Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240702 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240702

will: we are following two major stories this morning, an update on the mass shooting in lewiston, maine. robert card was found dead with a self-inflicted gunshot wound after a 48 hour manhunt. >> our community can breathe a sigh of relief mister card is deceased and no longer a threat to the community or any other community. they will continue to breathe and law enforcement officials worked tirelessly through the event to come to a good conclusion. rachel: card was found just miles from the crime scene accused of killing 18 people at a bar and bowling alley. will: is relapse military confirming one of its drones tried launching antitank missiles at the jewish state. the idf arresting a dozen operatives in the west bank as it continues to escalate ground operations in the area. the idf captured 700 hamas terrorists since october. pete: israeli officials confirming idf killed a senior military official. taking out 150 underground hamas sites. let's get to greg palkot with the latest on the expanding conflict. >> we've been hearing a steady sound of israeli artillery not far from us, heading across the border into lebanon where the hezbollah militants are and where they had been doing some damage, a vested interest in what is going on down south in gaza as israel wages that war against hamas. according to the israeli military we are still on the ground at this moment and still in the fight. the live images we've been getting from gaza now show a large plume of smoke a longer one portion of the border with intermittent gunfire as we hear own gunfire up here, not as intense as last night but the military describes extensive raid involving infantry armor, engineering, artillery. it is not described as the ground invasion but israel calling it a ground invasion. 150 underground targets, hamas has the amazing network of tunnels underneath everything. the pounding by the israeli air force described as the heaviest of the war. internet and mobile phones on the ground according to locals, total chaos. remarkably considering all the clashes we've been talking about between israel and hamas, they say the civilian death toll in gaza strip is approaching 8,000. that is their claim, shooting up a new slew of missiles as well against israel. the humanitarian crisis does build, israel saying more aid will be getting into gaza in a manner but a couple of them numbers everyone is worried about, 229 israeli and other nationalities including american hostages held by hamas in the gaza strip. 600 palestinian americans and others caught in general and the gaza strip as well. as for the northern front, israeli artillery far from our position, militants have been shooting off rockets. one got intercepted by an israeli drone a short while ago, this artillery fire, militants basically responding to what is happening down south. not exactly sure how big they will go. they could go. the us state department awarded american civilians on the other side of the border from where we are in lebanon, strongly suggesting all americans leave lebanon, do not wait until it is a crisis situation. it is really just some civilian aircraft and in the mediterranean, the uss dwight d eisenhower is now entering the mediterranean sea to join the uss gerald ford. those are two big aircraft carrier groups positioned off the coast, sending a message to a lot of folks, the country is pulling a lot of strings that is iran. back to you. pete: reports yesterday, the idf showing an overlay of the biggest hospital in gaza, hamas headquarters underneath it. they built their top military command centers under a civilian hospital. what is your sense how israel deals with something like that where your enemy is beneath human shields in a hospital you q >> reporter: a tricky thing. those tunnels go under everything, residential buildings, civilian government authorities, schools and in fact the hospital which is a busy hospital. in days gone by, it's not a fake hospital. it is a real hospital but there's a great strategic effort by hamas to put their very important offices, even arsenals and weaponry underneath that hospital as well. everything is together. back to you. pete: the shelter in place for residents in lewiston, maine is lifted after police found robert card dead. will: there will be a news conference in two hours about what we learned in the past 12 hours, 12 to 15 hours since we last heard from the authorities in maine. what can we expect? >> so many questions about how and why this mass shooting happened, the worst mass shooting in maine's history, hopefully we will get those answers in this update from state officials coming up. long 48 hour manhunt came to a close at 7:45 when robert card's body was found near a dumpster at a recycling facility he used to work at and police believe he shot and killed himself. i want to show where his body was found relative to where the mass shooting locations are, you see it right here, 10 miles from the bowling alley, 8 miles from the bar where police say card murdered 18 people and injured 13 others. we are on mayor from the lisbon boat launch work hard's white subaru was found with a gun inside. here's governor janet mills. >> robert card is no longer a threat to anyone. i know many people who share the sentiment, his death may not bring solace to many but now is the time to heal. >> reporter: we are learning about the heroic response to the shooting from law enforcement. maine's commissioner described how four off-duty police officers responded to the first shooting at the bowling alley in a matter of a minute and 1/2 likely saving more lives in the process. listen here. >> the officers are plainclothes, it call comes in, they hear that and they will respond, to help anyway they can not knowing they are the closest there in the closest out. we are lucky the officers were that close, saving lives with timed responses. >> reporter: here iv people who could not be saved. ronald moran omma peyton brewer ross, joshua seal, brian mcfarlane, joseph walker, arthur strout, max hathaway, stephen for cella, tommy conrad, michael desaries, jason walker, bill and aaron younger, robert and lucille violet. william brackett. and keith mcnair. joseph walker's father talked to lawrence jones on "fox and friends". >> my son went after the shooter, trying to defend everyone that was being shot at, lost his life in trying. >> reporter: your son died a hero. >> he did and i am proud of him. >> reporter: evidence continues to be keep collected, processed at two shooting sites and you mentions what we can learn from this update coming up in a couple hours. we do know that police have the accused shooter's phone and a note, they confirm the existence but haven't said what was written in that note that was found during a search at his house so perhaps we will learn what the note entailed. >> reporter: quick question, this is rachel. we know he was a reservist, he went to training ansari erratic behavior and they sent him for treatment but why wasn't he discharged, i am surprised what the protocol is. >> reporter: trying to learn more that authorities said they would get into at a later point. the manhunt's focus has just been eliminating the threat he poses and tons of questions about mental health history and the fact that he still had this done after being admitted to a mental health facility as recently as this summer complaining about during this, not partaking in an army to real at west point. he was pulled out of it because of a mental health incident and alcohol related incident so there is so much to dig into with his mental health background and those are the things we hope to learn if not today at 10:00 certainly in the days to come. >> reporter: the whole country needs to learn more about how mental health is impacting these mass shootings, so much to be learned. pete: congressman dean phillips launched his bid for president on the democratic side against president biden. in the new hampshire primary, this is coming at the same time president biden's approval rating among democrats has dropped 11 points in one month. this seems to be from 86% to 75% and look, for your party's nominee the voter base should be pretty high for a sitting president. this is all leading to i don't know. i said to your mama to go is president biden going to be the nominee for president? rachel: interesting question. you definitely see governor newsom trying to put himself on a global stage meeting with xi jinping before president biden get the meeting at the chinese are weird about meeting with him putting all these conditions, interesting to see the china thing but this democrat we talked about, dean phillips, you know more about it, from minnesota, he's wildly wealthy. gives him an advantage. he is like i disagree wholeheartedly with president biden's border policy. will: he is from a suburban area in minnesota, 3 terms he's been a congressman, try to look like old-school sensible democrat, still holds a lot of far left wing views but a lot of money to finance the campaign. this is another clue based on numbers a month and 1/2 ago he said i'm not making this run but the call numbers for president biden have dropped so quickly, we show numbers inside the party, overall his approval rating at 37%. the other move dean phillips is making, so when president biden is not participating, and someone like dean phillips showing that -- he sees it and what is dean phillips's name id. >> shocks up a win in new hampshire, the democratic base, dean phillips does have the challenge of no-name republican congressman has, got to beat donald trump. they go through that gauntlet. dean phillips is filling a vacancy no one else is stepping up for on a weakened candidate. >> i'm listening to people around the country saying they want to change, a new generation, time to go to the future and the problems and challenges we are facing are so clearly ones that can only be addressed, not just my generation but younger generations. pete: is there a bigger moderate democrat lane to win considering president biden's corner of the market on the left-wing activists. rachel: robert kennedy junior still hanging in. pete: i don't know if that is 100%, his approach to this war in israel. rachel: but the far left doesn't jump to dean phillips. where do they go? pete: they are out of the equation in a primary context. it is interesting. speaking of another democrat run out of town, andrew cuomo, new york governor, was on with bill marr, will president biden be the candidate? here is what cuomo had to say i don't know the candidate biden is the strongest candidate we can put up and i doubt it. secondly, more importantly, the democratic party has to engage with real people and real voters on a different level. i think too much in washington, too much trump is no good, you can't run on banking the other guys going to lose, you have to have an affirmative strategy to win and the truth is there has been a paralysis of government, social division, political polarization equals government paralysis and that is on the ground, they have to answer that. rachel: the democrat party has lost the working class, there's not one issue they don't sign with the elites beginning with the green new deal on down even at the border, the cheap labor benefits corporations, there's not one issue i can think of that there on the side of the working class. i can't think of one. rachel: what argue minimum wage. rachel: minimum wage when you have inflation at record highs. andrew cuomo comes from the cloth of union type democrats, no more left. rachel: to your point they are looking to report voters too. this is only the beginning of the chaos in this election cycle. president biden is not capable but the clock is ticking. rachel: when do you think is the drop dead date the president biden -- rachel: anyone can give you a different date. here's why there isn't one. it is all the way up to the convention which is not until summer of 2024. you could nominate biden, and they could fix somebody else. there's a lot more runway on this thing. rachel: a lot of decline on the part of president biden. pete: terror efforts to weaken america in the west. rachel: make sure to tune in tonight at 9 p.m. eastern at 9:00 pm eastern for one nation with brian kilmeade, the latest on israel's more and where the ground invasion stands. get help reaching your goals with j.p. morgan wealth plan, a digital money coach in the chase mobile® app. use it to set and track your goals, big and small... and see how changes you make today... could help put them within reach. from your first big move to retiring poolside - and the other goals along the way. wealth plan can help get you there. ♪ j.p. morgan wealth management. is it possible my network could take my business to the next level? 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will: largely through the fourth the got active in the lebanese civil war but expanded its area of influence beyond the law map we showed through afghanistan. pete: it is meant to project the goals, this is radical shieh islamist groups almost exclusively except for hamas and gaza which is a sunni group allied because of hatred for israel but afghanistan, iran, lebanon, started in lebanon fomenting violence which led to the creation of hezbollah, one of the most powerful proxies. will: you see what is across the region. >> this multiethnic interact, trying to assert and expand its influence and squeezes real. will: shieh proxies executing at attacks like what you are about to see dating back to the 1980s, you remember the us marine barracks bombing, french barracks bombed as well, us embassy annex bombing all of the root, lebanon 83-84. pete: they took lessons from that, ronald reagan, before we understood the dynamics of radical islamic terrorism pulled troops out and in some sense the irani and regime saw if you hit the americans maybe they will leave and created a dynamic of more attacks. will: people speculate the reason hamas executed the terror attack on israel was to provoke a response from israel, to separate israel from saudi arabia who is iran's rival in the region so you see attacks between iran and saudi arabia, americans and saudis targeted in this body. pete: as we were fighting in iraq and afghanistan, iran targeted us troops, 600 american troops were killed by irani and backed militias. i remember when this acronym started coming across the wire, clearly not something local insurgents could manufacture, they needed regimes support the came out of iran as they tried to kill americans interact. will: the rivalry between saudi arabia and iran, in washington dc to kill a saudi ambassador. under the influence of the irg c and its external force. take a quick look, that is history, let's go to the modern era. because some celani --solemeini his influence in syria. pete: they want access to syria to have access to hezbollah and proximity to israel so propping up this regime has been important for years. it pete: we don't talk a lot about yemen. it's a she offshoot in a civil war with powers in yemen. pete: we recognized the terrorist organization pushing the prerogatives, and he was killed by us airstrike in baghdad. when the islamic revolution started in the 79 it started with hostagetaking exercise at the american embassy so the regime of iran started with hostages, shouldn't surprise us that hostages were part of their tactics, what happened on october 7th in israel. will: coming up, texas takes matters into their own hands, passing bills to arrest and deport illegal immigrants which they representative explains next. this isn't just freight. these aren't just shipments. they're promises. big promises. small promises. cuddly shaped promises. each with a time and a place they've been promised to be. and the people of old dominion never turn away a promise. or over promise. or make an empty promise. we keep them. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. rachel: staggering data reveals border patrol agents released 900,000 migrants into the us of his here and texas lawmakers fed up with federal inaction are taking matters into their own hands, the statehouse passing 3 bills designed to beef up border security but also give local police the power to arrest and deport illegal immigrants. republican texas state representative david spiller introduced the bill and joins me now. thank you for joining us this morning. really encouraged to see these bills. a lot of viewers think it's a great as well. we had 6 million people reportedly come over the border illegally. what took so long? >> texans because of the failure of border security, and these bills and they are working on it and this is nothing new under our house speaker. over the past two we appropriated in the state of texas about $10 billion to secure the border. john: i'm glad you're doing something. i wish it happened sooner. you have increased penalties if involved in the sex trafficking especially child sex trafficking. it is hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that policies are encouraging child sex trafficking, and they make us the citizens complicit in this. >> the cartels are in control, trafficking men, women, and children but besides the drugs, 429 million lethal doses of fentanyl seized. enough to kill every man, woman and child in the united states. we had to take matters into our own hands. rachel: our viewers are seeing images of people streaming across, masses of them. how can these bills stop what we are seeing which is mind blowing? >> it is overwhelming. when you look at the numbers september set a record of 270,000 over the past fiscal year 23, 2.475 million people. it is staggering and we are use to it. we see it in texas, trying to deal with it but the concern is the rest of the nation doesn't comprehend what's going on so we have to do what we can. rachel: there's a democrat candidate announcing he will run for president and his issue is the border. maybe people are waking up to this but glad to see texas stepping up to the plate. which was sooner but never too late. thank you for joining us. still ahead, israel expanding ground operations ahead of a ground invasion was one of the biggest challenges, hamas terror. they have a secret weapon and we will tell you what the sponge bomb does next. rachel: defense forces reportedly considering a new weapon in their arsenal to disable tunnels, terror tunnels dug by hamas. the new gadget dubbed the sponge bomb is a device filled with the chemical foam that expands when triggered allowing soldiers to trap terrorists and underground passageways and secure safe routes while searching for hostages. retired major john spencer with the modern war institute and international working group on subterranean warfare. you know what it means to fight underground. look like something employed on the ground. how significant is this? >> something you would use to seal a small hole, hopefully hamas believe something more than it is and scared of it. i called it the spongebob bomb when i saw it. think about trying to seal a super opening rather than an offensive weapon. will: it's a tactical weapon that can work in some circumstances but you are an expert on this which how do you deal with the tunnels if you are israel? >> there is no one solution. from drones bouncing off the walls to attack dogs, they have to approach each one situationally, there might be hostages. last thing you want to do is sending them to fight but to have that capability too. pete: people suggest a lot of things. is there anything that's a catch all or is it so, people suggested flooding tunnels. that sounds difficult. is that conceivable? are there other tactics the idf might have to get this holistically? >> not holistically. when you are fighting as you might imagine, what do you do with the tunnel afterwards, filling them with cement in the north, egypt filled them with seawater which is a really likely way to deal with these at the end of the war once they destroy all hamas capabilities, in the mediterranean with horizontal drilling, never use those tunnels again. pete: our viewers are seeing a graph that the idf put out where they place a lot of terror headquarters of hamas directly underneath gaza's working hospitals, a working civilian hospital but the tunnel complex is right underneath it. if you are the idf and want to defeat hamas how do you do that with a hospital right above you? >> very carefully. not only are they underneath it but it is the entryway into the tunnel complex. of the war crime to do that so this is how they fight with hands behind their back, they won't bomb it, they have to our salt it very delicately even though it is a military target and hamas conducted a wartime taking away the protected status in war but this is the challenge everybody wants to talk about idea of doing war crimes which i haven't seen a single one but hamas uses war crimes as a method of warfare. it is ridiculous. pete: they placed it there for that reason. do you think if israel is going to obliterate hamas, in your tunnels? >> you can't destroy hamas by bombing it. and dollar capabilities, leadership, rockets, all of it. pete: thanks for your insight, great stuff. all right. want to toss it over to will with additional headlines. will: starting in los angeles and other democrat led the cities are among the biggest targets for organized retail crime. that according to a new survey. the national retail federation revealing los angeles is the biggest target for a fifth year in the rover san francisco, new york and seattle trailing behind. retailers estimate the organized crime costs more than $112 billion. george w. bush throwing ceremonial first pitch in game one of the world series, used to be part owner, and he thinks texas will win it all. >> i am fired up. arizona is good, think we will prevail but we will see. pete: rangers making the former president's prediction look good with a walkoff win over the arizona diamondbacks. >> garcia sends one the other way. to the wall and the legend grows. pete: stayed up until 12:30 to take in every moment of that comeback and i will do it again tonight because it is in arlington, it begins at 7:00 pm eastern time only on fox, go rangers. love our arizona fans as well as those are your headlines. the new breed of rowboat dogs that could be the marines secret weapon plus the exercise bike generating backup power in a war zone. kurt the cyber guy's tech roundup next. c'mon, we're right there. c'mon baby. it's the only we need. go, go, go, go! ah! touchdown baby! -touchdown! are your neighbors watching the same game? 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remember when they would do the laundry by pedaling on a bike and make the washing machine clean their laundry? this is the idea of the hr bank, this in war zones they are using to generate electricity, two kilowatts stored in a battery on this bike. this will come out in 2,024. it is amazing what this does. it will power a fridge for 3 days, a tv for a couple days, the ugliest looking thing but it generates electricity and you get your exercise done. in war-torn areas this could be your only way to get reliable electricity when this stuff goes out not for weeks but months. before it is even turned back on. pete: gilligan's island was on rerun, i would catch it in syndication. i knew the debate over ginger versus marianne. we have an ai tool that can help prevent mass shootings. according to the guys that developed it a bunch of navy seals. >> group of veteran navy seals who dreamed up this idea. what is the solution to the mass shooter problem we have? this could be at, technology. imagine taking a camera system outside of the school, bowling alley, restaurant, public venue and add to their technology to it and they found over 90% of active shooters approach a structure when brandishing their weapon. this system would automatically pick up, trigger a call center. that is an active shooter, hit the button, it warns people, automatically notifies police sending the suspect's image to them, they identify the type of weapon they have an for school administrators they do a lockdown, i see where this goes in the future where it could slow down an active shooter by locking doors automatically but if nothing else, warning people inside if it is just a few seconds of warning, that's the difference between life and death and a lot of people's lives in these scenarios, and technology that's very promising. pete: i don't see a downside. >> not at all. you have school districts of that may want to shell out for this but if it is working we need to take a good look at this. appears to test out very well, how it would roll out on a grand scale we have to take a look at but it is extremely promising in this arena. will: maybe there's a moment of denial for the first eyewitness, that's not what is going to happen. >> thought it was a balloon popping or looked and couldn't believe what i was seeing and then beep beep beep, then i reacted and it is those milliseconds that make the difference. do you sign up for my newsletter? 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Palkot , 150 , Artillery , Latest , Conflict , Sound , Lebanon , Militants , Us , Interest , Hezbollah , Underneath Gaza , Damage , Down South , Iraq War , Ground , Military , Images , Fight , Smoke , Plume , Gunfire , Raid , Infantry Armor , Portion , Targets , Ground Invasion , Network , Engineering , Tunnels Underneath Everything , Internet , Pounding , Locals , Mobile Phones , Israeli Air Force , Heaviest , Total Chaos , Claim , Death Toll , Slew , Gaza Strip , 8000 , Everyone , Couple , Aid , Crisis , Build , Manner , Hostages , Gaza Strip 600 Palestinian Americans , Nationalities , Others , Northern Front , 229 , 600 , Rockets , Shooting , Drone , Position , Us State Department , Side , Civilians , Artillery Fire , Mediterranean , Crisis Situation , Aircraft , Leave , Uss Dwight D Eisenhower , Gerald Ford , Aircraft Carrier , Coast , Message , Mediterranean Sea , Lot , Iran , Strings , Country , Folks , Overlay , Something , Hospital , Sense , Military Command Centers , Headquarters , Reporter , Thing , Government , Civilian , Schools , Enemy , Buildings , Tunnels Go Under Everything , Human Shields , Hospital You Q , Fact , Effort , Everything , Offices , Weaponry , Arsenals , Place , Police , Residents , Shelter , Questions , Authorities , News Conference , 12 , 15 , History , State Officials , Body , Recycling Facility , Dumpster , 45 , 7 , Locations , Mayor , Lisbon Boat Launch Work Hard S White Subaru , 8 , 13 , Anyone , Governor , Gun Inside , Janet Mills , Death , Many , Sentiment , Solace , Response , Commissioner , Heal , Police Officers , Matter , Four , Officers , Lives , It Call , Process , Plainclothes , 1 2 , Closest , Responses , Saving , Joseph Walker , Joshua Seal , Brian Mcfarlane , Max Hathaway , Arthur Strout , Ronald Moran Omma , Peyton Brewer Ross , Bill , Jason Walker , Aaron , Lucille Violet , Michael Desaries , Stephen For Cella , Tommy Conrad , Son , Father , Fox And Friends , William Brackett , Keith Mcnair , Lawrence Jones , Shooter , Life , Shot , Hero , Phone , Evidence , Haven T , Note , House , Existence , Search , Note Entailed , Question , Reservist , Treatment , Behavior , Wasn T He , Training Ansari , Point , Protocol , Focus , Mental Health Facility , Tons , Mental Health , Incident , Army , Alcohol , West Point , Things , Shootings , Background , 00 , Biden , President , Congressman Dean Phillips , Bid , Approval Rating , Points , Democrats , New Hampshire Primary , 11 , 86 , Look , Party , Voter Base , Nominee , Mama , Don T Know , Sitting , 75 , Meeting , Newsom , Stage Meeting , Chinese , Xi Jinping , Democrat , Conditions , China , It , Wealthy , Border Policy , Advantage , Minnesota , Money , Views , Wing , Congressman , Terms , 3 , Numbers , Run , Clue , Campaign , Biden Have , Move , 37 , Someone , Win , Name Id , Challenge , Congressman Has , Base , Republican , Gauntlet , Donald Trump , New Hampshire , Beat , Candidate , Else , Vacancy , Ones , Generations , Generation , Problems , Facing , Lane , Market , Activists , Corner , Doesn T , War , Approach , 100 , Andrew Cuomo , Run Out Of Town , Cuomo , Context , New York , Equation , Bill Marr , Guys , Voters , Level , Trump , Good , Washington , Truth , Government Paralysis , Social Division , Polarization , Strategy , Paralysis , Issue , Working Class , Elites , Green New Deal , Border , Corporations , Labor , Benefits , Inflation , Record Highs , Minimum Wage , Union Type , Beginning , Left , Chaos , Cloth , Election Cycle , Way , Ticking , Clock , There Isn T One , Part , Convention , Somebody Else , Runway , Decline , 2024 , Terror Efforts , West , One Nation , Brian Kilmeade , 9 , Goals , Wealth Plan , Chase Mobile , More , Invasion , Coach , Big And Small , J P Morgan , Reach , Wealth Management , Speed , Business , Downloads , Comcast Business , Devices , Uploads , The Next Generation , 10g Network , Wifi , Internet Bundle , Powering Possibilities , 800 , 9 99 , 59 99 , Murder , Man , Wife , Massachusetts , The Hunt , Home , Car , Dive Teams , Lake , Worcester County , Aaron Pennington , City , Drug Dealers , San Francisco , Neighbor , Customers , Deaths , Task Force , Charges , Law Enforcement Agencies , Homicides , Drug Market , Record , Drug Overdose Deaths , Stellantis , Salary Boost , United Auto Workers , General Motors , 25 , Contract Ford , Workers , Wages , Agreements , Pension Increases , Offering , Sources , Bloomberg , Headlines , Back , Groups , Terror , Plant , Closures , Pentagon , Airstrikes , Attacks , Region , Forces , Time , Bases , Personnel , 20 , Iran S Revolutionary Guard Corps , Proxy Groups , Terror Network , Use , Globe , Topic , Iran Proxies Hadn T , October 7th , Ten , Interests , Reasons , Soil , Syria , Middle East , Iraq , Isis , Pete Standing , Troops , Ability , Force , Interdicting , Crossings , Guard , Armed Forces , Branch , Leaders , Islamic Revolution , Coup , Shah , Outside , Islamic , Guy , 79 , Role , 80 , Support , Importance , Saddam Hussein , Power , Lebanese Civil War , Influence , Law Map , Afghanistan , Allied , Hatred , Radical Shieh Islamist , Led , Proxies , Violence , Creation , Multiethnic Interact , Squeezes , Shieh Proxies , Wall , Bombing , Embassy , Barracks , Lessons , Dating , Annex , Root , Marine Barracks , French , Ronald Reagan , 83 , 84 , 1980 , Terrorism , Dynamic , Saw , Dynamics , Reason , Saudi Arabia , Terror Attack , Rival , Regimes , Insurgents , Militias , Wire , Acronym , Rivalry , Ambassador , Washington Dc To Kill A , Celani , Let S Go , Irg C , Proximity , Access , We Don T , It Pete , Civil War With Powers In Yemen , Yemen , She Offshoot , Airstrike , Organization , Prerogatives , Baghdad , Tactics , Exercise , Shouldn T , Hostagetaking , American Embassy , Bills , Coming Up , Hands , Immigrants , Texas , Representative , Promises , Aren T , Shipments , Isn T Just Freight , Promise , Old Dominion , Cuddly , Migrants , Inaction , Agents , Lawmakers , Data , Border Patrol , 900000 , Border Security , Statehouse Passing 3 , Texas State Representative , David Spiller , Viewers , Gas , 6 Million , Texans , Failure , Nothing , Estate , House Speaker , 0 Billion , 10 Billion , Sex Trafficking , Child , John Spencer , Penalties , Policies , Head , Child Sex Trafficking , Citizens , Control , Men , Women , Cartels , Drugs , Children , Doses , Fentanyl , Woman , 429 Million , Masses , Concern , 2 475 Million , 270000 , 23 , Rest , What S Going On , Nation Doesn T Comprehend , Plate , Weapon , Bomb , Challenges , Hamas Terror , Sponge , Terror Tunnels , Defense Forces , Arsenal , Gadget , Foam , Device , Routes , Soldiers , Major , Underground Passageways , War Institute And International Working Group On Subterranean Warfare , Whole , Hopefully Hamas , Spongebob , Offensive Weapon , Opening , Solution , Tunnels , Walls , Circumstances , Attack Dogs , Expert , Anything , Capability , Situationally , Flooding Tunnels , Catch , Conceivable , Tunnel , Fighting , Cement , Capabilities , Egypt , Seawater , North , The End , Horizontal Drilling , Graph , Terror Headquarters , Working Civilian Hospital , Working Hospitals , Tunnel Complex , War Crime , Entryway , Military Target , Bomb It , Salt , Taking , Idea , War Crimes , Everybody , Status , Warfare , Method , Great Stuff , Leadership , Insight , Dollar , Thanks , Cities , Survey , Los Angeles , Organized Retail Crime , National Retail Federation , Target , Organized Crime , Retailers , Seattle , 112 Billion , 12 Billion , George W Bush , Game One , Series , Owner , World , Pitch , Prediction , Walkoff Win , Arizona , Rangers , Arizona Diamondbacks , Comeback , Legend , Garcia , 30 , Rowboat , The New Breed , Fans , Fox , Go Rangers , Arlington , Marines , War Zone , Exercise Bike Generating , Secret Weapon Plus , Kurt , Cyber Guy S Tech Roundup Next , Game , C Mon Baby , Touchdown Baby , Touchdown , Neighbors , 5g , Go , Go , 5 , Salad , Bit , Airport , T Mobile , Noise Cancelling Earmuffs , Verizon , Xfinity 10g Network , Voice Commands , Secret Weapon , Cyber , Fire Rockets , Battlefield Beast , Battle , Robot Dog , Stuff , Battlefield , Rocket Launchers , Power Generator , Exercise Bike , Gilligan S Island , Electricity , Hr Bank , Bike , Battery , Laundry , Pedaling , War Zones , Washing Machine , Kilowatts , Tv , Fridge , Areas , Rerun , Tool , Marianne , Debate , Ai , Bunch , Navy Seals , Syndication , Technology , Group , Shooter Problem , Camera System , The School , Shooters , Restaurant , System , Call Center , Structure , Add , Public Venue , 90 , Type , Image , Button , Suspect , School Administrators , Warning , Difference , Lockdown , Doors , Nothing Else , School Districts , Downside , Scenarios , I Don T , Grand Scale , Arena , Eyewitness , Denial , Thought , Balloon Popping , Couldn T , Milliseconds , Newsletter , Beep , Report , Story , Attic , Cyberby Com , Fox News Alert , Dog Barks , Liberty Mutual , Dog Walking Business , Chest Congestion , Car Insurance , Relief , Cough , Comeback Season , Hundreds , Mucinex Dm , Hotel , Choice Hotels , Bunny , Pay , Fear , Stay , Comfort , Kiddos , I Got You , Health , Announcer , Measures , Say , Golo , Amber , Shirt Off , Gastric Bypass Surgery , Verge , Ways , Golo Commercial , The Sun , 300 , Release , Sugar , Hunger , Efficiency , Cravings , Meal , Times , Weight Loss , In My Life , Starvation Dieting , Natural , Jitters , Product , Key , Hormones , Insulin Levels , Muscle , Weight Loss Surgery , Katie , 424 , 4xl Shirt , Break , Change , Stairs , 4 , 50 , A Hundred , Golo Com ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240702 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240702

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will: we are following two major stories this morning, an update on the mass shooting in lewiston, maine. robert card was found dead with a self-inflicted gunshot wound after a 48 hour manhunt. >> our community can breathe a sigh of relief mister card is deceased and no longer a threat to the community or any other community. they will continue to breathe and law enforcement officials worked tirelessly through the event to come to a good conclusion. rachel: card was found just miles from the crime scene accused of killing 18 people at a bar and bowling alley. will: is relapse military confirming one of its drones tried launching antitank missiles at the jewish state. the idf arresting a dozen operatives in the west bank as it continues to escalate ground operations in the area. the idf captured 700 hamas terrorists since october. pete: israeli officials confirming idf killed a senior military official. taking out 150 underground hamas sites. let's get to greg palkot with the latest on the expanding conflict. >> we've been hearing a steady sound of israeli artillery not far from us, heading across the border into lebanon where the hezbollah militants are and where they had been doing some damage, a vested interest in what is going on down south in gaza as israel wages that war against hamas. according to the israeli military we are still on the ground at this moment and still in the fight. the live images we've been getting from gaza now show a large plume of smoke a longer one portion of the border with intermittent gunfire as we hear own gunfire up here, not as intense as last night but the military describes extensive raid involving infantry armor, engineering, artillery. it is not described as the ground invasion but israel calling it a ground invasion. 150 underground targets, hamas has the amazing network of tunnels underneath everything. the pounding by the israeli air force described as the heaviest of the war. internet and mobile phones on the ground according to locals, total chaos. remarkably considering all the clashes we've been talking about between israel and hamas, they say the civilian death toll in gaza strip is approaching 8,000. that is their claim, shooting up a new slew of missiles as well against israel. the humanitarian crisis does build, israel saying more aid will be getting into gaza in a manner but a couple of them numbers everyone is worried about, 229 israeli and other nationalities including american hostages held by hamas in the gaza strip. 600 palestinian americans and others caught in general and the gaza strip as well. as for the northern front, israeli artillery far from our position, militants have been shooting off rockets. one got intercepted by an israeli drone a short while ago, this artillery fire, militants basically responding to what is happening down south. not exactly sure how big they will go. they could go. the us state department awarded american civilians on the other side of the border from where we are in lebanon, strongly suggesting all americans leave lebanon, do not wait until it is a crisis situation. it is really just some civilian aircraft and in the mediterranean, the uss dwight d eisenhower is now entering the mediterranean sea to join the uss gerald ford. those are two big aircraft carrier groups positioned off the coast, sending a message to a lot of folks, the country is pulling a lot of strings that is iran. back to you. pete: reports yesterday, the idf showing an overlay of the biggest hospital in gaza, hamas headquarters underneath it. they built their top military command centers under a civilian hospital. what is your sense how israel deals with something like that where your enemy is beneath human shields in a hospital you q >> reporter: a tricky thing. those tunnels go under everything, residential buildings, civilian government authorities, schools and in fact the hospital which is a busy hospital. in days gone by, it's not a fake hospital. it is a real hospital but there's a great strategic effort by hamas to put their very important offices, even arsenals and weaponry underneath that hospital as well. everything is together. back to you. pete: the shelter in place for residents in lewiston, maine is lifted after police found robert card dead. will: there will be a news conference in two hours about what we learned in the past 12 hours, 12 to 15 hours since we last heard from the authorities in maine. what can we expect? >> so many questions about how and why this mass shooting happened, the worst mass shooting in maine's history, hopefully we will get those answers in this update from state officials coming up. long 48 hour manhunt came to a close at 7:45 when robert card's body was found near a dumpster at a recycling facility he used to work at and police believe he shot and killed himself. i want to show where his body was found relative to where the mass shooting locations are, you see it right here, 10 miles from the bowling alley, 8 miles from the bar where police say card murdered 18 people and injured 13 others. we are on mayor from the lisbon boat launch work hard's white subaru was found with a gun inside. here's governor janet mills. >> robert card is no longer a threat to anyone. i know many people who share the sentiment, his death may not bring solace to many but now is the time to heal. >> reporter: we are learning about the heroic response to the shooting from law enforcement. maine's commissioner described how four off-duty police officers responded to the first shooting at the bowling alley in a matter of a minute and 1/2 likely saving more lives in the process. listen here. >> the officers are plainclothes, it call comes in, they hear that and they will respond, to help anyway they can not knowing they are the closest there in the closest out. we are lucky the officers were that close, saving lives with timed responses. >> reporter: here iv people who could not be saved. ronald moran omma peyton brewer ross, joshua seal, brian mcfarlane, joseph walker, arthur strout, max hathaway, stephen for cella, tommy conrad, michael desaries, jason walker, bill and aaron younger, robert and lucille violet. william brackett. and keith mcnair. joseph walker's father talked to lawrence jones on "fox and friends". >> my son went after the shooter, trying to defend everyone that was being shot at, lost his life in trying. >> reporter: your son died a hero. >> he did and i am proud of him. >> reporter: evidence continues to be keep collected, processed at two shooting sites and you mentions what we can learn from this update coming up in a couple hours. we do know that police have the accused shooter's phone and a note, they confirm the existence but haven't said what was written in that note that was found during a search at his house so perhaps we will learn what the note entailed. >> reporter: quick question, this is rachel. we know he was a reservist, he went to training ansari erratic behavior and they sent him for treatment but why wasn't he discharged, i am surprised what the protocol is. >> reporter: trying to learn more that authorities said they would get into at a later point. the manhunt's focus has just been eliminating the threat he poses and tons of questions about mental health history and the fact that he still had this done after being admitted to a mental health facility as recently as this summer complaining about during this, not partaking in an army to real at west point. he was pulled out of it because of a mental health incident and alcohol related incident so there is so much to dig into with his mental health background and those are the things we hope to learn if not today at 10:00 certainly in the days to come. >> reporter: the whole country needs to learn more about how mental health is impacting these mass shootings, so much to be learned. pete: congressman dean phillips launched his bid for president on the democratic side against president biden. in the new hampshire primary, this is coming at the same time president biden's approval rating among democrats has dropped 11 points in one month. this seems to be from 86% to 75% and look, for your party's nominee the voter base should be pretty high for a sitting president. this is all leading to i don't know. i said to your mama to go is president biden going to be the nominee for president? rachel: interesting question. you definitely see governor newsom trying to put himself on a global stage meeting with xi jinping before president biden get the meeting at the chinese are weird about meeting with him putting all these conditions, interesting to see the china thing but this democrat we talked about, dean phillips, you know more about it, from minnesota, he's wildly wealthy. gives him an advantage. he is like i disagree wholeheartedly with president biden's border policy. will: he is from a suburban area in minnesota, 3 terms he's been a congressman, try to look like old-school sensible democrat, still holds a lot of far left wing views but a lot of money to finance the campaign. this is another clue based on numbers a month and 1/2 ago he said i'm not making this run but the call numbers for president biden have dropped so quickly, we show numbers inside the party, overall his approval rating at 37%. the other move dean phillips is making, so when president biden is not participating, and someone like dean phillips showing that -- he sees it and what is dean phillips's name id. >> shocks up a win in new hampshire, the democratic base, dean phillips does have the challenge of no-name republican congressman has, got to beat donald trump. they go through that gauntlet. dean phillips is filling a vacancy no one else is stepping up for on a weakened candidate. >> i'm listening to people around the country saying they want to change, a new generation, time to go to the future and the problems and challenges we are facing are so clearly ones that can only be addressed, not just my generation but younger generations. pete: is there a bigger moderate democrat lane to win considering president biden's corner of the market on the left-wing activists. rachel: robert kennedy junior still hanging in. pete: i don't know if that is 100%, his approach to this war in israel. rachel: but the far left doesn't jump to dean phillips. where do they go? pete: they are out of the equation in a primary context. it is interesting. speaking of another democrat run out of town, andrew cuomo, new york governor, was on with bill marr, will president biden be the candidate? here is what cuomo had to say i don't know the candidate biden is the strongest candidate we can put up and i doubt it. secondly, more importantly, the democratic party has to engage with real people and real voters on a different level. i think too much in washington, too much trump is no good, you can't run on banking the other guys going to lose, you have to have an affirmative strategy to win and the truth is there has been a paralysis of government, social division, political polarization equals government paralysis and that is on the ground, they have to answer that. rachel: the democrat party has lost the working class, there's not one issue they don't sign with the elites beginning with the green new deal on down even at the border, the cheap labor benefits corporations, there's not one issue i can think of that there on the side of the working class. i can't think of one. rachel: what argue minimum wage. rachel: minimum wage when you have inflation at record highs. andrew cuomo comes from the cloth of union type democrats, no more left. rachel: to your point they are looking to report voters too. this is only the beginning of the chaos in this election cycle. president biden is not capable but the clock is ticking. rachel: when do you think is the drop dead date the president biden -- rachel: anyone can give you a different date. here's why there isn't one. it is all the way up to the convention which is not until summer of 2024. you could nominate biden, and they could fix somebody else. there's a lot more runway on this thing. rachel: a lot of decline on the part of president biden. pete: terror efforts to weaken america in the west. rachel: make sure to tune in tonight at 9 p.m. eastern at 9:00 pm eastern for one nation with brian kilmeade, the latest on israel's more and where the ground invasion stands. get help reaching your goals with j.p. morgan wealth plan, a digital money coach in the chase mobile® app. use it to set and track your goals, big and small... and see how changes you make today... could help put them within reach. from your first big move to retiring poolside - and the other goals along the way. wealth plan can help get you there. ♪ j.p. morgan wealth management. is it possible my network could take my business to the next level? 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will: largely through the fourth the got active in the lebanese civil war but expanded its area of influence beyond the law map we showed through afghanistan. pete: it is meant to project the goals, this is radical shieh islamist groups almost exclusively except for hamas and gaza which is a sunni group allied because of hatred for israel but afghanistan, iran, lebanon, started in lebanon fomenting violence which led to the creation of hezbollah, one of the most powerful proxies. will: you see what is across the region. >> this multiethnic interact, trying to assert and expand its influence and squeezes real. will: shieh proxies executing at attacks like what you are about to see dating back to the 1980s, you remember the us marine barracks bombing, french barracks bombed as well, us embassy annex bombing all of the root, lebanon 83-84. pete: they took lessons from that, ronald reagan, before we understood the dynamics of radical islamic terrorism pulled troops out and in some sense the irani and regime saw if you hit the americans maybe they will leave and created a dynamic of more attacks. will: people speculate the reason hamas executed the terror attack on israel was to provoke a response from israel, to separate israel from saudi arabia who is iran's rival in the region so you see attacks between iran and saudi arabia, americans and saudis targeted in this body. pete: as we were fighting in iraq and afghanistan, iran targeted us troops, 600 american troops were killed by irani and backed militias. i remember when this acronym started coming across the wire, clearly not something local insurgents could manufacture, they needed regimes support the came out of iran as they tried to kill americans interact. will: the rivalry between saudi arabia and iran, in washington dc to kill a saudi ambassador. under the influence of the irg c and its external force. take a quick look, that is history, let's go to the modern era. because some celani --solemeini his influence in syria. pete: they want access to syria to have access to hezbollah and proximity to israel so propping up this regime has been important for years. it pete: we don't talk a lot about yemen. it's a she offshoot in a civil war with powers in yemen. pete: we recognized the terrorist organization pushing the prerogatives, and he was killed by us airstrike in baghdad. when the islamic revolution started in the 79 it started with hostagetaking exercise at the american embassy so the regime of iran started with hostages, shouldn't surprise us that hostages were part of their tactics, what happened on october 7th in israel. will: coming up, texas takes matters into their own hands, passing bills to arrest and deport illegal immigrants which they representative explains next. this isn't just freight. these aren't just shipments. they're promises. big promises. small promises. cuddly shaped promises. each with a time and a place they've been promised to be. and the people of old dominion never turn away a promise. or over promise. or make an empty promise. we keep them. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. rachel: staggering data reveals border patrol agents released 900,000 migrants into the us of his here and texas lawmakers fed up with federal inaction are taking matters into their own hands, the statehouse passing 3 bills designed to beef up border security but also give local police the power to arrest and deport illegal immigrants. republican texas state representative david spiller introduced the bill and joins me now. thank you for joining us this morning. really encouraged to see these bills. a lot of viewers think it's a great as well. we had 6 million people reportedly come over the border illegally. what took so long? >> texans because of the failure of border security, and these bills and they are working on it and this is nothing new under our house speaker. over the past two we appropriated in the state of texas about $10 billion to secure the border. john: i'm glad you're doing something. i wish it happened sooner. you have increased penalties if involved in the sex trafficking especially child sex trafficking. it is hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that policies are encouraging child sex trafficking, and they make us the citizens complicit in this. >> the cartels are in control, trafficking men, women, and children but besides the drugs, 429 million lethal doses of fentanyl seized. enough to kill every man, woman and child in the united states. we had to take matters into our own hands. rachel: our viewers are seeing images of people streaming across, masses of them. how can these bills stop what we are seeing which is mind blowing? >> it is overwhelming. when you look at the numbers september set a record of 270,000 over the past fiscal year 23, 2.475 million people. it is staggering and we are use to it. we see it in texas, trying to deal with it but the concern is the rest of the nation doesn't comprehend what's going on so we have to do what we can. rachel: there's a democrat candidate announcing he will run for president and his issue is the border. maybe people are waking up to this but glad to see texas stepping up to the plate. which was sooner but never too late. thank you for joining us. still ahead, israel expanding ground operations ahead of a ground invasion was one of the biggest challenges, hamas terror. they have a secret weapon and we will tell you what the sponge bomb does next. rachel: defense forces reportedly considering a new weapon in their arsenal to disable tunnels, terror tunnels dug by hamas. the new gadget dubbed the sponge bomb is a device filled with the chemical foam that expands when triggered allowing soldiers to trap terrorists and underground passageways and secure safe routes while searching for hostages. retired major john spencer with the modern war institute and international working group on subterranean warfare. you know what it means to fight underground. look like something employed on the ground. how significant is this? >> something you would use to seal a small hole, hopefully hamas believe something more than it is and scared of it. i called it the spongebob bomb when i saw it. think about trying to seal a super opening rather than an offensive weapon. will: it's a tactical weapon that can work in some circumstances but you are an expert on this which how do you deal with the tunnels if you are israel? >> there is no one solution. from drones bouncing off the walls to attack dogs, they have to approach each one situationally, there might be hostages. last thing you want to do is sending them to fight but to have that capability too. pete: people suggest a lot of things. is there anything that's a catch all or is it so, people suggested flooding tunnels. that sounds difficult. is that conceivable? are there other tactics the idf might have to get this holistically? >> not holistically. when you are fighting as you might imagine, what do you do with the tunnel afterwards, filling them with cement in the north, egypt filled them with seawater which is a really likely way to deal with these at the end of the war once they destroy all hamas capabilities, in the mediterranean with horizontal drilling, never use those tunnels again. pete: our viewers are seeing a graph that the idf put out where they place a lot of terror headquarters of hamas directly underneath gaza's working hospitals, a working civilian hospital but the tunnel complex is right underneath it. if you are the idf and want to defeat hamas how do you do that with a hospital right above you? >> very carefully. not only are they underneath it but it is the entryway into the tunnel complex. of the war crime to do that so this is how they fight with hands behind their back, they won't bomb it, they have to our salt it very delicately even though it is a military target and hamas conducted a wartime taking away the protected status in war but this is the challenge everybody wants to talk about idea of doing war crimes which i haven't seen a single one but hamas uses war crimes as a method of warfare. it is ridiculous. pete: they placed it there for that reason. do you think if israel is going to obliterate hamas, in your tunnels? >> you can't destroy hamas by bombing it. and dollar capabilities, leadership, rockets, all of it. pete: thanks for your insight, great stuff. all right. want to toss it over to will with additional headlines. will: starting in los angeles and other democrat led the cities are among the biggest targets for organized retail crime. that according to a new survey. the national retail federation revealing los angeles is the biggest target for a fifth year in the rover san francisco, new york and seattle trailing behind. retailers estimate the organized crime costs more than $112 billion. george w. bush throwing ceremonial first pitch in game one of the world series, used to be part owner, and he thinks texas will win it all. >> i am fired up. arizona is good, think we will prevail but we will see. pete: rangers making the former president's prediction look good with a walkoff win over the arizona diamondbacks. >> garcia sends one the other way. to the wall and the legend grows. pete: stayed up until 12:30 to take in every moment of that comeback and i will do it again tonight because it is in arlington, it begins at 7:00 pm eastern time only on fox, go rangers. love our arizona fans as well as those are your headlines. the new breed of rowboat dogs that could be the marines secret weapon plus the exercise bike generating backup power in a war zone. kurt the cyber guy's tech roundup next. c'mon, we're right there. c'mon baby. it's the only we need. go, go, go, go! ah! touchdown baby! -touchdown! are your neighbors watching the same game? yeah, my 5g home internet delays the game a bit. but you get used to it. try these. they're noise cancelling earmuffs. i stole them from an airport. it's always something with you, man. great! solid! -greek salad? exactly! don't delay the game with verizon or t-mobile 5g home internet. catch it on the xfinity 10g network. pete: the marines testing a new rowboat dogs that can follow voice commands, fire rockets, will this be their new secret weapon? here is kurt the cyber guy? >> mildly terrifying after testing this thing out. this is meant to go into battle, battlefield beast, robot dog is voice activated, it's got the ability to carry anti-armor rocket launchers and do stuff to support troops as they go into battle. it is not hitting the battlefield next but it is almost ready to get out there. >> voice commands, doesn't look far away, looks like it is almost ready. it does make me nervous and should make the bad guys nervous. and exercise bike that the power generator. pete: are you old enough to know gilligan's island? remember when they would do the laundry by pedaling on a bike and make the washing machine clean their laundry? this is the idea of the hr bank, this in war zones they are using to generate electricity, two kilowatts stored in a battery on this bike. this will come out in 2,024. it is amazing what this does. it will power a fridge for 3 days, a tv for a couple days, the ugliest looking thing but it generates electricity and you get your exercise done. in war-torn areas this could be your only way to get reliable electricity when this stuff goes out not for weeks but months. before it is even turned back on. pete: gilligan's island was on rerun, i would catch it in syndication. i knew the debate over ginger versus marianne. we have an ai tool that can help prevent mass shootings. according to the guys that developed it a bunch of navy seals. >> group of veteran navy seals who dreamed up this idea. what is the solution to the mass shooter problem we have? this could be at, technology. imagine taking a camera system outside of the school, bowling alley, restaurant, public venue and add to their technology to it and they found over 90% of active shooters approach a structure when brandishing their weapon. this system would automatically pick up, trigger a call center. that is an active shooter, hit the button, it warns people, automatically notifies police sending the suspect's image to them, they identify the type of weapon they have an for school administrators they do a lockdown, i see where this goes in the future where it could slow down an active shooter by locking doors automatically but if nothing else, warning people inside if it is just a few seconds of warning, that's the difference between life and death and a lot of people's lives in these scenarios, and technology that's very promising. pete: i don't see a downside. >> not at all. you have school districts of that may want to shell out for this but if it is working we need to take a good look at this. appears to test out very well, how it would roll out on a grand scale we have to take a look at but it is extremely promising in this arena. will: maybe there's a moment of denial for the first eyewitness, that's not what is going to happen. >> thought it was a balloon popping or looked and couldn't believe what i was seeing and then beep beep beep, then i reacted and it is those milliseconds that make the difference. do you sign up for my newsletter? will: ever since i've known you. fox news alert, top story of the day, the main attic or suspect found dead after a two day manhunt, we have a live report on the ground next. of relief from chest congestion and any type of cough, day or night. mucinex dm. it's comeback season. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. oh. 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Security , Statehouse Passing 3 , Texas State Representative , David Spiller , Viewers , Gas , 6 Million , Texans , Failure , Nothing , Estate , House Speaker , 0 Billion , 10 Billion , Sex Trafficking , Child , John Spencer , Penalties , Policies , Head , Child Sex Trafficking , Citizens , Control , Men , Women , Cartels , Drugs , Children , Doses , Fentanyl , Woman , 429 Million , Masses , Concern , 2 475 Million , 270000 , 23 , Rest , What S Going On , Nation Doesn T Comprehend , Plate , Weapon , Bomb , Challenges , Hamas Terror , Sponge , Terror Tunnels , Defense Forces , Arsenal , Gadget , Foam , Device , Routes , Soldiers , Major , Underground Passageways , War Institute And International Working Group On Subterranean Warfare , Whole , Hopefully Hamas , Spongebob , Offensive Weapon , Opening , Solution , Tunnels , Walls , Circumstances , Attack Dogs , Expert , Anything , Capability , Situationally , Flooding Tunnels , Catch , Conceivable , Tunnel , Fighting , Cement , Capabilities , Egypt , Seawater , North , The End , Horizontal Drilling , Graph , Terror Headquarters , Working Civilian Hospital , Working Hospitals , Tunnel Complex , War Crime , Entryway , Military Target , Bomb It , Salt , Taking , Idea , War Crimes , Everybody , Status , Warfare , Method , Great Stuff , Leadership , Insight , Dollar , Thanks , Cities , Survey , Los Angeles , Organized Retail Crime , National Retail Federation , Target , Organized Crime , Retailers , Seattle , 112 Billion , 12 Billion , George W Bush , Game One , Series , Owner , World , Pitch , Prediction , Walkoff Win , Arizona , Rangers , Arizona Diamondbacks , Comeback , Legend , Garcia , 30 , Rowboat , The New Breed , Fans , Fox , Go Rangers , Arlington , Marines , War Zone , Exercise Bike Generating , Secret Weapon Plus , Kurt , Cyber Guy S Tech Roundup Next , Game , C Mon Baby , Touchdown Baby , Touchdown , Neighbors , 5g , Go , Go , 5 , Salad , Bit , Airport , T Mobile , Noise Cancelling Earmuffs , Verizon 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Relief , Cough , Comeback Season , Hundreds , Mucinex Dm , Hotel , Choice Hotels , Bunny , Pay , Fear , Stay , Comfort , Kiddos , I Got You , Health , Announcer , Measures , Say , Golo , Amber , Shirt Off , Gastric Bypass Surgery , Verge , Ways , Golo Commercial , The Sun , 300 , Release , Sugar , Hunger , Efficiency , Cravings , Meal , Times , Weight Loss , In My Life , Starvation Dieting , Natural , Jitters , Product , Key , Hormones , Insulin Levels , Muscle , Weight Loss Surgery , Katie , 424 , 4xl Shirt , Break , Change , Stairs , 4 , 50 , A Hundred , Golo Com ,

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