face-to-face next week. will there be any tough talk from our president to china? 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(sniffs) if you like squeaky toys from chewy it is. did i get anything this year? get daily deals on the chewy app this holiday season. i'm still going to eat your socks. no you're not. shop the chewy app for gifts that deliver excitement. >> harris: fox news alert. white house has announced president biden will sit down with chinese president xi at the asia pacific economic cooperation summit in san francisco next week. it is their second meeting since biden took office. the white house says they will discuss keeping communications open between the world's two largest economies. the republican presidential candidates though with some very different straight talk. >> i know china is the enemy and that's what we should be focused on. >> we need politicians independent of the forces that increase our dependence on china. we have to hold them accountable. >> long-term threat is china. >> if china is able to be the world's leading super power it will affect you and your family in ways that will be very bad. >> harris: jacque heinrich at the white house. the u.s. and china don't have military to military communications now. all the things going on and continued tensions around the world the biggest priority is to get the communications restored. at every turn the chinese have resisted cabinet level request from the u.s. for this. they point to the spy ball yoon incident why it's important to bring them back. they say they will talk to the chinese on areas of cooperation, climate and global health playing nice to try to get them to the table to get some of these priorities done. officials here at the white house think the true state of china's economy is more dire than they let on. struggling to secure investment after covid with more business going to india and vietnam. those will be some of the focus points for this discussion. >> harris: jacque, thank you very much. the nation is observing veterans day today and there are many events across america honoring our military heroes. there is always a concern for the mental health of our veterans and horrific images and story from the israel and hamas war is taking is toll. retired marine colonel mike hudson. vice president of clear force helping u.s. military vets access local resources for a host of needs, including jobs and training. it is a pleasure to have you on the program today. i had a lieutenant colonel gobb on earlier and the images are jarring and bring back so many memories and also visceral experiences to the subconscious because war does that. >> that's exactly right. what we're seeing happen today you could go back to our pull out of afghanistan. there are a lot of studies that showed veterans had an uptick in mental health issues and other trigger-type events to put veterans at increased risk. thats right. >> harris: tell me about clear force. >> clear force is a technology company that protects organization with early and ongoing detection of human risk signals across multiple data sources. our platform combines analytics, machine learning, workflow compliance to deliver a new standard in people risk. so we're doing today in the veteran suicide space is using this new technology we developed to pioneer a way to change how we think about veterans suicide where the veteran has to be the first mover. clear voice the using data and privacy to enable organizations to meet the veteran where they are today. >> harris: i want to talk with you on this veterans day about our military readiness. when they come home you are part of our american apparatus to help them deal with whatever issues they may have. but in the field, we've got to be ready, too. so the battlefield. most branches of the military are facing a recruitment crisis. army, navy, air force, navy and reserves are in the very worst shape. recruiting crisis. you see the numbers down for the air national guard by 40%. navy reserve 45%. overall look at the army is down 15%. heritage foundation assessment of our military found four branches are marginal to weak. only the marines ranked strong in terms of readiness. >> i think what the marine corps is doing after spending 30 years there. i would be remiss if i didn't get a quick happy birthday. the 248th birthday of the marine corps. part of that is the reason why i think the marine corps is successful. we anchor on the history. i was able to celebrate a local cake cutting. i saw an article the other day services are looking how the marine corps retruths and train recruiters. we think all that is important. the messaging. we draw from the civilian population. you aren't born a marine. you start as a civilian and you enter, serve and transition back out. the military needs to continue to show the positive aspects of service to this nation and tap into that passion and desire to serve that so many americans have today. >> harris: that's a very good point. if the marines are doing something a little different we have to figure out what that is. some of the branches of military i read are looking at taking recruits up to the age of 40. they are seeing the younger numbers dwindle and age numbers. colonel hudson, thank you for the good work you are doing with the veterans. appreciate you. >> thank you very much for having us on the show today. >> thank you always for your service. >> harris: veterans day, fox corporation is partnering with the u.s. vets organization for their make camo your cause campaign helping fund u.s. vets efforts to homelessness and transition to civilian life. do your part and get cool merchandise, too. i love the hat, actually. go to the camo collection at our website. it is on your screen there. honor.u.s. forward. it matches my dress. i wore this green on purpose. dad, i love you. you are with us in heaven watching over us. thank you all the vets for serving. 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