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The israelhamas war triggering a spike in attacks on our troops in the region. A u. S. Centcom spokesperson telling, fox news, that two dozen u. S. Service members were actually injured last week from drone and Rocket Attacks on american bases in iraq and syria. All of the injured personnel have since returned to duty. The pentagon is now bolstering u. S. Resources in the region, both for protection as well as as a deterrent. And we are posturing Additional Forces in the region for two reasons. One, again, to bolster our broader regional deterrence efforts. Two, to send a clear message that we will protect our forces. We will always maintain the inherent right of selfdefense. And if there is a response, should we choose to have one, we would do that at a time and place of our choosing. The white house, meantime is also developing Contingency Plans to evacuate americans from The Middle East in case the israelhamas war spreads. However, National Security spokesperson john kirby is right now that theres no, quote, active efforts to evacuate americans from the region. It would be imprudent and irresponsible if we didnt have folks thinking through a broad range of contingencies and possibilities and and certainly evacuations are one of those things. Were not at a of execution right now. John, over at the white house, President Biden, meantime, also speaking with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman yesterday. The two leaders discussing efforts to prevent the israelhamas war escalating. According to the white house, they agreed to pursue diplomatic to, quote, maintain stability in the region. Im kevin corke in washington. Now back to more. Gutfeld gutfeld yeah, there we go. Happy tuesday, everybody there tearing down fliers because theyre across deniers. E they yeah, it looks like the kids a arent. All righ yeah, t. Theyve lost their minds. College kids are falling down and dont ask why youre Holding Everything in your to give them to nice guys and this and i find that kids are right kids. All right, guys. Its true. Last week several nyu students caught tearing down fliers with pictures of the israeli hostages stillearing dfy hamas. You know, because tearing down statues is so 20, 21, one explained her actions with a woke word salad that would make kamala reach for the croutons. Quote, i have found it increasingly difficult to know my place as a Biracial Brown woman, especially during these highly volatile times. I felt more and more frustrated about the time we currently find Ourselveslain Herwith a w d that anger into actions now my p of whotly fiate i am as a personnd. You know, lives always Say Something like that when they get in trouble. You know, that bad thing you saw me do that really isnt who i am. Ways s its a milder version of Pleading Insanity after you kill someoneayin , you just followed your belief and youre doing a genius. Who else was it anyway . Flo from progressive. Thats on you, lady. Your actions represent, who you are as a person, no matter how you try to gaslight, gaslight everybody. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then tearing one down is worth at least that and really tearing down a poster is silencing a per something. And you always say silenceso is violencmatter h. E. Ring t she also used your skin color as a defense. I diheg someth d because im brown. Of course, if we said that you did it because youre brown, wed be canceled faster than lizzos subscription to the saladso use of the month clu hb. Ancele but this so calledd misplaced ange r isnt a one off. Throw a dart on the map and youll find its on every campus, even high schools. At stanford. Some palestinian students were harassed while tearing down posters of the hostages. Out on dg downainte the victims by the stanford daily. Yes. They were confronted pstages. Ty th while they excused terrorism. But theyre the victims, nott ts those being burned alive or beheaded. Remember, these are usually the samee beheaded people who call misgendering folk an act of violence. But are now defending those who throw off a roof. But for them, theyre not wheree the action is. But far enough awayse a. Cky for so their identity doesnt entail risk. Wherthe Actis Protesterr you you see no empathy for t the hostages, no recognitionhe s of, our common humanity, just recomplete self obsession, less selfcontrol than youd see from Chris Christie at a you eating contestommon nity, j you know, it doesnt feel like the old days. Its not normal college kids being stupid. This is maniacal madness. A brain effect, a bona fide political hysteria. Congratulations, professors. Mission accomplished. Campuses are now where the truth ends up more confused than ilhanl eing stu olmerts husbands. Gr at ada family reunion. And speaking of families, where are the parentliess . Do they have anything . Thank you. Do they have any ideakids a whether their kids are actually theirs anymore . Thosere ymore . Are also held hostage, or rather, their brains are. Is mom and dad fine with what they become on their dime . Is this a result of their own ignorance and lax belief . We have to move past these stupid kids these days because its else. Much like hysteria over is tignoranc. Ething but why . Muyid antisemitism, especiall e pampered brats whove never been oppressed a day in their live s. Theyre no better than those losers in Khakis Chanting Jewslr will replace us. But at least their tiki torches used alternativet energy sources. And today theres more of this hate than that one off. E but the mediofa, their favorites and todays students have no immunity against awful. Critical thinking is now considered racist. Nothing penetrate their bubble. And its not just students tearing down posters. Lots of adults have been struck by this Mind Virus Heir in miami. Boston . It was dentists. What the are they teaching at . Cothing ca school. By jews. Not black in l. A. It waston it wdentist makeup a. Its enough to make your mascara run. Baltimore, nyc. T. Its happening everywhere. Meanwhile, the white housesh t to, you guessed it, islamophobia. U guessed it, is what this len right now about the potential rise antisemitism in light of everything thats going on in israel. So a couple of things. Gs. Look, we have not seen any Credible Threats. I know theres been always questions, Credible Threats that look muslim and those perceived to be muslim have endured a disproportionate number of, hate fueled attacks. And certainly President Biden understands, that many of our muslim Arab Americans and Palestinian American ones and neighbors are worried about the hate being directed at their communities. Now, after getting deservedly roasted for she nowdr says she misheard the question. Ic still, its no wonder why Many American jews feel abandoned when Jewisdested Forhs he never felt so isolated from people. He considered allies who now seem supportive of jewish. So now we must show atrocitiesno since the denial that they occurred persist. Aton monday, the idf shared vide containing graphic evidence. Ncthe horrors hamas inflicted on israeli civilians. Which brings me back to these college kids. Will they back up their beliefs and look at those videos . Shouldnt we make them . Why let these gutless cowards dismiss the evidence of hamas Crimes Without A Fight . After all, you want to know why these kids are tearing down the Hostage Posters . Ce and theyre in an environment where thats okay. Sh. Ese Kidsokay Deos . A world where the New York Times relies on hamas to tell them the truthhostagthey are. And the white house ises more worried about equity than equality. A Worllies On Mosque Td where 1y professors signed a letter accusing israel of and saying we need to put the slaughter of jews into the contextne of, quote, Settler Colonial Occupation and european empire. Oh, they love context when it excuses the murder of jews. The problem is the rest of us have to live in the same world. These freaks arent going away and they arent willing to listen. This isnt just about israel versus palestine. Its about Civilizatio S the Mun Versuslist those who despise it. Its time for parents to wake enthis i palestiup and look at e and how they parent. And ask yourself, should i be sending little billy to a place that replaces geometry with gender and history with hysteria, a place that turns your once happy curious child into an angry, desly to l robot that mock a massacre . If you dont step up, then maybe youre the problem Toople Mass The Apple doesnt fall far from the tree, and now its rotte n to its core. Whats left to deadites . Yes. As a defense attorney anderlead cheerleader, she worked with aer lot of the same people. Mostt of theme peopl the fox tre podcasts. Emily yo. Hes like sandpaper rough, scratchy and a bad alternative for toilet paper. Comedian flaherty. He almost made new york red and even dams wish. They had him instead. Former new york congressman lee zeldin. And she was the only girl scout to wear a shoulder holster. Down hall, dotcom editor and Fox News Contributor katie pavelichedr je. H. Emily, you know, we can fall into this trap as older folk. Im saying myself, of saying, look at these kids these days. Fl every i generation this. But this, to me, doesnt seem like a normal college. It suggests a greater sense, a greater hysteria going on. R ht what do you think . Yeah. Whats, its itergoing on one symptom, one that is particularly insidious. And unpalatable that weve been seeing fomenting for quite some time. Ing fo i think, frankly, that that for four decades now, we have seenr. The of a social agitation of communist essentially and socialists infiltrating our academic institutions and. T essentially parents and anyone with common sense is really ng our Aitutionsfighting A Tougt that they have to counteract all the that the kids pick up from schools and were starting to see now. I think because the are so highi and, you know, people show you who they areds when no ones looking. And so when you have these people that are saying, oh thats not who i am, its just because they were cut. You have Karine Jeanpierre sayingone is ld so whe, oh, i Mo The Question because she got pushback. Believe what peoplpyr saying min they dont think a camera is on them, when they think they are free to say exactly what is on their mind. And the irony to me, which you touched here is what jerry baker talked about in his column today, which is essentially know hamas and those horrible Terrorist Organizations are laughing they because these dumb kidshe are doing their work for them. M, whe they arthey are willfullg these falsehoods. And hamas is laughing because, e. Thats who they would slaughter to. You think any of them would last 2 seconds. For Ere Willer Gettithey also embode Terrorist Organizations hate. And theyre flying the flags broader and louder than they are thanks to the Current D State of america that allows it. You kno terrorisw, i often say thatsens not me. When im caught doing somethinay ts not g, its a ras. Rash like jim. I play this game in my head like, what would i do if i came across Somebody Ripping downme those posters . I assume that you would probably do something. I dont know. I mean, you never know. I guess i just cant believe someone that young. All these people at young actually putting their phone down to do something physical. Yea. H. You know, youve got to give them credit there. Thatsph ysical. The one bright spot. I just. I just hate that this is dominating the news. All this stuff, likeere. Its happening everywhere. Its all over the news. What else . Thats t just hatamericans really need ts on whats important . You know, travis, kelsey, and tell where. Yes. You know, were missing out on that. We are about thisaylor stuff like my sons 13. Do i send to college and he has to be around that stuff . I dont know. No, i dont pay all that money. I think you should homeschool him, jim. Yeah. I cant be around. Im not by. I would love to see you as a home schooler. Couc you know, i almost got homh ean . School because i was getting in trouble all the time. So the parents are. They can be home, but then asey go, we dont want would l theme pare here either. Send them back. Yeah. That wasnt home schoolingnt. Was like just staying at home. Yeah. Yes. Nt , either me no one was schoolina yeah, we. I again, i dont think. I think that it would fall on deaf ears if you were just complaining about i the nature of college students. Right. Because we do that all the time. Thats not. Ure of i dont thin ck thats what this is. Becausn. Cultural phenomeno its been building for a while on these college campuses. On h palestineustice while were funding these efforts that might appear organic, but they werent. Theyve infiltrated administration, faculty, student body. You bust your during school to get the grades and the extracurriculars to get accepted into harvard university. Our butt and you pay all of that money to have, you know, Bill De Blasio and Lori Lightfooto Get T Teaching you in class. Yeah, maybe you should save your money and pursue some of these other places of Higher Education where theres a corefh Moral Compass that guides the universityer, guides the curriculum that guides the faculty. I am jewish. I went through kindergarten, through 12th grade. I went through college lawthere. School, four years of active duty. The military never experienced antisemitismndergar. And what weve seen over the last few years, its Probabl Y Thousandsbably Of Times Over Social Media that ive been called, you know, a th or sympathizerle over the course of the last few years. Dia lled a nazi or n my are a, jim. Theyre theyre 17. Olde17, senis. Their applications are now going in. And i want them to be able to have an experience where they are encouraged to think whereindependently, be jewish,r you could go there and be whatever faith you to be in, whatever background, whatever ethnicity you want to be. But right now, its creating an environment where people feel threatened to go from their dorm to, their classroom. People who are talking like Hamas Terrorists, theyre dressing Hamas Terrorists and they are threatening violence. So i think we all need to speak up. And that includes the left, because there have been a lot of jewish democrat. Right. Who have defended aoc and tlaib and omar and now you see that these people who you were defending werent going to be there for you when October 7th D rolls around in israel . Mmhmm. Yep. Be at ever f you knowant to bd,. E katy so i met you thisthereve on the five earlier, and it struck me that like when we talk hate crimes, we always talk about the victims. We never sa around iyy and who the victimizers are. So theyll go like, Me Te You Know , 51 of all hate the crimes are are antisemitic. Why do we never mentioncans whos doing it . Thats such its its the dog. Thats nothe dog. Well, as a wise man named greg gutfeld told Me Last Weekae on the five, its because theyre not white supremacists. Theyre forekthe five it doet go with the narrative that theyve been pushing and continue to push know the phenomenon that were seeing with college kids. I think shows the contagion of evil when, you know, these are Ollege Kstudents now sayingt wasnt really me, i didnt really mean it. Well, okay, then youre basically saying youre doing it because your friends did it. You thought it was cool. So thats a big problem. But i have a solution to this. Ive changed my opinion about a thing. I usually am not all about b taxpayers paying for student your to pay forot all Student Loans on one condition. All of these kid ataxpays have. Internship in gaza. Mmhmm. But before they go re they , they had to wrap themselves in the trans flag, and they have to show up when. They ask them their name. They have to say identify is they zorzi yes. And then they can learn some practical skills, like digging out water pipes that theyll use for rockets against jews. You know, they can pour concrete supposed to be forase o schools, but then they build tunnels. Theres a lot of upsider ets i think thata s a very novel. And you cant party in tel aviv where its actually fun, safe. You have to stay in the strip. Exactly. Live your principles. All right. Up next, why conservatism is all the rage as mor et the je americans age. Meet the jennifers gen x andrgaw gen z, each planningea their future through the change mobile. Gen x is planning a summer in portugal with some help fro jpmorgan. Well plan lets go whiskers gen well plan lets go whiskers gen y is workinggolden. To budget for her birthday. She only turned 30 once and gen. Z her credits golden hellots new apartment three gen getting ahead with Cheapyo Solutionse Tl that grow with you one bank for now for later for Life Chasesufr make more of whats yours. This is ourin last to help Save Thousands of Holocaust Survivors who are suffering in the former soviet union today because support the needs that these forgotten jews havetl are something beyond anything you can imaginf e. At s have you eaten this morning . Have you eaten this morning . Yeahheot. 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Does getting long in the tooth bring you closer to the truth . True. Youre more likely to lean right if you have to. Closerfive times a night. For me, its four. According to the wall street journal, as youigi age, you becomef more conservative because the more you learn, the more you wiseo pay more than night. Du you also become more likely to consume Relief Factor by the truckloasee more ylso becod. Researchers say as you make more money and acquire more assets, youre to prefer more conservative policies like lower taxes that help protect what you earned, which will enable you to Realp To Thatlike lke to c nice young man at applebeesow. A lit also you live long enough to see that none of the democrats Promises Eveough to re and that you accrue these things through hard work and savings and not from stealing it from your childs college fund. And as you pass middle age and approach retirement, eventually youll start to leanf right and not just because of the Hip Replacement any trumps change, which of the is why liberal policies that destroy sociareplacl orderl arent popular with folks whove spent decades building witha foundation for themselves and their families. So whats this Meafamilies N for 2024 . Well, if you cant tell by the commercials on this channel, he americans are getting older. Their ideals on ta of a greew deal is a fresh shipment of balance of nature. Veggie capsules. Lance of course, well also need pillows and ointments and most l all, gold. Birth rates are down and the average age is going up. Thats a sizable voting base for republicans. So get their votes now becausea they die. Theyll u vote democratp. Yo, lee, i had a number of bad ideas when i was young. I grew out of them by being exposed to their results. Its that old line. A conservative is a liberal, mugged by reality. The problem is were not in reality it doing much mugging anymore. We need reality. Muggers. Result i think that might i be starting recently. I meanconserva is just, here in saw during our campaign herethe Younger Voters were concerned about crime and public safety. They had to be right. And then you see whats going on in the world overseas. And now when you start to think like, whats the most important issue thats facin ight. G america now, you instead of john kerry lecturing you,mern that its about, you know, Climate Change and whatever, pushing on the global stage or al gore. Times have changed hes pu bit, but conservatives need to speak to these youngconser voters. When i went to these places to talk to the students, theyre listening. Mmhmm. But i dont think a lot buof republicans even showing u. And part of it is showing up in person. But its also on social. Theyre not getting their news from traditional news sources. Theyre getting it maybe from, you know, snapchat one year anda then five years later, its some new social media platform. Soret may be snapchat feel like republicans, conservatives are not engaging Well Enouga Platfo feel lih thrt think. You dont think Mitch Mcconnell has it in with il has its you. I think, by the way, you go to your theory. I wish that, you know, Maxine Waters and nancy pelos . I, some of these others who have aged, had found a conservative event somewhereun along the way. But thats not the case. Conse eyd a look up, you know, like these these democrat leaders, theyre still getting the votes. Joe bidens still getting the votes. But i think that theres an opportunity for young, fresh, conservative ideas and relate ability to shoknow, thw up and o that theyre listening we saw it in new york las t year. P. All right. You know, jim, i have an idea. A all righi th t. You know where really where truth comes. Comedy. Comedy is where you hear truth. People love going to comedy clubs. And you listen to somebody say things that theyre thinking but cant say, why dontdy. They teach comedy in college. Wouldnt that make a likyou hea . It would probablyt be terrible, wouldnt it . Oh, yeah. That tha that t. Terrib that you couldnt last. I remember in like 1995, i said bithe word chick on stage, and they withheld my pay because said i was sexist. They said i was sexist because i used to have a joke. I had long hair down to here. And i said i got pulled over on the way and a cop goes, you know, i pulled you all where i go because i look like m still t here aa chick. And it was just a stupid operating joke. And they would tell my pay it why were going to pay me because. I said i was sexist and this was in 1995. So imagine what would go on now on a college campus. Thats why no comics really. Do you know collegesimagine n n . Do you know . Yeah. Its that hilarious. Used to be a profit center. Its not worth it. Yeah, its not. You dont even. You dont even go there. But, i mean, i was like this when i was younger, too, because i lived in the city in a sho you donone box, and i d all these crazy ideas. I was going to change the world. And then when i got older, i moved to the suburbs. I had to start paying taxes. To hasim like, why is my moneyg here . This is ridiculous. This is a my cause. So i it but then again, they say as you get older, you get more conservative. As Ytar Payi Joe when joe biden being cool went on. Yeaer you gh, maybe he is hin went a long time ago. Uring on katie if this is true that theng older you get, the more conservative time you get. Isnt there some kind of shortcut like an hov lane to speed the process up . Nsfer of yeah, transfer of wisdom that, like, gets directly to the source. Maybe a shot of some kind. Yeah, i dont know. Ive called myself a grumpy millennial because ive never been a liberal. I guess that makes iosco mu wiser than all of the people in my generation. Th the problem is we keep bailing people out like were paying for their Student Loans. Keep baitheyre with their pare the 35 theyre paying fo35r their all of their bills. So the whole process of havinga reality mug you literally sometimes in new york or washington, d. C. Terally , isnt happening. And so people arent actually growing intoarent being more responsible, which means being a conservative. Yeah. Were you ever a leftiseing more. Liberal . You were. You were a defense attorney, correct . Yes. That was during the hiring freeze in california. Of all days. Were a oh, right. It thats right. So you were a Diversity Highy . No, i dont even know what wee had. Weha our Holiday Party at a raiders stadium while i was cheering when they loved me. Anyway, we had to tell you, too, because i actually took Bee A Comedy Class at nyu. I was a visiting student. Like i took a Semestercomedy C at during the summer when i took a class on comedy. Well, it existed, but that was back in 92. Pay off then . No, i mean, i. Greg i dont even know what ii men , learned to your point. Yes. I think the problem with the headline is not that age makes k you more conservative. It is that experience makes pru more conservative becaus eare mu are mugged by reality, because you are earning your money. Youre seeing youre partyinggig with your effort and labor. Youre seeing the fruits of all of your work and youre seeing it for the most part going because youre seeing high taxes that are going toward a bunch of recidivist felons out on the street and crimeruit everywhere. And i just think whats soof terrible about all of these kids running around in lyour wfa land, like joe malone, son that, you know, started and rla lan letter and whateve its the Upper East Side effect. Is that how many congresspeopld and mayors have we seen that have now gone back onne their word back about defunding the police . Yeah, you know, theyre bloody nose and theyre black. Ere but i we need more police force. The whole point is that they get to turn around and turn back on their statement now that theyve seen the light that crime. Yes. Hurts. Violence is terrible but that its preventable ed more of 20 th but. , her whats not what is impossible to claw back are all the lives Lostscis Terhat ie of those idiots. So the problem is all of us that sit on this side and have just frankly common sense see the mistakes that are being perpetuated, the cost of human lives. Thats the saddest part. It is the saddest part, apparently, that comedy class did not pay off. N all right. Up next, adam from the Lone Star Stateistakes the cos who r fox news is proud to you this shes a hero moment. Even today, a quarter of stemrs graduates are women. Theyd go, odres innovh you donk like an engineer. There is this preconception. S are for boys, but diversity drives innovation. My goal is to really flipcreate script. T pick something that you love and go for it. And go for it. How do we live we live on the moon . 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Were giving away this fully furnished, four bedroom, three and a half bath right here in the heart of middle america. Sign up today at one country icon. This is a fox news alert. Im Marianne Rafferty in los angeles. Senate republicans are pushing for major changes to President Bidens 106 billion Emergency Funding Request for israel and ukraine. Those changes reportedly focus on toughening policies to secure our southern border. Some Senate Republicans also voicing concerns about additional aid to ukraine in the measure. They argue it should be brought to the floor in a separate bill. Now, even if the does pass this emergency funding bill, it still cant be voted on in the house until a new speaker is elected. The full house is expected to vote later today on its newest speaker nominee, representative mike johnson. The Louisiana Republican survived a Late Night Vote by his party after majority whip tom emmer dropped out of the race earlier the day. Johnson needs 217 votes to become speaker. Im Marianne Rafferty. Now back to gutfeld. All right. The recordings are conclusive thisest. Texas texas dems abusi. I speak of democratic Sheila Jackson lee, who was recently heard on tape in a profanity laced Tirade Berating her own staff. Roll it. Her ow i dont want you to think i want you to have a brain. I want you to read it. I want you to say, congresswoman. Thats what i want. When i told your own me on the set of day like a fat idiot talking about what he doesnt know going mobile is the worst thing that could ever have put together. Youve got to serve. No god. 40 a manager. Nobody. Nobody respected him about what youre doing. You aint doing it. Oh jeromes got a fat. Used to get chewed out like that. You have to use judge janines gavel. A Back Scratcher to be fairly has a point about her staff acting like useless, h stupid children. After all, they are ave to erdemocrats. T too easy. But now jackson Leaff E Haactis said shes regretful and blamed the recordings release on political opponents. But getting caught on tape like that could happen to anybody, right, dana . Eased on i cannot believe what a staff you are. Youre smart, professionaland practice, excellent hygiene, and i am going to treantt all of you to some ice cream cake. Were Goinoing To G with the des Chocolate Crunches in the middle. And after that were going to have a party at my house. And you can bring all your friends. Now, get back to work, you beautifufriends. L talented. James, you ever have a boss like that . No, but i would like her as my manager. My Comedy Manager . , oh, man. Shes a pit bull. Id be. Id have a netflix specialhuh . A sitcom, two Academy Awards that just freak me out. Listen to that, though, because when i heard ds her telling that guy is an f up, it justy hs brought back nightmares on my marriage that, you know, shes endorsed by hillary, too. Yeah, shes with. Yeah. So hillary probably just endorses jill. I dont want to yell at me like that. Yeah, exactly. Keep her off my back. It is true. Equality that even a black woman could be as awful as an old white man. Says, weve reached true equality. Any Human Cai Yelling N be supe i shes like the derek carr. S congress people. People which is sort of funny because usa today was like the derek carr b effect, like, you know, essentially people get away with everything. I think the effectsa was like tt the hillary blessing. I think that with hillarys essentially this is people are going to look the other way. This will not in any way have any impact on her whatsoever. And she can explain it, you know, sort of blamee hill the leak. Ar but until people stand up and say, actually, thats not what we want our mayor arys blially pe to, because now shes running for mayor, then shes just going to keep doine the le but untg t yeah, you know why . Because, katie, if you you will probably run into the art of the argument that criticizing her is racist. Right. Itll be a leftwing version of this is how black people talk. Probably suddenly its okay to stereotype. Probably. But i will say i think she gave us all a gift here by revealingl why washingtony. Is in such bade shape, because shes yelling at this guy, this fat idiot. And guess what . D. C. Is run by a lot yelling off that are a bunch of idiots. And some people wonder, like, how good would be so bad because this is exactly whats happening. Becau who dont really care. Se congresswomen who have been peopg, Nofor Far Too Lon is Happ Responsibility or of accountability for what theyre doing. And thats why people i dont know and the 400 plus people in the house, no offense, i dont know very well. Is she trim or. O, oka no. Y. No. Okay. So id say ill probably get in trouble for that, toy get ino. Thanks. Yeah. You know what was under research, lee . Is this surprising to you . Absolutely. Yeah. I would say that for members of congress, i served in the house with with sheila for eight years, this would be all wive do greg over all of our. A story like this eventually th and had some history over the course of the last dozen or so years. Other incidents that have taken place. I remember when i first got into elected office, i was i was at Freshman Orientationfie and they said, just keep in mind that youre here. Orey said,l you, with your new title, doors will start opening for you that werent open before, but one dayut one you wont be here anymore. The day after you leave the sign with your Nam De Outsie your door is going to get scraped off and no ones going to ever remember who you are. Yond the after yom. We are you. A were all equals with your staff. Like we are all like werewith e to serve a different purpose. We have a different role. We have a Differen To Servt Titg but you need to stay grounded. Yeah you need to not forget where you come from. And you have to treat your people with respect. And she she treated other members like that, know Behind Closed Doors that she was lighting up staffers. This is why do all myth res badmouthing on Camera Sope One N ever shocked if anything gets amera, sleaked right i bias sigl as opposed to virtue signal thats how dont get canceled. Yes a question for you there speak no speaker so. That sounds like youd be good j for that job now. Oh no. I think youre right here. Youre going out fine. Great. So youre going to be pulled back in like glover and some action film. Wow. That was a terrible analogy. Im too old for that. Thats what he said, right . Yeah, yeah, yeah. Thank you. All right. I feel better now. Coming up. We let the wildlife out of their pens with gregs Animal Friends friends. Fox nation gives you crucial insight into the war on israel timeline of terror. This isnt going to be days. This isnt going to be weeks. This going to be months ahead. Who is hamas . Hamas showed no mercy to these people. They dragged women through the streets of gaza who is Benjamin Netanyahu. Hes calling for a unity government. And he said that israel will secure its borders. The in israel in three shows a timeline of terror. Who . Hamas. Who is Benjamin Netanyahu . Streaming now on Fox Nation Eloise Asylum was a living. Theres something here you cant understand the haunting without understanding the history. Thousands of patients die and every one left. This place has all the markings. A dangerous heart. I want to find out exactly what theyve experienced here and try to connect with anyone here. With us. Here with us. Hi. My hand just got cold. Its starting. Feel like were picking a fight. Something rushed me with something we shouldnt be missing. Guys. Okay. And the deeper we get. Look at this. The hauntings started here before our was here. The more i have to wonder. Scott. Are we the ones looking into louise or louise . Looking into us constantly. 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If you love all the birds and trees, all the fishes in the seas. If you think videos of pets is as good as it gets, the sick man is one of you. We hope your Furry Dreamsms come true. Its time to sel we hope l bags that my friends reconsider rounds. Celea i am for gregs Animal Friends, where the panelists share a video of one of earths pglorious, adorable critters. Emily, go first. Oh, my. Le cri has the benefit of having two glorious critters. Roll a taptt e you hae. Hmm. This is sort of a combination of magic. Mike meetss. This is a comm. All of you animal lovers, as this glorious performer all o performs with a chihuahua. Thats part of his act. Pe, sort of like. Which do you want to look at, you know . Are you more attracted to . Which makes you happier . Dont worry. Theres a grand finale. I mean, how much would you pay for this in vegas . Which probably more than adele. More than britney spears. Nt worrale. Mmhmm. I think you need dollar bills for that show. Yeah. Speaand would you put it on a collar or the belt loop . I dont know. Colls amazing. Regardless, its amazing. I bought it for the chihuahua. I dont know thats a. God knows what they do when its over. Jim, im going to pick the dog one. Okay yeah, that is. You got to show it to. Yeah, i. Im not going in the control room. I want me to do like. All right, so somebody putsr. Wh a dog. At d d what does that need . What does it need . Board neighbor . I dont knowo . Yeah, aldy og, wh its still a 20 miles an hour in a lake. Yeah, and they feel likewas to b the dog really wants to be out there. Yeah, the dog wouldnt rather be home licking itself. Just hanging out. No, they want to be on there holding on for dear life. Yes. And you dont see the ones where he fell off, right . Right. Exactly. They just had this. Then they said, oh, no,the he loves going out. What else . Yeah, he has no choicedog athere ir holdi you dont ask him. Li you want to go. Yests, im going to hangout out. Yes. Watch sportscenter. Please dont bring me ouwith Usn T Intosportsce the ocean. Please dont. Thats a thats a thats lease docean, pla family. Thats just luck of our attention. They put this on tiktok. Yeah. What worke witon tikt d . Yeah, i know. It did work. O whats that . Whats next . Theyre going to walk their goldfish. No, my goldfish died today, by the way. No, nwalk tfisho. Y yeah. Yeah. Abe, two years. Ohthat oneall. I wish you wouldnt say that. Im sorry. Dont cry, lee. I guess you cant walk a mile. Greg. How much do you love those Robot Vacuum Cleaner is . Roombas. I love them. How much do you love them . Roll tape. Hmm. Whoa. Oh, my gosh. That is a dog who lovesum cle his Robot Vacuum Cleaner. Good thing. Whats he doinang. Hes trying to help. No matter how bad you think you have it in life. Oh, someone has it worse than tom hanks with the wilson we were talking about earlier. Like you got to blame the parents. Oh, my god. Wheres the parents . This is the best video ive thi ever seeisn. I cant. I dont know where to look for t that poor the audience watching this, i feel like. Isnt there like an fcc . Like, are we going to. Theres got to be a Better Future for this stuff. Thats amazing. That poor guy could so confused. Hes so confused. No one, you can love a roomba like that dog. You assume he would like favor the upright vacuum, but youg ta knowt, turns it on. Yeah. All right, katie, close it out. Did you beat that . No. I think my two previous videos i brought to the show were too violent, so i chose a very mildo Mannered Tortoise who is an Oted Minelderly man giving his i little goat kids a ride home just out in the yard, i and theyre just hopping on tonp and hanging out. Dont get any bad, weird ideas. After the last video. But, you know, they pay a lot of money for the ride on the tortoise. Its very slow going. Its a very relaxed afternoot. Nt but very cute portcullis. It did. Its probably annoying. Sign up for. Or yeah. Yeah, probably pretty old. All right, we got to mov at. E. That was definitely a downer after the dog. Efinitel you cant beat a dog. Hopi im sorry, katie. I knowng dt. Next time, will be at it, so. Yes, yes, youre right. Up next, a woman who says its cool to get rich selling her stool. Oh, if youll be in the newlingh yorker. Im like tickets to seee gutfeld go to foxnews. Com slash gutfeld and click on the link to join our studio audience. Have a we plan to offer retirement, but i wish we had more cash. You think those two have any idea that they can sell their Life Insurance policy for cash . So theyre basically sitting on a gold mine . I dont thinntrys hk they. A clue. Thats crazy. Well, not everyone knows cancoventrys. F you ow thousands of people sell their policies for cash, even term policies. Ll i cant believe theyre just sitting up there sitting on all this. , if you own a Life Insurance policy of 100,000 or more, you can sell all or part of it to coventry. 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I figured i might as well make some money instead of flush it down the toilet. Yes, thats what you do. Fluh do you know that . In they do. You make donations six days a week. I looked. And that is. Yeah. So you take the people on liken the seven. They hold it in, sosix daysyo they givu thine a good donationi on monday. Exactly on. Lee, as a congressman, former congressman, what are your thoughts on this topic . I think there are a lot of americans. This will be the most importanto segment. I mean, you can make six figures justngressman, fort, 80. You know, it just seems liker a win win for everybody. Oh, okayby. First of all, this is seems like a funny story, but its fohis is funny sr good cause. Yes, it hurt colon cancer and other problems. Also, you do have to fill out a health form in order to qualify so anybody can qualify. Also, it gets a little whenl ou they say just google or search local donatioa o qualifn. I did not do that because i do not want to see things i cannot unsee. And the internet is a place where that happens very quickly. Donation, d that searchingace the hard way. Now, emily,e that h you what i mean, this seems likeearn something, you know, to make some extra moneyed tthe withouy having to leave your house. I dont see why anyones paying for this at all. Just walk down sixth avenue and scrape up all the nets everywhere in, every inner city. And if theyre actually, you know, donating to this hospital. Yes, a good cause. But just ask the staff and qualify with a health check. Yeaht really, ive just been hoy god knows. Wouldnt that b. E . K the what if that sort of further science. Ill bet thered be some way more interesting Findsstto Qualo in there. Well, i dont know. To me, were already paying for with our taxes. I dont want to pay for here. Yeah, i think thats true. I think in the media should do this because theyre really good at making, you know. Ue. Imagine you got turned down, though. Yes. Like people buy. God, now yours isnt good enough. 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