Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240702 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240702

lewiston, maine's massacre, 18 people shot to death. is 13 people injured. the suspect 40-year-old robert card opened fire inside a bowling alley and nearby bar and grill. that was wednesday night. it's friday. are they any closer to finding him? you would think not from the news conference that wrapped up minutes ago. they are throwing every resource to get him. lewiston is 30 miles north of portland. local, state, federal law enforcement are out 24/7. we know robert card is a skilled outdoorsman and trained u.s. army reserve marksman who is among the top shooters in his unit. the shelter in place order that started at 10:25 p.m. wednesday night is still on and it is on for lewiston and now three surrounding cities. it remains in effect until police say it isn't. here is the police chief last hour. >> the safety of our community remains paramount. i want to assure all that a tremendous amount of law enforcement, manpower, time and effort is being utilized around the clock in every effort to apprehend the suspect as well as to safeguard this community. >> harris: in order to help them out let's take a minute. there are actually tip lines available and it is on your screen right now by phone and online. there is a hotline, confidential hotline for grief counseling. more on the search coming up and we'll update you as the news comes in. this breaking news. hamas rockets raining down on israel. you know now it's just getting to be sunset. they will hit darkness in 15 or 20 minutes. a direct hit on an apartment building happened in tel aviv today. that's the second time this week. we are told that those rockets are coming from gaza. that's where hamas is. have they ever been able to hit that far with such specificity? are they getting help? we'll get into all of it this hour. there was another strike in the southern city of ashkelon. day 21 on the war against hamas terrorists. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." israel is continuing the counter offensive. the idf conducted an in and out ground raid overnight. target certain leaders and target certain structures of hamas and then pull back. it is on the ground. officials there say these ground raids are laying the ground work for a larger scale invasion that is to come. iran foreign minister tore into the idf action and directly threatened america. >> i say frankly to the american statesmen who are now managing the genocide in palestinian that we do not welcome to expansion of the war in the region. but i vow if the genocide in gaza continue, there will not be spared from this fire. >> harris: that was at the united nations on u.s. soil right here in new york city. the biden administration last night finally turned words into action striking two locations inside eastern syria linked to iran's revolutionary guard. they have been coming after our military bases in the region, 19 attacks they told us about from the pentagon just in the last week or so and concern of a wider conflict we've been hearing grows day-by-day. finally action matching words that biden has been saying. peter doocy on the syria strikes and what is happening at the white house. dakota wood is standing by to join us. first senior correspondent mike tobin on the ground in southern israel. mike. >> you will hear some of the artillery banging behind me as israeli forces are getting busy and sun going down. each time for the past two nights as the sun sets israeli forces got busy on the ground inside of gaza. a unique raid by sea. the israeli navy float ilia put soldiers on the ground south of gaza hitting some of the hamas infrastructure and naval come and infrastructure of hamas, they fired on targets at land. by land they went into a neighborhood to the northern side of the gaza strip. accompanied by combat engineers and spent a bit of time on the ground against supported by aircraft. it speaks to the idea that the israelis are prepping the ground for the ground invasion. they held a press conference today saying the tunnel network that's nicknamed the metro underneath gaza, command and control headquarters of hamas are located directly beneath a hospital and located other items underneath hospitals in gaza. beyond that they say in the face of this humanitarian crisis hamas has been hoarding fuel to power its war machine. >> i can confirm that according to the intelligence we have in our hands, there is fuel in hospitals in gaza. i repeat there is fuel in hospitals in gaza. hamas is using it for its terror infrastructures. >> one of the four hostages has been freed. when she got out she said she was taken into the spider web of tunnels as she described it and said the hostages are being held down there in small groups. harris. >> harris: thank you very much. i know with the sun setting, if something pops we'll come right back to you. thank you. now to those u.s. strikes inside syria. our military hit two facilities linked to iranian-backed militia. the iran-paid groups carried out 19 attacks on the u.s. bases, three in the last 24 hours. the state department pentagon, white house saying the same thing before they took action. the u.s. is waiting to respond to those attacks at a time and place of their changes. it would appear they chose today. peter doocy at the white house. >> harris, we're told a pair of f-16s carried out president biden's orders for these strikes hours after this exchange. >> issued a warning to the ayatollah yesterday. how was that warning delivered? >> i won't get into that. >> they did get into it late last night telling us munitions hit what they were aiming at in retaliation for 19 attacks for u.s. interests and people in the interest since last tuesday. targets were storing the weapons the proxies were shooting at americans and told president biden did not coordinate with the israelis about this strike which specifically targeted the iranian revolutionary guard corps even though defense officials can't say whether there were any iranians president. secretary austin is saying the strikes in self-defense were intended solely to protect and defend u.s. personnel in irrelevant rack and syria. separate and distinct from israel and gaza and don't change our shift to the the israel/hamas conflict. president biden doesn't want the conflict to escalate and also saying that all of this goes back to tehran and we're told separately that 900 of the 2,000 u.s. troops given ready to deploy orders after the october 7th attack in israel have now been sent to the middle east, harris. >> harris: thank you very much. taking notes on what you were telling me there for the first guest. appreciate it. national security council spokesman john kirby was talking about those air strikes just a short time ago. let's watch that. >> these strikes were very much done in self-defense. as you know our forces and facilities had come under a range of attacks, rocket attacks by the proxy groups backed by iran in iraq and syria. the strikes were in self-defense for our ability to protect ourselves and our troops. they went right at targets that were tied to the iranian revolutionary guard corps that is resourcing, funding, training and making capable all the proxies groups. these two targets went right at the storage weapons facilities to try to get at their ability to do exactly that. >> harris: retired marine lieutenant colonel dakota wood. former strategist for the marine corps special operations command. great to have you in "focus" today. let's start with proportionality. they hit us 19 times in the last week. we hit a couple of structures targeted that had weapons in it. what they could use against us. how is that proportionality? >> it's ridiculous. how silly these responses are. it is a minimalist approach. it is delayed and what that does is gives your enemy for opportunities to attack you with no consequences at all. so a two-plane package, aircraft all respond in pairs is the smallest thing the u.s. could have done. to go after the weapon stores ostensibly to take away the ability to make attacks without going against the enemies. the people who use those enemies when iran has a limitless supply of bombs and mortars it doesn't make sense. the white house loves nuance, your enemy doesn't combat nuance well and sends all the wrong messages. >> harris: how they could hit iran in terms of what they can supply to these groups, these terror groups, why don't they put back in place what the united nations sanctions were that expired last wednesday that put all these items on the market so iran could not only make money selling the killer drones and its ballistics, but they can put them wherever they want to put them. why not hit them there and snap back with your own sanctions as america? >> that's true, $1 hundred billion made possible by the obama administration, another $6 billion made possible by the biden administration in spite of its protest that iran won't use it for this kind of mischief. you could do that instantly. i would support that. the problem is those are kind of long-term fixes or effects that you want to see. right now we have fighters and weapons. there is a today challenge threatening our troops and the administration isn't really doing anything to address the challenge. >> harris: why do you think that is? >> they are very risk averse, cautious and timid whether ukraine or support to israel responding to these constant strikes by iran's mignons against the united states. they wait until pressure mounts and they are forced to act. they take a minimalist approach. it would be like taking half your dose of antibiotic when you are sick. it means that the virus gets that much worse. your enemy gets that much more opportunity and time to entrench their position, to continue to attack u.s. capabilities in the area. when you do something in a minimalist way you are using resources but with no discernible effect or benefit from that. it worsens the problem. if you are concerned about broadening the conflict or making it more contentious or, you know, adding more actors to the fray, this approach by the administration actually does that. it makes the problem worse instead of solving it. >> harris: a couple of things to further the metaphor with antibiotics. if you take half the dose the thing you are trying to kill in the body becomes more immune and it eventually kills you. if we don't hit them where it hurts when they hit us 19 times in a week they'll keep killing us. by the way, i still can't figure out why the white house doesn't see those men and women in the military as much human beings as anybody else on the planet. why not protect them? former president trump said to iran you hit one of our people, you kill just one and i will hit tehran. they hit syria two places that basically only had ammo in the building from what they are reporting. risk averse. how risky was it to give iran on top of a five by five prisoner deal $6 billion? they maybe didn't need the money but allowed them to spend other money and bank that cash. >> that's it. a lot of people talked about this. the fungibility of funding. if i give you a dollar to buy an orange it means you don't have to use your own dollar to buy it and you can use that dollar to buy a bullet or something along those lines. it is a ridiculous argument made by the administration. the same kind of ridiculousness that goes along with the u.s. saying the strike in jar to protect u.s. forces has nothing to do with the israeli conflict. they may want to believe that. if you are iran and hezbollah and hamas and the islamic state and others, you see this as part of a larger fight. it is all part and parcel the same thing. again it is this kind of distraction, detachment from the reality of conflict and the reality of enemies trying to cause harm to the united states that has put this administration on this policy path which will actually make the problem worse. >> harris: quickly, colonel wood. i told the audience previously former strategist for the marine corps special ops command, what should we be doing and carrying out right now? >> well, you indicated some of these things. going after not just the weapons stores but all the logistical supply lines, previous guests have talked about. going after the actual fighters, terrorists themselves. much like israel is doing against hamas. so israel will go into gaza. they aren't going to telegraph what day and time. that would give information to the enemy. they aren't just going after a weapons store. they are going after the leaders of hamas, the actual terrorists that prosecuted such a horrific set of murders and atrocities against israeli citizens. the united states needs to adopt a similar sort of posture so it's not this weird proportionality. you are actually causing harm to your enemy. >> harris: i want to get to this. critics are lashing out at jake sullivan for his assessment of the middle east. he offered it up a week before the brutal hamas terrorist attack, a week after that attack, he tried to clean it up. >> the middle east region is quieter today than it has been in two decades. >> why was your assessment so far off the mark? >> i made those comments in the context of developments in the wider middle east region over the last few years. the sentence before what you just played i said, in fact, that this was for now and that it could all change. at no point did the biden administration take its eye off the ball of the threats to israel. >> harris: so his words were only good for what, 72 hours? anyway. sullivan wrote an essay that included his initial assertion on the quietness of the middle east. that portion has been scrubbed from the online version. scathing reaction. the stealth edits that prove biden's middle east failure. an excerpt from a columnist. anyone with self-respect should have resigned the position and live out his days in shame. >> i feel really good now. when i step out of the bel and cross the street don't i have to be aware of cross traffic that i might get run over? the administration's obligation is the safety and security and economic vitality of this country. they can't just decide that everything looks great today and that at some point in some mystical future things might not be so good. they have to plan for worst case and behave and act in a way that deters bad behavior by our enemies. that insures we have the capabilities in place to respond to these oh, surprise situations like an invasion of a neighboring country or the murder of innocents at the music festival. the wave your hand and say everything is looking good in the middle east is a depatchment from the reality of the complexity and violence that characterizes much of the middle east and always be thinking about how to secure u.s. interests and they just fail to do that. >> harris: jake sullivan, when he speaks and writes and edit his words he comes across as someone unserious. maybe he is not but maybe not the right person for the job. we need the right person for the job. colonel wood, thank you so much for your time and your expertise. >> my great pleasure, thanks. >> harris: right now more than 80 f.b.i. agents and elite border patrol unit are part of the search for suspected lewiston, maine gunman robert card. officers swarmed his home yesterday. you probably watched it late into the night doing all sorts of things and pretty much everybody but two tactical units rolled away from that house. they didn't find him there and we're told they are still searching. the 40-year-old gunman is suspected of murdering 18 people and injuring 13 at a bowling alley first and then drove four miles to a bar and grill in lewiston, and then he left and left the car at a nearby town. card is an army reservist. police say he has trained as a firearms instructor and consider him armed and dangerous. every picture we have of him confirms that. can they catch him? we're also learning more about the lives of the people he killed. among them a father and his 14-year-old son out for a teenage bolling league. remember the youth bowling league was there in the bowling alley in lewiston. a long time bowl instructor teaching the youth league and others out for a night of fun. there were a lot of young people in that bowling alley. mayor of lewiston and maine senator susan collins both trying to get perspective on the unthinkable. >> this is a time for action, solidarity, and support. >> what makes this crime so heinous is in a typical year, maine might have 22 murders, and last night we almost approached the number for the entire year. >> harris: the number for last year was 29 and she is right, it is close to approaching that with 18 in this one killing. heartbreaking. nate foye is in lewiston, nate. >> so, harris, authorities wrapped up a press conference and there are two things happening right now. the evidence collection and processing that's happening as you mentioned -- at the bowling alley and bar where these shootings happened. the part that everyone is focusing on is the manhunt. that part is really focused on the lisbon boat launch which is where the accused gunman's car was found. the river will be full of divers and tactical teams with sonar technology searching in the river and all around the river. where we are now is the temporary command center. look at the fox news drone. this is where the state agencies and federal agencies assisting are congregating. you mentioned the federal agencies helping the f.b.i., atf. dhs but also the border patrol tactical unit which if you remember not long ago found that escaped inmate in chester county, pennsylvania. take a look at this video from last night. police executed multiple search warrants as the accused shooter's home. we just learned they did find a note, harris, in that home written by the accused shooter. authorities did not say what was in that note. they used a pa system last night telling him to come out of the home. turned out he wasn't there. authorities said moments ago if they do that again, if they keep using pa systems it does not mean they are closing in on an arrest. >> if you hear announcements and pa systems as an example, a piece of that is us just giving notification that yes, in fact, we are the police, we are going to be knocking on this door. we would like you to come out if you are in there. some of that is case law orients, some best practice. some of it is standard operating procedures from our end. >> harris, the shelter in place order remains in effect. authorities are counting on everybody to protect themselves and also to continue providing information. so far authorities have received over 530 tips. we'll send it back to you. >> harris: quickly, nate. we've seen a little bit of this along the way and you can certainly read more about it in local coverage. not a lot of details from law enforcement that this possibly could have been borne out or connected somehow to a domestic situation. what are you learning? >> so we are actively trying to find any sort of motive here. that's not something so far that authorities are prepared to answer here. it is well documented from law enforcement this man's issues with mental health reportedly being pulled out of a training exercise at west point in july because of a mental health episode and alcohol-related incident and he had also complained of hearing voices in his head and received treatment in july for a couple weeks. as far as the motive we'll try to find that out from authorities. >> harris: motive or what set him off. why now? nate foye, thank you very much. i want to bring in now nichole parker, former f.b.i. special agent and our viewers are getting to know you well. you bring your expertise and experience to us and we're certainly grateful for it. let's start off with how large this search is now. your thoughts. >> it's extremely large. there is nothing -- every single stone -- no stone will be unturned. they talked about the water factor. the f.b.i. has something called a search team an underwater team. highly trained officers who are divers. they will dive into this water area potentially looking for evidence, anything he may have dropped. he could have committed suicide and jumped into the water. we don't know. they could be looking for a body, for the firearm, looking for a number of things. it is not just limited to that. it is important you listen closely to what he said. it sounded like he may not have said a lot but as an agent i heard quite a bit. they are looking at air, land, sea. not limiting it to just that area. they are checking the forest, the woods, they are doing multiple search warrants at homes. let's talk about what happened last night at that home. i understand as a normal civilian if you hear surrounded call-out they must think he is inside the home. they are calling out his name. often i can tell you that is standard procedure especially now. i will tell you my best friends were shot and killed in the line of duty while executing a search warrant and not a surrounded call-out in that instance. we're going up against the most dangerous individuals. this person is extremely dangerous. he just killed 18 individuals. normal to approach a home or premise and rather than going straight to the door tactical units will do a surrounded call-out which is what they did. whether they believed he was in there or not you have to assume there is someone in there to cause law enforcement danger and call them out. they can't execute a search warrant until it is deemed safe. once it is cleared, then the searchers go in and execute the warrant and tactical units left that the point. the searchers continued. >> harris: i want to let everybody know on the left side of the screen we look at lisbon falls, maine. this is where there is a car left behind near a boat launch. let me just ask you how common or uncommon is it -- would it be part of a strategy? i will reach a point and leave the car. that actually is going to soak up resources as they look for me as i try to evade and hide. it can and does happen. talk to me about that. >> this person is highly skilled and trained and knows how to evade law enforcement. this could end in various ways. he could commit suicide. he may want a confrontation with law enforcement. law enforcement is looking for him to make any single mistake. he makes a mistake law enforcement can get valuable clues and evidence. it is an all-encompassing crime scene here. we have a manhunt going as well as conducting evidence response team is processing two very complex crime scenes at the bowling alley and the bar. >> harris: and the car. >> and the car and water and difficult terrain. i would like to give law enforcement some credit here. americans are people are used to watching television thinking it gets solved in an hour and oats very complex. as an f.b.i. agent who responded to mass shootings, it is 24/7. law enforcement officers are working their tails off. >> harris: i don't know if america thinks it gets done quickly any longer. look what happened with pennsylvania. they hunted that perp who broke out of prison for two weeks in forest conditions. maine is a special place if regard to that. it is so densely forested. having hiked around some of those areas in maine, i could hide and i wouldn't even be trying. hard to find me if i got lost. this guy wants you to think that he is lost. he wants you to hunt him down. maybe for all of the reasons that you said. real quickly, if along the way he were to take someone, how much more complicated does finding him get? that's been a concern, too. would he kill again, would he take hostages? >> that is a huge concern. that is probably law enforcement's number one concern. he has proven he is willing to kill innocent individuals. the worse situation is a hostage situation. we don't want anyone to be harmed. hostage situation would be -- that's why they are asking to shelter in place. my heart goes out to these residents. to have to stay in your home. law enforcement does that because they don't want a hostage situation. this man is evil and limitless and shown that and we need to protect the citizens of this community. >> harris: it's the start of hunting season this weekend and you will have a lot of people coming from all over the country. it is amazing to be in maine this time of year. but that also complicates because then you have people potentially walking around who don't have houses in the area where they can shelter in place. we pray for everybody and always support law enforcement. nichole parker. we'll keep you standing by in case something breaks this hour. protests against israel are getting larger and happening more and more often in american cities and on college campuses. the fear of anti-semitism is becoming more serious, more dire. plus two american hostages finally freed after being held in hamas terror captivity. i'll speak with their rabbi in "focus" next. this is american infrastructure, a prime target for cyberattacks. but the same ai-powered security that protects all of google also defends these services for everyone who lives here. ♪ (sean) i wish for the amazing new iphone 15 pro! 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(vo) get iphone15 pro, apple tv 4k and 6 months of apple one. all three on us. only on verizon. this is a special alert. israel is under attack and israel's enemies seek our destruction. the people of israel need immediate help. rockets have us squarely in the crosshairs. our people are targets in their own homes. many have lost everything and fear for their lives. the international fellowship of christians and jews has launched an urgent response to rescue those affected by this violent attack. our teams are on the ground across israel delivering lifesaving aid. your urgently needed gift of only $45 will help rush food, water, medicine and emergency supplies for jewish families that have nowhere to turn. time is literally running out. what we need you to do is to act now. >> harris: we had on nichole parker talking about how wide the search has gotten but it is still focused on the two towns part of this two nights ago, the massacre that unfolded in lewiston maine and then went to lisbon falls, maine and dumped his vehicle there. a search near the boat slip in lisbon where the car was found. on the right the schemengees bar and grill. the site of one of the two shootings. they are also outside of that. nichole parker told us before the commercial break these scenes will have law enforcement for some time to come. in the schemengees bar and grill, it's a crime scene they have to go through meticulously to see what they can find. and maybe some clues as to what this man would do next, maybe not. but it is a crime scene that they have to go through and then clear for evidence of anything. and certainly how many bullets were fired. put together the whole court case right there starting with one crime scene. the other crime scene being the bowling alley. we know there are resources there as well working that crime scene. on the left of your screen is something a little bit different. this is part of the search and with access that we know of to at least two boats, one that was registered in particular to robert card, the suspect in all of this. this is where they are focusing by air. we wanted to show you what is going on. there is so much more around this area but schemengees is a focus. people died here like they did at the bowling alley. as people are identified we can share it with you. the family notification is much more important at this point than filling in the gaps on who all of those people are right now. you know here on the "focus" we'll show you that and we will celebrate their lives and we will pray with and for those families. but we will also respect that your privacy right now. as we learn more we'll give it to you. but not until that time. this one of the places where people were injured. i understand that officials are talking about the search right now. let's watch. >> we have agencies working together to help bring justice and try to figure out. it is a tremendous undertaking. having the resources that we have both national and at the state level really gives us a great team to fan out and really try and find him as quickly as possible. >> what are the challenges? >> what discussions? >> we have agencies and different organizations that are here both state and federal. >> how long does something like this take? >> i don't know anything specifically. there is no time limit on it. they do it in a method that they feel that they have covered the area thoroughly. >> a couple hours? >> could be a couple hours or longer. when you talk about a water search in the water, that takes longer than an air search. ground searchers, it is very methodical. they do clear an area within an hour to a couple hours depending on the search area. >> help us understand why this wasn't done yesterday given we knew the car was found here? >> there is a lot of work done yesterday that was done that might not have been visible to the media and cameras. once it was accomplished we had the search in certain areas. >> daylight you have more advantages -- [inaudible] >> certainly this is a better time. when the -- this is one of the better times to be searching and working to lower level assists us a lot to see if there is anything in the water. >> [inaudible question]. >> i don't know. >> really it's about all i have right now. i will be here and if i hear anything new or any new developments i will come out. early afternoon i think i will be able to give you not new information but recap and tell you if there is anything new. tentatively now there will be an afternoon press conference. it looks like around 3:00 but look for details from shannon moss. >> [inaudible question] >> i don't know about that. i know about the boat but i don't know anything whether or not it has been located. >> would the 3:00 press conference be at the lewiston city hall? >> the crews and law enforcement officials searching. how familiar are they with the river? have they had to search this river before? is this a new thing? >> maine game wardens train throughout the year on searches like this. sadly, we do recover multiple bodies out of the water. so they are well trained in this and have been on this river before and are trained to do this type of search. i will leave it at that. thank you. >> tell the us again how many people are here? >> harris: we were listening there to the maine inland fisheries and wildlife department representative there. he told us new information about a 3:00 p.m. tentative news conference at lewiston city hall. this reporters were asking him lisbon falls, which is nearby where the car was found. we do know that robert card is tied through registration to at least one boat, possibly two. he has access to two. we'll say it that way. authorities are working to lower the water level, which will make it easier to search for anything he might have dropped in the river, any kind of evidence. you heard nichole parker, the f.b.i. agent guest who said if they committed suicide they might find a body there. they want to lower the water level and that allows them a little bit more clarity as they search in the water. we do understand that process. they have been doing that for a while. it takes time to do that and they have done it before. people fall in the water and you heard the officer say they have had to be ready for water rescue situations because people do recreationally fall in. in this instance one of the reporters asked him why didn't you do this before? why wasn't this one of the first areas that you searched near the car? he didn't give a clearance on that. he may not know. his search responsibility today includes where that boat slip was or is, which is nearby where the car ended up that robert card is last known to have been in. so we'll continue to cover the story. that was a pop-up on the fly near one of the search scenes and we'll anticipate that tentative 3:00 p.m. eastern news conference at lewiston city hall. [shouting] >> harris: anti israel protesting has gotten more intense in new york city. demonstrators are burning american flags. this was last night outside city hall after marching from wall street. they accuse president biden of genocide for supporting israel and we keep seeing scenes like this one on the streets of major cities in america. tensions also rising on college campuses, you know that. in new orleans two people arrested near a rally near to an university turned violent. more arrests are expected to come. there are cameras everywhere. a rabbi who is a scholar visiting at harvard said this. >> harvard has an anti-semitism problem. it is not alone. it shares it with my alma mater the university of pennsylvania, with gw, with columbia, with a lot of universities in different ways. i don't think we should be abandoning the universities. a lot of good comes out of them. but i and a lot of other people of goodwill are fighting against this and i hope that we can make progress because the problem is real. and it is not small. >> harris: did you notice the list he just gave in those are some of the mostly let colleges in america. david wolf was his name. let's welcome rabbi to the freed american hostages judith and natalie. let's talk about first these very disturbing protests that we're seeing around the country. rabbi, i welcome you to "the faulkner focus." your reaction to the anti-semitism that it's always been there but now it's on full display. >> harris, i just saw those videos that you guys put up on the screen moments ago. what we're seeing on college campuses and on the streets of america is deeply, deeply disturbing. let me first share the positive side. the good news is that we see so many moral and upstanding kids on college campuses who are standing strong. they know right from wrong. they know good from evil and they are brave in standing in front of america to tell the world the truth. to them i say be strong, be proud, shine your light. a little light even in very dark spaces illuminates very widely and dispels much darkness. the moral -- >> harris: okay. >> the moral depravity of these professors and enablers inciting america's youth with vile hatred is deplorable. reminiscent of 1930s nazi germany youth demonsdemonstrati a precursor for a holocaust. this is a war against morality and civilization. these university leaders and professors and students inciting this will have a day of reckoning. were you on the side of good or evil? every generation anti-semitism rears its ugly head in a different form and different idea. each time another excuse to try to obliterate the jew. but we've been through this thousands of years it happens every generation. and we're still here to tell the tale. the jewish people are standing strong and proud and we'll continue. good will prevail over evil. light will overpower the viciousness, hate and evil. the jewish people will continue to thrive and flourish. the light of god will ultimately continue to shine and it's at the center of our worldview. the truth and everlasting divine morality. so to our viewers, to everyone, you have to ask the question which side of the fence do you want to be on? are you on the side of good or on the side of evil? >> harris: all right. rabbi, i will talk with you another time about the hostages you know who were rescued. we have breaking news now and thank you so much for all of your words. trey yengst near the israel/gaza border right now. trey. >> we're not sure exactly what's taking place here but you can hear in the distance israeli artillery firing into the northern part of the gaza strip. throughout the past 30 to 40 minutes a lot of that outgoing fire along with air strikes along gaza. this could be the israelis softening the target ahead of a ground advance. we don't know. we do know according to the country's defense minister that soon his forces will go into gaza. i met with him and talked about the preparations saying once israeli troops do enter gaza it will take months, not weeks. you see the explosions behind me. those are air strikes. artillery in the distance continuing to hammer different targets along the gaza border. this is different than what we have seen over the past several nights. we have been in the very location. sometimes there is mortar fire into this border community. but you hear right now i want you to listen to that. these are specific strikes across the northern part of gaza and it is the heaviest fire on the gaza strip since the war erupted 21 days ago. >> harris: we're seeing a difference in another way, too. yesterday and today were the two largest ground raids, the sort of minor invasions, if you will, brief, go in, target leadership and buildings on the ground with a lot of idf soldiers and then pull back. can you talk about what those accomplish in terms of strategy? >> yeah, absolutely. the israelis just want you to listen to those strikes there. this is very significant fire. >> harris: we can see them and listen. this is gaza city. [numerous explosions] >> you hear fighter jets overhead. >> harris: we can hear all of that, trey. so this is from the air. >> this is different than the other nights. it's from the air and fro fer the ground. >> harris: talk again about the strategy of the small targeted ground invasions. >> absolutely. the past several nights under much less fire than we're seeing right now, the israelis have tried to go into gaza launching what they're describing as limited raids. they were conducted by a brigade of infantry soldiers near the gaza border. we talked with a number of those soldiers saying they're ready to go to gaza when the orders are given for the full scale invasion. these raids really served as a preview for what's to come. as they entered gaza they entered in a specific order. first d-nine bulldozers, armored bulldozers cleared a path and behind them israeli tanks and infantry troops. israelis say they were able to destroy a number of cells along the border. using the air force now to strike different targets that they weren't able to get in the overnight raids. the purpose is very clear here. they have expressed two reasons for the raids. one to clear a path in and destroy anti-tank guided missile cells along the border and any pockets they might face or be ambushed by as they enter gaza and using the air force to strike the cells along the border. the second reason that they provided to us was to gather information on the hostages inside gaza. we should note that hamas, the group in control of the strip, the organization that launched that brutal assault on october 7th, they have claimed israeli strikes killed upwards of 50 of the hostages. now we cannot independently verify that number. in the past they've given incorrect information. they are playing a double hand here. they want to fight the israelis on the ground with rocket fire and small arms fire that we've heard and seen throughout the day. three weeks into the war they are able to fire on major population centers and trying to win the information war. part of the reason the israelis tonight released new information about the hospital, the largest hospital inside gaza sitting in the center of gaza city. many of the images you have seen throughout the past few weeks are from that hospital. the israeli released a map and simulation of what it looks like underneath the hospital. it is a network of tunnels according to israeli military where many hamas leaders are hiding. i have been to that hospital a number of times. when you are inside gaza and conflict he represent this is where people are taken. we've met hamas officials here. israelis aren't just delivering the information without supporting evidence. they try to detail to the world the enemy they're up again and hides amidst an urban environment and the defense minister said they'll face a challenging battlefield in the days and weeks ahead. >> harris: we've taken the full screen for our viewers to focus in on. this is gaza city. i want to point out how clear a night it is and how easy it is to see they're lighting up the earth in what you have described, trey, is different from anything that we've seen in terms of israel's response to hamas terrorist attacking on october 7th. this is a pivotal moment. what we're watching are air strikes and the short burst ground invasions being carried out. from what you are saying, trey, we'll see that with the penetrating air strikes hitting strategic targets. the mention of the hospital and the tunnels and potential for civilians even to be near and under. all of that being on purpose to have human shields. people hurt makes me think about the new number of hostages, trey, that hamas tried to float to the world. were there 300 and then floating 50 were killed. they inflate that number so if we were blessed enough to have the idf and even american troops rescue hostages in the number closer to what they have told us is 229, it would make it look like so many of more of those hostages have been killed. it is a mind game of epic proportions. >> absolutely. when we talk about the numbers here, we saw this firsthand. i've been texting with hamas officials inside gaza. they are constantly sending numbers we cannot independently verify so i don't take them to air. they are trying to play this information war alongside the ground war that is quickly developing. we should note here, inside gaza there is a palestinian-run health ministry responsible for providing the numbers to us about the people that are killed inside gaza. there is no way to confirm that information. >> harris: everyone is taking a look at ashkelon. my team is telling me we're looking at ashkelon. we'll continue watching this. 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240702 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240702

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lewiston, maine's massacre, 18 people shot to death. is 13 people injured. the suspect 40-year-old robert card opened fire inside a bowling alley and nearby bar and grill. that was wednesday night. it's friday. are they any closer to finding him? you would think not from the news conference that wrapped up minutes ago. they are throwing every resource to get him. lewiston is 30 miles north of portland. local, state, federal law enforcement are out 24/7. we know robert card is a skilled outdoorsman and trained u.s. army reserve marksman who is among the top shooters in his unit. the shelter in place order that started at 10:25 p.m. wednesday night is still on and it is on for lewiston and now three surrounding cities. it remains in effect until police say it isn't. here is the police chief last hour. >> the safety of our community remains paramount. i want to assure all that a tremendous amount of law enforcement, manpower, time and effort is being utilized around the clock in every effort to apprehend the suspect as well as to safeguard this community. >> harris: in order to help them out let's take a minute. there are actually tip lines available and it is on your screen right now by phone and online. there is a hotline, confidential hotline for grief counseling. more on the search coming up and we'll update you as the news comes in. this breaking news. hamas rockets raining down on israel. you know now it's just getting to be sunset. they will hit darkness in 15 or 20 minutes. a direct hit on an apartment building happened in tel aviv today. that's the second time this week. we are told that those rockets are coming from gaza. that's where hamas is. have they ever been able to hit that far with such specificity? are they getting help? we'll get into all of it this hour. there was another strike in the southern city of ashkelon. day 21 on the war against hamas terrorists. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." israel is continuing the counter offensive. the idf conducted an in and out ground raid overnight. target certain leaders and target certain structures of hamas and then pull back. it is on the ground. officials there say these ground raids are laying the ground work for a larger scale invasion that is to come. iran foreign minister tore into the idf action and directly threatened america. >> i say frankly to the american statesmen who are now managing the genocide in palestinian that we do not welcome to expansion of the war in the region. but i vow if the genocide in gaza continue, there will not be spared from this fire. >> harris: that was at the united nations on u.s. soil right here in new york city. the biden administration last night finally turned words into action striking two locations inside eastern syria linked to iran's revolutionary guard. they have been coming after our military bases in the region, 19 attacks they told us about from the pentagon just in the last week or so and concern of a wider conflict we've been hearing grows day-by-day. finally action matching words that biden has been saying. peter doocy on the syria strikes and what is happening at the white house. dakota wood is standing by to join us. first senior correspondent mike tobin on the ground in southern israel. mike. >> you will hear some of the artillery banging behind me as israeli forces are getting busy and sun going down. each time for the past two nights as the sun sets israeli forces got busy on the ground inside of gaza. a unique raid by sea. the israeli navy float ilia put soldiers on the ground south of gaza hitting some of the hamas infrastructure and naval come and infrastructure of hamas, they fired on targets at land. by land they went into a neighborhood to the northern side of the gaza strip. accompanied by combat engineers and spent a bit of time on the ground against supported by aircraft. it speaks to the idea that the israelis are prepping the ground for the ground invasion. they held a press conference today saying the tunnel network that's nicknamed the metro underneath gaza, command and control headquarters of hamas are located directly beneath a hospital and located other items underneath hospitals in gaza. beyond that they say in the face of this humanitarian crisis hamas has been hoarding fuel to power its war machine. >> i can confirm that according to the intelligence we have in our hands, there is fuel in hospitals in gaza. i repeat there is fuel in hospitals in gaza. hamas is using it for its terror infrastructures. >> one of the four hostages has been freed. when she got out she said she was taken into the spider web of tunnels as she described it and said the hostages are being held down there in small groups. harris. >> harris: thank you very much. i know with the sun setting, if something pops we'll come right back to you. thank you. now to those u.s. strikes inside syria. our military hit two facilities linked to iranian-backed militia. the iran-paid groups carried out 19 attacks on the u.s. bases, three in the last 24 hours. the state department pentagon, white house saying the same thing before they took action. the u.s. is waiting to respond to those attacks at a time and place of their changes. it would appear they chose today. peter doocy at the white house. >> harris, we're told a pair of f-16s carried out president biden's orders for these strikes hours after this exchange. >> issued a warning to the ayatollah yesterday. how was that warning delivered? >> i won't get into that. >> they did get into it late last night telling us munitions hit what they were aiming at in retaliation for 19 attacks for u.s. interests and people in the interest since last tuesday. targets were storing the weapons the proxies were shooting at americans and told president biden did not coordinate with the israelis about this strike which specifically targeted the iranian revolutionary guard corps even though defense officials can't say whether there were any iranians president. secretary austin is saying the strikes in self-defense were intended solely to protect and defend u.s. personnel in irrelevant rack and syria. separate and distinct from israel and gaza and don't change our shift to the the israel/hamas conflict. president biden doesn't want the conflict to escalate and also saying that all of this goes back to tehran and we're told separately that 900 of the 2,000 u.s. troops given ready to deploy orders after the october 7th attack in israel have now been sent to the middle east, harris. >> harris: thank you very much. taking notes on what you were telling me there for the first guest. appreciate it. national security council spokesman john kirby was talking about those air strikes just a short time ago. let's watch that. >> these strikes were very much done in self-defense. as you know our forces and facilities had come under a range of attacks, rocket attacks by the proxy groups backed by iran in iraq and syria. the strikes were in self-defense for our ability to protect ourselves and our troops. they went right at targets that were tied to the iranian revolutionary guard corps that is resourcing, funding, training and making capable all the proxies groups. these two targets went right at the storage weapons facilities to try to get at their ability to do exactly that. >> harris: retired marine lieutenant colonel dakota wood. former strategist for the marine corps special operations command. great to have you in "focus" today. let's start with proportionality. they hit us 19 times in the last week. we hit a couple of structures targeted that had weapons in it. what they could use against us. how is that proportionality? >> it's ridiculous. how silly these responses are. it is a minimalist approach. it is delayed and what that does is gives your enemy for opportunities to attack you with no consequences at all. so a two-plane package, aircraft all respond in pairs is the smallest thing the u.s. could have done. to go after the weapon stores ostensibly to take away the ability to make attacks without going against the enemies. the people who use those enemies when iran has a limitless supply of bombs and mortars it doesn't make sense. the white house loves nuance, your enemy doesn't combat nuance well and sends all the wrong messages. >> harris: how they could hit iran in terms of what they can supply to these groups, these terror groups, why don't they put back in place what the united nations sanctions were that expired last wednesday that put all these items on the market so iran could not only make money selling the killer drones and its ballistics, but they can put them wherever they want to put them. why not hit them there and snap back with your own sanctions as america? >> that's true, $1 hundred billion made possible by the obama administration, another $6 billion made possible by the biden administration in spite of its protest that iran won't use it for this kind of mischief. you could do that instantly. i would support that. the problem is those are kind of long-term fixes or effects that you want to see. right now we have fighters and weapons. there is a today challenge threatening our troops and the administration isn't really doing anything to address the challenge. >> harris: why do you think that is? >> they are very risk averse, cautious and timid whether ukraine or support to israel responding to these constant strikes by iran's mignons against the united states. they wait until pressure mounts and they are forced to act. they take a minimalist approach. it would be like taking half your dose of antibiotic when you are sick. it means that the virus gets that much worse. your enemy gets that much more opportunity and time to entrench their position, to continue to attack u.s. capabilities in the area. when you do something in a minimalist way you are using resources but with no discernible effect or benefit from that. it worsens the problem. if you are concerned about broadening the conflict or making it more contentious or, you know, adding more actors to the fray, this approach by the administration actually does that. it makes the problem worse instead of solving it. >> harris: a couple of things to further the metaphor with antibiotics. if you take half the dose the thing you are trying to kill in the body becomes more immune and it eventually kills you. if we don't hit them where it hurts when they hit us 19 times in a week they'll keep killing us. by the way, i still can't figure out why the white house doesn't see those men and women in the military as much human beings as anybody else on the planet. why not protect them? former president trump said to iran you hit one of our people, you kill just one and i will hit tehran. they hit syria two places that basically only had ammo in the building from what they are reporting. risk averse. how risky was it to give iran on top of a five by five prisoner deal $6 billion? they maybe didn't need the money but allowed them to spend other money and bank that cash. >> that's it. a lot of people talked about this. the fungibility of funding. if i give you a dollar to buy an orange it means you don't have to use your own dollar to buy it and you can use that dollar to buy a bullet or something along those lines. it is a ridiculous argument made by the administration. the same kind of ridiculousness that goes along with the u.s. saying the strike in jar to protect u.s. forces has nothing to do with the israeli conflict. they may want to believe that. if you are iran and hezbollah and hamas and the islamic state and others, you see this as part of a larger fight. it is all part and parcel the same thing. again it is this kind of distraction, detachment from the reality of conflict and the reality of enemies trying to cause harm to the united states that has put this administration on this policy path which will actually make the problem worse. >> harris: quickly, colonel wood. i told the audience previously former strategist for the marine corps special ops command, what should we be doing and carrying out right now? >> well, you indicated some of these things. going after not just the weapons stores but all the logistical supply lines, previous guests have talked about. going after the actual fighters, terrorists themselves. much like israel is doing against hamas. so israel will go into gaza. they aren't going to telegraph what day and time. that would give information to the enemy. they aren't just going after a weapons store. they are going after the leaders of hamas, the actual terrorists that prosecuted such a horrific set of murders and atrocities against israeli citizens. the united states needs to adopt a similar sort of posture so it's not this weird proportionality. you are actually causing harm to your enemy. >> harris: i want to get to this. critics are lashing out at jake sullivan for his assessment of the middle east. he offered it up a week before the brutal hamas terrorist attack, a week after that attack, he tried to clean it up. >> the middle east region is quieter today than it has been in two decades. >> why was your assessment so far off the mark? >> i made those comments in the context of developments in the wider middle east region over the last few years. the sentence before what you just played i said, in fact, that this was for now and that it could all change. at no point did the biden administration take its eye off the ball of the threats to israel. >> harris: so his words were only good for what, 72 hours? anyway. sullivan wrote an essay that included his initial assertion on the quietness of the middle east. that portion has been scrubbed from the online version. scathing reaction. the stealth edits that prove biden's middle east failure. an excerpt from a columnist. anyone with self-respect should have resigned the position and live out his days in shame. >> i feel really good now. when i step out of the bel and cross the street don't i have to be aware of cross traffic that i might get run over? the administration's obligation is the safety and security and economic vitality of this country. they can't just decide that everything looks great today and that at some point in some mystical future things might not be so good. they have to plan for worst case and behave and act in a way that deters bad behavior by our enemies. that insures we have the capabilities in place to respond to these oh, surprise situations like an invasion of a neighboring country or the murder of innocents at the music festival. the wave your hand and say everything is looking good in the middle east is a depatchment from the reality of the complexity and violence that characterizes much of the middle east and always be thinking about how to secure u.s. interests and they just fail to do that. >> harris: jake sullivan, when he speaks and writes and edit his words he comes across as someone unserious. maybe he is not but maybe not the right person for the job. we need the right person for the job. colonel wood, thank you so much for your time and your expertise. >> my great pleasure, thanks. >> harris: right now more than 80 f.b.i. agents and elite border patrol unit are part of the search for suspected lewiston, maine gunman robert card. officers swarmed his home yesterday. you probably watched it late into the night doing all sorts of things and pretty much everybody but two tactical units rolled away from that house. they didn't find him there and we're told they are still searching. the 40-year-old gunman is suspected of murdering 18 people and injuring 13 at a bowling alley first and then drove four miles to a bar and grill in lewiston, and then he left and left the car at a nearby town. card is an army reservist. police say he has trained as a firearms instructor and consider him armed and dangerous. every picture we have of him confirms that. can they catch him? we're also learning more about the lives of the people he killed. among them a father and his 14-year-old son out for a teenage bolling league. remember the youth bowling league was there in the bowling alley in lewiston. a long time bowl instructor teaching the youth league and others out for a night of fun. there were a lot of young people in that bowling alley. mayor of lewiston and maine senator susan collins both trying to get perspective on the unthinkable. >> this is a time for action, solidarity, and support. >> what makes this crime so heinous is in a typical year, maine might have 22 murders, and last night we almost approached the number for the entire year. >> harris: the number for last year was 29 and she is right, it is close to approaching that with 18 in this one killing. heartbreaking. nate foye is in lewiston, nate. >> so, harris, authorities wrapped up a press conference and there are two things happening right now. the evidence collection and processing that's happening as you mentioned -- at the bowling alley and bar where these shootings happened. the part that everyone is focusing on is the manhunt. that part is really focused on the lisbon boat launch which is where the accused gunman's car was found. the river will be full of divers and tactical teams with sonar technology searching in the river and all around the river. where we are now is the temporary command center. look at the fox news drone. this is where the state agencies and federal agencies assisting are congregating. you mentioned the federal agencies helping the f.b.i., atf. dhs but also the border patrol tactical unit which if you remember not long ago found that escaped inmate in chester county, pennsylvania. take a look at this video from last night. police executed multiple search warrants as the accused shooter's home. we just learned they did find a note, harris, in that home written by the accused shooter. authorities did not say what was in that note. they used a pa system last night telling him to come out of the home. turned out he wasn't there. authorities said moments ago if they do that again, if they keep using pa systems it does not mean they are closing in on an arrest. >> if you hear announcements and pa systems as an example, a piece of that is us just giving notification that yes, in fact, we are the police, we are going to be knocking on this door. we would like you to come out if you are in there. some of that is case law orients, some best practice. some of it is standard operating procedures from our end. >> harris, the shelter in place order remains in effect. authorities are counting on everybody to protect themselves and also to continue providing information. so far authorities have received over 530 tips. we'll send it back to you. >> harris: quickly, nate. we've seen a little bit of this along the way and you can certainly read more about it in local coverage. not a lot of details from law enforcement that this possibly could have been borne out or connected somehow to a domestic situation. what are you learning? >> so we are actively trying to find any sort of motive here. that's not something so far that authorities are prepared to answer here. it is well documented from law enforcement this man's issues with mental health reportedly being pulled out of a training exercise at west point in july because of a mental health episode and alcohol-related incident and he had also complained of hearing voices in his head and received treatment in july for a couple weeks. as far as the motive we'll try to find that out from authorities. >> harris: motive or what set him off. why now? nate foye, thank you very much. i want to bring in now nichole parker, former f.b.i. special agent and our viewers are getting to know you well. you bring your expertise and experience to us and we're certainly grateful for it. let's start off with how large this search is now. your thoughts. >> it's extremely large. there is nothing -- every single stone -- no stone will be unturned. they talked about the water factor. the f.b.i. has something called a search team an underwater team. highly trained officers who are divers. they will dive into this water area potentially looking for evidence, anything he may have dropped. he could have committed suicide and jumped into the water. we don't know. they could be looking for a body, for the firearm, looking for a number of things. it is not just limited to that. it is important you listen closely to what he said. it sounded like he may not have said a lot but as an agent i heard quite a bit. they are looking at air, land, sea. not limiting it to just that area. they are checking the forest, the woods, they are doing multiple search warrants at homes. let's talk about what happened last night at that home. i understand as a normal civilian if you hear surrounded call-out they must think he is inside the home. they are calling out his name. often i can tell you that is standard procedure especially now. i will tell you my best friends were shot and killed in the line of duty while executing a search warrant and not a surrounded call-out in that instance. we're going up against the most dangerous individuals. this person is extremely dangerous. he just killed 18 individuals. normal to approach a home or premise and rather than going straight to the door tactical units will do a surrounded call-out which is what they did. whether they believed he was in there or not you have to assume there is someone in there to cause law enforcement danger and call them out. they can't execute a search warrant until it is deemed safe. once it is cleared, then the searchers go in and execute the warrant and tactical units left that the point. the searchers continued. >> harris: i want to let everybody know on the left side of the screen we look at lisbon falls, maine. this is where there is a car left behind near a boat launch. let me just ask you how common or uncommon is it -- would it be part of a strategy? i will reach a point and leave the car. that actually is going to soak up resources as they look for me as i try to evade and hide. it can and does happen. talk to me about that. >> this person is highly skilled and trained and knows how to evade law enforcement. this could end in various ways. he could commit suicide. he may want a confrontation with law enforcement. law enforcement is looking for him to make any single mistake. he makes a mistake law enforcement can get valuable clues and evidence. it is an all-encompassing crime scene here. we have a manhunt going as well as conducting evidence response team is processing two very complex crime scenes at the bowling alley and the bar. >> harris: and the car. >> and the car and water and difficult terrain. i would like to give law enforcement some credit here. americans are people are used to watching television thinking it gets solved in an hour and oats very complex. as an f.b.i. agent who responded to mass shootings, it is 24/7. law enforcement officers are working their tails off. >> harris: i don't know if america thinks it gets done quickly any longer. look what happened with pennsylvania. they hunted that perp who broke out of prison for two weeks in forest conditions. maine is a special place if regard to that. it is so densely forested. having hiked around some of those areas in maine, i could hide and i wouldn't even be trying. hard to find me if i got lost. this guy wants you to think that he is lost. he wants you to hunt him down. maybe for all of the reasons that you said. real quickly, if along the way he were to take someone, how much more complicated does finding him get? that's been a concern, too. would he kill again, would he take hostages? >> that is a huge concern. that is probably law enforcement's number one concern. he has proven he is willing to kill innocent individuals. the worse situation is a hostage situation. we don't want anyone to be harmed. hostage situation would be -- that's why they are asking to shelter in place. my heart goes out to these residents. to have to stay in your home. law enforcement does that because they don't want a hostage situation. this man is evil and limitless and shown that and we need to protect the citizens of this community. >> harris: it's the start of hunting season this weekend and you will have a lot of people coming from all over the country. it is amazing to be in maine this time of year. but that also complicates because then you have people potentially walking around who don't have houses in the area where they can shelter in place. we pray for everybody and always support law enforcement. nichole parker. we'll keep you standing by in case something breaks this hour. protests against israel are getting larger and happening more and more often in american cities and on college campuses. the fear of anti-semitism is becoming more serious, more dire. plus two american hostages finally freed after being held in hamas terror captivity. i'll speak with their rabbi in "focus" next. this is american infrastructure, a prime target for cyberattacks. but the same ai-powered security that protects all of google also defends these services for everyone who lives here. ♪ (sean) i wish for the amazing new iphone 15 pro! 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(vo) get iphone15 pro, apple tv 4k and 6 months of apple one. all three on us. only on verizon. this is a special alert. israel is under attack and israel's enemies seek our destruction. the people of israel need immediate help. rockets have us squarely in the crosshairs. our people are targets in their own homes. many have lost everything and fear for their lives. the international fellowship of christians and jews has launched an urgent response to rescue those affected by this violent attack. our teams are on the ground across israel delivering lifesaving aid. your urgently needed gift of only $45 will help rush food, water, medicine and emergency supplies for jewish families that have nowhere to turn. time is literally running out. what we need you to do is to act now. >> harris: we had on nichole parker talking about how wide the search has gotten but it is still focused on the two towns part of this two nights ago, the massacre that unfolded in lewiston maine and then went to lisbon falls, maine and dumped his vehicle there. a search near the boat slip in lisbon where the car was found. on the right the schemengees bar and grill. the site of one of the two shootings. they are also outside of that. nichole parker told us before the commercial break these scenes will have law enforcement for some time to come. in the schemengees bar and grill, it's a crime scene they have to go through meticulously to see what they can find. and maybe some clues as to what this man would do next, maybe not. but it is a crime scene that they have to go through and then clear for evidence of anything. and certainly how many bullets were fired. put together the whole court case right there starting with one crime scene. the other crime scene being the bowling alley. we know there are resources there as well working that crime scene. on the left of your screen is something a little bit different. this is part of the search and with access that we know of to at least two boats, one that was registered in particular to robert card, the suspect in all of this. this is where they are focusing by air. we wanted to show you what is going on. there is so much more around this area but schemengees is a focus. people died here like they did at the bowling alley. as people are identified we can share it with you. the family notification is much more important at this point than filling in the gaps on who all of those people are right now. you know here on the "focus" we'll show you that and we will celebrate their lives and we will pray with and for those families. but we will also respect that your privacy right now. as we learn more we'll give it to you. but not until that time. this one of the places where people were injured. i understand that officials are talking about the search right now. let's watch. >> we have agencies working together to help bring justice and try to figure out. it is a tremendous undertaking. having the resources that we have both national and at the state level really gives us a great team to fan out and really try and find him as quickly as possible. >> what are the challenges? >> what discussions? >> we have agencies and different organizations that are here both state and federal. >> how long does something like this take? >> i don't know anything specifically. there is no time limit on it. they do it in a method that they feel that they have covered the area thoroughly. >> a couple hours? >> could be a couple hours or longer. when you talk about a water search in the water, that takes longer than an air search. ground searchers, it is very methodical. they do clear an area within an hour to a couple hours depending on the search area. >> help us understand why this wasn't done yesterday given we knew the car was found here? >> there is a lot of work done yesterday that was done that might not have been visible to the media and cameras. once it was accomplished we had the search in certain areas. >> daylight you have more advantages -- [inaudible] >> certainly this is a better time. when the -- this is one of the better times to be searching and working to lower level assists us a lot to see if there is anything in the water. >> [inaudible question]. >> i don't know. >> really it's about all i have right now. i will be here and if i hear anything new or any new developments i will come out. early afternoon i think i will be able to give you not new information but recap and tell you if there is anything new. tentatively now there will be an afternoon press conference. it looks like around 3:00 but look for details from shannon moss. >> [inaudible question] >> i don't know about that. i know about the boat but i don't know anything whether or not it has been located. >> would the 3:00 press conference be at the lewiston city hall? >> the crews and law enforcement officials searching. how familiar are they with the river? have they had to search this river before? is this a new thing? >> maine game wardens train throughout the year on searches like this. sadly, we do recover multiple bodies out of the water. so they are well trained in this and have been on this river before and are trained to do this type of search. i will leave it at that. thank you. >> tell the us again how many people are here? >> harris: we were listening there to the maine inland fisheries and wildlife department representative there. he told us new information about a 3:00 p.m. tentative news conference at lewiston city hall. this reporters were asking him lisbon falls, which is nearby where the car was found. we do know that robert card is tied through registration to at least one boat, possibly two. he has access to two. we'll say it that way. authorities are working to lower the water level, which will make it easier to search for anything he might have dropped in the river, any kind of evidence. you heard nichole parker, the f.b.i. agent guest who said if they committed suicide they might find a body there. they want to lower the water level and that allows them a little bit more clarity as they search in the water. we do understand that process. they have been doing that for a while. it takes time to do that and they have done it before. people fall in the water and you heard the officer say they have had to be ready for water rescue situations because people do recreationally fall in. in this instance one of the reporters asked him why didn't you do this before? why wasn't this one of the first areas that you searched near the car? he didn't give a clearance on that. he may not know. his search responsibility today includes where that boat slip was or is, which is nearby where the car ended up that robert card is last known to have been in. so we'll continue to cover the story. that was a pop-up on the fly near one of the search scenes and we'll anticipate that tentative 3:00 p.m. eastern news conference at lewiston city hall. [shouting] >> harris: anti israel protesting has gotten more intense in new york city. demonstrators are burning american flags. this was last night outside city hall after marching from wall street. they accuse president biden of genocide for supporting israel and we keep seeing scenes like this one on the streets of major cities in america. tensions also rising on college campuses, you know that. in new orleans two people arrested near a rally near to an university turned violent. more arrests are expected to come. there are cameras everywhere. a rabbi who is a scholar visiting at harvard said this. >> harvard has an anti-semitism problem. it is not alone. it shares it with my alma mater the university of pennsylvania, with gw, with columbia, with a lot of universities in different ways. i don't think we should be abandoning the universities. a lot of good comes out of them. but i and a lot of other people of goodwill are fighting against this and i hope that we can make progress because the problem is real. and it is not small. >> harris: did you notice the list he just gave in those are some of the mostly let colleges in america. david wolf was his name. let's welcome rabbi to the freed american hostages judith and natalie. let's talk about first these very disturbing protests that we're seeing around the country. rabbi, i welcome you to "the faulkner focus." your reaction to the anti-semitism that it's always been there but now it's on full display. >> harris, i just saw those videos that you guys put up on the screen moments ago. what we're seeing on college campuses and on the streets of america is deeply, deeply disturbing. let me first share the positive side. the good news is that we see so many moral and upstanding kids on college campuses who are standing strong. they know right from wrong. they know good from evil and they are brave in standing in front of america to tell the world the truth. to them i say be strong, be proud, shine your light. a little light even in very dark spaces illuminates very widely and dispels much darkness. the moral -- >> harris: okay. >> the moral depravity of these professors and enablers inciting america's youth with vile hatred is deplorable. reminiscent of 1930s nazi germany youth demonsdemonstrati a precursor for a holocaust. this is a war against morality and civilization. these university leaders and professors and students inciting this will have a day of reckoning. were you on the side of good or evil? every generation anti-semitism rears its ugly head in a different form and different idea. each time another excuse to try to obliterate the jew. but we've been through this thousands of years it happens every generation. and we're still here to tell the tale. the jewish people are standing strong and proud and we'll continue. good will prevail over evil. light will overpower the viciousness, hate and evil. the jewish people will continue to thrive and flourish. the light of god will ultimately continue to shine and it's at the center of our worldview. the truth and everlasting divine morality. so to our viewers, to everyone, you have to ask the question which side of the fence do you want to be on? are you on the side of good or on the side of evil? >> harris: all right. rabbi, i will talk with you another time about the hostages you know who were rescued. we have breaking news now and thank you so much for all of your words. trey yengst near the israel/gaza border right now. trey. >> we're not sure exactly what's taking place here but you can hear in the distance israeli artillery firing into the northern part of the gaza strip. throughout the past 30 to 40 minutes a lot of that outgoing fire along with air strikes along gaza. this could be the israelis softening the target ahead of a ground advance. we don't know. we do know according to the country's defense minister that soon his forces will go into gaza. i met with him and talked about the preparations saying once israeli troops do enter gaza it will take months, not weeks. you see the explosions behind me. those are air strikes. artillery in the distance continuing to hammer different targets along the gaza border. this is different than what we have seen over the past several nights. we have been in the very location. sometimes there is mortar fire into this border community. but you hear right now i want you to listen to that. these are specific strikes across the northern part of gaza and it is the heaviest fire on the gaza strip since the war erupted 21 days ago. >> harris: we're seeing a difference in another way, too. yesterday and today were the two largest ground raids, the sort of minor invasions, if you will, brief, go in, target leadership and buildings on the ground with a lot of idf soldiers and then pull back. can you talk about what those accomplish in terms of strategy? >> yeah, absolutely. the israelis just want you to listen to those strikes there. this is very significant fire. >> harris: we can see them and listen. this is gaza city. [numerous explosions] >> you hear fighter jets overhead. >> harris: we can hear all of that, trey. so this is from the air. >> this is different than the other nights. it's from the air and fro fer the ground. >> harris: talk again about the strategy of the small targeted ground invasions. >> absolutely. the past several nights under much less fire than we're seeing right now, the israelis have tried to go into gaza launching what they're describing as limited raids. they were conducted by a brigade of infantry soldiers near the gaza border. we talked with a number of those soldiers saying they're ready to go to gaza when the orders are given for the full scale invasion. these raids really served as a preview for what's to come. as they entered gaza they entered in a specific order. first d-nine bulldozers, armored bulldozers cleared a path and behind them israeli tanks and infantry troops. israelis say they were able to destroy a number of cells along the border. using the air force now to strike different targets that they weren't able to get in the overnight raids. the purpose is very clear here. they have expressed two reasons for the raids. one to clear a path in and destroy anti-tank guided missile cells along the border and any pockets they might face or be ambushed by as they enter gaza and using the air force to strike the cells along the border. the second reason that they provided to us was to gather information on the hostages inside gaza. we should note that hamas, the group in control of the strip, the organization that launched that brutal assault on october 7th, they have claimed israeli strikes killed upwards of 50 of the hostages. now we cannot independently verify that number. in the past they've given incorrect information. they are playing a double hand here. they want to fight the israelis on the ground with rocket fire and small arms fire that we've heard and seen throughout the day. three weeks into the war they are able to fire on major population centers and trying to win the information war. part of the reason the israelis tonight released new information about the hospital, the largest hospital inside gaza sitting in the center of gaza city. many of the images you have seen throughout the past few weeks are from that hospital. the israeli released a map and simulation of what it looks like underneath the hospital. it is a network of tunnels according to israeli military where many hamas leaders are hiding. i have been to that hospital a number of times. when you are inside gaza and conflict he represent this is where people are taken. we've met hamas officials here. israelis aren't just delivering the information without supporting evidence. they try to detail to the world the enemy they're up again and hides amidst an urban environment and the defense minister said they'll face a challenging battlefield in the days and weeks ahead. >> harris: we've taken the full screen for our viewers to focus in on. this is gaza city. i want to point out how clear a night it is and how easy it is to see they're lighting up the earth in what you have described, trey, is different from anything that we've seen in terms of israel's response to hamas terrorist attacking on october 7th. this is a pivotal moment. what we're watching are air strikes and the short burst ground invasions being carried out. from what you are saying, trey, we'll see that with the penetrating air strikes hitting strategic targets. the mention of the hospital and the tunnels and potential for civilians even to be near and under. all of that being on purpose to have human shields. people hurt makes me think about the new number of hostages, trey, that hamas tried to float to the world. were there 300 and then floating 50 were killed. they inflate that number so if we were blessed enough to have the idf and even american troops rescue hostages in the number closer to what they have told us is 229, it would make it look like so many of more of those hostages have been killed. it is a mind game of epic proportions. >> absolutely. when we talk about the numbers here, we saw this firsthand. i've been texting with hamas officials inside gaza. they are constantly sending numbers we cannot independently verify so i don't take them to air. they are trying to play this information war alongside the ground war that is quickly developing. we should note here, inside gaza there is a palestinian-run health ministry responsible for providing the numbers to us about the people that are killed inside gaza. there is no way to confirm that information. >> harris: everyone is taking a look at ashkelon. my team is telling me we're looking at ashkelon. we'll continue watching this. 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Militia , Military Hit , Bases , Thing , State Department Pentagon , Changes , 24 , Borders , Pair , Exchange , F 16s , 16 , Warning , Ayatollah , Munitions , Weapons , Interests , Americans , Interest , Proxies , Retaliation , Last Tuesday , Self Defense , Secretary Austin , Personnel , Hamas Conflict , Rack , Shift , Don T Change , Troops , President , 2000 , 900 , Attack , Middle East , Notes , October 7th , Guest , National Security Council , John Kirby , 7 , Air Strikes , Rocket Attacks , Proxy , Orange , Ability , Iraq , Funding , Proxies Groups , Resourcing , Storage Weapons Facilities , Training , Retired Marine , Times , Proportionality , Strategist , Lieutenant Colonel , Marine Corps Special Operations Command , Couple , Enemy , Approach , Responses , Opportunities , Consequences , Package , Enemies , Weapon , Pairs , Doesn T Make Sense , Enemy Doesn T Combat Nuance , Mortars , Bombs , Terror Groups , Terms , Sanctions , Last , Market , Don T , Messages , Money , Ballistics , Snap , Killer Drones , 1 Hundred Billion , Hundred Billion , Kind , It , Protest , Spite , Mischief , Obama , Billion , 6 Billion , Problem , Fighters , Challenge , Effects , Fixes , Anything , Support , Mignons , Ukraine , Fact , Dose , Antibiotic , Pressure Mounts , Half , Virus , Way , Area , Resources , Position , Capabilities , Opportunity , Actors , Benefit , Fray , Things , Antibiotics , Metaphor , Body , Figure , Doesn T , Men And Women , Places , Former , Military , Planet , Human Beings , Anybody , Ammo , Hit Tehran , Building , Five , Reporting , Prisoner Deal , Risk Averse , Lot , Dollar , Bullet , Cash , Fungibility , Nothing , Argument , Jar , Ridiculousness , Part , Fight , Distraction , Detachment , Others , Islamic , Hezbollah , Reality , Policy Path , Harm , Audience , Colonel Wood , Stores , Special Ops , Marine Corps , Israel Will Go Into Gaza , Supply Lines , Guests , Telegraph , Citizens , Weapons Store , Murders , Atrocities , Set , Sort , Posture , Critics , Lashing , Jake Sullivan , Assessment , Terrorist Attack , Developments , Sentence , Comments , Context , Mark , Change , Eye , Ball , Threats , What , 72 , Essay , Assertion , Portion , Quietness , Version , Anyone , Reaction , Stealth Edits , Self Respect , Columnist , Excerpt , Failure , Bel , The Street Don T , Shame , Cross Traffic , Country , Security , Everything Looks Great Today , Obligation , Vitality , Situations , Behavior , Everything , Depatchment , Hand , Murder , Wave , Innocents , Music Festival , Thinking , Violence , Complexity , Person , Someone , Expertise , Job , Thanks , Pleasure , Home , Officers , Fbi , Agents , Sorts , Gunman Robert , Elite Border Patrol , 80 , Everybody , Units , Gunman , Car , Army Reservist , Town , Bowling Alley First , Lives , Firearms Instructor , Picture , Armed And Dangerous , Youth Bowling League , Son , Father , Teenage Bolling League , 14 , Susan Collins , Perspective , Youth League , Night Of Fun , Bowl Instructor Teaching , Mayor , Crime , Solidarity , Number , 22 , Authorities , Nate Foye , Killing , Heartbreaking , 29 , Evidence , Everyone , Collection , Shootings , Manhunt , Processing , River , Lisbon Boat Launch , Divers , Teams , Sonar Technology Searching , Accused Gunman , Agencies , Command Center , Fox News Drone , Are Congregating , Look , Dhs , Last Night , Video , Chester County , Inmate , Border Patrol Tactical Unit , Pennsylvania , Atf , Note , Shooter , Search Warrants , Pa System , Pa Systems , Arrest , Announcements , Door , Example , Case Law Orients , Piece , Notification , Operating Procedures , Practice , End , More , Details , Tips , Coverage , 530 , Motive , Situation , Man , Mental Health , Issues , Training Exercise , Head , July , Incident , Episode , Hearing Voices , West Point , Treatment , Nichole Parker , Viewers , Special Agent , Experience , Thoughts , Stone , Search Team , Water Factor , Unturned , Team , Water Area , Water , Suicide , Firearm , Agent , Hair , Forest , The Woods , Homes , Name , Talk , Procedure , Civilian , Let , Search Warrant , Individuals , Call Out , Line , Instance , Duty , Friends , Premise , Searchers , Warrant , Safe , Law Enforcement Danger , Lisbon Falls , Strategy , Boat Launch , Ways , Mistake Law Enforcement , Confrontation , Mistake , Crime Scene , Clues , Crime Scenes , Evidence Response Team , Terrain , Television , Credit , Oats , Tails , Law Enforcement Officers , Prison , Forest Conditions , Perp , Regard , Areas , Guy , Reasons , Hostage Situation , Heart , Residents , Hunting Season , Start , Who Don T Have Houses , College Campuses , Protests , Rabbi , Anti Semitism , Fear , Plus Two American Hostages , Terror Captivity , Target , Services , Cyberattacks , Google , Verizon , Pro , Titanium , Sean , Jason , Apple Tv , Vo , 6 , 4k , Alert , Destruction , Many , Response , Crosshairs , International Fellowship Of Christians And Jews , Supplies , Gift , Medicine , Aid , Emergency , Rush Food , 45 , 5 , Families , Jewish , Towns , Boat Slip , Schemengees Bar , Vehicle , Scenes , Break , Site , Schemengees , Court Case , Bullets , Boats , Left , Access , Particular , Family Notification , Gaps , Filling , Privacy , Undertaking , Justice , Level , Challenges , Discussions , Method , Time Limit , Organizations , Ground Searchers , Water Search , Work , Wasn T , Cameras , Media , Advantages , Inaudible , I Don T Know , Inaudible Question , Recap , Afternoon Press Conference , Shannon Moss , 00 , 3 , Boat , City Hall , Crews , Game Wardens , Searches , Bodies , Type , Representative , Wildlife Department , Maine Inland Fisheries , Him Lisbon Falls , Reporters , Lewiston City Hall , Water Level , Registration , There , Process , Clarity , Officer , Wasn T This One , Water Rescue , Responsibility , Clearance , Eastern News Conference , Pop Up , Fly , Story , Shouting , Biden Of Genocide , Streets , Demonstrators , Flags , Marching , Wall Street , Arrests , University , Tensions , Rally , New Orleans , Harvard , Anti Semitism Problem , Scholar , Everywhere , Universities , Good , Alma Mater , University Of Pennsylvania , Columbia , Gw , Goodwill , Fighting , List , Progress , Colleges , David Wolf , Freed American Hostages Judith And Natalie , Guys , Videos , Display , Evil , Kids , Wrong , Light , World , Truth , Standing , Front , Moral , Spaces , Depravity , Professors , Youth , Hatred , Enablers , Reminiscent , Youth Demonsdemonstrati , Nazi Germany , 1930 , Morality , University Leaders , Civilization , Holocaust , Precursor , Students , Generation , Form , Reckoning , Excuse , Jew , Thousands , Tale , Center , Worldview , Viciousness , Hate , God , Question , Fence , Trey Yengst , Gaza Border , Artillery Firing , Defense Minister , Preparations , Ground Advance , Explosions , Distance , Mortar Fire , Location , Border Community , Invasions , Difference , Yesterday And Today , Leadership , Buildings , Go In , Fighter Jets , Fro , Fer , Raids , Ground Invasions , Infantry Soldiers , Brigade , Path , Bulldozers , Preview , Tanks , Armored Bulldozers , D , Nine , Border , Cells , Purpose , Air Force , Infantry , Pockets , Guided Missile , Reason , The Strip , Assault , Rocket Fire , 50 , Information War , Arms , Population , Hospital Inside Gaza , Images , Simulation , Map , Israeli Military , Network , Hiding , Israelis Aren T , Hides , Environment , Battlefield , Earth , Terrorist , Mention , Potential , Civilians , Being , Human Shields , 300 , Numbers , Mind Game , Epic Proportions , 229 , Ground War , Texting , Palestinian Run Health Ministry Responsible , Graphics , Statement , Fastsigns , Tongues Wagging , Newday , House , Contract , Service , Pocket , Down Payment , My Va Home Loan , Call Newday , Vets , Fairfield Suisun , Data , Tools , Ransomware , Chromebook , Education , Learning ,

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