Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas 20240702 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas 20240702

vote. is there could be a mad dash scramble and nominate ago speaker and eight candidates seeking to acquire the gavel of this hour and watching that closely and updates as soon as we get them live from the hill. meanwhile, from the middle east, it is day 18 of israel at war and idf cranked up air strikes against hamas targets in gaza overnight. israel still deciding on major ground offenses or keep the jewish state's powder dry. at least for now. good morning. we await for more action on that i'm bill hemmer live in new york. big couple of hours here, dana. did i recollects i'm dana pree no and this -- dana perino and this is mesh's news room. at this hour, a very large group of israeli supporters are gathering outside united nations chanting bring them home ahead of a 10:00 a.m. hearing. amber: let's get to it. best of my recollections apologies, we'll try to get the audio in there a bit. did i recollects president biden will not consider a cease-fire till all hostages kidnapped by hamas are freed. alexandria hoff is live at the white house and some say it sounds like a controversial statement and others say it is. reporter: yeah, the president sate cease-fire but quickly retracted and said this is not a conversation he's going to discuss till all hostages are released. they've rejected the stance that israel has the right to defend itself against terrorism and u.s. military officers sent to israel on advice to cancel into gaza. >> there are a few relevant military officers with experience, the kinds of experience that we believe is appropriate source of operations that israel is conducting and to go over there and push for perspectives to ask the hard questions. reporter: pressed by fox news' jacqui heinrich and how the administration can assure americans that aid provided to gaza will not fall into the hands of hamas. >> we've seen no indications that any of the trucks that karine talked about and any of them have been diverted and as connedded by hamas and the un predicts that the entire gaza ran out with that during the day and not included in the convoy of humanitarian aid that made it into gaza and the un is requesting it. dana, bill. >> dana: alex hoff, thank you. >> bill: we want to get to reporting from mike tobin in southern israel. mike, what's happening? reporter: we're traveling around with the volunteer withs united -- they went into the center of bloodshed on october 7 and went ornamented checking bodies with a pulse and they went around and tree ashed them and didn't -- triaged them and didn't get them rocket fire that was constant and they're driving around waiting for the call and one gets through and they're able to do the triaging and seeing that life. all have ago remarkable day and and that's having a remarkable story being in her kibbutz at odds when they were swarmed by hamas attackers and she was forced on the back of a motorcycle. coming into this situation and the storm and the kibbutz kidnapped me and laid me on the side in a motorbike and rammed my into the store of gaza. >> a few kilometers on the wet ground and there are a huge network of tunnels underneath and looks like a spider web. reporter: people forced into groups of 25 and broken up into smaller groups and it's important for people that try to rescue the hostages and she said things that hamas wants to hear and they were well cared for and a lot of preparation and had medicine and sanitary products for the women hostages that were there. so that's something that's really earth shaking that's coming out of this area. for now, we're driving around with volunteers if there's more rocket fire and they'll be getting cast on the iron dome and remarkable stuff. >> bill: some of the toughest customers in the middle east dealing with the abraham a cords and more. welcome to our coverage. what is the posture now between the israelis and really the americans trying to help in this matter and qatar trying to help get people out. do you con the war or help? >> first and foremost, bill, i want to remind americans there were 250 people pulled from the streets that are hostages and first and foremost, you don't stop anything unless you're good and ready. we have to be in full support of the u.s. and israel has done a really good job and u.s. has done a good job. second comment i make to what you're saying, bill. is qatar does play a very key role here. they're a go between hamas and israel and the united states and you've seen some of their actions and i don't think it's going to go far enough. but we all want hostages freed and we all want those additional 50 freed and what about the 200 and hamas and whether they need to be part of the strip. >> dana: in addition to that, they want to be part of the reporters those videos that the terrorist themselveses took and they put it all together one place for them to see the atrocities and the reports from those reporters who actually saw it with their own eyes, they were shaken by what they saw, saw adam. >> they should be. it's a media war by hamas and hamas has come out and they've denied they've targeted civilians and thank god there are reporters on the ground and thank god there's evidence. hamas came out and jihad and israelis destroyed a hospital and thank god there's reporting on the ground showing it's not impossible and there's going to be a lot of media push by hamas to try and get the world on their side. >> bill: adam, you were negotiating the abraham accords and did you get a sense the middle east was ready for a revolution for the better as opposed to what we're watching now and when you're negotiating this, did you get the sense that iran felt it was on the outside of these negotiations and therefore it may take action in the region as we have watched now? >> absolutely. the abraham accords were about a number of moderate countries, israel, arab moderate countries coming together against terror, against iran. this goes right against what iran has been planning and this is a proxy war and it's iran behind hamas and behind islamic jihad and hezbollah and it's not only against israel. it's against saudi, against uae, it's against morocco and so those countries are being targeted too and they've been more moderate. this is terrorism versus moderating. >> dana: adam, i was thinking this morning when we knew we were going to have you on, as awful as this is, without the abraham accords, this might be worse and there's reports that the administration is very concerned about this war expanding and whether or not the military is ready for it; right? that kind of reporting is happening in this vcs. sock vacuum and no abraham accord with the communication, it might have been worse now. >> what could have happened is an all out war, arab israeli and it's a war against terrorism now and that's really important. because oturu the abraham accords, we united moderate countries and then the biden administration will build on the cords as they rightfully should do by adding saudi arabia and that triggered all this and the good - is in the meet ya and long term, there's the right base to build and saudis want to come in once the pr dies down. it's a good base, we've got to get through a difficult period. >> bill: adam, thanks, come back soon. adam boehler with a lot of experience in the region. i want to get to matt miller from the state department and question about whether or not working for a ceasefire that many have called for and what he said about that regarding hamas or gaza. >> a ceasefire would give hamas the ability to rest, to refit, and to get ready to continue launching terror attacks against israel. you can understand perfectly clearly why that's an intolerable situation for israel. as it would be an intolerable schismuation for any country suffering such a brutal terror attack and continues to see the terrorist threats on its border. >> bill: that's yesterday afternoon and late last night if you're watching this coverage on israel in the central part of gaza, warnings going out to a refugee camp right smack dab in the mid olekowski f gaza and whether they got hit, we don't know. we'll check with mike. >> dana: they've placed military assets all around the innocent people and have up with around another larger hospital and that's where hamas headquarters are and gerry baker is in the wall street and enemies of freedom are deadlier than ever and western liberal ideas are not meant to prevail and comforting myths breed come complacency. it's chilling but great. >> bill: he ties everything together china and russia and iran. >> bill: 11 minutes past the hour and another big story. >> dana: republicans in the house meeting behind closed doors and a marathon session to find a speaker and unit around one nominee for speak r if they can. chad pergram live on cap holohill where thins stand this morning. chad, will we get close tore a resolution today? reporter: that's the goal of house republicans and meeting in the closed-door session and trying to whittle down the list of eight candidates and go to the floor later today and some republicans are not necessarily committed to voting for whoever the nominee is. here is rep chip roy of texas. >> we'll see. i didn't sign a pledge thing that has been going around. i think we need to focus on making sure someone will lead the party in the right direction. we'll get in and hear from all nine. there's a number of good guys. there's a number of those guys i could support on the floor. but we'll see how it plays out. reporter: there are eight candidates running for speaker and still lawmakers are opposition to movement mystic they can settle this season. des about the math. the winner can only lose four gop votes on the floor. it's a tight turning radius, even in the best of circumstances. >> i think our own needs and desires are what's going to get us there. there's only so many times you can go through the process and go to the floor and make a mistake and i think it's more cognizant of the need to get things done back in this room. reporter: nerves are frayed as house enters its third week in the deep freeze and unable to legislate and republicans are starting to worry about what their constituents think about the turmoil heading into an election year. >> last week i probably showed some anger and the folks i respect want us to get solutions and we to act like it el paso hads to come to a conclusion. reporter: this is the third secret ballot in two weeks and republicans are hoping that a third time it takes 217 votes to win on the floor and it's unclear if they go to the floor today and this meeting could take awhile. >> dana: chad, if the democrats decide to hold some members back and not make them vote, then you could get a speaker. reporter: yeah, it always fends on the actual number of people casting ballots on the floor on that particular role call. as i say, it's about the math but in that case, it's about the algebra and number goes up and down and you don't know the magic number till that particular role call vote. >> dana: chad pergram on the hill, thank you. >> just to give you a heads up, we've got the guy that tried to step in out of the cockpit. >> bill: off duty pilot accused of trying to shut down the engines of the plane in mid flight. how that crew's quick action probably saved a lot of people on board. dana. >> dana: incredible story. plus, a mix of dense fog and wild fire smoke turning deadly in louisiana after creating zero visibility conditions and a huge pileup on a very busy interstate. >> bill: also, former governor of maryland, larry hogan, telling harvard they can take their offer and leave it. moments ago harvard responded and larry hogan on why he's cutting ties with cambridge, next. this is spring semester at over 13,000 us school districts, which have become top targets for ransomware attacks. but there's never been a reported ransomware attack on a chromebook. which is why thousands of schools like the fairfield-suisun unified school district switched to google tools for education. so they can focus on teaching and 22,000 students can focus on learning, knowing that their data is secure. 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>> well, i'm really please that had we got her full attention after 17 days of not having her full attention. i think that is a much different response than what we've been hearing, and i think the fact that myself and others have been speaking out and donors to the universities and some of the faculty at university. people that are on the board and other leaders across the country, i think it's great that we're finally getting some kind of what sounds like a stronger response. >> bill: yeah, you're on the list with bill ackman and larry summers. governor, we'll see where it goes. thank you for your time today. larry hogan, thanks. >> dana: off diety pilot in jail on 83 counts of attempted murder. alaska airlines pilot was riding in a cockpit yesterday when he allegedly tried to shutoff the plane's engine mid flight. unbelievable story and william is live from los angeles with more. high, william. >> dana, why and why not from a full-time pilot and full flight, 79 passengers and four crew fortunate enough to be alive after the pilot crashed a jet by culling fuel to the engines and horizon air flight leaving everett washington near seattle sunday for san francisco. the incident occurred about an hour into the flight forcing emergency landing in portland where this morning 44-year-old joseph emerson faces 167 criminal charges including 83 of attempted murder. he was headed home and sitting in the jump seat behind the pilot and co-pilot and he reached up and cut fuel to the engined by hitting the control panel and the pilots intervened and subdued emerson and restored fuel flow before the engines cut out. >> fortunately the crew acted quickly and were able to get the engines restarted and get him out of the cockpit so due diligence on the part of the horizon pilots to save the day there. >> here's the pilot's version talking taf to the tower no port leeanne. >> we have the guy trying to shut the engineses down out of e cockpit and he doesn't sound like he's causing issues in the back right now. i think he's subdued. other than that, yeah, we want law enforcement as soon as we're on the ground and parked. >> passengers say he was handcuffed to a rail in the back of the plane till arrested upon landing. accident in questioner william, was there a federal marshal on the plane or who arrested him? >> apparently there was plastic handcuffs but no federal marshal on the flight. >> dana: amazing. thank you. best of my recollection there's a lot more where -- >> bill: there's a lot more where that came from. a massive pileup in southern louisiana. 158 cars on interstate 55 in new orleanss and wild fire smoke mixed with dense fog created this super fog >> dana: prepared for worst case scenario and biden administration handing out plans for an evacuation from the middle east if it spirals out of control. customs and border patrol sounding alarm about hamas and hezbollah at southern border and growing threat of terrorist on our doorstep ahead. affordable healt h care? christian health care ministries could save you up to 40% today. as a member, you can choose your provider without network restrictions. sign up at your convenience with our anytime enrollment. join a christian community that supports each other's medical expenses, offering peace of mind as you prioritize what's most important. enroll now at your chm dot org there's challenges, and i love overcoming challenges. ♪ when better money habits® content first started coming out, it expanded what i could do for special olympics athletes with developmental needs. thousands of bank of america employees like scott spend countless hours volunteering to teach people how to reach their financial goals. it felt good. it felt like i could take on the whole world. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. 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>> you know, i wouldn't necessarily characterize it as that and i'll say we have the most lethal fighting force this world has ever seen. the unit supports ukraine in russia and in its defense and horrific attack on october 7. we are going to continue to urge a strong message of defensor and seeing two carrier strike groups in the region and you're seeing the secretary, secretary austin here and those widening the conflict do not do that and we're sending a pretty strong message. >> dana: sackmary bre that, it's clear thed a -- sabrina, it's clear the administration is worried on a variety of fronts in the gaza war escalates and what would the u.s. military role look like? >> if that were to ever happen or does happen, the u.s. military of course would be there to support the state department in whatever it needs to help get u.s. citizens out stavely and provide security and again, we're not there yet and hoping that we can continue to monitor the situation with what's happening on the ground and we're focused on sending a clear message to teheran and also making sure that israel has what it needs a in their fight. talking about potential ground incursion and making sure that innocent lives, civilian lives are protected and that is a priority for any type of event that might occur in the next few days. >> bill: it's been reported by many that we're urging israel to delay the ground incursion into gaza. is that true? >> i would say, idf are the most capable in the world and providing support and eighties tans and it's really up to them -- assistance and up to them to decide when they move forward with any type of incursion and that's not really our place to say. we're continuing to advise. >> bill: if the u.s. had an option here, does the united states pentagon, united states government believe that a delay into gaza is better or not? >> again, that's really up for the israelis to make that decision. we are providing and assisting them and providing security assistance for them for what they might need. we're counseling them. we are hearing from them as well. our concern and constant communication with them is ensuring that innocent civilians are in fact safe and protected and that israel really does uphold the law of war. >> dana: one of the thins happening is hamas has been talk to kansas c qatar to find a wayh hostages will be released two by two. but the main leadership of hamas lives in luxury in qatar, in doe doha. hshould israel be a state of terror if hamas lives there. >> we're encounselorred by the situation with hamas being released and two americans over the weekend and then two more just, i believe yesterday. we have partners and allies in the world working to pressure hamas to release the hostages and again, these hostages should never be held hostage in the first place. >> dana: what about qatar? >> we work with them on a range of issues and they're continuing to be an ally here in working to sen sure hostages are released and we support that and i'll leave it at that. >> bill: you mention iran. two answers ago. we heard about the reporting about drones and missile attacks and various u.s. bases throughout the middle east. if you believe iran is behind that, why are we not striking back? >> we believe iran has no question behind many proxy groups that attacked our forces in iraq and syria and you were referencing, the uss kearney in the red sea. i'm not going to forecast here how wee are going to respond. we choose to respond at time of that we're ready to and we're going to reiterate one of the most lethal phygoing forces the world has seen and iran knows that and while they continue to launch these attacks on the u.s. forces, it is our decision at our time when we choose to respond to that. >> bill: to date, no action has been taken on behalf of the u.s. military? greatest fighting force the world has ever seen? >> well, that, again, we are very mindful here that we do not want to see this widen into a regional conflict and strategic on when and if we choose to respond. you saw the uss kearney engage in cruise missiles heading toward the ship, you saw the kearney engage and shoot those down. our u.s. forces in iraq and syria continue to do the same. again, i'm not getting ahead of any decision that the president or secretary chooses to make. >> dana: you come out to talk about the holds that senator tommy tuberville held on military promotions because of abortion policy, and the concern was about readiness from the pentagon saying we need to make sure we have this. those holds are not -- and they tried to move a few through the senate. is this continuing to be a problem for the pentagon in would you be willing to revisit that policy decision so the holds could be lifted? >> absolutely. this is a huge problem for the pentagon. pentagon it certainly strikes to the readiness as well and we have an acting person leading the navy and air force and these are incredibly important positions at a time when this is incredibly hard and difficult time in the middle east and i think that russia was continuing the war of aggression on ukraine and nominees as soon as possible. >> bill: one last question, soft and average sabrina, a lot to cover and that's obvious from our conversation. we're getting word from our correspondent in tel aviv. the senator richard blumenthal and democrat from connecticut connecticut said iran gave hamas the "green light" to carry out that massacre on the morning of october 7. is the senator right on that? >> look, i'm not speaking to intelligence but what is very clear, there's a direct connection between iran and hamas. how much iran knew about the attack that hamas would launch on october 7, we're still doing our own analysis of that. but there's no question, there's a clear threat between the two. we know that iran continues to train and equip financially support hamas in it is endeavors in gaza and i think it's certainly like a clear link to draw there. >> dana: sabrina singh, deputy spokesperson for the pen gone. thank you for your time. we know you're busy and appreciate it. >> bill: while that's happening and this is happening in f fulton county, georgia. trump attorney decided to take a plea deal and georgia election case. this is a live look inside the courtroom. that's miss ellis screen right in the center of your picture there. she's the fourth defendant now in the georgia election interference case. to change their plea to guilty. scott hall and sydney powell and kenneth reach agreements prior and that leaves 15 ot others ine massive rendi rico case being bt by the da in fulton county and includes the former president trump. to date, those that changed their pleas, one received five years probation and $5,000 fine and another got five years probation and $5,000 fine and sydney powell, six years probation and $6,000 fine and then community service. >> dana: they have to write an apology to the st.s of georgia. citizens of georgia. they're looking into that and so far all the people indicted in the particular case, it's the lawyers, the attorneys who have to get lawyers who are all deciding to plead guilty. maybe there'll be more and that's interesting and similar now and five years probation and $5 in restitution. >> dana: probably a letter of apology. likely on stand by. >> dana: another case, former president trump and michael cohen taking stand as part of new york's civil fraud case and expected to testify that the former president knew the trump organization was inflating its assets and nate foy is live outside the new york city courthouse this morning. hi, nate. reporter: the hey, dana. the second witness is michael cohen and claims he hasn't seen trump in person in five years and remember, cohen's 2019 testimony is what launched this investigation into trump by new york attorney general leticia james and cohen stated trump overstated his wealth for the bank loans and equipped with the deposition of this case. >> i wanted to be higher >> bill: reporter: dana, cohen is serving prison full-time for his role in the payments and lying to congress and trump's team calls cohen a proven serial liar that's not a credible witness. earlier this month, trump dismissed a $500 million lawsuit against cohen, the former president claimed that cohen breached his contract by shared privileged information to enrich himself also last night, dana, former president trump's lawyers file three motions to dismiss the federal case against him regarding his alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election. his lawyers claim it should be thrown out on the basis of selective and vindictive prosecution. back to you. >> dana: nate foy, thank you. >> bill: thank you. >> dana: there on a fall day in new york city. >> bill: a lot happening here. we just want to show you a live look now from the middle east here. also i want to take you to united nations where they'll convene in about ten minutes and see what the united nations has to say about the ongoing war and what they've said in the past and repeatedly and repeatedly they've got outside in israel. stand by with more on that when we continue. and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. i was a bit nervous at first but then i figured it's just walking, right? 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas 20240702 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas 20240702

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vote. is there could be a mad dash scramble and nominate ago speaker and eight candidates seeking to acquire the gavel of this hour and watching that closely and updates as soon as we get them live from the hill. meanwhile, from the middle east, it is day 18 of israel at war and idf cranked up air strikes against hamas targets in gaza overnight. israel still deciding on major ground offenses or keep the jewish state's powder dry. at least for now. good morning. we await for more action on that i'm bill hemmer live in new york. big couple of hours here, dana. did i recollects i'm dana pree no and this -- dana perino and this is mesh's news room. at this hour, a very large group of israeli supporters are gathering outside united nations chanting bring them home ahead of a 10:00 a.m. hearing. amber: let's get to it. best of my recollections apologies, we'll try to get the audio in there a bit. did i recollects president biden will not consider a cease-fire till all hostages kidnapped by hamas are freed. alexandria hoff is live at the white house and some say it sounds like a controversial statement and others say it is. reporter: yeah, the president sate cease-fire but quickly retracted and said this is not a conversation he's going to discuss till all hostages are released. they've rejected the stance that israel has the right to defend itself against terrorism and u.s. military officers sent to israel on advice to cancel into gaza. >> there are a few relevant military officers with experience, the kinds of experience that we believe is appropriate source of operations that israel is conducting and to go over there and push for perspectives to ask the hard questions. reporter: pressed by fox news' jacqui heinrich and how the administration can assure americans that aid provided to gaza will not fall into the hands of hamas. >> we've seen no indications that any of the trucks that karine talked about and any of them have been diverted and as connedded by hamas and the un predicts that the entire gaza ran out with that during the day and not included in the convoy of humanitarian aid that made it into gaza and the un is requesting it. dana, bill. >> dana: alex hoff, thank you. >> bill: we want to get to reporting from mike tobin in southern israel. mike, what's happening? reporter: we're traveling around with the volunteer withs united -- they went into the center of bloodshed on october 7 and went ornamented checking bodies with a pulse and they went around and tree ashed them and didn't -- triaged them and didn't get them rocket fire that was constant and they're driving around waiting for the call and one gets through and they're able to do the triaging and seeing that life. all have ago remarkable day and and that's having a remarkable story being in her kibbutz at odds when they were swarmed by hamas attackers and she was forced on the back of a motorcycle. coming into this situation and the storm and the kibbutz kidnapped me and laid me on the side in a motorbike and rammed my into the store of gaza. >> a few kilometers on the wet ground and there are a huge network of tunnels underneath and looks like a spider web. reporter: people forced into groups of 25 and broken up into smaller groups and it's important for people that try to rescue the hostages and she said things that hamas wants to hear and they were well cared for and a lot of preparation and had medicine and sanitary products for the women hostages that were there. so that's something that's really earth shaking that's coming out of this area. for now, we're driving around with volunteers if there's more rocket fire and they'll be getting cast on the iron dome and remarkable stuff. >> bill: some of the toughest customers in the middle east dealing with the abraham a cords and more. welcome to our coverage. what is the posture now between the israelis and really the americans trying to help in this matter and qatar trying to help get people out. do you con the war or help? >> first and foremost, bill, i want to remind americans there were 250 people pulled from the streets that are hostages and first and foremost, you don't stop anything unless you're good and ready. we have to be in full support of the u.s. and israel has done a really good job and u.s. has done a good job. second comment i make to what you're saying, bill. is qatar does play a very key role here. they're a go between hamas and israel and the united states and you've seen some of their actions and i don't think it's going to go far enough. but we all want hostages freed and we all want those additional 50 freed and what about the 200 and hamas and whether they need to be part of the strip. >> dana: in addition to that, they want to be part of the reporters those videos that the terrorist themselveses took and they put it all together one place for them to see the atrocities and the reports from those reporters who actually saw it with their own eyes, they were shaken by what they saw, saw adam. >> they should be. it's a media war by hamas and hamas has come out and they've denied they've targeted civilians and thank god there are reporters on the ground and thank god there's evidence. hamas came out and jihad and israelis destroyed a hospital and thank god there's reporting on the ground showing it's not impossible and there's going to be a lot of media push by hamas to try and get the world on their side. >> bill: adam, you were negotiating the abraham accords and did you get a sense the middle east was ready for a revolution for the better as opposed to what we're watching now and when you're negotiating this, did you get the sense that iran felt it was on the outside of these negotiations and therefore it may take action in the region as we have watched now? >> absolutely. the abraham accords were about a number of moderate countries, israel, arab moderate countries coming together against terror, against iran. this goes right against what iran has been planning and this is a proxy war and it's iran behind hamas and behind islamic jihad and hezbollah and it's not only against israel. it's against saudi, against uae, it's against morocco and so those countries are being targeted too and they've been more moderate. this is terrorism versus moderating. >> dana: adam, i was thinking this morning when we knew we were going to have you on, as awful as this is, without the abraham accords, this might be worse and there's reports that the administration is very concerned about this war expanding and whether or not the military is ready for it; right? that kind of reporting is happening in this vcs. sock vacuum and no abraham accord with the communication, it might have been worse now. >> what could have happened is an all out war, arab israeli and it's a war against terrorism now and that's really important. because oturu the abraham accords, we united moderate countries and then the biden administration will build on the cords as they rightfully should do by adding saudi arabia and that triggered all this and the good - is in the meet ya and long term, there's the right base to build and saudis want to come in once the pr dies down. it's a good base, we've got to get through a difficult period. >> bill: adam, thanks, come back soon. adam boehler with a lot of experience in the region. i want to get to matt miller from the state department and question about whether or not working for a ceasefire that many have called for and what he said about that regarding hamas or gaza. >> a ceasefire would give hamas the ability to rest, to refit, and to get ready to continue launching terror attacks against israel. you can understand perfectly clearly why that's an intolerable situation for israel. as it would be an intolerable schismuation for any country suffering such a brutal terror attack and continues to see the terrorist threats on its border. >> bill: that's yesterday afternoon and late last night if you're watching this coverage on israel in the central part of gaza, warnings going out to a refugee camp right smack dab in the mid olekowski f gaza and whether they got hit, we don't know. we'll check with mike. >> dana: they've placed military assets all around the innocent people and have up with around another larger hospital and that's where hamas headquarters are and gerry baker is in the wall street and enemies of freedom are deadlier than ever and western liberal ideas are not meant to prevail and comforting myths breed come complacency. it's chilling but great. >> bill: he ties everything together china and russia and iran. >> bill: 11 minutes past the hour and another big story. >> dana: republicans in the house meeting behind closed doors and a marathon session to find a speaker and unit around one nominee for speak r if they can. chad pergram live on cap holohill where thins stand this morning. chad, will we get close tore a resolution today? reporter: that's the goal of house republicans and meeting in the closed-door session and trying to whittle down the list of eight candidates and go to the floor later today and some republicans are not necessarily committed to voting for whoever the nominee is. here is rep chip roy of texas. >> we'll see. i didn't sign a pledge thing that has been going around. i think we need to focus on making sure someone will lead the party in the right direction. we'll get in and hear from all nine. there's a number of good guys. there's a number of those guys i could support on the floor. but we'll see how it plays out. reporter: there are eight candidates running for speaker and still lawmakers are opposition to movement mystic they can settle this season. des about the math. the winner can only lose four gop votes on the floor. it's a tight turning radius, even in the best of circumstances. >> i think our own needs and desires are what's going to get us there. there's only so many times you can go through the process and go to the floor and make a mistake and i think it's more cognizant of the need to get things done back in this room. reporter: nerves are frayed as house enters its third week in the deep freeze and unable to legislate and republicans are starting to worry about what their constituents think about the turmoil heading into an election year. >> last week i probably showed some anger and the folks i respect want us to get solutions and we to act like it el paso hads to come to a conclusion. reporter: this is the third secret ballot in two weeks and republicans are hoping that a third time it takes 217 votes to win on the floor and it's unclear if they go to the floor today and this meeting could take awhile. >> dana: chad, if the democrats decide to hold some members back and not make them vote, then you could get a speaker. reporter: yeah, it always fends on the actual number of people casting ballots on the floor on that particular role call. as i say, it's about the math but in that case, it's about the algebra and number goes up and down and you don't know the magic number till that particular role call vote. >> dana: chad pergram on the hill, thank you. >> just to give you a heads up, we've got the guy that tried to step in out of the cockpit. >> bill: off duty pilot accused of trying to shut down the engines of the plane in mid flight. how that crew's quick action probably saved a lot of people on board. dana. >> dana: incredible story. plus, a mix of dense fog and wild fire smoke turning deadly in louisiana after creating zero visibility conditions and a huge pileup on a very busy interstate. >> bill: also, former governor of maryland, larry hogan, telling harvard they can take their offer and leave it. moments ago harvard responded and larry hogan on why he's cutting ties with cambridge, next. this is spring semester at over 13,000 us school districts, which have become top targets for ransomware attacks. but there's never been a reported ransomware attack on a chromebook. which is why thousands of schools like the fairfield-suisun unified school district switched to google tools for education. so they can focus on teaching and 22,000 students can focus on learning, knowing that their data is secure. 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(dog bark) it's simply fresh meat and vegetables, with all the nutrients dogs need— instead of dried pellets. just food made for the health of dogs. delivered in packs portioned for your dog. it's amazing what real food can do. that first time you take a step back. i made that. with your very own online store. i sold that. and you can manage it all in one place. i built this. and it was easy, with a partner that puts you first. godaddy. >> bill: donald trump is leaving apartment building and heading downtown down the east river inside the courtroom where he'll come face-to-face with michael cohen who used to work for him. >> dana: there's a big hearing in the un security council and they're there to make a little noise and good for them for doing so. >> bill: in the meantime, forger governor of maryland, republican larry hogan is the latest public figure to pull his support from harvard after its weak condemnation of a statement by students blaming israel for the hamas terrorist attacks. governor hogan is with me now and, sir, hello to you. you were going to teach there and say that deal is all off. just a clip from your letter, while the student haves a right to free speech, they do not have a right to have hate speech go unchallenged by your institution. harvard's failure to immediately and forcefully denounce the anti-sensorineural metric vitreoy'all is a moral -- vitriol on the moral stain on the university. >> it was outrageous that it went unchallenged and it was pretty clear this happened and 35, 36 different student groups all part of the kennedy school that were coming out and supporting and cheering on terrorist acts that instants were beheaded and women and children raped and killed and they dragged off elderly people. it was a very, very weak response. again, i do believe the student haves a right to free speech, but the university doesn't need to support and actively help promote this violent kind of extreme hate speech. >> bill: governor, i thought this line was the most effective in your letter. there's no both sides when it comes to murder, rape, and kidnapping of innocent women and children. that's what you're saying. draw the line. >> well, it is. that's really why i stepped up. i was very much looking forward to doing these fellowships at harvard and i finished one at university of chicago and thought it was important to engage with the kids and one at school of public health and talk about nation leading response to covid and kennedy school where i wanted to talk about lowering the temperature and doing away with hateful rhetoric and toxic politics. so i didn't take this lightly. it was a tough decision, but i thought it was important at a time like this for leaders to stand up and speak out. >> bill: yeah and many have and you're now on that list. moments ago, harvard released a statement to us. this is the president just want to read a bit here. it writes, the terrorist attacks by hamas are barbaric and abhorrent and had a wrenching impact on our jewish community. i've been mindful of that. i'm determined to do more to make sure all members of our community know and feel they belong. we have a lot of work to do on that dimension, but it has my full attention". that's something there, isn't it, governor? >> well, i'm really please that had we got her full attention after 17 days of not having her full attention. i think that is a much different response than what we've been hearing, and i think the fact that myself and others have been speaking out and donors to the universities and some of the faculty at university. people that are on the board and other leaders across the country, i think it's great that we're finally getting some kind of what sounds like a stronger response. >> bill: yeah, you're on the list with bill ackman and larry summers. governor, we'll see where it goes. thank you for your time today. larry hogan, thanks. >> dana: off diety pilot in jail on 83 counts of attempted murder. alaska airlines pilot was riding in a cockpit yesterday when he allegedly tried to shutoff the plane's engine mid flight. unbelievable story and william is live from los angeles with more. high, william. >> dana, why and why not from a full-time pilot and full flight, 79 passengers and four crew fortunate enough to be alive after the pilot crashed a jet by culling fuel to the engines and horizon air flight leaving everett washington near seattle sunday for san francisco. the incident occurred about an hour into the flight forcing emergency landing in portland where this morning 44-year-old joseph emerson faces 167 criminal charges including 83 of attempted murder. he was headed home and sitting in the jump seat behind the pilot and co-pilot and he reached up and cut fuel to the engined by hitting the control panel and the pilots intervened and subdued emerson and restored fuel flow before the engines cut out. >> fortunately the crew acted quickly and were able to get the engines restarted and get him out of the cockpit so due diligence on the part of the horizon pilots to save the day there. >> here's the pilot's version talking taf to the tower no port leeanne. >> we have the guy trying to shut the engineses down out of e cockpit and he doesn't sound like he's causing issues in the back right now. i think he's subdued. other than that, yeah, we want law enforcement as soon as we're on the ground and parked. >> passengers say he was handcuffed to a rail in the back of the plane till arrested upon landing. accident in questioner william, was there a federal marshal on the plane or who arrested him? >> apparently there was plastic handcuffs but no federal marshal on the flight. >> dana: amazing. thank you. best of my recollection there's a lot more where -- >> bill: there's a lot more where that came from. a massive pileup in southern louisiana. 158 cars on interstate 55 in new orleanss and wild fire smoke mixed with dense fog created this super fog >> dana: prepared for worst case scenario and biden administration handing out plans for an evacuation from the middle east if it spirals out of control. customs and border patrol sounding alarm about hamas and hezbollah at southern border and growing threat of terrorist on our doorstep ahead. affordable healt h care? christian health care ministries could save you up to 40% today. as a member, you can choose your provider without network restrictions. sign up at your convenience with our anytime enrollment. join a christian community that supports each other's medical expenses, offering peace of mind as you prioritize what's most important. enroll now at your chm dot org there's challenges, and i love overcoming challenges. ♪ when better money habits® content first started coming out, it expanded what i could do for special olympics athletes with developmental needs. thousands of bank of america employees like scott spend countless hours volunteering to teach people how to reach their financial goals. it felt good. it felt like i could take on the whole world. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. 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>> you know, i wouldn't necessarily characterize it as that and i'll say we have the most lethal fighting force this world has ever seen. the unit supports ukraine in russia and in its defense and horrific attack on october 7. we are going to continue to urge a strong message of defensor and seeing two carrier strike groups in the region and you're seeing the secretary, secretary austin here and those widening the conflict do not do that and we're sending a pretty strong message. >> dana: sackmary bre that, it's clear thed a -- sabrina, it's clear the administration is worried on a variety of fronts in the gaza war escalates and what would the u.s. military role look like? >> if that were to ever happen or does happen, the u.s. military of course would be there to support the state department in whatever it needs to help get u.s. citizens out stavely and provide security and again, we're not there yet and hoping that we can continue to monitor the situation with what's happening on the ground and we're focused on sending a clear message to teheran and also making sure that israel has what it needs a in their fight. talking about potential ground incursion and making sure that innocent lives, civilian lives are protected and that is a priority for any type of event that might occur in the next few days. >> bill: it's been reported by many that we're urging israel to delay the ground incursion into gaza. is that true? >> i would say, idf are the most capable in the world and providing support and eighties tans and it's really up to them -- assistance and up to them to decide when they move forward with any type of incursion and that's not really our place to say. we're continuing to advise. >> bill: if the u.s. had an option here, does the united states pentagon, united states government believe that a delay into gaza is better or not? >> again, that's really up for the israelis to make that decision. we are providing and assisting them and providing security assistance for them for what they might need. we're counseling them. we are hearing from them as well. our concern and constant communication with them is ensuring that innocent civilians are in fact safe and protected and that israel really does uphold the law of war. >> dana: one of the thins happening is hamas has been talk to kansas c qatar to find a wayh hostages will be released two by two. but the main leadership of hamas lives in luxury in qatar, in doe doha. hshould israel be a state of terror if hamas lives there. >> we're encounselorred by the situation with hamas being released and two americans over the weekend and then two more just, i believe yesterday. we have partners and allies in the world working to pressure hamas to release the hostages and again, these hostages should never be held hostage in the first place. >> dana: what about qatar? >> we work with them on a range of issues and they're continuing to be an ally here in working to sen sure hostages are released and we support that and i'll leave it at that. >> bill: you mention iran. two answers ago. we heard about the reporting about drones and missile attacks and various u.s. bases throughout the middle east. if you believe iran is behind that, why are we not striking back? >> we believe iran has no question behind many proxy groups that attacked our forces in iraq and syria and you were referencing, the uss kearney in the red sea. i'm not going to forecast here how wee are going to respond. we choose to respond at time of that we're ready to and we're going to reiterate one of the most lethal phygoing forces the world has seen and iran knows that and while they continue to launch these attacks on the u.s. forces, it is our decision at our time when we choose to respond to that. >> bill: to date, no action has been taken on behalf of the u.s. military? greatest fighting force the world has ever seen? >> well, that, again, we are very mindful here that we do not want to see this widen into a regional conflict and strategic on when and if we choose to respond. you saw the uss kearney engage in cruise missiles heading toward the ship, you saw the kearney engage and shoot those down. our u.s. forces in iraq and syria continue to do the same. again, i'm not getting ahead of any decision that the president or secretary chooses to make. >> dana: you come out to talk about the holds that senator tommy tuberville held on military promotions because of abortion policy, and the concern was about readiness from the pentagon saying we need to make sure we have this. those holds are not -- and they tried to move a few through the senate. is this continuing to be a problem for the pentagon in would you be willing to revisit that policy decision so the holds could be lifted? >> absolutely. this is a huge problem for the pentagon. pentagon it certainly strikes to the readiness as well and we have an acting person leading the navy and air force and these are incredibly important positions at a time when this is incredibly hard and difficult time in the middle east and i think that russia was continuing the war of aggression on ukraine and nominees as soon as possible. >> bill: one last question, soft and average sabrina, a lot to cover and that's obvious from our conversation. we're getting word from our correspondent in tel aviv. the senator richard blumenthal and democrat from connecticut connecticut said iran gave hamas the "green light" to carry out that massacre on the morning of october 7. is the senator right on that? >> look, i'm not speaking to intelligence but what is very clear, there's a direct connection between iran and hamas. how much iran knew about the attack that hamas would launch on october 7, we're still doing our own analysis of that. but there's no question, there's a clear threat between the two. we know that iran continues to train and equip financially support hamas in it is endeavors in gaza and i think it's certainly like a clear link to draw there. >> dana: sabrina singh, deputy spokesperson for the pen gone. thank you for your time. we know you're busy and appreciate it. >> bill: while that's happening and this is happening in f fulton county, georgia. trump attorney decided to take a plea deal and georgia election case. this is a live look inside the courtroom. that's miss ellis screen right in the center of your picture there. she's the fourth defendant now in the georgia election interference case. to change their plea to guilty. scott hall and sydney powell and kenneth reach agreements prior and that leaves 15 ot others ine massive rendi rico case being bt by the da in fulton county and includes the former president trump. to date, those that changed their pleas, one received five years probation and $5,000 fine and another got five years probation and $5,000 fine and sydney powell, six years probation and $6,000 fine and then community service. >> dana: they have to write an apology to the st.s of georgia. citizens of georgia. they're looking into that and so far all the people indicted in the particular case, it's the lawyers, the attorneys who have to get lawyers who are all deciding to plead guilty. maybe there'll be more and that's interesting and similar now and five years probation and $5 in restitution. >> dana: probably a letter of apology. likely on stand by. >> dana: another case, former president trump and michael cohen taking stand as part of new york's civil fraud case and expected to testify that the former president knew the trump organization was inflating its assets and nate foy is live outside the new york city courthouse this morning. hi, nate. reporter: the hey, dana. the second witness is michael cohen and claims he hasn't seen trump in person in five years and remember, cohen's 2019 testimony is what launched this investigation into trump by new york attorney general leticia james and cohen stated trump overstated his wealth for the bank loans and equipped with the deposition of this case. >> i wanted to be higher >> bill: reporter: dana, cohen is serving prison full-time for his role in the payments and lying to congress and trump's team calls cohen a proven serial liar that's not a credible witness. earlier this month, trump dismissed a $500 million lawsuit against cohen, the former president claimed that cohen breached his contract by shared privileged information to enrich himself also last night, dana, former president trump's lawyers file three motions to dismiss the federal case against him regarding his alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election. his lawyers claim it should be thrown out on the basis of selective and vindictive prosecution. back to you. >> dana: nate foy, thank you. >> bill: thank you. >> dana: there on a fall day in new york city. >> bill: a lot happening here. we just want to show you a live look now from the middle east here. also i want to take you to united nations where they'll convene in about ten minutes and see what the united nations has to say about the ongoing war and what they've said in the past and repeatedly and repeatedly they've got outside in israel. stand by with more on that when we continue. and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. i was a bit nervous at first but then i figured it's just walking, right? 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Abhorrent , Impact , Attention , Community Know , Work , Dimension , Isn T It , 17 , Fact , Universities , Board , Donors , Faculty , Larry Summers , Bill Ackman , Attempted Murder , Counts , Riding , Off Diety Pilot , Alaska Airlines , 83 , Engine Mid Flight , Passengers , William , Los Angeles , Thigh , 79 , Fuel , Incident , San Francisco , Jet , Horizon Air , Near Seattle , Everett Washington , Emergency Landing , Joseph Emerson , Charges , Portland , 44 , 167 , Pilots , Jump Seat , Co Pilot , Control Panel , Engined , Due Diligence , Fuel Flow , Engines Cut Out , There , Horizon Pilots , Engineses , Version Talking Taf , Tower No Port Leeanne , Issues , Law Enforcement , Rail , Landing , Marshal , Accident , Questioner William , Recollection , Adana , Super Fog , Cars , Wild Fire , Interstate 55 , Southern Louisiana , 158 , 55 , Case Scenario , Affordable Healt , Terrorist , Threat , Control , Plans , Doorstep , Southern Border , Evacuation , It Spirals , Alarm , Customs And Border Patrol , Member , Network Restrictions , Provider , Health Care Ministries , Christian , 40 , Community , Dot Org , Mother , Convenience , Expenses , Mind , Anytime Enrollment , Peace , Challenges , Content , Athletes , Money Habits , Special Olympics , Goals , Employees , Bank Of America , Everyone , Mission , Vitamins , Strength , Energy , Minerals , Protein , Nutrition , Yay Woo Hoo , 30 , 27 , Game , Paint , Everybody , Football , App , Clown , Second , Amateurs , Gameday , Directv Sports Central , Point , Reward Card , Visit Directv Com , 400 , Infrastructure , Services , Target , Cyberattacks , Running , Power , Networks , Rails , Megawatts , Open Road , Security , Systems Running America , Google , 336 Million , Rich Edison Tracking , Forces , U S Military , United States Pentagon , Militias , Officials , Overthe , Defense Fishes , Missiles , Cruise Missiles , Syria , Iraq , Uss Kearney , Drones , Positions , Hoo Hooties , 15 , 900 , Strike Group , Troops , Lloyd Austin , Re On , 500 , Offense , Football Games , Sailing , World War Iii , Persian Gulf , Analysts , Lives , Drone , Missile , Cameability , Force , Overseas , Hooty It S America 911 , Praxis Tises , 911 , Proxies , Sabrina Singh , Sanctions , Teheran , Policy , Bases , Contradiction , Say , Missile Defense System , Nutshell , Cap , Embargo , Missile Program Lapse , Concern , Level , Cassioppi Fors , Conflict , Attacks , Carrier Strike Groups , Deterrence , Tick , Vladamir Putin , Security Concerns , Patriot , Prince , Batteries , Security Measures , Sergey Las Vegas , Beijing , Crisis , Testing , Book , Existence , Five , Fighting , Unit Supports Ukraine , Defense , Message , Defensor , Secretary , Secretary Austin , Thed A , Fronts , Variety , Sackmary Bre That , Citizens , Course , Fight , Type , Ground Incursion , Priority , Event , Incursion , Assistance , Eighties , Tans , Option , Delay , United States Government , Security Assistance , Law , Happening , Wayh , Kansas , Leadership , Two By , Doe Doha , Estate , Hshould Israel , Encounselorred , Hostage , Partners , Weekend , Allies , Orange , Rally , Missile Attacks , In The Red Sea , Proxy , Wee , Lethal Phygoing , Behalf , Same , Ship , Down , Tommy Tuberville , Holds , Problem , Readiness , Abortion Policy , Few , Promotions , Senate , Pentagon In , Person , Policy Decision , Air Force , Nominees , War Of Aggression , Ukraine , Richard Blumenthal , Obvious , Correspondent , Word , Green Light , Connecticut , Tel Aviv , Connection , Massacre , Support Hamas , Endeavors , Analysis , Link , Pen , Ellis Screen , Look , Georgia , Plea Deal , Fulton County , Trump Attorney , Civil Fraud Case , Defendant , Interference , Plea , Picture , Reach , Agreements , Sydney Powell , Kenneth , Scott Hall , Trump , Pleas , The Da , Rendi Rico , Bt , Probation , Fine , Community Service , Six , 000 , 6000 , 5000 , Lawyers , Apology , Attorneys , St S Of Georgia , Similar , Former , Stand , Restitution , Stand By , 5 , , Trump Organization , Courthouse , Assets , Nate Foy , Hi , Witness , Leticia James , Testimony , Investigation , Hasn T , 2019 , Bank Loans , Deposition , Wealth , Congress , Prison , Team , Payments , Contract , Serial Liar , Lawsuit , Information , Privileged , 500 Million , 00 Million , Motions , Efforts , Basis , 2020 , Three , Prosecution , War , Ten , Hundreds , Money , Walking , Dog Walking Business , Dog Barks , Bunny , Sesame , Walter Don T , Ahhhh , Ahhhhh , Calm Down Taco , Sit Duchess , Archie , Liberty , Pressure , Pay , Rejuvenated , Grid , Heat , Purple Mattress , Exclusive Gelflex , Sleep Better , Eye Exam , Mattress , Pairs , Glasses , Visit Purple Com , 9 95 , 79 95 , Americasbest Com , Bond , Moisturizers , Powerhouse Lotion , Bond Daily Healing , Heals , Moisturizes , 3 , Moisturize Dry , Veteran , Eligibility , Veterans , Benefits , Va Loan , Va , Call Newday Usa , Automatic Authority , Banks , Press , Headline , Progressives , Conservatives , Mindset , Day Dilution , Bed , What Changessed , Argument , Old School Libs , Liberals , Ideology , Clinton Libs , Obama Libs , Demonstrations , Pro Palestine , Reckoning , Left , Nikki Haley , Service , Southern Board , Joe , Media , Dot S , Individuals , 172 , Ones , Piece , History , On The Media Front , Front , New York Times , News Organizations , Versions , Fault , Didn T Make Clear , Presentation , Readers , Editor , Aftermath , Impression , Organizations , Days Of Rage , Result , Riots , Editor S Note , Air Strike , Underneath , Photo , Palestinians Stay , City , Building , Official , Faction , Won T , Sh ,

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